Elite-sx Install Manual2
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ELITE SX Version (8/64 Zone Control Communicator) V10 Arrowhead Alarm Products Ltd Installation & Programming Guide Proudly Designed and Manufactured in New Zealand Arrowhead Alarm Products Ltd PHONE: FAX: FREEPHONE: (09) 414 0085 (09) 414 0088 0800 700 123 344b Rosedale Road Albany AUCKLAND PO Box 303-096 AUCKLAND 1330 NEW ZEALAND This ELITE SX Version 10 alarm control panel has been designed to provide the most requested features for both the installer & the end-user. These features include ease of installation, ease of programming and user friendly operation all in a package which is reliable, functional and attractive. Utilising many years of experience in the security industry and implementing valuable feedback, we are proud to provide you with a new generation of alarm controller. The ELITE SX V10 is a New Zealand designed and built product which brings you the quality and features which you deserve at an affordable price. In addition to the the advanced design, only the highest quality components have been used in the production of this Alert panel to ensure the highest degree of reliability. This manual will guide you through the installation and programming of your Elite SX alarm panel. For additional information regarding the operating instructions and options, please refer to the “Elite S User’s Guide”. Copyright by Arrowhead Alarm Products Ltd January 2015 ELITE SX V10. This manual relates to the Arrowhead ELITE SX V10.0.115 software and above. Disclaimer Arrowhead Alarm Products Ltd make no warranties regarding the content of this document and assume no responsibility for any omissions or errors contained herein. To the best of our knowledge the information contained in this manual is correct at the time of printing. Arrowhead Alarm Products Ltd reserve the right to make changes to the features and specifications at any time without notice in the course of product development. Designed & Manufactured in New Zealand to Meet NZS:4301/93 CONTENTS Page No. 5 CONNECTION DIAGRAM Wiring zone and output expanders to the Panel 5 ZONE EXPANDER DIP SWITCH SETTINGS 6 OUTPUT EXPANDER DIP SWITCH SETTINGS 7 WIEGAND EXPANDER DIP SWITCH SETTINGS 8 NIGHT MONITOR KEYPAD 10 INPUTS 11 Examples of Zone Wiring Inputs Outputs Accessories 12 13 13 14 DTMF COMMAND CONTROL OVERVIEW 14 How to use DTMF Remote Control 14 MEMORY VIEW MODE 15 Current Alarms Historical Memory Events 15 15 ICON AND FULL LCD KEYPAD INSTALLATION 16 Keypad Address Assignment Keypad Zone or Listen-in Input 16 16 KEYPAD ADJUSTMENTS 17 Adjusting LCD Keypad Backlighting Adjusting Keypad Buzzer 17 17 FULL LCD KEYPAD TEXT EDITING 18 Programming LCD User, Display, Output, Area, Keypad Zone Text 18 FULL LCD KEYPAD MENU OPERATION 19 ACCESSING PROGRAM MODE 22 USERS 24 User Codes User Type User Areas User Arm/Disarm options User Program Mode Access Radio User Type & Panic options User Time-zone Control User Keypad assignment User turns Output On or Off Learn/Find and Delete Radio Key Codes Learn/Find and Delete Radio Access Cards 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 MISCELLANEOUS PANEL & CLOCK SETTINGS 30 Installer Code Duress Digit Dial Delay Supervised Detector Timer Two Trigger Time Mains Fail Report Delay Receiver Fail Timer Upload/download Site Code Number Temporary Output Disable Miscellaneous Installer & Panel Options Hide User Codes Setting Time, Date & Daylight Saving 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 33 34 Program LCD Output Name Program Output 1 & 2 Volume Miscellaneous Output Options Output On Delay, Pulse, Reset & Chime Times Output Voice Board Remote Control Start message Un-Map an Output Assigning a Time Zone to an Output 34 34 35 37 37 38 38 OUTPUTS 34 Page 3 AREAS 38 Area Arm and Special Function Options Area Arm/Stay Pulse & Chirps to Outputs Area Exit Delay Beeps to Keypads Arm & Stay Exit Delay Time Monitoring Account Code Number Remote Arm/Disarm DTMF Code & Start Voice Message Area Delinquency Time Auto-Arm/Disarm Time-zone Program LCD Area Name 38 39 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 Keypad Area Assignment Keypad Button Operations, Misc Beeps and LED Control Keypad “ARM”, “STAY”, “A” & “B” Button Options Keypad Number and “CONTROL” Button to Output Mask Keypad “Panic” “Fire” & “Medical” Alarms to Outputs & KP Buzzer Keypad Chime Timer Full LCD Display Options Program LCD Keypad name 44 44 45 49 49 49 51 51 Zone Key Switch Options Zone Area Assignment Zone Alarm Type Options Zone EOL & Vibration Settings Zone Radio Type Zone Alarms to Output & Keypad Buzzer Mapping Armed & Stay Mode Entry Delay Times Zone Lockout Time Various Zone CID Report Codes Zone Inactivity Timer Learn/Find & Delete Radio Zone Codes Program LCD Zone Names 52 52 53 55 56 58 60 60 60 61 61 62 Time-Zone Days Time-Zone Start & Stop Times 62 62 Enable Dialler and Set Type of Dialling Dialling Cycles, Auto-answer Ring Count Time to First Test Call Keypad Listen-in Options Dialling Pre-fix Number Keypad “Panic” “Fire” & “Medical” Alarms CID Report Code Output, Microphone & Voice Kiss-off DTMF Remote Codes Miscellaneous Voice Reporting Message Numbers 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 66 KEYPADS 44 ZONES 52 TIME-ZONES 62 DIALLER 63 TELEPHONE NUMBERS 66 Programming Telephone Numbers Reporting Formats Dial Progress Options Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Dialler Reports 66 66 67 68 IP REPORTING PORT NUMBER 70 SIA REPORTING CODES 71 DIAGNOSTIC & DEFAULT OPTIONS 72 Display Software Version, Keypad Number, Keypad Areas Display Active Time-zones, battery Voltage Start Walk-Test Mode Read or Write to DTU Restore Defaults Clear Memory Buffer 72 72 72 72 73 73 PROGRAM SUMMARY GUIDE 75 SPECIAL KEYPAD OPERATING FEATURES 90 QUICK START PROGRAM GUIDE 91 CONTACT ID REPORTING CODE SUMMARY 94 SIA REPORTING CODE SUMMARY 95 Page 4 CONNECTION DIAGRAM BATTERY RST SERIAL TCP/IP ELITE SX V10.00 RESETTING THE PANEL Power-up the panel with the tamper input in alarm while shorting out “RST” pins for 5 seconds (you must short out the “RST” pins before the panel LED starts to flash). LINE_OUT Phone Out LINE_IN Line In 230V AC Input Mains Earth AC_IN This will default: User Codes, Telephone Numbers, Installer Code & Account Codes. It will also Disarm All Armed Areas. The Reset feature is disabled if Installer Lockout is turned on. 17V AC BLK RED LIN DAT CLK NEG POS EXP 2 EXP 1 + _ Bat0V 12V 1 2 3 Outputs 4 0V 12V 1 C 2 3 C 4 5 C 6 7 C 8 TM 0V 12V C NC RELAY NO POS NEG CLK DAT - + 0V 12V OUT DIP Switch DAT DAT TAMP C - + 13V8IN TAMP C Output Expander CLK 5 6 C 7 INPUT 8 0V 12V OUT NO C NC NO C NC NO C NC NO C NC RELAY 1 RELAY 3 RELAY 4 RELAY 2 - + Zone Expander DIP Switch 1 2 C 3 INPUT 4 0V 12V OUT 5 6 C 7 INPUT Plug-in Power supply - + Output Expander DIP Switch TAMP C TAMP C 0V 12V OUT - + 13.8V N/C DAT CLK 0V 12V OUT 12V-24V-AC-AC - + - + DAT CLK Plug-in Power supply - + 0V 12V OUT 0V 12V OUT 4 12V-24V-AC-AC C 3 INPUT 13V8IN 2 NO C NC NO C NC NO C NC NO C NC RELAY 2 RELAY 1 RELAY 3 RELAY 4 8 0V 12V OUT NOTE: If the Plug-in Power supply is fitted DO NOT CONNECT (N/C) the Panel POS to Expander 13.8V IN If the Wiegand Interface board is used you must follow the same wiring as above. Page 5 13V8IN CLK 1 NEG DAT CLK 0V 12V OUT NEG 0V 12V OUT DIP Switch 13V8IN POS POS DAT CLK Zone Expander 13.8V N/C Zone Expander DIP Switch settings DIP Switch # Expanders - Zone Doubling Expanders - NO Zone Doubling 1 2 3 Not used EXP # 1 (zones 9-16) ON off off EXP # 2 (zones 17-32) EXP # 2 (zones 17-24) off ON off Not used EXP # 3 (zones 25-32) ON ON off EXP # 4 (zones 33-48) EXP # 4 (zones 33-40) off off ON Not used EXP # 5 (zones 41-48) ON off ON EXP # 6 (zones 49-64) EXP # 6 (zones 49-56) off ON ON Not used EXP # 7 (zones 57-64) ON ON ON 4 5 6 7 8 On Board Tamper Ignored ON On Board Tamper Active off If the zones are set to a type 0-13 then every zone is set to a single zone per input and each zone can be set differently. If the Global zone doubling option is turned on at P119E all zones on the panel are set to either a type 14 or 15 (depending on the selected option). When zone doubling is selected every second zone expander is used as per the above chart as there will be 16 zones per expander not 8. DIP switch number 8 disables the on-board tamper input if not required. DIP Switches 4, 5, 6, & 7 are currently unused. There is an LED associated with every input. They are labelled IP1—IP8. LED IP1 relates to zone input 1 through to LED IP8 relates to zone input 8. At power up the LED’s will cycle back and forth until communications is established with the main control panel. Under normal conditions the LED’s will be off when the zone is sealed and on when the zone is unsealed so the state of the zone can be displayed at the expander. If the zone is monitored for a tamper condition (zone types 12, 13 or 14) the associated LED will flash to indicate a tamper condition. The zone expander can be powered from the main control panel (as shown on the connection diagram on the previous page) or there is an optional plug in 1A power supply module that can be fitted to the zone expander. When the optional power supply module is fitted the 13.8V (POS) from the panel must not be connected, only the 0V from the main control panel should be connected to the zone expander 0V. NOTE: If there is an address clash (eg two zone expanders set to the same address number) the 8 LED’s will display the following pattern, LED’s 1 & 8 On, changing to LED’s 2 & 7 On, changing to LED’s 3 & 6 On, changing to LED’s 4 & 5 On, then all 8 LED’s will flash together twice then the pattern will repeat until the address clash is removed. Page 6 Output Expander DIP Switch settings DIP Switch # Output Expander Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 O/P EXP # 1 off off off Follows Outputs 1-4 O/P EXP # 2 ON off off Follows Outputs 5-8 O/P EXP # 3 off ON off Follows Outputs 9-12 O/P EXP # 4 ON ON off Follows Outputs 13-16 O/P EXP # 5 off off ON Follows Outputs 17-20 O/P EXP # 6 ON off ON Follows Outputs 21-24 O/P EXP # 7 off ON ON Follows Outputs 25-28 O/P EXP # 8 ON ON ON Follows Outputs 29-32 7 8 On Board Tamper Ignored ON On Board Tamper Active off DIP switch number 8 disables the on-board tamper input if not required. DIP Switches 4, 5, 6, & 7 are currently unused. There is an LED associated with every output. They are labelled OUTPUT 1-4. LED 1 relates to output 1 through to LED 4 relates to output 4. At power up the LED’s will cycle in numerical order back and forth until communications is established with the main control panel. If there is an address clash (eg two output expanders set to the same address number) they will continue to cycle until the clash is resolved by changing the switches on one of the expanders. Under normal conditions the LED’s will be off when the output is off. When an LED is on that indicates the associated relay is on. The output expander can be powered from the main control panel (as shown on the connection diagram on the previous page) or there is an optional plug in 1A power supply module that can be fitted to the output expander. When the optional power supply module is fitted the 13.8V (POS) from the panel must not be connected, only the 0V from the main control panel should be connected to the output expander 0V. Page 7 Wiegand Interface DIP Switch settings DIP Switch # DIP Switch # Wiegand Interface Address 1 2 3 4 5 OPTION 6 7 8 Wiegand I/F # 1 off off off off off 1 Door Cntrl off - - Wiegand I/F # 2 ON off off off off 2 Door Cntrl ON - - Wiegand I/F # 3 off ON off off off CPT-Wiegand - off off Wiegand I/F # 4 ON ON off off off PW READER - ON off Wiegand I/F # 5 off off ON off off Spare - off ON Wiegand I/F # 6 ON off ON off off Spare - ON ON Wiegand I/F # 7 off ON ON off off Wiegand I/F # 8 ON ON ON off off Wiegand I/F # 9 off off off ON off Wiegand I/F # 10 ON off off ON off Wiegand I/F # 11 off ON off ON off Wiegand I/F # 12 ON ON off ON off Wiegand I/F # 13 off off ON ON off Wiegand I/F # 14 ON off ON ON off Wiegand I/F # 15 off ON ON ON off Wiegand I/F # 16 ON ON ON ON off Wiegand I/F # 17 off off off off ON Wiegand I/F # 18 ON off off off ON Wiegand I/F # 19 off ON off off ON Wiegand I/F # 20 ON ON off off ON Wiegand I/F # 21 off off ON off ON Wiegand I/F # 22 ON off ON off ON Wiegand I/F # 23 off ON ON off ON Wiegand I/F # 24 ON ON ON off ON Wiegand I/F # 25 off off off ON ON Wiegand I/F # 26 ON off off ON ON Wiegand I/F # 27 off ON off ON ON Wiegand I/F # 28 ON ON off ON ON Wiegand I/F # 29 off off ON ON ON Wiegand I/F # 30 ON off ON ON ON Wiegand I/F # 31 off ON ON ON ON Wiegand I/F # 32 ON ON ON ON ON Page 8 INSTALLING PROXIMITY READERS The Wiegand Interface board allows various access control readers/keypads to be connected to the ELITE SX keypad bus. The Wiegand Interface has an 8 way DIP switch that allows the keypad address to be set to a value between 1-32. It also has two inputs and a relay output that are linked to the keypad address, eg if the Wiegand Interface board is set to keypad address number 15 (Switches 2, 3 & 4 ON) then input 1 can become zone 15 on the control panel (provided option 4, “zone is a keypad zone”, is turned on at panel program address P122E15E) and relay 1 will follow output 15 from the control panel. This allows the input to be used for door monitoring or as a REX (request to exit) input that is controlled by the main panel. It also allows the door control relay (output 1 on the Wiegand Interface) to be controlled by the main panel. There is also two LED outputs for each reader port labelled LD1 & LD2. LD1 is preset to follow the status of the associated relay on the board, eg LD1 on wiegand interface 1 will follow relay 1. LD2 has two functions. The first is it gives a single flash when any card is presented or a button on the keypad is pressed. The second is LD2 can be programmed to follow an output on the panel at program address P98E so that when the output is on LD2 will also be on to drive the LED on the reader. This can be used to indicate an arm/disarm state, etc. The Buzzer output on the Wiegand reader connections will follow the keypad beeps from the panel. If the Wiegand keypad has a built-in numeric keypad the Buzzer output (BUZ) will beep as a button is pressed as audible feedback that the button was received by the panel. The same Buzzer output can also follow other beeps from the panel such as entry or exit delay beeps, chime zone beeps, etc. DIP switch 6 sets the Wiegand Interface to be a single door or two door controller. If DIP switch 6 is off the board is a single door controller and only Wiegand interface 1 is used for the reader input. Input 1 can be linked to the zone number that matches the keypad address of the board and output 1 is linked to the output number that matches the keypad address. Also when DIP switch 6 is off, input two is linked to relay 1. If input 2 is triggered the output reset time programmed for the output associated with relay 1 will operate relay 1 for that timed period. Input 2 can therefore be used as a request to exit button. If DIP switch 6 is on then both reader interfaces are used and both inputs and outputs are active. The second reader will be the address set by switches 1-5 plus 1, eg if the board address is set to number 12 (DIP switches 1, 2 & 4 ON) then reader interface 1 will be keypad address 12 and reader interface 2 will be keypad address 13. In the same example input 1 on the Wiegand interface can be set to zone 12 and input 2 set to zone 13, output 1 on the Wiegand interface will follow output 12 and output 2 will follow output 13. NOTE: Always ensure DIP Switch 6 is OFF if the board is to only use one keypad address otherwise there could be a keypad address clash, eg if one Wiegand IF board is addressed as keypad # 10 and another as keypad address # 11 but DIP switch 6 was turned ON on the board set as keypad # 10 there will be a clash due to there being two keypad # 11’s, one will be the second reader input on the board set as address # 10 and the other will be the board set as keypad address # 11. NOTE 2: If there is an address clash (eg two Wiegand IF boards set to the same address number) the 8 LED’s will display the following pattern, LED’s 1 & 8 On, changing to LED’s 2 & 7 On, changing to LED’s 3 & 6 On, changing to LED’s 4 & 5 On, then all 8 LED’s will flash together twice then the pattern will repeat until the address clash is removed. DIP switches 7-8 allow the type of access control technology to be selected (see chart on page 8).There are two proximity readers that can be connected to the control panel. They are; 1-CPT-Wiegand reader/keypad 2-PW READER Prox/PIN readers. Each Wiegand Interface board must have a unique keypad address number from 1-32 to avoid data conflicts and to allow assigned program options to be directed to the correct unit. Page 9 NIGHT MONITOR KEYPAD The Night Monitor Keypad is designed to be a simple night arming station typically used in a bedroom situation. It can only be used in conjunction with Areas 1 & 2. By pressing either of the represents the
Required to Arm Option 4 -
Required to Bypass Option 5 - Spare Option 6 - Report Arm Signal at the end of the Exit Delay Option 7 - Can Arm only if All Zones Sealed (Ready) Option 8 - Can Arm Stay Mode only if All Zones Sealed (Ready) Option 1
Required to Arm - If this option is turned on, the
Required to Bypass - If this option is turned on, the