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Cvzt M395




'{' ffifE"l Freelnnder \ SHENZHEN I,INK-CREME TEC}INOLOGY CO., LTD ,{ Appearmce, Keys md Icons frIFi€'l Freelander I30 Smart phone Specifications Ji6por Heaos.ra.r Freelander I30 Smart phone - ti - t: *-ll llrl lr l' ' t,, il ;l ul {i back 7 e3ilora - -qlicl[, MT6589 Qud-core Openting system Andmid4 2 B6ic frequency ] Buffer memory lGB RAM lntemal memory 4GB ROM 2GR Resolution 1280*'t20 Display screen 5"High-definition HD IPS Touch screen Capacitive sdeen screen , I 2.0 mega I ortitrg 5 touch points suptr pixel (ftont)+8.o mega pix€l (M), Camem with flashlight 3ti SIM card i'|J \"--. Processor Radio iequercy Suppofr dual SIM cild 2G:900,1800;WCDMA: 2100 Sensol Gmvibtional, light, geomagnetism & GPS,fM7WIFI,ts GPS,FM,WIFI(IEEE T WIFI Direct,BT(2. [+EDR) Audio fomal SupportMP3. video fomat Imag€ fomat 080P hish-defi gmscoE n6/g) WMA. WAV. OCG, AMR Suppof,MEPG4, 1 802. I 1 nition 5.0 lnch HD IPS screen Suppo(BMP, JPG. PNG, GIF, Sysbm lmguge Simplified Chinee, Pnglis6, Application A geat MTK quad-core processor 2.0 mega-pixel front camera and 8.0 mega-pixel rear camera Please scan here for more information. Dual 5lM card 3G+Wi-Fi+FM+GPS+Biuetooth Fill Functions *&& I t ..r.nre. qmtity of applidiq e sh 6 fimwre upgnde dd fidim Fimwde upgrade Suppod Baftery capacity ZOOOMAH USB pofi Headset jacl( Micrc 5PIN 3.5m shded hadDhG jd Operating 011+50c temp€rafue etc 4. QQ, Office,etc. IT cdd cdd etc. vid6 Extemal memory Android 4.2 Operation System . WMV, 3GP, MKV. RMVB, ffiiotr lI. l TumonYour Device Stcp l: Remove the back cover. Holv to Use You Device? Step 4: Repiace ltre St? J: Llng 6ck cover. press power btriton foi 3-5 seconds to tm o, device. Step 2: Irctall SIM card ed T-Flash cad 2. How to 2. I 2.2 Step I : Iastail t}e battery. Locvunlock the Screen? Press power button to wake up or h locted $trt!s, stiae El to I lo.k tLe sc.eetr. to unlock rhe screen. vour 5. J. Home Scrcel -3.1 ln oader to add rew icrns to hore atpli.ation i.3rs or w:dgels aitd Cr.g tleo -1.2 h ordea to remcve i9o[s ]oa scrcan. Iiease ao hco. lieil tap lolg :. I l-ap 5.2 \ou screen. home saraan. llaasa icsns unlil your devicc vib.ates, ard tllen CEg lorg l'likc 1ap the lo r.c)'cle a - \'i.q irs Pholo. - I Click El :o riru' E $e! on lh. horc .c.e.r lo dial lire rumbcr' 3lsc la, "acrtncls'. "1:-\'lall'', "SMS" c: ary phoar rusbca shcra in yo.r rlevicc :o matie a *lll. *::* bii \.u ila) pirolos plrcto; ud rirle.s b&etr at .tour dell.c s(t plalas as rvallpalcrs or ccnuri pholcs. or slara \rilh )oilr iilarCs. *^ Qt "' L @t'&r*a - _.1 ;. 123 456 789 0 r::ffffi':ir :1. 6. S..een Leyboatt 1.1 1hc screcn k;,tpad vhcil ycr.ia.l icxi ilay iap key 5.1 l.alnenuk.ylo!;.'aalLa!p]i.lti.,]S,ao.jSe]e.lc1[da alirl E b phot. nrod.. alir!E lctalc ptclrs lo scic.l lidto -od.. Clill I lc stat 6.3 (lliek I so t!41 lhe scleen kcyboatd dilappears. recorCilg. Bi,.r.::.i r,\:a I't!.s S.']..i j:nill: > ne:!\olk S.L1i1lgS:'lv'r.1css.el[or]t, !,: r\ \\ 6.: rurnber inpul lield. 4-2 YoJ tl a Cara6 vitl:rr L\\ !: Jir rn r.dJre:. end eaablc moLile ncl(Jal for dala :he brotscr. .l;ck ad.lrc,s liclci Iart rc, visit. w ;;w ?ai H #-e w g,t lrd 6..ejt 'elcd elter thc lrcl:i1e L Mlov Playing Music 9.1 Jirsily i.slall T-!la.h.ard iffo yow device so es:c:rliy Step L io Co.necl io Wi-Fi Nehvork? oa,eEllon. 1ti above{treaaioned circumsEnces, please coNcca Click WLAN > 1Vi-Fi, md your device will sad seeching power slpply to clarge the battery md plese \r?il a whilc ro fower music iiles in l:. Step 2. 9.2 Seleat a m$ic alle a.t1 long tap it so thal the menf, pops up. avaitable Wi-Iri rlaaivoaks. Plerse aeferlo below phoao. Seiecl plal, ao yor Seleat "3ellings" on the home screen. on tlle device. edoy lle music. baftery and L case it fails lo 2.: If dre derice crdhes TM device. oa pl*e improper opeEiion. If up again, plaase rerlace a rlew ry agait. d.vice suddeniy crashes duritrg ope$tion. 2. TLe 2.2 sM device to tlle buch s.reen is iresponsive due to lolg press power buito!1 to shla dowr the nomal opeetior. on the deviae again for the device lails to opente sgbly becaue ot ircompatible sow_ue, please miaslall the softr'are or restore factory sefting. 2.3 Please 6ke out the baftelv to shBl & 3 . Slep ,:. Sele€t ar availabie Wi-fi n.Iworl, enl.r password if it is 10. Selcca . vla.c lou wr.t:o pla]: ard clickfi ecaess. case tlrcre is no Wi-Fi signd, please check whetler there is any wireless rclter operating at a dismce oftro less ths delire md aestad lideo playiug" yo! may dqg the playherC alorg :he piogress bar tc $klp to any \!'i-Fi cli.k "" to ind WiFi signals, &d in the connected to neaworl aftea e$eaing to walch ihc vicleo. 10.2 Dudng instal: 10 meters. 3.2 In case Wi-Fi sigaal has 5een:ou.d but the device cannot get l';ayjLg YiCc.. lC.l Please ad &e deyice The device canrot set contre$ed to netqrrk via J.l r.quired and :Lcr click "dorc". P:e3s. retlr to below ptoto- do*! po[,er on ihe de],ice. the batlery agaitr to poiii ii a ,1. video. ry eccout trtrebet \11-Fi connection agaiu; If lails please reboot again. plense )o!a wirless rouler. No souad. Ple6e check if ihe voLume is sel too low or muted. increase the volume 4.2 Click "setling" > "sound" volume be to Lum rl will so, piese > 'voiume". and slide along the ihe volume. 5. For my other questiotrs, cetrter lf clinactivale mrte mode. pl6e cotrhct ou customer by setrding e-mil to !@!@@tqhwqlE{@Cq get the rcply sryice ud r'. FAQ Disclaimer i. The de!.ice &ils to sla.t up. Our ooDpsy has &e fina1 powe. of interprehtioD ol this 1.1 Check \yhether there is lox,batery level; 1.2 Chcck whctircr thc devicc is porrered manual- This user tranual oll due to improper you within 48 hom (excluding public holidays). is lbr aefeaetrce user only, of vhich so$e inlbmation ea], be difaernt &om actuai p$duc!.