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Cvsn G720




卜 侧鲺Ⅰ 00蝌 sQ250DH趁 }|0000∴ ∷ 刂 舛 Ⅱ iⅣ Electric Pow∝ ed Mhi Bike 卟汜 R’ S MANUAL OⅥ Esscntial TechniGal Paramctcrs SQ250DH-2Elc∝ ric Pow∝cd Mini Bikc 1 This °pcrcator’ s m【△ llud oontalns impolta1t safco infom1t△ lion tn1ad m耐 nlc。 nalacc t11formatlon Rcad it Galeft11lx・ cont汪 ncd in this opcrator’ s beCore using山 is Ⅴchiclc F缸 1Illg to fo11ow thc wamings mc△ llu缸 could rcsu"lllINJURY or DEATH。 ICccp d1is mallua1 in a safc placc It is Ⅴcls/impot+ant tllat d1is o、 vncr’ s manual bc vith thc Ⅴchiclc、 vhcn transfcrrcd to a nc、 v rcvic、 vcd bv any ridcr and it should rcn1aon、 o、 2 vncr Vchic1e ⊥r p呷 y maIsslllet weight)∶ 12 CJross mass钽 I3 Maxlmum loadl△ vCight)∶ 45kg; 22kg; ross wCIght)∶ 2刚 鸭 ; Motor 21 AⅡ ilLfoΠ ncntion,imagcs ralld spcGiflo砒 ions contalmcd in this1mr△ llud atc bascd on thc Iatcst product infom1ation a、 aⅡ ablc at thc time of pubhcation Due to improⅤcmcnts oI production chFallgcs,山 ∝c∞ uld bc dl⑽ lcpallcics in ollk mallum Shc吧 Qi Motion ~Appalams Co,Ltd rcsclircs J】 c rigllt to mdc p的 du∝ chang“ 犹 any timc,wi山 ollt 22 马VC∶ DC,witll bmsll; Ratcd continuous output po、 23 Ratcd spccd∶ 2750圭 759⑾ m; 24 Ratcd vo1tage∶ 24V; noticc and、vithout obhgation to 1nakc tho sralllc Or si1nilrnl changcs to any vchiclc 25 Ratcd output torquc∶ 121(Nm) Vcr∶ P=250W; prcvious1y buⅡ t or so1d DO NOT oPERATE THls VEHlC1E ON PUBLIC ROAD、 、 vhere lllere is vehiouIar trarlc D。 in violation of looa1tranhc Ia、 vs a11d rcstric1ioⅡ s cyc、 vcar 1人 Ys or any1ooation ˇ cD dangcrous and oouId also be AI、 、 ays、 、 car a11clnlot and protcct1Ⅴ c 3 and clod1ing No part of this owner・ s lnanual may bc rcproducod or° opicd withou1c、 prcss writtcn pcl△ lllss10n Connols 31 i11g so ll`ouId bc、 vo1ta。。e 32 Input 33 Input cuⅡ ent wlthoutload∶ ≤ 115MA; 34 from shcngQi Motlon Apparatus Co,Lld Ratcd hput vo1tagc⒓ 4V; range∶ 20^ˇ 28ˇ 1 Max output current of曲 em° ⒍ 30± lA; 35 Undcrˉ xfo1tagc protcctonWqn》 2lull5v; 36 Max o° nduGton value: 《冫 5%(witll山 e ouo,ut。 urcnl ofthe oontro1(2A); 37 startnlg voltago of handlcbars∶ ≥1,4Ⅵ 38 4 5 s∶ ≤18⒒ Cha名 cr 41 I殂 pLIt∶ 42 Apri12()13 ProtcctIOn Vo⒒ age ofthe handleb征 100ˉ 240V`C,frcqucncy50/60Hz,血 0ut pu⒈ 24Ⅴ DC15A Ba仗 cocs 51 52 s讫 △ c∶ pC∶ 15I苄 65*94t99)mm; LCad Acld Battc912× 12V,7AH put。uⅡ cn⒈ 18A Max; CONTENTS Na1nes of all s扭uC缸 ral GOmponents Names of aⅡ strLIctural components 1 0∠ Introducuon safe~ 3-5 Initial sctup 6-7 oper乩ng 8ˉ Controls 9 Bcforc You Ridc l()-Il Bas忆 0peraton 12ˉ 13 2-Stagc safc9SpcCd Limilcr MaL吐 enamoe t艮 Troublcshooting Guide sQ250DHˉ z Product Reg诣 traton 14 15ˉ 19 20-21 22 ˉ ˉ1-ˉ ˉ ˉ IntroductIOn Thamks for your。 hoos血 g IMPORTANT sAFETY rb「 FORNlATION thc sQ250DH⒓ Electnc Pow∝ ed Mini B1kc! ThC sQ250DH泛 mhi b1kc was dcs瑭 nCd as a rccrcatlonal vehide for of-roa【 Your persond safct、 and thc s田 etv of thosc around y ou ls our prⅡ ,use only and by a shglc odcr on灯 Ths mini bkc is bullt for yomkgcr l△ ders who arc undcr1001bs 、 vith nlinlmal expeHcncc your mini bikc and how it 、 vorks To protc。 t youF invcsinent、 vc urge you to kecp it、 vell l11allltalncd In addition to rcgular mamtcnancc,it is important to obserη /c and perfonll al1prc-odc alld pcHod【 c cheGks out1incd in thls mallual,whcrc you wil1also flnd hcIpful safct】 / infomat1on,inshuctions and he1p血 1tips Kcep this book handy to rcfcr to1ater on as qucst1ons1nay comc up As you read through伍 is manual you wiu flnd infonllaton伍 at is notcd wi伍 a NoTICE s,η mbol This is to point out kcy bits of ilfonllation that will hcIp you avoid da111agc to your mini bikc and propcrtx' around vou This manual covcrs basic matntcnancc proccdurcs as wcll 伍c warran汐 pa8° ・ l1ghtˇ 斌、 have proⅤ idod you 、 Ⅴit11 safc opcrating proCcdurcs,、 van1ing labcls on your mini Bcforc I△ ding,plcasc takc your timc to gct aCqualnted wi伍 Rcad n唧 conoem opcrating thjs mini bIkc s钊 ℃ly is aIt impo【 tant rCsponsibihtv atld sh° uld not be takcn bikc altd in伍 “ma11ual This infom1汪 ion will a⒗ rt you to potcntiaI h彤 ards thal GOuld hann you or otllcrs It is undestood山 at i1 is not practical or possiblc to、 varn>`ou abou1 all possiblc hazards associatcd with orˉ r。 ad hding and血 aint缸 ning your mini bikc You must alwa广 s usc your own bCstjudgcmcnt s如 C0infomatlon is prcscntcd in a valic饣 safct。 /Iabc1s 。arcful so that you undcrstalld your rights and rcsponsibⅡ “ies. Whcncvcr you Hde,tread Ⅱghtl忄 ,`” “γ ing on cstablish浏 订西ls and In approvcd arcas protect伍 e environlnent and kccp oJˉ road Hding arcas opcn for ftlture usc and tags on thc m血 i bIke safC~mcssagcs procccdcd by a safc〃 words∶ of forrlas,IncIudlng∶ DANGER,氓 ψmboI∠ 、and 。nc 。f thcsc thrcc slgn浏 `RNING and CAUTION 晌 蛐 … Anl ofthc abol/e labcls can indlcatc a danε cr wherc you or somcOnc around vou can mpall忆 Jarc n。 t bc KILLED or sERIOUsLV INJURED ifthc hstIuα ons山 乱 "ac∞ follo、 ved carefLIlly Thls manual o flⅡ cd with impoHant sa「 cⅡ iⅡ f。 surc that you undcrstand" EmJ” your sQ250DH9Elec勹 0CM血 iB【 kc! -2— — 3— n11mion、 plcasc rcad it ctalcfl】 ll〉 aIld bc RULE NU、 刂BER5 。 卩 :淞 】 l:‰ r玄皙 瑟:耆f%打 %钒 七甓磊椿 u11de咖 hosv驷 ⑾盯 ⒍ d咖¨ 【 箔岷鞯琵f黯:Iω RULE NUˇΙ BER I 咖 :F;l12£ ;∶ {};∶ :J⒊ ;∶ l;{七 x our蚓 READ THIs BooK Co~IPLETELY BEFORE RIDING THE FIRsT TIˇ 薮 热娥揽薮∶ T髑 镆献Ⅶ :∶ RULE NU⒈ 江BER2 IE ∶褙 ::∶ E;扌 :{i;甘 Ji∶ 咖 摁 【 :揣 T:I叩 押 fp`气 芘 l1%tn:{1扌 :辑 梦 %r茹 ∶ ∶ 叩 F;圉 毙 甘百J眍 lF|V昼Ⅰ 拙 湍::l∶ :`∵i蔬 哏点 J圪 Tl辟 甯 ∶ ∶ ∶ 埝 r‰ 熙 RULE NuR江 BER3 咖 n巍 ;iI∶ Ncvcr attcmpt to can、 a passcngcr Kccp boul hands on tllc handlcbars at all伍 mcs NcⅤcr ridc 而hⅡ c、 vcaring hcadphones, carbuds, or、 vhilc using a ccⅡ phonc Kcep flngcrs alld othcr body parts a、 vay from moving parts likc thc drivc chaln al1d sprockct as i】 fl1iuncs m” rCsuh Ncvcl attomptto jump or of a ralnp or nc【 al stairs Ncvcr usc s、vc征 propcr riding a⒒ irc including gIovcs, ncar a poo1or ncar spra>ing、 、atcr A1、 va〉 knec pads,stLIrdy shocs,a propcdy fltting D(L)T approvcd hchnct and gogglcs Kccp loosc c1ou1ing and sh° claccs a、 vav frO1m lnoving parts 1ikc thc drivc chain and sprockcts B`ILURE TO ADHERE TO THE ABOVE RULEs AND CAUTIONs COUI'D REsULT IN sERIOUs PERsONAL INJURY OR DEArH usE、 、qTH cAUTION、 Cj廴 1良 cl o1、 111a仇 Irito :∶ RIDE sMART BE AⅥ 叭RE OF YOUR sURROLJNDNGs AND PRACTICE sAFE RIDING TECHNIQUEs PARENTAL suPERVIsION REQuIRED. l甘 咖 and :this1nini bikc should bc bascd()n thcir c11ild s lc、 RIDE AT YOUR OWN RIsK AND UsE coˇ ⅡMoN sENsE, 灿 y mishap whilc using a powcr sports product Gan1csult血 If you havc detcrlllincd伍 at your ohi1d ls ready to hdc plcasc rcmcmbcr山 ・ NcⅤ cr1et your chⅡ d odc without a hchnct ・ Your chⅡ d’ s safc″ is your rcsponsibⅡ “y Do nottakc it hghuy ・ Ncvcr push you child to tγ things bcforc thcy arc rcady ・ A1、 vgys supcwisc your ch"d、 vhcn sc0ous inJu,or dcatll 违 鼷、 ∶甘f黻嫫 曳 舞薨l嘏蚶抽轹堪 I刂 f【 c foⅡ owing poInts∶ thcy t△ rc rid"1g ・ Propcr lnal殂tCnancc and upkccp oΓ thc mini bikc is1hc kcy1o safc oding 蛔 PLEAsE NoTE∶ Do not Hdc your mini bikc whcrc such`chicIcs征 c prohib⒒ cd Any modiflcations or impropcr acccssoHcs addcd to the mini bikc with parts thz】 RULE NtJnIBER4 ‘因口1iπ 田冂t日F● NEVER IuDE ON PuBLIc ROADWAYs nottnanufacturcd by us can make it unsafc Wc strongly rccommend that you do not rcmovc征9of伍 e original cquipmcnt or makc剐 γ modlflcations that altcr thc dcs1gn 甜 黯 f° r oJ road use o吣 :廾 茹 挖 sFdes蜘 -4— and/or opcration of the mini blkc, N“ cr ndC血 roadw分 s σ ncal allx -5— t arc sTEP3CHARGE THE BATTERY Initial setL1p sTEPI UNPACK YOUR sQ250DHˉ 2Thc 1 sQ250DH泛 colltcnts arc as fo11ows∶ First,bc su【 c that thc togglc s`Ⅴ itch on thc top of thc“ tank” is s、vitchcd to伍 c of poslt1on Elcctnc Mini Blke 2 TooI Pouch、 vith Locatc thc⒖ attc饣 chargcr port which is undcr thc scat on tllc rigllt sldc shown at too1s r屯 ht)alld nⅡ 3 Battcry C№ 吧 Cl up thc small round bIack protcctlv/o Cap Undcrtllls cap you wm scc a round connector、 vith thrcc smaⅡ contaot posts Notc that thcrc is a smalI splinc at thc bottolYl of thc GOnncctor 4 0、 vncr’ sN/Ianu斑 oncc you havc1ocatcd all ofthcsc itcms,movc On to stcp2 on thc round cnd ofthc battcn/cha吧 Cr cord,you、 vⅡ l scc a plug that has thrcc small holcs and a notd1、 vhich fIts into thc conncctor on thc minibikc InscH u1c plug into thc connector firlnly sTEP 2 ATTACH THE HANDLEBARs Your sQ250DHˉ 2 amvcs almost ∞mpleteˇ assCmblcd,mak吨 it casy to start hding Thc Onlv asscmb圩 that is rcquircd for your sQ250DH吃 诣to attach thc a山 stablc handlcbars AⅡ cablcs and l】 Colltrols arc alrcady hooked up to伍 c bikc,so attaching tllc handlcbars is casy∶ 1 U蚯 ng伍 c6mm Allcn wrcnch from your tool kit, removc伍 c four b° lts and hvo handlebar clarnps frona thc top ofthc fork and set aside 2 Placc伍 c handlebars into position in thc Iowcr clalnps c oarc to gct the handlebars ccntcrcd sidc to sidc,and sctin your dcsired uphght positlon Tals・ 1Plug the chargerinto a wa" ghts on oharger ou"et盯 the Ⅱ do not"ght up,checkthe powe1 lo the ouuel盯 necessaγ ,tγ a di仟 θrent ouuθ 1 囫丑口回回口D Bc careftIl not to lcall仇 c halldlcbars too foRxrard or backward as伍 is wⅢ afc⒍ thc blke’ s handhng aJld comfort ofthc Ⅱdc f征 Placc Jac top 。1alllps and bolts in position and tightcn the foLlr bolts sccurc圩 to1896N M Do NOT OVERTIGHTEN — ← -7— 2Turn s∞ oter power sw lch OFF before charg ng P ug the charger into the Charger po"On the electrc scooter oPERΛ TING CONTROLs oPERAT【 NG CONTROLs To opcra1c卜 our clcctric lu"1i bikc you nccd1o bc ablc to opcratc thc thro仗 lc,br酞 c and oJ1cr controls、 、ithout stopping to look a1thcn1 Plcasc stud、 thc imagc bclo、 、 carcfuⅡ 、to bcco1η c lon1Ⅱ iar、viuh thG function and thc loca1ion of cach tˉ ontrol 、ˇ%cn opcrating your SQ250DH-2~thcIc aIc somc kc卜 compomcnts that aⅡ o`、 卜ou to opcra1c、 Th⒍ r1ocatlon cnlld opcIation i11ft冫 oper扯 ing controls a11d our n1h′ i bikc rm乱 ion is shown bdo、 I.On/off switch 2。 ThrottIc 3,B1・ oN/oFF sⅥ′ ITCH Thc ON/oFF switch is oon、 cnicntl>`locatcd just allcad of thc do、 =cr and is cquippcd 、 、 ith a 13rakc levc! Πipˉ up covcr Thc。 o、 c【 ~`VhCn closcd also shuts of伍 c On/of switch Thc s、 itch should bc lcft in伍 e or positi。 n、vhencⅤ er thc bikc is not bcing used to protcct thc Gharge tllat is in伍 c battcry You wⅡ I know that伍 c switch is on whcn伍 c charge indicator lights are lit I;11ttcD Chargc ndioator OlL/Otl sWitch l'cvol】 THRoTTLE Thc tllrottlc allo、 vs thc ridcr to scnd po、 vcr to thc Foldnlg Foot Pcgs motor alld ma汰 e thc bikc InoⅤ c fonⅤ ard Thc po、 vcr and spccd is variabIc duc to thc t、 、 is1ˉ gIⅡ p thro“ lc 厕 胍 玉1icksta11d mcchanism mm bll∞ 吵 hg tllt・ 山lt,llk"、 u` bvist ⒒ sIowl>9 at 臼‘1 to a、 oid suddcl1 aocelcration BRAKE ThC sQ250DHˉ 9is cqLIlppcd with a rca1disc br酞 c Thc brakc lcvcr is hand opcratcd aIld is on thc 1eft hand grip mounted to 伍e hatkdlcbars Stltlec⒛ 伍c brakc carefLllˇ wi曲 illcrc洲 ing foroc to stop thc bikc 倔 ⅡπD AppM吧 the br钛cs too quickˇ Gan"邸 Gause thc blkc to skid and you may losc GOntro1 -8— 一 吁 :1I‘ c BEFORE YOU RIDE Bcforc you r1dc onGc your bikc has bccn allo、 ved to chargc fully,disconncct thc battco Chargor from You must bc ccrtaln that you and your mini bikc fTc ready to ride Bclow is tho chccklist Bc surc to rcⅤ icw a"thc topics cvcγ timc bcfore Hdmg thc b肽 c and rr。 m thc wall plug,a11d store itin a safc placc PREˉ RIDE l prcˉ Ⅱdc CIIECKLIsT PREoRIDE INsPECTIoN Havc you completely rcad and do you thorouε hly undcrstand this owner’ s manual? 2 Ⅱave you found aⅡ uⅡ derstand the safety mcssagc§ l Check tire pressure with the Jrc gauge in your sQ250DH-2tool ou your miⅡ i bikc and do yoⅡ them? 3 Check the Ievel of charge on tho batteries. 4 Are you in good mental and physical condition? 4 Check the drive Chain to see ifit needs to bc Iubed or tightencd。 5 Are you drug and aIcohoI frcc? 5 Check the braIoe to be sure itis worⅡ ng properII% 6 Are you weariⅡ g a DC)Tˉ aρ proved hc"nct that Ⅱt§ I,roperIy? 7 Are you、 ″eaong eyeI,rotcction? 6 8. Are you liearing sturdy shoes and protcctivc clothimg? AdditioⅡ al suggested protcctive CIOthing。 △ook over the entire bike for1oose Ⅱuts and bolts or body parts。 7 Check the throttle to be sure it rotates freeIy and returms to thc Iow position oⅡ its owⅡ when reIeased。 8 Bc sⅡ re that the handIebars turⅡ freel,1 GIovcs to protcOt your hands 2 st△ Irdy Ⅱding boots that support your anklcs 3 t。 2 Check ri1msto make surc thcy are not bent or damaged。 3 Do you understand the IOcation ot aⅡ d holI aⅡ thc operating controIs oⅡ your ⅡⅡⅡi bike work? 1 Ⅱ Be sure they are at15-20psi。 Ⅱ dnlg pants with knec and h1p pads 4RJdhgjcrs” wi曲 clbow pads and山 es〃 shoulder protection Fc・ llurc to propcdy m“ ntaln yotIr mini b汰 c oall lcad to a crash in 蛳 which you can bc sc"ously i刂 urcd or killcd AIways pcrfomn a pre¨ rlde inspection on your:nini bikc and kccp itin good cond"ion to gctthc most out of your sQ250DH-2dcctHc mini b酞 c As a remInder: 逦回皿口Ⅱ |Ncvcr a△ cLm⒍ Hclmets“ gnⅢ calltly ⒋ of hcad i刂 uhCs An approved DOT motorc,c1c Id” ur chi1d Hdc雨 thout rcducc the nulz1bcr and scvcⅡ he1mct is the most important part of your safc~gCar Choose one山 at flts propedy and is snug on your hcad Motorcyclc dcalcrs can hcIp in sclecting a good quali汐 hclmct with propcr丘 △ -ˉ 10—— ——11—— BAsIC oPERATIoN BAsIC OPERATIoN ThC sQ250DH⒓ has a250Vvratt motor alld24volts of clcGthoal powc⒈ It is vc, sTEP FOUR∶ important not to underes犭 血ate伍 esQ250DH-2AvoⅡ gctting i刂 urCd PARK1NG 唧 :蜘 1唧 sToPPING AND It is always bcst to park thc Thk blke is equ1pped with a m缸 n toggle switch that is wi伍 【 n easy aGccss ofthc Hdc⒈ Th1s switch cu“ of al1powcr to曲 c motor To mm山 e sw⒒ ch on,n如 up伍 e togglc covcr and push thc sn,itoh fon△ ・ ard,orto thc ON pos讥 ion minibikc On a smoou△ 1evc1 You w⒒ l see伍 c batteγ chargc indioator lights on伍 c throttle bo饥 om tvrist gⅡ p surfaGc to avoid datnagc from accldcntal tipˉ light up, indicat血 g how muoh charge1s ava11ab1e To tum thc switch o玑 you can move"baGkward,to the OFF position o△ you△△ △11 the switch ls automatlCally movcd to the OFF pos1伍 on 鲡 Wi曲 thc switch血 伍e ON poshon and“ 晌 吧 on伍e min曲 止c,put bo伍 hands on伍 c 缸m伍 e hsⅡ c porton of 伍c咱如t hand gop dolvnward You wiIl fee1伍 e bke startto movc fomard As you handIc gⅡ ps w1th both fcct on thc gromd Vcry graduaI蜕 brakc hand1e mtiI伍 c brake talqcs erFe。 t carcful灯 bralqes too qui泳 ˇcan INsIDE,oUT CAL sYsTEM Is COVERED BUT sHOULD oF THE WEATHER.THE ELECTⅡ NOT BE EXPECTED TO BE ToTALLY WATER TIGHT AND WATER DAMAGE CAN OCCURIF LEFT OUTIN WEATHER sHENGQI WILL VOID THE WARRANT、 IF PRODUCT HAs NOT BEEN PROPERLY sTORED NOTE∶ IT Is VERYIMPORTANT TO sTORE YOUR sQ250DH⒓ applx伍 c brake whi1c moving as oausc you to go nlto a skld and losc∞ n打 ol -12— fraIno on thc left and nip do・ vn the toggle covc: ga1n spccd,you wi11be able to ptlt bo伍 fect on伍 c footpCgs and hdc jamming on伍 e of伍 e sIde)to rcst伍 cb【 ke on,Tum 伍e switch to the OFF position 蛔 NEvER TURN THE ACCELERATOR TMsT GRIP、 VHEN THE UNIT Is ON AND YOU ARE NOT sITTING oN IT THEˇ Ⅲ IBIKE CAN LURCH FORWARD CREATING A HAZARDOUs sITUAⅡ oN no‘ ce伍 at by o1o曲 吧 the togg1e cove△ m ovcrs ∏Ⅱ do、 ψ the k忆 kstand(locatCd on曲 c _-13— 2ˉ MAINTΛ INING YOUR MINI BIKE stagc safctv spcod Limitcr Thc sQ25()DH-2clcctlic minibikc ls cquippcd灬 `ith a spccial s、 vitch that rcduccs thc spccd to accommodatc youngc亠 smallcr ridcrs Thc s、 vitGh is locatcd insidc thc ˉ battcQ casc・ undcr thc battc,in a ha【 d to rcach spot to limit access by inquisiti、 c sIη allcr chⅡ drcn NoTE∶ THE2ˉ s△ 叭GE sAFETY sPEED L'IMITER S、 VITCH I∶ 1z、 1CTORY TO THE sLo玑 厂 ER or Ⅴice¨ 、crsa~fo11o、 1 0pcn thc battcp¢ v thc stcps Is sET AT THE sPEED To switch from s1ow spccd to rcgulat spccd, bclo、 、 Co、 Cr casC b卜 rcmoⅤ ing thc knob scrc、 vs on the front and baCk of thc casc and thcn carcftdl卜 rcn1o、 ing thc right side of thc battc1】 `case 2 MoⅤ c tllc s、 “ ・ vitch to>.our dcsircd position C)’ for rcgular speed and“ I“ for s1o、 v Boing all clcctnoˉ powcrcd、 chidc.your sQ25()DH9is a lelatiⅤ machⅡ C H° wCⅤ cェ "is important propcHy ctarc「 proper1y and safcl卜 Bclo、 v tarc itcmstothat亠 ou、 Ⅴ Ⅱl nccd to carc for on a rcgulcnr basis sTORE INsIDE,oUT OF THE WEATIIER IT Is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT TO AL、 ˇ Ys sTORE YOUR 蛔 1⒋ OUT OF THE、VEATHER THE ELECTRICAL sYsTEˇ I Is COVERED BUT sHOULD NoT BE CONSIDERED sEALED W0刂 ER CAN CAUsE sERIOUs DAMAGE To THE POWER1′ RAIN AND C蛆 ATE A DANGEROUs sITUAT】 oN WATER DAˇ IAGE WILL VoⅡ )YOUR WˉARRANTY sQ250DHˉ 2INDoORs ReplaGc thc battc9 co、 cr casc Thc lη Ⅱlibikc、 v"l haⅤ c a max spocd of10mph in ‘ ’ 1hc・ 0’ or fast position and68Iη ph in thc 1¨ or slo、 v position Thc dhvc ohaln tra【 lsmits powcr from tllc motorto thc lcar whccl To work propcdy" must bc lubhcatcd ta11d propcrIy tensioncd at aⅡ Chc呔 伍c lO N△ DI I!nax(I ast spced) ΛND DRIVE CHAIN TENsIoN specd 3 cly Iow malntcna11cc or thc unit to kccp"opcrating 68NlI)II n1il(sI1)、 、spccd) haIf△ △ av tcns【 on ti1nes on伍 c dr"c GhaIn by m0、 ing"up and down approximatd> behlccn thc sprockcts Thcrc should bc no n10rc than the chaln Ifthe chain secms too loosc,it llla` bc in dangcr oΓ coming oσ 、 vh⒒ c riding To adlust tl,c ch耐 n tcnsion foIlow lllc s1cl,s outIincd bd(,“ l Be sure thatthc1minibikc is l)【 u kcd("1∶ 、na1 1c、 ∶ cl s1II IIlcc and lcaning on thc kickstal1d Using a15mm、 `rcnch^looscn1hc hccl a、 rcar、 、 Ic l1uts ol】 cach s1dc 沪kftcr thc axlc l,uts arc looscncd. 1Isc a IOnln1 `、 rcnch to tum thc sprockct sidc tc11sioncr bolt olock、 visc(to tightcn) about one tum,thcn rcpcat this proccss on thC o1hcr sidc tcnsioncr bolt Chcck thc tcnsion on伍 c chain and scc if it has ohangcd enough If not,rcpoat stcps3&4unti1thc propor tonsion 1s achicvcd -14— ——15— ′ 1/2’ vcrtical slack in MAFNTENANCE MΛ INTENΛ NCⅡ DRlVE CHAIN TENsIoN(CoNTINUED) 3 0vcrlo・adcd clcctrical s、 stcn1 5 Tightcn thc axlc nuts sccurcly to35-47NM NOTE∶ To loosen thc chain tcnsion.follo” thc stops aboⅤ e exocpt turll thc tcn-sioncr bolts countcⅡ clockwisc(oubvard)to looscn and伍 c LUBRICATING THE DRIVE CHAIN Thc dri、 In thc c、 ℃chaln on your sQ250DHˉ 2must bc kept lubllccntcd oftcn lo aⅤ oid cxccssivc 3 As you rotatc thc rcar tirc,、 al wheel comes or thc groⅢ 1d an vipo do、 vn thc ohain、 vith a clcan cloth to rcmove as much gri1ne alld bui1d up as possible 3 Again rotating the rear tirc,spray a good chain lubricant on thc chain so that thc full lcngth of伍 c ohaln is lubhcated Use any sprav lubc。 a houschold oiI Ⅱkc 3ˉ inˉ l oⅡ ,or any bicyclcˉ spcoifIc chain lube spray soIⅤ cnts Iikc WD-40arc n° t rcoommended as tllcy tcnd to dⅡ ute and rcmove oⅡ fron△ thc chains 4 Using a clok、 、 vipc oσ the excess lubc I NoTE∶ Thc cha1n should be thoroughˇ hbhc犹 cd but without bui1dup oflubc,whlch can col1ect dirt and gHt which causcs danlage to the Cham 晖 FU平 The bikc is equippcd 、 vi伍 a 30ˉ aIllp fusc to protcot thc systcm in 、s(on Opcn thc plastic battc。 casc by rcmo、 L° cate the black rubbcr fusc11ous“ 3 0pen thc mbbcr nip t。 p lid and calcftlⅡ 卜pu"out thc fusc 4 Inspcot the fusc and rcplacc if necessals 5 Rcˉ assemblc thc flIsc holdcr and thc body casc. lnaking viring is surc " is clcan and drⅤ insidc and tl,at aⅡ the 、 Vatch carcfull》 for pinchcd、 vircs safcIy tuckcd insidc 、 NUEs TO BURN OUT YOU HAVE ENC0UNTERED AN【 ll'E(∶ TRIC′ AI'PROBl'L)M AD刀 sTING THE BRAKE NoTE∶ IF THE FUsE CONT【 伍c cvcnt of t1Ic【 lI1"sC l)I:1kc s卜 slc"l 、 o:k"1g You shouId chcck thc bI11kc 11nd "lIlkc s11,c " is 、 dc1、 cb!瓜 c shou!dI辶 d hm1、 、hcn 卜ou shouId not bc abIc k) I)u" d1c propcr廴 beforc cach“ thc Icvcr is pullcd and brakc lever all thc、vay back lo、 、hcrc it touchcs1hcI1and gr") 【 f you can squcc`c thc brakc Ic、 cr:tll thc、 va卜 1o thc1111nd gr") Vhcn a short or ovcrload in thc systcm occurs,thc fusc activatcs clcctl△ cal shorts 、 your brake nceds a-ius"ng Thcrc tTc two opuonst。 whioh will protcct thc wiring and hclp to avoid possib1e flrc oPTIoN1:Adjust using thc barrcl rolIe∴ a¢ iust thc brakcs Possible s1钮 ations伍 at cam rcsuI"nab1own fusc can bc∶ l Loos0n the sct rlllg on thc barrcl adlustcr 1 2 Scrcw thc barrc1削 扣 stcr out a fcw tLlms a91d thcn A、 vorn or pinched、 virc in thc systcnl that causcs a short chcok thc tcnsion in the lcver 2 Molsturc in thc systcm 3 If it fccls oght,reˉ tighten the sct hng 4 Ifnot,rcpcat stcp2untⅡ 山c brakc fccls I△ ght tand thcn tightcn thc sct hng nut -16— v thc thc I、 on111nd b【 1ck 1g^in thc、 、“ ing abovc thc battc1、 2 ith This bike is cquippcd、 、 REPLACNC卩 、ork、Vhcn>ˉ ou tum it on "lg both knob scrc、 f oftlle batteγ casel and pulling thc hgh1sidc Paη d o「 Park tllc bikc On a lcvcl,nat surfacc usulg山 c kickstand 2 Lcan tllc b酞 c towald thc kickstand so tllat thc【 inch ort、 vo vⅡ l not、 stcps On thc foⅡ o、 ving pagc∶ w9ar To lubooatc thc drivc chain,fo11ow tllc stcps below∶ 1 cnt of a bumcd-out f`sc^your sQ250DH-2、 otlight up to chcck md/or rcplacc thc fllsc.follo、 indicator Iights、 v"I∶ 】 ˉ-17— — MAINTENANCrE MAINTENANCE REMOVING THE BATTERIEs ADJUsTING THE BRAKE(CoNTINUBD) oP'Γ ION2:Adju乩 If y° u calc not ablc℃ gct cnough adlustmcnt using山 。bamJ adlu哎 using thc actuat()r arm on thc brakc caIipc⒈ cr~you m铃 nccd 1o adlust lllc bIalxe usulg the actLIalor cal m Thctwo ba“ chcs on your sQ25()DHˉ 2a】 c rcmo、 ablc and rcpIaccable To lcmoⅤ ba悦 cI△ 台 s,fo1low山 c stcps oudined below l Opcntl,c plas‘ cb扯 tc玎 casc by lcmo访 ng both knob s° Ⅱwslon伍 cf№ nt and back on1he rear cahpc⒈ ofthc c鹏 ⑶ and ptllh血 g tllc oglat蚯 dc pancl° ff l Adlustthe b征 ∞l adJustcl on the brakc leⅤ er all thc、vay in,and tightcn lllc set nng 2 Locate thc lcar brakc a。 tuatoi allll 2 Unhook tllc rLlbbcr strap kllat holds thc b狨 tcHcs in placc 3 slidc thc battcI△ cs p钿 吨ially out ofthc holdcr onc at a ti1nc,rcmo、 ing thc tcnni:lals by pLllling thcm off Rcmovc lllc ncgatll/c lc・ llninal flst vhere thc brike cablc is c° nncctcd to 、 ※KRN1NG u1e real brakc cahpcr 3 c tlle BE CAREFUL NOT TO TOUCH THE NEGATIVE CABLE T011"∶ CONNECTED POsITIVE CABLE AsIT MAY sPARK AND/oR CAUsE A FIRE Using a 10Ⅱ 1nl 、 vrcnGh. looscn thc brakc cable nut that sccurcs thc oablc to 伍e actllator allll so J1at thc cablc 4 0ncc thc cab1cs arc disconncctcd from thc tcr1n【 ilals,shdc the baltc【 △ cs out can slide freely through th。 boIt 4 shdc the aohlator anm fonvard untilit s1ops、 making surc thc cable shdcs freely through】 5 then back it of「 about a half of an illch, hc bolt Ho1ding tlac actuator arlll in position,calcfLllly re-tightcn the cablc bolt until it is snug 6 Chcck tlle br斑