Preface Thanks for your purchas白 ng highJe丘 “tlon vehic1e reoordcr h order to guarantee the camera iIllctions work wel1,pleasc read伍 c manua1
care负 lly before using,
Product overVieW Th`product was des圯 ncd by tks血 g the latest technology of di匪 么l IID caIncms, either use 臼 us a nonmal HD can1erEI; it is also a professloml IID trarIc1。 gger η№ 讧d∞ reso"tion catl be rcac响 呜
丬 鳎
FULL IID 1920Ⅱ 1080P and thc photo resoIution can bc1200W Use dhe Micro sD caJd as a storagc devioe; it is good at compaCt, energy-saving and easy to can0乙 Compared to convenjonal cameras, thc video reoorded by this dev△ cc is much lnore perfect
Hope you can use the catncra to cnJoy yoW HD life, △
PmdⅡ Ct
-120degree ηide
angle dcs迦
-Bui1t-in1/s1hch high de丘
卩, ⒒is good to record IID udco
,n chlpset,whib it。 an capture qua1ity
Product Picture and Function
-Rccord FULL HD1920x1080P high defln"ion resohton video -H264video compression technology -B1i⒒ 4nⅡ ˉ ion battery,the d钾 ice can be recording whⅡ c charg血 g -B“ ⒒-in speaker and microphonc -support hi吵 叼u00battcry -I∷r(” vicw【 ,ll
msplay wOuld bc helpm to catching the pcfcctimage -G-sellsor funotim
ˉGPs track reco斑 血g
fop伍 onaD
-Motion dctection
-Car Ⅱcense plate record itmctlon ˉThe device can connectthe IID1V by cab1e,
1,Rccord/REC button 2,MODE button 5,POWER button 4,DOWN button 7 REsET button 8,UsB slot 10,Micro sD card slot 11HDMIslot 14,spcakcr 13.M1tc Ⅱε !“ s 1⒎ ICD dIspla,y 16.Lcns
3,1刀P button
6,PHoTO buttc,n 9GPs slot 12.Microphone 15.Holder slot
18.Blue hd血缸 (Record“ Θ Red hd忆 ator Gharg山 ⒐g)
7.REsET bu“ on
Kev FuⅡ cdon DesCr∏ o伎 on 1.POb/ER button
Prcss thc REsET button once to restore thc defau1t setting
1),Pow∝ onypoWer oσ Press and ho1d the p° wcr s、 vitch for 3 seoonds to sMtoh on and
sDec1ncad① n
3seconds to switch ofFthc dcγ ice.
2),Tum on/ofnas"培 ⒒ Press the power bu伉 on for1sccond mdcr thc vldeo/photo modc to open伍 e nashlight,press thc bu伉 on again to close the1ight
Lnagc scnsor
300W CMOs sensor
1920辛 lO80P/1280艹 720P/720衤 480P/640紫
咔 240P
Vlc讷 iⅡ g angle
27"1TT disDlav
Vidco fomat
option you sc1cCted
Photo fonnat
zl,start/stop re∞ rding
JPEG Mlclo SD card 1GB32GB
2.Record/oK button
1ronf-the choose mellu 讷怔 n you are se“ 血g Ⅱe menu,press REC button to con£
m thc
h the record mode,cⅡ ck伍 e btltton to start reCord video alld chck again to stop reCo耐
3.l江 ode button Enter into thc“ deo
pla。 y1,ack
mode/Photo p1ayback mode/Menu
1)Photo modc Press oncc to cnterinto the photo mode,伍 en prcss
伍e REC button to take photo. z,Preview mode Prcss“ 耐cc Jmes,entcriⅡ
Ⅱe photo and vⅡ co
UsB intcrface
o1ate record
Wlde d冫mam忆
suppσ ⒒
Ba⒒cry anfⅡ 〖 ,Ifv
B讧 ⒒-h 35ClMAH rcchargeable liu丘 um battery
playback intcrface.
4.UP button
Work ∶ -
5.DOWN buttOn 1)se1∞ tthC up/down opdo11s ψhen setthg伍 c111enu。 勾 Dlgltal z∞
m仙m№ n
h thc rccord/photo modc,press伍 e button to a句 ust伍 e1time to4
⒒mes zoom 3),Choose伍
c up/do、 vn flles whcn p1ayback曲 cx,ldeo
temoeramre storagc temnerature
-10℃ ~60℃ -20℃ ~70℃
NOtes: Please usc thc m血 m bamery only you catl’ t cbarger thc ca111era by Car cbargc⒈ lt wⅡ
1bc be竹 erto obarge the ba⒒ ery for3bours whcn you use tlle dcvioc for the
Ifyou dort usc the machinc for a long ime,ln orderto cxtcnd曲 e devlce Ⅱfc, ce every mo m° nths
please charge and dischargc the maohhe oⅡ