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Executive Committee Meeting Agenda




NETS Executive Committee Meeting Minutes: Members in Attendance: June 15, 2016 Draft Jim Dillemuth, Dan Heckaman, Stacey Hron, Dan Knudson, Jeff Sperling, Mike Hanson Agenda 1. Approve agenda: Agenda was approved. Motion Dillemuth. Seconded Hron. Passed unanimously. 2. Approve January 6, 2016 minutes: The January 6, 2016 minutes were approved as written. Motion Sperling. Seconded Knudson. Passed unanimously. 3. Network Update: a. BSU RUS grant status: Dillemuth gave an update on the current status of the project. Red Lake Tribal College, Leech Lake Tribal College, NTC equipment installed, BSU scheduled for installation late June and White Earth Tribal College scheduled for some time in July when the building is ready. The MCU has been installed and tested. b. Acano Status: Hanson gave an update on Acano announcing it had been renewed for another year, however, this will be the last year as a pilot project and an RFP will soon be issued for a replacement. Currently Acano has been working well for those users utilizing it for both teaching courses and meetings. c. WebEx Status: Hanson gave an update on WebEx announcing it had been renewed for another year and the current RFP will include WebEx or a similar solution. All recording playback issues with WebEx are now resolved and the Cisco TAC case has been closed. d. Minnesota Media Management Project: Hanson gave an update on the Minnesota Media Management Project (Kaltura) is in the final year of the current agreement with the LNM regional networks paying $25,000.00 per year. Although there has been some discussion that would have the LNM regional networks stop their contributions and let MnSCU and the U of M pay the entire costs the current proposed budget does include NETS participation for an additional year at $25,000.00. There have been 74 media entries that were played 441 times July 1, 2015 to June 14, 2016. FY15 had 104 media entries that were played 739 times. e. LNM SLA Agreement: Hanson gave an update on the Learning Network of Minnesota Board of Directors is asking all Regional Networks to share with their Regional Boards the attached proposed “Service Level Agreement” now to be called a “Services Description” document. This is still a draft document and it has been sent to all members so that they may review it and offer their feedback. Dan Knudson had 2 corrections that he would like to see changed, on page 6 change “Request” to “Requests” and on page 7 “Reporting:” should have the colon removed. Both of these changes have been submitted to the LNM Board member responsible for authoring the document. Dan Heckaman asked that Hanson broker a call between Rob Conrad of Cisco and the NETS Executive Committee to discuss the high cost of Cisco maintenance renewal. f. NCTC SX20 Upgrade Status: Hanson reported that NCTC purchased a SX20 for their TRF-AVAC16 room, this upgrade went well and the room is fully operational at this time with no reported issues. g. NCTC Room Upgrade Request: Hron indicated they are restarting a program at the Roseau satellite campus and is requesting a lifecycle upgrade to replace the Edge 95. h. Upgrade Lifecycle Replacement: Hanson reported that he would like to migrate off the older Tandberg 880 and Edge 95 codecs to the SX series within the next 3 years thus giving all codecs the capability to be registered in the Cisco Unified Call Manager, MnSCU would also like to move everything to a 10. private space this will also require registration on the CUCM. A few options for the Board to consider as “Upgrade Lifecycle Replacement” for FY17.The current funds available for an “Upgrade Lifecycle Replacement” could change with changes in the current budget. Option 1: Cisco SX20 (Single camera only) $5,490 x 8 = $43,920. Option 2: Cisco SX80 (Single camera) $13,590 x 3 = $40,770. Option 3: Cisco SX20 $5,490 x 3 = $16,470 Cisco SX80 (Single camera) $13,590 x 2 = $27,180 total $43,650. th During the January 6 NETS Executive meeting Dan Knudson suggested we consider an option that includes a mix of SX20 and SX80. Dan Heckaman suggested a cutoff line of 100 hours for determining the Tandberg Edge95 meeting room codecs to be replaced. The NETS Executive Committee will revisit the “Upgrade Lifecycle Replacement” options at the June 2016 NETS Executive Committee meeting. 4. Annual Report: Hanson reported: Notable items in the annual report are as follows: NETS members reported usage of 13,236 hours of activity; up by 25.5% with credit applications making up 64.3% of the total activity (up from 47% of the FY15 total reported usage). Total desktop application hours for FY16 to date was 2,427, a 7.5% increase from last year. Immersive TP help calls dropped from 115 calls in FY15 to 41 calls in FY16, the reduction is most likely due to the way we are logging calls, in the past every communication stream for a particular issue would have been logged thus somewhat skewing the trouble log numbers when in fact the issue may not have seen a status change. We are now keeping the ticket open and logging weekly in an open TAC case spreadsheet, we often see no change or progress made in TAC cases. Total help calls logged in FY16 was 181 calls, down from 262 calls in FY15. Dan Heckaman suggested it would be helpful to see a reserve spending planning projection chart. A reserve spending chart has been added to page 16 of the Final report. 5. FY17 Proposed Budget Plan: Hanson reported: Notable changes to the proposed budget are as follows: Hardware Software Maintenance Contracts down 31.2% with the removal of maintenance on an obsolete Bridge as well as 22 Edge 95 codecs. The Edge 95 maintenance renewal contract would have had a 50% increase with very limited services being offered as they are in end of life status, there are no more software updates available and replacement would have been with a refurbished Edge 95. The LNM currently has 74 Edge 95 codecs in use none of these will be carrying maintenance. The Shared Infrastructure will most likely see an 18% $10,000.00 increase due to content server upgrades and the implementation of new Cherwell ITSM software. There is also a projected 18.7% $14,263.00 reduction in the Scheduler/Programmer Salary & Fringe with Chris Winter moving over to assume the duties vacated by Mike Hanson when he assumed the Director position. Allocation from NETS Fund Balance is projected to be at $19,505.00 down 52% from the FY16 proposed budget of $40,854.00. Dan Heckaman asked at the January 6, 2016 NETS Executive Meeting about the unused funds that were not paid out to the vacated NETS Scheduler/Programmer. Those funds are currently in the University of Minnesota Crookston NETS budget and the Board will need to formally request that they be returned to NETS. Dan Heckaman reported he will formally submit a request to Tricia Sanders (Finance Director U of M Crookston) asking that the FY16 unused NETS Scheduler Salary funds be returned to NETS. Jim Dillemuth suggested that we rethink the proposed FY17 Lifecycle upgrade and purchase 5 SX80 codecs for FY17 and that the additional funds come from the NETS Fund Balance. The NETS Executive Committee recommended based on usage and need to place the new codecs at MState Moorhead C126 & Wadena N21, NCTC Airport new room & Roseau, UMC Dowell 101. Jim Dillemuth suggested that we revisit the possibility of purchasing additional codecs at the January 2017 NETS Executive Committee Meeting. Motion to approve the FY17 budget plan. Motion: Heckaman. Seconded Dillemuth. Passed unanimously. 6. Other Business: 7. Next Meeting: Hanson was directed to communicate with committee members and schedule a date in early January 2017 for the next meeting. 8. Motion to adjourn: Motion: Hron. Seconded Heckaman. Passed unanimously.