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Rug gged Va andal Prroof Dome IP C Camera Quick G Guide This guide is ffor quick ins stalling and cconnecting DIGITUS DN-16082-1 Rugged Van ndal Proof Dome D IP Ca amera. For ore details, p please refer to the Userr’s Manual of the camera a in the supplied CD. mo N NOTE: In so ome cases, E Ethernet cro ossover cabl e might be needed n wheen connecting the camerra directly to o the P PC. N NOTE: Chec ck the statu us of the link indicator a and the activity indicatoor LEDs. If the LEDs aare unlit, ple ease on. ccheck the LA AN connectio Ca amera’s Connectors s Green Link L Light in dicates good network cconnection. Orange e Activity Lig ht flashes fo or network a activity indica ation. Before Login to the t Came ra No. N 1 Connecto or D Definition Remarks For network n and PoE connec ctions BNC For analog video ou utput 2 BNC* GND DC 12V AC 24V V1 Powerr 3 Power connection c (DC 12 2V / AC 24V V) GND AC 24V V2 D4 RS-485 5 D+ RS-485 connection GND Press s the reboott button with h a proper tool t for at le east 20 secconds to 5 Defaullt Button reboo ot the camerra. 1 Audio o In L Audio In n 2 Audio o In R 3 GND 4 Audio o Out L Audio Out O 6 Alarm & Audio I/O O 5 Audio o Out R 6 Alarm m Out + 7 Alarm m Out − Alarm connection 8 Alarm m In + 9 Alarm m In − s videos and snapsh hots. Do Inserrt the SD carrd into the card slot to store 7 SD Card Slot not re emove the SD S card whe en the came era is powere ed on. *Please contacct the manufacturer for the compatiible BNC cable. RJ-45 Pin 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 NOTE: It is not re ecommende ed to record d with the SD S card for 24/7 continuously, as it i may not b be able to supporrt long term continuous data read/w write. Please e contact the e manufacturer of the SD D card for in nformation regard ding the relia ability and th he life expec ctancy. Ca amera Cab bling Ple ease follow tthe instructio ons below fo or cable con nnections. Po ower Conne ection Ple ease use a D DC 12V / AC C 24V powerr adaptor an nd plug it to the t camera and the pow wer outlet. Alternatively, users can use e an Ethernet cable and d connect it to the RJ-45 connectorr of the cam mera and a Power P Sourc cing Equipm ment (PSE) sw witch. NOTE E: If PoE is used, u make ssure PSE is s in use in the network. hernet Cable Connection Eth Co onnect one e end of the Ethernet E cab ble to the RJ-45 connecttor of the ca amera, and plug p the other end of th he cable to the e network sw witch or PC. A client program willl be automa atically insta alled to the PC when connecting too the camerra. Before loogging in to the camera, please ens sure downlo oading the ActiveX A con ntrol is allow wed by eitheer changing g the ActiveeX controls and plug-ins or setting Internet’s se ecurity level to default. For further details, pleease refer to o the User’ss Manual in the supplied CD. A ActiveX Con ntrols and P Plug-ins Se ettings Step 1:: Start the Internet Expllorer (IE). Step 2:: Select from the main menu of th he browser. Then T click on n . O Step 3:: Click on the tab and selecct >, and clickk on tto change Ac ctiveX settin gs. Step 4:: Set “Activ veX controlss and plug-ins” items tto or . Inteernet Securrity Level Step 1: Start the Innternet Explorer (IE). Tools> from the main menu of the Step 2: Select . curity> tab and sele ect Step 3: Click on the . Step 4: Down the page, click and click m the settinng. Close the on to confirm window, and open a new w one later for f browser w accessing the IP came era. Camera a Login e to obtain IP address from the D The cam mera is defa ault set as D DHCP mode DHCP server. Under DH HCP mode, the wever if no D er is camera ccan be foun nd via UPnP P search or please use the search tool from thhe CD. How DHCP serve 0.250. Thereefore, to acc cess detected d, then the camera woul d switch auttomatically tto fixed IP address undeer 192.168.0 X; for exampple: the came era under fix xed IP addre ess, please set s the IP ad ddress of the PC as: 1992.168.0.XXX IP Addre ess: Subnet M Mask: 255.2 255.255.0 Login ID D and Passw word RL bar of the ser window aand hit on “E Enter”.  Key in n the camera a’s IP addresss in the UR e web brows he prompt reequest dialogue. Note thhat usernam me is  Enter the default username (a admin) and password ((admin) in th case ssensitive. he ActiveX Control Install th est for installling the ActiveX controll will appear just below tthe URL barr.  After cconnecting to t the camerra, the reque d then clickk on to permit A ntrol  Right click on th he informatiion bar, and ActiveX con installa ation. RUGGED DOME IP CAMERA  In the pop-up security warning window, click on to start downloading Viewer software on the PC.  Click on after Viewer installation is completed. Browser-based Viewer The main page of the IP camera user interface is shown as the figure below. Please note that function buttons will vary depending on the camera model. Quick Installation Guide DN-16082-2 000B0FZXZ101_ Ver. 1.2