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Cvuk Tr21 2gen




), ::ii-ilr,,1l,iij,,/ u--s.P-f l$. NIilrItra.:l. .1.:,L.....:1'l:I.:. Welcome to use our GPS 1i... !ii- :,, ji1, irii::::; :irrlilrt:ri:l.i ;.:1:r ll,r:r I i 1'::,iiii.; nayigator :,!:,i;i., j;i)tj ,, caused! .Plede make loss. ile subject to chmge a @py of the impotut ; .; il,il i ir:l:., .WereserethefinalexplmationrightonthisUsq'sMmual.,:,.,i,i,, .Specifications ]r):, l i wi$out oorice. Sony for my incoovmime ''1r;r -rr r"1 data. We assme no responsibility,foitlie dah, ,. ,. )itt ::: .):.1. :.,: i .,:\ , . .,:: . ,I oThis mmual has been caefulty cha*edtPlease iaiaubibiiisbriibeteidrrhen aolil is foud. .Please read the opoating inshction cdefirlly md use the accessoriesiElyp&vidqal by the odgiel fetory to avoid my uexpect€d dmge. No wmmty will bJexeued if you ile Dot following the bsmction orcoffiating with $e in@Epdiblp tning misule aressdies, we assme no responsibiliry.fgrr{4y.}oq6 upa Oplg.egu"..aqsd,lgribx t.. , ..The r rE electronic crscrouc Mvrgauon mvigation @6 daE my Dq bq ngl tp confodry wrth wirtr he tle actut mmt kmpqdin. spodilg i! conlolmry Mks due to tbe mffic coosmcuoD detelopmeqt. developmeqt. please G iw to lo comoli comDli witliL witli the. the real rcad road conalition coodition and follow the lhe tibfiiC ri rqffic'mles. Optriine ma lie*ins r[! bpS alri* driving may cause severe raffic accidejnr. Ou compdy will 0or be ;sboniiblA for my loss ca6ed by the uexpected aeidefll .Usffi cn md upsade softi,Uiii;'frbih+bidtiB upatate !t hiivria tptifi::':r:r, .Any discrepmcy betueen the pictues with rcal products hseinaft% the real prevails. . j,':,.:,rIl1:ir..{i: ili:ri ;-Ury}lfj' . :.r -. Chapter One t\ a ti. ;' I riii[!ji i "i h,,jr:rli/; iiot.!;t; jr. :,;,.:1.::;, rr;tijs:1irt) 4 ilriirtiir.,1 riri/, /-r:.rli:: t.: lll ''i,:,.i' i:$ .i :r ' ;:jri,:r.7iirri.,,,tli.,!!),r.1ilD;i!1r.ri)ri,r;ii:i.ill.* Produci,.j.) 1.1Introduction,, . oie .,rr,'"111,i,r'1.} ;.i f .i:tJ;:i'i ' ,r-.': .,,i'r,,:t;;...,tt.,rl'il;. if..:r r2. jttr:iai r:ii:,,,,r,!,,, ;;::;;;H;;;I:* * ,,.i.,,at)iilr r'.a tllA rbrh rrJiirrT ,rne,:l cr;.,g e which igffildyis&&riffiigaliagsodalehttr8. th€ optional functiotr ofyideo playing, audio playiryirlpet8g_rlbtlqpds,fr9e,.iFl$ri-:t,4, Bluetooth, phob viewing, ed E-Bmk et. ;iDn rttij iliil./ + aHish perfo@ce, Iow-power cooE@priopA4sdntrch M.B3JI jqlri, _,, .;, ; ilComfomble um interface: simple,'easy io ripairc:' ilPowo mgemenr: keep rhe producr @ work looger od A\qeskadiiy; - -q .s.l^ aDah Emsmining: commicare with computer rhrcuch USHlCd6Jd(llrgL{t aExcellmt h reeivilg sigml: accMo posi(ion luinq pr@id€s vou rho *isfied Wdlcore to ^ use the CPS navigator, J:t ':1' lJ irt:'r 1. swicei !j! 1 acompatible with Bludooth mobile: the navigahr cm also be ued for making mal oavigatiDg ir' eswqing call with hmds-free (OFional); aEaetuilllmt m You "GPS + MP3 ed MP4 firnction @n rclieye you fatigue; it whetr driying, walking, ridiog, or miting for a meeting; the perfect abftiment' fimction cil make yoE life dd work more splmdial us lls6h EMS 64 MBytes LCD display 4.t" ot 5" TFT LCD 64/128 MBytes 1.2 Package p&kiig box conbins the following mcessories, pleas confim: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MN JSts Client2.0- GPS mvigator Travel Charger SD / MMC IISR slot, ttre ruim Ced suppofied reaches Ctrcharyo MINI USB cable SD capacity of SD to 8GB Earphone Audio A: Built-in high fidelity speaker B: Hish fideli& stmm eamhone Cold sffi: <42s Hot sffi: <3s(in the open trea) Usa's mmul Prctectingcover Cil bruket GPS For the items listed above, please coofim the acMl products. If my dmage, Please contrct with ttre dishibubr or the agent as soon d possible. Wmstafrr Battery Ple6e read this Ner's lrmMl ceef.dly to be familid with all the opdatiotr details md to make the GPS navigator perfom well: lRmkl: (Retative The BuilFin Batt€ry Instruction immctim rclates b the theme; infomtiml, The exEnding infomtion relales to lie lhemer INote} The notes md wmings rclab to the theme. Please value md follow nobs, othwise it will possibly bring d@ge to you md othe$. This uo mmul ody adap6 to ou GPS mvigator produ6. Charging 2.1 Main features aoperatitrg system: Microsoft Windows CE 6.0r a4.3/5.0" TFTLCD display with resolution of 480+272 piels; aHi-Fi shm earyhone md builtsin Hi-Fi speakq, volme adjBbble; aButon md brch-screm opemtioni aBuilt-in seNitive GPS mtma; 100/230V chdsfl, 5V / 1.5A DC9-24y,5y / t.5A St.tus bf the LCI) whm chargitrg, the red light is on; whm chrge frished,.lhe blue light is light Ctr Ch, Opentins Sstem Navigatiotr 2.2 Specificetion be por€red by ASF,AVI,WMV3GBMP4;FLVI MP3 and W\.,|A E-Album, EBook View€r ilT JPG, GIF, BMP, IFM TEnsmitterl System sefring 6_0 cild Photo viewer PNG lsqen adjustmentl lDefault sfll [Volme] lPowerl [Backlighr] lTime dd Dah'l [trno'aoel tswa rnf^t Tempersture ranse Sorlge huDidlty Atmffpheric frvel md ctr chargd. Mtfiosoft Wmdows CE SD Audio Player Working huDidity aThe navigatiq softwm could m the SD cild distly: aVid@ fmat sppft d: ASF,AVI,WMV3GP,MP4,FLV: aPhdo f()lml suppffd: BMB JPG PNGi aE-book fomat suppoaed : TxTr m DC 5V poft on. thse Featuresandspeciffcations aMINI USB pon: aBuilt-h r@hdg@ble Li-batery which <36s rehag€ble Li AC Ch{rger Video Player ChapterTwo disptay Resolutiotr :480RGB(H)X272(V) The OpdatirgTeepqatEe SbmqeTemDemtue 4570 ro 80"/"RH 30% to 90%RH 86KPa to l06LPa : , 0C b60C tn6o? -2011 Powcr on/off is controll€d. This chapter wilt give m introduction ofthe apparent components andbasic function ofthe GPS Navigator and it will help you 1o be familiil with the basic operation quickly. 3.2.1 Power on: Plca.e 2.3 Product appearance check, The bareD r. enough. ulr Please press the button on the top is conrected lo e\renral tnucr .ourcc. ofthe unit to boot. \otc I I I brrng Chapter Three rhe unrr lurm one place ro anorher place. plea.e bool un,rl ,r aJapls to .l the etrvironment. Big humidity fluctuation will make the mainframe short circuitecl. Manual Instruction 3.1 Power supply and charge Ifthis navigator is first used, please useAV 3.2.2 Power aalaptor 1o off Pre\. rhe buflon oD rhe lop ot the unit lo rm nfi. lhe unjl sill enler the power saving mode md maiDtain the last operation statu whcn boot next time. fully charge ii. 3.1.1 Power supply There de ihtree Opes ofsupplying powe.: batery adaptor, USB cable. CPS navigaror u\e. lhe Li-baltery lo supply poser whe0 it is no( comecled $ilh on the up r rght ot inrerlace rndrcare rhe cunent eleclr ic adapror The mark 1ffill 3.3 Resel system Ifthe sysM camot work, you cat __ Click tle reset key on fie right part of _ siylJs. reset the system by the following way: the machine to reset the systeniby using the (relaiive (if the back light is not so bright), fie actual supply hou can be diflerent ofthe diflercnt way usif,g the navigator Some function (audio playing, video playing, bright back light) will consume a ltuge power, which will reduce the using infomationl: it can be no response in the followitg condition: The shift between pictures is delayed or stoppecl. The program select fuction cannot work nomally, such as long time to carry out or cmot be actr!ated. 3. Thepow€r buton can not work (Notel The unsaved data will be lost as you reset the system when the system has no response- Please copy the data every othertime. hou. [Note)This machine adopts builfin, unchangeable Lithium bafiery In ordei to avoid fire md bming, please do not poke, bmp or take it apart or tluow it into fire or W}en use GPS rn lhe cil. you should Tr lhe dcvice to lhe pm of wiDdou bcsides pmel by using the bracker. GPS navigator uses the extersal power when it is connected with the adaptol GPS navigabr uses the USB cable to supply po*'erwhen the GPS comects to ihe PC, [Remarkl This mchiae adopt built-in, unchangeable Lithiuil baftery At normal condition because 1 . 2. 3.4 Use bracket to fix navigalor rhe watef 3,1.2 Use the travel charger to supply power WIen the GPS navigator is first used, please use the AC adaptor to charge itl Comect the DC pd of the adaptor with the power interface at the left side ofthe mit (The power interface is same as USB interface )i 2. The other pad comect 1o the power socket, il $pplies power whilt chdging. (Remilkl Red LED indicales it\ beins chqed Please wait udl il is tulty chaqed and don't pill our rhe ddcptor uhile chd8rnt. Men ir rs full)-charsed. fie I FD *ill rum t. Blrre. Il lor bafieD or nobaileD, pledse chu8e il hDedarely 3.1.2 Use the car charger to supply power 1. Comect the DC pd of ihe adaptor wiih the power interface: 2. The other pafr comeot to d1e power socket, it supplies power while chargitrg. I 7*,L.-.*f€ ( Note Plese inseft the car adaptor after machine by elecnicity collision- 3.2 Power on/off rumirg the c{ $ E not to alamage I ( Note wlEtr ue the bracket, .please bke care af the position. please don,i fix the navrgaror ro lhe po\ition where rhe driver's sight is being influenced. please do nol la\ it aside liely: do nol llx il to lhe air bag, do not lay jt on lbe expild rtrge ofrhe air bqe, 3.s Stylus st 16 is the tool for you b Ne you navigato. ple8e keep itcaefdlly.l The 1. ihe 2, 1, Singleclick 'Singly olick the.screen with the styls poid. Doubleclick' Double click the screen with the styls pdint. Dmwing: ,.. :: ,.lj':.], t, r .: . .. : : .. I Click one poitrt ed hold to move otr the sfr@n. INoEI Any brokeo stylus. ball pm or aoy @te LCD ifyou u5e it to operak the device. dd hilsh object will desboy tbe 3.6 SD/MMC card The atuched SD,MMC cad conhim the navigation softwde, m6p data md media file. Plee insert lhe csd corectly whfr 6e it. (Notel Ple6e do not hke out the SDAdMC card when the system is mvigatlng or playing. INoteI 1 . Don't sEess or cwe the SDA{MC card, avoid loss md bulge. 2. Avoid high tempaatue or high hmidity when ue md store the cu4 dotr't expose the cdd directly to su ligh! 16t the md fd awy fiom liquid ed coEosive @brial. 3. Plede pay aftntion b the headhg when imefr lhe SDMMC cud. If you iroert the cdd imFoperly. you willdamge lbe cdd 1.7 Cotroect with computer The device cm be c@ected with the computfr through the MINI USB on ib Ieft pd. You cm copy the d@ment be&@n mvigabr ud compmer ol copy the daa from GPS oavigatu to computer so s b recovel the alau iB GPS when you ee in need ofthem. 1. Pteme confimthe GPS mvigator ispowson; 2. Comect the MINI end I I ] of USB cable with the USB port ou the left pd 3. Pl6e pull out the MINI USB cable after you finished you opmtion, the GPS Mvigator will reM to the pre-operation hterface. Dah secuity: Pleae copy the alab to the-outu storage device wery tiire before you update you sysem dah. Ou compmy akq no responsibility to my loss (NobI ofdaa [Remarkl The CPS navigatorwill sbpthe opmtimwh6it is @m@ted with compulet lNotel In the prccess of comui@tio& the fotlowitrg opaiom witl brcak offthe corection with computer, the mfinished dab will he losl 1. Pull oultheMINIUSB cabte; 2. ' 3. PowsoE Resetthe syshbyNiDgt6dltu oreletric sifth Chapter Four Primary function 4.1 The main interface and the function 4.1.1. Main menu o..0,.-",,.0 ,0. 0"," ,... m cnrc, rhc dar senins n*drce shos ,n r,aure I t""u r ",** o"n'" ffi *. nno*". ffi 'n' '"o 'oe' *pid audio praver quict d@roymentdeskrop apprications 4.1.2 Function introduction Navigation Provide navisation sefr ice 'Ihis device cm mswer and make phone after comecting with Bluetooth Video player Photo viewer cr*t ue op tn "m* +3 Gme ...1:-.-. m* i*** &X *-* *. *,uo aopqy u*p-a, Seflng show ir FisuE 4l This chapter SqFfr pmgr€$ adjsr, pause hL SuDDoft oase selection Audio player i: tsr,V tbnnal suppofr JPG. B@ and PNG fomral Snppofr photo olale, eolaBdsM* pictures, autom*ic.l,w,nd $.n lbxt tomat: E-book l mohile nhonc vi, Rh,et66th iuppon Asr, AVlj wMVj JUP, MP4 rnd Audro playrng tbmatr WMA, MP3. Suppoft random playing, sequential playing, repeat playing, nrPwi^ilc/neYr v rrmp Support paNq gme Brighhess, Volume, Languages, Power, Time, Syshm, Default, GPS Inf^ N,vi.afh will inhoduce the navigation flmction md notes. 4.2 Navigation functions and features Accorditrg to your choice ofnavigation system, the GPS navigator can make position by GPS satellite sigaal rcceiver md display on the navigation map. The system can calculate a best rcute after setting the destinatioq which can help users to arive the destination safely md npidly. Tte system can let you enj.oy the indivi4ual cham and enjoy your bip by mmy differen( $ays \uch as vision rop. rivid mi;urion. voice rndrcarion. and words iDdication. Tle .peci fic na\ igation {i[ctions are depended on your cho,ce olnavigd{ing softilare. PleNe refer to the Navigation Softwde Instruction. Notes I . Map infomation It is probably that the electsonic navigation data is not consistent with the real traffic instuctions because ofthe trafiic construction development. Please do comply with the highway conditiotr md the actual haflic rules. 2. Navigation The navigator offers ihe route for the reference; debmine the route by youself, the driver may be more familiil with the route thm GPS navigator 3. Receivitrg signal Mmy factors such as high, dense buildings (in the tunnel, betueen the higl 9 building, mdergromd parking, uder the trestle), vtrious weather condition, and closue of the sat€llite will atrect the ability to rcceive signal so s to result in inaccurate position, inefficiency ofnavigation operation md syst€m function. o fi*t o 4.3 Video operation lnterface This chapter intrcduced how h ue the GPS video playef, r----:i*r-i_. LR[_rI r:.rFunctions and featmes L Suplon ASI, 2. Suppoft tull-sueen playing, progress choosiDg md file selection; AU, W, 3GP, MP4 and FLV Before using th€ Video player, please copy FLv) to any folder c: you video file (As, Avt w,lc?, w4 nu brnoo k md Tom ad JerB t,[tt-.'t"-, Operation, Single click the Video rltt . r8 t ro eErer $e video fi Ie list as lhe pictue 4-5, at, ,5) Clos€ click to close (meni file L6t Show last page :ri , !l playinginterface6aT, 1I .o ild lel il 4.4.r be your personal MPl. Fwctions and features The audio player suppofrs MP3 and WAV format. you could set fte playing sequence Before ushs fte audio playet please copy the files to any folder 4.4.2 Close Pla) rer Click 1o It shows close thevideo stop lisr playhg. Shsle click will continue to ShsLe click ild shifi to video choose you favodte video. file list, md 6en Single c1i.k volume. I1 shows volume is decreased ry' $hen ir .hin ro$drd len. Mrle \olme,s moeds. when it is shifted toward risht. Playilg re tr-: G t@Et @fitrt Adtu$ fre progress-displayhg progress by slde he bart go left for tackards, go Brighhess Adjus brigltness with slylu while movhg towdd 1efl and righi. Tum ighl means tm bdghter Play Full screen play Doxble click to retum nomal piay Show cmeDi Video name show the tme consmed / lhe total hme ot t( 4.4 Audio player operation interface This chapter introduces how to use the GPS video player to play you favodte music 12 Operation method, as you wist ry EI Close g': Show la$ page ',$: lr tf"l Music folder Music Opm 5* Playhg IEIEII''r, Sons hue @ the Dlay list sngle clck to display choose the play list, md picture 4-22 you favorit 6 Adtust the proSress by slide progess-displaying bd; go teft f^--".i.. 62.harnc d^.i"ni f^' Time Show the time prog€ss/ Show time for playjng ffe sone! 6e rotd This chapter inhoduces how to use the photo viewer to browse pictues. i. 2. Function featues: SuppofrsrPc, BMpandpNc Suppofr pictue rohte, picture enlage/shriDk md automatic play. Befoie using the photo viewer, please copy you photos to any folder a.s.z for Show the sory title 4.5 Photo viewer operation interface a.5.1 the Operation method, [*,f"*f-L*: ffir_:L:r:: L::r:r:r: el .,.o_t Click to close the viewer Enla€e cuEnt pictuE in proFnion I Stui* curmt Show the pictule in propofrion previou picture Show the next picture T Click to rotate the picture by 90 degree Rohte View tull screetr Play @ Photo name md fomat dl Show tugei the ilctures ciculdly otr full screen ftom fte cuEenl tle photo name md fomal 4.6 E-book reader interface and operation fts cl.pler l. 2 intoduces bow ro trse cPs lo Snppof, TXT Suppfr tuning o\er B€foE usins ehok pase. pdge rcd e-book. bo$s. ard fi le chooshg ryT file md save tunclion, plqse copy you it to uy lolder ;wr_l[*:m o [_it:L_:l___] o ffim::L: Single clickand closc c book reader ik SDgle clickto enter Ebook ftneeds apm i, i.l Click La$ page 10 ciose current file Show the lasr page; :::sl:Y"*:tr tolder Drspla) (-bonk fotder; ':Botrl : Versi@2,June1991 Copynght lC) 1989, 1991 Free Sofwa€ Foundation, tnc. 59 Temple Piace, Suile 33d, Boslon, MA O21 11-1307 USA Everyone L pemitted to copy and distribute veilatim copies ofthis license doctmeni. bul changing it i5 not allowed. Preanble the liren*s tOr most soft va€ a€ desigaed to take away your f,eedom !o share and change rl By conrast, the GNU GeM6t public :Ntiiiit o e 22 : e-ho[ sLi t'i:!.,;r :, : :. ltt lo choosc favorite book rhuosc IXI XiXXXXtttXtt ''wa o 2. ItO IIAiRAilTY 7a* ,e, &l ffi :- T.rt Color oo Single click Set colo! RGB Ch@s backpud colq foni elor oi *t Ch@s Drckgrcud colq, font color or bekpud color d& set .eves€ ode oi I E R€tu b €$ook homqage 4.7 Game interfac€ and operation .,*"",,". m . "**dr"*t**d2., ild choose bmk ma* 4.8 4. e Unit Conversion 4. 10 Calculator 4. lt {ince Volume adjust fim shsr..L.rmi,,o,r r::g .d.1 r,o ..' rra. d..,{-4-22: shBlech.l H f'ns .nb rhe vlume adiust hle{ace 22 23 as,ho$4 24, E E o o D, iB] tuleft fm nght te bffi Bacflight sotting click he; So* 6€ pEsnt volu. 4,f Date .,*" r"* senhg hedace as4.25. Bnghh€ss Click lo increase beklidt 3 ylem Ieff Tfu€ bld m tim r.,t include: th€ zme set. gradually b lhe shows fre Fesent bdghhBs Shgle clck md it ldt mltm. ms Ull shin k& md n frI show display is itr circle. it will shift dght md it wil l6t coll,m. tu d{lay is h ctuIo. Singl€ click and show SFtem bac$ghl will b€ clod automatdly whm no oFdiotr for a tsriod lime to eve pvd. Tttr€ re seved tue hhd choic€ for Fu: trfle! 3 min, 2mi& lmi& 3ossond Iats. lkeond laid- ard time settlng l. SystmtieEsd; 2. Systm &te sd; b mrabe.ishr backliStt gatoally to s€ Sbifi right Ateys Oil Date md .,.r"",,* K decrease Red i click iooet fu oil offth. $ren Y€Iow to Sm By cLchg Ue levflghl tut butotr to st fre oilofl k€y tonedfi lod,son md ofr lhe tu doffsnefl Click IIIII*I* hclme me vorne Fddly; 6er€ & l0 tub for volnr\e tum mute lo ffi. Shgle clck wril Click Exir Bdghhess hghest level Sngl€ chck b LOUO 4. 12 rc htdae; Smgle chck to decMe the volm€ FdMlly; $erc {e l0 mnk fm volm€ tum mue to llEhm. Shsl€ click will ESt "volme sethg" CIose 'teklight sedng" ddeq Close dctuaint€rfec 6 shom426, 4.14 Screen CalibEtion {},h€aEa" eilr cEenr rnrdace after setug. ed teD il wilt sbow d 4-41 Chmse ckk E it will move from in the sequence ofthe centd, left up,left doM, right down md right up till the calibratiod succeed, thm click my where on the so@ri to save the calibntiotr md exit to the main interface aubmticallv If not save the infomtioo, plee wail 30 seoDds ad ir will exit from cEent hkrface Prs cenbrofthe brget. he brget mov6 amund the sren. and briefly hold stylus on the Rep@tas - + +29 4.r5 Fll Transmitter Ro[ Vcsion: Y.020-00000t.t00c23.12tr APP Vorioni ur2.2l.lo.oa2' SFteD lD: . FM TtNmittcr rill b hdio devi6. Take 76.0MIZ ftequ@cy for cx{trple, bolh the GPS tusmirinS fteqwy ed thc @ived fteqrcrcy of the adio shor{d be 76.0MI1Z, drd all the sqmds of ihc GPS will be inpu thrcugh lhe anrplifiq sysm ofthe mdio. 4. 16 snd od l[€ .udio signal Exit svstem informtion Show the system ID. the ..r7 Language setting StEtert Inbmatloo .,*" ctt"kd* m b muttc sJAh infomtim*r, Systm informtion includesi 1. Firwde versi@: 2. APPversion; 3. 00ttE420{t000000 00@00t0{00000t 1 SysteE ID. il .,,"* imk(trg:Syeh rqt bh th. lmsu.s. sri,cs bbccc lmrec sladotr. s !ho#32,heugc diry 4- 19 Default set 4-32 Single click language colum to do language choose" 4.18 Navigafion path ct,"- m" Sl ser te hreildce Dro na,igdnon parh . ser he detaux 0dv,s,on parh, ds showo s-gt..ti.r ffiSI to restore the alefault setrings, srgt cr;cr [$l 4.2 I ISDBT Instructiotr: EI cli* tutuue"bd€r6ery.h,nn.rsM@rhffiq6*"0"5 fre chel oDfons inffie tu Somb tu 2 Click to swibh t6 rhe folder E o,*.*,*seub$hbdrce ! E Clck lo rcEae he Stcm volme one I otr Smtrlot cl!@l boa&du Di€tu6 R*o.d cumr hdcad.s Drcmm Ne / pta, cnck ! .lict ,,in r. mn.e Click to s@ Dbyinq Domm L.drcaE pn3@ c.nrinne i. .liw E Click b play pwioB chonel Click lo play next il I Sel4i ih ry cbllNl yo eeh for b cnu 6. bodcst hffi* s n@rc 4 crtt Et o"*mersts6se5 chel play node, double{lick Idlsl€a (Fn 16 rehrm r. n6mrl nLv mode the m w EE@@ seld your lavonE proFm ro etrter brudcdr hre*cq clicilElb exn nLe hr clicl E G ro "nt MabAdio. Sub Adio ddDul tuee ' rsc Note: please be sur€ to pull out fr€ whip mt€nna or body when using the digitat Tv I This funcdon is opfional, ind some nodels have no such funcdotr. Pleise r€fer to the real subject! funcdon 4.22 Bluetooth setting and lnstructions: 2. Display your favodte This chaphr introduces how to use this nayigator's Bluetooth phone for call making md mswering" to comect with cell Operation method, Single click the the following pictue a.22.r sel lle lms& and scetr proFdon bufio. ffil t -"t -*, to open the Bluetooth hterfre as a&r Dislby conEd lkr ot Fnd cel phone hdod Sarch for Bluebolh devicd il SMS of laned pnone Cel phone smhiq, prcfile mamgmenr, Blnctood switned on ed d*omect 4. 22. 2 Single clickthe button open Bluetoo& sethg as the followhg Sbgl€ clck lo close cuent intedace pictur 4.22.3 sinstc crick botlon m ,n" ,o,,unin* r{o pictures: r"" -,,, "". one is in searchins md the next onc js Lh. scarching result. th€ Display coDM list ofpaid @n pnoDe to open qal I hisQry.aS 4-4s C€I pnone seehins, !rc61e nanasemen! Bluetooth sfrtched on ed & t* & shgle click vil, *& r- (e.p.al1 Name w & n d. lNl trM&r Single click lo select phon€ nunbd Single clicklo Number Calllns.. delete m*e tot crll htbry call state and rerurn lo main intcrfac. Sho{ thc nane you' re didl itrs shor rhP nunh r ),u CaIing Shov rc drallns currenl .dl I slat. lncludingexrension, souDdshirt, call shifr, Mub 6e mi(opho.e wnile keepiry 6e Sinde click lo caU &dc6e de volme Fdudlyi conaerence &+ {t&; Sinsleclict1o r, t'U,I incrcase dEvoluhesraduaily; SinBlcclictand hansup "l 4.22.8 lr rherc is in ln..,ins.a1l, ir rilL \ho{ rh..ja1t.r rD and jrs nub., as 4 t8 4,22,10 E Name . !{umber ll.r ,i{,t; 'P r'urn diJ hP incoilrtuc rall rumb.i Siis'i," click e, aoswff Lhe.a iixlart J t& Muk ee microphone whilc keepinx e Siryle clict lo decease ffi Single & clicl the call [e volme sdually; lo incrcase rhevolume sdually; Sinale cli.k ro reje.r rhe .al ..* 4.22.e s,rere cri-[ fu ,"0 ,, *r,, -m..i.J \oj cr Drf, qilb edch orherr\ 4 4s \i relp , M ,'L '. Uurtont-&as I 50 Not d!,ri1ab1., u .cnily & ,""".."--r,'., K ,odoffiad sMs orpa*phoneff45r 4.22.12 Single cli.k single crick rhe r"..." ffi." enter thc rbrovins inre.r&e as 4 "l'ilc Xanacer" on th. main Elueloorh inr.rtu.c to dovnload ailcs rrom 52 Chapter Five Simple Problem shooting and maintenance lF your GPS Mvigabr cmot work nomlly, ple6e check it d follows. If you cmot solve the problem, pleae cotrhct ou sewice cenbr RaiiiiittiXai-. rii.ri;t&;ei6:t::'::ti,tir'r Cm not fum on fte Lack ofpower ;:15i,li$@:l1r I :: i i Chilge the baftery ii The device M off Low batery Charge the bafiery lhe back hght f not The back light has No response when The touch-screen is volme is at the The lowest condition Adjust the backlight Click the LCD; t]le screen will tm Calibmte the touch'scrcetr Increase the volme wilhout somd The earphone is not Can not commicate The USB cable is not Connect ihe eaq)hotre Comect USB cable it need more than 3 minutes to receive fte sisal The signal is weak, No sisal The map data is Iosl Contact your agent or dishibutor Maintenance of GPS traYigator GPS mvigator will be a reliable navigatiotr ed entetuiment compeion if Fotected by right methods. Please follow the insmctions below to emue you GPS rm smootlly for a long time. Prctect screen: Don't press the screetr with strength or you will desroy it. Please Ne the srylus to operate the narigMd s?ray a Iiftle glass clemer on the soft cloth to clean the screeu, don't spray on the screen directly. ( Note ) Be sue to m o{f the GPS navigator before cleming. / Drop or srike $ ill cau'e daroge to high-preLisioD compoDeDE. (NoreI Accidenlal damage i. beyond ou responsibililies. J Don't ue it mder such @viroment: Temperatue chmge abrupdy (higt remperaue above 60' loq temperatue under-10 ), high !oltage. duly. electrostatic interfercnce, avoid my comsive liquid md dip into my liquid. -J Avoid radiated interfercnce: The radiated interfercnce ftom other elechonic products will affect the display md it will be noml after supprcssing the interference ( Note I lf yoo carry the mit by air, please put the GPS together with you luggage to pass the X-ray detection system. Avoid scming by the magnetic head detector (at the passage uscd for passing) or the magnetic bar (held by the iecurity checker), or it will destoy the system date in the mit. We will take no responsibility for it. / / Avoid dircct, intense light: Don't use the CPS navigator in high light ed ultraviolet radiation in order to increase the using life.