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Eurekify Sage Enterprise Role Management V3.1




Eurekify Sage Enterprise Role Management V3.1 Installation Guide 1. Installation Steps a) Prerequisites b) Eurekify Sage Reports c) Eurekify Sage Portal d) Eurekify Sage Client Tools 2. Components Matrix Component IIS/ASP.NET SQL Server 2000+SP4 SQL Server Reporting Services Eurekify Sage ERM SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Features With SQL Server 2000: Reporting Services+RS2 Windows XP Pro Windows 2000/2003 IIS 5.1, .NET 1.1/2.0 IIS 5.1/6.0, .NET 1.1/2.0 Only Developer edition available All editions available, client considerations Compatible. Requires .NET 2.0 This is a FREE edition, available at Good for databases up to 4GB. Limitation on number of connections Install edition that corresponds to your SQL Server 200 edition (Developer, Enterprise…) With SQL Server 2005: Built in ___ 1. Eurekify Sage Reports Server Install on the machine where Reporting Services is installed Install on the IIS machine Install on wanted workstation 2. Eurekify Sage Portal Server 3. Eurekify Sage Client Tools 3. General Notes: • To avoid time-consuming SQL Server privileges configurations, Eurekify strongly suggests using a dedicated SQL Server for Sage database. The various components of Eurekify Sage ERM require full control over the database, not only during installation times (for instance, when a new version of Sage needs to update the DB schema). • Installation at a client should be accompanied by a System Administrator. The user who is performing the installation should have administrator privileges on the respective systems. When preparing the prerequisites, Windows installation disks may be needed to install some components (e.g. IIS). • SQL Server Name: Required at some points during the installation and operation. This should be the name of the computer where the server is installed, optionally followed by the instance name of the server. E.g: SERVER_1\instance_a. It is case sensitive. When using SQL Server 2005, the use of '(local)' as the server name (when the server is installed on the same machine) may not work, in which case you should use the fully qualified name. • Report Server URL: Required at some points during the installation and operation. In regular installations of SQL Server Reporting Services, this would be: http:///reportserver (replace with the network name/computer name of the IIS server) With SQL Server 2005 Express, the default would be http:///reportserver$sqlexpress • Reporting Services Report Manager is accessible at http:///reports (http:///reports$sqlexpress when using SQL Server 2005 Express) 4. Typical scenario of installing the prerequisites: 1. Enable/Install the IIS on the machine where the SQL server is running on. To do so, go to Control-Panel, then to Add/Remove Programs, then Add/Remove Windows Component (on left). You may need the original Windows installation CD. 2. Install the SQL 2000 Server + service pack 4 OR SQL Server 2005(Full or Express edition) 3. If you installed SQL Server 2000, install the SQL Reporting Services. • You may need to install the ASP .NET suite. Search the Microsoft site for dotnetfx.exe. • You may also need to install and register the ASP.NET manually Aspnet_regiis.exe –i From C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322 • • • Open browser (on the SQL server & IIS machine) and type http://localhost/reports Make sure that you see the reporting services web page Install the Microsoft Reporting Services Service Pack 2 (SP2). 5. Installing Sage Reports • Click on the file EurekifySageERM-ReportsServer-V30.msi to launch the installation process. • After the splash screen and the license screen, enter the following details: DB Name: The database used by Sage (default 'sdb'). If a database has already been created with Sage, simply type its name here. SQL Server Name, Report Server URL: see notes above Web Folder Name: The web folder used for the reports. Default: SageReports. • Overwrite Existing reports: • Choosing 'Overwrite' will re-install the reports. Choosing 'Do Not Overwrite' will keep the existing reports, if any. Select the location for Sage Reports files Figure 1 • • • • Select the Installation Folder Click next to verify the details. The installation will begin. The process may take a few minutes. When the installation is finished, click next. Go To http://localhost/Reports. You should see a folder “SageReports”. 6. Installing the Portal: • General Settings: Sage Database Name and SQL Server Name: same as for installing Sage Reports. News Bar URL: The source feed of the news bar. Active Directory Server: Sage Portal can use AD for permission control in the portal. Leave blank to disable this. • Impersonation: Choose Use Impersonation if you want SagePortal to use the logged in user when connecting to the SQL Server, reports server and AD Server. Choose the other option if you want the IIS account (ASPNET or Network Service Account) to be used instead. In either case, the respective account should have the proper privileges on servers. • Installation Address • Choose the name of the web site used for Sage Portal (e.g. http://localhost/SagePortal ) Continue with the installation wizard. 7. Setting Sage Portal Connection Details: Upon first use of Sage Portal, the Sage Connection Administration screen appears: This screen is also accessible through Sage Portal -> Home -> Administration -> Manage connection details. • • • SQL Server: Put the server name here, optionally with instance. E.g.: (local), MAIN_SRVR\Instance1…) In SQL 2005 '(local)' may not work. You can use '.' to address the local machine, followed by the instance name, e.g.: .\SQLEXPRESS Database: the name of the Sage database used for saving configuration etc. Typically – 'sdb'. Reporting Server Name: The URL of the report server followed by the Sage Reports web folder (this info is given by the user during Sage Reports installation). E.g.: localhost/reportserver/SageReports News & Events Page URL: The source for the news bar feed, e.g. After filling in these details, press the 'Test Connection' button to verify connection to the SQL Server and database. To save and exit this screen, click OK. If you cannot establish a connection, refer to the Troubleshooting section. • 8. Troubleshooting Problem: During SageReports installation, appears “cannot find file” or similar. • Make sure you have RS.exe and osql.exe on your computer. Also make sure the path environment variable points to their directory (usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn). Problem: IIS works but can't view reports, or you get error "Failed to access IIS metabase", or you get error "The XML page cannot be displayed". • Need to re-register with the .net framework. Using the command line, go to the .net location in the computer (usually C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322 ) and run aspnet_regiis –i Problem: In Manage Sage Connection Details, trying to connect but get the message: failure to connect. • Make sure the server name is typed in correctly, including case sensitivity. You can copy the name of the server and instance from the SQL Management Studio (2005) or Enterprise Manager (2000). • If the machine is local, try '(local)', '' , '.' or the machine name itself as the server name. Don't forget the instance name if you use SQL Server instances. • Restart the browser/portal client. • Make sure that anonymous access is disabled in IIS admin Problem: Can't view Sage Reports, getting error: "User… has insufficient privileges…rsAccessDenied". • Cause: Reporting Services security. Go to report manager (http:///reports), go to SageReports folder. Click on the properties tab, and choose security from the left. There you see a list of all permitted users/groups. Add the needed user (or group name) to this list by clicking 'new role assignment', typing the user/group name and assigning the 'Browser' role. Problem: Can't view reports, getting error: "The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key…" • Cause: This sometimes happens when changes are made to Microsoft Report Server. • How to solve: 1. From Command Line, run the command: rskeymgmt –d 2. Click 'Y' to delete data (note: It is OK to delete the data, since only the connection string will be deleted, and it is easily restored). This will enable the server to create a new key and will solve the error. 3. Next, go to http:///reports (change to the name of your report server). 4. Go to SageReports folder and then to the SDB. 5. In the text box next to "Connection String", type: data source=; initial catalog= (change to the name of the SQL Server you use to store the Sage Reports database. Change to the name of the Sage Reports database, usually 'sdb'). 5. Under the textbox, choose Connect using Windows NT Integrated Security 6. Click Apply. Problem: In SagePortal, you get 'Authorization failure' • Cause: The logged in user does not have the proper permissions in the Sage permissions repository or these permissions are expired. • Possible solutions: 1. Make sure that the relevant user has the necessary permissions in Administration->Manage Sage Permissions 2. Make sure the user is spelled correctly, including case sensitivity. 3. Make sure the user login is composed of computer name/domain name and user login: e.g. ACME\John.Doe 4. Make sure anonymous access is IIS is turned off for the SagePortal website. 5. In Windows Control Panel->Regional and Language Options->Customize->Date make sure that 2 digit year '49' is interpreted as 2049 and not 1949 (sometimes referred to as cutoff year). The same goes for the cutoff year setting in SQL Server (under Server properties->advanced). General installation Issues: • DB Installation: For the sake of ease, it is recommended to let the Eurekify Sage Portal installer take care of the DB installation. The installer creates a new database with the specified name if such a dab doesn't already exist, and is running several SQL script to update this DB to the most recent version (tables, views, stored procedures etc). It makes use of the OSQL.EXE utility which ships with Microsoft SQL Server. If the installation is not performed on the sql server locally but rather from a remote machine, then the OSQL.EXE needs to reside on that machine (and have its folder set in the PATH environment variable). Also, since Windows authentication is used, the user who performs the installation needs to have to proper permissions on the SQL Server – that is, to create a DB on the server, and to be the db_owner on that database). In any case where the installer fails to install and update the db, it is possible to manually install the DB. When installing the portal, just leave the database name blank and the installer will skip the db installation phase (but perform all other installation tasks). Then, open the 'sql' folder under the installation folder, and refer to the short guide of manually installing Eurekify Sage Database. • Designated machine for Eurekify Sage ERM As mentioned before, it is recommended to have a designated machine for Eurekify ERM. This facilitates the installation process. This means that the IIS and SQL Server both reside on the same machine, and that the installation of the various components is done locally on that machine. Other configurations can be considered but might require additional set up time and effort. • IIS and SQL Server configuration Eurekify Sage Portal installer asks whether to use impersonation when connecting to the SQL Server (which means that the logged in used identity will be used when connecting to the db) or the ASPNET service(XP) / Network Service (Windows 2003) (which means that the special account used by the IIS will be used when connecting to the db). The default is Use Impersonation. Both methods are supported and each has its pros and cons, and your organization should decide on the best method that suits it. For further details refer to Note that the choice you make during the installation can easily be changed after the installation by editing the web.config file. In any case, the account that is used must have the necessary privileges on the sql server: db_datareader, db_datawriter and execute permissions on the stored procedures on the sdb database. In cases where the IIS and the SQL Server do not reside on the same machine, note that if impersonation is used than you might need to take care of the double hop issue – usually by using Kerberos authentication (the process of the sql server might need to be running under a domain account, and SPN should be marked as trusted). For more details refer to MSDN. •