June 6, 1961
J, H. PolRll-:R ET AL
Filed May 25, 1958 2 Sheets-Sheet 1
June 6, 1961
Filed May 25, 1958
2 Sheets-Sheet 2
mxo-x & wma-x
United States Patent O ” ICC 1
2,987,664 Patented June 6, 1961
2 input Winding. The general circuitry and function of
Jules H. Poirier, San Diego, Arthur Shaw, Chula Vista, and John W. Campbell, Lemon Grove, Calif., assignors to Ryan Aeronautical Co., San Diego, Calif. Filed May 23, 1958, Ser. No. 7 37,300 2 Claims. (Cl. 321-2)
this type of square wave oscillator is well known in the
art. The amplifier 22 is a push pull power amplifier having a pair of transistors 38 and 4l) whose emitters are fed from -a common center tap of the output winding 42 of the saturable reactor 36, the unregulated D.C. source 18 also being connected to this center tap, the collectors of said transistors being connected to opposite ends of the input winding 44 of an output transformer 46. This
The -present invention relates generally to voltage regu lators and more particularly to a D.C. voltage regulator. 10 type of push-pull amplifier is also well known. How The primary object of this invention is to provide a ever, in this instance, the bases of transistors 38 yand 40 D.C. voltage regulator in which unregulated D.C. volt are connected, through feedback loops 48 and 50 respec tively, to the ends of the output Winding 42, said feed age is converted to an A.C. square wave signal, the am back loops including pickup windings 52 and 54 from plitude of which is controlled, the controlled square wave output then being rectified to provide a regulated D.C. 15 the output transformer 46. Thus a portion of the am voltage. plified square wave power is fed back to the amplifier input and the amplifier `22 operates with a closed loop Another object of this invention is to provide a D.C. resulting in a high degree of stability. The output wind voltage regulator in which the square Wave power is con ing 56 of transformer 46 is connected to a conventional trolled without changing the wave shape and simplifies circuit design, the high frequency on the order of l kc. 20 bridge rectifier 26 and ripple reduction filter 28 to pro vide a high power regulated D.C. output across the out to 2 kc. allowing the use of small transformers and other put load 14. components so that the finished regulator is compact and `In operation, the D.C. output voltage across the load light in Weight.` 14 is compared by the mixer 1‘2 to the reference voltage A further object of this invention is to provide a D.C. voltage regulator in which the square wave amplifier is 25 10, the resultant algebraic voltage addition producing a changing error voltage which `fluctuates with the output driven in a closed feedback loop by a portion of the out voltage. This error voltage is amplified by the D.C. am put voltage. plifier 16, so that the resultant amplified voltage decreases Still another object of this invention is to provide a as the voltage at the load 14 increases, and is converted D.C. voltage regulator which will produce a regulated
D.C. output of any desired potential, Within reasonable 30 to A.C. square wave power by the oscillator 20 and am plifier 22. The amplified square wave power thus varies limits, from a low voltage, unregulated D.C. input. inversely with the output load voltage and, when rectified, Finally, it is an object to provide a D.C. voltage regu consequently stabilizes the D.C. output of the circuit. lator of the aforementioned character which is simple and The closed feedback loop of the amplifier 22 increases convenient to manufacture and use and which will give 35 the circuit stability and, the greater the closed loop gain, generally efficient and durable service. the less the circuit has to compensate for unregulated With these and other objects definitely in view, this supply voltage. By adjusting the tap on the output load invention consists in the novel construction, combination 14, the compounded reference voltage may be varied, so and arrangement of elements and portions, as will be providing means for controlling the total voltage fed to hereinafter fully ldescribed in the specification, particularly pointed out in the claims, and illustrated in the draw 40 the square wave oscillator 20 and consequently govern ing the final output. _ ings which form a material part of this disclosure, and The operation of this invention will be clearly compre in which: hended from a consideration of the foregoing descrip FIGURE 1 is a block diagram of the voltage regu tion of the mechanical details thereof, taken in connec lator; and FIGURE 2 is a schematic wiring diagram of one spe 45 tion with the drawing and the above recited objects. It will be obvious that all said objects are amply achieved cific circuit corresponding to the block diagram. by this invention. Similar characters of reference indicate similar or iden It is understood that minor variation from the form tical elements and portions throughout the specification of the invention disclosed herein may be made without and throughout the views of the drawings. Referring now to FIGURE 1 of the drawings, the cir 50 departure from the spirit and scope of the invention, and that the specification and drawing are to be considered cuit includes a source of constant D.C. reference voltage as merely illustrative rather than limiting. 10 which is fed to a mixer 12, the mixer also receiving We claim: a portion of the voltage across the output load 14. The l. Means for obtaining a controlled square Wave out mixed voltages are fed to a D.C. amplifier 16 together with the unregulated D.C. input voltage from a source 55 put for a D.C. voltage regulator having a source of un
18, the resultant amplified voltage being passed to a
regulated D.C. voltage; a regulated D.C. voltage output
square wave osciliator ‘20.
The square wave output from
and a source of constant reference voltage with mixing
the oscillator 2f? is amplified through a power amplifier 22 which has a closed loop feedback circuit 24, the amplified
means for mixing a portion of the D.C. voltage output with the reference voltage to obtain a composite voltage
square output being converted back to D.C. l power 60
varying inversely with changes in said D.C. voltage out
through a rectifier 26 and filtered through a ripple re duction filter 2S to provide a regulated D.C. output. FIGURE 2 shows a specific circuit arrangement which
ing a pair of transistors connected in push pull relation;
put, said means comprising: a square wave oscillator hav
a saturable core reactor having an input winding and an
output winding; said transistors having emitters con be understood that other circuits may be used according 65 nected to opposite ends of said input winding; said input winding having a center tap connected to said mixing to particular requirements. The compounded D. C. volt means; an amplifier having a second pair of transistors age from the D.C. amplifier 16 is supplied to the low connected in push pull relation; an output transformer power, transistorized, saturable reactor square wave oscil having an input winding and an output winding; said sec lator 20 having a pair of transistors 30 and 32 connected in push pull, their emitters being connected to the input 70 ond pair of transistors having collectors connected to winding 34 of a saturable reactor 36, the D.C. voltage opposite ends of said transformer input winding; said re from amplifier 16 being applied to the center tap of the actor output vfu'nding having a center tap; said second pair
has been found particularly efficient, although it should
3 off transistors-> having emitters connected to said last men-` tioned center tap and to said source of unregulated D_C.
tion; an output-transformer having an input winding and> an output winding; said second pair of transistors having
voltage; said transformer having pick-up windings; said site ends of said reactor output winding; and said trans
collectors connected to opposite ends of said transformer input winding; said reactor< output winding having a center tap; said second,? pair of transistors havingemitters conw nected to said' last mentioned center tap and; to said source
former output winding being connected to said regulated DC. voltage output throughv rectifying means for chang
of. unregulated DC., voltage; Said; t.ratlstorrner` having pick-up windings; said second pair of transistorshaving
second pair of transistors having` bases connected in closed feedback loops, through said pick-up windings, to oppo
ing the alternating current in said transformer output bases connected inf closed feedback loops, through said winding to direct current. 10 pick-up windings, to opposite ends of said reactor out put winding; and rectifying means coupled between said 2. A D.C. voltage regulator comprising: a source of transformer output winding and said-regulated'DC; volt unregulated D.C. voltage and a regulated D.C. voltage age output. output; a source or” constant reference voltage; a square Wave oscillator having a pair of transistors connected in push pull relation; a saturable core reactor having an in
Referencesv Citedl in the iile of this patent
put Winding and an output winding; said! transistorshav~ ing emitters connected to opposite ends of said input winding; mixing means for mixing a portion of the»D.C.
Voltage output with said reference voltage to obtain a
composite voltage varying inversely with changes in said D.C. voltage output; said input winding having a center tap connected to said mixing means; an ampliñer having a second pair ofA transistors connectedl in push pull rela
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