We hope that all of our families had a restful and enjoyable Spring Break! We are happy to have all our students back at school and we are looking forward to lots of exciting learning and activities for term three!
Our first bell rings at 8:35 each morning and students are to be in class by 8:40. It is very important for all students to attend school regularly and to be on time. Our school day ends at 2:30. We expect all students to be picked up or on their way home by 2:45 unless they are participating in an after school teacher sponsored program. Our students and community did an excellent job during the break keeping our grounds clean! Thank you to everyone that puts their litter in the garbage cans! Please continue to put ALL litter in garbage cans, at all times. It is nice to see our school grounds looking clean! Please ensure that you are parking or dropping off your child where it is legal and safe to do so. We have had several complaints about parents parking illegally and/or dropping off students unsafely in our parking lot. We ALL need to take care to keep our student safe. Please do not block our neighbours’ driveways and lane access. PRESCHOOL at DAVID BRANKIN: please see our website for information
CANADIAN TIRE MONEY: please see attached flyer for more details UPCOMING DATES and EVENTS: Friday, April 3 – no school Monday, April 6 – no school Tuesday April 7, 2015 – Spring Photo Fundraiser Wednesday, April 15 – Communicating Student Learning documents go home Wednesday, April 15 – PAC Meeting @ 6:30pm Thursday, April 16 – Early dismissal (1:30) and conferences for student learning Friday, April 17 – We may have a movie night we will keep you posted Thursday, April 23 – READY, SET, LEARN (Special Event for 3 & 4 years old) Please see our website for further details.
APRIL is our Canadian Tire Money Fundraiser The David Brankin PAC is asking all students and parents to please donate Canadian Tire money for the month of April. Our school is in need of raising money to purchase a Go Pro Hero 4 camera ($399). We would be able to purchase this camera through Canadian Tire with your donated Canadian Tire money! The premise of a Go Pro is to capture events not typically possible with a regular camera. In recent years we have been empowering students to do things not possible before. As a school we have used basic digital cameras, cameras built into iPads as well as personal devices. Having a Go Pro available to students would allow for us to stretch students’ thinking and grow their understanding of the world around them and how they interact with the world. The Go Pro is drop resistant, and waterproof to 120 feet. The camera would be used for point of view events such as swimming lessons, skating lessons, beach days, Bear Creek picnic, practices for musicals, sports, Sports Day and field trip activities. It could also be used for Science experiments such as hatching salmon; students could view from an underwater perspective, or watch stages of a butterfly’s life cycle. It could also be used aboard a model rocket launched in the field with a parachute to observe the community. The Go Pro 4 camera would support students in seeing things from different perspectives and allow them to think outside of the box. An extension to capturing and viewing these images is the ability to post to our community and allow parents to experience a new perspective on their child’s learning. Please help our school reach this goal by donating your Canadian Tire money! Canadian Tire money can be submitted to your child’s classroom teacher, or the office. Thank you! David Brankin PAC