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Enterprise Common Components Messages And Codes Guide




Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes MVS Version Release 16.05 ii Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Global technical support contact information is available from our Customer Support Web Site: This document and the product referenced in it are subject to the following legends: Copyright 2015 Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS-Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Compuware Corporation license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (OCT 1988), FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14 (ALT III), as applicable. Compuware Corporation. This product contains confidential information and trade secrets of Compuware Corporation. Use, disclosure, or reproduction is prohibited without the prior express written permission of Compuware Corporation. Access is limited to authorized users. Use of this product is subject to the terms and conditions of the user’s License Agreement with Compuware Corporation. Abend-AID, Abend-AID for CICS, XPEDITER, File-AID for DB2, Enterprise Common Components, ECC, Compuware Shared Services, CSS, Compuware Viewing Facility, and Compuware/VF are trademarks or registered trademarks of Compuware Corp. IBM, CICS, DB2, and MVS/ESA are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. Adobe® Reader® is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Doc. JUL2016 June 27, 2016. iii Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Manual Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix FrontLine Support Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Online Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x World Wide Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Notation Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Chapter 1. Installation Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Installation JCL Customization Facility Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Compuware/VF Link to File-AID/MVS Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for DB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for IMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Chapter 2. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Batch File Utility Messages and Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 CWDDALLU Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 CWDDSUTL Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 CWFXSDUT, CWAASDUT, and CWDDLPUT Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 CWDDUNLP Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 MVS DDIO and Interface Manager Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Batch File Utility Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Batch File Utility Error Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Batch File Utility Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 DDIO File Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61 DDIO File Error Message Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61 DDIO File Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61 zIIP Enablement Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-99 Language Processor Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-102 Language Processor Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-102 Language Processor Error Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-104 Language Processor Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-105 Documentation Packaging Utility Condition Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-130 ADSSU300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-130 ADSSU30D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-132 ADSSU30F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-132 ADSSU30I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-132 ADSSU30L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-133 Chapter 3. License Management System Messages and Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 License Administration Utility Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Centralized Licensing Facility Server Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-100 Centralized Licensing Facility User Interface Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-135 LM Return and Reason Code Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-167 iv Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Chapter 4. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 HCI User Abend Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 HCIAPING Abend Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 HCISERVR Abend Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 HCIYPREP Abend Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 HCIPSCHG Abend Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 R15 Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 LU 2 Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 Chapter 5. Base Services Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Chapter 6. Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages 6-1 v Figures vi Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes vii Tables 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 4-1. 4-2. 4-3. 4-4. 4-5. 4-6. 4-7. Compuware/VF Link to File-AID/MVS Error Messages ............................................1-3 Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for DB2 ................................................................1-3 Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for IMS Error Messages ........................................1-4 CWDDALLU Return Codes - For any command......................................................2-1 CWDDSUTL Return Codes .......................................................................................2-2 CWFXSDUT, CWAASDUT, and CWDDLPUT Return Codes ...................................2-3 CWDDUNLP Return Codes ......................................................................................2-4 MVS DDIO Return Codes .........................................................................................2-5 Language Processor Return Codes ........................................................................2-102 License Management System Message Categories ...................................................3-1 Return Codes (For Return Code =12, =16, and =20 contact Compuware Customer Support).............................................................................................................3-167 Return Code = 4....................................................................................................3-167 Return Code = 8....................................................................................................3-168 User ABEND Codes: Meaning of HCI user abends ...................................................4-1 HCIAPING ABEND Codes: Meaning of HCIAPING abends.....................................4-5 HCISERVR Reason Codes for U0100 abends: Abend reason codes from the started task control program ....................................................................................................4-5 HCIYPREP ABEND and Reason Codes: Abend and reason codes from the remote Sysplex initialization ..................................................................................................4-6 HCIPSCHG Reason Codes: Abend reason codes from the password change internal TP...........................................................................................................................4-6 R15 Return Codes: Explanation of values returned in R15......................................4-7 LU 2 Return Codes: Explanation of the returned codes ..........................................4-9 viii Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes ix Introduction Intro This manual contains messages and codes for all of the components of Enterprise Common Components (ECC). Enterprise Common Components is a packaging method for the following Compuware facilities: • Compuware Shared Services (CSS) • License Management System (LMS) • Host Communications Interface (HCI) • Base Services • Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Manual Structure This Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Guide is composed of the following chapters: • Chapter 1, “Installation Error Messages”: The installation return codes and messages issued by the CSS and LMS components of ECC. • Chapter 2, “Compuware Shared Services Error Messages”: The return codes and messages issued by the CSS component of ECC, including the batch file utilities, DDIO, and the language processors. • Chapter 3, “License Management System Messages and Codes”: The return codes and messages issued by the License Management program and World-Wide License Management. • Chapter 4, “Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages”: The return codes and messages issued by the HCI component of ECC. • Chapter 5, “Base Services Error Messages”: The error messages issued by the Base Services component of ECC. • Chapter 6, “Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages”: The error messages issued by the CMSC component of ECC. Intended Audience This manual is intended for installers and application programmers. It is only applicable for the MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, and OS/390 versions of Compuware products. Related Publications For more information about CSS, LMS, or HCI refer to the Compuware documentation shipped with the ECC tape. For more information about Distributed Viewing Support, refer to the Abend-AID Installation and Customization Guide or Abend-AID for CICS Installation and Customization Guide. Instructions for accessing this documentation are given in the x Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes following paragraphs. For more information on compiling COBOL, PL/I, or Assembler programs, refer to the appropriate IBM manuals. FrontLine Support Web Site Access online technical support for Compuware products through our FrontLine support Web site. View or download documentation, frequently asked questions, and product fixes, or e-mail Compuware with questions or comments. To access FrontLine, you must first register and obtain a password at Online Documentation Documentation for this product is provided on CD-ROM and in the following electronic formats: • View PDF files with the free Adobe Reader, available at • View HTML files with any standard Web browser. • View BookManager softcopy files with any version of IBM BookManager READ or the IBM Softcopy Reader. To learn more about BookManager or to download the free Softcopy Reader, go to World Wide Web Compuware’s site on the World Wide Web provides information about Compuware and its products. The address is Notation Conventions This section describes common terms and syntax conventions used in this manual. A change bar (|) indicates an update to the manual for this release. Terminology The following terms are defined as they are used in this manual: • DDIO (Dump Dataset Input Output) file is used generically to mean any of the following types of files created by the CSS utilities: – – – – – – Report File Source Listing File Transaction Databases and Shared Directories Report Shared Directory and Database Source Listing Shared Directory Source Listing Database. • Member is used to identify an individual diagnostic report in an Abend-AID report file, a source listing in a source listing file, or a profile in a profile file. • Entry is used to identify an individual transaction diagnostic report in a transaction database for Abend-AID for CICS. Getting Help Compuware continually strives to improve our software products and documentation. Feedback from our customers helps us to maintain our quality standards. Introduction xi While the software should execute according to documented specifications, there are times when problems do occur. If problems arise, check the Compuware manuals for assistance. You may also need to consult your site’s technical representative for Compuware assistance. If you have attempted to solve the problem using the resources listed above and the difficulty persists, contact the Compuware Customer Support Hotline for assistance. Customer support is also available via our FrontLine Support web site as described in “Related Publications”. Please have the following information available before calling. This information will assist the Customer Support personnel in determining the exact cause of your problem in a timely manner. Note: If you encounter a CSS problem when compiling your program, Compuware Customer Support staff may need additional information. You can obtain this information by using the CSS Problem Documentation Utility. Refer to the “Using the Problem Documentation Utility” appendix in the Compuware Shared Services User/Reference Guide for complete instructions. 1. Use the following sample JCL members to identify the PTFs and/or APARs that have been applied to the ECC libraries: – CXLPTFS or CXLZAPS in the ECC SLCXCNTL library These jobs (with the exception of CXLZAPS) will produce a detailed SMP/E report of PTFs applied to the above components. The CXLZAPS job will produce a more compact/summarized version of the ECC PTF listing. 2. Determine the release number of the ECC-enabled product. 3. For CSS problems, identify the compiler language and the release number being processed. 4. Identify the CICS release in use if the problem involves a CICS product. 5. Identify the operating system release to help determine operating system dependencies. 6. If an abend occurs, note the displacement and the module in which the interrupt occurs. 7. Note the sequence of issued commands that resulted in the abend, the data type, and the programming language being used. 8. Locate your Compuware customer number. Compuware Customer Support xii Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes 1-1 Chapter 1. Installation Error Messages Chap 1 This chapter explains the return codes and messages issued by the installation process for the CSS and LMS components of ECC. Messages that might be encountered during the SMP/E install of ECC are listed in “Installation JCL Customization Facility Messages”. Compuware/VF Link messages are described in the following sections: • “Compuware/VF Link to File-AID/MVS Error Messages” on page 1-3 • “Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for DB2” on page 1-3 • “Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for IMS” on page 1-4. Installation JCL Customization Facility Messages This section describes error messages from the Installation JCL Customization Facility. The JCL Customization Facility allows you to build the jobs necessary to install Enterprise Common Components (ECC) in SMP/E format. ECCI001 The dataset name this REXX EXEC ‘xxxxxxxx’ is being invoked from cannot be automatically determined. Explanation: The function within REXX that allows you to determine the dataset name where this EXEC resides is not functioning. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. User Response: You can manually specify the installation dataset name. Update member ECCINST in the installation sample library and set variable INSTLIB (in the beginning of the member) to the dataset name of the installation sample library. ECCI002 Do not invoke this REXX EXEC ‘xxxxxxx’ by installing it within your SYPROC DD. Please execute it via “TSO EX ‘DSN(ECCINST)’” Explanation: In the determination of the dataset name where this REXX EXEC resides, it was found that this EXEC was invoked from a dataset in your SYSPROC DD concatenation. This is not allowed because the exact dataset name is required in order for this EXEC to function. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. User Response: Execute the EXEC by typing: TSO EX ‘DSN(ECCINST)’ where DSN is the name of the dataset where ECCINST resides. ECCI003 ECCINST must be run in an ISPF environment. Please start ISPF prior to running ECCINST. Explanation: ISPF is required for processing the panels used for the Installation JCL Customization process. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. User Response: Start ISPF before running this REXX EXEC. ECCI004 The specified installation dataset xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx could not be located. Please verify the dataset name and try again. Explanation: The installation library dataset, probably specified by manual override, could not be located. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. 1-2 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: You can manually specify the installation dataset name. Update member ECCINST in the installation sample library and set variable INSTLIB (in the beginning of the member) to the dataset name of the installation sample library. ECCI005 The specified installation dataset xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx does not contain the REXX EXEC ‘ECCINST’. Please verify the dataset name and try again. Explanation: The installation library dataset, probably specified by manual override, does not contain a complete copy of the installation library dataset. Some members are missing. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. User Response: Please verify and correct the installation library dataset name. Ensure that it has been copied correctly from the SMP/E or maintenance installation tape. ECCI006 The specified installation dataset xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx is invalid. Please verify the dataset name and try again. Explanation: The installation library dataset, probably specified by manual override, is not accessible by you, or the name specified is not in valid dataset name format. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. User Response: You can manually specify the installation dataset name. Update member ECCINST in the installation sample library and set variable INSTLIB (in the beginning of the member) to the dataset name of the installation sample library. ECCI007 The specified installation dataset xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx does not contain the REXX EXEC ‘ECCBUILD’. Please verify the dataset name and try again. Explanation: The installation library dataset, probably specified by manual override, does not contain a complete copy of the installation library dataset. Some members are missing. xxxxxxxx is a variable name for the missing module. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. User Response: Please verify and correct the installation library dataset name. Ensure that it has been copied correctly from the SMP/E installation or maintenance tape. ECCI101 ECCBUILD must be run in an ISPF environment. Please start ISPF prior to running ECCINST. Explanation: ISPF is required for processing the panels used for the Installation JCL Customization process. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. User Response: If you have ISPF, please start it before running this REXX EXEC. ECCI102 A fatal I/O error has occurred. Please correct the problem and try again. Explanation: An I/O error occurred while processing this REXX EXEC, possibly due to not having WRITE access to the installation library dataset. It could also be caused by a hardware error. Severity: The Installation JCL Customization Facility terminates. User Response: Correct the error and re-run the REXX EXEC. Installation Error Messages 1-3 Compuware/VF Link to File-AID/MVS Error Messages Table 1-1 describes error messages that could appear when attempting to access FileAID/MVS from Compuware/VF. When an error occurs, a brief message appears in the upper right corner of the screen. To display a complete description of the error, press PF1. Table 1-1. Compuware/VF Link to File-AID/MVS Error Messages Error Message Pressing PF1 Displays Explanation/Suggested Remedy FILE-AID ERROR Error message is issued from File-AID, and varies dependent upon the error See the File-AID/MVS documentation. INCOMPATIBLE REPORT The Abend-AID report was created with an older release of Abend-AID. Check your Abend-AID release level. Reports must be created with Abend-AID 9.1 or later in order to be compatible with the Compuware/VF link to FileAID/MVS. INTERFACE UNAVAILABLE File-AID cannot be invoked due to missing libraries or unsupported release. Ensure that File-AID/MVS 8.5 or later is installed and that the File-AID/MVS libraries are allocated at TSO logon. INVALID BROWSE/EDIT Cannot use File-AID to browse or edit JES spool files. To access File-AID, select another file type. NO FILES AVAILABLE No files were available for File-AID edit or browse. STORAGE ERROR The abending program did not have any files open at the time of the abend. Storage error while trying to invoke File-AID. Contact Compuware Technical Support. Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for DB2 Table 1-2 describes error messages that could appear when attempting to access File-AID for DB2 from Compuware/VF. When an error occurs, a brief message appears in the upper right corner of the screen. To display a complete description of the error, press PF1. Table 1-2. Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for DB2 Error Message Pressing PF1 Displays Explanation/Suggested Remedy File-AID DB2 unavailable File-AID DB2 is either not installed, or product libraries are not available. See CSS CLIST CWVFDB2 for setup of the File-AID DB2 interface. Ensure that File-AID for DB2 V3R9 or later is installed and that the CWVFDB2 CLIST has been customized to reflect your File-AID for DB2 CLIST library name. File-AID DB2 ALTLIB File-AID DB2 is either not installed, or product error libraries are not available. See CSS CLIST CWVFDB2 for setup of the File-AID DB2 interface. Ensure that File-AID for DB2 V3R9 or later is installed and that the CWVFDB2 CLIST has been customized to reflect your File-AID for DB2 CLIST library name. File-AID DB2 CLIST error File-AID DB2 interface CLIST library, &FADB2CL Ensure that the File-AID for DB2 installation not found. See CSS CLIST CWVFDB2 for setup of requirements have been met. Installation the File-AID DB2 interface. instructions are available in CLIST CWVFDB2 in the CSS installation sample library and in the ECC Installation and Customization Guide. Browse/Edit error The ABEND must have been captured with an Check your Abend-AID release level. Reports must Abend-AID release of 9.1 or higher to utilize the be created with Abend-AID 9.1 or later in order to CW/VF File-AID DB2 interface. be compatible with the Compuware/VF link to FileAID for DB2. FA/DB2 interface error An error has occurred in CW/VF interface to File- Contact Compuware Technical Support. AID DB2. 1-4 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 1-2. Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for DB2 Error Message Pressing PF1 Displays Explanation/Suggested Remedy Use S/E/B line commands S=select E=edit B=browse are the valid line commands. Ensure that you are entering one of the following line commands: • S -- Select • E -- Edit • B -- Browse Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for IMS Table 1-3 describes error messages that could appear when attempting to access File-AID for IMS from Compuware/VF. When an error occurs, a brief message appears in the upper right corner of the screen. To display a complete description of the error, press PF1. Table 1-3. Compuware/VF Link to File-AID for IMS Error Messages Error Message Pressing PF1 Displays Explanation/Suggested Remedy FA/IMS internal error An error has occurred in CW/VF interface Contact Compuware Technical Support. to File-AID for IMS FA/IMS GETMAIN error An error has occurred in CW/VF interface Contact Compuware Technical Support. to File-AID for IMS FA/IMS interface error An error has occurred in CW/VF interface Contact Compuware Technical Support. to File-AID for IMS 2-1 Chapter 2. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Chap 2 This chapter explains the return codes and messages issued by the CSS component of ECC. CSS messages and return codes are described in the following sections: • “Batch File Utility Messages and Return Codes” on page 2-1 • “CWDDALLU Return Codes” on page 2-1 • “CWDDSUTL Return Codes” on page 2-1 • “CWFXSDUT, CWAASDUT, and CWDDLPUT Return Codes” on page 2-3 • “CWDDUNLP Return Codes” on page 2-4 • “MVS DDIO and Interface Manager Return Codes” on page 2-5 • “Batch File Utility Error Messages” on page 2-13 • “DDIO File Error Messages” on page 2-61 • “zIIP Enablement Service” on page 2-99 • “Language Processor Messages” on page 2-102 Batch File Utility Messages and Return Codes CWDDALLU Return Codes CWDDALLU is the front end for all of the Compuware utilities CWAASDUT, CWDDSUTL, CWFXSDUT and CWDDLPUT. If the input in DD ABNLPARM is correct, all required files exist and are in the correct format, CWDDALLU calls the appropriate one of those four utilities. Then any return codes or error messages come from the called utility. If CWDDALLU detects an error that prevents it from even calling any utility, CWDDALLU issues its own error message and exits with a return code 8, or one of the return codes shown in Table 2-1 below. See “Batch File Utility Error Messages” on page 2-13 for error message text and explanations from CWDDALLU. Table 2-1. CWDDALLU Return Codes - For any command Return Code Meaning 8 General errors, should be accompanied by an error message 12 Storage/GETMAIN error 60 Unable to load message text module 61 Unable to load message processing module 88 Syntax error in command, or Logic error in CWDDALLU CWDDSUTL Return Codes The following table lists common return codes from the CWDDSUTL batch file utility. Many are not user recoverable or applicable. Contact Compuware Technical Support if 2-2 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes necessary. These return codes are issued only if CWDDALLU has approved all the parameters of your command, and passed the command to CWDDSUTL. See Table 2-2 for return codes that CWDDSUTL might issue. See “Batch File Utility Error Messages” on page 2-13 for error message text and explanations. Table 2-2. CWDDSUTL Return Codes Return Code Meaning 0 NO ERRORS 4 (CPY) WARNING - CAN CONTINUE 4 (FMT) ABNLDFIL DDNAME NOT FOUND 8 (CPY) ERROR - CANNOT CONTINUE 8 (DIR) INSUFFICIENT STORAGE 8 (REO) A DDIO ERROR OCCURRED 12 (PRI) SORT KEY IS NOT APPLICABLE 16 (PRI) CANNOT PRINT RADAR OR PD FILE 20 (FMT) FILE TOO SMALL FOR DUMPS REQUESTED 36 (FMT) FILE TOO SMALL FOR SINGLE GROUP 36 (DIR) SORT KEY IS NOT APPLICABLE 40 (FMT) BLKSIZE TOO SMALL FOR HEADER REC 44 (DEL,LCK,PRI) SPECIFIED REPORT NOT FOUND 44 (PRI) ERROR DURING OPEN OF ALT OUTPUT 44 (PRI) ERROR DURING LOAD OF LITERAL MODULE 48 (DEL,LCK) SPECIFIED REPORT IN USE 52 (DEL,LCK,PRI) REPORT IDENTFR NOT SPEC 56 (FMT) FORMAT-1 DSCB COULD NOT BE READ 56 (PRI) NO SOURCE AVAILABLE 60 (FMT) FILE IS NOT BSAM, BDAM, OR VSAM 60 (PRI) WRONG SLS RELEASE 64 (PRI) INTERNAL SLS ERROR 84 (DEL,LCK) CICS DUMPFILE IS IN USE 112 BAD COMMAND / SECURITY EXIT ERROR 120 (FMT) DIRECTORY ENTRY IS > 1024 BYTES 124 (FMT) CICS DUMPFILE IS IN USE 128 (FMT) DIRECTORY ENTRY IS > BLKSIZ 132 (FMT) CANNOT FORMAT NONEMPTY VSAM DDS 136 (FMT) BAD VSAM ALLOCATION PARMS 136 (CPY) TODD: BAD VSAM ALLOCATION PARMS 140 (DEL,DIR,LCK,PRI) BAD VSAM ALLCTN PRMS 140 (CPY) FRMDD: BAD VSAM ALLOCATION PARMS 176 (FMT) VSAM PUT/MODCB ERROR 516 (PRI) MUST BE SLS IF NO XMWORK 520 GC=1, EXTENTS=1. INCOMPATIBLE 524 VSAM CLUSTER MUST BE RRDS Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Table 2-2. 2-3 CWDDSUTL Return Codes Return Code Meaning 528 NO. OF ALLOCATION GROUPS > 32767 532 AD=STAGED, SUBTYPE NE SOURCE 696 CWDDSUTL AND CWCMDDIO RELEASE MISMATCH 3024 REQUIRED MODULE CANNOT BE FOUND 3028 ABNLPARM DDNAME CANNOT BE OPENED 3032 ABNLREPT DDNAME CANNOT BE OPENED OR WRONG LRECL - SHOULD BE 133 3036 GETMAIN ERROR 3040 CWCMDDIO-GETMAIN / CWCMAPND-LOAD ERROR 3044 CWDDSEQM MODULE CANNOT BE FOUND 3048 FAKE BSAM MODULE IS REQUIRED Note: • • • • • The following CWDDSUTL commands can also generate a DDIO return code: FORMAT DELETE DIR LOCK PRINT See “MVS DDIO and Interface Manager Return Codes” on page 2-5 for a list of the DDIO return codes. CWFXSDUT, CWAASDUT, and CWDDLPUT Return Codes The following table lists common return codes from the CWFXSDUT, CWAASDUT, and CWDDLPUT batch file utilities. Many are not user recoverable or applicable. Contact Compuware Technical Support if necessary. These return codes are issued only if CWDDALLU has approved all the parameters of your command, and passed the command to CWFXSDUT, CWAASDUT or CWDDLPUT. See Table 2-3 for possible return codes. See “Batch File Utility Error Messages” on page 2-13 for error message text and explanations. Table 2-3. CWFXSDUT, CWAASDUT, and CWDDLPUT Return Codes Return Code Meaning 0 NO ERRORS 4 WARNING - PROCESSING CAN CONTINUE 8 ERROR - SOME PROCESSING CAN CONTINUE 16 SEVERE ERROR, PROCESSING STOPS 3024 REQUIRED MODULE CANNOT BE FOUND 3028 ABNLPARM DDNAME CANNOT BE OPENED 3032 ABNLREPT DDNAME CANNOT BE OPENED OR WRONG LRECL - SHOULD BE 133 2-4 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CWDDUNLP Return Codes The following table lists common return codes from the CWDDUNLP DDIO Source Extraction Utility. Many are not user recoverable. Contact Compuware Technical Support if necessary. Table 2-4. CWDDUNLP Return Codes Return Code Message 0080 GETMAIN FAILURE, could not obtain needed storage space. 0081 VECTOR REQUEST BLOCK BUILD PROBLEM, check version of (ECC,CSS), or call COMPUWARE SHARED SERVICES SUPPORT. 0082 REGION VECTOR ERRORS, check version of (ECC,CSS), or call COMPUWARE SHARED SERVICES SUPPORT. 0083 ASSOCIATE VECTOR ERRORS, check version of (ECC,CSS), or call COMPUWARE SHARED SERVICES SUPPORT. 0084 SPAWN VECTOR ERRORS, check version of (ECC,CSS), or call COMPUWARE SHARED SERVICES SUPPORT. 0085 ASSOCIATE VECTOR WITH RQB ERRORS, check version of (ECC,CSS), or call COMPUWARE SHARED SERVICES SUPPORT. 0086 SYSPRINT DD PROBLEM, check LRECL=133 and compatible BLKSIZE. 0087 CWPSRC DD PROBLEM, check LRECL=80 and compatible BLKSIZE. 0088 LOAD FAILED FOR CWPIDRVB, check version of (ECC,CSS), or call COMPUWARE SHARED SERVICES SUPPORT. 0089 DDIO VERSION IS NOT EQUAL TO CWDDUNLP, check version of (ECC,CSS), or call COMPUWARE SHARED SERVICES SUPPORT. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-5 MVS DDIO and Interface Manager Return Codes The following table lists common return code messages from DDIO and the Interface Manager, many of which are not user recoverable or applicable. This list of messages indicates that an internal error has occurred. The program issuing these messages will terminate. When users contact Compuware Corporation customer support, they should provide the listed reason code to the representative. The MSGID shown in the table can be used to look up the message and explanation in the “DDIO File Error Messages” on page 2-61. Table 2-5. MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 0 X'0000' CXCMN0000 DDIO0000 FUNCTION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY 4 X'0004' CXCMN0001 DDIO0004 OPEN ERROR 8 X'0008' CXCMN0002 DDIO0008 INVALID REQUEST 12 X'000C' CXCMN0003 DDIO0012 GETMAIN FAILURE 16 X'0010' CXCMN0004 DDIO0016 REPORT DATASET WAS NOT OPEN 20 X'0014' CXCMN0005 DDIO0020 CLOSE ERROR 24 X'0018' CXCMN0006 DDIO0024 REPORT DATASET WAS NOT FORMATTED 28 X'001C' CXCMN0007 DDIO0028 REPORT DATASET IS NOT FOUND 32 X'0020' CXCMN0008 DDIO0032 VOLSER WAS SPECIFIED FOR VSAM REPORT DATASET 36 X'0024' CXCMN0009 DDIO0036 VSAM REPORT DATASET DOES NOT HAVE CONTROLINTER 40 X'0028' CXCMN0010 DDIO0040 VSAM REPORT DATASET DOES NOT HAVE SHAREOPTIONS 44 X'002C' CXCMN0011 DDIO0044 REPORT IS NOT FOUND 48 X'0030' CXCMN0012 DDIO0048 REPORT IS IN USE 52 X'0034' CXCMN0013 DDIO0052 CWCMOPNM LOAD FAILURE 56 X'0038' CXCMN0014 DDIO0056 CWCMOPNM IS FULL 60 X'003C' CXCMN0015 DDIO0060 REPORT DATASET IS OPENED FOR INPUT ONLY 64 X'0040' CXCMN0016 DDIO0064 END OF REPORT 68 X'0044' CXCMN0017 DDIO0068 TARGET DATASET IS FULL 72 X'0048' CXCMN0018 DDIO0072 DIRECTORY IS FULL-NO BLOCKS AVAILABLE 76 X'004C' CXCMN0019 DDIO0076 MEMBER HAS REACHED THE MAXIMUM GROUPS ALLOWED 80 X'0050' CXCMN0020 DDIO0080 DEAD FLAG WAS SET (REPORT WAS CLOSED) 84 X'0054' CXCMN0021 DDIO0084 REPORT DATASET IS IN USE BY CICS 88 X'0058' CXCMN0022 DDIO0088 BLOCK IS OUTSIDE OF REPORT 92 X'005C' CXCMN0023 DDIO0092 REPORT WAS ALREADY OPENED 96 X'0060' CXCMN0024 DDIO0096 REPORT WAS NOT OPENED 100 X'0064' CXCMN0025 DDIO0100 REQUEST IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH FILE'S FORMAT 104 X'0068' CXCMN0026 DDIO0104 EYECATCHER ERROR: NOT FORMATTED 108 X'006C' CXCMN0027 DDIO0108 INVALID KEY LENGTH 112 X'0070' CXCMN0028 DDIO0112 INVALID KEYS ORDER 116 X'0074' CXCMN0029 DDIO0116 REPORT DATASET IS OPEN FOR OUTPUT 120 X'0078' CXCMN0030 DDIO0120 KEY NOT FOUND 124 X'007C' CXCMN0031 DDIO0124 REPORT DOES NOT HAVE KEYS 2-6 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 2-5. MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 128 X'0080' CXCMN0032 DDIO0128 INVALID INDEX BLOCK REQUEST CODE 132 X'0084' CXCMN0033 DDIO0132 INVALID INDEX DATA LENGTH 136 X'0088' CXCMN0034 DDIO0136 REPORT IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH DDIO RELEASE 140 X'008C' CXCMN0035 DDIO0140 PRODUCT AND DDIO RELEASES ARE INCOMPATIBLE 144 X'0090' CXCMN0036 DDIO0144 INVALID REQUEST FOR OC 148 X'0094' CXCMN0037 DDIO0148 INVALID REQUEST FOR AG 152 X'0098' CXCMN0038 DDIO0152 FILE BLOCKSIZE TOO SMALL TO HOLD INDEX RECORDS 156 X'009C' CXCMN0039 DDIO0156 SPECIFIED SORT KEY IS NOT APPLICABLE 160 X'00A0' CXCMN0040 DDIO0160 NUMBER OF ENTRIES REQUESTED IS ZERO 164 X'00A4' CXCMN0041 DDIO0164 MEMBER IS ALREADY OPEN 168 X'00A8' CXCMN0042 DDIO0168 SORT-BY-LANGUAGE REQUIRES SLS ADDRESS 172 X'00AC' CXCMN0043 DDIO0172 VSAM GET ERROR 176 X'00B0' CXCMN0044 DDIO0176 VSAM PUT ERROR 180 X'00B4' CXCMN0045 DDIO0180 VSAM GET ERROR - ON MODCB 184 X'00B8' CXCMN0046 DDIO0184 VSAM PUT ERROR - ON MODCB 188 X'00BC' CXCMN0047 DDIO0188 ATTEMPT TO READ BEFORE UPDATING BUFFER 192 X'00C0' CXCMN0048 DDIO0192 ATTEMPT TO WRITE FROM UNCHANGED BUFFER 196 X'00C4' CXCMN0049 DDIO0196 REPORT DATASET IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH DDIO RELEASE 200 X'00C8' CXCMN0050 DDIO0200 OPSMF WAS ISSUED WITHOUT PREVIOUS OGSMF 204 X'00CC' CXCMN0051 DDIO0204 CWCMAPND LOAD FAILURE 208 X'00D0' CXCMN0052 DDIO0208 CWCMAPND IS NOT IN AMODE(24) 212 X'00D4' CXCMN0053 DDIO0212 FILTER= PARAMETER IS REQUIRED 216 X'00D8' CXCMN0054 DDIO0216 FILTER= PARAMETER ON NON-SLS FILE 220 X'00DC' CXCMN0055 DDIO0220 GE LIST/DIRECTORY COUNT MISMATCH 224 X'00E0' CXCMN0056 DDIO0224 COPY/MOVE/IMPORT IN PROGRESS 225 X'00E1' CXCMN0274 (BSAM) DSORG IS NOT PS OR DA 226 X'00E2' CXCMN0275 (BSAM) LAST-USED RBA = 0, FILE IS NOT FORMATTED 227 X'00E3' CXCMN0276 OPEN MACRO FAILED 228 X'00E4' CXCMN0057 DDIO0228 MEMBER IS OPEN FOR CREATE 228 X'00E4' CXCMN0277 (BSAM) DCBOFLGS/DCBOFOPN INDICATE FILE NOT OPEN 229 X'00E5' CXCMN0278 GETMAIN FAILED 230 X'00E6' CXCMN0279 POINT MACRO FAILED 231 X'00E7' CXCMN0280 SHOWCB MACRO FAILED 232 X'00E8' CXCMN0281 RECORD COUNT = 0, FILE IS NOT FORMATTED 232 X'00E8' CXCMN0058 DDIO0232 REQUEST IS NOT VALID WITH "OT" OPEN 233 X'00E9' CXCMN0282 CANNOT GETMAIN STORAGE FOR READ BUFFER 234 X'00EA' CXCMN0283 MODCB MACRO FAILED 235 X'00EB' CXCMN0284 GET MACRO FAILED 236 X'00EC' CXCMN0059 DDIO0236 INVALID LENGTH ON PUT-BYTES Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Table 2-5. 2-7 MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 236 X'00EC' CXCMN0285 (VSAM) ACBOFLGS/ACBOFOPN INDICATE FILE NOT OPEN 237 X'00ED' CXCMN0286 RDJFCB FAILED 238 X'00EE' CXCMN0287 (VSAM) CISIZE NOT EQUAL TO LRECL+7 239 X'00EF' CXCMN0288 (VSAM) SHAREOPTIONS ARE NOT (4,4) 240 X'00F0' CXCMN0289 DYNAMIC ALLOCATION FAILED 240 X'00F0' CXCMN0060 DDIO0240 BLOCKSIZE CHANGED AFTER FORMATTING 241 X'00F1' CXCMN0290 DYNAMIC DE-ALLOCATION FAILED 242 X'00F2' CXCMN0291 REQUESTED CLOSE OF FILE NOT OPENED 243 X'00F3' CXCMN0292 REQUESTED DE-ALLOCATE OF FILE NOT ALLOCATED 244 X'00F4' CXCMN0061 DDIO0244 NEXT/PREVIOUS INDEX BLOCK NOT FOUND 244 X'00F4' CXCMN0293 FILE TO BE OPENED IS NOT A DDIO FILE 245 X'00F5' CXCMN0294 ERROR PROCESSING CLOSE REQUEST 246 X'00F6' CXCMN0295 DIRECTORY REQUEST OF A MIXED-TYPE SHARED DIRECTORY - MUST SPECIFY TYPE OF AA OR CICS 247 X'00F7' CXCMN0296 SECURITY REJECTED ACCESS 248 X'00F8' CXCMN0062 DDIO0248 SDIM/DBIO OPEN OUT-OF-SYNCH 248 X'00F8' CXCMN0297 DATASET MIGRATED - UNABLE TO DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATE 249 X'00F9' CXCMN0298 DATASET IS A TAPE - REQUEST UNABLE TO PROCESS A TAPE 250 X'00FA' CXCMN0299 MEMBER IN USE, ALTER AND DELETE NOT ALLOWED 252 X'00FC' CXCMN0063 DDIO0252 NULL DATABASE KEY SPECIFIED 256 X'0100' CXCMN0064 DDIO0256 MEMBER NUMBER DOES NOT MATCH OPEN MEMBER 260 X'0104' CXCMN0065 DDIO0260 ATTACH/DETACH IN PROGRESS 264 X'0108' CXCMN0066 DDIO0264 GC=1 AND EXTENTS=1 ARE INCOMPATIBLE 268 X'010C' CXCMN0067 DDIO0268 EYECATCHER ERROR: DATABASE INCOMPATIBLE 272 X'0110' CXCMN0068 DDIO0272 SECURITY VIOLATION 276 X'0114' CXCMN0069 DDIO0276 REQUEST FAILED BY SYSTEM SECURITY - SEE JOB 280 X'0118' CXCMN0070 DDIO0280 COMMUNICATIONS ERROR. MSG TEXT UNAVAILABLE 284 X'011C' CXCMN0071 DDIO0284 ERROR ALLOCATING/OPENING THE ASSOCIATED SHA 288 X'0120' CXCMN0072 INVALID INTERFACE MANAGER REQUEST BLOCK 292 X'0124' CXCMN0073 DYNAMIC ALLOCATION ERROR - (CWDYNAM) 296 X'0128' CXCMN0074 COULD NOT FIND PRIMARY VECTOR TABLE 300 X'012C' CXCMN0075 SCAN ALREADY IN PROGRESS IN REGION 304 X'0130' CXCMN0076 0 ENTRIES RETURNED FROM SCAN 308 X'0134' CXCMN0077 NO DATABASE DDNAME SPECIFIED 312 X'0138' CXCMN0078 NO RESOURCE SPECIFIED 316 X'013C' CXCMN0079 BLOCKSIZE TOO SMALL FOR CONVERSION 320 X'0140' CXCMN0080 DATABASE ALREADY ATTACHED TO A DIRECTORY 324 X'0144' CXCMN0081 DATABASE NOT ATTACHED TO A DIRECTORY 328 X'0148' CXCMN0082 DATABASE NOT ATTACHED TO THIS DIRECTORY 2-8 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 2-5. MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 332 X'014C' CXCMN0083 NO MEMBER OPEN IN THE SPECIFIED DATABASE 336 X'0150' CXCMN0084 NO DATASET NAME SPECIFIED FOR CWDYNAM 340 X'0154' CXCMN0085 NO DDNAME SPECIFIED FOR CWDYNAM REQUEST 341 x'0155' CXCMN0308 NO DB AVAILABLE - RACF ERROR 342 x'0156' CXCMN0309 NO DB AVAILABLE - OPEN-CREATE FAILED 343 x'0157' CXCMN0310 NO DB AVAILABLE - OPEN FILE ERROR 344 X'0158' CXCMN0086 NO DATABASE FILES IN SELECTION LIST 345 x'0159' CXCMN0305 NO DB AVAILABLE - MIGRATE RECALL ERROR 346 x'015A' CXCMN0306 NO DB AVAILABLE - NOT IN CALLERS LIST 347 x'015B' CXCMN0307 NO DB AVAILABLE - INCORRECT TYPE 348 X'015C' CXCMN0087 NO DATABASE FILES ELIGIBLE FOR SELECTION 349 x'015D' CXCMN0300 ERROR DURING DBMODEL CREATE PROCESS 350 X'015E' CSCMN0311 NO DB AVAILABLE - NOT ENOUGH SPACE 352 X'0160' CXCMN0088 SHARED DIRECTORY KEYED STRUCTURE EMPTY 356 X'0164' CXCMN0089 ATTACH OF THIS DATABASE IN PROGRESS 360 X'0168' CXCMN0090 DETACH OF THIS DATABASE IN PROGRESS 364 X'016C' CXCMN0091 DATABASE IN USE - CANNOT DETACH 368 X'0170' CXCMN0092 DETACH IN PROGRESS - CANNOT OPEN 372 X'0174' CXCMN0093 STCK DATE/TIME SIZE INVALID 376 X'0178' CXCMN0094 STCK DATE/TIME TO-SIZE TOO SMALL 380 X'017C' CXCMN0095 DDCCBCB WAS NOT INITIALIZED 384 X'0180' CXCMN0096 IDCAMS PROCESSING ERROR 388 X'0184' CXCMN0097 ERROR LOADING IDCAMS 392 X'0188' CXCMN0098 INVALID ALLOCATION TYPE 396 X'018C' CXCMN0099 OBTAIN FAILED 400 X'0190' CXCMN0100 INVALID CLASS SPECIFIED 404 X'0194' CXCMN0101 CAMLST SCRATCH FAILED 408 X'0198' CXCMN0102 MVS DEVTYPE REQUEST FAILED 412 X'019C' CXCMN0103 INVALID CHANGE-DATABASE ATTRIBUTE 416 X'01A0' CXCMN0104 READ JFCB ERROR 420 X'01A4' CXCMN0105 SHARED DIRECTORY EXTRACT EOF 424 X'01A8' CXCMN0106 DIRECTORY EXTRACT INITIALIZE FAILED 428 X'01AC' CXCMN0107 DIRECTORY EXTRACT NOT INITIALIZED 432 X'01B0' CXCMN0108 DIRECTORY EXTRACT GENERAL ERROR 436 X'01B4' CXCMN0109 DDNAME NOT ALLOCATED 440 X'01B8' CXCMN0110 DATABASE SELECT ERR-DIRECTORY FAILURE 444 X'01BC' CXCMN0111 DATABASE SELECTION ERR - ENQUEUE ERROR 448 X'01C0' CXCMN0112 DATABASE SELECTION ERR - LINKLIST ERROR 452 X'01C4' CXCMN0113 DATABASE SELECTION ERR - DEQUEUE ERROR Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Table 2-5. MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 456 X'01C8' CXCMN0114 UTILITY COMMON AREA REQUIRED FOR DIRX 460 X'01CC' CXCMN0115 UTILITY FAKE BSAM REQUIRED FOR DIRX 464 X'01D0' CXCMN0116 DATABASE FORMAT ERROR 468 X'01D4' CXCMN0117 SHARED DIRECTORY MUST BE AN RRDS CLUSTER 472 X'01D8' CXCMN0118 LOCK MEMBER ERROR OCCURRED 476 X'01DC' CXCMN0119 UNLOCK MEMBER ERROR OCCURRED 480 X'01E0' CXCMN0120 NEITHER DDNAME NOR DSN/VOLSER SPECIFIED 484 X'01E4' CXCMN0121 NO LOCAL CATALOG ACTIVE 488 X'01E8' CXCMN0122 LOCAL CATALOG ALREADY ACTIVE 492 X'01EC' CXCMN0123 NO DATABASES AVAILABLE 493 x'01ED' CXCMN0303 NO BATCH REPORT DATABASES ATTACHED 494 x'01EE' CXCMN0304 NO CICS DATABASES ATTACHED 496 X'01F0' CXCMN0124 NO "TO" DDNAME SPECIFIED 500 X'01F4' CXCMN0125 NO "FROM" DDNAME SPECIFIED 504 X'01F8' CXCMN0126 COPY MEMBER ERROR OCCURRED 508 X'01FC' CXCMN0127 CPRSCAN DATA PORTION MUST CONTAIN KEY 512 X'0200' CXCMN0128 EXPORT MEMBER ERROR OCCURRED 516 X'0204' CXCMN0129 IMPORT MEMBER ERROR OCCURRED 520 X'0208' CXCMN0130 CATALOG GLOBAL TABLE ADDRESS CHANGED 524 X'020C' CXCMN0131 INVALID EXTRACT ID PARAMETER SPECIFIED 528 X'0210' CXCMN0132 NO DATABASE CURRENTLY OPEN OR SPECIFIED 532 X'0214' CXCMN0133 NO DATABASE MEMBER OPENED OR SPECIFIED 536 X'0218' CXCMN0134 DATABASE OPEN ERROR(S) OCCURRED 540 X'021C' CXCMN0135 SECURITY VIOLATION DURING PROCESSING 544 X'0220' CXCMN0136 AD=STAGED VALID ONLY FOR SOURCE FILES 548 X'0224' CXCMN0137 SYSTEM ENTRIES CANNOT BE LOCKED 552 X'0228' CXCMN0138 SYSTEM ENTRIES CANNOT BE UNLOCKED 556 X'022C' CXCMN0139 VERIFICATION ERRORS FOUND 560 X'0230' CXCMN0140 BACK LEVEL CSS RELEASE 564 X'0234' CXCMN0141 NO SCAN IN PROGRESS FOR THIS TASK 568 X'0238' CXCMN0142 REQUEST SPECIFICATION ERROR 572 X'023C' CXCMN0143 VECTOR INITILIZATION MODULE LOAD ERROR 576 X'0240' CXCMN0144 REGION VECTOR USAGE COUNT NOT 0 580 X'0244' CXCMN0145 ERROR CREATING REGION VECTOR TABLE 584 X'0248' CXCMN0146 RQB HAS NOT BEEN INITIALIZED PROPERLY 588 X'024C' CXCMN0147 INVALID FILE TYPE (EYECATCHER) ID 592 X'0250' CXCMN0148 MAXKEY MISMATCH BETWEEN INDEX LEVELS 596 X'0254' CXCMN0149 NO CLASS SPECIFIED FOR CWDYNAM REQUEST 600 X'0258' CXCMN0150 JOBDSNLL LINKED LIST NOT CREATED 2-9 2-10 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 2-5. MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 604 X'025C' CXCMN0151 JOBCCLL LINKED LIST NOT CREATED 608 X'0260' CXCMN0152 INVALID POSITION PARAMETER 612 X'0264' CXCMN0153 COULD NOT LOAD ISPLINK 616 X'0268' CXCMN0154 ISPLINK INTERFACE ERROR 620 X'026C' CXCMN0155 BLDL FAILED 624 X'0270' CXCMN0156 COULD NOT INTERPRET BLDL Z CODE 628 X'0274' CXCMN0157 SWAREQ REQUEST FAILED 632 X'0278' CXCMN0158 SEARCH OF SYSTEM LINK LIST FAILED 636 X'027C' CXCMN0159 COULD NOT GET EVENT CONTROL ENQUEUE 640 X'0280' CXCMN0160 ERROR DURING SEQUENTIAL IO PROCESSING 644 X'0284' CXCMN0161 SUBTASK ATTACH ERROR OCCURRED 648 X'0288' CXCMN0162 REQUEST(S) NOT IN CORRECT SEQUENCE 652 X'028C' CXCMN0163 DELETE PROCESS: BAD INDEX BLOCK 656 X'0290' CXCMN0164 INVALID DATE FORMAT 660 X'0294' CXCMN0165 PRINT MEMBER ERROR OCCURRED 664 X'0298' CXCMN0166 LP RECORD SEGMENT NOT FOUND 668 X'029C' CXCMN0167 INVALID PROGRAM NAME LENGTH 672 X'02A0' CXCMN0168 MEMBER NOT FOUND 676 X'02A4' CXCMN0169 NO CATALOG CONTROL BLOCK 680 X'02A8' CXCMN0170 CHARACTER TO HEX CONVERSION ERROR 684 X'02AC' CXCMN0171 INVALID BLOCKSIZE 688 X'02B0' CXCMN0172 SEQUENTIAL DATASET OPEN ERROR OCCURRED 692 X'02B4' CXCMN0173 INVALID LRECL 696 X'02B8' CXCMN0174 CWDDSUTL/CWCMDDIO RELEASE MISMATCH 700 X'02BC' CXCMN0175 INVALID MEMBER NAME FOUND 704 X'02C0' CXCMN0176 UCB SCAN FAILED 708 X'02C4' CXCMN0177 DATABASE NOT OPEN 712 X'02C8' CXCMN0178 LOCK SERIALIZATION TIMEOUT 716 X'02CC' CXCMN0179 DATABASE NOT IN SHARED DIRECTORY 720 X'02D0' CXCMN0180 NO PDS MEMBER IN DSN SPECIFICATION 724 X'02D4' CXCMN0176 INVALID DSN SPECIFICATION 728 X'02D8' CXCMN0182 DATASET NOT A PDS 732 X'02DC' CXCMN0183 NO LOCATE TARGET SPECIFIED 736 X'02E0' CXCMN0184 INVALID LOCATE TARGET SPECIFIED 740 X'02E4' CXCMN0185 ERRORS OCCURRED CONVERTING JCL 744 X'02E8' CXCMN0186 ERROR EXPANDING JCL PROCEDURE 748 X'02EC' CXCMN0187 JOB SUBMIT FAILED 752 X'02F0' CXCMN0188 ERROR ISSUING TSO OUTPUT COMMAND 756 X'02F4' CXCMN0189 INVALID JOB CARD(S) Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Table 2-5. MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 760 X'02F8' CXCMN0190 INVALID JCL CARD(S) 764 X'02FC' CXCMN0191 JOB EXCEEDS MAX NESTED PROCEDURES LIMIT 768 X'0300' CXCMN0192 JOB CONTAINS NO JOBSTEP OR PROCEDURES 772 X'0304' CXCMN0176 JCL ANALYSIS ERROR - PROCNAME ERROR 776 X'0308' CXCMN0194 ERROR PROCESSING SD HEADER IN DATABASE 780 X'030C' CXCMN0195 DUPLICATE IDR KEY FOUND IN LP/SD 784 X'0310' CXCMN0196 SHARED DIRECTORY IS FULL 788 X'0314' CXCMN0197 DYNAMIC CREATE OF DATABASE INVOKED 792 X'0318' CXCMN0198 NOT A VALID DATABASE FORMAT 796 X'031C' CXCMN0199 VSAM GET ERROR ON SHARED DIRECTORY 800 X'0320' CXCMN0200 VSAM PUT ERROR ON SHARED DIRECTORY 804 X'0324' CXCMN0201 VSAM ENDREQ ERROR ON SHARED DIRECTORY 808 X'0328' CXCMN0202 SECURITY ACCESS ON SHARED DIRECTORY 812 X'032C' CXCMN0203 ERRORS ENCOUNTERED, PROCESS CONTINUED 816 X'0330' CXCMN0204 FREEMAIN ERROR 820 X'0334' CXCMN0205 REQUESTED MODULE HAS NOT BEEN LOADED 824 X'0338' CXCMN0206 ERROR IN GENERATED CSECT PROLOGUE 828 X'033C' CXCMN0207 STORAGE VECTOR TABLE IS FULL 832 X'0340' CXCMN0208 ENTRY NOT FOUND IN STORAGE VECTOR TABLE 836 X'0344' CXCMN0209 ABEND TRAPPED BY ESTAE EXIT 840 X'0348' CXCMN0210 SLS DRIVER MODULE HAS NOT BEEN LOADED 844 X'034C' CXCMN0211 LP INTERFACE ERROR OCCURRED 848 X'0350' CXCMN0212 SLS PROCESSING HAS NOT BEEN INTIALIZED 852 X'0354' CXCMN0213 NO SLS MEMBER IS OPEN 856 X'0358' CXCMN0214 PROGRAM ID ERROR 860 X'035C' CXCMN0215 CONTROL BLOCK AREA NOT INITIALIZED 864 X'0360' CXCMN0216 EOF ENCOUNTERED 868 X'0364' CXCMN0217 ERROR PROCESSING SLS SOURCE BLOCK 872 X'0368' CXCMN0218 EXTERNAL LINE POINTER NOT ESTABLISHED 876 X'036C' CXCMN0219 ERROR PROCESSING DATANAME REQUEST 880 X'0370' CXCMN0220 ERROR PROCESSING DMAP REQUEST 884 X'0374' CXCMN0221 INVALID "DMAPPOS" VALUE 888 X'0378' CXCMN0222 INVALID BINARY FLOATING POINT LENGTH 892 X'037C' CXCMN0223 INVALID PLI DATA TYPE FLAG - SPDPDAT1 896 X'0380' CXCMN0224 ERROR INTERFACING WITH I/O PROCESSOR 900 X'0384' CXCMN0225 ERROR PROCESSING ODO REQUEST 904 X'0388' CXCMN0226 VECTOR TABLE DYNAMIC ENTRIES ALL USED 908 X'038C' CXCMN0227 SPECIFIED VECTOR ENTRY NOT FOUND 912 X'0390' CXCMN0228 SPECIFIED LINK LIST ENTRY NOT FOUND 2-11 2-12 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 2-5. MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 916 X'0394' CXCMN0229 AT START/END OF LINKED LIST 920 X'0398' CXCMN0230 ENTRY EXCEEDS MAX ENTRY (BLKSIZE-30) 924 X'039C' CXCMN0231 LINKED LIST IS NOT ACTIVE 928 X'03A0' CXCMN0232 CMS PARAMETER NOT SPECIFIED 932 X'03A4' CXCMN0233 CXCMNS PARAMETER NOT VALID 936 X'03A8' CXCMN0234 COULD NOT DETERMINE ENVIRONMENT 940 X'03AC' CXCMN0235 COULD NOT LOAD SHARED DIRECTORY MODULE 944 X'03B0' CXCMN0236 REQUESTED MODULE HAS NOT BEEN LOADED 948 X'03B4' CXCMN0237 SHARED DIRECTORY PROCESSING ERROR 952 X'03B8' CXCMN0238 UNDEFINED CLASS SPECIFIED 956 X'03BC' CXCMN0239 SET ANCHOR SPECIFICATION IS INVALID 960 X'03C0' CXCMN0240 TERMINAL ERRORS FORMATTING STORAGE 964 X'03C4' CXCMN0241 STRUCTURE VERIFICATION FAILED 968 X'03C8' CXCMN0242 SHARED DIRECTORY DDNAME NOT SPECIFIED 972 X'03CC' CXCMN0243 SHARED DIRECTORY DSN NOT SPECIFIED 976 X'03D0' CXCMN0244 SHARED DIRECTORY VOLSER NOT SPECIFIED 980 X'03D4' CXCMN0245 VSAM CONTROL BLOCK MANIPULATION ERROR 984 X'03D8' CXCMN0246 VSAM RECORD MANAGEMENT ERROR 988 X'03DC' CXCMN0247 VSAM OPEN ERROR 992 X'03E0' CXCMN0248 UNDEFINED INSTANCE SPECIFIED 996 X'03E4' CXCMN0249 "CLASS" CLASS CANNOT BE CHANGED 1000 X'03E8' CXCMN0250 DUPLICATE KEY 1004 X'03EC' CXCMN0251 WRONG REQUEST AFTER GET WITH HOLD 1008 X'03F0' CXCMN0252 RESOURCE WAS NOT ACQUIRED 1012 X'03F4' CXCMN0253 SHARED DIRECTORY NOT FORMATTED 1016 X'03F8' CXCMN0254 INVALID RELEASE OF SHARED DIRECTORY MGR 1020 X'03FC' CXCMN0255 SHARED DIRECTORY NOT OPENED 1024 X'0400' CXCMN0256 VSAM FILE NOT EMPTY 1028 X'0404' CXCMN0257 VSAM PUT WITHOUT GET FOR UPDATE 1032 X'0408' CXCMN0258 INVALID BLOCKSIZE - TOO SMALL 1036 X'040C' CXCMN0259 INVALID PUT NUMBER FOR FULLKEY=YES 1040 X'0410' CXCMN0260 INVALID ENTRY LENGTH 1044 X'0414' CXCMN0261 DATA UPDATE REQUIRES PUT AND DELETE 1048 X'0418' CXCMN0262 RESOURCE WAS ALREADY ACQUIRED 1052 X'041C' CXCMN0263 LINKED LIST POSITION LOST 1056 X'0420' CXCMN0264 DATABASE ERROR TEXT ERROR OCCURRED 1060 X'0424' CXCMN0265 INVALID OBJECT SPECIFIED FOR REQUEST 1061 x'0425' CXCMN0301 REPTNUMBER SPECIFIED IS AN SVCDUMP 1062 x'0426' CXCMN0302 REPTNUMBER SPECIFIED IS AN INVALID TYPE Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Table 2-5. 2-13 MVS DDIO Return Codes Return Code MSGID Reason/Message Text Returned 1064 X'0428' CXCMN0266 AUTOLOCKMAX SPECIFIED BUT DATABASES NOT ALL DUPS 1068 X'042C' CXCMN0267 AUTOLOCKMAX AND/OR DUPMAX ACTION TAKEN 1072 X'0430' CXCMN0268 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE ONE OR MORE ATTACHED DATABASES 1076 X'0434' CXCMN0269 UNABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY PROCESS ALMAX/DUPMAX ADJUSTMENTS - UTILITY VERIFY FUNCTION RECOMMENDED 1080 X'0438' CXCMN0270 REPORT FILE IS NOT FORMATTED WITH INDEX=EXT 1084 X'043C' CXCMN0271 A REQUEST WAS MADE TO CANCEL THE TASK 1088 X'0440' CXCMN0272 PROGRAM NAME TRUNCATED TO 8 FOR CLASSIC DDIO - NEED TO USE CHARED DIRECTORY FOR LONG NAME 1092 X'0444' CXCMN0273 DATABASE CONNECTED TO DIFFERENT SHRDIR 4092 X'0FFC' INTERNAL ERROR CXCMN0999 Batch File Utility Error Messages This section lists the CSS batch file utility error messages. Batch File Utility Error Message Format All CSS batch file utility messages are in the format of CXUTLnnnns where "nnnn" is a 4digit message number and "s" is the severity level. The severity levels are: I - informational, E - user error, S - severe error, W - warning, A action required. Batch File Utility Error Messages CXUTL0001E Next line not understood as continuation of command @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A syntax error was found parsing the ABNLPARM batch utility command, possible misplaced comma. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands and their syntax. CXUTL0002E Syntax error: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A syntax error was found parsing the ABNLPARM batch utility command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands and their syntax. CXUTL0003E Unknown command passed to CWDDALLU: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The command requested in ABNLPARM is not a command recognized by batch utility CWDDALLU. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands. 2-14 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXUTL0004E Cannot read database to be ATTACHed Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the database specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the ATTACH command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the ATTACH command. CXUTL0005E Cannot read shared directory being ATTACHed to Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the shared directory specified by the DIRDSN or DIRDD specified for the ATTACH command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the ATTACH command. CXUTL0006E Dataset being ATTACHed is not a database Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied in the ATTACH command is not a database. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the ATTACH command. CXUTL0007E Dataset being attached to is not a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DIRDSN or DIRDDN supplied in the ATTACH or CONVERT command is not a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the ATTACH and CONVERT commands. CXUTL0008E Cannot attach non-source database to source shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied in the ATTACH or CONVERT command is not a source database but the shared directory specified is a source shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the ATTACH and CONVERT commands. CXUTL0009E Cannot attach source database to non-source shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied in the ATTACH or CONVERT command is a source database but the shared directory specified is not a source shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the ATTACH and CONVERT commands. CXUTL0010E Cannot read database to be DETACHed Severity: Error Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-15 Explanation: Unable to access the database specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the DETACH command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DETACH command. CXUTL0011E Dataset being DETACHed is not a database Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied in the DETACH command is not a database. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DETACH command. CXUTL0012E Cannot read database to be CHANGEd Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the CHANGE command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CHANGE command. CXUTL0013E Cannot read dataset to be CONVERTed Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the CONVERT command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CONVERT command. CXUTL0014E Dataset being CONVERTed is not a DDIO file Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied in the CONVERT command is not a DDIO file. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CONVERT command. CXUTL0015E Only DDIO files formatted for source or Abend-AID can be converted Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied in the CONVERT command must be either a source file or a batch Abend-AID file. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CONVERT command. CXUTL0016E Cannot read dataset to be UNCONVERTed Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN and/or DDNAME supplied for the UNCONVERT command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. 2-16 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the UNCONVERT command. CXUTL0017E Dataset being UNCONVERTed is not a database Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied in the UNCONVERT command is not a database. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the UNCONVERT command. CXUTL0018E Only databases formatted for source or Abend-AID can be UNCONVERTED Severity: Error Explanation: The database specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied in the UNCONVERT command must be either a source file or a batch Abend-AID database. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the UNCONVERT command. CXUTL0019E Cannot read dataset to be listed Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the DIR/DIRX command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DIR and DIRX commands. CXUTL0020E Data is of mixed type. Specify TYPE=AA or TYPE=CICS Severity: Error Explanation: The shared directory specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the DIR/DIRX command contains both Abend-AID and Abend-AID for CICS members. You must choose which type of members (and databases) to view. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DIR and DIRX commands. CXUTL0021E FROM dataset not specified or not readable Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the FROMDSN or FROMDD supplied for the COPY/MOVE command; or, the FROM dataset was not specified. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the COPY and MOVE commands. CXUTL0022E TO dataset not specified or not readable Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the TODSN or TODD supplied for the COPY/MOVE command; or, the TO dataset was not specified. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the COPY and MOVE commands. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-17 CXUTL0023E Cannot COPY/MOVE from DDIO file to database or shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The FROM file specified is a DDIO file, but the TO file specified is not a DDIO file. You cannot COPY or MOVE members from a DDIO file to a database or shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the COPY and MOVE commands. CXUTL0024E FROM/TO mismatch; both must be source, batch Abend-AID, or Abend-AID for CICS files Severity: Error Explanation: The TO file specified is not the same member-type (source/Abend-AID/AbendAID for CICS) as the FROM file specified. They must be the same member type. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the COPY and MOVE commands. CXUTL0025E Cannot COPY/MOVE from database or shared directory to a DDIO file Severity: Error Explanation: The FROM file specified is a database or shared directory, but the TO file specified is a DDIO file. You cannot COPY or MOVE members from a database or shared directory to a DDIO file. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the COPY and MOVE commands. CXUTL0026E Must specify TYPE=AA or TYPE=CICS - can COPY/MOVE only one type at a time Severity: Error Explanation: The FROM file specified is a shared directory containing both Abend-AID and Abend-AID for CICS members. You can only COPY or MOVE one member-type at a time. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the COPY and MOVE commands. CXUTL0027E TO dataset cannot accept the TYPE= you requested Severity: Error Explanation: The COPY/MOVE command contained a TYPE= parameter, but the TYPE specified is not the same as the TO dataset specified. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the COPY and MOVE commands. CXUTL0028E FROM dataset has no data of your requested TYPE= Severity: Error Explanation: The COPY/MOVE command contained a TYPE= parameter, but the FROm dataset specified does not contain any members of that type. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the COPY and MOVE commands. CXUTL0029E Cannot read dataset specified for the @@ command Severity: Error 2-18 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the command shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the appropriate command. CXUTL0030E TYPE=@@ is invalid. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility found TYPE= coded, but the type specified is not valid. The only valid TYPE choices are AA, CICS or SOURCE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL0031E Cannot determine type of shared directory. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The member type is required for the ESTIMATE command, and cannot be determined from the command parameters specified. You must specify the TYPE= parameter. The TYPE choices are AA, CICS or SOURCE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the ESTIMATE command. CXUTL0032E Cannot determine type of dataset to CREATE. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The member type is required for the CREATE command, and cannot be determined from the command parameters specified. You must specify the TYPE= parameter. The TYPE choices are AA, CICS or source. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0033E Cannot create source database attached to report shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The database to be created is TYPE=SOURCE, but the shared directory specified in the CREATE command contains report databases. You must specify either a new shared directory, or one with source databases attached. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0034E Cannot create report database attached to source shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The database to be created is TYPE=AA or CICS, but the shared directory specified in the CREATE command contains source databases. You must specify either a new shared directory, or one with report databases attached. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0035E Cannot read dataset to be EXAMINEd Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the EXAMINE command. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages System Action: 2-19 The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the EXAMINE command. CXUTL0036E Only a shared directory can be EXAMINEd Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME in the EXAMINE command must be a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the EXAMINE command. CXUTL0037E Cannot determine type of shared directory. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The member type is required for the command and cannot be determined from the command parameters specified. You must specify the TYPE= parameter. TYPE must be AA, CICS or SOURCE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the command specified. CXUTL0038E Cannot read dataset to be RESET Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the RESET command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the RESET command. CXUTL0039E Only a database can be RESET Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME in the RESET command must be a database. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the RESET command. CXUTL0040E Cannot read DDIO file to be REORDERed Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the REORDER command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Contact Customer Support for assistance with the REORDER command. CXUTL0041E Only a DDIO file can be REORDERed, not a database or shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME in the REORDER command must be a DDIO file - not a database or a shared directory file. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Contact Customer Support for assistance with the REORDER command. CXUTL0042E Cannot read dataset used in TEST Severity: Error 2-20 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME supplied for the TEST command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the TEST command. CXUTL0043E Only a source shared directory can be used in TEST Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DSN or DDNAME in the TEST command must be a source shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the TEST command. CXUTL0044E Invalid OBJECT - only OBJECT=DBMODEL is allowed Severity: Error Explanation: The TEST command only allows object-type of OBJECT=DBMODEL. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the TEST command. CXUTL0045E Cannot read shared directory DIRDSN/DIRDD dataset Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified by the DIRDSN or DIRDD supplied for the shared directory in the SCRATCH command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the SCRATCH command. CXUTL0046E DIRDSN/DIRDD is not a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the DIRDSN or DIRDD in the SCRATCH command must be a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the SCRATCH command. CXUTL0047E Cannot read shared directory for VERIFY Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified in the VERIFY command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the VERIFY command. CXUTL0048E Specified dataset is not a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified in the VERIFY command must be a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the VERIFY command. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-21 CXUTL0049E Cannot read shared directory for EXPAND Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified in the EXPAND command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the EXPAND command. CXUTL0050E Specified dataset is not a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified in the EXPAND command must be a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the EXPAND command. CXUTL0051E Cannot read dataset specified in DELETE command Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified in the DELETE command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DELETE command. CXUTL0052E OBJECT=DATABASE is wrong - the dataset is a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: OBJECT=DATABASE was specified in the DELETE command, but the dataset specified is a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DELETE command. CXUTL0053E OBJECT=SHRDIR is wrong - the dataset is a database Severity: Error Explanation: OBJECT=SHRDIR was specified in the DELETE command, but the dataset specified is a database. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DELETE command. CXUTL0054E OBJECT= value is invalid. Code OBJECT=SHRDIR/DATABASE/ENTRY Severity: Error Explanation: The OBJECT= parameter specified an invalid object-type for the DELETE command. The only valid object types are SHRDIR (or SRCEDIR), DATABASE, ENTRY and DBMODEL. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DELETE command. CXUTL0055E OBJECT= value is required. Code OBJECT=SHRDIR/DATABASE/ENTRY Severity: Error Explanation: The OBJECT= parameter must be specified for the DELETE command. The valid object types for DELETE are SHRDIR (or SRCEDIR), DATABASE, ENTRY and DBMODEL. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. 2-22 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DELETE command. CXUTL0056E OBJECT= value is wrong - the dataset is a standard DDIO report or source file Severity: Error Explanation: The OBJECT= parameter is invalid when specifying a standard DDIO report or source file in the DELETE command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DELETE command. CXUTL0057E @@ OBJECT=DBMODEL is valid only for a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: OBJECT=DBMODEL is only a valid object-type when specifying a shared directory for the specified command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the specified command. CXUTL0058E Cannot read dataset to be EXPORTed Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified in the EXPORT command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the EXPORT command. CXUTL0059E Cannot read dataset to be IMPORTed to Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified in the IMPORT command "To" parameter (ABNLTO, TODD or TODSN). System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the IMPORT command. CXUTL0060E Cannot read dataset to be REFRESHed Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified in the REFRESH command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the REFRESH command. CXUTL0061E REFRESH only applies to a source shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: A source shared directory is the applicable dataset for the REFRESH command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the REFRESH command. CXUTL0062E Cannot read dataset to be PRINTed Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified for the PRINT command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-23 User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the PRINT command. CXUTL0063E Cannot PRINT from an Abend-AID for CICS database Severity: Error Explanation: The PRINT command does not apply to Abend-AID for CICS files. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the PRINT command. CXUTL0064E Cannot PRINT from an Abend-AID for CICS shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The PRINT command does not apply to Abend-AID for CICS files. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the PRINT command. CXUTL0065E Source support file (SLSDD or SLSF001) is not any kind of source file Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified by the SLSDD or SLSF001 DD statement must be a source file: standard DDIO source file, source database or source shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the PRINT command. CXUTL0066E OBJECT= value is invalid. Code OBJECT=SHRDIR/SRCEDIR/DATABASE /DBMODEL Severity: Error Explanation: The OBJECT= parameter specified an invalid object-type for the CREATE command. The only valid object types are SHRDIR, SRCEDIR, DATABASE and DBMODEL. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0067E MODEL= dataset is not a database or shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The MODEL= parameter used in the CREATE command must specify a database or shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0068E DIRDD/DIRDSN dataset is not a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The DIRDD or DIRDSN dataset specified for the CREATE database command must be a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0069E Cannot determine OBJECT= value. Code OBJECT=SHRDIR/SRCEDIR/ DATABASE/DBMODEL Severity: Error 2-24 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: There is not enough information in the CREATE command to determine which type of object to create. ADD the OBJECT= parameter using SHRDIR, SRCEDIR, DATABASE or DBMODEL. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0070E DIRDD/DIRDSN dataset cannot be read Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to access the dataset specified in the CREATE database command by the DIRDD or DIRDSN parameter. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0071E TYPE= value is invalid. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The TYPE= specified on the CREATE command must be one of the following values: AA, CICS or SOURCE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0072E Cannot determine TYPE= value. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The information specified in the CREATE command is not enough to determine the type of dataset to create. Add the TYPE= parameter using one of these values: AA, CICS or SOURCE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0073E TYPE= value is required. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The CREATE command requires the type of dataset to create. Add the TYPE= parameter using one of these values: AA, CICS or SOURCE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE command. CXUTL0074E "TYPE=" value required for @@. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The command shown requires the type of dataset to create. Add the TYPE= parameter using one of these values: AA, CICS or SOURCE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the command shown. CXUTL0075E Logic error in CWDDALLU processing @@ command Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility program CWDDALLU encountered an "inconsistent" situation while processing the command shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-25 User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the command shown. CXUTL0076E @@=DATABASE is incorrect. The dataset is a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The object parameter shown is incorrect. The DSN or DDNAME specified is a shared directory, not a database. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the command and its acceptable object types. CXUTL0077E @@=SHRDIR is incorrect. The dataset is a database Severity: Error Explanation: The object parameter shown is incorrect. The DSN or DDNAME specified is a database, not a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the command and its acceptable object types. CXUTL0078E @@=SRCEDIR is incorrect. The dataset is a database Severity: Error Explanation: The object parameter shown is incorrect. The DSN or DDNAME specified is a database, not a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the command and its acceptable object types. CXUTL0079E @@= value is invalid. Use DATABASE/SHRDIR/SRCEDIR Severity: Error Explanation: The object parameter shown specifies an invalid object. The valid objects are DATABASE, SHRDIR or SRCEDIR. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the command and its acceptable object types. CXUTL0172S VSAM GET Error - Block#=@@, RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the GET macro processing, the relative block # (from 0) is shown, as well as the return code. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0200S Error during file information retrieval, RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to retrieve information about a file. The return code is shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0225E (BSAM) DSORG is not PS or DA Severity: Error Explanation: The file specified as a DDIO or database file is BSAM but not DSORG of PS or DA. Possibly the wrong file was specified. 2-26 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for acceptable file types. CXUTL0226E (BSAM) Last-used RBA = 0, file is not formatted Severity: Error Explanation: The file specified as a DDIO or database file is BSAM and does not seem to be formatted. Format the file using FORMAT or CREATE, as applicable. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the commands. CXUTL0227S OPEN macro failed, RC=@@, Reason Code=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the OPEN macro processing, the return code and reason code are shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0228S (BSAM) DCBOFLGS/DCBOFOPN indicate file not open Severity: Severe Explanation: The file is not open, or the OPEN processing failed. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0229E GETMAIN failed in CIMVINFO Severity: Error Explanation: Not enough space available for the requested GETMAIN of storage needed to retrieve the file information. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Increase your region size. CXUTL0230S POINT macro failed, RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: shown. An error occurred during the POINT macro processing, the return code is System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0231S SHOWCB macro failed, RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: shown. An error occurred during the SHOWCB macro processing, the return code is System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0232E Record count = 0, file must be unformatted Severity: Error Explanation: The specified file does not contain any records, it is not formatted. Run FORMAT or CREATE to format the file, as applicable System Action: The batch utility will terminate. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-27 User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the commands. CXUTL0233E Cannot GETMAIN storage for read buffer Severity: Error Explanation: Not enough space available for the requested GETMAIN of storage needed to retrieve the file information. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Increase your region size. CXUTL0234S MODCB macro failed, RC=@@, Reason Code=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the MODCB macro processing, the return code and reason code are shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0235S GET macro failed, RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the GET macro processing, the return code is shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0236S (VSAM) ACBOFLGS/ACBOFOPN indicate file not open Severity: Severe Explanation: The file is not open, or the OPEN processing failed. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0237S RDJFCB failed Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the RDJFB processing. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0238E @@ (VSAM) CISIZE not equal to LRECL+7 Severity: Error Explanation: The CISIZE must be equal to the recordsize + 7 when using VSAM. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guide to VSAM files. CXUTL0239E @@ (VSAM) SHAREOPTIONS are not (4,4) Severity: Error Explanation: The VSAM dataset SHAREOPTIONS must be defined as (4,4). System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guide to VSAM files. CXUTL0240E Error dynamically allocating @@ Severity: Error 2-28 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: Unable to dynamically allocate the datasetname shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility JCL and command parameters. CXUTL0241E Error dynamically de-allocating @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to dynamically deallocate the datasetname shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility JCL and command parameters. CXUTL0242S Request to close a file we did not open Severity: Severe Explanation: Internal processing sequence error. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0243S Request to de-allocate a file we did not allocate Severity: Severe Explanation: Internal processing sequence error. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0244E File to be opened is not any type of DDIO file Severity: Error Explanation: The file to be opened should be a report file, source file, report database, transaction database, source database, or a shared directory (all are types of DDIO files). System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for acceptable file types. CXUTL0245S Error in CLOSE, RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred trying to close the file. The code is shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0246S Directory request of a mixed-type shared directory - must specify type of AA or CICS Severity: Severe Explanation: information. Internal processing request must specify member type for member directory System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0247E Security error encountered trying to access file Severity: Error Explanation: A security error was returned for the file access request. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Ensure you have the proper access authority for the operation requested. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-29 CXUTL0248E Dataset migrated - unable to dynamically allocate Severity: Error Explanation: The dynamic allocation request failed, the dataset has been migrated. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Ensure you have the correct file specified. CXUTL0249S Dataset is a tape - request unable to process a tape Severity: Severe Explanation: The dataset specified is a tape file, but the information retrieval process can not handle a tape. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL0250E The MODEL dataset must be a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: directory. The model dataset specified for the ESTIMATE command is not a shared System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the ESTIMATE command. CXUTL1000E Parameter specified twice: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility found the listed parameter specified more than once within a single command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and remove one of the duplicate parameters. CXUTL1001E Conflicting parameter specified: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: command. The parameter shown conflicts with another parameter specified within the System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and remove one of the conflicting parameters. CXUTL1002E Right parenthesis missing Severity: Error Explanation: The command parameter used requires a matching left and right parenthesis. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and ensure matching parentheses. CXUTL1003E (=) missing in keyword parameter Severity: Error Explanation: The command parameter used is a keyword parameter that requires the "=" to specify the value. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and ensure correct parameter usage. CXUTL1004E Keyword missing in keyword parameter Severity: Error 2-30 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: missing. The command parameter used is in "keyword" format but the keyword is System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and ensure correct parameter usage. CXUTL1005E Keyword operand is null or invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The command parameter used is in "keyword" format but the keyword operand is either missing or invalid. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and ensure correct parameter usage. CXUTL1006E Invalid keyword specified: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The command keyword parameter specified is not a valid keyword. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and ensure correct parameter usage. CXUTL1007E The @@ parameter specified is invalid: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: format. The dataset name specified for the specified parameter is not a valid DSN System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and ensure the correct dataset name is specified. CXUTL1008E The @@ ddname specified is invalid: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The ddname specification is not valid. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility command and ensure the correct ddname is used. CXUTL1009E SUBTYPE=@@ is invalid, only SUBTYPE=FX is valid Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility found SUBTYPE= coded, but the SUBTYPE specified is not valid. The only valid subtype is FX. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1010E Autodelete must be YES, NO, DUPS or STAGED (source only) Severity: Error Explanation: The autodelete parameter specified is invalid. The only valid options are: YES, NO, DUPS - and also STAGED for source files. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1011E The "NOTFOUND" parameter must be "IGNORE" or "ERROR" Severity: Error Explanation: The "NOTFOUND" parameter specified is invalid. The only valid options are: IGNORE and ERROR. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages System Action: 2-31 The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1012E Invalid "EXEC" parameter specified: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The "EXEC" parameter specified is invalid. The only valid options are: SUMMARY, CHECK, RUN and SIMULATE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct use of EXEC. CXUTL1013E Invalid "INDEX" parameter specified: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The "INDEX" parameter specified is invalid. The only valid option is EXT. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1014E The sort key specified is not a valid sort key: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The "SORT" parameter specified is not one of the valid sort keys. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the available sort key parameters. CXUTL1015E The language specified is not valid: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The "LANGUAGE" parameter specified in not one of the valid language choices: ENGLISH, USAMIX, USAUC or JAPANESE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1016E Operands ABEND and CICSCODE are mutually exclusive Severity: Error Explanation: Specify either ABEND= or CICSCODE=, but not both. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1017E DATABASEDISP=@@ is invalid: must be DETACH or DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: DELETE. The only valid choices for the DATABASEDISP parameter are: DETACH or System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1018E AM=@@ is invalid: must be VSAM or BSAM Severity: Error 2-32 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: BSAM. The only valid choices for the access method parameter (AM=) are: VSAM or System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1019E DUPS=@@ is invalid: must be ALL, LOCKED, UNLOCKED OR LATEST Severity: Error Explanation: The only valid choices for the DUPS= parameter are: ALL, LOCKED, UNLOCKED or LATEST. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1020E INC=@@ is invalid: must be YES, NO or ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: The only valid choices for the INC= parameter are: YES, NO or ONLY. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1021E @@=@@ is not valid: use YES or NO Severity: Error Explanation: The only valid choices for the parameter shown are YES or NO. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1022E @@=@@ is not a valid VOLSER parameter Severity: Error Explanation: The VOLSER specified for the parameter shown is not valid. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Make sure the VOLSER specified is not longer than the maximum length of 6. CXUTL1023E The @@= parameter must be numeric Severity: Error Explanation: The paramter shown must be set to a numeric value. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1024E Linesize=@@ is invalid: must be "S" or "L" Severity: Error Explanation: "LONG". The only valid choices for the linesize parameter are: "S", "SHORT", "L", or System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1025E BLKSIZE=@@ is invalid: must be between 2048 and tracksize Severity: Error Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Explanation: 2-33 The BLKSIZE specified must be a value between 2048 and the track size. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1026E PAGESIZE=@@ is invalid: must be between 20 and 99 Severity: Error Explanation: The PAGESIZE specified must be a value between 20 and 99. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1027E GROUPCOUNT=@@ is invalid: must be between 1 and 2048 Severity: Error Explanation: The GROUPCOUNT specified must be a value between 1 and 2048. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1028E EXTENTS=@@ is invalid: must be between 1 and 460 Severity: Error Explanation: The EXTENTS value specified must be between 1 and 460. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1029E LABEL=@@ is invalid: must be between 1 and 999 Severity: Error Explanation: The LABEL value specified must be between 1 and 999. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1030E @@=@@ is invalid: must be between 1 and 2000000000 Severity: Error Explanation: The REPTNUMBER specified must be between 1 and 2000000000. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1031E REPTCOUNT=@@ is not valid Severity: Error Explanation: The REPTCOUNT specified must be a valid number. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1032E @@=@@ is not a valid abend code Severity: Error Explanation: The abend code specified is not a valid abend-code format. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. 2-34 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1033E @@=@@ is invalid: must be between 1 and 99 Severity: Error Explanation: The parameter value specified must be between 1 and 99. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1034E @@=@@ is invalid: must be between 1 and 8 characters Severity: Error Explanation: The parameter value specified must be between 1 and 8 characters in length. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1035E @@=@@ is invalid: must be between 1 and 1024 characters Severity: Error Explanation: The program name specified must be between 1 and 1024 characters in length (long name is > 8). System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1036E @@=@@ is not a valid parameter length Severity: Error Explanation: The parameter specified is not a valid length. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1037E Invalid "ID=" (identifier) clause, must be ID=(string,colnum) with colnum 73-80 Severity: Error Explanation: The identifier parameter must consist of the "ID" string (up to 8 characters) and a starting column number position between 73 and 80. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1038E Invalid "ID=" column number, must be numeric 73 - 80 Severity: Error Explanation: The identifier parameter must consist of the "ID" string (up to 8 characters) and a starting column number position between 73 and 80. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1039E Invalid "ID=" clause, string would extend past column 80 Severity: Error Explanation: The identifier parameter must consist of the "ID" string (up to 8 characters) and a starting column number position between 73 and 80. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages System Action: 2-35 The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1040E @@=@@ is invalid: value is too long for SECTION parameter Severity: Error Explanation: The section parameter must consist of one 2-character section id, or up to 3 section ids specified as (xx,xx,xx) format. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1041E Section parameter id @@ is specified twice Severity: Error Explanation: The section parameter must consist of one 2-character section id, or up to 3 section ids - each id only specified once. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1042E Section parameter id @@ is invalid: must be DD, PD or DI Severity: Error Explanation: The section parameter must consist of one 2-character section id, or up to 3 section ids - DD, PD or DI are the only valid ids. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1043E @@=@@ is not a valid numeric aging amount Severity: Error Explanation: The value specified must be numeric and capable of calculating acceptable start and end dates. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1044E @@ parameter error: @@ missing or improperly placed Severity: Error Explanation: The STARTDATE and/or STARTTIME parameters must be placed before the corresponding ENDDATE and/or ENDTTIME parameters. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1045E @@=@@ is not a valid date or time format Severity: Error Explanation: The date format must be MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY, the time format must be HH:MM, HH:MM:SS, HH.MM, or HH.MM.SS. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. 2-36 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXUTL1046E @@ month field is invalid: must be 01 - 12 Severity: Error Explanation: 12. The value specified for the month field must be numeric and in the range 01 - System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1047E @@ day field is invalid: must be 01 - 31 Severity: Error Explanation: The value specified for the day field must be numeric and in the range 01 - 31. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1048E @@ year field is invalid: must be numeric Severity: Error Explanation: The value specified for the year field must be numeric. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1049E @@ is an invalid date, or date range outside 1970 - 2069 Severity: Error Explanation: The ENDDATE must be greater than the STARTDATE; or, if YYYY specified, must be in the range 1970 - 2069. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1050E @@ hour field is invalid: must be 00 - 24 Severity: Error Explanation: The value specified for the hour field must be numeric and in the range 00 - 24. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1051E @@ minute field is invalid: must be 00 - 59 Severity: Error Explanation: The value specified for the minute field must be numeric and in the range 00 59. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1052E @@ seconds field is invalid: must be 00 - 59 Severity: Error Explanation: The value specified for the seconds field must be numeric and in the range 00 59. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-37 User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1053E @@=@@ is not a valid object type Severity: Error Explanation: The object parameter specified is not a valid type. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1054E @@ is not a recognized utility command Severity: Error Explanation: The command requested in ABNLPARM is not a valid batch utility command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands. CXUTL1055E TYPE = @@ is invalid. Code TYPE=AA/CICS/SOURCE Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility found TYPE= coded, but the type specified is not valid. The only valid TYPE choices are AA, CICS or SOURCE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL1056I SUBTYPE=SOURCE is no longer used, assuming TYPE=SOURCE Severity: Informational Explanation: The batch utility found SUBTYPE=SOURCE specified, which is no longer used. TYPE=SOURCE will be assumed. System Action: The batch utility will continue. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the current parameters. CXUTL1057E The SUBTYPE parameter is only valid for the FORMAT command Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility found the SUBTYPE parameter specified on a command other than FORMAT. FORMAT is is t he only command that allows the SUBTYPE paramter. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL2000E An error was encountered while parsing the command parameters Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility was unable to process the input command. This message should accompany another more specific error message. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Correct the input command statement and resubmit the batch utility. CXUTL2001E The @@= and @@ DD parms refer to different datasets Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility found a conflict between the DDNAME shown and the datasetname specified in the command. 2-38 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the DDNAME and datasetname usage. CXUTL2002E Cannot allocate DD @@ to DSN @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility was unable to allocate the DDNAME shown to the DSN specified in the command DSN= parameter. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the DSN specified, make sure it exists. CXUTL2003E Required Compuware REXX EXEC(S) not found; check SYSEXEC Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility was unable to find the REXX EXEC(S) required to execute the specified function. Check the assignment of "SYSEXEC DD". System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the SYSEXEC assignment. CXUTL2004E Object @@ is invalid for request @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The object specified is not valid for the batch utility command requested. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the objects valid for for this command. CXUTL2005E Security Violation: Abend-AID for CICS modules not found Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility requires the Abend-AID for CICS modules for security checking if the specified object is an Abend-AID for CICS shared directory or database. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the required libraries. CXUTL2006E Add Abend-AID for CICS and Base Services load libraries Severity: Error Explanation: Add the Abend-AID for CICS and Base Services load libraries to the batch utility STEPLIB DD statement. This message follows CXUTL0010 error message. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the required libraries. CXUTL2007E Neither ABNLPARM nor SYSIN specified in the JCL Severity: Error Explanation: commands. The utility program requires ABNLPARM (or SYSIN) to supply the utility System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Add the ABNLPARM DD statement to your JCL. CXUTL2008E The "EXEC=" option specified is not valid for this utility function Severity: Error Explanation: The "EXEC=" parameter specified is not an acceptable option for this batch utility invocation. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages System Action: The batch utility command terminates with RC=8. User Response: Remove the "EXEC=" parameter from the command. 2-39 CXUTL2009E Database @@ already attached to Shared Directory @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The batch utility was unable to CREATE the specified database - the shared directory shown currently has an entry for the database DSN shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the DSN specified for the database. If it is correct, and you are recreating the database after a problem, you will need to first run the "SCRATCH" utility command to remove the previous database information from the shared directory. CXUTL2010I The DIRENTS calculation overrides the @@ allocation Severity: Informational Explanation: The DIRENTS parameter, if specified, overrides any specific cylinder, track or record space amount. The space allocation is a calculation based on the the number of directory entries estimated. System Action: The batch utility will continue. User Response: If you want to specify the exact space amount to be used for the file allocation the remove the DIRENTS= parameter from the command. CXUTL2011E The DDNAME @@ is not allocated Severity: Error Explanation: The DDNAME specified is not allocated. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility JCL and command parameters. CXUTL2012E RDJFCB error on DDNAME @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to determine the datasetname from the DDNAME allocated. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility JCL and command parameters. CXUTL2013E Error dynamically allocating @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to dynamically allocate the datasetname shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the utility JCL and command parameters. CXUTL2014E @@ does not exist or is not cataloged Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to find the datasetname shown. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the dataset name specified. CXUTL2015S Error occurred creating the shared directory: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create the shared directory. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. 2-40 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXUTL2016E Shared directory must be a VSAM cluster Severity: Error Explanation: You must specify a VSAM file when creating a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Specify a VSAM cluster or AM=VSAM in the command. CXUTL2017S Error occurred during DIRENTS size estimate in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred in the shared directory size estimating routine, based on the DIRENTS parameter. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2018S Error during OBTAIN on @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to get information using the OBTAIN macro for the specified dataset. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2019S Error during delete of @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to delete the BSAM dataset specified. The return code from SCRATCH is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2020S Shared directory open error during @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while opening the shared directory for the requested process. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2021S Shared directory close error during @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while closing the shared directory for the requested process. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2022S Shared directory read error during @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while reading the shared directory for the requested process. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2023S Shared directory update error during @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-41 Explanation: An error occurred while updating the shared directory for the requested process. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2024E Error during the shared directory @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: One or more errors occurred while processing the shared directory request. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate with a RC=8, unless the errors are all considered non-critical, or if "CONTINUE=YES" was specified, resulting in RC=4. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2025S Shared directory error during @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while processing the shared directory request. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2026S Shared directory error during @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while processing the shared directory request. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2027S Error creating a temporary DSN for EXPAND from @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to generate a temporary dataset name based on the shared directory DSN. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2028E Shared directory in use, unable to do EXPAND Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to get exclusive control of the shared directory specified for the EXPAND function. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Run job at a later time, when the shared directory is not in use. CXUTL2029S Error trying to create temporary dataset @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create the temporary dataset necessary for the EXPAND function requested. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2030S Error copying information for @@ in EXPAND: RC=@@ Severity: Severe 2-42 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: An error occurred while trying to copy the information from the original shared directory to the new shared directory. The internal class is shown. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2031S Error opening the temporary DSN @@ in EXPAND: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred trying to open the temporary dataset created during the EXPAND process. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2032E "DIRENTS=nnnn" required for the ESTIMATE function Severity: Error Explanation: Either the DIRENTS paramter was not specified, or is set to zero. An estimated number of directory entries is required to calculate a space amount to use. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the required libraries. CXUTL2033E The ESTIMATE function requires blocksize or a model DSN Severity: Error Explanation: Either the CISIZE/BLKSIZE parm, or a model shared directory DSN must be specified for the ESTIMATE function to calculate a space amount to use. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the required libraries. CXUTL2034S Error locking entries in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to lock entries in the specified file. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2035S Error unlocking entries in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to unlock entries in the specified file. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2036E Error during the database @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: One or more errors occurred while processing the shared directory request. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate with a RC=8, unless the errors are all considered non-critical, or if "CONTINUE=YES" was specified, resulting in RC=4. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-43 CXUTL2037S Error occurred creating the database: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create the database. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2038S Error deleting entries in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to delete entries in the specified file. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2039E A member-selection DELETE request requires OBJECT=ENTRY Severity: Error Explanation: The DELETE command was specified with one or more member-level selection parameters, which requires "OBJECT=ENTRY" to also be specified. Examples of member-level selection parameters: REPTNUMBER, DAYSOLD, STARTDATE, JOBNAME/PROGRAM, etc. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DELETE command parameters. CXUTL2040S Error formatting new database in TEST command: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to format the new database created as part of the "TEST" request. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DBMODEL parameters. Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2041S Error building the database DSN for the TEST command Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to build the database dataset name for the "TEST" request, based on the stored DBMODEL "DSN model name" attributes. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DBMODEL parameters. Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2042S Database DSN built for the TEST command is invalid Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to insert the sequence number into the dataset name created for the "TEST" command, based on the DBMODEL "DSN model name" attributes and "SEQ" token requested. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DBMODEL parameters. Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2043S Error creating the database file for the TEST command Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create the physical database file (VSAM or BSAM) for the "TEST" command, using the DBMODEL file attributes and DSN created. 2-44 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DBMODEL parameters. Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2044S Error building the DBMODEL model dataset name control for @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to build the database dataset model name control information, as specified as specified from the name and tokens supplied for the DBMODEL model dataset name in the CREATE or CHANGE command. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the DBMODEL parameters as used in the CREATE or CHANGE command. Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2045E A DBMODEL must be defined in the shared directory for @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The command specifed requires DBMODEL information to have been created in the shared directory. Either it has not been defined, or an error occurred trying to retrieve the information. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the CREATE DBMODEL parameters. CXUTL2046S Error occurred during the @@ process: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to CONVERT/UNCONVERT to/from a database. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. A return code of 100 (X"64") for CONVERT indicates the DDIO file to be converted is not the newer extended directory format (formatted by release 5.7 and later). A return code of 1080 (x"438") indicates the report DDIO file to be converted was not formatted with the INDEX=EXT parameter. CXUTL2047S Error printing entries in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while trying to print entries in the specified file. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2048E AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX must be specified for @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The REFRESH and CHANGE (for shared directory duplicate control) must have at least one of the parameters AUTOLOCKMAX and DUPMAX specified. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the REFRESH and/or CHANGE parameters. CXUTL2049E All databases must be AD=DUPS/STAGED if AUTOLOCKMAX is specified Severity: Error Explanation: When AUTOLOCKMAX is specified on the REFRESH command, all databases attached to the shared directory must be set to AD=DUPS or AD=STAGED. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-45 User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the REFRESH parameters. CXUTL2050S Unable to allocate database @@ for REFRESH processing Severity: Severe Explanation: process. Error occurred trying to allocate the database shown during the REFRESH System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2051S Unable to ENQ/DEQ program @@ for REFRESH processing Severity: Severe Explanation: Error occurred trying to enqueue or dequeue the program name shown during the REFRESH process. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2052S REFRESH processing error on program @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: Error occurred trying to process the program name shown during the REFRESH process. The return code is shown, and should be followed by message text. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2053I EXEC=CHECK specified for REFRESH - no actions taken, report only Severity: Informational Explanation: When EXEC=CHECK is specified for the REFRESH command, any update and/or delete action is reported in the list, but no update or delete action is actually done. System Action: This is an informational message. User Response: No action required. CXUTL2054I Member(s) on AD=NO database(s) were skipped during the DUPMAX processing Severity: Informational Explanation: When DUPMAX is specified for the REFRESH command, and a database is set to AD=NO, any members on that database are skipped during the DUPMAX processing. System Action: This is an informational message. User Response: No action required. CXUTL2055E Database @@ is not connected to a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The DELETE ENTRY command specifying a database requires that the database be attached to a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: The batch utility DELETE function requires a database to be attached to a shared directory. CXUTL2056E Database @@ is not connected to @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The database specified is not connected to the shared directory specified. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. 2-46 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: If both a shared directory and database are specified, the database must be attached to the specified shared directory. CXUTL2057I No members were found that required REFRESH actions Severity: Informational Explanation: During the REFRESH processing, no members were found that required any update and/or deelte actions to meet the AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX criteria specified. System Action: This is an informational message. User Response: No action required. CXUTL2058S Error opening database @@ during @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while opening the specified database during the requested process. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2059S Error closing database @@ during @@ request: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while closing the specified database during the requested process. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2060S Error reading database header on @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while reading the control header information on the database shown. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2061E The AUTOLOCKMAX feature is set, only AD=DUPS/STAGED is acceptable Severity: Error Explanation: When AUTOLOCKMAX is set in the shared directory you can only create a database, attach a database, or convert a DDIO file, with AD=DUPS or AD= STAGED; and, you cannot change an already-attached database to AD=NO or AD=YES. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on using the shared directory AUTOLOCKMAX feature, and the CREATE, CHANGE, ATTACH and CONVERT commands. CXUTL2062E A value for AUTOLOCKMAX is specified, but attached databases are not all AD=DUPS/STAGED Severity: Error Explanation: When AUTOLOCKMAX is specified in the CHANGE command for the shared directory, all currently-attached source databases must be set as AD=DUPS and/or AD=STAGED. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on using the shared directory AUTOLOCKMAX feature, and the CHANGE command for a shared directory. CXUTL2063S Error during dynamic IDCAMS @@ on @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-47 Explanation: An error occurred while the dynamic IDCAMS process was invoked to handle the operation shown above. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2064E DBMODEL create requires a primary allocation or model DSN Severity: Error Explanation: The CREATE OBJECT=DBMODEL command requires a primary space allocation, or, a model DSN to derive the size. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on the parameters required for CREATE of a DBMODEL. CXUTL2065E The database to be SCRATCHed is not attached to @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The SCRATCH command specified a database name that was not found attached to this shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on the parameters required for the SCRATCH command, and check the datasets specified. CXUTL2066E Unable to determine the DSORG of @@ for delete Severity: Error Explanation: The DSORG (dataset organization) is required for the database delete requested. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the dataset specified - should be either VSAM or a BSAM database. CXUTL2067E The SCRATCH command requires a database name Severity: Error Explanation: The SCRATCH command must specify a database name in addition to the shared directory name. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on the parameters required for the SCRATCH command. CXUTL2068E Error allocating the sequential dataset @@ for DIRS Severity: Error Explanation: command. Unable to allocate the sequential dataset name specified for the DIRS System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the dataset name specified. CXUTL2069E The shared directory DDNAME or DSN must be specified for @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The command shown requires the shared directory DDNAME or dataset name to be specified. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on the parameters required for the command shown. 2-48 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXUTL2070E The database DDNAME or DSN must be specified for @@ Severity: Error Explanation: specified. The command shown requires the database DDNAME or dataset name to be System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on the parameters required for the command shown. CXUTL2071E The "TO" dataset is identical to the "FROM" dataset Severity: Error Explanation: The COPY/MOVE command must specify different datasets for the "TO" and "FROM" DDNAMES and/or dataset names. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on the parameters required for the COPY and MOVE commands. CXUTL2072E The CHANGE command for a database requires "AD=" Severity: Error Explanation: The CHANGE command specified for a database file must have a valid "AUTODELETE" or "AD" parameter specified. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on the parameters required for the CHANGE command. CXUTL2073E The database is already attached to @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The ATTACH command specified a database file that is already attached to the specified shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the database specified via DIRX or online to ensure the shared directory owns the database. Call customer support for assistance if there is a problem. CXUTL2074E The database is not attached to a shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The DETACH command specified a database file that is not attached to a shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the database specified to make sure it is the correct dataset name. Call customer support for assistance if there is a problem. CXUTL2075E @@ is not a recognized utility command for @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The command requested in ABNLPARM is not a valid batch utility command for the specified utility. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands, or commands restricted to certain utilities. CXUTL2076S The CAMLST scratch of the dataset failed Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the dynamic CAMLST scratch process invoked by the request to delete the dataset. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. 2-49 CXUTL2077I Errors found during the shared directory EXAMINE process Severity: Informational Explanation: request. One or more errors found while processing the shared directory EXAMINE System Action: The batch utility finishes with RC=4/8/16. User Response: Review the report produced by the EXAMINE process, showing the errors found. Call CSS customer support for assistance with the report results. CXUTL2078E Error while creating the shared directory duplicate-control information: RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred while adding the AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX information into the shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guidelines on the AUTOLOCKMAX and DUPMAX parameters in CREATE. CXUTL2079S Error detaching database @@ during the shared directory delete function: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while detaching the database shown during the shared directory delete process requested. The return code is shown, and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL2080I Shared directory REFRESH process finished, errors encountered Severity: Informational Explanation: One or more errors occurred trying to update a member during the REFRESH process (AUTOLOCK/UNLOCK/DELETE). A special "action" code is shown in the report, with a summary of "action" types shown at the end. System Action: The batch utility continues processing, ends with RC4. User Response: Run the utility VERIFY and/or EXAMINE functions to check for inconsistancies between the shared directory and databases. CXUTL2081E Database @@ connected to different shared directory: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The shared directory contains a database that is actually connected to a different shared directory. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the shared directories and database to determine the inconsistency. Contact customer support for assistance. CXUTL2082I ALMAX and/or DUPMAX values applied during @@ utility process Severity: Informational Explanation: The "to" shared directory has AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX values set. They were used to adjust the members during the utility processing. System Action: The batch utility continues processing. User Response: Informational message only. CXUTL3000E No selection parameters were specified for @@ Severity: Error 2-50 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The command requires at least one selection parameter for member selection. System Action: The batch utility program will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands. CXUTL3001W No members were selected Severity: Warning Explanation: No members were found in the specified file, or no members met the parameter(s) specified on the command. System Action: The batch utility program continues. User Response: Check the member list in the specified file, using the batch DIR/DIRX commands, or one of the online member list functions. CXUTL3002E The specified member was not found Severity: Error Explanation: command. No member could be found using the member information specified on the System Action: The batch utility program will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands. CXUTL3003E Unable to update member for @@ command, member in use Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to update a member for the specified command, the member was in use by another task. System Action: The batch utility program will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands. CXUTL3004E Must specify either member number or program name for PRINT Severity: Error Explanation: The source shared directory PRINT function requires either a member number or a program name to be specified on the PRINT command. System Action: The batch utility program will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands. CXUTL3005W @@ VSAM dataset does not have CISIZE = RECSIZE+7 Severity: Warning Explanation: The VSAM dataset shown does not have the CISIZE equal to the recordsize + 7. System Action: This is only a warning message, processing continues. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guide to VSAM files. CXUTL3006W @@ VSAM dataset does not have shareoptions (4 4) Severity: Warning Explanation: The VSAM dataset shown does not have the shareoptions set as (4 4), or is specified as DISP=OLD. System Action: This is only a warning message, processing continues. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guide to VSAM files. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-51 CXUTL3007S Error during member selection process in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the selection process for applicable members. The return code is shown. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3008S Error during report processing: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the reporting process for a member. The return code is shown. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3009E Unable to lock members, or members were already locked Severity: Error Explanation: Members already locked and did not require locking, and/or unable to lock members (member "in use", or error occurred trying to lock member). System Action: The batch utility function terminates. User Response: Review batch utility ABNLREPT. CXUTL3010E Unable to unlock members, or members were already unlocked Severity: Error Explanation: Members were already unlocked and did not require unlocking, and/or unable to unlock members (member "in use", or error occurred trying to unlock member). System Action: The batch utility function terminates. User Response: Review batch utility ABNLREPT. CXUTL3011S Error during member lock processing: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: shown. An error occurred during the process of locking a member. The return code is System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3012S Error during member unlock processing: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the process of unlocking a member. The return code is shown. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3013S Error during member delete processing: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: shown. An error occurred during the process of deleting a member. The return code is System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3014S Request terminated for the following reason: Severity: Severe 2-52 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: follows. An error occurred during the requested utility process. The explanatory text System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3015E Security violation encountered accessing the dataset Severity: Error Explanation: command. A security violation occurred while accessing the dataset for the utility System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Ensure you have the proper access authority for the operation requested. CXUTL3016S Error occurred reading DDIO/Database header record for @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: follows. An error occurred during the utility process shown. The explanatory text System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3017E PRINT does not support this type of DDIO file Severity: Error Explanation: The PRINT command specified a type DDIO file that is not supported by the PRINT function. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands. CXUTL3018E Open error in PRINT on OUTDD specified: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The PRINT command specified an OUTDD= parameter for the report output. An error occurred trying to open this file. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Ensure the Blocksize is a multiple of 133 and RECFM is FBM (see CSS User/Reference Guide). CXUTL3019S Open error on the DDIO file specified for @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The DDIO dataset specified on the specified command could not be opened. The return code is shown. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3020S No XMWRK supplied to PRINT, only source file supported Severity: Severe Explanation: The PRINT function does not have the required information to PRINT a report file, only a source file. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate with RC=516. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3021S No source information available Severity: Severe Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Explanation: 2-53 The PRINT function did not find any source information. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate with RC=56. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3022S Wrong SLS release number for @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The source member was created with a higher release than the release level of the utility program. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3023S SLS internal error, SLS RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The PRINT source processing encountered an error. The source processing return code is shown. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3024I SECTION parameter currently not supported for @@ programs Severity: Informational Explanation: shown. The PRINT command SECTION parameter is not supported for the language System Action: A warning message is issued, followed by the complete source listing. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the list of valid commands. CXUTL3025S Abend occurred during the OUTDD output processing Severity: Severe Explanation: specified. The PRINT function encountered an abend while writing to the OUTDD file System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3026S Error in sequential I/O processing for @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: function. An error occurred trying to process the sequential file used in this utility System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3027S Premature end of file encountered in @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An end-of-file condition was found before it should logically occur. This usually indicates a problem with the file"s creation in the EXPORT function. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3028S Error sorting the exported directory in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while sorting the directory of members contained in the export file, for the function shown. 2-54 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3029E Input file to @@ is not a valid export file Severity: Error Explanation: The input file to the function shown must be a file created by the CSS EXPORT function. The input file specified is not a valid export file. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Make sure the input file was created by the CSS EXPORT utility function. CXUTL3030E No exported members found in the input file for @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The input file to the function shown does not contain any exported members. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the export job used to create the input file, make sure you used the correct selection parameters. CXUTL3031S Sequential processing abend. Abend-reason codes: @@-@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The sequential I/O processing encountered an abend. The abend and reason codes are shown. This message usually follows CXUTL3026. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3032E Security violation on @@ command Severity: Error Explanation: A security violation occurred processing the command shown. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: assistance. Check the security exit; call the customer support number for further CXUTL3033E Duplicate IDR key already on shared directory: listing # @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Trying to add a member with the same IDR information as the existing member number shown. IDR must be a unique value for each source listing member. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Change the output file to another shared directory. CXUTL3034E The input export file is incompatible with the DDIO file type Severity: Error Explanation: The export file specified is from a different type of DDIO file than the type of DDIO file specified for import. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for any IMPORT restrictions. CXUTL3035S The input member format not compatible with the output format for @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: Trying to create a member from a DDIO/Database file formatted with a different internal member format than the DDIO/Database file specified for output. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-55 CXUTL3036E The output DDIO/database file used in @@ must have INDEX=EXT Severity: Error Explanation: Trying to create a member from a DDIO file formatted with INDEX=EXT, but the DDIO file specified for output does not support extended indexing. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Change the output file to one created with INDEX=EXT. CXUTL3037E Unable to import this member due to error during export Severity: Error Explanation: Trying to import a member exported from a DDIO file, but the exported member information indicates an error occurred during the export process. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the original export job for problems, correct and rerun the export job. CXUTL3038S The export file is out of sync Severity: Severe Explanation: The start of the member information is not located where it should be in the sequential export file. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3039S The export file is out of sync on member search Severity: Severe Explanation: The start of the member information is not located where it should be in the sequential export file during a sequential search for a member. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3040S Error while creating shared directory record in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while creating a new member entry in the shared directory, for the function shown. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3041S Error during @@ DDIO/database operation in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred in the DDIO/database I/O operation shown, during the specified function. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3042S Attempting to @@ a @@ member to a @@ file Severity: Severe Explanation: The input file member type is incompatible with the output DDIO file type for the specified function. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3043E DDIO/Database file is full - unable to add member record Severity: Error 2-56 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The output DDIO/Database file is full, unable to add the member record to the file. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for possible solutions, or delete one or more members to make space available. CXUTL3044E DDIO/Database file directory is at max REPTCOUNT, unable to add member Severity: Error Explanation: The output DDIO/Database file directory is full, unable to add a new member. The maximum REPTCOUNT value has been reached and no members could be auto-deleted. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for possible solutions, or delete one or more members to make directory space available. CXUTL3045E Invalid use of LRECL/BLKSIZE for EXPORT output file Severity: Error Explanation: The LRECL and/or BLKSIZE specified for the EXPORT output file is not valid: BLKSIZE must be a multiple of LRECL, and appropriate for the device. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on the EXPORT command and the output file. CXUTL3046S Device error (DEVTYPE) on export output file: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: file. An error occurred trying to obtain device information on the export output System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3047E VSAM formatting error - check Shareoptions for (4 4) Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred trying to format the VSAM file specified. Make sure the Shareoptions were defined as (4 4) when the file was defined. The actual error messages will follow. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: considerations. Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on VSAM file CXUTL3048E File is too small for the total number of entries requested Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO/database physical file size is too small to format for the "REPTCOUNT" maximum entries specified. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on DDIO/database file size considerations. CXUTL3049E File is too small to allocate at least one group Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO/database physical file size is too small to format and allow space for the minimum one group required. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-57 User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on DDIO/database file size considerations. CXUTL3050E Blocksize is too small to format header record Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO/database blocksize specified is too small to format the header record control information, with the combination of REPTCOUNT, GROUPCOUNT and filesize values used. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on DDIO/database file size considerations. CXUTL3051S File format-1 DSCB could not be read for @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred trying to read the Format-1 DSCB for the DDIO/database file to be formatted. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3052E Non-VSAM file to be formatted must be DSORG of DA or PS Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO/database file to be formatted must either be VSAM, or have a DSORG of DA or PS. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: considerations. Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on DDIO/database file CXUTL3053E The DDIO/database member directory size is too large Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO/database formatting routine calculated the size of the directory entry to be larger than the maximum size allowed. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Increase the blocksize of the file; call the customer support number for further assistance. CXUTL3054E The file to be formatted is in use, cannot format Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO/database file to be formatted is in use by another task. Formatting needs exclusive control. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Try the job again later. CXUTL3055E The DDIO/database directory size is larger than blocksize Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO/database formatting routine calculated the size of the directory entry to be larger than the blocksize specified. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Increase the blocksize of the file; call the customer support number for further assistance. CXUTL3056E The VSAM file must be reallocated before formatting Severity: Error Explanation: The VSAM file to be formatted must first be reallocated. 2-58 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on DDIO/database VSAM considerations. CXUTL3057E GROUPCOUNT=1 and EXTENTS=1 are incompatible parameters Severity: Error Explanation: If GROUPCOUNT=1 is specified you must have EXTENTS greater than 1. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: considerations. Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on DDIO/database file CXUTL3058E VSAM cluster must be an RRDS cluster Severity: Error Explanation: A VSAM DDIO or Database file must be allocated as an RRDS VSAM cluster. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on DDIO/database VSAM considerations. CXUTL3059E Total number of allocation groups exceeds 32767 Severity: Error Explanation: The total number of allocated groups cannot exceed 32767. The number of allocation groups is determined by a combination of file size (blocks) and the value specified for GROUPCOUNT. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on DDIO/database file considerations. You may need to increase the GROUPCOUNT value. CXUTL3060E AD=STAGED is only valid for source listing files Severity: Error Explanation: The AUTODELETE value of "STAGED" is only valid for a source listing DDIO or database file. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the CSS User/Reference Guide for information on the DDIO/database AUTODELETE parameter. CXUTL3061S VSAM PUT error@@ reason code = @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during a VSAM PUT operation, the reason code is the feedback information returned. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL3062E Unable to delete members Severity: Error Explanation: Unable to delete members selected; member was "in use", or an error occurred trying to delete member. System Action: The batch utility function terminates. User Response: Review batch utility ABNLREPT. CXUTL3063E Unable to select a "TO" database in @@: RC=@@ Severity: Error Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-59 Explanation: An error occurred while trying to select a database in the "TO" shared directory, for the function shown. Possibly all databases are full, or none attached. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check to ensure there are databases with enough available space to perform the requested function. CXUTL3064E Unable to REALLOCATE with databases attached Severity: Error Explanation: attached. The CREATE command specified an existing shared directory with databases System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: directory. DETACH all databases before running this CREATE to reallocate the shared CXUTL3065I Total duplicate versions of program may exceed shared directory limit Severity: Informational Explanation: The "Invalid record length" error was encountered, possibly caused by too many versions of the same source program name contained in the shared directory. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Delete versions of the program that are not needed. CXUTL3066E The LRECL for OUTDD in the PRINT command must be 133 Severity: Error Explanation: The PRINT command specified an OUTDD= parameter for the report output. The LRECL specified must be 133. System Action: The batch utility command will terminate. User Response: Check the batch utility PRINT command and OUTDD usage documentation. CXUTL3067I Check EXPORTed file to ensure it is a single volume file Severity: Informational Explanation: A POINT error can be caused by an EXPORT file that is a multi-volume file. The IMPORT function requires that the export file be contained within a single volume. Explanation: System Action: The export function will terminate. User Response: Check the EXPORTed file for possible multi-volume file, if so, copy into a single-volume file. CXUTL4000E Getmain error occurred trying to obtain storage in ## Severity: Error Explanation: failed. The specified program tried to obtain storage. The GETMAIN for the storage System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Ensure that adequate storage is available. CXUTL4001E Program ## could not load required module @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The utility program was unable to load the specified load module. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the STEPLIB for the correct CSS library; call the customer support number for further assistance. 2-60 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXUTL4002S Internal processing error in ##: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred while processing an internal function in the program specified. The return code is shown and the error text message should follow. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL4003E DUPS=@@ is invalid: must be ALL, LOCKED or UNLOCKED Severity: Error Explanation: The only valid choices for the DUPS= parameter in the DELETE command are ALL, LOCKED, UNLOCKED. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL4004E ReptNumber specified is an SVCDUMP entry - invalid request Severity: Error Explanation: The ReptNumber= parameter was specified, but the member is an SVCDUMP which is invalid for this function. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL4005E ReptNumber specified is not an entry of the TYPE specified Severity: Error Explanation: Both the ReptNumber= parameter and the TYPE= parameter were specified, but the member specified is not the specified type (CICS or AA). System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXUTL4006E DUPS=ALL invalid for DELETE if no other selection parameters specified Severity: Error Explanation: Specifying DUPS=ALL as the only selection parameter in a DELETE command is invalid. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Use of the DUPS=ALL parameter for DELETE will delete all members on the file if no other criteria is specified; it is a selection parameter that means to select all members then apply other criteria. CXUTL4007E The SELECTDAYS= parameter is invalid for the DELETE command Severity: Error Explanation: Specifying the SELECTDAYS parameter in a DELETE command is invalid. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Use of the SELECTDAYS parameter is designed for the EXPORT/IMPORT/MOVE/COPY commands, to only take those members created within the last nnn days. CXUTL4008E @@=@@ is not valid: specify COMPILE or CREATE Severity: Error Explanation: The only valid choices for the parameter shown are COMPILE or CREATE. System Action: The batch utility will terminate. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-61 User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the correct parameters. CXUTL9999S Error trying to use message-handling routines: RC=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: routines. The batch utility was unable to load or use the required message-handling System Action: The batch utility will terminate. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. DDIO File Error Messages This section lists the CSS DDIO file error messages. The message numbers correspond to the MSGID listed in Table 2-5 in the “MVS DDIO and Interface Manager Return Codes” on page 2-5. DDIO File Error Message Format The CSS DDIO file messages are in the format of CXCMNnnnns where nnnn is a 4-digit message number, and s is the severity level. The severity levels are: I - informational, E - user error, S - severe error, W - warning, A action required. DDIO File Error Messages CXCMN0000I DDIO0000 Function completed successfully Severity: Informational Explanation: The DDIO file function requested completed without any problems. System Action: None. User Response: None. CXCMN0001E DDIO0004 Open error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function encountered an error attempting to OPEN the file. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0002E DDIO0008 Invalid request Severity: Error Explanation: file. The DDIO file function encountered an invalid request while processing the System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0003E DDIO0012 Getmain failure Severity: Error Explanation: file. The DDIO file function encountered a GETMAIN failure while processing the System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-62 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXCMN0004E DDIO0016 Report dataset was not open Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function expected the file to be open for processing. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0005E DDIO0020 Close error Severity: Error Explanation: file. The DDIO file function encountered an error while attempting to CLOSE the System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0006E DDIO0024 Report dataset was not formatted Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function encountered a file that is not in the expected "DDIO" file format. The file may be an empty file. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0007E DDIO0028 Report dataset is not found Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to allocate the specified file. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0008E DDIO0032 VOLSER was specified for VSAM report dataset Severity: Error Explanation: The VOLSER should not be specified for a VSAM DDIO file. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0009E DDIO0036 VSAM report dataset does not have CISIZE=RECSIZE+7 Severity: Error Explanation: The VSAM DDIO file should have a CISIZE equal to the record size + 7. System Action: The program issuing this message may terminate, or may continue with this as a warning message. User Response: If formatting the DDIO file, ensure your blocksize is CISIZE-7. CXCMN0010E DDIO0040 VSAM report dataset does not have SHAREOPTIONS (4 4) Severity: Error Explanation: The VSAM DDIO file should have SHAREOPTIONS of (4 4). System Action: The program issuing this message may terminate, or may continue with this as a warning message. User Response: If formatting the DDIO file, ensure your SHAREOPTIONS are (4 4). CXCMN0011I DDIO0044 Report is not found Severity: Informational Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to find the member(s) specified for selection. System Action: Processing terminates. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages User Response: 2-63 None. CXCMN0012E DDIO0048 Report is in use Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to update or delete the member while another task is using that member. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: None. CXCMN0013E DDIO0052 CWCMOPNM load failure Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to load the required module. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0014E DDIO0056 CWCMOPNM is full Severity: Error Explanation: (DDNAME). The DDIO file function has reached the maximum allowable open files System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0015E DDIO0060 Report dataset is opened for input only Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function requires the DDIO file to be open for output. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0016I DDIO0064 End of report Severity: Informational Explanation: The DDIO file function reaches end-of-file on the current member. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. CXCMN0017E DDIO0068 Target dataset is full Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to add new information to the file. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: See the CSS User/Reference Guide "DDIO File Considerations" to increase your available space. CXCMN0018E DDIO0072 Directory is full - no blocks available Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to add new information to the file because the maximum REPTCOUNT value has been reached. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: See the CSS User/Reference Guide "DDIO File Considerations" to increase your available space. CXCMN0019E DDIO0076 Member has reached the maximum groups allowed Severity: Error 2-64 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to write all the information for the member being created to the DDIO file because the maximum allowable number of groups has been reached. The maximum allowable groups for a member is specified on the "EXTENTS=" parameter during DDIO file formatting. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Use a DDIO file that allows more or larger groups, that is a DDIO file formatted with a higher number of maximum groups (default is 460) or with a higner GROUPCOUNT value. See the CSS User/Reference Guide "DDIO File Considerations" for additional information. CXCMN0020E DDIO0080 Dead flag was set (report was closed) Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to continue normally after finding the file closed prematurely. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0022E DDIO0088 Block is outside of report Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to continue processing the member. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0023E DDIO0092 Report was already opened Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function found the member already opened. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0024E DDIO0096 Report was not opened Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function found the member was not open. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0025E DDIO0100 Request is incompatible with file"s format Severity: Error Explanation: specified. The DDIO file function requested is not supported for the DDIO file type System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Possible causes are the old directory format (pre-5.7), or a report file formatted without INDEX=EXT. CXCMN0026E DDIO0104 Eyecatcher error: not formatted Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file specified has not been formatted for use as a DDIO file. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0027E DDIO0108 Invalid key length Severity: Error Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0028E DDIO0112 Invalid keys order Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0030E DDIO0120 Key not found Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0031E DDIO0124 Report does not have keys Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0032E DDIO0128 Invalid index block request code Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0033E DDIO0132 Invalid index data length Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0034E DDIO0136 Report is incompatible with DDIO release Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0035E DDIO0140 Product and DDIO releases are incompatible Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0036E DDIO0144 Invalid request for OC Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. 2-65 2-66 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0037E DDIO0148 Invalid request for AG Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0038E DDIO0152 File blocksize too small to hold index records for report Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0039E DDIO0156 Specified sort key is not applicable Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0040E DDIO0160 Number of entries requested is zero Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0041E DDIO0164 Member is already open Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0042E DDIO0168 Sort-by-language requires SLS address Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0043E DDIO0172 VSAM GET error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error on a VSAM GET operation. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Try increasing the job"s region size. If this does not solve the problem, contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0044E DDIO0176 VSAM PUT error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error on a VSAM PUT operation. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-67 CXCMN0045E DDIO0180 VSAM GET error - on MODCB Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error on a VSAM GET operation. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0046E DDIO0184 VSAM PUT error - on MODCB Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error on a VSAM PUT operation. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0047E DDIO0188 Attempt to read buffer before updating buffer Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0048E DDIO0192 Attempt to write from unchanged buffer Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0049E DDIO0196 Report dataset is incompatible with DDIO release Severity: Error Explanation: The CSS release in use is not current enough to process this DDIO file. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0050E DDIO0200 OPSMF was issued without previous OGSMF Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0051E DDIO0204 CWCMAPND load failure Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0052E DDIO0208 CWCMAPND is not in AMODE(24) Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. 2-68 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0053E DDIO0212 FILTER= parameter is required Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0054E DDIO0216 FILTER= parameter on non-SLS file Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0055E DDIO0220 GE list/directory count mismatch Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0056I DDIO0224 COPY/MOVE/IMPORT in progress Severity: Informational Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to process a member that is currently part of a utility COPY, MOVE or IMPORT function. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. CXCMN0057I DDIO0228 Member is open for create Severity: Informational Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to process a member that is currently being added to the file. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. CXCMN0058E DDIO0232 Request is not valid with "OT" open Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0059E DDIO0236 Invalid length on put-bytes Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0060E DDIO0240 Blocksize changed after formatting Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages User Response: 2-69 Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0061E DDIO0244 Next/previous block not found Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0062E DDIO0248 SDIM/DBIO out-of-synch Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0063E DDIO0252 Null database key specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0064E DDIO0256 Member number does not match open member Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0065E DDIO0260 ATTACH/DETACH in progress Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function cannot process the file when it is participating in the utility ATTACH or DETACH function. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0066E DDIO0264 GC=1 and EXTENTS=1 are incompatible Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0067E DDIO0268 Eyecatcher error: Database incompatible Severity: Error Explanation: specified. The DDIO file function requested is not supported for the DDIO file type System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0068E DDIO0272 Security violation Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function requested has encountered a security violation accessing the specified file. 2-70 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Ensure you have the proper access for the file. CXCMN0069E DDIO0276 Request failed by system security - see JOBLOG Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function requested has encountered a security violation accessing the specified file. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Ensure you have the proper access for the file. CXCMN0070E DDIO0280 Communications error. MSG text unavailable Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function requested has encountered an error during the remote commmunications access. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0071E DDIO0284 Error allocating/opening the associated shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function requested for a database is unable to access the "owning" shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0072E Invalid interface manager request block Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0073E Dynamic allocation error - (CWDYNAM) Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to dynamically allocate the required file. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0074E Could not find a primary vector table Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0075E Scan already in progress in region Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0076E 0 entries returned from scan Severity: Error Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Explanation: 2-71 The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0077E No database DDNAME specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0078E No resource specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0079E Blocksize too small for conversion Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0083E No member open in the specified database Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0084E No dataset name specified for CWDYNAM Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0085E No DDNAME specified for CWDYNAM request Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0086E No database files in selection list Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function requires at least one available database in the shared directory, none were found. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0087E No database files eligible for selection Severity: Error 2-72 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The DDIO file function requires at least one available database in the shared directory, none were eligible to be used. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check the attached databases using a utility DIRX, or online utilities "I" function: you must have at least one database of the correct type (source/batch/cics), and, if AD=NO, must have at least some minimal space available to be selected. CXCMN0088E Shared directory keyed structure empty Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function found the shared directory specified does not have any entries. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0093E STCK date/time size invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0094E STCK date/time to-size too small Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0095E DDCCCBCB was not initialized Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0096E IDCAMS processing error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0097E Error loading IDCAMS Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0098E Invalid allocation type Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages CXCMN0099E OBTAIN failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0100E Invalid class specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0101E CAMLST SCRATCH failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0102E MVS DEVTYPE SCRATCH failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0104E READJFCB error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0105E Shared directory extract EOF Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0106E Directory extract initialization failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0107E Directory extract not initialized Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-73 2-74 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXCMN0108E Directory extract general error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0109E DDNAME not allocated Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0110E Database select err - directory failure Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0111E Database selection err - ENQUEUE error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0112E Database selection err - LINKLIST error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0113E Database selection err - DEQUEUE error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0114E Utility common area required for DIRX Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0115E Utility fake BSAM area required for DIRX Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-75 CXCMN0116E Database format error Severity: Error Explanation: An error was encountered while trying to format a database. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0117E Shared directory must be an RRDS cluster Severity: Error Explanation: The shared directory OPEN function encountered a file that is not an RRDS. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0118E Lock member error occurred Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred during the LOCK member function. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0119E Unlock member error occurred Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred during the UNLOCK member function. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0120E Neither DDNAME nor DSN/VOLSER specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0121E No local catalog active Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0122E Local catalog already active Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0123E No databases available Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function for the specified shared directory requires at least one available database, but none were found. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-76 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXCMN0127E CPRSCAN data portion must contain key Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0130E Catalog global table address changed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0131E Invalid extract ID specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0132E No database currently open or specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0133E No database member opened or specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0134E Database open error(s) occurred Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred trying to OPEN the database file. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0135E Security violation during processing Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered a security violation during processing. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Ensure you have the required file access. CXCMN0141E No scan in progress for this task Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages CXCMN0143E Vector initialization module load error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0144E Region vector usage count not 0 Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0145E Error creating region vector table Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0146E RQB has not been initialized properly Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0148E MAXKEY mismatch between index levels Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error in the shared directory internal index structure. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0149E No class specified for CWDYNAM request Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0150E JOBDSNLL linked list not created Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0151E JOBCCLL linked list not created Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-77 2-78 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXCMN0152E Invalid position parameter Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0153E Could not load ISPLINK Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0154E ISPLINK interface error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0155E BLDL failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0156E Could not interpret BLDL Z code Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0157E SWAREQ request failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0158E Search of system link list failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0159E Could not get event control ENQUEUE Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-79 CXCMN0160E Error during sequential I/O processing Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0161E Subtask attach error occurred Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0162E Request(s) not in correct sequence Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0163E Delete process: bad index block Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0164E Invalid date format Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0165E PRINT member error occurred Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred during the PRINT member function. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0166E LP record segment not found Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0167E Invalid program name length Severity: Error Explanation: A program name longer than 8 characters was found, but the DDIO file is a classic DDIO source file. A source shared directory must be used for names longer than 8 characters. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-80 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXCMN0168I Member not found Severity: Informational Explanation: The DDIO file function is unable to find the member(s) specified for selection. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: None. CXCMN0169E No catalog control block Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0170E Character to hex conversion error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0171E Invalid blocksize Severity: Error Explanation: Invalid blocksize found for the ABNLPARM input dataset, must be a multiple of 80. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0172E Sequential dataset open error occurred Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0173E Invalid LRECL Severity: Error Explanation: Invalid recordsize found for the ABNLPARM dataset, must be 80. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0174E CWDDSUTL/CWCMDDIO release mismatch Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered a discrepancy in the CSS release levels of certain modules. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Ensure you have the same level of CSS for all modules. CXCMN0175E Invalid member name found Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages User Response: 2-81 Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0176E UCB scan failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0177E Database not open Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0178E Lock serialization timeout Severity: Error Explanation: processing. The DDIO file function is unable to ENQUEUE the required resource for System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0179E Database not in the shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The Dump-Capture routing list contains a database dataset DSN not found in the shared directory"s list of attached databases. System Action: The dump-capture task terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0180E No PDS member in DSN specification Severity: Error Explanation: The Online Utilities language processing could not find the specified member name in the PDS supplied. System Action: The online utility language function is unable to process this request. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0181E Invalid DSN specification Severity: Error Explanation: The CSS Online Utilities encountered a supplied datasetname (DSN) that does not have the proper format. System Action: The online utility function is unable to continue. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0182E Dataset not a PDS Severity: Error Explanation: The CSS Online Utilities language processing expected a PDS datasetname. System Action: The online utility function is unable to continue. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0183E No locate target specified Severity: Error 2-82 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0184E Invalid locate target specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0185E Errors occurred converting JCL Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0186E Error expanding JCL procedure Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0187E Job submit failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0188E Error issuing TSO OUTPUT command Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0189E Invalild JOB card(s) Severity: Error Explanation: The CSS Online Utilities language processing found an invalid JOB statement in the JCL to be converted. System Action: The online utility function is unable to continue. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0190E Invalid JCL card(s) Severity: Error Explanation: The CSS Online Utility language processing found an invalid JCL statement within the JCL statements to be converted. System Action: The online utility function is unable to continue. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0191E Job exceeds maximum nested procedures limit Severity: Error Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Explanation: 2-83 The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0192E Job contains no JOBSTEP or procedures Severity: Error Explanation: The CSS Online Utilities language processing found the JCL stream to be converted did not have a JOBSTEP or PROC specified. System Action: The online utility function is unable to continue. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0193E JCL analysis error - PROCNAME error Severity: Error Explanation: The CSS Online Utilities language processing is unable to determine the PROC name in the JCL to be converted. System Action: The online utility function is unable to continue. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0194E Error processing SD header in database Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0195I Duplicate IDR key found in LP/SD Severity: Informational Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an existing member in the shared directory with the same IDR token information as the new member being added. The IDR token must be unique within a shared directory. System Action: The program continues, the duplicate member is not processed. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0196E Shared directory is full Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error trying to add information to the shared directory. No more space is available. System Action: The program processing terminates. User Response: directory. Contact CSS customer support. You will need to EXPAND your shared CXCMN0197I Dynamic create of database invoked Severity: Informational Explanation: The LP compile process to a shared directory with a DBMODEL active was able to dynamically create a new database to hold the new member being added. System Action: The program continues. User Response: None. CXCMN0198E Not a valid database format Severity: Error Explanation: The CSS Online Utility ATTACH,COPY or MOVE expected the specified file to be a database. 2-84 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The online utility function is unable to continue. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0199E VSAM GET error on shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error during a VSAM GET function on the shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0200E VSAM PUT error on shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error during a VSAM PUT function on the shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0201E VSAM ENDREQ error on shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an error during a VSAM ENDREQ function on the shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0202E Security access on shared directory Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered a security access violation on the shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Ensure you have the required file access. CXCMN0203I Errors encountered, process continued Severity: Informational Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered one or more minor errors that did not stop the processing. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. CXCMN0204E FREEMAIN error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0205E Requested module has not been loaded Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages CXCMN0206E Error in generated CSECT prologue Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0207E Storage vector table is full Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0208E Entry not found in storage vector table Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0209E Abend trapped by ESTAE exit Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0210E SLS driver module has not been loaded Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0211E LP interface error occurred Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0212E SLS processing has not been initialized Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0213E No SLS member is open Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-85 2-86 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXCMN0214E Program ID error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0215E Control block area not initialized Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0216E EOF encountered Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0217E Error processing SLS source block Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0218E External line pointer not established Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0219E Error processing DATANAME request Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0220E Error processing DMAP request Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0221E Invalid "DMAPPOS" value Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages CXCMN0222E Invalid binary floating point length Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0223E Invalid PLI DATA type flag - SPDPDAT1 Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0224E Error interfacing with I/O processor Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0225E Error processing ODO request Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0226E Vector table dynamic entries all used Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0227E Specified vector entry not found Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0228E Specified link list entry not found Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0229E At start/end of linked list Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-87 2-88 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXCMN0230E Entry exceeds max entry (BLKSIZE-30) Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0231E Linked list is not active Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0234E Could not determine environment Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0235E Could not load shared directory module Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0236E Requested module has not been loaded Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0237E Shared directory processing error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0238E Undefined class specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0239E Set anchor specification is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages CXCMN0240E Terminal errors formatting storage Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0241E Structure verification failed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0242E Shared directory DDNAME not specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0243E Shared directory DSN not specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0244E Shared directory VOLSER not specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0245E VSAM control block manipulation error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0246E VSAM record management error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0247E VSAM open error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. 2-89 2-90 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CXCMN0248E Undefined instance specified Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0249E "Class" class can not be changed Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0250E Duplicate key Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0251E Wrong request after GET with HOLD Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0252E Resource was not acquired Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0253E Shared directory not formatted Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file specified as a shared directory has not been formatted as a shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0254E Invalid release of shared directory MGR Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0255E Shared directory not opened Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-91 CXCMN0256E VSAM file not empty Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function is attempting to format the VSAM file specified, but the file contains data. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0257E VSAM PUT without GET for UPDATE Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0258E Invalid blocksize - too small Severity: Error Explanation: required. The shared directory formatting process is unable to fit the minimum data System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Rebuild the shared directory with a larger blocksize. CXCMN0259E Invalid put number for FULLKEY=YES Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0260E Invalid entry length Severity: Error Explanation: The shared directory record length is invalid - either too small or too large. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. If this occurs for a source shared directory check for a very high count of duplicate versions of a particular program (over 200 usually) delete the oldest versions and retry. CXCMN0261E Data update requires PUT and DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0262E Resource was already acquired Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0263E Linked list position lost Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. 2-92 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0264E Database error text error occurred Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0265E Invalid object specified for request Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0266E AUTOLOCKMAX specified but not all databases are DUPS/STAGED Severity: Error Explanation: The utility function (ATTACH/CHANGE/CONVERT) found this database has AD=YES/NO, but the shared directory has AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX values set. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: A shared directory with AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX values set can only have databases attached with AD=DUPS or AD=STAGED. CXCMN0267I AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX action has been taken Severity: Informational Explanation: The new member being added triggered one or more adjustments based on the defined AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX values set in the shared directory. System Action: This is just an informational message. User Response: One or more existing source members may have been deleted, unlocked, or locked during the process of adding the new member. CXCMN0268W Unable to allocate one or more attached databases Severity: Warning Explanation: The AUTOLOCKMAX/DUPMAX adjustment routine attempted to allocate all databases attached to the specified shared directory, but encountered a problem with one or more of the databases. System Action: This is just a warning message. User Response: Do a DIRX or online utilities "I" on the shared directory and check that all attached databases are valid databases. CXCMN0269W Unable to successfully process AUTOLOCKMAX/DUPMAX adjustments Severity: Warning Explanation: The AUTOLOCKMAX/DUPMAX adjustment routine was unable to successfully complete the identified adjustment processing for one or more members in the shared directory. System Action: This is just a warning message. User Response: Do a VERIFY utility function on the shared directory to ensure member integrity within the shared directory. CXCMN0270E Report file is not formatted with INDEX=EXT Severity: Error Explanation: The report file used as input was not formatted with FORMAT parameter of INDEX=EXT, which allows extended index processing. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages System Action: 2-93 The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: This function requires a report file with the extended index capability (formatted with INDEX=EXT). CXCMN0271I CICS Dump-capture create-member task cancelled internally Severity: Informational Explanation: The CICS dump-capture create-member task, waiting for an ENQUEUE, has been cancelled. System Action: The dump-capture create-member task quits. User Response: No action required. CXCMN0272W Program name truncated to 8 for classic DDIO - need to use shared directory for long name Severity: Warning Explanation: The assembler program has a name longer than 8 characters but is writing to a classic DDIO file. Only a shared directory can support the use of long names. System Action: The CSS Assembler Language Processor issues a warning. User Response: No action required. CXCMN0273E Database connected to different SHRDIR Severity: Error Explanation: The selected database is attached to a different shared directory than the shared directory in use for this function. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Use the CSS utility DIRX for the specified shared directory, checking each attached database"s connection information. Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0274E (BSAM) DSORG is not PS or DA Severity: Error Explanation: The file specified as a DDIO or database file is BSAM but not DSORG of PS or DA. Possibly the wrong file was specified. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for acceptable file types. CXCMN0275E (BSAM) LAST-USED RBA = 0, FILE IS NOT FORMATTED Severity: Error Explanation: The file specified as a DDIO or database file is BSAM and does not seem to be formatted. Format the file using FORMAT or CREATE, as applicable. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the commands. CXCMN0276E OPEN MACRO FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred during the OPEN macro processing. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0277S (BSAM) DCBOFLGS/DCBOFOPN indicate file not open Severity: Severe Explanation: The file is not open, or the OPEN processing failed. 2-94 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0278E GETMAIN FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: Not enough space available for the requested GETMAIN of storage needed to retrieve the file information. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Increase your region size. CXCMN0279S POINT MACRO FAILED Severity: Severe Explanation: shown. An error occurred during the POINT macro processing, the return code is System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0280S SHOWCB MACRO FAILED Severity: Severe Explanation: shown. An error occurred during the SHOWCB macro processing, the return code is System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0281E RECORD COUNT = 0, FILE IS NOT FORMATTED Severity: Error Explanation: The specified file does not contain any records, it is not formatted. Run FORMAT or CREATE to format the file, as applicable System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the commands. CXCMN0282E CANNOT GETMAIN STORAGE FOR READ BUFFER Severity: Error Explanation: Not enough space available for the requested GETMAIN of storage needed to retrieve the file information. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Increase your region size. CXCMN0283E MODCB MACRO FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred during the MODCB macro processing, the return code and reason code are shown. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0284S GET MACRO FAILED Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the GET macro processing, the return code is shown. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-95 CXCMN0285E (VSAM) ACBOFLGS/ACBOFOPN indicate file not open Severity: Error Explanation: The file is not open, or the OPEN processing failed. System Action: he program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0286S RDJFCB FAILED Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred during the RDJFB processing. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0287E (VSAM) CISIZE NOT EQUAL TO LRECL+7 Severity: Error Explanation: The CISIZE must be equal to the recordsize + 7 when using VSAM. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guide to VSAM files. CXCMN0288E (VSAM) SHAREOPTIONS ARE NOT (4,4) Severity: Error Explanation: The VSAM dataset SHAREOPTIONS must be defined as (4,4). System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check the appropriate batch utility chapter in the CSS User/Reference Guide for the guide to VSAM files. CXCMN0289E DYNAMIC ALLOCATION FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to dynamically allocate a DDIO file has failed. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Review the job log to try to determine the cause for the allocation failure. Retry the function when the cause is identified and resolved. CXCMN0290E DYNAMIC DE-ALLOCATION FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to dynamically de-allocate a file has failed. System Action: The program issuing this continues processing. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0291S REQUESTED CLOSE OF FILE NOT OPENED Severity: Severe Explanation: Internal processing sequence error. System Action: The program issuing this continues processing. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0292S REQUESTED DE-ALLOCATE OF FILE NOT ALLOCATED Severity: Severe Explanation: Internal processing sequence error. System Action: Processing continues. 2-96 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0293E FILE TO BE OPENED IS NOT A DDIO FILE Severity: Error Explanation: The file to be opened should be a report file, source file, report database, transaction database, source database, or a shared directory (all are types of DDIO files). System Action: The program issuing this continues processing. User Response: Specify a properly defined and formatted DDIO file and retry this function. CXCMN0294W ERROR PROCESSING CLOSE REQUEST Severity: Warning Explanation: A file close request failed. System Action: The program issuing this continues processing. User Response: Contact CSS customer support if error persists. CXCMN0295S Directory request of a mixed-type shared directory - must specify type of AA or CICS Severity: Severe Explanation: information. Internal processing request must specify member type for member directory System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0296E SECURITY REJECTED ACCESS Severity: Error Explanation: A security error was returned for the file access request. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Ensure you have the proper access authority for the operation requested. CXCMN0297E DATASET MIGRATED - UNABLE TO DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATE Severity: Error Explanation: The dynamic allocation request failed, the dataset has been migrated. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Recall the dataset and retry function when the dataset is available. CXCMN0298E DATASET IS A TAPE - REQUEST UNABLE TO PROCESS A TAPE Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified is a tape file, but the information retrieval process can not handle a tape. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Call the customer support number for assistance. CXCMN0299E MEMBER IN USE, ALTER AND DELETE NOT ALLOWED Severity: Error Explanation: Alter and delete are not allowed when a member is currently in use. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Re-try request when the member is no longer in use. CXCMN0300E DBMODEL CREATE invoked, database create failed Severity: Error Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-97 Explanation: A DBMODEL has been set up for the shared directory and was used to create a new database, but an error occurred during the create dataset process. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check the DBMODEL database allocation parameters. CXCMN0301E ReptNumber specified is SVCDUMP Severity: Error Explanation: The ReptNumber= parameter was specified but set to a member number of an SVCDUMP entry. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Specify a valid member number for the function. CXCMN0302E ReptNumber specified is invalid TYPE Severity: Error Explanation: The ReptNumber= parameter was specified but set to a member number that is not the same type as the TYPE= specifies. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Specify a valid member number for the function. CXCMN0303E No batch report databases attached Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID batch dump-capture requires at least one batch report-type database attached to the specified shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Specify a shared directory with batch report databases. CXCMN0304E No CICS databases attached Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID CICS dump-capture (TDCAS) requires at least one CICS-type database attached to the specified shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Specify a shared directory with CICS databases. CXCMN0305E No DB available - migrate recall error Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID dump-capture encountered an error trying to recall one or more migrated databases. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check migrated databases. CXCMN0306E No DB available - not in callers list Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID dump-capture passed a list of databases, but are not attached to the supplied shared directory. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check list of databases for dump-capture use. CXCMN0307E No DB available - incorrect type Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID dump-capture did not find a databases of the correct type for this dump-capture operation. 2-98 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check list of databases for dump-capture use. CXCMN0308E No DB available - RACF error encountered Severity: Error Explanation: database. Abend-AID dump-capture encountered a security error when trying to open a System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check list of databases for dump-capture use. CXCMN0309E No DB available - OPEN-CREATE failed Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID dump-capture encountered a problem trying to create the new member on the selected database - may not be able to get enough space, even with autodelete. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0310E No DB available - OPEN error Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID dump-capture encountered a problem during the OPEN of the selected database. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0311E No DB available - not enough space Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID dump-capture was unable to find a database that meets the minimum space criteria, and AD=NO. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. CXCMN0312E COPY not allowed between DDIO and SD/DB files Severity: Error Explanation: The COPY utility function is not allowed between a classic DDIO and a shared directory or database file. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: database files. Change to TO and FROM files to both classic, or both shared directory or CXCMN0313E Database’s Shared Directory doesn’t exist or is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The Database’s associated shared directory either does not exist or is invalid. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Check that the Database is attached to a valid Shared Directory. CXCMN0999E Internal error Severity: Error Explanation: The DDIO file function has encountered an internal error. System Action: The program issuing this message terminates. User Response: Contact CSS customer support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-99 zIIP Enablement Service Below is a summary of the possible return code and reason code values. These values are displayed in the job log of the job executing the initialization program CXZPINIT. All error conditions cause the following message to be displayed, and there may be additional descriptive messages for some error codes: CXZPINIT009E Process failure RC=ccc,Reason=rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee xxxxxxxx The RC values are always in decimal, and the reason values are always in hexadecimal. RC = 0 Explanation: Successful completion RC = 100 Reason=X'00000000 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: The initialization routine is not being executed from an APF-authorized library. This error is also accompanied by message: CXZPINIT001E Must execute with APFauthorization. User Response: Execute the initialization routine from an APF-authorized library. RC = 104 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to retrieve the name token pair. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the IEANTRT system service. This error is also accompanied by message: CXZPINIT002E RC=X''xx'' retrieving name pair. User Response: Contact Compware for assistance. RC = 108 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to create a name token pair. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the IEANTCR system service. This error is also accompanied by message: CXZPINIT003E RC=X''xx'' creating name pair. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 112 Reason=X'00000000 eeeeeeee 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An attempt was made to delete a specific name using a CXZPxxxx DD DUMMY statement in the JCL, but the name represented by xxxx did not exist. The second word of the reason value is the hexadecimal representation of the specified name xxxx. This error is also accompanied by message: CXZPINIT004S ID xxxx not found. User Response: Correct the specified name in the CXZPxxxx DD statement and resubmit the job. RC = 116 Reason=X'00000000 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An attempt was made to delete or list active names, but the initialization program had never been executed (the name/token pair did not exist). This error is also accompanied by message: CXZPINIT006S COMPUWARE.CX.ZIP does not exist User Response: Run the initialization routine to start the service. RC = 120 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to delete the name token pair. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the IEANTDL system service. This error is also accompanied by message: CXZPINIT007E RC=X''xx'' deleting name pair 2-100 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 124 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to obtain storage for the anchor word. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the STORAGE macro. User Response: The anchor word is allocated in ECSA so increasing region size probably will not have any effect. Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 128 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to obtain storage for the ZPRD. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the STORAGE macro. User Response: The anchor word is allocated in ECSA so increasing region size probably will not have any effect. Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 132 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to obtain storage for a DCB. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the STORAGE macro. User Response: Increase the region size and resubmit the job. If the error persists, contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 136 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to open the DCB for the STEPLIB dataset. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the OPEN macro. User Response: Ensure a STEPLIB DD statement exists. The initialization routine should not be run from the system linklist. RC = 140 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to obtain storage for a BLDL list. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the STORAGE macro. User Response: Increase the region size and resubmit the job. If the error persists, contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 144 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred when issuing a BLDL macro to obtain directory information from the STEPLIB dataset. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the BLDL macro and the second word of the reason code is the reason code from the BLDL macro (BLDL R15 and R0 respectively). User Response: Ensure the STEPLIB DD statement points to the CSS SLCXAUTH dataset. The initialization routine should not be run from the system linklist. RC = 148 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee xxxxxxxx' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to obtain storage for the a module to be loaded into ECSA The first word of the reason code is the return code from the STORAGE macro. The second word is the length requested. The third word is the last four characters, in hexadecimal, of the load module name. User Response: The storage being requested is allocated in ECSA so increasing region size probably will not have any effect. Contact Compuware for assistance. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-101 RC = 152 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee xxxxxxxx' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: A LOAD macro failed attempting to load zIIP support routines into ECSA. The first word of the reason code is the R15 value from the LOAD macro (the abend reason). The second word of the reason code is the R1 value from the LOAD macro (the abend code). The third word is the last four characters, in hexadecimal, of the load module name. User Response: The storage being requested is allocated in ECSA so increasing region size probably will not have any effect. Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 156 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to close the DCB for the STEPLIB dataset. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the CLOSE macro. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 160 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An attempt to release DCB storage has failed. The first word of the reason code is the return code (R15) value from the STORAGE macro. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 164 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An attempt to release BLDL list storage has failed. The first word of the reason code is the return code (R15) value from the STORAGE macro. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 168 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An error occurred trying to obtain storage for the ZPCB. The first word of the reason code is the return code from the STORAGE macro. User Response: The anchor word is allocated in ECSA so increasing region size probably will not have any effect. Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 172 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee xxxxxxxx' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: The SRB used to set up the zIIP processing modules has failed. The reason code values have the following meanings: • rrrrrrrr -the value in R15 upon return from an IEAMSCHD macro. • eeeeeeee - the completion code value from the SYNCHCODEADDR operand of IEAMSCHED. • xxxxxxxx - the reason code value from the SYNCHRSNADDR operand of IEAMSCHD. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance to determine what caused the SRB to fail. Typically, an rrrrrrrr value of X'0000001C' is returned, meaning that the SRB or work unit abended. The eeeeeeee field in that case is the abend code and the xxxxxxxx field is the abend reason code. Module: RC = 176 Module: Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: An attempt to release anchor storage has failed. The first word of the reason code is the return code (R15) value from the STORAGE macro. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. 2-102 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes RC = 200 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPIDEL Explanation: An attempt to release ZPCB-new storage has failed. The first word of the reason code is the return code (R15) value from the STORAGE macro. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 204 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr 00000000 00000000' Module: CXZPIDEL Explanation: An attempt to release ZPCB-old storage has failed. The first word of the reason code is the return code (R15) value from the STORAGE macro. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. RC = 208 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee xxxxxxxx' Module: CXZPINIT Explanation: The SRB used to delete the zIIP processing modules has failed. The reason code values have the following meanings: • rrrrrrrr -the value in R15 upon return from an IEAMSCHD macro. • eeeeeeee - the completion code value from the SYNCHCODEADDR operand of IEAMSCHED. • xxxxxxxx - the reason code value from the SYNCHRSNADDR operand of IEAMSCHD. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance to determine what caused the SRB to fail. Typically, an rrrrrrrr value of X'0000001C' is returned, meaning that the SRB or work unit abended. The eeeeeeee field in that case is the abend code and the xxxxxxxx field is the abend reason code. RC = 212 Reason=X'rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee 00000000' Module: CXZPIDEL Explanation: An attempt to release load module storage in ECSA has failed. The first word of the reason code is the return code (R15) value from the STORAGE macro. The second word is the length to release. User Response: Contact Compuware for assistance. Language Processor Messages This section lists language processor input/output and storage management return codes and language processor error messages. Language Processor Return Codes The following table lists language processor input/output and storage management return codes referred to in message descriptions. The return code is formatted into five bytes, in the format of "nn-xxx". The first two bytes are used for the processor function code, the last three bytes are for the return code from the function. Table 2-6. Language Processor Return Codes Code Description x’04-000’ End of file on file name. x’08-xxx’ DDNAME not found. Check spelling of ddname. x’0C-xxx’ FREEMAIN error. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’10-000’ File already closed, can’t close it again. Contact Compuware Technical Support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-103 Table 2-6. Language Processor Return Codes Code Description x’1C-000’ File already opened, can’t open it again. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’20-000’ Skeleton FCB class not found. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’2C-000’ Function code passed is not valid. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’30-xxx’ GETMAIN error. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’34-000’ DCB DCBOFLGS, bit DCBOFOPN is not set after open. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’38-xxx’ Bad note. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’3C-xxx’ Bad pointer for point. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’40-xxx’ Bad write. x’40-030’ • Member is in use by another job or task. x’40-044’ • File is out of EXTENTS. Delete unused members or allocate a new file and format it. • Member is out of EXTENTS. Allocate a new file and format it with a larger group count. • No more directory space available. Allocate a new file and format it with more directory space or delete unused members. x’40-xxx’ Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’44-xxx’ Bad read. Contact Compuware Technical Support. 2-104 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 2-6. Language Processor Return Codes Code Description x’48-xxx’ Bad Open Member. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’48-004’, x’48-018’, x’48-068’ • File not formatted. Format file using CWDDSUTL or CWDDALLU. • File may be corrupted. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’48-02C’ • Member not found. Possible cause: Invalid PROGRAM-ID. The program name must not be a reserved word or contain invalid characters. Contact Compuware Technical Support. x’48-030’ • Member is in use by another job or task. x’48-044’ • File is out of EXTENTS. Delete unused members or allocate a new file and format it. • Member is out of EXTENTS. Allocate a new file and format it with a larger block size. • No more directory space available. Allocate a new file and format it with more directory space, or delete unused members. x’48-046’ • Shared directory was specified and none of the attached databases were eligible for use, or not enough space was found in the attached databases for the new member. Review attached databases, and either delete unused members, create another database in the shared directory, or set up DYNCREATE dynamic database creation capability. -x’48-310’ • Shared directory is out of space needed to add new member information. Use the utility function EXPAND (online advanced functions for shared directory, or batch CWDDLPUT) to increase the file size. x’48-xxx’ • x’4C-xxx’ "The 'xxx' code should correspond to the "MVS DDIO and Interface Manager Return Codes" listed in Table 2-5, on page 2-5. The 'xxx' is the x'xxxx' (hexidecimal) return code. For further clarification, contact Compuware Technical Support. Bad Close Member. Contact Compuware Technical Support. Language Processor Error Message Format This section provides explanations of language processor message text. Please note that the language processor error messages have a standard format. All messages include both a message number and a text description. Each part of a message number (e.g., Pxmmmmnnn-L) has a specific meaning: P Indicates a processor message x Name of the active language. • • • • A — Assembler C — COBOL P — PL/I Z—C Compuware Shared Services Error Messages mmmm Module in which an error occurred or which generated an informational message nnn Message number -L Severity level: • • • • 2-105 I = Informational (Return Code = 0) W = Warning (Return Code = 4) S = Severe (Return Code = 8) D = Disaster (Return Code = 12) Language Processor Error Messages Pxmmmm001-S COBOL option LIST or OFFSET not specified. Explanation: Severity: A Procedure Map (LIST) or a Condensed Listing (OFFSET) required. No COBOL verbs are merged into the Procedure Division. User Response: Specify appropriate compiler option (LIST, LISTX, OFFSET, or CLIST) to generate a Procedure Map or Condensed Listing. Pxmmmm002-S COBOL option MAP not specified. Explanation: A Data Division Map is required. Severity: The language processor returns RC=8. Processing may continue, but with unpredictable results. User Response: Division Map. Specify appropriate compiler option (MAP or DMAP) to generate a Data Pxmmmm003-S COBOL option XREF not specified. Explanation: Severity: A cross-reference is required. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify appropriate compiler option (XREF, XREF(xxx), or SXREF) to generate a cross-reference. Pxmmmm004-S COBOL option NOWORD not specified. Explanation: Severity: A cross-reference is required. The language processor terminates. User Response: reference. Specify appropriate compiler option (NOWORD) to generate a cross- Pxmmmm005-S COBOL listing not complete. Explanation: Message Pxmmmm001, Pxmmmm003, Pxmmmm007, or Pxmmmm224 was issued, or one or more of the COBOL Divisions could not be found. A previous message will indicate what section is missing. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Check for message Pxmmmm001 - Pxmmmm003, Pxmmmm007, Pxmmmm224, or the missing COBOL Division in the listing. Add missing compiler options, if necessary. If neither condition is found, contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm006-S xxxxxxxx file xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx error, Return Code=nn. Explanation: One of the following types of errors was issued on the specified file: CLOSE, CLOSEMEM, NOTE, OPEN, OPENMEM, POINT, READ, WRITE. A language processor return code is generated. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Return Codes: The return code is formatted into five bytes, in the format of "nn-xxx". The first 2-106 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes two bytes are used for the processor function code, the last three bytes are for the return code from the function. See Table 2-6 on page 2-102 for a list of the return codes. Pxmmmm007-S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx not found. Explanation: A section of the listing was not found. Missing sections could be one of the following: condensed or assembler listing, data division, data name map, memory map, options, procedure division, or cross-reference. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Check for messages Pxmmmm001 - Pxmmmm003. If the messages are not present, then check the COBOL listing for the section indicated by this message. If you do not find the section, perform the steps necessary to generate this section. If the section is present, contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm008-S Language not determined, processing may not be complete. Explanation: The version of the compiler cannot be determined from the first header of the listing. This may be due to an error in the CWPPRTI file or because the header record does not match the formats coded. This can also occur if the compiler listing input to the postprocessor is the wrong language (for example, Assembler or PL/I). Severity: The listing is processed with the language defined. User Response: Check for correct assignment of the CWPPRTI file. Retain the COBOL listing and contact Compuware Technical Support to define the header format and eliminate the error. Pxmmmm009-S Bad Return code from sort. RC=nn. Explanation: Severity: The sort was not completed successfully. The listing is processed with work records in their current order. User Response: Check your sort manual for the meaning of the sort return code, and any messages printed by the sort. Follow the instructions indicated by the sort manual. Pxmmmm010-S No more available extents on DDIO file. Explanation: The language processor encountered an out-of-space condition while writing to the DDIO file. Severity: The listing is processed, but is not written, to the DDIO file. User Response: Resolve the file full condition or use another DDIO file. To resolve the file full condition, you may delete members from the current DDIO file or rebuild the current file with more capacity. Pxmmmm011-S No more directory blocks available on DDIO file. Explanation: A new member cannot be opened because the maximum REPTCOUNT has been reached and autodelete processing cannot find any members eligible for deletion. Severity: The listing is processed but is not written to the DDIO file. User Response: Resolve the file full condition or use another DDIO file. To resolve the file full condition, you may delete members from the current DDIO file or rebuild the current file with a larger REPTCOUNT value. Pxmmmm012-S No more extents allowed for member on DDIO file. Explanation: The DDIO file being written has reached the maximum number of extents allowed for the file. Severity: The listing is processed, but is not written, to the DDIO file. User Response: Use another DDIO file that allows more extents or which has a larger GROUPCOUNT/BLKSIZE combination. You may also rebuild this DDIO file to have a larger block size and/or GROUPCOUNT value. Pxmmmm013-W Too many ")" found. Skipping to next valid option. Explanation: While processing the LP parameters, a parenthesis ‘)’ was encountered where none was expected. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Severity: 2-107 The language processor skips to the next valid option. User Response: Verify that all parentheses are entered correctly in the LP parameter options and update if necessary. Pxmmmm014-W Looking for "(" found "xxxxxxxx". Skipping to next valid option. Explanation: Severity: The language processor options were entered incorrectly. The language processor skips to the next valid option. User Response: Verify that all LP parameters are entered properly, that all parentheses are entered correctly, and update if necessary. Add any missing subparameters. Check for misspelled parameters and keywords. Pxmmmm015-W Looking for ")" found "xxxxxxxx". Skipping to next valid option. Explanation: Severity: The language processor options were entered incorrectly. The language processor skips to the next valid option. User Response: Verify that all LP parameters are entered properly, that all parentheses are entered correctly, and update if necessary. Add any missing subparameters. Check for misspelled parameters and keywords. Pxmmmm016-W Looking for valid data found "(" or ")". Skipping to next valid option. Explanation: The language processor options were entered incorrectly. A keyword is missing. Severity: The language processor skips to the next valid option. User Response: Verify that all LP parameters are entered properly, that all parentheses are entered correctly, and update if necessary. Add any missing subparameters. Check for misspelled parameters and keywords. Pxmmmm017-I W-level messages will not be merged in source listing. Explanation: Informational message due to requested option. Either the PROCESSOR(WARNINGS(NONE)) command or the PROCESSOR(WARNINGS(NOEMBED)) command was specified. Severity: W-level messages will not be merged in the source listing. User Response: To merge W-level messages into the source listing, specify the COBOL compiler options PROCESSOR(WARNINGS(EMBED)) command or remove any PROCESSOR(WARNINGS(NONE or NOEMBED) commands. Pxmmmm018-I W-level messages will not be printed at the beginning of the source listing. Explanation: Informational message due to requested option. The PROCESSOR(WARNINGS(NOFRONT)) command was specified. Severity: W-level messages will not be printed at the beginning of the source listing. User Response: To print W-level messages at the front of the listing, specify the COBOL compiler option PROCESSOR(WARNINGS(FRONT)) command or the PROCESSOR(WARNINGS(BOTH)) command, or remove the PROCESSOR(WARNINGS(NOFRONT)) command. Pxmmmm019-I through Pxmmmm023 COBOL text for abend support will not be generated for the xxxxxxxx section. Explanation: The language processor command PROCESSOR(TEXT(NOxxxxxxxx)) was entered (where ‘xxxxxxxx’ specifies the corresponding section of the listing). This parameter format is no longer supported. Severity: Non-executable text code will not be generated for the specified section. User Response: To avoid these messages, specify (TEXT(NONE)) or remove the parameter. The PROCESSOR(TEXT(ALL)) parameter can be used with compilers prior to COBOL for MVS and VM. Note: The PROCESSOR(TEXT(xxxxxxxx) option is not supported. The TEXT(ALL) parameter is only required when using COBOL-AID with Abend-AID releases 2-108 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes 9.3.2 and earlier. Abend-AID 9.4.0 and higher no longer support the TEXT option. Pxmmmm024-I COBOL TEXT for abend support will not be generated. Explanation: Informational message due to requested option. The language processor command PROCESSOR(TEXT(ALL)) was specified when using COBOL for MVS and VM or a current compiler. Severity: Processing continues and member is written to the listing file. However, nonexecutable text code will not be generated. User Response: Note: To avoid this message, specify (TEXT(NONE)) or remove the parameter. The TEXT(ALL) parameter is only required when using COBOL-AID with Abend-AID releases 9.3.2 and earlier. Abend-AID 9.4.0 and higher no longer support the TEXT option. Pxmmmm025-W Data found xxxxxxxxxx longer than valid, data truncated to xxxxxxxx. Explanation: Severity: A ddname or file name was longer than allowed. Data was truncated to maximum allowable length. User Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Pxmmmm026-W xxxxxxxxxx is not a valid keyword. Skipping to next valid keyword. Explanation: The language processor options have been entered incorrectly. Keyword specified is not a valid keyword. Severity: The language processor skips to the next valid keyword. User Response: Correct the spelling of the keyword or remove it. Pxmmmm027-I xxxxxxxx Explanation: Severity: A language processor option was specified. A listing of the options selected is printed. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm028-I xxxxxxxx Explanation: Severity: A language processor option was specified. A listing of the options selected is printed. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm029-W CSECT name xxxxxxxx not found in the load text dataset. Explanation: Specified CSECT cannot be found in the load dataset. This message may occur if the CWPLOAD dd statement points to a dataset that contains an object module that does not match the compiler listing. Severity: The language processor text is not appended. User Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Ensure that your JCL has the correct definition for the object deck (SYSLIN or SYSPUNCH). Pxmmmm030-W “END” text not found for CSECT xxxxxxxx in the load text dataset. Explanation: No END statement was found for specified CSECT. This message may occur if the CWPLOAD dd statement points to a dataset that contains an incomplete object module. Severity: The language processor text is not appended. User Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Ensure that your JCL has the correct definition for the object deck (SYSLIN or SYSPUNCH). Pxmmmm031-W Processor text already present for CSECT xxxxxxxx in the load text dataset. Explanation: Specified CSECT has already been processed by the language processor. This message may occur if the CWPLOAD dd statement specifies DISP=MOD. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Severity: 2-109 Non-executable text code is not added to the CSECT. User Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Ensure that your JCL has the correct definition for the object deck (SYSLIN or SYSPUNCH). Pxmmmm032-W CSECT name xxxxxxxx not found in the deck text dataset. Explanation: Specified CSECT cannot be found in the deck dataset. This message may occur if the CWPDECK dd statement points to a dataset that contains an object module that does not match the compiler listing. Severity: The language processor text is not appended. User Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Ensure that your JCL has the correct definition for the object deck (SYSLIN or SYSPUNCH). Pxmmmm033-W “END” text not found for CSECT xxxxxxxx in the deck text dataset. Explanation: No END statement was found for the specified CSECT. This message may occur if the CWPDECK dd statement points to a dataset that contains an incomplete object module. Severity: The language processor text is not appended. User Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Ensure that your JCL has the correct definition for the object deck (SYSLIN or SYSPUNCH). Pxmmmm 034-W Processor text already present for CSECT xxxxxxxx in the deck text dataset. Explanation: Specified CSECT has already been processed by the language processor. This message may occur if the CWPDECK dd statement specifies DISP=MOD. Severity: Non-executable text code is not added to the CSECT. User Response: Correct the JCL and resubmit the job. Ensure that your JCL has the correct definition for the object deck (SYSLIN or SYSPUNCH). Pxmmmm035-W The Condensed Listing or the Assembler Listing was not found. Explanation: The message is issued in conjunction with message(s) Pxmmmm001 or Pxmmmm224 if the appropriate option(s) are not specified. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Correct the compiler options and resubmit the job. Pxmmmm036-S xxxxxxxx file xxxxxxxx must contain either machine or ASA carriage control. Explanation: The COBOL listing (SYSPRINT), which is input to the language processor, must contain either machine- or ASA-carriage control characters. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Ensure that the compiler listing input into the language processor contains either machine- or ASA-carriage control characters. Pxmmmm037-S Load module xxxxxxxx not found, RC=nn. Explanation: Severity: The processor could not find a required load module. The language processor terminates. User Response: Ensure that your STEPLIB contains the correct libraries, and if so, contact Compuware Technical Support. The return code indicates the missing module. The following are possible return codes: RC=0 - Operating system is invalid. RC=04 - Load Module named is not found. RC=08 - Load Module named is not found. RC=1 - CUST not found. RC=2 - HED1 not found. RC=3 - LTR not found. RC=4 - HED2 not found. RC=10 - CUSTDB, CCATCUS2, CWCUST and CUSTTD not found. RC=21 - DBAAHED1 not found. RC=22 - CCAAHED1 not found. 2-110 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes RC=23 RC=24 RC=31 RC=32 RC=33 RC=34 RC=41 RC=42 RC=43 RC=44 RC=51 RC=52 RC=53 RC=54 - xxxAHED1 not found (xxx = opsys prefix). TDUGHED1 not found. DBAAHED2 not found. CCAAHED2 not found. xxxAHED2 not found (xxx = opsys prefix). TDUGHED2 not found. DBAActl2 not found. CCAActl2 not found. xxxAltr not found (xxx = opsys prefix). TDUGLTRS not found. CUSTDB used for customer error messages. Product timed out. Option timed out. CUSTTD used for customer error messages. Pxmmmm038-I No override options found. Default options used. Explanation: Informational message indicating the options used are the default options shipped or as configured by your site. Severity: Print the message and continue processing. User Response: To use different options, add them to the PARM statement on the EXEC card or in the CWPPRMO file. Pxmmmm039-S Could not get storage. Bytes requested = nnnnnnnn. Explanation: An error occurred while obtaining storage. The length indicated in the message is the length of the storage that was requested while obtaining storage. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Change the size parameter on the EXEC card, change the region size on the JOB card, or change the buffer size for the work files to obtain the storage needed to process the listing. Pxmmmm040-W Data set xxxxxxxx is empty. Explanation: The dataset specified by xxxxxxxx is empty and cannot be used as input to the language processor. Severity: Processing of the specified input file is terminated. User Response: Change the JCL so that the input file contains the required input. Ensure that the specified DD points to a valid dataset. Pxmmmm041-I xxxxxxxx Explanation: An informational message indicating options and/or parameters that were processed by the language processor. There is no required system action. Severity: User Response: Check the message text, or contact Compuware Technical Support for additional information. Pxmmmm042-W An nn-level message found and xxxxxxxx compile option specified. Explanation: Sections of the COBOL listing needed by the language processor were missing due to nn-level messages. Severity: member. The language processor does not append text to the object code, or creates a DDIO User Response: Correct compiler errors and rerun the job. Pxmmmm043-S COBOL text for abend support will not be generated because of errors found. Explanation: An error occurred while processing the listing, preventing the COBOL text from being generated. Severity: The language processor continues but does not generate the COBOL text. User Response: Check CWPERRM for previous error messages. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-111 Pxmmmm044-S DDIO member will not be generated because of errors found. Explanation: An error occurred while processing the listing that prevented the DDIO member from being generated. Severity: The language processor continues but does not generate the DDIO member. User Response: Check CWPERRM for previous error messages. Pxmmmm045-S Program compiled with invalid options for CICS. Severity: The CICSTEST parameter was specified and some invalid CICS compiler options were used. If command CICSTEST(OPTIONS(WARNING)) was used, then ‘x’ will be ‘W’ and RC is set to 4. If command CICSTEST(OPTIONS(SEVERE) was used, the ‘x’ will be 5 and the RC is set to 8. Severity: The language processor sets a return code of 4 or 8 depending on the CICSTEST option value. User Response: Check the specified compiler options, and either change the options or remove the CICSTEST parameter. Pxmmmm046-W Invalid CICS options: xxxxxxxx. Explanation: The CICSTEST parameter was specified and some invalid CICS compiler options were used. This is a list of the options found invalid for a CICS compile. Severity: The language processor continues and sets a return code of 4 or 8 depending on the CICSTEST option value. User Response: Check the compiler options specified, and either change the options or remove the CICSTEST parameter. Pxmmmm047-S COBOL option VERB not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option VERB was not requested at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: VERB is a required compiler option and must be specified. Pxmmmm048-S COBOL option NOLST not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option NOLST was not specified at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: NOLST is a required compiler option and must be specified. Pxmmmm049-S COBOL option SOURCE not specified. Explanation: Severity: The source listing was not requested at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: SOURCE is a required compiler option and must be specified. Pxmmmm050-S COBOL option XREF(FULL) not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option XREF(FULL) was not requested at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: XREF(FULL) is a required compiler option and must be specified. Pxmmmm051-S Postprocessor terminated; preprocessor must be used due to COPY SUPPRESS. Explanation: Severity: The COPY SUPPRESS parameter was specified. The preprocessor must be used. The language processor terminates. User Response: Change the JCL to use the preprocessor or remove the SUPPRESS parameter from the COPY statements. Pxmmmm052-I Listing xxxxxxxx dated mm/dd/yyyy at successfully written to xxxxxxxx. Explanation: Severity: The specified listing was successfully written to the xxxxxxxx DDIO file. The language processor successfully terminates. 2-112 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None required. Pxmmmm053-I Error writing listing xxxxxxxx dated mm/dd/yyyy at to xxxxxxxx. Explanation: An error occurred during processing which prevented the specified listing from being written to the xxxxxxxx DDIO file. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Refer to prior error messages for a more detailed explanation of the actual error. If this message is issued and no prior error messages exist, check the compiler return code and error messages. Pxmmmm054-S DDIOnnnn - text. Explanation: An error occurred on the DDIO file. The text is an explanation of the return code specified in message Pxmmmm006-S. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Refer to the User Response for message Pxmmmm006-S. Pxmmmm055-S CA-OPTIMIZER option MDMAP/MMAP not supported when used with COBOL Report Writer. Explanation: A COBOL program with Report Writer has been compiled with CA-OPTIMIZER III MDMAP or CA-OPTIMIZER II MMAP. Not all DMAP information is contained in Merged DMAP area if the program contains Report Writer. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Recompile the program without the MDMAP or MMAP compiler option. Pxmmmm056-S Error processing MDMAP line number nnnnnn, RC=nn. Explanation: An error occurred while processing CA-OPTIMIZER merged DMAP information produced by CA-OPTIMIZER III MDMAP or CA-OPTIMIZER II MMAP. The error occurred on the line number specified. Severity: The language processor continues, but suppresses the DDIO file. User Response: Rerun the compiler specifying DMAP for OPTIMIZER III or MAP for OPTIMIZER II. This will turn off merged DMAP. Also, contact Compuware Technical Support with the listing and return code available. The following is a list of possible return codes: RC=01 RC=02 RC=03 RC=04 RC=05 RC=06 RC=07 RC=08 - GETMAIN failed acquiring CWPC01MD work area. Exceeded length of level table. Locator cell type not recognized. File type not recognized. Picture clause character not recognized. Usage clause not recognized. Attribute flag (RODF) not recognized. Error reading DWRK file. Pxmmmm057-S Specified source file not formatted as a source file. Explanation: Severity: The DDIO file specified in the JCL was not formatted as a source listing DDIO. The language processor terminates. User Response: Reformat as a source listing DDIO or allocate and format a new source listing DDIO. Pxmmmm058-S COBOL option BATCH specified. Explanation: Severity: The batch compiler option is not supported. The language processor terminates. User Response: Rerun the compile using COBOL option NOBATCH. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-113 Pxmmmm059-S xxxxxxxx file contains more than 1 listing. Explanation: The CWPPRTI input file contains more than one listing. The compiler option BATCH is not supported. Severity: The language processor terminates after processing the first listing. User Response: Remove all but the first listing from the CWPPRTI input file. Pxmmmm060-S COBOL option ATTRIBUTES(FULL) not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option ATTRIBUTES(FULL) was not specified at compile time. The language processor issues an error message and ends. User Response: ATTRIBUTES(FULL) is a required option and must be specified. Pxmmmm061-S COBOL option COPY(FULL) not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option COPY(FULL) was not specified at compile time. The language processor issues an error message and ends. User Response: COPY(FULL) is a required option and must be specified. Pxmmmm063-S An S-level message was found. Required portions of the listing are missing. Explanation: Severity: An S-level error message was found during processing. The language processor terminates. User Response: Correct the compiler errors and resubmit. Pxmmmm064-S LIST option required when the OPTIMIZE option specified. Explanation: A VS COBOL II program has been compiled with the OPTIMIZE and OFFSET options. The LIST option is required. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Recompile the program with NOOPT and OFFSET or OPT and LIST. If postprocessing, the PROC($AOFF) option can be used. This may lead to unexpected results when debugging the DDIO member with XPEDITER/TSO or XPEDITER/CICS. Pxmmmm065-I Option PROC(BYPASS) has caused the Compuware Processor to be bypassed. Explanation: The PROC(BYPASS) preprocessor option was specified. Severity: The compiler is invoked, but the language processor is bypassed. No information is written to the DDIO file. User Response: Remove the PROC(BYPASS) option or specify PROC(NOBYPASS) to allow the language processor to be invoked. Pxmmmm066-I The Compuware Processor has been bypassed due to the return code from the compiler. Explanation: The CONDDDIO command specified a value that was less than the return code from the compiler. Severity: The language processor is not invoked. No information is written to the DDIO file. User Response: Correct the compiler errors, or remove the CONDDDIO command, or raise the value to invoke the language processor. Pxmmmm067-S Compiler xxxxxxxx not found. Explanation: The specified compiler cannot be found with the current STEPLIB, JOBLIB, or task library concatenation. Severity: The compiler specified by the LANGUAGE command cannot be found. User Response: Change the LANGUAGE command to specify the correct compiler, or change your STEPLIB, JOBLIB, or task library concatenation. 2-114 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Pxmmmm068-W DDNAME xxxxxxxx not allocated. Include ignored. Explanation: the JCL. Severity: An INCLUDE command was supplied with a ddname that is not contained in The INCLUDE command is ignored. User Response: JCL. Correct the ddname in the INCLUDE command, or add the DD card to the Pxmmmm069-S Error allocating xxxxxxxx. Explanation: dataset. Severity: The language processor was unable to dynamically allocate the specified The language processor terminates. User Response: Ensure that the dataset is not exclusively allocated by another DD statement. Pxmmmm070-S Excessive number of parameters included. Include processing terminated. Explanation: The number of specified language processor/compiler parameters exceeded the storage available to store the parameters. Severity: No included set of options are processed. User Response: This may be caused by having recursive parameter files included (i.e., member A includes member B, and member B includes member A). If this is true, change the incorrect INCLUDE command to eliminate the recursive condition. Pxmmmm071-S Include member xxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyy) not found. Explanation: An INCLUDE command specified a member that does not exist in the specified dataset. Severity: The INCLUDE command is ignored. User Response: Correct the INCLUDE command to specify the correct dataset. Pxmmmm072-S Return code from function xxxxxxxx = yyyy at +nnnnnn. Explanation: An unexpected error occurred in an internal routine. Return code yyyy was received at offset nnnnnn in module xxxxxxxx. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm073-S Unable to find compiler options in listing. Explanation: Severity: The Options section of the compiler listing could not be found. Processing may continue, but with unpredictable results. User Response: Ensure that your LANGUAGE command specifies the appropriate language. Verify that you have the correct compiler and that the compiler is in your STEPLIB or link list. Pxmmmm074-S Unable to open xxxxxxxx dataset. Explanation: Severity: The dataset required by the language processor could not be opened. The language processor terminates. User Response: Ensure that the specified DD is included in your JCL. Pxmmmm075-S Specified value not numeric or too high: xxxxxxxxxx. Explanation: Severity: An invalid language processor option value was specified. The language processor terminates. User Response: Correct the specified option in the CWPPRMO file or on the EXEC parameter. Pxmmmm076-I Assuming CONDERRL(n). Explanation: assumed. Severity: The value specified for the CONDERRL command is invalid. Value n is The language processor continues. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-115 User Response: Correct the CONDERRL command in the CWPPRMO file or on the EXEC parameter and rerun the language processor. Pxmmmm077-I Assuming CONDDDIO(n). Explanation: assumed. Severity: The value specified for the CONDDDIO command is invalid. Value n is The language processor continues. User Response: Correct the CONDDDIO command in the CWPPRMO file or on the EXEC parameter and rerun the language processor. Pxmmmm078-I The preprocessor has forced on option xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Explanation: preprocessor. Severity: The required compiler option was not specified and was forced on by the The language processor continues. User Response: Add the required option in the CWPPRMO file or on the EXEC parameter to prevent the message. Pxmmmm079-I The preprocessor has deleted option xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Explanation: ignored. Severity: This option conflicts with the required language processor options, so it is The language processor continues. User Response: No response is needed. If you delete the specified options, the preprocessor will no longer have to delete it. Removing the option from the CWPPRMO file on the EXEC parameter will prevent the message. Pxmmmm080-I PTFs applied are: Explanation: Severity: Option SYSTEM(ZAP) or SYSTEM(PTF) was specified. A list of all PTFs applied to this release of CSS are displayed. User Response: No response is needed. Removing the option from the CWPPRMO file on the EXEC parameter will prevent the message. Pxmmmm081-I There are no PTFs applied. Explanation: Option SYSTEM(ZAP) or SYSTEM(PTF) was specified, but there are no PTFs applied to the CSS library. Severity: The language processor continues. User Response: None. Pxmmmm082-I Only errors printed due to CONDERRL(nnn) option. Explanation: Severity: The COBOL option CONDERRL(nnn) was specified, so only errors are printed. The language processor continues. User Response: No response is needed. If you want the entire error listing, remove option CONDERRL from the CWPPRMO file or the EXEC parameter. Pxmmmm083-S STOW error creating temporary SYSLIB member. Explanation: The language preprocessor was attempting to add a copybook to a temporary PDS (CWPPDS2) and received an error. This may occur if the directory is full. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Add a DD to the JCL for CWPPDS2 with larger space parameters. If necessary, contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm084-I The printed output will simulate option xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Explanation: The preprocessor forced on a required option that affects the compiler listing. In an effort to produce the listing in the form that was requested, the preprocessor will simulate the compiler option. Severity: The language processor continues. 2-116 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None. Pxmmmm085-S Do not specify CLOSE=FREE on SYSPRINT DD. Explanation: Severity: The CWPPRTI DD contains CLOSE=FREE. The language processor terminates. User Response: Remove CLOSE=FREE from CWPPRTI DD. Pxmmmm086-S SYSPRINT DD missing. Explanation: Severity: The language processor requires a SYSPRINT DD. The language processor terminates. User Response: Add a SYSPRINT DD. Pxmmmm087-S SYSPRINT DD must have DISP=MOD when running CA-OPTIMIZER and xxxxxxxxxx. Explanation: When using CA-OPTIMIZER, DISP=MOD must be coded on the SYSPRINT DD. The optimizer produces the banner page and then reopens the file to produce the listing. If MOD is not specified, the banner will be missing. The language processor expects to find the banner for optimized listings. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Add DISP=MOD to the SYSPRINT DD. Pxmmmm088-W SWAREQ service failed when inquiring about SYSPRINT, please notify COMPUWARE. Explanation: The IBM-supplied SWAREQ service is called by the language processor to find the attributes for the SYSPRINT file. An unexpected error occurred during the SWAREQ. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm089-S xxxxxxxx cannot be allocated as SYSIN, SYSOUT, or DUMMY. Explanation: DUMMY. Severity: The DD represented by xxxxxxxx cannot be allocated to SYSIN, SYSOUT, or The language processor terminates. User Response: DUMMY. Change the DD for xxxxxxxx so it is not allocated to SYSIN, SYSOUT, or Pxmmmm090-S SWAREQ GETMAIN failed, please increase REGION. Explanation: Severity: A GETMAIN issued in preparation of a SWAREQ failed. The language processor terminates. User Response: Increase your REGION parameter. Pxmmmm091-S CA-OPTIMIZER will not tolerate SYSPRINT allocated as a PDS member when running xxxxxxxxxx. Explanation: PDS member. Severity: This CA-OPTIMIZER release does not support SYSPRINT being allocated to a The language processor terminates. User Response: Change the JCL so SYSPRINT is not allocated to a PDS member. Pxmmmm092-S SYSPRINT cannot be allocated to tape. Explanation: Severity: The language processor requires the SYSPRINT file to be allocated to DASD. The language processor terminates. User Response: Change your JCL so SYSPRINT is not allocated to a magnetic tape unit. Pxmmmm093-I Possible LSTONLY compiler option used Explanation: The LSTONLY option was specified for VS COBOL. This option is unsupported. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Severity: 2-117 The language processor terminates. User Response: Change the compiler STEPLIB library to reference a supported compiler. Rerun the language processor. Pxmmmm094-W Incorrect/conflict option(s) passed to compiler. Explanation: An option was passed to the compiler that is either invalid or in conflict with another option. This message is accompanied by message Pxmmmm095-W. Severity: The language processor does not pass the option to the compiler and processing continues. User Response: Remove the invalid option. Pxmmmm095-W xxx. . .xxx. Explanation: An invalid compiler option was specified. xxxx is the compiler message. Because the language processor forces the correct options, this message does not appear in the compiler listing, but is presented in the CWPERRM DD for reference. Severity: The language processor continues. User Response: Remove the invalid option. Pxmmmm096-I The preprocessor has bypassed the dummy compile due to option $NO. Explanation: COBOL option PROC($NO) was specified either in the CWPPRMO file or on the EXEC parameter. This causes the preliminary compilation to be bypassed. Severity: The language processor continues. User Response: Ensure that all required compiler options are specified. Refer to the appropriate language processing chapter in this guide. This guide lists the required options by compiler. Pxmmmm097-W The preprocessor has bypassed the generated lines support due to option $NG. Explanation: COBOL option PROC($NG) has been specified. This causes the GEN support processing to be bypassed. GEN support handles suppressed listing lines due to COPY SUPPRESS, PRINT NOGEN or OFF, or %NOPRINT. Severity: The language processor continues. User Response: No response is necessary, unless your source contains a COPY SUPPRESS, PRINT NOGEN or OFF, or %NOPRINT. If your source contains these options, either remove the suppress statements from your source or remove the PROC($NG) option. Pxmmmm098-S The SYSIN dataset is empty. Explanation: Severity: The SYSIN source file is empty. The language processor terminates. User Response: Change your JCL so SYSIN references the correct source file. Pxmmmm100-W CONDERRL does not support the language used. Explanation: The CONDERRL(n) option was specified but is not available for the compiler used. CONDERRL is only supported for OS/VS COBOL with CA-OPTIMIZER. Severity: The language processor continues without CONDERRL. User Response: Either remove the CONDERRL parameter or change your JCL to use CAOPTIMIZER for VS COBOL. Pxmmmm101-W An “(“ expected after xxxxxxxxxx. Skipping to next valid option. Explanation: The parser was looking for a subparameter for xxxxxxxx and failed to find a parenthesis ‘(’. Severity: option. The specified option is discarded and processing continues with the next valid User Response: Add the missing subparameter or parenthesis for the specified option. 2-118 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Pxmmmm102-S No ESD information. Check assembly options. Explanation: Severity: The external symbol dictionary could not be found in the listing. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify ESD as an assembly option and rerun the job. Pxmmmm103-S COBOL option GEN not specified Explanation: Severity: The required option GEN was not specified. The language processor terminates. User Response: GEN is a required compiler option and must be specified. Pxmmmm104-S COBOL option NONUMBER not specified Explanation: Severity: The required option NONUMBER was not specified at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: NONUMBER is a required compiler option and must be specified. Pxmmmm105-S COBOL option OPTIMIZE specified Explanation: Severity: The required COBOL option OPTIMIZE was not specified at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: OPTIMIZE is a required compiler option and must be specified. Pxmmmm106-S COBOL option TEST specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option TEST was not specified at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: TEST is a required compiler option and must be specified. Pxmmmm107-S This compiler or assembler is not supported. Explanation: processor. Severity: The compiler or assembler that was used is not supported by the language The language processor terminates. User Response: Change the compiler STEPLIB library to reference a supported compiler. Rerun the language processor. Pxmmmm108-S xxxxxxxx - option not supported. Processing terminated.’ Explanation: Severity: The language processing option that was specified is not supported. The language processor terminates. User Response: Remove the invalid option. Pxmmmm109-W LIST option should be specified when OPTIMIZE is specified. Explanation: This warning indicates that OFFSET was used with OPTIMIZE, but the LIST compiler option is recommended. Severity: Postprocessing continues. User Response: Change the compiler option to LIST and rerun the language processor. Pxmmmm110-S Usage of xxxxxxxx on stmt nnnnnnnn not supported. Processing terminated. Explanation: The specified Assembler Language Processor does not support any of the reserved words: ACONTROL, CATTR, or ALIAS. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Modify the program or contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm111-I No Procedure Division found in listing. Explanation: No Procedure Division was found in the VS COBOL II or COBOL/370 nested COBOL program. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages Severity: 2-119 Processing may continue, but with unpredictable results. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm112-W Enhanced FIND is not supported with nested COBOL programs. Support is disabled. Explanation: Severity: Enhanced FIND is not supported in nested COBOL programs. Processing will continue, but the enhanced FIND feature will be disabled. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm113-W TEXT is not supported with this compiler. Explanation: COBOL PROCESSOR option TEXT(ALL) was specified when using the COBOL for MVS and VM or a current compiler. This option is not supported for these compiler releases. Severity: Processing continues. The member is written to the listing file, however, nonexecutable text code is not appended to the object CWPLOAD or CWPDECK. User Response: None required. Use the Abend-AID source support option to view source information, if available. For further information, please contact Abend-AID Technical Support. Note: The TEXT(ALL) parameter is only required when using COBOL-AID with Abend-AID releases 9.3.2 and earlier. Abend-AID 9.4.0 and higher no longer support the TEXT option. Pxmmmm114-S COBOL for MVS and VM reserved word found: xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Explanation: A reserved word was found that is not supported when compiling with COBOL for MVS and VM. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Bypass language processor viewing for this program or remove the objectoriented extensions from the source. Pxmmmm115-S TEXT is not supported for this compiler - Please contact your Abend-AID representative. Explanation: COBOL PROCESSOR option TEXT(ALL), OUTPUT(NODDIO), and COBOL(OUTPUT(NODDIO)) was specified when using COBOL for MVS and VM or a current compiler. This option is not supported for these compiler releases. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify (TEXT(NONE)) or remove the parameter. For further information, please contact Abend-AID Technical Support. Note: The TEXT(ALL) parameter is only required when using COBOL-AID with Abend-AID releases 9.3.2 and earlier. Abend-AID 9.4.0 and higher no longer support the TEXT option. Pxmmmm116-S COBOL option PGMNAME(COMPAT) not specified. Explanation: Severity: The postprocessor requires compiler option PGMNAME(COMPAT). The postprocessor terminates processing. User Response: Specify compiler option PGMNAME(COMPAT). Pxmmmm117-I xxxxxxxx document captured in dataset yyyy volume zzzzz. Explanation: A CWPCAP DD statement was specified in your JCL. This caused the language processor to capture the required documentation to send to Compuware Technical Support for problem resolution. Document xxxxxxxx was written to dataset yyyy on volume zzzz. Severity: The language processor continues processing. 2-120 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Send volume zzzz to Compuware Technical Support for problem resolution. If you do not have an outstanding language processor problem, remove the CWPCAP DD statement from your JCL. Pxmmmm118-S Error occurred capturing dataset xxxx RC=yy. Explanation: A CWPCAP DD statement was specified in your JCL. This caused the language processor to attempt to capture all the required documentation. An error occurred when trying to capture dataset xxxx. The error is indicated by the return code. Possible return codes are: RC=04 - Dynamic allocation error RC=08 - Error opening capture file RC=OC - Error writing capture file RC=10 - GETMAIN error RC=14 - Utility error RC=18 - LOADLIB error Severity: The language processor continues attempting to gather other documentation. User Response: Before sending documentation to Compuware, notify Technical Support. Manual effort may be required to send missing documentation. If DOCUMENT=LOADLIB and any CSS libraries are in the link list or LPA, specify these datasets in the STEPLIB. Pxmmmm119-S PL/I option(s) (OFFSET and STORAGE) or OBJECT not specified. Explanation: Severity: An OFFSET map and a STORAGE map, or an OBJECT map, is required. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify either (OFFSET and STORAGE) or Listing OBJECT options. Pxmmmm120-S PL/I option MAP not specified. Explanation: Severity: An Internal Storage Map is required. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify MAP as a compiler option. Pxmmmm121-S PL/I option XREF(FULL) not specified. Explanation: Severity: A cross-reference is required. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify XREF(FULL) as a compiler option. Pxmmmm122-S PL/I option LIST not specified. Explanation: Severity: An alternate reserved word table was requested for a PL/I compile. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify LIST as a compiler option. Pxmmmm123-S PL/I option ATTRIBUTES(FULL) not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option ATTRIBUTES(FULL) was not specified at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify ATTRIBUTES(FULL) as a compiler option. Pxmmmm124-S PL/I option AGGREGATE not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option AGGREGATE was not specified at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify AGGREGATE as a compiler option. Pxmmmm125-S PL/I option SOURCE not specified. Explanation: Severity: The source listing was not requested at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify SOURCE as a compiler option. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-121 Pxmmmm126-S PL/I option OFFSET not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option OFFSET was not specified at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify OFFSET as a compiler option. Pxmmmm127-S PL/I option STORAGE not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option STORAGE was not requested at compile time. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify STORAGE as a compiler option. Pxmmmm128-W Dataname xxxxxxxx not found. It may exceed 30 characters and was not processed fully.’ Explanation: Datanames longer than 30 characters are supported only for PL/I compiler releases 2.3 and above, PL/I ADCYCLE, and PL/I for MVS and VM. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: If possible, use compiler releases 2.3 and later. Pxmmmm129-S PL/I listing not complete. Explanation: Message Pxmmmm119 - Pxmmmm121 or Pxmmmm007 was issued or, one or more of the PL/I sections could not be found. A previous message will indicate what section is missing. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Check for messages Pxmmmm119 - Pxmmmm121 or Pxmmmm007, or missing PL/I section in the listing. Add missing compiler options as necessary. If neither condition is found, contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm130-S Postprocessor terminated; preprocessor must be run due to %NOPRINT. Explanation: An attempt was made to postprocess a %NOPRINT statement. The postprocessor is not designed to handle %NOPRINT. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Use the preprocessor to process the %NOPRINT statement. Pxmmmm131-S Preprocessor terminated; possible Macro Generated %NOPRINT encountered. Explanation: During preprocessing, a %NOPRINT was found that the language processor could not handle. Most likely the %NOPRINT was generated within a macro. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: You can use the preprocessor to process the %NOPRINT statement, or you can remove the %NOPRINT from the macro. Please refer to the Compuware Shared Services User/Reference Guide for additional information. Pxmmmm132-S Internal error: Proc xxxxxxxx. Contact Compuware Technical Support. Explanation: The processor detected an internal error processing the Variable Storage Map area of a PL/I listing. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm133-S Postprocessor terminated; multiple listings detected in CWPPRTI DD. Explanation: Multiple unique and separate PL/I source programs compiled in a single batch compilation are not supported. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Compile each source program separately. 2-122 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Pxmmmm134-S Postprocessor terminated; first statement not PROCEDURE. Explanation: The PL/I Language Processor could not identify a PROC, PROCEDURE, or PACKAGE statement as the first valid language statement syntax in the user program. Severity: The language processor terminates. User Response: Correct the user program so that the first PL/I language statement is one of PROC, PROCEDURE, or PACKAGE. One or more syntactically correct PL/I comment statements or compiler directives proceeding the first PL/I language statement are permitted. Pxmmmm135-S Usage of PL/I option "nnnn" is not supported. Explanation: When processing a PL/I program, a compiler option was encountered that was specified by the user but is not supported by the PL/I Language Processor. Certain options are not supported because they alter the compiler output in some way that cannot be handled by the PL/I Language Processor. Severity: Processing of the PL/I program or listing ends and a return code of 8 is issued. User Response: Remove the option specified in the error message from the EXEC PARM field, PL/I *PROCESS lines, or options list and resubmit the job. Pxmmmm150-S Assembler option XREF not specified. Explanation: Severity: A cross-reference is required. The Assembler postprocessor terminates. User Response: Specify XREF as an assembler option. Pxmmmm151-S Postprocessor terminated. The preprocessor must be used due to PRINT OFF/NOGEN. Explanation: used. Severity: A PRINT OFF or NOGEN was found in the listing but the preprocessor was not The language processor terminates. User Response: Either change your JCL to use the preprocessor or remove the PRINT OFF and/or PRINT NOGEN from the source. Pxmmmm152-S Assembler listing not complete. Explanation: Message (Pxmmmm150 or Pxmmmm007) was issued, or one or more of the Assembler sections could not be found. Severity: The Assembler postprocessor terminates. User Response: Check for message Pxmmmm150 or Pxmmmm007 or missing Assembler section in the listing. If a section is missing, ensure that the correct assembly option(s) are specified. If the options are correct, contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm153-W Operand ONE does not use a base or an index register specified. Explanation: The language processor option DIAGNOSE(LOW-CORE) was specified and an instruction was found that has both the base register and the index register (where applicable) coded as zero. Severity: The Assembler postprocessor sets the return code to 4. User Response: Change the source code to eliminate the possible problem, change the language processor option to NOLOW-CORE, or ignore the warning because the source code is correct. Pxmmmm154-W Operand TWO does not use a base or an index register specified. Explanation: The language processor option DIAGNOSE(LOW-CORE) was specified and an instruction was found that has both the base register and the index register (where applicable) coded as zero. Severity: The Assembler postprocessor sets the return code to 4. User Response: Change the source code to eliminate the possible problem, change the language processor option to NOLOW-CORE, or ignore the warning because the source code is correct. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-123 Pxmmmm155-W RX instruction uses an index register but has no base register. Explanation: The language processor option DIAGNOSE(ESA-INDEX) was specified, and an instruction was found that has an index register and no base register coded. Severity: The Assembler postprocessor sets the return code to 4. User Response: Change the source code to eliminate the possible problem, change the language processor option to NOESA-INDEX, or ignore the warning because the source code is correct. Pxmmmm220-S COBOL option LIST(0,999999) not specified Explanation: A full program listing must be displayed. Severity: The language processor receives a RC=8. Processing may continue, but with unpredictable results. User Response: Specify the LIST option. Pxmmmm221-S COBOL option PMAP or CLIST not specified Explanation: Severity: A Procedure Map (PMAP) or condensed listing (CLIST) is required. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify appropriate compiler option (PMAP or CLIST). Pxmmmm222-S COBOL option LISTX or CLIST not specified Explanation: Severity: The LISTX or CLIST compiler option is required. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify the appropriate compiler option LISTX or CLIST. Pxmmmm223-S COBOL option MAP(FULL) not specified Explanation: Severity: Required COBOL compiler option MAP(FULL) was not specified. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify the MAP(FULL) compiler option. Pxmmmm224-S COBOL option DMAP not specified Explanation: Severity: Required COBOL compiler option DMAP was not specified. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify the DMAP compiler option. Pxmmmm225-S COBOL option XREF or SXREF not specified Explanation: Severity: Required COBOL compiler option XREF or SXREF was not specified. The language processor terminates. User Response: Specify the appropriate compiler option, XREF or SXREF. Pxmmmm227-S COBOL option XREF(LONG) not specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option XREF(LONG) was not specified. The language processor issues an error message and ends. User Response: Specify the XREF(LONG) compiler option. It is required. Pxmmmm228-S COBOL option NAME specified. Explanation: Severity: The required option NAME was not specified. The language processor issues an error message and ends. User Response: Specify the NAME compiler option. It is required. Pxmmmm229-S COBOL option SOURCE(1) not specified. Explanation: The required option SOURCE was not specified. 2-124 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Severity: The language processor issues an error message and ends. User Response: Specify the SOURCE compiler option. It is required. Pxmmmm257-E Cannot find typedef tttttttt line:col. Explanation: The C language processor cannot find the definition of typedef ‘tttttttt’. The typedef is used at the specified line and column in the Source section of the listing. Severity: The language processor will continue to process the rest of the listing, but will eventually terminate with return code 8 or higher. The listing will not be written to DDIO. User Response: Please report this error to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm258-E Cannot determine size of line:col. Explanation: The C language processor needs to evaluate the ‘sizeof’ function for an expression, but is unable to determine the underlying type of the expression. The expression occurs at the specified line and column in the Source section of the listing. Severity: The language processor will continue to process the rest of the listing, but will eventually terminate with return code 8 or higher. The listing will not be written to DDIO. User Response: Please report this error to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm259-E Cannot calculate constant expression line:col. Explanation: The C language processor needs to evaluate the value of some expression, but is unable to do so. The expression occurs at the specified line and column in the Source section of the listing. Severity: The language processor will continue to process the rest of the listing, but will eventually terminate with return code 8 or higher. The listing will not be written to DDIO. User Response: Please report this error to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm260-E Variable xxxxxxxx not found. Explanation: The C language processor has found the named variable in the Storage Offset section of the listing, but did not find any definition of that variable in the Source section of the listing. Severity: The language processor will continue to process the rest of the listing, but will eventually terminate with return code 8 or higher. The listing will not be written to DDIO. User Response: Please report this error to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm261-S Internal error nnnnnnnn. Explanation: The C language processor has encountered a logic error in its own code. This message may be accompanied by other messages that specify the location of the error. Severity: The language processor will continue to process the rest of the listing, but will eventually terminate with return code 8 or higher. The listing will not be written to DDIO. User Response: Please report this error to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm263-S Illegal character line:col. Explanation: The C language processor has detected what appears to be an identifier at the specified line and column of the Source section of the listing, but the identifier begins with a character that is illegal for an identifier. Severity: The language processor will continue to process the rest of the listing, but will eventually terminate with return code 8 or higher. The listing will not be written to DDIO. User Response: Please report this error to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm264-W ( expected xxxxxxxx. Explanation: The options passed to the C language processor, through the CWPPRMO dataset or through the EXEC PARM= string, are not syntactically correct. A left parenthesis was expected but not found. The text “xxxxxxxx” describes the context in which the left parenthesis was expected; for example, “after OUTPUT”. Severity: The language processor continues to process the listing, and will write it to DDIO if there are no errors more severe than this one. The processor will complete with return code 4. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages User Response: 2-125 Correct the syntax of the option. Pxmmmm265-S ) expected Explanation: The options passed to the C language processor, through the CWPPRMO dataset or through the EXEC PARM= string, are not syntactically correct. A right parenthesis was expected, to balance a previous left parenthesis, but no right parenthesis was found. Severity: The language processor continues to process the listing, and will write it to DDIO if there are no errors more severe than this one. The processor will complete with return code 4. User Response: Correct the syntax of the option. Pxmmmm266-E The following listing line was not recognized:. Explanation: While scanning the compiler listing, in some section after the Source section, the C language processor encountered a listing line in an unexpected format. The line in question is displayed in message 271, following this message. Severity: The language processor will continue to process the rest of the listing, but will eventually terminate with return code 8 or higher. The listing will not be written to DDIO. User Response: Please report this error to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm267-S No source listing. Explanation: The C language processor never found a line it recognized as the page header line of a supported C compiler. Severity: The language processor terminates with return code 8. It writes nothing to DDIO. User Response: Check that you are using a supported C compiler, and (if using the postprocessor) that you have specified a valid C compiler listing in the DD statement for CWPPRTI. Pxmmmm268-E Unknown macro directive xxxxxxxx. Explanation: The C language processor has encountered a C-preprocessor directive (#xxxxxxxx) that it does not recognize. Severity: The language processor will continue to process the rest of the listing, but will eventually terminate with return code 8 or higher. The listing will not be written to DDIO. User Response: You may be using a version of the C compiler not supported by the C language processor. If you can avoid using the unknown preprocessor directive, the C language processor may be able to complete successfully. If you are using a supported version of the C compiler, please report this problem to Compuware Technical support. Pxmmmm270-E Incompatible compile option xxxxxxx found, terminating. Explanation: The C language processor found a compiler option in effect that precludes it from processing the listing at all. The option PPONLY is an example. Severity: The C language processor terminates with return code 16. User Response: Either remove the incompatible option, or use the C compiler stand-alone for compiling with that option. Pxmmmm271-S xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx. Explanation: This message number is used to display a listing line that was involved in a previously reported error. Severity: As required for the previously reported error. User Response: See the preceding message for the nature and severity of the error. Pxmmmm272-S Internal DDIO image error nnnnnnnn. Explanation: The C language processor has detected an internal error while attempting to write the listing to DDIO. The error is in the internal structure of the processor’s control blocks; the DDIO file itself is not in error. Severity: The C language processor terminates with return code 16. User Response: Please report this problem to Compuware Technical Support. 2-126 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Pxmmmm274-W Extraneous characters in option xxxxxxxx. Explanation: The options passed to the C language processor, through the CWPPRMO dataset or through the EXEC PARM= string, are not syntactically correct. Characters were found that did not form any part of a recognized option. Severity: The language processor continues to process the listing, and will write it to DDIO if there are no errors more severe than this one. The processor will complete with return code 4. User Response: Correct the syntax of the option. Pxmmmm275-W Unable to add timestamp to object deck. Explanation: The Compuware language processor was unable to add its internal information (including a compile timestamp) to the object deck produced by the compiler. Depending on the language, Xpediter/TSO may be unable to locate the listing for this program unless this problem is corrected. Severity: The processor continues to completion, and writes the listing to DDIO, then terminates with return code 4. User Response: Check that your DD for CWPLOAD specifies the object deck that corresponds to the listing specified in your DD for CWPPRTI. If this does not solve the problem, please report the problem to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm276-I Object deck not updated because option PROCESSOR($NIDR) was coded. Explanation: The C language processor has bypassed updating the object deck produced by the compiler because you included the PROCESSOR($NIDR) option in the CWPPRMO dataset or in the ‘EXEC PARM=’ string. Severity: The C language processor runs to completion and terminates with return code 0. User Response: None. Pxmmmm277-S LANGUAGE(xxxxxxxx) not recognized. Use CMVS or C390. Explanation: In the options for the C language processor, you included the option “LANGUAGE(xxxxxxxx)” to specify which C compiler the language processor should invoke. The text you put between the parentheses was not CMVS or C390. Severity: The C language processor terminates with return code 16. User Response: Specify CMVS to invoke the C/C++ for MVS compiler (program CBC320PP) or specify C390 to invoke a version of the C/C++ for OS/390 compiler (program alias CBCDRVR). Pxmmmm278-S LP shared directory for member name longer than 8: cccccccc Explanation: You are attempting to write a “C” listing, with a name (cccccccc) longer than 8 characters, to an ordinary DDIO file. Only an LP database attached to a shared directory can support a name longer than 8 characters. See the “C Language Processor” chapter of the Compuware Shared Services User/Reference Guide for how the name of a “C” listing is selected. See “Batch File Utility CWDDLPUT” in the Compuware Shared Services User/Reference Guide for how to create an LP shared directory. Severity: The language processor terminates with an error. The listing is not written to DDIO. User Response: Either use a shorter name (see “C Language Processor” in the Compuware Shared Services User/Reference Guide) for how to select a name), or create an LP shared directory with attached LP database(s) to hold this member. Pxmmmm279-S dddddddd must be RECFM F(B)(A) LRECL03 or 9V(B)(A) LRECL >= 137. Explanation: You are attempting to write the compiler listing to a DD name‘dddddddd’ (usually SYSCPRT) which has the wrong DCB characteristics for a listing. Severity: The language processor terminates with an error. The listing is not written to DDIO. User Response: Change the DD statement and rerun the job. Pxmmmm301-S Unable to identify root word for nnnnnnnn. Explanation: The COBOL alternative reserved word table has found a reserved word it cannot recognize. Severity: The language processor continues, but you may receive compiler errors. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages User Response: reserved word. 2-127 Review your reserved word table and make sure you are using a correct Pxmmmm302-W Push/Pop table limit exceeded. Explanation: The Assembler program exceeded the limit set for PUSH PRINT and there was no matching POP PRINT. Severity: The language processor continues. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm304-S C++ compiler is not yet supported. Explanation: The C language processor has detected that you are invoking the C++ compiler, or (postprocessor) that the listing you are processing was produced by the C++ compiler. Severity: The language processor terminates with return code 8 or 16. User Response: with C++. Do not attempt to use the Compuware C language processors in connection Pxmmmm305-S Compiler option xxxxxxxx is required. Explanation: The C language postprocessor has discovered that the listing you specified in the DD for CWPPRTI was compiled without one or more of the compiler options required by the postprocessor. The required options are EXPMAC, SOURCE, SHOWINC, LIST and XREF. Severity: The C language postprocessor terminates with return code 8. User Response: Recompile your program using all the required options. Pxmmmm306-S Dummy compile failed, RC = xxxxxxxx. Explanation: The C language preprocessor attempts a small dummy compile to determine the net effect of the compiler options you have requested combined with the compiler options it must force on. This dummy compile has failed with a return code greater than 4. Severity: The C language preprocessor terminates with return code 16. User Response: Review the compiler options you have requested for correctness by C standards. If you cannot discover any error, please report this problem to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm307-E Recursive xxxxxxxx statement found for xxxxxxxx. Explanation: A copy or include member contains a recursive reference to the same member. Nested copy or include members that are recursive in nature are not supported. Severity: The CSS language preprocessor terminates the compilation. User Response: job. Remove the recursive references from the source programs and resubmit the Pxmmmm308-I DBMODEL DYNCREATE=YES specified; dynamic database creation invoked, processing continues. Explanation: CWPDDIO was specified as a shared directory, and not enough space was found on the attached databases to add the new source listing member. A DBMODEL with DYNCREATE=YES exists for this shared directory, and the dynamic database process was invoked, creating a new database, attaching it to the shared directory, and creating the new source member. Severity: The language processor continues, but a return code of 4 is set. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm309-I Member name created by truncating PROD name nnnnnnnn Explanation: PL/I PROC name exceeds 8 characters. MEMBER name created by truncation of PROC name. Severity: The language processor continues. User Response: None required. 2-128 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Pxmmmm310-W Pointer problem found in HASH TABLE BLK nnnnnnnn Explanation: Severity: PL/I labels cannot be resolved correctly. The language processor terminates. User Response: Check syntax of PL/I code. Check compiler return codes, report problem to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm311-W DMAP record: xxxxxxxx Explanation: Severity: This message was produced in conjunction with another error message. The language processor terminates. User Response: (refer to other associated message) Pxmmmm312-W $NIDR was specified, object deck not updated with time stamp Explanation: User requested that the OBJECT deck not be updated by use of the $NIDR LP option, no identifier information is placed within the OBJECT deck. Debugging and source viewing may have problems locating source. Severity: The language processor continues. User Response: You can remove the $NIDR override if company standards warrants. Pxmmmm313-S A detached database was specified on CWPDDIO; the database must be attached to a shared directory Explanation: The source listing database specified in the DD for CWDDIO is not attached to a shared directory. A source listing database must be attached to a shared directory when used as the CWPDDIO output file. Severity: The language processor terminates with return code 8. User Response: Select a source listing database that is attached to a shared directory; or, attach this source listing database to a shared directory. Pxmmmm314-I xxxxxxxx Explanation: Severity: An informational DDIO file message has been issues. The language processor continues. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm315-W Split datanames not supported on line xx Explanation: Severity: A COBOL dataname displays on two distinct lines. The language processor continues, but a return code of 4 is set. User Response: Rearrange the dataname so it fits on a single line within the legal margins. Then, resubmit the job for compilation and language processing. Pxmmmm316-I Listing mmmmmmmm processed on MM/DD/YYYY at HH:MM:SS Explanation: Severity: The language processor execution date and time are displayed. The language processor completes successfully. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm317-W IDENTIFY data not written to object deck Explanation: Severity: The OBJECT deck was not updated with the 'IDENTIFY' record. The language processor continues, a non-zero RC is returned. User Response: Check LP JCL, check compiler options, please report this error to Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm318-W IDENTNO was specified, IDENTIFY data was not written to object deck Explanation: Severity: USER forbids IDENTIFY record to be written. The language processor continues. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages User Response: 2-129 None required. Pxmmmm319-W IDENTIFY data can not be written; compiler option CSECT is required for that Explanation: The OBJECT deck is not updated with the IDENTIFY record, compiler option 'CSECT' is required for updates to take place. Severity: The language processor continues. User Response: Change the 'CSECT' option if company standards warrants. Pxmmmm320-I SD-wide AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX values applied to one or more duplicate members Explanation: The shared directory has one or both of the AUTOLOCKMAX and/or DUPMAX values set. Severity: Any existing duplicate (same program name) members were first adjusted (delete/lock/unlock) as needed, per the values set. User Response: Pxmmmm321-S length X’ssssssss None required. GETMAIN failure with a return code X’rr’ from mmmmmmmmm+xxxx for Explanation: GETMAIN failure, could not obtain needed storage space. Severity: GETMAIN failure with a return code X’rr’ from mmmmmmmmm+xxxx for length X’ssssssss’. User Response: Increase region size or if that is not sufficient, contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm322-S Increase region size or contact Compuware Technical Support Explanation: GETMAIN failure, could not obtain needed storage space. Severity: GETMAIN failure with a return code X’rr’ from mmmmmmmmm+xxxx for length X’ssssssss’. User Response: Increase region size or if that is not sufficient, contact Compuware Technical Support. PTFPRNT01-I List of applied PTFs. Explanation: Severity: Informational message. Applied PTFs are listed to the right of the message text. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm323-W Unable to allocate one or more databases attached to the shared directory Explanation: While building the list of attached databases to be used, unable to allocate one (or more) of the databases. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: databases. Run a DIRX utility function on the shared directory, check the attached Pxmmmm324-S Total duplicate versions of this program may exceed shared directory buffer limit Explanation: The total number of duplicate programs (programs with the same name) exceeds the allocated buffer size used in the shared directory processing. Severity: The processing terminates. User Response: Delete older versions of the programs if no longer needed. Pxmmmm325-W Unable to complete the ALMAX/DUPMAX duplicate adjustment - utility VERIFY function recommended Explanation: While processing the existing duplicate programs (same program name) in the shared directory, one or more problems/errors occurred with a member action (delete/lock/unlock). Severity: The members in error are skipped and processing continues. 2-130 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Run the CSS VERIFY (or EXAMINE) utility function against the shared directory to identify potential problems. Contact Compuware Technical Support. Pxmmmm326-W Assembler program name longer than 8, truncated to 8 for classic DDIO - use shared directory for longname support Explanation: The newer assembler languages support CSECT names longer than 8 characters, but a classic DDIO file cannot handle them. Severity: Program name is truncated to 8 characters, processing continues. User Response: Create a source shared directory and database(s) to handle the full names longer than 8 characters. Pxmmmm327-I Language processor running zIIP enabled Explanation: The language processor is eligible to execute a portion of its processing on a zIIP processor. This is just an informational message. Severity: None. User Response: User Response: None required. Pxmmmm328-I zIIP time used CPU seconds, storage used xx MB Explanation: The amount of CPU time that was executed on a zIIP processor is reported, as well as the amount of memory used to buffer the file I/O. Severity: None. User Response: None required. Pxmmmm329-I zIIP processing is unavailable Explanation: During language processor initialization it was discovered that zIIP processing is not available. Severity: The job executes normally, but will not use any zIIP processors. User Response: If the intention is not to use zIIP processing, no response is required. If zIIP processing is desired, then check the following areas for reasons why zIIP processing was unavailable: "zIIP processing was deliberately disabled by the language processor ZIIP(NO) command in the EXEC PARM or CWPPRMO input dataset.” "zIIP processing was deliberately disabled by the specification of the CXZPIGNR DD statement in the language processor JCL stream.” "The zIIP Enablement Service is not started. Please consult with the CSS installer at your location.” Documentation Packaging Utility Condition Codes The Documentation Packaging Utility is a batch program used to gather DDIO members, load modules, Program Inventory members, and flat files. The Documentation Packaging Utility will create a dataset with JCL that can be used to transmit the information to Compuware Corporation via FTP or to put the information on a tape cartridge. During the execution of the Documentation Packaging Utility, circumstances may cause one of the following condition codes to be set. ADSSU300 0100 CALL NUMBER PREFIX IS AN INVALID LENGTH. Explanation: The call number prefix is either missing or is greater than 7 characters. User Response: Enter the call number that was supplied by the Compuware Technical Support representative. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 0105 2-131 CALL NUMBER SUFFIX IS AN INVALID LENGTH. Explanation: The call number suffix is either missing or is greater than 2 characters. User Response: Enter the call number that was supplied by the Compuware Technical Support representative. 0110 CLIENT NUMBER IS AN INVALID LENGTH. Explanation: The client number is either missing or is greater than 6 characters. User Response: Enter your client number that was supplied by the Compuware Technical Support representative. 0115 THE EXEC PARM VALUE IS AN INVALID LENGTH. Explanation: characters. User Response: The PARM value on the EXEC card is either missing or is greater than 22 Contact Compuware Technical Support. 0120 THE "D" RECORD IN THE COLLCTIN DATASET HAS SPACES FOR THE DATASET NAME FIELD. THE DATASET NAME IS REQUIRED. Explanation: User Response: The dataset name field of the “D” record in the COLLCTIN dataset is missing. Make the corrections and resubmit the job. 0125 THE "I" RECORD IN THE COLLCTIN DATASET HAS SPACES FOR THE MODULE NAME FIELD. THE MODULE NAME IS REQUIRED. Explanation: User Response: The module name field of the “I” record in the COLLCTIN dataset is missing. Make the corrections and resubmit the job. 0130 THE "I" RECORD IN THE COLLCTIN DATASET HAS SPACES FOR THE DATE FIELD. THE DATE FIELD IS REQUIRED. Explanation: User Response: The date field of the “I” record in the COLLCTIN dataset is missing. Make the corrections and resubmit the job. 0135 THE "I" RECORD IN THE COLLCTIN DATASET HAS SPACES FOR THE TIME FIELD. THE TIME FIELD IS REQUIRED. Explanation: User Response: The time field of the “I” record in the COLLCTIN dataset is missing. Make the corrections and resubmit the job. 0140 THE "L" RECORD IN THE COLLCTIN DATASET HAS SPACES FOR THE DATASET NAME FIELD. THE DATASET NAME IS REQUIRED. Explanation: User Response: The dataset name field of the “L” record in the COLLCTIN dataset is missing. Make the corrections and resubmit the job. 0145 THE "F" RECORD IN THE COLLCTIN DATASET HAS SPACES FOR THE DATASET NAME FIELD. THE DATASET NAME IS REQUIRED. Explanation: User Response: The dataset name field of the “F” record in the COLLCTIN dataset is missing. Make the corrections and resubmit the job. 0150 THE MISCFILE DD HAS AN INVALID FIRST RECORD. THE DATASET NAME PREFIX USED FOR DATASET NAME CREATION IS INVALID. Explanation: User Response: 0155 The dataset name prefix record of the MISCFILE dataset is invalid. Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON THE AUDITRPT DD. Explanation: User Response: An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. 2-132 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes 0160 BAD OPEN ON THE JCLOUT DD. Explanation: User Response: 0165 User Response: An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON THE COLLCTIN DD. Explanation: User Response: 0175 Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON THE MISCFILE DD. Explanation: 0170 An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON THE FTPIN DD. Explanation: User Response: An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. 0180 THE "I" RECORD IN THE COLLCTIN DATASET HAS SPACES FOR THE CSECT NAME FIELD. THE CSECT NAME IS REQUIRED. Explanation: User Response: The CSECT name field of the “I” record in the COLLCTIN dataset is missing. Make the corrections and resubmit the job. ADSSU30D 0300 BAD OPEN ON ABNLPARM DD. Explanation: User Response: 0305 An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON THE COLLCTIN DD. Explanation: User Response: An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. ADSSU30F 0200 DYNAMIC ALLOCATION OF THE SYSUT1 DD FAILED. Explanation: failed. User Response: 0205 An attempt to dynamically allocate the SYSUT1 DD for the IEBGENER step Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON THE COLLCTIN DD. Explanation: User Response: An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. ADSSU30I 0500 BAD OPEN ON CONTROL DD. Explanation: User Response: 0505 An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON THE COLLCTIN DD. Explanation: User Response: An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. Compuware Shared Services Error Messages 2-133 ADSSU30L 0400 AN OVERFLOW CONDITION OCCURRED ON THE COLLCTIN DD TABLE. Explanation: process. User Response: 0405 Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON THE COLLCTIN DD. Explanation: User Response: 0410 The end of an internal table has been reached, and there are more entries to An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. BAD OPEN ON SYSIN DD. Explanation: User Response: An I/O error occurred during the opening of the file. Contact Compuware Technical Support. 2-134 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes 3-1 Chapter 3. License Management System Messages and Codes Chap 3 This chapter explains the return codes and messages issued by the LMS components of ECC. License Management System error messages fall into various categories. Each category is defined by a unique prefix. For example, all messages concerning license certificate content begin with WLM; general License Management System messages begin with LM. Each subheading in this section contains information on one specific category of messages and codes. Compuware recommends that you enable automatic e-mail notification at your site to expedite resolution of your problems. Refer to the Appendix entitled “E-Mail Notification Facility” in the License Management System User Reference Guide for more information. Table 3-1 identifies the message category, the corresponding message prefix, the page on which the explanations can be found, and who to contact at Compuware should you need further assistance. Table 3-1. License Management System Message Categories Message Category Prefix Start Page Contact License Administration Utility Messages LMA, LMB, LMI, LMS, LM4, LM5,LM6, LM7, and WLM page 3-1 Technical Support or Worldwide LIcense Management Support Centralized Licensing Facility Server Messages LMZ page 3-100 Technical Support Centralized Licensing Facility User Interface Messages LS7, LS8 page 3-135 Technical Support Within each category, there are different types of messages. Each message type has a unique suffix: A action required E user errors S severe errors I informational messages W warning messages The License Management return and reason code values are listed beginning on page 3-167. If you have any questions regarding these values, contact Compuware Technical Support. License Administration Utility Messages LMA001E CWLFPRNT DD OPEN FAILURE Severity: Error 3-2 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: This usually means that the CWLFPRNT DD statement is missing. System Action: Program terminates. User Response: Supply a sysout DD statement for CWLFPRNT. LMA002S CSVAPF MACRO CALL FAILURE Severity: Severe Explanation: A call to the CSVAPF macro has failed. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate with ABEND U3500 and the reason code returned by the CSVAPF macro. User Response: Refer to IBM CSVAPF macro for an explanation of reason codes. LMA003E PARM= CONTAINS AN INVALID VALUE Severity: Error Explanation: A PARM= value is invalid. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Refer to documentation for valid syntax for PARM= for the issuing program. LMA004E @@ DD OPEN FAILURE Severity: Error Explanation: This usually means that the DD statement is missing. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Supply a DD statement for the missing DD. LMA005E SVC99 ERROR. ERR=@@ INFO=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An SVC99 call returned an unacceptable return code. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: These codes are documented in the IBM manual "Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide." If you can, correct the problem and run the LAU. If you cannot identify and/or correct this allocation error, contact Compuware customer support. LMA006E LICENSE FILE DATASET IS NOT VSAM Severity: Error Explanation: The DD of the License File does not refer to a VSAM dataset. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Change the JCL so that the DD Name CWLF0000 specifies your VSAM license file. Re-execute the LAU. LMA007S BAD PARAMETER LIST CALL TO @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The program named received an invalid parameter list. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact Compuware Corporation Product Support. LMA008S AN MVS SERVICE FAILED IN @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The program named received an error when invoking an MVS service. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Refer to MVS documentation and correct the problem. Contact Compuware customer support, if necessary. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-3 LMA009E VSAM ERROR OCCURRED @@, @@, @@, @@, @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A VSAM error was detected. Return Code, Reason Code, RPL feedback, RPL function, and ACB error codes are listed after message text. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Correct the problem; contact Compuware customer support. LMA010S AN INTERNAL ERROR HAS OCCURRED, SEE REASON CODE @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An internal error has occurred. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact Compuware Corporation customer support and provide listed reason code to representative. LMA029E LMAPARS ERROR RC=@@, RS=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An internal error has occurred. LMAPARS returned a serious error code. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Record all error messages issued and contact Compuware customer support. LMA030E GTFID IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The GTF ID must be in the range 0-1023. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Supply a GTF ID that is within the valid range. LMA031E GTF ERROR HAS OCCURRED RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A call to GTRACE has returned a non-zero return code. System Action: The program continues processing. User Response: Refer to GTRACE macro to determine cause of error. LMA032E LMCWLLIB DD OPEN FAILURE Severity: Error Explanation: This usually means that the LMCWLLIB DD statement is missing. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Supply LMCWLLIB DD statement. LMA033E ISPF @@ SERVICE FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An ISPF service has presented a return code of 8 or higher. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Investigate the meaning of the specific return code in relation to the named ISPF service and attempt to resolve the problem. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact Compuware Technical Support. LMA034E DUPLICATE ENTRY Severity: Error Explanation: The License File DSN entered already exists in the table. System Action: The program issuing this message continues. 3-4 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Enter a different DSN. LMA037E LICENSE FILE CONTAINS NO LICENSE CERTIFICATES Severity: Error Explanation: The License File contains no License Certificates; current function is invalid. System Action: The function terminates. User Response: This function is invalid when the License File does not contain at least one License Certificate. Select a License File containing data or do not perform this function. LMA042E SVC99 ERROR. ERR=@@ INFO=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: DD CWLFLOAD must be allocated to the License Management load library. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: These codes are documented in the IBM manual "Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide." If you can, correct the problem and run the LAU. If you cannot identify and/or correct this allocation error, contact Compuware customer support. LMA043E SVC99 ERROR. ERR=@@ INFO=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: DD CWLFIMP could not be allocated to the supplied Import DSN. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: These codes are documented in the IBM manual "Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide." If you can, correct the problem and run the LAU. If you cannot identify and/or correct this allocation error, contact Compuware customer support. LMA045E SECURITY PREVENTED ACCESS TO FUNCTION @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Security prevented you from accessing this function. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact your Security Administrator for authorization. LMA051E DUPLICATE RECORD. FILE PROBABLY NOT EMPTY Severity: Error Explanation: RESTORE received a DUPLICATE key return from VSAM. The VSAM file must be redefined prior to running RESTORE. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: License File. Verify desired License File has been specified. If so, redefine the VSAM LMA052E @@ IS NOT A KNOWN OPTION Severity: Error Explanation: User has entered an invalid option. System Action: The program issuing this message continues. User Response: Enter a valid option. LMA053E @@ TOKEN IS MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: The named keyword is missing from the License Certificate. System Action: The program issuing this message continues with editing but the certificate will not be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact Compuware customer support. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-5 LMA067E LICENSE FILE ALREADY OPEN FOR UPDATE BY ANOTHER USER Severity: Error Explanation: The License File is already OPEN for UPDATE by another user. System Action: An ISPF a message is displayed. Batch program waits 30 seconds and tries again. It repeats the 30-second wait for up to 5 minutes and then terminates. User Response: Wait for other user to complete update and try again. LMA069E LICENSE FILE HAS FAILED A HEALTH CHECK Severity: Error Explanation: IMPORT processing detected AUTH code failures in the License File. The License File will NOT be updated. System Action: The program continues processing. User Response: Contact Compuware customer support to obtain a correct License Certificate File. LMA071S BAD PARAMETER LIST CALL TO @@ RSN=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The program named received an invalid parameter list. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Contact Compuware customer support. LMA081S AN MVS SERVICE FAILED IN @@ RSN=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The program named received an error when invoking an MVS service. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Refer to MVS documentation and correct the problem; contact Compuware customer support, if necessary. LMA099E REASON=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The previous message describes the error that has the reason code returned to the caller that is displayed here. System Action: The program issuing this message will terminate. User Response: Correct the error causing this message or call Compuware customer support. LMA100I LICENSE FILE IN USE, TRY AGAIN LATER Severity: Informational Explanation: Another user or program is using the license file. System Action: The program continues processing. User Response: Select another file, or wait until the file is free. LMA102E AT LEAST ONE SMF DATA SET MUST BE SPECIFIED Severity: Error Explanation: User did not specify at least one SMF Data Set. System Action: The program continues processing. User Response: Specify at least one SMF Data Set. LMA103E AT LEAST ONE LMS REPORT MUST BE SELECTED Severity: Error Explanation: User did not select at least one LMS report. 3-6 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The program continues processing. User Response: Specify at least one LMS report. LMA104I CHANGES TO THE LICENSE FILE WILL NOT TAKE EFFECT UNTIL LMSINIT HAS BEEN EXECUTED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMSINIT must executed before changes to the License File will become active. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB001E EXECUTION ENDED DUE TO PREVIOUS ERROR(S) Severity: Error Explanation: Previously, errors have been identified in the SYSPRINT listing. These errors cause LMBMAINT execution to end. System Action: LMBMAINT ends with a non-zero return code. User Response: Correct the errors previously reported and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB002E NO RECORDS FOUND IN SYSIN DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: The SYSIN data set either contains no records or all of the records on the data set are either blank or are comments. System Action: LMBMAINT ends with Return Code 4. User Response: Insert valid records into the SYSIN data set and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB003E STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR FILE QUEUE. RC=@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The STORAGE OBTAIN macro completed with a non-zero return code when LMBMAINT was attempting to obtain storage for the cached file queue. The Return and Reason codes from STORAGE OBTAIN are shown. System Action: LMBMAINT ends with a Return Code of 8. User Response: Increase the value specified on the REGION= operand of the EXEC statement for LMBMAINT, and re-execute. LMB004E DDNAME<> MISSING FROM SYSIN DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: The first parameter (other than comments) in the SYSIN data set must be a DDNAME<> operand, and it is not. System Action: LMBMAINT ends with Return Code 8. User Response: Edit the SYSIN data set and add a DDNAME<> operand. LMB005E STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR SYSIN QUEUE. RC=@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The STORAGE OBTAIN macro completed with a non-zero return code when LMBMAINT was attempting to obtain storage for the cached SYSIN queue. The Return and Reason codes from STORAGE OBTAIN are shown. System Action: LMBMAINT ends with Return Code 8. User Response: Increase the value specified on the REGION= operand of the EXEC statement for LMBMAINT, and re-execute. LMB006E OPENING "<" MISSING FROM CURRENT OPERAND Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-7 Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that there is no "<" sign following the name. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB007E OPERAND NAME MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file record that should contain an operand name, but does not. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB008E CLOSING ">" MISSING FROM CURRENT OPERAND Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that there is no ">" sign following the operand value. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB009E DDNAME<> VALUE IS MISSING OR IS TOO LONG Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that either no value has been specified for DDNAME, or the value specified is longer than eight bytes. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB010E DDNAME<> FIRST CHARACTER NOT VALID FOR A DDNAME Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the first character specified in the DDNAME value is not uppercase ALPHABETIC (A-Z) and not "@", "#" or "$". System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB011E DDNAME<> CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS FOR A DDNAME Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that one of the characters specified in the DDNAME value is not uppercase ALPHABETIC (A-Z) and not NUMERIC (0-9) and not "@", "#" or "$". System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB012E DSNAME<> VALUE IS MISSING OR IS TOO LONG Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that either no value has been specified for DSNAME, or the value specified is longer than 8 bytes. 3-8 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB013E DSNAME<> FIRST CHARACTER NOT VALID FOR A DSNAME Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the first character specified in the DSNAME value is not uppercase ALPHABETIC (A-Z) and not "@", "#" or "$". System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB014E DSNAME<> CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS FOR A DSNAME Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that one of the characters specified in the DSNAME value is not uppercase ALPHABETIC (A-Z) and not NUMERIC (0-9) and not "@", "#" "$" or ".". System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB015E SECURITY_DSN<> VALUE IS TOO LONG Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the value specified for SECURITY_DSN is longer than 44 characters. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB016E SECURITY_DSN<> FIRST CHARACTER NOT VALID FOR A DSNAME Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the first character specified in the SECURITY_DSN value is not uppercase ALPHABETIC (A-Z) and not "@", "#" or "$". System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB017E SECURITY_DSN<> CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS FOR A DSNAME Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid, and indicates that one of the characters specified in the SECURITY_DSN value is not uppercase ALPHABETIC (A-Z) and not NUMERIC (0-9) and not "@", "#", "$" or ".". System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB018E SMF_LOGGING<> VALUE IS INCORRECT LENGTH Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the value specified for SMF_LOGGING is not omitted (e.g. SMF_LOGGING<>), or it is not exactly one character long (e.g. SMF_LOGGING) License Management System Messages and Codes 3-9 System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB019E SMF_LOGGING<> VALUE IS NOT "Y" OR "N" Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the value specified for SMF_LOGGING is neither the character "Y" or "N". System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB020E SITE_ID<> VALUE IS NOT THREE DIGITS LONG Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the value specified for SITE_ID is not exactly three numeric digits long. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB021E SITE_ID<> CONTAINS NON NUMERIC CHARACTERS Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that one or more of the digits specified in the SITE_ID value is not NUMERIC (0-9). System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB022E EMERGENCY<> VALUE IS NOT EIGHT CHARACTERS LONG Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the value specified for EMERGENCY is not exactly eight characters long. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB023E EMERGENCY<> CONTAINS INVALID HEXADECIMAL DIGITS Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that one of the characters specified in the EMERGENCY value is not NUMERIC (0-9) and not UPPERCASE ALPHABETIC (A-F). System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB024E DISASTER<> VALUE IS NOT ONE CHARACTER LONG Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the value specified for DISASTER is not exactly one character long. 3-10 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB025E DISASTER<> VALUE IS NOT "Y" Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the value specified for DISASTER is something other than the character "Y". No other value is valid. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB026E PRODUCT_SNAME<> VALUE IS MISSING OR IS TOO LONG Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that either no value has been specified for PRODUCT_SNAME or that the value specified is longer than eight bytes. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB027E VER<> VALUE IS NOT FIVE CHARACTERS LONG Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the value specified for VER is not exactly five characters long. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB028E VER<> CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that one or more of the digits specified in the VER value is not NUMERIC (0-9) and not "." System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB029E INVALID OPERAND NAME Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written immediately following the SYSIN file operand that is invalid and indicates that the name specified (just in front of an opening "<", is not one of the valid names). System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB030E INVALID ACTIVITY QUEUE ENTRY NAME Severity: Error Explanation: This serious problem indicates a program execution error within LMBMAINT. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Refer this problem to Compuware customer support. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-11 LMB031E @@ @@<> IS NOT VALID BEFORE DDNAME<> Severity: Error Explanation: This error is displayed at the end of the SYSPRINT list and contains two variable parts. The first is the sequence number of the SYSIN line in error, and the second is the operand name itself. This error indicates that the specified name is invalid when specified before the DDNAME<> operand in the SYSIN file. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB032E @@ @@<> IS NOT VALID BEFORE SITE<> Severity: Error Explanation: This error is displayed at the end of the SYSPRINT list and contains two variable parts. The first is the sequence number of the SYSIN line in error, and the second is the operand name itself. This error indicates that the specified name is invalid when specified before the SITE<> operand in the SYSIN file. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB033E @@ @@<> IS NOT VALID BEFORE SITE<> Severity: Error Explanation: This error is displayed at the end of the SYSPRINT list and contains two variable parts. The first is the sequence number of the SYSIN line in error, and the second is the operand name itself. This error indicates that the specified name is invalid when specified before the SITE<> operand in the SYSIN file. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB034E @@ @@<> IS NOT VALID BETWEEN SITE<> AND PRODUCT<> Severity: Error Explanation: This error is displayed at the end of the SYSPRINT list and contains two variable parts. The first is the sequence number of the SYSIN line in error, and the second is the operand name itself. This error indicates that the specified name is invalid when specified between the SITE<> and the PRODUCT<> operands in the SYSIN file. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB035E @@ @@<> IS NOT VALID BETWEEN PRODUCT<> AND VER<> Severity: Error Explanation: This error is displayed at the end of the SYSPRINT list and contains two variable parts. The first is the sequence number of the SYSIN line in error, and the second is the operand name itself. This error indicates that the specified name is invalid when specified between the PRODUCT<> and the VER<> operands in the SYSIN file. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB036E @@ @@<> IS NOT VALID FOLLOWING PRODUCT<> AND VER<> Severity: Error Explanation: This error is displayed at the end of the SYSPRINT list and contains two variable parts. The first is the sequence number of the SYSIN line in error, and the second is the operand name itself. This error indicates that the specified name is invalid when specified after a PRODUCT<> and VER<> operand in the SYSIN file. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Correct the operand in error, and re-execute LMBMAINT. 3-12 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LMB037E UNEXPECTED OPERAND NAME AND CURRENT STATE Severity: Error Explanation: This serious problem indicates a program execution error within LMBMAINT. System Action: LMBMAINT ends immediately with Return Code 8 User Response: Refer this problem to Compuware customer support. LMB038E UNABLE TO OBTAIN LICENSE FILE STATUS. RC=@@/@@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from a call to module LMSDMAIN/LMSDSV99, which requested that information concerning a license file that was allocated via a DD statement be returned. The variable information in this message contains the following: Register 15 from LMSDMAIN; RBERROR; RBINFO; WTO Return Code; SMS Return Code System Action: LMBMAINT ends immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Refer this problem to Compuware customer support. LMB039E FILE ALLOCATION ERROR - RC=@@/@@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from a call to module LMSDMAIN/LMSDSV99 requesting that a license file be allocated by LMBMAINT. The variable information in this message contains the following: Register 15 from LMSDMAIN; RBERROR; RBINFO; WTO Return Code; SMS Return Code. The most likely cause of this problem is that the license file named in the DSNAME<> operand does not exist. System Action: LMBMAINT ends immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: LMBMAINT. Correct the license file name, or define the license file, and re-execute LMB040E UNABLE TO OPEN LICENSE FILE. RC=@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from a call to module LMALFAC requesting that a license file be opened. The variable information in this message contains the following: Return Code, Reason Code, SVC99 Error Code, SVC99 Info Code, VSAM Return Code, VSAM Reason Code, VSAM Feedback Code, ACB Error Code. The most likely cause of this problem is that the data set specified either with a DD statement, or with a DSNAME<> operand is not a valid VSAM license file, or is not a valid REPRO of a VSAM license file. System Action: LMBMAINT ends immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: LMBMAINT. Correct the license file name, or define the license file, and re-execute LMB041E UNABLE TO CLOSE LICENSE FILE. RC=@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from a call to module LMALFAC requesting that a license file be closed. The variable information in this message contains the following: Return Code, Reason Code, SVC99 Error Code, SVC99 Info Code, VSAM Return Code, VSAM Reason Code, VSAM Feedback Code, ACB Error Code. Since the license file had previously been opened by LMBMAINT, this failure to close it probably indicates that the file has been deleted from an external OS/390 image. System Action: LMBMAINT ends immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Recreate the original license file, and re-execute LMBMAINT. Do not alter the data set while LMBMAINT is executing. LMB042E UNABLE TO DEALLOCATE LICENSE FILE. RC=@@/@@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from a call to module LMSDMAIN/LMSDSV99 requesting that a license file be de-allocated by LMBMAINT. The License Management System Messages and Codes 3-13 variable information in the message contains the following: Register 15 from LMSDMAIN, RBERROR, RBINFO, WTO Return Code, SMS Return Code. Since the license file had previously been allocated by LMBMAINT, this failure to de-allocate it probably indicates that the file has been deleted from an external OS/390 image. System Action: LMBMAINT ends immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Recreate the original license file, and re-execute LMBMAINT. Do not alter the data set while LMBMAINT is executing. LMB043E UNABLE TO RELEASE DYNAMICALLY OBTAINED STORAGE. RC=@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from an invocation of a STORAGE RELEASE macro which requested that program storage be released. The variable information in this message contains the following: Return Code, Reason Code. System Action: LMBMAINT ends immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Refer this problem to Compuware customer support. LMB044E EMERGENCY PASSWORD VALUE IS NOT CORRECT Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from an invocation of module LMSEMERP which indicates that the emergency password that was supplied cannot be decoded, meaning it is not a valid password. System Action: Execution continues in order to diagnose any further errors, but LMBMAINT will terminate following the syntax check process. User Response: Correct the emergency password, which might entail calling Compuware to obtain a valid one, and re-execute LMSINIT. LMB045I ALLOCATING @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT is attempting to allocate the license file using the DDNAME and DSNAME shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB046I @@ ALLOCATED WITH DSORG = @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT has successfully allocated the license file shown in the message, and its data set organization is VS (for VSAM) or PS (for sequential). System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB047I OPENING @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT is attempting to open the license file using the DDNAME and DSNAME shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB048I @@ OPEN Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT has successfully opened the license file shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. 3-14 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None. LMB049I CLOSING @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT is attempting to close the license file using the DDNAME and DSNAME shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB050I @@ CLOSED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT has successfully closed the license file shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB051I DEALLOCATING @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT is attempting to deallocate the license file using the DDNAME and DSNAME shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB052I @@ DEALLOCATED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT has successfully deallocated the license file shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB053E LICENSE FILE READ ERROR. RC=@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from a call to module LMALFAC requesting that a license file be read. The variable information in this message contains the following: Return Code, Reason Code, SVC99 Error Code, SVC99 Info Code, VSAM Return Code, VSAM Reason Code, VSAM Feedback Code, ACB Error Code. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Report this problem to Compuware customer support. LMB054E LICENSE FILE UPDATE ERROR. RC=@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from a call to module LMALFAC requesting that a license file be updated. The variable information in this message contains the following: Return Code, Reason Code, SVC99 Error Code, SVC99 Info Code, VSAM Return Code, VSAM Reason Code, VSAM Feedback Code, ACB Error Code. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates immediately with Return Code 8. User Response: Report this problem to Compuware customer support. LMB055I @@ OLD @@ = @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message showing the name and value of a field on the license file before update. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 3-15 LMB056I @@ NEW @@ = @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message showing the name and value of a field on the license file after update. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB057E NO CUSTOMER RECORD FOUND ON LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: LMBMAINT has attempted to update a customer record on a license file but has found that one does not exist on the file. System Action: Processing of the current license file ends. User Response: Insure that a valid certificate has been imported into the license file, and reexecute LMBMAINT. LMB058E SITE @@ DOES NOT EXIST ON LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: LMBMAINT has attempted to update a customer record on a license file but has found that the SITE_ID value specified on the SYSIN parameters is not represented on the license file. System Action: Processing of the current license file ends. User Response: Correct the SITE_ID parameter and re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB059E SITE @@ PRODUCT @@ VERSION @@ DOES NOT EXIST ON FILE Severity: Error Explanation: LMBMAINT has attempted to update a product record on a license file but has found that the SITE_ID PRODUCT_SNAME and VER values specified on the SYSIN parameters are not represented on the license file. System Action: Processing of the current license file ends. User Response: Correct the SYSIN parameter an re-execute LMBMAINT. LMB060I @@ = @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message specifies CUST for customer, SITE for site, or PROD for product/version, and names each of these. Messages following LMB060 describe what action has occurred to each of these file entities. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB061E DISASTER MODE ALREADY SET. DISASTER IS IGNORED Severity: Error Explanation: LMBMAINT issues this message when it attempts to update the current license file site record with a disaster indicator. The file already has disaster set, and you cannot apply disaster more than once to a file. System Action: The update continues as if DISASTER had not been specified in the LMBMAINT parameters. User Response: disaster set. You must restore your license file from a copy that does not already have 3-16 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LMB062I LMBMAINT ENDED. HIGHEST RETURN CODE WAS @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMBMAINT has finished and indicates the highest return code encountered during its execution. System Action: LMBMAINT terminates. User Response: None. LMB063I @@ NEW @@ = @@ UNTIL @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message showing the name and value of the disaster or emergency field on the license file after update, and it shows the date on which the disaster or the emergency will expire. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB064I @@ OLD @@ = @@ UNTIL @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message showing the name and value of the disaster or emergency field on the license file before update, and it shows the date on which the disaster or the emergency would have expired. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB065I IF LMBMAINT WITH MODE=UPDATE FOLLOWS, IT WILL EXECUTE Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message indicating that if the current LMBMAINT step is followed by one that specifies "MODE=UPDATE", this subsequent step will execute. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB066I IF LMBMAINT WITH MODE=UPDATE FOLLOWS, IT WILL NOT EXECUTE Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message indicating that if the current LMBMAINT step is followed by one that specifies "MODE=UPDATE", this subsequent step will not execute. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB100I DISASTER RECOVERY PROCESSING HAS STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message indicating that that the program LMBDISTR has begun execution. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB101I DISASTER RECOVERY PROCESSING HAS ENDED Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message indicating that that the program LMBDISTR has ended execution. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-17 LMB102I DISASTER RECOVERY SET FOR SITE @@ THROUGH @@ @@,@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message indicating that that the program LMBDISTR has set disaster recovery execution on for the site number shown until the date shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMB103I DISASTER RECOVERY ALREADY SET FOR SITE @@ THROUGH @@ @@,@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational message indicating that that the program LMBDISTR has determined that disaster recovery has already been set the site number shown and will continue until the date shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMI001E LMSINIT IS PENDING COMPLETION OF DEFAULT CHECK PROCESSING Severity: Error Explanation: 15 seconds have elapsed and LMSINIT remains within the routine that performs all default checking. LMSINIT may be looping or waiting on an event that will not occur. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If this problem continues, cancel LMSINIT with a dump and notify your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LMI002E LMSINIT IS PENDING COMPLETION OF RACROUTE PROCESSING Severity: Error Explanation: 15 seconds have elapsed and LMSINIT remains within the routine that invokes RACROUTE to determine access levels available for processing. LMSINIT may be looping or waiting on an event that will not occur. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If this problem continues, cancel LMSINIT with a dump and notify your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LMI003E LMSINIT IS PENDING COMPLETION OF SRB PROCESSING Severity: Error Explanation: 15 seconds have elapsed and LMSINIT remains within the routine that schedules an SRB in the Master Address Space. LMSINIT may be looping or waiting on an event that will not occur. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If this problem continues, cancel LMSINIT with a dump and notify your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LMI004E LMSINIT IS PENDING COMPLETION OF LICENSE FILE PROCESSING Severity: Error Explanation: 15 seconds have elapsed and LMSINIT remains within the routine that reads the license files. LMSINIT may be looping or waiting on an event that will not occur. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If this problem continues, cancel LMSINIT with a dump and notify your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LMI005E LMSINIT IS ENGAGED IN AN ENQ CONFLICT Severity: Error 3-18 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: This message follows the message indicating that LMSINIT has stopped productive activity. The reason for the stoppage is an ENQ conflict. Message LMI006, which follows, indicates which resource is causing the conflict. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If this problem persists, cancel LMSINIT with a dump and notify your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Corporation customer support. LMI006E WAITING FOR @@/@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message follows message LMI005 and indicates the QNAME and RNAME for which LMSINIT is waiting. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If this problem continues, cancel LMSINIT with a dump and notify your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LMI007E PARM= VALUE ON LMSINIT EXEC STMT MAY BE INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console. It indicates that the PARM= operand on the execute statement used to execute LMSINIT may have specified a 2-character language code for which no message module exists. System Action: LMSINIT terminates with User ABEND 100. User Response: Correct the PARM= operand to be: PARM="LANGUAGE=XX", with whichever language is appropriate, and resubmit LMSINIT. Or, if you prefer, omit the PARM= operand entirely. The default language is English (i.e. PARM="LANGUAGE=EN"). LMI008E PRIVATE AREA STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR LMSINIT-LMI Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console. It indicates that a STORAGE OBTAIN macro has completed with a non-zero return code, indicating that private area storage is exhausted. System Action: LMSINIT terminates with User ABEND 100. User Response: Increase the value specified on the REGION= operand of the JOB and EXEC statements used to invoke LMSINIT and retry the job. LMI009E UNABLE TO OPEN SYSPRINT DCB - DD MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console. It indicates that an OPEN macro against the SYSPRINT DCB did not complete successfully. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Insure that a //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* statement exists within the step that executes LMSINIT and retry the job. LMI010E UNABLE TO ESTABLISH ESTAEX ENVIRONMENT Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console, and indicates that an ESTAEX macro has completed with a non-zero return code. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to Compuware customer support. LMI011E AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED DURING BLDL OR LOAD OF LMS MODULES Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console, and indicates that a LOAD macro has completed with a non-zero return code. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: 3-19 LMSINIT displays additional messages that describe the error more fully. User Response: See the additional messages for a complete description of the error and for suggestions on how to fix the problem. LMI012E PRIVATE AREA STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR LMS MODULE Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console and indicates that a STORAGE OBTAIN macro has completed with a non-zero return code. System Action: LMSINIT displays additional messages that describe the error more fully. User Response: Increase the value specified on the REGION= operand of the JOB and EXEC statements used to invoke LMSINIT, and retry the job. LMI013E MODULE = XXXXXXXX R15 = XXXXXXXX R1 = XXXXXXXX Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console and gives further explanation after message LMI011 has been issued. The name of the module causing the error is given, along with the contents of register 15 and register 1 at the completion of the LOAD macro. System Action: LMSINIT displays additional messages that describe the error more fully. User Response: Insure that the module named in this message exists in 1) The authorized load library named in the //STEPLIB DD for LMSINIT, or 2) In an authorized library that is named in the LNKLSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB if no //STEPLIB is used for LMSINIT. LMI014E COMMON AREA STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR LMS MODULE Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console and indicates that a STORAGE OBTAIN macro has completed with a non-zero return code. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The REGION= operand on the JOB and/or EXEC statements do not affect the amount of CSA storage available. Refer this problem to your system support staff or to Compuware customer support. LMI015E UNABLE TO ESTABLISH STIMERM ENVIRONMENT Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console and indicates that a STIMERM macro has completed with a non-zero return code. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to Compuware customer support. LMI016E UNABLE TO ATTACH LMSIMAIN Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written only to the system console and indicates that an ATTACH macro for module LMSIMAIN has completed with a non-zero return code. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to Compuware customer support. LMI017E LMSINIT IS PENDING COMPLETION OF CHECKPOINT FILE UPDATE Severity: Error Explanation: 15 seconds have elapsed and LMSINIT remains within the routine that updates the checkpoint file. LMSINIT may be looping or waiting on an event that will not occur. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If this problem continues, cancel LMSINIT with a dump and notify your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. 3-20 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LMP001E UNABLE TO DETERMINE LMSPREP EXECUTION DATASET Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSPREP exec must be executed from the SLMSCNTL distribution data set. System Action: LMSPREP is terminated. User Response: Execute LMSPREP directly from the SLMSCNTL data set. LMP002E LMSPREP EXEC INVOKED FROM SYSPROC Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSPREP exec was executed from a data set residing in the SYSPROC concatenation. System Action: LMSPREP is terminated. User Response: Execute LMSPREP directly from the SLMSCNTL data set. LMP003E LMSPREP MUST BE EXECUTED IN AN ISPF ENVIRONMENT Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSPREP exec requires ISPF services and therefore must be executed in the ISPF environment. It can not be executed from the TSO READY prompt. System Action: LMSPREP is terminated. User Response: Execute LMSPREP from within the ISPF environment. LMP004E ISPF @@ SERVICE ERROR RC=@@ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The named ISPF service returned a non-zero return code. System Action: LMSPREP is terminated. User Response: Use the service name and return code from the message inconjunction with the IBM ISPF documentation to determine if the error was caused by a situation that you can correct. If you are unable to make the determination or if the situation is not under your control, please contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. LMP100I @@(@@) SUCCESSFULLY TAILORED Severity: Informational Explanation: The named member has been successfully customized for use at your location. System Action: LMSPREP continues. User Response: None. LMR001E INVALID SMF ID NUMBER ENTERED Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that an SMF ID number has been added on the ROIMAINT panel, but that number does not conform the the requirements. This number must be a numeric value between 129 and 255. Any other values are illegal and are not allowed. System Action: The entry is ignored. User Response: Enter a valid SMF ID number and reenter request. LMR002E MULTIPLE SELECTION INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the user entered an "S" into both the SELECT ALL and SELECT NONE fields on the ROIMAINT panel. Only one of these, but not both may be selected. System Action: The entry is ignored. User Response: Select either ALL or NONE, but not both and reenter request. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-21 LMR003E LMS SUBSYSTEM NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the LMS subsytem that was entered on the ROIMAINT panel is not currently active. System Action: The entry is ignored. User Response: Either enter the name of an active LMS subsystem, or run LMSINIT to activate the one named. LMR004E ROI PTFS NOT CORRECTLY INSTALLED Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that LMS 2.0 is active, but the PTFs required to enable ROI processing have not been correctly installed. Perhaps the load modules were not copied from the SMP/E libraries to the target libraries, or perhaps LMSINIT has not been run since this copy was done. System Action: The entry is ignored. User Response: Review the application of the ROI PTFs and insure that all steps have been accomplished successfully. LMR005E SUBSYSTEM ALLOCATION FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the attempt to invoke the LMS subsystem for ROI processing has failed. All return, reason and information codes are shown in this message. System Action: The entry is ignored. User Response: resolution. Contact the Compuware support staff with this message and all codes for LMR006E NO SMF ID NUMBER SPECIFIED Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the LMSINIT parameters did not specify an SMF ID number, and none has been entered on the ROIMAINT panel. A value must have been supplied from one of these sources. System Action: The entry is ignored. User Response: request. Enter a valid SMF ID number on the ROIMAINT panel and reenter the LMR007E SMF RECORDING IS NOT ACTIVE Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that your z/OS system has been configured such that no SMF recording is taking place. This is a valid execution environment, but one that does not support ROI capture. System Action: The entry is ignored. User Response: Contact your systems programming staff and determine if SMF recording can be activated on this system. LMR008E SMF IS NOT RECORDING ID NUMBER Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that your z/OS system has been configured such that the SMF ID number you have chosen for ROI data is not allowed. System Action: The entry is ignored. User Response: Contact your systems programming staff and have the number you have chosen added to the SYS/TYPE subparameter of the SMFPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. Or you could choose a different number, one that is already allowed in the SMFPRMxx member. 3-22 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LMS001E COMPUWARE LICENSE MANAGEMENT NOT AVAILABLE ON @@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message is displayed as the first of two messages (the second of which describes the error in detail). In this message, @@ is replaced by the value in the CVTSNAME field of the CVT, which is the name of the MVS system on which the error occurred. System Action: The second of the two messages is displayed. User Response: Wait for the second message, and take action based upon that message. LMS002E DDNAME CWAASSSS ALLOCATED BUT SUBSYSTEM @@ NOT ACTIVE Severity: Error Explanation: The JCL for the program (or the LOGON PROC for the TSO user) contained a //CWaassss DD DUMMY statement, which identified the application by "aa" and the subsystem by "ssss" which were to be used in the license checkout processing. The subsystem identified by ssss is not active on the MVS system. System Action: code of 33. The LMCHKOUT call is terminated with a return code of 12 and a reason User Response: The inclusion of the //CWaassss DD DUMMY may have been in error, and the correction is to delete this JCL statement. If not, then subsystem ssss must be started by executing LMSINIT that defines a subsystem named ssss. LMS003E NO LICENSE MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM IS ACTIVE Severity: Error Explanation: An LMCHKOUT call was made from a job or from a TSO user at a time before LMSINIT had ever executed on the MVS system, and because LMSINIT had not been run, no License Management Subsystem was active. System Action: code of 34. The LMCHKOUT call is terminated with a return code of 12 and a reason User Response: Guide. Execute LMSINIT, as instructed in the License Management Installation LMS004E LICENSE MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEMS ARE BACK LEVEL Severity: Error Explanation: Although LMCHKOUT processing found one or more License Management Subsystems active on the MVS, none was appropriate to handle the license check-out call, because all of them were at a version/release level that was lower than the lowest valid release that could be used to process this license check-out. System Action: The LMCHKOUT call is terminated with a return code of 12 and a reason code of 35, 36 or 37. User Response: The most probable cause for this condition, is that a new release of License Management software is available for installation, but has not been installed. Whenever a new version/release of LMSSTUB is created, a corresponding version/release of the remainder of the License Management system is created and shipped to the customer as well. Much of the time, there is no compatibility issue, but in this case LMSSTUB is requesting a function that is not available in the version/release of the License Management system which is installed. Install the newest release of License Management, and re-execute LMSINIT. LMS005E LICENSE MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEMS @@ IS NO LONGER ACTIVE Severity: Error Explanation: LMCHKOUT processing found an appropriate License Management Subsystem for the current call, validation of the storage indicated to contain an active License Management Global area, it was discovered that this area did not contain a valid LMG. System Action: code of 37. The LMCHKOUT call is terminated with a return code of 12 and a reason User Response: The most probable cause for this condition, is that LMSINIT was executed naming this Subsystem while Compuware products were active on the system, and due to timing, an LMCHKOUT call was made at the same time that the named subsystem was in the License Management System Messages and Codes 3-23 process of being deleted. This is not a serious error if it does not continue, in which case a program error may be the cause. If the condition does not persist, and if LMSINIT was executing at the time of this error, there is no reason for concern, nor is there any action to be taken. If this problem persists, contact the Compuware security support staff. LM4001E LM SMF RECORD TYPE @@ NOT WRITTEN. RETURN CODE=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: License Management has attempted to write an SMF record of the type shown in this message. The MVS SMF routines have returned a non-zero status code, which is also shown. System Action: SMF processing is disabled until LMSINIT is re-executed. User Response: Determine the exact cause of the error by using the return code shown. This code can be found in the IBM publication, System Management Facilities, within the discussion of the SMFewtm macro. When the error has been corrected, re-execute LMSINIT, specifying the "UPDATE" function. This will cause the License Management system to attempt to write SMF records again. LM5001E SUBSYSTEM @@ IS ALREADY DEFINED ON SYSTEM @@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message during processing of a "CREATE" request if it determines that the subsystem name specified already exists on the MVS system. The name of the subsystem and the name of the MVS system are shown in this message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: If the subsystem name was specified incorrectly, correct the error and reexecute LMSINIT. If the subsystem name was correct, then change the function from "CREATE" to "UPDATE" and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5002E SUBSYSTEM @@ IS NOT DEFINED ON SYSTEM @@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message during processing of a "DELETE" request if it determines that the subsystem name specified does not exist on the MVS system. The name of the subsystem and the name of the MVS system are shown in this message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the subsystem name and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5003I HIGHEST RETURN CODE WAS @@ AND REASON CODE WAS @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message following any other normal or abnormal messages concerning its execution. The value of the highest return code encountered is displayed. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: If the value shown is 0, LMSINIT has executed normally. If the value shown is not 0, a previous message will explain the exact cause of the problem. Corrective action should be taken based upon the content of the previous message. LM5004E MODULE @@ NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during its execution, it determines that the named module cannot be found. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Insure that the data sets specified in the LMSINIT STEPLIB DD are the correct ones, and that, between them, they contain all of the required authorized modules. 3-24 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LM5005E MODULE @@ IS AT AN INCORRECT VERSION LEVEL Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when during its execution, it determines that the named module has been found, but this module is not at the same release level as LMSINIT. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: It is most likely that the data set pointed to by the STEPLIB is not the correct one. Insure that this data set contains all of the modules received from Compuware for the current release of the License Management system. If the STEPLIB data set is incorrect, specify the correct data set name and re-execute LMSINIT. If the data set is correct, refer this problem to Compuware customer support. LM5006E THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS IN ERROR: Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user supplied control statements, an error is found in one of these statements. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: The next message displayed is a copy of the statement found to be in error. Correct this statement, and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5007E ILLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF COMMENTS Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user supplied control statements, more "end comment" sequences "*/" were found than "begin comment" sequences "/*". System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the comments in the control data set, so that there are the exact same number of */ sequences as there are /* sequences. Re-execute LMSINIT. LM5008E FUNCTION VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user supplied control statements, the value specified for "function" is not "CREATE", "UPDATE" or "DELETE". System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the function in the control data set and specify "CREATE", "UPDATE" or "DELETE". Re-execute LMSINIT. LM5009E SUBSYSTEM VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user supplied control statements, the value specified for "subsystem" is not precisely four characters in length. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: LMSINIT. Correct the subsystem specification in the control data set. Re-execute LM5010E SMFID VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user supplied control statements, the value specified for "SMFid" is invalid. Either the length of the value License Management System Messages and Codes 3-25 itself is greater than eight characters long, or the value is not a valid number in the range of 129 to 255. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the SMFID specification in the control data set. Re-execute LMSINIT. LM5011E GTFID VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user-supplied control statements, the value specified for "GTFID" is invalid. Either the length of the value itself is greater than eight characters long, or the value is not a valid number in the range of 0 to 1023. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the GTFID specification in the control data set. Re-execute LMSINIT. LM5012E LANGUAGE VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user supplied control statements, the value specified for LANGUAGE is invalid. The length of the value is not two characters long. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: LMSINIT. Correct the LANGUAGE specification in the control data set. Re-execute LM5013I PARSING OF CONTROL STATEMENTS IS COMPLETE Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that it has finished parsing the user supplied control statements. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5014I PARMLIB CONTROL STATEMENTS: Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that it has started parsing the user"s control statements. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5015E SUBSYSTEM @@ IS DEFINED ON SYSTEM @@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that it has detected a subsystem of the same name as the one currently being created or updated. This is the first of multiple messages since message LM5016E or LM5017E follows this one System Action: LMSINIT displays message LM5016E or LM5017E. User Response: Correct the SYSID parameter and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5016E BUT IS NOT A LICENSE MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM Severity: Error Explanation: This is the second of two messages that indicates a non-LMS subsystem is currently defined with the same name as the one being created or updated. 3-26 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the SYSID parameter and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5017E BUT IS AT THE WRONG RELEASE LEVEL FOR UPDATE Severity: Error Explanation: This is the second of three messages that indicates, during a FUNCTION(UPDATE) execution of LMSINIT, that the LMS subsystem name being updated exists already, but it is at a release level that is too low for the current LMSINIT to be able to update the subsystem. System Action: LMSINIT displays message LM5018E. User Response: Re-execute LMSINIT, once with FUNCTION(DELETE), and then again with FUNCTION(CREATE). LM5018E RUN LMSINIT WITH FUNCTION=DELETE THEN FUNCTION=UPDATE Severity: Error Explanation: This is the third of three messages that indicates, during a FUNCTION(UPDATE) execution of LMSINIT, that the LMS subsystem name being updated exists already, but it is at a release level that is too low for the current LMSINIT to be able to update the subsystem. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Re-execute LMSINIT, once with FUNCTION(DELETE), and then again with FUNCTION(CREATE). LM5019I SUBSYSTEM @@ HAS BEEN DELETED FROM SYSTEM @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT displays this message to indicate that it has successfully deleted the subsystem named in the SYSID parameter. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5020I SUBSYSTEM @@ HAS BEEN CREATED ON SYSTEM @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT displays this message to indicate that it has successfully created the subsystem named in the SYSID parameter. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5021I SUBSYSTEM @@ HAS BEEN UPDATED ON SYSTEM @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT displays this message to indicate that it has successfully updated the subsystem named in the SYSID parameter. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5022E DEFAULT VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user-supplied control statements, the value specified for "default" is not "YES" or "NO". System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the default specification in the control data set. Re-execute LMSINIT. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-27 LM5023E SUBSYSTEM @@ HAS NOT BEEN PROCESSED ON SYSTEM @@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when a request to create or update a subsystem with the DEFAULT YES option and another subsystem of the same version/release already exists with the default option specified. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Examine the text of the next message displayed, which displays the name of the subsystem already active as a default. Take action based upon that message. LM5024E SUBSYSTEM @@ IS ALREADY DEFINED AS THE DEFAULT FOR SYSTEM @@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message follows the message LM5023, and names the subsystem that is active and has the DEFAULT YES indication. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: You can update the subsystem named in this message and specify DEFAULT NO, or you can rerun the update of the current subsystem, again specifying DEFAULT NO. LM5025E INSUFFICIENT SECURITY AUTHORITY TO DEFINE DEFAULT SUBSYSTEM Severity: Error Explanation: Indicates that you were attempting to create, update, or delete a License Management subsystem with the specification of DEFAULT YES. Your installation has protected the default subsystem using the system security (RACF, ACF/2 TOPSECRET), and your Userid is not authorized to process the default subsystem. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: You can remove the DEFAULT specification or specify DEFAULT(NO) and reexecute LMSINIT. Or you can contact your Security Administrator and ask for the appropriate access to perform the default subsystem processing. LM5026E RETURN CODES FROM SAF/RACROUTE PROCESSING @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Specifies the return codes that came from the invocation of the SAF/RACROUTE processor. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Save the return code values before contacting your Security Administrator. LM5027E LICENSE FILE ACCESS ERROR. RETCDS=@@,@@,@@,@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: processor. Specifies the return codes that came from the invocation of the license file System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Save the return code values before contacting your Security Administrator. LM5028I DD @@ DSNAME @@ LOAD STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: The data set designated in this message has been selected for loading into storage by the LMSINIT program. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 3-28 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LM5029I DD @@ DSNAME @@ LOAD ENDED SUCCESSFULLY Severity: Informational Explanation: The data set designated in this message has been loaded successfully into storage by the LMSINIT program. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5030E LMS ABEND @@ IN MODULE @@ AT @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The named module has experienced the system or user ABEND, which is also indicated. The main storage address of the offending instruction is given as well. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If multiple abends are occurring, then the LMS system must be stopped and restarted, and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LM5031I LMSINIT DELETE SUBSYSTEM @@ REQUIRES CONFIRMATION Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT is currently executing a delete function and requires that the operator confirm his intent to delete the subsystem. %SYS: Messages LM5034 is displayed. User Response: appropriately. Wait for the following message, which asks for permission and reply to it LM5034A REPLY "Y" TO CONTINUE TO DELETE. "N" TO NOT DELETE SUBSYSTEM Severity: Action Explanation: subsystem. This message follows LM5031 and asks for permission to delete the named System Action: System waits for the operator to reply. User Response: Reply "Y" if you want to continue with the delete, or "N" if you do not. LM5035I OPERATOR REPLY WAS "@@" Severity: Informational Explanation: This message follows LM5034 and indicates what the operator replied to the request to continue or to terminate. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5036E UNABLE TO SCHEDULE SRB IN MASTER MEMORY Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during its processing, it determined that it was unable to schedule an srb in the master scheduler address space. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Refer this problem to your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LM5037E UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE FOR NEW SSCT/SSVT Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during its processing, it determined that it was unable to acquire common storage to hold a new SSCT and SSVT. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-29 User Response: Refer this problem to your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LM5038E UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE FOR NEW LICENSE MANAGEMENT GLOBAL AREA Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during its processing, it determined that it was unable to acquire common storage to hold the License Management Global area. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Refer this problem to your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LM5039E LICENSE FILE RECORD SEQUENCE ERROR. DDNAME @@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during its processing, it determined that the sequence of records on the named license file is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Refer this problem to your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LM5040E LICENSE FILE CONTENT VALIDATION ERROR. DDNAME @@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during its processing, it determined that one or more records on the named license file is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Refer this problem to your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LM5041I DISPLACEMENT @@. LMISTATS @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message during ABEND processing to record the displacement, within the abending module, and the current lmi status bits. System Action: ABEND processing continues. User Response: Record the information in this message and refer the problem to your systems programming staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LM5042I SUBSYSTEM @@ NOT DELETED FROM SYSTEM @@ DUE TO OPERATOR REPLY Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message during DELETE processing when it finds that licenses are currently checked out, and the operator does not allow LMSINIT to continue. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Wait until all Compuware products that use License processing complete, and then re-execute LMSINIT. LM5043E ABEND @@ OCCURRED IN SRB AT DISPLACEMENT @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An SRB is scheduled by LMSINIT to initiate and terminate the PC routine used by License Management. An abend has occurred during execution of the SRB. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Refer this problem to your systems staff and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. 3-30 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LM5044E PRODUCT @@ VERSION @@ HAS INVALID AUTHORIZATION KEY Severity: Error Explanation: This message is issued by LMSINIT to indicate that the authorization key contained in the license file for the specified product and version is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT will continue processing the entire license file, but execution will terminate with a non-zero return code. User Response: Refer this problem to your License Management Administrator and, if necessary, contact Compuware to request a new License Certificate for this product. LM5045E OPTION @@ VERSION @@ HAS INVALID AUTHORIZATION KEY Severity: Error Explanation: This message is issued by LMSINIT to indicate that the authorization key contained in the license file for the specified option and version is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT will continue processing the entire license file, but execution will terminate with a non-zero return code. User Response: Refer this problem to your License Management Administrator and, if necessary, contact Compuware to request a new License Certificate for this product. LM5046I PRODUCT @@ VERSION @@ HAS CORRECT AUTHORIZATION KEY Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is issued by LMSINIT to indicate that the authorization key contained in the license file for the specified product and version is valid. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5047I OPTION @@ VERSION @@ HAS CORRECT AUTHORIZATION KEY Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is issued by LMSINIT to indicate that the authorization key contained in the license file for the specified option and version is valid. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5048E DD @@ DSNAME @@ LOAD ENDED WITH @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The data set designated in this message had a non-zero return code from the load function. If the return code was 4, then only warnings occurred. if the return code is greater than 4, then errors have occurred. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Report this problem to your License Management Administrator and, if necessary, contact Compuware to obtain a new License Certificate. LM5049E SITE PARAMETER IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The site parameter specified in the SYSIN data stream is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Correct the problem, and resubmit LMSINIT. LM5050E EMERGENCY PASSWORD PARAMETER FORMAT INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The emergency password specified in the SYSIN data stream is invalid. Emergency passwords are exactly eight bytes long and must be enclosed in parentheses. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-31 User Response: Enter the correct Emergency Password and resubmit LMSINIT. Contact Compuware customer support, if necessary. LM5051E EMERGENCY PASSWORD CONTAINS INVALID CHARACTERS Severity: Error Explanation: The emergency password specified in the SYSIN data stream is invalid. Emergency passwords can consist only of the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Enter the correct Emergency Password and resubmit LMSINIT. Contact Compuware customer support, if necessary. LM5052E EMERGENCY PASSWORD CONTAINS ALL ZEROS Severity: Error Explanation: The emergency password specified in the SYSIN data stream is invalid. Emergency passwords cannot consist of only eight zeros. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Enter the correct Emergency Password and resubmit LMSINIT. Contact Compuware customer support, if necessary. LM5053E EMERGENCY PASSWORD IS INCORRECT Severity: Error Explanation: The emergency password specified in the SYSIN data stream is invalid. Emergency passwords must be entered as provided by Compuware. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Enter the correct Emergency Password and resubmit LMSINIT. Contact Compuware customer support, if necessary. LM5054E EMERGENCY PASSWORD PROCESSING HAS FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: code. The Emergency Password processing module returned an unexpected return System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your License Management Administrator and, if necessary, contact Compuware customer support. LM5055I SUBSYSTEM @@ IS UNDER EMERGENCY PASSWORD THROUGH @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A valid emergency password was entered into the SYSIN control stream for LMSINIT. This message verifies that this password was decoded and is valid through midnight on the date shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5056I @@ PRODUCT RECORDS LOADED INTO SUBSYSTEM @@, SITE @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates the total number of product records that LMSINIT has read and loaded into the system for the designated site. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5057I @@ PRODUCT CPU RECORDS LOADED INTO SUBSYSTEM @@, SITE @@ Severity: Informational 3-32 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: This informational message indicates the total number of product CPU records that LMSINIT has read and loaded into the system for the designated site. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5058I @@ OPTION RECORDS LOADED INTO SUBSYSTEM @@, SITE @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates the total number of option records that LMSINIT has read and loaded into the system for the designated site. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5059I @@ OPTION CPU RECORDS LOADED INTO SUBSYSTEM @@, SITE @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates the total number of option CPU records that LMSINIT has read and loaded into the system for the designated site. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5060I LICENSE FILE RECORDS FOR SITE @@ HAVE BEEN SKIPPED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates the site name of a set of site records that have not been loaded into the license system. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5061I SUBSYSTEM @@, SITE @@ IS IN EMERGENCY MODE THROUGH @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A valid emergency password was entered into the LAU. This message verifies that this password was decoded and is valid through midnight on the date shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5062I SUBSYSTEM @@, SITE @@ EXECUTING IN DISASTER MODE UNTIL @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A valid disaster indication was entered into the LAU. This message verifies that this indication was valid through midnight on the date shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5063E USERID VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The USERID specified for remote failure notification is either missing or is longer than seven characters. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5064E TCPIP_NAME VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The TCPIP_NAME specified for remote failure notification is either missing or is longer than eight characters. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 3-33 LM5065E INTERNET_GATEWAY_NAME VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The INTERNET_GATEWAY_NAME specified for remote failure notification is either missing or is longer than 256 characters. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5066E MAIL_FROM_NAME VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The MAIL_FROM_NAME specified for remote failure notification is either missing or is longer than 256 characters. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5067E INTERNET_GATEWAY_ADDR VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The INTERNET_GATEWAY_ADDR specified for remote failure notification is either missing or is longer than 16 characters. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5068E INTERNET_GATEWAY_PORT VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The INTERNET_GATEWAY_PORT specified for remote failure notification is either missing, is longer than eight digits, or is not a number between 0 and 32767. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5069E MAIL_FROM_NAME NOT SPECIFIED Severity: Error Explanation: The MAIL_FROM_NAME must be specified whenever a TCPIP_NAME exists to indicate the sender of the notification. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5070E NEITHER INTERNET_GATEWAY_NAME NOR _ADDR SPECIFIED Severity: Error Explanation: Whenever TCPIP_NAME is specified, then either a INTERNET_GATEWAY_NAME or an INTERNET_GATEWAY_ADDR must also be specified in order to indicate the name or address of the Internet Gateway Host. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5071E MAIL_TO_SEC_NAME VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The MAIL_TO_SEC_NAME specified for remote failure notification is longer than 256 characters. System Action: Processing continues. 3-34 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None. LM5072E MAIL_TO_ABN_NAME VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The MAIL_TO_ABN_NAME specified for remote failure notification is longer than 256 characters. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5073E FUNCTION= OPERAND MISSING FROM LMSINIT SYSIN Severity: Error Explanation: The FUNCTION operand is required, and must be specified as "CREATE", "UPDATE", or "DELETE", but this operand is missing. System Action: LMSINIT terminates immediately. User Response: Correct the SYSIN data to contain the FUNCTION operand. LM5074E FAILURE DURING CALL TO CMSC Severity: Error Explanation: There was an error while obtaining parameters from the CMSC. System Action: LMSINIT terminates immediately. User Response: Ensure the proper parmlib member is available to the CMSC. LM5075E BUT HAS ALREADY BEEN DELETED Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT, in processing a FUNCTION(DELETE) request, has discovered that the subsystem in question has already been deleted. System Action: LMSINIT terminates immediately. User Response: Insure that the correct subsystem has been specified. If not, correct the SUBSYSTEM(XXXX) parameter and resubmit LMSINIT. LM5076E WARNING: NOT ALL PRODUCTS AND/OR OPTIONS HAVE BEEN LOADED Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT is reporting that the AUTH value for at least one product or option is invalid, and that product or option has not been loaded into the subsystem cache. System Action: The product/option with the invalid AUTH value is not loaded. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator to investigate the License File DSN being loaded, and, if necessary, contact Compuware to obtain a new License Certificate. Rerun LMSINIT. Meanwhile, all products/options with valid AUTH values will be loaded into the subsystem. LM5077I ALL COMPUWARE PRODUCTS WILL BE ALLOWED TO EXECUTE Severity: Informational Explanation: This is the first of a two part message. See message LM5078 for the explanation of this message. System Action: Processing Continues User Response: None. LM5078I FOR THE DURATION OF THE @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is the second part of a two part message. This message is issued by LMSINIT when a license file is found to contain a valid "EMERGENCY" or "DISASTER" indicator set. This message replaces message LM5056, LM5057, LM5058, and LM5059. Normal License Management System Messages and Codes 3-35 expiration and CPU checking will not occur again until the time limit of the Emergency or Disaster has expired. System Action: Processing Continues User Response: None. LM5079E SITE OPERAND NOT SPECIFIED AND IS REQUIRED Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user-supplied control statements, no value was specified for "SITE". The SITE operand is required and must be specified. System Action: LMSINIT terminates execution. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator, if necessary, to add the SITE operand, and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5080E SMF_ID REQUIRED WHEN ROI_CAPTURE SPECIFIED Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user-supplied control statements, no value was specified for "SMF_ID" when ROI_CAPTURE specified a value. System Action: LMSINIT terminates execution. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator, if necessary, to add the SITE operand, and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5081E DDNAME @@ IS NOT REPRESENTED BY A DD STATEMENT Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when the DDNAME specified in a SITE(ddname,xxx) operand has no corresponding DD statement pointing to a VSAM license file. Each ddname specified on the SITE operand must have a corresponding DD statement in the JCL used to initiate LMSINIT. System Action: Processing terminates with no license cache loaded. User Response: Add the required DD statement to the JCL, and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5082E NO LICENSE FILES AVAILABLE FOR LOADING Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when no license files have been allocated within the LMSINIT JCL. System Action: Processing ends with no license cache loaded. User Response: Add the required DD statement to the JCL, and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5083I PROCESSOR UPGRADE EXIT HAS BEEN ENABLED Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that the exit that will be driven to indicate a processor upgrade is active. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5084E PROCESSOR UPGRADE EXIT NOT ENABLED. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that the exit that will be driven to indicate a processor upgrade cannot be activated The return code from the ENFREQ macro is given. System Action: Processing continues without the exit. User Response: None. 3-36 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LM5085E LICENSE FILE DDNAME @@ CONTAINS NO RECORDS Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that the license file currently being processed contains no customer, site, or product records. The file is essentially empty. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 16 and a reason code of 509. User Response: Execute the LAU and import a valid certificate into the license file. Or, if more than one file is being loaded by LMSINIT, remove the DD statement that points to the empty license file. LM5086E LICENSE FILE DDNAME @@ CONTAINS NO SITE NOR PRODUCT RECORDS Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that the license file currently being processed contains a customer record but no site or product records. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 16 and a reason code of 510. User Response: Execute the LAU and import a valid certificate into the license file. Or, if more than one file is being loaded by LMSINIT, remove the DD statement that points to the empty license file. LM5087E SUBSYSTEM_ID OPERAND IS MISSING AND IS REQUIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The required parameter, SUBSYSTEM_ID, is missing. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 16 and a reason code of 482. User Response: Correct the LMSINIT parameters by adding a SUBSYSTEM_ID parameter, and rerun LMSINIT. LM5088E SERVICE_BUREAU VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user supplied control statements, the value specified for SERVICE_BUREAU is neither "YES" nor "NO". System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the SERVICE_BUREAU specification in the control data set, and reexecute LMSINIT. LM5089E CSA STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR SMF QUEUES Severity: Error Explanation: There is not enough CSA storage to hold the SMF data queues which are used to pass message to the client mainline. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: You must either increase the amount of CSA storage that is available, or you must remove the "SERVER" operand from the SMF_ID LMSINIT parameter. LM5090E CSA STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR MSG QUEUES Severity: Error Explanation: There is not enough CSA storage to hold the message queues which are used to pass message to the client mainline. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: You must either increase the amount of CSA storage that is available, or you must remove the "SERVER" operand from the message distribution LMSINIT parameters. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-37 LM5091E LICENSE_DSNAME PARAMETER FORMAT IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The license file DSNAME specified is invalid. It must be a valid DSNAME of at most 44 characters. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Ensure the License Dataset Name parameter is in the correct format and resubmit LMSINIT. LM5092E DYNALLOC FAILED FOR LICENSE_DSNAME DSN=@@ RC=@@ ERR=@@ INFO=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The LICENSE_DSNAME parameter given was unable to be allocated. The result codes of DYNALLOC are returned in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Ensure the DSNAME is correct and resubmit LMSINIT. LM5093W DYNAMIC DEALLOCATION FAILED FOR DDNAME=@@ RC=@@ ERR=@@ INFO=@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: A deallocation of the DDNAME shown was unsuccessful. The Return Code, Error Code, and Information code from the DYNALLOC call are returned in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Consult the Authorized Assembler Services Guide for more information. LM5100I JOB @@/@@/@@ COMPLETED. RETURN CODE = @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: successful. LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that its execution was completely System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5101I JOB @@/@@/@@ COMPLETED. RETURN CODE = @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that its execution was successful with one or more warning messages. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5102E JOB @@/@@/@@ COMPLETED. RETURN CODE = @@ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message to indicate that its execution was unsuccessful. One or more error messages can be found in the report produced by LMSINIT. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM5120E EMAIL PARAMETER IS CODED INCORRECTLY Severity: Error Explanation: The EMAIL parameter must contain one or two subparameters, PRODUCT and/or OPTION. Each of these can specify NONE, WARN or FAIL. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. 3-38 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM5121I @@ PRODUCT CPU LPAR RECORDS LOADED INTO SUBSYSTEM @@, SITE @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates the total number of product CPU LPAR records that LMSINIT has read and loaded into the system for the designated site. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5122I @@ OPTION CPU LPAR RECORDS LOADED INTO SUBSYSTEM @@, SITE @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates the total number of option CPU LPAR records that LMSINIT has read and loaded into the system for the designated site. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5123E @@ UNRECOVERABLE PROGRAM ABEND HAS OCCURRED WITHIN LMSINIT Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that an abend has occurred during LMSINIT processing. This abend has resulted in an unstable license cache, which cannot, therefore, be used. System Action: LMSINIT deletes the subsystem. User Response: The cause of the abend must be determined, and must be repaired before any Compuware products can be run. A dump has been taken which must be examined, the cause of which determined and the failure must be repaired. LM5124E Severity: SUBSYSTEM @@ WILL BE DELETED AND CANNOT BE USED Error Explanation: This message indicates that the subsystem just created will be unilaterally deleted. Compuware products which require this subsystem cannot be run until this problem is fixed and LMSINIT has been run successfully. System Action: LMSINIT terminates immediately. User Response: The cause of the abend must be determined, and must be repaired before any Compuware products can be run. A dump has been taken which must be examined, the cause of which determined and the failure must be repaired. LM5125E @@ CATASTROPHIC ERROR ENCOUNTERED WITHIN LMSINIT Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred during LMSINIT processing. This error has resulted in an unstable license cache, which cannot, therefore, be used. System Action: LMSINIT deletes the subsystem. User Response: The cause of the error must be determined, and must be repaired before any Compuware products can be run. LM5126E Severity: SUBSYSTEM @@ WILL BE DELETED AND CANNOT BE USED Error Explanation: This message indicates that the subsystem just created will be unilaterally deleted. Compuware products which require this subsystem cannot be run until this problem is fixed and LMSINIT has been run successfully. System Action: LMSINIT terminates immediately. User Response: The cause of the abend must be determined, and must be repaired before any Compuware products can be run. A dump has been taken which must be examined, the cause of which determined and the failure must be repaired. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-39 LM5127E CHECKPOINT DATA SET NOT DEFINED Severity: Error Explanation: LMS 2.0 requires the existence of a checkpoint data set. LMS will automatically allocate this data set even if it does not exist, and will use an existing one if it does. But its name (and optionally its VOLSER and/or SMS parameters) must be defined to LMSINIT. System Action: LMSINIT terminates immediately. User Response: Either specify CHKPT_DSNAME(xxx) in the LMSINIT parms or see the LMS User"s Guide for a discussion as to how JCL can be used to define this data set. You do not need to allocate this data set before use: LMSINIT will do that for you. LM5128E SITE_WARNING VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user supplied control statements, the value specified for SITE_WARNING is neither "YES" nor "NO". System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the SITE_WARNING specification in the control data set, and reexecute LMSINIT. LM5129I DD @@ DSNAME @@ LOAD ENDED WITH @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The data set designated in this message had a condition associated with its load function that required a message to be written. This message highlights that condition, and indicates that all the messages should be examined to see if the condition is one that might require user intervention. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Examine all the messages from LMSINIT to see if manual intervention might be required. LM5130E OPERATOR COMMAND @@ IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The operator command named in this message is not specified correctly. e System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Insure that the commands are correctly enclosed within single or double quotes, and that the entire parameter is enclosed with parentheses. The maximum length of a command is 126 bytes. LM5131E INSUFFICIENT SECURITY ACCESS TO ISSUE OPERATOR COMMAND Severity: Error Explanation: A RACROUTE call was made to the security processor on your system, to insure that the USERID under which LMSINIT is e running has at least CONTROL access to the FACILITY CLASS entity named CPWR.PRODUCT.LICENSE.LM010001. The return code from RACROUTE indicates that this USERID does not have this level of access. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Either remove the COMMAND parameters from LMSINIT, or grant CONTROL access to the FACILITY CLASS entity for the USERID under which LMSINIT is running. LM5132E EXIT_PROC VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: You specified a procedure name for EXIT_PROC which is either null, or longer than 8 characters. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. 3-40 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: LMSINIT. Correct the EXIT_PROC specification in the control data set, and reexecute LM5133E UNABLE TO START LMS EXIT_PROC NAMED @@ FOR @@ Severity: Error Explanation: You specified a procedure name for EXIT_PROC, but at the time that an event exit is driven, LMS is unable to start the procedure you named. System Action: LMS continues, but exit processing does not occur User Response: Correct the procedure and replace in your PROCLIB. You can manually start this procedure at any time in order to test it for executability. Enter S procname,LMSSYS=XXXX on the console, or from an SDSF LOG screen. Replace procname with the name of your procedure, and replace XXXX with the subsystem id of the LMS system using the exit. A message to the console will indicate success or failure of the proc. LM5134I LMS EXIT_PROC NAMED @@ FOR @@ TESTED SUCCESSFULLY Severity: Informational Explanation: You have entered a S exitproc command to test the EXIT_PROC JCL. This message is informative, only, and indicates that the PROC has successfully invoked the proper LMS program. System Action: Execution continues normally. User Response: None. LM5135E LMS EXIT_PROC NAMED @@ FOR @@ ERROR COMPLETION @@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The LMS EXIT_PROC program has completed execution but the final completion codes were not zero. This message indicates what the return and reason codes were. System Action: Exit terminates. User Response: Examine the codes and attempt to correct the problem that kept the exit from processing successfully. LM5136E LMS EVENT EXIT FOR @@ ERROR COMPLETION @@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The LMS event exit program has completed execution but the final completion codes were not zero. This message indicates what the return and reason codes were. System Action: Exit terminates. User Response: Examine the codes and attempt to correct the problem that kept the exit from processing successfully. LM5137I CPU ID FROM STIDP: TYPE=@@ VERSION=@@ SERIAL=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT in order that the indentification of the current CPU as reported by the execution of the STIDP instruction can be known. The three variables in this message contain the CPU type number, the internal version code and the CPU serial number. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5138I CPU ID FROM STSI: MANUF=@@ TYPE=@@ MODEL=@@ SERIAL=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT in order that the indentification of the current CPU as reported by the execution of the STSI instruction, via a call to CSRSI, can be known. The four variables in this message contain the manufacturer, the type, the model and the serial number. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 3-41 LM5139I EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT: LPAR=@@ VM=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT in order that the execution environment can be documented. LPAR=YES indicates that the operating system is runnin in an LPAR. VM=YES indicates that the operating system is running under VM. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5140I THE STSI INSTRUCTION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS CPU Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to indicate that the call to csrsi returned a value of 4, which specifies that the stsi instruction is not supported on this CPU. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5141I VERSION CODE FROM CONVERSION TABLE=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to display the generated internal version code for the current CPU. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5142I MODEL NUMBER FROM CONVERSION TABLE=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to display the generated model code for the current CPU. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5143I LPAR_NAME=@@ LPAR_ID=@@ LPAR_SIZE=@@ CEC_SIZE=@@ ARCH=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to display the name of the executing LPAR, its defined size and the size of the entire CEC, expressed in MSUs and the architecture that the LPAR is currently operating in. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5144I NO LPAR CAPACITY INFORMATION AVAILABLE Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to indicate that the level of the operating system is not one which supports LPAR capacity information. Only z/OS and z/OS-e contain this support. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5145I LPAR @@ IS UNCAPPED IN A @@ MSU CEC Severity: Informational 3-42 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to indicate that the executing LPAR is defined as uncapped. The total capacity of the CEC is shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5146I LPAR @@ IS CAPPED AT @@ MSUS IN A @@ MSU CEC Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to indicate that the executing LPAR is defined as capped. The capacities of the LPAR and of the CEC are shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5147I ROLLING 4-HOUR AVERAGE UTILIZATION IS @@ MSUS Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to display the current MSU utilization. This number will never exceed the defined capacity of the LPAR because the LPAR will be capped at this limit. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5148I LPAR @@ HAS A DEFINED CAPACITY OF @@ MSUS IN A @@ MSU CEC Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to indicate that the executing LPAR is set as a defined capacity LPAR with the size shown. The total CEC capacity is given as well. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5149I LPAR UNCAPPED FOR @@ SECS AND CAPPED FOR @@ SECS Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to indicate how much time the lpar has spent uncapped and how much spent capped. Times are shown as seconds and fractions of seconds. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5150I ADJ FACTOR @@ ACCUM WEIGHT @@ TIMES ACCUM @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT and displays the Physical CPU adjustment factor, the cumulative weight of the image since IPL and the number of times the weight is accumulated. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5151E EXIT_PROC PARAMETER NOT SPECIFIED BUT IS REQUIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The EXIT_PROC parameter was optional up to the time IBM issued APAR 0A04411, which made updating the checkpoint data set from within the master scheduler address space illegal. The EXIT_PROC parameter is now required to force the checkpoint update to occur within the address space initiated by the internal START command issued for the procedure specified. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-43 User Response: Add the proc to the appropriate procedure library, and add the name of this procedure in the EXIT_PROC parameter in the LMSINIT SYSIN parms and rerun LMSINIT. LM5152I THIS LPAR IS A MEMBER OF CAPACITY GROUP @@. MAXIMUM MSUS=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message specifies that you have defined a Capacity Group via the HMC and have included this LPAR in it. The name of that group and the maximum number of MSUs allowed for the group are shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5153I THIS LPAR IS CURRENTLY CAPPED AT ITS DEFINED CAPACITY LIMIT Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message specifies that this LPAR is currently capped at the value shown in message LM147 which is displayed next. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5233E LICENSE_SERVER_NAME VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: characters. The LICENSE_SERVER_NAME is either missing or is longer than twenty-four System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the license server name specification in the control data set. Reexecute LMSINIT. LM5234E LICENSE_SERVER_ADDR VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: characters. The LICENSE_SERVER_ADDR is either missing or is longer than sixteen System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the license server address specification in the control data set. Reexecute LMSINIT. LM5235E LICENSE_SERVER_PORT VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LICENSE_SERVER_PORT is either missing, longer than eight characters or greater than 65535. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the license server port specification in the control data set. Reexecute LMSINIT. LM5236E LPAR_PRIORITY VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LPAR_PROIRITY value must be a number from 0 to 255. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the LPAR priority value specification in the control data set. Reexecute LMSINIT. LM5237E LPAR_TYPE VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LPAR_TYPE parameter must specify "SIZE" or "UTILIZATION" which may be abbreviated "UTIL". 3-44 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the LPAR type value specification in the control data set. Re-execute LMSINIT. LM5300I OPERATING SYSTEM=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to display the current level of the MVS, OS/390 or z/OS. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5301I AN OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION CHANGE HAS OCCURRED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to indicate that the current release of the operating system is not the same as the release active the last time that LMSINIT ran. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5302I CURRENT VERSION=SP@@ PREVIOUS VERSION=SP@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to document the previous and current releases of the operating systems. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5303I CHECKPOINT DATA WILL BE UPGRADED TO VERSION 16 FORMAT Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message is written by LMSINIT to indicate that a checkpoint data set was found to be at the LMS Version 2.0 level. It will be upgraded to Version 16. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM5304E ROI_INITIAL VALUE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when, during the parsing of the user-supplied control statements, the value specified for "ROI_INITIAL" is not "YES" or "NO". System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Correct the default specification in the control data set. Re-execute LMSINIT. LM5305I @@ ALL PRODUCTS UPDATED ON THE LMS CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Informational Explanation: LMSENMGR issues this informational message when the checkpoint data set has been updated due to one of the Event Manager Exists having been invoked. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LM5306E @@ CHECKPOINT DATA SET HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED @@ @@ Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-45 Explanation: LMSENMGR issues this message when any condition occurs which prevents it from updating the checkpoint data set. The return/reason codes indicate which error has occurred. System Action: The Event Manager abends with a U421 abend. User Response: Notify the Compuware support personnel immediately. This problem must be corrected, and until it is, your checkpoint data set is corrupt. LM5307E ROI_CAPTURE PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The ROI_CAPTURE parm has been specified but is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Insure that the ROI family names are spelled correctly each separated by a comma. The family names are: ABEND-AID, FILE-AID, HIPERSTATION, XPEDITER, STROBE and UNIFACE. Correct the parameter and rerun LMSINIT. LM5308E HISTORY_FILE PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_FILE parm has been specified but is not valid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The HISTORY_FILE parm must specify one of three values: LOCAL, SERVER or BOTH. If LOCAL or BOTH are specified then the parameters which describe the local VSAM KSDS must also be specified. At least the DSNAME and the number of tracks are required. The VOLSER and SMS Classes may be required depending upon your installation. If SERVER is specified, then the other HISTORY parameters may be omitted. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT LM5309E HISTORY_DSNAME PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_DSNAME parm has been specified but is not valid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The HISTORY_DSNAME must specify a valid data set name, which is from 1 to 38 characters in length. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT. LM5310E HISTORY_DSNAME PARM IS TOO LONG Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_DSNAME parm has been specified but is not valid. The maximum length of this data set name is 38 characters so that IDCAMS can add the .INDEX suffix to the name. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The HISTORY_DSNAME must specify a valid data set name, which is from 1 to 38 characters in length. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT. LM5311E HISTORY_VOLSER PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_VOLSER parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a 6 character volume serial number. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The HISTORY_VOLSER must specify a valid volume serial number which is exactly 6 characters in length. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT. You may omit this parameter if your installation does not require it for IDCAMS allocation of a VSAM KSDS. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT. LM5312E HISTORY_TRACKS PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error 3-46 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The HISTORY_TRACKS parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a number from 1 to 65535 which represents the number of tracks in both the primary and secondary extents of the History File VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The HISTORY_TRACKS must specify a number from 1 to 65535 which represents the number of tracks in both the primary and secondary extents of the History File VSAM KSDS. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT. LM5313E HISTORY_STORCLASS PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_STORCLASS parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS storage class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The HISTORY_STORCLASS must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS storage class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. You should check with your installations"s DASD management group to obtain this name. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT. LM5314E HISTORY_DATACLASS PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_DATACLASS parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS data class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The HISTORY_DATACLASS must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS data class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. You should check with your installations"s DASD management group to obtain this name. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT. LM5315E HISTORY_MGMTCLASS PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_MGMTCLASS parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS management class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: The HISTORY_MGMTCLASS must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS management class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. You should check with your installations"s DASD management group to obtain this name. Correct this parameter and rerun LMSINIT. LM5316E HISTORY_DSNAME AND HISTORY_TRACKS ARE REQUIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The History File has been requested to be defined locally, but either HISTORY_DSNAME or HISTORY_TRACKS was not specified. Both of the parameters are required. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Inusre that both a HISTORY_DSNAME and HISTORY_TRACKS parameters are correctly specified and rerun LMSINIT. LM5317E HISTORY_FILE SPECIFIED ON SERVER BUT NOT IN CLF MODE Severity: Error Explanation: The History File has been requested to be defined on the CLF server, but the parameters which specify CLF mode do not exist. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-47 User Response: When the History File is to be defined on the server, then CLF mode is required. Either specify the History file to be defined locally, or specify CLF mode for this LMS client. Rerun LMSINIT LM5318E EXIT_PROC PROGRAM IS NOT AT THE CURRENT LMS RELEASE Severity: Error Explanation: This message is displayed whenever the program named in the LMSINIT EXIT_PROC parameter is not at the same version and release as the LMS system itself. System Action: The EXIT_PROC program terminates abnormally. User Response: It is likely that you have updated your LMS release using a new APF Authorized load library, but did not update the PROC named in the EXIT_PROC parm to use this new library as its STEPLIB. LM5319E VERSION/RELEASE LEVEL MISMATCH BETWEEN CLIENT AND SERVER Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written to the SYSPRINT data set and it is written to the system console as well. it indicates that the server to which this client is connecting is NOT at the same version and release level as this client. message lm5320 or lm5321 will follow this message further defining the ver/rel level mismatch. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Insure that the //STEPLIB or //JOBLIB DD statement for this client is naming the correct data sets. Correct the JCL for this client or for the server and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5320E CLIENT AT @@ LEVEL. SERVER AT DIFFERING LEVEL Severity: Error Explanation: This message defines the version/release level of this client to which this client is attempting to connect. Because the server is not at least at the 4.0 level, it is not possible to report what version the server is. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Insure that the //STEPLIB or //JOBLIB DD statement for this client is naming the correct data sets. Correct the JCL for this client or for the server and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5321E CLIENT AT @@ LEVEL. SERVER AT @@ LEVEL Severity: Error Explanation: This message defines the version/release level of this client and the version/release level of the server to which this client is attempting to connect. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Insure that the //STEPLIB or //JOBLIB DD statement for this client is naming the correct data sets. Correct the JCL for this client or for the server and re-execute LMSINIT. LM5322E IPV6 PARAMETER IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The IPv6 parameter is optional, but if present must indicate either (YES) that IPv6 can be tried for the connection with the license server or (NO) that IPv6 should not be tried. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: You should specify IPV6(NO) only when you are certain that IPv6 connectivity with the server will not work. Normally specifying IPV6(YES) will work for all TCP/IP configurations, even those which do not have IPv6 support enabled. LM6000E LMSCHKPT DD IS NOT PRESENT IN LMSINIT JCL. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSCHKPT DD is required. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. 3-48 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Add the LMSCHKPT DD to the LMSINIT JCL and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6001E LMSCHKPT DEALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT was unable to deallocate and delete the dummy data set named in the LMSINIT JCL with DDNAME LMSCHKPT. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6002E LMSCHKPT IDCAMS DEFINE ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT invoked IDCAMS to define a new checkpoint data set. IDCAMS was unsuccessful in this effort. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6003E LMSCHKPT ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: by IDCAMS. LMSINIT could not allocate the new checkpoint data set that was just defined System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6004E LMSCHKPT ACB GENCB ERROR. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: ACB. VSAM returned a non-zero return code from GENCB for the generation of an System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6005E LMSCHKPT RPL GENCB ERROR. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: RPL. VSAM returned a non-zero return code from GENCB for the generation of an System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6006E LMSCHKPT LOAD ACB OPEN FAILURE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from OPEN ACB. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-49 User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6007E LMSCHKPT STORAGE OBTAIN FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT was unable to obtain storage for a checkpoint data record. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6008E LMSCHKPT DEALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT was unable to deallocate the checkpoint data set, which was just previously allocated. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6009E LMSCHKPT ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT could not allocate the checkpoint data set for load processing. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6010E LMSCHKPT ACB CLOSE FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT could not close the checkpoint data set after load processing. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6011E LMSCHKPT UPDATE ACB OPEN FAILURE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from OPEN ACB. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6012I UPDATE OF CHECKPOINT DATA SET COMPLETED Severity: Informational Explanation: Updating of the checkpoint data set has ended successfully. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6013E CHKPT_DSNAME PARAMETER IS CODED INCORRECTLY Severity: Error 3-50 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The CHKPT_DSNAME parameter must not be longer than 44 bytes, and must be a validly specified data set name. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6014E CHKPT_VOLSER PARAMETER IS CODED INCORRECTLY Severity: Error Explanation: The CHKPT_VOLSER parameter must be exactly 6 bytes long, and must be a validly specified volume serial. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6015E CHKPT_STORCLASS PARAMETER IS CODED INCORRECTLY Severity: Error Explanation: The CHKPT_STORCLASS parameter cannot be greater than 8 bytes long, and must be a validly specified class name. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6016E CHKPT_MGMTCLASS PARAMETER IS CODED INCORRECTLY Severity: Error Explanation: The CHKPT_MGMTCLASS parameter cannot be greater than 8 bytes long, and must be a validly specified class name. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6017E CHKPT_DATACLASS PARAMETER IS CODED INCORRECTLY Severity: Error Explanation: The CHKPT_DATACLASS parameter cannot be greater than 8 bytes long, and must be a validly specified class name. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6018E LMSCHKPT LOAD MODE PUT FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to load the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6019E LMSCHKPT UPDATE MODE PUT FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-51 Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to update the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6020E LMSCHKPT UPDATE MODE GET FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the GET macro attempting to read the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6021E LMSCHKPT UNABLE TO OBTAIN CSA STORAGE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the STORAGE OBTAIN macro when attempting to obtain CSA storage in which to hold the cached copy of the checkpoint data set record. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6022E NON-ZERO RETURN CODE FROM ENFREQ LISTEN. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the ENFREQ macro when attempting to establish an event notification exit for CPU upgrade, or LPAR capacity upgrade events. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6023I @@ CUOD, OOCOD OR CBU EVENT RECORDED BY COMPUWARE LMS Severity: Informational Explanation: A change to the number of active CPs on this CEC has been detected, and LMS is reporting that it has recorded the event. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LM6024I @@ CEC SERIAL NUMBER=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: LMS is reporting the CEC serial number of the CEC which just experienced a change to the number of active CPs. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LM6025I @@ PREVIOUS CEC MODEL=@@. NEW CEC MODEL=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The change to the number of active CPs on this CEC has caused the model number to change. The previous and current model numbers are shown in this message. 3-52 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LM6027I @@ LPAR OR CEC CAPACITY CHANGE RECORDED BY COMPUWARE LMS Severity: Informational Explanation: A change in the capacity of the LPAR or the capacity of the CEC has occurred and has been recorded by this LMS system. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LM6028I @@ CEC SERIAL NUMBER=@@, LPAR NAME=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A change in the capacity of the CEC or the LPAR on which LMS is running has occurred. The CEC serial and the LPAR names are displayed in this message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LM6029I @@ PREVIOUS LPAR SIZE=@@. NEW LPAR SIZE=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A change in the capacity of the LPAR on which LMS is running has occurred, and has been recorded by LMS. The previous and new capacity values are shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LM6030I @@ PREVIOUS CEC SIZE=@@. NEW CEC SIZE=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A change in the capacity of the CEC on which LMS is running has occurred, and has been recorded by LMS. The previous and new capacity values are shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LM6031E LMSCHKPT VSAM POINT FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the POINT macro attempting to position the checkpoint data set to the first record for the current system and subsystem names. the return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6032E LMSCHKPT VSAM ERASE FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the ERASE macro attempting to delete a record from the checkpoint data set. The return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-53 LM6033I PRODUCT @@ VERSION @@ DELETED FROM CHECKPOINT FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product name and version code named in this message has been deleted from the checkpoint data set because this product/version no longer exists in the subsystem cache. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6034I THE @@ OPTION OF @@ VERSION @@ DELETED FROM CHECKPOINT FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option of the product/version named in this message has been deleted from the checkpoint data set because this option no longer exists in the subsystem cache. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6035I PRODUCT @@ VERSION @@ ADDED TO CHECKPOINT FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product name and version code named in this message has been added to the checkpoint data set because this product/version has been found in the subsystem cache. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6036I THE @@ OPTION OF @@ VERSION @@ ADDED TO CHECKPOINT FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option of the product/version named in this message has been added to the checkpoint data set because because this option has been found in the subsystem cache. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6037I PRODUCT @@ VERSION @@ UPDATED ON CHECKPOINT FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product name and version code named in this message has been updated on the checkpoint data set because this product/version has been found in the subsystem cache and it already existed on the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6038I THE @@ OPTION OF @@ VERSION @@ UPDATED ON CHECKPOINT FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option of the product/version named in this message has been updated on the checkpoint data set because this option has been found in the subsystem cache, and it already existed on the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6039E INSUFFICIENT SECURITY ACCESS TO CHKPT: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The security system (RACF, ACF/2 or TOPSECRET) has indicated that the USERID under which LMSINIT is running does not have CONTROL access to the checkpoint data set. System Action: The checkpoint data set is not updated. 3-54 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Either grant CONTROL access to the LMSINIT USERID, or run LMSINIT under a different USERID which does have CONTROL access to the checkpoint data set. LM6040E @@ LMSCHKPT UPDATE MODE PUT FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to update the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6041E @@ LMSCHKPT UPDATE MODE GET FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the GET macro attempting to read the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 image. LM6042I @@ PRODUCT @@ VERSION @@ UPDATED ON CHECKPOINT FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product name and version code named in this message has been updated on the checkpoint data set because this product/version has been found in the subsystem cache and it already existed on the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6043I @@ THE @@ OPTION OF @@ VERSION @@ UPDATED ON CHECKPOINT FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option of the product/version named in this message has been updated on the checkpoint data set because this option has been found in the subsystem cache, and it already existed on the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6044I UPDATE OF CHECKPOINT DATA SET STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: Updating of the checkpoint data has started. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6045E WARNMSG OPERAND INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter WARNMSG is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6046E FAILMSG OPERAND INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter FAILMSG is invalid. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: 3-55 LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6047E WARNTEXT OPERAND INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter WARNTEXT is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6048E FAILTEXT OPERAND INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter FAILTEXT is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6049E WARNDEST OPERAND CONTAINS INVALID DESTINATION Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter WARNDEST contains one or more invalid destinations. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6050E FAILDEST OPERAND CONTAINS INVALID DESTINATION Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter FAILDEST contains one or more invalid destinations. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6051E UNABLE TO OBTAIN CSA STORAGE RETCODE=@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the STORAGE OBTAIN macro when attempting to obtain CSA storage in which to hold required common data for LMS. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this Z/OS image. The first RETCODE value is a constant of 16 and the second is the return code value from R15 upon return from STORAGE OBTAIN. LM6052E CONSNAME OPERAND INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter CONSNAME is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6053E ROUTCDE OPERAND INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter ROUTCDE is invalid. 3-56 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6054E DESC OPERAND INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter DESC is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6055E MSG_USERID OPERAND INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The LMSINIT parameter MSG_USERID is invalid. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Refer to the LMS Users Guide for a discussion of this LMSINIT parameter. Correct the problem and resubmit LMSINIT. LM6056I CERTVER 3.0 PRODUCT LICENSE FOUND. CLIENT IN LMS 3 MODE Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that at least one CERTVER 3.0 product license has been loaded into the storage cache. This LMS client is, therefore, running in LMS 3 mode. Communication with the LMS server must be maintained continually, or a server grace period will be entered. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LM6057I NO CERTVER 3.0 PRODUCT LICENSES FOUND. CLIENT IN LMS 2.0 MODE Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that no CERTVER 3.0 product licenses have been loaded into the storage cache. This LMS client is, therefore, running in LMS 2.0 mode. Communication with the LMS server is not required and server grace is not active. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LM6058E CONFLICT IN DETERMINING CEC/LPAR SIZES Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the SYSEVENT QVS and the SYSEVENT REQLPDAT calls returned different values for either the size of the CEC or the size of the LPAR. Message LM6059 follows which shows all four values. System Action: Report this condition to Compuware"s software support. User Response: None. LM6059E QVS_CEC=@@ QVS_LPAR=@@ REQLPDAT_CEC=@@ REQLPDAT_LPAR=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The four sizes, two for SYSEVENT QVS and two for SYSEVENT REQLPDAT are shown. The CEC sizes should match and the LPAR sizes should match. One or the other does not. System Action: Report this condition to Compuware"s software support. User Response: None. LM6060I CFRM POLICY STRUCTURE @@ IS NOT AVAILABLE. RC=@@/@@ Severity: Informational License Management System Messages and Codes 3-57 Explanation: An IXCQUERY macro has completed with the return and reason codes shown. This is not necessarily an error but simply indicates that the coupling facility for the LPAR does not contain the structure required to support LPAR clustering. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If LPAR clustering is not active for this LPAR, this message can be ignored. LM6061I LPARS CONNECTED TO CFRM POLICY @@ ON @@ FOLLOW Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the current LPAR is a member of an lpar cluster. The following message list all of the LPARs currently connected to the same cluster. The names of the policy and the name of the coupling facility are shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6062I LPAR NAME @@ STATUS @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message names a single LPAR connected to the CFRM policy named in message LM6061. The current status of that LPAR in regards to the coupling facility is shown as well. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6063E STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR SERVER MESSAGE QUEUES Severity: Error Explanation: LMSINIT issues this message when a non-zero return code has been presented when ECSA storage was requested to hold the LMS server message queues. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: Perhaps increase the amount of ECSA storage that is available, or remove the "SERVER" specification from the message distribution lists in the LMSINIT paramter data set. LM6064E CHECKPOINT FILE RESOURCE UNAVAILABLE Severity: Error Explanation: Dynamic allocation (SVC99) has returned error code X"210" on 24 successive attempts performed at 5 second intervals. Error code X"210" indicates that the resource is allocated to another job or task. System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Re-run LMSINIT. If the problem persists, report it to your LMS support staff or to Compuware. Until LMSINIT has completed with no higher than return code 4, Compuware products cannot be executed on this OS/390 (z/OS) image. LM6065I VM_CAPACITY=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is displayed to indicate that the z/OS system is running as a guest under VM, and the number shown here is the MSU size of the z/OS system assigned by VM. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6066E CHECKPOINT DATA SET NAME IS TOO LONG Severity: Error Explanation: The maximum length of the checkpoint data set name is 38 bytes so that IDCAMS can append a .index to the end of this name. You have specified a name that is longer than the 38 byte maximum. 3-58 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: LMSINIT terminates. User Response: Change the name of the checkpoint data set and insure that the name is not longer than 38 bytes. Rerun LMSINIT. LM6067I @@ THE MSU SIZE OF THIS LPAR REMAINS AT @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: In response to an LPAR or CEC MSU size change, this message indicates that the LPAR has not changed size. The unchanged LPAR size is shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6068I @@ THE MSU SIZE OF THIS CEC REMAINS AT @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: In response to an LPAR or CEC MSU size change, this message indicates that the CEC has not changed size. The unchanged CEC size is shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6069I @@ THE MODEL NUMBER OF THIS CEC REMAINS @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The change to the number of active CPs did not cause the model number of the CEC to change. The unchanged model number is shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6070E LMSHIST VSAM PUT FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to write to the history data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues without the history file. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMSINIT. LM6071I LMSINIT EXECUTION STARTED BY USER @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that LMSINIT has begun execution at the date and time shown in the message. The RACF Userid under which LMSINIT is executing is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6072I HISTORY FILE DEFINED AND INITIALIZED BY USER @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that during LMSINIT execution that the history data set has been defined. The RACF userid under which LMSINIT is executing is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6073I LMSINIT EXECUTION ENDED Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that LMSINIT has ended its execution at the date and time shown in the message. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 3-59 LM6074I @@/@@ HAS BEEN DELETED Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/version has been deleted from the checkpoint data set which indicated that this product is no longer licensed. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6075I @@ OPTION OF @@/@@ HAS BEEN DELETED Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/option has been deleted from the checkpoint data set which indicated that this option is no longer licensed. If the product has not been deleted, then only this option is no longer licensed. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6076I @@/@@ ADDED BY USER @@ ON @@/@@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/version has been added to the checkpoint data set for the first time. The RACF userid who ran the LAU import containing this product and date this import was run are shown in the mesage. The format of the date is yyyy/mm/dd. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6077I @@ OPTION OF @@/@@ ADDED BY USER @@ ON @@/@@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/option has been added to the checkpoint data set for the first time. The RACF userid who ran the LAU import containing this option and date this import was run are shown in the mesage. The format of the date is yyyy/mm/dd. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6078W @@/@@ ENTERED @@ GRACE EXPIRING @@/@@/@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/version has just entered the 14-day grace period for the reason given. The date that the product will cease to execute is shown in this message as well. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware or your sales representative to discuss this problem and to determine if an error has been made on your current license certificate. A new certificate is required prior to the expiration date or this product will cease to execute. LM6079W @@ OPTION OF @@/@@ ENTERED @@ GRACE EXPIRING @@/@@/@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/option has just entered the 14-day grace period for the reason shown. The date that this option will cease to execute is shown in the message as well. System Action: Processing continues. 3-60 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Contact Compuware or your sales representative to discuss this problem and to determine if an error has been made on your current license certificate. A new certificate is required prior to the expiration date or this product will cease to execute. LM6080W @@/@@ REMAINS IN @@ GRACE EXPIRING @@/@@/@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/version remains in the 14-day grace period for the reason given. The date that the product will cease to execute is shown in this message as well. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware or your sales representative to discuss this problem and to determine if an error has been made on your current license certificate. A new certificate is required prior to the expiration date or this product will cease to execute. LM6081W @@ OPTION OF @@/@@ REMAINS IN @@ GRACE EXPIRING @@/@@/@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/option remains in the 14-day grace period for the reason shown The date that this option will cease to execute is shown in the message as well. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware or your sales representative to discuss this problem and to determine if an error has been made on your current license certificate. A new certificate is required prior to the expiration date or this product will cease to execute. LM6082I @@/@@ HAS EXITED @@ GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/version has exited the named 14-day grace period because a new license certificate has been received from Compuware. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6083I @@ OPTION OF @@/@@ HAS EXITED @@ GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/option has exited the named 14-day grace period because a new license certificate has been received from Compuware. in the message as well. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6084E @@ GRACE HAS EXPIRED FOR @@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/version will no longer execute on this system because the 14-day grace period named in this message has been allowed to expire with no new license certificate having been obtained from Compuware. System Action: Processing continues but this product will not run. User Response: You must obtain a new license certificate from Compuware before this product will run on this system. LM6085E @@ GRACE HAS EXPIRED FOR @@ OPTION OF @@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/option will no longer execute on this system because the 14-day grace License Management System Messages and Codes 3-61 period named in this message has been allowed to expire with no new license certificate having been obtained from Compuware. System Action: Processing continues but this product/option will not run. User Response: You must obtain a new license certificate from Compuware before this product will run on this system. LM6086W @@/@@ @@ HRS @@ MINS REMAIN IN SERVER GRACE Severity: Warning Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/version remains in the Server grace period for the number of hours shown and minutes shown. If this time elapses and no connectivity with the server has been established, the product will cease to execute. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Establish contact with your LMS Server program. If you need assistance, call the Compuware Technical Support representatives. LM6087W @@ OPTION OF @@/@@ @@ HRS @@ MINS REMAIN IN SERVER GRACE Severity: Warning Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/option remains in the Server grace period for the number of hours and minutes shown. If this time elapses and no connectivity with the server has been established, the product/option will cease to execute. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Establish contact with your LMS Server program. If you need assistance, call the Compuware Technical Support representatives. LM6088W @@/@@ ENTERED SERVER GRACE FOR @@ HRS AND @@ MINS Severity: Warning Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/version has just entered SERVER grace period for the number of hours and minutes shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Attempt to reestablish connectivity between the client LMS and the server. If the number of hours and minutes shown in this messages expires, the product will cease to execute. LM6089W @@ OPTION OF @@/@@ ENTERED SERVER GRACE FOR @@ HRS @@ MINS Severity: Warning Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the named product/option has just entered SERVER grace period for the number of hours and minutes shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Attempt to reestablish connectivity between the client LMS and the server. If the number of hours and minutes shown in this messages expires, the option will cease to execute. LM6090I OOCOD, CBU OR CUOD EVENT RECORDED ON CEC SERIAL @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that one of the three CEC events which will alter the internal model number has been recorded by LMS. The CEC serial number is shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 3-62 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LM6091I A CHANGE TO THE SIZE OF LPAR @@ HAS OCCURRED Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message is written to the history data set only. It indicates that the LPAR named in the message has had a change to its size. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM6092E CSA STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR HISTORY RECORD QUEUES Severity: Error Explanation: There is not enough CSA storage to hold the message queues which are used to pass message to the client mainline. System Action: LMSINIT terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: You must either increase the amount of CSA storage that is available, or you must remove the "SERVER" operand from the LMSINIT HISTORY_FILE parameter. LM7001I LMS VERSION 16 CLIENT INITIALIZATION STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message indicates that the LMS 16 client is beginning its initialization processing. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7002I LMS VERSION 16 CLIENT INITIALIZATION COMPLETED Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message indicates that the LMS 16 client has successfully completed its initialization processing. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7006E INITIALIZATION FAILED FOR LMS VERSION 16 CLIENT Severity: Error Explanation: This information message indicates that the client initialization routines were not successful. Message LM7007E follows, which contains the final return and reason codes. System Action: LMS 16 client processing terminates. User Response: Identify the reason for the initialization failure, and when corrected, reexecute LMSINIT. LM7007I HIGHEST RETURN CODE WAS @@ AND REASON CODE WAS @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message supplies the final return and reason codes for LMS 16 client initialization. System Action: If not zero, the LMS 16 client terminates. User Response: If not zero, identify the reason for the failure, and when corrected, reexecute LMSINIT. LM7009I TCP/IP PROTOCOL USED FOR COMMUNICATION Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message indicates that TCP/IP protocol is used for communication with the server. System Action: Processing continues. License Management System Messages and Codes User Response: 3-63 None. LM7010I LMS VERSION 16 CLIENT PROCESSING HAS ENDED Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message indicates that all client processing has now ended. System Action: Processing ends. User Response: None. LM7011I TERMINATION STARTED FOR LMS VERSION 16 CLIENT Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message indicates that the LMS 16 client is starting its termination processing. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7012I LMS LINKED TO TCP/IP @@ ON HOST @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message indicates that the INITAPI macro was successfully executed to initiate TCP/IP communications. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7013E TCP/IP @@ FAILED. RETCODE/ERRNO = @@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This information message indicates that the TCP/IP function named in the message has failed. The TCP/IP return code and error number are shown in the message as well. System Action: LMS 16 client processing terminates. User Response: LMSINIT. Identify the reason for the TCP/IP failure, and when corrected, reexecute LM7014E UNABLE TO OBTAIN IP ADDRESS FOR SERVER NAMED @@ Severity: Error Explanation: This information message indicates that the TCP/IP function used to obtain an IP address given an name was unsuccessful. System Action: LMS 16 client processing terminates. User Response: LMSINIT. Identify the reason for the TCP/IP failure, and when corrected, reexecute LM7015I IP ADDRESS @@ OBTAINED FOR SERVER NAMED @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This information message indicates that the TCP/IP function named GETHOSTBYNAME has returned the IP address shown also in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7016E INVALID LMS CLIENT COMMAND Severity: Error Explanation: This message is displayed on the console when the operator has replied to the outstanding WTOR, but the command he entered was invalid. System Action: The invalid command is ignored and processing continues. 3-64 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Correct the command syntax, and reply to the next outstanding WTOR. LM7017E INITIALIZATION FAILED FOR LMS CLIENT Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the initalization routines for the LMS client have not been successful. System Action: LMS 16 client processing terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to the Compuware software support staff. LM7018E LMS SERVER HAS CLOSED THE TCP/IP CONNECTION Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the connection with the LMS server ias been closed by the server, at an unexpected time. System Action: LMS 16 client attempts to recontact the server. User Response: successful. Monitor the progress of the reconnection, to insure that it is ultimately LM7019E INVALID MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM LMS SERVER Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that an invalid message has been received from the LMS server. The message is either shorter than 2 bytes, or longer than the maximum length. System Action: LMS 16 client closes the connectionwith the server. User Response: You must refer this problem to the Compuware Software support staff. LM7020I LICENSE CACHE UPDATED FROM LMS SERVER Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that a new license cache been received from the LMS server. The new cache passed all of the validation routines, and will immediately be used for product license checkout. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7021I SHUTDOWN PROCESSING INITIATED Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the SHUTDOWN request entered by the operator is being processed. Please be patient and wait until the LMS Client terminates. System Action: Shutdown processing is initiated. User Response: None. LM7022E MULTIPLE CLIENTS FOR SUBSYSTEM @@ ARE EXECUTING Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that LMSINIT has detected that another LMS client is running in this system with the same Subsystem ID. System Action: LMSINIT terminates immediately. User Response: Insure that only one LMS V3 client is running with the same Subsystem ID. LM7023I CONNECTION ESTABLISHED WITH @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that LMSINIT has successfully established a connection with the server named in the message. System Action: Processing continues. License Management System Messages and Codes User Response: 3-65 None. LM7024I PRODUCT @@ @@ HAS ENTERED @@ HOUR SERVER GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the named product will only be allowed to execute for the number of hours shown in this message unless connectivity with the LMS server is reestablished. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7025I OPTION @@ @@ OF @@ @@ HAS ENTERED @@ HOUR SERVER GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the named option will only be allowed to execute for the number of hours shown in this message unless connectivity with the LMS server is reestablished. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7026I PRODUCT @@ @@ HAS EXITED @@ HOUR SERVER GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the named product is no longer within the server grace period, and will execute normally. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7027I OPTION @@ @@ OF @@ @@ HAS EXITED @@ HOUR SERVER GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the named option is no longer within the server grace period, and will execute normally. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7028I PRODUCT @@ @@ IN SERVER GRACE FOR @@ MORE HRS AND @@ MINS Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the named product is still within the server grace period, after which it will no longer execute. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7029I OPTION @@ @@ OF @@ @@ IN SERVER GRACE FOR @@ HRS @@ MINS Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the named option is still within the server grace period, after which it will no longer execute. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7030I SERVER GRACE HAS EXPIRED FOR PRODUCT @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the named product cannot be executed until contact with the LMS server is again established. The grace period has expired. System Action: Processing continues. 3-66 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None. LM7031I SERVER GRACE HAS EXPIRED FOR OPTION @@ @@ OF @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the named option cannot be executed until contact with the LMS server is again established. The grace period has expired. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7032I UPDATE OF STORAGE CACHE FROM CHECKPOINT STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the licenses held in the main storage cache will be updated from the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7033I UPDATE OF STORAGE CACHE FROM CHECKPOINT COMPLETED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the licenses held in the main storage cache have been updated from the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7034I RECEIPT OF NEW LICENSE DATA FROM SERVER STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the server has indicated that there is new license information for this client. This client is prepared to receive it. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7035I RECEIPT OF NEW LICENSE DATA FROM SERVER COMPLETED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the licenses data that the server has sent has been processed successfully. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7036I ---------------------------------------------------------------Severity: Informational Explanation: This message exists only as an eyecatcher, either preceeding or following a message of extreme importance. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7037W UNABLE TO OBTAIN ROLLING 4-HOUR MSU UTILIZATION RC=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: This message is displayed on the console once per LMSINIT execution but is always displayed in the LMSINIT SYSPRINT whenever the rolling 4 hour LPAR MSU utilization cannot be obtained. The interpretation of the reason code is as follows: 701 - The SYSEVENT REQLPDAT service is not supported by pre-z/OS operating systems and may not be supported by some releases of z/OS prior to 1.3. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-67 702 - Insufficient storage was available for the SYSEVENT REQSRMST parameter list. 703 - SYSEVENT REQLPDAT is not supported. 704 - The SYSEVENT REQLPDAT service did not return the required data area length. 705 - Unable to obtain storage for the SYSEVENT REQLPDAT data area. 706 - SYSEVENT REQLPDAT data area address is zero. 707 - SYSEVENT REQLPDAT did not return the LPAR data. 708 - The defined capacity data portion of the REQLPDAT data area is not valid. System Action: Processing continues, but products licensed by LPAR MSU utilization are not allowed to execute. User Response: The operator response to this message depends on the specific reason code that is displayed as follows: 701 - If your operating system is not z/OS, sub-capacity licenses with LPAR TYPE are not supported. You must upgrade to z/OS release 1.3 or higher in order to gaurantee support for this type of sub-capacity license. If your z/OS release is below 1.3, support for SYSEVENT REQLPDAT may not be present. Contact IBM support to determine if SYSEVENT REQLPDAT can be added to your z/OS environment. If support for SYSEVENT REQLPDAT can not be added to your z/OS operating system then you must upgrade to z/OS 1.3 or later or contact your Compuware Sales representative to obtain non LPAR TYPE licenses. 703 - See Operator Response for reason code 701 above. For all other reason codes, contact Compuware customer support. LM7038I LPAR @@ CURRENT ROLLING 4-HR AVG UTILIZATION IS @@ MSUS Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is displayed whenever there are products licensed with UNCAPPED or MSU utilization, The following messages display products licensed in this manner indicating the percentage of LPAR utilization to licensed amount. If there are no LM7039 or LM7040 messages, then your products and options are not close to entering a 14day LPAR utilization grace period. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7039I LPAR @@ HIGHEST UTILIZATION IS @@% OF LICENSE FOR PRODUCT @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message shows the percentage of the current rolling 4-hour average LPAR utilization to the number of MSUs licensed for the named product. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If the LPAR utilization value exceeds the licensed value for a product, that product is placed into a 14-day LPAR utilization grace period and a new certificate is required from Compuware in order to exit this grace. LM7040I LPAR @@ HIGHEST UTILIZATION IS @@% OF LICENSE @@ OPTION TO @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message shows the percentage of the current rolling 4-hour average LPAR utilization vs. the number of MSUs licensed for the named option to the named product. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If the LPAR utilization value exceeds the licensed value for an option, that option is placed into a 14-day LPAR utilization grace period and a new certificate is required from Compuware in order to exit this grace. 3-68 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LM7041E @@ TCP/IP IS NOT ACTIVE ON THIS SYSTEM Severity: Error Explanation: This error message indicates that the LMS client is not able to determine the name of the active TCP/IP. LMS has issued the GETIBMOPT macro and has found that there is no TCP/IP region active on this system. System Action: LMS 3 client processing waits for 1 minute and then retries the GETIBMOPT. This will occur 5 times after which the LMS client will terminate. User Response: Insure that the TCP/IP address space is active. if it is not, then it must be started before the LMS client will initialize successfully. If it is active, then specify its name in the TCPIP_NAME parameter of the LMSINIT SYSIN PARAMETER data set. LM7050E @@ UNABLE TO ESTABLISH ESTAEX FOR FAULTMGR Severity: Error Explanation: This error message indicates that the LMS client is not able to establish an ESTAEX exit which is required to protect against abends within the Compuware Fault Manager program. System Action: Processing continues, but without publishing this information to the Compuware Fault Manager. User Response: Insure that your have at least one other destination specified in the LMSINIT SYSIN parms in order that the event which caused this call to Compuware"s Fault Manager can be noted elsewhere. Refer this problem to Compuware"s support personnel. LM7051E @@ NON ZERO RETCODE FROM COMPUWARE FAULT MANAGER. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This error message indicates that the Compuware Fault Manager has returned a non-zero return code to the LMS client when it attempted to publish warning or error license information. The return code is shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues, but without publishing this information to the Compuware Fault Manager. User Response: Insure that your have at least one other destination specified in the LMSINIT SYSIN parms in order that the event which caused this call to Compuware"s Fault Manager can be noted elsewhere. Refer this problem to Compuware"s support personnel. LM7052E @@ ABEND OCCURRED WITHIN COMPUWARE FAULT MANAGER Severity: Error Explanation: This error message indicates that the Compuware Fault Manager has experienced an abend when processing an event published to it by the LMS client. System Action: Processing continues, but without publishing this information to the Compuware Fault Manager. User Response: Insure that your have at least one other destination specified in the LMSINIT SYSIN parms in order that the event which caused this call to Compuware"s Fault Manager can be noted elsewhere. Refer this problem to Compuware"s support personnel. LM7053I HIGHEST ROLLING 4-HOUR AVERAGE UTILIZATION IS @@ MSUS Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates what the highest rolling 4-hour average utilization value for this LPAR is at this time. This message is displayed whenever a product or option is about to be placed into a 14-day utilization grace period. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: You will have to obtain a new license certificate from Compuware in order that this product or option can be removed from the grace. If you do not obtain a new certificate 15 days from now this product or option will no longer execute. LM7054I @@ @@ HAS ENTERED A 14-DAY MSU UTILIZATION GRACE Severity: Informational License Management System Messages and Codes 3-69 Explanation: This informational message indicates that the product named has entered a 14day MSU utilization grace period. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: You will have to obtain a new license certificate from Compuware in order that this product can be removed from the grace. If you do not obtain a new certificate 15 days from now this product will no longer execute. LM7055I @@ @@ OPTION @@ HAS ENTERED A 14-DAY MSU UTILIZATION GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the option named has entered a 14day MSU Utilization grace period. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: You will have to obtain a new license certificate from Compuware in order that this product can be removed from the grace. If you do not obtain a new certificate 15 days from now this option will no longer execute. LM7056E ARM ELEMENT NAME CANNOT EXCEED 16 CHARACTERS Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the ARM element name supplied in the SYSIN parameter data set is longer than 16 characters. System Action: LMS Client terminates. User Response: Correct the specification of the ARM element name and resubmit the LMS client. Compuware suggests that you use the following naming convention: Bytes 0-3 = C"LMS" Bytes 4-7 = SMF System ID Bytes 8-15 = Any name of your choice LM7057E ARM ELEMENT NAME IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the ARM element name supplied in the SYSIN parameter data set is not valid. System Action: LMS Client terminates. User Response: Correct the specification of the ARM element name and resubmit the LMS client. This name must contain only upper case letters, numbers and the special characters "@", "#", "$" and "_". In addition, the first byte cannot be a number. LM7058E ARM PARAMETER IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the ARM parameter supplied in the SYSIN parameter data set is not valid. System Action: LMS Client terminates. User Response: This parameter can specify only "YES" or "NO". if the parameter is omitted, "NO" is assumed. LM7059E ARM ELEMENT NAME REQUIRED Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the ARM parameter supplied in the SYSIN parameter data set was specified as "YES" but no ARM_ELEMENT_NAME was coded. System Action: LMS Client terminates. User Response: Add a valid ARM_ELEMENT_NAME parameter and resubmit the LMS Client. LM7060I ELEMENT @@ ARMED FOR AUTOMATIC RESTART Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that you have selected ARM processing and this is the first time the element named in this message has been armed. That is, this execution is NOT due to an automatic restart. 3-70 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7061I ELEMENT @@ RESTARTED DUE TO PREVIOUS ABEND. RSNCD=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that this client has been automatically restarted by the system. The reason code indicates whether the JCL or START command has been changed (RSNCD=108) or has not been changed (RSNCD=104) System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7062E ELEMENT @@ IXCARM REGISTER FAILURE. RETCD=@@. RSNCD=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to issue IXCARM macro has resulted in a return code greater than 4. This indicates that the request did not complete. The actual return and reason codes are shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues but without ARM support. User Response: See the "z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference" manual for a complete list of the possible return and reason codes. Correct any environmental errors or report this problem to the Compuware software support staff. LM7063E ELEMENT @@ IXCARM READY FAILURE. RETCD=@@. RSNCD=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to issue IXCARM macro has resulted in a return code greater than 4. This indicates that the request did not complete. The actual return and reason codes are shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues but without ARM support. User Response: See the "z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference" manual for a complete list of the possible return and reason codes. Correct any environmental errors or report this problem to the Compuware software support staff. LM7064I ELEMENT @@ AUTOMATIC RESTART NOT SUPORTED ON THIS SYSTEM Severity: Informational Explanation: An attempt to issue IXCARM macro has resulted in a return code indicating that ARM support is not available on this system, or it may be available but stopped. System Action: Processing continues but without ARM support. User Response: See the "z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference" manual for a complete list of the possible return and reason codes. You may need to issue the operator command SETXCF START,POLICY,TYPE=ARM in order to activage ARM processing. LM7065I ELEMENT @@ HAS DEREGISTERED FROM ARM RETCD/RSNCD = @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that an IXCARM has been issued in order for the client to go to a normal end of job. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LM7066E JOB @@ IS UNABLE TO OBTAIN ENQ LOCK Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that when a Compuware product attempted to request permission from LMS to execute that LMS was unable to obtain the lock it required in order that the license cache queues are protected. System Action: The license checkout request is denied. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-71 User Response: Issue the DISPLAY GRS,ALL command in order to determine which job is holding the lock named in the next console message. Obtain a dump using the SDUMP command of this job. Be sure to specify the following: SDATA=(RGN,TRT,SUM,CSA,SQA,GRSQ). Notify Compuware software support that this has occurred and follow their instructions for delivering the dump to them. LM7067E CPWRxxxx COMPUWARE CORPORATION LM QUEUE SCAN Severity: Error Explanation: This message follows LM7066 and indicates the qname and rname which are currently held and are not available to the job displaying this message. System Action: The license checkout request is denied. User Response: See the operator instructions for message LM7066 LM7068E THE ECB STORAGE IS NO LONGER VALID Severity: Error Explanation: This message follows LM7067 and indicates that another job in the system has caused the job named in message LM7066 to terminate and its storage is no longer valid. This job may terminate with various abend codes or it may need to be cancelled. System Action: terminated. Appropriate LMS cleanup functions are performed and the job may be User Response: See the operator instructions for message LM7066 WLM001I **************************************************************** Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM002I ******* Severity: ******* Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM003I ******* Severity: COMPUWARE CORPORATION Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM004I ******* Severity: LICENSE MANAGEMENT ******* Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM005I ******* Severity: ******* COPYRIGHT (C) 1998, 1999 ******* Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None 3-72 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM006I ******* BY COMPUWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ******* Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM007I ******* Severity: ******* Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM008I ******* Severity: ******* Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM009I ******* PRODUCT/OPTION AND CPU INFORMATION FOLLOWS: Severity: ******* Informational Explanation: The following information is displayed and is associated with the current warning or error message: Product Name, Product Version, Option Name, Option Version, and executing CPU ID. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM010I ******* ##01 ##03 ##04 ##06 ##07 Severity: Informational Explanation: The following information is displayed and is associated with the current warning or error message: Product Name, Product Version, Option Name, Option Version, and executing CPU id. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM011I ******* Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM012I ******* Severity: ******* Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM013I ******* Severity: COMPUWARE PRODUCT SUPPORT HOTLINE Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. ******* License Management System Messages and Codes User Response: None WLM014I ******* Severity: U.S. AND CANADA....1-800-538-7822 Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM015I ******* Severity: ALL OTHER..........1-313-227-5444 ******* Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM016I ******* Severity: ******* ******* Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM017I **************************************************************** Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM018I ******* ##10 Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM019I ******* CUSTOMER NUMBER: ##09 Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM020I ******* ##12 Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM021I ******* SITE NUMBER: ##16 Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None 3-73 3-74 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM022I ******* ##13 Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM023I ******* SUBSYSTEM ID: ##21 Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM024I ******* CERTIFICATE ID: ##22 Severity: Informational Explanation: This message constitutes part of the "banner". System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM025I ******* CUSTOMER AND SITE INFORMATION FOLLOWS: Severity: Informational Explanation: The data following this message contains the customer name and number and the site name and number. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM026I ******* CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FOLLOWS: Severity: Informational Explanation: The data following this message is specific to a single environment, which is the license file name, the subsystem ID and the associated certificate ID. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM500W ******* WARNING Severity: Warning Explanation: The product/option is running on a CPU that has had a dynamic upgrade performed on it, but no new certificate has been obtained from Compuware. System Action: Execution of the product is allowed, but this (and any subsequent) warning messages will always be displayed until a new certificate for this product is obtained. User Response: Notify personnel at your company that this message has been received so that they can contact Compuware and obtain a valid license certificate. WLM501W ******* Severity: Warning Explanation: See message WLM500. System Action: See message WLM500. User Response: None WLM502W ******* THIS SOFTWARE IS RUNNING ON A CPU WHICH IS NOT Severity: Warning Explanation: See message WLM500. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: See message WLM500. User Response: None 3-75 WLM503W ******* LICENSED. PLEASE CONTACT COMPUWARE CORPORATE Severity: Warning Explanation: See message WLM500. System Action: See message WLM500. User Response: None WLM504W ******* IMMEDIATELY AT 1-800-538-7822 TO OBTAIN A LICENSE Severity: Warning Explanation: See message WLM500. System Action: See message WLM500. User Response: None WLM505W ******* FOR THIS CPU. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESTRICT THE Severity: Warning Explanation: See message WLM500. System Action: See message WLM500. User Response: None WLM506W ******* USE OF THE SOFTWARE ON THIS CPU. Severity: Warning Explanation: See message WLM500. System Action: See message WLM500. User Response: None WLM553E ******* A REQUEST FOR AN INVALID PRODUCT HAS OCCURRED Severity: Error Explanation: You do not have a valid license certificate for this product. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a valid License Certificate for this product. WLM555E ******* A REQUEST FOR AN INVALID OPTION HAS OCCURRED Severity: Error Explanation: You do not have a valid license certificate for this option. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a valid License Certificate for this product. WLM557I ******* PRODUCT IN 14 DAY LPAR MSU UTILIZATION GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has an LPAR MSU utilization value greater highest rolling 4-hour average of actual LPAR utilization. System Action: The Compuware product is allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. 3-76 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM558E ******* PRODUCT 14 DAY GRACE FOR LPAR MSU UTILIZATION EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for LPAR utilization has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which has an LPAR MSU utilization value greater than the highest rolling 4-hour average of actual LPAR MSU utilization. System Action: The Compuware product is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM559I ******* OPTION IN 14 DAY LPAR MSU UTILIZATION GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has an LPAR utilization value greater than the highest rolling 4-hour average of actual LPAR MSU utilization. System Action: The Compuware option is allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM560E ******* CURRENT USER IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO ACCESS LICENSE FILES Severity: Error Explanation: License File. The user requesting the License checkout is not authorized to access that System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: See the "Enterprise Common Components License Management System User Reference" for a discussion of multiple license files in a service bureau or non-service bureau environment. You will probably need to update your system security "RACF,TOPSECRET,ACF/2". WLM561E ******* INVALID PRODUCT AUTHORIZATION KEY Severity: Error Explanation: The cached AUTH value does not match that of the License File. This may be because of an accidental overlay of some or all LMSINIT storage. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Rerun LMSINIT. WLM562E ******* INVALID PRODUCT START DATE Severity: Error Explanation: date. The starting date for the requested product is greater than the current system System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Wait until the specified date to run the product, or obtain a new License Certificate from Compuware. WLM563E ******* THE REQUESTED PRODUCT LICENSE HAS EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The product License Certificate has expired. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-77 WLM564E ******* INVALID DISASTER RECOVERY START DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The Disaster Recovery Start Date is higher than the current system date. System Action: Disaster processing for the product is terminated. User Response: Restore your license file from a current backup. Execute the LAU, and reestablish the disaster status. Rerun LMSINIT and retry the Compuware product. WLM565E ******* NO LICENSE FILES HAVE BEEN LOADED Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the CLF client has started and has completed its initialization, but either communication with the server has not been established or the server has no license file to send to the client. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Wait until a valid license file has been received by the client and retry your license checkout request. WLM566I ******* PRODUCT ##01 ##03 IS IN DISASTER RECOVERY MODE Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is returned to the calling program indicating that the product named is currently executing in disaster recovery mode. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM567E ******* SPECIAL ACCESS START DATE IS IN THE FUTURE Severity: Error Explanation: The Special Access is ignored due to an invalid start date. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Wait until the License Certificate Special Access Start Date, or contact Compuware World Wide License Management for a corrected License Certificate. WLM568E ******* THE SPECIAL ACCESS LICENSE HAS EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The Special Access has expired. The License Certificate will be applied but without Special Access. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate, if necessary. WLM569E ******* PRODUCT NOT LICENSED ON SPECIFIED CPU Severity: Error Explanation: Your License Certificate for this product does not include this CPU ID. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate, if necessary. WLM570E ******* THE CPU GRACE PERIOD HAS EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: Your 120-day grace period for this product has expired. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate, if necessary. 3-78 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM571I ******* PRODUCT ##01 ##03 Severity: Informational Explanation: This is the first part of a two-part message. The next message describes the error/warning condition. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. WLM572E ******* INVALID OPTION AUTHORIZATION KEY Severity: Error Explanation: The cached AUTH value does not match that of the License Certificate File. This may be due to an accidental overlay of some or all LMSINIT storage. System Action: The Compuware option is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Rerun LMSINIT. WLM573E ******* INVALID OPTION START DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The Start Date for the requested Option is greater than the current system date. System Action: The Compuware option is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Wait until the specified date to run the Option, or obtain a new License Certificate from Compuware World Wide License Management. WLM574E ******* THE REQUESTED OPTION LICENSE HAS EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The Option License Certificate has expired. System Action: The Compuware option is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM575E ******* INVALID DISASTER RECOVERY START DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The Disaster Recovery Start Date is higher than the current system date. System Action: Disaster processing for the product is terminated. User Response: Restore your license file from a current backup. Execute the LAU and reestablish the disaster status. Rerun LMSINIT and retry the Compuware product. WLM576I ******* DISASTER RECOVERY IS NO LONGER ACTIVE Severity: Informational Explanation: The seven-day disaster recovery period has ended. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: In order to eliminate this message, restore your license file from the current backup, which does not contain disaster recovery indication. WLM577I ******* PRODUCT ##01 ##03 OPTION ##04 ##06 Severity: Informational Explanation: This is the first of a two-part message. The next message describes the wranint or error condition. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM578E ******* SPECIAL ACCESS START DATE IS IN THE FUTURE Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes Explanation: 3-79 The Special Access License is ignored due to an invalid start date. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Wait until the License Certificate Special Access Start Date, or Contact Compuware World Wide License Management for a corrected License Certificate. WLM579E ******* THE SPECIAL ACCESS LICENSE HAS EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The Special Access license has expired. License Certificate will be applied but without Special Access. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM580E ******* THE PRODUCT GRACE PERIOD HAS EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: Your 45-day option grace period has expired. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management in order to obtain a valid License Certificate for this product. WLM581E ******* PRODUCT OPTION NOT LICENSED ON SPECIFIED CPU Severity: Error Explanation: Your License Certificate for this Option does not include this CPU ID. System Action: The Compuware Option is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate, if necessary. WLM582I ******* PRODUCT ##01 ##03 OPTION ##04 ##06 Severity: Informational Explanation: The product and option named is executing only because the current date is within the product grace period. This is the first of a two-part msg. nd part. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM583I ******* PRODUCT IN 14 DAY GROUP CAPACITY GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has a GROUP CAPACITY value greater than the value specified on the HMC for the named group. System Action: The Compuware product is allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM584I ******* OPTION IN 14 DAY GROUP CAPACITY GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has a GROUP CAPACITY value greater than or equal to the value specified on the HMC for the group. System Action: The Compuware option is allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. 3-80 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM585E ******* PRODUCT NOT LICENSED ON THE SPECIFIED CPU Severity: Error Explanation: Your License Certificate for this product does not include this CPU ID. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management in order to obtain a valid License Certificate for this product. WLM586E ******* OPTION NOT LICENSED ON THE SPECIFIED CPU Severity: Error Explanation: Your License Certificate for this option does not include this CPU ID. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a valid License Certificate, if necessary. WLM587E ******* PRODUCT 14 DAY GRACE FOR GROUP CAPACITY EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for GROUP CAPACITY has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which has a GROUP CAPACITY value greater than or equal to the number specified on the HMC for the group. System Action: The Compuware product is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM588E ******* OPTION 14 DAY GRACE FOR GROUP CAPACITY EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for GROUP CAPACITY has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which has a GROUP CAPACITY value greater than or equal to the number specified on the HMC for the group. System Action: The Compuware option is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM589E ******* OPTION 14 DAY GRACE FOR LPAR MSU UTILIZATION EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for LPAR utilization has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which has an LPAR utilization value greater than the highest rolling 4-hour average of actual LPAR MSU utilization. System Action: The Compuware option is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM590I ******* PRODUCT IN COUNTDOWN WITH 14 OR FEWER DAYS REMAINING Severity: Informational Explanation: The License Certificate End Date is within 14 days. At the end of the 14 days, the product will not execute. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-81 WLM591I ******* SPECIAL ACCESS COUNTDOWN WITH 14 OR FEWER DAYS REMAINING Severity: Informational Explanation: The Special Access End Date on the License Certificate is within 14 days. The Special Access will expire and will not apply for access at the end of the 14 days. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware, if necessary, to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM592I ******* OPTION IN COUNTDOWN WITH 14 OR FEWER DAYS REMAINING Severity: Informational Explanation: The option License Certificate End Date is within 14 days. The option will not execute at the end of the 14 days. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM593I ******* SPECIAL ACCESS COUNTDOWN WITH 14 OR FEWER DAYS REMAINING Severity: Informational Explanation: The Special Access End Date on the License Certificate is within 14 days. At the end of the 14 days, the Special Access will expire. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware, if necessary, to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM594I ******* PRODUCT IS EXECUTING WITHIN THE CPU GRACE PERIOD Severity: Informational Explanation: The product is executing on a CPU not listed in the License Certificate. It is the second part of a two-part message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM595I ******* IS EXECUTING WITHIN PRODUCT GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product/option named is executing only because the current date is within the product grace period. This is the second part of a two-part message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM596I ******* OPTION IS IN DISASTER RECOVERY MODE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product and option named are currently executing in disaster recovery mode. This is the second part of a two-part message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM597E ******* PRODUCT GROUP CAPACITY LICENSING IS UNAVAILABLE Severity: Error Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute because the z/OS facility needed for determining the current GROUP CAPACITY LIMIT value is not available. 3-82 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The Compuware product is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact your System Programmer and report this problem. Ask him to rerun LMSINIT and look for error messages indicating why this value is not available. Insure that he has set this LPAR into the group named on the license certificate, and that the MSU value for this group is equal to or less than the MSUS value on the license certificate. WLM598E ******* OPTION GROUP CAPACITY LICENSING IS UNAVAILABLE Severity: Error Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute because the z/OS facility needed for determining the current GROUP CAPACITY LIMIT value is not available. System Action: The Compuware option is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact your System Programmer and report this problem. Ask him to rerun LMSINIT and look for error messages indicating why this value is not available. Insure that he has set this LPAR into the group named on the license certificate, and that the MSU value for this group is equal to or less than the MSUS value on the license certificate. WLM599I ******* CPU NOT IDENTIFIABLE BY TABLE NOR CERTIFICATE Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is included on any e-mail message that is generated when a product or option is allowed to execute even though the current CPU is STSI-capable, the model number is not included in the LMS table, and the certificate does not contain the STSIgenerated model identification. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware Worldwide License Management immediately so that new certificates for your Compuware products can be generated and transmitted to you which contain the correct CPU model identification as returned by the STSI instruction. WLM600E ******* PRODUCT LPAR MSU UTILIZATION LICENSING IS UNAVAILABLE Severity: Error Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute because the z/OS facility needed for determining the current LPAR rolling 4-hour average MSU utilization is not available. System Action: The Compuware product is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact your System Programmer and report this problem. Ask him to rerun LMSINIT and look for message LM7037 on the system console. This message will indicate the return and reason codes that the RMF ERBDSQRY or ERBDSREC callable services have generated. Read carefully the Compuware documentation concerning setting up your system to gather the required LPAR MSU utilization values. WLM601E ******* OPTION LPAR MSU UTILIZATION LICENSING IS UNAVAILABLE Severity: Error Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute because the z/OS facility needed for determining the current LPAR rolling 4-hour average MSU utilization is not available. System Action: The Compuware option is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact your System Programmer and report this problem. Ask him to rerun LMSINIT and look for message LM7037 on the system console. This message will indicate the return and reason codes that the RMF ERBDSQRY or ERBDSREC callable services have generated. Read carefully the Compuware documentation concerning setting up your system to gather the required LPAR MSU utilization values. WLM602I ******* USING EMERGENCY PASSWORD THROUGH ##20 Severity: Informational License Management System Messages and Codes 3-83 Explanation: A valid emergency password was entered into the LAU. This message verifies that a valid password was applied, and it will allow product execution through midnight of the date shown. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. WLM608E ******* OS/390 STSI OR CSRSI FAILURE Severity: Error Explanation: License Management is running on a CPU which supports Dynamic CPU Upgrade, but the call to the CSRSI service has resulted in a return code greater than 4. The service cannot return valid CPU information. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware Worldwide License Management immediately so that a TEMP_CPU certificate can be installed which will allow you to execute your Compuware products. In the meantime, investigate why your OS/390 is unable to return valid CPU information. WLM611E START DATE NOT < END DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The imported License Certificate has an error in the Start or End Dates(s). The Product START date must be less than the Product END date. System Action: The program continues certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM612E START DATE NOT < MAINT DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The Product START date must be less than the Product MAINT date. System Action: The program continues certificate validation. User Response: Certificate. Contact Compuware World Wide License Management for a new License WLM613E MAINT DATE > END DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The Product MAINT date must not be greater than the Product END date. System Action: The program continues certificate validation. User Response: Correct the dates or contact Compuware World Wide License Management for a new Certificate. WLM614E SP_START DATE > SP_END DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the Special Access Start or Special Access End Date(s). HEL Product SP_START date must be less than or equal to Product SP_END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM615W SP_START DATE < START DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Start Date or Special Access Start Date. Product SP_START date must be greater than or equal to Product START date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. 3-84 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM616W SP_START DATE > END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Special Access Start Date or the End Date. Product SP_START date must be less than or equal to Product END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM617W SP_END DATE > END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Special Access End Date or the End Date. Product SP_END date must be less than or equal to Product END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM618E START DATE NOT < END DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Start Date or End Date. The Product Option START date must be less than the Product Option END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM619W OPTION START DATE < START DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Product or Option Start date. Product Option START date must be greater than or equal to Product START date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM620W OPTION START DATE NOT < END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Option Start Date or the Option End Date. Product Option START date must be less than Product END date. System Action: The program continues certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM621W OPTION END DATE > PRODUCT END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Option End Date or the Product End Date. Product Option END date must be less than or equal to Product END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM622E OPTION SP_START DATE > OPTION SP_END DATE Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-85 Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the Option Special Access Start Date or the Option Special Access End Date. Product Option SP_START date must be less than or equal to Product Option SP_END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM623W OPTION SP_START DATE < OPTION START DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Option Special Access Start Date or the Option Start Date. Product Option SP_START date must be greater than or equal to Product Option START date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM624W OPTION SP_START DATE > OPTION END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Option Special Access Start Date or the Option End Date. Product Option SP_START date must be less than or equal to Product Option END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM625W OPTION SP_END DATE > OPTION END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the Option Special Access End Date or the Option End Date. Product Option SP_END date must be less than or equal to Product Option END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM626E SP_ACCESS CODE INCOMPATIBLE WITH AN SP DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the Special Access key word or Special Access Start or End Dates. If SP_ACCESS keyword is present then SP_START and SP_END must be present. If SP_ACCESS keyword is not present then SP_START and SP_END must not be present. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM627E CERTVER INCOMPATIBLE WITH PROGRAM LEVEL CODE Severity: Error Explanation: The CERTVER on the certificate is incompatible with the release level of the LMS License Administration Utility. System Action: The program terminates. User Response: Upgrade your License Management System and contact Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary. WLM628E AUTHENTICATION CODE INVALID Severity: Error 3-86 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The AUTH value is invalid. There is an error in the License Certificate. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM629I PRODUCT(S)/OPTION(S) USING EMERGENCY PASSWORD Severity: Informational Explanation: A valid emergency password was entered into the LAU. This message verifies that a valid password was applied. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. WLM630I ******* PRODUCT IN 14 DAY UNLICENSED CEC MODEL GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has the correct CEC model specified. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM631I ******* OPTION IN 14 DAY UNLICENSED CEC MODEL GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has the correct CEC model specified. System Action: execute. The Compuware product is notified that the option should be allowed to User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM632E ******* PRODUCT 14 DAY GRACE FOR UNLICENSED CEC MODEL EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for Dynamic CPU upgrades has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains the correct MODEL name for the CPU. System Action: The Compuware product is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM633E ******* OPTION 14 DAY GRACE FOR UNLICENSED CEC MODEL EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for Dynamic CPU upgrades has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains the correct MODEL name for the CPU. System Action: The Compuware option is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM634I ******* PRODUCT IN 14 DAY UNLICENSED LPAR SIZE GRACE Severity: Informational License Management System Messages and Codes 3-87 Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has an LPAR specified with the correct number of MSUs included. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM635I ******* OPTION IN 14 DAY UNLICENSED LPAR SIZE GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has an LPAR specified with the correct number of MSUs included. System Action: execute. The Compuware product is notified that the option should be allowed to User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM636E ******* PRODUCT 14 DAY GRACE FOR UNLICENSED LPAR SIZE EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for LPAR Capacity upgrades has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains the correct number of MSUs specified for this LPAR. System Action: The Compuware product is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM637E ******* OPTION 14 DAY GRACE FOR UNLICENSED LPAR SIZE EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for LPAR Capacity upgrades has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains the correct number of MSUs specified for this LPAR. System Action: The Compuware option is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM638I ******* PRODUCT IN 14 DAY UNLICENSED LPAR NAME GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has an LPAR specified with the correct LPAR name specified. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM639I ******* OPTION IN 14 DAY UNLICENSED LPAR NAME GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has an LPAR specified with the correct LPAR name specified. System Action: execute. The Compuware product is notified that the option should be allowed to User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. 3-88 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM640E ******* PRODUCT 14 DAY GRACE FOR UNLICENSED LPAR NAME EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for unlicensed LPAR names has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains the correct LPAR name specified. System Action: The Compuware product is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM641E ******* OPTION 14 DAY GRACE FOR UNLICENSED LPAR NAME EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for unlicensed LPAR names has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains the correct LPAR name specified. System Action: The Compuware option is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM642I ******* PRODUCT IN 14 DAY UNLICENSED CEC SERIAL NUMBER GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has a CPU specified with the correct CPU serial number. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM643I ******* OPTION IN 14 DAY UNLICENSED CEC SERIAL NUMBER GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is allowed to execute, but only for a 14 day period, during which the customer must contact Compuware and obtain a license certificate that has a CPU specified with the correct CPU serial number. System Action: execute. The Compuware product is notified that the option should be allowed to User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM644E ******* PRODUCT 14 DAY GRACE FOR UNLICENSED CEC SERIAL EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The product named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for unlicensed CPU serial numbers has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains the correct CPU serial number. System Action: The Compuware product is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM645E ******* OPTION 14 DAY GRACE FOR UNLICENSED CEC SERIAL EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The option named in this set of messages is not allowed to execute, because the 14 day grace period for unlicensed CPU serial numbers has expired. The customer must contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains the correct CPU serial number. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: 3-89 The Compuware option is not allowed to execute. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a new License Certificate. WLM654E SITE_ID IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The SITE_ID must have a length of 1-3 characters and be in the range 0-999. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Omit SITE_ID for all sites or supply a SITE_ID that is within the valid range. WLM655E START DATE NOT < END DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the CPU START Date or CPU END Date. CPU START date must be less than CPU END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM656W CPU START DATE < PRODUCT START DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the CPU START Date or Product START Date. CPU START Date must not be less than Product START Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM657W CPU START DATE NOT < PRODUCT END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the CPU START Date or Product END Date. CPU START Date must be less than Product END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM658W CPU END DATE > PRODUCT END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the CPU END Date or Product END Date. CPU END Date must not be greater than Product END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM659W CPU START DATE < OPTION START DATE Severity: Warning 3-90 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the CPU START Date or the Option START Date. CPU START Date must not be less than Option START Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM660I CERTIFICATE IMPORTED - NO ERRORS OR WARNINGS Severity: Informational Explanation: The License Certificate has been imported successfully. No error or warning messages have been included in the CWLFPRNT output. System Action: The program prints the certicate it has imported. User Response: None. WLM661W CERTIFICATE IMPORTED SUCCESSFULLY - WARNINGS ISSUED Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate has been imported successfully. Some warning messages have been included in the CWLFPRNT output. System Action: The program prints the certicate it has imported, with warning messages inserted after all questionable lines. User Response: Locate the warning messages in the CWLFPRNT output. If they appear to represent real errors, contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. In the meantime, you will be able to run with the certifcate as imported. WLM662E CERTIFICATE NOT IMPORTED - ERROR MESSAGES ISSUED Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate has not been imported. Error messages have been included in the CWLFPRNT output. System Action: The program prints the certicate with error messages inserted after lines that were in error. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM663W CPU START DATE NOT < OPTION END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the CPU START Date or Option END Date. CPU START Date must be less than Option END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM664W CPU END DATE > OPTION END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the CPU END Date or Option END Date. CPU END Date must not be greater than Option END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM665E @@ STATUS @@ NOT PERMITTED WITH @@ STATUS @@ Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-91 Explanation: The License Certificate has incompatible values in the Status keyword for the Product, Option, or CPU. Incompatible STATUS codes between listed Product, Option, or CPU. System Action: The program continues certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM668E OPTION_CPU NOT IN PRODUCT_CPU LIST Severity: Error Explanation: There is an error on the License Certificate. A CPU for an Option must also appear as a CPU for a Product. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM669E LPAR UNDER OPTION_CPU NOT UNDER SAME CPU AT PRODUCT LEVEL Severity: Error Explanation: There is an error on the License Certificate. An LPAR under a CPU for an OPTION must also appear as an LPAR under the same CPU for the Product. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM670E CERTIFICATE WOULD GENERATE DUPLICATE RECORDS Severity: Error Explanation: There is an error on the License Certificate. Some information in the License Certificate has been duplicated in error. For example, there may be two identical CPUs or LPARs specified for a single Product or Option. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM671E START DATE NOT < END DATE Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the LPAR START Date or LPAR END Date. LPAR START date must be less than LPAR END date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM672W LPAR START DATE < PRODUCT START DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the LPAR START Date or Product START Date. LPAR START Date must not be less than Product START Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM673W LPAR START DATE NOT < PRODUCT END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the LPAR START Date or Product END Date. LPAR START Date must be less than Product END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. 3-92 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM674W LPAR END DATE > PRODUCT END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate has an error in the LPAR END Date or Product END Date. LPAR END Date must not be greater than Product END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM675W LPAR START DATE < OPTION START DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the LPAR START Date or Option START Date. LPAR START Date must not be less than Option START Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM676W LPAR START DATE NOT < OPTION END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the LPAR START Date or Option END Date. LPAR START Date must be less than Option END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM677W LPAR END DATE > OPTION END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the LPAR END Date or Option END Date. LPAR END Date must not be greater than Option END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM678W LPAR START DATE < CPU START DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the LPAR START Date or CPU START Date. LPAR START Date must not be less than CPU START Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-93 WLM679W LPAR START DATE NOT < CPU END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the LPAR START Date or CPU END Date. LPAR START Date must be less than CPU END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM680W LPAR END DATE > CPU END DATE Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate is inconsistent in the LPAR END Date or CPU END Date. LPAR END Date must not be greater than CPU END Date. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Ensure that the correct License Certificates are being imported (usually these are the certificates which were most recently received from Compuware). This message can occur if obsolete certificates are accidentally included for processing. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM681E LICENSE CERTIFICATE CONTAINS NO RECORDS Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT contains no noncomment records. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 12. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM682E LICENSE CERTIFICATE CONTAINS ONLY A CUSTOMER RECORD Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT contains no noncomment records after the CUSTOMER record. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 12. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM683E LICENSE CERTIFICATE CONTAINS INVALID OR ILLOGICAL RECORD Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT contains a record (for example, a second CUSTOMER record) other than SITE in a context where only a SITE record is valid. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 12. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM684E LICENSE CERTIFICATE CONTAINS TRAILING SITE RECORD Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT ends with a SITE record. SITE records must be followed by at least one PRODUCT record. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 12. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. 3-94 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM685E LICENSE CERTIFICATE HAS WRONG RECORD AFTER SITE RECORD Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT contains a SITE record followed by something other than a PRODUCT record. Each SITE record must be followed immediately by at least one PRODUCT record. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 12. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM686E LICENSE CERTIFICATE DOES NOT BEGIN WITH CUSTOMER RECORD Severity: Error Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT begins with a record type other than CUSTOMER. The CUSTOMER record must be the first non-comment record in the certificate. System Action: Processing ends with a return code of 12. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM687W ASTERISKS IN CPU ID ARE NOT PERMITTED FOR CERTVER<@@> Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT contains asterisks in parts of the CPU ID field. This usage is permitted only for CERTVER<02.00.00> and higher certificates. . System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. The certificate will be imported, but may not provide all the authorization you expect. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM688W ASTERISKS IN CPU ID ARE VALID ONLY IF LPAR PRICING IS USED Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT contains asterisks in parts of the CPU ID field. This usage is permitted, for CERTVER<02.00.00> and higher certificates, only. if the CPU record is followed by one or more LPAR records. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. The certificate will be imported, but may not provide all the authorization you expect. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM689W ASTERISKS IN CPU ID ARE REQUIRED IF LPAR PRICING IS USED Severity: Warning Explanation: The License Certificate supplied to LMALFIM for IMPORT contains a CPU record qualified by following LPAR records. In such a CPU record, all CPU identifiers other than serial number should be asterisks, meaning that the LPAR definition and CPU serial number alone govern authorization. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. The certificate will be imported, but may not provide all the authorization you expect. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM690W LPAR UNDER OPTION DEFINED LARGER THAN UNDER CPU Severity: Warning Explanation: An LPAR record for an option has a larger number of MSUS than any equivalent LPAR record under the product. The LPAR size defined for the product will control the authorization of the option. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-95 System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. The certificate will be imported, but may not provide all the authorization you expect. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM691E LPAR LICENSE FOR PRODUCT REQUIRES LPAR LICENSE FOR OPTION Severity: Error Explanation: A CPU record for an OPTION is not qualified by any LPAR record, but the corresponding CPU record for the product is qualified by one or more LPAR records. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM692E END DATE IS INVALID WITH STATUS LONG_TERM Severity: Error Explanation: The status LONG_TERM indicates that the product or option may be used for the indefinite future. No ending date may be specified. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM693E ASTERISKS MAY NOT BE USED IN CPU SERIAL NUMBER> Severity: Error Explanation: Asterisks are valid in some portions of the CPU ID field, when LPAR pricing is used. However, the 6-digit CPU serial number must always be specified. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM694W THIS "@@" KEYWORD OVERRIDDEN BY SAME KEYWORD BELOW Severity: Warning Explanation: The specified keyword occurs more than once for a single record in the License Certificate. The value specified in the final occurrence will be in effect. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Examine the License Certificate to see if the final value for this keyword is correct. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM695E INVALID SUBFIELD IN SERVER_ID Severity: Error Explanation: The SERVER_ID must be a comma separated triplet constructed as follows: SERVER_ID where: seqno is the low order four digits of the CPU sequence number (as shown on the CPC SI line of the D M=CPU command output) where the server will execute. This subfield can be filled with leading zeroes to a maximum length of 16 digits. lparname is the 1 - 8 character LPAR name where the server will execute sysname is the 1 - 8 character MVS system name (CVTSNAME) of the MVS image where the server will execute. Imbedded blanks are not permitted in the SERVER_ID field. System Action: The program continues License Certificate validation. User Response: Examine the License Certificate to see if the final value for this keyword is correct. Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM696E MANUAL IMPORT OF CERTIFICATES WITH SERVER RECORDS NOT ALLOWED Severity: Error 3-96 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: An attempt has been made to manually import a server type certificate. This action must be performed via the License Management browser based interface. System Action: Processing is immediately teminated. User Response: Initiate the import of the certificate via the appropriate function in the License Management browser interface. WLM702I ******* THIS PRODUCT IS EXECUTING WITHIN CPU GRACE PERIOD Severity: Informational Explanation: The product named is currently executing only because the current date is within the CPU grace period. This is the first part of a two-part message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM703I ******* THE CURRENT PRODUCT/OPTION IN DISASTER RECOVERY MODE Severity: Informational Explanation: mode. The product and option named are currently executing in disaster recovery System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None WLM704I ******* THE CURRENT PRODUCT/OPTION EXECUTING IN GRACE PERIOD Severity: Informational Explanation: The product and option named is executing only because the current date is within the product grace period. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM705I ******* MAINTENANCE NOTIFICATION FOR THIS PRODUCT Severity: Informational Explanation: The current product is at least two years old. Compuware should be contacted for a newer release of this product. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware World Wide License Management for a newer release of this product. WLM706E ******* PRODUCT IN SERVER GRACE Severity: Error Explanation: This product is executing within the server grace period. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should execute. User Response: Attempt to put this client LMS subsystem in communication with the appropriate LMS server. This will remove this product from server grace. WLM707E ******* SERVER GRACE HAS EXPIRED FOR THIS PRODUCT Severity: Error Explanation: This product was in server grace for the maximum length of time allowed without server communication. System Action: The Compuware product is notified that it should not run. User Response: Attempt to put this client LMS subsystem in communication with the appropriate LMS server. This will allow this product to execute once again. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-97 WLM708E ******* OPTION IN SERVER GRACE Severity: Error Explanation: This option is executing within the server grace perio d. System Action: execute. The Compuware product is notified that it should allow this option to User Response: Attempt to put this client LMS subsystem in communication with the appropriate LMS server. This will remove this option from server grace. WLM709E ******* SERVER GRACE HAS EXPIRED FOR THIS OPTION Severity: Error Explanation: This option was in server grace for the maximum length of time allowed without server communication. System Action: execute. The Compuware product is notified that it should not allow this option to User Response: Attempt to put this client LMS subsystem in communication with the appropriate LMS server. This will allow this option to execute once again. WLM710I ******* @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message contains the customer supplied text for a license checkout warning situation. System Action: This message is returned to the Compuware product which will display this message whereever is appropriate. User Response: The Compuware product is allowed to execute. WLM711E ******* @@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message contains the customer supplied text for a license checkout failure situation. System Action: This message is returned to the Compuware product which will display this message whereever is appropriate. User Response: The Compoware product is not allowed to execute. WLM840E INCOMPLETE VALUE CLAUSE FOR KEYWORD "@@" Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate in the value of the keyword specified in the error. The value must be completely specified following a keyword within a single License Certificate input record. System Action: License Certificate validation continues with the remainder of the License Certificate but it will not be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM841E VALUE CLAUSE LENGTH FOR "@@" IS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate in the value of the keyword specified in the error. The minimum number of characters specified for the keyword value were not provided. System Action: License Certificate validation continues with the remainder of the License Certificate but it will not be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. 3-98 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM842E VALUE CLAUSE LENGTH FOR "@@" EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM LENGTH Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate in the value of the keyword specified in the error. The expected maximum number of characters expected for this keyword value has been exceeded. System Action: Any characters beyond the maximum length are not validated. The parser continues to validate the remainder of the License Certificate but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM843E VALUE CLAUSE FOR "@@" CONTAINS AN INVALID HEXADECIMAL CHARACTER Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate in the value of the keyword specified in the error. The value clause must be comprised of characters in the range of 0-9 and A-F only. System Action: The parser continues to validate the remainder of the License Certificate but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM844E CPU ENTRY LENGTH IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate in the value of the CPU keyword. A CPU entry must be exactly 22 characters long. System Action: The remainder of the License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM845E CPU ENTRY CONTAINS AT LEAST ONE INVALID SEPARATOR Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate in the value of the CPU keyword. A CPU entry must have commas in the 4th and 19th positions and dashes in the 9th and 12th positions. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM846E CPU ENTRY CONTAINS AT LEAST ONE INVALID CHARACTER Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate in the value of the CPU keyword. A CPU entry must be constructed as follows: XXX,HHHH-HH-HHHHHH,XXX Where: X = any valid alphanumeric character, and H = any valid hexadecimal character. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM847E VALUE CLAUSE FOR "@@" CONTAINS AN INVALID DATE Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred on the License Certificate date value of the keyword specified in the error. Date values must conform to the following structure: DD-MMM-YYYY Where: DD = valid numeric characters and DD is greater than zero and less than or equal to License Management System Messages and Codes 3-99 the number of days in MMM, MMM = one of JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, or DEC, YYYY = valid numeric characters and YYYY is greater than zero. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM848E VALUE CLAUSE FOR "@@" CONTAINS AN INVALID VALUE; MUST BE ONE OF @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate value for the keyword specified in the error. The value clause does not match one of a list of pre-defined values for this keyword. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator or Compuware World Wide License Management to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM849E VALUE CLAUSE FOR "@@" CONTAINS AN INVALID MVS DATA SET NAME Severity: Error Explanation: An error in the MVS data set name supplied by your License Management Administrator has occurred. This value is imported with a License Certificate. The value clause must conform to all of the MVS data set name rules. System Action: The values supplied for input into the License File will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware customer support, if necessary WLM850E VALUE CLAUSE FOR "@@" CONTAINS INVALID NUMERIC CHARACTER Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the value of the keyword specified in the error. The value clause must be comprised of characters in the range 0-9. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM851E VALUE CLAUSE FOR "@@" CONTAINS INVALID ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTER Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the value of the keyword specified in the error. The value clause must be comprised of characters in the range A-Z, $, #, and @. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM852E VALUE CLAUSE FOR "@@" CONTAINS AN INVALID VERSION Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in the License Certificate in the value of the keyword specified in the error. Version values must conform to the following structure: VV.RR.MM Where: VV, RR, MM = valid numeric characters in the range 0-9. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to validate the remainder of the License Certificate, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. 3-100 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes WLM853E KEYWORD "@@" IS UNKNOWN Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred in a keyword in a License Certificate. The characters in quotes are not recognized as a valid License Certificate keyword. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM854E KEYWORD "@@" NOT VALID IN @@ SECTION Severity: Error Explanation: An error has occurred with a keyword in a License Certificate. A valid keyword has been encountered, but it is not properly placed in the License Certificate. System Action: The License Certificate will continue to be validated, but no changes will be applied to the License File. User Response: Contact your License Management Administrator and Compuware World Wide License Management, if necessary, to obtain a valid License Certificate. WLM855E MISMATCHED CUSTOMER NUMBERS Severity: Error Explanation: The customer number on the License Certificate differs from the customer number on the License File. System Action: The License File has not been updated. Processing has ended. User Response: number. Create a new License File or select the correct License File for this customer Centralized Licensing Facility Server Messages LDP001I AUTOMATIC VERSION PROPAGATION FUNCTION STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: The automatic version propagation function of the import program has begun. This message and all others relating to this function are written to the CWLFPRNT data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP002I VERSION PROPAGATION ENDED. RETCODE=@@ RSNCODE=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The automatic version propogation function of the import program has ended. The final return and reason codes are shown in this message. System Action: LMALFDP ends. User Response: Check the return and reason codes and if not zero, then examine the preceeding report for an error message. LDP003E ERROR OPENING LICENSE FILE. RETCODE=@@ RSNCODE=@@ ACBERRCD=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The ACB error occurred when trying to open the license file for read or update processing. System Action: LMALFDP ends. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-101 User Response: Determine the exact error based upon the error code, and attempt to fix this problem. Rerun the import program LDP004E VSAM RECORD ACCESS ERROR. RETCODE=@@ RSNCODE=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This error occurred attempting to update the VSAM license file. System Action: LMALFDP ends. User Response: Contact the Compuware Support personnel and have the values from this message and from LDP005 available for them to analyze. LDP005E VSAM FUNCTION=@@ RETCODE=@@ RSNCODE=@@ FEEDBACK=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message follows LDP004 and shows the codes from the VSAM RPL at the time of the error. System Action: LMALFDP ends. User Response: Contact the Compuware Support personnel and have the values from this message and from LDP005 available for them to analyze. LDP008I @@ VERSION @@ UPDATED ON LICENSE FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The product/version number shown in this message has been updated on the license file. The old and new end dates are displayed in a subsequent message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP009I OPTION @@ VERSION @@ UPDATED ON LICENSE FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The option/version number shown in this message has been updated on the license file. The old and new end dates are displayed in a subsequent message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP010I CPU @@ UPDATED ON LICENSE FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The CPU identified in this message has been updated on the license file. The old and new end dates are displayed in a subsequent message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP011I LPAR @@ UPDATED ON LICENSE FILE Severity: Informational Explanation: The LPAR identified in this message has been updated on the license file. The old and new end dates are displayed in a subsequent message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP012I PREVIOUS END DATE @@ Severity: CURRENT END DATE @@ Informational Explanation: The previous (old) end date that existed on the license file and the current (new) end date that now exists on the license file for the current product are shown. System Action: Processing continues. 3-102 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None. LDP013W AUTOMATIC VERSION PROPAGATION ABORTED. EMERGENCY/DISASTER SET Severity: Warning Explanation: Because the license file contains an active emergency password or a current disaster recovery setting, the version propagation will not occur. System Action: Processing continues without version propagation. User Response: Determine if the propagation should occur, and if so, remover the emergency password or the disaster recovery indicator from your license file. Rerun IMPORT. LDP014E UNABLE TO DECODE EMERGENCY PASSWORD RETCD=@@ RSNCD=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The routine which attempts to decode the emergency password has failed and automatic version propagation has been abandoned. System Action: Processing continues without version propagation. User Response: Remove the emergency password from your license file and if necessary obtain a new one from Compuware and set the new one using the LAU. Rerun import. LDP016I PROCESSING PRODUCT @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The product named in this message is being prcessed by LMALFVP. Further messages about this product follow. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP017I LOWEST VERSION @@ HIGHEST VERSION @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message follows LDP016 and indicate the lowest and highest versions existing on the license file. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP018I PRODUCT UPDATED ON @@/@@/@@ AT @@:@@:@@ BY @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the current product wasn"t update today within 5 minutes of the current time. Therefore its dates will not be propogated to lower versions. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP019I PROPAGATION OF THIS PRODUCT WILL OCCUR Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the product named in the previous LDP016 message will have all information propagated from the highest vrm to all lower vrms for the product named. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP020E VSAM FILE I/O ERROR CODES. RETCODE=@@ RSNCODE=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message concludes the set of three which define the VSAM access error. The return and reason codes are shown in this message. System Action: LMALFDP ends. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-103 User Response: Be certain you save all error messages in order to have them available for the Compuware support personnel. LDP021I PROPAGATION OF THIS PRODUCT WILL NOT OCCUR Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the product named in the previous LDP016 message will not have any of its information propagated from the highest vrm to the lower ones. This will occur if the product with the highest vrm was not updated in the current execution of the IMPORT process. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LDP022I VERSION PROPAGATION WILL NOT BE PERFORMED DUE TO Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that version propagation will not be performed for the certificate which has just been imported into the license file. Message LDP023 continues the explanation. System Action: Processing continues and message LDP023 is displayed. User Response: None. LDP023I CERTVER<04.00.00> NOT PRESENT ON THIS CERTIFICATE Severity: Informational Explanation: This message continues the reason why version propagation will not occur. In order to propagate license information to all versions of a product, the CERTVER value on the customer record of the current certificate must specify 04.00.00 or greater. System Action: Processing continues without version propagation. User Response: If you expected version propagation to occur, then contact WWLM at Compuware and request a certificate which contains the correct CERTVER value. LMZ007E UNABLE TO WRITE TO DD SYSPRINT. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that even though the SYSPRINT data set is open, it cannot be written to. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: Insure that you have a //SYSPRINT DD statement in the LMS Server JCL, and that it either specifies SYSOUT=*, or points to a sequential or partitioned data set member whose DCB characteristics are RECFM=FBA, LRECL=133 and BLKSIZE is some multiple of 133. LMZ008E TCP/IP @@ ERROR. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the LMS server has had a failure on one of the TCP/IP interface macros. The name of the failing macro, and the return and reason codes are given in the message. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: If the failing macro is INITAPI, insure that the IBM TCP/IP address space is initialized, and that you have correctly specified its name in the LMS server parameter data set. Otherwise, contace the Compuware program support group. LMZ009E TCP/IP @@ ERROR. CLIENT=@@:@@. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the LMS server has had a failure on one of the TCP/IP interface macros. The name of the failing macro, and the return and reason codes are given in the message. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. 3-104 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: If the failing macro is INITAPI, insure that the IBM TCP/IP address space is initialized, and that you have correctly specified its name in the LMS server parameter data set. Otherwise, contace the Compuware program support group. LMZ010E MODULE @@ CANNOT BE LOADED. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the module named here cannot be loaded from the current STEPLIB or JOBLIB. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: Insure that this module exists in the STEPLIB/JOBLIB data set and that it has executable status. You may need to recopy this module from the distribution library. LMZ011E UNABLE TO ATTACH VSAM LOG SUBTASK. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that LMS cannot attach the subtask needed to process the VSAM log. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: Refer this problem to the Compuware software support staff. LMZ012E UNABLE TO WRITE TO VSAM LOG FILE. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that LMS cannot write to the VSAM log file. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: Refer this problem to the Compuware software support staff. LMZ017I CONNECTION WITH CLIENT LMS @@/@@/@@/@@ ENDED Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that TCP/IP has returned a status which indicates that communication with the named client has ended. System Action: Connection with the named client is terminated. User Response: Determine if a network problem has caused this error, or perhaps the LPAR containing the named client has, itself, ended. LMZ020E UNABLE TO ESTABLISH ESTAEX RECOVERY ENVIRONMENT. RET=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that LMS has received a non-zero return code from the ESTAEX macro. R15 from the macro is shown in this message. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: Refer this problem to Compuware"s software support staff. LMZ021I CONNECTION WITH CLIENT LMS @@/@@/@@/@@ STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that TCP/IP has returned a status which indicates that communication with the named client has begun. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ022I SESSION WITH USERID @@ STARTED FROM @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the USERID named in this message has successfully logged on to the LMS server. The IP address of the user"s TCP/IP, and the port number from that system are shown also. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 3-105 LMZ023I CONNECTION WITH USERID @@ ENDED FROM @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the connection for the userid named in this message has been closed. The user is still logged on and will continue the dialog later. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ024E USERID @@ LOGON FAILURE. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the USERID named in this message has not successfully logged on to the LMS server. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ026E LMZCHKIO IDCAMS DEFINE ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZCHKIO invoked IDCAMS to define a new checkpoint data set. IDCAMS was unsuccessful in this effort. System Action: LMS Server terminates User Response: Add a //CXSNAPDD DD SYSOUT=* DD statement to the LMS Server initiation JCL. Rerun the server and examine the contents of this SNAP data set. It will contain all of the IDCAMS information and error messages. If you cannot determine the nature of the problem from this information, then refer the problem to the Compuware support staff. LMZ027E LMZCHKIO ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZCHKIO could not allocate the new checkpoint data set that was just defined by IDCAMS. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ028E LMZCHKIO ACB GENCB ERROR. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: ACB. VSAM returned a non-zero return code from GENCB for the generation of an System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ029E LMZCHKIO RPL GENCB ERROR. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: RPL. VSAM returned a non-zero return code from GENCB for the generation of an System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ030E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT OPEN (LOAD MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from OPEN ACB. 3-106 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ031E LMZCHKIO STORAGE OBTAIN FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZCHKIO was unable to obtain storage for a checkpoint data record, or for an allocation request block. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ033E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZCHKIO could not allocate the checkpoint data set for update processing. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ034E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT CLOSE (LOAD MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZCHKIO could not close the checkpoint data set after load processing. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ035E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT OPEN (UPDATE MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from OPEN ACB. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ036I LMZCHKIO UPDATE PROCESSING COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY Severity: Informational Explanation: The checkpoint data set has been updated successfully. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ037E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT PUT (LOAD MODE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to load the checkpoint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZCHKIO. LMZ038E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT DATA SET NOT VSAM KSDS Severity: Error Explanation: Module LMZCHKIO has allocated the checkpoint data set named in the LMS Server parameters, but has found that this data set is not a VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: LMZCHKIO can invoke IDCAMS DEFINE automatically to create a new checkpoint data set. Change the name of the data set to one that does not exist at all, and LMZCHKIO will define one automatically for you. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-107 LMZ039E LMZCHKIO RACF ACCESS TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET @@ INSUFFICIENT Severity: Error Explanation: Module LMZCHKIO has determined that the USERID under which the LMSSEVER was initiated does not have sufficient RACF, TOPSECRET or ACF/2 access to the checkpoint data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Change the data set access rules in order to grant ALTER access to the USERID under which the LMS Server executes if no checkpoint data set exists, or CONTROL access if the checkpoint data set does exist. LMZ040E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT POINT FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the POINT macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZCHKIO. LMZ041E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT GET (NO UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the GET macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZCHKIO. LMZ042E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT GET (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the GET macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZCHKIO. LMZ043E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT PUT (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZCHKIO. LMZ044E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT PUT (ADD) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZCHKIO. LMZ045E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT PUT (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun the LMS Server. 3-108 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LMZ046E UNABLE TO LOAD LICENSE FILE @@. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: During LMS Server initialization, the master license file read program returned the errors shown in thi message. System Action: Processing continues without the use of this file. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun the LMS Server. LMZ047E ERROR IN AUTH KEY ON LICENSE FILE @@. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: During LMS Server initialization, the master license file authenticiation key program returned the errors shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues without the use of this file User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun the LMS Server. LMZ048I PRODUCT @@ VER @@ HAS A VALID AUTH KEY Severity: Informational Explanation: During the load of the master license file into cache storage, it was verified that the product named in this message has a valid authentication key. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ049I PRODUCT @@ VER @@ OPTION @@ HAS A VALID AUTH KEY Severity: Informational Explanation: During the load of the master license file into cache storage, it was verified that the option to the product named in this message has a valid authentication key. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ050E PRODUCT @@ VER @@ HAS AN INVALID AUTH KEY Severity: Error Explanation: During the load of the master license file into cache storage, it was determined that the option to the product named in this message has an invalid authentication key. System Action: Execution continues, but cache is not loaded User Response: From a userer connection, resend the original certificate to the LMS server. If the problem persists contact World Wide License Management at Compuware and request a new license certificate. LMZ051E PRODUCT @@ VER @@ OPTION @@ HAS AN INVALID AUTH KEY Severity: Error Explanation: During the load of the master license file into cache storage, it was determined that the option to the product named in this message has an invalid authentication key. System Action: Execution continues, but cache is not loaded User Response: From a userer connection, resend the original certificate to the LMS server. If the problem persists contact World Wide License Management at Compuware and request a new license certificate. LMZ052I LICENSE FILE SUCESSFULLY SENT TO LMS @@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that an LPAR specific license file has successfully be transmitted to the client LMS name in this message. System Action: Execution continues. License Management System Messages and Codes User Response: 3-109 None. LMZ053E LICENSE FILE REJECTED BY LMS @@/@@/@@/@@ RC=@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that an LPAR specific license file has been transmitted to the client LMS named in this message, but the client LMS system has rejected the file with the return and reason codes shown. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: Refer this problem to the Compuware license management support staff. LMZ054E LMZCHKIO VSAM ERASE FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the ERASE macro used to delete a record from the checkpoint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: Execution continues, but the checkpoint data set may be in error. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun the LMS Server. LMZ055I USERID @@ HAS ADDED LPAR @@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just added an LPAR to the server checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ056I USERID @@ HAS DELETED LPAR @@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just deleted the LPAR from the server checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ057I USERID @@ HAS UPDATED LPAR @@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just updated the LPAR on the server checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ058E LMS LOGGER FAILURE. RC=@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code has resulted from an LMS log function. The return and reason codes are shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues without the use of the log User Response: Determine the reason for the failure using the return and reason codes. If you cannot make this determination, then refer this problem to the Compuware software support staff. LMZ059I USERID @@ HAS ADDED CONFIGURATION "@@" Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just added a new configuration to the server checkpoint data set. 3-110 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ060I USERID @@ HAS DELETED CONFIGURATION "@@" Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just deleted an existing configuration from the server checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ061E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT DATA SET NAME NOT UNIQUE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZCHKIO could not allocate the checkpoint data set because a SYSTEMS wide ENQ indicated that the same data set name is allocated elsewhere, either on this system or on another system in the SYSPLEX. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Each instance of the LMS Server MUST have a unique checkpoint data set. Therefore, the name of this data set must be different for each server. Change the name of the checkpoint data set in this system"s LMS Server parameters to a unique name, and re-execute the Server. LMZ062E LMZCHKIO CHECKPOINT ENDREQ (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the ENDREQ macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZCHKIO. LMZ063I USERID @@ HAS DELETED CEC @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just deleted the CEC from the server checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ064I USERID @@ HAS RENAMED CONFIGURATION "@@" Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just renamed an existing configuration from the server checkpoint data set and from use. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ065I Severity: TO "@@" Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just renamed an existing configuration from the server checkpoint data set and from use. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ066I MULTIPLE COPIES OF THE LMS SERVER ARE NOT ALLOWED Severity: Informational License Management System Messages and Codes 3-111 Explanation: This informational message indicates that this LMS server has detected that another LMS server of the same version and release number is executing in the system. System Action: Server execution terminates immediately. User Response: You may not run more than one copy of the same LMS server on any particular system. You must cancel the other copy that is running, before starting this one again. LMZ067I START DATE FOR SERVER FROM @@ NOT YET REACHED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the license file which is in the process of being activated contains a server identification section containing a start date which is in the future. System Action: Products licensed by this server are disabled for use. User Response: Obtain a new license certificate from Compuware which contains a server start date not in the future. LMZ068I END DATE FOR SERVER FROM @@ HAS BEEN REACHED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the license file which is in the process of being activated contains a server identification section containing an end date which is in the past. That is, the server license has expired. System Action: Products licensed by this server are disabled for use. User Response: Obtain a new license certificate from Compuware which contains a server start date not in the past. LMZ069I SERVER NOT RUNNING ON LICENSED CEC @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the license file which is in the process of being activated contains a server identification section which specifies a CEC serial which is not the CEC on which the server is running. System Action: Products licensed by this server are disabled for use. User Response: Obtain a new license certificate from Compuware which contains a server licensed on the desired CEC, or move the server program to the licensed CEC. LMZ070I SERVER NOT RUNNING ON LICENSED LPAR @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the license file which is in the process of being activated contains a server identification section which specifies an LPAR name which is not the LPAR on which the server is running. System Action: Products licensed by this server are disabled for use. User Response: Obtain a new license certificate from Compuware which contains a server licensed on the desired LPAR, or move the server program to the licensed LPAR. LMZ071I SERVER NOT RUNNING ON LICENSED SYSTEM @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the license file which is in the process of being activated contains a server identification section which specifies an SYSTEM name which is not the SYSTEM on which the server is running. System Action: Products licensed by this server are disabled for use. User Response: Obtain a new license certificate from Compuware which contains a server licensed on the desired SYSTEM, or move the server program to the licensed SYSTEM. LMZ072I PRODUCT @@/@@ HAS BEEN MARKED NOT LICENSED Severity: Informational 3-112 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: This informational message indicates that the product and version number named is not licensed because the server which controls its MSU allocation is not licensed. System Action: This product/version is disabled for use. User Response: Obtain a new license certificate from Compuware which contains a server which is correctly licensed. LMZ073I PRODUCT @@/@@ OPTION @@/@@ HAS BEEN MARKED NOT LICENSED Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the option and version number named is not licensed because the server which controls its MSU allocation is not licensed. System Action: This option/version is disabled for use. User Response: Obtain a new license certificate from Compuware which contains a server which is correctly licensed. LMZ074I SERVER @@/@@/@@ HAS A VALID AUTH KEY Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the AUTH key on the license certificate just imported is valid. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ075E SERVER @@/@@/@@ HAS AN INVALID AUTH KEY Severity: Error Explanation: This informational message indicates that the AUTH key on the license certificate just imported is invalid. System Action: The current certificate is ignored. User Response: Obtain a new license certificate from Compuware which contains a valid AUTH key for the named server. LMZ076E ERROR IN AUTHENTICATION KEY VALIDATION. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: During license file import, the authentication key program returned the errors shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues without the use of this file User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and import the certificate again. LMZ077I SESSION WITH USERID @@/@@:@@ ENDED DUE TO INVALID SCREEN ID Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the USERID named in this message has been logged off from this server because the SCREEN_ID received in the latest message from the browser does not match the one previously sent. System Action: Userid is logged off. User Response: Do not use the browser "back" button to navigate amongst screens, but use the navigation buttons on the screens themselves. LMZ078I SESSION WITH USERID @@/@@:@@ ENDED DUE TO LOGOFF REQUEST Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the USERID named in this message has been logged off from this server because the user has entered the "logoff" command. System Action: Userid is logged off. User Response: None. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-113 LMZ079I USERID @@/@@:@@ HOLDS CONFIGURATION "@@" Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the userid named in the message has selected the specified configuration for update and holds the enque on this resource. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ080I USERID @@ HAS RELEASED CONFIGURATION "@@" Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the userid named in the message no longer holds the enque on the configuration named in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ081I USERID @@ HAS CLONED CONFIGURATION "@@" Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just created a new configuration. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ082I Severity: WHICH WAS CLONED FROM "@@" Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the USERID named in the message has just cloned a new configuration and the existing configuration used for cloning is named System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ083I DYNAMIC CPU UPGRADE OCCURRED ON CEC @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the CEC named in the message has just experienced a dynamic CPU upgrade (CPU Upgrade on Demand). System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ084I OLD CEC MODEL @@. NEW CEC MODEL @@. Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates the old and the new CEC model names following a dynamic CPU upgrade. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ085I LPAR SIZE CHANGED OCCURRED ON LPAR @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This informational message indicates that the LPAR named in the message has just experienced a size change System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ086I OLD LPAR SIZE @@. NEW LPAR SIZE @@. Severity: Informational 3-114 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: This informational message indicates the old and the new LPAR sizes following an LPAR size change. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ087I USERID @@ HAS ACTIVATED CONFIGURATION "@@" Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the userid named has issued the command to activate the named configuration. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ088I NO TCP/IP ADDRESS SPACE ACTIVE. LMS IS WAITING FOR TCP/IP Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that LMS has issued the TCP/IP function "GETIBMOPT", which has completed, indicating that there is no TCP/IP active in the system. System Action: LMS will wait for 1 minute then will retry "GETIBMOPT". If after 5 minutes, there still is no TCP/IP address space, the LMS server will terminate abnormally. User Response: Insure that TCP/IP is started before the LMS server, or is started within 5 minutes after LMS is started. LMZ089I THIS SERVER REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING SERVER_ID<> VALUES: Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the next message LMZ090 will show exactly what must be coded on any LMS SERVER_ID parameter. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: You should keep the information and manually compare this information to the values obtained on license certificates. LMZ090I SERVER_ID<@@,@@,@@> Severity: Informational Explanation: This message shows exactly what a SERVER_ID must be in order for the server to run on this LPAR. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: You should keep the information and manually compare this information to the values obtained on license certificates. LMZ091I IF ACCESS TO THE SERVER IS TO BE RESTRICTED Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the next messages LMZ092 and LMZ093 will show what must be specified to RACF if you want to protect access to your LMS server. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: You should keep the information and insure that you have created this FACILITY class entity correctly. LMZ092I THE FOLLOWING RACF ENTITY MUST BE DEFINED: Severity: Informational Explanation: See LMZ091. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-115 LMZ093I CLASS = FACILITY. ENTITY = @@@@@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The ENTITY name shown must be defined as a FACILITY class entity and UPDATE access must be granted to any user who is to be allowed to enter the LMS server via LMUSER. See the "Centralized Licesning Facility User"s Guide" for a complete discussion of this RACF entity. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ094I FROM IP ADDRESS @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The TCP/IP address of the client which has just connected with the CLF server is shown in this message. This address can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 address depending on the connectivity which exists to the client. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ095E TCP/IP @@ ERROR. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the LMS server has had a failure on one of the TCP/IP interface macros. The name of the failing macro, and the return and reason codes are given in the message. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: If the failing macro is INITAPI, insure that the IBM TCP/IP address space is initialized, and that you have correctly specified its name in the LMS server parameter data set. Otherwise, contace the Compuware program support group. LMZ126E LMZSMFIO IDCAMS DEFINE ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZSMFIO invoked IDCAMS to define a new SMF data set. IDCAMS was unsuccessful in this effort. System Action: LMS Server terminates User Response: Add a //CXSNAPDD DD SYSOUT=* DD statement to the LMS Server initiation JCL. Rerun the server and examine the contents of this SNAP data set. It will contain all of the IDCAMS information and error messages. If you cannot determine the nature of the problem from this information, then refer the problem to the Compuware support staff. LMZ127E LMZSMFIO ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: IDCAMS. LMZSMFIO could not allocate the new SMF data set that was just defined by System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ128E LMZSMFIO ACB GENCB ERROR. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: ACB. VSAM returned a non-zero return code from GENCB for the generation of an System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ129E LMZSMFIO RPL GENCB ERROR. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error 3-116 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: RPL. VSAM returned a non-zero return code from GENCB for the generation of an System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ130E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA OPEN (LOAD MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from OPEN ACB. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ131E LMZSMFIO STORAGE OBTAIN FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZSMFIO was unable to obtain storage for a SMF data record, or for an allocation request block. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ133E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZSMFIO could not allocate the SMF data set for update processing. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ134E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA CLOSE (LOAD MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZSMFIO could not close the SMF data set after load processing. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ135E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA OPEN (UPDATE MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from OPEN ACB. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ136I LMZSMFIO UPDATE PROCESSING COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY Severity: Informational Explanation: The SMF data set has been updated successfully. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ137E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA PUT (LOAD MODE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to load the SMF data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and reexecute LMZMAIN. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-117 LMZ138E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA SET NOT VSAM KSDS Severity: Error Explanation: Module LMZSMFIO has allocated the SMF data set named in the LMS Server parameters, but has found that this data set is not a VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: LMZSMFIO can invoke IDCAMS DEFINE automatically to create a new SMF data set. Change the name of the data set to one that does not exist at all, and LMZSMFIO will define one automatically for you. LMZ139E LMZSMFIO RACF ACCESS TO SMF DATA SET @@ INSUFFICIENT Severity: Error Explanation: Module LMZSMFIO has determined that the USERID under which the LMSSEVER was initiated does not have sufficient RACF, TOPSECRET or ACF/2 access to the SMF data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Change the data set access rules in order to grant ALTER access to the USERID under which the LMS Server executes if no SMF data set exists, or CONTROL access if the SMF data set does exist. LMZ140E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA POINT FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the POINT macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and reexecute LMZMAIN LMZ141E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA GET (NO UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the GET macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZSMFIO. LMZ142E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA GET (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the GET macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun LMZSMFIO. LMZ143E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA PUT (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and reexecute the LMS Server. LMZ144E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA PUT (ADD) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to access the checkopint data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. 3-118 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and reexecute the LMS Server. LMZ145E LMZSMFIO SMF DATA PUT (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to access the SMF data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun the LMS Server. LMZ146E UNABLE TO READ MASTER LICENSE FILE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: During LMS Server initialization, the master license file read program returned the errors shown in thi message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun the LMS Server. LMZ147E UNABLE TO COMPUTE AUTH KEYS ON MASTER LICENSE FILE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: During LMS Server initialization, the master license file authenticiation key program returned the errors shown in this message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun the LMS Server. LMZ148I PRODUCT @@ VER @@ HAS A VALID AUTH KEY Severity: Informational Explanation: During the load of the master license file into cache storage, it was verified that the product named in this message has a valid authentication key. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ149I PRODUCT @@ VER @@ OPTION @@ HAS A VALID AUTH KEY Severity: Informational Explanation: During the load of the master license file into cache storage, it was verified that the option to the product named in this message has a valid authentication key. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ150E PRODUCT @@ VER @@ HAS AN INVALID AUTH KEY Severity: Error Explanation: During the load of the master license file into cache storage, it was determined that the product named in this message has an invalid authentication key. System Action: Execution continues, but cache is not loaded. User Response: From a userer connection, resend the original certificate to the LMS server. If the problem persists contact World Wide License Management at Compuware and request a new license certificate. LMZ151E PRODUCT @@ VER @@ OPTION @@ HAS AN INVALID AUTH KEY Severity: Error Explanation: During the load of the master license file into cache storage, it was determined that the option to the product named in this message has an invalid authentication key. System Action: Execution continues, but cache is not loaded License Management System Messages and Codes 3-119 User Response: From a userer connection, resend the original certificate to the LMS server. If the problem persists contact World Wide License Management at Compuware and request a new license certificate. LMZ152I LICENSE FILE SUCESSFULLY SENT TO LMS @@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that an LPAR specific license file has successfully be transmitted to the client LMS name in this message. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ153E LICENSE FILE REJECTED BY LMS @@/@@/@@/@@ RC=@@/@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that an LPAR specific license file has been transmitted to the client LMS named in this message, but the client LMS system has rejected the file with the return and reason codes shown. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: Refer this problem to the Compuware license management support staff. LMZ154E LMZSMFIO VSAM ERASE FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the ERASE macro used to delete a record from the SMF data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: Execution continues, but the SMF data set may be in error. User Response: Investigate the reason for the errors, correct, and rerun the LMS Server. LMZ155I LICENSE CHECKOUT MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM @@/@@/@@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A client LPAR has sent a license checkout warning or error message which resulted from a Compuware product"s execution. The message text is displayed next within message LMA157. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ156I JOB/STEP/PROC/USERID @@/@@/@@/@@ RETURN CODES @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message follows LMZ155 and contains the name of the job including step and proc names, the userid who invoked LMS and the return codes resulting from the license checkout. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ157I PRODUCT/VERSION @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message follows LMZ155 and contains the name of the Compuware product and its version number which caused the warning or failure message to be generated. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ158I PRODUCT/VERSION @@/@@ OPTION/VERSION @@/@@ Severity: Informational 3-120 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: This message follows LMZ155 and contains the name of the Compuware product and version and the option and version which caused the warning or failure message to be generated. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ159I @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message follows LMZ155 and contains the text of the license checkout warning or error message generated at the client LPAR and sent to this LMS server. System Action: Execution continues. User Response: None. LMZ160I @@ @@ IS AT @@% OF THE TOTAL LICENSED AMOUNT Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the sum of the current rolling 4-hour LPAR workload values for the LPARs on which this product is associated is at the indicated percentage of the licensed amount. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If the sum of the LPAR workload values exceeds the licensed amount, the product will be placed into a 14-day MSU utilization grace period and a new certificate is required from Compuware to exit this grace. LMZ161I @@ @@ OPTION @@ IS AT @@% LICENSED AMOUNT Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that the sum of the current rolling 4-hour LPAR workload values for the LPARs on which this option is associated is at the indicated percentage of the licensed amount. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If the sum of the LPAR workload values exceeds the licensed amount, the option will be placed into a 14-day MSU utilization grace period and a new certificate is required from Compuware to exit this grace. LMZ162I AT LEAST ONE PRODUCT OR OPTION HAS ENTERED UTILIZATION GRACE Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that there is a product or option that has been placed into the 14 day MSU utilization grace period. This message is displayed on the system console only. The CLF server SYSPRINT data set contains messages indicating which products and/or options have entered this grace period. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Examine the CLF server SYSPRINT data set to determine which products/options have entered grace. You must obtain a new certificate from Compuware in order to cause these products or options to exit this grace period. LMZ163I AT LEAST ONE PRODUCT OR OPTION IS ABOVE 75% OF LICENSED AMOUNT Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that there is a product or option which is associated with LPARs, the utilization of which have reached at least 75% of the licensed amount. This message will continue to be displayed on the system console every 6 minutes if the utilization of the LPARs associated with these products or options continues to grow. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Continue to monitor this situation. If the utilization reaches 101% of the licensed amount, the product or option is placed into a 14-day utilization grace period. The CLF server SYSPRINT data set contains the names and versions of all products and options that License Management System Messages and Codes 3-121 are in this condition. You must examine this data set to find out which products or options are in this state. LMZ164I LMZHISIO HISTORY FILE @@ HAS BEEN RESET Severity: Informational Explanation: The history file named in this message has filled and has be reset. Any messages in the data set at the time of this reset have been lost. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ165I ROLLING 4-HOUR AVERAGE USAGE = @@ MSUS Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is written only to the history file when that file is maintained by the server and fed by all the client LPARs. By following these records a trend for each LPAR can be created. See History File Report for a more complete explanation of this message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ166E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA PUT (LOAD MODE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to load the history data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: If the CLF server has terminated, change the name of the server history file in the server SYSIN parmeters which will force LMS to define a new data set, and re-execute the CLF server. LMZ167E LMZHISIO STORAGE OBTAIN FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZHISIO was unable to obtain storage for a history data set buffer or an allocation request block. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ168E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA SET NOT VSAM RRDS Severity: Error Explanation: Module LMZHISIO has allocated the history data set named in the LMS Server parameters, but has found that this data set is not a VSAM RRDS. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: LMZHISIO can invoke IDCAMS DEFINE automatically to create a new SMF data set. Change the name of the data set to one that does not exist, and LMZHISIO will define one automatically for you. LMZ169E LMZHISIO RACF ACCESS TO SMF DATA SET @@ INSUFFICIENT Severity: Error Explanation: Module LMZHISIO has determined that the USERID under which the LMSSEVER was initiated does not have sufficient RACF, TOPSECRET or ACF/2 access to the history data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Change the data set access rules in order to grant ALTER access to the USERID under which the LMS Server executes if no SMF data set exists, or CONTROL access if the history data set does exist. 3-122 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LMZ170E LMZHISIO IDCAMS DEFINE ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZHISIO invoked IDCAMS to define a new history data set. IDCAMS was unsuccessful in this effort. System Action: LMS Server terminates User Response: Add a //CXSNAPDD DD SYSOUT=* DD statement to the LMS Server initiation JCL. Rerun the server and examine the contents of this SNAP data set. It will contain all of the IDCAMS information and error messages. If you cannot determine the nature of the problem from this information, then refer the problem to the Compuware support staff. LMZ171E LMZHSIIO ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZHISIO could not allocate the new history data set that was just defined by IDCAMS. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ172E LMZHISIO ACB GENCB ERROR. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from GENCB for the generation of an ACB to be used to accessing the history data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ173E LMZHISIO RPL GENCB ERROR. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from GENCB for the generation of an RPL to be used for accessing the history data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ174E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA SET OPEN (LOAD MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from OPEN ACB when attempting to open the history data set in load mode which is required in order to preformat the data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ175E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA SET CLOSE (LOAD MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZHISIO could not close the history data set after load processing. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ176E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA SET ALLOCATION ERROR. RC=@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: LMZHISIO could not allocate the history data set for update processing. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-123 LMZ177E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA SET OPEN (UPDATE MODE) FAILURE. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: VSAM returned a non-zero return code from OPEN ACB, attempting to open the VSAM ACB for the history data set in update mode. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ178E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA SET PUT (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the PUT macro used to update the history data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ179E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA GET (UPDATE) FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the GET macro used to update the history data set. The 4-byte return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Refer this problem to your LMS support staff, or to Compuware. LMZ180E LMZHISIO HISTORY DATA SET SCAN HAS FAILED. RC=@@,@@,@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code resulted from the GET macro used when scanning the history data set. The return codes from the VSAM RPL are shown in the message. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: If the CLF server has terminated, change the name of the server history file in the server SYSIN parmeters which will force LMS to define a new data set, and re-execute the CLF server. LMZ181W LMZHISIO USAGE PROCESSING DISABLED - DATA SET NOT RRDS Severity: Warning Explanation: This message indicates that you have applied PTF LMF0045 which requires that you either choose a new name for your history data set or delete the one you have been using. System Action: Execution continues but without usage collection. User Response: If you want to continue collecting history and usage data in the history data set, you must either choose a different name for it or delete the one your have. When it is convenient, stop the CLF server and perform one of these two actions. Re-execute the CLF server. LMZ200I PARMLIB CONTROL STATEMENTS: Severity: Informational Explanation: LMS Server issues this message to indicate that it has started parsing the control statements. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ201E FAILURE DURING CALL TO CMSC Severity: Error Explanation: There was an error while obtaining parameters from the CMSC. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. 3-124 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Ensure the proper parmlib member is available to the CMSC. LMZ202I PARSING OF CONTROL STATEMENTS IS COMPLETE Severity: Informational Explanation: LMS Server issues this message to indicate that it has finished parsing the control statements. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ203E ILLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF COMMENTS Severity: Error Explanation: LMS server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, more "end comment" sequences "*/" were found than "begin comment" sequences "/*" System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately User Response: Correct the comments in the control data set, so that there are the exact same number of */ sequences as there are /* sequences. Re-execute the server. LMZ204E THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS IN ERROR: Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in one of these statements. System Action: LMS Server terminates without making any changes to the License Management environment. User Response: The next message displayed is a copy of the statement found to be in error. Correct this statement, and re-execute the server. LMZ205E WORK_VOLSER OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the WORK_VOLSER parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 6 character volume serial number. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ206E WORK_STORCLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the WORK_STORCLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS storage class used for LMS work files. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ207E WORK_MGMTCLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the WORK_MGMTCLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS management class used for LMS work files. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-125 LMZ208E WORK_DATACLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the WORK_DATACLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS data class used for LMS work files. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ209E LOG_DSNAME OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the LOG_DSNAME parameter. This value, is required and must be a 1 to 44 character name, valid for data set names. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ210E LOG_VOLSER OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the LOG_VOLSER parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 6 character volume serial number. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ211E LOG_STORCLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the LOG_STORCLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS storage class used for the LMS log data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ212E LOG_MGMTCLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the LOG_MGMTCLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS management class used for LMS the log data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ213E LOG_DATACLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the LOG_DATACLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS data class used for the LMS log data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ214E LOG_TRACKS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error 3-126 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the LOG_TRACKS parameter. This value is required, and must specify the initial number of tracks allocated to the log data sets. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ215E CHKPT_DSNAME OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the CHKPT_DSNAME parameter. This value, is required and must be a 1 to 44 character name, valid for data set names. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ216E CHKPT_VOLSER OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the CHKPT_VOLSER parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 6 character volume serial number. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ217E CHKPT_STORCLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the CHKPT_STORCLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS storage class used for the LMS checkpoint data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ218E CHKPT_MGMTCLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the CHKPT_MGMTCLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS management class used for the LMS checkpoint data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ219E CHKPT_DATACLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the CHKPT_DATACLASS parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS data class used for the LMS checkpoint data set. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ220E SMFDATA_DSNAME OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the SMFDATA_DSNAME parameter. This value, is required and must be a 1 to 44 character name, valid for data set names. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. 3-127 LMZ221E SMFDATA_VOLSER OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the SMFDATA_VOLSER parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 6 character volume serial number. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ222E SMFDATA_STORCLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the SMFDATA_STORCLASS parameter. This value if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS storage class used for LMS SMF data. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ223E SMFDATA_MGMTCLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the SMFSATA_MGMTCLASS parameter. This value if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS management class used for LMS SMF data. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ224E SMFDATA_DATACLASS OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the SMFDATA_DATACLASS parameter. This value if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the appropriate SMS data class used for LMS SMF data. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ225E TCPIP_NAME OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the TCPIP_NAME parameter. This value, if specified, must be a 1 to 8 character name of the TCP/IP address space for the system on which the server is running. If this operand is omitted, then the default TCP/IP address space name will be used. You only need to specify this operand, if you have more than one TCP/IP active on this sytem, and you want to specify which one the LMS server is to use. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ226E LICENSE_SERVER_PORT OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the LICENSE_SERVER_PORT. This value, is required and must specify the port number that this server listens on for connectin requests both from browser users and from LMS client LPARS. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. 3-128 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ227E LOG_DSNAME OPERAND IS MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, and it is discovered that the LOG_DSNAME operand has not been been specified. This operand is required. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Add this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ228E LOG_TRACKS OPERAND IS MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, and it is discovered that the LOG_TRACKS operand has not been been specified. This operand is required. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Add this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ229E CHKPT_DSNAME OPERAND IS MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, and it is discovered that the CHKPT_DSNAME operand has not been been specified. This operand is required. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Add this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ230E SMFDATA_DSNAME OPERAND IS MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, and it is discovered that the SMFDATA_DSNAME operand has not been been specified. This operand is required. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Add this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ232E LICENSE_SERVER_PORT OPERAND IS MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, and it is discovered that the LICENSE_SERVER_PORT operand has not been specified. This operand is required. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Add this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ233E LOG_INITIAL OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the LOG_INITIAL parameter. The only values allowed are "OPEN" or "CLOSED" System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ234E SMF_ID OPERAND IS IN ERROR Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-129 Explanation: LMS Server issues this message when, during the parsing of the control statements, an error is found in the SMF_ID operand. This value, is optional, but if specified must be a number less than 225. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Correct this parameter operand and re-execute the server. LMZ235E LM SMF RECORD TYPE @@ NOT WRITTEN. RETURN CODE=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: License Management has attempted to write an SMF record of the type shown in this message. The MVS SMF routines have returned a non-zero status code, which is also shown. System Action: SMF processing is disabled until the server is reexecuted. User Response: Determine the exact cause of the error by using the return code shown. This code can be found in the IBM publication, System Management Facilities, within the discussion of the SMFewtm macro. When the error has been corrected, restart the server. This will cause the License Management system to attempt to write SMF records again. LMZ236E IPV6 NOT VALID WHEN IPV4 ADDRESS SPECIFIED Severity: Error Explanation: You specified "YES" for IPV6 and you specified a of BIND_ADDRESS. However the BIND_ADDRESS was the ve presentation form of an IPv4 address. Or you specified "NO" for IPV6 but specified a BIND_ADDRESS which was an IPV6 address. System Action: SMF processing is disabled until the server is reexecuted. User Response: Determine the exact cause IP the error by using the return code shown. This code can be found in the IBM publication, System Management Facilities, within the discussion of the SMFewtm macro. When the error has been corrected, restart the server. This will cause the License Management system to attempt to write SMF records again. LMZ301I COMPUWARE LMS 16 STARTUP IN PROGRESS Severity: Informational Explanation: Informational message indicating that the initialization routines within the LMS 16 server have begun. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ302I COMPUWARE LMS 16 STARTUP COMPLETED Severity: Informational Explanation: Informational message indicating that the initialization routines within the LMS 16 server have completed successfully. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ303I COMPUWARE LMS 16 SHUTDOWN STARTED Severity: Informational Explanation: Informational message indicating that the termination routines within the LMS 16 server have begun. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ304I COMPUWARE LMS 16 SHUTDOWN COMPLETED Severity: Informational Explanation: Informational message indicating that the termination routines within the LMS 16 server have completed. 3-130 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None LMZ305E MODULE XXXXXXXX CANNOT BE LOADED. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the module named cannot be loaded from the current STEPLIB or JOBLIB. System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: Examine the return and reason codes to determine if the module is simply missing from the load library, or has another problem associated with it. You may need to copy this module from the LMS distribution library. LMZ306E UNABLE TO OPEN SYSPRINT DATA SET. RET=@@ RSN=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: failed. This message indicates that an OPEN issued for the SYSPRINT data set has System Action: Processing of the LMS Server ends abnormally. User Response: Insure that you have a //SYSPRINT DD statement in the LMS Server JCL, and that it either specifies SYSOUT=*, or points to a sequential or partitioned data set member whose DCB characteristics are RECFM=FBA, LRECL=133 and BLKSIZE is some multiple of 133. LMZ309E HISTORY_DSNAME PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_DSNAME parm has been specified but is not valid. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: The HISTORY_DSNAME must specify a valid data set name, which is from 1 to 38 characters in length. Correct this parameter and rerun LMZINIT. LMZ310E HISTORY_DSNAME PARM IS TOO LONG Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_DSNAME parm has been specified but is not valid. The maximum length of this data set name is 38 characters so that IDCAMS can add the .INDEX suffix to the name. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: The HISTORY_DSNAME must specify a valid data set name, which is from 1 to 38 characters in length. Correct this parameter and rerun LMZINIT. LMZ311E HISTORY_VOLSER PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_VOLSER parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a 6 character volume serial number. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: The HISTORY_VOLSER must specify a valid volume serial number which is exactly 6 characters in length. Correct this parameter and rerun LMZINIT. You may omit this parameter if your installation does not require it for IDCAMS allocation of a VSAM KSDS. Correct this parameter and rerun LMZINIT. LMZ312E HISTORY_TRACKS PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_TRACKS parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a number from 1 to 65535 which represents the number of tracks in both the primary and secondary extents of the History File VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-131 User Response: The HISTORY_TRACKS must specify a number from 1 to 65535 which represents the number of tracks in both the primary and secondary extents of the History File VSAM KSDS. Correct this parameter and rerun LMZINIT. LMZ313E HISTORY_STORCLASS PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_STORCLASS parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS storage class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: The HISTORY_STORCLASS must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS storage class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. You should check with your installations"s DASD management group to obtain this name. Correct this parameter and rerun LMZINIT. LMZ314E HISTORY_DATACLASS PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_DATACLASS parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS data class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: The HISTORY_DATACLASS must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS data class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. You should check with your installations"s DASD management group to obtain this name. Correct this parameter and rerun LMZINIT. LMZ315E HISTORY_MGMTCLASS PARM IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The HISTORY_MGMTCLASS parm has been specified but is not valid. This parameter must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS management class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: The HISTORY_MGMTCLASS must specify a valid name from 1 to 8 characters in length which names the SMS management class to be used for the History File VSAM KSDS. You should check with your installations"s DASD management group to obtain this name. Correct this parameter and rerun LMZINIT. LMZ316E HISTORY_DSNAME AND HISTORY_TRACKS ARE REQUIRED Severity: Error Explanation: The History File has been requested to be defined locally, but either HISTORY_DSNAME or HISTORY_TRACKS was not specified. Both of the parameters are required. System Action: LMS Server terminates immediately. User Response: Inusre that both a HISTORY_DSNAME and HISTORY_TRACKS parameters are correctly specified and rerun LMZINIT. LMZ317I @@ @@ HAS ENTERED 14-DAY MSU UTILIZATION GRACE ON @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is displayed on the master console and written to the server SYSPRINT data set. It indicates that the named product/version has exceeded its licensed workload number of MSUs across all LPARs on which it has been associated by the customer. In order to maintain license conformance, the product/version has been placed into a 14 day grace period on the LPAR named in the message. At the time that this product enters the 14day grace, you have available to you all of the licensed number of MSUs on other LPARs. You may associate the product to another LPAR and it can be licensed there. System Action: Processing continues. 3-132 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: In order to remove this product from the 14-day grace your must obtain a new certificate from Compuware. Failure to do so, and on day 15 the product will cease to execute on the named LPAR. LMZ318I @@ @@ OPTION @@ ENTERED 14-DAY MSU UTILIZATION GRACE ON @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is displayed on the master console and written to the server SYSPRINT data set. It indicates that the named option to the product/version has exceeded its licensed workload number of MSUs across all LPARs to which it has been associated by the customer. In order to maintain license conformance, the option has been placed into a 14 day grace period licensed workload number of MSUs across all LPARs on which is has been associated by the customer. In order to maintain license conformance, the product/version has been placed into a 14 day grace period on the LPAR named in the message. At the time that this option enters the 14-day grace, you have available to you all of the licensed number of MSUs on other LPARs. You may associate the option to another LPAR and it can be licensed there. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: In order to remove this option from the 14-day grace your must obtain a new certificate from Compuware. Failure to do so, and on day 15 the option will cease to execute on the named LPAR. LMZ319E VERSION/RELEASE LEVEL MISMATCH BETWEEN CLIENT AND SERVER Severity: Error Explanation: This message is written to the SYSPRINT data set. It indicates that the client which has just connected to this server is not at the same version and release level as this server. This client cannot be accepted. System Action: The client is disconnected but processing with other clients which are at the correct level can continue. User Response: Insure that the //STEPLIB or //JOBLIB DD statement for the client execution is naming the correct data sets. Correct this JCL and re-execute the client. LMZ320E CLIENT @@/@@/@@/@@ AT @@ LEVEL. SERVER AT @@ LEVEL Severity: Error Explanation: This message follows LMZ319 and defines which client has attempted to connect to this server. System Action: The client is disconnected but processing with other clients which are at the correct level can continue. User Response: Insure that the //STEPLIB or //JOBLIB DD statement for the client execution is naming the correct data sets. Correct this JCL and re-execute the client. LMZ321E ARM ELEMENT NAME CANNOT EXCEED 16 CHARACTERS Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the ARM element name supplied in the SYSIN parameter data set is longer than 16 characters. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Correct the specification of the ARM element name and resubmit the LMS server. Compuware suggests that you use the following naming convention: Bytes 0-3 = C"LMS" Bytes 4-7 = SMF System ID Bytes 8-15 = Any name of your choice LMZ322E ARM ELEMENT NAME IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the ARM element name supplied in the SYSIN parameter data set is not valid. System Action: LMS Server terminates. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-133 User Response: Correct the specification of the ARM element name and resubmit the LMS server. This name must contain only upper case letters, numbers and the special characters "@", "#", "$" and "_". In addition, the first byte cannot be a number. LMZ323E ARM PARAMETER IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the ARM parameter supplied in the SYSIN parameter data set is not valid. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: This parameter can specify only "YES" or "NO". if the parameter is omitted, "NO" is assumed. LMZ324E ARM ELEMENT NAME REQUIRED Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the ARM parameter supplied in the SYSIN parameter data set was specified as "YES" but no ARM_ELEMENT_NAME was coded. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Add a valid ARM_ELEMENT_NAME parameter and resubmit the LMS Server. LMZ325I ELEMENT @@ ARMED FOR AUTOMATIC RESTART Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that you have selected ARM processing and this is the first time the element named in this message has been armed. That is, this execution is NOT due to an automatic restart. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ326I ELEMENT @@ RESTARTED DUE TO PREVIOUS ABEND. RSNCD=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that this server has been automatically restarted by the system. The reason code indicates whether the JCL or START command has been changed (RSNCD=108) or has not been changed (RSNCD=104) System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ327E ELEMENT @@ IXCARM REGISTER FAILURE. RETCD=@@. RSNCD=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to issue IXCARM macro has resulted in a return code greater than 4. This indicates that the request did not complete. The actual return and reason codes are shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues but without ARM support. User Response: See the "z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference" manual for a complete list of the possible return and reason codes. Correct any environmental errors or report this problem to the Compuware software support staff. LMZ328E ELEMENT @@ IXCARM READY FAILURE. RETCD=@@. RSNCD=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to issue IXCARM macro has resulted in a return code greater than 4. This indicates that the request did not complete. The actual return and reason codes are shown in this message. System Action: Processing continues but without ARM support. User Response: See the "z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference" manual for a complete list of the possible return and reason codes. Correct any environmental errors or report this problem to the Compuware software support staff. 3-134 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LMZ329I ELEMENT @@ AUTOMATIC RESTART NOT SUPORTED ON THIS SYSTEM Severity: Informational Explanation: An attempt to issue IXCARM macro has resulted in a return code indicating that ARM support is not available on this system, or it may be available but stopped. System Action: Processing continues but without ARM support. User Response: See the "z/OS MVS Sysplex Services Reference" manual for a complete list of the possible return and reason codes. You may need to issue the operator command SETXCF START,POLICY,TYPE=ARM in order to activage ARM processing. LMZ330I ELEMENT @@ HAS DEREGISTERED FROM ARM RETCD/RSNCD = @@/@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message indicates that an IXCARM has been issued in order for the server to go to a normal end of job. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. LMZ331E IPV6 PARAMETER IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The IPv6 parameter can specify only "YES" or "NO". If "YES" is specivied than an IPv6 SOCKET will be used in the CLF server program. If an IPv6 SOCKET cannot be obtained, then an IPv4 SOCKET will be used. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: This parameter can specify only "YES" or "NO". if the parameter is omitted, "NO" is assumed. LMZ332E BIND_NAME PARAMETER IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The BIND_NAME parameter must be from 1 to 255 bytes long. It must have been entered into the TCP/IP resolver tables as a name that this host is known by. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Correct the BIND_NAME parameter and reexecute LMZMAIN. LMZ333E BIND_ADDR PARAMETER IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: The BIND_ADDE parameter must be from 1 to 48 bytes and contain only hex digits 0-9 and A-F, the colon and the period. System Action: LMS Server terminates. User Response: Correct the BIND_ADDR parameter and reexecute LMZMAIN. LMZ901I SESSION WITH USERID @@ INACT TIMEOUT Severity: Informational Explanation: Informational message indicating that the user named in this message has not provided any input for 15 minutes and that his session has been terminated. System Action: The user session is terminated. User Response: None. LMZ902I CONNECTION WITH CLIENT LMS @@/@@/@@/@@ INACT TIMEOUT Severity: Informational Explanation: Informational message indicating that the client named in this message has not provided any input for 15 minutes and that this session has been terminated. System Action: The user session is terminated. License Management System Messages and Codes User Response: 3-135 None. Centralized Licensing Facility User Interface Messages LS6804E SERVER_ID START DATE NOT REACHED Severity: Error Explanation: An import request has been made for an CERTVER 3.0 type license certificate which contains a SERVER section. This message indicates that the start date in the SERVER section has not yet been reached. Thus the SERVER section is not yet valid. System Action: The import request is cancelled. User Response: Contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains a SERVER section with a start date that is not in the future. LS6805E SERVER_ID END DATE HAS PASSED Severity: Error Explanation: An import request has been made for an CERTVER 3.0 type license certificate which contains a SERVER section. This message indicates that the end date in the SERVER section has been reached. Thus the SERVER section is no longer valid. System Action: The import request is cancelled. User Response: Contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains a SERVER section with an unexpired end date. LS6806E SERVER_ID CEC SERIAL NOT CORRECT Severity: Error Explanation: An import request has been made for an CERTVER 3.0 type license certificate which contains a SERVER section. This message indicates that the values of the CEC serial number of this license certificate does not match the serial number of the system on which the server is currently executing. System Action: The import request is cancelled. User Response: Insure that the LMS Server is running on the desired CEC/LPAR. If so, contact Compuware and request a license certificate which contains a correct SERVER_ID section. The values withing thi operand are as follows: SERVER_ID where ssss are the last 4 digits of the CEC serial number, llll is the hardware defined LPAR name and cccc is the z/OS system name from CVTSNAME. Note that no spaces are to be included in this operand, so if either of the last two fields are less than 8 bytes long, the trailing spaces must be eliminated. LS6807E SERVER_ID LPAR NAME NOT CORRECT Severity: Error Explanation: An import request has been made for an CERTVER 3.0 type license certificate which contains a SERVER section. This message indicates that the values of the hardware LPAR name of this license certificate does not match the LPAR name of the system on which the server is currently executing. System Action: The import request is cancelled. User Response: Insure that the LMS Server is running on the desired CEC/LPAR. If so, contact Compuware and request a license certificate which contains a correct SERVER_ID section. The values withing thi operand are as follows: SERVER_ID where ssss are the last 4 digits of the CEC serial number, llll is the hardware defined LPAR name and cccc is the z/OS system name from CVTSNAME. Note that no spaces are to be included in this operand, so if either of the last two fields are less than 8 bytes long, the trailing spaces must be eliminated. LS6808E SERVER_ID SYSTEM NAME NOT CORRECT Severity: Error 3-136 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: An import request has been made for an CERTVER 3.0 type license certificate which contains a SERVER section. This message indicates that the values of the z/OS system name of this license certificate does not match the z/OS system name of the system on which the server is currently executing. System Action: The import request is cancelled. User Response: Insure that the LMS Server is running on the desired CEC/LPAR. If so, contact Compuware and request a license certificate which contains a correct SERVER_ID section. The values withing thi operand are as follows: SERVER_ID where ssss are the last 4 digits of the CEC serial number, llll is the hardware defined LPAR name and cccc is the z/OS system name from CVTSNAME. Note that no spaces are to be included in this operand, so if either of the last two fields are less than 8 bytes long, the trailing spaces must be eliminated. LS6819E SERVER_ID NUMBER OF SITE RECORDS NOT EQUAL TO 1 Severity: Error Explanation: The number of site records in a license certificate is not equal to one. There may be one and only one per site record in each imported certificate, and this site number must be 001. This is only true of a CLF environment. In a NON-CLF environment, the site number on a certificate can be any value. System Action: The import request is cancelled. User Response: Contact Compuware and obtain a new license certificate which contains a SERVER section with a correct SITENUM value. LS7000E NO CONFIGURATION SELECTED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to validate the selected LPARs has failed because there is no configuration currently selected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Return to the configuration management panel, and select the configuration you wish to process and retry the LPAR status request. LS7002E MSU"S FOR A PRODUCT OR OPTION HAVE BEEN EXHAUSTED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to validate the selected LPARs has completed with the warning that you do not have enough MSUs to run a product or option on all of the LPARs you have selected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may have to remove one or more LPARs from the product before there are enough MSUs. LS7003E MSU"S FOR A PRODUCT OR OPTION HAVE BEEN EXHAUSTED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to validate the selected LPARs has completed with the warning that you do not have enough MSUs to run a product or option on all of the LPARs you have selected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may have to remove one or more LPARs from the option before there are enough MSUs. LS7004E SITE NOT VALID FOR CURRENT PRODUCT Severity: Error Explanation: You have associated an LPAR with a product, but that LPAR designates a site other than the one defined for the product. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: In Centralized Licensing Mode, only site number 1 is valid. Insure that you are not attempting to use a license certificate which specifies a different site number. Or you License Management System Messages and Codes 3-137 may have started one or more client LPARs specifying a site number other than 001. This is the only valid site number in this mode of operation. LS7005I CPU NOT LICENSED ON CEC Severity: Informational Explanation: You have associated an LPAR with a product, but that LPAR designates a CEC serial number other than the one currently being processed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you do not have multiple LPARs with the same name defined on different CECs. You must be careful only to select LPARs which have unique names. LS7006I CPU NOT LICENSED ON CEC Severity: Informational Explanation: You have associated an LPAR with an option, but that LPAR designates a CEC serial number other than the one currently being processed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you do not have multiple LPARs with the same name defined on different CECs. You must be careful only to select LPARs which have unique names. LS7007I SELECTABLE OPTION NOT CHOSEN Severity: Informational Explanation: You have associated an LPAR with a product, but you have not chosen one of the selectable options that exist for the product. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must choose at least one of the list of selectable options for a product before you attempt to activate the configuration. Return to the product maintenance screen and select one or more of the selectable options for each product selected. LS7008I LICENSE FILE IS EMPTY Severity: Informational Explanation: You have attempted to activate a configuration that has a license file associated with it, but you have not imported any certificates into that file. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must choose the LMUSER option to import a license certificate into the currently selected license file before you activate the configuration. LS7401E SERVER INVOKED WITHOUT VALID LOGON Severity: Error Explanation: You have requested a function of the LMS server and you are not logged on with your USERID and PASSWORD. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may have been logged on to the server, but due to inactivity, you have been automatically logged off. You must log on again to the server. LS7402E PRIVATE STORAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR DYNAMIC ALLOCATION Severity: Error Explanation: The LMS server has issued a STORAGE OBTAIN macro in order to obtain storage to hold a dynamic allocation control block, and a non-zero return code resulted. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value of the REGION= operand on the JOB and/or EXEC statements used to invoke the LMS server. 3-138 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LS7403E PRIVATE STORAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR RACF ACCESS Severity: Error Explanation: The LMS server has issued a STORAGE OBTAIN macro in order to obtain storage to hold a control block used to invoke RACF services and a non-zero return code has resulted. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value of the REGION= operand on the JOB and/or EXEC statements used to invoke the LMS server. LS7404E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: USERID IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but you have passed a USERID containing all blanks. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must supply a valid USERID, which consists of from 1 to 8 characters and/or numbers with blanks valid only at the end of the name. LS7405E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: PASSWORD IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but you have supplied a PASSWORD containing all blanks. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must supply a valid PASSWORD, which consists of fron 1 to 8 characters and/or numbers with blanks valid only at the end of the string. LS7406E PRIVATE STORAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR A LOGON REPLY MSG Severity: Error Explanation: The LMS server has issued a STORAGE OBTAIN macro in order to obtain storage to hold the LOGON reply msg. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value of the REGION= operand on the JOB and/or EXEC statements used to invoke the LMS server. LS7407E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: USERID IS NOT DEFINED TO RACF Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but the USERID you supplied is not defined to the RACF system. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must supply a valid USERID. Try the logon again with a different USERID, or ask your RACF administrator to define this USERID to RACF. LS7408E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: USERID IS NOT DEFINED TO RACF Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but the USERID you supplied is not defined to the RACF system. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must supply a valid USERID. Try the logon again with a different USERID, or ask your RACF administrator to define this USERID to RACF. LS7409E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: INCORRECT PASSWORD Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but the PASSWORD you supplied is not the correct one. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-139 System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: PASSWORD. You must supply a valid PASSWORD. Try the logon again with the correct LS7410E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: PASSWORD HAS EXPIRED Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but the PASSWORD you supplied has expired and a new one must be entered. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Try the logon again, using the same PASSWORD as you did this time, but specify a new PASSWORD too. When this call completes, the new PASSWORD you supplied will become your logon PASSWORD. LS7411E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: NEW PASSWORD IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, and you have supplied a new PASSWORD. The format of the new PASSWORD is not valid in your installation. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Try the logon again, using the same PASSWORD as you did this time, but specify a new PASSWORD which is valid as defined by your security administrator. LS7412E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: USER NOT DEFINED TO GROUP Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, and you have supplied a GROUP name. Your USERID has not been defined as a valid member of that group. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Try the logon again, using a different GROUP name, or omit the GROUP name and allow your default group to be used. LS7413E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: INSTALLATION EXIT FAILED REQUEST Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but your installation"s RACF exit has failed the logon request. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Contact your security administrator. LS7414E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: USERID REVOKED Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but your USERID has been revoked and cannot be used. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Contact your security administrator. LS7415E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: USER ACCESS TO GROUP REVOKED Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but your USERID has been denied access to the GROUP you specified or to your default group. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Contact your security administrator. LS7416E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: USER NOT AUTHORIZED TO APPL Severity: Error 3-140 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, and the logon itself was successful. But your LMS administrator has chosen to implement the RACF APPL protection, and your USERID does not have access to the CPWRLMS3 APPL. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Contact your security administrator. LS7417E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: UNKNOWN RETURN CODE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, but the logon itself was unsuccessful. The return codes passed by from RACF were not of any of the anticipated ones. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Contact your security administrator. LS7418E INVALID USER SCREEN IDENTIFICATION PROCESSED Severity: Error Explanation: Each input message to LMS from the ISPF facility contains an identification number of the screen that was last sent to the ISPF program. This message indicates that an incorrect identification number was sent to the LMS server. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may inadvertantly cleared your ISPF screen which would cause this error. Retry the operation that you were attempting and do not press PA1 or the CLEAR key. If the problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7419E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR A STATUS REPLY MESSAGE Severity: Error Explanation: LMS is unable to obtain main storage in which to construct a reply message to send to the ISPF user. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value of the REGION= operand on the JOB and/or EXEC statements used to invoke the LMS server. LS7420E NO CONFIGURATION SELECTED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to list all the connected LPARs has failed because there is no configuration currently selected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Return to the configuration management panel, and select the configuration you wish to process and retry the LPAR status request. LS7421E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR A STATUS REPLY MESSAGE Severity: Error Explanation: LMS is unable to obtain main storage in which to construct a reply message to send to the ISPF user. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value of the REGION= operand on the JOB and/or EXEC statements used to invoke the LMS server. LS7422E A LOG UPDATE REQUEST CONTAINS INVALID DATA Severity: Error Explanation: A Log Update request contains a new log level number but this number is not numeric in the range ot 00 - 99. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. License Management System Messages and Codes User Response: 3-141 Correct the log level value and retry the request. LS7423E A LOG UPDATE REQUEST CONTAINS INVALID DATA Severity: Error Explanation: A Log Update request contains a number of tracks for a new log data set, but the number is not numeric. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Correct the number of tracks entry and retry the request. LS7424E A SWAP LOG REQUEST HAS FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to swap the LMS logs has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that all the information defining the new log is valid, and retry the log swap operation LS7425E A CLOSE LOG REQUEST HAS FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to close the current LMS log has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the log is currently open before attempting to close it. LS7426E AN OPEN LOG REQUEST HAS FAILED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to open the current LMS log has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the log is currently closed before attempting to open it. LS7427E INVALID LOG UPDATE REQUEST Severity: Error Explanation: An invalid log update request has been received by LMS. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have entered one of the valid request numbers. Retry the log operation. If the problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7428E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR A STATUS REPLY MESSAGE Severity: Error Explanation: LMS is unable to obtain main storage in which to construct a reply message to send to the ISPF user. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value of the REGION= operand on the JOB and/or EXEC statements used to invoke the LMS server. LS7429E NO CONFIGURATION SELECTED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to list all the Compuware products has failed because there is no configuration currently selected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Return to the configuration management panel, and select the configuration you wish to process and retry the product status request. 3-142 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LS7430E LPAR ALREADY EXISTS IN LMS TABLES Severity: Error Explanation: exists. You attempted to add an LPAR manually but the LPAR you are adding already System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: LPARs are defined by CEC Serial Number, LPAR Name, CVTSNAME and LMS Subsystem ID. Change one of these values and retry your add request. LS7431E UNABLE TO ADD CEC/LPAR TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add an LPAR to LMS, but the attempt to update the checkpoint data set with this new LPAR has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7432E NO CONFIGURATION SELECTED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to add a new LPAR to the LMS system has failed because there is no configuration currently selected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Return to the configuration management panel, and select the configuration you wish to process and retry the product status request. LS7433E CONFIGURATION ALREADY EXISTS Severity: Error Explanation: A request to add a new configuration to the LMS system has failed because there is a configuration of the same name already in existence. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Choose a different name for the new configuration and retry the request. LS7434E UNABLE TO ADD CONFIGURATION TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a configuration, but the attempt to update the checkpoint data set with this new configuration has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7435E CONFIGURATION DOES NOT EXIST Severity: Error Explanation: A request to delete an LPAR from the LMS system has failed because there is a no configuration from which to perform the delete. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that a valid configuration has been selected and retry the request. LS7436E CEC/LPAR DOES NOT EXIST Severity: Error Explanation: A request to delete an LPAR from the LMS system has failed because there is a no CEC or no LPAR from which to perform the delete. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-143 System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: request. Insure that a valid LPAR has been designated for deletion and retry the LS7437E DELETE AN ACTIVE LPAR REQUEST INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: A request to delete an LPAR from the LMS system has failed because the designated LPAR is currently connected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You cannot delete active LPARs. Choose a different LPAR to delete or abandon the attempt entirely. LS7438E CEC DOES NOT EXIST Severity: Error Explanation: A request to update an LPAR has failed because there is a no CEC from which to perform the update. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that a valid CEC has been designated for update and retry the request. LS7439E UPDATE AN ACTIVE LPAR REQUEST INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: A request to update an LPAR has failed because the designated LPAR is currently connected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You cannot update active LPARs. Choose a different LPAR to update or abandon the attempt entirely. LS7440E UNABLE TO READ LPAR DATA FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to update an LPAR, but the attempt to read the checkpoint data set for the old LPAR information has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7441E UNABLE TO UPDATE LPAR DATA ON CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to update an LPAR, but the attempt to update the checkpoint data set with this new information has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7442E CONFIGURATION DOES NOT EXIST Severity: Error Explanation: A request to update an LPAR has failed because there is a no configuration from which to perform the update. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that a valid configuration has been selected and retry the request. 3-144 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LS7443E UNABLE TO READ CEC DATA FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a configuration, but the attempt to read the checkpoint data set for the old CEC information has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7444E UNABLE TO DELETE CEC DATA FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a configuration, but the attempt to delete the CEC information from the checkpoint data set has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7445E UNABLE TO READ LPAR DATA FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete an LPAR, but the attempt to read the checkpoint data set for the LPAR information has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7446E UNABLE TO DELETE LPAR DATA FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete an LPAR, but the attempt to delete the LPAR information from the checkpoint data set has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7447E NO CONFIGURATION SELECTED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to delete a configuration has failed because there is no configuration currently selected. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Return to the configuration management panel, and select the configuration you wish to process and retry the product status request. LS7448E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: A request to delete a configuration has failed because there is no configuration of the name chosed for deletion System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Return to the configuration management panel, and select the configuration you wish to process and retry the product status request. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-145 LS7449E ACTIVE CONFIGURATION NOT DELETED Severity: Error Explanation: A request to delete a configuration has failed because the configuration selected is currently the active configuration. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Return to the configuration management panel, and select the configuration you wish to process and retry the product status request. LS7450E UNABLE TO READ CONFIGURATION FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a configuration but the attempt to read the checkpoint data set for the configuration has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7451E UNABLE TO DELETE CONFIGURATION FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a configuration but the attempt to delete the configuration from the checkpoint data set has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7452E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to select a configuration but the configuration cannot be found. checkpoint data set has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the configuration name is valid, or define another configuration. LS7453E CONFIGURATION CURRENTLY IN USE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to select a configuration but the configuration you requested is currently in use by another user. Only one user at a time is allowed to select and/or process a given configuration. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the configuration name is the one you want to select. If so you must either wait until the user who has the configuration reserved released it, or communicate with this user and ask that he log off of the LMS server, or select another configuration. LS7454E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR ACTIVATION Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to activate a configuration, but there is not enough main storage to hold the control blocks needed for activation. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7455E UNABLE TO READ CONFIGURATION FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error 3-146 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: You have attempted to activate a configuration, but the configuration cannot be read from the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7456E UNABLE TO UPDATE CONFIGURATION ON CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to activate a configuration, but the configuration cannot be rewritten onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7457E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to activate a configuration, but the configuration you specified cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7458E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR ACTIVATION Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to activate a configuration, but there is not enough main storage to hold the control blocks needed for activation. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7459E UNABLE TO READ CONFIGURATION FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to activate a configuration, but the configuration cannot be read from the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7460E UNABLE TO UPDATE CONFIGURATION ON CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to activate a configuration, but the configuration cannot be rewritten onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7461E CONFIGURATION NAME IN USE Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-147 Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the configuration name you specified is already in use. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Choose another name and retry the rename function. LS7462E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the configuration you specified cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7463E UNABLE TO UPDATE CONFIGURATION ON CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the configuration cannot be rewritten onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7464E UNABLE TO ADD LICENSE FILE NAME TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the license file name cannot be added onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7465E UNABLE TO ADD CEC INFORMATION TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the CEC information cannot be added onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7466E UNABLE TO ADD LPAR INFORMATION TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the LPAR information cannot be added onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7467E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR RENAME Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but there is not enough main storage to hold the control blocks needed for rename. 3-148 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7468E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND ON CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the configuration cannot be found on the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You should clone a new configuration with the name you are attempting to rename. The rename function would not be needed in this case. LS7469E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND ON CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the configuration cannot be found on the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You should clone a new configuration with the name you are attempting to rename. The rename function would not be needed in this case. LS7470E UNABLE TO DELETE CONFIGURATION FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to rename a configuration, but the configuration cannot be deleted from the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You should clone a new configuration with the name you are attempting to rename. The rename function would not be needed in this case. LS7471E CONFIGURATION NAME ALREADY IN USE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to clone a configuration, but the configuration name you specified is already in use. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Choose another name and retry the clone function. LS7472E CONFIGURATION NAME NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to clone a configuration, but the configuration name you wish to clone from cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Choose another name and retry the clone function. LS7473E UNABLE TO ADD CONFIGURATION TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to clone a configuration, but the configuration cannot be added to the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7474E UNABLE TO ADD LICENSE FILE NAME TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-149 Explanation: You have attempted to clone a configuration, but the license file name cannot be added onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7475E UNABLE TO ADD CEC INFORMATION TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to clone a configuration, but the CEC information cannot be added onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7476E UNABLE TO ADD LPAR INFORMATION TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to clone a configuration, but the LPAR information cannot be added onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7477E UNABLE TO ADD ASSOCIATION TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to associate a product/option with a particular LPAR, but the system is unable to add this new association to the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7478E PRODUCT NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to associate a product with a particular LPAR, but the product cannot be found in the current license file. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: request. Select a different product or a different option and retry the association LS7480E OPTION NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to associate an option with a particular LPAR, but the option cannot be found in the current license file. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: request. Select a different product or a different option and retry the association LS7481E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR LICENSE FILE LIST Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to list the current license files, but there is not enough main storage to hold the control blocks needed for this function. 3-150 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7482E CONFIGURATION NAME NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to list the license files for a particular configuration, but that configuration name cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Choose another name and retry the list function. LS7483E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR CONFIGURATION LIST Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to list the configurations, but there is not enough main storage to hold the control blocks needed for this function. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7486E DUPLICATE LICENSE FILE NAMES Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a new license file, but the name you chose has already been used. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Pick a different name for the new license file. LS7487E UNABLE TO ADD LICENSE FILE TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file, but the name of the file cannot be added onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space for the VSAM KSDS to expand. If this problem persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7488E EXISTING LICENSE FILE NOT VSAM Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file and that file already exists, but is not a VSAM KSDS. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Pick a different name for the license file you wish to add, and if that file exists, isure that it is a VSAM KSDS. LS7489E INSUFFICIENT SECURITY ACCESS TO LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file and that file already exists, but your USERID does not have at least CONTROL access to that data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Pick a different license file, or ask your security administrator to change the file access list, such that your USERID has CONTROL access. LS7490E LICENSE FILE ALLOCATION ERROR Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes 3-151 Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file and that file already exists, but an unspecified error has caused the allocation of that file to fail. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Pick a different license file, or insure that the file hasn"t been migrated by HSM, or has been unintentionally uncatalogued. LS7491E LICENSE FILE ALLOCATION ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file and that file already exists, but an unspecified error has caused the allocation of that file to fail. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Pick a different license file, or insure that the file hasn"t been migrated by HSM, or has been unintentionally uncatalogued. LS7492E LICENSE FILE ALLOCATION ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file but the IDCAMS DEFINE CLUSTER function has returned a non zero return code. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Pick a different license file, or allocate a //CXSNAPDD DD SYSOUT=* data set to the server JCL and re-execute the server. This data set will contain detailed information about the allocation failure. LS7493E LICENSE FILE ALLOCATION ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file but the IDCAMS DEFINE CLUSTER function has returned a non zero return code. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Pick a different license file, or allocate a //CXSNAPDD DD SYSOUT=* data set to the server JCL and re-execute the server. This data set will contain detailed information about the allocation failure. LS7495E VSAM GENCB FAILURE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file but the VSAM GENCB function has returned a non zero return code. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7496E VSAM GENCB FAILURE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file but the VSAM GENCB function has returned a non zero return code. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7497E VSAM OPEN FAILURE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file but the VSAM OPEN function has returned a non zero return code. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. 3-152 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Attempt to delete the license file you are trying to add, and pick a different name, or a different volser. If your installation uses SMS allocation parameters, fill the appropriate fields in on the add license file panel and retry the operation. LS7498E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR LICENSE FILE BUFFER Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file, but there is not enough main storage to hold the input buffer for reading this file. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7499E UNABLE TO WRITE DUMMY RECORD TO LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file, but the attempt to write one dummy record into this file has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the allocation of this file was successful and if not, delete and readd the file. Insure that there is enough space on the DASD volume you picked for the file. Try allocating the license file on a different volume, or with a different set of SMS parameters. LS7500E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file, but the configuration under which the new file is to be added cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: a license file. Insure that you have selected a valid configuration before attempting to add LS7501E UNABLE TO LOAD MASTER LICENSE CACHE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a license file, but LMS was unable to load the license file records from this file into the master cache. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have named a valid license file, and not some other VSAM KSDS. This file must either have just been loaded by the LMS server from one or more valid license certificates, or it must have been loaded offline similarly. LS7502E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a license file, but the configuration from which the new file is to be deleted cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have selected a valid configuration before attempting to delete a license file. LS7503E LICENSE FILE NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a license file, but the file you have selected is not defined in the current configuration. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: it. Insure that you have selected a valid license file before attempting to delete License Management System Messages and Codes 3-153 LS7504E UNABLE TO READ LICENSE FILE FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: The system is attempting to delete a license file, or to delete a configuration. The name of a license file currently defined in the configuration cannot be read from the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have selected a valid license file or a valid configuration before deleting or renaming it. LS7505E UNABLE TO DELETE LICENSE FILE FROM CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: The system is attempting to delete a license file, or to delete a configuration. The name of a license file currently defined in the configuration cannot be deleted from the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have selected a valid license file or a valid configuration before deleting or renaming it. LS7506E LICENSE CERTIFICATE FILE IS EMPTY Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to import a new license certificate but the data set you named is empty. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have uploaded the license certificate to the correct file on the system, and name that file in the import request. This file must not be empty. LS7507E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR LICENSE CERTIFICATES Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to import a license certificate but there is not enough main storage to hold the certificate data. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7508E LICENSE CERTIFICATE FILE IS INVALID Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to import a new license certificate but the data set you named, which sould contain the certificate records, has been corrupted. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have uploaded the license certificate to the correct file on the system, and name that file in the import request. LS7509E UNABLE TO IMPORT LICENSE CERTIFICATE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to import a new license certificate but the import process has encountered a fatal error. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have uploaded the license certificate to the correct file on the system, and name that file in the import request. If this condition persists, contact Compuware support personnel. LS7512E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR CERTIFICATE REPLY Severity: Error 3-154 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: You have attempted to import a license certificate but there is not enough main storage to hold the reply message. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7513E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR IMPORT REPORT DATA Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to import a license certificate but there is not enough main storage to hold the report messages which must be sent. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7514E UNABLE TO SEND REPORT DATA Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to import a license certificate but a communications failure has occurred, and the import report cannot be sent to you. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7517E UNABLE TO DELETE PRODUCT FROM LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the current license file, but that product cannot be found on the file. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: There is a mismatch between the license file contents and the representation in storage. Cancel and restart the server in order to resolve this mismatch. LS7518E CANNOT DELETE PRODUCT FROM ACTIVE CONFIGURATION Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product but the configuration you have selected is the active one. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must select a configuration that is not the active configuration, before you can delete product(s). LS7519E MAIN STORAGE NOT AVAILABLE FOR PRODUCT DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the current license file, but there is not enough main storage available to read the file records. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7520E VSAM ACB GENCB FAILURE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but a GENCB to obtain an ACB has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-155 User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7521E VSAM RPL GENCB FAILURE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but a GENCB to obtain an RPL has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7522E UNABLE TO ALLOCATE LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but an attempt to allocate the license file has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have not inadvertently deleted the license file before you tried this operation. If so, you will have to allocate it again and import the original certificates into it, and then delete the product once more. LS7523E INSUFFICIENT SECURITY SYSTEM ACCESS TO LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but your USERID does not have at least CONTROL ACCESS to the data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You can change the access authority of the data set, or use a different USERID to perform this operation. LS7524E UNABLE TO OPEN LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but the attempt to open the data set has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the license file you are connected to is really a VSAM KSDS, and that it has been loaded by either the batch or online license certificate import process. LS7525E UNABLE TO DELETE PRODUCT FROM LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but the attempt to point to the first record of the specified product has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the license file you are connected to is really a VSAM KSDS, and that it has been loaded by either the batch or online license certificate import process. LS7526E UNABLE TO DELETE PRODUCT FROM LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but the attempt to point to the first record of the specified product has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the license file you are connected to is really a VSAM KSDS, and that it has been loaded by either the batch or online license certificate import process. 3-156 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LS7527E UNABLE TO DELETE PRODUCT FROM LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but the attempt to read the next or first record of the specified product has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the license file you are connected to is really a VSAM KSDS, and that it has been loaded by either the batch or online license certificate import process. LS7528E UNABLE TO DELETE PRODUCT FROM LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but the attempt to read the next or first record of the specified product has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the license file you are connected to is really a VSAM KSDS, and that it has been loaded by either the batch or online license certificate import process. LS7529E UNABLE TO DELETE PRODUCT FROM LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product from the license file, but the attempt to delete the current record of the specified product has failed. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the license file you are connected to is really a VSAM KSDS, and that it has been loaded by either the batch or online license certificate import process. LS7530E UPDATE PRODUCT NOT SUPPORTED Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to update a product on the license file, but this release of LMS does not support the product update function. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Do not attempt to update products on the license file. LS7531E NO CONFIGURATION FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product/LPAR association but you have not selected a configuration. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have selected a configuration from which you want to delete an association, and retry this request. LS7532E CANNOT DELETE ASSOCIATION FROM ACTIVE CONFIGURATION Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product/LPAR association but the configuration you have selected is the active one. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must select a configuration that is not the active configuration, before you can delete product/LPAR associations. LS7533E CEC NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product/LPAR association but the CEC within which the LPAR resides cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-157 User Response: Insure that the CEC has not previously been deleted. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order repair this mismatch condition. LS7534E LPAR NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product/LPAR association but the LPAR cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the LPAR has not previously been deleted. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order repair this mismatch condition. LS7535E LICENSE FILE NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product/LPAR association but the license file named in the association cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have not deleted the license file. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order repair this mismatch condition. LS7537E OPTION NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete an option/LPAR association but the option related to the association cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: condition. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order repair this mismatch LS7538E ASSOCIATION NOT FOUND FOR DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product/LPAR association but the association table entry cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: condition. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order repair this mismatch LS7539E UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE TO HOLD ASSOCIATION LIST REPLY Severity: Error Explanation: You have requested that the current product/LPAR associations be listed, but there is not enough main storage for LMS to construct the reply data. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7540E NO CONFIGURATION FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION LIST Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to list the product/LPAR associations, but you have not selected a configuration. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have selected a configuration from which you want to list associations and retry this request. LS7541E UNABLE TO OBTAIN STORAGE TO HOLD SECURITY ACCESS REQUEST Severity: Error 3-158 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: LMS is attempting to request security access information, but there is not enough main storage for LMS to construct the control block. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You may need to increase the value specified in the REGION= operand of the JOB and/or EXEC statement in the JCL used to invoke the LMS server. LS7542E LOGON TO LMS SERVER FAILED: USER NOT AUTHORIZED TO APPL Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to log on to the LMS server, and the logon itself was successful. But your LMS administrator has chosen to implement the RACF FACILITY CLASS entity support, and your USERID has neither READ nor UPDATE access to this entity. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Contact your security administrator. LS7543E DATA SET NAME INVALID FOR SECURITY SYSTEM CHECK Severity: Error Explanation: LMS is attempting to determine if you have at least CONTROL ACCESS to the checkpoint data set or to a license file, but has determined that the data set name is invalid. Insure that you have not entered spaces in the license file data set name, and that the name is correctly left justified. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: If this problem persists, contact the Compuware software support personnel. LS7544E CANNOT DELETE A REQUIRED ASSOCIATION Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted delete an option/LPAR association, but this association was created by LMS due to a mandatory option of a given product, and cannot be deleted while the product remains associated with the LPAR. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: for you. Delete the product association and this option will automatically be deleted LS7545E PRODUCT NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION DELETE Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to delete a product/LPAR association but the product related to the association cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: condition. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order repair this mismatch LS7546E CONFIGURATION NOT VALID - SERVER SPECIFICATION ERROR Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to validate or activate a new or changed configuration. There are CERTVER 3.0 licenses in this configuration. But the SERVER data on the license certificate either defines a CEC SERIAL, LPAR NAME or SYSTEM NAME that differs from the ones on which the server is currently executing, or the current date does not fall within the start and end dates of the server certificate. System Action: The validation or activation is ignored. User Response: You may return to the PRODUCT selection from the main menu and disassociate LPARs from all of the CERTVER 3.0 licensed products and then reexecute the activation. If you do this, products licensed with 1.0 or 2.0 licenses will be activated. Or you can examine the SERVER data on your license certificate to determine why this error occurred. You may be running the server on a SYSTEM/LPAR/CEC other than the one specified on the certificate. If so, you should either contact Compuware to obtain a different certificate or you should execute the server on the correct system. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-159 LS7552E CONFIGURATION NOT VALID - MSU UTILIZATION EXCEEDED Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to validate or activate a new or changed configuration. There are CERTVER 3.0 licenses in this configuration which you have associated with one or more LPARs. The current sum of the MSU utilization of these LPARs exceeds the licensed amount for the product or option. System Action: The validation or activation is ignored. User Response: You may return to the PRODUCT selection from the main menu and disassociate LPARs from one or more of the licensed products and then reexecute the activation. products or options which have been exceeded. LS8100E CONFIGURATION NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION ADD Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but the configuration under which this association is to exist cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have chosen a valid configuration before attempting to add product/LPAR associations. LS8101E UNABLE TO ADD ASSOCIATION TO ACTIVE CONFIGURATION Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but the configuration under which this association is to exist is currently the active one. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You must clone the active configuration and you can add associations to the cloned configuration. LS8102E CEC NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION ADD Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but the CEC within which the LPAR resides cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the CEC has not previously been deleted. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order repair this mismatch condition. LS8103E LPAR NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION ADD Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but the LPAR you are associating cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the LPAR has not previously been deleted. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order repair this mismatch condition. LS8105E LICENSE FILE NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION ADD Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but the license file containing the product cannot be found. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have not previously deleted the file. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order to repair this mismatch condition. LS8106E OPTION NOT FOUND FOR ASSOCIATION ADD Severity: Error 3-160 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: You have attempted to add an option/LPAR association but the option cannot be found in the license file. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that you have not previously deleted the product and/or the option. You may need to cancel and restart the server in order to repair this mismatch condition. LS8107E ASSOCIATION ALREADY EXISTS Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but the association has been found to already exist. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You cannot add a duplicate association. Either delete the existing association, or do not attempt to add the duplicate. LS8108E PRODUCT ASSOCIATION NOT FOUND Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add an option/LPAR association but there isn"t an association already established for the owning product. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: You cannot add an association for an option to a particular LPAR, unless the owning product already has an association to the same LPAR. Add the association for the product before adding the option association. LS8109E ASSOCIATION FOR EXCLUDED CEC NOT VALID Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but the LPAR you are associating is on an excluded CEC. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Excluded CECs cannot have associations made for them. All associations are static and are contained on the license certificate. Do not attempt to associate a product to an exclude CEC. LS8110E ASSOCIATION FOR EXCLUDED LPAR NOT VALID Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but the LPAR you are associating is an excluded LPAR. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Excluded LPARs cannot have associations made for them. All associations are static and are contained on the license certificate. Do not attempt to associate a product to an exclude LPAR. LS8111E UNABLE TO ADD ASOCIATION TO CHECKPOINT DATA SET Severity: Error Explanation: You have attempted to add a product/LPAR association but LMS was unable to write the new association record onto the checkpoint data set. System Action: The call to the server is ignored. User Response: Insure that the volume on which the checkpoint data set resides has enough space so the that data set can expand if necessary. LS8400E ERROR RETRIEVING MESSAGE @@ @@ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code was received from program LMBGETMS. The return code and reason code from LMBGETMS are listed. License Management System Messages and Codes System Action: 3-161 The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Ensure that programs LMBGETMS and LMIMSGEN are available to the ISPF server interface. If they are, contact Compuware Technical Support. LS8401E NEW PASSWORD MISMATCH Severity: Error Explanation: The new password is not the same as the verify new password. System Action: The logon screen is redisplayed. User Response: Re-enter your current password, your new password, and the verify password. Be sure that the verify password matches your new password.) LS8402E NO SELECTED CONFIGURATION Severity: Error Explanation: The license file and LPAR maintenance functions cannot be selected until a configuration is selected. System Action: The main menu is re-displayed. User Response: From the ISPF interface main menu, select "Configuration Maintenance", then select the configuration you wish to work with. LS8403E NO SELECTED LICENSE FILE Severity: Error Explanation: The product maintenance and license certificate import functions cannot be selected until a license file is selected. System Action: The main menu is re-displayed. User Response: From the ISPF interface main menu, select "Define License Files", then select the license file you wish to update. LS8404E INCORRECT SELECT CHARACTER: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The select character is meaningless on the current screen. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Select the function again, using a valid select character. LS8405E ISPF DISPLAY ERROR: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: function. A non-zero return code was received from the ISPF "DISPLAY" or "TBDISP" System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Investigate the TSO return code, which is listed in the message. Correct the cause of the display error. If necessary, call Compuware Technical Support. LS8406E ACTION "@@" CAN ONLY BE SELECTED FOR THE CURRENT CONFIGURATION Severity: Error Explanation: Only the currently selected configuration can be deleted, cloned, or renamed. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Select the configuration you wish to modify, to make it current. Then reselect the the action you wish to perform. LS8407E NO NEW NAME ENTERED Severity: Error Explanation: Clone configuration or rename configuration was selected, but no new configuration name was entered. 3-162 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Re-select the action you wish to perform. Overtype the configuration name with a new configuration name. LS8408E CERTIFICATE FILE IS EMPTY Severity: Error Explanation: The license certificate selected for import has no data. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Either correct the name of the certificate file, or be sure that the certificate file is downloaded successfully. LS8409E SEQUENCE ERROR: @@ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An unexpected message was received from the server. The expected message code and actual message code are listed. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. LS8410E NO CERTIFICATE DATASET NAME ENTERED Severity: Error Explanation: No dataset name for the license certificate to be imported was entered. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Enter the dataset name, and if necessary the member name, of the dataset which holds the license certificate. LS8411E NO CERTIFICATE MEMBER NAME ENTERED Severity: Error Explanation: was entered. The certificate dataset entered is a PDS. No member name for the certificate System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Either correct the certificate dataset name, or add the name of the member which holds the certificate. LS8412E TCPIP @@ ERROR @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A non-zero return code was received from a TCPIP call. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Investigate the TCPIP ERRNO, which is listed in the message, and correct the problem. It may be necessary to examine messages which were issued by the Compuware License Management server, or messages which were issued by the TCPIP address space. LS8413E TCPIP RECV ERROR SOCKET CLOSED BY SERVER Severity: Error Explanation: A TCPIP message with a length of zero was received by the ISPF interface. This indicates that the socket was closed by the Compuware License Management server. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Examine messages issued by the Compuware License Management server to determine why the socket was closed, and correct the situation. It may be necessary to log on to the server again. LS8414E INVALID LPAR TYPE: @@ Severity: Error License Management System Messages and Codes Explanation: 3-163 Valid LPAR types are "CAP", "DEF", and "UNC". System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Correct the LPAR type, to either "CAP", "DEF", or "UNC", and re-enter. LS8415E @@ NOT NUMERIC: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The CEC size and LPAR size must be numeric. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Correct the CEC size or LPAR size, and re-enter. LS8416E TCPIP CONNECTION LOST Severity: Error Explanation: The connection to the server has been lost. Possibly the connection has been closed by the server, or the server is no longer active, or the TCPIP address space is no longer active. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Investigate the cause of the lost connection, and correct the situation. It will be necessary to log onto the server again. LS8417E LPAR IS ALREADY ASSOCIATED Severity: Error Explanation: The LPAR which was selected to be associated with a product or option is already associated with that product or option. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Select the correct LPAR to be associated with the product or option, or return to the prior screen, to select the correct product or option. LS8418E @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The certificate dataset cannot be processed. The message text is returned by the TSO "SYSDSN" function, and may be any of the following: MEMBER NOT FOUND MEMBER SPECIFIED, BUT DATASET IS NOT PARTITIONED DATASET NOT FOUND ERROR PROCESSING REQUESTED DATASET PROTECTED DATASET VOLUME NOT ON SYSTEM INVALID DATASET NAME, dsname MISSING DATASET NAME UNAVAILABLE DATASET System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: situation. Investigate the cause of the message returned by SYSDSN, and correct the LS8419E INVALID CERTIFICATE DATASET Severity: Error Explanation: * * * * * The certificate dataset is invalid for one or more of the following reasons: DSORG is not PS or PO RECFM is not FB LRECL is not 80 one or more invalid characters were found in file the string "CUSTOMER " was not found in the file System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. 3-164 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Review the certificate dataset requirements above and make the necessary changes to the certificate dataset then retry the import process. LS8420E NO IMPORT REPORT DATASET NAME ENTERED Severity: Error Explanation: No dataset name for the license certificate import report was entered. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Enter the dataset name, and if necessary the member name, of the dataset which will hold the license certificate import report. LS8421E NO IMPORT REPORT MEMBER NAME ENTERED Severity: Error Explanation: The import report dataset entered is a PDS. No member name for the import report was entered. System Action: the current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Either correct the import report dataset name, or add the name of the member which will hold the license certificate import report. LS8422E INVALID DATASET ORGANIZATION: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The import report dataset has a DSORG which cannot be used by the LMS ISPF interface. The dataset"s DSORG is listed. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Enter the dataset name, and if necessary a member name, of a new dataset to hold the license certificate report, or enter the name of an existing dataset, with a DSORG of PS or PO. LS8423E @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The import report dataset cannot be processed. The message text is returned by the TSO "SYSDSN" function, and may be any of the following: MEMBER SPECIFIED, BUT DATASET IS NOT PARTITIONED ERROR PROCESSING REQUESTED DATASET PROTECTED DATASET VOLUME NOT ON SYSTEM INVALID DATASET NAME, dsname MISSING DATASET NAME UNAVAILABLE DATASET System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Investigate the cause of the SYSDSN message, and correct the situation. LS8424E ERROR ALLOCATING REPORT DATASET: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An error was encountered while allocating the import report dataset. The return code from the TSO "ALLOCATE" function is listed. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Investigate the cause of the ALLOCATE return code, and correct the situation. LS8425E NO LICENSE FILE DATASET NAME ENTERED Severity: Error Explanation: No dataset name for the license file to be associated with the current configuration was entered. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. License Management System Messages and Codes User Response: configuration. 3-165 Enter the license file data set name to be associated with the current LS8426E "N" LINE COMMAND VALID ON THE FIRST TABLE LINE ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: The NEW (N) line command can only be used on the first line of the displayed table. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. Any changes to table values on the row where the line command was incorrectly specified are ignored. User Response: Use the NEW (N) line command on the first table line. LS8427E ONE OR MORE LPAR DEFINITION VALUES ARE MISSING Severity: Error Explanation: The NEW (N) line command was entered on the first line of the LPAR table and one or more of the column values was not provided. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Provide the missing value(s) and use the NEW (N) line command again. LS8428E INVALID LPAR MODE: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Valid LPAR modes are "SIZE" and "WKLD". System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Change the LPAR mode to either "SIZE" or "WKLD" and re-enter. LS8429E INVALID CPU SERIAL: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Valid CPU serial numbers are hexadecimal. System Action: The current screen is re-displayed. User Response: Correct the CPU serial number and re-enter. LS8500E ASSOCIATE COMMAND (A) VALID ON LPAR ENTRIES ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: An Associate command (A) has been used on a table row representing either a product or option. This is not allowed. System Action: All other valid line commands are processed. User Response: Correct the invalid line command and press Enter. LS8501E ASSOCIATE COMMAND (A) VALID ON CERTVER<03.00.00> OR LATER ENTRIES ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: An Associate command (A) has been used on an LPAR type table row but the certificate version related to this row is 01.00.02 or 02.00.00. This is not allowed. System Action: All other valid line commands are processed. User Response: Correct the invalid line command and press Enter. LS8502E ASSOCIATE PRODUCT COMMAND (AP) VALID ON PRODUCT ENTRIES ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: An Associate Product command (AP) has been used either on an option type or LPAR type entry. This is not allowed. System Action: All other valid line commands are processed. User Response: Correct the invalid line command and press Enter. 3-166 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes LS8503E ASSOCIATE PRODUCT COMMAND (AP) VALID ON CERTVER<03.00.00> OR LATER ENTRIES ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: An Associate Product command (AP) has been used on a product type entry whose certificate version is 01.00.02 or 02.00.00. This is not allowed. System Action: All other valid line commands are processed. User Response: Correct the invalid line command and press Enter. LS8504E SELECT ALL AND INVERT SELECTION CANNOT BE COMBINED Severity: Error Explanation: The Select all and Invert Selection options have both been selected. This is not allowed. System Action: No line commands are processed. User Response: Deselect one of the options and retry the operation. LS8505E DELETE PRODUCT (X) COMMAND VALID ON PRODUCT ENTRIES ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: A Delete command (X) has been used on either an option type or LPAR type entry. This is not allowed. System Action: All other valid line commands are processed. User Response: Correct the invalid line command and press Enter. LS8506E DISASSOCIATE (D) COMMAND VALID ON LPAR ENTRIES ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: A Disassociate command (D) has been used on a product type or option type entry. This is not allowed. System Action: All other valid line commands are processed. User Response: Correct the line command in error and press Enter. LS8508E DISASSOCIATE (D) COMMAND VALID ON CERTVER<03.00.00> OR LATER ENTRIES ONLY Severity: Error Explanation: A Disassociate command (D) has been used on an LPAR entry whose related certificate version is 01.00.02 or 02.00.00. This is invalid. System Action: All other valid line commands are processed. User Response: Correct the line command in error and press Enter. LS8509E INVALID LINE COMMAND @@ ON ROW @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An unrecognized line command has been used. System Action: All other valid line commands are processed. User Response: Correct the line command in error and press Enter. License Management System Messages and Codes 3-167 LM Return and Reason Code Values Table 3-2. Return Codes (For Return Code =12, =16, and =20 contact Compuware Customer Support) Return Code Description 0 SUCCESSFUL EXECUTION - FUNCTION COMPLETE 4 SUCCESSFUL EXECUTION - LICENSE POLICY WARNING 8 SUCCESSFUL EXECUTION - LICENSE POLICY FAILURE 12 UNSUCCESSFUL EXECUTION - ERROR IN PASSED PARAMETERS 16 UNSUCCESSFUL EXECUTION - SYSTEM RELATED ERROR 20 UNSUCCESSFUL EXECUTION - RETURN/REASON CODE NOT SET Table 3-3. Return Code = 4 Reason Code Description 557 PRODUCT IN USAGE GRACE IN USAGE GRACE PERIOD 559 OPTION IN USAGE GRACE IN USAGE GRACE PERIOD 566 PRODUCT IN DISASTER RECOVERY MODE: CPU ID NOT CHECK 571 PRODUCT NOT LICENSED ON CPU BUT WITHIN CPU GRACE PERIOD. 577 OPTION IN DISASTER RECOVERY MODE: CPU ID NOT CHECKED. 582 OPTION NOT LICENSED ON CPU BUT WITHIN PRODUCT GRACE PERIOD 590 PRODUCT IS LICENSED TO RUN ON THIS CPU, BUT IS WITHIN 14 DAYS OF EXPIRING 591 PRODUCT HAS UNIVERSAL CPU, BUT IS WITHIN 14 DAYS OF EXPIRING 592 OPTION IS LICENSED TO RUN ON THIS CPU, BUT IS WITHIN 14 DAYS OF EXPIRING 593 OPTION HAS UNIVERSAL CPU, BUT IS WITHIN 14 DAYS OF EXPIRING 596 TIMEOUT DATE IN CUSTMOD CANNOT BE DECODED 597 SCRAMBLED CUSTOMER NAME NOT = UNSCRAMBLED NAME 598 TEMPORARY PASSWORD IS VALID AND PRODUCT/OPTION IN COUNTDOWN 600 PRODUCT LINK NOT FOUND 601 PRODUCT LINK NOT FOUND AND IN COUNTDOWN 602 EMERGENCY PASSWORD IS VALID 603 TEMPCPU PASSWORD IS VALID 606 PRODUCT NOT LICENSED ON CPU BUT ALLOWED TO RUN DUE TO DYNAMIC CPU UPGRADE GRACE 607 OPTION NOT LICENSED ON CPU BUT ALLOWED TO RUN DUE TO DYNAMIC CPU UPGRADE GRACE 609 PRODUCT HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO RUN BECAUSE VALID TRIAL DDNAME EXISTS 3-168 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 3-3. Return Code = 4 Reason Code Description 610 PRODUCT IS IN 14 DAY GROUP CAPACITY LIMIT GRACE 612 OPTION IS IN 14 DAY GROUP CAPACITY LIMIT GRACE 630 PRODUCT IS IN 14 DAY CUOD GRACE PERIOD 631 OPTION 634 PRODUCT IS IN 14 DAY LPAR CAPACITY GRACE 635 OPTION 638 PRODUCT IS IN 14 DAY LPAR NAME GRACE 639 OPTION 642 PRODUCT IS IN 14 DAY CPU SERIAL GRACE 643 OPTION 646 PRODUCT IS IN SERVER GRACE 648 OPTION Table 3-4. IS IN 14 DAY GRACE PERIOD IS IN 14 DAY LPAR CAPACITY GRACE IS IN 14 DAY LPAR NAME GRACE IS IN 14 DAY CPU SERIAL GRACE IS IN SERVER GRACE Return Code = 8 Reason Code Description 553 LMCHKOUT PROD/VER NAME NOT IN LICENSE STORAGE CACHE 555 LMCHKOUT OPTION NAME/VER NOT IN LICENSE STORAGE CACHE 558 PRODUCT WAS IN USAGE GRACE BUT THAT GRACE HAS NOW EXPIRED 560 USERID NOT AUTHORIZED FOR ANY LICENSE FILE 561 AUTH CODE IN SELECTED CACHE ENTRY IS INVALID 562 PRODUCT START DATE HAS NOT REACHED YET 563 PRODUCT HAS EXPIRED - END DATE REACHED 564 PRODUCT IN DISASTER MODE, BUT START DATE NOT REACHED YET 565 PARM=INSTALL NOT RUN AGAINST CUSTMOD, OR CORRUPTION 567 PRODUCT HAS UNIVERSAL DATES BUT START DATE NOT REACHED YET 568 PRODUCT UNIVERSAL LICENSE HAS EXPIRED 569 PRODUCT IS NOT LICENSED ON THIS CPU 570 CUSTMOD HAS BEEN CORRUPTED OR CREATED INVALIDLY 572 AUTH CODE IN SELECTED CACHE ENTRY IS INVALID 573 OPTION START DATE HAS NOT REACHED YET 574 OPTION HAS EXPIRED - END DATE REACHED 575 OPTION IN DISASTER MODE, BUT START DATE NOT REACHED YET 576 CREATE DATE CORRUPTION IN CUSTMOD 578 OPTION HAS UNIVERSAL DATES BUT START DATE NOT REACHED YET 579 OPTION UNIVERSAL LICENSE HAS EXPIRED 581 OPTION IS NOT LICENSED ON THIS CPU License Management System Messages and Codes Table 3-4. Return Code = 8 Reason Code Description 585 TEMPCPU PASSWORD CANNOT BE DECODED OR CORRUPTION 586 EMERGENCY PASSWORD CANNOT BE DECODED OR CORRUPTION 589 OPTION WAS IN USAGE GRACE BUT THAT GRACE HAS NOW EXPIRED 594 AN ENCODED DATE < CREATE DATE OR LAST CHNGD DATE > TODAY 595 CWCUST DATE NOT PACKED OR ZONED OR DDD IS INVALID 599 BIT SET IN HTIME NOT DOCUMENTED AS HAVING A VALID MEANING 600 PRODUCT IS LICENSED VIA LPAR USAGE BUT THE USAGE VALUE IS NOT AVAILABLE 601 OPTION IS LICENSED VIA LPAR USAGE BUT THE USAGE VALUE IS NOT AVAILABLE 604 RELEASE NUMBER IN CUSTMOD NOT = RELEASE PASSED BY CALLER 608 FAILURE OF STSI INSTRUCTION OR OF CSRSI SERVICE 611 PRODUCT IN 14 DAY GROUP CAPACITY LIMIT GRACE BUT GRACE EXPIRED 613 OPTION IN 14 DAY GROUP CAPACITY LIMIT GRACE BUT GRACE EXPIRED 614 PRODUCT LICENSED VIA GROUP CAPACITY LIMIT BUT THE MSU VALUE IS NOT AVAILABLE 615 OPTION LICENSED VIA GROUP CAPACITY LIMIT BUT THE MSU VALUE IS NOT AVAILABLE 632 PRODUCT 14 DAY CUOD GRACE EXPIRED 633 OPTION 636 PRODUCT 14 DAY LPAR SIZE GRACE EXPIRED 637 OPTION 640 PRODUCT 14 DAY LPAR NAME GRACE EXPIRED 641 OPTION 644 PRODUCT 14 DAY CPU SERIAL GRACE EXPIRED 645 OPTION 647 PRODUCT SERVER GRACE EXPIRED 649 OPTION 14 DAY CUOD GRACE EXPIRED 14 DAY LPAR SIZE GRACE EXPIRED 14 DAY LPAR NAME GRACE EXPIRED 14 DAY CPU SERIAL GRACE EXPIRED SERVER GRACE EXPIRED 3-169 3-170 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes 4-1 Chapter 4. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages Chap 4 This chapter explains the return codes and messages issued by the Host Communication Interface (HCI). HCI User Abend Codes For U0100 abends regarding HCISERVR see “HCISERVR Abend Codes” on page 4-5. For user abends regarding HCIAPING see “HCIAPING Abend Codes” on page 4-5. Table 4-1. USER ABEND U0044 User ABEND Codes: Meaning of HCI user abends REASON CODE MODULE HCIRESUM N/A DESCRIPTION Entry to HCIRESUM was made holding an MVS Local Lock but not for the region requesting service. Note: Initialization Routines: U0100 HCIMMAIN 001 Unable to load HCIMINIT the initialization module. 002 Insufficient storage for Journal Communication Area in SP=0, LOC=ANY. 004 Insufficient storage for save areas in SP=250, LOC=ANY. 005 Insufficient storage for Global Communication Area in SP=241, LOC=ANY. 100 Non-zero return code from SHOWCB. High order halfword contains R15 value. 101 Insufficient storage for VTAM control blocks in SP=0, LOC=BELOW or LOC=ANY. High order halfword contains R15 value. 102 Non-zero return code from VTAM GENCB macro. High order halfword contains R15 value. 103 Non-zero return code from MVS ATTACH attempting to attach a processing sub task. High order halfword contains R15 value. 104 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the DCB pool. 105 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the RPL pool. 106 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the CCB pool. 107 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the LUB pool. 108 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the RCB pool. 109 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the UIB pool. 110 Insufficient storage for WRE queue, in SP=241, LOC=ANY. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 4-2 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 4-1. USER ABEND User ABEND Codes: Meaning of HCI user abends MODULE U0100 HCIMMAIN (continued) REASON CODE DESCRIPTION 111 Insufficient storage for ORE queue, in SP=0, LOC=ANY. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 113 Insufficient storage for CCB hash table in SP=0, LOC=ANY. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 114 Insufficient storage for SIT hash table in SP=0, LOC=ANY. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 115 Non-zero return code from MVS LOAD macro attempting to load a module destined for SP=245. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 116 Non-zero return code from MVS LOAD macro attempting to load a module destined for SP=0. High order halfword contains R15 value from LOAD. 118 An HCI specifying the same four character SUBSYSTEM_ID is currently active on this system. 119 Non-zero return code from MVS ESTAE macro. High order halfword contains R15 value from ESTAE. 120 Non-zero return code from MVS STIMERM macro. High order halfword contains R15 value from ESTAE. 121 In response to the message indicating that a subsystem of the same name was still active, the operator replied “A” to ABEND the new HCI. 122 Insufficient storage for CSA modules in SP=245, LOC=BELOW. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 123 Insufficient storage for CSA modules in SP=245, LOC=ANY. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 124 Insufficient storage for CSA modules in SP=241, LOC=BELOW. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 125 A subsystem ID was chosen for the HCI which matches an SSCT entry that was not for an HCI. You must specify a unique subsystem. 125 Insufficient storage for ACE queue, in SP=0, LOC=ANY. High order halfword contains R15 value from GETMAIN. 127 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the TEA pool. 128 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the TSB pool. 200 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the AMB pool. 201 Insufficient storage for JCB areas in SP=0, LOC=BELOW. 202 Insufficient storage for SIT areas in SP=0, LOC=BELOW. Too many SIT entries specified. 203 Insufficient storage for TPT areas in SP=0, LOC=BELOW. Too many TPT areas specified. 204 Non-zero return code from PD FDB$SRVM macro when trying to load the configuration table. 205 Non-zero return code from MVS CPOOL BUILD attempting to build the PCB pool. 206 In the attempt to process PCB entries, no matching TPT was found for a PCB entry. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages Table 4-1. USER ABEND 4-3 User ABEND Codes: Meaning of HCI user abends MODULE U0100 HCIMMAIN (continued) U0100 DYNACTLG (continued) DYNAIDCM DYNAMAIN DYNASV99 REASON CODE DESCRIPTION 207 In the attempt to process PCB entries, no matching AMB was found for a PCB entry. 208 In the attempt to process SIT entries, no matching AMB was found for a SIT entry. 209 In the attempt to process SIT entries, no matching PCB was found for a SIT entry. 210 Bad open for FDBDRPL data set. 211 The HCICNFIG module could not be found. 212 Insufficient storage for the HCICNFIG module. 213 The Module HCICNFIG could not be loaded. 214 An ALIAS TPT entry could not be found. 2102 Unable to load the operator communications initialization module. 2108 Unable to load the modules required by operator communications. N/A Storage for work area not available. Increase REGION parameter on EXEC statement. Note: Termination Routines U0101 HCIMMAIN 2108 Unable to load the modules required by operator communications. U0200 HCIOMAIN HCIRMAIN N/A Unsuccessful initialization U0201 HCIJMAIN N/A Non-zero return code from FREEMAIN attempting to free a journal buffer. U0202 HCIPSCHG N/A Send completed with non-zero return code. U0203 HCIPSCHG N/A Deallocate completed with non-zero return code. U0204 HCIPSCHG N/A Set deallocate type completed with non-zero return code. U0205 HCIPSCHG N/A Deallocate completed with non-zero return code. U0210 HCIMCLEAN N/A The ACE queue has been exhausted while attempting to delay the delete of an ACEE. Increase the number of CCBs in the configuration assembly. U0300 HCIAMAIN 002 Unsuccessful initialization HCIIMAIN N/A Unsuccessful initialization HCIRMAIN 005 Unsuccessful initialization HCITMAIN N/A Unsuccessful initialization U0301 any module N/A A subroutine call did not have sufficient storage to save registers in the module working storage area. Refer this problem to Compuware. U0302 any module N/A A subroutine exit could not retrieve its entry registers in the module working storage area. Refer this problem to Compuware. U0303 HCITTERM HCIUTERM N/A A termination request has been made and no AMB, TSB or PCB is available. Refer this problem to Compuware. 4-4 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 4-1. USER ABEND User ABEND Codes: Meaning of HCI user abends MODULE REASON CODE DESCRIPTION U0800 HCIACNOC HCICACCP HCICNEND HCICOPEN HCIENFSX HCIICNOI HCIMSAF HCIMUNRU HCIOESTI HCIPCRTN HCIPOSTX HCIRCTLI HCIRRCVC HCISESTI HCITMAIN HCIUCTLI HCIURTOS HCIVATNX HCIVTPNX N/A All Work Request Elements have been exhausted. Increase the number of WREs in the configuration assembly. U0801 HCIAACSC HCIAALCC HCIACNFC HCIACNOC HCIADELC HCIAPTRC HCIARCVC HCIASNDC HCIMGDSA HCIMSTIM HCIRCLDC HCIROPDC HCIRRCVC HCIVATNX HCIVLGNX HCIVLSTX HCIVNSXX HCIVSCIX HCICTPNX N/A Insufficient storage for a register save area. Increase the REGION= parm on the HCI EXEC statement. U0802 any module N/A Insufficient private storage to obtain module working storage area. Increase the REGION= parm on the HCI EXEC statement. U0905 HCIPCRTN N/A A corruption of the WRE chain has been detected. Refer this problem to Compuware. U3000 HCIOPCOM N/A Non-zero return code from MVS ATTACH of operator task. Insufficient number of OREs. U3001 HCIOPCOM N/A Operator subtask initialize not successful. U3002 HCIOPCOM N/A Operator subtask has abended three times in a row. The entire HCI is terminated. U3003 HCIPCRTN N/A An invalid UIB address was found in word 1 of the TCB save area. U4094 HCIABEND N/A The operator issued a STOP command for a processing subtask, requesting ABEND with no dump. U4095 HCIABEND N/A The operator issued a STOP command for a processing subtask, requesting ABEND, DUMP. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages 4-5 HCIAPING Abend Codes The following abend codes apply to the HCIAPING program only. Table 4-2. USER ABEND HCIAPING ABEND Codes: Meaning of HCIAPING abends REASON CODE DESCRIPTION U0004 N/A Storage was not available for the input/output buffer. End the HCI and increase the value specified for REGION=. U0008 N/A Invalid PARM data passed to HCIAPING. Refer this problem to Compuware. U0012 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CWRNU. The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0016 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CWSPM. The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0020 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CWACCP The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0024 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CWEPLN The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0028 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CMSPTR The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0032 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CMSST The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0036 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CMSRT. The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0100 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CMRCV. The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0104 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CMCFMD The reason code is the CPI-C return code. U0108 CPI-C Non-zero return code from CMSEND The reason code is the CPI-C return code. HCISERVR Abend Codes The following reason codes for U0100 abends can be issued by HCISERVR: Table 4-3. HCISERVR Reason Codes for U0100 abends: Abend reason codes from the started task control program REASON CODE DESCRIPTION 00000008 Invalid PARM on the HCISERVR EXEC statement 0000000C SUBSYSTEM_ID named in PARM is not active 00000010 The HCI user represented by the started task identifier is not pending attach within the HCI. 00000014 Insufficient storage to execute HCISERVR 00000018 Invalid PARM on the HCISERVR EXEC statement 0000001C SUBSYSTEM_ID named in PARM is active but not the same version as the HCISERVR. Example: trying to use a 1.6.0 HCISERVR against an 2.0.0 HCI. The versions 1 and 2 do not match. 00xxyyzz RACROUTE error codes: xx = SAF return code yy = Security system return code zz = Security system reason code 4-6 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes HCIYPREP Abend Codes The following abend and reason codes can be issued by HCIYPREP: Table 4-4. HCIYPREP ABEND and Reason Codes: Abend and reason codes from the remote Sysplex initialization USER ABEND REASON CODE DESCRIPTION U0800 8 Parameter list incorrect length or NOTIFY incorrectly specified. U0810 20 Insufficient storage for Sysplex Communication Area in SP=241, LOC=ANY. U0820 28 Non-zero return code from MVS LOAD macro attempting to load a module into private storage. 32 Non-zero return code from MVS LOAD macro attempting to load a module into private storage. 36 Insufficient storage to hold module destined for SP=241, LOC=BELOW (common storage). 40 The subsystem id specified in the execution parameters was found to be already active on this system. 44 Module HCIYSSYS (subsystem exit) was not found to be valid. 48 Module HCIRACRP was not found to be valid. 52 The XCA control block was found not to be valid. U0831 * Insufficient storage to initialize the SSCT and SSVT in SP=241 LOC=BELOW for subsystem creation. The abend reason code is the STORAGE return code. U0832 * Insufficient storage for CSA modules in SP=245, LOC=ANY. The abend reason code is the STORAGE return code. U0840 60 Insufficient storage for SRB and PCA creation in SP=245, LOC=ANY. U0860 * The group name could not be located in the sysplex. The group name is HCI sysplex id prefixed with “XCIO”. The abend reason code contains a halfword IXCQUREY return code (high order) and reason code (low order). U0870 * Insufficient private storage to acquire the sysplex group information. The abend reason code is the STORAGE return code. U0880 * Error during query of sysplex group information. The abend reason code contains a halfword IXCQUREY return code (high order) and reason code (low order). U0890 * Insufficient storage for temporary SRB and GXP, SP=245 LOC=ANY. The abend reason code is the STORAGE return code. U0900 n/a Temporary SRB and GXP no longer valid during notify process. U0830 NOTE: * - see description; n/a - not applicable. HCIPSCHG Abend Codes The following abend and reason codes can be issued by HCIPSCHG: Table 4-5. USER ABEND HCIPSCHG Reason Codes: Abend reason codes from the password change internal TP REASON CODE DESCRIPTION U0100 N/A Unable to obtain storage for a RACROUTE parameter area. U0101 N/A Invalid PARM passed to HCIPSCHG on EXEC statement. U0102 N/A Register New User completed with non-zero return code. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages Table 4-5. USER ABEND 4-7 HCIPSCHG Reason Codes: Abend reason codes from the password change internal TP REASON CODE DESCRIPTION U0103 N/A SUBSYSTEM_ID passed in PARM is not defined. U0104 N/A SUBSYSTEM_ID passed in PARM is not active. U0105 N/A SUBSYSTEM_ID passed in PARM defines a subsystem that is not an HCI, U0106 N/A Set Processing Mode completed with non-zero return code. U0107 N/A Accept Conversation completed with non-zero return code. U0108 N/A Extract Partner LU_NAME completed with non-zero return code. U0109 N/A Set Deallocate Type completed with non-zero return code. U0110 N/A Set Send Type completed with non-zero return code. U0111 N/A Set Receive Type completed with non-zero return code. U0200 N/A Receive completed with non-zero return code. U0201 N/A Confirmed completed with non-zero return code. U0202 N/A Send completed with non-zero return code. U0203 N/A Deallocate completed with non-zero return code. U0204 N/A Set Deallocate Type completed with non-zero return code. U0205 N/A Deallocate completed with non-zero return code. R15 Return Codes R15 return code values are reserved, primarily, for severe problems detected by the CPI-C interface (link-edited) module. Essentially, a non-zero value in R15 upon return from ANY CPI-C (standard or extension) indicates that the operation did not function as desired, and, what's more, indicates that the problem is severe enough that the normal CM_RETURN_CODE field could not be used to pass back the error indication. Additionally, no Secondary_Codes are available following the receipt of a non-zero R15 value. The following lists the values R15 can contain upon return from a CPI-C call: Table 4-6. R15 Value (In Decimal) R15 Return Codes: Explanation of values returned in R15 Meaning 00 Normal Completion. Inspect the field CM_RETURN_CODE for further error indications. 16 The PC routine within the HCI address space was unable to obtain a register save area. The queue of available save areas is exhausted. You must refresh the HCI after specifying a larger number in the configuration data set for the number of available save areas. 20 While executing on your behalf, the PC routine within the HCI address space has experienced an abend. The abend has been trapped, and a dump has been taken to a SYS1.DUMPxx data set. The most likely cause of an abend is that you specified a parameter value that was an address which was outside the limits of your available storage, or that lay in storage containing a protect key other than the one under which you are executing. 24 You have entered the sub-module at its program name entry point, rather than one of the CMxxx or CWxxx entry points. Your program is in error and must be changed. You may not call this module at its program name entry point. 28 The HCI address space is no longer active. It has been active, but has ended. You must not attempt any more calls to the HCI. When the HCI is restarted, you must re-register using the CWRNU call. 4-8 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Table 4-6. R15 Value (In Decimal) R15 Return Codes: Explanation of values returned in R15 Meaning 32 Main storage, below the 16m line, was not available to hold a copy of your ECB wait list for the execution of a CWWMUE call. You must end your job, and re-execute specifying a larger value for the REGION= parameter on the EXEC statement. This is storage within your region, not within the HCI region. 36 Main storage, below the 16m line, was not available for a register save area for the execution of a CWRNU or CWWMUE call. You must end your job, and re-execute specifying a larger value for the REGION= parameter on the EXEC statement. This is storage within your region, not within the HCI region. 40 More than nineteen (19) parameters have been passed to a CMxxx or CWxxx call, or you forgot to set the high order bit of the last parameter in the list. A variable list with a maximum of nineteen values is required for any CPI-C call. 44 A parameter has been passed to a CMxxx or a CWxxx call which is zero. Since each parameter in the list pointed to by R1 must be the address of the corresponding storage area, a value of zero is never allowed. 48 Each CPI-C call has a fixed number of parameters. You have made a CMxxx or a CWxxx call with the wrong number of parameters in the list. Even though the parameter list must be of variable length (the high-order bit of the last address set to B'1'), each CPI-C call required a specific number of entries in the list. 52 Your installation's security personnel have activated the HCI's TP_NAME security processing. You have issued a CWRNU specifying a TP_NAME to which the USERID under which you are running does not have (at least) READ access. See your security administrator for details. 56 The Sub-System which you named in your CWRNU or CWCDE call is not active. It may be that it just needs to be started or it may be that you have specified an incorrect name. Also, check that the version of the currently active HCI is the same as the what the TP utilizes. 60 Main storage, below the 16m line is not available to build the RACROUTE list. you must end your job, and re-execute specifying a larger value for the REGION= parameter on the EXEC statement. This is storage within your region, not within the HCI region. 64 The attempt to identify alternate entry points for subsequent CPI-C calls has failed. You must refer this problem to your software support staff. 68 You have called the HCI from a task other than the one which was originally used to register (CWRNU call). You must restrict HCI calls to the same task under which the CWRNU call was made. 72 You have issued a CWRNU call, passing a TP_NAME_length field that contains a value of 0 or a value greater than 64. 76 One of the parameters you have passed is invalid. Either the address itself isn't a valid address, or it points to an area of storage which is in a protect key which disallows either reference (for parameters passed to the HCI) or modification (for parameters passed from the HCI to the TP). 80 The HCI address space is no longer active. It has been active, but has ended. You must not attempt any more calls to the HCI except for CWWMUE which will continue to function by waiting on only the ECBs in the users wait list. This return code will be returned each time CWWMUE is called. 84 The HCI address space has been found active but it is not the same version level as the CWRNU or CWELLS request. Verify that the TP release utilizes the same version of the currently active HCI. This can be encountered when a new release of a product has been installed. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages 4-9 LU 2 Return Codes The following codes are sent to the LU 2 HLLAPI processor in the Attach Reply message and in the Detach Request message to indicate success or failure of the attach, or to indicate reason for the detach. Table 4-7. LU 2 Return Codes: Explanation of the returned codes PRIMARY CODE 00 SECONDARY CODE MEANING 00 08 Successful Attach Attach Failed. Reasons follow: 08 01 Insufficient main storage available 08 02 No Work Request Elements available 08 03 TP_NAME length in Attach Request invalid 08 04 USERID length in Attach Request invalid 08 05 PASSWORD length in Attach Request invalid 08 06 Insufficient main storage available 08 07 No Region Control Blocks available 08 08 TP issued Deallocate (ABEND) 08 09 Deallocated Abend (TIMER) 08 10 Deallocated Abend (SERVICE) 08 11 Deallocated Abend (USER) 08 12 TP_NAME length in Attach Request invalid 08 13 USERID length in Attach Request invalid 08 14 PASSWORD length in Attach Request invalid 08 15 No Work Request Elements available 08 16 Generic User Interface Block not found 08 17 No Conversation Control Blocks available 08 18 No Destination Control Blocks available 08 19 TP Profile entry not found; TP not registered 08 20 No User Interface Blocks available 08 21 Unspecific return code from RACROUTE processor 08 22 USERID not defined to Security System 08 23 Incorrect PASSWORD for USERID 08 24 PASSWORD has expired 08 25 New PASSWORD invalid 08 26 USERID not defined in GROUP 08 27 USERID has been revoked 08 28 Access to GROUP has been revoked 4-10 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Error Messages HCIHC0000S HCI SUBSYSTEM @@ ALREADY ACTIVE ON SYSTEM @@ Explanation: During initialization, the HCI has detected that a subsystem with the same Subsystem ID, which the current HCI is attempting to use, is still active on the MVS system identified in the message. Severity: HCI is terminated. User Response: HCIHC0001S Specify a different HCI subsystem ID or wait for the same one to finish. @@ SUBSYSTEM @@ IS STILL ACTIVE ON SYSTEM @@ Explanation: During initialization, the HCI has detected that a subsystem with the same Subsystem ID which the current HCI is attempting to use, is still active on the MVS system identified in the message. HCI Subsystems do not automatically terminate until all application programs which were ever active have ended. Ended means that the MVS TCB under which the application was running has been detached, or that the entire address space in which the application was running has terminated. Severity: Processing continues with message HC0006. User Response: HCIHC0002I Wait for message HC0006, and reply to it appropriately. @@ JOBNAME=@@, STEPNAME=@@ Explanation: This message is displayed by the HCI when the operator replies “D” to message HC0006, requesting further information regarding the application programs that are keeping the subsystem from ending. The Job name and the Step name of each application still active are displayed in this message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0003I Wait for message HC0006, and reply to it appropriately. @@ TPNAME=@@ Explanation: This message is displayed by the HCI when the operator replies “D” to message HC0006, requesting further information regarding the application programs that are keeping the subsystem from ending. The TP names for each application within the previously displayed job step are displayed in this message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0004I Wait for message HC0006, and reply to it appropriately. @@ SUBSYSTEM @@ NO LONGER ACTIVE. HCI STARTUP WILL CONTINUE Explanation: This message is displayed by the HCI when the operator replies “D” to message HC0006, and the HCI determines that the problem (of an old copy of the Subsystem) no longer exists. That is, either the application, itself, ended, or the action that the operator took to cancel the application was successful. In either case, initialization of the new HCI continues. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0005I None. @@ OLD SUBSYSTEM @@ ABORTED. HCI STARTUP WILL CONTINUE Explanation: This message is displayed by the HCI when the operator replies “O” to message HC0006, and the HCI has successfully terminated the old copy of the Subsystem, and when all storage allocated to that Subsystem has been freed. Initialization of the new HCI continues. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0006C None. @@ REPLY “U” TO CONTINUE, “A” TO ABORT, OR “D” TO SHOW STATUS Explanation: This message is displayed by the HCI following message HC0001, or HC0003. This message request that the operator decide whether to let the old copy of the Subsystem Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages 4-11 continue running (“A”), or let the new copy of the Subsystem continue running (“U”), or simply to display the status of the old HCI (“D”). Severity: HCI initialization is suspended until the operator replies. If the operator replies “U”, the old copy of the Subsystem will be terminated, and all storage associated with it will be freed. The new HCI will continue initialization. If the operator replies “A”, the old copy of the Subsystem will be allowed to continue, and initialization of the new HCI will terminate. If the operator replies “D”, the status of the old HCI will be displayed via messages HC0002 and HC0003. User Response: HCIHC0007E Reply “U”, “A” or “D”. @@ UNABLE TO ATTACH JOURNAL TASK. R15=@@ Explanation: The MVS ATTACH macro was issued to activate the Journal function sub-task. At the completion of the macro, Register 15 was not zero. The contents of R15 are displayed in the message. If R15=08, there is not sufficient storage to process the ATTACH request. Any other return code in R15 indicates an unexpected logic error. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0008E None. @@ JOURNAL TASK INITIALIZATION ERROR @@ Explanation: Initialization has failed for the Journal function subtask. This may have resulted from insufficient storage, error when loading a module, or failure of another macro or function used in VSAM file initialization. The return code displayed is explained in the HCI Logic description. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0009I None. @@ JOURNAL @@ BEING OPENED Explanation: The Journal file identified by the DDNAME listed in this message is being opened by the HCI Subsystem. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0010I @@ JOURNAL @@ OPENED Explanation: opened. Severity: The Journal file identified by DDNAME in the message has been successfully Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0011I None. None. @@ JOURNAL @@ BEING CLOSED Explanation: The Journal file identified by the DDNAME listed in this message is being closed by the HCI Subsystem. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0012I @@ JOURNAL @@ CLOSED Explanation: closed. Severity: The Journal file identified by DDNAME in the message has been successfully Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0013I None. None. @@ JOURNAL @@ BEING ALLOCATED Explanation: The Journal file identified by the DDNAME listed in this message is being allocated by the HCI Subsystem. Severity: Processing continues. 4-12 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: HCIHC0014I None. @@ JOURNAL @@ ALLOCATED ON VOLSER @@ Explanation: The Journal file identified by DDNAME in the message has been successfully allocated on the volume identified in the message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0015I None. @@ JOURNAL @@ BEING DEALLOCATED Explanation: The Journal file identified by the DDNAME listed in this message is being deallocated by the HCI Subsystem. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0016I @@ JOURNAL @@ DEALLOCATED Explanation: deallocated. Severity: The Journal file identified by DDNAME in the message has been successfully Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0017E None. None. @@ JOURNAL @@ ALLOCATION ERROR Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to allocate a Journal file. DDNAME in the message identifies the file in error. See also message HC0024 for further error information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0018I None. @@ JOB = @@, TP_NAME = @@ HAS ENDED Explanation: This user has been force terminated from the HCI, via subsystem notify. The TP named in the message has been terminated. The TP was running as part of the job named in the message, and it was forced by the subsystem named in the message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0019E None. @@ JOURNAL @@ VSAM OPEN ACB ERROR Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to open the ACB for a Journal file. DDNAME in the message identifies the file in error. See also message HC0025 for further error return code information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0020E None. @@ JOURNAL @@ DEALLOCATION ERROR Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to release the allocation for a Journal file. DDNAME in the message identifies the file in error. See also message HC0024 for further error return code information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0021I None. @@ JOURNAL @@ HAS BEEN FILLED Explanation: A VSAM PUT failed because there is no space left in the current Journal file. An attempt will be made to cycle to the next Journal file in use. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC0022I 4-13 @@ NO JOURNALS ARE AVAILABLE FOR USE Explanation: As part of processing to make a Journal file ready for use, all Journal files were checked. None were found available. This could be the result of having no journals originally configured. If this is the case, then this message does not constitute an error. The HCI is simply notifying you that you have not configured any journals, and, therefore, there are none available for use. Or, the condition which caused this message could be the result of a failure to open a Journal, or because the available space in the Journal files was used up. The Journal facility will be unavailable until the state of the Journal files is altered. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0023E None. @@ JOURNAL @@ VSAM CLOSE ACB ERROR Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to close the ACB for a Journal file. DDNAME in the message identifies the file in error. See also message HC0025 for further error return code information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0024I None. @@ RBERROR=@@. RBINFO=@@ Explanation: This message shows the error return code from the failing attempt to allocate a Journal file. DDNAME in the message identifies the file in error. See also message HC0017 for further information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0025I None. @@ R15=@@. ACBERROR=@@ Explanation: This message shows the error return code from the failing attempt to open an ACB for a Journal file. DDNAME in the message identifies the file in error. See also message HC0018 for further information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0026E None. @@ JOURNAL @@ VSAM WRITE ERROR Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to write a Journal file record. DDNAME in the message identifies the file in error. See also message HC0027 for further error return code information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0027I None. @@ RPLRDBWD=@@ Explanation: This message shows the error return code from the failing attempt to write a Journal file record. DDNAME in the message identifies the file in error. See also message HC0026 for further information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0029E None. @@ APPLID @@ VTAM ACB OPEN ERROR Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to open the ACB for a VTAM application name. APPLNAME in the message identifies the name of the application. See also message HC0030 for further error return code information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. 4-14 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes HCIHC0030I @@ R15=@@. ACBERFLG=@@ Explanation: This message shows the error return code from the failing attempt to open an ACB for a VTAM application name. APPLNAME in the message identifies the application name in error. See also message HC0029 for further information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0031I None. @@ APPLID @@ VTAM ACB OPEN Explanation: The VTAM application name identified by APPLNAME in the message has been successfully opened. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0032E None. @@ APPLID @@ VTAM ACB CLOSE ERROR Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to close the ACB for a VTAM application name. APPLNAME in the message identifies the name of the application. See also message HC0030 for further error return code information. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0033I None. @@ APPLID @@ VTAM ACB CLOSED Explanation: The VTAM application name identified by APPLNAME in the message has been successfully closed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0034E None. @@ SETLOGON (START) COMPLETION ERROR. @@,@@ Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to issue the VTAM request SETLOGON START. The message includes the error return codes from the RPL and the sense code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0035E None. @@ SUBTASK @@ UNABLE TO ESTABLISH ESTAE. R15=@@ Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to issue the MVS ESTAE macro for a VTAM application processing subtask. APPLNAME in the message identifies the name of the application. The return code in Register 15 from the ESTAE macro is also listed. The return code can be one of the following: X'0C', X'10',X '14', X'18', X'1C', X'20', X'24' or X'28'. Refer to the MVS Application Development Macro Reference for further information on these return codes. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0036I None. @@ SUBTASK @@ IS INITIALIZED Explanation: This message indicates that the MVS ESTAE macro was successfully issued. Establishing the ESTAE exit is the last step in initialization for a VTAM application processing subtask. APPLNAME in the message identifies the name of the application. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0037E None. @@ INVALID COMMAND. RETRY Explanation: Either the command entered was invalid, or a valid command with invalid parameters was entered. The failing command is listed in the message. Re-enter a valid command with correct parameters. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0038I 4-15 None. @@ @@ COMMAND ACCEPTED Explanation: The operator has entered a SWITCH, OPEN, or CLOSE command for the Journal facility. The command listed in the message is being processed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0039I None. @@ @@ TASK HAS BEEN DEACTIVATED Explanation: The Journal task or a VTAM ACB processing subtask is being purged as a result of operator request. The name of the purged task is listed in the message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0040I None. @@ @@ TASK IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: For a Deactivate Task command, the task requested to be altered is already inactive. The Operator, Journal, or VTAM processing subtask name is listed in the message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0041I None. @@ @@ TASK IS ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: For a Reactivate Task command, the task requested to be altered is already started. The Operator, Journal, or VTAM processing subtask name is listed in the message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0042I None. @@ JOURNAL IS NOT OPEN Explanation: The operator entered a SWITCH or CLOSE command to alter the Journal facility status. At the time the command was issued, the Journal files were not open. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0043I None. @@ JOURNAL IS ALREADY OPEN Explanation: The operator entered a OPEN command to alter the Journal facility status. At the time the command was issued, the Journal files were open. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0044I None. @@ @@ JOURNAL RECORDS LOST Explanation: Because of the processing load on the CPU, not all journal records were written to the journal file(s). Some trace data has been lost. The message includes the Subsystem ID and the number of lost trace records. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0045I None. @@ JOURNAL SWAP REQUESTED BY TP=@@ Explanation: This is an informational message only, indicating that the TP named in the message has issued a CWSWAP call to cause the current journal data set to be closed and deallocated, and the next journal to be allocated and opened. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. 4-16 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes HCIHC0046E @@ SETLOGON (GNAMEADD) COMPLETION ERROR. @@,@@ Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to issue the VTAM request SETLOGON GNAMEADD. The message includes the error return codes from the RPL and the sense code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0047E None. @@ SETLOGON (GNAMEDEL) COMPLETION ERROR. @@,@@ Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to issue the VTAM request SETLOGON GNAMEDEL. The message includes the error return codes from the RPL and the sense code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0048I None. @@ COUPLING FACILITY FOR THIS HOST UNAVAILABLE Explanation: This message indicates that an error has occurred in the attempt to issue the VTAM request SETLOGON GNAMEADD, and that the error was that the coupling facility is not available. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0049I None. @@ GENERIC NAME @@ ADDED FOR APPLID @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the specified generic name has been added as an alias for the specified actual name. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0050I None. @@ GENERIC NAME @@ DELETED FOR APPLID @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the specified generic name has been deleted as an alias for the specified actual name. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0051E None. @@ UNABLE TO ESTABLISH ENF EXIT. RC= @@ Explanation: This message indicates that a non-zero return code resulted from an ENFREQ ACTION=LISTEN macro. The return code is displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0052E None. @@ PARMLIB MEMBER @@ FOR TP @@ CANNOT BE READ Explanation: This message indicates that the HCI PARMLIB member named cannot be read, when attempting to activate the named TP. Most probably, the member does not exist in the data set. Severity: The pending conversation is deallocated and control blocks are released. User Response: Insure that the JCL exists in the PARMLIB and retry the conversation request. HCIHC0053E @@ SDUMP FAILED WITH RC=@@ Explanation: This message indicates that an attempt to take a dump to a SYS1.DUMPxx data set has failed. The return code from SDUMP is given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: Processing continues. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC0054E 4-17 @@ SDUMP SUPPRESSED BY DAE Explanation: This message indicates that the SDUMP named in message HC0053 has been suppressed by DAE, because the dump duplicates an identical one already taken. Severity: Process continues. User Response: If a dump is required, then enter IPCS under ISPF, and under UTILITIES and DAE, enter a “T” in the command area next to the dump in question. This will force DAE to allow the next dump to be taken. HCIHC0055E @@ HCI ABEND @@ IN @@ AT @@ Explanation: This message indicates that there has been an abend within the indicated HCI module, at the indicated location. Severity: Process continues. User Response: HCIHC0056I Refer this problem to the HCI support staff. @@ NORMAL SHUTDOWN ALREADY IN PROGRESS. COMMAND IGNORED Explanation: This message indicates that the operator had already entered a “SHUTDOWN NORMAL” command, and before the HCI actually ended, entered another one. Severity: The command is ignored. User Response: command. HCIHC0057I Allow normal shutdown to complete, or enter a “SHUTDOWN IMMED” @@ NORMAL SHUTDOWN PROCESSING HAS BEEN INITIATED Explanation: This message indicates that the operator entered a “SHUTDOWN NORMAL” command, and that normal end of job processing has been initiated. Severity: End of job processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0058I None. @@ NORMAL SHUTDOWN PROCESSING IS CONTINUING Explanation: This message indicates that the operator entered a “SHUTDOWN NORMAL” command, and that normal end of job processing is still in progress. Severity: End of job processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0059I None. @@ TASK @@ IS CONNECTED TO @@ REMOTE PARTNER(S) Explanation: This message indicates that the task named in the message is still connected to the indicated number of remote partners, and that HCI termination will not continue until all of these connections have ended. Severity: End of job processing continues. User Response: None. HCIHC0060I @@ @@ OF @@ @@ CONTROL BLOCKS IN USE Explanation: This message indicates that, for the indicated control block type, usage is at or above 80 percent of maximum. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: Consider increasing the maximum number of control blocks of the indicated type, by modifying your HCI configuration module. HCIHC0091I **** INITIALIZATION STARTED, ENDS WITH MESSAGE HCIHC0092I Explanation: The initialization phase of the HCI has started. The HCIHC0092I message signals the end of this initialization. If the HCIHC0092I message does not appear in a reasonable amount of time, say 2 minutes, check for possible causes listed under the HCIHC0092I message. Severity: None. User Response: None. 4-18 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes HCIHC0092I @@ INITIALIZATION COMPLETE, HCI ACTIVE Explanation: Severity: The initialization phase of the HCI has completed. It is now active. None. User Response: None, if message appears. This message appears after the synchronous initialization is complete. There can be other asynchronous initialization messages following this one - HCIHC0031I and HCIHC0036I for example. If the message does not appear, then check the following: 1. If TCP/IP is defined in one of the HCICNAMB configuration entries, make sure that the TCP/IP maintenance is current - UP-TO-DATE. 2. Check for resource enqueue conflicts for those data sets referenced by the HCI JCL. 3. Make sure all access methods defined in the HCICNAMB configuration, e.g., TCP/IP, are active. 4. Check the dispatching priority for the HCI. It should be treated as a server and have a priority higher than the applications it services but lower than the access methods that service it. HCIHC0100E @@ UNABLE TO CONNECT TO TCPACCESS NAMED @@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the HCI is unable to establish a connection with the TCPACCESS named in this message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0101E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TACCEPT COMPLETION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TACCEPT macro. The contents of R15 and R0 and of the TPL return code fields are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0102E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TACCEPT INITIATION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TACCEPT macro. The contents of R15 and R0 and of the TPL return code fields are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0103E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TCLOSE PCB EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TCLOSE macro. The contents of R15 and R0 and of the TPL return code fields are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0104E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TCLOSE TSB EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TCLOSE macro. The contents of R15 and R0 and of the TPL return code fields are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0105E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS AOPEN EXECUTION ERROR. R15=@@ R0=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS AOPEN macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages User Response: HCIHC0106E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TOPEN PCB EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TOPEN macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0107E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TINFO EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TINFO macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0108E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TBIND EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TBIND macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0109E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TLISTEN COMPLETION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TLISTEN macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0110E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TOPEN TSB EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TOPEN macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0111E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TLISTEN INITIATION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TLISTEN macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0112E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TRECV INITIATION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TRECV macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0113E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TCONNECT INITIATION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TCONNECT macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0114E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TCONFIRM INITIATION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from A TCPACCESS TCONFIRM MACRO. THE CONTENTS OF R15 AND R0 ARE GIVEN. 4-19 4-20 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0115E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TCONFIRM COMPLETION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from A TCPACCESS TCONFIRM MACRO. THE CONTENTS OF R15 AND R0 ARE GIVEN. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0116E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TCONNECT COMPLETION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from A TCPACCESS TCONNECT MACRO. THE CONTENTS OF R15 AND R0 ARE GIVEN. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0117E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TSEND COMPLETION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from A TCPACCESS TSEND MACRO. THE CONTENTS OF R15 AND R0 ARE GIVEN. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0118E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TRECV COMPLETION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TRECV macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0119E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TSEND INITIATION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TSEND macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0120E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TRELEASE TSB EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TRELEASE macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0121E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TRELEASE PCB EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TRELEASE macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0122E Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ TCPACCESS TOPTION EXECUTION ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS TOPTION macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC0123E 4-21 @@ TCPACCESS DIRECTORY SERVICES ERROR: @@,@@,@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, a non-zero return code resulted from a TCPACCESS DIRSRV macro. The contents of R15 and R0 are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0200I Insure that the named TCPACCESS is active on the system. @@ HCI @@ HAS JOINED SYSPLEX GROUP @@ SUCCESSFULLY Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, this message indicates that the HCI has successfully joined the sysplex group named in this message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0201E Processing continues. @@ HCI @@ HAS FAILED TO JOIN SYSPLEX GROUP @@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, this message indicates that the HCI has not been able to join the sysplex group named in this message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0202E Processing continues. @@ XCF FUNCTION @@ FAILED. RETCODE=@@. REASON=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, this message indicates that the named XCF function has failed with the return and reason codes given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0203I Processing continues. @@ GROUP @@ CONTAINS ACTIVE MEMBER @@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID and sysplex subsystem id, the HCI has found the named member to be active in the sysplex group. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0600C Processing continues. @@ TCP/IP @@ ERROR. RETCODE=@@ ERRNO=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, TCP/IP has returned a negative value, indicating an event failure. The name of the event, the return code and the error number are given in this message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: Refer to the TCP/IP Messages and Codes manual for an explanation of the error message number. – Install Note for TCP/IP release 3.1.0: Insure PTF UN97857 is on. – Install Note for TCP/IP release 3.1.1: Insure PTF UN97858 or higher is on. – Install Note for TCP/IP release 3.2.0: Insure PTF UQ19522 is on. HCIHC0601C @@ UNABLE TO ESTABLISH CONNECTION WITH TCP/IP NAMED @@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the HCI has attempted to establish a connection with the named TCP/IP address space, and has been unsuccessful. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: If TCP/IP is required for processing, stop the HCI and correct the problem. Otherwise, processing will continue without the named TCP/IP address space. HCIHC0602C @@ UNABLE TO BIND PORT NUMBER @@ WITH SOCKET NUMBER @@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the HCI has attempted to bind the named port with the named socket, and has been unsuccessful. Severity: Processing continues. 4-22 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: If the port named in this message is required, stop the HCI and correct the problem. Otherwise, processing will continue without this port number. HCIHC0603I @@ @@ UNCORRELATED CONVERSATION DATA IGNORED Explanation: Conversation data has been ignored because it cannot be determined where it is to be passed. If possible, the userid is provided. This is usually caused when a TP abnormally terminates and active conversations are still being processed. But, it is possible that the dispatching priorities are not correct between the protocol server (TCP), HCI and TP. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: Investigate the TP abend and make any necessary corrections. If there was no abending TP, then check the dispatching priorities. The relative priorities from highest to lowest should be as follows: protocol server (TCP) then HCI then the TP. The HCI should have a dispatching priority like CICS since it services multiple clients (TPs). HCIHC0701C @@-UNABLE TO LOAD INITIALIZATION MODULE HCIMINIT Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, HCI initialization attempted to load the named module. The LOAD did not succeed. Since this module is needed for setup of the HCI data areas, ABEND was issued to terminate the HCI job. The LOAD could have failed due to a storage shortage, or the load module not found in the allocated files. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0702C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR JCA (SP=0,LOC=ANY) Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0703C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR SAVE AREAS (SP=0,LOC=BELOW) Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0704C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR SAVE AREAS (SP=241,LOC=ANY) Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0705C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR GCA (SP=241,LOC=ANY) Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0800C None. @@-NON-ZERO RETURN CODE FROM SHOWCB. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, length of VTAM control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0801C 4-23 None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR VTAM CTL BLOCKS (SP=0), GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0802C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM GENCB. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, lack of storage, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0803C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM ATTACH. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for MVS control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0804C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM CPOOL BUILD FOR DCB POOL. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0805C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM CPOOL BUILD FOR RPL POOL. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0806C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM CPOOL BUILD FOR CCB POOL. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. 4-24 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes HCIHC0807C @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM CPOOL BUILD FOR LUB POOL. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0808C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM CPOOL BUILD FOR RCB POOL. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0811C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR ORE QUEUE, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0813C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR CCB HASH TABLE, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0814C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR SIT HASH TABLE, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0815C None. @@-UNABLE TO LOAD MODULE TO SUBPOOL 245, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, HCI initialization attempted to load the named module. The LOAD did not succeed. Since this module is needed for setup of the HCI data areas, ABEND was issued to terminate the HCI job. The LOAD could have failed due to a storage shortage, or the load module not found in the allocated files. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0816C None. @@-UNABLE TO LOAD REQUIRED MODULE. LOAD R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, HCI initialization attempted to load a required module. The LOAD did not succeed. Since this module is needed for setup of the HCI data areas, ABEND was issued to terminate the HCI job. The LOAD could have failed due to a storage shortage, or the load module not found in the allocated files. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC0818C 4-25 SUBSYSTEM @@ IS ALREADY ACTIVE ON THIS SYSTEM Explanation: The subsystem identified by this message was found to be already active in the MVS system. This information was found at a point in initialization where it is impossible to prompt for a new Subsystem ID and continue initialization. ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Ensure that the Subsystem ID is unique, or that a recent HCI job has completely ended. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0819C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM ESTAE MACRO, R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0820C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM STIMERM MACRO, R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0821C None. @@-SERVER REGION ABORTED AT OPERATOR REQUEST Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the operator issued a request to terminate a specific HCI server. The supporting region and job have been ended. This message is a confirmation of the completion of the operator's previous request. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0822C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR CSA MODULES, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0823C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR CSA MODULES, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0824C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR CSA MODULES, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. 4-26 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes HCIHC0825C @@ ALREADY ACTIVE ON THIS SYSTEM IS NOT AN HCI SUBSYSTEM Explanation: HCI initialization has discovered another subsystem active with the same Subsystem ID. After checking data in the Subsystem MVS control blocks, it was determined that the active system is not an HCI. Have the active subsystem shutdown, and then the HCI will initialize normally. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0900C None. @@-NONZERO RETURN CODE FROM CPOOL BUILD FOR AMB POOL. R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, the named macro was issued to obtain information needed to initialize the HCI control blocks. The macro gave a return code which is listed in the message. The HCI will be terminated via ABEND since data needed for initialization, storage for control blocks, for example, is unavailable. Check the documentation of the named macro for explanation of the listed return code. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0901C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR JCB AREAS, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0902C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR SIT AREAS, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0903C None. @@-UNABLE TO GET STORAGE FOR TPT AREAS, GETMAIN R/C=@@ Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, GETMAIN was issued to allocate storage for the named area. The macro call failed. This storage is required for proper HCI operation. Therefore, ABEND is issued to terminate the HCI job. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0904C None. @@-UNABLE TO DETERMINE LOCATION OF CONFIGURATION TABLE Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, HCI tried to locate the initialization parameters in a member in the configuration library. Either the library or the configuration member could not be located and processed. Check and correct the JCL definition of the configuration data library and members and rerun the HCI job. Severity: System Action: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC0970C None. @@-UNABLE TO LOAD OPERATOR COMM. INITIALIZATION MODULE Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, HCI initialization attempted to load the named module. The LOAD did not succeed. Since this module is needed for setup of the HCI data areas, ABEND was issued to terminate the HCI job. The LOAD could have failed due to a storage shortage, or the load module not found in the allocated files. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC0975C 4-27 @@-UNABLE TO LOAD MODULES REQUIRED BY OPERATOR COMMUNICATIONS Explanation: For the indicated Subsystem ID, HCI initialization attempted to load the named modules. The LOAD did not succeed. Since this module is needed for setup of the HCI data areas, ABEND was issued to terminate the HCI job. The LOAD could have failed due to a storage shortage, or the load module not found in the allocated files. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1000I None. @@ DISPLAY FOR SUBSYSTEM @@ ON @@ Explanation: This is the first message in a message group which is displayed as the result of a DISPLAY ALL operator command. The message identifies the SYSID of the active HCI and the SMF identifier of the subsystem. See also messages HC1001, HC1002, HC1003, HC1004 and HC1005. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1001I None. @@ JOBNAME = @@, STEPNAME = @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1000. This message identifies name and Step name of the subsystem SYSID named in the message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1002I None. @@ HCI STATUS BYTES = @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1000. For the subsystem SYSID named in the message, the status bits are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1003I None. @@ ESTAE DUMP UNIT NAME = @@, VOLSER = @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1000. For the subsystem SYSID named in the message, the name of the dump file unit name and the volume serial of the disk where the dump will be stored. The unit name is the standard MVS unit name; for example, SYSDA, TAPE, VIO. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1004I None. @@ ESTAE DUMP DSNAME PREFIX = @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1000. For the subsystem SYSID named in the message, the DSNAME PREFIX is the high-level qualifier which will be used for the name of the dataset containing a HCI dump. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1005I None. @@ JOURNAL ACTIVITY FLAGS = @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1000. The status bytes relating to the Journal facility of the subsystem SYSID named in the message, are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1006I None. @@ DDNAME VOLSER STATUS DSNAME Explanation: This is the first message of a group which is displayed in response to a DISPLAY J or JOURNAL command. See also message HC1007. For the subsystem SYSID named, this message is a heading for a tabular display of Journal file information. 4-28 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1007I None. @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1006. Each line will be a repetition of HC1007. For the subsystem SYSID named in the message, data about 1 Journal file will be displayed. The file data will be the DDNAME which did the allocation, the serial of the volume on which the Journal file resides, the MVS dataset name of the Journal file, and an indication whether or not the Journal file is opened and in use. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1011I None. @@ HCIAPING APINGD STARTED Explanation: This message is the first message displayed by the internal TP, HCIAPING. This message indicates that communication with a remote partner APING program has started. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1012I None. @@ HCIAPING APINGD ENDED Explanation: This message is the last message displayed by the internal TP, HCIAPING. This message indicates that communication with a remote partner APING program has ended. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1013I None. @@ HCIAPING SESSION WITH @@ STARTED Explanation: This message is part of the messages displayed by the internal TP, HCIAPING. This message indicates that a session with the partner LU named has started. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1014I None. @@ HCIAPING SESSION WITH @@ ENDED @@ Explanation: This message is part of the messages displayed by the internal TP, HCIAPING. This message indicates that the session with the partner LU named has ended. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1015I None. @@ HCIAPING MESSAGES READ @@ Explanation: This message is part of the messages displayed by the internal TP, HCIAPING. This message indicates the number of messages read from the partner LU. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1016I None. @@ HCIAPING MESSAGES WRITTEN @@ Explanation: This message is part of the messages displayed by the internal TP, HCIAPING. This message indicates the number of messages written to the partner LU. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1017I None. @@ HCIAPING ATELL MESSAGE FROM @@ FOLLOWS: Explanation: This message is displayed when the partner LU is running the ATELL client program, and has sent a message to the host. The text of this message is shown in the next message, HC1018. Severity: Processing continues. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages User Response: HCIHC1100I 4-29 None. @@ ACB NAME = @@, APPLID = @@, VERSION = @@ Explanation: This is the first message in a message group which is displayed as the result of a DISPLAY ALL operator command. This message group displays the status of a job running a VTAM application which is managed by the subsystem SYSID named in this message. APPLNAME in the message identifies the VTAM name of the application. The version of the running VTAM is extracted from the vector returned on OPEN ACB and is listed in this message. See also messages HC1101, HC1102 and HC1103. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1101I None. @@ SUBTASK STATUS = @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1100. For the subsystem SYSID named in the message, the status bytes of the VTAM application ACB subtask are displayed. This subtask is related to the Application named in message HC1100. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1102I None. @@ MAIN PROGRAM EXECUTED = @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1100. The HCI subsystem SYSID is named in the message. The name of the program executed as part of this application job step is shown in PGMNAME in the message. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1103I X None. @@ TIMES ATTACHED = @@, LAST ABEND = @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1100. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. For the subsystem SYSID shown, this message shows how many times that the VTAM processing subtask asked for the application named in HC1100 to be attached. Also, if there was a prior ABEND, that ABEND code is shown in ABNCODE. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1200I None. @@ REGION JOBNAME @@ STEPNAME @@ PROCSTEP @@ Explanation: This is the first message in a message group which is displayed as the result of a DISPLAY ALL operator command. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. This message group displays the status of a job running a server application. JOBNAME, STEPNAME and PROCSTEP keyword values are taken from the MVS JCL statements which make up the job that started the server. See also message HC1201. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1201I None. @@ REGION STATUS @@ ASID @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1200. For the subsystem named SYSID and the server job named in message HC1200, the Region Control status bytes are displayed. Also, the MVS Address Space ID of the server job is shown. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1300I None. @@ USER LOCAL TP_NAME @@ USERID @@ Explanation: This is the first message in a message group which is displayed as the result of a DISPLAY ALL operator command. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. This message group displays the Userid and TP_Name of a server job running under the subsystem named SYSID in the message. 4-30 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1301I None. @@ USER STATUS @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1300. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. The status bytes of a userid which is active with the subsystem SYSID, is displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1302I None. @@ SYSTEM @@ HAS BECOME ACTIVE AND ELIGIBLE FOR TPS Explanation: This message indicates that the named MVS system has just become eligible to receive “START” commands from the HCI in order to start TP programs. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1303E None. @@ SYSTEM @@ HAS BECOME INACTIVE AND INELIGIBLE FOR TPS Explanation: This message indicates that the named MVS system has just become inactive, and is no longer eligible to receive MVS “START” commands. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1304E None. @@ SYSTEM @@ STILL PENDING HCIYPREP EXECUTION Explanation: This message indicates that the named MVS system is active to the SYSPLEX, but is still waiting for HCIYPREP to execute to complete activation. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1400I None. @@ SYM_DEST_NAME @@ Explanation: This is the first message in a group which is displayed as a result of the DISPLAY ALL command. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. The name of the connection is given. This name was specified by the application on a CONNECT, or, if this conversation was started by receiving a FMH-5, then the name will be an 8-byte hexadecimal value. See also HC1401. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1401I None. @@ SYM_DEST STATUS @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1400. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. The status bytes for the network connection are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1500I None. @@ CONVERSATION PARTNER_LU_NAME @@ Explanation: This is the first message in a group which is displayed as a result of the DISPLAY ALL command. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. The name of the network resource, which has one or more conversations with the previously listed application, is included in this message. See also HC1501 and HC1502 for more information about conversations with this LU. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC1501I 4-31 @@ CONV STATUS @@ CONV STATE @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1500. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. The current state of the conversation being displayed is shown. For an interpretation of the hexadecimal number shown as CONV STATE, consult the CPI-C references. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1502I None. @@ NUMBER RECEIVES @@ NUMBER SENDS @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1500. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. For the conversation listed in message HC1500, the number of messages sent and received are listed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1600I None. @@ BELOW 16M BELOW 16M ABOVE 16M ABOVE 16M Explanation: This is the first message in a group which is displayed as a result of the DISPLAY STORAGE command. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. This message is a heading line for storage statistics. See also HC1601, HC1602, HC1603, HC1604, HC1605, HCI1606, and HCI1607. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1601I None. @@ CURRENT HIGHEST CURRENT HIGHEST Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1600. The active subsystem is displayed as SYSID. This message is a heading line for storage statistics. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1602I None. PRIVATE @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1600. The current size of allocated storage and the highest size of storage ever allocated are listed for above and below the 16M line. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1603I None. COMMON @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1600. The current size of allocated storage and the highest size of storage ever allocated are listed for above and below the 16M line. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1604I None. MODULE @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1600. The current size of allocated storage and the highest size of storage ever allocated are listed for above and below the 16M line. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1605I None. BUFFER @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1600. The current size of allocated storage and the highest size of storage ever allocated are listed for above and below the 16M line. 4-32 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1606I None. TOTAL @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1600. The current size of allocated storage and the highest size of storage ever allocated are listed for above and below the 16M line. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1607I None. GRAND TOTAL @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1600. This message shows the total storage allocated by the active HCI subsystem across all storage types, usage, and pools. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1610I None. @@ CURRENT HIGHEST MAXIMUM %USED Explanation: This is a heading line for information displayed as a result of the DISPLAY CONTROL BLOCKS command. This is the first message in a group of messages including HC1611, HC1612, HC1613, HC1614, HC1615, HC1616, HC1618, HC1619, HC1620, HC1621, HC1622 and HC1623. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1611I None. SAA @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation size, highest allocation size, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool above the 16M line for SAA (saveareas) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1612I None. SAB @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool below the 16m line for SAB (saveareas) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1613I None. AMB @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for AMB (VTAM application related) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1614I None. CCB @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for CCB (conversation related) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC1615I 4-33 DCB @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for DCB (symbolic destination related) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1616I None. JRE @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for JRE (Journal facility related) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1618I None. ORE @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for ORE (operator communications related) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1619I None. RCB @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for RCB (related to MVS server and client regions) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1620I None. RPL @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for RPL (VTAM Request Parameter List) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1621I None. TPT @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for TPT (transaction program profile related) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1622I None. UIB @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for UIB (User/Userid information related) control blocks. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1623I None. WRE @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message is part of a message group which begins with message HC1610. This display shows the current allocation, highest allocation, maximum allowed, and percent used of the storage pool for WRE (Work Request Elements, related to HCI internal scheduling of requests) control blocks. 4-34 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1699E None. @@ REFRESH IS NOT SUPPORTED UNDER BASE SERVICES CONTROL Explanation: This message indicates that the REFRESH command was entered, but since this HCI is running under the Base Services component of PD, that REFRESH is not supported. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1700I None. @@ CONFIGURATION VALUES FROM MODULE @@ ARE NOW IN EFFECT Explanation: This message indicates that the configuration values which were specified in the module named in this message are now in effect. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1701E None. @@ CONFIGURATION SUBSYSTEM MISMATCH. NEW SUBSYSTEM = @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the configuration table just loaded specifies a subsystem id that is different from the subsystem id of the current HCI. Severity: The REFRESH is ignored. User Response: Insure that the correct HCI has been chosen for the REFRESH command. If so, reassemble the configuration module, specifying the correct subsystem ID. HCIHC1702I @@ OPEN ACB INTERVAL CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the open acb interval has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed in decimal. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1703I None. @@ MASTER INTERVAL CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the master interval has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed in decimal. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1704I None. @@ DUMP UNIT NAME CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the dump unit name has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1705I None. @@ DUMP VOLSER CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the dump volser has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1706I None. @@ DUMP SYSOUT CLASS CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the dump sysout class has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC1707I 4-35 @@ JES IDENTIFICATION CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the JES type specification has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1708I None. @@ JES COMMAND CHARACTER CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the JES command character has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1709I None. @@ DUMP DATA SET NAME CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the dump data set name has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1710I None. @@ JOURNAL MASK CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the journal mask has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1711I None. @@ JOBNAME PREFIX CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the jobname prefix has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1712I None. @@ DEFAULT USERID CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the default userid has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1713I None. @@ JES/3 MAIN NAME CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the JES/3 main name has been changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1714I None. @@ JOURNAL ADDED. DDNAME=@@ DSNAME=@@ Explanation: This message indicates that the a new journal data set has been added. The new DDNAME and the new DSNAME are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1715I None. @@ NO CONFIGURATION CHANGES MADE TO RUNNING HCI Explanation: This message indicates that the new configuration module was loaded and was processed, but that there were either no differences found in it from the running configuration or the differences found were not eligible for dynamic refresh. Severity: Processing continues. 4-36 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: HCIHC1716E None. @@ MODULE @@ CONTAINING MESSAGE @@ NOT FOUND Explanation: This message indicates that the a call was made to display the message named, but the module that was supposed to contain this message did not exist in the HCI STEPLIB. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: Verify that the message ID is valid and insure that the module containing this message has been link edited into the STEPLIB data set. HCIHC1717E @@ MESSAGE @@ NOT FOUND IN MODULE @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the a call was made to display the message named, but that message was not found in the proper load module, also named. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: Verify that the message ID is valid and insure that the module containing this message has been link edited into the STEPLIB data set. HCIHC1718I VARIABLE DATA = @@ @@ @@ @@ Explanation: This message displays the variable data that was to be displayed in the message that could not be found, and which was described in message HC1716 or HC1717. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1719I None. JOB NAME = @@ TP NAME = @@ Explanation: This message indicates the tp name of the module who requested an invalid message, which was described in message HC1716 or HC1717. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1720I None. @@ PARTNER LU NAME FOR SYMDEST @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates the old and the new PARTNER_LU_NAMEs, which have been changed in the sit entry named by the specified SYMDEST. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1721I None. @@ MODE NAME FOR SYMDEST @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates the old and the new MODE NAMES, which have been changed in the sit entry named by the specified SYMDEST. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1722I None. @@ TP NAME FOR SYMDEST @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates the old and the new TP NAMES, which have been changed in the sit entry named by the specified SYMDEST. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1723I None. @@ MIN CONT WINNER FOR SYMDEST @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates the old and the new minimum contention winner session value in the sit entry named by the specified SYMDEST. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC1724I 4-37 @@ MIN CONT LOSER FOR SYMDEST @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates the old and the new minimum contention loser session value in the sit entry named by the specified SYMDEST. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1725I None. @@ LOCAL LU NAME FOR SYMDEST @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates the old and the new local lu names in the sit entry named by the specified SYMDEST. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1726I None. @@ DEFAULT USERID FOR SYMDEST @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates the old and new USERIDs in the sit entry named by the specified SYMDEST. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1727I None. @@ DEFAULT USERID FOR SYMDEST @@ HAS BEEN CHANGED Explanation: This message indicates that the default PASSWORD for the SYMDEST named in the message has been changed. The old and new passwords are not displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1728I None. @@ IP ADDRESS FOR SYMDEST @@ HAS CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the IP address for the SYMDEST named in the message has been changed. The old and new addresses are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1729I None. @@ PORT NUMBER FOR SYMDEST @@ HAS CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the IP port number for the SYMDEST named in the message has been changed. The old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1730I None. @@ TCP/IP NAME FOR SYMDEST @@ HAS CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the TCP/IP name for the SYMDEST named in the message has been changed. The old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1731I None. @@ MAX LU 6.2 SESS FOR SYMDEST @@ HAS CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the maximum number of lu 6.2 sessions for the SYMDEST named in this message has been changed. The old and new names are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1732E None. @@ CANNOT UPDATE/ADD SIT FOR SYMDEST @@. NO PCB FOR PORT @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the a new sit entry was found in the configuration module, but that it contained a port number which did not have a corresponding PCB. Severity: Processing continues. 4-38 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: HCIHC1733E None. @@ CANNOT UPDATE/ADD SIT FOR SYMDEST @@. NO AMB FOR TCPNAME @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the a new sit entry was found in the configuration module, but that it contained a TCP/IP name which did not have a corresponding AMB. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1734I None. @@ NEW SIT ENTRY FOR SYMDEST @@ ADDED Explanation: This message indicates that the a new sit with the specified name has been added to the sit table. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1735I None. @@ NEW AMB ENTRY FOR @@ NAMED @@ HAS BEEN ADDED Explanation: This message indicates that a new AMB with the indicated name fir the indicated protocol has been added to the running HCI. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1736I None. @@ MEMBER NAME FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that member name for the indicated TP profile entry has been changed. The old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1737I None. @@ MAX CONVERSATIONS FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that value representing the maximum number of conversations that a single instance of a TP can handle has changed. The old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1738I None. @@ RECEIVE BUFFER FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that value representing the maximum receive buffer length for the specified TP has changed. the old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1739I None. @@ MAX TP COUNT FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the value representing the maximum number of TP regions for the specified TP has changed. the old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1740I None. @@ MAX SUBMIT TIME FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the value representing the maximum number of seconds a TP may remain pending submit has changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC1741I 4-39 @@ MAX START TIME FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the value representing the maximum number of seconds a TP may remain pending start has changed. The old and the new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1742I None. @@ JOBNAME PREFIX FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the JOBNAME prefix for the indicated TP has changed. The old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1743I None. @@ NEW TPT ENTRY FOR TP NAME @@ ADDED Explanation: This message indicates that the TPT entry for the specified TPNAME has been added to the running HCI. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1744I None. @@ TP NAME FOR PCB PORT @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the TPNAME specification in the indicated PCB has been changed. The old and new values are given. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1745I None. @@ NEW PCB ENTRY FOR PORT @@ ADDED Explanation: This message indicates that the new PCB with the specified PORT number has been added to the running HCI. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1746E None. @@ CANNOT ADD PCB FOR PORT @@. NO AMB FOR TCPNAME @@ Explanation: This message indicates that a new PCB was specified in the configuration module, but that there is no AMB with a matching TCPNAME. The PCB is not added. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1747E None. @@ CANNOT ADD PCB FOR PORT @@. NO TPT FOR TPNAME @@ Explanation: This message indicates that a new PCB was specified in the configuration module, but that there is no TPT entry with a matching TPNAME. The PCB is not added. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1748E None. @@ UNABLE TO LOAD MODULE @@ FROM FDBDRPL DD CONCATENATION Explanation: This message indicates that in response to an operator entered “REFRESH xxxxxxxx” command, the module named in the command was not found in the FDBDRPL DD data set concatenation. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1749I None. @@ PASSWORD FOR TCPACCESS AMB @@ HAS BEEN CHANGED Explanation: This message indicates that in response to an operator entered “REFRESH xxxxxxxx” command, the password in the TCPACCESS AMB was changed. The passwords are not displayed. 4-40 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1750E None. @@ CHANGING TCP/IP ACCESS METHODS FOR @@ IS NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: This message indicates that in response to an operator entered “REFRESH xxxxxxxx” command, the AMB entry in the running system was not changed because to do so would change the access method. This change is not allowed in a dynamic refresh. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1751I None. @@ ALIAS NAME FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that alias name for the indicated TP profile entry has been changed. The old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1752I None. @@ TP @@ HAS BEEN MADE AN ALIAS FOR TP @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the tp named has become an alias tp. Previously, it was a real tp entry. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1753I None. @@ REAL TP @@ DOES NOT EXIST TO BE ALIAS FOR @@ Explanation: This message indicates that an alias name for a tp was entered, but the named tp does not exist. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1754I None. @@ ALIAS @@ REMOVED FROM TP @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the tp named has become a real tp. Previously, it was an alias tp entry. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1755I None. @@ IP NAME FOR SYMDEST @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates the old and the new IP NAMES, which have been changed in the SIT entry named by the specified SYMDEST. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. HCIHC1756I @@ SECURITY FACILITY NAME CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the security facility name has been changed. The old and new values are displayed, truncated to 32 characters if necessary. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. HCIHC1757I @@ CATEGORY FOR TP @@ CHANGED FROM @@ TO @@ Explanation: This message indicates that the category for the indicated TP profile entry has been changed. The old and new values are displayed. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. Host Communications Interface (HCI) Error Messages HCIHC1811I 4-41 @@ HCIPSCHG PASSWORD MAINTENANCE STARTED Explanation: This message is the first message displayed by the internal TP, HCIPSCHG. This message indicates that communication with a remote partner APING program has started. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1812I None. @@ HCIPSCHG PASSWORD MAINTENANCE ENDED Explanation: This message is the last message displayed by the internal TP, HCIPSCHG. This message indicates that communication with a remote partner APING program has ended. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1813I None. @@ HCIPSCHG SESSION WITH @@ STARTED Explanation: This message is part of the messages displayed by the internal TP, HCIPSCHG. This message indicates that a session with the partner LU named has started. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1814I None. @@ HCIPSCHG SESSION WITH @@ ENDED @@ Explanation: This message is part of the messages displayed by the internal TP, HCIPSCHG. This message indicates that the session with the partner LU named has ended. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1815I None. @@ HCIPSCHG MESSAGES READ @@ Explanation: This message is part of the messages displayed by the internal TP, HCIPSCHG. This message indicates the number of messages read from the partner LU. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1816I None. @@ HCIPSCHG MESSAGES WRITTEN @@ Explanation: This message is part of the messages displayed by the internal TP, HCIPSCHG. This message indicates the number of messages written to the partner LU. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC1999I None. @@ END OF DISPLAY Explanation: This message is written at the end of Operator DISPLAY command processing. It serves to close the message group which displayed the information requested in the operator command. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: HCIHC9000I None. @@ SUBSYSTEM @@ HAS ENDED Explanation: This message is displayed by the Subsystem named, when it has determined that all the application programs, and the HCI itself, have ended, and services of this Subsystem are no longer required. The Subsystem releases all storage allocated to it and terminates. Note that this message can be displayed even though the HCI is no longer active. The Subsystem remains active even after the HCI has ended. Severity: Processing continues. User Response: None. 4-42 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes 5-1 Chapter 5. Base Services Error Messages This chapter explains the return codes and messages issued by Base Services. They are primarily generated during use of Abend-AID for CICS. FDBDS0002E No @@ records were found Severity: Error Explanation: dataset. There were none of the specified records found on the install/customization System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Complete the required installation step and retry. FDBDS0003E VSAM dataset name prefix must be supplied Severity: Error Explanation: The VSAM dataset prefix name must be supplied. It cannot be all blank. System Action: The screen is redisplayed with the error message shown. User Response: Correct the input and press enter. FDBDS0010E The @@ @@ field is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The named field contains invalid data. System Action: The record will not be updated until the data has been corrected. User Response: Correct the field in error. FDBDS0012E The @@ field is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The named field contains invalid data. System Action: The record will not be updated until the data has been corrected. User Response: Correct the field in error. FDBDS0014E The @@ field is required Severity: Error Explanation: The named field requires non-blank data. System Action: The record will not be updated until the data has been corrected. User Response: Correct the field in error. FDBDS0016E At least one field must contain data Severity: Error Explanation: All fields may not contain blank data. System Action: The record will not be updated until the data has been corrected. User Response: Correct the field in error. FDBDS0018E The requested @@ does not exist Severity: Error Explanation: The dataset specified to hold the generated data does not exist. Chap 5 5-2 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The record will not be updated until the data has been corrected. User Response: Correct the field in error. FDBDS0020I The @@ data has been saved Severity: Informational Explanation: The specified data has been updated with the new data entered. System Action: The update service was successfully completed. User Response: None. FDBDS0021I The @@ data has been saved for server @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The specified data has been updated with the new data entered for the specified server. System Action: The update service was successfully completed. User Response: None. FDBDS0022E Security access to @@ has been denied Severity: Error Explanation: The external security manager has denied access to the named resource. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: Obtain access to the named resource and retry. FDBDS0024E The default JCL member @@ could not be found Severity: Error Explanation: found. The specified PDS member containing the default DB2 bind JCL could not be System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: Define the correct DB2 installation PDS. FDBDS0025E Error updating @@ data REQ=@@ FB=@@ APP=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A file error occurred trying to update the specified data. REQ specifies the request being attempted. FB specifies the feedback code returned to the program. APP specifies the product application in use. System Action: The Dataset prefix update request is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBDS0026E The requested @@ data does not exist Severity: Error Explanation: The requested data is not available for update because a previous installation step has not been performed. System Action: The update request is terminated. User Response: Refer to the Abend-AID for CICS Installation and Customization Guide. FDBDS0027E Error updating @@ data. REQ=@@, FB=@@, APP=@@ for server @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A file error occurred trying to update the specified data. REQ specifies the request being attempted. FB specifies the feedback code returned to the program. APP specifies the product application in use. System Action: The update request is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. Base Services Error Messages 5-3 FDBDS0030W Intervening update. Check data and reissue update Severity: Warning Explanation: Someone else has updated the record since it was first displayed by this transaction. The data now displayed reflects the new data. System Action: The update request was terminated. User Response: Change the new data as necessary and then reissue the update. FDBDS0040E Error processing the PDS dataset in @@ mode Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred processing the PDS in the specified mode. System Action: The update request was terminated. User Response: Check the message log for errors. FDBDS0050E Error locating control library member @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred processing the named control library member. This member contains the sample bind JCL provided by Compuware. System Action: The request was terminated. User Response: Determine why the member is missing from the control library. FDBDS0051E Error locating control member @@. Code=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The specified system error occurred processing the named PDS member. This member contains the sample bind JCL provided by Compuware. System Action: The request was terminated. User Response: Determine why the member is missing from the control library. FDBDS0062I The DAE number was changed from @@ to @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The DAE sequence number data has been updated. The DAE sequence number is used when an internal SERVER SDUMP is taken. Updating this number will ensure that a dump will not be suppressed by the operating system's Dump Analysis and Elimination (DAE) feature. System Action: The update service was successfully completed. User Response: None. FDBDS0070I There was no server trace data found Severity: Informational Explanation: There was no server trace data found. System Action: The program was terminated. User Response: None. FDBDS0071E Error formatting internal trace block. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred formatting the internal trace data. System Action: The transaction will be terminated. User Response: Check the file status. FDBDS0072E VSAM I/O error reading internal trace block. RC=@@ Severity: Error 5-4 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: An error occurred accessing the VSAM record. System Action: The transaction will be terminated. User Response: Check the file status. FDBDS0073W VSAM error reading internal trace block. RC=@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: An error occurred accessing the VSAM record. System Action: The transaction will be continue. User Response: Check the file status. FDBDS0074I @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: An informational processing message is display during processing. System Action: The transaction will be continue. User Response: None. FDBFO0000I Posted by @@, Task @@, Request code X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message that provides information about the requests being processed by the File Owning subtask. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBFO0010E The File Owning subtask has received an invalid request. Code=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: This is an internal server error. System Action: The request is ignored. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBFO0020E Open for dataset failed. DCB address @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The file owning subtask was unable to open the requested dataset. System Action: None. User Response: Determine the cause of the error and correct. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBFO0030E I/O error occurred attempting to @@ a file. Status=X’@@’. DCB=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: An I/O error was detected while the file owning subtask was attempting to open or close a dataset. System Action: None. User Response: Determine the cause of the I/O error and correct. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBFO0040E System abend @@ detected during @@ processing. DCB=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The file owning subtask has trapped an ABEND while it was attempting to open or close a dataset. System Action: None. Base Services Error Messages 5-5 User Response: Determine the cause of the error and correct. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBFO0050I An error occurred accessing or deleting an entry in the DSPCNTL queue RC=X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: The Data Space control queue entry is missing or the delete failed. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBFO0060W Timer has popped for request @@, task @@. Severity: Warning Explanation: Request to FDBMFOWN has timed out. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Determine the cause of the error and correct. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBFO0620E Open for transaction dump dataset failed. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The file owning subtask was unable to open the requested dataset. System Action: None. User Response: Determine the cause of the error and correct. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBFO0622E Open for transaction dump failed. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The file owning subtask was unable to open the requested transaction dump. System Action: None. User Response: Determine the cause of the error and correct. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBFO0624E Close for transaction dump failed. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The file owning subtask was unable to close the requested transaction dump. System Action: None. User Response: Determine the cause of the error and correct. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBFO0626E Close for transaction dump dataset failed. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The file owning subtask was unable to close the requested dataset. System Action: None. User Response: Determine the cause of the error and correct. If you are unable to determine the cause of the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBIN0001E Unable to open the customization file. RC=@@-@@-@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to open the customization file failed. The resulting return code consists of the VSAM primary and secondary error codes followed by the VSAM feedback code. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Review the JCL and job log for any messages related to the affected dataset to determine the cause of the problem. 5-6 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBIN0002E Error retrieving load list definition @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The requested load list definition could not be retrieved for processing. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBIN0003E Error retrieving default definition @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The requested default definition could not be retrieved for processing. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBIN0004E Error adding default record from definition @@. RC=@@-@@-@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An I/O error occurred adding the requested DEFAULT record to the customization file. The resulting return code consists of the VSAM primary and secondary error codes followed by the VSAM feedback code. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBIN0005I @@ @@ default records successfully loaded Severity: Informational Explanation: The requested default records were loaded on the customization file. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBIN0006E OPEN request failed for ddname @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An open request for the specified ddname failed. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Review the JCL and job log for any messages relating to the affected ddname to determine the cause of the problem. FDBIN0007I Unable to process DSORG for ddname @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: PS. The DSORG of the dataset associated with the specified ddname is not PO or System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBIN0008I Unable to process RECFM for ddname @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The RECFM of the dataset associated with the specified ddname was not (F) Fixed, (FB) Fixed Block, (V) Variable, (VB) Variable Blocked, (U) Undefined, ASA or Machine Control. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBIN0009E VSAM open request failed for ddname @@. RC=@@-@@-@@ Severity: Error Base Services Error Messages 5-7 Explanation: A VSAM open request for the specified ddname failed. The resulting return code consists of the VSAM primary and secondary error codes followed by the VSAM feedback code. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Review the JCL and job log for any messages relating to the affected ddname to determine the cause of the problem. FDBIN0010I Unable to process DSORG for ddname @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The DSORG of the VSAM dataset associated with the specified ddname is not ESDS, KSDS or RRDS. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBIN0011E VSAM write error occurred for DSAI record @@. RC=@@-@@-@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A I/O error occurred while attempting to write the dataset allocation information record for the specified ddname to the customization file. The resulting return code consists of the VSAM primary and secondary error codes followed by the VSAM feedback code. System Action: Processing is terminated. User Response: Review the JCL and job log for any messages related to the affected dataset to determine the cause of the problem. FDBIN0100I Persistent data file successfully initialized Severity: Informational Explanation: The persistent data file was successfully initialized. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: None. FDBIN0101E Error initializing the persistent data file Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred during the initialization of the persistent data file. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Check the job log for errors. FDBIN0102I Error opening the persistent data file Severity: Informational Explanation: An error occurred during the opening the persistent data file. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Ensure that the correct ddname FDBDPDSM was specified in the JCL. FDBIN0800I Customization file successfully upgraded Severity: Informational Explanation: The customization file was successfully upgraded from a prior release. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: None. FDBIN0801E Error opening the customization file Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred during the opening of the customization file. 5-8 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Ensure that the correct ddname FDBDCUST was specified in the JCL. FDBPO0101E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the prompt for confirmation when exiting the product profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Display prompt for confirmation prior to exiting the product. N - Do not display prompt for confirmation prior to exiting the product. System Action: The user profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0103E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the instructional text profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Display instructional text on product screens. N - Do not display instructional text on product screens. System Action: The user profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0105E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the line command descriptions profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Display line command descriptions on product screens. N - Do not display line command descriptions on product screens. System Action: The user profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0107E Profile option must be "Y", "N", "B", or "S" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the screen borders profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Display both bottom and side borders on product screens. N - Do not display either bottom or side borders on product screens. B - Display only the bottom border on product screens. S - Display only side borders on product screens. System Action: The user profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0110E Find line limit must be a numeric value from 1000 to 32767, inclusive Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the find line limit option is invalid. This option must be a numeric value from 1000 to 32767, inclusive. System Action: The user profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0201E Screen customization option must be "W", "T", "R", "G", "Y", or "B" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the screen area color screen customization option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: W - White T - Turquoise Base Services Error Messages 5-9 R - Red G - Green Y - Yellow B - Blue System Action: The screen customization screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0203E Screen customization option must be "N" or "H" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the screen area intensity screen customization option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: N - Normal intensity H - High intensity System Action: The screen customization screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0205E Screen customization option must be "N", "B", "R", or "U" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the screen area extended highlighting screen customization option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: N - No extended highlighting attributes B - Display using blinking attribute R - Display using reverse video attribute U - Display using underscore attribute System Action: The screen customization screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0301E Print option must be "PD", "D", or "KN" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the print option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: PD - Print dataset and delete D - Delete dataset without printing KN - Keep dataset and continue with new dataset System Action: The print options screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0303E Print option SYSOUT class must be A-Z, 0-9, or * Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the print option JES sysout class is invalid. Valid values are A-Z, 0-9, and *. If you specify *, this denotes that you want your print to go to the MSGCLASS coded on your job card. System Action: The print options screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0305E Print option JES destination is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the print option JES destination is invalid. System Action: The print options screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0307E Print option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the print uppercase only print option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: 5-10 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Y - Translate print output to uppercase only N - Do not translate print output to uppercase only System Action: The print options screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0309E Print option must be a numeric value from 80 to 255, inclusive Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the page width print option is invalid. This option must be a numeric value from 80 to 255, inclusive. System Action: The print options screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0311E Print option must be a numeric value from 50 to 99, inclusive Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the page length print option is invalid. This option must be a numeric value from 50 to 99, inclusive. System Action: The print options screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO0313E Print option must contain non-blank display form data Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the job card information print option is invalid. The job card information must be non-blank, display form data. System Action: The print options screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1101E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the automatically reselect last dump viewed profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Automatically reselect last dump viewed during session logon. N - Do not automatically reselect last dump viewed during session logon. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1103E Profile option must be "M" or "S" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the initial screen to display profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: M - Display Primary Menu. S - Display Summary. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1105E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the restore last Abend-AID for CICS directory SORT/MASK parameters profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Automatically restore last Abend-AID for CICS directory SORT/MASK parameters N - Do not automatically restore last Abend-AID for CICS directory SORT/MASK parameters System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. Base Services Error Messages 5-11 FDBPO1106E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the confirm Abend-AID for CICS directory delete requests profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Confirm Abend-AID for CICS directory delete requests. N - Do not confirm Abend-AID for CICS directory delete requests. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1107E Profile option must be "A" or "F" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the default region dump Diagnostic Summary format profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: A - Display region dump Diagnostic Summary in abbreviated format. F - Display region dump Diagnostic Summary in full format. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1108E Profile option must be "D", "K", or "M" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the default SDUMP dataset disposition for delete requests profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: K - Keep the SDUMP dataset, and delete from the directory (this is the default option value) M - Migrate the SDUMP dataset, and delete from the directory D - Delete the SDUMP dataset, and delete from the directory Note: This option is only used when the confirm Abend-AID for CICS directory delete requests option is set to NO. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1109E Profile option must be a numeric value from 1 to 26, inclusive Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the default region dump MATCH command length profile option is invalid. This option must be a numeric value from 1 to 26, inclusive. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1110E Profile option must be a valid high level qualifier Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for VTAM/CICS print dataset prefix is invalid. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1113E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the use source for dump viewing profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Use source listings when viewing transaction dumps (default). N - Do not use source listings when viewing transaction dumps. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. 5-12 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBPO1114E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the year 2000 Compiler Warning message profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Issue year 2000 Compiler Warning messages (default). N - Do not issue year 2000 Compiler Warning messages System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1115E Profile option must be "ENG" or "JPN" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the default national language profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: ENG - English (default) JPN - Japanese System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1116E The requested language is not installed Severity: Error Explanation: The language entered for the default national language profile is not installed at your site. Ensure that the FMIDs for the language have been received and applied. System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBPO1117E Profile option must be "Y" or "N" Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the restore last Source Program Directory SORT/MASK parameters profile option is invalid. Valid values for this option are as follows: Y - Automatically restore last source program directory SORT/MASK parameters N - Do not automatically restore last source program directory SORT/MASK parameters System Action: The User Profile screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBRC0701I Dispatched for TRAN# @@, TRANID @@, userid @@(@@) Severity: Informational Explanation: shown. The transaction processor subtask was dispatched to process the transaction System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC0702I Processing complete for TRAN# @@, userid @@(@@), return code @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: shown. The transaction processor subtask completed processing for the transaction System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC0751W Server region shutting down in @@ seconds Severity: Warning Explanation: The server region is getting ready to shut down when the timer shown in the message expires. The time assumes there are still users logged onto the server. If all users log Base Services Error Messages 5-13 off, the region shuts down immediately. During this time, you can continue to issue server requests normally. However, any import, dump delete, or problem directory close requests are queued until the next time the server region is started. System Action: None. User Response: Either continue to use the server until the timer expires, or log off to allow the region to shut down. FDBRC1000I Subtask @@ @@ initialization started Severity: Informational Explanation: Initialization started for the subtask indicated in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1001I Subtask @@ @@ initialization completed Severity: Informational Explanation: Initialization completed for the subtask indicated in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1002I Subtask @@ @@ posted for termination Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask indicated in the message was posted by the main task for termination. The task is in the process of shutting down. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1101I Subtask @@ @@ being attached Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region main task is in the process of attaching the subtask shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1102I Subtask @@ @@ successfully attached Severity: Informational Explanation: message. The server region main task successfully attached the subtask indicated in the System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1103S Subtask @@ @@ ATTACH failed. Completion code=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The ATTACH for a subtask failed. In the message, the code shown indicates the return/abend code received. If this is an initial subtask ATTACH, or if this is the IPCS subtask, the server region terminates. System Action: Processing continues or the server region terminates. User Response: Examine the server region log to determine the cause of the subtask attach failure, and correct it. FDBRC1104I Subtask @@ @@ ended (as expected). Completion code=@@ Severity: Informational 5-14 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The server region task shown ended. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1105E Subtask @@ @@ ended (unexpectedly). Completion code=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The server task shown has ended. System Action: Processing continues. If the task is eligible to be reattached and the region is not in the process of being shut down, then the main task attempts to reattach it. If the task is not eligible to be reattached, the region is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1106S Subtask @@ @@ abended. User completion code=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The server task shown abended with a user completion code. System Action: Processing continues. If the task is eligible to be reattached and the region is not in the process of being shut down, then the main task attempts to reattach it. If the task is not eligible to be reattached, the region is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1107S Subtask @@ @@ abended. System completion code=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The server region task shown abended with a system completion code. System Action: Processing continues. If the task is eligible to be reattached and the region is not in the process of being shut down, then the main task attempts to reattach it. If the task is not eligible to be reattached, the region is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1108C Required non-restartable subtask @@ @@ ended. Region being terminated Severity: Critical Explanation: The subtask shown ended. This task is required for the server region to remain active, and the task is non-restartable. System Action: The server region is terminated User Response: None. FDBRC1110E Subtask @@ @@ ended (unexpectedly). Completion code=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The server region task shown ended. System Action: Processing continues. If the task is eligible to be reattached and the region is not in the process of being shut down, then the main task attempts to reattach it. If the task is not eligible to be reattached, the region is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1111S Subtask @@ @@ abended. User completion code=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The server region task shown abended with a user completion code. System Action: Processing continues. If the task is eligible to be reattached and the region is not in the process of being shut down, then the main task attempts to reattach it. If the task is not eligible to be reattached, the region is terminated. User Response: None. Base Services Error Messages 5-15 FDBRC1112S Subtask @@ @@ abended. System completion code=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The server region task shown abended with a system completion code. System Action: Processing continues. If the task is eligible to be reattached and the region is not in the process of being shut down, then the main task attempts to reattach it. If the task is not eligible to be reattached, the region is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1115E Invalid operator command entered Severity: Error Explanation: An invalid operator command was received by the server region. System Action: The operator command is ignored. User Response: Enter a valid operator command. FDBRC1116E MODIFY command has invalid syntax. Data @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The operator command entered was not in a valid format. System Action: The operator command is ignored. User Response: Refer to the Abend-AID for CICS installation guide for the correct syntax of the MODIFY command. FDBRC1117E Internal error transaction schedule failed. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: failed. An attempt to schedule the operator command transaction for processing System Action: The operator command is ignored. User Response: Support. Retry the command. If it continues to fail, contact Compuware Technical FDBRC1118E The application ID specified (@@) is not active on this server Severity: Error Explanation: The operator specified a particular application for an operator command. The application specified is not active on this server. System Action: The operator command is ignored. User Response: Specify the correct application. FDBRC1119E The command (@@) specified is ambiguous. Specify target application Severity: Error Explanation: The operator command entered matches commands defined in more than one application. The system is unable to determine which command to process. System Action: The command is ignored. User Response: Either specify more of the command verb (abbreviate less), or specify the target application in the command. For example, if the SHUT command was ambiguous, it could be specified as F jobname,BS.SHUT FDBRC1121I The following users are logged on: Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region MODIFY command was used to display the users logged onto the server. System Action: The server displays a list of logged on users. User Response: None. 5-16 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC1122I @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The operator command displays the information requested. System Action: The command is processed. User Response: None. FDBRC1123E The communications driver is not active on this system Severity: Error Explanation: The display command entered is a request for the communications driver. However, the communications driver is not active on this server. System Action: The command is ignored. User Response: None. FDBRC1124E Invalid display request @@ entered Severity: Error Explanation: The display request entered is not valid. System Action: The command is ignored. User Response: Issue the display command with a valid option. FDBRC1125I End of Operator Display request Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is written at the end of Operator DISPLAY command processing. It serves to close the message group which displayed the information requested in the operator command. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1128I Shutdown scheduled by @@ in @@ seconds (or less) Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region has been scheduled for termination. The server will allow users to continue to use the server for the number of seconds shown in the message. If there are no users logged onto the server, or if all users should log off prior to the end of the time interval shown, the server will shutdown immediately. System Action: off. The system waits for the shutdown interval to expire, or for all users to log User Response: None. FDBRC1129I Operator command @@ scheduled for processing Severity: Informational Explanation: The command displayed has been accepted by the server for processing. System Action: The operator command is processed. User Response: None. FDBRC1130E Unable to process the operator command due to an internal error Severity: Error Explanation: An internal error occurred processing the operator command. System Action: The operator command is ignored. User Response: Support. Retry the command. If it continues to fail, contact Compuware Technical Base Services Error Messages 5-17 FDBRC1131E Undefined operator command @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The operator command entered was not defined. System Action: The operator command is ignored. User Response: Refer to the Abend-AID for CICS installation guide for a list of valid operator commands. FDBRC1132E Operator command @@ was not processed. The command is disabled Severity: Error Explanation: The command processor transaction was disabled. System Action: The operator command is ignored. User Response: Support. Retry the command. If it continues to fail, contact Compuware Technical FDBRC1143I FDBDLOG @@ @@. Severity: Informational Explanation: The message level for displaying messages in the FDBDLOG has been modified from the server parameter setting. Level 9 displays all messages any value less than 9 will suppress messages. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1199C Region abending due to severe error encountered. Code @@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region is terminating because it encountered a severe error. In the message, a code is displayed which indicates the reason for the failure. This is also the code of the user abend taken. In addition, a previous message was displayed with detailed information on why the region is terminating. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user abend. User Response: Examine the server region log to determine the cause for the failure. FDBRC1201E FDBDSNAP allocation failed. RETCODE=X’@@’. ERRCODE=X’@@’. INFCODE=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: A server region subtask has abended and the server region attempted to allocate a SYSOUT dataset in order to obtain a SNAP dump of the failing subtask. The allocate request failed with the return code, error code, and information code shown in the message. System Action: A SYSUDUMP of the failing subtask is requested. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1203E FDBDSNAP OPEN failed Severity: Error Explanation: A server region subtask has abended and the server region attempted to open a SYSOUT dataset in order to obtain a SNAP dump of the failing subtask. However, the open request failed. System Action: A SYSUDUMP of the failing subtask is requested. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1204E Insufficient storage available for snap dump processing Severity: Error 5-18 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: A server region subtask has abended and the server region attempted to obtain storage in order to obtain a SNAP dump of the failing subtask. However, there is insufficient virtual storage available in the server region for SNAP dump processing. System Action: A SYSUDUMP of the failing subtask is requested. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1205E VSMLIST failed. RETCODE=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: A server region subtask has abended and the server region attempted to determine the storage allocated by the subtask in order to obtain a SNAP dump of the failing subtask. However, the MVS VSMLIST service failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: A SYSUDUMP of the failing subtask is requested. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1207E SNAP failed. RETCODE=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: A server region subtask has abended and the server region attempted to obtain a SNAP dump of the failing subtask. However, the MVS SNAP service failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: A SYSUDUMP of the failing subtask is requested. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1209E SNAP dump storage list size exceeded Severity: Error Explanation: A server region subtask has abended and the server region attempted to determine the storage allocated by the subtask in order to obtain a SNAP dump of the failing subtask. However, the size of the internal list of storage areas to include in the SNAP dump was insufficient. System Action: A SYSUDUMP of the failing subtask is requested. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1211I SNAP dump output for subtask @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region subtask indicated in the message has abended and the server region is in the process of requesting a SNAP dump for the failing subtask. This message is followed by a series of messages identifying the completion code, PSW at time of error, the failing module name, and the general purpose register contents at the time of error. System Action: A SYSOUT dataset with DDNAME FDBDSNAP is allocated and a SNAP dump is written to the dataset. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. To obtain a SYSUDUMP of the failing subtask rather than a SNAP dump, include the following JCL DD statements in the server region startup JCL: //FDBDIGNR DD //SYSUDUMP DD DUMMY SYSOUT=x FDBRC1212I System completion code=X'@@' detected for TCB: @@. Enqueue list follows. Severity: Informational Explanation: The message is used to print out all of the outstanding ENQs for this ASID. This listing will only appear for S122 or S222 abends. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. Base Services Error Messages 5-19 FDBRC1213I @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The message is used to print out all of the outstanding ENQs for this ASID. This listing will only appear for S122 or S222 abends. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1220E A protection exception has occurred in module @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A protection exception has occurred in the module shown in the message. The protection exception was trapped by an ESPIE routine. System Action: The program that received the protection exception is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. To obtain an SVC DUMP for the error, specify the following in the server configuration parameters: SERVER_DYNAMIC_SYSOUT=SVCDUMP FDBRC1221I Active load module address @@ offset @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: message. This message shows the address and offset of an error displayed in a previous System Action: The program which received the protection exception is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1222I GPR @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message shows the general purpose registers at the time of the error shown in a previous message. System Action: The program which received the protection exception is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1223I AR @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message shows the access registers at the time of the error shown in a previous message. System Action: The program which received the protection exception is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1224I Error occurred during processing for job @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message shows the jobname for the error shown in a previous message. System Action: The program that received the protection exception is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. The FDBDLOG and SYSLOG for the indicated job may be requested by Compuware Technical Support for problem diagnosis. FDBRC1225I Active load module Release @@. PTF level @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message shows the release and PTF level of the module associated with an error displayed in a previous message. System Action: The program which received the protection exception is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. 5-20 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC1304S BLDL for @@-@@ failed. RC=@@. Module disabled Severity: Severe Explanation: The BLDL for the module shown failed. The return code from the BLDL macro is also shown. The module is marked as unavailable. If any subsequent functions need this module, an error message is issued, and the function is terminated. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any did occur, correct them and then restart the server region to see if the error is corrected. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1305S Load for @@-@@ failed. Abend=@@. Reason=@@. Module disabled Severity: Severe Explanation: The system attempted to load the module shown. The load failed. The abend and reason code from the load macro are also shown. This module is marked as unavailable. If any subsequent server region functions request this module, a message is displayed, and the function is terminated. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Examine the abend and reason codes as well as any batch installation or linkedit jobs, to determine the cause for the load failure. Correct any problems found and restart the server region. FDBRC1309I Initializing transaction schedule Severity: Informational Explanation: The scheduler is in the process of initializing the transaction schedule. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1310I Transaction schedule initialized Severity: Informational Explanation: The scheduler finished initializing the transaction schedule. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1311I Deleting transaction# @@, TRANID @@, userid @@, dump @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The transaction shown in the message is not restartable. It is being deleted as part of the transaction schedule initialization. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1312I Transaction scheduled number @@, TRANID @@, for userid @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The transaction shown is restartable, and the scheduler rescheduled it to run during transaction schedule initialization. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1350E Transaction number @@ not found Severity: Error Explanation: The transaction number shown was not found in the system scheduling table. This message may be issued after a transaction cancel, or on transaction completion. Base Services Error Messages System Action: None. User Response: None. 5-21 FDBRC1351E TRANID @@ not found. Dump type: @@. User: @@(@@) Severity: Error Explanation: The transaction ID shown in the message is not defined. The current dump type and user ID are also shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1352E Tran data delete failed. TRAN# @@, slot# @@, VSAM RC/feedback @@, LREQ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The scheduler attempted to delete the transaction data from the dump information file for the transaction number shown. The VSAM delete failed. The VSAM return and feedback code are also shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1353E Error reading tran data. TRAN# @@, slot# @@, VSAM RC/feedback @@, LREQ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The scheduler attempted to read the transaction data from the dump information file for the transaction shown. A VSAM error was encountered on the read. The VSAM return and feedback code are also shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1354E Error updating tran data. TRAN# @@, slot# @@, VSAM RC/feedback @@, LREQ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The scheduler attempted to update the transaction data in the dump information file for the transaction number shown. A VSAM error was encountered on the update. The VSAM return and feedback code are also shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1355E @@ service requested, but TRAN# @@ is not dispatched on subtask #@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The scheduler was asked to perform a service on the transaction currently dispatched for this subtask. However, the transaction number passed by the transaction processor subtask is not dispatched on that subtask. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1356E @@ service requested, but subtask# @@ is not dispatched Severity: Error Explanation: The scheduler was asked to perform a service for a transaction processor subtask which requires that transaction processor subtask to be dispatched. However, the scheduler determined that the transaction processor subtask in question is not dispatched. System Action: None. User Response: None. 5-22 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC1359S Invalid logon sequence user not logged on. User @@(@@) Severity: Severe Explanation: The user shown is attempting to perform an invalid logon sequence. The first transaction received by the server for a user must be LG@N (logon). System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1360S Invalid logon sequence user already logged on. User @@(@@) Severity: Severe Explanation: server region. A logon transaction was received for a user who is already logged on to the System Action: The session request is rejected. User Response: This can occur if the user attentioned (ATTN) out of a long-running server request, and then immediately reentered the server region, and the previously running transaction was not yet canceled. FDBRC1361E Tran data add failed. TRAN# @@, slot# @@, RC/FB @@, LREQ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The scheduler attempted to add the data for the transaction shown. A VSAM error occurred adding the data to the dump information file. This is most likely due to the dump information file being full. System Action: None. User Response: Examine the VSAM return and feedback code to determine the cause of the add failure and correct the problem, and then retry the failing operation. FDBRC1362E TRANID @@ disabled. Dump type @@. User @@(@@) Severity: Error Explanation: The transaction ID requested is disabled. System Action: None. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1363E TRANID @@ for internal use only. User @@(@@) Severity: Error Explanation: The transaction ID received by the server is not available for external users. System Action: The transaction is ignored. User Response: None. FDBRC1364S Unable to process request. Server is shutting down. User @@(@@) Severity: Severe Explanation: The function you requested could not be performed because the server region is in the process of shutting down. System Action: The user’s session is terminated. User Response: Wait for server region to be restarted again and then retry the request. FDBRC1365I Server region timed out. Region being terminated Severity: Informational Base Services Error Messages Explanation: 5-23 The server region has been idle longer than the region time out parameter. System Action: The region terminates. User Response: None. FDBRC1366I User @@ timed out. User will be logged off. Severity: Informational Explanation: The user remained idle over the user time out interval. System Action: The user is logged off. User Response: None. FDBRC1367W Transaction reached retry limit @@. Transaction deleted. TRANID @@ Severity: Warning Explanation: The transaction reached the retry limit set by the installation. The transaction is not be restarted. System Action: The transaction is deleted. User Response: Change the retry limit if desired. FDBRC1370C A system 0C2 abend has occurred in the transaction scheduler task Severity: Warning Explanation: A system abend code 0C2 has occurred in the transaction scheduler task. System Action: The transaction scheduler recovery routine will attempt to retry once at the point of failure. A subsequent S0C2 will result in a system dump. User Response: None if the message occurs once. If the S0C2 occurs again and the transaction scheduler abends, the server will have to be restarted. If the problem persists, save the system dump and the FDBDLOG and contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1390C Error adding system user. ULLM RC=@@. Terminating region Severity: Critical Explanation: The scheduler attempted to add the system user. The addition for the user failed. The server region is terminated. System Action: The server region is terminated with an abend. User Response: Support. Save the output from the failing server and contact Compuware Technical FDBRC1391C Unable to add required system transaction to schedule. Terminating region Severity: Critical Explanation: The scheduler attempted to add one of the required system transactions to the schedule. The addition failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a dump. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1401I Dump @@ incrementing use count. New value @@. User @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The use count for the dump shown is being incremented by open. The new use count for that dump is also shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. 5-24 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC1402I Dump @@ decrementing use count. New value @@. User @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The use count for the dump shown is being decremented by close. The new use count for the dump is also shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1410E I/O error on IPCSDIR creating core table Severity: Error Explanation: An I/O error was encountered on the IPCS directory file while the core allocation table was being built. System Action: The dump open fails. User Response: Determine the cause of the I/O error and retry the open. FDBRC1411E Dump not found in IPCSDIR Severity: Error Explanation: The requested dump was not found in the IPCS directory. System Action: The dump open fails. User Response: Retry the request. It it continues to fail, re-import the dump. FDBRC1499I @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a system debugging message which is displayed in the server region log when the IPCS debugging option is enabled. Each line of printed IPCS output is displayed via this message when IPCS debugging is active. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1500W WARNING. Operating system release (@@,@@.@@) is not supported. Severity: Warning Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is being used on a version and/or release of the operating system which is not currently supported. For additional information visit Frontline on the Internet, or contact Compuware Technical Support. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Visit Frontline on the Internet, or contact Compuware Technical Support to obtain enabling PTFs or a new version of Abend-AID for CICS. FDBRC1501W WARNING. Abend-AID for CICS is being installed on an unsupported operating system release. Severity: Warning Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is being used on a version and/or release of the operating system which is not currently supported. For additional information visit Frontline on the Internet, or contact Compuware Technical Support. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Visit Frontline on the Internet, or contact Compuware Technical Support to obtain enabling PTFs or a new version of Abend-AID for CICS. FDBRC1502W Unpredictable results may occur. For more information, contact Compuware Technical Support. Severity: Warning Base Services Error Messages 5-25 Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is being used on a version and/or release of the operating system which is not currently supported. For additional information visit Frontline on the Internet, or contact Compuware Technical Support. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Visit Frontline on the Internet, or contact Compuware Technical Support to obtain enabling PTFs or a new version of Abend-AID for CICS. FDBRC1510W WARNING. Eyecatcher in @@ at @@ is invalid. Severity: Warning Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is validating the eyecatcher in a control block expected to be at the specified address. The eyecatcher is incorrect. This is a debugging message and will be suppressed unless MESSAGES=YES is specified at startup. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1700I Data being sent to user @@(@@). DTYP=@@. Screen=@@. SPGM=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: message. The data indicated in the message is being sent to the user shown in the System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1701I User @@(@@). Data=@@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The data shown in the message is being sent to the user shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1702I User @@(@@). # of RUS=@@. Length=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: message. The data indicated in the message is being sent to the user shown in the System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1703E VTAM error encountered on SEND. User @@. RPLFDBK=X’@@’. RPLFDBK2=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: A VTAM error occurred sending data to the user shown. The VTAM feedback word and sense values received are shown in the message. System Action: If the send cannot be retried, the user’s session is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1704E Retrying SEND for user @@ Severity: Error Explanation: retried. The send that previously failed for the user shown in the message is being System Action: The send is retried. User Response: None. 5-26 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC1705S User session being terminated. User @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: An error occurred on the VTAM session for the user shown in the message. Communications cannot be reliably maintained on that session. This message normally follows a message describing the error received on the session. System Action: The VTAM session is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1706I Data sent to user @@(@@) through VTAM Severity: Informational Explanation: Data was sent to the user shown through VTAM. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1707E Invalid VTAM data stream. BLEAREA=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The pointer to the user data address in the VTAM buffer list entry is invalid. The value is shown in the message. System Action: If the send cannot be retried, the user's session is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1710E FDBMSYSD Error retrieving screen @@. Severity: GDEF R/C=@@ Error Explanation: An attempt to retrieve the indicated screen definition has resulted in an error. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware support. FDBRC1720I @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message showing information valuable in diagnosing a problem in the product. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1721I @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message showing information valuable in diagnosing a problem in the product. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1800I Server region is terminating Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region is being terminated by a user request. System Action: The server region is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1801I VTAM APPLID @@ successfully opened Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region successfully opened its VTAM ACB. Base Services Error Messages System Action: None. User Response: None. 5-27 FDBRC1802E Error opening VTAM ACB @@. R/C=X’@@’. Feedback=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The server region attempted to open its VTAM ACB, and a VTAM error was returned. The VTAM APPLID, OPEN return code, and feedback code are shown in the message. System Action: The server region waits 60 seconds and retries the VTAM OPEN. User Response: Examine the return and feedback code to determine the cause of the open failure. This most often occurs when the VTAM APPLID is not defined to VTAM, the VTAM APPLID is in use by some other application or server region, or the VTAM APPLID is not varied active. FDBRC1803C Error issuing VTAM SETLOGON. RC=X’@@’. Feedback=X’@@’ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to issue a VTAM SETLOGON request and received an error. The VTAM return code and feedback code are shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated. User Response: and correct it. Examine the return and feedback code to determine the cause of the failure FDBRC1809C Error issuing VTAM RECEIVE ANY. RC=X’@@’. Feedback=X’@@’ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to issue a VTAM RECEIVE OPTCD=ANY and received an error. The VTAM return code and feedback code are shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated. User Response: and correct it. Examine the return and feedback code to determine the cause of the failure FDBRC1810I In VTAM LOGON exit. User data length=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region received a logon request from a user. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1811S Error allocating user @@ LUI. ULLM RC=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The server region VTAM logon exit has been driven for a user logon request and the attempt to allocate the user’s LUI control block failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: The user session is flagged for termination by the SCIP exit. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1814S Error issuing VTAM INQUIRE. RC=X’@@’. Feedback=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The server region attempted to issue a VTAM INQUIRE request to obtain the CINIT user data in response to a user logon request, but received an error. The VTAM return code and feedback code are shown in the message. System Action: The user session is flagged for termination by the SCIP exit. 5-28 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: and correct it. Examine the return and feedback code to determine the cause of the failure FDBRC1815C Error issuing VTAM CLSDST RC=X’@@’. Feedback=X’@@’ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to issue a VTAM CLSDST request and received an error. The VTAM return code and feedback code are shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated. User Response: and correct it. Examine the return and feedback code to determine the cause of the failure FDBRC1817S CINIT received for unsupported LU type X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The server region VTAM logon exit was driven for a user logon request, but the LU type obtained from the session parameters is not supported. System Action: The session initiation request is rejected. User Response: Access the server region using a device type that is supported by the product. FDBRC1818I User logging on from terminal @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A VTAM viewing access method user is logging onto the server from the terminal shown in the message. System Action: If the VTAM viewing access method is enabled in the server region, processing continues. Otherwise, the VTAM CINIT request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC1819C Error issuing VTAM OPNDST RC=X’@@’. Feedback=X’@@’ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to issue a VTAM OPNDST request and received an error. The VTAM return code and feedback code are shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated. User Response: and correct it. Examine the return and feedback code to determine the cause of the failure FDBRC1820I In VTAM SCIP exit, control codes X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region VTAM SCIP exit was entered with the request unit control codes shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1821I Received BIND from user @@. VTAM CID=X’@@’. LUI=X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: A VTAM BIND was received for the user shown in the message. For batch and API users, the first character of the user ID appears in lowercase. The VTAM CID and the address of the user’s LUI control block are also displayed. System Action: None. User Response: None. Base Services Error Messages 5-29 FDBRC1822E Received BIND for invalid user. Error code from LOGON exit=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The server region received a BIND for a user who did not pass the VTAM logon exit validations. No session is established wit the user. System Action: The user session request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC1823I VTAM session being terminated for userid @@, CID @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The user session shown is being terminated. System Action: The user session is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1824E NSEXIT entered for lost session for userid @@, CID @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The server region was notified by VTAM that the session with the user shown was terminated. System Action: The user session is terminated and any transaction in process is canceled. User Response: None. FDBRC1825C Error issuing VTAM OPNSEC. RC=X’@@’. Feedback=X’@@’ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to issue a VTAM OPNSEC request and received an error. The VTAM return code and feedback code are shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated. User Response: and correct it. Examine the return and feedback code to determine the cause of the failure FDBRC1826I VTAM TPEND exit entered. VTAM communications will terminate Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region was notified by VTAM that the VTAM operator has deactivated the application or that VTAM is terminating. System Action: All VTAM sessions are terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC1827C Error issuing VTAM SESSIONC. RC=X’@@’. Feedback=X’@@’ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to issue a VTAM SESSIONC request and received an error. The VTAM return code and feedback code are shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated. User Response: and correct it. Examine the return and feedback code to determine the cause of the failure FDBRC1828E LOSTERM entered for lost session for userid @@, CID @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The server region was notified by VTAM that the session with the user shown was terminated. System Action: The user session is terminated and any transaction in process is canceled. 5-30 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None. FDBRC1829I Logon request from unsupported terminal @@ rejected Severity: Informational Explanation: A VTAM viewing access method user attempted to log onto the server from a terminal type that is unsupported. System Action: The VTAM CINIT request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC1830I RECEIVE exit, user @@, data @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region received the transaction data shown for the user shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1831I RECEIVE sending message @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: A user transaction was received, but could not be processed by the server region. The message shown is being sent to the user. It explains the reason the transaction could not be processed. System Action: A message is sent to the user. User Response: None. FDBRC1841S Server encountered VTAM error on RECEIVE Severity: Severe Explanation: The server region encountered an unrecoverable VTAM error while processing a VTAM RECEIVE request. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1842S Invalid server request. Data > 12K in length Severity: Severe Explanation: The server region is unable to process a VTAM RECEIVE request because the data received is larger than the receive buffer size of 12K. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1843S Your server region session has ended Severity: Severe Explanation: ended. The server region VTAM session that was started to process your requests has System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1850C There were @@ server configuration parameters specified with errors Severity: Critical Explanation: Some of the server configuration parameter(s) specified contained errors. System Action: The server abends. Base Services Error Messages 5-31 User Response: Review the server log messages, and correct the server configuration parameter values. FDBRC1851C PDSM file is required, but not present in JCL Severity: Critical Explanation: One or more of the products configured for this server require the PDSM file to be present. However, the JCL does not contain a DD for FDBDPDSM. System Action: The server abends. User Response: Review the server JCL to make sure that the PDSM file is available, and restart the server. FDBRC1852C WORK file is required, but not present in JCL Severity: Critical Explanation: One or more of the products configured for this server require the WORK file to be present. However, the JCL does not contain a DD for FDBDWORK. System Action: The server abends. User Response: Review the server JCL to make sure that the WORK file is available, and restart the server. FDBRC1853C Customization file is required, but not present in JCL Severity: Critical Explanation: One or more of the products configured for this server require the Customization file to be present. However, the JCL does not contain a DD for FDBDCUST. System Action: The server abends. User Response: Review the server JCL to make sure that the Customization file is available, and restart the server. FDBRC1854C I/O error writing to the Customization file Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to write a server component record to the customization dataset and during this process a VSAM error occurred. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1854 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1855C Unable to get storage for server options. App=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to obtain storage to hold the server options record for the application shown in the message. The GETMAIN failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1855 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the job log output, and the configuration for this server, and ensure that sufficient virtual storage is available. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. FDBRC1856I The minimum value for TP_SUBTASKS is 5 Severity: Informational Explanation: You specified a TP_SUBTASKS parameter of less than 5, but one or more of the products configured for this server utilize long running transactions, and therefore the minimum value allowable for this server is 5. System Action: The parameter is ignored, and TP_SUBTASKS s set to 5. User Response: Correct the value in the startup parameters. 5-32 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC1857I Customization file is @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: One or more of the products configured for this server require the Customization file to be present. System Action: None. User Response: Review the server JCL to make sure that the Customization file is same used in CICS region and TDCAS. FDBRC1899E VTAM error encountered. RPLREQ=X’@@’. RPLFDBWD=X’@@’. RPLFDBK2=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: A VTAM error occurred for the VTAM request shown in the message. The VTAM feedback word and sense values received are shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1900I Region initialization in progress for server @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region initialization phase has been started. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1901I Setting region non-swappable Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region is being set non-swappable. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1902I Determining applications supported Severity: Informational Explanation: The region is attempting to determine the applications that are defined for this region. This is based on the specifications made during the customization process. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1903I Attempting to initialize application @@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the application shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1904I Initialization completed for application @@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region has successfully initialized the application shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1905I Attempting to initialize service mod @@-@@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the service module shown. Base Services Error Messages System Action: None. User Response: None. 5-33 FDBRC1906I Service module @@ loaded at x’@@’, length @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the application section shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1907I Attempting to initialize application section @@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the application section shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1908I Attaching system service tasks Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region main task is attempting to attach the fixed service tasks. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1909I System service tasks attached. Attaching transaction processor tasks Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region main task attached all of the fixed service subtasks, and is now attaching the transaction processor pool subtasks. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1910I Tran processor tasks attached. Attaching application service tasks Severity: Informational Explanation: The server main task attached all of the transaction processor pool subtasks, and is now attaching the application defined service subtasks. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1911I Attempting to initialize common module @@-@@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: message. The region is attempting to initialize the common module shown in the System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1912I Common module @@ loaded at X’@@’, length @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region successfully loaded the common module shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1913I Attempting to initialize file. App @@, File @@, DD @@ Severity: Informational 5-34 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the file shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1914I File @@ successfully initialized Severity: Informational Explanation: The file shown was successfully initialized. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1915I Initializing operator communications Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region is initializing its operator communications. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1916I Application @@ release is @@, service level is @@, dated: @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message displays the release and service level for the application being initialized. Compuware Technical Support personnel may need to know this information in order to help determine the cause of a problem. This message is also displayed on the console. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1917I Application @@ release is @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message displays the release for the application being initialized. Compuware Technical Support personnel may need to know this information in order to help determine the cause of a problem. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1918I Application section @@ release is @@, service level is @@, dated: @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message displays the release and service level for the application section being initialized. Compuware Technical Support personnel may need to know this information in order to help determine the cause of a problem. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1929C Load failed for authorized services module @@ for @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region attempted to load the module shown. This module could not be loaded from STEPLIB. System Action: The region abends with a user 1929 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine why the module could not be loaded and correct. FDBRC1930C Unable to get storage for transaction schedule. Region terminating Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to obtain storage for the region transaction scheduling table. The GETMAIN for this storage failed. Base Services Error Messages System Action: The region abends with a user 1930 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine the cause for the GETMAIN failure and correct. 5-35 FDBRC1931C Unable to get storage for VSAM I/O buffer. Region terminating Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to obtain storage for the VSAM I/O replace buffer. The GETMAIN for this storage failed. System Action: The region abends with a user 1931 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine the cause for the GETMAIN failure and correct. FDBRC1932C Load failed for app def module @@ for @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region attempted to load the module shown. This module could not be loaded from either the FDBDRPL, or the system linklist libraries. System Action: The region abends with a user 1932 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine why the module could not be loaded and correct. FDBRC1933C Unable to obtain storage for app def. App @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the application shown. System Action: The region abends with a user 1933 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine the cause for the GETMAIN failure and correct. FDBRC1934C Load failed for app exit module @@ for @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region attempted to load the module shown. This module could not be loaded from either the FDBDRPL, or the system linklist libraries. System Action: The region abends with a user 1934 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine why the module could not be loaded and correct. FDBRC1935C Application initialization exit failed. App @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the application shown. System Action: The region abends with a user 1935 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine the cause for the GETMAIN failure and correct. FDBRC1936I Unable to load service mod @@-@@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region was unable to load the service module shown. System Action: If this service module is required, the region abends with a user 1936 (decimal). If the module is optional, region initialization continues with the module disabled. User Response: None. FDBRC1937I Load failed for section def module @@ for @@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region attempted to load the module shown. This module could not be loaded from either the FDBDRPL, or the system linklist libraries. System Action: The action taken depends on whether this application section is required. If the section is required, an additional message will be issued to show the action being taken by the region. If the section is optional, it will be disabled. 5-36 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None FDBRC1938E Unable to obtain storage for app def. App @@-@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the application shown. System Action: The action taken depends on whether this application section is required. If the section is required, an additional message will be issued to show the action being taken by the region. If the section is optional, it will be disabled. User Response: Determine the cause for the GETMAIN failure and correct. FDBRC1939C Required app section init failed. Section @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The application section shown failed to initialize correctly. This application section is required for correct application function. System Action: The region abends with a user 1939 (decimal) abend. User Response: correct. See the prior RC193x message to determine the reason for the failure, and FDBRC1940C Initial subtask ATTACH failed. Region terminating Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to perform one of its initial subtask attaches, and the ATTACH failed. Previous messages (in FDBDLOG) provide the name and number of the subtask, and the type of failure encountered. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1940 (decimal) abend. User Response: Examine the server region log and the JES job log to determine why the subtask ATTACH failed and correct it. FDBRC1941C TP subtask ATTACH failed. Region terminating Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to perform one of its initial TP subtask attaches, and the ATTACH failed. Previous messages (in FDBDLOG) provide the number of the subtask, and the type of failure encountered. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1941 (decimal) abend. User Response: Examine the server region log and the JES job log to determine why the subtask ATTACH failed and correct it. FDBRC1942C App service task ATTACH failed. Region terminating Severity: Critical Explanation: The server region attempted to attach an application service subtask, and the ATTACH failed. Previous messages (in FDBDLOG) provide the number of the subtask, and the type of failure encountered. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1942 (decimal) abend. User Response: Examine the server region log and the JES job log to determine why the subtask ATTACH failed and correct it. FDBRC1943C Unable to GETMAIN SPDS for task# @@. Region terminating Severity: Critical Explanation: The server attempted to obtain storage for the subtask control block. This is a 12KB area of below-the-line storage. The GETMAIN for the storage failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1943 (decimal) abend. User Response: initialization. Ensure that adequate storage is allocated for the server region to complete Base Services Error Messages 5-37 FDBRC1944C Unable to GET STCB for task @@-@@-@@. Region terminating Severity: Critical Explanation: The server attempted to obtain storage for the subtask control block. This is an area of below-the-line storage. The GETMAIN for the storage failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1944 (decimal) abend. User Response: initialization. Ensure that adequate storage is allocated for the server region to complete FDBRC1945C Task init exit failed for task @@-@@-@@. Region terminating Severity: Critical Explanation: The server attempted to obtain storage for the subtask control block. This is an area of below-the-line storage. The GETMAIN for the storage failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1945 (decimal) abend. User Response: initialization. Ensure that adequate storage is allocated for the server region to complete FDBRC1946I Unable to load common module @@-@@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The region was unable to load the common module shown in the message. System Action: The module is disabled. User Response: None. FDBRC1947C Unable to initialize file @@. RC from open was @@ Severity: Critical Explanation: shown. The region tried to initialize the file, but the open failed with the return code System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1947 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine the cause of the failure from the return code, and the job log, correct, and restart the server region. FDBRC1948C Main-task task initialization exit failed. RC=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: shown. The region tried to initialize the file, but the open failed with the return code System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1948 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine the cause of the failure from the return code, and the job log, correct, and restart the server region. FDBRC1949C Application initialization completion exit failed. App @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the application shown. System Action: The region abends with a user 1949 (decimal) abend. User Response: server region. Check the log for previously noted error conditions, correct, and restart the FDBRC1950I @1 about to take SDUMP. Code: @2 Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region is about to issue the SDUMP macro instruction to provide diagnostic information about an error condition. System Action: The SDUMP macro instruction will be issued. User Response: None. 5-38 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC1951I @1 SDUMP complete. Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region has issued an SDUMP macro instruction to provide diagnostic information about an error condition. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Save the SVC dump for Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1952E @1 SDUMP Failed. Return Code=X’@2’ Severity: Error Explanation: The server region has issued an SDUMP macro instruction to provide diagnostic information about an error condition, however, a non-zero return code was received from the SDUMP macro. System Action: A SYSUDUMP is requested. User Response: See the appropriate IBM documentation to determine the cause of the SVC dump failure, and save the SYSUDUMP for Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1953W @1 a partial SDUMP was taken Severity: Warning Explanation: The server region has issued an SDUMP macro instruction to provide diagnostic information about an error condition, however, a partial SDUMP was taken by the MVS system. System Action: A SYSUDUMP is requested. User Response: Support. Save both the SVC dump and the SYSUDUMP for Compuware Technical FDBRC1955C Customization file has not been properly loaded. @@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The customization file has not yet been loaded. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1955 (decimal) abend. User Response: Ensure that you ran all steps in the install process without skipping any. In particular review job "$$06CUST". This is the job that loads the customization file. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. FDBRC1956C VSAM error on point for server options. RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server attempted to issue a VSAM point to position to the first server options record. The point failed with a VSAM I/O error. The VSAM return and feedback codes are displayed in the message text. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1956 (decimal) abend. User Response: Examine the return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the error. Most likely, the server configuration was not correctly completed for this server. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. FDBRC1957C VSAM error on get next for server options. RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The server attempted to issue a VSAM get next to obtain the next server options record. The get failed with a VSAM I/O error. The VSAM return and feedback codes are displayed in the message text. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1957 (decimal) abend. User Response: Examine the return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the error. Most likely, the server configuration was not correctly completed for this server. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. Base Services Error Messages 5-39 FDBRC1958C Application @@ requested, but has not been properly configured Severity: Critical Explanation: The application shown has been enabled, but its online configuration has not been completed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1958 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the configuration for this server, and ensure that all components have been properly configured. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. FDBRC1959C VSAM error reading app globals record. App=@@. RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to read the application globals record for the application shown in the message. The read failed. The VSAM return and feedback code are displayed in the message. User Response: The server region is terminated with a user 1959 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1960C Unable to get storage for app globals. App=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to obtain storage to hold the globals record for the application shown in the message. The GETMAIN failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1960 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the job log output, and the configuration for this server, and ensure that sufficient virtual storage is available. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. FDBRC1961C VSAM error reading server options record. App=@@. RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to read the Server Options record for the application shown in the message. The read failed. The VSAM return and feedback code are displayed in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1961 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1962C Unable to get storage for server options. App=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to obtain storage to hold the server options record for the application shown in the message. The GETMAIN failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1962 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the job log output, and the configuration for this server, and ensure that sufficient virtual storage is available. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. FDBRC1963C Unable find TIOT entry for required DD @@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to find the TIOT entry for a required DD statement. This required entry could not be found. The missing DD name is shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1963 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the JCL for this server, and ensure that all required DD statements are present. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. 5-40 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC1964C VSAM error reading server list record. RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to read the server list record. The read failed. The VSAM return and feedback code are displayed in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1964 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1965C Server List record not found. Cust Dataset init or conversion failed Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to read the server list record. The record was not found. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1965 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the output from the customization file creation/conversion, determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1966C Application initialization completion exit failed. App @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region is attempting to initialize the application shown. System Action: The region abends with a user 1966 (decimal) abend. User Response: server region. Check the log for previously noted error conditions, correct, and restart the FDBRC1969C Open for file DD=@@ failed. RC=@@. DSN=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region tried to open the DD name shown. The open failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1969 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine the cause of the open failure from the job log, correct, and restart the server region. FDBRC1970C Load failed for module @@. RC @@-@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The region attempted to load the module shown. This module could not be loaded from either the ___DRPL, or the system linklist libraries. System Action: The region abends with a user 1970 (decimal) abend. User Response: Determine why the module could not be loaded and correct. FDBRC1971I Reading server configuration parameters Severity: Informational Explanation: The region has begun to read the FDBDPARM dataset which contains the server configuration parameters. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1972I @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message serves to display each card in the server parameters dataset. System Action: Processing continues. Base Services Error Messages User Response: 5-41 None. FDBRC1973W Invalid server configuration parameter specified @@ Severity: Warning Explanation: The preceding server configuration parameter is not a recognized parameter. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 3800 (decimal) abend. User Response: Check that the preceding server configuration parameter is specified correctly, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS Installation and Customization Guide “Server Configuration.” If it appears to be specified correctly it may indicate a problem with the customization dataset. Ensure it is at the correct release or that it has been upgraded properly. FDBRC1974W Error occurred attempting to initiate object definition. @@ Severity: Warning Explanation: This message displays Object Definition that could not be loaded. System Action: Processing continues. All product features may not function properly. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1975W VSAM error on @@ for server list. RC/FB=@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: The server attempted to access the server list record. The request failed with a VSAM I/O error. The VSAM return and feedback codes are displayed in the message text. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC1980C Error removing previous server definition. VSAM RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to remove the previous definition for the server, in order to rebuild the definition during initialization. During this process, a VSAM error occurred. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1980 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1981C Error removing previous server definition. VSAM RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to remove the previous definition for the server in order to rebuild the definition during initialization. During this process a VSAM error occurred. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1981 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1982C Error building server SYSIN parameter table. VSAM RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to build a table required to process the server configuration parameters and during this process a VSAM error occurred. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1982 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1983C FDBDPARM server configuration parameters open failed Severity: Critical 5-42 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: failed. The server attempted to open the FDBDPARM dataset and the open request System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1983 (decimal) abend. User Response: Correct the error. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1984C LRECL for FDBDPARM dataset is not 80 Severity: Critical Explanation: The server attempted to open the FDBDPARM dataset and the open request failed, because the dataset does not have an LRECL of 80. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1984 (decimal) abend. User Response: Correct the error. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1985C Excessive server SYSIN parameters Severity: Critical Explanation: The server attempted to process the server SYSIN parameters, but more than 500 statements were encountered. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1985 (decimal) abend. User Response: Correct the error. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1986C Error writing server component record @@. VSAM RC/FB=@@. Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to write a server component record to the customization dataset and during this process a VSAM error occurred. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1986 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1987I Invalid parameter value specified Severity: Informational Explanation: The value specified for the indicated server configuration parameter is invalid. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Correct the parameter value. FDBRC1988C Error reading server component record @@. VSAM RC/FB=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to read a server component record from the customization dataset and during this process a VSAM error occurred. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 1988 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC1989E Active server name @@ specified Severity: Error Explanation: The server name specified is already active. System Action: The server is not started. User Response: Make sure the server name is unique. Base Services Error Messages 5-43 FDBRC1990E VSAM read error for server list record. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to read the server list record. The return code in the message provides the VSAM return and feedback codes. System Action: The server is not initialized. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1991E VSAM update error for server list record. RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to update the server list record. The return code in the message provides the VSAM return and feedback codes. System Action: The server is not initialized. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC1992E Invalid server name on the EXEC parameter statement Severity: Error Explanation: An invalid server name was specified on the EXEC parameter statement. The parameter must be a 1-8 character, alphanumeric string that only contains the special characters $, #, @. System Action: The server is not initialized. User Response: Correct the server name. FDBRC1993I @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a system debugging message which is displayed in the server region log when the IPCS option is enabled. Each line of printed IPCS output is displayed via this message when IPCS debugging is active. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC1999I Region initialization complete for server @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The server region has completed its initialization process. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC2001S Module @@ requested unknown module @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The module shown first in the message attempted to call another module (shown second). This called module is not defined to the server. This indicates an internal inconsistency in the installation of the product. System Action: The current transaction is canceled. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2002S Module @@ requested unavailable module @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The module shown first in the message attempted to call another module (shown second). That called module is not available to this server region. System Action: The current transaction is canceled. 5-44 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Examine the messages displayed in the server region log at startup to determine why the second module shown is marked as unavailable. FDBRC2003S Module @@ requested invalid common module @@ failure code @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The first module shown attempted to call another module (shown second). That module did not pass the required validity checks to ensure that it is a valid module. System Action: The requested function is canceled. User Response: Examine the output from all batch installation jobs for any errors. If problems exist, correct them, and then retry the failing operation. If no failures occurred, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2004S Module @@ load failed for common module @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The module shown first in the message attempted to call another module (shown second). The load for the called module failed. System Action: The requested function is canceled. User Response: Examine the server region log to determine the cause for the load failure. FDBRC2100I User @@ successfully logged on Severity: Informational Explanation: The user indicated in the message successfully logged on to the server region. If security is enabled at your site, the user’s authority to access the server was also validated. For batch logons, the first character of the user ID appears in lowercase. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC2101E User @@(@@) logon authorization failed RACF RC=X’@@-@@-@@-@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if the user indicated in the message is authorized to log onto the server region. The logon validation failed with the return codes shown in the message. The return code values indicate the SAF router return code, SAF router reason code, RACF return code, and RACF reason code, respectively. System Action: The user’s session is terminated. User Response: Ensure that the server selected is one for which the user is authorized. If necessary, contact the site security administrator to obtain the required authorization to log onto the server region. FDBRC2102S User @@(@@) logon authorization failed. RC=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if the user indicated in the message is authorized to log onto the server region. The security exit returned an unexpected return code which is shown in the message. System Action: The user’s session is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2103I Requested language requires a DBCS terminal. Severity: Informational Explanation: The user profile specifies Japanese as the national language. However the terminal does not support the double byte character set. System Action: The user’s language defaults to English. Logon to the server from a terminal that supports the double byte character set. Base Services Error Messages 5-45 FDBRC2110I User @@(@@) successfully logged off Severity: Informational Explanation: The user indicated in the message successfully logged off of the server region. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC2120E User @@ is not defined Severity: Error Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if the user indicated in the message is authorized to log onto the server region, but the user ID is not defined to the site external security product. System Action: The logon request is canceled. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBRC2121E External security product is not active Severity: Error Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if a user is authorized to log onto the server region, but the site external security product is not active. System Action: The logon request is canceled. User Response: Activate the external security product and retry the request, or restart the server with server security disabled. FDBRC2122E Password not authorized for user ID Severity: Error Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if a user is authorized to log onto the server region, but the password provided is not authorized for the user ID entered. System Action: The logon request is canceled. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBRC2123I Reenter the new password for verification Severity: Informational Explanation: A new password was provided as part of a server logon request. The new password value must be reentered for verification purposes. System Action: The Server Logon screen is redisplayed. User Response: Reenter the new password value and press the Enter key. FDBRC2124E User access has been revoked Severity: Error Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if a user is authorized to log onto the server region, but access for the user has been revoked. System Action: The logon request is canceled. User Response: Contact the site security administrator to reactivate the user ID. FDBRC2125E Password for userid has expired Severity: Error Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if a user is authorized to log onto the server region, but the password for the user has expired. System Action: The Server Logon screen is redisplayed. User Response: Enter a new password value and retry the request. 5-46 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC2126E New password entered is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: A new password value was provided as part of a server logon request, but the new password was rejected by the site external security product as an invalid new password. System Action: The Server Logon screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the new password value and retry the request. FDBRC2127E The password entered does not match the password previously entered Severity: Error Explanation: A new password was provided as part of a server logon request. The new password value entered in response to the prompt for confirmation does not match the original new password value. System Action: The Server Logon screen is redisplayed. User Response: Reenter the new password value and press the Enter key, or just press Enter to continue without modifying the password. FDBRC2301I Screen GET requested. User @@(@@), screen @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The system is retrieving the screen definition named for the user shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC2302E Screen GET failed. User @@(@@), screen @@. GDEF RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: shown. The system attempted to retrieve the screen definition shown for the user ID System Action: The screen GET is terminated. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2311I Command GET requested. User @@(@@), command @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The system is retrieving the command definition named for the user shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC2312E Command GET failed. User @@(@@), command @@. GDEF RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: ID shown. The system attempted to retrieve the command definition shown for the user System Action: The command GET is terminated. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2313I Definition table GET requested. User @@(@@). Table=X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: shown. The system is retrieving the definition table at the address shown for the user System Action: None. Base Services Error Messages User Response: 5-47 None. FDBRC2314I Message GET requested. User @@(@@), message @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The system is retrieving the message definition named for the user shown. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC2315E Message GET failed. User @@(@@), message @@. GDEF RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The system attempted to retrieve the message definition shown for the user ID shown. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2321I Text stream GET failed. User @@(@@), key @@,@@,@@. GDEF RC=X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: The system attempted to retrieve the text stream shown for the user ID shown. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2322E Text stream GET failed. User @@(@@), key @@,@@,@@. DMGR RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The system attempted to retrieve the text stream shown for the user ID shown. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2333I End-of-level exit driven for user @@(@@), level @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The system is processing an internal exit for the user shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC2341I User profile update requested for user @@(@@), application @@, name @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The system is updating the user profile data for the user, application, and variable name shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC2343S User profile update failed for user @@(@@), app @@, name @@. PMGR RC=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The system attempted to update the user profile data for the user, application, and variable name show in the message. The request failed with the system profile manager return code shown in the message. System Action: The updated profile data is not saved. 5-48 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Ensure that the persistent data storage file is available, and is not full. If it is full, increase the size of the file and recycle the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2411E User @@(@@) authorization failed. RACF RC=X’@@-@@-@@-@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if the user indicated in the message is authorized to perform a server control function. The validation failed with the return codes shown in the message. The return code values indicate the SAF router return code, SAF router reason code, RACF return code, and RACF reason code, respectively. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the server selected is one for which the user is authorized to perform the server control function. If necessary, contact the site security administrator to obtain the required authorization to perform the requested function. FDBRC2412S User @@(@@) authorization failed. RC=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if the user indicated in the message is authorized to perform a server control function. The security exit returned an unexpected return code which is shown in the message. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2421E User @@(@@) authorization failed. RACF RC=X’@@-@@-@@-@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if the user indicated in the message is authorized to select a specific product component. The validation failed with the return codes shown in the message. The return code values indicate the SAF router return code, SAF router reason code, RACF return code, and RACF reason code, respectively. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the server selected is one for which the user is authorized to select the product component. If necessary, contact the site security administrator to obtain the required authorization to select the product component. FDBRC2422S User @@(@@) authorization failed. RC=X’@@’ Severity: Severe Explanation: The security exit was invoked to determine if the user indicated in the message is authorized to select a specific product component. The security exit returned an unexpected return code. The message shows either the one-byte return code from the security exit, or the four bytes of SAF return code, SAF reason code, RACF return code, and RACF reason code. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2501E Error deleting app section @@, user @@(@@). ULLM RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: During logoff processing for an internal user, an attempt to delete the application section given in the message from the internal user’s application section table failed. System Action: All remaining application section entries in the internal user’s application section table are deleted and the internal user is logged off the server. User Response: Save the output from the server and contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2502E Error adding app section @@, user @@(@@). ULLM RC=@@ Severity: Error Base Services Error Messages 5-49 Explanation: During logon processing for an external user, an attempt to add the application section given in the message to the external user’s application section table failed. System Action: The user’s session is terminated. User Response: Ensure that the application selected is installed and is active in the server region. If not, install or activate the selected application. Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2503E Required application @@ not found, user @@(@@) Severity: Error Explanation: During logon processing for an internal user, a required application was not found in the system application table. System Action: The internal user session is terminated. User Response: Ensure that the required application is installed and is active in the server region. If not, install or activate the selected application. Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2504E Required application @@ not supported, user @@(@@) Severity: Error Explanation: During logon processing for an internal user, a required application was found in the system application table, but the application is not supported in the server region. System Action: The internal user session is terminated. User Response: Ensure that the required application is installed and is active in the server region. If not, install or activate the selected application. Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2505E Error adding app section @@, user @@(@@). ULLM RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: During logon processing for an internal user, an attempt to add the application section given in the message to the internal user’s application section table failed. System Action: The internal user session is terminated. User Response: Ensure that the application selected is installed and is active in the server region. If not, install or activate the selected application. Otherwise, examine the output from batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2506E No application and/or section specified. Severity: Error Explanation: During logon processing for an internal user, an attempt to add the application section given in the message to the internal user’s application section table failed. System Action: The internal user session is terminated. User Response: Ensure that the application selected is installed and is active in the server region. If not, install or activate the selected application. Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2510E Error selecting app section @@, user @@(@@) Severity: Error 5-50 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: An attempt was made to select the application indicated in the message, but the application failed to respond to the request. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the application selected is installed and is active in the server region. If not, install or activate the selected application. Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2511E Error deleting app section @@, user @@(@@). ULLM RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to select the application indicated in the message, but the application failed to respond to the request. The subsequent attempt to delete the application indicated in the message from the user’s application section table also failed. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Save the output from the server and contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2512E Application @@ is not active Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to select the application indicated in the message, but the application is not active in the server region. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the application selected is installed and is active in the server region. If not, install or activate the selected application. Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2513E Application @@ is not user selectable Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to select the application indicated in the message, but the application is not user selectable. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Select another application. FDBRC2514E No user selectable applications active in the server region Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to logon to a server region, but there are no user selectable applications active in the region. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the server region has one or more user selectable applications active in the region. If not, install or activate the required application(s). Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installations jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2515E Invalid select application parameters for user @@(@@) Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to select an application in the server region. However, probably as a result of an internal error, the request parameters were invalid. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the server region has one or more user selectable applications active in the region. If not, install or activate the required application(s). Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the Base Services Error Messages 5-51 problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2520E Invalid release application parameters for user @@(@@) Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to release an application in the server region. However, probably as a result of an internal error, the request parameters were invalid. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the server region has one or more user selectable applications active in the region. If not, install or activate the required application(s). Otherwise, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any failures occurred. If so, correct the problems, and then retry the failing operation. If no problems are indicated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2522E Error removing app @@, user @@(@@). ULLM RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to add the application section given in the message to the external user’s application section table failed. System Action: The request is ignored. User Response: None. FDBRC2601C Dump Information File is full. Please run job DINFREOR Severity: Critical Explanation: An attempt was made to add a record to the dump information file on behalf of a system dump IMPORT or a transaction dump trace table request. However, the attempt failed because the file is full. System Action: The server is terminated. User Response: Locate jobstream DINFREOR in the Abend-AID for CICS control file and run this against the dump information file for this server. When the job has successfully completed, re-initiate the server. FDBRC2701E Error creating PDSM member for user @@. PDSM RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to create a member in the persistent data storage file to save VTAM viewing access method data for the user shown in the message. However, the attempt failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues with all VTAM viewing access method data for the user remaining in virtual storage. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2702E Error adding to PDSM member for user @@. PDSM RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to add data to a member in the persistent data storage file to save VTAM viewing access method data for the user shown in the message. However, the attempt failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues with all VTAM viewing access method data for the user remaining in virtual storage. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2703E Error deleting PDSM member for user @@. PDSM RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to delete a member from the persistent data storage file after restoring VTAM viewing access method data for the user shown in the message. However, the attempt failed with the return code shown in the message. 5-52 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2704E Error opening PDSM member for user @@. PDSM RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to open a member from the persistent data storage file after restoring VTAM viewing access method data for the user shown in the message. However, the attempt failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: The VTAM viewing access method subtask is abended and the user session is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC2705E Error reading from PDSM member for user @@. PDSM RC=X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to read data from a member in the persistent data storage file in order to restore VTAM viewing access method data for the user shown in the message. However, the attempt failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: The VTAM viewing access method subtask is abended and the user session is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC3001E Parameter value for ENABLE_IUR must be Y, YES, N, or NO Severity: Error Explanation: The Enable IUR server option must be Y, YES, N, or NO. As an alternative, the keyword may be specified by itself (same as specifying YES), or a null value may be specified (same as specifying NO). System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3002E Parameter value for EXTERNAL_SECURITY_ENABLED must be Y, YES, N, or NO Severity: Error Explanation: The External Security Enabled option must be Y, YES, N, or NO. As an alternative, the keyword may be specified by itself (same as specifying YES), or a null value may be specified (same as specifying NO). System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3003W Invalid EXTERNAL_SECURITY_DATASET_CHECK subparameter specified Severity: Warning Explanation: A subparameter on the External Security Dataset Check server configuration parameter is not valid. See the prior messages for the list of valid subparameters. This list varies based on the specific products configured at your site. System Action: ignored. The External Security Dataset Check server configuration parameter is User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3004W Invalid EXTERNAL_SECURITY_FUNC-TION_ CHECK subparameter specified Severity: Warning Explanation: A subparameter on the External Security Function Check server configuration parameter is not valid. See the prior messages for the list of valid subparameters. This list varies based on the specific products configured at your site. System Action: ignored. The External Security Function Check server configuration parameter is Base Services Error Messages User Response: 5-53 Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3005I Valid subparameters are: @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message serves to list the valid subparameters for the External Security Dataset or Function Check server parameters. This message is issued when an invalid subparameter has been specified for one of these keywords. If there are more keywords than will fit in this message, then message RC3006 will be issued for subsequent lines until all of the keywords have been displayed. System Action: None User Response: See prior and subsequent messages for proper corrective action. FDBRC3006I @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message serves to list the valid subparameters for the External Security Dataset or Function Check server parameters. This message is issued when an invalid subparameter has been specified for one of these keywords, and there are more keywords than will fit in message RC3005. This message will be issued for subsequent lines until all of the keywords have been displayed. System Action: None User Response: See prior and subsequent messages for proper corrective action. FDBRC3007E Invalid subparameter @@ specified. Severity: Error Explanation: The subparameter shown is not valid. A list of the valid keyword subparameter will be displayed following this message. System Action: The entire server configuration parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3008E Invalid subparameter combination specified with "NONE". Severity: Error Explanation: When NONE is specified, no other subparameters may be included. System Action: The server configuration parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the subparameter value. FDBRC3009E Invalid subparameter combination specified with "ALL". Severity: Error Explanation: When ALL is specified, no other subparameters may be included. System Action: The server configuration parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the subparameter value. FDBRC3010E EXTERNAL_SECURITY_PREFIX specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The External Security Prefix must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for the high level qualifier(s) for an MVS dataset name. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3011E EXTERNAL_SECURITY_RESOURCE_CLASS specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error 5-54 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The External Security Resource Class must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for a RACF Resource Class. The string must consist of letters(A-Z), digits(0-9), or national symbols(@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3012E DEBUG_SUBTASK specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The Debug Subtask name must be the 1- to 8-character module name of an enabled subtask. Even if the subtask named exists, it must be enabled in the current server execution. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3020E The LOGMODE specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The Logmode parameter must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for a VTAM LOGMODE name. The string must consist of letters(A-Z), digits(0-9), or national symbols(@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3021E The LU62_APPLID specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The LU62 APPLID parameter must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for a VTAM APPLID. The string must consist of letters(A-Z), digits(0-9), or national symbols(@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3022E The LU2_APPLID specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The LU2 APPLID parameter must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for a VTAM APPLID. The string must consist of letters(A-Z), digits(0-9), or national symbols(@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3030E Parameter value for MESSAGES must be Y, YES, N, or NO Severity: Error Explanation: The MESSAGES server option must be Y, YES, N, or NO. As an alternative, the keyword may be specified by itself (same as specifying YES), or a null value may be specified (same as specifying NO). System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3031E The MVS_SUBSYSTEM specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The MVS Subsystem parameter must be a 1 to 4 character string that is valid for an MVS subsystem name. The string must consist of letters(A-Z), digits(0-9), or national symbols(@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. Base Services Error Messages User Response: 5-55 Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3032E Parameter value for NON_SWAPPABLE must be Y, YES, N, or NO Severity: Error Explanation: The Non-Swappable server option must be Y, YES, N, or NO. As an alternative, the keyword may be specified by itself (same as specifying YES), or a null value may be specified (same as specifying NO). System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3033E The PRINT_FILE_UNIT specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The Print File Unit parameter consists of two or three subparameters. The first must be either SMS or NONSMS. If the first subparameter is SMS, the second2 must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for an SMS Storage class, and the third must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for an SMS Management class. If the first subparameter is NONSMS, the second must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for an MVS Unit Name, and the third must be omitted. The strings specified for Storage Class and Management Class or Unit Name must consist of letters(A-Z), digits(0-9), or national symbols(@#$), and must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3034E The SERVER_DESCRIPTION specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The Server description parameter consists of a 1 to 32 character string. Most displayable characters are valid. If the string contains blanks, apostrophes, double quotes, or parenthesis, then the string must be delimited by apostrophes, double quotes, or parenthesis. The delimiter character chosen may not appear in the description sting. System Action: The server is terminated. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3035E The SERVER_DYNAMIC_SYSOUT parameter specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The Server Dynamic Sysout parameter must be SVCDUMP, or a 1 character string that is valid for an MVS sysout class. The string must consist of a letter(A-Z), digit(0-9), national symbol(@#$), or asterisk(*). System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3036E The SERVER_TIMEOUT parameter specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The Server Timeout parameter must be a numeric value between 1 and 1440. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3037E The TP_SUBTASKS parameter specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The TP Subtasks parameter must be a numeric value between 3 and 32. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. 5-56 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC3038E The minimum value for TP_SUBTASKS is 5 Severity: Error Explanation: You specified a TP_SUBTASKS parameter of 3 or 4, but one or more of the products configured for this server utilize long running transactions, and therefore the minimum value allowable for this server is 5. System Action: The parameter is ignored, and TP_SUBTASKS is set to 5. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3039E The USER_TIMEOUT parameter specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The User Timeout parameter must be a numeric value between 1 and 1440. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3040E The WORK_UNIT specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The Work Unit parameter must be a 1- to 8-character string that is valid for an MVS DD name. The string must consist of letters(A-Z), digits(0-9), or national symbols(@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3041E The TRACE parameter specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The TRACE parameter must be a numeric value between 512 and 32768. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3050E The LU62_APPLID specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The LU62 APPLID parameter must be a 1 to 8 character string that is valid for a VTAM APPLID. The string must consist of letters(A-Z), digits(0-9), or national symbols(@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. FDBRC3800C There were @@ server configuration parameters specified with errors Severity: Critical Explanation: Some of the server configuration parameter(s) specified contained errors. System Action: The server abends. User Response: Review the server log messages, and correct the server configuration parameter values. FDBRC3801C PDSM file is required, but not present in JCL Severity: Critical Explanation: One or more of the products configured for this server require the PDSM file to be present. However, the JCL does not contain a DD for FDBDPDSM. System Action: The server abends. User Response: Review the server JCL to make sure that the PDSM file is available, and restart the server. Base Services Error Messages 5-57 FDBRC3802C WORK file is required, but not present in JCL Severity: Critical Explanation: One or more of the products configured for this server require the WORK file to be present. However, the JCL does not contain a DD for FDBDWORK. System Action: The server abends. User Response: Review the server JCL to make sure that the WORK file is available, and restart the server. FDBRC3803C Customization file is required, but not present in JCL Severity: Critical Explanation: One or more of the products configured for this server require the Customization file to be present. However, the JCL does not contain a DD for FDBDCUST. System Action: The server abends. User Response: Review the server JCL to make sure that the Customization file is available, and restart the server. FDBRC3804C I/O error writing to the Customization file VSAM RC/FB=@@. Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to write a server component record to the customization dataset, and during this process, a VSAM error occurred. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 3804 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the VSAM return and feedback codes to determine the cause of the failure and correct. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, or the problem cannot be corrected, contact Compuware Technical Support for assistance. FDBRC3805C Unable to get storage for server options. App=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The system attempted to obtain storage to hold the server options record for the application shown in the message. The GETMAIN failed. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user 3805 (decimal) abend. User Response: Review the job log output, and the configuration for this server, and ensure that sufficient virtual storage is available. Correct any problems found and resubmit the server. FDBRC9001I User @@ logging on via @@. CID=X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: The user shown in the message is logging onto the server region. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9002I Received data from user @@. CID=X’@@’, data length=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received data from the user shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9003I User @@ logging off. CID=X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: The user shown in the message is logging off of the server region. System Action: None. User Response: None. 5-58 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC9004I CM_RC=@@. Status flag=@@. Data flag=@@. Severity: Informational Explanation: The user shown is logging onto the server region. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9011I Request received to initiate a new conversation. Program @@. Severity: Informational Explanation: Base services is processing a communications request and is logging a request from within the HCI to initiate a new conversation. This is a debugging message and will be suppressed unless MESSAGES=YES is specified at startup. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC9201I HCI communications task initialization in progress Severity: Informational Explanation: initialized. The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is being System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9202I Issuing HCI Register New User Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing a request to establish the linkage between the TPN and the LU. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9203C HCI Register New User failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions attempted to establish the linkage between the TPN and the LU, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user abend. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9204I Waiting for HCI subsystem @@ to initialize Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions attempted to establish the linkage between the TPN and the LU, but the request failed because the HCI subsystem shown in the message has not yet completed initialization. System Action: The subtask waits 5 seconds and then retries the request. User Response: None. FDBRC9205I Issuing HCI Set Global Defaults Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing a request to set global communications defaults. System Action: None. User Response: None. Base Services Error Messages 5-59 FDBRC9206E HCI Set Global Defaults failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions issued a request to set global communications defaults and the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user abend. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9210I Issuing HCI Wait for Multiple Events Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is entering a wait state. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9211C HCI Wait for Multiple Events failed. RC=@@,@@. Wait status=@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions attempted to enter a wait state, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user abend. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9212C HCI Wait for Multiple Events returned unrecognized wait status @@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions entered and returned from a wait state, but the wait status returned was not recognized. The wait status returned is shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user abend. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9213W Received request to send. Conversation ID=@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: initialized. The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is being System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9220I Received new conversation. Issuing Accept Conversation Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions has received a request to establish a new conversation and is issuing the HCI Accept Conversation request. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9221C HCI Accept Conversation failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received a request to establish a new conversation and issued the HCI Accept Conversation request, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user abend. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. 5-60 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBRC9222I Issuing HCI Extract FMH-5 Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions has successfully accepted a new conversation and is issuing the request to extract the FMH-5. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9223C HCI Extract FMH-5 failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received a request to establish a new conversation and issued the HCI Extract FMH-5 request, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user abend. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9224E Received FMH-5 containing unrecognized PIP data Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received a request to establish a new conversation and issued the HCI Extract FMH-5 request. The FMH-5 returned by the request contained unrecognized PIP data. System Action: The conversation is rejected. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9225I Issuing HCI Extract User ID Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions has successfully accepted a new conversation and is issuing the request to extract the user ID. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9226C HCI Extract User ID failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received a request to establish a new conversation and issued the HCI Extract user ID request, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The server region is terminated with a user abend. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9227E Error obtaining LUI for user @@. ULLM RC=x’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received a request to establish a new conversation for the user shown in the message and attempted to build an internal control block to represent the new user, but the attempt failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: The conversation is rejected. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9228E ‘Error obtaining session ctl blk for user @@. FDBMSTRG RC=’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received a request to establish a new conversation for the user shown in the message and attempted to Base Services Error Messages 5-61 build an internal control block to represent the new user, but the attempt failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: The conversation is rejected. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9229I Received new conversation for inactive VTAM viewing access method Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received a request to establish a new conversation for the VTAM viewing access method, but the VTAM viewing access method is not active in the server region. System Action: The conversation is rejected. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBRC9230E Data received from unknown conversation X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received data from the unknown conversation shown in the message. System Action: The conversation is deallocated. User Response: None. FDBRC9231I Issuing HCI Receive Data for user @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing the HCI Receive Data request for the user shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9232E HCI Receive Data for user @@ failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions issued the HCI Receive Data request for the user shown in the message, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The conversation is deallocated. User Response: None. FDBRC9233E CMRCV failed. Secondary RC=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: initialized. The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is being System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9234I Issuing HCI Confirmed for user @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing the Confirmed request for the user shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9235E HCI Confirmed for user @@ failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error 5-62 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions issued the Confirmed request for the user shown in the message, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The conversation is deallocated. User Response: None. FDBRC9236E Incomplete data received for user @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received data for the user shown in the message, but the data was incomplete. System Action: The conversation is deallocated. User Response: None. FDBRC9240E Received Deallocated from unknown conversation X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received Deallocated from the unknown conversation shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9250I Issuing HCI Set Send Type for user @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing the HCI Set Send Type request for the user shown in the message as part of sending data to the user region. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9251E HCI Set Send Type for user @@ failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions issued the HCI Set Send Type request for the user shown in the message as part of sending data to the user region, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The conversation is deallocated. User Response: None FDBRC9253I Issuing HCI Send Data for user @@. Data=@@-@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing the HCI Send Data request for the user shown in the message as part of sending the data shown in the message to the user region. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9254E HCI Send Data for user @@ failed. RC=@@,@ @ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions issued the HCI Send Data request for the user shown in the message as part of sending data to the user region, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: The conversation is deallocated. User Response: None Base Services Error Messages 5-63 FDBRC9260E Received Confirmed from unknown conversation X’@@’ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received Confirmed from the unknown conversation shown in the message. System Action: The conversation is deallocated. User Response: None. FDBRC9261I Received Confirmed for user @@. CID=X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received Confirmed for the user and conversation shown in the message. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9270I Issuing HCI Set Deallocate Type for conversation X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing the HCI Set Deallocate Type request for the conversation shown in the message as part of deallocating a failed conversation. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9271E HCI Set Deallocate Type for conversation X’@@’ failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions issued the HCI Set Deallocate Type request for the conversation shown in the message as part of deallocating a failed conversation, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None FDBRC9272I Issuing HCI Deallocate for conversation X’@@’ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing the HCI Deallocate request for the conversation shown in the message as part of deallocating a failed conversation. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9273E HCI Deallocate for conversation X’@@’ failed. RC=@@,@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions issued the HCI Deallocate request for the conversation shown in the message as part of deallocating a failed conversation, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None FDBRC9303I Exit @@ has been invoked at label @@. Severity: Informational Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is processing a communications request and is logging an exit invoked during this process. This is a debugging message and will be suppressed unless MESSAGES=YES is specified at startup. System Action: Processing continues. 5-64 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: None. FDBRC9311I No @@ vector address for conversation x'@@'. Program @@. Severity: Informational Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is processing a communications request and is attempting to call a vector to perform the required processing. However, no vector was located for this conversation to process the request. This message is for information only. Default action will be taken. This is a debugging message and will be suppressed unless MESSAGES=YES is specified at startup. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC9312W No @@ vector address for conversation x'@@'. Program @@. Severity: Warning Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is processing a communications request and is attempting to call a vector to perform the required processing. However, no vector was located for this conversation to process the request. This message is a warning only. The request will be ignored and processing will continue. This is a debugging message and will be suppressed unless MESSAGES=YES is specified at startup. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC9313E No @@ vector address for conversation x'@@'. Program @@. Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is processing a communications request and is attempting to call a vector to perform the required processing. However, no vector was located for this conversation to process the request. This message should be considered an error. The processing is required, but there is no appropriate default action. The conversation will be terminated. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. FDBRC9314W No processing vector located for CID=x'@@'. Program @@. Severity: Warning Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS has received a new conversation and attempted to locate a vector processing program to process. However, all vector processing programs declined to take responsibility for the conversation. System Action: The conversation will be rejected. A CPI-C (IBM Common Programming Interface-Communications) deallocate request will be sent to the originator of the conversation to cause the conversation to be abended. The most likely cause of this condition is a customer application incorrectly communicating to the Abend-AID for CICS viewing server by mistake by sending data to the wrong VTAM applied. User Response: No action is needed. If desired, determine which application is incorrectly sending data to the Abend-AID for CICS viewing server and correct the situation. FDBRC9315E Exit call @@ gave unexpected r/c @@. Program @@. Severity: Error Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is processing a communications request and is attempting to locate a vector to perform the required processing. However, the exit call gave an unexpected return code, and no vector was located. This message should be considered an error. The processing is required, but there is no appropriate default action. The request will be terminated. A return code '04' may indicate the requested exit is not installed. Check for error and failure messages in the FDBDLOG at region start-up. System Action: Processing continues, although this request is terminated. User Response: None. Base Services Error Messages 5-65 FDBRC9316W No processing vector located for @@ request. Program @@. Severity: Warning Explanation: Abend-AID for CICS is processing a communications request and is attempting to locate a vector to perform the required processing. However, the exit call gave a return code indicating no processing vector was located. This message should be considered an error. The processing is required, but there is no appropriate default action. The request will be terminated. Check for error and failure messages in the FDBDLOG at region start-up. System Action: Processing continues, although this request is terminated. User Response: None. FDBRC9317W Request received for unknown conversation X'@@' Severity: Warning Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions received a request for the unknown conversation shown in the message. System Action: The request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9321I Issuing HCI call @@ for user @@. Program @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions is issuing the HCI request shown for the user shown in the message. Possible calls include CMEMN Extract Mode Name System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9322E HCI call @@ for user @@ failed. RC=@@,@@. Program @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HCI communications functions issued the HCI request shown for the user shown in the message, but the request failed with the return codes shown in the message. Possible calls include CMEMN Extract Mode Name System Action: The conversation is deallocated. User Response: None. FDBRC9401I HTTP processing task initialization in progress Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that provides routing and gateway functions for incoming and outgoing HTTP transactions is being initialized. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9410I Issuing Wait for an event Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is entering a wait state. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9412E HTTP Wait for an event returned an unrecognized request @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions entered and returned from a wait state, but the request received was not recognized. The request code returned is shown in the message. Additional information is returned in messages RC9413, RC9414, and RC9415 5-66 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The request is discarded, and processing continues. If there are no other requests, the HTTP server enters another WAIT state. User Response: None. FDBRC9413I HTTP request: LUI at @@, HTTR at @@, code @@, flag @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions entered and returned from a wait state, but the request received was not recognized. Message RC9412 was previously issued. This message is to provide additional information. System Action: The request is discarded, and processing continues. If there are no other requests, the HTTP server enters another WAIT state. User Response: None. FDBRC9414I HTTP request: error code @@(@@), HTML page @@(@@) Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions entered and returned from a wait state, but the request received was not recognized. Message RC9412 was previously issued. This message is to provide additional information. System Action: The request is discarded, and processing continues. If there are no other requests, the HTTP server enters another WAIT state. User Response: None. FDBRC9415I HTTP request: data len @@, data: @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions entered and returned from a wait state, but the request received was not recognized. Message RC9412 was previously issued. This message is to provide additional information. System Action: The request is discarded, and processing continues. If there are no other requests, the HTTP server enters another WAIT state. User Response: None. FDBRC9416I HTTP request has missing data (@@). Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is processing a request. The inbound data is being parsed for the specific content stated in the message but it was not found. Examples of possible errors include: CRLF - Initial line The subtask is trying to process the initial request line and is looking for a CRLF (or just LF) string, but the string did not exist. System Action: The request is discarded, and processing continues. If there are no other requests, the HTTP server enters another WAIT state. User Response: None. FDBRC9417W HTML keyword (@@) discarded. HTTP is @@, requires @@. Severity: Warning Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is extracting keywords and their values from the input buffer. The stated keyword has been discard because it requires a level of HTTP higher than the actual version shown in the message. System Action: The keyword is discarded, and processing continues with the remaining data in the input buffer. User Response: None. FDBRC9418W HTML keyword (@@) discarded due to excessive data (@@). Severity: Warning Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is extracting keywords and their values from the input buffer. The stated keyword has been discard because an Base Services Error Messages 5-67 excessive amount of data has been supplied. The keyword and data length is shown in the message. System Action: The keyword is discarded, and processing continues with the remaining data in the input buffer. User Response: None. FDBRC9419I HTTP request bad length (@@) for length (@@) of chunked data Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is attempting the locate the data length for the chunked data following. The length of the field which contains the length of the following chunked data is invalid. The length of the length field, and the first 8 bytes of the length field are shown. System Action: Processing continues. The HTTP server attempts to read the following data using the CF/LF as the delimiter to determine the data length. User Response: None. FDBRC9420I HTTP line length (@@) exceeds limit (@@) - truncated Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is attempting to locate the end of the line of data just input. The actual data length is longer than the supported maximum, so the data is being truncated. System Action: Processing continues. The HTTP server truncates the data for processing. User Response: None. FDBRC9421W HTTP Remaining length (@@) is negative. Originally expected (@@) Severity: Warning Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is counting the data bytes received to verify all expected data is received. The total number of bytes expected is shown in the message. However, the number of bytes received exceeds the expected amount, and the remaining number of bytes to be input is now negative. System Action: message. Processing continues. The HTTP server will not input any more data for this User Response: None. FDBRC9422E HTTP The HTTQ at (@@) has zero lui pointer. Program @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is attempting to queue an HTTP Queue Data request block to the corresponding HTTP Request Queue, but is unable to do so. The pointer to the LUI control block is zero, so we are unable to locate the corresponding HTTP Request Queue. System Action: The current request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9423E HTTP Conversation @@ for HTTQ at (@@) has no HTTR. Program @@. Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is attempting to queue an HTTP Queue Data request block to the corresponding HTTP Request Queue, but is unable to do so. No HTTQ Request Queue (HTTR) was found for the listed conversation. System Action: The current request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9424E CB mismatch. HTTQ (@@) lui (@@) conv (@@) lui (@@). Program @@ Severity: Error 5-68 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is attempting to queue an HTTP Queue Data request block to the corresponding HTTP Request Queue, but is unable to do so. The HTTQ Request Queue (HTTR) which was found for the listed conversation pointed to the wrong lui. System Action: The current request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9425E Unable to locate HTTR application for @@ (@@). Program @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is attempting to queue an HTTP Queue Data request block to the corresponding application to be processed. However, it is unable to locate the registered application for the identified shown. System Action: The current request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9426E HTTQ queue request to application @@ failed (@@). Program @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is attempting to queue an HTTP Queue Data request block to the corresponding application to be processed. However, a bad return code was returned for that request. System Action: The current request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9427E Getmain for @@ bytes for @@ failed r/c=@@. Program @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A conditional getmain as shown in the message failed with the indicated return code. System Action: The current request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9428E Facility @@ for @@ failed r/c=@@. Program @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An internal Abend-AID for CICS facility as shown in the message failed with the indicated return code. System Action: The current request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9429E Facility @@ for @@ failed r/c=@@. Program @@ Severity: Error Explanation: An internal Abend-AID for CICS facility as shown in the message failed with the indicated return code. System Action: The current request is rejected. User Response: None. FDBRC9430S Unknown reject code @@ (@@). Will use @@ (@@). Program @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The subtask that performs all HTTP gateway functions is attempting to process a REJECT request from the Web IUR, but the reject code received is not recognized. A default value will be used instead. This code should be reported to Compuware to the correct action can be determined and added to the product. System Action: The current request is rejected using the default value specified. User Response: Report this situation to Compuware Technical Support. Base Services Error Messages 5-69 FDBRC9801E Invalid DBUG function @@ requested Severity: Error Explanation: The user entered an invalid debugger command. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The request is ignored. User Response: Correct command and reenter. FDBRC9802I @@ FOR @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: System debugging only. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9803E Request function @@ ignored. System debug is not active. Severity: Error Explanation: You have requested a debugging display. However, the system was unable to detect an active debugging session. System Action: The request is ignored. User Response: Initiate a debugging session before requesting the system to process a debugger request. FDBRC9804E @@ table contains no entries Severity: Error Explanation: You have requested the display for a table that contains zero entries. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The request is ignored. User Response: Select a table with entries. FDBRC9805E Invalid line command entered, @@ Severity: Error Explanation: You have entered an invalid debug line command. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The request is ignored. User Response: Enter a valid line command. FDBRC9806E @@ @@ Severity: Error Explanation: This is a debugging message showing information valuable in diagnosing a problem in the product. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBRC9810E Invalid @@ specified - ignored Severity: Error Explanation: The specified field was invalid as entered. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The change for that field is ignored. User Response: Correct and reenter. FDBRC9890E Request storage address @@ is invalid Severity: Error 5-70 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: The storage address specified is not a valid address. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The server storage request is ignored. User Response: Correct address and reenter. FDBRC9891I Last valid address retrieved was @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The system attempted to retrieve 4k of server storage from the specified address. However, a page break was encountered, and the next storage page is not allocated. The address shown in the message is the last address that was retrieved. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: None User Response: None FDBRC9892E Requested storage address @@ is not available in the server region Severity: Error Explanation: The address you specified is not currently allocated in the server region. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: Specify a valid server storage address and retry. FDBRC9997E Requested function set invalid send data length @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The server attempted to send the data returned for your request. However, the length of the data to send (set by the function) is invalid. Data length must be from 0-32640. System Action: The current function is terminated. User Response: Retry the failing function. If the failure recurs, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0002E Invalid command entered Severity: Error Explanation: The command entered is not recognized. Either: 1. You entered an invalid command. 2. You entered a fast-path command that is not valid for the currently selected application. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed with the invalid command in the command field. User Response: Examine the command you entered for misspellings, and so on. Ensure that the command is available for the currently selected application. Correct the command and press Enter. If you need further assistance, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0003E Command entered is not active Severity: Error Explanation: A command was entered or a menu option was selected, but the function requested is not active for the current screen or server. This is because the only commands available are the ones required to navigate this screen (FORWARD, BACKWARD, etc.). If you wish to view a dump or report, you must exit this session via PF3 and reenter through the XPEDITER/CICS 7.1 screen. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure the command or menu option is required for navigation of this screen. If you need further assistance, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0009E HEXD function is not valid for this field Severity: Error Base Services Error Messages 5-71 Explanation: The cursor is not positioned in a non-blank field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. For more information on the HEXD function and the fields on which it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0010E DSECT function is not valid for this field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is not positioned in a non-blank field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. For more information on the DSECT function and the fields on which it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0011E LINK function is not valid for this field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is not positioned in a non-blank field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. For more information on the LINK function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0012E Command entered is not active Severity: Error Explanation: A command was entered or a menu option was selected, but the function requested is not active for the current screen or server. This may be the result of, for example, entering a scroll command (RIGHT, LEFT, etc.) on a non-scrollable screen, entering a fast-path command prior to completing server logon information, or entering a profile related command (PROFILE, KEYS, etc.) from a server for which customization has not been completed. System Action: The current menu or screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure the command or menu option is available for the currently displayed screen or active server. If you need further assistance, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0013E User is not authorized to use command entered Severity: Error Explanation: A command was entered or a menu option was selected, but the function requested is not available because the user was not authorized to use that function at the time he logged onto the application. System Action: The current menu or screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure the required access is provided to the user, and then logoff and log onto the application again and retry. For example, if the requested function is ‘CUSTOM’, READ access to the resource prefix.SERVER.LOGON.IC.servername is required. If you need further assistance, refer to the “External Security Considerations” chapter in the Abend-AID for CICS installation guide. FDBSI0014E WHO function is not valid for this field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is not positioned in a non-blank field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. 5-72 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. For more information on the WHO function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0015E No DSECT support available for this field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is positioned in a field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry, but the area referred to by the field is not supported by the DSECT function. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located on a field supported by the DSECT function. For more information on the DSECT function and on which fields it is supported, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0016E WHERE function is not valid for this field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is not positioned in a non-blank field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. For more information on the WHERE function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0017E MATCH function is not valid for this field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is not positioned in a non-blank field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that contains an address, symbol name, or table entry. For more information on the MATCH function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0020E For this function, the cursor must be positioned in scrollable area Severity: Error Explanation: The function you requested requires the cursor to be positioned in the scrollable portion of the screen. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in the scrollable part of the screen. For more information, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0022E Required command operand(s) missing Severity: Error Explanation: The fast-path command you entered requires one or more parameters. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the correct parameters for the command are entered. For more information on which parameters are required for the fast-path command, type HELP command in the command line. FDBSI0025E Command operand(s) not recognized Severity: Error Explanation: parameters. The fast-path command you entered contains one or more unrecognized System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. Base Services Error Messages 5-73 User Response: Ensure that the correct parameters for the command are entered. For more information on which parameters are required for any fast-path command, refer to the AbendAID for CICS online help. FDBSI0031E HEXD function is not valid for blank field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is positioned in a field that normally allows you to request hexadecimal display. However, because the field is blank, hexadecimal display is not available. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that is not blank. For more information on the HEXD function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0032E DSECT function is not valid for blank field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is positioned in a field that normally allows you to request DSECT Display. However, because the field is blank, DSECT Display is not available. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that is not blank. For more information on the DSECT function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0033E LINK function is not valid for blank field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is positioned in a field that normally allows you to request LINK Display. However, because the field is blank, LINK Display is not available. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that is not blank. For more information on the LINK function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0034E WHO function is not valid for blank field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is positioned in a field that normally allows you to request WHO Display. However, because the field is blank, WHO Display is not available. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that is not blank. For more information on the WHO function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0035E WHERE function is not valid for blank field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is positioned in a field that normally allows you to request WHERE Display. However, because the field is blank, WHERE Display is not available. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that is not blank. For more information on the WHERE function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0036E MATCH function is not valid for blank field Severity: Error Explanation: The cursor is positioned in a field that normally allows you to request MATCH display. However, because the field is blank, MATCH display is not available. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. 5-74 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Ensure that the cursor is located in a field that is not blank. For more information on the MATCH function and on which fields it is valid, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI0049E Invalid scroll amount Severity: Error Explanation: The scroll amount you entered is not a valid scroll amount. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed with the invalid scroll amount in the scroll amount field. User Response: Correct the scroll amount and press Enter. FDBSI0050E Invalid screen name specified Severity: Error Explanation: The screen requested could not be retrieved from the product load library. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0051E Invalid menu name specified Severity: Error Explanation: The menu requested could not be retrieved from the product load library. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0054E Menu option selected has an invalid command Severity: Error Explanation: The menu option you requested could not be processed because the option contained an invalid command. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0061E This command is only valid on a hex data type field Severity: Error Explanation: This type of command can only be used on a hexadecimal data type field. This command requires the cursor to be placed on the hexadecimal data to be operated on. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: Place the cursor on a hexadecimal data type field and retry the request. FDBSI0103E Received unsupported control data from server Severity: Error Explanation: The server returned a session control request. However, the type of request returned is not supported. This could be the result of differing software levels in the server and viewing access method. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: If the problem is not due to different software levels, examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. Base Services Error Messages 5-75 FDBSI0104E Invalid data type returned by server Severity: Error Explanation: The server returned data that is not supported by the level of software running in the viewing access method. This could also be caused by a communications failure between the server and viewing access method. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: If the problem is not due to different software levels, review the server region output to see if it detected an error that could not be reported. If the problem still can’t be isolated, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0150E Error retrieving definition for menu @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The menu you requested could not be retrieved from the server region. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0152E Error retrieving definition for screen @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The screen you requested could not be retrieved from the server region. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0153E Screen specified by server is not supported by this level of software Severity: Error Explanation: The screen that was requested is of a type that is not supported by your level of viewing access method software. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Upgrade the viewing access method software to the same level as the server. Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0154E Too many locked columns to scroll RIGHT Severity: Error Explanation: A scroll RIGHT command was entered, but the command could not be honored because there are too many locked columns to make any of the data to the right of the locked columns visible. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0301E Requested verb @@ is not recognized Severity: Error Explanation: The verb requested could not be located in the internal table of verbs. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. 5-76 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBSI0303E Verb @@ requested unavailable module @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The verb shown in the message required a module that could not be loaded from any of the product load libraries, link list libraries, or from LPA. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Examine the output from any batch installation or link-edit jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI0311E Help is not available Severity: Error Explanation: Help for the requested screen, field, message, or command is not available. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: None. FDBSI0312E Assist is not available for this screen or field. Severity: Error Explanation: Assist for the requested screen or field is not available. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: None. FDBSI0321I User @@-@@, Term @@, Screen @@, Program @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is issued in response to the CHDR primary command. The message shows the user’s external user ID and current session number, the user’s terminal ID, the name of the screen which is currently displayed, and the name of the program in the server region which initiated the display. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI0401E Invalid IURDBUG function requested Severity: Error Explanation: The user entered an invalid debugging command. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Correct the command and retry the request. FDBSI0410E Requested storage address is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The storage address specified for the storage display is not a valid address. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Correct the command and retry the request. FDBSI0412E Requested storage address is not available in the viewing access method Severity: Error Explanation: The storage address specified for the storage display either is not allocated in the viewing access region or is otherwise inaccessible to a key 8, problem state program. This message is for system debugging only. System Action: The request is canceled. Base Services Error Messages User Response: 5-77 Specify a valid storage address and retry the request. FDBSI0901E Browse/edit data is only supported from ISPF Severity: Error Explanation: The command or menu option selected returned browse or edit data to the viewing environment. However, browse and edit data is only supported when using the ISPF viewing facility. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Retry the request from the ISPF viewing access facility. FDBSI0903E Invalid line command entered Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered at the current cursor location must be a valid line command. System Action: The screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value and retry the request. FDBSI0905E Invalid field data entered Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered at the current cursor location is invalid. System Action: The screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value and retry the request. FDBSI1000I Chars ’@@’ found Severity: Informational Explanation: The FIND command located the requested character string. The cursor is located on the data that was found. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI1001E FIND command is not supported on this screen Severity: Error Explanation: The FIND command is only supported on scrollable screens. System Action: The FIND or RFIND request is ignored. User Response: None. FDBSI1002E Incomplete quoted string specified Severity: Error Explanation: A single or double quote was found as the first character of a FIND string, but a matching ending quote or double quote was not found. System Action: The FIND or RFIND request is ignored. User Response: Reenter the FIND command with a valid string. FDBSI1003E Inconsistent FIND options specified Severity: Error Explanation: More than one FIND option (FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREV) was specified. Only one of these options may be specified. If you want to find a string that contains one of the options, use quotation marks around the string. System Action: The FIND or RFIND request is ignored. User Response: Correct the FIND command and retry. 5-78 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBSI1004E No previous search string specified Severity: Error Explanation: specified. You specified either RFIND or “FIND *”. However, no prior search string was System Action: The FIND or RFIND request is ignored. User Response: Enter FIND with a search string. FDBSI1005E Search string exceeds maximum of 32 characters Severity: Error Explanation: The FIND command supports a maximum search string length of 32 characters. The string specified exceeded the maximum. System Action: The FIND or RFIND request is ignored. User Response: characters. Retry the FIND command with a search string that is not longer than 32 FDBSI1006E No search string specified for FIND Severity: Error Explanation: You must specify a string for the FIND command to search for. This can be a single word without blanks or a quoted string which can contain blanks. For example: FIND ACT searches for the string “ACT”. FIND ‘NOT ACT’ searches for the string “NOT ACT”. Note that double quotes can be used in place of single quotes if the quoted string contains a single quote. The FIND command treats uppercase and lowercase characters as the same. System Action: The FIND request is ignored. User Response: Correct the FIND command and retry. FDBSI1007E Multiple search strings specified for FIND Severity: Error Explanation: You can only specify one string for FIND to search for. If you want to find a string which contains blanks, you must use a quoted string. System Action: The FIND request is ignored. User Response: Correct the search string and retry. FDBSI1008E No visible entries to search Severity: Error Explanation: You specified either the FIND or RFIND command but there are no visible scrollable entries to search. System Action: The FIND or RFIND request is ignored. User Response: Adjust the split screen position so that at least one scrollable entry is visible and retry the request. FDBSI1050I No Chars ’@@’ Found Severity: Informational Explanation: In response to the FIND or RFIND command, the displayable data was searched for the requested string, but was not found. System Action: None. User Response: Enter a different FIND command. FDBSI1051I Bottom of Data Reached Severity: Informational Explanation: In response to the FIND or RFIND command, the bottom of the displayable data was reached in searching for the requested string. Base Services Error Messages System Action: 5-79 None. User Response: Either enter the RFIND command to continue searching from the top of the displayable data or enter a different FIND command. FDBSI1052I Top of Data Reached Severity: Informational Explanation: In response to the FIND or RFIND command, the top of the displayable data was reached in searching for the requested string. System Action: None. User Response: Either enter the RFIND command to continue searching from the bottom of the displayable data or enter a different FIND command. FDBSI1099I @@ entries searched. Enter RFIND command to continue Severity: Informational Explanation: In response to the FIND or RFIND command, the maximum number of table entries to search was reached in searching for the requested string. System Action: None. User Response: Either enter the RFIND command to continue the search or enter a different FIND command. FDBSI1100I Screen contents printed Severity: Informational Explanation: The screen contents were printed using the physical screen dimensions. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI1102I Logical screen contents printed Severity: Informational Explanation: The screen contents were printed using the screen dimensions (page width and length) specified in your user profile. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI1108I Report @@ is not defined Severity: Informational Explanation: A request to print a predefined report specified an invalid report name. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Correct the report name and retry the request. FDBSI1110I Print dataset deleted Severity: Informational Explanation: One or more physical or logical screen prints were requested during the current session. The print dataset containing the screen print images was deleted, either because the user session terminated and the user profile print options specified a disposition of delete for the print dataset, or because the user specifically requested that the dataset be deleted using the Print Options and Initiation display (see the LIST command). System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI1112I Print dataset @@ kept Severity: Informational 5-80 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: One or more physical or logical screen prints were requested during the current session. The print dataset containing the screen print images was kept, either because the user session terminated and the user profile print options specified a disposition of keep for the print dataset, or because the user specifically requested that the dataset be kept using the Print Options and Initiation display (see the LIST command). System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI1114I Print dataset will be printed and deleted Severity: Informational Explanation: One or more physical or logical screen prints were requested during the current session. A batch job stream was submitted to print and delete the print dataset containing the screen print images, either because the user session terminated and the user profile print options specified a disposition of print and delete for the print dataset, or because the user specifically requested that the dataset be printed and deleted using the Print Options and Initiation display (see the LIST command). System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI1120E Error allocating reader file. DYNALLOC RC=@@. Error=@@. Info=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: One or more physical or logical screen prints were requested during the current session. An attempt was made to allocate an internal reader dataset in order to submit a batch job stream to print and delete the print dataset containing the screen print images. The allocation request failed with the dynamic allocation return code, error code, and info code shown in the message. System Action: The attempt to print and delete the print dataset is canceled, the print dataset is kept, and a new print dataset will be allocated for subsequent print requests. User Response: Determine the cause of the allocation error and correct it. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI1122E Error allocating print file. DYNALLOC RC=@@. Error=@@. Info=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A physical or logical screen print was requested and an attempt was made to allocate a print dataset. The allocation request failed with the dynamic allocation return code, error code, and info code shown in the message. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Determine the cause of the allocation error and correct it. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI1124E Insufficient authority to create print dataset. RC=@@-@@-@@-@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A physical or logical screen print was requested and an attempt was made to allocate a print dataset. However, insufficient authority exists to allocate the print dataset. The values shown in the message indicate the SAF router return code, SAF router reason code, RACF return code, and RACF reason code, respectively. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact the person responsible for security at your site and ensure that sufficient authority exists to create the dataset. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI1125E Error writing to the print dataset. System return code-@@ Severity: Error Explanation: displayed. An error occurred writing to the print dataset. The system completion code is Base Services Error Messages System Action: The print request is incomplete. User Response: Investigate the cause of the problem. 5-81 FDBSI1130E A print dataset is not allocated Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to print and delete, delete, or keep a print dataset. However, a print dataset is not active for the current session. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: None. FDBSI1140E Command to print is not recognized Severity: Error Explanation: The command entered for the PRINT command is not recognized. Either: 1. You entered an invalid command. 2. You entered a fast-path command that is not valid for the type of dump you currently have selected. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed with the invalid command in the command field. User Response: Examine the command you entered for misspellings, and so on. Make sure the command is available for the type of dump currently selected. Correct the command and press Enter. If you need further assistance, refer to the Abend-AID for CICS online help. FDBSI1150I Report written to temporary report file Severity: Informational Explanation: The requested report was written to the temporary print dataset until you print the contents of the dataset from the Print Options and Initiation screen or log off. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI1160E Unable to print report Index, @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Program FDBMPIDX has been invoked to display the index for a printed report, but a required control block cannot be found. The message indicates the control block in question. It may be the LUI, ICT, or LCT. System Action: The index is not printed. User Response: None. FDBSI1201E Help is not available Severity: Error Explanation: Help for the requested screen, field, message, or command is not available. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: None. FDBSI1205E Help is not available for unrecognized command @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Help was requested for the command shown in the message, but the command name is not recognized. Either: 1. You entered an invalid command. 2. You entered a fast-path command that is not valid for the currently selected application. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Examine the command name entered for misspellings, and so on. Ensure that the command is available for the currently selected dump. Correct the command name and retry the request. To display a list of commands, enter: HELP COMMANDS. To display help for the HELP command, enter: HELP HELP 5-82 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBSI1210E Help is not available for unrecognized message @@ Severity: Error Explanation: Help was requested for the message ID shown in the message, but the message ID is not recognized. Either: 1. You entered an invalid message ID. 2. You entered a message ID that is not valid for the currently selected application. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Examine the message ID entered for misspellings, and so on. Ensure that the message is available for the currently selected application. Correct the message ID and retry the request. FDBSI1220E Userid is invalid or not specified Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the user ID is invalid. The user ID is a one- to eightcharacter field. The first character is required to be alphabetic or national (A-Z, #, $, @). The remaining characters may be alphanumeric or national (A-Z, 0-9, #, $, @). System Action: The Server Logon screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBSI1221E Password is invalid or not specified Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the password is invalid. The password is one to eight alphanumeric or national characters (A-Z, 0-9, #, $, @). Any combination of these characters can be used in your password. Your password will not be visible on your terminal during logon. System Action: The Server Logon screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBSI1222E New password is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The value entered for the new password is invalid. The new password is one to eight alphanumeric or national characters (A-Z, 0-9, #, $, @). Any combination of these characters can be used in your password. Your new password will not be visible on your terminal during logon. System Action: The Server Logon screen is redisplayed. User Response: Correct the value entered and retry the request. FDBSI1301W SORT command column identifier is not unique Severity: Warning Explanation: The SORT command was entered with the column identifier of the column to base the sort upon. However, the identifier specified is not unique. System Action: The Sort Column Selection screen is displayed. User Response: Select the appropriate column from the Sort Column Selection screen. FDBSI1303E SORT command column identifier is not recognized Severity: Error Explanation: The SORT command was entered with the column identifier of the column to base the sort upon. However, the identifier specified is not recognized. System Action: The Sort Column Selection screen is displayed. User Response: Select the appropriate column from the Sort Column Selection screen. FDBSI1305E SORT command column identifier is not allowed Severity: Error Base Services Error Messages 5-83 Explanation: The SORT command was entered with the column identifier of the column to base the sort upon. However, the column specified is not sortable. System Action: The Sort Column Selection screen is displayed. User Response: Select the appropriate column from the Sort Column Selection screen. FDBSI2151E Invalid command entered Severity: Error Explanation: The command entered is not recognized. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed with the invalid command in the command field. User Response: Examine the command you entered for misspellings and so on. Correct the command and retry the request. FDBSI2452E Requested server (@@) is not active Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select a server from the ISPF server selection panel, but either the requested server is not active or the HCI subsystem used to communicate with the requested server is not active. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that both the requested server and the HCI subsystem used to communicate with the server are active and retry the request. FDBSI2453E Server (@@) is not defined Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select a server from the ISPF server selection panel, but the requested server is not defined in this installation of the product. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Select a server from the list of servers provided and retry the request. FDBSI2456E Communications to server lost. Session terminated Severity: Error Explanation: The conversation with the server was deallocated, probably because either the server itself terminated or the HCI subsystem used to communicate with the server has terminated. System Action: None. User Response: Reestablish the session with the server. FDBSI2459W Requested language not supported. Defaulted to English Severity: Warning Explanation: The language of the ISPF session is not supported. System Action: The default language of English is used for the session. User Response: None. FDBSI2461E A session is already active Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt was made to select the product from an ISPF menu but the application is already active. Concurrent sessions under stacked ISPF sessions are not supported. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Either use ISPF split screen to initiate another session or exit the stacked ISPF session to return to the existing session. 5-84 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes FDBSI2501E Insufficient authority to access customization dataset Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select the product from an ISPF menu, but the requestor is not authorized to access the customization dataset. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact the site security administrator to obtain the required authorization to access the customization dataset. FDBSI2502E Error allocating customization dataset Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select the product from an ISPF menu, but an error occurred allocating the customization dataset. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the customization dataset is cataloged and available on DASD and retry the request. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI2503E Error opening customization dataset Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select the product from an ISPF menu, but an error occurred opening the customization dataset. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the customization dataset is cataloged and available on DASD and retry the request. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI2504E Error reading customization dataset Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select the product from an ISPF menu, but an error occurred reading the customization dataset. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the customization dataset is cataloged and available on DASD and retry the request. If the problem persists, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI2505E No Abend-AID for CICS servers have been configured Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select Abend-AID for CICS from an ISPF menu, but no servers have been configured in the customization dataset. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that there is at least one Abend-AID for CICS server configured on your system and retry the request. Refer to the Abend-AID for CICS Installation and Customization Guide. FDBSI2506E Server @@ has not been configured for communications Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select a server from the ISPF server selection panel, but the server has not been configured for ISPF communications. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Review the MVS_SUBSYSTEM server configuration parameter to ensure that communications are configured. FDBSI2601E No active Abend-AID for CICS servers Severity: Error Base Services Error Messages 5-85 Explanation: A request was made to select Abend-AID for CICS from an ISPF menu, but there are no active servers. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: request. Ensure that there is an active Abend-AID for CICS server and retry the FDBSI2603E Product customization dataset is not available Severity: Error Explanation: A request was made to select the product from an ISPF menu, but the product customization dataset is not available. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the customization dataset is cataloged and available on DASD and retry the request. FDBSI5001E Invalid menu option or command not valid for current application Severity: Error Explanation: The menu option or command you entered is not valid. Either: 1. You entered an option that is not present on the current menu. 2. You entered a fast-path command that is not valid for the application you currently have selected. System Action: The current screen is redisplayed. User Response: Check the menu option or command you entered to verify that it is correct. Make sure the command is available for the application currently selected. If the command was entered correctly, examine the output from any batch installation jobs to see if any errors occurred. If any errors did occur, correct them and restart the server. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI5100E FDBMSYSD Error retrieving screen @@. GDEF R/C=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to retrieve the indicated screen definition has resulted in an error. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSI5200I @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message showing information valuable in diagnosing a problem in the product. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI5201I @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message showing information valuable in diagnosing a problem in the product. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSI9010E Output transaction buffer size is insufficient. Data is truncated Severity: Error Explanation: transaction. More data is available than will fit in the output buffer defined for the System Action: displayed. The output transaction buffer is filled and any remaining data will not be 5-86 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSS0001I @@ in progress for subsystem @@} Severity: Informational Explanation: The subsystem startup/shutdown controller program is processing your request. This message confirms the function requested, and the name of the subsystem being manipulated. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSS0002I Requested subsystem @@ is already active Explanation: You requested startup for a subsystem that is already active. System Action: The system continues processing to determine if there is new or enhanced versions of any of the subsystem modules available in the STEPLIB library. User Response: None. FDBSS0003I Checking for updated components Severity: Informational Explanation: This message is a continuation of SS0002. It explains that the subsystem is looking for updated subsystem components. If any updated components are found, the system will load them and replace the existing components with the updated function. System Action: None. User Response: None. FDBSS0004E Subsystem name @@ is already in use by another subsystem Severity: Error Explanation: You requested startup for a subsystem that is already active. In addition, the existing subsystem is not a Compuware subsystem. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Choose an unused subsystem name to be used for this subsystem, and resubmit the startup job. FDBSS0005I Subsystem @@ is not active Severity: Error Explanation: You requested a function (Stop or Forced Stop) that requires the subsystem to be active. The subsystem named in the message is not active. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Ensure that the subsystem name specified is correct, and that the subsystem is active, then re-submit the job. System Action: Processing terminates. FDBSS0006E Invalid function requested Severity: Error Explanation: The function requested (first four characters of the parm field) is not a recognized request type. Valid functions are: INIT-Start the subsystem, STOP-Stop the subsystem, and FORC-Forced stop of the subsystem. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Ensure that the parm field contains a supported function code, and re-submit the job. FDBSS0007E Subsystem @@ is not a Compuware common subsystem Severity: Error Base Services Error Messages 5-87 Explanation: You requested the forced termination of the subsystem shown in the message, but one or more fields in the SSCT and/or the SSCA are not valid for a Compuware Common subsystem. System Action: Processing ends. User Response: the job. Correct the job to specify a Compuware Common subsystem, and re-submit FDBSS0010E Unable to obtain @@ storage for @@ @@ terminated Severity: Error Explanation: The subsystem management functions attempted to obtain storage. The request for storage failed. The area where the storage was requested, and the control block that was in the process of being allocated are shown in message. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Examine the job output, and/or MVS monitoring facilities to determine why the job was unable to obtain the storage needed. Correct and resubmit the job. FDBSS0011C All other checks ok, but eye-catcher for SSCA is incorrect Severity: Critical Explanation: An attempt is being made to reuse a subsystem entry from the SSCT. The SSCT entry has a valid SSVT pointer, but the SSCA eye-catcher (which precedes the SSVT) does not contain the required characters. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Determine how the SSCA eye-catcher was corrupted, or change the subsystem name to a value not used by another type of subsystem, and re-submit the job. FDBSS0012E Unable to load module FDBASSCA-SSCA/SSVT init constants Severity: Error Explanation: The subsystem initialization routine tried to load the SSCA initialization constants module. The load failed. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Review the JES message log for any Contents Supervisor (CSV) error messages that might have been issued. Correct any problems found, and re-submit the job. FDBSS0013E Unable to load module @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The subsystem initialization routine tried to load the module shown in the message. The load failed. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Review the JES message log for any Contents Supervisor (CSV) error messages that might have been issued. Correct any problems found, and re-submit the job. FDBSS0800S Abend @@ occurred in subsystem @@ @@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The named subsystem experienced an abend during the processing listed. The abend code is also listed. This message is the first in a series of messages. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Review the JES message log for any Contents Supervisor (CSV) error messages that might have been issued. Refer to subsequent messages for additional information and contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSS0801I PSW at entry to abend @@ ILC @@ INTC @@ Severity: Informational 5-88 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes Explanation: This message lists the PSW at entry to the abend listed in the previous FDBSS0800S message. This message is the second in a series of messages. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Review the JES message log for any Contents Supervisor (CSV) error messages that might have been issued. Refer to subsequent messages for additional information and contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSS0802I GPR @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message lists four of sixteen general purpose registers at the time of the abend, and repeats four times. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Review the JES message log for any Contents Supervisor (CSV) error messages that might have been issued. Refer to subsequent messages for additional information and contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBSS0805I SDWA +@@ : @@ @@ @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message lists the contents of the System Diagnostic Work Area. This message repeats 21 times and is the last in a series of messages. System Action: Processing terminates. User Response: Review the JES message log for any Contents Supervisor (CSV) error messages that might have been issued. Refer to subsequent messages for additional information and contact Compuware Technical Support. FDBVP1001E Parameter value for VTAM_IUR must be Y, YES, N, or NO Severity: Error Explanation: The VTAM IUR server option must be Y, N, or NO. As an alternative, the keyword may be specified by itself (same as specifying YES), or a null value may be specified (same as specifying NO). System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. 6-1 Chapter 6. Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages 6 Chap 6 This chapter explains the return codes and messages issued by CMSC. MSCSC0040S Error obtaining storage for the @@ control block. RC=X'@@'. PGM=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to obtain storage for the control block shown in the message. The request for storage failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: If this error occurs during the initialization of the Mainframe Service Controller, the Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. Otherwise, processing continues. User Response: Ensure that adequate storage is available for the CMSC. MSCSC0041S Error locating storage for the @@ control block. RC=X'@@'. PGM=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to locate the control block shown in the message. The locate for this control block failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: If this error occurs during the initialization of the Mainframe Service Controller, the Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. Otherwise, processing continues. User Response: This error is probably caused by a previous problem. Examine the FDBDLOG for any earlier errors. MSCSC0042E HCI procedure @@ not defined to the CMSC Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted t locate a procedure that is not defined in the Mainframe Service Controll startup parameter. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: member. Specify the HCI procedure name in the HCI_PR of the CMSC parameter MSCSC0043S Internal Error. Unable to locate Address Space Manager Severity: Severe Explanation: The CMSC attempted to locate the Address Space Manager Task to issue a request. CMSC was unable to locate the Address Space Manger task. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC0050E STARTHCI command: HCI procedure name missing Severity: Error Explanation: A HCI procedure name is required on the STARTHCI command. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: Specify an HCI procedure name on the STARTHCI command. 6-2 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes MSCSC0051E Unable to start HCI procedure @@. Maximum HCIs reached. Severity: Error Explanation: The procedure name shown in the message could not be started. The maximum number of HCIs controlled by the CMSC has been reached. System Action: The request is terminated. User Response: If the HCI to be started is replacing an existing HCI, replace the HCI_PROCn startup parameter with name of the new HCI procedure. MSCSC0101S Internal error issuing authorized services request. RC=X'@@'. PGM=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller issued an authorized services request. An internal error occurred while attempting to process the request. System Action: If this error occurs during the initialization of the Mainframe Service Controller, the Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. Otherwise, processing continues. User Response: Verify that all required modules are in the CMSC authorized library, and that the correct authorized library is in the STEPLIB DD concatenation. MSCSC0111S PARMLIB Service initialization failed RC=X'@@'. PGM=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to intialize the PARMLIB service. Initialization failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Check the FDBDLOG for any error messages associated with PARMLIB intialization, and take the user action recommended by the message(s). MSCSC0115I Refreshing PARMLIB member @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: refreshed. The in-storage copy of the PARMLIB member shown in the message is being System Action: The Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0116I Refreshing all PARMLIB members Severity: Informational Explanation: The in-storage copy of all PARMLIB members is being refreshed. System Action: The Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0117E Error in PARMLIB data set list service. R/C=@@. Module=@@. Severity: Error Explanation: The PARMLIB data set list service module was called to initialize the list of Compuware parameter library data sets. The service failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: The CMSC initialization terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC0118E Error in PARMLIB member list service. R/C=@@. Module=@@. Severity: Error Explanation: The PARMLIB member list service module was called to initialize or refresh the list of Compuware parameter members. The service failed with the return code shown in the message. Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages System Action: The CMSC initialization terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. 6-3 MSCSC0120I PARMLIB member refresh complete Severity: Informational Explanation: The in-storage copy of PARMLIB has been refreshed as requested. System Action: The Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0121I Releasing old PARMLIB member list Severity: Informational Explanation: The old in-storage copy of PARMLIB members is being released in order to reclaim storage. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0122E Error releasing PARMLIB member storage. R/C=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: A request to release the in-storage copy of PARMLIB members has failed. The return code from the request is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC0123I PARMLIB service stopped Severity: Informational Explanation: The PARMLIB service has been successfully stopped. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0124E Invalid PARMLIB command option specified Severity: Error Explanation: An invalid option was specified for the PARMLIB command. Valid options are REFRESH and STOP. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Specify one of the valid PARMLIB command options. MSCSC0126E PARM entry pointer is zeros Severity: Error Explanation: paramaters. This is an informational message indicating the an error during processi input System Action: The CMSC will be terminated User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC0127E IBM service module @@ LOAD failed. RC=X Severity: '@@'. RSN=@@ Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service attempted to load the module shown in the message. The LOAD failed with the return code and reason code shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the module shown in the message is available in the STEPLIB DD concatenation or LINKLIST 6-4 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes MSCSC0128C Load failed for module @@ Severity: Critical Explanation: The attempt to load to the module shown in the message failed. System Action: None User Response: statement. Determine if the correct libraries are specified on the FDBDRPL DD MSCSC0129C Missing PARMLIB DD CWPARM Severity: Critical Explanation: The attempt to process the CWPARM DD concatenation failed. System Action: None User Response: concatenation. Determine if the correct datasets are specified on the CWPARM DD MSCSC0130E Dynamic allocation error. RC=X'@@'. RSN=X'@@' Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service attempted to allocate a PARMLIB data set. The allocation failed with the return code and reason code shown in the message. The name of the data set being allocated is shown in message SC0135. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the data set shown in the message is available to the CMSC. MSCSC0131E Allocation of a non-Partitioned dataset Severity: was attempted Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service attempted allocate a nonpartitioned dataset in the CWPARM concatenation System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: LIBRARY. Ensure that all datasets in the CWPARM DD are of dataset type PDS or MSCSC0132E OPEN of DDNAME @@ failed. RC=@@. Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service attempted to OPEN a dataset for processing. The OPEN failed with the displayed RC. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: SERVICE. Ensure that the dataset associated with the DDNAME is available to the MSCSC0133E Data set has undefined RECFM Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service attempted to process a dataset with an undefined RECFM. The data set is part of the CWPARM DD concatenation. The name of the data set is shown in message SC0135. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: VB, F, or FB. Ensure that the data sets in the CWPARM DD concatenation are RECFM V, MSCSC0134E DDNAME @@ has an invalid record format. Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service opened the DDNAME shown in the message to process a load library to perform parsing/validation for a product Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages 6-5 PARMLIB member. The DD opened does not have a record format of undefined. The data set name is shown in message SC0135. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the dataset in the PARMLIB member statement PARSELIB= specifies a RECFM U and is a LOADLIB. MSCSC0135I Data Set Name: @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message displays the data set name related to a previous message. System Action: See previous message User Response: See previous message MSCSC0136E DDNAME @@ has an invalid record format. Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service opened the DDNAME shown in the message to process a load library to perform parsing/validation for a product PARMLIB member. The DD opened does not have a record format of undefined. The data set name is shown in message SC0135. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the dataset in the PARMLIB member statement PARSELIB= specifies a RECFM U and is a LOADLIB. MSCSC0138E PARMLIB member directory not found. @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service encountered an error accessing parameter member storage. The member directory was not found The address of the internal control block containing the address of the member directory is shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC0139E PARMLIB member @@ not found in member directory Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service was unable to find the requested member. The name of the member being requested is shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC0140E PARMLIB member @@ does not contrain any data Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service found a member that did not contain any parameter data. The name of the member being requested is shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC0141I PARMLIB member refresh request submitted. Member name=@@. Severity: Informational Explanation: A request to refresh the PARMLIB member shown in the message has been successfully submitted. System Action: Processing continues. 6-6 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes User Response: refresh request. Check the CMSC FDBDLOG for messages related to the PARMLIB member MSCSC0142E Error calling PARMLIB service. Member=@@. RC=@@. Rsn=@@. Severity: Error Explanation: A request to refresh the PARMLIB member shown in the message has been submitted. The request was unsuccessul. The return and reason code from the PARMLIB service are shown in the message. System Action: The member refresh utility terminates. User Response: Ensure that the member for which the refresh was requested exits in the PARMLIB data set(s). MSCSC0143E Member name missing. Severity: Error Explanation: A member name is required on the PARM= parameter of the EXEC JCL statement for the member refresh utility program (MSCUREFR). System Action: The member refresh utility terminates. User Response: Supply a member name on the PARM= parameter of the EXEC JCL statement. MSCSC0150I Severity: @@ Informational Explanation: messages. This message contains text from product parameter validation routine System Action: The Processing continues. User Response: message. Take the appropriate action as recommended by the product validation MSCSC0151W PARMLIB member @@ does not contrain any data Severity: Warning Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service found a member that did not contain any parameter data. The name of the member being requested is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0152W Unable to allocate data set @@ Severity: Warning Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service was unable to allocate the data set shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0153W Unable to open data set @@ Severity: Warning Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service was unable to open the data set shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0154W PARSE module @@ could not be found while processing MEMBER @@. Severity: Warning Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service issued a could not locate the PARSE module for the MEMBER being processed. Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 6-7 MSCSC0155W LOAD failed for module @@. RC=@@. RSN=@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service attempted to load the PARMLIB member parsing routine shown in the in the message. The return code and reason code from the LOAD macro instruction are shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0156W Product member parser module @@ failed. Member=@@. R/C=@@ Severity: Warning Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service called the product member parsing routine shown in the message. The module ended with the return code shown in the message. The name of the member being parsed is also shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0157E READ failed for member @@. Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service attempted to read the data set member shown in thes message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the data sets in the CWPARM DD concatenation are valid partitioned data sets. MSCSC0158E BLDL failed. Member=@@. RC=@@. Severity: RSN=@@ Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service issued a BLDL macro instruction to locate the PDS member shown in the message. The BLDL failed with the return and reason code shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the data sets in the CWPARM DD concatenation are valid partitioned data sets. MSCSC0159E READ failed. Member=@@. RC=@@. Severity: RSN=@@ Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service attemped to read the member shown in the message. The READ failed with the return and reason code shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the data sets in the CWPARM DD concatenation are valid partitioned data sets. MSCSC0160E PARMLIB member @@ not found in CWPARM DD concatenation Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service was unable to find the requested member. The name of the member being requested is shown in the message. System Action: The member is not processed. User Response: Ensure that the member is in the CWPARM DD concatenation. 6-8 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes MSCSC0161E No valid PARMLIB members were found in the CWPARM DD concatenation Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service was to process any valid PARMLIB members. System Action: The member is not processed. User Response: Ensure that members exist in the CWPARM DD concatenation. MSCSC0162E Invalid PARMLIB member specified: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller PARMLIB service found an invalid member name was specified. The name of the member being requested is shown in the message. System Action: The member is not processed. User Response: Ensure that the member name being requested is a valid Compuware PARMLIB member. MSCSC0200I Compuware Parameter Library Data Sets: Severity: Informational Explanation: This is an informational message inidicating that the list of Compuware parameter library data sets follows. This message is displayed as a result of the MODIFY cmsc,PARMLIB DISPLAY operator command. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0201I Severity: @@ Informational Explanation: This is an informational message displayeing the name of a Compuware parameter library data set. This message is displayed as a result of the MODIFY cmsc,PARMLIB DISPLAY operator command. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC0214E VSAM @@. RC=@@. Key=@@. M=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred while accessing the Persistent Data File. The request, feedback code, first sixteen bytes of the key, and the module that issued the request are shown in the message. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Review the CMSC job log, message log, and region log for any messages indicating processing errors for this dump, and then contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC0220I Maximum HCI address space entries reached Severity: Informational Explanation: In the process of building the internal list of HCI address spaces managed by this CMSC, the maximum number of address spaces has been reached. This may not be an error. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: If HCI address spaces intended to be supported by this CMSC are missing, contact Compuware Technical Support, otherwise no action is required. MSCSC0300E Name/Token Callable Services RC=X'@@'. Name=@@ Severity: Error Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages 6-9 Explanation: This message displays the return code from IBM Name/Token callable services. The name of the name/token pair is shown in the message System Action: Processing continues User Response: The most common return code is X'04' indicating that the name/token pair was not found. See the IBM documentation for name/token callable services for other return codes. MSCSC0301I Name/Token pair @@ sucessfully deleted Severity: Informational Explanation: deleted. This message displays the name of a name/token pair that was successfully System Action: Processing continues User Response: None. MSCSC0320I @@ Transaction complete Severity: Informational Explanation: completed. This message indicates that the transaction shown in the message was System Action: Processing continues User Response: None. MSCSC0330E Invalid @@ request @@ Severity: Error Explanation: This message indicates that the operator command shown in the message specified an invalid request type. The request type specified is also shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues User Response: Specify a valid request for the the command. MSCSC0401E Invalid data set name: @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The data set name shown in the message is invalid. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Enter a valid data set name. MSCSC0421E Catalog error trying to locate data set @@ . Severity: Error Explanation: An error occurred while issuing the LOCATE macro to identify the volume on which the data set shown in the message resides. System Action: The request is ignored. User Response: Ensure that the data set specified is a valid data set. MSCSC0427E No volume serial is allocated to data set @@. Severity: Error Explanation: The catalog entry for the data set name shown in the message does not contain a volume serial number. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Ensure that the data set specified is a valid data set. MSCSC0913I Attempting to initialize file. App @@, File @@, DD @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The CMSC is attempting to initialize the file shown. 6-10 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: None. User Response: None. MSCSC0914I File @@ successfully initialized Severity: Informational Explanation: The file shown was successfully initialized. System Action: None. User Response: None. MSCSC1000S Internal error issuing authorized services request. RC=X'@@'. PGM=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Services Controller issued an authorized services request. An internal error occurred while attempting to process the request. System Action: If this error occurs during the initialization of the Mainframe Services Controller component, the mainframe services controller address space terminates. Otherwise, processing continues. User Response: Verify that all required modules are in the CMSC authorized library, and that the correct authorized library is in the STEPLIB DD concatenation. MSCSC1200I @@ @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: Debugging - unformated message System Action: None User Response: None MSCSC1520I Parameter member retrieved: @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message displays the parameter library member retrieved by the PARMLIB service. The name of the data set in which the member was found is shown in message SC1521. System Action: Processing Continues. User Response: None. MSCSC1521I Parameter data set name: @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This message displays the parameter data set name in which the member shown in message SC1520 was found. System Action: Processing Continues. User Response: None. MSCSC1522I Severity: @@ Informational Explanation: This message displays the contents of one record in a PARMLIB member. System Action: Processing Continues. User Response: None MSCSC1523E Error calling PARMLIB service. Member=@@. RC=@@. Rsn=@@. Severity: Error Explanation: A request for the PARMLIB member shown in the message has been submitted. The request was unsuccessul. The return and reason code from the PARMLIB service are shown in the message. Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages System Action: 6-11 The request terminates. User Response: Ensure that the member for which the refresh was requested exits in the PARMLIB data set(s). MSCSC1524E Invalid parameter specified on the EXEC JCL statement. Severity: Error Explanation: The PARM= parameter on the EXEC JCL statement must contain the 2 character product code, and, optionally, the (up to) 8 character component ID. System Action: The request terminates. User Response: Specify the 2 character product code and (up to) 8 character component ID, if applicable, on the PARM= parameter of the EXEC JCL statement. MSCSC1525I PARMLIB member @@ has been parsed and cannot be displayed. Severity: Informational Explanation: A request for the PARMLIB member shown in the message has been submitted. The member has been parsed by the product's parsing routine and therefore cannot be displayed. System Action: The request terminates. User Response: None. MSCSC2001I Subtask @@ @@ initialization completed Severity: Informational Explanation: Initialization completed for the subtask indicated in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2002I Subtask @@ @@ posted for termination Severity: Informational Explanation: The subtask indicated in the message was posted by the main task for termination. The task is in the process of shutting down. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2040S Error obtaining storage for the @@ control block. RC=X'@@'. PGM=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to obtain storage for the control block shown in the message. The request for storage failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: If this error occurs during the initialization of the Mainframe Service Controller, the Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. Otherwise, processing continues. User Response: Ensure that adequate storage is available for the CMSC. MSCSC2041S Error locating storage for the @@ control block. RC=X'@@'. PGM=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to locate the control block shown in the message. The locate for this control block failed with the return code shown in the message. System Action: If this error occurs during the initialization of the Mainframe Service Controller, the Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. Otherwise, processing continues. User Response: This error is probably caused by a previous problem. Examine the FDBDLOG for any earlier errors. 6-12 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes MSCSC2100S @@ address space creation failed. RC=X'@@'. RSN=X'@@' Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to start an address space. The name of the procedure used to start the address space is shown in the message. The return and reason codes from the address space create service are also shown in the message. System Action: If this error occurs during the initialization of the Mainframe Service Controller, the Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. Otherwise, processing continues. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support MSCSC2101W @@ address space not started. It is currently active Severity: Warning Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller found that a requested address space was already active on the system. The name of the procedure used to start the address space is shown in the message. System Action: The address space is not started. User Response: None. MSCSC2110E PARMLIB Service ENQ failed RC=X'@@'. CMSC identifier=@@. PGM=@@ Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to intialize the PARMLIB service. Initialization failed due to an error issuing the ENQ macro instruction. The return code from the ENQ macro instruction, the CMSC identifier, and the name of the issuing program are shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: This is likely caused by a CMSC address space with the same identifier already being active on the system. The CMSC identifier is specified by the CMSC_ID start up parameter. If not specified, the default is "CMSC". MSCSC2112S PARMLIB service module @@ load failed. RC=X'@@'. RSN=@@. PGM=@@ Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service attempted to load the module shown in the message. The load failed with the return code and reason code shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the module shown in the message is available in the STEPLIB DD concatenation. MSCSC2113E Unable to locate PARMLIB service module @@. BLDL R/C=@@ RSN=@@. Severity: Error Explanation: An attempt to locate a PARMLIB service module failed. The name of the module and the return and reason codes from the BLDL macro instruction are shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Ensure that the module shown in the message is available in the STEPLIB DD concatenation. MSCSC2114E PARMLIB service SRB failed R/C=@@. Module @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The parmlib service scheduled an SRB. The SRB failed with the return code shown in the message. The name of the module issuing the message is also shown. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages 6-13 MSCSC2119I PARMLIB Service Initialization complete. PMCB=@@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The PARMLIB member service has successfully initialized. This message provides information for Compuware support personnel. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2125I @@ will be used for PARMLIB member storage Severity: Informational Explanation: This is an informational message indicating the location of storage for PARMLIB members. Common Memory Objects will be used for z/OS 1.10 and above. System Action: The Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2140S Error locating service module @@. RC=X'@@'. Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller PARMLIB service attempted to locate the service module shown in the message. The return code from the service module locate service is shown in the message. System Action: The PARMLIB service terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC2200I @@ Address Space successfully started Severity: Informational Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller sucessfully started an address space. The name of the procedure used to start the address space is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2201I @@ Posted with request code @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller address space manager task was posted with the request code shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2202I @@ Address Space (@@) terminated Severity: Informational Explanation: An address space started by the Mainframe Service Controller terminated. All of the resources associated with that address space have been cleaned up. The type of address space and the name of the procedure used to start it are shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2203I @@ Address Space already active Severity: Informational Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller found that an address space was already active. This address space will not be started. The name of the procedure used to start the address space is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. 6-14 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes MSCSC2204I Resource Manager prefix address: @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message for Compuware support personnel. System Action: None. User Response: None. MSCSC2205I @@ RMCA address: @@ Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message for Compuware support personnel. System Action: None. User Response: None. MSCSC2206S Error locating Resource Manager service module. RC=X'@@'. Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to locate the resource manager service module The return code from the service module locate service is shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC2207S Unable to obtain z/OS CSA storage for the Resource Manager module. RC=X'@@'. Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to obtain storage in CSA for the resource manager module. The return code from the STORAGE macro is shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Take action based on the STORAGE macro return code. See the appropriate IBM documentation for the return code from the STORAGE macro. MSCSC2208S Unable to add resource manager for started address space @@. RC=X'@@'. Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to add a resource manager in a started address space. The name of the procedure used to start the address space and the return code from the RESMGR macro are shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC2209S Unable to create system name/token pair. Name=@@. RC=X'@@'. Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to create a name/token pair. The create failed with the return code shown in the message. The name/token pair name is also shown in the message. System Action: The Mainframe Service Controller address space terminates. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC2210S Unable to release z/OS CSA storage for the Resource Manager module. RC=X'@@'. Severity: Severe Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to release storage in CSA for the resource manager module. The return code from the STORAGE macro is shown in the message. System Action: Mainframe Service Controller address space termination continues. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages 6-15 MSCSC2211I Maximum number of attempts to delete address space resource manager exceeded. Severity: Informational Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to delete the address space resource manager. The request was queued by never successful. The request was retried, but the maximum number of retry attempts was exceeded. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2212I Address space @@ being restarted. Severity: Informational Explanation: An address space has terminated. It will be restarted. The procedure name used to start the address space is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Determine the cause of the address space failure. MSCSC2213E Address space @@ not restarted. Maximum restarts has been exceeded. Severity: Error Explanation: An address space has terminated. It will not be restarted because it has exceeded the maximum number of restarts allowed. The procedure name used to start the address space is shown in the message System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Determine the cause of the address space failure. MSCSC2230E @@ address space termination failed. RC=X'@@' Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller attempted to terminate an address space. The name of the procedure used to start the address space is shown in the message. The return code from the address space terminate service is also shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Ensure that the correct procedure name was specified on the STOP command. MSCSC2231E @@ address space information not found Severity: Error Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller received a request to terminate an address space. The address space information control block for the requested address space was not found. The procedure used to start the address space is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: Ensure that the correct procedure name was specified on the command. MSCSC2240I @@ Address Space successfully terminated Severity: Informational Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller sucessfully terminated an address space. The name of the procedure used to start the address space is shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2250I @@ shutdown command successfully issued. Severity: Informational Explanation: The Mainframe Service Controller sucessfully requested that the address space shown in the message shutdown. This request was made using the appropriate command required by the type of address space. The address space will not be automatically restarted by the Mainframe Service Controller. 6-16 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2500I LM Server task is not active Severity: Informational Explanation: A request to shut down the LM Server task failed because the task is not active. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: None. MSCSC2501I LM Client task is not active Severity: Informational Explanation: A request to shut down the LM Client task failed because the task is not active. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: None. MSCSC2502I LM Server task is active Severity: Informational Explanation: A request to restart the LM Server task failed because the task is already active. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: None. MSCSC2503I LM Client task is active Severity: Informational Explanation: A request to restart the LM Client task failed because the task is already active. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: None. MSCSC2504E @@ Received an invalid request @@ Severity: Error Explanation: A service request was received by the program shown in the message. The request code is invalid. The request code is shown in the message. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC2505E Unable to locate License Managememt module @@ R/C @@ Severity: Error Explanation: The License Management front-end task attempted to locate a License Management module. That request failed. The name of the module and the return code from the locate service are shown in the message. System Action: The request is canceled. User Response: Contact Compuware Technical Support. MSCSC2510I Waiting for @@ to terminate Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message indicating that the License Management front-end task has requested that the License Management task terminate. It is waiting for termination before detaching the task. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Error Messages 6-17 MSCSC2511I Detaching @@ task Severity: Informational Explanation: This is a debugging message indicating that the License Management front-end task is detaching the License Management task shown in the message. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC2512I The @@ task has terminated. Detaching. Severity: Informational Explanation: The the License Management front-end task has detected that the task shown in the message has terminated, and it is being detached. System Action: Processing continues. User Response: None. MSCSC3001E The CMSC_PORT specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The CMSC_PORT parameter must be a numeric value in the range of 1024 and 65535. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. MSCSC3002E The LMS_SUBTASK parameter specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The LMS parameter must be YES or NO. The default value for this parameter is YES. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. MSCSC3003E The CLF parameter specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: NO. The CLF parameter must be YES or NO. The default value for this parameter is System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. MSCSC3004E The LMS_CLIENT specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The LMS_CLIENT parameter must be YES or NO. The default value for this parameter is YES. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. MSCSC3005E The HCI_PROC specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The HCI_PROC or HCI_PROCn parameter must be a 1- to 8-character string that is valid for a PDS member name. The string must consist of letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), or national symbols (@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. 6-18 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes MSCSC3006E The LMS_SERVER specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The LMS_SERVER parameter must be YES or NO. The default value for this parameter is NO. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. MSCSC3007E The CMSC_ID specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The CMSC_ID parameter must be a 1- to 4-character string. The string must consist of letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), or national symbols (@#$), and it must begin with a letter or national symbol. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. MSCSC3008E The default parmlib member suffix specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The default parmlib member suffix parameter must be a 2- to 4-character string. The string must consist of letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), or national symbols (@#$). System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. MSCSC3009E The PARMLIB_MEMBER_STORAGE specified -@@- is invalid Severity: Error Explanation: The PARMLIB_MEMBER_STORAGE parameter must be either OSLVL OR CSA. System Action: The parameter is ignored. User Response: Correct the value, and restart the server. I-1 Index Compuware/VF link to File-AID for IMS, 1-4 Compuware/VF Link to File-AID/MVS, 1-3 CSS, 2-1 CWAASDUT return codes, 2-3 CWDDLPUT return codes, 2-3 CWDDSUTL return codes, 2-1 CWDDUNLP return codes, 2-4 CWFXSDUT return codes, 2-3 HCI, 4-1 Installation JCL Customization Facility, 1-1 Language Processor, 2-102, 2-105 MVS DDIO return codes, 2-5 A Acrobat PDF online documentation, x audience, ix B batch file utilities CWAASDUT return codes, 2-3 CWDDLPUT return codes, 2-3 CWDDSUTL return codes, 2-1 CWDDUNLP return codes, 2-4 CWFXSDUT return codes, 2-3 BookManager softcopy documentation, x C Compuware Frontline web site, xi phone number and address, xi Compuware/VF link to File-AID for DB2, error messages, 1-3 link to File-AID for IMS, error messages, 1-4 link to File-AID/MVS, error messages, 1-3 conventions, x CSS error messages, 2-1 customer support web site, x CWAASDUT return codes, 2-1, 2-3 CWDDLPUT return codes, 2-1, 2-3 CWDDSUTL return codes, 2-1 CWDDUNLP return codes, 2-4 CWFXSDUT return codes, 2-1, 2-3 D DDIO files MVS DDIO return codes, 2-5 DDIO, definition, x documentation, related, ix E error messages Compuware/VF link to File-AID for DB2, 1-3 F FrontLine support web site, x H HCI error messages, 4-1 help, getting, x HTML documentation, x I Installation JCL Customization Facility error messages, 1-1 Internet, Compuware WWW address, x J JCL Customization Facility error messages, 1-1 L Language Processor (LP) error message format, 2-104 error messages, 2-102, 2-105 return codes, 2-102 LM Return and Reason Codes, 3-167 M manuals, related, ix messages Compuware/VF link to File-AID for DB2, 1-3 Compuware/VF link to File-AID for IMS, 1-4 Compuware/VF Link to File-AID/MVS, 1-3 CSS, 2-1 CWAASDUT return codes, 2-3 I-2 Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes CWDDLPUT return codes, 2-3 CWDDSUTL return codes, 2-1 CWDDUNLP return codes, 2-4 CWFXSDUT return codes, 2-3 HCI, 4-1 Installation JCL Customization Facility, 1-1 Language Processor, 2-102 MVS DDIO return codes, 2-5 P PDF documentation, x R related documentation, ix Return and Reason codes, 3-167 return codes CWAASDUT, 2-3 CWDDLPUT, 2-3 CWDDSUTL, 2-1 CWDDUNLP, 2-4 CWFXSDUT, 2-3 Language Processor, 2-102 MVS DDIO, 2-5 MVS DDIO, Language Processor, 2-102 S softcopy documentation, x support, obtaining, x T technical support, x W World Wide Web, Compuware address, x