User’ s rη anual scan qr code to getthe app! Android拗
thinner,alcOhol,benzine,or wet cIoth 3.Avoid tight丨 y folding the cuff or storing the hose
ods,as such treatrnent
``isted forlong per∶
may shorten the Iife ofthe cOmponents.
喇㈣ 驷⒆ 囗
洱 帅
口 IOS∶
The I0S version∶
2Clean the device with a soft,dry cIoth.NeVer use
https〃 /itunes。 apple.cOm/us/app/
Prevent rain,sⅥ
deVlce and cu矸
'eat and waterfrom so"ing the .
5.Measurements may be distorted ifthe device is used cIose to televisions,microwave ovens1 ce"ular te|ephones,X-ray or other devices with strong eIeCtocaI ne|dsˇ
6∪ sed equipment,pads and batteries are not
Precautions 1^P「 ec:sion
4.The devIce and cufF are not water resistant.
treated as ordinary household waste,
components are used in the cOnstruCtion
ofthis deVice Extremes in temperature,humid"y`
and rnust be disposed of according to the appⅡ cabIe IocaI regulations
direct sun"ght, shock or dust shouId be avoided,
Attaching The Arm Cu仃 1‘
BIuetooth settings and connect
Wrap the cu仟 around the upper arrη ,about
Bluetooth40deVice adapted foriPhone4S,
2-3cm above the elbow,as shovVn Place the
cu矸 directlyagainst the skin,as c|othing rnay
iPad mini1iPOd3,iPOd4,iPOd5,as We"as
cause a faInt pulse,and resu"
Android OS VersiOn4.3and above rnob"e phone
in a measurement error
or pad Youjust need to set Bluetooth[openl, do not need to search and pairE31uetooth deVices
2 Const"ction ofthe upper arm、 caused by roⅡ ing up a shirtsleeVe,rnay preVent accurate readings.
Bluetooth2.1deVice adapted for Android OS Version42and under mob"e devices。 You need to pair【 3Iuetooth
APP sonWare act∶ vat:on code
H¤ $e
Gonst「 ict{o汛 ◇f the upper aFF△ l
ACCount number:999900oo91 Password:0099193257
Tab∶ e
of Contents 3 4
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ¨ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ -ˉ ˉ
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ
safety Information ProduCt structure ¨Each ˉ
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ……ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ …-ˉ ¨ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … 7
Battery insta"ation
setting mode }冫
to set ¨¨¨¨¨¨………亠ˉ¨¨¨¨¨-… ……………
Proper use ofthe unit }丨
-Proˉ measurement ¨Common factors
⒈ }畲
of wrong measurement
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 12
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ¨ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 13 F"ting the cu仟 ˉ ˉ Measuring procedure 14
ˉ ˉ DisCont∶
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 14 nuing a measurement reca"of measurements -ˉ ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ 14
ˉ ˉ Memoryˉ ¨Read
memory record
ˉ ˉ Memory-clear
About bIood pressure
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 15 ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 冖 ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ・ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ~~~~ˉ ˉ ˉ 15
of measurements
EXceptionaI s扭 uations
Care and maintenance
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ~ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 17 -ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 18 -ˉ ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ
ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 19 specification: -ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ¨ 20
Warranty information :甘
EMC Dedaration
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………………-… 亠 ˉ ¨¨¨~
备 匕
safoty Information
Introduction ▲ YOurnew dig∶ taI bIood pressure monitor uses
the osC"IometriC rnethod of blood pressure
measurement This means the rnonitor detects your blood’ s fnoVementthrough your brachial artery and converts the movementsinto a dig"al reading An osc"lometric rnon⒒ ordoes notneed a stethoscope,so the monⅡ oris simple to use ▲ This automatic bIood pressure monitor cOuId
measure the systo"c pressure,diasto"c pressure and puIse,the components are incIuded the body, cuff and printed instruction manuaI.Batteries and adapter are optiona1.This unitis intended forthe adu⒒ using. ▲ Inte"igentinflation w∶
the incorrectinflation,and uncomfortab!e feeⅡ ng by"reduCe shorten the rneasurementtime,prOIOng the cuffIs usage lifetime. ▲
2X90sets1nemory function,each measurement
assification indeX,could easyto check your blood pressure
PIease read the fnanuaI carefu"y before you use the un⒒
safety measures should alWays be fo"oWed incIuding the warning and the caution listed in the instruction manuaI∶
The fo"owing symbols may aρ pearin this manual,on the Iabel,
on the deVice, or on "!s acCesso"es some of the symbols represent standards and comp"ances assoCiated with the deVice and its use
WARNING∶ This ser∶
alertident雨 es hazards that may cause
ous personal∶ njury or death
」殴CAUTl。 N∶ This a:ertidenJⅡ es hazards that may cause minor personalinjury,product damage,or
t ■■Manufacturer E。
sN specifies serial number
iREP Autho"zed Representa刂 veinthe European Commun"y
emems d曲 e 《 伽 随榴阝 掣 亻 T舅s罗 垆 山 占 :;t:u艮 圪 捕军 找胛糨 帮羝器r吲澹 邕 耦 for special treatment is necessary 8【
森留 Δ
resu"vvi"be dispIayed on the screen,and
automatica"y stored,This un"has bIood
■ TO assure the correct use of the product,basiC
Direct current
FolloW instructions for use
CAUTl0N∶ Consu"acComρ anying documents
,and keepthe manuaI we"after using 3/25
°perating instrucuons
safety Information 鑫
safety Informat∶ on
T。 ose
wh。 haVe arrhythmia,diabetes,bIood circulaJon or apoplexy problem,please use underthe physician’ s
ΔDonotmlxtheoldmd i∶
c。 ntact y° ur
ρhysician for speC雨 c informa】 on about
浞 引 步 扌 ζ 早品 ;咭 ξ 苕 1渴 孑 :服 :I孺 Whch instructions of your physician or licensed heaⅡ hcare g::∶
s早 f∶
Δ Please place on a high plaCe Where children can’ t be
(such as alcohol)are present
touched 螽 No pod忏
iCa刂 on
ofthis equipmentis alIowed
not m。 dfy this equipment w"hout authoHzau°
n° fthe
municipal Waste,use separate co"ection fac"ities
鑫 lfthis equipmentis mod亻 ied,approp"ate∶ nspec刂 oh and test∶ ng must be conducted to ensure continued safe use of
Contact you locaI goVernmentforinformation regarding the Co"ection systems ava"able lf electricaI appⅡ ances
AThecu仟 hose
aΓ e
around neCk may causethe su矸 ocation
Ⅱ ke paokaging bag,battery, battery coverand so on may causethe su仟 ocation
J汉 The swalloWing ofsma"part
Δ桄钸 :gt遢乩苦 {找
皆嘿品:浩 :浅 沾 ;、 β
from a high place Use the right cu矸 ,otherWise it can not
Δ⒉ ∶ ∶ ξ】 :;准 :y拥
Do notdisp° se of electrica!app"ances as unsoded
D° tuse the eq凵 pme汛 where Ⅱ ammable⒄ s← uch Ⅱ Δanesthetic gas,oxygen or hydrogen)orⅡ an1mable liquid
』k Do
new阮 №
° ne m钉 "es meu耐 Δ:Itl基 渑 早 "may resu跏 J呓 ?rⅡ nt are引 n涮 erto m讹 Δ黯丫 期 扰毖兕撺 :虚泸
the new batter eⅢ
11::点 :拈 %:卩 r吕 you Won’
品 扌
tuse in3months
姚洌 ay a bw battery
disposed ofin landfiⅡ
s or dumps,hazardous
substanCes can Ieakinto the groundWater and getinto the food chain,damaging your heaⅡ h and Well-being
CIassification 9
1 1nterna"y powered equipment; 2 Tˇ pe B appⅡ ed pa";
3 ProteCtion against ingress of water: lPXO; 4 Not Categ° ry AP/APG equipment;
5 Mode of operation:Continuous oρ eration; ▲ The user must check thatthe equipmentfunc刂
ons safeIy and
see thatitis in proper working cond"ion before being used
Product structure
Battery insta"ation
螭 鹦 涠 ˉ~~AC/DC
Air socket~
0 灬 t岬 ∷
Remove the battery cover from the battery
⑽ 鲫
compartment,insert the battery,
a)Remove the ba杖 ery
c° Ver as
$howed b)Insert4AA powerful ba‖ erles inb the compa"ment and ensure each battery is
Memory button start/stoρ button
in the proper direction
LOw battery and repIacement VVhen power on, the low battery symboI
口 l WⅡ l display once
the un仕 start to work,and you must repIace With neW batteries,
Memory symbol "reguIar heart
Year/Mon1h/Date/T me
otherwise the unit can‘ t Work
systo"C bIood pressure
Battery type and repIacement
PuIse Γ ate
bIood pΓ essure
Please use4pcs AA identicaI 1 5V alka"ne ba廿
Please remoVe the batteries if you do not need to use for long
Low ba杖 ery
0口 △丬z0 The accesso"♀ s cu仟 is M size,for upper-arm circumference 22-32Cm usejThe cu仟 :s treated as the appⅡ ed ρart
Disp° se ofthe battery in accordance With a"federal,state and
localIaWs To aVoid fire and exρ losion hazard,do not burn or incinerate the battery
Insert the conhector with cu矸 tube into the hole Which ∶ s on the left side of the deVice as picture (0nly provided Cu矸 can be used,can not change to any other branded Cu矸
Do not use the ba杖 eries beyond their eXpiry date
setting mode
Battery∶ nsta"ation
Note: 1 When opuona丨 Ac adaptershouId comply w"hthe reqvⅡ
ement of
IEC60601-1∶ 2005 Furthermore aⅡ Con们 gura"ons sha"。 °mply w"h the requirdments for medicaI elect"oal systems(see IEC60601ˉ 1o1
or cIause16ofthe3Ed ofIEC60601-1,respectively) Anybody
・When use AC adapter, the power of ba‖ ery won‘ t be consumed ・VVhen suddenly stop during measurement(Ⅱ ke the pIug o矸 from einserted the plug into the the outlet by carelessness),it must be Ⅰ unⅡ ,and
restartthe measurement
HoW to set
connecting add"ionaI equipmentto medicaI eIect"caI equipment
1 start to set∶
con】 gures a medicalsystem and is therefore responsibIe thatthe
system comp"es wlth the requirements for medical e1ect"cal
Press button sET When poWero仟
systems Al亿 nuonis drawn to the facttha"ocaIlaws take p"o"ty
displayed,then the setting begin
overthe above mentioned requirements Ifin doub1consu"your 2VVhen using AC power,t° avoid possible damage to the monitor,use onIy the exclusive AC adapterthat oan be purchased from authorizρ 0ther adapters may vary in output vokage and polarities 3 1nsertthe adapter pIug lnto the hoIe on the backs;de ofthe unit as picture
d deaIers
changed when press button MEM ˉ
each刂 me Press bu⒒ on sET when you confirm the unit,then it wi"enterinto the
usersetung m° de
3 User sett;ng∶ Con"nue to above step,the sCreen wⅢ
4 1nsert the other side ofthe adapterinto the ouuot
With100-240V 5To removethe AC adapter,disconnectthe adapter plug from the outIetf饣
2 un∶ t setting∶ Continue to above step,the un"wⅢ
looalrepresentative orthe technical service department
,OmmHg or O 0kPa W"lbe
st and then disconnectthe cord
enterinto the year 4 "IΥear setting∶
s soCket
sotting mode
C° ntinue to above step,the screen wⅢ
0utputˇ o"age:6V5%
display and fIash20XX,the last digit of the year w"| increase1when press button
Max outρ utcu"ent output ρIug
MEM eaoh"me,you could choose from
2001to2099 Press button sET when you
Externa1dIameter55mmO1mm Internal diameter∶
oonfirm the year,then it w"I enterinto the
month and date setting mode
kPa un"
∶ 弛献槲轼口-田 it Vˇ
from the unit’
Proper use ofthe un∶
setting mode
● Please keep quiet for5-10 minutes`and avoid eating, 5 m° Ⅱth and date settimg
drinking alcohol,smokihg.exercising and bathing before
Continue to above steρ ,the screen wⅢ
taking measurement A" these factors W"l inⅡ uence the
dispIay xxMxxD and xxxx` and keep 】ashing on mon1h ,the dig"w"I inCrease
measurement result
1when press button MEM each ume,y° u
● Remove any garment that f"s closely to your upper arm
cou1d Choose from 1t° 12 Press button sET When you conⅡ rm the month,then" wⅢ set the date same as the month
● AIWays measure onthe same arm(normally!eft) ● Take measurementregularIy atthe same time of every day,as
seⅢ ng,each刂 ηe you press button MEM ,the dig"wⅢ ke6ρ changing仃 om O1to
bIood pressure changes eVen during the day
31 Pres¢ 0utton sET when you confirm
COmmon factors of Wrong measurement
the date,then it wi"enterinto the time
● AII efforts by the patientto supporttheir arm can increase
setting mode
blood pressure
6 Time setting: Con刂 nueto ab。 ve step,the screen w"I dispIay xxMxxD and xx:xx, and keep fIashing on the dig"s ofhour, the digⅡ bu⒒ on
wⅡ I
increase1when press
MEM eaoh"me, you couId choose from Ot°
23 Press button sET
when you con】 rm the hou%then the digits° f minute startt°
fIash ,same as
the hour seⅢ ng,each"me you press butt。 n MEM the dig"s wⅢ keep changing fro叩 oot° 59 Press button sET when you c° nnrm the minute,
● Make sure you are∶ n a comfortable,relaX position and do not
activate any ofthe musclesin the measurement arm during measurement Use a cushion for supportif necessary ● lfthe arm arterylies loWer or higherthan the heart,a faIse read∶ ng wⅡ l be obtained
then the t° taI sett:ng modeis completed
● Only use c"nica"y apρ roved cu仟 $! ● Aloose Cu仟 or a eXposed bladder causes false reading ● With repeated measurements,blood aCCumuIates∶
n the arm
Which Can lead to false reading minute setting
ConseCutive bIood pressure measurρ ments should be repeated after 1minute pause or afterthe arm has been held upin orderto a"oW the accumuIated b丨 ood to floW aWay
side down Pass the end ofthe ou矸 through the
2) Push the cu钎 over the IeⅡ upper arm so that the tube points in the direction of the lower arm
sl Wra%Ⅱ e cu仟
the arm as Ⅲustrated Make ce“ 引n
that the lower edge of the cu仟
es approximateIy 2 to
3 cm above the eIbow and the rubber tube Ieaves the Cu仟
on the inner side of the arm
4) Tighten the free end of the cu仟 and olose the cuff by affixing the veIcro
5) The cuff should be snug on your upper arm so
That you can f"2fingers between the cu仟 and y° ur upper arm Any piece of clot"ng Γ estootsthe arm whiCh must be taken o矸 6) secure the ouff with the Ve,cro closer in such a way that Ⅱ Iies comfoΓ tably and not too ught Lay y° ur a冫 m on a tabIe(paIm upwards)so that the cu矸 ls at the same hFight as the heart Do not bend the
Note: If it is not possible to fit the cu仟
to your left arm,it
can aIso be plaCed on the Hght HoWeVer,a" measurements shouId be made using the same arm
扌ⅠⅠⅠ’〓 ~
has aIready been prepared)
has been appr° measurement con begin∶
A仕 er the cu仟
if the cu矸
Measuring procedure∶
metal Ioop so that a circIe is formed The veIcro cIoser WⅢ now be facing outwards(ignore this step
锶犰酵螽疒浞 蝇 箩勰
F"ting the cuff 1) Put the cu仟 on a table fla"y wⅡ h the veIcΓ o
priateIy posit∶ °ned,the
轴茗 囤 ;:槲哔滞蹴
甘 铘
2) AⅡ er the su"abIe pressure has been reached,the pump pressure is stops and the pressure gradua"y fa"s The cu饣 dispIayed In case that the infIation is not su仟 iCient,the dev氵 ce automatioa"y reˉ inflates to a higher pressure
3) When the deˇ ice detects the signaI,the heart symboI Q,on the display starts to flash,you can hearthe beep for every heartbeat once the heartbeat signal∶
s detected
4) When the measurement has been comρ Ieted,you can hearalong beep,in the meantime,the systo"c,diasto"c and pulse rate w"laρ pear on the dIspIay
5) The measurement readings remain on the dispIay un廿
you sw"Ch o仟 the device "no button is ρressed for a period of3minutes, the device switohes o仟 itse亻 in order to save the power
Note:"w"I read:n kPa as unit when you choose kPa The symbd讪 人 WⅢ bed冶 plaˇ ed引 °ng Mtr the read"g亻 the rregular heartbeatis detected during the measurement
Discontinuing a measurement lf it is neCessary to interrupt a blood pressure measurement for any
reason(eg the pa廿 ent feels unwe")the sTART`sT0P button° an be pressed at any time The device immediateIy decrease the cu矸 ρressure automatica"y
ˉ 莒l}烈 岛8F暑 乩 res2x90sds :馏 鼯 f敲 。 ;早 :ξ
measurements value,the oldest recordˇ ˇ i"be Γ eplaced by the latest
measurementvauewhen morethan90sets each user
About bIood pressure
About bIood oressure
Read memory record Pressthe button MEM when p。 wer° 矸,the|atest3"mes average vaIue
■Acoording to the bIood pressure oIassi日 Cauon by the WHo/lsH
wⅢ be shown,pressthe button MEM again,the Iast measurementva|ue
■ sΥ s lower than100mmHg(133kPa) is considered as hypotension
w"Ibe shown,as we" as subsequent measurements can be display one after the other by pressing the bu⒒
on MEM each"me
豳 颥
110 100
Memoryˉ cIear of measurements
If you are sure that you wan1to permanently remove a" stored
memo"es Pressthe button sET for7umes un刂 l CL appears when power o竹 .pressthe
sTART`sTOP button,CL wⅢ
memo"es A】 erthis press button MEM,匝 dispIay which meanthatno mem°
困and“ n。
t° cIear a"the
” w"be
shown° n
ry in store
■ Blood pressure type
About blood pressure Blood pressure is tho
ρressure exerted 1he arte"es
The systo"o blood pressuro vaIue represqnts the bl°
°d pressure
produced by contraction of the heart muscIe The diasto"o blood pressure value represents the bIo° d pressure produced by reIaxation of the heart muscIe
systo"C blood Pressure
Diasto"c bIood pressure
黠鳟 鳘鹘 饷 |瑟
Except∶ onaI situat:on
Care and lη
Error∶ ndicators apρ ear on thθ d‘ pIay
when mθ asu"ng abnormaI
Correc刂 on
Ⅳeak signaI or Eˉ I'
V昕 aρ the cu仟
ExternaI stΓ
● using a sρ ray botue,mois1en a soft CIoth toweI WⅡ h the bIeach or
Wraρ the cuff properly
iom the cloth to aˇ o∶ d any dⅡ erly
pρ ing or poten"al oˇ
ersatura"on ofthe
● Wiρ e a"su汀oces° f1he bIood prθ ssure m。 n"orcu仟 thoroughly,
● Vsing a dry oIoth,genuy wipe away any excess moisture tha1may
Repeat lhe measurement aner relax for30mins,f geI
blood pressurc
unusual readings fOr3um° s,pIease conlacl your doclo
Low baltery
Reρ Iace a"the worn ba钍 e"es W"h new ones
TroubIe removaI
● Makθ surethe mon"oris o钎 ρⅡort0CIeaning,a mixture of disu"e(
Keep qu"e and no cha廿 ing when measure
inthe storage oase when
● Neve"mmerse the un"orany
device,the measurement w"I be fa"ed
Make sure that the atr pIug is proρ inserted in the un1
during the process of in】
thθ un吐
Remeasure wⅡ h corred way
● κeθ p
● Clean1ho un吐 w"h soR dry cloth
VVhen near oo"phone or other high radiant
monⅡ or cu竹
CaΓθ forthe fnain unⅡ unⅡ aand blood
■Thθ fo"oWing symbOI WⅢ
s胛 bol
Maintenace D° n° t
wetthe cu矸 or attempl
● DO not dean the body and ou仟
● store the unk in a cIean and dry
● Remove ule M泅 呐 汗ule unn"Ⅱ used h3mnuls σ longer
Cause and solutions
ρoWer Check the ρ oIa"ty posiu° n
No i"Ⅱ ation Changθ a new cuπ
nol be
Do not subJoct the un"to extreme hot o〖
Err and stop w° rkino
Cu矸 Ieak
Δ∶ 甯淠氵 ::ξ 严
d str but。 r r you can・
t so ve讷 eρ
⒑ bem do notd‘ assemb ethe
ro"θ m矸 you d0n t care and mamtain the ¤We wl,n・ t be respond"e for any qu钔 ity ρ
Warranty informati。 n statement
LCD dig"aI disρ
■ The intended use∶ the unt is intended to be used by aduIts at Iay
home or medicaI center to measure blood
ρressure and puIse rate
from the uρ per arm Measu冖 咱 ⒗c钔 ⒓at
■ The unit satisfles the requirements of EN1060-1:1995+A2∶
2009 Nonˉ
asive sρ hygmomanometers,EN1060-3"997+A2:2009
Nonˉ invasive sphygmomanometers ■ BIood pressure measurements determined w"h this device
±3mmHg(± o4kpa)
are equivaIent to those obtained by a trained observer using the Cu仟 /stethoscope auscu"atory method, Wkh:n the"mks
presoribed by the Ame"can Nau° naI standard, manual・ electronic,or automated sphygmomanometers ■ The risk of patient and user oan be Ioworod to acceptable IeveI
Warranty Information ■ The un"is guaranteed to be free of defeots in workmanship
Aρ prox2509(batte冖 es not inc|uded)
and mate“ ots under n° rmaI use for a pe"od of TWo Years from the isted on the purchase record date 【 ˇice agent must ■ For repair under this warranty0ur autho"zed seΓ be advised of the fau"w"h the peHod ofthe warranty This warranty covers parts and Iabor onIy under normal operat:ons Any defect resuⅡ ing from naturaI causes,eg flood,hurΓ ioane etc,is not within this guarantee This guaranty does not coˇ er damage incurred By use ofthe un" not in accordance w"h the instructions,acc;dental damage,or being tampered with0r serˇ iced by unauthorized servIce agents ■ Mon"or sublected to misuse,abuse`and negIect of these manual
content,nonˉ instructionaI purposes;凵 nauthorized reρ modi】 cations w"l be eXCluded from this warranty temperatureˉ 20℃ ~55℃
▲ The dev∞ ∞quires no callbrdon ▲ The devlce is n∝ mpairable and∞ nta∶ ns serViceabIe parts
r or
no us∝
EⅢ C DecIaration
EⅢ C DecIarat【
G"idance and manufactureΓ .s deoIaratio" ˉ eIoctr° magnotIc immum:ty
blood pressure monⅡ or’ ’is intended for use∶ n the oIeotromagnet∶ c
∶ mm。 nity tegI
‘ environment specified below The customer orthe userofthe ‘ blood pressure mon"or’ ’shouId ensure that"is used in such an environment
blood pfessure mon"o`
:∶ t 4ˉ
±1kV for
hot of a typical commerc al or
±1kVf° r input`outpvt"nθ $
″ atts(W)acc。 rding
to the
"stance in metres(m) Vo"ago dips.shor
in VT)
<5“ Vt (>95“ diρ
in uT〉
(60,,diρ in VT〉
(60“ dip in ut)
(00” dip in uT〉
;n VT)
fo125cycIes (,.95“
dip in VT〉
mon扯 or’ r③ quirθ s conunued ope「 a"on du"ng p° wer ma ns
№ 钔 ⒗ 咖 ∞Wmbo⑿ N0Tε 2These guide"nes may nolappIyin a"s"ua"ons EIectromagne"c ρroρ aga"° a仟 ected
()95%diρ in Vt)
a FieId stren° 1hs from nxed transm"ters,suoh as base sta"ons for radio(ce"uIa″
the bIood :昱
ρressure mon吐 or should be observθ d to Ve"fy normaI oρ eraton"abnormaI maybe n∞ essary,suchasreoremⅡ
s咄 恕 铠涩 w眼 谩 胛骆叫搭卩 :urⅡ
b 0ˇ θ rthe frequency fan°
n is
by absorpuon and fenec"° n fΓ om struCtures,oblects and ρeoρ Ie
e150kHz to80MHz,Ⅱ old slreng1hs should be essthan IV"
E"C DeCIarat:0n
EⅢ C DecIaration Guidanco and ma"ufacturer・ s decIaratio口 ˉeIectromagme"c em:ssions
’ “ is intended for uso in the eIeotromagne"o blood pressure mon"or’ “
environment specified beIow The customer orthe usθ r ofthe bIood pressure mon"or’ ’ should ensure that⒒ is used in suoh an environment
Recommemded soparation distances botwee"ρ
o"ablo amd r"obaIo RF
commuⅡ icau° ns θqu∶ pme"tandt"e bIood pressure mo"Itor ‘ the ‘ blood pressure monitor, is intended for use in an
eIectromagneuo environment in which radIated RF disturbances are contro"ed ThecustomerortheuseΓ ofthebIoodρ ressuremon"or ca冂
黑 翟 岳 黑 芒 m蛰烈 琵 ‰点 ⒉ i∶1t%"fⅡ J:棺 舁 品刂 {泓状 品 £
’ “ bIood pressure monitor’ as recommended below` aCcording lo the maximum output power of the communicat;ons equipment
and the
oρ aratIo"dIsta"ce
sm Ρiˉ Fe
ss B
accordlng to froquo"cV o?tra"sm1“
The “bIood ρressure mon"or is su"ab|e
Harmonicl。 mssi° ns
connected to1he pub"Clowˉ ˇo"age ρower
Lh乃 ;
I万 暴
Fortransm"ters rated ata maximum output powerno"isted above,the fecommended separauon distance d∶ n meters(m)can be esumated using the
】 凇挠脶Ⅰ :f思扌 哕只 %湍卩 黜 锍肝
l讠 T【 9昴l刂
竹ansmi1ter manufaoturer
"oTE1At80MHz and800MHz,the separation distance forthe h∶ may n。 tapp~in钊 IsⅡ uauons曰 eCtromagmetlc )兴 :岳 :g停
ξ 。
ρroρ agation is a钌 eCted by absorption and re"ection from structures,obJects and peoρ Ie