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Dtr-rd - Social Justice, Kerala




dtR-rD' \Y . ri6"r d$t\J9ibo'".,,1g eocv soctal. wELFARE (B) ' t Doled, GO(Ri) No. 205 l2Ot2/S\ND Reod: ' ', O*ARTM}$1I.,'n--. Th '.r' ' ruvononlhdpurom. 03 04 2012 G.olRt) No 438/2Ol l/SWD.doted30 ll 20l I 2) Go {Rt) No.507/ll/SWDdote81220l I si l.lret Nro. PDMC2- 455/5/ll doted 8 12'2011 trom the Direclor Socio wellore 4i co lRt) No.l B l/ 12lswD doled 30 03.2012 l) ORDER The Governlng gody ond the Execulive Cornmillee of ihe Kerolo Slole Integroled Child Proteclion Society ore constituled with the following members Unoer of the Siole lCPS Keroio' Ru1e"5.2.1,5.7.1 & 5.7.2 respectively oi lhe RuLes & Regulolions Govelnlnq BodY ' l. Dr.M.K. Muneer, Hon Mlnisler f or Ponchoyols & Sociol wellbre : Choir Person' 2 Princ:pol Secrelory. 3. Secrelqry, Home Deporlmenl or nis represenioiive nol be ow lhe ronk ot Joini SecrelorY 4.5ecreiory, tinonce Deporlmenl or the ronk of Joinl Secrelory. 5. :Vice Chorr Person. Soc ol wellore his : Member. represeniqlive noi below :Memoer. Secretory, lleclth & Fomily welfore or his represenlolive nol below the ronk of loini SecretorY : Member. Secrelory. LSGD or hls Representolive nol below the :Memoer. ronk oi .Joinl Secrelory lhe nol below 7. Secrelory, Low Deporlmenl or hls repfesenlolive :Member. ronk of JoinJ Secrel(lrY 6. Principql 8. Secreiory Generol Educolion Depqrtment or h s represenlollve not below lhe ronk ol Joinl Secrelory : Member. 9 Secrelo.y, [.obour Deporlment or his represenloiive nol below :Memoer. the ronk of Joini Secrelory 10. I Secrelo.y. Iniormotion & Public Reloiions Deporlment or his .epresenlolive nol below the ronk of Joint Secrelory l. Secretory, Scheduled Cosie Depqrlmenl or noi below the ronk of loint Secrelqrv his : Member. representolive :Member. -. ^'J" a, ' .L\' :a u lr Depolhent ol his representolive IIrbe Scheduled - '^^'^t^tu or Joint secretory (erolo j Governmenl of vve"l3 Director ot )ocror ol , I 5 .rr I 5l'rt'.A.Rerrmon (f ormer Choirpe15on , Child Wellore Committee, Kozhikode) tegolAssistonl {on deputoiion), Kerolo Stole Housing Boord, Regionol Office, Kozhikode : Member. S Kobeer Advocoie, HB No.38, Neof Monoromo Junclion, Ponombilly Nogqr. Koch -36 : Sf'ri By Member. order ot ihe Governor GOVINDAN NAMBOODIRI V.S Addiiionol Secrelory Ic All Members. -tiireclor of Sociol Welf ore, Thiruvononihoourom. The Principol Accounlonl cenitrol lAudil), Kerolo, Thkuvononthopurom. Ihe Accountonl GeneroJ {A&E). Kerolo. Thiruvononihopurom. Slock file/ O.C. Forworded/By Order 11. '\--SecKon ofticer @r I t t a ) ) , (| .isr {'l l,l|nicipan(s ) attached) lhc meeting started at I pM and was chaired by the Hon,ble Ministe, (panchayalh & Social Welfare). He welcomed all the Goveming Body Members and reviewed the minules of lhe previous meeting. Then the Director of Social Welfare presenled the subjects of the Agenda item wise. A $are Project suppon unit has to be s€t up in the state for ensunng ellective implementation of ICPS in the state and to facilitate setting up of required srructures and child ptotection mechanisms visualized rmder lCpS. Now pDMC section in the Social Welfare Directorate is functioning as SPSU. Thc section is overburdened and lacks prof.essional expertise to implement the scheme in a time bouDd manner. In order to expedite implementation of ICPS ir the state, a s€parate SpSU should be constiturcd as per the ICpS guidiliqes. lpage t46 ofthe tj ICPS document). This was discussed in thc first meeting ofthe GB of ICPS and the changes suggested by the GB in the proposed qrxrrltcaltons : tor the contract employees are incorporated in Anne*ur" - Il. 100% ofthe expendirure towards functioning ofthe SpSU will be met by covehmenl of lndia. The General Body recommended the proprosal. Deci3ion! taken: J l. To depute an Assistant Director of Social Welfare Depanment as the Manager' a Senior Superintendent as Administrative officer, another Oflicer and the remaining three pe$onnel on contmct basis. programme ss as Accounts 2. Io rccommend lhlj Government to constltute sclcclion committee of Secrelary. Social Welfare Depanmenl as envrsaged Llnder lhe ctralrn in lCpS documenl tir-c.ruit'l stafl-to various orgars of the scheme. l.he selection committde will ,uk" n"".r.ory s,"J to setecr the required sraff to SPSU, SARA, JJB & CWC 3. Decided that the period of contract for all contract staffof SPSU. DCPS, SARA, JJB & CWC shall be 3 years. 4. D s To create the above six posts in SPSU and to recommend the Govemment to create posts s in DCPS, SARA, JJB and CWC. * I ICPS envisages setting up of a Distrist Child protection Society in each district as lirndamental unit for rhe implementation of the schemeThe Disrrict (DCPO) shall fuoction as the head a child protection officers of the Disrrict Child protection Soctety and shall be responsible for carrying out all the functions of the DCPS at the Districr level. The DCPO shall be appointed either by deputation or on contact. In district where a district revel officer of the I I a s t $ rfi line department (sociat welfare Dep.irtment) implementing the scheme is available, helshe will iil function as the DCPO. ln districts where such officer does not exill, ttp posr of DCpO will *t be filled on deputation/contEct. (lCpS document page I l0). '75yo fr of the expenditwe towards salary of the personnel will be met by Govemment of lndia]'25yo will have to be bome by the state. Accordingly, X't Rs. 1,36,0g,000/- per year wil have to be met from Covsmment of tndia funds and Rs. 43,36,000/from the state funds. The budeet provisions of Rs. | 5 crores wi To declare DCPS to be a unit of the State Child protection Society, functioning as unregistered society. {' d be suflicient ro Drovide for rhis also. Decisions taken: l. 6l 't f an t I I ( ( 9 DCPO and to take remaining the as Oificer -fo designate the District Social Weltare z. on contract basis' pcrsonnel as per qualifications f. :]. per for serection of the slaffas collector District the by constitute a committee headei ICPS guidelines 4. posts in DCPS to create the above nine ofKerala Recommend Govemment '':* committee a District child Ptotection every distdct shall have *r,n*ent' the Parishad' to monitor zila Chairperson' the of (DCPC) under the chairmanship .r I Illt of tcPs ;;;a. The District Magistrate ^-Dr of^ the DcPU will bp the co-chairpe$on home' education' labour' iudiciary' heatth' like allied depanments shall include members from and of voluntary organizations mernbers and ULBs Mies like PNs' .ailways, members of local civil society. Decfuion3 l. t.kcn: ihe Govemment De4ided to recommend to as per rhe ICPS constitute the DCPC stipulations.a :;;tt"*; phc€ment of otphaned' children for abandoned' and sunendered t*\,"ot". ":::":-" Agencies are tunctioning adoption, 18 Specialized Adoption T Seiences' Rajagiri tchool tif Social ACA by state the tn institutions used to be monitored the func(ioning of Govemment of lndia' ,'rn*""- *^ a" e6'iAs '"*tioning tnstead of ACA has been stopped per the decision Agency (SARA) of ACA' State Adoption Resource has to be coordinale' Protection Society' will Child State the under unit as a constituted. SARA, s€t up lc assistance secretarial and adrninistrative render and adoption of work montor and d€velop the a Programme Officer a Programme Manager' have shall lt Committee State AdoPtion Advisory o function from the premis€s shall SARA The Assistant an Accountant and a Programme S(-Pe rLrlncrioning ( nvemmeDl o, India wili nr^ui;c_, vide financial ofSARA assistance to states for sertr;rg r, tl Decided to permir M/s Rajagiri college: of Social sciences who ofSociat were firncrioninS r;r as rl.l ur, ,,uw. -^,.. ., ro turrction as SARA and operate from Emakularn An agreement is to be signl with s.i--^-^.., . them- chairmanship of lhe Secretary, superviseandmonitorsponsorship,fosterca'"i.r.-^^. 6j\ state. turte. (pase (Page 63). Tl,The composition l. -^- ofthirr committee shall 2. Di.ector, WCD Department ofthe state 3. Reprcsentative ofstate Heat0 Depanment Welfare Depanmenl Programme Manager, SARA 6. Representativcs -ChaimaD -Mernber Secretary - : I - Member of SAA by rotation (2 no. ) Expen in the field ofChild Rights ancl Child 8. Legal Expen Representalives of Childline l. Member s - Member 7. Decisions taker: i! t be as under. Representative ofCARA on invitation 5. 9. tl care' inter-cpuntry and in-country adoption in rl Secr€tary, WCD Depanment ofthe sate 4. Socir i - Member rl - Member E I - Member - Member Decided to constitute SAAC as above and to appoint Forum convenor of Childline a:el repfesenlative. I I ,, ) 1 ) in all the CWCS and JJBS are conslituted ul$rlct: posted Also they lack sulficienl immediately be to are They some oi'them have expired Operator in each posting of one Data !:ntry envisages ICPS The :nfrastructure and staff cwc/JJB. Decision trken: l. to Decided to recommend to Govemment create the posts of one Data Entry OPerator each in all the CWC & JJB'S' has constituted the s€lection pointed out that Gpvernment welfare Sociar of The Director the JJBs & CWC wherever b€ taken to reconstitute to are steps hence and committee required. Item No.8.: Delided to PaY TA/DA to all the non-official members as per KSR' admissible to Grade - I olfic'ers 40 PM' The meeting concluded at 3 of the Goveming Body as List ofparticipan& 1.. Sri.Babu.B. Additional Secrehry, Labour Departmenr. 2. Sri.Vijayalumar.S, Joint 3. 4. 5. 6. Secrerary. Finance Depanmenr. Sri.Umer Farooque.T.K, Assisti Fr.Philip Palakatt, ""' ".*", with corrnirrion",t r& Ex-officio SEcretary Disabilities. Smt.Lida Jacob, IAS, Adviso( Cender Child protecrion. 8. Smr.R;jalakshmi, p.incipal, to Govemmenr for persons C I I I FAI.IH INDIA, palakftad. I Smt.K.Shylasree, Depury Secretary, SCDD. D I 0. Sri.T. Vasantha&umar, Additional Law Secretary. I I. Sd.V.Hanza, Chairman, RICCCH, Manjed. | I erala sociar security Mission 7. 9- | J::;:ssor' Dr.AsharafT.p, Executive Direc Dr.Ahamed pirai, Farook Training Coliege' 2. Smt.f\dshnakumari.K, Addirionat, 3. sm.Nancy Joseprr.p, aaaitionar D I D retary' sc/sr Development Depanment. ses rcrelary, Home Department a a 14. Smt.M.S.Jaya, IAS, Director ofSocral Welfare. 15. Jocose panickcr.p.I, t Deputy Secretary, Health Depaflment. .{; o a o o a a a e O a o o o q oiI ol 4rnzXu'c-S RNMEN"I'OF KERALA (V 6564 A!r!4s! various posts in State Child Proiecrion Society, Disuic! Child Protcction Sociery, Stalc 'Adoptioo Resourccs Agcncy, State Projecl Suppon Uoif Child WclfarE Commitee and Juvcnile Justica Roard . Sanctiooed - . frcrs i$ued. SOCIAL JUSIICE (A) DEPAX,TMENT C.O IMS) No.I Inol !,SJD Dar4 Thituvsuotb+utdn. 02.02.201l Rcadrl. lrttor No. PDMCLa4l94110 darcd 10.05.2012 Socirl Justicr, Thinwanlttthsputsm. I & 14.0t.2012 from the Dircclor of /\ \'i\ ,,\ \.l\^ .9l 98DEB Ditsctor of Socid J\rstic, vidc lct&r trld abovc h&e submined d€ propGal for rhe crt.lior| of vtrious posrs in rclar.d cotEporEsts of ICPS, ic Slarc Child Prot ctjon S(xidy (SCPS), District Child Pro(.crion Socicry (DCPS), S!a!c Adoption Rcsorrfc.s Agcncy (SA-R A), Sratc ProjGct Supporr Urtt (SPStt), Child Welfare Cornlnin r (CWC), Juvcailc Justice Boit'd (JJB). As per th. ICPS gui&lincs aod &i F dr propo6al of 0|c DirEctor of Sociai Jrsrice rhc (]€niral & Stale sh&! of exp@ditu!€ ofsalary of $atrin SCPS, DCPS, SAn.{ is i! rhe ralio of 75:25 .rd ir CWC & JJB it tu 35:65. Thc fuU cxpcoditulc of salary of sirfiin SPSU \r;lt be nrct frorn il|e CcirEal shs't. I 2. Govemtnent lqvc examin€d the matrer in debil and uE pleared ro ac.ord ssnctioo ior tbc crration of thc folloning prosts in. SCPS, DCPS, SARA, SPSU, CWC snd JJB. STATf, CHILD PROTECTION SOCIETY (SCPS) NrE. ottb. Po3t 'Po! - Modc ot rDoinaErcrt of I I Cs!-qrLl-l Co"u-*i- G"t"*r I C"rrrr"r ac99!s94q&.qqoo/'pm l - @,- A$isr.anr cwn Dars Entry Operdro; @ Rs.5,Cr00/- I 1 DISTFJCT CHILD PROTECTION SOCIETY {DCPSI I ;--- '-";.-";;*;- lgF i':. ll -f I)isoxct Cbild Prurecrion Oftlclr @ Rs.19.000/- f' h Mod€ of 4rpgl!,.tr!!! rimc Disrricr l4 cntrtl€oErr I l ofli:.'rs gs!ftrr[!. -___L 0f rh.. tp l),rcn i rult on ddCruorsj chsrld _.._ ] olglf p.'sq l '4 r-1.--'--.--ia_-F-'1Y _-1 I Cona-act -J I a\ 9or|sa.-t Conmi ^.**Jil"=" E"ryryffi; Contract Conrract n"sc;-ffi;Z,Rs'{=-_LTOOT Contt'acl o,, ) ) ll sL l) lYrac of t6c posl H IT F L-4 Porr / e tu n".tsd7 Mode oi - ) tE eDI ConUacf- Rr.8,OOO- 9!!!rr_r LonEacl &JpSqJ?--- --.r- I -Qg;G; ) J ) t ) I ) ) ) F_fFtr::,' /1,*1grrt o'*, o"*' / /i'1i:ffi; onicen o; dcea;;;;.,,, ol 'n, -m;";*-J=r Conract " , f* iA"_'_ "/ 1_ - ]iffi#r-,T.iTj , D+uru-r'6n ---l;_ - I ) I ) t I ] t I ! a C a ll G 3 t Rffi" N9, of posl- !L"4gepsG""r G&-J:,*-* ,0,-u,iir#".,,ffiIff .'' lftT"T,::"j.r^*oun223s.o2_ *m ".p[,#l frs.?,ff "#":iff 1".,:* *;t (ii) Th six Miniqerisl .."'o',o"" *"#*" J:.yj:E*,"ruTff Jf" n *ru:.*: Sls.ff. "o"frr"&'"r$_H: "ffi:Tdiy;" . mj;s ;41#;, #ilJruxr, (By ordef -of ,e,ioned bcrorc lhe bc proposars ror rnaring t[c Coveruor) ?rinc#"1*fiHif-*"' ro #m#m"Jtr#rrTH#ri +fil_ATfr|,ff-(A&ElKcrala. / ;;1,il:'"'lprg"T;*^u.,.n". g!ff F*[::",.xt tr:Kui *#*." Frle/Offca Srock Copy. "* ^"" ^"."] Forw{rd€dlBy o.der, Scctjon Offrc$. Aoneyutl . rC|-O (Rt) NiJ 21.]/20t -*'' -4 3/SjD j i;3"lT,ilii^.lj#;';,lmlylt*:*;,#,;;;=..l :::ll 4 t.. | |..v . . As per the CAr/emrn€lr ;ffi "::,ff | 2 t.rom thc Dire.tor oJ S.,Lr.rt Jusncc O{lcr k ';:ff ;,T*" #{,- .T#":ilT,Tff" ;ffj m;nl,lxrlr.:iifr :,il:::::::::1ffi:t:;:,T:",i,,: ; ::::l'*:# ru#ffi *H:i :n:,^":;ilili il: *i :::ii:::,:mil x1:: a",.n'3:,;r1,-., Ii'|llowins dmccrs, ''1s jlT;,l -*** r t;:":::; pcr $c s'urdcrii,es of rnrcg[rcd chird rrirrccr,on i iffiili,;xlil,f*$J"+#fi#-* , y:n*. ;.*:*r[lri${rT$:; i#3,','"H""',"ll":",..::i*::1T;ul*t*L"L_n-irhrousb Di.!cr.,rorsociaritrs,icc) 9:nllt:l::lll''.Yi} r".iil'*;;,ilr$H]-'"*n" ii: Xlffi;,;illi;"i 6""'# re""'r' x".^!i- l:11i::***- 'r hc Mcmbcr secretarv, iil: ;".,fi ;;; !t *r,l'.1:t"1",'-1ll'Y:',llill,'ij'l'"T,"0',. ii: ffi#",l;;;;i;;"wJ-a N"* r','"a;" tnronnarion 'nd *"u,'"^ |)cparunent --lsrock I'ildomcc copy. I.orwalded/By ordcr' Section ()fllccr. I I lrwtule - 5 ..^6' t{*,/ b' ' :/ 38103 COVERNMI]NT O$ XIiRAI,A Abstr^cl .l,,c,ci Jusricc Departm€nt ( ('rnnrittccs - Ordcrs C.o (MS) '--' :| Rcad:- - lnlcgralcd Chrld Prolcction Conslilutron Scheme 4 SOCIAL JUSTTCE (A) DEPAITTMf,.N'I' Datcd.'i hiruvananthapuran) 09 '^* No.68/12lSJD -..:. --- ...:. (;.O (R0 No 418/2011/SWDdar€dl0.ll20llvr' ii ir iiii N" l8l/2012/swD datcd to 03 2otzr/ ii ii iii,j N" zovzol2lswD 'iarcd 01 04 20r2 liom the Dircclor L,elter No PDMC/4-5575/| | dalcd 2E0?2012 l-hiruvananlhaPuram 5 !nrl('rr\ issucd. / i ol Body Mirrurcs ofthc'mccting ofGoveriring oflhe Srate lCPS hcld on .... ll l()L) ... ot s(rrill 26 0t) '0i' (;()vemnlent apProvcd the Mr:mx'rnlL'rr' 'l As pcr thE Orde$ read as l"'and 2"d abolc' (:hild Proleclion schcnrc Ker:rla A*sociation nn(l Rlrlcs and Rcgulalions ol the State lnlegrated Asenvisagedbytltc!i'PSguidetirr;sandasperthedecisionollhcSccond('(r!'rrrr ' Schcme licld ot\ 260t2012 (;ovLmr|rni '!uF\ Ijody Meeting of State Integraled Child Protcction rr*' dcsignatc thc Oistrrcl socral JusticcOtliccrincaclrl)rstrrclasl)isLriclChildl)roteclrot'()llr"' 2 I proposal As pcr lhc guidclincs of thc l)irdcror ol social ol lntcllralc(l (lhild Protectlon Schcmc ll( PS) arrd rs 1)!l (lorcrrrrrr'_r'r lustrce oolrlainod In hcr lcllcr /Q4d as 4'h nbove- undcl lhe Schcnlc as foll0ws ' f,lcased lo constilulc lhc Varrous Comnrlltecs \; Strre l,cvcl Child Protccrion Cor mittce (SCPC): 'i1 lhc l'-xceutrvc Cummincc of tttrcgratcd Chrld l'r()tcctu'n Soclcl\ ordcrr.l , i l,evcl Child l'rotccttttn i "tntnttrtc covcrnmcnt Orcl.r 1'r ciled shalt be dcert'i lo bc thc Slalc (sCPC) Districl Cihild l'rolccti(,n L (lo mittcr": I'rcsict€nl, l)islncr l,ancha\urh'_lr.rrrpcrs.)rr L I)islncl L ulleult)r' (lo-chairyers{'tr f)isrftcr Child l,rotccrio ()l6ccr (l)SJ 4. t)is(ricr Prohalio'i ofti(:c' - N1c'r)bcr l)rslli(r l)i.1.!,rr ()fllccr \1.rrl c' t dr,f;rt!,n (,11,..' \1.'trbfl rvledical ) \.lcrnb!r 5ccrclat) 7 8 ^ 9. l)istrtcr t,abour Of{icrjr Meriber The reprcscntative cach liom Ihe Ju! Board and chird werfare a Menbers (jo bc no".,i"",.a uy,r," ct ui"jl;esJustic€ ",r,)u" l)istflcl Supcrinrendent ofpolicc. Membcr t0 t{ai,w!y Divis,onal Olficcr _ Membcr L Slanding Comr!|irtce Chairman (Child welfa.c) orrhc panchayath Raj lniilirulions _ 12. Onc rcprcsentative Membcrs cach from the C social work Instinrtc or the ' N4erhbers. l)isrri.' I (rb be no,t,'*", .l::j;l"lJcpurcd I I ,) " t) r) i tloct penchayarh presidcnt _ Chairp€rson I Child l)ev€topment projccr Ofnccr - Mernber Sccrelarv i Onc reprcsenlalrvc fronr rhc DCIS - Member (To be mminabd DCPS. 4 \ssjsrant l-r-iucirri,rnalOfficer Mcrnher i. Charrpcrsons ofthe lrdnclayah icvcl chiid prolcction Socicty 6. Rcsperlcd communio, menrbcrs , ) :l Block Lcvel: Mcmbers (Io be nominatrd by the Chai.pcrson) ul I f, b).lhc (.hajrpcrsori/ Penchrvrlh l,cvel: 4. L 2' I .r Panchayarh prcs;dent -Chdirpcrson . Slanding Commitree Chairman (Child wet,.ar€) . vicc-Chai,T,ersoll Supcrvtsor ol lnrcgratcd r Child Dcvck chird reprcsenrariu".lro u" no,ninJil"f :t , ;""T;#:f'*""tt 5 A rcprcsenLalive ofD(:pS - Nlcmbcr (To bc nominaled by Ihe Chairperson) 6 /\r) A gaowalry feachcr -Mcnrbcr (-ft, br norninared hy rhc l)isrricr soqar jusricc ofliccr). ? A Schurt reacher fronr cach school ol lhc l,anchayarh . DL(,)) I t t Membcr (.fo bc nominated by rh. d An ALrxilrar'.- Nrrrse Midwit.e _ M(imber (lo be nominated bv thc Distrjcl Mco"idr ofticc(lle.lrh)) I) 2 rcsp€crcd civit Socicty.eprcscnt:iri\(s-Mcmhcrs(loi,cnominatcijbvrhe(jharrpcr$nl ] 3 t, J 3 I I ] I a I I I I I I 5. snonsorshin rnd t-osacr Carc Aoprovst com]niaae€ fSf.CACtj L 2. l)istricr Child I'rorcclion Omcer _ Chairperson Protcclion Omccr (Non_lnstirutional Csrcj _ Member :1. Chaiqr€rson/Menrhcrs, CWC _ Mcmb€r 4. Represcntative ofSAA _ Member 5. Represcnlarive of a Voluntary Organiiralion working rn lhe arca of Child Mcmbcr (To be nominated by the Chairperson) l,rordcrron STATE AT'OPTTON ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 6 L Secrcrar,.SocialJusliccDepartnenL 2. :1. - Chairman Di.ector. Social Justicc Dcpattmcnt - Represcnrative ofstale t{eal r Depanmenl Mcmber Secrcurry - I membcr (l o be nominal€d h! the Direcbr of H€allh S€ft.r.!) Represenlative of CARA on inviralion - lmembcr - I mernb€r (Afrcr l)rogamme Manager, SARA 6. 8. 9. 10. Chairpcrson/Reprcsentativcs p6 44oo,,on C(,-ord;nation Agencics Rcprcscnlativcs ofSAA by rotation Expen in be ficld ofchitd Rights ard Chitd prolccrion I-egal Expen Representativc ofCbildline Consriruring SARA) - I mernb€r !.1.".*. - I qlcmber (Io be nolhrnared h. thdChar.pcrson) - | member(To be nomrnatcd br lhe Dircclor ol socral Junrce; I mcmbcr (To be nominared b! - the Chairpcrson) roN I. 2. 3 Disrrict Mlgislrale concemed Chairpcrson rrogramme Manage. (Child protection), .rarc Lrulo State Chiid pro(ecti rro(eclon Society t^..*',Adoprion. Fosrcr care & sponsorship) (A ) SAR (Aricr (onsrrrLr(l Ing SAlt ChairmarvMembcf - Chitd Wetfare Commince ll:1'"i: 5 Cihairma.n /Mcnrbcr - Juvcnile Justicr ljoard 6 On€ expcn in the alca the Chairpcrson) ofChild ProtcctionTchild RiShtv Social Wclliirc ('lo bc nominat€. .n ,.1 (By order ol the (jovu \'rt Dr.K.M.ABRAIl,r.M Principal Secietary lo (;ovenrmcrrl lo All Drs(ncr Cullcclors. The t)irector ofSocial Justice, Thiruvananthapuaam./ All District Social Justic€ Ollicers The Dircctor oflleatlh Services,'fhiruvananlhapura-rn.i All Dis(rict Medical Officcrs The Director ofl'ublic lnsttuctions. / All Dislrict biucation Omce.s The Dircctor, Panchayalh Depanmenl. 'lhe Police Chief, Policc llcad Quarters,lvpm./ All Dislric! Supcrintendent ofPol ice The l-abouJ Commissioner, Thiruvansnth.Purm / All District,Labour Officets l he Railway Divisional Ofliccr, Thiruvananthapuram. All Districl Pturchayat Sccrelaries. , (lop) Inforrnalion and Public R€lations Dcpanmcnt Ih; Principal Account4! Gencral (Aldit), Kerala, lhiiuvarunthapuran. -l'hc Accountant Gencral (A &E), Keral4 Thiruvananthapuram. Stock Fildofflce Copy. lo: , I , l I I a a s l)S lo l\,tinislcr (Parchayal and Sociar .lustice DcParhncnt) I'./\ to Principrl Secrcw' (Social Jusricc l)epa(mcnt) Revenue Dcpaiment, s llorne Deparmcni tl€alth & Farnily welfare Deparlt,;en{ Gcnc6l &lucation l)epartneot l.ocal Sclf Govemrnent Depattincnt l,abour Depa(mcnt G G lr I, Irdrv{ardcdi By order, ni -l.11?.... Scction Olfrcet. e a e ! I ! a t a a a a a a I I t l. I oDoc(Dcg'lc6)