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Domino. - Eowave




? in the Do mino? r w ith a VCO ve ze a si w o he E nt e. sy is What transistor mad rete analogue er & VCA are omino is a disc CO, filt Eowave D an d TB303. V 0 2 S M of n d. Rich tra ditio ique raw so un sonant filter. un re a B d o 4 in 2 a om D life to the Filter is fects to give itecture gives ef ch al ar rn te or st ex si ed of l size an d Its tran me time, no ne ss to all parameters. Smal sa e th at w ce ixing the an d ra use. Direct ac obtained by m to be sy n Ea ca s d. d un the so ise d so un e. Uncomprom square. es. Extra metal enclosur w ion possibiliti m from sa to at or ul ef od av m w te le tor, glide variab r infini r, an arpegg ia le types offe ce ab en ri qu va se O s LF ep The 8 ing a 8 st ibilities. atures includ of soun d poss d el er, the fi e a dditional fe th en w inner, no lo os ition w id no gn l, el co W re . nt ut O ce an d ac o In an d ve fun! MIDI In, au di soun ds an d ha ol co e Provided w ith ak m e game is to only rule of th .:.:DOMINO.::: Rules of the game by ? Connections 1/ Connect the power supply AC 12 V to the powerplug input. The LFO LED will light up and blink. 2/ Connect the Domino audio out to your sound system (jack 6,35 mm - 1/4”). 3/ To use the Domino like an effect processor, connect the audio in to an external sound source like another synth. it will disconnect the internal VCO 4/ Connect the MIDI in to the MIDI out of your MIDI keyboard or to a MIDI sequencer. ncy Oscillator e u q e Fr w o L >> LFO = 0 to 20 Hz. pth + spee d) efor ms. Its spee d range is from ncy. Play w ith the e (d n io ct se ue LFo wav lter cutoff freq s 8 different rate d the fi This LFO gene CO, the PW an V e e soun d. th e at ul od to modulate th ob kn n It allows to m io at ul amount mod corresponding synced to the rt, the LFO is po in nc I ID M e to th gs. In MIDI sy Spee d I clock signal default settin ID ee to M (s t a s. se y te re pl no ap to 1/32 unit When you /4) mesures to le on the back) g &replug the (4 lu 8 np U . om al fr gn e si bl b midi clock spee ds availa lock Time ta e 16 different the MIDI C mode there ar w = sa , = Triangle, s: pe = modwheel ms ty Type = staircase, erent wavefor ff e, di is 8 no s = ha O , ur keyboard The LF random . odwheel of yo = square, = m e , w th sa by e (or MIDI CC1) rs ed = inve is replac O LF e th on siti In the 8th po ncer!!!! steps seque 8 a to this position, in O F sequencer! In ps e Turn the L st 8 a the Domino into l surface to e LFO turns ro th nt n, co io a it g os p lu wheel each step. P On LFO mod e intensity of th te la u od CC 9-16 m LFO RESET tr y this! MIDI IN an d d. is playe ew note that n h ac e at the LFO CC20 resets filter ? low-pass s of a soun d a is t a reg ion n: Wh rs : Definitio t an d attenuate paramete l ia t n s e o s o s e o l let all Filters b have tw filter w il quency. y s e s h a T p . m w lo spectru utoff fre ance. A o to the c n d reson p a u f f u encies g o r t h u t c s go all frequ o thru. ie , c s n n e e u p q o low fre ss filter encies g e low-pa , only low frequ s When th se en it clo thru. Wh tics a & b. ma See sche The DOMINO VCF is a 24dB resonant low-pass filter. Cutoff The cutoff knob determines the cutoff frequency of the VCF. In its highiest position (10), the sound will pass unchanged. As you lower the knob, the frequencies in the higher pitch range will be cut, fading the sound out in its lowest position (0). Resonance The resonance knob will emphasize the frequency at the point set with the cutoff. As you raise the knob, certain harmonics are boosted and the sound will be more unusual, more electronic in its nature. If setting the resonance knob to the high position and move the cutoff knob, you can obtain a type of sound that is impossible to be reproduces by any other musical instrument. At its highest level, self oscilation will begin (at the cutoff frequency). Env mod Env mod controls how much the cutoff frequency is affected by the envelope. lfo mod This controls how much the cutoff frequency is affected by the LFO. VCA = Voltage Controlled Amplifier The VCA controls the volume (amplitude) of the sound and is controlled by the output voltage from the envelope generator. The VCO is the Voltage Controlled Oscillator, which creates continuous waveforms from saw to square. The VCO is the sound source of the syntheziser. Tune: -/+ 7 semitones. Mix: There are 2 types of waveThe VCO likes it hot!!! forms from the VCO (saw and Allow 1/2 hour pre-heating before the square). They can be mixed to go final tuning. In the first hour, the tune continuously from saw to square. will be going a couple of herz lower. The level is a bit lower on mid position for a cleaner sound. Lfo mod is the LFO modulation amount of the LFO on the pitch. Pwm is the Pulse Width modulation amount of the LFO on the pwm. In the need for transposition To transpose the sound more than 7 semitones, use the transpose function of your keyboard, the internal MIDI to CV converter range from MIDI note 12 to 108, which represents 8 octaves. VCF = Voltage Controlled Filter env/gate switch This selector switch enables to select whether to control the VCA by the signal from the envelope generator or by the gate signal. When the switch is down, Gate is on. When the switch is up, envelope is on. Another additional feature: there is an arpeggiator inside! The envelope LED in the VCA section shows the envelope activity. When the switch is up, the VCA is controlled by the envelope. ENV = Envelope The envelope generator generates the control voltage applied to the VCF and the VCA, thereby controlling the volume and the tone color of each note. This output voltage is generated when you press a key. The analogue envelope range is from 1ms to 10s with attack, decay/release, sustain. The internal arpeggiator is be activated by MIDI CC4, CC5 and CC6. CC4 sets the direction: up, down, up&down or sequancial (follows the played notes). CC5 activates the arpegiator (off - 1 oct - 2 oct - 3 oct) CC6 activates the latch mode (on - off). In latch mode off, only the notes being played will be arpeggiated. In latch mode on, any notes played are latched (memorized) and will continue to be arpeggiated even if they are not being played anymore. The arpeggiator is controlled by the LFO speed and therefore it can be synced to a midi clock. Attack The attack knob sets the time required for the voltage to reach it’s maximum from the moment the key is pressed down. Decay/Release The decay knob determines the time required for the voltage to drop from the maximum to the sustain level. When the sustain level is high, the envelope curve does not change by adjusting the decay time. Note that the decay also affects the time of release of the envelope. Sustain The sustain knob determines the sustain level to which the voltage falls at the end of the decay time. The sustain is maintained during the gate time. Multiple Trigger Mode CC21 activates the Multiple Trigger Mode. In this mode, the envelope is retriggered at each new note that is played. Per default, the Domino is set on Single Trigger Mode. Glide! Cool tips! Per default, the glide is activated when notes are played legato. It can be off or continuously on. CC2 sets the glide off/legato only/on. CC3 sets the glide time. The last set-up is saved in a non-volatile memory. Accent feature! Velocity values above 120 are recognized as an accent. .:.:DOMINO.::: Support Contact eowave La Cure - 58110 Tintury - France [email protected] - ph: +33/6 61 70 20 50 )PIGXVSRMG(IWMKR1EVG7MVKY] -RXIVJEGI(IWMKR)QQERYIPPI+EPPMR Cautions ‰(31-23HSR XPMOIXSFIJVMIHOnly use a AC 12V 1A power supplySVXLI SRIWYTTPMIH ‰8SWXSVI]SYV(31-23YWIMXWSVMKMREPTEGOEKMRK ‰(SRSXSTIRSVXV]XSQSHMJ]XLIYRMXSVMXWQEMREHETXIV[LIRXLIYRMXMW I\XIVREPP]TS[IVIH ‰(YVMRKPMKLXRMRKYRTPYKXLIYRMXQEOIWYVIXLIQEMREHETXIVMWRSXTPYKKIH ‰&IJSVIGPIERMRK]SYV(31-23QEOIWYVIXLIQEMREHETXIVERHSVER] I\XIVREPIPIQIRXWEVIHMWGSRRIGXIHJVSQXLIYRMX'PIERMX[MXLEHV]GPSXL ‰(SRSXXV]XSVITEMVXLIYRMXSVXLIGSQTSRIRXWMRWMHISJMX4PIEWIGSRXEGX IS[EZIJSVXIGLRMGEPWYTTSVXEXWEPIW$IS[EZIGSQ ‰(SRSXYWI]SYV(31-23RSVWXSVIMXMRHYWX]EVIEWHEQTEVIEWI\XVIQI XIQTIVEXYVIWI\TSWIHXSHMVIGXWYRPMKLXEVIEWTVSRIXSWXVSRKZMFVEXMSRW ‰(SRSXMRWIVXER]SFNIGXWRSVTSYVER]PMUYMHMRXSXLIYRMX4VSXIGXXLIYRMX EKEMRWXZMSPIRXWLSGOW ‰&IJSVIYWMRK(31-23MREJSVIMKRGSYRXV]QEOIWYVIXLEX]SYVQEMREHETXIV MWGSQTEXMFPI[MXLXLIQEMRWYTTP] ‰2IZIVXSYGL]SYV(31-23SVMXWEHETXIV[MXL[IXLERHW[LIRMXMWTPYKKIH MR2IZIVTPEGILIEZ]SFNIGXWSR]SYV(31-23 ‰(31-23GERWTVIEHZIV]LMKL ZIV]PS[JVIUYIRGMIW1MRH]SYVWTIEOIVW 9WIXLMWHVE[MRKXSRSXI]SYVJEZSVMXIWIXXMRKW MIDI Implementation Chart 4MXGL&IRH    LEPJXSRIW 1SHYPEXMSR[LIIP   '' +PMHI3**32PIKEXS321-(- ''  +PMXIXMQI    '' ETVHMV94(3;2 94 (3;2WIUYIRXMEP  ''  EVT3**3'83'83'8''  EVT0%8',    '' SREFSZI 7IUYIRGIVWXITW   '''' 1-(-'03'/ 1-(-78%68 WIX1-(-7]RG32 1-(-7834 VIWIXXLI0*3  1-(-GLERRIP    HIJEYPX 0*3VIWIX    '' 1YPXMTPIXVMKKIVQSHI  '' MIDI Clock time table WTIIH RSXIW  FEVW  FEVW  FEVW  FEVW  FEV  FEV        X    X    X     Setting a new MIDI channel 7IRHMRKE4VSKVEQ'LERKIJVSQ XS[MPPWIXXLIRI[1-(- GLERRIP7IRH4VSKVEQ'LERKI XSZEPMHEXIXLIRI[1-(- GLERRIP8LMWRI[1-(-GLERRIP MWWEZIHMRXLIMRXIVREPQIQSV] 8LI4VSKVEQ'LERKILEWXSFI WIRXEXXLIGYVVIRX1-(-GLERRIP -J]SYLEZIJSVKSXXIRSR[LMGL GLERRIPXLIYRMXMWWIXXV]XS WIRHRSXIWSREPPGLERRIPWSRI EJXIVXLISXLIV ,IPT-LIEVRSWSYRH 4PIEWIGLIGOXLEX]SYV(SQMRSMW WIXSRXLIVMKLX1-(-GLERRIP )3;%:)0-1-8)(;%66%28=ERHWXERHEVHPIKEPHMWGPEMQIV 8LERO]SYJSVTYVGLEWMRK)S[EZITVSHYGX8LIJSPPS[MRKXIVQWERHGSRHMXMSRWETTP] ;EVVERX]TIVMSHMWJSVSRI]IEVJVSQXLIHEXISJTYVGLEWI[MXLETVSSJSJTYVGLEWI WYFQMXXIH;EVVERX]GSZIVWIPIGXVMGEPJEMPYVISJIPIGXVSRMGGSQTSRIRXWI\GITXMRGEWIW I\TPEMRIHFIPS[3TIVEXMRKMRWXVYGXMSRWQYWXFIJSPPS[IH8LI(SQMRSQYWXRSXLEZI FIIRHEQEKIHEWEVIWYPXSJQMWYWIRIKPIGXEGGMHIRXHIWXVYGXMSRMQTVSTIVIPIGXVMGEP ZSPXEKIWSVGYVVIRXWVITEMVEPXIVEXMSRSVQEMRXIRERGIF]ER]TIVWSRSVTEVX]SXLIV XLERSYVS[RWIVZMGIJEGMPMX]SVEREYXLSVM^IHWIVZMGIGIRXIVYWISJVITPEGIQIRXTEVXW SVQSHMJMGEXMSRSJXLITVSHYGXMRER][E]3FPMKEXMSRWSJ)S[EZIWLEPPFIPMQMXIHXS VITEMVSVVITPEGIQIRX[MXLWEQISVWMQMPEVYRMX8SSFXEMRVITEMVWYRHIVXLMW[EVVERX] TVIWIRXXLITVSHYGXERHTVSSJSJTYVGLEWIXS)S[EZIWIVZMGIGIRXIVXVERWTSVXEXMSR GLEVKIWTVITEMH;LIRVIXYVRMRKXLITVSHYGXJSVVITEMVTPIEWITEGOMXZIV]GEVIJYPP] TVIJIVEFP]YWMRKXLISVMKMREPTEGOEKMRKQEXIVMEPW4PIEWIMRGPYHIERI\TPEREXSV]RSXI ')RSVQ *''-2*361%8-32 -QTSVXERXRSXMGIHSRSXQSHMJ]XLMWYRMX8LMWTVSHYGX[LIRMRWXEPPIHEWMRHMGEXIH MRXLIMRWXVYGXMSRWGSRXEMRIHMRXLMWQERYEPMWGSQTEXMFPI[MXLXLI')RSVQ *'' VIUYMVIQIRXW -QTSVXERX;LIRGSRRIGXMRKXLMWTVSHYGXXSEGGIWWSVMIWERHSVERSXLIVTVSHYGX YWISRP]LMKLUYEPMX]WLMIPHIHGEFPIW'EFPIWWYTTPMIH[MXLXLMWTVSHYGXQYWXFIYWIH *SPPS[EPPMRWXEPPEXMSRMRWXVYGXMSRW*EMPYVIXSJSPPS[MRWXVYGXMSRWGSYPHZSMH]SYV*'' EYXLSVMWEXMSRXSYWIXLMWTVSHYGXMRXLI97% 2SXIXLMWTVSHYGXLEWFIIRXIWXIHERHJSYRHXSGSQTP][MXLXLIVIUYMVIQIRXWPMWXIH MR*''6IKYPEXMSRW4EVXJSV'PEWW&HMKMXEPHIZMGIW MR8LI)YVSTIER7XERHEVH)2 SR)PIGXVSQEKRIXMG'SQTEXMFMPMX]+IRIVMGIQMWWMSRWXERHEVHSRVIWMHIRXMEP GSQQIVGMEPERHPMKLXMRHYWXV]'SQTPMERGI[MXLXLIWIVIUYMVIQIRXWTVSZMHIWEVIEWS REFPIPIZIPSJEWWYVERGIXLEXXLIYWISJXLMWTVSHYGXMREVIWMHIRXMEPIRZMVSRQIRX[MPP RSXVIWYPXMRLEVQJYPMRXIVJIVIRGI[MXLSXLIVIPIGXVSRMGHIZMGIW