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Dictionary And Spell Check




XML Professional Publisher: Dictionaries and Spell Check for use with XPP 8.4 updated February 2012 Notice © SDL plc 1999, 2003-2005, 2009, 2012. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. SDL plc has prepared this document for use by its personnel, licensees, and customers. The information contained herein is the property of SDL and shall not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic or machine-readable form without prior written approval from SDL. Printed copies are also covered by this notice and subject to any applicable confidentiality agreements. The information contained in this document does not constitute a warranty of performance. Further, SDL reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in the content thereof. SDL assumes no liability for losses incurred as a result of out-of-date or incorrect information contained in this document. Trademark Notice See the Trademark Notice PDF file on your SDL product documentation CD-ROM for trademark information. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or other similar regulations of other governmental agencies, which designate software and documentation as proprietary. Contractor or manufacturer is SDL plc, 101 Edgewater Drive, Wakefield, MA 01880-1296. This document was composed and paginated using SDL XML Professional Publisher. ii Dictionaries and Spell Check Contents About This Manual Where Do I Start? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conventions Used in This Manual For More Information Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation Hyphenation and Spell Check Components Main Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hyphenation Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exception Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How XPP Hyphenates a Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order of Look-up Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing from the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . Using the Old Algorithm-only Hyphenation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How XPP Checks Spelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dictionary Search Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Job Ticket Fields for Hyphenation and Spelling . . Main Hyphenation and Spelling Dictionaries . . . . Main Dictionaries for Multiple Languages . . . . . . . Hyphenation Algorithms for Multiple Languages Dictionaries and Spell Check x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-11 1-11 iii Chapter 2 Building Dictionaries Dictionary Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessing Dictionary Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . Library and Job level Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Locating Dictionaries from the Command Line XPP Word Lists for Hyphenation and Spelling Sample XPP Word List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Job Specs for XPP Word Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating and Editing a Word List . . . . . . . . . . . . Create a Word List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edit a Word List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conventions for Entries in a Word List . . . . . Format of Spell Check Words in a Word List Special and Common Words for Spell Check Delete a Word List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Composing and Printing a Word List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Exception Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selecting a Language for Hyphenation Dictionaries . Build a Hyphenation Exception Dictionary . . . . . . . . . Select a Language for Spelling Exception Dictionaries Build a Spelling Exception Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Both Hyphenation and Spelling Exception Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activating Exception Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relocating Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Files Used for Hyphenation and Spelling Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-17 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running Spell Check . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 3-5 3-10 Identifying Types of Errors Found by Spell Check Preparing a Division for Spell Check . . . . . . . . . Languages and Dictionaries in the Job Ticket Activate a Spelling Exception Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running an Interactive Spell Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set Options for Interactive Spell Check . . . . . . . . . . . . Search for Spelling Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Display a List of Suggested Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . Delete a Spelling Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add Words to a Dictionary in Interactive Spell Check Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-21 2-21 2-23 2-24 Comparing Interactive and Background Spell Check iv . . . . . . . . 2-2 2-2 2-4 2-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 3-13 3-15 3-16 3-18 3-18 Dictionaries and Spell Check Procedure to Add a Word to a Dictionary Running Spell Check from PathFinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 Running Spell Check from the System Command Line . . . . . . . . Get Language Environment Information from the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spell Checking Associated With Auto-Processing Accessing XyAdmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set Options for Background Spell Check . . . . . Chapter 4 . 3-27 . 3-27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 3-29 3-29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greek Hyphenation Understanding the Greek Hyphenation Option Setting Up the Greek Hyphenation Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 4-2 Glossary Index Dictionaries and Spell Check Contents v Figures vi 2-1 2-2 Word List Before and After Composition Sample Hyphenation Comparison List . . 3-1 Types of Errors Found by Spell Check Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 2-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dictionaries and Spell Check Tables 1-1 Job Ticket Fields for Hyphenation and Spell Check 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 Library and Job level Dictionary Maintenance Menus Job Specs for XPP Dictionary Word Lists . . . . . . . . . . . Conventions for Word Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Format Rules for Spell Check Words in a Word List . . Definition of XPP Special Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XPP Files Used for Spell Check and Hyphenation . . . 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 Comparison of Interactive and Background Spell Check . . . . . . Spell Check Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algorithms and Main Dictionaries Available from SDL . . . . . . . Comparison of Menu Options that Add Words to a Dictionary Uppercase and Lowercase Sensitivity Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examples of Trailing Periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dictionaries and Spell Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents 1-10 2-4 2-6 2-10 2-12 2-13 2-26 3-2 3-3 3-6 3-18 3-20 3-20 vii viii Contents Dictionaries and Spell Check About This Manual The Dictionaries and Spell Check document describes concepts and procedures to: • Understand dictionaries and algorithms, including the dictionary look-up procedure. • Build dictionaries, including accessing the Dictionary Maintenance menu, creating and editing word lists. • Prepare a division and run Spell Check interactively, in the background, via job processing, and from the command line. Dictionaries and Spell Check About This Manual ix Where Do I Start? .......................................................................... Where Do I Start? This document is for all users with an interest in learning the basic concepts and functions of the XPP publishing application. Additionally, all users who are responsible for the day-to-day production requirements — entering text, editing, composing, and outputting documents — should read this manual. x If you need to... Then read ... Understand dictionaries and algorithms for hyphenation and Spell Check Chapter 1 Create word lists, build and activate exception dictionaries Chapter 2 Run Spell Check interactively, in the background, via job processing, and from the command line, including searching for and correcting spelling errors. Chapter 3 Use the Greek hyphenation option. Chapter 4 About This Manual Dictionaries and Spell Check Conventions Used in This Manual .......................................................................... Conventions Used in This Manual This manual uses a set of symbolic, typographic, and terminology conventions to categorize specific information. Take a few moments to become familiar with these conventions before you use this manual. Convention Description Bold Bold type, used in procedures, indicates the object of the action. It may be a menu option, a push button, or a field, and so forth. For example, “select Open” means select the menu option called Open. Position cursor means to move the cursor to a specific location. Enter appropriate information means that you enter information that is appropriate for your site or for the specific job. Bold may be used elsewhere in the manual to denote emphasis. Key Capital first letter and the word “key” indicates a key on the keyboard. Capital first letter and the words “Softkey Menu” indicate the menu pad to the right of the XyView. Unless otherwise indicated, this manual assumes that you press the Enter key at the end of a command line. Key+Key This sequence indicates a Shortcut Key combination. Hold down the first key while also pressing the second key, that is ALT+F4 means to hold down the Alt key while also pressing the F4 key. Message A monospaced typeface indicates an application’s response to your action. For example, “the message Enter Value appears” means that the application displays the words “Enter Value.” Italics In running text, an italic typeface indicates a new term; for example, “The replacement string of characters is the output string.” In a system message, a field entry, or an argument to a command, an italic typeface indicates a variable. For example, filename is a variable in the message “Can’t open filename.” Italics are also used for the names of programs, such as Perl. “ ” Quotation marks indicate that you should enter exactly what the instructions tell you to enter. For example, type “yes” means to type the letter y, the letter e, and the letter s. Ò Reverse-video square brackets represent tags in standard XPP. Tags are general-purpose commands defined in the Item Format Spec and embedded in a document. They generally format logical components of text, such as chapter openings, headers, or lists. For example, the tag for beginning a chapter might be Ò chap Ú . Ú Dictionaries and Spell Check About This Manual xi Conventions Used in This Manual Convention Description Ô Reverse-video angle brackets represent XPP-supplied macros (XyMacros) and user-defined macros. XyMacros are commands embedded in text to set or change formatting or typographic style. For example, the XyMacro to end a page is Ô ep  .  Reverse-video angle brackets also represent tags when you use XPP in either XML or SGML mode. Note that when in XML or SGML mode, XPP does not use the conventional reverse-video square brackets. Ô?xxx Reverse-video angle brackets with a beginning question mark represent macros when using XPP in SGML mode. Ô?xxx? Reverse-video angle brackets with a beginning and ending question mark represent macros when using XPP in XML mode. When entering values for some arguments in macros and for some fields in specs, you must qualify the value by specifying a unit of measure. The available unit qualifiers are: • • • • • • • • • q — Points p — Picas c — Ciceros d — Didots i — Inches m — Millimeters k — Kyus n — Microns (XPP units) z — Centimeters For example, 6q means 6 points, 4p means 4 picas. Note: You can also use pc, pt, in, mm, and cm in fields where the system allows the standard ISO unit abbreviations. xii About This Manual Dictionaries and Spell Check For More Information .......................................................................... For More Information This document is part of the XML Professional Publisher standard document set for new and experienced users, which consists of the following documents: • Creating Pickups describes how to create pickups and pickup elements. Topics include: understanding pickups, creating and controlling pickup elements, checking the status of pickups, outputting pending pickups, and troubleshooting. • Dictionaries and Spell Check describes XPP concepts and procedures to perform hyphenation and spelling tasks. Topics include: building and activating exception dictionaries, specifying algorithms and main dictionaries for up to 34 languages, and running Spell Check interactively, in the background, via job processing, and from the command line. • Managing Document Styles describes how to set up and maintain style specs for XPP. Topics include: managing spec libraries, managing master and local specs, and editing style specs (including the Job Ticket and the Division Ticket). • Mastering Tables describes how to design, create, edit, and maintain tables in XPP. Topics include: working with tables; tabular XyMacros; setting up and maintaining the five tabular specs—general columns (t1), gutters (t2), ruling (t3), alignment (t4), composition (t5); and status, tips, and troubleshooting. • Tints, Color, and Pattern Management describes how to produce elements filled with tints and patterns, and text with color. Topics include: an overview of the feature; setting up tints, patterns, and colors; producing filled rectangles, circles and ellipses; producing filled tabular elements, filled blocks, and special effects text; and outputting tints, patterns and colors. • User Guide introduces XPP concepts, describes the user interface, and provides information about performing publishing tasks for the beginning user. Topics include: getting started, entering and editing text, using search and replace, creating footnotes, composing divisions interactively and in the background, job processing, printing divisions, and using Edit Trace. An appendix describes the status information available in XPP, ranging from Block to Tabular status. • XPP Command Line Utilities lists and provides reference information for the XPP utilities that can be run directly on the operating system. • XyMacros provides a complete reference to the XPP general XyMacros, tabular XyMacros, and system variables. Topics include: an overview of XyMacros and their syntax; using the Macro List utility; XyMacro arguments, including arithmetic, relative and conditional operators, conditional statements, X-registers, number registers, text registers, Dictionaries and Spell Check About This Manual xiii For More Information and preprocess operators; system variables, general XyMacros, tabular XyMacros, and the relationship of XyMacros to style specs. Includes alphabetical listings of XyMacros and system variables. Other XPP documents describe such topics as: • Installation, Release Notes, system administration and converting data. • Optional applications, such as CITI, Loose-leaf, Mark Trace, and Math. Refer to the XPP Document List for details on document titles and descriptions. xiv About This Manual Dictionaries and Spell Check Chapter 1 Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation XPP Spell Check and Hyphenation software ensures the following: • Words of a language are spelled correctly • Words properly hyphenate when they break across lines. This chapter explains the concepts used during spell checking and hyphenation and helps you understand the following: • Hyphenation and Spell Check components: • Main dictionaries • Algorithms • Exception dictionaries • The Hyphenation look-up procedure • The Spell Check look-up procedure Dictionaries and Spell Check Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation 1-1 Hyphenation and Spell Check Components .......................................................................... Hyphenation and Spell Check Components XPP achieves proper hyphenation and correct spelling using the following Hyphenation and Spell Check components: • Main dictionaries • Hyphenation algorithms • Exception dictionaries Main Dictionaries A Main dictionary contains the correct spelling and proper hyphenation points for commonly used words in a language. The Spell Check component of the Main dictionary contains the phonetic rules, punctuation rules, valid prefixes and suffixes, and numeric conventions (decimal point and digit separator) for a specific language. This is called the language environment. You can consider the language environment as a subcomponent of Spell Check. The Spell Check component of an XPP language Main dictionary also contains a list of the most frequently used words in a specific language. This is called the core lexicon (corelex). You can consider the corelex as a subcomponent of Spell Check, also. XPP provides a Main dictionary for the English language. It also delivers Main dictionary files for thirty-four (34) other languages, plus seven (7) expanded dictionaries for English/British that include additional legal, medical, scientific and other specilaized words as well as the language environment and corelex files for these languages (refer to the table on page 3-6). Although SDL provides all languages at the time you install XPP, you must purchase a license to use languages other than English. All of these files are delivered to the Lstd-dict library. Note that this is also the location where the XPP composition/pagination sofware searches for them. You cannot modify the XPP-delivered Main (hyphenation & spelling) dictionary, language environment, or corelex files. However, you can build Hyphenation and/or Spelling Exception dictionaries to use instead of, or in addition to, any Main dictionary. 1-2 Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation Dictionaries and Spell Check Hyphenation and Spell Check Components You specify dictionaries in the Main Dict and Cust Dict fields in the Job Ticket. Before using a dictionary for hyphenation, XPP looks in the H&J (Hyphenation and Justification) Spec to see if dictionary hyphenation is allowed. If so, it then checks the Hyphenation Exception dictionary and the Main dictionary specified in the corresponding Cust Dict and Main Dict fields in the Job Ticket. Hyphenation Algorithms A hyphenation algorithm provides a set of rules for hyphenating words in a certain language. SDL provides a hyphenation algorithm for the English language. It also delivers several other algorithm-only languages at the time you install XPP. Refer to the table on page 3-6 for a complete list of languages that SDL delivers. To use any language other than English, you must purchase a special license. The concept of hyphenation applies to alphabetic languages, not to ideographic languages. However, XPP uses the Japanese algorithm to handle ideogaphic languages in general, such as Japanese and Chinese. You cannot modify XPP-provided hyphenation algorithms. However, you can build Exception dictionaries to override the hyphenation breakpoints that the algorithm rules or the Main dictionary of a language would produce. You specify hyphenation algorithms in the Algorithm fields in the Job Ticket. Before using an algorithm, XPP looks in the H&J (Hyphenation and Justification) Spec to see if algorithmic hyphenation is allowed. Word Breaks When Using Character Entities Hyphenation treats both a character entity and the character it represents (i.e., without using an entity) in a word, equally, that is, using the same criteria to determine whether to ignore the character or not. Consequently, word breaking for “words” containing certain character entities, such as “ ” (or “ ”) have the same results. Other entities in this category are: • • • • • • Dictionaries and Spell Check  : (unit space)   or     or     or     or   ] or [ Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation 1-3 Hyphenation and Spell Check Components Exception Dictionaries You can create the following Exception dictionaries: • • • • Hyphenation Exception dictionary Spelling Exception dictionary Temporary Spelling Exception dictionary Division-level Spelling Exception dictionary Hyphenation Exception Dictionary A Hyphenation Exception dictionary contains words marked with hyphenation breakpoints. Words in a Hyphenation Exception dictionary override the hyphenation of words in the Main dictionary (or algorithm for those languages where no Main dictionary is provided). You can build Hyphenation Exception dictionaries that include words specific to your application, organization, or industry, for example: technical terms, company names, product names, proper names, acronyms, and abbreviations. You can use a Hyphenation Exception dictionary in place of, or in addition to, the Main dictionary. You can store Hyphenation Exception dictionaries at the library level or at the job level. Note: If you are now using XPP 8.2 or a later release, previously created exception dictionaries are not compatible with the new version of the Proximity hyphenation software package. After building a Hyphenation Exception dictionary, you activate the Hyphenation Exception dictionary by specifying the name in the Cust Dict field in the Job Ticket. Refer to “Activating Exception Dictionaries” in Chapter 2 for more information. Spelling Exception Dictionary A Spelling Exception dictionary contains the correct spelling of words not found in a Main dictionary. You can build Spelling Exception dictionaries that include words specific to your application, organization, or industry, for example: technical terms, company names, product names, proper names, acronyms, and abbreviations. You can use a Spelling Exception dictionary in place of, or in addition to, the Main dictionary. You can store Spelling Exception dictionaries at the library level or at the job level. When you build a Spelling Exception dictionary for a particular language, XPP activates it. This remains the active Spelling Exception dictionary for that language until you build another Spelling Exception dictionary or 1-4 Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation Dictionaries and Spell Check Hyphenation and Spell Check Components activate a different dictionary by selecting Activate on the Dictionary Maintenance menu. During Spell Check, XPP opens the first active Spelling Exception dictionary it finds. Refer to “Activating Exception Dictionaries” in Chapter 2 for more information. Temporary Spelling Exception Dictionary During Spell Check, XPP automatically creates a temporary dictionary in memory, which is discarded at the end of the editing session or background spelling check. XPP adds words to the temporary dictionary that it finds in the active dictionary during Spell Check. Storing these words in memory saves XPP time if it encounters these words again. XPP also adds words to the temporary dictionary that it cannot find in the active dictionaries , and marks the words as misspelled. By storing misspelled words in memory, XPP does not repeat its search of all the dictionaries for the same misspelling. During an interactive spelling check, you can select the Add For Session option to add words to the temporary dictionary—to make words not found in the active dictionaries acceptable for the current editing session. Division-Level Spelling Exception Dictionary During an interactive spelling check, you can add words to the divisionlevel dictionary that XPP stores with the division. The division-level dictionary applies only to the division for which it was created; XPP does not use the division-level dictionary for other divisions in the same job. Spell Check automatically creates this dictionary the first time you select the Add To Dictionary option from the Spell Check menu. Once created, Spell Check always opens and uses the division-level dictionary during an interactive or background spelling check. During interactive Spell Check, when XPP finds a misspelled word that is actually correct, you would probably use Add To Dictionary instead of Add For Session because the temporary dictionary is discarded at the end of the editing session. When you use Add To Dictionary to add a word to a divisionlevel dictionary, you may want to note the word so that you can add it later to a job level or library level Exception dictionary so this word will be considered correct for any job that uses that Exception dictionary. Dictionaries and Spell Check Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation 1-5 How XPP Hyphenates a Word .......................................................................... How XPP Hyphenates a Word In the Hyphenation and Justification (H&J) Spec, you can tell XPP what type of hyphenation to use: • Dictionary-based hyphenation — hyphenate a word only at the breaks between syllables, as shown in a dictionary • Algorithm-based hyphenation — use logical rules defined for a specific language to break a word. • A combination of both dictionary and algorithm hyphenation • None (no hyphenation). For information about the H&J (Hyphenation and Justification) Spec (refer to chapter 6) and the Job Ticket (refer to chapter 4) in XML Professional Publisher: Managing Document Styles. Order of Look-up Rules The order of searching can affect how XPP hyphenates a word. When determining where to hyphenate a word, XPP uses the following look-up rules: 1. Looks in the Item Format Spec for the H&J table number (or uses the H&J table number called out by the Select H&J Table (tj) XyMacro). Then, looks at the Hyphenation Quality Allowed field in the H&J table for the values specified in the Dictionary field and the Algorithm field. The values in these fields specify the type of hyphenation. 2. Determines the active language from the Language field of the current tag or pgraf in the Item Format (IF) Spec or a Hyphenation Language (hl) XyMacro. The active language number (1-34) determines which Algorithm, Main Dictionary, and Custom Dictionary Job Ticket fields to use for hyphenation. 3. If dictionary-based hyphenation is allowed, XPP looks for the word in the Hyphenation Exception dictionary specified in the Custom Dictionary field of the Job Ticket for the active language, using the following process: a. First, XPP looks for the dictionary at the job level. b. If not found at the job level, XPP looks for the Exception dictionary in the library specified in the Dictionary Library field in the Job Ticket. If XPP finds the word in the Exception dictionary, XPP hyphenates the word according to the Exception dictionary. Any word listed in the Exception dictionary overrides the value in the Main dictionary. 1-6 Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation Dictionaries and Spell Check How XPP Hyphenates a Word 4. If dictionary-based hyphenation is allowed, XPP looks for the word in the Main dictionary specified in the Main Dictionary field in the Job Ticket, using this process: a. If the Main dictionary is an XPP-provided dictionary, XPP always looks in the std-dict library for the dictionary. b. If the Main dictionary is a user-created Hyphenation Exception dictionary, XPP uses the look-up procedure for Exception dictionaries, using this process: (1) First, looks for the dictionary at the job level. (2) If not found at the job level, XPP looks for the user-created dictionary in the library specified in the Dictionary Library field in the Job Ticket. If the word is found in the Main dictionary, XPP hyphenates the word according to the Main dictionary. 5. If algorithm-based hyphenation is allowed, XPP hyphenates the word according to the language algorithm specified in the Algorithm field in the Job Ticket for the current language. XPP determines hyphenation points by finding all the possible breakpoints for the particular hyphenation language and H&J table rules, ranking them according to their quality, and returning the results to composition. During composition and pagination, XPP chooses the hyphenation breakpoint that produces a line that satisfies the spaceband width, minimum syllable size, and hyphenation quality requirements set in the H&J Spec. Testing from the Command Line The hyphen utility allows you to test the hyphenation algorithms and dictionary lookups that compose uses. The hyphen utility uses the following format: hyphen [arg1 arg2...] filename Using the appropriate switches, you can do the following: • Hyphenate the word(s) found in filename and indicate whether hyphenation was done using dictionary information. • Append the word(s) found in filename to a custom dictionary. • Append the word(s) found in filename to a custom dictionary and don’t check the hyphenation. • Read words found in a custom dictionary into filename • Create a spelling dictionary rather than doing hyphenation. Dictionaries and Spell Check Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation 1-7 How XPP Hyphenates a Word For additional information about using the switches, refer to the XML Professional Publisher: Command Line Utilities manual. You can also type the following commands at the command line prompt: xyhelp hyphen xyhelp compose xyhelp divspell xyhelp sdloc Using the Old Algorithm-only Hyphenation Prior to version 8.2, XPP used an algorithm-only hyphenation for many of the European languages. If you wish to use the old algorithm-only hyphenation for the Greek, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovakian, Estonian, Latavian, Lithuanian, Russian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, or Slovenian languages, the old language names have been replicated with a trailing number 2. For example, the old greek algorithm is now greek2. Note, however, that if you choose to use the old algorithm-only hyphenation, you cannot take advantage of the new language dictionaries since they only apply to dictionary supported languages. You have to modify the Job Ticket to force the hyphenation language back to the old algorithm. Note also that spell check does not function for an old language2. 1-8 Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation Dictionaries and Spell Check How XPP Checks Spelling .......................................................................... How XPP Checks Spelling The order of searching does not affect the accuracy of Spell Check. If a word in text is not found in any dictionary, XPP reports a spelling error. However, the order of searching can affect performance by enabling XPP to find misspelled words quickly. Spell Check uses the corelex for the active language specified in the Algorithm field of the Job Ticket. Spell Check also uses the dictionary specified in the Main Dictionary field of the Job Ticket for the active language. Spell Check does not use the dictionary specified in the Custom Dictionary field (this field is for hyphenation only). If you want to use a dictionary in addition to the one specified in the Main Dictionary field, you can build and activate a library-level or job-level Spelling Exception dictionary (You do not specify an active Spelling Exception dictionary in the Job Ticket). For information on activating dictionaries, refer to “Activating Exception Dictionaries” in Chapter 2. Dictionary Search Order During a spelling check, XPP searches through the dictionaries in the following order: 1. Looks for the word in the temporary dictionary created in memory. (You can only use Add For Session during interactive Spell Check.) 2. Looks for the word in the corelex for the active language specified in the Algorithm field of the Job Ticket. 3. Looks for the word in the Main dictionary specified in the Main Dictionary field in the Job Ticket. If the Main dictionary is an XPP-provided dictionary, XPP always looks in the std-dict library for the dictionary. If the Main dictionary is a user-created Spelling Exception dictionary, XPP uses the look-up procedure for Exception dictionaries: a. First, XPP looks for the dictionary at the job level. b. If not found, XPP looks for the user-created dictionary in the library specified in the Dictionary Library field in the Job Ticket. 4. Looks for the word in the active Spelling Exception dictionary (You do not specify the active Spelling Exception dictionary in the Job Ticket. Refer to Chapter 2 for more information .): a. First, XPP looks for the dictionary at the job level. b. If not found, XPP looks for the Exception dictionary in the library specified in the Dictionary Library field in the Job Ticket. Dictionaries and Spell Check Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation 1-9 How XPP Checks Spelling 5. Looks for the word in the division level dictionary. (You can only use Add To Dictionary during interactive Spell Check.) Job Ticket Fields for Hyphenation and Spelling The Job Ticket contains fields that tell XPP which libraries and dictionaries to use for hyphenation and spelling. The following table compares the Job Ticket fields used by hyphenation with the Job Ticket fields used by Spell Check. Refer to the XPP document XML Professional Publisher: Managing Document Styles for additional information on these fields. Table 1-1 Job Ticket Fields for Hyphenation and Spell Check Field Name Hyphenation Spell Check Dictionary Library Specifies the name of the library that contains usercreated dictionaries for all languages in this Job Ticket. Same. The default entry is std-dict, which is where XPP stores XPP-provided Main dictionaries. You can build and store Exception dictionaries in any library. If you change the entry in this field, XPP looks in Lstd-dict for XPP-provided dictionaries, and looks in the other Dictionary Library for user-created dictionaries. Algorithm, 1–34 1-10 Using a maximum of 9 characters, specifies the name of the active language. Algorithm 1 specifies the primary language and must contain a valid entry. (defaults to ‘english’) Hyphenation can use all 34 values if the document switches to other languages. Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation Same except as noted below. For Afrikaans, Asian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Maltese, and Thai, XPP provides hyphenation algorithms, but does not provide language environments or Hyphenation and Spelling dictionaries. Dictionaries and Spell Check How XPP Checks Spelling Table 1-1 Job Ticket Fields for Hyphenation and Spell Check (Continued) Field Name Hyphenation Spell Check Main Dictionary, Language 1-34 Main Dictionary 1 field specifies the name of the Main dictionary to use for both hyphenation and spelling. Same If the field is blank, composition uses only the algorithm or the Hyphenation Exception dictionary to hyphenate a word. If the field is blank, Spell Check uses the default dictionary for the active language. Using a maximum of 8 characters, specifies the name of a Hyphenation Exception dictionary for as many as 34 languages. Spell Check does not use the values in the Custom Dictionary fields. Spell Check uses the active Spelling Exception dictionary at the job or library level. Custom Dictionary, Language 1–34 To activate a Spelling Exception dictionary or to change the active Exception dictionary, select Activate from the Dictionary Maintenance menu. Main Hyphenation and Spelling Dictionaries You can specify a Main Hyphenation and Spelling dictionary for up to 34 languages in the Job Ticket. Each dictionary corresponds to a specific language; for example, you can use the American English dictionary only when the active language is ‘english’. Main Dictionaries for Multiple Languages Enter the Main Hyphenation and Spelling dictionary name in the Main Dict field in the Job Ticket. Refer to the table on page 3-6 for a complete list of Main dictionaries available from SDL and the languages for which they are used. Hyphenation Algorithms for Multiple Languages SDL provides only hyphenation algorithms for some languages , that is, there is no spell checking or dictionary support for these languages. Refer to the table on page 3-6 for a complete list of languages for which SDL provides only hyphenation algorithms. Dictionaries and Spell Check Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation 1-11 How XPP Checks Spelling You can, however, create Exception dictionaries for these languages. Enter the hyphenation algorithm in the Algorithm field in the Job Ticket and leave the dictionary fields blank. A Hyphenation Algorithm Example The following is an example of using the hyphenation algorithm for Bahasa Malay. 1. Edit the Job Ticket: • Enter malay in a Language: Algorithm field (numbered from 1 to 34). • Leave the corresponding Main Dict. Language and Custom Dict. Language fields blank. 2. Edit the XPP document. When multiple languages appear in a document, use the hyphenation language XyMacro to select a specific language for hyphenation and justification, in the format: Ô hl;language-number  (where language-number is an integer from 1 through 34 corresponding to the number of the Algorithm Language field in the Job Ticket where malay is specified. 1-12 Understanding Spell Check and Hyphenation Dictionaries and Spell Check Chapter 2 Building Dictionaries This chapter describes the concepts and procedures to: • • • • Dictionaries and Spell Check Access the Dictionary Maintenance menus Create and edit word lists Build and activate Exception dictionaries Cut, copy, delete, and rename Exception dictionaries Building Dictionaries 2-1 Dictionary Maintenance .......................................................................... Dictionary Maintenance Using the Dictionary Maintenance menu, you can: • • • • • Create a word list Edit a word list Build a Hyphenation Exception dictionary Build a Spelling Exception dictionary Activate a Spelling Exception dictionary There are two versions of the Dictionary Maintenance menu — one at the library level and one at the job level. The main difference between the two menus is where XPP stores the Exception dictionary — at the library level or at the job level. Accessing Dictionary Maintenance Using PathFinder, you can access the Dictionary Maintenance menu either at the library level or at the job level. To access the Dictionary Maintenance menu from the library level: • Select Tools > Dictionary Maintenance from the Menu bar. PathFinder displays the Dictionary Maintenance menu. —or— To access the Dictionary Maintenance menu from the job level: 1. Right-click the job in the PathFinder Tree View. PathFinder displays a pop-up box. 2. Select the following sequence from a series of pop-up boxes: Job Tools > Exception Dictionary PathFinder displays the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 2-2 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Dictionary Maintenance The Dictionary Maintenance menu contains Dictionary Options: a language message area and a list box. • Language area— displays the name of the currently active hyphenation algorithm and spell checking language. When you build a Hyphenation or Spelling Exception dictionary, XPP uses the rules for the language specified in this field. You must build all dictionaries using the language for which the dictionary was designed. For example, if you are building a German Exception dictionary, you must set the language to german. To change the language, you can select the Set Language menu option. • List box options — displays the options available either at the library level or the job level through Dictionary Maintenance: edit, create, build a Hyphenation dictionary, a Spelling dictionary, or both, activate, set language, and exit. When you build an Exception dictionary from the library level, XPP displays a message box indicating the library in which it has stored the Exception dictionary and whether it is available for printing. When you build an Exception dictionary from the job level, XPP displays a message box indicating that it has stored the Exception dictionary with the job and the path to use to obtain the file for printing. Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-3 Dictionary Maintenance Library and Job level Options The following table compares the options available through the library and job level Dictionary Maintenance menu. Table 2-1 Library and Job level Dictionary Maintenance Menus Menu Option Library-Level Job-Level Edit List Allows you to modify an existing word list. Same. Create List Creates a dictionary, asking you to enter a name for the new file. Same. Build Hyphenation Builds a Hyphenation Exception dictionary and stores the dictionary in the std-dict library. Builds a Hyphenation Exception dictionary and stores the dictionary in the current job. Build Spelling Builds a Spelling Exception dictionary, stores the dictionary in the std-dict library, and activates the dictionary as the library-level Spelling Exception dictionary. Builds a Spelling Exception dictionary, stores the dictionary in the current job, and activates the dictionary as the job level Spelling Exception dictionary. Build Both Builds both a Hyphenation Exception dictionary and a Spelling Exception dictionary, stores the dictionaries in the std-dict library, and automatically activates the Spelling Exception dictionary at the library level. Builds both a Hyphenation Exception dictionary and a Spelling Exception dictionary, stores the dictionaries in the current job, and automatically activates the Spelling Exception dictionary at the job level. Activate Activates a Spelling Exception dictionary at the library level. Activates a Spelling Exception dictionary at the job level. Set Language Changes the current language for building Hyphenation and Spelling Exception dictionaries. Same. Exit Closes the Dictionary Maintenance menu and returns to PathFinder. Same. Note: The Spelling dictionary activated by selecting the Build Spelling or Build Both options remains the active Spelling dictionary for the selected language until you 2-4 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Dictionary Maintenance build another Spelling dictionary or activate a dictionary by selecting the Activate option on the Dictionary Maintenance menu. Refer to the section “Activating Exception Dictionaries” later in this chapter for information. Locating Dictionaries from the Command Line You can locate dictionaries using the Sdloc utility at the command line. This utility locates style data files using the standard job/library chasing routines that most XPP application programs use. Sdloc uses the following format: sdloc param1 param2 ... For example, using the –p switch, you can specify that you want XPP to locate files with .p suffixes (dictionary files). Likewise, you can specify –d or d–m to specify dictionaries that end with .d or .m. For additional information on sdloc and other XPP utilities, refer to the XML Professional Publisher: Command Line Utilities, or type the following at the command line: xyhelp sdloc Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-5 XPP Word Lists for Hyphenation and Spelling .......................................................................... XPP Word Lists for Hyphenation and Spelling An XPP word list is a division that contains all the words that you want in a Hyphenation and/or Spelling Exception dictionary. Once you create a word list, you can build a Hyphenation Exception dictionary or a Spelling Exception dictionary from the same word list. Although you can use the same word list to build both types of Exception dictionaries, XPP stores Hyphenation Exception and Spelling Exception dictionaries in separate files. Sample XPP Word List Before you can build an Exception dictionary, you must create a word list. XPP stores all word lists in the first CLS_xyvision/GRP_xcept/JOB_lists path it finds on the system as it looks through the lists of handles that are defined. Every division in JOB_lists is a word list. The sample division named basic contains examples of words not found in the Main dictionary and shows how to mark preferred hyphenation points. Because SDL delivers an updated version of the basic XPP division with each software release, SDL recommends that you do not use the basic word list division to build a dictionary. Note: When you build an Exception dictionary, XPP always displays the names of the word lists stored in CLS_xyvision/GRP_xcept/JOB_lists. Therefore, do not remove this job from XPP. Job Specs for XPP Word Lists SDL also provides job specs to build the Hyphenation and Spelling Exception dictionaries for word list divisions in the CLASS xyvision/ GROUP xcept/JOB lists. Do not delete the job specs shown in the following table: Table 2-2 2-6 Job Specs for XPP Dictionary Word Lists Job Spec Type Purpose if xybase2 Item Format Spec Contains the Ò dtext Ú tag. Use this tag at the start of each word list. ps xybase2 Pagination Style Spec Provides the sequence of pages for the word list. Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check XPP Word Lists for Hyphenation and Spelling Table 2-2 Job Specs for XPP Dictionary Word Lists (Continued) Job Spec Type Purpose pl xybase2 Page Layout Spec Formats the word list into four columns. tt cvtdict Translation Table Determines the type of dictionary being created, and removes macros, tags, dollar signs ($), slashes (/), exclamation points (!). Excludes words marked with a dagger (†) from the Spelling Exception dictionary if you are creating both a Hyphenation Exception and a Spelling Exception dictionary from the same word list. Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-7 Creating and Editing a Word List .......................................................................... Creating and Editing a Word List Before you can build an Exception dictionary, you must create a word list. After you create a word list, you can build a Hyphenation Exception dictionary and/or a Spelling Exception dictionary from the same word list. Although you cannot edit an Exception dictionary directly, you can change its contents by editing the word list and then rebuilding the Exception dictionary. Create a Word List To create a word list: 1. Access the Dictionary Maintenance menu at the library level or job level. Both the library-level and job-level Dictionary Maintenance menus access the same word lists. 2. Select Create List and click the OK button. XPP displays a Dictionary Maintenance dialog box: Enter name of Exception Word List division: 3. Enter a unique name for your word list, for example, mywordlist and click the OK button. The name can be as many as 20 letters, uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. XPP does the following: • Closes the Dictionary Maintenance dialog box. • Creates a division named mywordlist. • Displays the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 4. Select another option from the list box. —or— Select Exit from the list box and click the OK button. XPP closes the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 2-8 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Creating and Editing a Word List Edit a Word List To edit a word list: 1. Access the Dictionary Maintenance menu at the library level or job level. Both the library-level and job-level Dictionary Maintenance menus access the same word lists. 2. Select Edit word list. XPP displays a Dictionary Selection box, which contains a list of the word lists available. 3. Select the word list you want to edit, for example, DIV_mywordlist. XPP opens the specified word list in the XyView. 4. Add new words or modify existing words in the list. a. If this is the first entry in the file, insert ÒdtextÚ tag at the beginning of the file. You can use the following sequence: Menu > Command > Insert tag XPP displays a List box with the available tag. Select dtext and click the OK button. XPP places the ÒdtextÚ tag at the beginning of the file. b. Enter one word per line and follow each word with a hard return: Shift + Enter keys. Note: Entries in a Hyphenation Exception dictionary are limited to 32 characters including characters used to identify hyphenation breakpoints. Refer to the next section, “Conventions for Creating Word Lists” for a complete list of conventions for entering words in a list. 5. Select Menu > Activity > Store/Exit to save your changes and exit the word list division. XPP returns to the Dictionary Maintenance menu. Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-9 Creating and Editing a Word List 6. Select another option from the list box. —or— Select Exit from the list box and click the OK button. XPP closes the Dictionary Maintenance menu. Conventions for Entries in a Word List The following table describes conventions for entering or editing words in a word list. Table 2-3 Conventions for Word Lists Convention Purpose Enter words in alphabetical order. Allows you to easily check if a word has been entered already. Enter Ò dtext Ú on the first line of the division. Calls in the xybase2 style specs that properly format the list. Enter one word per line and follow each word with a hard return (p ). Formats each word. $ (dollar sign) Marks the preferred hyphenation breakpoint. / (slash) Marks the less preferred hyphenation breakpoint when you use it inside a word. Press the Shift+Enter keys to generate a hard return. Because you use a slash (/) to mark less preferred hyphenation points, you cannot add a word that actually contains a slash to the Spelling Exception dictionary. For example, you cannot add words such as AN/PSN-37 and queue/log. XPP removes the slash when it builds the Spelling Exception dictionary, and during a spelling check, XPP treats a slash as a word break. A Hyphenation Exception dictionary stores words only if they have hyphenation breakpoints specified and the hyphenation is different than that specified by the Main dictionary or algorithm. If you do not want the word to hyphenate, you enter a slash after the word and before the hard return. The / (slash) is only used when building a Hyphenation Exception dictionary. ! (exclamation point) 2-10 Building Dictionaries Marks the least preferred hyphenation breakpoint. Dictionaries and Spell Check Creating and Editing a Word List Table 2-3 Conventions for Word Lists (Continued) Convention Purpose † (dagger) Insert a dagger at the start of all words to exclude from the Spelling Exception dictionary. When you create both a Hyphenation and Spelling Exception dictionary from the same word list, XPP uses words marked with a dagger only for hyphenation purposes. trailing ‘/’ (slash) character When building a word list for a custom Hyphenation dictionary that is going to be used: • To replace a Main dictionary in the Job Ticket • As a Custom Hyphenation dictionary with a different Custom Hyphenation dictionary replacing the Main dictionary in the Job Ticket add a trailing / (slash) character at the end of all words in the word list. This character forces each word to be added to the Custom dictionary even when its hyphenation exactly matches the hyphenation found in the Main dictionary. When building a Spelling Exception dictionary, the / (slash) is unnecessary since words are automatically forced into the Exception dictionary even if they are found in the Main dictionary. Note: The H&J Spec contains fields for specifying how to hyphenate a word, including words that contain such special characters as a slash, em dash, or hyphen. Refer to the XML Professional Publisher: Managing Document Styles for additional information about the H&J Spec. For information about using the keyboard to enter special characters, refer to the XML Professional Publisher: User Guide. Format of Spell Check Words in a Word List When entering words in a word list division that XPP uses to build a Spell Check dictionary, the format of the word — lowercase, uppercase, mixed case, accents, punctuation — is important. The following table describes the rules that Spell Check uses to determine what versions of a word to accept as correct, based on the format of the word. Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-11 Creating and Editing a Word List Table 2-4 2-12 Format Rules for Spell Check Words in a Word List If the format in the word list has ... Example Then Spell Check accepts the following versions as correct ... Variations Dots, but not just an ending dot or not all dots Ph.D. As is only Ph.D. Accents or foreign characters with ending dot re´sume´. As is only re´sume´. Accents or foreign characters re´sume´ As is As is with ending dot re´sume´ re´sume´. Mixed lowercase and uppercase with ending dot MHz. As is only MHz. Mixed lowercase and uppercase MHz As is As is with ending dot MHz MHz. All uppercase with ending dot USA. As is only USA. All uppercase USA As is As is with ending dot USA USA. All uppercase and all dots U.S.A. As is All uppercase with ending dot All uppercase U.S.A. USA. USA Initial capital and all dots E.g. As is All uppercase and all dots E.g. E.G. Initial capital with ending dot Florida. As is All uppercase with ending dot Florida. FLORIDA. Initial capital Florida As is As is with ending dot All uppercase All uppercase with ending dot Florida Florida. FLORIDA FLORIDA. All lowercase and all dots e.g. As is Initial capital and all dots All uppercase and all dots e.g. E.g. E.G. All lowercase with ending dot try. As is Initial capital with ending dot All uppercase with ending dot try. Try. TRY. Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Creating and Editing a Word List Table 2-4 Format Rules for Spell Check Words in a Word List (Continued) If the format in the word list has ... Example Then Spell Check accepts the following versions as correct ... Variations All lowercase think As is As is with ending dot Initial capital Initial capital with ending dot All uppercase All uppercase with ending dot think think. Think Think. THINK THINK. Note: For mixed case words, that is, not all lower, capitalized, nor all caps (e.g., DiamlerChrysler), or for mixed dot words, that is, not no dot, end dot, or all dots (e.g., Ph.D.), all variations of the word with capital letters and dots that are valid must be entered separately into the dictionary. If there is any question as to whether to enter multiple variations of a word, the variations can all be entered into the dictionary but should be ordered from most restrictive (all caps, initial cap, initial lower) to least restrictive. Special and Common Words for Spell Check The following table describes three types of words that XPP considers special. Table 2-5 Definition of XPP Special Words A word is special if it has ... Examples Comments Any accents or foreign characters Re´sume´ A mix of dots Ph.D. Does not include words that have all dots or words with an ending dot only. A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters McDonald PostScript Does not include words that have an initial capital followed by all lowercase letters. For special words, enter all versions that you want Spell Check to accept as correct. For example, re´sume´ and Re´sume´. Words that are not special are common. For common words, XPP retains only the last version of the same word when building a dictionary. If you are not sure if you should include multiple formats of the same word, always list the word from the most restrictive to the least restrictive. Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-13 Creating and Editing a Word List For example, if you enter these words in the following order in a word list: • TODAY • Today • today XPP stores only the lowercase version of the word in the dictionary, but accepts the following versions as correct: • • • • • • today today. Today Today. TODAY TODAY. But, if you enter the same words in the following order in a word list: • today • Today • TODAY XPP stores only the uppercase version of the word in the dictionary, and accepts only the following versions as correct: • TODAY • TODAY. Delete a Word List To delete a word list: 1. Navigate to the first document root handle that you see in PathFinder that contains CLS_xyvision/GRP_xcept/JOB_lists. 2. Click the icon in front of JOB_lists. XPP displays the word lists as DIV_xxx in the PathFinder List View. 3. Right-click the DIV_wordlistname that you wish to delete and select delete from the pop-up menu. XPP confirms that you want to delete DIV_wordlistname. 2-14 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Creating and Editing a Word List 4. Select yes to delete the wordlist. XPP deletes the word list, that is, the division, and closes the pop-up box. —or— Select no. XPP cancels the delete and closes the pop-up box. Composing and Printing a Word List Because a word list is a division, you can compose and print it just as you would any division. However, you do not have to compose the word list before building Exception dictionaries. The role of compostion here is to format the words into columns in preparation for printing. To compose a word list: 1. Select Edit List from the Dictionary Maintenance menu. XPP opens the word list in the XyView. 2. Press the following sequence from the Softkey Menu: Menu > Compose > Division Menu > Whole Division XPP composes the whole division and arranges the words in the proper columns. The following figure shows a sample word list before and after composition. Sample word list before composition Sample word list after composition Figure 2-1 Word List Before and After Composition Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-15 Creating and Editing a Word List To print a word list: 1. Select Edit List from the Dictionary Maintenance menu. XPP opens the word list in the XyView. 2. Select Print from the XButtons menu. XPP displays the Print dialog, from which you can set your printing options. For additional information about printing, refer to Chapter 7 in the XML Professional Publisher: User Guide. 2-16 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Exception Dictionaries .......................................................................... Building Exception Dictionaries After you create a word list, you can use options on the Dictionary Maintenance menu to: • • • • Select a language algorithm for hyphenation and spell checking. Build a Hyphenation Exception dictionary. Build and activate a Spelling Exception dictionary. Build both a Hyphenation and a Spelling Exception dictionary from the same word list, and activate the Spelling Exception dictionary. Selecting a Language for Hyphenation Dictionaries You must build a Hyphenation Exception dictionary against the language for which it was designed. For example, if you are building a German Exception dictionary, set the language to german. Note that setting a language only affects this particular session of dictionary maintenance. To select a language algorithm for XPP to use when it builds a Hyphenation dictionary: 1. Access the Dictionary Maintenance menu (refer to page 2-2). 2. Select Set Language. XPP displays a list box containing the supported languages. 3. Select the name of a supported language (for example, dutch) and Click the OK button. Note: Although the list box displays all the supported languages, you can only use those languages for which you have purchased a license. Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-17 Building Exception Dictionaries XPP displays the following message: Language is set for (dutch, in this case) dictionary builds. 4. Click the OK button. XPP closes the message box and returns to the Dictionary Maintenance menu, which now says: Dictionary Options: Active language is (dutch, in this case). 5. Select another process. —or— Select Exit and click the OK button. XPP closes the Dictionary Maintenance menu. Build a Hyphenation Exception Dictionary To build a Hyphenation Exception dictionary: 1. Access the Dictionary Maintenance menu (refer to page 2-2). 2. Select Set Language (refer to page 2-17). 3. Select Build Hyphenation. XPP displays a list of available word lists. 2-18 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Exception Dictionaries 4. Select a word list from the list box (e.g., DIV_mywordlist) and click the OK button. • If you access Build Hyphenation from the library level Dictionary Maintenance menu (Tools > Dictionary Maintenance from the PathFinder Menu bar), XPP displays the following message: Hyphenation Exception Dictionary mywordlist created in /usr/xyvision/xpp/sd_liz/Lstd-dict. File with Algorithm/Dictionary Notation at /usr/xyvision/xpp/tmp/ hmywordlist.5578 is available for printing. • If you access Build Hyphenation from the job level (JOB_xxx > Job Tools > Exception Dictionary from the PathFinder Tree View), XPP displays a message box indicating that it has built the Hyphenation Exception dictionary and is storing it in the current job (path). File with Algorithm/Dictionary Notation at /usr/xyvision/xpp/tmp/hmywordlist.5585 is available for printing. Note: .5578 and .5585 are the Dictionary Maintenance process identification numbers (PID). If the hyphenation indicated in the word list is the same as the Main dictionary or algorithmic hyphenation, XPP does not include the word in the Hyphenation Exception dictionary. The following figure shows a sample hyphenation comparison list. arca$loid (ar/ca/l/oid A) auto$mat!i/cal/ly (au/to/mat/i/cal!ly D) bul$let/ted (bul/let/t!ed A) core$lex (corel!ex A) dic$tion$ary (dic/tio/nary D) The words in the first column show the hyphenation points that you entered when creating the word list. The words in the second column show the dictionary (D) or the algorithmic (A) hyphenation that would have been used. main$te!n/ance (main/te/nance D) organ$i/za$tion (or/ga/ni/za/tion D) space$band (spa/ce/band A) xy$macro (xy/mac!ro A) Figure 2-2 Sample Hyphenation Comparison List Select a Language for Spelling Exception Dictionaries You must build a Spelling Exception dictionary against the language for which it was designed. For example, if you are building a British Exception dictionary, set the language to ‘british’. To select a language algorithm for XPP to use when it builds a Spelling dictionary: 1. Access the Dictionary Maintenance menu (refer to page 2-2). Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-19 Building Exception Dictionaries 2. Select Set Language (refer to page 2-17). Build a Spelling Exception Dictionary To build and automatically activate a Spelling Exception dictionary: 1. Access the Dictionary Maintenance menu (refer to page 2-2). 2. Select Set Language (refer to page 2-17). 3. Select Build Spelling. XPP displays a list box containing the available word lists. 4. Select a word list (e.g., mywordlist) and click the OK button. • If you select Build Spelling from the library level Dictionary Maintenance menu (Tools > Dictionary Maintenance from the PathFinder Menu bar), XPP displays the following message: Spell Check Exception dictionary mywordlist created in /usr/xyvision/xpp/ sd_liz/Lstd-dict and activated. • If you select Build Spelling from the job level Dictionary Maintenance menu (JOB_xxx > Job Tools > Exception Dictionary), XPP displays a message indicating that it has created the Spell Check Exception dictionary mywordlist and is storing it in the selected job (path) and has activated it. After building the dictionary, XPP returns to the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 5. Select another process. —or— Select Exit and click the OK button. XPP closes the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 2-20 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Exception Dictionaries Building Both Hyphenation and Spelling Exception Dictionaries To build both a Hyphenation and a Spelling Exception dictionary: 1. Access the Dictionary Maintenance menu (refer to page 2-2). 2. Select Set Language (refer to page 2-17). 3. Select Build Both. XPP displays the list of available word lists for the Hyphenation Dictionary 4. Select a word list from the list box (e.g., DIV_mywordlist) and click the OK button. XPP displays the list of available word lists for the Spell Check Dictionary 5. Select a word list (e.g., mywordlist) and click the OK button. . After building both dictionaries, XPP returns to the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 6. Select another process. —or— Select Exit and click the OK button. XPP closes the Dictionary Maintenance menu. Activating Exception Dictionaries You can use Exception dictionaries instead of, or in addition to, the Main dictionary. To use an Exception dictionary instead of the Main dictionary (for both hyphenation and spelling), enter the name of the dictionary in the Main Dict field in the Job Ticket for the active language. For additional information about the Job Ticket, refer to XML Professional Publisher: Managing Document Styles. To use a Hyphenation or Spelling Exception dictionary in addition to the dictionary specified in the Main Dict field, you need to activate an Exception dictionary as described in the following sections. Activating a Hyphenation Exception Dictionary To use a Hyphenation Exception dictionary in addition to the Main dictionary, specify the dictionary name in the Cust Dict field in the Job Ticket. You can specify a Hyphenation Exception dictionary for as many as 34 different languages. Enter the name of the Hyphenation Exception dictionary corresponding to Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-21 Building Exception Dictionaries the name of the word list division upon which it was built. For example, if you use the word list division named mywordlist to build a Hyphenation Exception dictionary at the job or library level, enter mywordlist in the Cust Dict field to activate the Hyphenation Exception dictionary. Activating a Spelling Exception Dictionary You can build and store multiple Spelling Exception dictionaries at the library level and at the job level. However, during a spelling check, XPP opens and uses only the active Spelling Exception dictionary for a specific language. Only one job level and one library level Spelling Exception dictionary can be active at a time for each language. When you build a Spelling Exception dictionary, XPP automatically activates it. This remains the active Spelling Exception dictionary for the language until you either build another Spelling Exception dictionary or activate a dictionary by selecting Activate on the Dictionary Maintenance menu. When you build and activate a Spelling Exception dictionary, XPP creates two versions—a non-activated Spelling Exception dictionary corresponding to the name of the word list upon which it was built and an activated version corresponding to the language name you defined by using the Set Language option.. For example, if you use the word list division named mywordlist to build and activate a Spelling Exception dictionary for use with German Spell Check, XPP creates a non-activated file named sp mywordlist.p and an activated version named ls german.p. Or, if you build and activate a Spelling Exception dictionary for use with English built against the word list division named government, XPP creates a non-activated file named sp government.p and an activated version named ls english.p. During a spelling check, XPP first looks for an active Spelling Exception dictionary at the job level. If found, XPP uses the job level dictionary. If not found, XPP then looks for an active Spelling Exception dictionary in the library specified in the Dictionary Library field in the Job Ticket. Before you can activate a Spelling Exception dictionary, you must create the dictionary. • To activate a dictionary at the library level, the dictionary must exist at the library level. • To activate a dictionary at the job level, the dictionary must exist at the job level. • From either level, you can only activate the dictionaries that have been built at that level. 2-22 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Exception Dictionaries To activate a Spelling Exception dictionary: 1. Access the Dictionary Maintenance menu (refer to page 2-2). 2. Select Set Language (refer to page 2-17). 3. Select Activate. XPP displays a list box containing the names of the current Spelling Exception dictionaries. 4. Select the name of an Exception dictionary for the selected language and click the OK button. XPP displays the following message: Spell Check Exception dictionary ‘mywordlist’ activated. 5. Click the OK button. XPP closes the message box and returns to the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 6. Select another process. —or— Select Exit and click the OK button. XPP closes the Dictionary Maintenance menu. Relocating Dictionaries When building dictionaries at the library level, XPP builds and stores them by default in Lstd-dict. To change the location from Lstd-dict to another library or job: 1. Using PathFinder, locate the dictionary in std-dict library. (Style Libraries > Lstd-dict > Hyphenation Exception or Spelling Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-23 Building Exception Dictionaries Exception) PathFinder displays the available dictionaries in the List View. 2. Right-click the dictionary you want to relocate and select Cut from the pop-up menu. 3. Locate the destination library or job in the Tree View and right-click it. PathFinder displays a pop-up menu. 4. Select Paste from the pop-up menu. If the dictionary already exists in the destination job or library, XPP displays the following message: This folder already contains a file named ‘_la_mywordlist.p.’ Do you wish to replace that file? (If you are relocating a Spelling Exception dicionary, the message says ‘ sp mywordlist.p’.) 5. Click Yes to replace the file. XPP replaces the file and closes the pop-up box —or— Click No. XPP cancels the paste and closes the pop-up box. Deleting Dictionaries You can find built and activated dictionaries at the libray or job level. To delete a dictionary: 1. Using PathFinder, locate the dictionary in a library, for example, Lstd-dict. (Style Libraries > Lstd-dict > Hyphenation Exception or Spelling Exception) PathFinder displays the available dictionaries in the List View. —or— Using PathFinder, locate the dictionary in a job. (JOB_xxx >Hyphenation Exception) PathFinder displays the available dictionaries in the List View. 2-24 Building Dictionaries Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Exception Dictionaries 2. Right-click the dictionary you want to delete and select delete from the pop-up menu. XPP confirms that you want to delete the specified dictionary. 3. Select yes to delete the wordlist. XPP deletes the word list and closes the pop-up box —or— Select no. XPP cancels the delete and closes the pop-up box. Dictionaries and Spell Check Building Dictionaries 2-25 Files Used for Hyphenation and Spelling .......................................................................... Files Used for Hyphenation and Spelling The following table shows the location, system file name, and function of files used for hyphenation and spelling. This information is useful in helping you to: • Understand the relationship between the files. • Perform troubleshooting. Table 2-6 XPP Files Used for Spell Check and Hyphenation Location Function Used for lx dict-name.d Main Dictionary Hyphenation and Spelling lx language.m Hyphenation Algorithm Hyphenation lx language.p Phonetic environment Hyphenation and Spelling le language.m Language environment Spelling lc language.m Corelex Spelling Job level or Dictionary Library sp wordlist.p User-created Spelling Exception dictionary (not activated). To override XPP-provided dictionary, call out in Main Dict field of Job Ticket. Spelling Job level or Dictionary Library ls language.p Activated version of usercreated Spelling Exception dictionary Spelling Job level or Dictionary Library la wordlist.p User-created Hyphenation Exception dictionary. To activate, call out in Main Dict or Cust Dict field of Job Ticket. Hyphenation Division-level ls language.p Division-level dictionary Spelling std-dict library 2-26 Building Dictionaries File name Dictionaries and Spell Check Chapter 3 Running Spell Check This chapter discusses the concepts and describes the procedures to: • • • • Understand interactive and background Spell Check Identify types of errors found in spelling dictionaries. Prepare a division for Spell Check. Use interactive Spell Check, including searching for and correcting spelling errors while editing a division. • Run a spelling check in the background, including viewing and printing a list of spelling errors. • Run a spelling check using job processing. • Run a spelling check from the system command line. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-1 Comparing Interactive and Background Spell Check .......................................................................... Comparing Interactive and Background Spell Check You can run Spell Check interactively while a division is open or in the background, using PathFinder, while a division is closed. The following table compares interactive and background Spell Check. Although Spell Check searches for the same types of errors, regardless of which method you choose, each method provides different options and somewhat different results. Table 3-1 3-2 Comparison of Interactive and Background Spell Check Use interactive Spell Check to ... Use background Spell Check to ... Run in a single division. Run on a single division or at the job level to process multiple divisions. Check for spelling errors while editing a division. Check for spelling errors while the division is closed. Correct spelling errors immediately; use manual correction, global replacement, or suggested-word replacement. Generate a list of spelling errors for a division, and then view or print the whole list. Correct the errors later. Add words to a division level dictionary. Use the list as an aid in creating Exception dictionaries. Set options for which types of spelling errors to report, which stream to search, and whether or not to include tabular and math text in the spelling check. Set options for whether or not to include tabular and math text in the spelling check. Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Identifying Types of Errors Found by Spell Check .......................................................................... Identifying Types of Errors Found by Spell Check Spell Check finds spelling and spelling-related errors. The most common error is a misspelled word, that is, a word that is not found in the dictionary. The cause of other errors include: typographical mistakes, improper use of prefixes and suffixes, failure to capitalize proper nouns and adjectives, abbreviations, and acronyms. In addition to misspelled words, Spell Check reports an error if a sentence does not begin with a capital letter, if a word is repeated, if a word includes incorrect beginning or ending punctuation, or if a word has extraneous hyphens. Spell Check ignores pgrafs, tags, and macros. Spell Check honors as word breaks: variable and fixed spaces, line endings, slashes (/), and other composition values such as move horizontal and baseline shift. Spell Check Error Messages The following table lists the error messages produced by Spell Check and gives examples of each error. Table 3-2 Spell Check Error Messages Error Message Examples Misspelled word wierd, tooths, irish, bostonian, celtics, U.S.a., NaTO, AmPS, twentyfour Misspelled possessive word Xyvsion’s, mothre’s Misspelled word containing hyphens out-of-adte, high-resolutino Possible misspelled word acknowledgement, dependible, blackout, many-fold, arguement, Possible improper start of sentence This is a complete sentence. perhaps you failed to start the first word in the sentence with a capital letter. Repeated word in the the annual report, he is a very very nice man, tell her that that we can Invalid punctuation prefix ‘’quotes” ?Can you and ,;therefore Invalid punctuation suffix end of sentence.! “closing quotation mark is incorrect‘‘ Word without parenthetical text is misspelled citie(s), ag(ing), forc(ible) Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-3 Identifying Types of Errors Found by Spell Check Table 3-2 Spell Check Error Messages (Continued) Error Message Examples Word with parenthetical text is misspelled wolf(s), dictionary(s) Word has extraneous hyphens diction-ary, re-curring The following figure shows sample errors in an XPP division. Possible improper start of sentence Misspelled possessive word Possible misspelled word Word has extraneous hyphens Misspelled word Repeated word Word with paren text is misspelled Word without parenthetical text is misspelled Invalid punctuation suffix Invalid punctuation prefix Misspelled word containing hyphens Figure 3-1 Types of Errors Found by Spell Check 3-4 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Preparing a Division for Spell Check .......................................................................... Preparing a Division for Spell Check The XPP Spell Check program supports up to 34 languages in a division and multiple exception and local dictionaries. Before running a spelling check on a division, you may want to: • Access the Job Ticket and edit the fields that specify the dictionary library, the language algorithm and the Main dictionary. • Activate a Spelling Exception dictionary. Languages and Dictionaries in the Job Ticket To specify which languages and Main dictionaries to use during a spelling check: 1. In the PathFinder Tree View, click the plus (+) icon in front of the job. PathFinder expands the job. 2. Click the icon in front of the Job Ticket. PathFinder displays the name of the Job Ticket in the List View. 3. Double-click the icon in front of the Job Ticket name in the List View. XPP opens the Job Ticket in the XyView. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-5 Preparing a Division for Spell Check 4. In the Dictionary Library field, enter the name of the library containing your Exception dictionary—if other than the default. By default, the Dictionary Library field specifies the std-dict library. You can enter up to eight characters for an Exception dictionary library. 5. In the Algorithm field, enter the name of the language for which you want to run Spell Check. You can use Next Choice and Previous Choice to select from the available languages or you can use the drop-down arrow to display the list of available languages. The Job Ticket contains 34 language fields for spell checking. When you start Spell Check, the active language is set from the Algorithm field of Language #1. For each language specified in the Job Ticket, Spell Check uses the entry in the Algorithm field and the entry in the Main Dictionary field. (The Custom Dictionary field is used only for hyphenation; Spell Check does not use this field.) 6. In the Main Dictionary field, enter the name of a dictionary corresponding to the language. You can use Next Choice and Previous Choice to select from the alternative language options that you have installed, or you can use the drop-down arrow to display the list of available dictionaries. 7. Store/Exit the Job Ticket. Job Ticket Entries for Algorithms and Dictionaries The following table lists Job Ticket entries for languages using Main dictionaries followed by those using language algorithms. Those languages that have Main dictionaries also have a core lexicon. Table 3-3 3-6 Algorithms and Main Dictionaries Available from SDL Language Algorithm Field Main Dictionary Field Uses this dictionary English english english or default American English1 (80,821 words) Subset of the Miriam Webster American English dictionary geobio A geology and biology related dictionary legal American English and Legal Supplement1 (92,641 words) medical American English and Medical Supplement1 (106,713 words) Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Preparing a Division for Spell Check Table 3-3 Algorithms and Main Dictionaries Available from SDL (Continued) Language Algorithm Field Main Dictionary Field Uses this dictionary leg+med American English and Legal/ Medical Supplement1 (118,533 words) englisha American English with Legal/ Medical, Scientific/ Technological, and Geographical/Biographical Supplement1 (140,713 words) scitech A scientific and technical dictionary Arabic arabic arabic Arabic British English british british British English2(80,307 words) britisha British English and Legal/ Medical Supplement1, 2(115,784 words) Bulgarian bulgaria bulgaria Bulgarian Canadian (English) canadian canadian Canadian Catalan catalan catalan Catalan Croatian croatian croatian Croatian Czech czech czech Czech Danish danish danish Danish3(113,000 words) Dutch dutch dutch Dutch4(208,251 words) Estonian estonian estonian Estonian Finish finnish finnish Finnish3(113,000 words) French french french French2 (136,771 words) French Canadian cafrench cafrench French Canadian2 (136,771 words) German german german German2(150,893 words) Greek greek greek Greek Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-7 Preparing a Division for Spell Check Table 3-3 3-8 Algorithms and Main Dictionaries Available from SDL (Continued) Language Algorithm Field Main Dictionary Field Uses this dictionary Hebrew hebrew hebrew Hebrew Hungarian hungary hungary Hungarian Italian italian italian Italian2 (178,839 words) Latavian latvian latvian Latvian Lithuanian lithuan lithuan Lithuanian Norwegian norweg norweg Norwegian5 (126,123 words) Norwegian (Nynorsk) nynorsk nynorsk Norwegian — Nynorsk dialect5 (126,123 words) Polish polish polish Polish Portuguese (Brazil) brazil brazil Portuguese —Brazilian2 (207,119 words) Portuguese (Continental) portugal portugal Portuguese — Continental2 (212,565 words) Romanian romanian romanian Romanian Russian russian russian Russian Slovakian slovak slovak Slovakian Slovenian slovenia slovenia Slovenian Spanish spanish spanish Spanish2 (194,393 words) Swedish swedish swedish Swedish5 (891,332 words) Swiss (German) swiss swiss Swiss German2 (150,893 words) Turkish turkish turkish Turkish Vietnamese vietnam vietnam Viernamese Afrikaans afrikaan N/A6 N/A6 Asian asian N/A6 N/A6 Japanese japanese N/A6 N/A6 Korean korean N/A6 N/A6 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Preparing a Division for Spell Check Table 3-3 Algorithms and Main Dictionaries Available from SDL (Continued) Language Algorithm Field Main Dictionary Field Uses this dictionary Malay (Bahasa) malay N/A6 N/A6 Maltese maltese N/A6 N/A6 Thai thai N/A6 N/A6 1 Published by Merriam-Webster Inc. Published by William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 3 Published by Munksgaard International Publishers Ltd. 4 Published by Van Dal Lexicografie bv 5 Published by International Data Education a s 6 SDL provides hyphenation algorithms for these languages, but does not support spell checking or provide dictionaries. Leave the Main Dict and Cust Dict fields blank in the Job Ticket. 2 Multilingual Spell Checking When you start Spell Check, the active language is set from the Algorithm field of Language #1 in the Job Ticket. To specify additional languages for spell checking: 1. Fill in the Job Ticket Algorithm fields with up to 34 languages. 2. Enter its corresponding algorithm field number in the Prestring or Language field of the Item Format Spec or in the hyphenation language (hl) XyMacro to call out the appropriate language. You can use the Ô hl  XyMacro in the Prestring field, in the Poststring field, XML/SGML End field, or directly in the document. For example, enter Ô hl;3  within the division text to call out the language in field number 3 from the Job Ticket; enter 12 in the Language field of the Item Format Spec to call out the language in field number 12. When you compose and spell check a division, XPP checks the language code for each line of text. When the language code changes, the new language becomes active. The language code changes according to the value of the Prestring or Language field in the Item Format rules and/or hyphenation language XyMacros in the division. As XPP spell checks each language, it outputs messages to inform you of its progress. For additional information about filling in Job Ticket fields, refer to XML Professional Publisher: Managing Document Styles. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-9 Preparing a Division for Spell Check Activate a Spelling Exception Dictionary You can use a Spelling Exception dictionary in addition to the XPPprovided Main dictionary or instead of the Main dictionary. • To use an Exception dictionary instead of the Main dictionary, enter the name of an Exception dictionary in the Main Dict field in the Job Ticket for the corresponding language. • To use an Exception dictionary in addition to the dictionary specified in the Main Dictionary field, activate an exception dictionary at the job or library level. During a spelling check, XPP opens and uses only the active spelling exception dictionary for a particular language. When you build a Spelling Exception dictionary, XPP automatically activates it. This remains the active Spelling Exception dictionary for the language until you either build another Spelling Exception dictionary or activate a dictionary by selecting Activate on the Dictionary Maintenance menu. During a spelling check: • XPP first looks for an active Spelling Exception dictionary at the job level. If found, XPP uses the job level dictionary. • If a job level Exception dictionary is not found, XPP looks for an active Spelling Exception dictionary in the library specified in the Dictionary Library field in the Job Ticket. Before you can activate a Spelling Exception dictionary, you must create the dictionary. Refer to Chapter 2, page 2-20, for additional information on building Spelling Exception dictionaries. Activate a Library-level Exception Dictionary To activate a Spelling Exception dictionary at the library level: 1. Select Tools> Dictionary Maintenance (refer to page 2-2). XPP displays the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 2. Select Set Language (refer to page 2-17). XPP displays a list of available languages. 3. Select a language from the list and click the OK button. XPP displays the following message: Language XXX (where XXX is the language you selected) is set for dictionary build. 4. Click the OK button. XPP closes the message box and returns to the Dictionary Maintenance 3-10 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Preparing a Division for Spell Check menu, which now says: Dictionary Options: Active language is XXX ( where XXX is the language you selected). 5. Select Activate from the Dictionary Maintenance menu. XPP displays a list box containing the names of the current Spelling Exception dictionaries that match the selected language. 6. Select the name of an Exception dictionary and click the OK button. XPP displays the following message: Spell Check Exception Dictionary XXX activated (where XXX is the name of the Exception dictionary you selected). 7. Click the OK button. XPP closes the message box and returns to the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 8. Select another process. —or— Select Exit and click the OK button. XPP closes the Dictionary Maintenance menu. Activate a Job level Exception Dictionary To activate a Spelling Exception dictionary at the job level: 1. Right-click the job in the PathFinder Tree View. PathFinder displays a pop-up box. 2. Select the following sequence from a series of pop-up boxes: Job Tools > Exception Dictionary PathFinder displays the Dictionary Maintenance menu. 3. Continue with Step 2 under “Activating a Library Level Exception Dictionary” in the previous section. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-11 Running an Interactive Spell Check .......................................................................... Running an Interactive Spell Check Using interactive Spell Check, you can check for spelling errors while a division is open. Interactive Spell Check searches for misspelled words, highlights them when found, and provides information about the type of spelling error. To access the interactive Spell Check menu: 1. Select Menu > Search > Spell Check from the Softkey Menu. The first time you select Spell Check in an editing session, XPP opens the spelling dictionaries and indicates in the Dialog area which dictionaries are open. For example: Initial language is “english” (1) When the dictionaries open, XPP displays the Spell Check menu. 2. Select an option from the Spell Check menu: 3-12 Option Description Set Options Displays the Spell Check Options form which allows you to set which types of errors to report, which stream to search, and whether or not to include tabular and math text. Find Next Initiates a spelling check; finds the next spelling error. Suggested Words Displays a list of possible corrections for the spelling error. Search/Replace Accesses the replace feature; searches for a spelling error, and activates the Confirm Replace menu which allows you to replace the error, to continue searching, or end the search. Delete Word Deletes the highlighted text; useful with repeated words. Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Running an Interactive Spell Check Option Description Add For Session Adds the highlighted word to a temporary dictionary for the editing session only. Note that there is a 4k limit of available memory for adding words for the session. Add To Dictionary Adds the highlighted word to the division level dictionary. Previous Menu Returns to the Search/Replace menu. Set Options for Interactive Spell Check By default, XPP checks for all types of errors, in all streams and in all tables, but not in math text. At any time during an editing session, you can change the interactive Spell Check options. To change the options currently set for interactive Spell Check: 1. Select Set Options on the Spell Check menu. XPP displays the Spell Check Options form window. 2. Complete the fields. You can use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate the entries. • Report—Specifies the types of errors to report during the spelling check. • Streams—Specifies the stream to search. • Tabular—Specifies whether text in tables is spell checked. • Math—Specifies whether math text is spell checked. The following table explains the valid entries. 3. Press the OK button to save your changes and return to the Spell Check menu. The options you select remain in effect for the current editing session or until you change them. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-13 Running an Interactive Spell Check Spell Check Options Form Window The fields in the Spell Check Options pop-up window are: Report Specifies the types of errors to report during the spelling check. Entry Description all errors Searches for all types of spelling and spelling-related errors (default). spelling only Searches only for spelling errors, including: • • • • • • • Misspelled words Misspelled possessive words Misspelled words containing hyphens Possible misspelled words Words without parenthetical text are misspelled Words with parenthetical text are misspelled Words with extraneous hyphens With the spelling only entry, Spell Check does not find: • Possible improper start of sentences • Repeated words • Invalid punctuation, prefixes, and suffixes Streams Specifies the stream to search. Entry Description all Searches through all streams (default). name Stream containing the cursor, to search through just that stream. For example, if the cursor is in the main-text stream, you can enter Main Text in this field. Tabular Specifies whether text in tables is spell checked. 3-14 Entry Description include Checks the spelling of text within tables (default). exclude Does not check the spelling of text within tables. Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Running an Interactive Spell Check Math Specifies whether math text is spell checked. Entry Description include Checks the spelling of math text. exclude Does not check the spelling of math text (default). Search for Spelling Errors Spell Check searches for spelling errors beginning at the current cursor position. Searching always proceeds forward for the next spelling error. If the cursor is in the middle of a word, Spell Check starts at that position. In this case, Spell Check reports an error if the remaining fragment of the word is misspelled, which is usually the case because the fragment is rarely a word. To search for spelling errors: 1. Select Find Next on the Spell Check menu. XPP begins the search, stops when an error is found, and highlights the spelling error, as shown in the following example. Like a re-curing nightmare, there are words that are always being misspelled. The following list shows the incorrect spelling of some commonly misspelled words. The Dialogue area displays the type of error and prompts you for action, for example: Misspelled word. (Type correction or select from menu.) 2. Correct the error manually or select one of the following options: Dictionaries and Spell Check Option Description Suggested Words Displays a list of possible corrections for the spelling error. Delete Word Deletes the highlighted text. Search/Replace Searches for a spelling error and displays the Confirm Replace menu, allowing you to replace the spelling error. Add For Session Adds the highlighted word to a temporary dictionary for the editing session only. (Memory limit is 4K) Running Spell Check 3-15 Running an Interactive Spell Check Option Description Add To Dictionary Add the highlighted word to the division level dictionary. 3. Select Find Next to continue searching for the next spelling error. Display a List of Suggested Corrections When Spell Check finds an error, you can request a list of words that resemble the misspelled word. Spell Check creates and orders the list of suggested words by using three basic correction methods: typographical error, phonetics error, and capitalization error. To request a list of possible corrections for a spelling error: 1. Search for a spelling error. 2. When an error is found, select Suggested Words. • If the dictionary has no suggested words for the misspelled word, Spell Check displays the message: No Suggested Words. • If the dictionary has suggested words, Spell Check displays a list of possible corrections with the closest match at the top of the list, as shown in the following example. 3-16 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Running an Interactive Spell Check 3. Use the scroll bar on the Suggested Words list box to scroll through the list of suggested words. 4. Select one of the following options to continue: • Position the cursor on the word you want to substitute and click the OK button. XPP automatically replaces the spelling error with the highlighted word and returns to the Spell Check menu. • Click the Cancel button to exit the list of suggested words without selecting one. XPP closes the window and returns to the Spell Check menu. The spelling error remains highlighted. 5. Select Find Next to continue searching for spelling errors. Global Search/Replace of Spelling Errors During a spelling check, you can access the same search and replace functions as found when you select Replace from the Search/Replace menu. Use the Search/Replace option on the Spell Check menu to globally search for and replace a word that you may have misspelled throughout a division. To replace a spelling error: 1. Search for a spelling error. 2. When an error is found, select Search/Replace to display the Replace pop-up window. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-17 Running an Interactive Spell Check 3. Complete the fields, then click the OK button. XPP begins the search, stops at the first exact match, and displays the Confirm/Replace menu. 4. Select one of the options on the Confirm/Replace menu to replace this occurrence or all occurrences, as well as to search for the next or previous occurrence. When the replace is complete, XPP returns to the Spell Check menu. Delete a Spelling Error Using the Delete option on the Spell Check menu, you can easily delete the highlighted text. This option is useful when Spell Check finds a repeated word as the error (for example, the the). It is also useful if you want to delete the highlighted text and type the word again. Add Words to a Dictionary in Interactive Spell Check During an interactive spelling check, you can select: • Add For Session to add words to a temporary dictionary. • Add To Dictionary to add words to a division level dictionary. The following table compares the two options for adding words to a dictionary, using the options on the Softkey Menu. Table 3-4 3-18 Comparison of Menu Options that Add Words to a Dictionary Add For Session Option Add To Dictionary Option Stores the word in a temporary dictionary. Stores the word in a division level dictionary. Exists in memory for the current editing session only. Stores with the division permanently; does not apply to other divisions in the job. Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Running an Interactive Spell Check Table 3-4 Comparison of Menu Options that Add Words to a Dictionary (Continued) Add For Session Option Add To Dictionary Option Deleted at the end of the editing session. Once created, Spell Check always opens and uses the division level dictionary during a spelling check. Has a limit of 4K of memory. Once full, you cannot add any additional words for the editing session. Stores the dictionary on disk. Limited only by available disk space. Cannot modify, view, or print the words in a temporary dictionary. Cannot modify, view, or print the words in a division level dictionary. Can add words when editing a conferenced division. Cannot add words when editing a conferenced division. Specify Case and Punctuation Before you add a word to a dictionary, you should know: • Whether you want to specify the case of the word to be added to the dictionary and take advantage of the case-sensitive capabilities of Spell Check. • When to specify a trailing period in order to properly spell the word. The following sections discuss how Spell Check treats uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and trailing periods, and describes how to add a word to a dictionary. Is the Word Case-sensitive? When you add a word to the temporary dictionary or to the division level dictionary, XPP checks the case of each letter in the word. Spell Check automatically displays the Change Case menu before adding the word to the dictionary if the word has: • All uppercase letters • An initial capital letter followed by all lowercase letters The Change Case menu allows you to add the word— • but ignore the case. • and require the initial cap. • and leave it as it is currently spelled. XPP does not display the Change Case menu if the word being added to the dictionary is special. Refer to Chapter 2, page 2-13, for a description of the words XPP considers special. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-19 Running an Interactive Spell Check You can add words to a dictionary in all lowercase letters, all uppercase letters, or with an initial capital letter. The following table describes the variations that Spell Check accepts as correct depending on the case of the word. Table 3-5 Uppercase and Lowercase Sensitivity Rules Word as Listed in the Dictionary Spell Check Accepts as Correct All lowercase letters All lowercase letters All uppercase letters Initial capital All uppercase letters All uppercase letters Initial capital letter All uppercase letters Exact match—initial capital Is a Trailing Period Required? If the word being added to the dictionary has a trailing period, Spell Check prompts: Is the trailing period required? You must specify whether or not the period is needed to properly spell the word. The following table provides examples. Table 3-6 3-20 Examples of Trailing Periods Sentence Word to Add Trailing Period Required? The capital of Massachusetts is Boston. Boston No. The word Boston is correct with or without the period. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the U.S.A. U.S.A. Yes. The word U.S.A. is correct only with the trailing period. Pick up your I.D. before noon on Friday. I.D. Yes. The word I.D. is correct only with the trailing period. Friday No. The word Friday is correct with or without the period. Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Running an Interactive Spell Check Procedure to Add a Word to a Dictionary To add a word to a division level or temporary dictionary during an interactive spelling check: 1. Search for a spelling error. 2. Select one of the following options: • Add For Session— Adds the word to a temporary dictionary that exists in memory for the current editing session only. • Add To Dictionary—Adds the word to a dictionary that is stored with the division. XPP acts according to the word being added to the dictionary, that is: • If the word has all uppercase letters or an initial capital only, and no trailing period: XPP Displays the Change Case menu. You specify the case of the word to add to the dictionary. XPP adds the word to the selected dictionary and returns to the Spell Check menu. • If the word has all uppercase letters or an initial capital only, and a trailing period: XPP displays the Change Case menu. You specify the case of the word to add to the dictionary. XPP prompts if the trailing period is required. You select Yes or No as appropriate. XPP adds the word to the selected dictionary and returns to the Spell Check menu. • If the word has a trailing period: XPP prompts if the trailing period is required. You select Yes or No as appropriate. XPP adds the word to the selected dictionary and returns to the Spell Check menu. • If the word has any other combination: XPP immediately adds the word in its current format to the selected dictionary. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-21 Running an Interactive Spell Check If a word has all uppercase letters or only an initial capital, XPP displays the Change Case menu: 3. Select one of the following options: Option Description Ignore Case Adds the word to the dictionary in all lowercase letters. Initial Capital Adds the word to the dictionary with the first letter capitalized. All other letters are lowercase. Leave As Is Adds the word to the dictionary as it appears in text, without changing the case of any of the letters. Previous Menu Returns to the Spell Check menu; cancels the add to dictionary operation. You cannot modify, view, or print the words in either the temporary dictionary or the division level dictionary when using interactive Spell Check and the Softkey Menu. Also, you cannot add a word to the division level dictionary if you are editing a conferenced division. Spell Check does not automatically add the words entered into the temporary dictionary or the division level dictionary to a Spelling Exception dictionary. If you use a word in many jobs or divisions, you may want to add the word to a Spelling Exception dictionary. Refer to Chapter 2, page 2-8, for more information. 3-22 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check from PathFinder .......................................................................... Running Spell Check from PathFinder Spell Check searches for spelling errors in the specified division, compares the words in the division to entries in the dictionaries, and then produces a list of words that it cannot match. XPP alphabetically sorts the list of errors and removes any duplicate entries. Each entry occupies one line. You can later view or print the list of spelling errors, and then use the list to create or modify an Exception dictionary. You can run Spell Check from the job level or from the division level using PathFinder. When running from the job level (job processing), by default, XPP looks only in the Spell Check column in the Document Assembly Ticket and processes those divisions that have an entry of yes. Once you set up the Document Assembly Ticket and the Division Tickets, you are ready to use job processing. However, if you check the Check all divisions box on the Spell Check tab, XPP checks all divisions, disregarding the settings in the Document Assembly Ticket. When you run Spell Check from the division level, using PathFinder, the program checks for spelling errors in the entire division and does not use the value in the Spell field of the DA Ticket. Likewise, if you run Spell Check interactively, using the Softkey menu, the program does not use the value in the Spell field of the DA Ticket. To run Spell Check from PathFinder: 1. Right-click the job in the PathFinder Tree View —or— Right-click the division in the PathFinder List View on which you want to run Spell Check. XPP displays a pop-up window. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-23 Running Spell Check from PathFinder 2. Select the following options from a series of pop-up windows: Process > Spell Check XPP displays the Spell Check Dialog. 3. From the Spell Check tab: a. Set Spell Check Data: • Check Tabular to include tables in the Spell Check process. (Clear check box to exclude tables since they are included by default.) • Check Mathematical to include math text in the Spell Check process. 3-24 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check from PathFinder b. Set Page ranges: • All—Spell Check checks all pages in the division or in the job. • From:...To:—Allows you to set page ranges. • Pages—Allows you to specify individual pages, ranges of pages, or a combination. c. Output file You can choose to: • Write output to text file. —and/or— • Combine division errors into one file. When run from PathFinder, the output file is always sp_errors.txt d. Sort words and drop duplicates This option defaults to “on”, which may prevent other options, such as –pid, from running. You can clear the check box if you want these other options to run from the command line. e. Check all divisions This option is only available if you are running Spell Check from the job level. It indicates that Spell Check should ignore the Document Assembly ticket and spell check all the divisions in the job. If you do not check this option while doing job processing and if any division in the Document Assembly Ticket with the Spell field set to yes does not exist, XPP aborts the spelling check process when it gets to that division and displays a message, such as: Error: Cannot chdir to “DIV ivision-name” (errno=2) If you get this message, edit the Document Assembly Ticket to correct the problem. 4. From the Command tab: a. Check Command Line Options field to enable the list box and enter any additional spell checking options. Refer to the XML Professional Publisher: Command Line Utilities for information on Divspell options. b. Check Preview command before running it field to check the Spell Check command before you run the program. If you have checked this option, XPP provides the opportunity to preview your command. • If you run Spell Check from the job level, PathFinder executes the following default command: /usr/xyvision/xpp/xz/bin/divspell –xsh –sort –t –nol –job –cd jobpath Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-25 Running Spell Check from PathFinder • If you run Spell Check from the division level, PathFinder executes the following default command: /usr/xyvision/xpp/xz/bin/divspell –xsh –sort –t –nol –cd divpath 5. When you have finished making your selections, click the Run button. XPP displays progress messages in the list box in the right pane of the Spell Check Dialog. If you check Write output to text file, the process ends with the total number of errors and the name of the spelling errors file: sp_errors.txt. If you do not check this box, Spell Check displays the errors in the right pane of the Spell Check Dialog. 6. Click the Close button. PathFinder closes the Spell Check Dialog. For additional information about job processing, refer to the XML Professional Publisher: User Guide. View and Print the List of Spelling Errors If you specify that Spell Check should write the output to a file, the file name is always sp_errors.txt. You can view the contents of this file through PathFinder. To view the file contents through PathFinder: 1. Right-click the division on which you ran Spell Check. PathFinder displays a pop-up list. 2. Select the following sequence from a series of pop-up lists: Division Tools > View As ASCII PathFinder displays Select File to View as ASCII dialog box. 3. Select sp_errors.txt file and click the Open button. XPP opens Notepad (UNIX) and displays the path name, and the date and time the list was generated along with the contents of the file. Note: If you are using XPP on Windows, PathFinder opens the text editor of your choice. 4. Select File > Print to send the file to a printer. You can use the list to create or modify an Exception dictionary. 3-26 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check from the System Command Line .......................................................................... Running Spell Check from the System Command Line If you have appropriate privileges, you can run Spell Check from the operating system command line on one division or on several divisions or jobs. To run Spell Check from the command line, enter: divspell arg1 arg2 ... wordlistfile divspell — is the name of the spell checking program. arg1, arg2 — allows you to select among several options for spell checking, page selection, job processing, and language environment. wordlistfile — is the name of the ASCII output file for the list of misspelled words. You can also run Spell Check from an “alljobz” tree to check all the divisions found in one or more Jobs using Xsfspell. To run Spell Check on several divisions or jobs, enter: xsfspell param1 param2 xsfspell is the name of the utility that searches the “alljobz” tree. param1—allows you to use one or more options associated with the Divspell program to perform spell checking. param2 —is the document root handle and/or path from which Xsfspell begins checking. For detailed information on divspell and xsfspell processing options when run from the command line, see the XML Professional Publisher: Command Line Utilities manual. Get Language Environment Information from the Command Line If you have operating system access, you can get information about the language environment and dictionaries. You can use these switches by themselves or combine them with other divspell switches. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-27 Running Spell Check from the System Command Line Use any of the following switches with divspell to get language environment information from the command line: • –j lists Job Ticket language information, including whether the language is valid and supported. • –l lists information on all languages supported by XPP, including access codes. • –d lists the names and access codes of all dictionaries supported by XPP. XPP displays information on the screen by default. You can save it in an output file by appending an output filename to the command line. For example: divspell –j –l > divfile –j includes Job Ticket information. –l includes language support information. > divfile indicates that the JT information and language support information is being directed to the output file divfile in the current directory. 3-28 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Spell Checking Associated With Auto-Processing .......................................................................... Spell Checking Associated With Auto-Processing You may want to use Spell Check as one of the processes associated with Auto-Processing. To do so, you need to modify the Background Processing Configuration and edit the DOF Spell Spec, using XyAdmin, the XPP administrative tool. Accessing XyAdmin You may need administrative privileges to access the XyAdmin Menu bar. To access XyAdmin from UNIX: At the command line prompt, enter: xyadmin XPP displays the XyAdmin Menu bar. To access XyAdmin from Windows: Select the following options from a series of pop-up menus: Start > Programs > XML Professional Publisher > XPP > Administrative Tools XPP displays the XyAdmin Menu bar. Set Options for Background Spell Check By default, XPP checks the spelling of tabular text, but not math text. Before you run a spelling check in the background, you may want to change the options that determine whether or not to include tabular text and math text in the spelling check. To change the options currently set for background Spell Check: 1. From XyAdmin, select File > Background Processing Configuration XPP displays the Master bgq config file. 2. From this location, you can modify: • • • • Spell Check Command Spell Check Options Tags and Codes Print Options Loep Options. The valid entries are: yes, new, no, which you can enter using the drop-down arrow and pop-up list box. Dictionaries and Spell Check Running Spell Check 3-29 Spell Checking Associated With Auto-Processing 3. Set the Spell Check Options? field to yes and Store/Exit the Master bgq file. XPP displays the DOF Spell file. 4. Modify the DOF file and select Store/Exit to save your changes. XPP closes the DOF. For additional information about XyAdmin or editing the Background Queue spec, refer to XML Professional Publisher: Managing XPP. 3-30 Running Spell Check Dictionaries and Spell Check Chapter 4 Greek Hyphenation This chapter explains what the Greek Hyphenation option involves and describes how to set up and use it. Dictionaries and Spell Check Greek Hyphenation 4-1 Understanding the Greek Hyphenation Option .......................................................................... Understanding the Greek Hyphenation Option The Greek hyphenation option provides a set of algorithm rules for hyphenating words in Modern Greek (Demotic). The option does not include Greek fonts or font width files for your PostScript output device. You need to purchase fonts for your output device from a third-party vendor. You can set up the related font width files yourself or you can have XPP perform this task. Setting Up the Greek Hyphenation Option Setting up and using the Greek hyphenation option involves the following steps: 1. Editing the Job Ticket to access the Greek hyphenation algorithm. 2. Entering Greek text and composing divisions. Edit the Job Ticket To activate the Greek hyphenation algorithm, enter the following information in the Job Ticket. Job Ticket Field Entry Language: Algorithm greek Language: Main Dict Leave blank Language: Custom Dict Leave blank Entering Greek Text and Composing Divisions At the start of any Greek text, use one of the following methods to apply Greek hyphenation: • If text starts with a tag, make sure the tag has the correct entry in its language field. • Enter Ô hl;language-number  in the Prestring field of the tag. • Enter Ô hl;language-number  directly in text. • Enter a user-defined macro that has Ô hl;language-number  as part of its expansion. 4-2 Greek Hyphenation Dictionaries and Spell Check Understanding the Greek Hyphenation Option Compose the Division When you enter Greek text characters and compose the division, the Greek hyphenation utility breaks words according to the Greek hyphenation algorithm. Call in Greek Hyphenation with a XyMacro When multiple languages appear in one document, you can use the hyphenation language XyMacro to select the language for hyphenation and justification, in the format: Ô hl;language-number  (where language-number is an integer from 1 through 34 that specifies the number of the hyphenation language defined in the Job Ticket.) Dictionaries and Spell Check Greek Hyphenation 4-3 Understanding the Greek Hyphenation Option 4-4 Greek Hyphenation Dictionaries and Spell Check Glossary algorithm A procedure or set of rules to permit calculation of expected results. Logic hyphenation for a language is one example of an algorithm where a set of rules, based on characteristics of a particular language, are used to determine the correct places to hyphenate a word. Algorithm (Algorithm dictionary) Field in the Job Ticket where you specify what language hyphenation algorithm XPP should use. Or, if being used for Spell Check, specifies the exception dictionary. background Spell Check Spell Check that runs in the background while a division is closed, freeing the workstation for other tasks. corelex The corelex (core lexicon) contains a list of the most frequently used words in a particular language. There is a corelex for each language provided by SDL. (Exceptions are listed on page 3-6) . During a spell check, XPP automatically opens the language environment and the corelex, which are stored in the std-dict library. You cannot edit the language environment or the corelex. Cust Dict (Custom dictionary) A field in the Job Ticket where you can specify the name of a Hyphenation Exception dictionary to use for the job. dictionary hyphenation Hyphenation according to breakpoints specified for the word in a dictionary. dictionary library The XPP library containing such user-created dictionaries as spelling exception dictionaries and hyphenation exception dictionaries. By default, the Dictionary Library field in the Job Ticket specifies the std-dict library. See also library level dictionary. Dictionaries and Spell Check Glossary 1 division-level dictionary During interactive Spell Check, you can add words to a division-level dictionary that XPP stores with the division. Spell Check automatically creates this dictionary the first time you select Add To Dictionary from the Spell Check menu. Once created, Spell Check always opens and uses the division-level dictionary during an interactive or background spelling check. A division-level dictionary applies only to the division for which it was created. To make words correct for multiple divisions, you can add the words to a job-level or library-level Spelling Exception dictionary. divspell An XPP utility you can use from the command line that spell checks XPP divisions or determines language environment information. Document Assembly Ticket The XPP spec that controls job processing. The Document Assembly Ticket controls which divisions to process and in which order to perform the processes. exception dictionary A dictionary set up for a specific XPP application or job that supplements the Main dictionary. An exception dictionary can be either a Spelling dictionary, adding correct spellings for words not included in the Main dictionary (for example, company or product names), or a Hyphenation dictionary with hyphenation rules to supplement or override those in the Main dictionary. See also word list. Ô hl  XyMacro An XPP macro that selects the hyphenation and justification language and the spell check language when multiple languages appear in the same document. hyphenation Separating a word at a breakpoint, leaving part of the word at the end of one line and continuing it on to the next, with a hyphen at the end of the first part of the word. hyphenation algorithm A set of rules for hyphenating words in a particular language. Hyphenation Exception dictionary A dictionary containing words marked with hyphenation breakpoints. Words in a Hyphenation Exception dictionary override the hyphenation of words in the Main dictionary. Hyphenation & Justification (H&J) Spec A style spec that defines how composition controls spaceband width, ragged zones, justification, and word hyphenation. interactive Spell Check Spell Check that occurs in the foreground while a division is open. job-level dictionary A Spelling Exception dictionary or Hyphenation Exception dictionary stored at the job level, which applies only to divisions under the job. job processing Processing multiple divisions in an XPP job in the background. Examples of job processes include composition and Spell Check. justification Causing words and characters to fill out the line length, accomplished through hyphenation, word spacing, and/or letter spacing. 2 Glossary Dictionaries and Spell Check language environment The XPP language environment contains the phonetic rules, punctuation rules, valid prefixes and suffixes, and numeric conventions (decimal point and digit separator) for a particular language specified in the Job Ticket. library-level dictionary A Spelling Exception dictionary or Hyphenation Exception dictionary stored at the library level that can apply to multiple jobs. Specify the name of the library containing library-level exception dictionaries in the Dictionary Library field of the Job Ticket. Main Dict (Main dictionary) A field in the Job Ticket where you specify the name of the dictionary to use for the hyphenation and spelling of commonly used words in a language. Main dictionary An XPP-provided dictionary that contains the correct spelling and proper hyphenation points for commonly used words in a language. XPP uses the same Main dictionary for both hyphenation and spelling, and you can specify main dictionaries for up to 34 languages. You cannot modify XPP-provided main hyphenation and spelling dictionaries. However, you can build an exception dictionary to use instead of, or in addition to, the XPP Main dictionary. multilingual Spell Check XPP can spell check up to 34 languages in a division. When you compose and spell check a division, XPP checks the language code for each line of text. When the language code changes, the new language becomes active. The language code changes according to the value of the Prestring or Language field in the Item Format rules and/or hyphenation language (hl) XyMacros in the division. Spell Check An XPP process that searches for spelling errors in a division or multiple divisions under a job. You can run Spell Check interactively while a division is open or in the background while a division is closed. Spelling Exception dictionary A dictionary that contains the correct spelling of words not found in a Main dictionary. You can build spelling exception dictionaries that include words specific to your application, organization, or industry, for example, technical terms, company names, product names, proper names, acronyms, and abbreviations. You can use a Spelling Exception dictionary in place of, or in addition to, the Main dictionary. You can store spelling exception dictionaries at the library level, job level, or division level. temporary dictionary During a spelling check, XPP automatically creates a temporary dictionary in memory, which is discarded at the end of the editing session. XPP adds words found in a dictionary during the editing session to the temporary dictionary. Storing these words in memory saves XPP time if the words recur. XPP also adds words not found in a dictionary to the temporary dictionary, and marks the words as misspelled. By storing misspelled words in memory, XPP does not repeat its search of all the dictionaries for the same misspelling. During an interactive spelling check, you can select Add For Session to add words to the temporary dictionary to make words not found in any dictionary acceptable for the current editing session. Dictionaries and Spell Check Glossary 3 word list An XPP special-purpose division that contains all the words that you want in a hyphenation and/or Spelling Exception dictionary. Once you create a word list, you can build a Hyphenation Exception dictionary or a Spelling Exception dictionary from the same word list. Although you can use the same word list to build both types of exception dictionaries, XPP stores hyphenation exception dictionaries and spelling exception dictionaries in separate files. xsfspell An XPP utility that runs only from the command line and navigates an “alljobz” tree to spell check all the divisions found in one or more jobs. 4 Glossary Dictionaries and Spell Check Index A Accessing Dictionary Maintenance from the command line 2-5 Dictionary Maintenance menu at the job level 2-2 Dictionary Maintenance menu at the library level 2-2 Activate 2-4 Activating Hyphenation Exception dictionaries 2-21 Spelling Exception dictionaries 2-22 3-10 Active language 1-6 Add For Session 1-5 3-13 3-15 3-18 Add To Dictionary 1-5 1-10 3-13 3-16 3-18 Adding words to a dictionary 3-20 description of 3-18 performing during interactive Spell Check 3-21 specifying the case of a word 3-19 administrative tools accessing from Unix 3-29 accessing from Windows 3-29 afrikaan 3-8 Algorithm 1-6 1-10 3-6 Dictionaries and Spell Check hyphenation 1-6 arabic 3-7 asian 3-8 Auto-Processing using Spell Check with 3-29 B Background Spell Check setting options for 3-29 use of 3-2 viewing the list of spelling errors 3-26 brazil 3-8 breakpoint hyphenation 1-7 britisha 3-7 british 3-7 Build Both 2-4 Build Hyphenation 2-4 Build Spelling 2-4 from the job level 2-20 from the library level 2-20 bulgaria 3-7 C cafrench 3-7 Canadian 3-7 canadian 3-7 catalan 3-7 Change Case menu 3-22 Chinese 1-3 Common words for Spell Check 2-13 Composing word lists 2-15 Conventions used to create word lists 2-10 Create List 2-4 Creating Hyphenation and Spelling Exception dictionaries 2-21 Hyphenation Exception dictionaries 2-18 Spelling Exception dictionaries 2-20 word lists 2-8 croatian 3-7 Custom Dictionary 1-6 1-11 3-6 czech 3-7 D danish 3-7 default 3-6 Delete Word 3-12 3-15 Deleting spelling errors 3-18 Dictionaries activating Exception 2-21 adding words to 3-18 building Exception 2-1 2-17 building Hyphenation and Spelling Exception 2-21 building Hyphenation Exception 2-18 Index 1 building Spelling Exception 2-20 division-level 1-5 Hyphenation Exception dictionaries 1-4 Job Ticket fields for hyphenation and spelling 1-10 look-up rules for hyphenation and spelling 1-6 relocating 2-23 selecting a language algorithm for Spelling 2-19 specifying for Spell Check 3-5 temporary spelling 1-5 Dictionary hyphenation 1-6 Dictionary Library 1-9 1-10 3-6 Dictionary Maintenance from the command line 2-5 from the job level 2-2 from the library level 2-2 using Sdloc 2-5 Displaying list of suggested words 3-16 Division-level dictionaries adding words to 3-18 Divisions 3-5 preparing for Spell Check 3-5 word lists 2-6 dutch 3-7 and Spelling 2-21 building Hyphenation 2-18 building Spelling 2-20 building 2-17 creating and editing word lists 2-8 hyphenation comparison list 2-19 hyphenation 1-4 job-level 3-11 library-level 3-10 look-up rules for 1-6 relocating 2-23 selecting a language algorithm for Spelling 2-19 word lists 2-6 Exit 2-4 F Files for spelling and hyphenation 2-26 Find Next 3-12 finnish 3-7 french 3-7 I G geobio 3-6 german 3-7 Global search and replace 3-17 greek 3-7 E Edit List 2-4 Editing word lists 2-8 englisha 3-7 english 3-6 Errors deleting spelling 3-18 list of suggested words for spelling 3-16 replacing spelling 3-17 searching for spelling 3-15 types found by Spell Check 3-3 viewing the background Spell Check list of spelling errors 3-26 estonian 3-7 Exception dictionaries activating 2-21 building both Hyphenation 2 Index description of 1-4 Hyphenation comparison list 2-19 look-up rules for 1-6 relocating 2-23 word lists 2-6 Hyphenation Language XyMacro 1-6 3-9 Hyphenation Quality Allowed 1-6 Hyphenation activating Hyphenation Exception dictionaries 2-21 algorithmic 1-6 building both Hyphenation and Spelling Exception dictionaries 2-21 building Hyphenation Exception dictionaries 2-18 comparison list 2-19 dictionary 1-6 how XPP hyphenates words 1-6 Job Ticket fields for 1-10 H hebrew 3-8 H&J Spec 1-6 hl XyMacro 1-6 3-9 hungary 3-8 Hyphenation and Justification Spec using to control hyphenation 1-6 Hyphenation comparison list 2-19 Hyphenation Exception dictionaries activating 2-21 building with Spelling Exception dictionaries 2-21 building 2-18 creating and editing word lists 2-8 Ignore Case 3-22 Initial Capital 3-22 Initiatinginteractive Spell Check 3-15 Interactive Spell Check 3-18 adding words to a dictionary 3-18 3-21 deleting spelling errors 3-18 description of 3-12 displaying a list of suggested words 3-16 replacing spelling errors 3-17 searching for spelling errors 3-15 setting options for 3-13 specifying a trailing period for dictionaries 3-20 specifying the case of a word for dictionaries 3-19 use of 3-2 italian 3-8 J japanese 3-8 Dictionaries and Spell Check Job processing for Spell Check 3-23 Job specs for word lists 2-6 Job Ticket 4-2 fields for hyphenation and spelling 1-10 fields for spelling 1-10 language fields 1-6 modifying for Spell Check 3-5 specifying dictionaries for Spell Check 3-5 specifying languages for Spell Check 3-5 Job-level Exception dictionary 3-11 K korean 3-8 L Language environment getting information from the system commands 3-27 Languages fields in Job Ticket 1-6 1-11 for Spell Check 3-5 latvian 3-8 Leave As Is 3-22 legal 3-6 leg+med 3-7 Library-level Exception dictionary 3-10 List of suggested words 3-16 lithuan 3-8 norweg 3-8 nynorsk 3-8 O Options 3-29 setting for background Spell Check 3-29 setting for interactive Spell Check 3-13 P polish 3-8 Pop-up windows Replace 3-17 Spell Check Options 3-13 portugal 3-8 Preparing a division for Spell Check 3-5 Printing word lists 2-15 R Replace pop-up window 3-17 Replacing search and replace 3-17 spelling errors 3-17 Report 3-14 romanian 3-8 running from the command line with Divspell 3-27 running from the command line with Xsfspel 3-27 Running interactive Spell Check 3-15 russian 3-8 M Main Dictionary 1-6 1-9 1-11 3-6 malay 3-9 maltese 3-9 Math 3-15 medical 3-6 Menus Change Case 3-22 interactive Spell Check 3-12 Modifying Job Ticket for Spell Check 3-5 Multi-lingual Spell Check 3-9 N Dictionaries and Spell Check S scitech 3-7 Sdloc 2-5 Searching for spelling errors 3-15 3-17 Searching using search and replace 3-17 Search/Replace 3-12 3-15 Select H&J Table XyMacro 1-6 Set Language 2-4 2-17 2-18 Set Options 3-12 Setting options for background Spell Check 3-29 options for interactive Spell Check 3-13 slovak 3-8 spanish 3-8 Special words for Spell Check 2-13 Specifying a trailing period 3-20 dictionary information in the Job Ticket 3-5 the case of a word for dictionaries 3-19 Spell Check Options pop-up window 3-13 3-14 Spell Check 3-20 a trailing period 3-20 activating Spelling Exception dictionaries 2-22 3-10 adding words to a dictionary 3-18 3-21 auto-processing 3-29 background 3-2 building both Hyphenation and Spelling Exception dictionaries 2-21 building Spelling Exception dictionaries 2-20 common words 2-13 deleting spelling errors 3-18 displaying a list of suggested words 3-16 how XPP checks spelling 1-9 initiating interactive 3-15 interactive menu 3-12 interactive 3-2 job processing 3-23 Job Ticket fields for 1-10 multi-lingual 3-9 preparing a division for 3-5 replacing spelling errors 3-17 running from the command line with Divspell 3-27 running from the command line with Xsfspel 3-27 running from the command line 3-27 running interactively 3-12 searching for spelling errors 3-15 setting options for background 3-29 setting options for interactive 3-13 special words 2-13 specifying the case of a Index 3 word for dictionaries 3-19 types of errors found by 3-3 viewing the list of background Spell Check spelling errors 3-26 Spelling and Hyphenation files 2-26 Spelling errors deleting 3-18 list of suggested words for 3-16 replacing 3-17 searching for 3-15 viewing the background Spell Check list of 3-26 Spelling Exception dictionaries 1-4 activating 2-22 3-10 building with Hyphenation Exception dictionaries 2-21 building 2-20 creating and editing word lists 2-8 look-up rules for 1-6 relocating 2-23 selecting a language algorithm for Exception dictionaries 2-19 4 Index word lists 2-6 Spelling Exception Dictionary 1-5 Division-level 1-5 std-dict library 1-9 Streams 3-14 Suggested Words 3-12 3-15 swedish 3-8 swiss 3-8 system commands language environment info 3-27 Spell Checking 3-27 T Tabular 3-14 Temporary dictionaries 1-5 adding words to 3-18 thai 3-9 tj XyMacro 1-6 Trailing period specifying for dictionaries 3-20 turkish 3-8 W Windows Replace pop-up 3-17 Spell Check Options pop-up 3-13 Word lists composing 2-15 conventions used to create 2-10 creating and editing 2-8 definition of 2-6 division 2-6 for Exception dictionaries 2-6 job specs 2-6 printing 2-15 sample XPP 2-6 Words how XPP checks the spelling of 1-9 how XPP hyphenates 1-6 specifying the case of for dictionaries 3-19 X V Xsfspell 3-27 XyAdmin Menu bar 3-29 vietnam 3-8 Dictionaries and Spell Check SDL plc 101 Edgewater Drive Wakefield, MA 01880-1296 Web site: Telephone: (781) 756-4400