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DIGITAL / NETWORK VIDEO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DVMS / NVMS ADMINISTRATOR CONFIGURATION GUIDE VERSION 4.10 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -1- ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -2- PlanetCCTV DVMS/NVMS Administrator Configuration Guide v4.1 About this guide The PlanetCCTV Software Suite (PlanetCCTV®) is a comprehensive solution for digitally capturing, compressing and storing CCTV camera images. PlanetCCTV digital recording systems are available for traditional analog (CCD) camera systems or IP/network camera systems, or a combination of both technologies known as hybrid systems. Intended audience The PlanetCCTV Configuration Guide is intended for Administrators as a guide to configuring the PlanetCCTV system. This guide assumes that the Administrator has a basic knowledge of Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional. Using this guide The following topics are covered • Chapter 1: Configuration of the PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel A description of how to set up and customize your configurable options via the PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel. • Chapter 2: Configuration of the PlanetCCTV Basestation Control Panel A description of how to set up and customize your configurable options via the PlanetCCTV Basestation Control Panel. • Chapter 3: Configuration of the PlanetCCTV Server Service A description of how to set up the PlanetCCTV server. • Chapter 4: Configuration of the PlanetCCTV Remote Access Server A description of how to set up and customize remote access to the PlanetCCTV system. • Appendices: Includes a list of error codes and other specifications ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -3- INDEX • Chapter 1: CONFIGURATION OF THE PLANETCCTV SERVER CONTROL PANEL o o o o o o o o o o o o o • PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: GENERAL PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: CAMERAS ƒ General Tab ƒ Images Tab o Recording Options o Video Motion Detection ƒ Alarms Tab ƒ PTZ Tab o Presets ƒ Users Tab ƒ Copying Camera Settings between Cameras PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: I/O PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: PTZ PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: USERS PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: ARCHIVE PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: ADVANCED PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: ADVANCED-NOTIFICATIONS PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: ADVANCED-BASESTATION PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: ADVANCED-HTTP PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: ADVANCED-EXT. MONITOR PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: MAPS PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: SERVICE 5 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 16 18 20 21 24 30 32 33 35 36 39 40 41 43 45 Chapter 2: CONFIGURATION OF THE PLANETCCTV BASESTATION CONTROL PANEL 47 o o o o PlanetCCTV PlanetCCTV PlanetCCTV PlanetCCTV Basestation Basestation Basestation Basestation Control Control Control Control Panel: Panel: Panel: Panel: GENERAL SERVERS USERS SERVICE 47 48 50 51 • Chapter 3: CONFIGURATION OF THE PLANETCCTV SERVER SERVICE 53 • Chapter 4: CONFIGURATION OF THE PLANETCCTV REMOTE ACCESS SERVER 59 • Appendices: INCLUDES A LIST OF ERROR CODES AND OTHER SPECIFICATIONS 67 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -4- Chapter 1: Configuration of the PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel Introduction This chapter introduces the PlanetCCTV Configuration software for system administrators of PlanetCCTV. The PlanetCCTV Control Panel can be found in the Windows Control Panel or under the Server Context menu options (right-click menu) within the PlanetCCTV Client. PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: General Once the PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel has been loaded, it can be used to configure the PlanetCCTV Server application. The Control Panel User Interface is shown in Figure 2.1 below: Figure 1.1 The General Tab under the PlanetCCTV Server Properties tab includes the following configuration options: • Name: The name defined here will appear on any images removed from the system i.e. Snapshots and will also appear as a reference name for the Server if connected to a PlanetCCTV Base Station. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -5- • Serial Number: The Serial Number displayed here is the hard coded number that appears in the I-Button attached to the Parallel Port of the Server. • IP Address: IP address of the DVR Server. • IP Ports: TCP/IP Port Numbers used by the server. These should be set in conjunction with the Firewall Administrator so that these ports can be enabled on any Firewalls between the Client and the Server. PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Cameras If the camera’s tab is selected, the user interface is shown below in figure 1.2: Figure 1.2 The number of available camera connections (1,2,3….127,128) will be displayed as (Unconnected). By selecting a camera option by clicking on the button, or double clicking on a camera option, the camera specific options can be configured as depicted in figure 1.3: ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -6- PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Cameras - General Tab Figure 1.3 • Camera Connected: Selecting this option enables the camera for recording. Un-checking the check box will disable the camera. • Camera Name: The camera name defines the camera and will used to define images captured from this camera. • Network / Analogue: Select between Analogue (Camera connected to a Capture Card) and Network (IP Camera) o Model: IP Camera Model o IP Name/Address: IP address or Hostname of IP Camera o IP Port: Port Number that IP Camera communicates over (settable on the IP camera) – default is Port 80. o Username: Username that is used to access the IP camera – set on the IP camera. o Password: Password for username used to access the IP camera – set on the IP camera. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -7- • Audio Support: The audio support option are none, 1 way record or 2 way audio link. 1 way audio records the audio for the selected camera on the server. 2 way audio enables 2 way audio link between client and server. The 2 way audio link is not recorded. PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Cameras - Image Tab Figure 1.4 • Video Codec: Select between MJPEG and MPEG4. • Frame Scale: Select between Full Frame and Half Frame. • Image Settings: button brings up the live camera window with Clicking on the the following Image Settings as shown in Figure 1.5 (those that appear greyed out are not supported on the Capture Card / IP Camera): ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -8- Figure 1.5 o Frame Rate: Set the capture frame rate for the Camera. o Compression Ratio: The compression ratio is selectable per camera and defines the quality of the compressed image. The higher the compression ratio, the smaller the frame size, and the lower the image quality. As the slider bar is moved, the compression ratio is changed from low to high on a scale from 0 to 100. High represents the highest compression ratio and consequently the lowest picture quality while low represents the lowest compression ratio and hence the highest picture quality. The picture quality is a function of the camera and is therefore settable per camera. The Frame Size depicts the actual compressed frame size resulting from the selected compression ratio. Below the Compression Ratio setting is the Average Frame size in Kilobytes. This enables camera picture quality to be set in conjunction with the image size allowing storage requirements to be determined as the compression ratio is changed. o Brightness: Set the Image Brightness. o Contrast: Set the Image Contrast. o Hue: Set the Image Brightness. o Saturation (V and H): Set the Image Saturation in the Vertical and Horizontal directions. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. -9- o Video Motion Detection (VMD): Set the VMD Parameters if VMD has been enabled for this camera. See Video Motion Detection later in this section. Figure 1.6 • Recording: The record options for each camera are depicted in Figure 1.6 below: o Never: Selecting this option results in no recording unless an alarm condition has been triggered. Consequently, this would be used for Event Only recording. This can be scheduled by selecting the white option and updating the schedule. o Always: Selecting this option results in continuous recording. o Armed: Selecting this option will enable this camera to be recorded continuously when the alarm system is armed. All images captured will be saved when in this mode. When the system is disarmed, images will only be saved when an alarm or an operator triggers an event. This can be scheduled by selecting the green option and updating the schedule. o Disarmed: Selecting this radio button will enable this camera to be recorded continuously when the alarm system is disarmed. All images captured will be saved when in this mode. When the system is armed, images will only be saved when an alarm or an operator triggers an event. This can be scheduled by selecting the cyan option and updating the schedule. o Motion: If Video Motion Detection (VMD) has been enabled and this option is selected, then data will only be recorded when motion is detected. This can be scheduled by selecting the yellow option and updating the schedule. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 10 - o Record at specific times: Selecting the appropriate colour option allows specific times over a 7day period to be enabled for recording mode. During the times shown in Figure 1.7 where the area is shaded yellow, recording will only occur when motion is detected. At all other times, all images will be recorded for the camera, as depicted by the green shading. Figure 1.7 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 11 - • Video Motion Detection: This can be enabled per camera by checking the check box as shown in Figure button brings up the live camera window with 1.4 Clicking on the the VMD grid overlaid on top of the image as shown in Figure 1.8. The VMD grid can be added or removed using the “Display VMD Grid” check box. The image settings are automatically scrolled to the VMD settings. Figure 1.8 The areas shaded in blue are the areas of the screen that any VMD detected will result in no alarm being triggered. VMD in areas not shaded in blue will result in an alarm being triggered. In the VMD window shown in Figure 1.8, motion is depicted by the grid changing colour from green to red, for the areas that motion has been detected. Red areas will not show up in the shaded blue areas as these areas are excluded from triggering events. This enables the user to select exactly which parts of the screen should have alarm triggering for VMD detection. Even if certain areas of the screen have been masked out in blue, VMD detected in these areas is saved as part of the data files to allow a Smart Search capability on stored data. *** PLEASE NOTE *** VMD Parameters are used for both VMD and Smart Search. Smart search WILL NOT WORK without the VMD parameters being set-up. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 12 - The VMD settings are defined as follows: o Pixel: This parameter represents the percentage change in each individual pixel. The range is from least sensitive to most sensitive, 0-100%. A figure of 100% would result in a motion-detected flag being raised if there was any change in a particular pixel. The figure of 70 shown in the graphic would result in only the pixels that have more than a 30% change being flagged as having detected motion. In this way, all of the pixels in the picture are measured against the previous frame and if any frame shows a percentage change greater than the 30% the figure selected for pixels, a flag is raised against the pixel. o Block: The block setting represents one of the green grid blocks shown in the figure 2.10. Each block represents 32 x 32 = 1024 pixels. The block parameter is a measure of the number of pixels within a grid block that have changed. The block parameter works in the same way, as the Pixel parameter except it measures the number of pixels flagged in a particular block. If the block parameter is set to 70 as it is in Figure 2.10, if more than 30% of the pixels are flagged as having detected motion, the block is flagged as having detected motion. o Frame: The frame parameter is a measure of the number of adjacent blocks that have changed within a captured frame. If, for example, only 20 blocks have been left un-shaded for VMD, and a parameter of 90 is chosen for frame setting, 2 of the blocks adjacent to each other (10 %) would have to have been flagged as having motion detected for the frame to be flagged as having motion detected. This will result in a VMD event being raised. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 13 - Figure 1.9 The Video Motion Detection options are detailed below. All cameras have VMD enabled all the time. The following options depict when VMD actually triggers an event. o Never: Selecting this option results in no VMD events triggering alarms. o Always: Selecting this radio button will result in VMD events being triggered at all times. o Armed: Selecting this radio button will result in VMD events being triggered only when the system is armed. o Disarmed: Selecting this radio button will result in VMD events being triggered only when the system is disarmed. o Record at specific times: Selecting the appropriate color will result in VMD events being triggered at specific times over a 7-day period. During the times shown in Figure 1.9 where the area is shaded white, VMD events will not trigger i.e. during working hours. At all other times, VMD events will trigger. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 14 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Cameras - Alarms Tab The alarm options for each camera are depicted in figure 1.10 below: Figure 1.10 In the previous sub-section, Recording, alarm events were described as a means of triggering the system to save images when continuous recording was not enabled. In order for an alarm to be triggered for a particular camera, the alarm conditions for the camera need to be defined. • Pre-alarm recording: At the time an event triggers an alarm, the number of frames selected here will be the number of frames prior to the event for the specific camera that will be include in the alarm sequence saved to disk for the camera. The maximum number of pre-alarm frames is 8. • Post-alarm recording: At the time an event triggers an alarm, the number of frames selected here will be the number of frames that immediately follow the event for the specific camera that will be included in the alarm sequence saved to disk for the camera. Maximum number of post-alarms frames is 512 • Trigger an Alarm on loss of signal: Enabling this option will result in an alarm being triggered if the camera signal for this camera is lost. • Notify Basestation: Individual cameras can be set-up to send images to a Basestation when an event occurs. • Inputs: This option allows defined inputs to be selected for a specific camera. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 15 - • Outputs: This option allows defined outputs to be selected for a specific camera. A camera can have multiple inputs and outputs. Inputs and Outputs can be assigned to more than one camera. Figure 2.5 shows one input and one output selected for camera 1. PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Cameras - PTZ Tab The PTZ options for each camera are depicted in figure 1.11 below: Figure 1.11 The PTZ options are detailed below. • Model: This option allows the selection of the manufacturer and Model of Camera. • Unit Number: When configuring a PTZ camera in a daisy chain configuration, each camera is designated a unit number. This is defined here. • Menu: Some cameras, e.g. WV-CS854 have their own menu. The Camera Menu is button. The Menu Options are shown enabled by clicking on the in Figure 1.12. Please see the Dome Camera Configuration Guide for details on how to use the Camera Menu. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 16 - Figure 1.12 • Presets: The WV-CS854 has 64 presets. These presets are defined by button as shown in Figure 1.13. The presets are clicking on the cleared by clicking on the ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 17 - button. Figure 1.13 The Camera Preset options are depicted below. • Name: The name of the Preset is defined here. • Auto Focus Options: There are three auto focus options, small, medium, and large. By selecting the appropriate button, the auto focus feature will function over a small, medium or large area. Button - Auto-Focus (small area) Button - Auto-Focus (medium area) Button - Auto-Focus (large area) • Iris Control Options: There are three Iris Control options, open, close, and reset. By selecting the appropriate button, Iris will open, close, or reset to the default position. Button – Iris Open Button – Iris Close Button – Iris Reset As the buttons are depicted by abbreviated letters, dragging the cursor over the button will activate the tool tips with a description of the button, as shown in Figure 1.12. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 18 - • Pan / Tilt / Zoom / Focus Control: If the Cursor is dragged over the white square with the black cross through it, the cursor will change to the Hand Pointer. o Left Mouse Button: By depressing and holding the left mouse button and dragging cursor from the center to the left or right, the camera will correspondingly pan to the left or right. The further from the center the cursor is moved, the faster it will pan. Bringing it back the center will slow it down. Releasing the mouse button will stop the movement. By depressing and holding the left mouse button and dragging cursor from the center to the top or bottom, the camera will correspondingly tilt to the top or bottom. The further from the center the cursor is moved, the faster it will tilt. Bringing it back the center will slow it down. Releasing the mouse button will stop the movement. By depressing and holding the left mouse button and dragging cursor from the center to the top or bottom and to the left or right, the camera will correspondingly both pan and tilt simultaneously in the chosen direction. o Right Mouse Button: By depressing and holding the right mouse button and dragging cursor from the center to the left or right, the camera will correspondingly zoom in or out. The further from the center the cursor is moved, the faster it will zoom. Bringing it back the center will slow the zoom down. Releasing the mouse button will stop the zoom. By depressing and holding the right mouse button and dragging cursor from the center to the top or bottom, the camera will correspondingly focus near or far. The further from the center the cursor is moved, the faster the focusing will occur. Bringing it back the center will slow the focus down. Releasing the mouse button will stop the movement. By depressing and holding the right mouse button and dragging cursor from the center to the top or bottom and to the left or right, the camera will correspondingly both zoom and focus simultaneously. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 19 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Cameras - Users Tab The Users options for each camera are depicted in figure 1.14 below: Figure 1.14 There are three levels of user access per camera available: • Administrators: If this option is selected, only members of the PlanetCCTV Administrators Group can see this camera. • Authorized Users: If this option is selected, only members of the PlanetCCTV Users Group that have been assigned the “View live and recorded images” Access Right and members of the PlanetCCTV Administrators Group can see this camera. • All Users: If this option is selected, only members of the PlanetCCTV Users Group and members of the PlanetCCTV Administrators Group can see this camera. The Users listed are PlanetCCTV users that are not PlanetCCTV administrators. PlanetCCTV administrators have rights to all cameras, PTZ controls and PTZ menus and are therefore not listed. Access Rights are granted in the following sequence: • View live frames: The first access right is the right to view live images from the camera. It is the only one available by default as without access to the camera, PTZ rights cannot be granted. • View recorded frames: The second access right is the right to view recorded images from the camera. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 20 - • Use Pan, Tilt and Zoom controls: If the user has been granted rights to view live images from the camera, the option to use the PTZ functionality can be selected. • Use the camera’s PTZ Menu: Once PTZ rights have been granted, the option to grant access to the PTZ configuration Menu can be selected. This completes the set-up for an individual camera. PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Cameras Copying Camera Settings between Cameras Once a camera has been set-up, camera settings can be copied from one camera to multiple others as follows. In the General Tab control panel window, right click on a camera that you would like to copy as shown in Figure 1.15. Figure 1.15 Click on copy and then select the cameras (using the mouse by clicking while either holding down the shift key to select a list or the ctrl key to select individual cameras) that you want to copy the configuration to as shown in Figure 1.16. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 21 - Figure 1.16 Right Click on the selected cameras to bring up the context menu as shown in Figure 1.17 Figure 1.17 Click on Paste to copy the camera settings to the selected cameras. The result is shown in Figure 1.18. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 22 - Figure 1.18 The cameras are now named as “Unnamed” as they are now connected with the settings from the source camera but are yet to be named. Only fields deemed to be common across all cameras are copied e.g. compression ration, image settings, VMD settings, schedules etc. Camera names, IP addresses, IP camera models etc. are not copied and left blank. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 23 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: I/O If the I/O tab is selected, the I/O user interface is shown below in figure 1.19: Figure 1.19 If an alarm board has been installed and enabled, expanding the Inputs option in Figure 3.1 displays the Inputs user interface shown in Figure 1.20: ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 24 - Figure 1.20 There are up to twenty inputs and twenty outputs that can be assigned to between 1 and 254 cameras depending on the Input/Output device installed. By button shown in Figure 1.20, or by double-clicking on a selecting the particular input, the Alarm set-up screen for the selected input will be loaded as shown in Figure 1.21 below: Figure 1.21 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 25 - • Input Connected: Check box to connect or disconnect the input • Name: The name of the input is entered here. • Trigger: Normally open or normally closed options are available here. • Enabled: This option allow the Administrator to disable alarms if need be e.g. an input develops a fault and causes continuous triggers. • Alarm/Disarm: An input can be used along with two outputs to arm and disarm the system. Active Schedule: Click on Figure 1.22. to bring up the Input Active schedule as shown in Figure 1.22 The following options depict when the input is Active. o Never: Selecting this option results in the input being inactive. o Always: Selecting this option results in the input being active. o Armed: Selecting this option results in the input being active when the system is armed. o Disarmed: Selecting this option results in the input being active when the system is disarmed. o Record at specific times: Selecting the appropriate colour will result in the input active status ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 26 - being set at specific times over a 7-day period. During the times shown in Figure 1.22 where the area is shaded white, the input is inactive. The input will not trigger i.e. during working hours. At all other times, the input is active. • Cameras: The cameras that this input is associated with are shown here. If an alarm board has been installed and enabled, expanding the Outputs option in Figure 3.1 displays the Inputs user interface shown in Figure 1.23: Figure 1.23 There are up to twenty inputs and twenty outputs that can be assigned to between 1 and 254 cameras depending on the Input/Output device installed. By button shown in Figure 3.4, or by double-clicking on a selecting the particular output, the Alarm set-up screen for the selected output will be loaded as shown in Figure 1.24. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 27 - Figure 1.24 • Output Connected: Check box to connect or disconnect the input • Name: The name of the output is entered here. • Trigger: Normally open or normally closed options are available here. • Enabled: This option allow the Administrator to disable alarms if need be e.g. an output develops a fault. • Active Schedule: Click on 1.25. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. to bring up the Input Active schedule as shown in Figure - 28 - Figure 1.25 • The following options depict when the output is Active. o Never: Selecting this option results in the output being inactive. o Always: Selecting this option results in the output being active. o Armed: Selecting this option results in the output being active when the system is armed. o Disarmed: Selecting this option results in the output being active when the system is disarmed. o Record at specific times: Selecting the appropriate color will result in the output active status being set at specific times over a 7-day period. During the times shown in Figure 1.25 where the area is shaded white, the output is inactive. The output will not trigger i.e. during working hours. At all other times, the output is active. o Reset: This option allows the Administrator to select between a manual and an automatic reset of an alarm output once it has been triggered. E.g. do you want a siren to sound until it is manually switched off or for a set amount of time? The time can be entered in hours, minutes, seconds, and 1/100ths of a second. o Alarm/Disarm: An input can be used along with two outputs to arm and disarm the system. o Cameras: The cameras that this output is associated with are shown here. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 29 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: PTZ By selecting the PTZ tab, the PTZ set-up screen is shown in Figures 1.26 Figure 1.26 Figure 1.27 shows the various PTZ set-up options. • Protocol: The protocol or language specific to a manufacturer of PTZ camera and / or model is selected here. • COM Port: The COM Port that the PTZ Interfaces are connected to is selected here. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 30 - • By clicking on the as shown in Figure 1.27. button, the COM Port settings can be defined Figure 1.27 • Cameras: button, the By selecting a camera listed and clicking on the Camera PTZ options can be defined as discussed in the Cameras PTZ section and depicted in Figure 1.26. By clicking on the button, the Camera PTZ options for the selected camera will be removed. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 31 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Users By selecting the Users tab, the Users set-up screen is shown in Figures 1.28 Figure 1.28 Users can be created and deleted using this interface. Selecting a user and click on the 1.29. button to view User properties interface as shown in Figure Figure 1.29 The Full Name, Password and Group membership (users or administrators) properties can be edited here. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 32 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Archive By selecting the archive tab, the Archive set-up screen is shown in Figures 1.30 below and 1.31 over the page: Figure 1.30 Figure 1.30 shows the Archive Tab for each of the Radio button selections available, Local or Network. • Archive files: By selecting this option, archiving is enabled on the server. • Local The Local Radio button option enables local archiving a local drive or to the Onstream Tape drive. • Drive: This option allows the selection of any locally defined drive. This includes the Onstream disk drive letter defined when installing the Onstream software. The Onstream Tape device is installed as a removable Hard Disk in Windows 2000 / XP. • Eject: The eject options are either to eject when the tape is full or at a particular time every day. Once ejected, the same tape cannot be re-inserted. This is to ensure that data that has just been stored to tape cannot be accidentally overwritten. If an Onstream Tape drive is installed, the options beginning with “Eject …” will be enabled. These are not required if archiving to a local disk and will be grayed out as shown in Figure 8.1 if a local disk is selected to archive to. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 33 - Figures 1.31 below shows the Archive Tab with the Network option selected: Figure 1.31 • Network: The Network Radio button option enables Network archiving to any valid UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path name. This includes local disk drives. • UNC Path: Any valid UNC path that can be defined on the server. • Username: Username required to authenticate to the UNC path defined above • Password: Password for the username defined above. • Automatically delete oldest files: This option selects between automatic overwrite or manual deletion of archive files stored on the defined on the UNC path. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 34 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Advanced If the Advanced Tab is selected, the user interface is shown below in figure 1.32: Figure 1.32 The Advanced Tab contains a number of advanced features of the PlanetCCTV Video Server: • Notifications (Email): for sending notifications via e-mail, using an SMTP mail server. • Basestation: to allow for alarm images from the server to be automatically sent to a basestation connected to a WAN or local LAN • HTTP: To enable the local Web server for defined cameras that the user can view are shown in the list and can be enabled for viewing via the web server by selecting the appropriate camera check boxes. • External Monitor: this option provides a means of sequencing through cameras on an external analogue monitor ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 35 - Server Control Panel: Advanced – Notifications Option If the Notifications figure 1.33 button is selected, the user interface is shown below in Figure 1.33 Clicking on the button opens the following dialogue: Figure 1.34 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 36 - Clicking on the button opens the following dialogue: Figure 1.35 • The following options depict when the output is Active. o Never: Selecting this option results in notifications being inactive. o Always: Selecting this option results in notifications being active. o Armed: Selecting this option results in notifications being active when the system is armed. o Disarmed: Selecting this option results in notifications being active when the system is disarmed. o Notify at specific times: Selecting the appropriate color will result in notifications active status being set at specific times over a 7-day period. During the times shown in Figure 1.35 where the area is shaded white, notifications is inactive. Notifications will not be sent, i.e., during working hours. At all other times, notifications is active. o Reset: This option allows the Administrator to select between a manual and an automatic reset of an alarm output once it has been triggered. E.g. do you want a siren to sound until it is manually switched off or for a set amount of time? The time can be entered in hours, minutes, seconds, and 1/100ths of a second. o Alarm/Disarm: An input can be used along with two outputs to arm and disarm the system. o Cameras: The cameras that a notification is associated with are shown here. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 37 - Figure 1.36 Figure 1.37 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 38 - Server Control Panel: Advanced – Basestation Option If the Basestation 1.38 is selected, the user interface is shown below in figure Figure 1.38 If a base station has been installed, alarm images form the server can be automatically sent to the basestation. • Notify Basestation of new alarms: If this option is selected, when an event triggers an alarm, an image from the associated camera will be sent to the Basestation defined. • Connect using a local area network: Select this option if the Basestation and servers are connected to the same WAN/LAN, • Connecting using a modem: Select this option if the Basestation and servers are connected via a dial-up link. This option requires the telephone number of the Basestation to be entered IP Name/address: The Basestation runs on Windows 2000 / XP and consequently, a connection from a server needs to be authenticated by Windows 2000 / XP before images can be passed to the Basestation application. The IP address of the Basestation, along with a user ID and password are defined here to and are used by the server to establish an authenticated connection. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 39 - Server Control Panel: Advanced – HTTP Option By selecting the HTTP Figures 1.39 below: button, the HTTP set-up screen is shown in Figure 1.39 To enable the local Web server, select the Support HTTP check box as shown in Figure 1.39. The default Port address for a web server is port 80 but this can be set to any valid port address. The Root Path for the web pages is \HTPP although this can be set to any directory as shown in Figure 1.39. All defined cameras that the user can view are shown in the list and can be enabled for viewing via the web server by selecting the appropriate camera check boxes. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 40 - Server Control Panel: Advanced – External Monitor Option By selecting the External Monitor is shown in Figures 1.40 below: button, the External Monitor set-up screen Figure 1.40 The Monitor option provides a means of sequencing through cameras on an external analog monitor. Only analog cameras from the capture that ahs the external analog monitor port can be included in the sequence. To enable the External Monitor Sequencing, select the “External Monitor Connected” check box option. The “Override Delay” can be set in seconds. If you select the monitor button on the Remote control, this will override the sequence switching between cameras for the time set in the override delay parameter. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 41 - Clicking on the button opens the following dialogue: Figure 1.41 Cameras can be added with varying delays (in seconds) multiple times to build up a sequence to be displayed on the external analogue monitor. Select the camera and set the delay in seconds that the camera should be displayed for before switching to the next camera in the sequence. Click on the button to add the camera and delay to the sequence. The sequence can be re-ordered by clicking and dragging items in the list in Figure 1.40 to new positions. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 42 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Maps By selecting the Maps tab, the Maps set-up screen is shown in Figures 1.42 below: Figure 1.42 Clicking on the button opens the following dialogue: Figure 1.43 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 43 - The user must select a map for the server to display. Maps Figure 1.44 The user may now drag and drop a camera to any position on the map: Figure 1.45 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 44 - PlanetCCTV Server Control Panel: Service By selecting the Service tab, the Service set-up screen is shown in Figures 1.46 below: Figure 1.46 To enable the Server Service to automatically start when the server is rebooted, select the “Automatic start on Reboot” check box option. Click on the either or server, click on the button to start or stop the server. To re-boot the button and to shutdown the server, click on the button. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 45 - PAGE 46 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 46 - Chapter 2: Configuration of the PlanetCCTV Basestation Control Panel PlanetCCTV Basestation Control Panel: General The PlanetCCTV Basestation Control Panel can be loaded form within the PlanetCCTV Client or from the Control Panel applet in the system control Panel. Once it has been loaded, it can be used to configure the PlanetCCTV Basestation application. The Control Panel User Interface is shown in Figure 2.01 below: Figure 2.1 The General Tab under the PlanetCCTV Basestation Properties tab includes the following configuration options: • Name: The Basestation name is entered here. • IP Address: IP address of the Basestation. • IP Ports: TCPIP Port Numbers used by the Basestation. These should be set in conjunction with the Firewall Administrator so that these ports can be enabled on any Firewalls between the Client, the Server, and the Basestation. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 47 - PlanetCCTV Basestation Control Panel: Servers By selecting the Servers tab, the Servers set-up screen is shown in Figures 2.2 below: Figure 2.2 and buttons, PlanetCCTV Server definitions By using the can be added to the Basestation Control Panel. By selecting an existing entry and clicking on the shown in Figure 2.3 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. button, the server properties can be edited as - 48 - Figure 2.3 • Name: As the heading implies, this is the name of the server which you would like to define. • Connection: There are two options here, local area network or connection via modem. The latter requires a telephone number to be defined. • Speed: This defines the Net Available bandwidth on the communication link. i.e. the bandwidth available for use by the PlanetCCTV application. It is important to enter an accurate figure as this figure is used to calculate the data transfer rates for audio and video when audio is enabled, with priority being given to the audio stream. Setting the value too low will result in unnecessary delays in receiving video updates. Setting the value to high will result in audio break-up as there will not be enough bandwidth available for the audio data. • IP Name/Address: The Name or IP address of desired PlanetCCTV Server is entered here. • IP Port: TCPIP Port Number used by the Server. This should be set in conjunction with the Firewall Administrator so that the port can be enabled on any Firewalls between the Server and the Basestation. • User name: A valid username on the desired PlanetCCTV Server is entered here. • Password: The user’s password is entered here. The password can be saved so that the user does not have to re-enter each time a connection is made or the user can be prompted to enter the password each time a connection is made • Auto Connect while viewing an alarm: If this option is enabled, upon receiving an alarm, the Client will automatically connect back to the server from which the alarm was received and display images from the relevant camera on the server. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 49 - PlanetCCTV Basestation Control Panel: Users By selecting the Users tab, the Users set-up screen is shown in Figures 2.4 below: Figure 2.4 Users can be created and deleted using this interface. Selecting a user and click on the 2.5. button to view User properties interface as shown in Figure Figure 2.5 The Full Name, Password and Group membership (users or administrators) properties can be edited here. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 50 - PlanetCCTV Basestation Control Panel: Service By selecting the Service tab, the Basestation Service set-up screen is shown in Figures 2.6 below: Figure 2.6 To enable the Basestation Service to automatically start when the Basestation is rebooted, select the “Automatic start on Reboot” check box option. Click on either the or buttons to start or stop the Basestation. To rebutton and to shutdown the Basestation, boot the server, click on the click on the ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. button. - 51 - PAGE 52 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 52 - Chapter 3: Configuration of the PlanetCCTV Server Service The PlanetCCTV Server Service Properties Windows 2000 / Windows XP Server Service Properties By default, the Server Service users the system account. In order to enable remote archiving, the server application requires the user authentication privileges that cannot be granted to the system account. Therefore, in order to achieve this, an equivalent to the system account needs to be set-up. To add a new user to be used for the Server Service account, load the Computer Management Console under Control Panel / Admin Tools and select the User and groups section as shown in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Select the New User option from the context (right click) menu and add a new user as shown in Figure 3.2. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 53 - Figure 3.2 Important features to note are that the account has the option Password never expires and User cannot change password ticked. This will prevent the server being “locked out” by the operating system when prompts for changing the password in accordance with the settings within the system policy. The account also needs to be a member of the System Administrators Group and needs certain user right assignments. The dialog for adding user right assignments is shown in Figure 3.3. Figure 3.3 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 54 - These are added by selecting the appropriate rights in turn and adding the appropriate user account to the user right assignment. For a user account to be used to run as a service, the following rights are needed. • • Act as part of the operating system Log on as a service Select the appropriate right assignment and from the context (right click) menu, select Security. Figure 3.4 shows the dialog for modifying user right assignments. Figure 3.4 Click on the button to add users to the selected right assignment as shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 55 - Once the user has been added to the right assignment, click on the button to commit the changes. Repeat for the remaining user right assignments. Once these have been added, the Server Service properties need to be modified to log on as the newly created user. Form the Control Panel / Admin Tools applet, load the Services applet and select the PlanetCCTV Server service. Use the context (right click) menu to modify the properties. Figure 3.6 shows the properties of the PlanetCCTV Server Service. Figure 3.6 Click on the Log On tab to modify the Log On parameters as shown in Figure 3.7. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 56 - Figure 3.7 Notice how the Service has been modified to log on as the selected account rather than the Local System account (the default for all services). Enter the newly created user by browsing the user database and enter the password for button to complete the change. The Server the user. Click on the Service will now login as the user account DVR Server. This is a requirement for remote archiving to function. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 57 - PAGE 58 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 58 - Chapter 4: Configuration of the Remote Access Server The PlanetCCTV Remote Access Server Windows 2000 / Windows XP Remote Access Server Loading the Remote Access Server The Remote Access Server in Windows 2000 is set-up using the Network Wizard. To load the Network Wizard, run the Start / Settings / Network and connections / Make New Connection application. Figure 4.1 shows the Network Wizard user interface. Figure 4.1 Click on the ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. button to continue. - 59 - Figure 4.2 Figure 4.2 shows the Network Connection types available. Select the “Accept button to incoming connections” as shown in Figure 4.3. Click on the continue. Figure 4.3 Select the connection device from the list provided. (this assumes that whatever remote access device you are using has been correctly installed and configured). button to continue. Click on the ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 60 - Figure 4.4 Enable or disable VPN (Virtual Private Network) access and click on the button to continue. Figure 4.5 Select the users that will be granted remote access. By clicking on the button, the user properties can be modified. Call-back options can also be set here or once the connection has been created. Click on the continue. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 61 - button to Figure 4.6 Select the networking components required for the network connection. Click on button to continue. the Figure 4.7 Select a name for the Connection (or leave the default name there) and Click on button to complete the Network Connection set-up. the ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 62 - Once the Network connection has been set-up, you can modify the parameters by selecting the new connection from Start / Settings / Network and Connections. Figure 4.8 shows the properties of the newly created Network connection. Figure 4.8 The Users tab is shown in Figure 4.9. Figure 4.9 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 63 - The Networking tab is shown in Figure 4.10. Figure 4.10 button. The Protocol settings Select the TCP/IP option and click on the for the incoming connection can be modified here as shown in Figure 4.11. Figure 4.11 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 64 - Finally, ensure the various Remote Access and Telephony services are set to automatic and are running to ensure that incoming calls will be received. See Figure 4.12. Figure 4.12 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 65 - PAGE 66 LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 66 - Appendices Appendix 1: Basestation Error Codes/Messages Range Type Code Message 1000-1999 2000-2999 Errors 1001 An unknown error has occurred. Warnings 1002 3000-3999 Initialization has failed for some unknown reason. Informational 1003 The software has expired. 4000-4999 Audit Success 1004 Event logging can not be initialized. 5000-5999 Audit Failures 1005 The service can't register its control function with the Service Control Manager. 1006 The computer's operating system can not be identified. 1007 This software can only be run on Windows NT 4.0 or later. 1008 The service is not configured to run as part of the operating system. 1009 The WinSock software can't be initialized. 1010 The thread that monitors connections has unexpectedly terminated. 2001 An unknown error has occurred. 2002 The thread for a server control panel applet connection caused an exception %1 at address %2. 3001 The service has been started. 3002 The service has been stopped. 4001 The user %1 has logged on from %2. 4002 The user %1 on %2 has created user %3. 4003 The user %1 on %2 has deleted user %3. 4004 The user %1 on %2 has set the groups user %3 is a member of. 4005 The user %1 on %2 has set the password for user %3. 4006 The user %1 on %2 has set the full name for user %3. 4007 The user %1 on %2 has changed the server's start type. 4008 The user %1 on %2 has started the server. 4009 The user %1 on %2 has stopped the server. 4010 The user %1 on %2 has initiated a system shutdown. 4011 The user %1 on %2 has initiated a system reboot. 5001 The user %1 failed to logon from %2. 5002 The user %1 on %2 failed to create user %3. 5003 The user %1 on %2 failed to delete user %3. 5004 The user %1 on %2 failed to set the groups user %3 is a member of. 5005 The user %1 on %2 failed to set the password for user %3. 5006 The user %1 on %2 failed to set the full name for user %3. 5007 The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to change the server's start type. 5008 The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to start the server. 5009 The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to stop the server. 5010 The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to initiate a system shutdown. 5011 The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to initiate a system reboot. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 67 - Appendix 1: Server Error Codes/Messages Range Type Code 1000-1999 Errors 1001 An unknown error has occurred. 2000-2999 Warnings 1002 Initialization has failed for some unknown reason. 3000-3999 Informationals Audit Success Audit Failures 1003 The software has expired. 1004 Event logging can't be initialized. 4000-4999 5000-5999 Message 1005 The service can't register its control function with the Service Control Manager. 1006 The computer's operating system can't be identified. 1007 This software can only be run on Windows 2000 or later. 1008 The camera properties can't be obtained from the registry. 1009 1010 No camera is set up to capture frames. The frame files can't be opened. 1011 The alarm file can't be opened. 1012 The WinSock software can't be initialized. 1013 Video capture can't be initialized. 1014 A video compression codec can't be initialized. 1015 1016 Information for the clients can't be initialized. A thread can't be created to capture frames. 1017 Flags can't be written to the frame file %1. 1018 Frame information can't be written to frame file %1. 1019 The thread that captures frames has unexpectedly terminated. 1020 The thread that compresses frames has unexpectedly terminated. 1021 1022 The thread that monitors connections has unexpectedly terminated. The server's properties can't be obtained from the registry. 1023 The server's basestation properties can't be obtained from the registry. 1024 The server's I/O properties can't be obtained from the registry. 1025 The server's archive properties can't be obtained from the registry. 1026 The configured archive drive doesn't exist. 1027 1028 The configured drive type is invalid for the archive drive. The archive drive's type is unsupported. 1029 There are too few frame files to safely archive. 1030 Archiving can't be initialized. 1031 The recording of alarms can't be initialized. 1032 The I/O card can't be initialized. 1033 1034 There is no license. The license is corrupted. 1035 The trial license has expired. 1036 The computer's time zone is not standard and can't be used. 1037 The audio software can't be initialized. 1038 Archiving can't be initialized because the service doesn't have access to the network. 1039 1040 The server is not configured to run as part of the operating system. Not enough memory can be allocated to run the server. 1041 Domain information for the computer can't be obtained. 1042 The PTZ software can't be initialized. 1043 A thread caused an exception %1 at address %2. 1044 The frame rate is invalid. 1045 1046 Data can't be read from the frame file %1. Data can't be written to the frame file %1. 1047 The system time has moved backwards more than is permitted. 1048 The thread that writes frames has unexpectedly terminated. 1049 The service has failed to restart itself. 1050 The watchdog can't be initialized. 1051 2001 The server's map properties can't be obtained from the registry. An unknown error has occurred. 2002 The video compression codec can't compress a frame. 2003 The PTZ properties can't be obtained or are invalid. All PTZ functionality has been disabled. 2004 The PTZ properties for camera %1 are invalid. PTZ functionality has been disabled for camera %1. 2006 The thread for a client connection caused an exception %1 at address %2. 2007 2008 The thread for a monitor connection caused an exception %1 at address %2. The PTZ software can't be initialized. All PTZ functionality has been disabled. 2009 The HTTP properties can't be obtained or are invalid. All HTTP functionality has been disabled. 2010 The HTTP software can't be initialized. All HTTP functionality has been disabled. 2011 The HTTP root path specified is invalid or doesn't exist. All HTTP functionality has been disabled. 2012 The HTTP port specified is invalid or already in use. All HTTP functionality has been disabled. 2013 2014 The Video Out software can't be initialized. All Video Out functionality has been disabled. The system page size is larger than expected. 2015 The archiving of one of the frame files has failed. 2016 There is no media in the archive drive. 2017 The media in the archive drive is full. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 68 - 2018 2019 The files on the media in the archive drive can't be deleted. The same media has been inserted into the archive drive. 2020 The media in the archive drive is read-only. 2021 The path specified for network archiving is invalid or can't be connected. 2022 The user specified for network archiving is invalid. 2023 2024 The password specified for network archiving is invalid. The network archive path is full. 2025 An unknown error has occurred while attempting to archive to the archive network path. 2026 Access has been denied to the archive network path. 2027 The local archive drive is full. 2028 The external monitor properties can't be obtained or are invalid. All external monitor functionality has been disabled. 2029 2030 The external monitor software can't be initialized. All external monitor functionality has been disabled. Raw transfer can't be initialized for user %1 on %2. 2031 The thread that compresses frames appears to have hung. The service will be restarted 2032 The SMTP properties can't be obtained or are invalid. All SMTP functionality has been disabled. 2033 The SMTP software can't be initialized. All SMTP functionality has been disabled. 2034 An e-mail couldn't be sent for an event because the event was unrecognized. 2035 2036 There is insufficient memory available to send an e-mail. Invalid data has been received from the SMTP server. 2037 A connection to the SMTP server timed out. 2038 A connection couldn't be established with the SMTP server. 2039 The username or password for the SMTP server is invalid. 2040 The SMTP server doesn't support any available authentication methods. 2041 2042 The session with the SMTP server can't be authenticated. The SMTP server has rejected the sender's email address. 2043 Data couldn't be sent or received from the SMTP server. 2044 The SMTP server rejected the e-mail. 3001 The server has been started. 3002 The server has been stopped. 3003 3004 Input %1 ('%2') has been disabled by the user %3 on %4. Input %1 ('%2') has been enabled by the user %3 on %4. 3005 Input %1 ('%2') has been triggered. 3006 Output %1 ('%2') has been disabled by the user %3 on %4. 3007 Output %1 ('%2') has been enabled by the user %3 on %4. 3008 Output %1 ('%2') has been triggered by an alarm for camera %3 ('%4'). 3009 3010 Output %1 ('%2') has been triggered manually by the user %3 on %4. Output %1 ('%2') has been reset manually by the user %3 on %4. 3011 The system time has been changed from %1 to %2. 4001 The user %1 has logged on from %2. 4002 A monitor has connected from %1. 4003 The user %1 on %2 has logged off a client logged on as %3 from %4. 4006 4007 The alarm system was armed externally. The alarm system was disarmed externally. 4008 The user %1 has logged off from %2. 4009 A monitor has disconnected from %1. 5001 The user %1 failed to logon from %2. 5002 A monitor failed to connect from %1. 5003 The user %1 on %2 failed to logoff a client. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 69 - Appendix 2: Administration Error Codes/Messages Range 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-4999 5000-5999 Type Errors Warnings Informationals Audit Success Audit Failures Code 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 2001 2002 3001 3002 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. Message An unknown error has occurred. Initialisation has failed for some unknown reason. The software has expired. Event logging can't be initialized. The service can't register its control function with the Service Control Manager. The computer's operating system can't be identified. This software can only be run on Windows 2000 or later. The service is not configured to run as part of the operating system. The WinSock software can't be initialized. The thread that monitors connections has unexpectedly terminated. A thread caused an exception %1 at address %2. An unknown error has occurred. The thread for a connection caused an exception %1 at address %2. The service has been started. The service has been stopped. The user %1 has logged on from %2. The user %1 on %2 has created user %3. The user %1 on %2 has deleted user %3. The user %1 on %2 has set the groups user %3 is a member of. The user %1 on %2 has set the password for user %3. The user %1 on %2 has set the full name for user %3. The user %1 on %2 has changed the server's start type. The user %1 on %2 has started the server. The user %1 on %2 has stopped the server. The user %1 on %2 has initiated a system shutdown. The user %1 on %2 has initiated a system reboot. The user %1 on %2 has changed the basestation's start type. The user %1 on %2 has started the basestation. The user %1 on %2 has stopped the basestation. The user %1 failed to logon from %2. The user %1 on %2 failed to create user %3. The user %1 on %2 failed to delete user %3. The user %1 on %2 failed to set the groups user %3 is a member of. The user %1 on %2 failed to set the password for user %3. The user %1 on %2 failed to set the full name for user %3. The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to change the server's start type. The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to start the server. The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to stop the server. The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to initiate a system shutdown. The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to initiate a system reboot. The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to change the basestation's start type. The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to start the basestation. The user %1 on %2 failed in an attempt to stop the basestation. - 70 - Appendix 3: Basestation Error Codes/Messages Range Type Code Message 1000-1999 2000-2999 Errors 1001 An unknown error has occurred. Warnings 1002 Initialization has failed for some unknown reason. 3000-3999 Informationals 1003 The software has expired. 4000-4999 Audit Success 1004 Event logging can't be initialized. 5000-5999 Audit Failures 1005 The service can't register its control function with the Service Control Manager. 1006 The computer's operating system can't be identified. 1008 The alarm file can't be opened. 1009 The WinSock software can't be initialized. 1010 The basestation's properties can't be obtained from the registry. 1011 The basestation's server properties can't be obtained from the registry. 1012 The thread that monitors connections has unexpectedly terminated. 1013 A thread caused an exception %1 at address %2. 1014 The basestation is not configured to run as part of the operating system. 2001 An unknown error has occurred. 3001 The basestation has been started. 3002 The basestation has been stopped. 4001 The user %1 has logged on from %2. 4002 A monitor has attached from %1. 5001 The user %1 failed to logon from %2. 5002 A monitor failed to attach from %1. ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 71 - PlanetCCTV® Digital Video Systems 11440 West Bernardo Court Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92127 (858) 613-5200 Fax : (858) 613-5201 Support : [email protected] Sales : [email protected] Website : Dealer: ©2000-2007 PLANETCCTV INC. - 72 -