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Europaisches Patentamt (19) J | | | | 1 1| | | | | 1 1| || | | 1 1|| | | || European Patent Office Office europeen des brevets (11) EP 0 609 984 B1 E U R O P E A N PATENT S P E C I F I C A T I O N (12) ation and mention mention (45) Date of publication of the grant of the patent: 14.04.1999 Bulletin 1999/15 (51) |nt. CI.6: B29C 6 3 / 0 0 (21) Application number: 94300247.7 (22) Date of filing: 13.01.1994 (54) Method of and apparatus for cover sheet removal from laminated boards Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Abnahme von Deckfolien von mehrschichtigen Platten Methode et appareil pour I'enlevement de feuilles de recouvrement de plaques laminees (84) Designated Contracting States: AT BE CH DE ES FR GB LI NL SE (30) Priority: 03.02.1993 IT RM930057 (43) Date of publication of application: 10.08.1994 Bulletin 1994/32 (73) Proprietor: MORTON INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. I-22076 Mozzate (Como) (IT) (72) Inventor: Candore, Amedeo Bodio Lomnago (Va) (IT) (74) Representative: Bankes, Stephen Charles Digby et al BARON & WARREN 18 South End Kensington London W8 5BU (GB) (56) References cited: EP-A- 0 268 290 • PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN vol. 14, no. 581 (P-1 147)26 December 1990 & JP-A-02 250 057 (EMUNIKOO:KK) 5 October 1990 • PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN vol. 16, no. 384 (M-1 296)1 7 August 1992 & JP-A-04 126 247 (HITACHI CABLE LTD.) • PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN vol. 12, no. 185 (P-71 0)(3032) 31 May 1988 & JP-A-62 293 246 (ASASHI CHEM. IND. CO. LTD.) 19 December 1987 CO CO <7> <7> O CO o Q_ LU Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). Printed byXerox (UK) Business Services 2.16.7/3.6 1 EP 0 609 984 B1 Description [0001] This present invention relates to an improved method of and apparatus for effecting cover sheet removal from dry-film laminated boards. The invention has particular utility in the application and processing of dry films in an in-line system for fabricating printed circuit boards. In the fabrication of printed circuits, a solder [0002] mask, typically formed from a layer of photoimageable composition, is applied to one or both surfaces of the printed circuit board. The photoimageable layer, comprised of a photoresist substance, is exposed to actinic radiation which is patterned by means of a template or artwork. Subsequent to such exposure, the photoimageable layer is developed in an organic solvent or aqueous solution which washes away either exposed or unexposed portions of the layer (depending upon whether the photoimageable material is positive acting or negative acting). The portion of the layer which remains on the surface is then cured, with heat and/or UV light, for example, to form a hard, permanent solder mask that is intended to protect the printed circuit for the life of the board. [0003] One prior art method known in the art for applying the layer of photoimageable composition to the printed circuit board surface is to apply the material in liquid form, and then, either allow it to dry of partially cure the material to form a semi-stable layer. [0004] There are a number of advantages to applying a photoimageable layer to a printed circuit board as a dry film rather than as a liquid. In particular, dry films are free of organic solvent and therefore eliminate this hazard from the workplace and eliminate the need for apparatus to protect the immediate work environment and the more general environment from organic solvent emissions. [0005] Typically, a dry film comprises a cover sheet of support material which is somewhat flexible but which has sufficient rigidity to provide structure to a layer of photoimageable composition which overlies one surface of the cover sheet. The cover sheet may be formed of polyester material, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), such as that sold as MELINEX®. To protect the photoimageable layer and to [0006] enable the dry film to be rolled, it is conventional for the exposed surface of the photoimageable layer to be covered with a removable protective sheet, e.g., a sheet of polyethylene. An example of such a dry film is sold as LAMINAR DM® by Morton International, Inc., the assignee of the present invention. [0007] The method of use of such prior art dry film is generally as follows. The protective polyethylene sheet is removed from the photoimageable composition layer immediately prior to application of the dry film to the surface of the printed circuit board. This may be accomplished, for example, using automated apparatus which peels away and rolls up the protective sheet as the dry 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 so 50 55 2 2 film is unrolled from a reel. The dry film is applied to the surface of the circuit board with the photoimageable layer in direct contact with the board surface. Using heat, vacuum and mechanical pressure, the photoimageable layer is immediately laminated to the surface of the board. The PET cover sheet remains overlying the [0008] photoimageable layer, protecting the photoimageable layer from exposure to oxygen and from handling damage. The cover sheet also permits a pattern, or template, to be laid directly on top of the dry film for contact printing, if contact printing is to be used (as is usually preferred from the standpoint of obtaining optimal image resolution). The dry film is exposed to patterned actinic radiation through the PET cover sheet. [0009] The PET cover sheet is then removed, permitting access to the exposed photoimageable layer by developer. Depending upon the composition of the photoimageable layer, the photoimageable layer is developed with organic solvent, aqueous developer, or semiaqueous developer. By semi-aqueous developer is meant herein a developer which is about 90% or more by volume aqueous solution with the balance being an organic solvent such as 2-butoxy ethanol and other glycol ethers. The photoimageable layer may either be positive acting, in which case the exposed portions are removed by developer, or negative acting, in which case the unexposed portions are removed by developer. Most photoimageable layers for preparing solder masks are negative acting. Most photoimageable composition layers require some cure subsequent to development to render the layer hard and permanent so as to serve as a solder mask. Depending upon the composition of the photoimageable layer, curing may be effected with heat and/or UV light. Printed circuit boards almost invariably have [0010] uneven surfaces in which circuitry traces are raised or elevated over the surface of a board of electrically nonconducting material. Circuitry traces may be the residual portions of an etched metal layer or may be built up from the board surface. It is desirable for a solder mask, particularly one formed from a photoimageable composition, to conform to the contours of a circuit board surface. A conforming solder mask which adequately covers both the board surface and the upstanding traces minimizes the use of expensive photoimageable composition. Processes for applying conforming solder [0011] mask on a surface having raised areas such as circuit traces on a printed circuit board are disclosed in U. S. Patent Nos. 4,889,790 Leo Roos et al. and 4,992,354 F. J. Axon et al. [001 2] The processes disclosed in these patents and application involve applying a solder mask-forming photoimageable composition layer to a printed circuit board using a dry film in which an intermediate layer is interposed between a support film or cover sheet and the photoimageable layer. The intermediate layer of the dry 3 EP 0 609 984 B1 4 the applicator of patent 4,946,524 is operative to tack film is selectively more adherent to the photoimageable the dry film to a board at the leading and trailing edges composition layer than to the cover sheet, allowing or with the intermediate portion of the film loosely applied facilitating the removal of the cover sheet after the phothereto. The film is tacked to the board as a discrete cut toimageable layer is applied to a printed circuit board with the intermediate layer remaining on the photoim- 5 sheet within the confines of the perimeter of the surface of the board. For convenience, a printed circuit board ageable composition layer as a "top coat." The top coat is of non-tacky material and can be placed in contact having such loose application of a dry film sheet to the surface or surfaces thereof is referred to as being with other surfaces, such as artwork for contact printing. The top coat also serves as an oxygen barrier, allowing "prelaminated." the photoimageable composition layer to remain unex- w [001 6] In my copending application bearing Serial No. posed on the printed circuit board, after cover sheet A000610, filed in Italy on August 9, 1991, there is disremoval, for some length of time. closed a method of and apparatus that is continuously The use of dry film having the "intermediate [0013] automatically operative in an in-line system for applying under heat, vacuum and mechanical pressure a pholayer" or "top coat" make possible the processes described in the aforementioned patents. In each case 15 toresist-forming layer to printed circuit boards that there is provided a conforming step, e.g., conforming already have been prelaminated by the loose application thereto of dry film as discrete cut sheets within the vacuum lamination, after removal of the cover sheet. confines of the surface of the boards whereby a lamiBecause the cover sheet is removed prior to the connate without entrapped air bubbles and closely conformforming step, better conformance, particularly when applying thin photoimageable composition layers onto 20 ing to the surface contours such as circuit traces of the boards with closely spaced traces, is achieved. Better printed circuit board is obtained. Featured is a two-part resolution is also achievable because the top coat may conveyorized vacuum applicator comprising as one part be directly contacted with artwork for contact printing two input conveyors in end-to-end relation and as the other part a belt conveyor and vacuum laminator. The and because the top coat is much thinner than a cover sheet or support film and is, therefore, much less a 25 belt conveyor is characterized in its use of an endless belt having an aperture therein through which, in the deterrent to good resolution than a cover sheet. [0014] To form a solder mask, the protective polyethvacuum laminating condition of the applicator, the movable lower platen of the vacuum laminator is movable ylene sheet is first peeled away from the dry film and the upwards into sealing contact with the upper platen of exposed surface of the photoimageable composition layer is applied to the surface of the printed circuit 30 the laminator, with the printed circuit board to be laminated and a portion of the upper run of the endless belt board. Using heat, vacuum and mechanical pressure, contained within the vacuum chamber of the laminator. the dry film is laminated to the surface of the printed cirThe results of the processes and apparatus cuit board, partially conforming the photoimageable [0017] described above have been most encouraging. Diffilayer thereto. Within about 60 seconds and before substantial cooling of the printed circuit board and dry film 35 culty has been encountered, however, in adapting these has occurred, the cover sheet of the dry film is removed, processes and apparatus for continuous automatic operation in an in-line system. This is particularly true whereupon the photoimageable composition layer and with respect to the utilization of an apparatus or overlying top coat fully conform to the contours of the machine in such an in-line process for automatic cover printed circuit board and substantially encapsulate the traces. The photoimageable composition layer is then 40 sheet removal from the laminated boards. In addition to a need for improvement in the [0018] exposed to patterned actinic radiation through the top coat. A developer is used to remove either exposed or cover sheet removal process and apparatus, there is a need for improved separation between polyester and non-exposed portions of the photoimageable composithe photoresist, improved removal action to minimize tion layer, leaving the remaining portion of the layer laminated to the circuit board. Subsequently, the portions of 45 the possibility of damage to the laminated board, and the photoimageable composition layer remaining on the improved waste polyester treatment. circuit board are cured, e.g., with heat and/or UV light. [0019] From JP-A-2250057 there is known a method and an apparatus which disclose the features of the pre[0015] In U. S. Patent Nos. 4,946,524 granted August ambles of the independent claims. 7, 1990 to Robert C. Stumpf et al., there is disclosed an According to a first aspect of the invention applicator and process for applying dry film solder mask so [0020] there is provided a method of removing the cover sheet material to the surface of a printed circuit board allowfrom a dry film laminated on a board comprising the ing, at the same time, handling of the board with the applied film, the draw-off of the air enclosed between steps of: the film and the board, and the removal of the cover sheet. The draw-off of air enclosed between the dry film ss (a) moving a knurling device relatively to the board and the surface of the printed circuit board is facilitated along and in contact with an edge of the dry film while pressing on the knurling device, when, before vacuum lamination, the surface of the board is covered with a loose sheet of film. To that end 3 5 EP 0 609 984 B1 (b) at the same time blowing a first stream of air, in following relation to the knurling device, against the edge of the dry film to separate in this area a portion of the cover sheet from the dry film, and (c) conveying the board to a sucking roll which upon touching the surface of the board starts to rotate whereby the said cover sheet portion, already separated in an area thereof from the dry film, is sucked by the sucking roll and with continued rotation of the sucking roll the cover sheet is removed in its entirety from the dry film. [0021] According to another aspect of the invention there is provided an improved apparatus for removing the cover sheet from a dry film laminated on a board, such apparatus comprising, in combination: a knurling wheel, a first air blowing injector, means for moving the knurling wheel, while pressing thereon, along the edge of said dry film, and at the same time actuating the first air blowing injector to blow a first stream of air in following relation to the knurling wheel against the edge of said dry film to separate in this area a portion of the cover sheet from the dry film, a sucking roll, and means for conveying the board to the sucking roll which upon touching the surface of the board starts to rotate whereby the cover sheet portion already separated in an area thereof from the dry film is sucked by the sucking roll and with continued rotation of the sucking roll the cover sheet is removed in its entirety from the dry film. [0022] The invention at least in its preferred embodiments is characterized by the provision of a unique combination of a knurling wheel action and an air blowing injector means which cooperate in a single stroke to separate an edge of the cover sheet from the laminated board. Air blowing injectors located close to the knurling unit, one on either side thereof, are actuated by a programmable logic controller (PLC) one at a time. The air blowing injector which works during the stroke or travel of the knurling unit is the one "following" the knurling unit in the direction of travel. [0023] The edge of the cover sheet separated, in the manner described, from the laminated board is now sucked by a sucking roll and conveyed by a system of driving belts to an expulsion system. A second air blowing injector (weaker than the air blowing injectors associated with the knurling unit) is arranged to help, that is, reinforce, the sucking action by pressing the separated portion of the cover sheet against the sucking roll. [0024] When the cover sheet is completely out from the driving belts, it is in rolled up form in a tunnel of the expulsion system. Air circulating under pressure in this 6 tunnel is supplied by the blower that is used for the air exhaust in the sucking rolls. The strength of this circulating air or "wind" is sufficient to force the rolled up cover sheet into a waste box, out of the sheet cover removal 5 apparatus. [0025] A check system located in the driving belts system recognizes if one or both cover sheets have not been removed from each of the successive boards. In such event the PLC operates to reject the board by a 10 pneumatic system that is provided on an output driven roller. [0026] The various features of novelty which characterize the invention are pointed out with particularity in the claims annexed to and forming a part of the specifi15 cation. For a better understanding of the invention, its operating advantages and specific objects attained by its use, reference is made to the accompanying drawings and descriptive matter in which preferred embodiments of the invention are illustrated. 20 [0027] With this description of the invention, a detailed description follows with reference being made to the accompanying figures of drawing which form part of the specification in which like parts are designated by the same reference numbers and of which: 25 Fig. 1 is a perspective view of the apparatus, according to the invention, for cover sheet removal from laminated boards; Fig. 2. is a fragmented perspective view on a larger scale illustrating an input conveyor system for feed30 ing laminated boards one at a time into the apparatus and aligning each of them, in turn, against a horizontal barrier; Fig. 2A illustrates an adjustable nut for effecting vertical adjustment of the barrier in Fig. 2; 35 Fig. 3 is a perspective view illustrating a gripping system for the laminated boards and a knurling unit that is driven by a pneumatic cylinder from one side of the apparatus to the other on the horizontal axis of the apparatus; 40 Fig. 4 is a view illustrating the knurling unit and air blowing injectors which cooperate therewith to separate an inner or leading edge of the polyester cover sheet of a laminated board from the photoim45 ageable layer thereon; Fig. 5 and 6 show that the air blowing injector which works during the knurling travel is that which follows the wheels of the knurling unit in the travel direction; Fig. 7 and 8 show how the cover sheet of the laminated board, already separated in the leading edge 50 thereof from the board, is sucked by sucking rolls and conveyed to a driving belts system; Fig. 9 is a perspective view of the apparatus, similar to Fig. 1 but on a smaller scale, illustrating the air 55 blowing and exhaust system; Fig. 10 is a fragmented cross sectional view taken on the lines 10-10 of Fig. 9 illustrating the driving belts system and the expulsion system for the 4 7 EP 0 609 984 B1 waste polyester cover sheets; and Fig. 11 is a perspective view of the cover sheet removal apparatus as seen from the rear or back side thereof. [0028] Referring to the drawings, the apparatus or more precisely, machine, for effecting the automatic removal of cover sheets from laminated boards, according to the invention, is designated by the reference numeral 2. The apparatus 2, as shown in Figs. 1-3, includes a conveyor means 4 for moving each of a succession of laminated boards 6, from the top and bottom surfaces respectively associated cover sheets 8 and 10 are to be removed, one by one toward and away from the apparatus 2. The conveyor means 4 comprises input driven rollers 12 that are located on the entrance or input side of the apparatus 2 and output driven rollers 14 that are located on the exit or output side thereof. [0029] Since the laminated boards 6 are normally laminated with dry film on both sides with each of such dry films having a cover thereon requiring removal, the apparatus 2 is constructed symmetrically with respect to the axis of conveyance of the conveyor means 4. For the sake of brevity of illustration, the description herein is largely confined to the upper half portion of the structure of the apparatus 2, as shown in the drawings, although specific reference is also made sometimes to the lower half portion. [0030] The apparatus 2 further includes an elongated settable front edge register 16 (referred to hereinafter as a "barrier"), and a board gripping system 18. Additionally, the apparatus 2 includes a knurling device or unit 20, a pair of elongated sucking or suction rollers 22 and 24, a pair of driving belt systems 26 and 28, a pair of expulsion systems 30 and 32, and a base frame 34 containing an electrical cabinet and actuators including an air exhaust unit or blower described hereinafter. [0031 ] As illustrated in Fig. 11, the apparatus 2 further includes a laminated board rejection system 36. The rejection system 36 is situated in cooperative relation with the output driven rollers 14, operating transversely of the latter to reject boards from which the cover sheets have not been removed. In Fig. 11 the belt systems 26 and 28 and the expulsion systems 30 and 32 are shown in further detail with a laminated board 6, from which the cover sheets, that is, a top sheet 8 and a bottom sheet 10, had been removed, exiting the apparatus 2 on the output driven rollers 14. [0032] In the operation of the apparatus 2, as shown in Fig. 2, a laminated board 6, from the top and bottom surfaces of which cover sheets 8 and 10, respectively, are to be removed, is conveyed into the apparatus 2 by the input driven rollers 12 at an adjustable speed of, for example, 1-3 meters per minute (mt/min). In one embodiment of the invention, the dimensions of the laminated board 6 should be within a range of 0.1-5 mm thick and 200 x 200 mm - 650 x 650 mm length and width. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 so ss 5 8 [0033] The laminated board 6 is moved into engagement with and stopped at the barrier 16. Due, however, to continued rotation of the input driven rollers 12 , the leading edge of the board 6 is moved into alignment with the horizontal axis, indicated at 38-38, of the apparatus 2. The vertical axis of the apparatus 2, indicated at 40-40, is positioned substantially perpendicularly to the horizontal axis 38-38. [0034] The barrier 16 is manually adjustable vertically on the vertical axis 40-40, as indicated by the arrow 41 in Fig. 2, by a nut 42 shown in Fig. 2A for a maximum travel of 10 mm in one (1) mm steps. The purpose of providing the vertical adjustment of the barrier 16 is to allow the laminated board 6 to stop with the front or leading edge of the dry film thereon in position with or adjacent to the wheels 50 of the knurling unit 20. The dry film can be laminated on the board starting from the beginning of the leading edge of the board (front edge 0 mm) or spaced from that edge to a maximum of 10 mm (front edge - 10 mm). [0035] After being aligned with the horizontal axis 3838 of the apparatus 2, the laminated board 6 is gripped by upper movement of member 19 of the board gripping system 18, as indicated by the arrow 43, and held in the aligned position. Thereupon the barrier 16 is actuated downwardly as seen in Fig. 3 and indicated by the arrow 45 and thereby creating or clearing a space or path through which the knurling unit 20 can be moved across the board 6 transversely thereof and of the apparatus 2. The knurling unit 20 is then driven by an actuator, for example, a pneumatic cylinder means (not shown), and caused to travel, as indicated by the arrow 47, from one side of the apparatus 2 to the other, on the horizontal axis 38-38. Movement of the knurling unit 20 in the other direction is indicated by the arrow 49. During the travel thereof in either direction the knurling unit 20 engages, that is, touches under suitable pressure both sides (upper and lower) of the leading edge of the board 6 on the first 2-3 mm thereof, making on each side thereof an elongated etching which separates the respectively associated leading edge of the cover sheets 8 and 10 from the upper and lower surfaces, respectively, of the board 6. [0036] At the same time, as illustrated in Fig. 4, an air blowing injector 46 that is located close to and in following relation to knurling wheels 50 of the knurling wheel 20 is operative, definitively, by means of blowing a first stream of air thereagainst to pull up the leading edge 9 of the cover sheet 8 from the upper surface of the board 6 in the first 20-30 mm thereof. In the execution of this operation the action of the knurling wheels 50 and of the air blowing injector 46 work together in a single stroke transversely of the board 6. The wheels 50 of the knurling unit 20 are [0037] pressed against the laminated board 6 by a spring 52. Thus, adjustment of the pressure of the wheels 50 is not necessary to compensate for variations in the thickness of the boards 6 from which the cover sheet 8 and 10 are 9 EP 0 609 984 B1 removed. [0038] The air blowing injector 46, as shown in Fig. 4 and also in Figs. 5 and 6, is located on the knurling unit 20 above the board 6, on one side of the knurling wheels 50. A similar air blowing injector 48 is located close to the knurling unit 20, also above the board 6, on the other side thereof. The air blowing injectors 46 and 48 are activated by a PLC (not shown) one at a time depending upon the direction of travel of the knurling unit 20. The air blowing injector 46 or 48 which works, that is, is activated, during the travel of the knurling unit 20 is that which "follows" the wheels 50 in the travel direction, as indicated by the arrows 51 and 53 in Figs. 5 and 6. [0039] Air blowing injectors similar to the air blowing injectors 46 and 48 are provided, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6, on the knurling unit 20 below the board 6 and are similarly controlled by the PLC. [0040] As shown in Fig. 7 and 8, after etching and separation of the leading edges of the cover sheets 8 and 10 has been effected by the described knurling and air blowing injector action, the laminated board 6 is released by the board gripping system 18 and driven by the input driven rollers 12 to the sucking rollers 22 and 24. Upon contact with the board 6, the sucking rolls 22 and 24 start to rotate in touch with it. [0041] The leading edges of the cover sheets 8 and 10, already released in the first 20-30 mm from the top and bottom surfaces, respectively, of the board 6, are now sucked and peeled from the respectively associated dry films by the sucking rolls 22 and 24, respectively, specifically by the holes therein, and conveyed to a respectively associated belts system 26 and 28. The belt system 26 and 28, in turn, convey the respective cover sheets 8 and 10 to an individually associated expulsion system 30 and 32. Second air blowing injectors 54 and 56 (which are weaker than the air blowing injectors 46 and 48) located behind the sucking rolls 22 and 24, respectively, help the sucking action by pressing the released edge of each of the cover sheets 8 and 10 onto the respective sucking roll 22 and 24 associated therewith. [0042] The driving belt system 26 associated with the sucking roll 22 includes an elongated idler roll 60 having a smaller diameter and spaced upwardly from the axis 62 of the sucking roll 22 on an axis 64 parallel therewith, as best seen in Figs. 9 and 10. A plurality of spaced endless bands or belts 66 of suitable flexible material in a suitably taut condition are wrapped around the sucking roll 22 and the idler roll 60. [0043] In addition, the driving belt system 22 includes a pair of elongated spaced idler rolls 68 and 70 each of which has the same diameter as that of the idler roll 60 and the axes 72 and 74, respectively, of which are parallel to the axis 62 of the sucking roll 22 and the axis 64 of the idler roll 60, with the axes of the idler roll 60 and the sucking roll 22 and the axes of the idler rolls 68 and 70 each being parallel to the horizontal axis 38-38 of the s to ts 20 25 30 35 to 45 so ss 6 10 apparatus 2. A plurality of spaced endless bands or belts 76 of suitable flexible material in a suitably taut condition are wrapped around the idler rolls 68 and 70. [0044] The spacing of the axes 62 and 72 of the sucking roll 22 and the idler roll 68 and of the axes 64 and 74 of the idler rolls 60 and 70 is such, as best seen in Fig. 10, that adjacent runs 78 and 79 of the pluralities of belts 66 and 76 are parallel and sufficiently close, without touching, to receive and convey the separated cover sheet 8 from the sucking roll 22 to the expulsion system 30. The direction of rotation of the sucking roll 22 is such as to feed the separated sheet 8 between the pluralities of belts 66 and 76 and to cause the latter to deliver the separated sheet 8 to the expulsion system 30. [0045] When completely out from the cover sheet driving belt system 26, the cover sheet 8 is situated in a tunnel 58 associated with the expulsion system 30, having been inserted therein through an elongated slot 59 in tunnel 58. Although not shown, the cover sheet 10 from the other side of the board 6 is similarly situated in a tunnel 82 associated with the expulsion system 32. In the tunnel 58 of the expulsion system 30, [0046] and the tunnel 82, also, of the expulsion system 32, air is circulated under pressure from a blower 80, as shown in Fig. 9, which blower is used also for the air exhausted in the sucking rolls 22 and 24. Such circulating air or wind is under sufficient pressure that the cover sheets 8 and 10 are forced out of the respectively associated tunnels 58 and 82 into appropriate waste box means (not shown). A check system 86 suitably located and [0047] mounted in the belts system 30, as shown in Fig. 10, recognizes, that is, senses whether or not the cover sheet 8 has been removed from the laminated board 6 and provides an appropriate electrical signal to a PLC (not shown). A similar check system (not shown) is provided in association with the belts system 28 for sensing if the cover sheet 10 has been removed. [0048] Consequently, if one or both of the cover sheets 8 and 10 have not been removed, the PLC operates, as illustrated by the arrow 86 in Fig. 11, to reject such board 6 by actuating a pneumatic system indicated at 90. [0049] Thus, in accordance with the invention, there has been provided an improved method of and apparatus for the automatic removal of a dry film from one or both sides of a laminated board simultaneously. The invention features a unique cover sheet removal technique that involves no touching by the human hand and causes no damage to the laminated boards from which the cover sheets are removed. [0050] The cover sheet removal method and apparatus of the invention comprise an important component in the total arrangement of an automatic continuous flow of material in in-line processing of dry solder mask film and other films requiring vacuum lamination and cover sheet removal during processing. [0051 ] The invention provides the means to automate 11 EP 0 609 984 B1 the cover sheet removal process as an in-line system. Claims 1. A method of removing a cover sheet (8, 10) from a dry film laminated on a board (6) comprising the steps of: s (a) moving a knurling device (20) relatively to the board along and in contact with an edge of 10 said dry film, (b) at the same time blowing a first stream of air, in following relation to said knurling device, against said edge of said dry film to separate in this area a portion (9) of the cover sheet from is the dry film, characterized in that the further steps of: (c) conveying the board to a sucking roll (22, 24) which upon touching the surface of the board starts to rotate whereby the said cover 20 sheet portion (9), already separated in an area thereof from the dry film, is sucked and peeled from the dry film by the sucking roll and with continued rotation of the sucking roll is removed in its entirety from the dry film. 25 5. 2. 3. 4. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the dry film laminated board (6) is rectangular in shape, wherein in step (a) the knurling device (20) is in contact with an edge of said dry film in the first 2-3 mm thereof, wherein the step (b) of blowing a stream of air in following relation to said knurling means, against said edge of said dry film in this area, pulls up the cover sheet in the first 20-30 mm, and wherein in step (c) the sucking action of said sucking roll (22, 24) is reinforced by the injection of a second stream of air by pressing the separated portion of the cover sheet onto the sucking roll, said second stream of air being weaker than said first stream of air. 35 6. 40 A method according to claim 3 wherein the board (6) is a rectangular board having a leading edge with the leading edge of the dry film starting from the leading edge of the board or within a range of a few millimeters (mm) therefrom said method comprising the steps of: so 55 (a) conveying the board in the direction of a first axis to cause the leading edge thereof to 7 A method as claimed in claim 4 wherein in step (h) the belts system (26, 28) is driven by the sucking roll (22, 24), and A method as claimed in claim 4 or claim 5 further including following step (h) the step: G) checking the belts system (26, 28) to determine whether the cover sheet (8, 10) has been removed, and if not, further including the step: (k) rejecting the board (6). A method as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2, 45 engage a barrier (16) that is positioned in the path thereof on a second axis that is substantially perpendicular to the first axis, (b) aligning the leading edge of the board and the barrier (16), (c) gripping the board to hold it in position aligned with the barrier, (d) moving the barrier out of the path in which the board is being conveyed, (e) etching the leading edge (9) of the cover sheet (8, 10) on the first few mm thereof by moving said knurling device (20) in engagement with the dry film from one side of the board to the other on said second axis and at the same time injecting a first stream of air to pull up the separated cover sheet from the board in a larger area thereof, (f) releasing the board, (g) conveying the board to the sucking roll (22, 24) to separate the cover sheet, and (h) utilizing a belts system (26, 28) which conveys the separated cover sheet to the expulsion system (30, 32). the expulsion system (30, 32) comprises a tunnel (58) having an elongated slot (59) therein through which the cover sheet (8, 10) is inserted and rolled up by the belts system, and from which tunnel the cover sheet is subsequently ejected by a circulation of air in the tunnel sufficient to blow the rolled up cover sheet therefrom and into a waste box. 30 including the further step: (d) utilizing said sucking roll (22, 24) to convey the separated cover sheet (8, 10) to a cover sheet expulsion system (30, 32). 12 7. A method as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the board (6) has dry films and cover sheets (8, 10) on both sides thereof, separate knurling devices (20) being provided to engage the cover sheets on each side of the board and an individually associated stream of air being arranged to pull up each of the separated cover sheets, and wherein the board is conveyed between first and second sucking rolls (22, 24) each of which upon touching the individually associated surface of the board starts to rotate 13 EP 0 609 984 B1 whereby each of the cover sheets already separated in an area thereof from the board is sucked by the associated sucking roll. 8. Apparatus for removing a cover sheet (8,10) from a dry film laminated on a board (6), comprising, in combination: s 14 checking means (86, 90) for checking the belts system to determine whether the cover sheet has been removed from the dry film, second conveying means (14) at the exit end of said apparatus, and rejection means provided at the exit end of said apparatus in cooperative relation with said second conveying means to reject said board if said checking means determines that the cover sheet has not been removed from the dry film thereon. a knurling device (20), 10 a first air blowing injector (46), means for moving said knurling device while pressing thereon, along the edge of said dry 13. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 8 to 12, film, and at the same time actuating said first air blowing injector (46) to blow a first stream of said apparatus having a first axis (38-38) and a secair in following relation to said knurling device is ond axis (40-40) disposed substantially perpendicular to said first axis and having an entrance end against said edge of said dry film to separate in this area a portion (9) of the cover sheet from and an exit end, and further comprising: said dry film, characterized in that it further comprises: barrier means (16) positioned along said second axis (40-40), said barrier means having a 20 a sucking roll (22, 24), and first end and a second end, said knurling means (12) for conveying the board to said device (20) being positioned adjacent said first sucking roll which upon touching the surface of the board starts to rotate whereby the said end of said barrier means and movable through sheet in cover portion already separated an a path to a position adjacent said second end thereof from said film is sucked the 25 thereof, area dry by first conveying means (12) for conveying said sucking roll and with continued rotation of the board (6) at the entrance end of said apparatus sucking roll the cover sheet is removed in its in the direction of said first axis (38-38) into entirety from the dry film. contact with and stopping at said barrier means with said board positioned in a plane containing 9. Apparatus as claimed in claim 8, further including a 30 said second axis, said conveying means second air blowing injector (54, 56), positioned to reinforce the sucking action of said sucking roll by including means moving the leading edge of the board into alignment with said barrier the injection of a second stream of air pressing the means and the leading edge of the dry film in separated portion of the cover sheet onto the suckposition with said knurling device, ing roll, said second stream of air being weaker 35 than said first stream of air. means (18) operative upon alignment of the leading end of the board with said barrier 10. Apparatus as claimed in claim 9, further including means to grip said board and hold it against movement by said conveying means in the aligned position, an expulsion system (30, 32) for the separated 40 means operative when said board is held in the cover sheet, and aligned position to move said barrier means means (26, 28) cooperating with and driven by said sucking roll (22, 24) for conveying the sep(16) out of the path through which said knurling device is movable, arated cover sheet to said expulsion system. 45 means moving said knurling device in pressure 11. Apparatus according to claim 10 wherein said contact with the leading edge of the dry film from one side of said board to the other to etch means (26, 28) cooperating with the sucking roll it, and (22, 24) comprises a belts system and wherein said means releasing said board for movement by expulsion system comprises a tunnel (58, 82) havsaid first conveying means whereupon said 50 ing an elongated slot (59) therein through which the so conveying means conveys said board to said cover sheet (8, 10) is inserted into said tunnel and rolled up therein by said belts system, said apparasucking roll. tus further including means (80) to produce a circu14. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 8 to 13 lation of air therein of strength sufficient to blow the wherein said knurling means comprises at least rolled up cover sheet out of the tunnel for handling ss one rotatable wheel arranged to be in pressure conas waste. tact with the dry film on the first 2-3 mm thereof. 12. Apparatus as defined by claim 11 further including, 8 15 EP 0 609 984 B1 derkante der Platine Oder in einem Bereich von einigen Millimetern (mm) hiervon beginnt, wobei das Verfahren die Stufen umfaBt, in denen man Patentanspruche 1. Verfahren zur Entfernung eines Deckbogens (8, 10) von einem auf eine Platine (6) laminierten Trockenfilm mit den Stufen, in denen man a) eine Randelvorrichtung (20) gegeniiber der Platine entlang und in Bertihrung mit einer Kante des Trockenfilms bewegt, b) gleichzeitig einen ersten Luftstrom in Folgebeziehung zu der Randelvorrichtung gegen diese Kante des Trockenfilms blast, urn in diesem Bereich einen Teil (9) des Deckbogens von dem Trockenfilm zu trennen, gekennzeichnet durch die weitere Stufe, in der man a) die Platine in der Richtung einer ersten Achse befordert, urn ihre Vorderkante zur Anlage an eine Barriere (16) zu bringen, die in ihrem Weg auf einer zweiten Achse positioniert ist, die im wesentlichen senkrecht zu der ersten Achse ist, 5 10 b) die Vorderkante der Platine und die Barriere (16) ausrichtet, c) die Platine ergreift, urn sie in einer mit der Barriere ausgerichteten Position zu halten, is d) die Barriere aus dem Weg entfernt, auf welchem die Platine befordert wird, c) die Platine zu einer Saugwalze (22 24) befordert, die bei Bertihrung der Oberflache 20 der Platine sich zu drehen beginnt, wobei der Deckbogenabschnitt (9), der bereits in einem Bereich desselben von dem Trockenfilm getrennt ist, durch die Saugwalze angesaugt und von dem Trockenfilm abgeschalt wird und 25 bei fortgesetzter Drehung der Saugwalze in seiner Gesamtheit von dem Trockenfilm entfernt wird. 2. 3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, bei dem die mit einem Trockenfilm laminierte Platine (6) rechteckige Form hat, bei dem in der Stufe (a) die Randelvorrichtung (20) in Bertihrung mit einer Kante des Trockenfilms in dessen ersten 2 bis 3 mm steht, bei dem die Stufe (b) des Blasens eines Luftstromes in Folgebeziehung zu der Randelvorrichtung gegen die Kante des Trockenfilms in diesem Bereich den Deckbogen in den ersten 20 bis 30 mm hochzieht und bei dem in der Stufe (c) die Saugwirkung der Saugwalze (22, 24) durch das Einspritzen eines zweiten Luftstromes vestarkt wird, indem man den abgetrennten Abschnitt des Deckbogens auf die Saugwalze preBt, wobei der zweite Luftstrom schwacher als der erste ist. Verahren nach Anspruch 1 oder 2 mit der weiteren Stufe, in der man d) die Saugwalze (22, 24) benutzt, urn den abgetrennten Deckbogen (8, 10) zu einem DeckbogenausstoBsystem (30, 32) zu befordern. 4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, bei dem die Platine (6) eine rechteckige Platine mit einer Vorderkante ist, wobei die Vorderkante des Trockenfilms an der Vor- 16 e) die Vorderkante (9) des Deckbogens (8, 10) auf dessen ersten wenigen Millimetern durch Bewegung der Randelvorrichtung (20) in Eingriff mit dem Trockenfilm von einer Seite der Platine zur anderen auf der zweiten Achse atzt und gleichzeitig einen ersten Luftstrom einblast, urn den abgetrennten Deckbogen von der Platine in einem groBen Bereich derselben hochzuziehen, 30 f) die Platine freigibt, g) die Platine zu der Saugwalze (22, 24) befordert, urn den Deckbogen abzutrennen, und 35 h) ein Bandsystem (26, 28) benutzt, welches den abgetrennten Deckbogen zu dem AusstoBsystem (30, 32) befordert. 40 5. das AusstoBsystem (30, 32) einen Tunnel (58) mit einem langlichen Schlitz (59) darin umfaBt, durch welchen der Deckbogen (8, 10) eingeftihrt und durch das Bandsystem aufgerollt wird, und wobei aus dem Tunnel der Deckbogen anschlieBend durch eine ausreichende Luftzirkulation in dem Tunnel, urn den aufgerollten Deckbogen daraus und in einen Abfallkasten zu blasen, ausgestoBen wird. 45 50 55 Verfahren nach Anspruch 4, bei dem in der Stufe (h) das Bandsystem (26, 28) durch die Saugwalze (22, 24) angetrieben wird und 6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 4 oder 5 weiterhin mit der an die Stufe (h) anschlieBenden Stufe, in der man j) das Bandsystem (26, 28) pruft, urn zu bestimmen, ob der Deckbogen (8, 10) entfernt wurde, 9 17 EP 0 609 984 B1 und, wenn nicht, weiterhin die Stufe anschlieBt, in der man k) die Platine (6) abweist. 7. Verfahren nach einem der vorausgehenden Ansprtiche, bei dem die Platine (6) Trockenfilme und Deckbogen (8, 10) auf ihren beiden Seiten hat, getrennte Randelvorrichtungen (20) vorgesehen sind, urn an den Deckbogen auf jeder Seite der Platine anzugreifen, und ein jeweils einzeln einwirkender Luftstrom so angeordnet ist, daB er jeden der abgetrennten Deckbogen hochzieht, 8. 5 angeordnet ist, daB sie die Saugwirkung der Saugwalze durch das Einblasen eines zweiten Luftstromes verstarkt, der den abgetrennten Abschnitt des Deckbogens auf die Saugwalze preBt, wobei der zweite Luftstrom schwacher als der erste ist. 10. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 9, weiterhin mit 10 einem AusstoBsystem (30, 32) fur den abgetrennten Deckbogen und is einer Einrichtung (26, 28), die mit der Saugwalze (22, 24) zusammenwirkt und von ihr angetrieben wird, urn den abgetrennten Deckbogen zu dem AusstoBsystem zu befordern. 11. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 10, bei der die Einrichund bei dem die Platine zwischen ersten und zweiten Saugwalzen (22, 24) befordert wird, tung (26, 28), die mit der Saugwalze (22,2 4) zusammenwirkt, ein Bandsystem umfaBt und bei von denen jede beim Bertihren der einzeln mit der das AusstoBsystem einen Tunnel (58, 82) mit ihnen verbundenen Oberflache der Platine zu 20 einem langlichen Schlitz (59) darin umfaBt, durch rotieren beginnt, wobei jeder der Deckbogen, welchen der Deckbogen (8, 10) in den Tunnel einder bereits in einem Bereich derselben von der Platine abgetrennt ist, durch die verbundene geftihrt und darin durch das Bandsystem aufgerollt wobei die Vorrichtung weiterhin eine Einrichwird. wird, Saugwalze angesaugt 25 tung (80) einschlieBt, urn darin eine Luftzirkulation ausreichender Starke zu erzeugen, urn den aufgeVorrichtung zur Entfernung eines Deckbogens (8, rollten Deckbogen aus dem Tunnel zur Handha10) von einem auf eine Platine (6) laminierten Trokkenfilm mit einer Kombination bung als Abfall zu blasen. einer Randelvorrichtung (20), 30 12. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 11 weiterhin mit einer ersten Lufteinblaseinrichtung (46), einer Einrichtung zum Bewegen der Randelvorrichtung unter Aufpressen entlang der Kante des Trockenfilms und gleichzeitigen Betatigung der ersten Luftaufblaseinrichtung (46), urn einen ersten Luftstrom in Folgebeziehung zu der Randelvorrichtung gegen die Kante des Trockenfilmes zu blasen und so in diesem Bereich einen Teil (9) des Deckbogens von dem Trockenfilm zu trennen, dadurch gekenzeichnet, daB sie weiterhin eine Saugwalze (22, 24) und eine Einrichtung (12) zur Beforderung der Platine zu der Saugwalze umfaBt, die bei der Bertihrung der Oberflache der Platine zu rotieren beginnt, wobei der bereits in einem Bereich desselben von dem Trockenfilm abgetrennte Deckbogenabschnitt von der Saugwalze angesaugt wird und bei fortgesetzter Drehung der Saugwalze der Deckbogen in seiner Gesamtheit von dem Trockenfilm entfernt wird. 9. 18 35 40 45 einer Prtifeinrichtung (86, 90) zum Prtifen des Bandsystems, urn zu bestimmen, ob der Deckbogen von dem Trockenfilm entfernt wurde, einer zweiten Beforderungseinrichtung (14) am Ausgangsende der Vorrichtung und einer Abweiseinrichtung am Ausgangsende der Vorrichtung im Zusammenwirken mit der zweiten Beforderungseinrichtung, urn die Platine abzuweisen, wenn die Prtifenrichtung bestimmt, daB der Deckbogen nicht von dem Trockenfilm darauf entfernt wurde. 13. Vorrichtung nach einem der Ansprtiche 8 bis 12 mit einer ersten Achse (38-38) und einer zweiten Achse (40-40), die im wesentlichen senkrecht zu der ersten Achse angeordnet ist und ein Eingangsund ein Augangsende hat, und weiterhin mit 50 55 Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 8 weiterhin mit einer zweiten Lufteinblaseinrichtung (54, 56), die so 10 einer Barriereeinrichtung (16), die entlang der zweiten Achse (40-40) angeordnet ist, wobei diese Barriereeinrichtung ein erstes und ein zweites Ende hat und wobei die Randelvorrichtung (20) in Anlage an dem ersten Ende der Barriereeinrichtung angeordnet ist und tiber einen Weg zu einer Position in Nachbarschaft 19 EP 0 609 984 B1 ladite feuille de couverture de la couche seche, caracterise par I'etape supplemental de zu ihrem zweiten Ende bewegbar ist, einer ersten Beforderungseinrichtung (12) zum Befordern der Platine (6) an dem Eingangsende der Vorrichtung in der Richtung der ersten Achse (38-38) in Bertihrung mit der Barriereeinrichtung und bei dieser anhaltend, wobei die Platine in einer die zweite Achse enthaltenden Ebene positioniert ist und wobei die Beforderungseinrichtung eine Einrichtung einschlieBt, die die Vorderkante der Platine in Ausrichtung mit der Barriereeinrichtung und die Vorderkante des Trockenfilms in Position mit der Randelvorrichtung bewegt, einer Einrichtung (18), die bei Ausrichtung des Vorderendes der Platine mit der Barriereeinrichtung so wirkt, daB sie die Platine ergreift und sie gegen Bewegung der Beforderungseinrichtung in der ausgerichteten Position halt, einer Einrichtung, die, wenn die Platine in der ausgerichteten Position gehalten wird, so wirkt, daB sie die Barriereeinrichtung (16) aus dem Weg bewegt, auf welchem die Randelvorrichtung bewegbar ist, einer Einrichtung, die die Rendelvorrichtung in Druckbertihrung mit der Vorderkante des Trokkenfilmes von einer Seite der Platine zur anderen bewegt, urn sie zu atzen, und einer Einrichtung, die die Platine zur Bewegung durch die erste Beforderungseinrichtung freigibt, worauf die Beforderungseinrichtung die Platine zu der Saugwalze befordert. 14. Vorrichtung nach einem der Ansprtiche 8 bis 13, bei der die Randelvorrichtung wenigstens ein drehbares Rad umfaBt, das in Druckbertihrung mit dem Trockenfilm auf dessen erten 2 bis 3 mm angeordnet ist. Revendications 1. Procede d'enlevement d'une feuille de couverture (8, 10) d'une couche seche stratifiee sur une carte (6), comprenant les etapes de : 20 (c) transport de la carte a un rouleau d'aspiration (22, 24) qui, en touchant la surface de la carte, commence a tourner, si bien que ladite partie de la feuille de couverture (9) deja separee de la couche seche dans une zone, est aspiree et decollee de la couche seche par le rouleau d'aspiration et, avec la rotation continue du rouleau d'aspiration, est enlevee entierement de la couche seche. 5 10 15 2. Procede selon la revendication 1, ou la carte a couche seche stratifiee (6) est de forme rectangulaire, ou, dans I'etape (a), le dispositif de moletage (20) est en contact avec un bord de ladite couche seche sur ses 2-3 premiers millimetres, ou I'etape (b) de soufflage d'un courant d'air a la suite dudit moyen de moletage, contre ledit bord de ladite couche seche dans cette zone, souleve la feuille de couverture sur ses 20-30 premiers millimetres, et ou, dans I'etape (c), Taction d'aspiration dudit rouleau d'aspiration (22, 24) est renforcee par rejection d'un deuxieme courant d'air en poussant la partie separee de la feuille de couverture sur le rouleau d'aspiration, ledit deuxieme courant d'air etant plus faible que ledit premier courant d'air. 3. Procede selon la revendication 1 ou la revendication 2, comprenant en outre I'etape suivante : 20 25 30 (d) utilisation dudit rouleau d'aspiration (22, 24) pour transporter la feuille de couverture separee (8, 10) a un systeme d'expulsion de la feuille de couverture (30, 32). 35 40 45 (a) deplacement d'un dispositif de moletage (20) par rapport a la carte le long d'un bord de ladite couche seche et en contact avec ce bord, so (b) en meme temps, soufflage d'un premier courant d'air, a la suite dudit dispositif de moletage, contre ledit bord de ladite couche seche pour separer dans cette zone une partie (9) de 55 4. Procede selon la revendication 3 ou la carte (6) est une carte rectangulaire ayant un bord avant, le bord avant de la couche seche commengant au bord avant de la carte ou a une distance de quelques millimetres (mm) dudit bord, ledit procede comprenant les etapes de : (a) transport de la carte dans la direction d'un premier axe pour faire engager son bord avant avec une barriere (16) qui est positionnee sur son chemin sur un deuxieme axe qui est substantiellement perpendiculaire au premier axe, (b) alignement du bord avant de la carte et de la barriere (16), (c) serrage de la carte pour la maintenir en position alignee avec la barriere, (d) enlevement de la barriere du chemin sur 11 21 EP 0 609 984 B1 lequel est transportee la carte, (e) decapage du bord avant (9) de la feuille de couverture (8,10) sur ses quelques premiers millimetres en amenant ledit dispositif de moletage (20) en engagement avec la couche seche d'un cote de la carte a I'autre sur ledit deuxieme axe tout en injectant en meme temps un premier courant d'air pour soulever la couche de couverture separee de la carte dans une zone plus etendue de celle-ci, et ou la carte est transportee entre des premier et deuxieme rouleaux d'aspiration (22, 24) dont chacun commence a tourner en touchant la surface individuellement correspondante de la carte, si bien que chacune des feuilles de couverture deja separees de la carte dans une zone est aspiree par le rouleau d'aspiration correspondant. s 10 8. (f) degagement de la carte, (g) transport de la carte jusqu'au rouleau d'aspiration (22, 24) pour separer la feuille de couverture, et (h) utilisation d'un systeme de courroies (26, 28) qui transporte la feuille de couverture separee au systeme d'expulsion (30, 32). 5. Procede selon la revendication 4 ou, dans I'etape (h), le systeme de courroies (26, 28) est entrame par le rouleau d'aspiration (22, 24), et le systeme d'expulsion (30, 32) comprend un tunnel (58) comportant une fente allongee (59) a travers laquelle la feuille de couverture (8, 10) est inseree et enroulee par le systeme de courroies, la feuille de couverture etant ensuite ejectee dudit tunnel par une circulation d'air dans le tunnel suffisante pour en expulser la feuille de couverture enroulee et la propulser dans un bac a dechets. 6. Procede selon la revendication 4 ou la revendication 5, comprenant en outre, apres I'etape (h), I'etape de : G) controle du systeme de courroies (26, 28) pour determiner si la feuille de couverture (8, 10) a ete enlevee et, dans la negative, comprenant en outre I'etape de : (k) rejet de la carte (6). 7. Le procede selon I'une quelconque des revendications precedentes, ou la carte (6) a des couches seches et des feuilles de couverture (8, 10) sur ses deux faces, des dispositifs de moletage separes (20) etant prevus pour engager les feuilles de couverture de chaque cote de la carte et un courant d'air individuellement associe etant prevu pour soulever chacune des feuilles de couverture separees, un premier injecteur soufflant de I'air (46), un moyen pour deplacer ledit dispositif de moletage tout en appuyant dessus, le long du bord de ladite couche seche, tout en actionnant simultanement ledit premier injecteur de soufflage d'air (46) pour souffler un premier courant d'air a la suite dudit dispositif de moletage contre ledit bord de ladite couche seche pour separer dans cette zone une partie (9) de la feuille de couverture de ladite couche seche, caracterise en ce qu'il comprend en outre : 20 25 un rouleau d'aspiration (22, 24), et 30 un moyen (1 2) pour transporter la carte audit rouleau d'aspiration qui, en touchant la surface de la carte, commence a tourner, si bien que ladite partie de la feuille de couverture deja separee de ladite couche seche dans une zone est aspiree par le rouleau d'aspiration et, par la rotation continue du rouleau d'aspiration, la feuille de couverture est enlevee entierement de la couche seche. 35 45 so 55 12 Dispositif pour enlever une feuille de couverture (8, 10) d'une couche seche stratifiee sur une carte (6), comprenant, en combinaison : un dispositif de moletage (20), is 40 22 9. Dispositif selon la revendication 8, comprenant en outre un deuxieme injecteur de soufflage d'air (54, 56), positionne pour renforcer Taction d'aspiration dudit rouleau d'aspiration par I'injection d'un deuxieme courant d'air poussant la partie separee de la feuille de couverture sur le rouleau d'aspiration, ledit deuxieme courant d'air etant plus faible que ledit premier courant d'air. 10. Dispositif selon la revendication 9, comprenant en outre un systeme d'expulsion (30, 32) pour la feuille de couverture separee, et un moyen (26, 28) cooperant avec ledit rouleau d'aspiration (22, 24) et entrame par lui pour transporter la feuille de couverture separee 23 EP 0 609 984 B1 carte en alignement avec ledit moyen de barriere et le bord avant de la couche seche en position avec ledit dispositif de moletage, audit systeme d'expulsion. 11. Appareil selon la revendication 10 ou ledit moyen (26, 28) cooperant avec le rouleau d'aspiration (22, 24) comprend un systeme de courroies et ou ledit systeme d'expulsion comprend un tunnel (58, 82) comportant une fente allongee (59) a travers laquelle la feuille de couverture (8, 10) est inseree dans ledit tunnel et y est enroulee par ledit systeme de courroies, ledit dispositif comprenant en outre un moyen (80) pour y produire une circulation d'air d'une force suffisante pour expulser du tunnel la feuille de couverture enroulee pour qu'elle soit traitee comme un dechet. 12. Dispositif comme defini par la revendication 11, comprenant en outre : des moyens de controle (86, 90) pour controler le systeme de courroies af in de determiner si la feuille de couverture a ete enlevee de la couche seche, un deuxieme moyen de transport (14) a I'extremite de sortie dudit dispositif, et un moyen de rejet prevu a I'extremite de sortie dudit dispositif en relation de cooperation avec ledit deuxieme moyen de transport pour rejeter ladite carte si ledit moyen de controle determine que la feuille de couverture n'a pas ete enlevee de la couche seche recouvrant ladite carte. 13. Dispositif selon I'une quelconque des revendications 8 a 12, ledit dispositif ayant un premier axe (38-38) et un deuxieme axe (40-40) dispose substantiellement perpendiculairement audit premier axe et ayant une extremite d'entree et une extremite de sortie, et comprenant en outre : un moyen de barriere (16) positionne le long dudit deuxieme axe (40-40), ledit moyen de barriere ayant une premiere extremite et une deuxieme extremite, ledit dispositif de moletage (20) etant positionne a proximite de ladite premiere extremite dudit moyen de barriere et pouvant se deplacer sur un chemin jusqu'a une position adjacente a sa deuxieme extremite, un premier moyen de transport (1 2) pour transporter ladite carte (6) a I'extremite d'entree dudit dispositif dans la direction dudit premier axe (38-38) en contact avec ledit moyen de barriere et s'arretant a celui-ci, ladite carte etant positionnee dans un plan contenant ledit deuxieme axe, ledit moyen de transport comprenant un moyen amenant le bord avant de la 24 s 10 un moyen (18) ayant pour effet, lors de I'alignement de I'extremite avant de la carte avec ledit moyen de barriere, de saisir ladite carte et de I'immobiliser contre le deplacement par ledit moyen de transport en position alignee, 15 un moyen ayant pour effet, lorsque ladite carte est maintenue en position alignee, d'enlever ledit moyen de barriere (16) du chemin sur lequel peut etre deplace ledit dispositif de moletage, 20 un moyen deplagant ledit dispositif de moletage en contact de pression avec le bord avant de la couche seche d'un cote de ladite carte a I'autre pour la decaper, et 25 un moyen liberant ladite carte pour qu'elle puisse etre deplacee par ledit premier moyen de transport, ledit moyen de transport transportant alors ladite carte audit rouleau d'aspiration. 14. Dispositif selon I'une quelconque des revendications 8 a 13, ou ledit moyen de moletage comprend 30 au moins une roue pivotante disposee pour etre en contact de pression avec la couche seche sur ses 2-3 premiers millimetres. 35 40 45 50 55 13 EP 0 609 984 B1 FIG. 1 — I r \J UV3 Wl U I DP FIG. rIG. 2 2 A 2; EP 0 609 984 B1 FIG. 4 17 EP 0 609 984 B1 8 FIG. 18 EP 0 609 984 B1