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Cvwl Dv95 2gen




Precaution Pls be a . a o . rell l@k th@ugh the follding gutdelin€ betoE Pls refer to manual instruc-tlon lo opemte the €use damage to intemal @mpononb. €meE Accessories you u$ tiis DVR. @necdy. lllegal opeGtion may Do not lall or hit the @mera, it may damage the intemat mponents. Do not aller ordismantle lhe @meE, to avoid the damage to the ereE. ris is normalwhen DVR in us tor a long time Do nol iouch the lens when re@ding which wifi afiet the vids quatity. The temperatuG CameE will save videos as undeletable files when gEvity a@leElion, en be ffy aeideni set'otr, "Low snsitiviq/, "Medium sensilivit/, "High sensitiMty" in Mdeo Menu. a Nyion belt buckle 10. AC charger 11. USB lmasRotationfunctior Its default is "OFF". Once st the sc.@n is inveded, you itto.ON', in the system menu, the i@ns and image in to rotate the @me€ l8O degree to make the image 1 3. Remole @ntroller 14. Watorpr@f SOS rlJ-+ YI i*; il*; ll*ry,l :J*-l ned tunction Und6r re@rding mode, a p's UP button momentarily to aciiEte SOS functton. the curent vid@ will be sved as undeletaue fib. Auto p@r onroff rehire ignibr, the €meE wi[ pouEr on and sta.t @rdim automalielly; when the igniter ofi, the €rera will of and ere vids. When @nnect to . Silentvids R6oding Under re@rding mode, a . OOWN bunon mmentadly to ofimidophone. When it is overexposre oa underexposure, WDR makos the image Do not cleacr GPs When o pE$ rcrry about your seret talk. WDR turc{ion st GPS option "ON' in the menu and input GpS, when the signal, lhe gr@n GPD i@n light up in the cmera get the sclg. Platenumberinput Tm input melhods: English tetteB and digib. Pres Mode button to switch input tanguage. PEs UP/DOWN button to @nfim, then prss *lect the English lelteB Menu button lo exit. or digib, press OK button to es '15. GPS module (Option) upright. a €ble 12. HDMI @ble l G€ensor happens. lt 9. m .-* Special Features: a 1. BikebEcket 2. Univereal bEcket 3. Pedestal bEcket 4. Helmetmount 5. Base mount 6. Ba*bEcket 7. El6tic band 8. 3M pads frr '- .ir-" --l lry'-H* I l'o*'* i H Button Function Camera Interface tu @ {. Lena 2. LCDscEen 3. Blmo button 4. irenubutton ,..:i. 5. UPbutton 6. t @n Button 7. Resotbutlon 8, Micrcphone L Working indicatof : 10. lR tl. Remot @ntd R*eiver Charying Indletor {2. Scew port 1 O porer bunon: W Short pr6 Mqnu button: Short Mode A mau to tum on pls €mem, long press to tum ofi€mee ren! *ning; pes it on@ to enter it twi@ to switch and System menu. up uu6on: Unaer sbndby mode, zm in the image: shdl pras to adiEte SOS @rding Solect the last fib unds lrBu suing/dayback mode. Under vid@ mode, V Dm buton: Under siandby trpde, zmft qn the irEge; Selec{ the rext . fle unds Under vid@ mode, shoil I negConti- sting; O.fion: S-tad/Sbp Under playback mode pl6 lrw plE se0iul pbybad( mo&: lo ds*b l@*E; dsbp the mirqlEE l*tucq b qftm llE! io ra*e pb!,b6ctL it lo K)DE Mode 6utton. to swilch Mda mode/Fhoio trtode/Fbybad( trrode Ej Bree button: to enbr ptayback mode 3. Speakor 14. Pmr bffin 15, Mode 16. RISET Xgal 6gtton; press ib sysbm b d6d- it to restart DVR on@ button RECrCofim button Basic Opemtlon '1. Porer on/off . Poweron: shortr*" 0 o*on,rrhqbeepwl4tEtrawrilg indicator will light up, Powor off: Long @reE enieF p6" O standby urtton, you indi@torwillbe otr Note: When @nnectedto CarchaEs, t @r ignites; will tum off when the 6r sb[s- 2. beep sftt, trc bhr wkig VRfiItumd aubEtiEltywlH the Battery chaqing When chaEing, ttE .rErgtoig will be otr 3. moda t*r Video irdirb. b iBd; rtH dErg€d id, tE .€d indi€br ilods Normal rcotding Under standby mode, t pei O Uutton to staft l@rding, ihe H@ indiEbr urfl ff' System menu. flash. brton again to stop l@ding. The lqmhing @rding tire is Press Mer' of LCO w@n. L@p Mrding (r€fer ff the lefi Unde, standby mode, flash. Wha ffiE whq will the vid@ $re @rded brtton to @rding, t E bl@ andielor will up to the time you set owMite (sy 3 minutes or 5 minutes), 6nlin@ lMrding. sequene and maining l@ding lire button again to stop r@rding, the pe5 object )ou want to shoot and llEllU pes autmati@lly. is on lhe button to ente. €lrE will ouuon to .* button, ' t*rre mode. aim at the se the pirue 5. Zom inrout under standby or dcluE mode, p@ A lV inl@t the inage. Under standby mode, long Under playback mode, p*o El button b qEr plarb6.* the video/picture, lhen pr"* A lV bdton to pl$' nEde, and p65 fom.d/bad(Erd pbyback pes menu, then pres IENU button to enter retative v*leo/photo/playtack menu. pes AIV Short 1 TrE 2M 4032)(3024/8M Sharpn6: Slrongy'NomL4sofr White Balan@: Autc/DayligttuclodyftuEFl.niFfs@rt Color: Color/Blac* & White/S€{ia ISO: Aut 00/200/400 '/1 Exposure:+2.0 +1.0+0.0 -1.0 -2.0 Anli-shake: Ofi/On &' Playback Menu: Delete: D€leb drent/Delete All Slide Show: 2 arrenUudock qreruLod( AlrLffiAl *6n(V5 *@ds/8 wrds S)6bm tenu: D&lTret 2013107 hgl1021l06 YYTMMTDD sound: Of/On Language:English/Deutsch,/FBn6/SaniBtrrl&E Chin@(traditionalyJapan@,/Ru$ian iilenu Setting button to pEs W st button to ' button to @nfm setting exil Vid@ mode/Piclue mod€/Playback mode @ch haa two menus: Mode menu and *nsiln/ily Sequene: Otr/On Quality: Fine/NomaUE@omy Bep mde, short -1.0 4E lnpjt Ofi/Orl Plate Number Prctec{: Lock ootoo ro pay uact. vid@s. Undervideo/photo,/playback -2j3 OflOn Oate Stamp: Of,/Date,/Dale Platlback Mode eea +113 +O.O -113 R@rd Audio: Ofi/On Re$lufion: button to +48 +1.O +28 -2.O PlDto tenu: Captuc mde: Singl€y'2s TiBrsS TrEnoS uMer standby mode, lone 7. -5t3 Gravity sensirE: Ofi/L@ snsilivity/Medium snsiti\ritylHigh 4- PlctuEMode A/Y Expcure: +2.0+5/3 GPS: ' lefr@mof LCo$@. 6. 1280'720P BU12AO'720P 30,/640'it80P 30 Date stamp: Ofi/On tho first f@tage by time @ntinue r@rding. Pls 301 @rding: Ofi/3 minutes/s hinul8s WDR: Ofi/On "t"ri the footage automali@lly and TF @rd is tull, it will iienu: R@lution: 1920'1080P Loop to menu setling) p,o" O Video Po.tugerchh€s{sitpffi edy F.eq@ncr 50Hz/6otlz lmage otaton: Otr/On Fomat Can@UOK Sc@n Sa@r Ofi/30 snds/1 minut6/2 minut6 Dela!€d Detuuh shu6M: Ofir1s snds/lo @ds/30 sdrds etlirE: Ca@UOK Ve6ion: ATso 2013091 3-V0-01 8. Remote @ntroller Mode button: to switch video/photo/playback mode REC button: under vldeo mode, p6s REC butlon to starustop photo mode, p6s it to take piclues; under playback mode' @rding; pl* under itto playback videos/pic{ures. 9. PlaybackonHDTV TV' The Con;ect the €mera to HD ry wffi tho HDMI €ble, ch@ HDMI mode on @me€ sceen wilt be ofi, all operations @n be checked on TV_ 10. PlaybackonPC to a PC via the UsB €ble, it will tum o autotrElielly' LcD screen shos "Mass soEge'' 'PC CameE , wd@ Re@d' conn;d @meE "Mass storage' is for vid@s,/pictures check on PC' 'PC Camera'is for web@m. 'Mdeo Re@rd" is lor re@rding when @nnected to PC Technical Re$luton 1O8OP 1920*'1080 3OFs 72OP 12Arr2O 30ts6/6o$G VGA 640'480 30Ds lmaqe sire 12M@a/8 M€6/5 Mega./3 Mega snsor SensoI 3M CMOS Sc€en 1.5 inch TFT 17o File fomat sc@n, 270 dege ,&m dsree MOV H.264/JPEG Dioibl zoom 4X Battery R'ilt in llion battery lflXlmAh StoEge Support Cycle Mi@ SD €rd to 32qnd hdd€d) $Aml*slv mrdino .auloroli€Xv wtile tundbn' G-sen$t SuD@rt buih-in gravity Audio Built-in Microphondspeaker s€@t lnterfa@ US82.O/HDMI/GPS Time stamp Sup@ri Menu language engli;tr/F*n"ttflr"hn/Ru$iddceman/Japanes/Portuge/ ontrcl Soanish/ Chines(Simplifi edyChirese(tEditional) Yes, lR Emote @ntroller Cureni 50H/60H2 Watemroof WabDrcof up to 60 meteB(with MteDrcof @$) Other functions WDR tunction, Plate number input, SOS re@ding