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Cvwl C213 2gen




Preface Thanks for your purchas白 ng highJe丘 “tlon vehic1e reoordcr h order to guarantee the camera iIllctions work wel1,pleasc read伍 c manua1 Φ care负 lly before using, Product overVieW Th`product was des圯 ncd by tks血 g the latest technology of di匪 么l IID caIncms, either use 臼 us a nonmal HD can1erEI; it is also a professloml IID trarIc1。 gger η№ 讧d∞ reso"tion catl be rcac响 呜 丬 鳎 FULL IID 1920Ⅱ 1080P and thc photo resoIution can bc1200W Use dhe Micro sD caJd as a storagc devioe; it is good at compaCt, energy-saving and easy to can0乙 Compared to convenjonal cameras, thc video reoorded by this dev△ cc is much lnore perfect Hope you can use the catncra to cnJoy yoW HD life, △ PmdⅡ Ct Features: -120degree ηide angle dcs迦 -Bui1t-in1/s1hch high de丘 卩, ⒒is good to record IID udco niti【 ,n chlpset,whib it。 an capture qua1ity Product Picture and Function picires -Rccord FULL HD1920x1080P high defln"ion resohton video -H264video compression technology -B1i⒒ 4nⅡ ˉ ion battery,the d钾 ice can be recording whⅡ c charg血 g -B“ ⒒-in speaker and microphonc -support hi吵 叼u00battcry -I∷r(” vicw【 ,ll msplay wOuld bc helpm to catching the pcfcctimage -G-sellsor funotim ˉGPs track reco斑 血g fop伍 onaD -Motion dctection -Car Ⅱcense plate record itmctlon ˉThe device can connectthe IID1V by cab1e, 1,Rccord/REC button 2,MODE button 5,POWER button 4,DOWN button 7 REsET button 8,UsB slot 10,Micro sD card slot 11HDMIslot 14,spcakcr 13.M1tc Ⅱε !“ s 1⒎ ICD dIspla,y 16.Lcns 3,1刀P button 6,PHoTO buttc,n 9GPs slot 12.Microphone 15.Holder slot 18.Blue hd血缸 (Record“ Θ Red hd忆 ator Gharg山 ⒐g) 7.REsET bu“ on Kev FuⅡ cdon DesCr∏ o伎 on 1.POb/ER button Prcss thc REsET button once to restore thc defau1t setting 1),Pow∝ onypoWer oσ Press and ho1d the p° wcr s、 vitch for 3 seoonds to sMtoh on and sDec1ncad① n 3seconds to switch ofFthc dcγ ice. 2),Tum on/ofnas"培 ⒒ Press the power bu伉 on for1sccond mdcr thc vldeo/photo modc to open伍 e nashlight,press thc bu伉 on again to close the1ight Lnagc scnsor 300W CMOs sensor Vidco 1920辛 lO80P/1280艹 720P/720衤 480P/640紫 resohtion 咔 240P Vlc讷 iⅡ g angle 120dcgree LCD 27"1TT disDlav Vidco fomat MOV option you sc1cCted Photo fonnat zl,start/stop re∞ rding storagc JPEG Mlclo SD card 1GB32GB 2.Record/oK button 1ronf-the choose mellu 讷怔 n you are se“ 血g Ⅱe menu,press REC button to con£ m thc h the record mode,cⅡ ck伍 e btltton to start reCord video alld chck again to stop reCo耐 , 3.l江 ode button Enter into thc“ deo setthg pla。 y1,ack mode/Photo p1ayback mode/Menu 、 1)Photo modc Press oncc to cnterinto the photo mode,伍 en prcss 伍e REC button to take photo. z,Preview mode Prcss“ 耐cc Jmes,entcriⅡ o Ⅱe photo and vⅡ co H.264 AV-out UsB20 MsC/PAL Car1iccnse support UsB intcrface 480P/320 o1ate record Wlde d冫mam忆 suppσ ⒒ Ba⒒cry anfⅡ 〖 ,Ifv B讧 ⒒-h 35ClMAH rcchargeable liu丘 um battery t・ playback intcrface. 4.UP button Work ∶ - 5.DOWN buttOn 1)se1∞ tthC up/down opdo11s ψhen setthg伍 c111enu。 勾 Dlgltal z∞ m仙m№ n h thc rccord/photo modc,press伍 e button to a句 ust伍 e1time to4 ⒒mes zoom 3),Choose伍 c up/do、 vn flles whcn p1ayback曲 cx,ldeo temoeramre storagc temnerature -10℃ ~60℃ -20℃ ~70℃ NOtes: Please usc thc m血 m bamery only you catl’ t cbarger thc ca111era by Car cbargc⒈ lt wⅡ irst 1bc be竹 erto obarge the ba⒒ ery for3bours whcn you use tlle dcvioc for the Ⅰme Ifyou dort usc the machinc for a long ime,ln orderto cxtcnd曲 e devlce Ⅱfc, ce every mo m° nths please charge and dischargc the maohhe oⅡ