Quick Start Guide Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 / 2003 R2 / 2008 / 2008 R2 / 2012
Copyright 2013 by ESET, spol. s r.o. ESET Securi ty for Mi cros oft Sha rePoi nt Server wa s devel oped by ESET, s pol . s r.o. For more i nforma ti on vi s i t Al l ri ghts res erved. No pa rt of thi s documenta ti on ma y be reproduced, s tored i n a retri eva l s ys tem or tra ns mi tted i n a ny form or by a ny mea ns , el ectroni c, mecha ni ca l , photocopyi ng, recordi ng, s ca nni ng, or otherwi s e wi thout permi s s i on i n wri ti ng from the a uthor. ESET, s pol . s r.o. res erves the ri ght to cha nge a ny of the des cri bed a ppl i ca ti on s oftwa re wi thout pri or noti ce. ESET, l ogo of ESET, NOD32, Sma rt Securi ty, Threa tSens e, Li ve Gri d a nd/or other menti oned products of ESET, s pol . s r. o. a re regi s tered tra dema rks of ESET, s pol . s r. o. Other compa ni es menti oned here or products , ma y be regi s tered tra dema rks of i ts propri etors . Produced a ccordi ng to qua l i ty s ta nda rds of ISO 9001:2000. REV. 6/24/2013
1. Introducing ESET Security for Microsoft ................................................................4 SharePoint Server 2. Installation ................................................................4 2.1 Where to i ns ta ..................................................................................4 ll 2.2 Qui ck i ns ta l l a..................................................................................5 ti on
3. Securing your ................................................................6 SharePoint farm 3.1 Schedul e a n In-depth ..................................................................................6 s ca n 3.2 Da ta ba s e protecti ..................................................................................7 on 3.2.1 Confi gure .............................................................................8 On-a cces s fi l teri ng 3.2.2 Confi gure .............................................................................9 the regul a r da ta ba s e s ca n 3.2.3 Confi.............................................................................10 gure Rul es -ba s ed fi l teri ng
4. Export/Import ................................................................11 a configuration 5. Managing ESET Security for Microsoft ................................................................11 SharePoint Server using ERA 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
Upgra de ESET ..................................................................................11 Confi gura ti on Edi tor Upl oa d the ESET ..................................................................................12 Remote Admi ni s tra tor l i cens e fi l e Ena bl e remote ..................................................................................12 a dmi ni s tra ti on i n ESHP Crea te your pol ..................................................................................13 i cy
1. Introducing ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server (ESHP) helps businesses manage SharePoint contents and portals, collaborate internally and with partners without worrying about malware infections or operational disruptions. ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server secures SharePoint databases by scanning files upon upload, download, or during a search query. Additionally, IT policies can be enforced with database content filtering using rules to block or allow files by name, size and real file-type. ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server also includes host server antimalware protection based on the core capabilities of ESET File Security for Microsoft Windows Server.
2. Installation 2.1 Where to install
Figure 1
ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server is designed primarily for deployment on the Web Server tier of your SharePoint farm, and should be installed on all servers running the Web IIS Server role. If your Application server and Web Server are hosted on the same machine, ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server must be installed on that machine to protect your SharePoint site. If your Application Server(s) and Web Server(s) are hosted separately, it is not necessary that you install ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server on your Application Server(s), however you can install ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server on the Application Server tier. Important: Do not install ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server on your Database Server(s), doing so will not offer any additional protection for your SharePoint farm. We recommend ESET File Security for Microsoft Windows Server for the protection of your Database Server(s).
2.2 Quick installation ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server must be installed manually on each Web Server in your SharePoint farm, and cannot be installed remotely using ESET Remote Administrator. Before you begin the installation process, make sure that you have the following items: Your ESET-issued Username, Password and license file SharePointsecurity.lic (emailed to you following your purchase of ESHP) The Administrator username and password used to access your Microsoft SharePoint site(s) Ensure that your SharePoint administrator account has the following: SharePoint Farm Administrator's privelages Access to web site collections 'Log on as service' priveleges SharePoint account is a member of SQL Sysadmn role on the database server (if SharePoint is configured to connect to the database using Windows authentication) Once you have these items available, follow the steps below to install ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server: 1. Open, expand Collaboration and then click I have a license next to ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server. 2. Use the drop-down menus to select your operating system and language and then click Download. Save the installer (.msi) file to your Desktop.
Figure 2
3. Double-click the installer file to launch the ESET installation wizard and then click Next at the welcome screen. 4. Read the End-User License Agreement. If you agree to the terms, select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and then click Next. 5. In the Installation mode window, you have the option to select Typical or Custom installation mode. For most users, Typical installation mode is recommended. Click Next once you have selected your installation mode. Sel ect Cus tom i ns ta l l a ti on mode to defi ne a s peci fi c i ns ta l l l oca ti on, s peci fy proxy s erver s etti ngs or s peci fy s etti ngs a cces s credenti a l s . The s teps i n thi s gui de a re ba s ed on a Typi ca l i ns ta l l a ti on, for more i nforma ti on on performi ng a cus tom i ns ta l l a ti on, s ee the ESET Securi ty for Mi cros oft Sha rePoi nt Server Us er Gui de.
6. Type your ESET-issued Username and Password into the appropriate fields and then click Next. 7. Click Add, navigate to your ESET-issued license file (SharePointsecurity.lic), select the license file and 5
then click Open to add it to License manager. Click Next when you are finished.
Figure 3
8. Select the check box next to Enable ThreatSense.Net Early Warning System if you want to participate. Click Next when you are finished. 9. Select whether to enable or disable detection of potentially unwanted applications and then click Next. 10. In the Microsoft SharePoint Server protection window, type your Microsoft SharePoint Administrator username and password into the appropriate fields and then click Next. 11. Click Install to complete installation and then click Finish. 12. If you are installing multiple instances of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server, see the Managing ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server using ERA 11 section of this guide. 13. Repeat steps 1-11 on all Web IIS Servers in your SharePoint farm.
3. Securing your SharePoint farm 3.1 Schedule an In-depth scan Computer protection in ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server defends your Web server from threats using Real-time file system protection, email client protection and web access protection. In addition to the automatic startup file check, we recommend that you schedule an In-depth scan to run at regular intervals. To create a new scheduled scan, follow the steps below: 1. Click Start > All Programs > ESET > ESET Security > ESET Security to open the main program window. 2. Click Tools > Scheduler and then click Add. 3. Select Computer scan from the Scheduled task drop-down menu and then click Next. 4. Type a name for your new scanning task (for example "Weekly In-depth scan") into the Task name field, select the radio button for the frequency with which you want to run the scan (we recommend that you perform a scan at least once a week) and then click Next. 5. Set the time at which you want the scan to run (we recommend that you choose a time when system load is low, preferably not during work hours) and then select the days on which you want the scan to run. Click Next once you are finished. 6. Select the action to take if the scan cannot be run at the time specified. We recommend that you select Run the task immediately if the time since its last execution exceeds specified interval and set the Task interval to 24 hours. Click Next once you are finished. 7. Click Finish. 8. Select In-depth scan from the Scan profile drop-down menu and then select the respective check boxes 6
next to your desired scan targets. We recommend that you select the check box next to Computer in the Scan targets window to scan all local drives and removal media. Click OK once you are finished. Your new scheduled task will be displayed in the Scheduler/Planner window.
Figure 4
3.2 Database protection Database protection in ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server integrates with your Microsoft SharePoint site. It provides real-time antivirus and antispyware protection any time that the database is accessed and enforces rules-based filtering to prevent the addition of files that do not correspond with your specific parameters. ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server is capable of performing an On-demand scan of your SharePoint database at any time to verify the integrity of your database and remove any potentially harmful files. The On-demand database scan is configured to compare file versions where multiple instances of the same file are present, and will restore any infected files to the latest clean version following cleaning. IMPORTANT!: If a document is deleted, older versions of that document are deleted as well, therefore we recommend that you use the block action for files detected by the On-access filter. To remove infected documents, use the On-demand database scan. To access settings for the On-demand database scan, press F5 to access Setup and expand Server protection > SharePoint > On-demand database scan. For instructions to configure the regular database scan see the Configure the regular database scan 9 section of this guide. To access rules-based filtering settings, press F5 to access Setup and expand Server protection > SharePoint > Rules. For instructions to add, edit and remove rules see the Configure Rules-based filtering 10 section of this guide.
3.2.1 Configure On-access filtering
The On-access filter in ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server monitors all read/write activity to your database in real time and can be configured to block or delete potential threats when they attempt to access the database. To access On-access filter settings, press F5 to access Setup and expand Server protection > Antivirus and antispyware > On-access filter. The On-access filter is active when the check box next to Enable Microsoft SharePoint Server on-access antivirus and antispyware filtering (selected by default) is selected.
Figure 5
You can define the action to take when a potential threat is detected by the On-access filter in the Actions window. Select the action you want to take any time a potential threat is detected by the On-access filter. IMPORTANT!: If a document is deleted, older versions of that document are deleted as well, therefore we recommend that you use the block action for files detected by the On-access filter. To remove infected documents, use the On-demand database scan. The following options are available: No action: No action will be taken against potential threats when they are identified by the On-access scanner (threats may still be cleaned or deleted during the On-demand scan) Block (selected by default): Potential threats will not be allowed read/write access to the database Mark for delete: Potential threats will not be allowed read/write access to the database and will be marked for deletion. We recommend that you use the database scan to clean potential threats rather than On-access filtering. Quarantine infected files (selected by default): Infected files will automatically be moved to the quarantine when this is selected You can define a custom message to be displayed when a threat is detected by typing it into the Template of a message displayed on threat detection field.
3.2.2 Configure the regular database scan
ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server can scan your SharePoint database for threats at any time using the on-demand database scan. This includes a scheduled task to run the database scan that is disabled by default. We recommend that you configure the scheduled database scan according to your preferences and then enable it. To do so, follow the steps below: 1. Click Start > All Programs > ESET > ESET Security > ESET Security to open the main program window. 2. Click Tools > Scheduler, select the task named Regular database scan and then click Edit. 3. Click Next. 4. Select the frequency at which you want to run the database scan (we recommend that you perform a scan at least once a week) and then click Next. 5. Set the time at which you want the scan to run (we recommend that you choose a time when system load is low, preferably not during work hours) and then select the check boxes next to all days on which you want the scan to run. Click Next once you are finished. 6. Select the action to take if the scan cannot be run at the time specified. We recommend that you select Run the task immediately if the time since its last execution exceeds specified interval and set the Task interval to 24 hours. Click Next once you are finished. 7. Click Finish. 8. By default, All targets is selected from the Scan targets drop-down menu. We recommend that you perform a regular database scan on all SharePoint sites at least once a week, however if you want to divide scanning tasks between multiple web servers you can select Selected targets from the Scan targets drop-down menu and then select the check boxes next to the sites that you want to scan using this instance of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server. Click OK once you are finished.
Figure 6
9. Select the check box next to Regular database scan in the Scheduler/Planner window to enable the regular database scan using your new settings. 9
3.2.3 Configure Rules-based filtering
Settings for Rules-based filtering will differ depending on the security needs of your network. To access rulesbased filtering settings, press F5 to access Setup and expand Server protection > SharePoint > Rules. Add a new rule 1. Click Add to create a new rule, you can filter files based on name, size or type of file. Select the check box next to the criteria that you want to use and then click Next to define the specific trigger for your rule (for example, when filtering by file size, you need to define how large a file must be to trigger the filter). Click Next again once you are finished. 2. Select the action(s) to take when the filter is triggered (you can take no action, block the file or mark it for deletion) and then click Next when you are finished. For a description of each action, see below:
Figure 7
Quarantine file: Quarantine files that violate this rule Submit file for analysis: Submit a sample of files that violate this rule to the ESET Virus Lab for analysis (files will still be blocked, cleaned or deleted based on your settings when this is selected) Send event notification: Trigger a notification window to be displayed any time that this rule is violated. This option is only available when Display alerts is enabled in Setup under User interface > Alerts and notifications. Log: Record all instances of this rule's being violated to a log file Evaluate other rules: Check all files that violate this rule for compliance with all other rules 3. Type a name for your rule into the Rule name window and click Finish when you are done. Your new rule will be added to the Rules window and will be enabled by default.
To edit an existing rule, select it and then click Edit. To remove an existing rule, select it and then click Remove. For more information on SharePoint Server rules, see the "Rules" section of the ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server User Guide.
4. Export/Import a configuration If you want to reuse settings from one instance of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server on multiple servers, you can export your settings in the form of an .xml file and then import the file on multiple servers to apply an identical settings configuration. This method is not recommended when ESET Remote Administrator is used to manage ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server, because you can replicate settings across any number of servers using a policy. To export your configuration .xml from one instance of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server and import them into another, follow the steps below: 1. Click Start > All Programs > ESET > ESET Security > ESET Security to open the main program window. 2. Click Setup > Import and export settings. 3. Select Export settings, click ... and then select your Desktop as the location to save the file. 4. Type a name (for example, "Config") into the File name field and then click Open. 5. Click OK to export the .xml file. 6. On every computer where you want to use the settings from this .xml file, repeat steps 1 and 2 and select Import settings. 7. Click ... , navigate to the location of the .xml file that you saved in step 5 and then click Open. The saved configuration settings should take effect immediately.
5. Managing ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server using ERA You can manage ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server in combination with your other ESET products using ESET Remote Administrator (ERA). To allow for the management of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server, you must have the latest versions of ERA and ESET Configuration Editor (a component of ESET Remote Administrator), and remote administration must be enabled in ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server. The Upgrade ESET Configuration Editor 11 and Enable remote administration 12 sections of this guide detail how to complete these respective processes. Once remote management is enabled, you can configure a policy (or multiple policies) for ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server using ERA to more efficiently manage multiple instances of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server deployed on your network.
5.1 Upgrade ESET Configuration Editor You can manage ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server in combination with your other ESET products using ESET Remote Admnistrator (ERA). Upgrading ESET Configuration Editor will not overwrite any existing policy or configuration settings in ESET Remote Administrator. To add Settings for ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server to the ESET Configuration editor, follow the steps below on your Server with ESET Remote Administrator Console installed: 1. Upgrade ESET Remote Administrator to the latest version. For step-by-step instructions see our Knowledgebase article. 2. Download CfgEdit.exe (also available in the Knowledgebase article "How do I manage ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server using ESET Remote Administrator") and save the file to your Desktop.
3. Navigate to the appropriate directory below depending on your operating system: o 32-bit operating systems: C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Remote Administrator\Console o 64-bit operating systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\ESET\ESET Remote Administrator\Console 4. Replace CfgEdit.exe in the ESET Remote Administrator\Console folder with the new CfgEdit.exe that you downloaded in step 1. Select Move and replace when prompted by Windows. 5. In ESET Remote Administrator Console, click Tools > ESET Configuration Editor and then expand Windows Server v4.5. The Security 4.5 for MS SharePoint Server branch should be present in the settings tree, allowing you to make changes to ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server settings using policies. To manage ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server using ESET Remote Administrator, you need to enable remote administration in ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server. See the section Enable remote administration in ESHP 6 for instructions to enable this setting.
5.2 Upload the ESET Remote Administrator license file Before you can manage ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server using ESET Remote Administrator (ERA), follow the steps below to upload the ERA-specific license file (named ERA-Sharepointsecurity.lic) that you received from ESET following your purchase of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server into ERA license manager. 1. Click Start > All Programs > ESET > ESET Remote Administrator Console to open the main program window. 2. Click Tools > License manager > Browse. 3. Navigate to the directory where you saved ERA-Sharepointsecurity.lic, select the file and click Open. Your license details will appear in License Manager. 4. Click OK to close License Manager. 5.3 Enable remote administration in ESHP To allow the management of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server using ESET Remote Administrator (ERA), complete the steps in the Upgrade ESET Configuration Editor 11 and Upload the ESET Remote Administrator license file 12 sections of this guide and then follow the steps below to enable remote administration in ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server. 1. Click Start > All Programs > ESET > ESET Security > ESET Security to open the main program window. 2. Press F5 on your keyboard to access Setup. 3. Expand Miscellaneous and click Remote Administration. 4. Select the check box next to Connect to ESET Remote Administrator server and then type the IP address of your ERA server into the Server address field. If your ERA server requires clients to enter a password to check in, select the check box next to Remote Administrator server requires authentication and then type the password into the Password field. Once you are finished, click OK.
Figure 8
5.4 Create your policy Once you have completed the steps in the Upgrade ESET Configuration Editor 11 and Enable remote administration 12 sections of this guide, you can create policies in ESET Remote Administrator Console (ERAC) to enforce on one or multiple instances of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server. To access settings for ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server from the ERAC expand Windows server v4.5 > Security 4.5 for MS SharePoint Server in ESET Configuration Editor or Policy manager. For more information about how to administer your client computers using ESET Remote Administrator, see section 5 of the ESET Remote Administrator User Guide.