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Cvzt 74100 2gen




Thanks for choosing In order to hav€ good user experiflce, please read this mmual carefully md completely before usiog. In c6e of any query on ou ploduct pleas€ email to us ([email protected]) Tablet Computer , l, Opcrating sy$temi Android 4.2 with hcttcr cxpM8ibility, ou product. Thanls for Processor: I Chrptor FunctlonE Deor Customers Freelonder Cct to Know Your Dcvlce Dcvicc Llyout ARM Cortex-A7 dual core; main frcqucncy: l.2GHz. Touch screen: T" 5 touah points capacitive screen supporting ud cnablittg Headet excellent touch experience. you cooperation. This manual is protected by copydght. It is not allowed to copy or rep.oduce all or part of inlomation provided herein without prior witten consent of ou USB Pofr 3D technologyr high-perfommce 2Dl3D $aphic processor supporting Flssh 11.1. conpmy, Cmemr ftont & red cmera for taking Our compmy rcsenes the right of final interFetatiof, of this mmMl. 3G dd snapshots making vid@ calls netuo* (GSM+WCDMA) for phone conversation and web biowsing; dual SIM ctrd standby. User Manual This devicc is liable to break, therefore, please protect it from falling dom or GPS md Mvigation nap for e6y trmsportation. Wi-Fi & 3G. being pressod. NeMork Pleasc avoid water or rain when using this device OTG: USB 2.0 port for comecting PC U disk and flash drive on your PC to avoid accideotal loss due t'o unintonded operation, This device cm be used m hrd drive. Please be rminded Techdcal Par.meten Pleasg backup importmt data Version 1.0 - Bluetooth for wi(eless tusmission at a short distance. Crutlonr supportedr ffilufionr Display 7" to import/export files according to shndad prccodwes, md ou compmy shall Opmting s)6tm Aodrcid 4.2 i! the device due to Cmem 0.3 mesa pixel Bluet@tt CPS.FMndio Sumon€d not be responsible for any loss or missing of the data impropcr operation. Please use charger or other accessories as designated disaster, Any problem be out of our waruty by the maker to avoid ofudesigaated chager or due to the use and may cause accessories fre will 1024+600 (tortlr2.o Gndry smsor Suppon G-smsor Audio fomat MP3, MP2, WAY APE, mega pixcl MC, (rcu) CtC H.264,XuD,DM,MPEG4,SP/H 263,ASBVP8,€lc accidmt In case of my query on the use of this device, please contact local distributor or directly oontact ow customs seNice centfi for help. The perfomce md functions of this device shall be subject to chmge without pdor notice. Reminder: screeni please reboot this device after installing fomt lmage PC. Ext€mal memory cd JPEG. 32GB at cr. BMP & PNG GtiI (1080 pic@) lHinm youmwSlM6dslots 3.7V 25000Ah Barery SM cad \\-322 Chspter I. 2 rcasons, press reset button to reboot Basic Operations Charging Method and Battery Managemetrt Please make The battery has been sire the battery will rcach fully chilged before using your device the best condition after tully chtrging/dischdging for two Chtrge the baftery: comect one end of the chager to this device and the other md to power supply. II. TtrningYourDevice On ind Off Turn otr your device: long press power button until startup interface appem. It might bke few 2. seconds Thrn off your device: long Click "m Note: In case V, press dw to initialization. powq button until the dialogue appeam. ile five you alevice is after rebooting, which my hmed offby force, it will scm md repair the disk home screms 6 default You may slide leff or right to switch Dclete a shortcut icon: tap and hold a shodcut icon withh a certain period oftime, which cm be 2. 3. preset by the user' The touch Add iconsi on thc home screen, click I mtil it will Crcetc 8 folder: on thc home screen, tap dd screen shots. Press "volume hold m applicatioq md then drag standby status to avoid mintended operation md save powet Unlock your device: in shdby to unlock yout momory card ins.rtod, etc.) at notification center' fl Notification ccntcr: there to so that the screen is mlocked. IV. Reset In cme yow deuce crmhes or fails to start up due to improper opqation or olher it is s status bil USB comection, on the top ofthe screen, md notiflcation br Pull dom notification bd to view you Connect one end Tap input Pull oflhe tray device to PC via USB cable of USB cable cme with this device !o this dryice, ed dcvicc. 2. Plcasc do not choge the L "scrcen shots" to vicw thcm. 3. nme of ey sub-di@tories, otheNise, it might Plcrsc msk€ surc your devioe has enough power when comecting to PC, field ad l) Notor be- bg fomd on PC. Whcn connecting to PC, please make sue USB debugging furction i8 discnrblod, othcNise, it might cause failue to access files. edit mmu pops up. dom notification click keypad icon on slatus bor md iolect lnnul 2) Bcforc plugging USB cable out of PC, please make sre they have been difconncrlod, Note: You may preset desired input methods by clicking "rcttingr"- Chrptor3 Click I BrllcSettltrgs on homo screen+ settings, md there re mmy options, such to save data. Pleas9 instsll SD c6rd ucc0dhlS lo I. Wlrolui rtrd Nctwork sta[ded procedws. lncludor SIM crrd msnagement, WLAN, Blueioofi, datausage, et Tips I, L 2. Please do not hot plug SD Please select ced to avoid loss of impofiant FAI32 whm fomatting memory notifications. Uninstxll SD c.rd: found Quick sctting shortcuts: commonly used shortcuts for quick settitrg can be Click I ae wirclors 0nd nctwork, device, user, acoout and system. SDCird You may install sD cdd system shtus (such as lcfl sidc of status click sqeen+ select wallpaper Notlllcrtlon Center icon eppc&rs on thc center, ItrputMethods 1. out PC Connecdons otheiliEo, your device cannot VIIL You may vicw new messsges status, press power button At mtification 2. ced crurc lailutc to access files. "lmguages md input melhods" md tick options of input mcthod0, 3. md drag the light ring tlkc bulton st tho slm0 timc to trkc melhod. You may click again to chilge input mcthod. Lock your device: press power buton so that you device will go into or the intcrfloc whorc you would liko lo -" md "powcr" wiggles. Drag it to to ovorlap anothcr one to creete a folder. so that it pops up. TalG SD md to PC. Wten "USB comected' appem on screg[, click "open USB stomge device" on PC to access files saved on your screen shots, 2) cdd hay conncct the other Screen Shot l) Tm on yow device snd go ioto be added on home screen. You Change wallpapcr: tap and hold blank area on home lX. You may take screen shols according lo tho following proocdurcr, to view all applications md widgets. source, and then set a picture as wallpaper. ! to tun off notification You may conf,ect \1I. screen is locked in staodby status. device. Tap md hold icon I Plesse slightly prcss l, may drsg it to anlwhere on the home screen. m. Standby and Unlocking Your Device l. Standby: you device will go into standby sbtus in cue ofno opmtion lotificdion ccntcri slidc upw0rd or clicl centct VI. delete it. Tap and hold m application or widget, and it take few minutes. ofT quicl rclting shortcuts. screens. l. Icons I: Google search. E: voice semh. I ; view applications or widgets. l back to prcvious interface. I: bek to home scre€h I: view recently used applications. I: set cment interface 2. Curtomlre Home ScrceN "X" to off'. Tum Icons and Operrting Instructions There mong home or three times. 1. 0( notific&tion ccntor. Pull down notificStion bor to viow you device. on home dltu card on PC, . WI,AN WlFi connoction: you my use you device's wireless networkhg clp$ilitioff to conncct to 8ny wireless local dea network for brcwsing web or downlooding dots. screen+ settitrgs+ storage, select 'lrninstall SD clrd" l) (llick "Wi-Fi" and slide the ba to wirclcrr nctworkr will be listed out. enable Wi-Fi so that available IL 2) Select one of them for @mfitioo. For endlptedrctworlq passwod is required. Tips Click tr:pres Wi-Fi prctEction button on router Click '+" to mually add a wireless netwo*. 2) Click I + "scm" to seuch available wircless network. Click l) !-advmoed to set 1. PrcIiles: standard, mute, meeting & outdooN. 2. 3. 4. 5. Display: cmbecBtomized. wieless rctworls. bu to available Bluetooth dwices will be listed 2) out. . be required to complele paidng. 3) Click I +renme you md Applicatioro: domloaded, in in SD all in you device (please install SD card to view applicstions ctd). Chrpter4 MrlDAppllcstlons Cliok E and switch mong home screens to view IIL User I . Incation access authority: allow other pesons to find your location or nol. 2. Semity: sc@n prokction, pdsword, device msnagemgnt 8nd gvidgnce device, cheok timeout setting, view files l. Click"seech" to start semh available Bluetooth devices. 4. Baokup md resel bekup md restore system data; in casg of criticsl 2) Tho comectif,g method provided haein is for ref@rce only, which missitrg password, ttre Ner may rcstore factory settings. shall b€ subject to chmge due to different model ofBluetooth device. backup Rcmuks Icom a1h Vicw files ssvgd in the device/SD I Brck to file management * Create a folder I Serch a file md mouse/touchpad. device has 3G module built in; lh@fore, 1) Tum 2) Select mobile network setting offyou device md install 3G md whercver possible. md mmually tm IV. m accowt or lmagement line, or 2, ecout. you may select "auto @ually st" set dat€, time, time rcne, to use date md time semhed on Tips: V. l. Bmwer address field. veb prgs: use you fingq to slide on the screen to browse web foNed & Play list Loop playbrcUshufle play r&/* More options IT pages. 3. Zrom in/outr tap the screen with two fingeN, spread or pirch them to rcom in or out. 2. Create Nob: the opqatirg melhod depends on input methods md virtual keypad. a play list Click '1nwic" ion+ setup menu pops up, \T. 1. VideoPhyer name vido playe/'icon +vid@ files+select a file you wmt to play+play. In play status, olick the touch screen md the control ba Click "lvD( md md click OK to file, long press the file you wmt to add to pl8y soleot "add to play save l. it. Csm€r. take photos or start video recordiog. Photo Mode This device supports photo mode switoh to 2. vid6 mode. CLck B f! 3. Camwsetting:cliok E files. These files re Kes hevious/next $: / t{t (s default) mdvido modc. to switch bet'rwn front snd Click E! to rcs gomcm. photo mode, click to take photos. In video mode, click to starl video recording, click it sgain to stop. tosetup. listed by artis! alburD, song play list or playiry. Select a file you wmt to play. Operations S VideoMode h ion md view music lkt- the new play list, rnter s playiry brckstage. Click "cmera" icon to click 'lnmic" list". click Tips: you may click back koy to retum to home $rcen, while lhe music is VIIL 1II. Music l. Play music: Morc retting options X. Gdlery 1. Viewallphotos; 2. Scan all photo files in given application interface. hrm orl/oflloudspeaker conve$ation. E: hold a call. I : more setting ofyou please tum device before installing SIM cad. sMs on home scree[ Click &"+recipiflt or enter the phone nmbq of recipient, click a wlen miting message+e to send th" a message, you may -".rug". click X io add picture, video, theme.) InttallAPKrpplications IV. Contacts Click "cortacts" icon on home screen. Dl.lh8 L Makc o csll: click numeric keys to disl Create a oontacl click g* md Click "done" to history ond contact!, l, Fast backwtrd/fast h L 2. Browse you device by alm: set the time to tum on or tum off your device. WlFi md mobile rctwork should be ued altmately. Opetr w€b pagos: click brcwser icon md @ter web site Click on/otr E: mute microphone duing phone click I to add theme, insefr emoticotr, quit or select other settings. (MMS will be oeated after adding a Click talcphono icon on home sueen and three options appeaq i.e. dial, call 2. Tm to use dial pad, md the cunent call will be put on hold when "edit"+q,?e 2. box sppeffi. Click "install". Il. eh. to end or cmcel a call" Click SMS icotr 1. Opcn filc manager and select ao APK application so that the setup dialogue powq md data hmsmissiotr. when 3G icon appetrs on status be, mobile network is comected. stomge deyice 6 E options. IIr. ced/ ext@al save it. audio md somd recording or Accomt Y. System l. Date md time: otr built-in module It is suggqtcd to importmtdat in advmce. f I . Create cdd ofchina Utricom. crur or md click "done" to conference call. Nob: raved in SD card or in the device. l) ftis maflagement files md select E-create a coDtact. enter mable nmeric keypad. I: Flle l, such conhct Olhq icons: rofererce i: M.rlgem€rt Open ltle mrnoger: click "file mnagement" to inforution of dialing a new phorc numbq. E: stonge. tips able to browse the web wherever ile for All only. Som€ ofthem may require network connection. Lmguages md input methods: lmguages, keypad md input mcthods, voice Eer is applications. phone number ftom the coDtacts or call Duingphone cotrversation: Click all a Create a contact: click "contacts" pereonal 4. applications mentioned below belong to ordinary vercion and 3. the 3. Click SD card, running and all. You may manage received md check Bluetooth advmced settitrgs. Mobile rctwork comection: to make a call. You may also select history to make a call. About your device: you msy view status of you device md other infomation related to your device. SD card. so that orc of thm for pairing. Confomtion ftom the other pafy Select hight enable Bluetooth For devclopeN: desktop backup password, unlocked screen, SD ced Battery: show battery level. saved slide the 2. Auxiliary functions: regarding seryice md s,6tm. read-wite prctection, debugging, input & monitoring. 5. Storage: show used and available spaces of your device applications Bluetooth com@tiotr 1) Clck "Bluetooth' and 3. 4, Device Item included: profiles, display, slomge, batt€ry & applications. I phone number md then click 5 2. enter personal infomation of save it. More setting optiotrs: click I to select other settings. such contact.