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Daqstation Cx1000/cx2000




Control and Measurement Station CX1000/CX2000 CX defines the next generation in process control by fusing recording, control and networking into a single, compact product. CX delivers “Out of the box, ready to go” real-time and historical process monitoring. CX controls your process using internal PID loops and/or external controllers. CX's links your process to the networked world with built-in 10baseT Ethernet and webserver, E-mail and FTP functions. ... and subscribe to “Newswave,” our free e-mail newsletter Bulletin 04L31A01-01E DAQSTATION CX is an innovative controller that integrates monitoring and recording functions. An Ethernet port is provided as a standard feature, and advanced measurement functions and networking functions (e.g., Web and Internet capabilities) are included. In DAQSTATION CX, Yokogawa has integrated control and recording functions, which have a long track record in the field. In addition, an HMI function is integrated to further improve usability. DAQSTATION CX's superior user interface and advanced functions help users evolve their production facilities rapidly and cost-effectively. New component CX units are a key support for production lines in the IT age, providing quick-start monitoring, control, measurement, and recording capabilities. ◆ Temperature control for heat treating and environmental testing ◆ Furnace/oven temperature control for metals, wood, ceramics, and food ◆ Remote monitoring/control with reporting for water/wastewater facilities ◆ Liquid flow and level control 2 Out of the box, ready to go To configure your system, simply wire and set up the station. Use the combination of each individual screen and its function keys to easily set up the range and control parameters. Trending functions clearly represent the sites being controlled/monitored The station comes standard with a variety of screens, such as faceplate and tuning screens, for system operation and monitoring. And the trending and recording functions make it simple to log data for management purposes such as quality control. Data from externally wired temperature controllers can also easily be monitored and logged. Reduce wiring and installation space The embedded control loops of the CX reduce both wiring and required panel space. Acquisition of control data by connecting the station to an external digital controller through an RS-485 connection significantly reduces the amount of wiring. Enhanced networking functions Web and Email-enabled, the station permits monitoring and alarm annunciation from remote locations, so the control status can be monitored remotely. 3 C ONTROL & R ECORDING Integration of control and recorder functions DAQSTATION CX includes the Green Series* control algorithm, which has a proven track record. The DAQSTATION measurement, recording, and networking functions are integrated with this control function in DAQSTATION CX. This makes DAQSTATION CX a perfect quick-start controller for the IT world today and tomorrow. * The Green Series is a series of digital indicating controllers made by Yokogawa M&C. 6-loop control TIC TIC TIC TIC TIC TIC Control modes Up to six points can be controlled in the CX2000. Three different control modes can be set: single loop mode, two-input switching mode, and cascade mode. SP Single-loop control mode SP PV LOOP1 SP PV Cascade control mode LOOP1 PV2 LOOP2 SP PV1 LOOP2 OUT Two-input switching control mode PV1 OUT PV1 SP PV2 LOOP1 PV2 OUT OUT LOOP2 OUT Autotuning Super A limit cycle model is used to automatically measure the responsiveness of the controlled device, and automatically set PID parameters. This is an overshoot control function which is very popular in the Green Series. The Super function, which has a track record in the field, systematizes the control expertise of skilled operators according to fuzzy control logic. It provides superior control which suppresses overshooting. OUT Time Temperature PV PV Temperature SP Temperature SP Time Time Time Programmed operation (optional) This option provides a function for generating a program pattern for the embedded control loops. This makes it possible to perform controls according to complex heat patterns. The following Program patterns: 30 max modes can be set every two loops: programmed operation mode, single loop control mode. Program generator (option) Segments: Max 99 per pattern PLOG/LOC Total segments: 300 max PID Local SP Maximum six loops 4 CX Series has a variety of flexible recording options Memory Function DAQSTATION provides a variety of recording options that go far beyond the capabilities of conventional recorders. These features let you efficiently record just the data you need, saved to your choice of removable PC storage media. Optional PCMCIA ATA flash memory card or Zip disks allow data recording over extended periods of time in automated recording systems. Measurement data recording External storage media Control data recording (MANUAL mode) In MANUAL mode, the data held in internal memory are stored on removable storage media when you insert the media in the drive. This mode is useful in cases where you want to store a relatively small amount of data on a floppy disk for quick checking. PV,SP,OUT Protecting data during a power interruption The CX Series uses flash memory as internal memory for storing measurement data. Flash memory is a type of nonvolatile memory that does not require a battery backup. Power interruptions will not cause it to lose stored data. (AUTO mode) In AUTO mode, data is stored at preset intervals on the removable storage media inserted in the media drive. This recording mode is ideal for saving measurements over extended periods of time in automated recording systems. Settings file Like measurement data, settings data can be saved as a separate file on external storage media. Data files Memory capacity Display data files — for recording long-term trends For saving display data file only, with six control loops, 10 measurement channels, and no calculations Display data files contain waveform display data. Each time the waveform screen display is updated, the minimum and maximum channel values calculated since the last update are written to the display file Event files — for detailed data analysis Event files contain the instantaneous channel values saved at a specified storage interval. These two file types can be used either independently or in combination: 1 Display data file only 2 Event data file only 3 Display data file combined with event data file Display data file example (for 30 minutes/div waveform updating period) Enlarged view Waveform display updating interval 1 minute per div 5 minutes per div 20 minutes per div 30 minutes per div 60 minutes per div 240 minutes per div Data storage interval 2 seconds 10 seconds 40 seconds 60 seconds 120 seconds 480 seconds Data storage period Approximately 5 hours Approximately 29 hours Approximately 5 days Approximately 7 days Approximately 15 days Approximately 49 days Trigger functions Event files, combined with trigger functions, provide a powerful tool for detecting and analyzing abnormal data. Pretrigger settings can also be made, so data preceding and following a trigger can be analyzed. Data to Event file Data which is stored by pre-trigger function Max Min measured data 1 min. (1 pixel) These two values are stored for each minute. 1 div 30 min. (30 pixels) Trigger point 5 O PERATION Operations Handled Using High-resolution Display and Simple Key Inputs Display The display is a wide-viewing-angle TFT color liquid-crystal display. The screen layout makes it easy to find the information you need, and a variety of innovations make it easy to adjust the display as needed. Control panel The control panel is easy to operate through one-touch operations using the function keys, which are linked with the control monitoring screen. 1 2 1Status display Graphically displays the CX operation status. 2Display mode menu When the DISP operation key is pressed, a display mode menu pops up. Use the operation keys to make a selection on this menu and switch display modes. 3Function display Displays setting functions required to enter various settings and monitor controls. 4Function keys These keys are used to select and use the setting functions displayed in 3. 5Setting keys These keys are mainly used to enter settings related to controls and recording. 6Operation keys These keys are used mainly for normal operations (in operation mode) and to switch display modes. They may also be used to move the cursor. 7External storage media 3 4 5 CX2000 6 CX1000 7 Using the tuning screen Move the cursor (→) to select the parameter. The data input window pops up when the ENTRY key is pressed. Select a numerical value using the operation keys. P = 18 6 Popup window M ONITORING Standard quick-start monitoring screens Screens for control monitoring Controller type display screen Faceplate screen Hybrid type display screen This is a control loop monitoring screen. The large digital display makes it easy to monitor PV values. This screen can be used for graphical monitoring of control loops. This screen can be used for graphical monitoring of control loops. Control group screen Trend display screen Control operation summary On this screen, control loops and measurement channels are set as a single control group, allowing them to be monitored on a single screen. This screen can display control loop PV, SP, and OUT trends, as well as ordinary measurement channel trends. This screen displays recordings of control operations, such as control RUN/STOP, and switching between auto and manual. Control overview screen Tuning screen DI/DO status display This screen provides an overview of the control loops. It can be used to monitor the alarm statuses of all groups. Various control loop parameters can be set on this screen. As many as 21 parameters can be displayed and set. This screen can be used to monitor monitoring contact I/O ON/OFF statuses. It is useful for purposes such as checking cables. Measurement channel display and monitoring screens 4-window display (CX2000) Overview display Information display Historical trend display 7 C OMMUNICATION Communication with Digital Indicating Controllers (Green Series) ● Using DAQSTATION CX as a Green Series control terminal and data collector DAQSTATION CX's monitoring and recording functions are not limited to embedded control loops. An optional digital indicating controller connection lets you control external controllers with the same ease as DAQSTATION CX's embedded controls. This expands DAQSTATION CX's scope and provides a broader range of applications. ● Using DAQSTATION CX as a control terminal ● Fewer cables DAQSTATION CX lets you control, monitor, and collect data from controllers in various locations. The screens needed for controller operation and monitoring are included as standard features. The user-friendly display function lets you set operation parameters for the Green Series. Green Series measurements are transmitted to DAQSTATION CX through an RS-485 interface, eliminating the need for individual twisted pair input wiring from controller to CX. ● Using DAQSTATION CX as a data collector ● Network-based monitoring DAQSTATION CX can record controller measurements, settings, and control outputs. Control statuses and operation statuses are easy to record. In addition, it is easy to collect data for quality control and creating reports. DAQSTATION CX can be set to transmit an email when a controller outputs an alarm. This lets you monitor for alarms even if you are not on site. In addition, the DAQSTATION CX screen can be displayed on any PC web browser. CX1000 Connectable models Maximum number of connected loops* 8 CX2000 UT320, UT350, UT420, UT450, UT520, UT550, UT750 (MODBUS protocol support required) 4 16 * Two-loop controllers count as two loops each. Modbus Communications DAQSTATION supports the Modbus protocol (RTU master/slave), for easy installation on systems build using Modbus. Modbus master function DAQEXPLORER DAQLOGGER Internet browser E-mail DAQOPC FTP server The Modbus master function lets the CX unit read, display, and record digital data from slave devices. • DARWIN connection using Modbus Ethernet A Modbus connection lets you input measurements and calculations from a DARWIN Series* data acquisition unit as digital data to CX unit calculation channels. This capability makes it possible to increase the number of CX unit inputs by simultaneously using DARWIN Series measurement/calculation channels. * Communication module DT300-31/S6 is required. See the general specifications for DT300-31/S6 for further details. RS-422 Modbus Communication digital input DARWIN DA100 (standalone/expandable model) DC100 (standalone/expandable model) DR232 (expandable model) DR242 (expandable model) Analog input Analog input 4-20mA, thermocouple, RTD, voltage, etc. 4-20mA, thermocouple, RTD, voltage, current, distortion, pulses, etc. • Slave device connection using Modbus Data from Modbus-compatible devices can be input to CX unit calculation channels as digital data for displaying and recording. For example, the CX unit can produce trend displays and save data such as power monitor cumulative power, indicator regulator setpoints, process values, and outputs. DAQEXPLORER DAQLOGGER Internet browser E-mail DAQOPC FTP server Ethernet RS-422 Modbus In addition, data from these devices can be used by CX unit network functions and network applications. Communication digital input Process values, setpoint, output, etc. For information on the operating requirements of individual Modbus slave devices, see the specifications for the particular slave device. Analog input 4-20mA, thermocouple, RTD, voltage, etc. Cumulative power, arbitrary cumulative power, instantaneous cumulative power, etc. Indicating Power monitor controller UZ Series UT/UP Series Modbus Slave Function A master device can read CX unit register values. In addition, data written to the register by the host system can be displayed and recorded on the CX unit. 9 O PEN / NETWORK DAQSTATION in a Networked Environment Standard Ethernet Every DAQSTATION model is standard-equipped with an Ethernet port (10BASE-T). This facilitates connection to an existing network, and is already in place if you have future plans to create a network. DAQSTATION includes a variety of networking protocols: TCP/IP, the standard protocol for the Internet and LAN/WAN environments; SMTP, a protocol for sending Internet mail; HTTP for remote monitoring with an Internet Web browser; and an FTP client/server function for file transfers. Once your DAQSTATION is installed on your network, you can use the networking functions immediately. ■ Email notification of CX alarm data and instantaneous values at preset times The CX Series can send you alarm data, instantaneous values at preset times, report data, poweroutage data, and other information via email. Once your DAQSTATION is connected to the Internet, it can send email anywhere. You can even receive CX emails in a remote location using an email-capable cellular phone. ■ Displaying the CX screen on an Internet browser You can display the CX screen using an Internet web browser such as Internet Explorer. In addition to displaying the CX screen, your web browser can check alarm status, report instantaneous channel values, and write message data to the CX. The Web server function lets you remotely monitor your CX units, making wide-area on demand monitoring a possibility. ■ FTP file transfer of CX data FTP client function The FTP client function in the CX Series lets you automatically transfer, at preset times, data files saved to the CX unit's internal memory. DAQSTATION supports as many as two servers - a primary server and secondary server. If the primary server fails, files will automatically be transferred to the secondary server. FTP server function FTP client Service request Ethernet Ethernet Files on storage media, including: • Display data files • Event data files • Report files • Display data files • Event data files • Report files FTP server Primary Secondary FTP servers DAQOPC (compatible with Windows NT 4.0/2000) DAQOPC supports the optional browse function and OPC standard interface function (Data Access server function) specified by the OPC Foundation. • Data Access server function When DAQOPC is used by an OPC client, this function enables writing of communication input data and reading of CX Series process data using an item ID as an identifier. DAQOPC (OPC server) Application PC (OPC client) Ethernet • Browse function This function allows an OPC client to browse DAQOPC contents (item IDs). OPC interface Process data Supports up to 24 units Example configuration 10 H ARDWARE Reliable hardware In the half-century since introducing the ER electron-tube automatic balancing recorder (Japan’s first) in 1951, YOKOGAWA has shipped more than one million industrial recorders to users around the world. The DX Series DAQSTATION incorporate the highly reliable technology that YOKOGAWA has developed through its many years of expertise as a recorder manufacturer. Dust-proof and water-proof front panel (IP65, NEMA No.250 TYPE4* compliant) YOKOGAWA designed the CX Series to be used under harsh environmental conditions. The front panel has a dust-proof, water-proof design which is compliant with the IEC529-IP65 and NEMA No. 250 TYPE4* standard. This structure provides good protection for the recorder’s internal components as well as the removable storage media drive mechanism. Compliance with IP65 means that the front panel has met stringent requirements such as complete protection (of internal components) against dust, and protection against functional errors even when the recorder is sprayed with a jet stream. The CX Series’ ability to endure such environmental conditions has been proven through stringent evaluation tests. *Except external icing test. Quality components • High-breakdown-voltage solid-state relays DX Series use high-breakdown-voltage solid-state relays developed by YOKOGAWA as scanners for switching input signals. These relays consist of MOSFETs capable of withstanding high voltage (1500 V DC) with low leakage current (3 nA), and power-output photocouplers. They provide high-speed scanning while increasing scanner life and eliminating noise. • Isolated channel inputs DC voltage and thermocouple inputs in all CX Series models are channel-isolated. (Channel isolation for RTD inputs is optional on some models.) The high common mode noise characteristic enabled by isolated channel inputs ensures stable measurements in a wide range of fields. • M4 screw input terminals Input terminals are the “entryways” through which all measurements enter a recorder. Their reliability is critical to enabling stable data collection. Rugged M4 screw input terminals are used in all CX Series recorders. • Compliance with safety standards and EMC standards Another indication of the reliability of CX Series is their compliance with the stringent specifications for international safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards. Of course, CX Series have also been approved for the CE standards. • Replacing output relays Control output relays wear out over time, so the DAQSTATION CX is designed to make it easy to remove and attach the relays from the output module. This makes maintenance work and field replacements easier. Output relays 11 S OFTWARE Application software The application software options, which let you open and work with data recorded on CX Series and easily use CX network functions, are an integral part of DAQSTATION recorders. They will help you integrate your CX Series with your PCs and network. DAQSTANDARD (standard software compatible with Windows 98/Me/NT4.0/2000) DAQSTANDARD is a standard software package included with the CX Series. It can be used to print or redisplay data files saved by the CX unit or transferred through FTP. • Setup module The Setup module is used to send the CX unit data such as settings relating to measurement channels, calculation channels, or the screen display. It can also receive settings from the CX unit and save them to a PC hard disk or other storage device. Measurement channel settings Display settings • Data Viewer The Data Viewer module can be used to display and print data in files generated by the CX unit. Data can be displayed as trend displays, digital displays, circular displays, and lists. In addition, the cursor can be used to read numerical values in displayed data, or to make interval calculations. Data can be converted to ASCII, or to file formats that can be opened in Excel or Lotus 1-2-3. • Linked file display Data files generated by breaking up contiguous data into multiple files as a result of auto-saving or a power interruption during continuous data acquisition by the CX unit can be displayed as linked files. You can save the file linking conditions, so it is easy to redisplay linked files. Using the linked file display, you can also convert data to ASCII or file formats that can be opened with Excel and Lotus 1-2-3. • Program pattern setting DAQSTATION CX embedded control loop program operation patterns can be created and set through a graphical interface. 12 Data Viewer DAQEXPLORER (compatible with Windows 98/Me/2000/NT 4.0) DAQEXPLORER is a software package that supplements the DAQSTANDARD features with functions such as Desktop and Data Monitor. DAQEXPLORER lets you take full advantage of network functions through the CX unit's Ethernet connection. ■ GUI-based user-friendly operations DAQEXPLORER makes it easy to perform tasks such as entering CX settings over a network or transferring measurement data files from a CX series unit to a PC. Simply click or drag and drop icons on the Desktop. ■ A variety of user-friendly software modules in a single package The DAQEXPLORER package contains various software modules, such as: • Data Monitor module for monitoring CX measurements over the network • Data Viewer module for playing back and displaying data files generated by the CX unit • Setup module for entering various settings Individual modules can be accessed by simply clicking the module icons on the Desktop. In addition, an optional auto-fileconversion function improves the efficiency of data processing tasks through automatic conversion of data files. DAQEXPLORER DAQEXPLORER You can monitor measurements from DX units mounted on DAQEXPLORER desktops running on other PCs. Ethernet DX100 DX200 CX2000 Connect up to sixteen units, including DX units and other DAQEXPLORER data monitors DAQLOGGER (compatible with Windows 98/2000/NT 4.0) DAQLOGGER is a data-logging program that works simultaneously with Ethernet and serial interfaces. It allows you to interface with µ R Series industrial recorders, VR Series view recorders, DARWIN Series, and DAQSTATION, connecting as many as 32 of these devices on up to 1600 channels simultaneously. ■ A variety of user-friendly software modules in a single package Individual modules such as Viewer can be accessed by simply clicking the module icons using the special Manager module. DAQLOGGER includes a variety of features, such as Event Processor, DDE server function, file utilities, and report function. ■ Client and server functions As many as 16 client PCs on Ethernet links can remotely access DAQLOGGER during data collection via a server PC for remote data monitoring. DAQLOGGER DAQLOGGER client • Connect up to 1600 channels and 32 recorders • Connect a combination of DX Series, DARWIN, VR, and µR1000/1800 recorders • Use a combination of Ethernet, RS232, and RS-422-A interfaces • Ethernet connection to DAQLOGGER • Real-time remote monitor • Simultaneous connection of up to 16 clients RS-232 RS-232 link DX and DARWIN Series RS-232/RS-422-A converter RS-422-A RS-422-A/485 link DX, VR, µR1000/1800, and DARWIN Series Ethernet Ethernet link CX, DARWIN Series • Manager module The Manager module is used for starting modules such as the Setup module and file utilities. It is also used to enter Event Processor settings, and to start, run, and stop data acquisition. • Data Monitor module The Data Monitor module allows you to monitor measurement data and calculations in a variety of formats. Available formats include trend display, digital value display, and meter display. • Event Processor The Event Processor automatically performs actions such as sending email, FTP file transfer, PNG file output, and file conversion when a specified event occurs (e.g., alarm, file creation, or preset time). 13 S PECIFICATION General Specifications CX1000 CX2000 5.5-inch TFT color LCD 10.4-inch TFT color LCD Display Single loop control, cascade control, two-input switching control Control modes Control calculation Continuous PID control, relay ON/OFF control, time-proportionate functions PID control, overshoot control function (Super) 250, 500, 1000 ms PID control Control interval (embedded) Controlled points 0, 2 0, 2, 4, 6 1 second, 2 seconds Monitoring Measurement interval 6 channels 10 channels, 20 channels Measurement channels Universal output Control I/O Select from the following: 4-20 mA current output / Voltage pulse / specifications Transfer contact relay. DI Contact input: 6 points, two loops DO Open collector transistor output: 4 points, 2 loops Make contact relay output: 2 points, 2 loops Standard feature Communication Ethernet RS422A/485 interface Optional (one only) RS232 External storage media Floppy disks, ZIP disks, ATA flash memory card (one only) Program patterns: 4 max (/PG1) or 30 max (/PG2) Program setting Optional Segments: Max 99 per pattern, Total segments: 300 max function functions Measurement alarm /A6: 6 alarms only /A4F: 4 alarms, with fail output /A6R: 6 alarms, with remote /A4FR: 4 alarms, with fail output and remote Connected control points: Green series Connected control points: 16 max communication 4 max Can be specified Ladder communication Can be specified 30 channels Mathmatical function 12 channels Contact inputs: 12 DIO expanded module – Open collector outputs: 12 Can be specified VGA output – Can be specified 3-wire isolated RTD input Can be specified Can be specified 24 V DC/AC power supply Can be specified Can be specified 24 V DC transmitter power output – Linear scaling: Input ranges capable of scaling: Thermocouple (TC), resistance temperature detector (RTD), and DC voltage (DCV) Available range of scaling: -30000 to 30000, with a span smaller than 30000 Configuration of input/output signal Measurement input computation: Input processing, square root extraction (0.0 to 5.0% low level cutoff), 10-segment linealizer, and 10-segment linearizer biasing, and bias addition (from -100.0 to 100.0% of measuring range), first order lag filter (time constant = 1 to 120 sec, or off) Auxiliary computation input: Input processing, square root extraction (0.0 to 5.0% low level cutoff), bias addition (from -100.0 to 100.0% of measuring range), ratio multiplication (0.001 to 9.999), and first order lag filter (time constant = 1 to 120 sec, or off) Table of Control Input Specifications Input type DCV – applicable to linear scaling only TC RTD*5 Standardized signal 14 Measuring range –20.00 to 20.00 mV –60.00 to 60.00 mV –200.0 to 200.0 mV –2.000 to 2.000 V –6.000 to 6.000 V –20.00 to 20.00 V –50.00 to 50.00 V 0.0 to 1760°C 0.0 to 1760°C 0.0 to 1820°C –200.0 to 1370°C –200.0 to 800°C –200.0 to 1100°C –200.0 to 400°C 0.0 to 1300°C 0.0 to 2315°C –200.0 to 900°C –200.0 to 400°C 0.0 to 1400.0°C 0.0 to 1900.0°C 0.0 to 2400.0°C –200.0 to 600.0°C –200.0 to 550.0°C 1.000 to 5.000 V *1: R, S, B, K, E, J, T, N : IEC584-1 (1995), DIN IEC584, JIS C1602-1995 *2: W : W-5% Rd/W-26% Rd (Hoskins Mfg. Co.), ASTM E988 *3: L : Fe-CuNi, DIN43710, U : Cu-CuNi – DIN43710 *4: Pt100 : JIS C1604-1997, IEC751-1995, DIN IEC751-1996 JPt100 : JIS C1604-1989, JIS C1606-1989 *5: Measuring current : i = 1 mA Standard Specifications ■ Construction Angle of mounting: Backward tilt of up to 30°; no tilt is allowed on either side, however. Thickness of mounting panel: 2 to 26 mm Material: Case = Steel plate, Bezel = Polycarbonate Color of coating: Case = Pale cobalt blue (equivalent to Munsell 2.0B5.0/1.7) Bezel = Light charcoal gray (equivalent to Munsell 10B3.6/0.3) Front panel: Dust- and drip-proof (compliant to IEC529-IP65, NEMA No. 250 Type 4 [except for icing tests]) ■ CONTROL FUNCTIONS Control mode: Select from three control modes, i.e., singleloop, cascade control, and loop control with PV switching, for every two loops. Note) The control mode is fixed to singleloop control for loops 5 and 6. Control computation functions: Continuous PID control, Relay on/off control, time proportional PID control ■ Setting ranges of control parameters Proportional band: 0.1 to 999.9% Integral time: 0 to 6000 sec Derivative time: 0 to 6000 sec On-off control hysteresis wideth: 0.0 to 100.0% of measurement range Preset output value: -5.0 to 105.0% of output (Provided in case of control computation being stopped, PV input being in a burnout state, or instrument input being abnormal) Output limiter: Setting range: -5.0 to 105.0% for both high/low limits Shutdown function: Can provide a manipulated output of up to 0 mA when in manual mode operation with 4–20 mA output (shuts down the output for values smaller than -5.0%). Output rate-of-change limiter: Off, or a value from 0.1 to 100.0%/sec ALARM FUNCTIONS ■ Control Alarm Types of control alarm: PV high limit, PV low limit, high limit of deviation,low limit of deviation, deviation within high and low limits, SP high limit, SP low limit, OUT high limit, and OUT low limit Other alarm type: Fault diagnosis, fail output Stand-by action: Turns off PV/SP alarm from starting control until steady condition Alarm output: 6 points/ 2 loops (transistor output 4 points, relay output 2 points) Alarm setting: 4 types/ loop Hysteresis: Can set each alarm setting Display: The status is shown in the digital display in case of alarm. A common alarm indication is also displayed. The alarm behavior: non-hold or hold-type can be selectable for common to all channels ■ Measurement Alarm Types of alarm: High limit, low limit, differential high limit, differential low limit, high limit of rate-ofchange, low limits of rate-of-change, high limit of delay, and low limits of delay (alarm delay) Alarm delay time: 1 to 3600 sec (1 hr) Time interval of rate-of-change alarm: Measuring interval × 1 to 15 Alarm output: 6 points (option) *alarm output can be assigned to control output Number of setting: Max. 4/ each channel Hysteresis: ON (0.5% of span)/ OFF selectable (common to all channels and all levels) Display: The status is shown in the digital display in case of alarm. A common alarm indication is also displayed. The alarm behavior: non-hold or hold-type can be selectable or common to all channels INPUT SECTION ■ Specifications Common to Control and Measurement Inputs Thermocouple burnout:Switchable between ON/OFF options of detection on a channel basis. Switchable between burnout upscale/downscale options Integral time of Select from the options of 20 ms (50 Hz), 16.7 ms (60 Hz) and AUTO (automatic switching between 20 ms and 16.7 ms depending on the power supply frequency). A/D converter: ■ Control Input Input interval: 250, 500 or 1000 ms, synchronized with the control period Input type: DC voltage (DCV), thermocouple (TC), resistance temperature detector (RTD), DC current (DCA) with external shunt resistor Range 20 mV 60 mV 200 mV 2V 6V 20 V 50 V R*1 S*1 B*1 K*1 E*1 J*1 T*1 N*1 W*2 L*3 U*3 PLATINEL PR40-20 W3Re/W25Re Pt100*4 JPt100*4 1 to 5 V Measurement input Measuring interval: 1 or 2 sec (2 sec, if the integral time of A/D converter is 100 ms) Input type: DC voltage (DCV), thermocouple (TC), resistance temperature detector (RTD), Operation log (DI), DC current (DCA) with external shunt resistor Measurement Input Ranges and Measuring Ranges Input type DCV TC RTD*5 Input Range 20 mV 60 mV 200 mV 2V 6V 20 V 50 V R*1 S*1 B*1 K*1 E*1 J*1 T*1 N*1 W*1 L*3 U*3 PLATINEL PR40-20 W3Re/W25Re Pt100*4 JPt100*4 DCV input DI Contact input Measuring Range –20.00 to 20.00 mV –60.00 to 60.00 mV –200.0 to 200.0 mV –2.000 to 2.000 V –6.000 to 6.000 V –20.00 to 20.00 V –50.00 to 50.00 V 0.0 to 1760.0°C 0.0 to 1760.0°C 0.0 to 1820.0°C –200.0 to 1370.0°C –200.0 to 800.0°C –200.0 to 1100.0°C –200.0 to 400.0°C 0.0 to 1300.0°C 0.0 to 2315.0°C –200.0 to 900.0°C –200.0 to 400.0°C 0.0 to 1400.0°C 0.0 to 1900.0°C 0.0 to 2400.0°C –200.0 to 600.0°C –200.0 to 550.0°C OFF: lower than 2.4 V ON: 2.4 V or higher ON/OFF states *1: R, S, B, K, E, J, T, N : IEC584-1 (1995), DIN IEC584, JIS C1602-1995 *2: W : W-5% Rd/W-26% Rd (Hoskins Mfg. Co.), ASTM E988 *3: L : Fe-CuNi, DIN43710, U : Cu-CuNi – DIN43710 *4: Pt100 : JIS C1604-1997, IEC751-1995, DIN IEC751-1996 JPt100 : JIS C1604-1989, JIS C1606-1989 *5: Measuring current : i = 1 mA Filter function: Switchable between ON/OFF options of moving average on a channel basis; selectable from 2 to 16 times for the frequency of moving average calculation ■ Computation Difference computation: Allows for calculation of difference between any two channels. Input ranges capable of difference computation: DCV, TC and RTD Linear scaling: Input ranges capable of scaling: DCV, TC, RTD Available range of scaling:-30000 to 30000 Square root scaling: Input ranges capable of scaling: DCV Available range of scaling:-30000 to 30000 ■ Storage functions: Store internal control loops’ data (PV, SP and OUT of internal loops), Green series communication loops’ data (PV, SP and OUT of connected Green series communication), measured data, and computed data. See the CX1000/CX2000 General Specifications documents (GS 04L31A01-02E) for complete product specifications. Input Type Approx. 43 VA Approx. 62 VA Approx. 17 VA Approx. 28 VA Approx. 45 VA Approx. 65 VA Approx. 19 VA Approx. 32 VA 65 VA 105 VA 30 VA 45 VA Dimensions +0.4 136.50 (5.37) Unit : mm (approx. inch) +2 137 0 (5.39) +2 137 0 (5.39) ■ Isolation Insulation resistance: 20 MΩ min. between each terminal and ground (at 500 V DC) Withstanding voltage: Between power supply terminal and ground: 1500 V AC (50/60 Hz), 1 min Between relay contact output terminal and ground: 1500 V AC (50/60 Hz), 1 min Between measurement input terminal and ground: 1500 V AC (50/60 Hz), 1 min Between measurement input terminals: 1000 V AC (50/60 Hz), 1 min Between contact input terminal and ground: 500 V DC (50/60 Hz), 1 min Between current output terminal and ground: 500 V AC (50/60 Hz), 1 min Between voltage pulse output terminal and ground: 500 V DC (50/60 Hz), 1 min Between transistor contact output terminal and ground: 500 V DC (50/60 Hz), 1 min Grounding: JIS Class D Noise: Normal mode noise (50/60 Hz): DC current (DCA):The peak value including a signal component is less than 1.2 times the measuring range. Thermocouple (TC): The peak value including a signal component is less than 1.2 times the thermal electromotive force. Resistance temperature detector (RTD): 50 mV max. Common mode noise voltage (50/60 Hz): 250 V AC rms max. for all ranges Inter-channel maximum noise voltage (50/60 Hz): 250 V AC rms max. Warm-up time: 30 min minimum after power-on 23.4 (0.92) 218(8.58) 165.5(6.52) (Min. SPACE FOR MOUNTING) PANEL THICKNESS 2 TO 26 144(5.67) 151.5(5.96) 144(5.67) 151.5(5.96) (DIMENSIONS AFTER MOUNTING) +1 279.60 (11.01) 361 +2 2810 (11.06) 361 (14.21 Min) (14.21 Min) Maximum Measurement accuracy during scaling: Measurement accuracy during scaling (digits) = measurement accuracy (digits) + 2 digits where the value is rounded up to the nearest whole number. Reference junction compensation: Switchable between INT (internal) and EXT (external) options (common to all channels). Reference junction compensation accuracy: ±1°C for types R, S, B, W, PR40-20 and W3Re/W25Re ±0.5°C for types K, J, E, T, N, L, U and PLATINEL (when measuring temperatures no lower than 0°C) Maximum input voltage: ±10 V DC (continuous) for 2 V DC or lower voltage ranges and TC input ±30 V DC (continuous) for 6 and 20 V DC voltage ranges Input resistance: 10 MΩ min. for 2 V DC or lower voltage ranges and TC input Approx. 1 MΩ for 6 and 20 V DC voltage ranges External input resistance: 2 kΩ max. for DCV and TC inputs 10 Ω max. per wire for RTD input (all three wires must have the same resistance) Input bias current: 10 nA max. Interference between channels: 120 dB (when external input resistance is 500 Ω and the level of input to other channels is 30 V) Common mode rejection ratio: 120 dB (50/60 Hz ±0.1%, unbalanced 500 Ω input resistance; tested between negative input terminal and ground) Normal mode rejection ratio: 40 dB (50/60 Hz ±0.1%) +2 2810 (11.06) 27.1 (1.07) 108 (4.25) 220(8.66) 167.5(6.59) PANEL THICKNESS 2 TO 26 9.3(0.37) CX1000 100 V AC 200 V AC 100 V AC 200 V AC When in Normal Operation ±(0.1% of rdg + 3 digits) ±(0.15% of rdg + 1°C), where R and S = ±3.7°C over 0 to 100°C and ±1.5°C over 100 to 300°C; B = ±2°C over 400 to 600°C, and is not guaranteed for temperatures below 400°C. ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.7°C), where the accuracy is ±(0.15% of rdg + 1°C) over -200 to -100°C. E ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.5°C) J ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.5°C), where the accuracy is ±(0.15% of T rdg + 0.7°C) over -200 to -100°C. N ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.7°C) W ±(0.15% of rdg + 1°C) L ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.5°C), where the accuracy is ±(0.15% of U rdg + 0.7°C) over -200 to 100°C. PLATINEL 0.0 to 1400.0°C PR40-20 Not guaranteed over 0 to 450°C ±(0.9% of rdg + 16.0°C) over 450 to 750°C ±(0.9% of rdg + 6.0°C) over 750 to 1100°C ±(0.9% of rdg + 2.0°C) over 1100 to 1900°C W3Re/W25Re ±(0.3% of rdg + 2.8°C) Resistance ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.3°C) Pt100 temperature detector (RTD) JPt100 9.3 (0.37) CX2000 When LCD Saver Is On 10 µV 10 µV 100 µV 1 mV 1 mV 10 mV 10 mV 0.1°C +0.4 Supply Voltage Max. resolution of digital display 136.50 (5.37) Power consumption: Measurement Accuracy (Digital Readings) ±(0.1% of rdg + 2 digits) Range 20 mV 60 mV 200 mV 2V 6V 20 V 50 V Thermocouple R (TC)- excluding S the accuracy of B reference K junction compensation DC voltage (DCV) 7.5 (0.30) Hardware I/O Signal Specifications ■ Control Output Current output Number of outputs: 2/2 loops Output signal: 4–20 mA DC or 0–20 mA DC Load resistance: 600 Ω max. Output accuracy: ±0.1% of span (1 mA or greater) Ripple current content: 0.05% p-p of span (1.2 kHz) Temperature drift: ±200 ppm/°C (tested for output section) Voltage pulse output Number of outputs: 2/2 loop Output signal: On-state voltage = 12 V DC Load resistance: 600 Ω min. Resolution: 0.1% Relay contact output Number of outputs: 2/2 loops Output signal: NC, NO, COM Contact rating: 250 V AC/30 A or 30 V DC/3 A (resistive load) ■ Contact input Number of inputs: 6/2 loops Input signal: Voltage-free contact or open collector (TTL or transistor) Input condition: On-state voltage: 0.5 V max. (30 mA DC) Off input leakage current: 0.25 mA max. Input configuration: Photocoupler-isolated (two-point common) ■ Contact output Number of relay outputs: 2/2 loops Relay contact rating:250 V AC/1 A or 30 V DC/1 A (resistive load) Number of transistor outputs: 4/2 loops Transistor contact rating: 24 V DC/50 mA ■ Analog input section Input interval: 250, 500 or 1000 ms Input interval: 1 or 2 sec ■ Installation Environment Standards Normal operating conditions: Ambient temperature: 0 to 50°C (5 to 40°C, if a floppy disk or Zip drive is in operation) Ambient humidity: 20 to 80% RH (at 5 to 40°C) Vibration: 10 to 60 Hz, 0.2 m/s2 Mechanical shock: Not allowed. Transport and storage conditions: Ambient temperature:-25 to 60°C Ambient humidity: 5 to 95% RH (non-condensing) Vibration: 10 to 60 Hz, 4.9 m/s2 Mechanical shock: 392 m/s2 max. (when housed in a package) ■ Safety and EMC Standards Safety standards: Certified as conforming to CSA22.2 No. 1010.1; compliant to EN61010-1 Installation category (overvoltage category) II*1, pollution degree 2*2 *1: Installation category (overvoltage category): Refers to a numerical index for defining transient overvoltage levels. (This standard also includes the standard of impulse withstanding voltage and applies to electrical equipment powered by stationary equipment such as a switchboard.) *2: Pollution degree: Refers to the degree of deposition of a solid, liquid or gas substance that degrades withstanding voltage or surface resistivity. (This standard only applies to normal indoor atmospheres – nonconductive pollution.) EMC standard: Compliant to EN61326-1 ■ Power Supply Section Supply voltage: 100 to 110 V AC ±10% or 200 to 220 V AC ±10% Supply frequency: 50 Hz ±2% or 60 Hz ±2% (Min. SPACE FOR MOUNTING) (1.97)50 180(7.09) 288(11.60) 294.6(11.60) +1 279.60 (11.01) (0.30)7.5 108(4.25) 180 (7.09) Measurement/reading accuracy: Tested under the following conditions: Standard operating conditions: 23 ±2°C, 55 ±10% RH Supply voltage range: 90 to 132 V AC; 180 to 250 V AC Supply frequency range: 50/60 Hz ±1% max. Note:The accuracy performance is tested after a warm-up time of at least 30 min and in a location free from such adverse effects on the instrument’s operation as mechanical vibration. 288(11.34) 294.6(11.60) Standard Performance Data (DIMENSIONS AFTER MOUNTING) The CX1000/CX2000 requires two brackets for panel mounting. Use them to mount the CX at two points: upper and lower or right and left ends. See “GS 04L31A01-01E” for the dimensions of the panel cutouts when the instruments are horizontally/vertically mounted without space between them. The tolerance is ± 3% (± 0.3 mm for less than 10 mm) unless otherwise specified. 15 Models and Suffix Codes CX2000 Accessories Optional Accessories Model Suffix Code Option Code CX2010 CX2020 CX2210 CX2220 CX2410 CX2420 CX2610 CX2620 External –1 storage –2 medium –3 Communication –0 –1 port –2 Language –2 Option /A6 /A6R /A4F /A4FR /CST1 /D5 /M1 /N2 /P1 /TPS4 /CM1 /CM2 /PG1 /PG2 Remarks DAQSTATION CX2000 internal loop: 0 loop, measurement channel: 10ch*1 DAQSTATION CX2000 internal loop: 0 loop, measurement channel: 20ch*1 DAQSTATION CX2000 internal loop: 2 loops, measurement channel: 10ch DAQSTATION CX2000 internal loop: 2 loops, measurement channel: 20ch DAQSTATION CX2000 internal loop: 4 loops, measurement channel: 10ch DAQSTATION CX2000 internal loop: 4 loops, measurement channel: 20ch DAQSTATION CX2000 internal loop: 6 loops, measurement channel: 10ch DAQSTATION CX2000 internal loop: 6 loops, measurement channel: 20ch 3.5 in. floppy disk drive Zip disk drive provided with medium ATA flash memory card provided with medium Ethernet only RS-232C communication interface RS-422A/485 communication interface English/Germany/French deg summer/winter time Measurement Alarm (6 DO )*2 Measurement Alarm (6 DO, 8 DI)*2 Measurement Alarm (4 DO, FAIL/memory end detection and output )*2 Measurement Alarm (4 DO, 8 DI, FAIL/memory end detection and output )*2 Control-purpose extension DIO (12 DI,12 DO terminals)*2,*3 VGA output Computation functions (including report functions) Three legs isolated RTD 24 V DC/AC power supply 24 V DC transmitter power supply*2 (4 loops) Green series communication*4 Ladder communication*4 Program control (number of program patterns; 4)*5 Program control (number of program patterns; 30)*5 *1: Select both the suffix code for RS-232 or RS-422/485 communication port and the /CM1 option code at the same time. *2: Only an alternative choice is allowed. *3: Can not be specified; when CX20XX is specified. *4: Be sure to select the suffix code for RS-232 or RS-422/485 communication port. Only an alternative choice is allowed. *5: Effective only for the model with internal loops Only an alternative choice from the options /PG1 and /PG2 is allowed. Product Model (Part No.) Specification Shunt resistor for standard screw terminals 415920 250Ω±0.1% 415921 100Ω±0.1% 415922 10Ω±0.1% 705900 2HD(10 units) Zip disk A1053MP 100MB ATA flash memory card A1134UN 20MB Mounting bracket B9900CW – 3.5-inch floppy disk Related Products Green Series ◆ UT550 includes eight controller modes, such as cascade control. ◆ UT750 also provides two-loop control and custom calculations. UT550 DAQSTATION Language Option –2 /A6 /A6R /A4F /A4FR /CM1 /CM2 /M1 /N2 /P1 /PG1 /PG2 Remarks DAQSTATION CX1000 internal loop : 0 loop, measurement channel : 6 ch*1 DAQSTATION CX1000 internal loop : 2 loops, measurement channel : 6 ch 3.5 in. floppy disk drive Zip disk drive provided with medium ATA flash memory card provided with medium Ethernet only RS-232C communication interface RS-422A/485 communication interface English Measurement Alarm (DO 6)*2 Measurement Alarm (DO 6, DI 8)*2 Measurement Alarm (DO 4, FAIL/Memory end detection and output )*2 Measurement Alarm (DO 4, DI 8, FAIL/Memory end detection and output )*2 Green series communication*3 Ladder communication*3 Computation functions (including report functions) 3 legs isolated RTD 24 V DC/AC power supply Program control (number of program patterns : 4)*4 Program control (number of program patterns : 30)*4 *1: Select both the suffix code for RS-232 or RS-422/485 communication port and the /CM1 option code at the same time. *2: CX1006 must be specified. /A6, /A6R, /A4F, /A4FR can not be specified together. *3: Be sure to select the suffix code for RS-232 or RS-422/485 communication port. Only an alternative choice is allowed. *4: Effective only for the model with internal loops Only an alternative choice from the options /PG1 and /PG2 is allowed. UT750 DX100/DX200 The data acquisition and recording stations have state-ofthe-art networking functions. ◆ 10Base-T Ethernet support is a standard feature. ◆ A wide-viewing-angle, high-resolution TFT color LCD panel CX1000 Model Suffix Code Option Code CX1006 CX1206 External –1 storage –2 medium –3 Communication –0 –1 port –2 Digital Indicating Controllers Includes "Super" overshoot control function and "Super 2" hunting control function. ◆ Storage options for greater (floppy discs, zip, ATA flash memory cards) ◆ IEC529-IP65 standard to keep out dust, grit and water spray DAQSTATION is a registered trademark of Yokogawa Electric Corporation. Microsoft, MS, and Windows are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Modbus is a registered trademark of AEG Schneider Automation Inc. Zip and the logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Iomega Corporation. Other company names and product names appearing in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. NOTICE ● Before operating the product, read the instruction manual thoroughly for proper and safe operation. ● If this product is for use with a system requiring safeguards that directly involve personnel safety, please contact the Yokogawa sales offices. YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION Test and Measurement Div./Phone: (81)-55-243-0313, Fax: (81)-55-243-0396 E-mail: [email protected] YOKOGAWA CORPORATION OF AMERICA Phone: (1)-770-253-7000, Fax: (1)-770-251-2088 YOKOGAWA EUROPE B.V. Phone: (31)-33-4641806, Fax: (31)-33-4641807 YOKOGAWA ENGINEERING ASIA PTE. LTD Phone: (65)-2419933, Fax: (65)-2412606 Subject to change without notice. [Ed : 01/b] Copyright ©2001 Printed in Japan, 110(YG) MS-11E