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Cvsb B21




Buton functon dHnpton: Kt is qui#d 6 ft ffi4 Your Blustoolh Car Mffi 6 slffi h h ffi d ffi section ofthis manual Dear Customer, Hope you will be satisfactory wlth our products. Pleas€ oompletely read and undeFtrand all the instructions in this manual bofore using the Blueiooth Hands-Free Car Klt whil€ [MBF] This bunon p6doms lhe fdME ffi redial, and rejed a call. (Sp€cific dsdpltr6tu :M a d. d 5 €ll. vde dial, last numhr ffing @t4 inffions) Mbe dbdin sEndby w' sqHa CONGRATULATIONS! 1. operatjng a motor vehicle. 2 lup buton]scrcllup buton, 3. lDown buton]scrclldown buton, nen sE tuffi functions of this buton aEtrfim dqB Before You Start pr€viousw @ 4. loK/]rlThe SAFETY FIRSTI Using cell phone will distract drivels attention during driving and maybe cause accident. Please shorten phone, talk time and do not record and read. Have to obserue around situation before answering the such as the rough weather (heavy rain, fog etc).Should Park off sideway and stop before answering or dialing a call when the traffic hours, children in car or kouble with vehicle. Please keep in mind, safety only the most important one not the calling Please obey the local rule of law h ffi m gmF 6lllqs' EEe pE lpae and slQ' Long pres to changelhe anguage in standby mode. 5. [M/cH] buton: This bu(on tuncton is Lq F a fi h (retn de ffiu ffi. beMeen FM oFaton mode and sFakeroFEh ldl lffi tuiq tu l@ ad Ed,qE N mimphore, 6. {MicrophonelEuiltin high sensitue suppession do. 7. [LCD displayl 8. USB PORI Dighy @ming tebphone numB ad llft ftb pod & Fdb ffi' isfs darging. Product Doscription . Suppod FM full flequency tansmlting flom (87.5" 2. Suppod TF card and read MP3 3. Answsr and End a Call 1 iles 4. Reject a Call 5. Voie 7. auiHn Dialing Mirw'sE 8. Builtsin Sreaker 9. Solsr Charuing 1 08MHz) 1 O. 1 L Ca L Swltching bsMeon Phone and Car Kit ncoming call number afd nams display I 12. USB pod forcharge 13. lncoming Call Log 14. Full Duple/Noise & Echo Suppression 16.lJpdtubdArcdhg 17. Can sto€ m gouF of EEPbre numEr m h taEl€ stsffi' dd" h # ffi h EEpdedsd Plq h Ftr h clirmbhsekddbh# ffi ft Bl PGrM' 3 CH h gdd if aM Ell m h #ffi 1. 2. he Bluotooh Car Kit panel' The Bluetooth hands-free car kit is powered by a re_chargeable LLION baftery and solar panel rechargeable Llion battery can be recharced for hundreds of times, till it will wear out The solar js no sun' the product can charge for the product automati€ ly when lhere is sunshine, and when therc Charging fte is powered by the rdargeable Liion Enery The car m sll E'h will @nfm L k ciaQiq. . oo' ffi n wfth sd tu ft EtEry b lmq h M ad Batf m tu LO 6 E h tu tu sdGd clElF Rd [D d ifu 1. PlugtudargertotuUSBSdel 2. Plug the other pod of the charcer to ihe 12V 6r dgaEte 3. Red LED will indi€te that the devie is charging. fte indrcate it is cha€ing when 4. 5. sEd th @mpftr USg pd stren batery sign will fider lighter or display to charging. Red LED is off indi€ting the batery is full and the screen will show itBatery charged full need 3.5 hou€ Sotar Power Charging: towards sun 1 . Direct the solar panel on the back side of the speakerphone 2. li ihe speakerphone receives sufficient sunlight foI 2 hours, you can talk for duration of up t hour the standby time) will be e(ended (talk time and Using solar pow€r charge the operation time continuously without any additional charge requfed by tho car charger Pairing / Connoct Priorto using yourBluetooth CarKitforthefirsttimeyou musl pairltwith a Bluelooth enabledcell phone.The paidng procsdure is differeni between models of cell phone Please refer to the use' manual connectivity B uetooth phone on yourc€ll for sp€cificdelails of 1. EnsuE the Bl@t@th €r kit is off 2. PlK MBF bffion sby for 6 s@nds, d "Pairmode'and 3. Adivate your Bluetooth. ell Dialing From Your Cell Phone and blue LED light fi*er in tum. Display s@n shiling Switch Calls phone's Bluetooth fundion. Refer to the @fl phone's User Guid6 for instrudons on Menu Ope6tion Function is @mpleted, and lhe LCD will show .paired" and ,,Conneded'with flicker2seconds.(un@nnected device he btue LED light flickertuice.) Bluetooth car kit is ready for use now ,, 0 " Bbe LED Operation Turn on--Press MBF bufron afid sby 4 secohds, disptaywil show [power on] and blue LED flickerMie. wil show lpower ofil and red LED flioker Plaase Note: To save powei the speakerphone wil au(omalcaily turn off it is not connected to any devic6 for more than 10 minules. 2.Answering a Call When therc is an ln@ming Call you witt hear your Ring Tone th.ough the Btuetooth Car Kit Speakei The Caller lD display shows both tre num&r and the name of the €ling FEon, meanwhite CALL witl be on the sden Prs MBF bdon qui*ty answedng a 6[ 3.Reiectinge Call To Ejd an in@ming Press the Multi-Function Bmon tuie qui*ty, the ffin dil shw lReid} Buflon briefly wil 6.Voice Dialing This fundon Ull a@d lhe @ll phone that only €n dialing. Ploase Efer to the ell phone manuat. tf your wo* wffi the eil e[ phone Uth phone that the vde suppft the voi@ diating tuncton, ptease steps: a,Press MBF buton th€ LCD will show Voi@ dialire" b. SFak out the stored voice bg in he ett phone, lhen number diatd. 7.Last To Numbr Redial rdial the last diald number press he Muii+udon Bfrn Me qui*ty th ffin shos IREDIALI men you are in the Kand €ll, press the up buton, tum the NOTE: Volumo @ntrcl @n onlybe used in the catt. @[ phone the Ce[ phone. Mon tu 3 Ws 6 & the @ffi ffi il stu [&btd]. [o&x]Slwiru tdmlding...l ard ttut@dedl ans fnishd. ftb oFffin €n dffbad dl ffi h cdt ptm to Bhdd a kns. tu ruf,tq h dt ftuE tH tu &ice b FdE, ttH rc tu d lMand sd} [*rx]Crre ffi frdh a IM tu &ba C6frmd d S h nmH. (Retsb tEdpaft rErd to hd ptw Fdhtudh.) ffids Cd Egig0tgu]Rs lEhpay PBI lwx]Can dea* d ffi p d tu htuo b qi*4{d( tu hffil ffi €[ rEgM l|cru d lD dd dwn ffi td a €dltulwd. - [email protected]:[ilrCH] - p.e$ upanddown bunon tochoose [Ca[s Reco]dland press loKrxl to enlre.also csn search by upand down buton. lR@h€d @llsl-[oKr>rJ-PE$ up and dM bdon b vifl S€ @ivd €ils, basis undtr the curent numbrto p€ss MFB btun en diat the numbetsLongpress [ok] sby 3 2.Calls 6ming €ll. lMissd @lls]- [ox/>rl-Pre$ up and dtrn bfrn b t's h unallsrerd €ils, basis under he @mt numbs to rc MFB bffi a &l tu numbl Lore res [*l sby 3 #ffdel*ttEffimiryd, lclearl@dH oKrx lh deH d d qig. one 5.Transfera Call a. Transfer frcm Bluet@th @r kit lo cell phone: when you are in a e[ press MBF bu(on tui@ tmnsfer the call to your ell phone and disptay screen wiil show.tanshri b. TEnsferfiom ellphone lo Bluet@b: press MBF toicewil transfer retum to Bluet@h erkits. be Bluelooh Car seconds can delele the curent ell pBs he Muh-Fudon 4.Ending a Call following b@en he PresslM/CHlbutonentsrthemenu,upanddownbufloncansetecl [phonebook], lcall 16gislerl,lword model,[FM frequencyl,ILanguage],Iptay mode], IOKI can conft rm lhe current function. l.Phonebook function :IM/CH] - IPhonebookl - Idr{lto enter contact menu can press up and down button forsearching lBrowse PBI - loK,xl buflon,press up and down bGon6nviewcontactrecords,basis under the curent numberand press UBF buton €n diat the number pres loK l lsydmlrul Tum off--Press MBF bufron and stay 4 s6conds, disptay Kit, you can make and receive @[s direcfly frcm your Menubutton: 6, On6 pa[ing displayd pakd dth your Bluet@h Car with Bluetooth tundion. "I" 4, Seld'A6Tom the list on the @ttphone pafd devi@. 5 . Enter the Passcode_00001o confirm the paiing prc@ss. 7, While $ud up, pBs he down bmon. and tum the 3.Wbd( lld: Effi ttE tHu 6 dre h wk lld dim. d rc S ald dorrn ffi fur s in tu spe*er mode d h (*E fim h sFls. lspeabrH OKrx fbb IFM tEnmiH mde] -[oKrH]-Ddie in ttE Fl, hMiH lld then the d€ Sil hnsfer b ihe radio quimmb vh FM. 4. FM tequency: AdjuS he FM tuquenry afrer enbdng the menu. ltr tquency][oK/x l-Oisplay wen witt show @rent lmnsmil fquency, sud as [FM:87.S1 and press the up and dwn buton to adjust the frequency. press quickty for IO.1Mkl, long prssfor[lMHzl.Can *ad tEnsmitfrquency quickly and pess ok buflon to @nfim. 5. Language: Chooselhe language enterthenenu. lLanguagel- [oKDt]-Up and dMn bfron @n adjust the @rresponding tanguage, pre$ the loKr>rl to 6nfim_ 6.Phy mode: Enterthe menu €n choose TF @d mode and press up and dwn buton for sading. playllsequen@ loKrx]-fte play mode is oder ptay lRandom playl- [oKrH]-The ptay mo& is randomty steded play ltuEt all]toKr>r l-fte play mde is rep€at att. lRepd onel-l O(/>! ]-The play mode is epeat one. T.Delete pait'ng: Delet€ he Fidng 6tt phone infomaton and ned b repair netr tme. ltbleb peidngl- [ oK/>t i{elete the Daired ell Dhone infomation. 4 F3hyRtfr Ptughf dhffi automd€fif XBflestuhtr€B# SAEIFOSATH f - CE bd lEisie bG BgarLE E da cdl phffi and Btu6l@th Car Kt ffi ite dture. 2, f lou e ttE Bludodt Cer ffi Site ddung, emin f@t*d on ddving and ddve in a 6pc&b dsElmmr 3. The BlFlooth Car ffi i6 not a by, keep ilay from chitdren. Smalt pare may be a chocking hed. 4. Observe ali signs that require an etedri€t device or RF Radio to be switchd OFF in dsignatd Odbdsdadphymu* The butun fundions underTF €dyo*ing @ndffd: 1- up buton: singlepress as previous eng, tong pr6* lwtlm upl 2. Down buton: Single pressas n6{song, tong pre$slwluredoml 3.[oKrx]Single press tunction as lptayrpau*l,t@g E stop then pr6ss this bufron and stayfor 3 s€6ds- 4- Menu bunon: Single pressthe tundon is to buillin sFakeror Fll transmitRema*: The deyie in@ming under heTF Mndd ptaying- - lSpl-ryou [Xmul, hrg rcd €b ffidSp want r6sbdptayafre, Sy3 s@nds€n 5. transter Troubleshooiing pbyiq trn els m FTTEffiFffi @ fansls d tis frdi[ 6 This funarim f .ium 3 the be sesrds- 2- dt d m6ic b ffi FI radb e$arc($d 6 erspeateD. txned ff by llEB & bt bE F6 tUsul htun ar|d sby Clrclheaggroprbe hLrftrffi and the frequency oE rdo(H@ 9d reIeEn@ ftom the menu the em rilr Edo IE 6 6iryore Fd, ru-cfrfi to a6EtFIffincqEE -, SFffi 1- Bt6dr V2i+EDR 2. Edb Swporbd: H€dd and ihd#@ 3. Opedion Frequenq banf Z4dk -2.8c 4. Car Charuer lnpul Volhge: DC12V-24V 5. Outpul power: Cla$ 2_Up to 10 mtre6 6.Sffiylre:Upbmlre 7 T*tu:tpb13|ffi 8- OEgst*gE ErW/(IfrA g,ffiI edEg*UaiD-Bey lO-OEliEliEtsatd 21oE 11, hiE (Lts sam lk ,zw'1|EEsm l3.Opaaltm ElFbtrT-5OT 14.ffEErWb:-10t--S t pEfte lali@nsd lfyou are unable to connect you Bluetoos Car Xit b lhe cel phone ptease check and try the folloilng: 1. Ensure the Bluetoolh Car Kt is switched ON. 2. Ensuc boft your Bluetodh Car Kt and @lt phone hav€ enough batery powerlo pairsucessfully. 3 Ensure the Bluetootr Car Kfr is paired Mth your cel phone.(pteas€ efer b your cell phone,s user guide for specifr c in$rudions tor pairing) 4. Ensure tho devi@ is within a maximum of lometeE ofth6 mobile phone and lhere is no obstrudons. such as walls ordhereledronicdevices in befoeen. lf p.lring operations rait: 1 - Del6b fie item from the paked list on your cell phone R6sst both h6 @ll phon6 and ihe Bluetooth Car Kfrdgvice by poweing them offand ba* on. 2. Re-Firthe Mo devi@s 3. Tum off 6e @ll phone and separate the batery from it for approximatety ive seconds .ReFat Fidng pr@ss. tSM band b: hgEigtEB&&erypGE affiEq*FiiE! f you hre ffi€ded b your Bffi 1 . Ensure the volume conlrcl is on 2. Che* the Edio signal sfength 3. oYts a€as. These @uld inctude hospitals, blasting areas and potentialy explosiv€ atmcph6r€s Your Bl@toolh Car Kit must never be mounted of storcd over airbag deployment area, as sedous injury may resultwhen an ahbag deploys. lem 0, 4. lflhe not expose yourdet'@ to tiquid, nd us Do not expose moiilre or humidity $lwnb b lhe devie to eftmdy high abrasive cleaneE or clean as tu dt it is not waleproof. Fd or l@ tempeElures_ b efreme & nd Mr C@sfue H anyhing indicalor in your mobite phone, as you may be oubide the setoi@ Kt suppore 12 digib Catter tD. For tonger phone numbere, the Caler tD wil shw lhe of the number lO,6Eia[y iremafonat€ils. tn bas €se, he tu Btuebh Car Kn ffi reibte might d (rG a@diru lo be tryourdtphme hasan unusuatsEk iffi. tn hb @, pbe lwt bth th6 Bluetooth €r kit ad ett phore. Your Bluetoolh Car K is @mptiant ffi, and dapb to h Btljffi 2,O.ComFlibitity Fjfidh beMeen the Bluelooth Car Kt and ohs Btueffi enabH d# b d gumlH. ftmpatbitity Note: Please nde lhat it is insrudons Sis userguade Do notdispose lhe phone, bU maximum. Some ble@m seNi@ prcviderc do not suppodCaler Caller lDwill nol show on yourmobite phone. he deu@. devie or ib bafreryFck in a fire as il will rcsufr in a exptoaion. not disassmble Se devi@ as it does not @nEin seMceable mmponenls tr rcu do nd use the Bluetooth Car Kfr for long pedods, siore it in a ml, dry ptace, free from fuEturcs and dust or did b he Caller lD does no show propeily: Eluetooth Car Care And Maintenance Do Car Kit hhd Your curent loction may nol prcvide g@d cal quality. Move to a to@lion where mdio signal sfength is grealer and less inbftrence. Magnelized obje6 such as heatth neckta@s ptaced near lhe Btuetooth Car Kit or your mobite phone may Eminate the €tt. Keep away fiom such objeds. later tu h€s UA depends on thedevies used. ffat ForsFcmc lnformation on the @mFtbility tuen please check dth manufadurer the Btudoob Car Kf, 6 ffi der Bldmth ffabte prduds,