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使用说明书 (家用)电动剃须刀 型号 ES-RP30 中文 English 3 11 2 中文 使用说明书 (家用)电动剃须刀 型号 ES-RP30 目录 安全注意事项…………………………… 4 更换外刀网和内刀头……………………… 8 使用须知………………………………… 6 电池寿命………………………………… 8 部件名称………………………………… 6 故障排除………………………………… 9 使用前…………………………………… 7 内置式充电电池的取出方式…………… 10 剃须……………………………………… 7 规格…………………………………… 10 清洁剃须刀……………………………… 8 感谢您购买这款 Panasonic 产品。 在使用本产品前,请仔细阅读本说明书并妥善保管,以备将来参考。 3 安全注意事项 中文 为减少故障、触电、受伤、火灾、死亡以及设备或财产 损坏的危险,请务必遵守以下安全注意事项。 标志说明 以下标志用于对因无视标志说明和使用不当而导致的危 险、伤害和财产损失的程度进行分类和描述。 危险 警告 注意 表示将会导致重伤或死亡的潜在危 险。 请勿在手湿的情况下将充电插头连接到家用电源 插座中,或从家用电源插座中拔出。 - 否则可能导致触电或受伤。 切勿在浴室或淋浴房充电或使用剃须刀。 当充电插头损坏或者没有在家用电源插座上插紧 时,切勿使用本产品。 - 否则可能导致触电或因短路引发火灾。 表示可能会导致重伤或死亡的潜在 危险。 表示可能会导致轻伤的危险。 以下标志用于对需要遵循的说明的种类进行分类和描述。 上记符号表示不可在水龙头下清洗。 警告 :请保持剃须刀干燥。 此标志用于提醒用户注意禁止采取的操作步骤。 除废弃本产品时以外,切勿进行拆解。 - 否则可能导致触电、受伤或火灾。 此标志用于提醒用户注意为了安全操作本产品而 必须遵循的操作步骤。 使用时,请勿超过家用电源插座或接线的额定值。 - 如果在一个家用电源插座上连接过多插头而使 其超过额定值,可能会因过热而引发火灾。 危险 请勿自行改装或维修。 - 否则可能导致触电、受伤或火灾。请咨询购买 的销售店或联系 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进 行维修(更换电池等)。 本产品含有内置充电电池。请勿将其投入火中或 加热。请勿在高温条件下充电、使用或放置。 - 否则可能导致过热、点燃或爆炸。 4 警告 请勿存放在儿童和婴幼儿的接触范围之内。请勿 让儿童和婴幼儿使用。 - 否则可能会因其意外吞入内刀头、清洁刷等部 件而引发事故和伤害。 注意 进行清洁时,请务必从家用电源插座上拔出充电 插头。 - 否则可能导致触电或受伤。 请勿让针或异物附着到充电插头上。 - 否则可能导致触电或因短路引发火灾。 请务必使用 220 V~电压。 请充分插入充电插头。 - 否则可能导致触电、受伤或火灾。 请定期清洁充电插头,防止灰尘积聚。 - 否则可能因潮湿造成绝缘故障,从而引发火灾。 如果发生异常和故障,请立即停止使用并拔下充 电插头。 - 在这种情况下使用本产品可能会导致触电、受 伤或火灾。 < 异常或故障情况 > ·本体变形或异常变热。 ·本体发出烧焦的气味。 ·本体使用或充电过程中发出异常声音。 - 请立即咨询购买的销售店或联系 Panasonic 授 权的维修中心进行维修。 请妥善处理本产品的包装袋,使其远离婴幼儿。 - 否则可能导致婴幼儿窒息等意外发生。 本产品不宜供肢体、感官或精神上有残疾者、或 缺乏经验和知识者(包括儿童)使用,必须有监 护者从旁监督并对本产品的使用加以指导,且对 使用者的安全能承担责任。 - 否则可能导致意外的发生或受伤。 中文 警告 请勿在皮肤或嘴唇上过度按压外刀网。当脸部长 有小疙瘩或皮肤受伤的情况下,请避免将外刀网 直接接触该处。 - 否则可能导致皮肤受伤。 请勿过度用力按压外刀网。使用时,请勿将外刀 网直接接触到手指或指甲。 - 否则可能导致皮肤受伤或外刀网寿命缩短。 请勿直接接触内刀头的刀刃部分(金属部分)。 - 否则可能导致受伤。 请勿用于刮剃胡须以外的其它毛发。 - 否则可能导致皮肤受伤或外刀网寿命缩短。 请勿与家人或其他人员共用。 - 否则可能导致皮肤感染或发炎。 请避免本产品跌落或受到冲击。 - 否则可能导致受伤。 卸除外刃架后请勿使用。 - 否则可能导致皮肤受伤。 不充电时,请从家用电源插座上拔出充电插头。 - 否则可能因绝缘性能下降而导致漏电,从而引 发触电或火灾。 使用前请确认外刀网有无破损或变形。 - 否则可能导致皮肤受伤。 5 中文 注意 外出携带或保管时,请装上保护盖。 - 否则可能导致外刀网变形,从而使皮肤受伤或 外刀网寿命缩短。 使用须知 ·请勿使用涂料稀释剂、苯、酒精等清洁本产品。否则 可能导致本体发生故障、破裂或褪色。请使用肥皂水 浸泡过的布拧干后进行擦试。 ·本产品使用后应放置在远离水池、浴室或其它高湿度 的区域。 ·本产品应放置在远离高温或阳光直射的地方。 ·存放剃须刀时,请务必装上保护盖,以免刮擦外刀网。 部件名称 A E a B b c C D h 0 d e A 保护盖 B 外刀部 a 外刃架 b 外刀网 c 外刀网释放按钮 C 内刀头 6 g f D 机身 d 电源开关 [0/1] e 开关锁定按钮钮 f 充电插头 g 充电插头释放按钮 h 外刃架释放按钮 E 清洁刷 给剃须刀充电 为了获得最佳性能,请在使用前给本产品完全充电。 充电过程中无法操作本产品。 充电时间约 8 小时 剃须刀在充电 8 小时后可使用约 25 分钟。 (根据胡须浓密程度的不同或温度的不同而有所变化。) 如果感觉剃须刀速度下降,请按下列步骤给剃须刀充电。 1. 关闭剃须刀电源。 ·当剃须刀处于开启状态时,剃须刀不能充电。 2. 按下充电插头释放按钮的同时向前推 出充电插头直至听到咔嗒声为止。 ·请始终保持双手干燥。 3. 将充电插头插入家用电源插座。此时, 剃须刀开始充电。 ·插入充电插头时,手指不要触摸充 电插头,以防触电。 ·约 8 小时,即可完成充电。 ·购买后初次使用或半年以上未使用 过,请充电约 16 小时 ( 要激活充 电电池活性 )。 4. 请在充电后拔出充电插头。 ·充电的推荐环境温度为 0 至 35 摄 氏度。在温度过低或过高的条件下, 电池可能无法正常充电或无法充 电。 5. 按下充电插头释放按钮,推回充电插 头。 中文 使用前 剃须 使用剃须刀 0 1 按下开关锁定按钮并将 2 如上图所示握住剃须 电源开关向上推动。 刀剃须。 ·使用的最佳环境温度为 0 至 35 摄氏度。如果在推荐 范围以外的温度下使用产品,本产品可能停止工作。 轻轻地压向面部开始剃须。用另一只手绷紧脸上皮肤, 逆着胡须生长方向来回移动剃须刀。当皮肤适应剃须刀 之后您可以稍稍加大压力,但施加压力过大就可能会造 成皮肤伤害。 7 清洁剃须刀 中文 更换内刀头 1. 按住有外刃架释放按钮的一侧,取出 外刀部。 使用清洁刷清洁 使用附带的清洁刷清除内刀头、 外刀网和剃须刀机身内部的碎屑。 沿右图(A)所示的方向移动清洁 刷,清洁内刀头。 请勿沿右图(B)所示方向移动清洁 刷,因为这样将损坏内刀头而影 响刀片的锋利度。 0 2. 取出内刀头,一次取一个。 ·不要触摸内刀头的边缘(金属部分), 以防止您的手受伤。 3. 安装内刀头时,一次插入一个内刀头, 直至固定位置为止。 (B) 更换外刀网和内刀头 外刀网 每年一次 内刀头 每两年一次 ES-RP30 更换部件 3 0 外刀网 WES9863 内刀头 WES9064 1 电池寿命 0 2. 如图所示,按下外刀网释放按钮,拉 出外刀网。 3. 向内插入外刀网,直至卡到位。 ·安装到剃须刀时,请确保外刀网插入 到外刃架内。 2 更换部件 更换部件在经销商或 Panasonic 认定维修店有售。 更换外刀网 1. 如图所示,按住有外刃架释放按钮的 一侧,取出外刀部。 8 1 (A) 如果每周充电一次左右,电池寿命为 3 年。本剃须刀所 含电池并非由消费者进行更换。请委托授权的服务中心 进行更换。 3 2 故障 纠正措施 没有充电。 将本产品充满电。 在充电插头连接至家用电源插 座的状态下启动了开关。 连接家用电源插座时只能充电。 从家用电源插座上断开后使用。 未在推荐的环境温度下使用本 产品。 在推荐的 0 至 35 摄氏度的环境温度范围内使用。 到达电池的使用寿命。 请委托 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进行更换。 充电插头未完全插入电源插座 内。 将充电插头完全插入电源插座内。 未在推荐的环境温度下充电。 推荐充电环境温度为 0 至 35 摄氏度。当室温超过或低于推 荐充电环境温度时,有可能会发生本体充电时间变长或无法 充电的情况。 到达电池的使用寿命。 请委托 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进行更换。 胡渣乱飞。 胡渣堆积在外刀部内。 请参阅第 8 页清洁剃须刀。 外刀网发烫。 外刀网破损。 请参阅第 8 页更换外刀网。 声音大。 外刀部脱落。 请参阅第 8 页确认外刀部是否完全安装到剃须刀上。 刀头有异味。 胡渣堆积在外刀部内。 请参阅第 8 页清洁剃须刀 。 剃须性能变 差。 胡渣堆积在外刀部内。 请参阅第 8 页清洁剃须刀 。 外刀网或内刀头到了使用寿命。 请参阅第 8 页更换外刀网或内刀头。 本产品不运行。 本产品不能进行充电。 本产品 使用发 生以下 问题。 可能的原因 中文 故障排除 如果按以上方法还不能解决,请立即咨询购买的销售店或联系 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进行维修。 9 内置式充电电池的取出方式 中文 本产品内藏有充电电池,在消费者决定废弃本产品前, 请务必将电池从本产品中取出。 如有官方指定的电池处理场所,请务必在指定处对旧电 池进行统一处理。 下图仅在废弃产品时才可使用图示方法,切勿使用此方 法进行维修。如果自行拆解本产品,可能会引起功能故 障。 ·取出电池时,应切断电源。 ·鼓励消费者在决定废弃本产品前,事先征求经销商或 Panasonic认定维修中心的意见,尽量延长本产品的 使用寿命。 ·当消费者决定废弃本产品又不想自行分解本产品取出 电池时,鼓励消费者将本产品送往Panasonic认定维 修中心,由维修中心对电池进行分解和回收。 ·电池务必废弃于政府规定的地方或回收处理单位。 ·按下图所示的①~ g的顺序拆开本产品,剪断连接电 池的导线,卸下电池。 ·分解过程中切勿将电池短路。 环境保护与资源回收 本产品使用镍氢电池。 如果您所在的国家有相关规定,请务必在指定处对旧电 池进行统一处理。 规格 产品名称 电动剃须刀 产品型号 ES-RP30 额定电压 / 额定频率 1.2 V 马达电压 约 8 小时 充电时间 原产地 中国 生产日期 请见商品上刻印 中国国家 标准 GB4706.1 附录 B GB4706.9 企业标准 Q/SXWBMJ 6 本产品仅适合家庭使用。 a b f c d e 10 3W 额定功率 执行标准 g 220 V~ 50-60 Hz Operating Instructions (Household) Rechargeable Shaver Model No. ES-RP30 Safety precautions............................... 12 Intended use........................................... 14 Battery life............................................... 17 Troubleshooting...................................... 18 Parts identification.................................. 15 Before use.............................................. 15 Removing the built-in rechargeable battery..................................................... 19 Specifications......................................... 20 Shaving................................................... 16 Cleaning................................................. 16 Replacing the outer foil and the inner blades..................................................... 16 Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them for future use. English Contents 11 Safety precautions To reduce the risk of malfunction, electric shock, injury, fire, loss of life, and damage to equipment or property, always observe the following safety precautions. Explanation of symbols The following symbols are used to classify and describe the level of hazard, injury, and property damage caused when the notation is disregarded and improper use is performed. DANGER Denotes a potential hazard that will result in serious injury or death. WARNING Denotes a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death. CAUTION Denotes a hazard that could result in minor injury. DANGER This product has a built-in rechargeable battery. Do not throw into flame or heat. - Doing so may cause fluid leak, overheating, or explosion. WARNING Do not connect or disconnect the power plug to a household outlet with a wet hand. - Doing so may cause electric shock or injury. Never use the shaver in the bathroom or shower room. Never use the appliance if the power plug is damaged or if the power plug fits loosely in a household outlet. - Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a short circuit. The following symbols are used to classify and describe the type of instructions to be observed. This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must not be performed. English 12 This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must be followed in order to operate the unit safely. The symbol above means “Do not wash the product with water”. Warning : Keep the appliance dry. Never disassemble except when disposing of the product. - Doing so may cause electric shock, injury, or fire. Do not use in a way exceeding the rating of the household outlet or the wiring. - Exceeding the rating by connecting too many plugs to one household outlet may cause fire due to overheating. Do not modify or repair by yourself. - Doing so may cause electric shock, injury or fire. Contact the store where you purchased the unit or contact a service centre authorized by Panasonic for repair(battery change, etc.). Do not store within the reach of children or infants. Do not let them use it. - Doing so may cause accidents and injury due to accidental ingestion of the inner blade, the cleaning brush,etc. Always unplug the power plug from a household outlet when cleaning. - Failure to do so may cause electric shock or injury. Make sure to use only 220V〜 voltage. Fully inserted the power plug. - Failure to do so may cause electric shock, injury or fire. Regularly clean the power plug to prevent dust from accumulating. - Failure to do so may cause fire due to insulation failure caused by humidity. Immediately stop using and remove the power plug if there is an abnormality or failure. - Using it in such conditions may cause electric shock, injury, or fire. ·The main unit is deformed or abnormally hot. ·The main unit smells of burning. ·There is an abnormal sound during use or charging of the main unit. - Immediately contact the store where you purchased the unit or contact a service centre authorized by Panasonic for repair. Properly dispose the package of the appliance, keep the package away from infants. - Failure to do so may cause suffocation of infants from happening. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. - Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury. English WARNING 13 CAUTION Do not use after removing the foil frame. - Doing so may cause skin injury. Do not allow pins or trash to adhere to the power plug. - Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a short circuit. Disconnect the power plug from the household outlet When not charging, - Failure to do so may cause electric shock or fire due to electrical leakage resulting from insulation deterioration. Do not use excessive pressure to apply the system outer foil to your lip or other part of your face. Do not apply the system outer foil directly to blemishes or injured skin. - Doing so may cause injury to the skin. Do not forcefully press the system outer foil. Also, do not touch the system outer foil with fingers or nails when in use. - Doing so may cause injury to skin or shorten the service life of the system outer foil. Do not touch the blade section (metallic section) of the inner blade. - Doing so may cause injury to your hand. Do not apply on hairs other than the beard. - Doing so may cause injury to the skin or shorten the service life of the system outer foil. English 14 Do not share your shaver with your family or other people. - Doing so may result in infection or inflammation. Do not drop or subject to shock. - Doing so may cause injury. Check the system outer foil for cracks or deformations before use - Cracks or deformations of the system outer foil may result in injury to the skin. Be sure to place the shaver in its protective cap when carrying around or storing. - Failure to do so may cause injury to skin or shorten the service life of the system outer foil. Intended use ·Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the appliance. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and wrung tightly. ·Keep the appliance away from sinks,bathrooms or other high-humidity areas where it could be exposed to water and moisture after use. ·Keep the appliance away from where it will be exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight. ·When storing the shaver, be sure that the protective cap is installed so as not to scratch the outer foil. Before use Parts identification E a B b c C D h 0 d e g f dPower switch [0/1] eSwitch lock button fPower plug aFoil frame gPower plug lock bSystem outer foil release button cSystem outer foil release buttons hFoil frame release C Inner blade button D Main body E Cleaning brush A Protective cap B Outer foil section For best performance, fully charge the appliance before use. You cannot be operate the appliance during charging. The charging time is approx. 8 hour After 8 hour of charging, the shaver can be used for about 25 minutes.(It varies for different thicknesses of beards or different temperatures.) Perform the following steps to charge the shaver if it seems to lose the speed. 1. Turn off the shaver. ·Your shaver cannot be charged when it is turned on. 2. While holding the power plug lock release button pressed, push the power plug forward until a click is heard. ·Please always keep your hands dry. 3. Plug in the appliance to the power outlet. Now, the shaver begins charging. ·Do not touch the plug pins with your fingers when plugging in the power plug, in case of electric shock. ·Charging is completed after approx. 8 hours. English Charging the shaver A 15 ·When charging the shaver for the first time or when it has not been in use for more than 6 months, the operating time may shorten. Please charge it for more than 16 hours in such case. 4. Disconnect the power plug after charging. ·Recommended ambient temperature for charging is 0 - 35°C. The battery may not charge properly or may not charge under extreme low or high temperatures. 5. While holding the power plug lock release button pressed, push the power plug back into its storage position. Shaving Using the shaver 0 English 16 1 Depress the switch lock 2 Hold the shaver as button and slide the power switch upwards. illustrated above and shave. ·Adequate ambient temperature for using is 0 - 35°C. If you use the appliance in temperature outside of the recommended range, it may stop functioning. Start out shaving by applying gentle pressure to your face. Stretch your skin with your free hand and move the shaver back and forth in the direction of your beard. You may gently increase the amount of pressure as your skin becomes accustomed to this shaver. Applying excessive pressure does not provide a closer shave. Cleaning Cleaning with the brush Use the included cleaning brush to remove any tiny debris from the inner blade, outer foil, or main body. Move the cleaning brush as shown in Figure A at right to clean the inner blade. Do not move the cleaning brush in direction (B) as it will damage the inner blade and affect their sharpness. (A) (B) Replacing the outer foil and the inner blades Outer foil Once every year Inner blade Once every two years 2. Press the system outer foil release buttons and pull down the system outer foil as illustrated. 3. Insert the system outer foil until it clicks. ·Always insert the system outer foil to the foil frame when attaching to the shaver. Replacement parts Replacement parts are available at your dealer or the Service Center. WES9863 Replacement parts for Outer foil ES-RP30 Inner blades WES9064 ▲ ▲ Replacing the outer foil 1. Press the foil frame release button and take out the outer foil section as illustrated. 1 0 Battery life 2 3 ▲ Replacing the inner blades 1. Press the foil frame release button and take out the outer foil section as illustrated. The life of the battery is 3 years if charged approximately once every week. The battery in this shaver is not intended to be replaced by consumers. Have the battery replaced by an authorized service center. 2 3 0 English 2. Remove the inner blades one at a time. ·Do not touch the edges (metal parts) of the inner blades to prevent injury to your hand. 3. Insert the inner blades one at a time until they click. 1 0 17 Troubleshooting Problem The appliance does not operate. The appliance cannot be charged. English 18 Trimmed hairs fly all over. System outer foil One of the gets hot. following Makes a loud problems sound. occurs There is an odor while using the in the blades. appliance. Shaving performance gets poor. Possible cause Action It is not charged. The power switch is turned 0 with the power plug connected to the household outlet. The appliance is not used at a recommended operating temperature. The battery has reached the end of its life. The power plug is not fully inserted into the household outlet. Fully charge the appliance. Only charging is possible when connected to the household outlet. Use it disconnected from the household outlet. Use at the recommended ambient temperature of 0 - 35°C. Please consult the service center authorized by Panasonic for replacement. Fully insert the power plug into the household outlet. The recommended temperature for charging is 0-35℃ .If charged at a temperature other than the recommended temperature, the shaver may take longer to charge or may not charge at all. Please consult the service center authorized by Panasonic for replacement. Not charged at the recommended operating temperature The battery has reached the end of its life. Trimmed hairs accumulated in the outer foil section. Refer to Page 16 to clean the shaver. System outer foil damaged. Refer to Page 16 to replace the system outer foil. Outer foil section fall. Refer to Page 16 to verify if the outer foil section is completely attached to the shaver. Trimmed hairs accumulated in the Refer to Page 16 to clean the shaver. outer foil section. Trimmed hairs accumulated in the Refer to Page 16 to clean the shaver. outer foil section. The system outer foil or the inner Refer to Page 16 to replace the system outer foil blades has reached the end of its life. or the inner blades. If the problems still cannot be solved, contact the store where you purchased the unit or contact a service centre authorized by Panasonic for repair. This appliance contains a built-in chargeable battery. Remove the battery from the appliance before disposing of it. Please make sure that the batteries are disposed of uniformly at an officially designated location if there is one. This figure must only be used when disposing of the shaver,and must not be used to repair it. If you dismantle the shaver yourself, malfunction may be caused. ·Be sure the shaver is switched off when removing the battery. ·In order to extend the service life of the product as long as possible, consumers are encouraged to seek the comments of the dealer or the service center designated by Panasonic before disposing of the appliance. ·When consumers decide to dispose of the appliance but do not want to dismantle it to remove the battery, they are encouraged to take the appliance to the service center designated by Panasonic. The service center shall dismantle and recycle the battery. ·Please dispose of the battery at a government designated location or a recycling station. ·Disassemble the appliance in the order of a ~ g as illustrated in the following figure, cutting wire connecting the battery, remove the battery. ·Do not short the battery while disassembling. a b f c d e g For environmental protection and recycling of materials. This appliance contains a Nickel-Metal Hydride battery. Please make sure that the battery is disposed of at an officially assigned location, if there is one in your country. English Removing the built-in rechargeable battery 19 Specifications Product name Rechargeable Shaver Product model ES-RP30 Rated voltage/rated frequency 220 V〜 50 - 60 Hz Power consumption 3W Motor voltage 1.2 V Charging time Approx. 8 hours Place of origin China Date of production Execution standard See engraving on the commodity. Chinese standard GB4706.1 appendix B GB4706.9 Company standard Q/SXWBMJ 6 This product is intended for household use only. English 20 ES-RP30 ES-RP30 ES-RP30 ES-RP30 ES-RP30 ES-RP30 电动剃须刀 整机(上述部件除外) Panasonic客户咨询服务中心:400-810-0781 Panasonic官方网站: MEMO 23 Panasonic Wanbao Appliances Beauty and Living (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. 工厂地址 : (Address): 广州市番禺区钟村万宝基地万宝北街 33 号 33, Wanbao North Street, Wanbao Industry Zone, Zhongcun, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China 电话 (Tel): (020)84770333 传真 (Fax): (020)84773033 邮政编码 (Post Code): 511495 原产地 : 中国 Panasonic 客户咨询服务中心 :400-810-0781 Panasonic 官方网站 : 中国印刷 Printed in China ES9210RP300405 Y0513-0 Y CH, EN C Panasonic Corporation 2013 发行 : 2013 年 5 月