Doug Hanback FINAL CUT PRO/PREMIERE EDITING AND MOTION GRAPHICS Work samples available at 703-‐493-‐0624 •
[email protected]
• Versa@le editor with a diverse porColio including broadcast, huge mul8-‐screen theater experiences and interac8ve/web.
• Advanced storyteller with a crea8ve eye and an ins8nct for bringing out the compelling, emo@onal side of any project.
• CuIng-‐edge technical exper8se ranging beyond tradi@onal media, including uniquely shaped and warped films and projects more than four 8mes larger than 4K.
• Mo@on graphics, composi@ng, color correc@on, Blu-‐ray and DVD to complete your story and bring your project to life.
• A personal dedica@on to the quality of every project, on 8me and on budget, for over nine years.
• Adaptable problem solver with a knack for crea@ve, efficient solu@ons to the unpredictable and fast-‐changing challenges of post-‐produc8on.
EXPERIENCE Doug Hanback Produc@ons LLC, 2012-‐Present, Washington, DC metro area Providing clients with complete post-‐produc8on services including story edi8ng, online edi8ng, color correc8on, anima8on, composi8ng and advance finishing techniques such as green screen and wire removal • Projects ranging from interac8ve video to documentary to large, mul8-‐screen media installa8ons • Advanced encoding and DVD/Blu-‐Ray Authoring for any type of project. Cor@na Produc@ons, Senior Editor/Mo;on Graphics, 2006-‐2012, McLean, VA Edi8ng, graphics and advanced post-‐produc8on work on diverse range of media, including broadcast television, complex composited mul8-‐screen media installa8ons, DVD, new media and more • Lead editor for several large museum projects involving mul8ple video, audio and interac8ve media, managing the en8re post-‐produc8on process with mul8ple editors • Advanced encoding and finishing for complex media installa8ons, including edge blending and geometry correc8on • Assis8ng in network administra8on and IT troubleshoo8ng for en8re company, including five edit suites • Camera, assistant and technical consul8ng work on shoots, including live events, 3D and RED Epic camera shoots. Freelance Produc@on Assistant/Editor, 2005-‐2006, Washington, DC metro area Edi8ng and graphics including work on large, mul8-‐player interac8ve projected onto a large dome • Photoshop • Footage and media research • Produc8on assistant and grip work on several shoots.
SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY The Lyndon B Johnson Presiden@al Library • Editor • Lead editor across project including mul8ple films and interac8ves • Signature “Introductory Film” presented on three-‐edge blended projectors The New Woman: Annie Londonderry Kopchovsky • Online Editor/Graphics/Blu-‐Ray Produc;on • 24 min. Documentary, Spokeswoman Produc8ons • 2013 Cine Golden Eagle Award • DCIFF “Best Documentary” Award New England Patriots Hall of Fame • Editor/Graphics • Lead editor across project including mul8ple films and interac8ves • “Patriots Way” Signature Film – 16 min. film presented on a 45-‐foot screen, including originally shot 35mm film footage. Science Storms • Editor/Graphics • Lead editor across series films and interac8ves including six ar8s8c films each presented in a unique physical format for the Museum of Science and Industry • “Tornado” – 2010 CINE Golden Eagle Award winner. The Not So Big House: Home by Design • Editor • HD, mul8-‐camera program for PBS broadcast; 1 hr. and 30 min. versions. Science on a Sphere • Editor/Graphics • Four mul8-‐projector films, projected onto a spherical surface, suspended in mid-‐air to create illusion of a floa8ng globe. University of North Carolina Basketball Museum • Editor/Graphics • Lead editor across project including mul8ple films and interac8ves • “Game Day” Signature Film -‐ Four projectors project onto a 20' by 24' concave screen to create the form of a basketball, including mul8-‐camera edi8ng. Discovery Educa@on's The Science of Plants • Editor/DVD Produc;on • Six HD half-‐hour episode series for Discovery Educa8on, including full DVD authoring and menu design.
EDUCATION Duke University, BA in Poli8cal Science; Film/Video/Digital Cer8ficate, December 2004 University of Southern California, Duke in LA Program, Spring 2004, Coursework in Edi8ng, Cinematography and Film Genre Theory
SOFTWARE Primary Post-‐Produc@on SoYware Final Cut Pro • Adobe Premiere • Afer Effects • Photoshop • Soundtrack Pro • DVD Studio Pro • Adobe Encore • REDCINE-‐X Pro Addi@onal Post-‐Produc@on SoYware and Encoding SoYware Avid Media Composer • Mo8on • Shake • Compressor • Adobe Audi8on • Adobe Media Encoder • MPP2 Pro • Cinema Tools • ffmpeg • MPEG Streamclip • Windows Media Encoder • Episode • Mac OSX Server • Windows & Mac IT • AutoPano Giga/Video