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Dynamic Microphone With Usb Interface




 Dynamic microphone with USB interface Cod: DM581USB Overview Dynamic microphone with cardioid polar response. A/D converter for direct connection to a computer's USB port. Driver installation not required. Includes 5mt. microphone cable and USB cable. Technical Specifications Transducer type: Moving coil Polar Pattern: Cardioid Frequency response: 60 - 14 .000 Hz Sensitivity: 1kHz -53 dBv +/-3dB Analog output; -28 dBv +/-3dB Digital output SPL for 1% THD: 120dB Impedance: 600 ohm A/D converter: 16 bit at 4 8 Khz sampling rate Connector: 3 pin xlr Connection standard: USB 1.1 , USB 2.0 Weigth: 290 g Dimension: H.185 mm x Ø 51 mm Tec hnic a l spec ific a tio ns a nd a ppea ra nc es a re subjec t to c ha nge witho ut no tic e a nd a c c ura c y is no t gua ra nteed. All tra dema rke a re the pro perty o f their respec tive o wners. PROEL a c c epts no lia bility fo r a ny lo ss whic h ma y be suffered by a ny perso n who relies either who lly o r in pa rt upo n a ny desc riptio n, pho to gra ph o r sta tement c o nta ined herein. Co lo rs a nd spec ific a tio ns ma y va ry fro m a c tua l pro duc t. PROEL pro duc ts a re so ld thro ugh a utho riz ed fullfillers a nd resellers o nly. This ma nua l is c o pyrighter. No pa rt o f this ma nua l ma y be repro duc ed o r tra nsmitted in a ny fo rm o r by a ny mea ns, elec tro nic o r mec ha nic a l, inc luding pho to c o pying a nd rec o rding o f a ny kind, fo r a ny purpo se, witho ut the express written permissio n o f PROEL - Via a lla Ruenia 37/43 - CAP 64027 - Sa nt'Omero (TE) ITALY. Fo r servic e, suppo rt, o r mo re info rma tio n c o nta c t: Pro el S.p.A. Via a lla Ruenia 37/43 CAP 64027 - Sa nt'Omero (TE) ITALY