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Expense - Loyola Marymount University




Expense When to use: To request employee expense reimbursement and reconcile p-card charges. If you are submitting an expense report on behalf of another employee, you must be a delegate of that employee and submit under that employee’s profile. Workflow: Employee -> Default Approver (supervisor) -> Cost Object Approvers (budget account approvers) -> Accounts Payable -> Controller (as necessary) Overview to Create New Expense Report 1. Complete Report Header 2. Add expense transactions (P-card or out of pocket) a. Itemize as necessary b. Allocate c. Attach receipt 3. Review Report Totals 4. Submit report It is University policy for expense reports to be submitted, reviewed and approved at least monthly and due by the second week of the month. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 1 Contents Expense Report Header Fields...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Expense Report Details Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 P-card Transactions .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 P-card disputed charges ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Expense Types.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Hotel Expense ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Airfare .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Personal Car Mileage .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Foreign Card Transactions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Meals ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Travel Meals .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Individual Meals ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Catering (Internal Attendees) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Catering (External Attendees)............................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Attendees ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Per Diem ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Gift Cards ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Cash Advance Return................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Personal/Non Reimbursable .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Receipts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Attach Receipt .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Detach Receipt ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Attach a receipt image to multiple expense transactions ........................................................................................................................................... 27 Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 2 Missing Receipt Affidavit ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Allocations .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Allocate expense type charge to 81 funds and other funds. ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Other Features ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Details .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Report Header .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Report Totals ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Audit Trail ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Approval Flow ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Comments .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Allocations .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Copy expense transactions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Move expense transactions to another report ................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Recall Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Print/Email Report ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 View past reports ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 3 Expense Report Header Fields When you create a new expense report, the Report Header page will open. The Report Header represents the cover page of your expense report. The descriptions can be general as all the detail documentation should be recorded at the detail transaction level. Complete all the required fields marked and click next when finished. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Report Name – General description of what your expense report represents. This name is your reference when you want to search for specific expense reports. 2. Report Key – Automatically populated when report is saved. This is a system generated reference number. 3. Start Date/End date – Dates this report covers. 4. Expense Purpose – This is a drop down menu that categorizes the purpose of the majority of your expenses for this report. Select the expense purpose that your expense report mostly covers. This will copy down to the individual transactions, but you will have the option to update this at the transaction level. The expense purpose is a key component that drives proper accounting, especially the case of travel type expenses. There are certain expense types that may be coded to multiple account codes such as airfare. Depending on the purpose of the airfare, it can be coded to athletic travel (7845), individual business travel (7840), student travel (7785), Westchester faculty research travel (7850), etc. Refer to the expense matrix worksheet located on -> Forms & Reference Materials. 5. Business purpose – Description of the business purpose of your expenses. This will copy down to the individual transactions. Please update the business purpose at the transaction level as necessary. 6. Reimbursement payment method – If this expense report contains out of pocket expenses that the University needs to reimburse you, select the method in which you would like to receive payment. If the report is all p-card transactions, leave the payment method at the default. If TPC is elected, payment will automatically be ACH if the employee signed up, otherwise a check will be mailed. All employees are encouraged to sign up for ACH with Accounts Payable (This is different from payroll direct Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 4 deposit). To sign up complete the AP Employee Reimbursement form located at -> Forms & Reference Materials and return to Accounts Payable. If you have never received a payment from Accounts Payable, you will also need to complete this form. 7. Fund, Location, Organization, Project – Default account allocation that will copy down to the individual transactions. You will have the option to update this at the transaction level. 8. Request – If you have a cash advance or travel request related to this expense report, you need to link it this expense report. Click Add -> Select related travel request/cash advance. Edit Report Header If you need to edit the Report Header for any unsubmitted reports, you can go click Details and select Report Header. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 5 Expense Report Details Fields Select the appropriate expense type and complete the required and optional fields. Depending on the expense type selected, additional fields may appear to be completed such as hotel, airfare and meals. Below are general fields to be completed for most expense types. 2 1 3 4 5 4 6 7 1. Expense type – The expense type is the category that the expense relates to. This is one of the key drivers that will drive proper accounting. Refer to the expense matrix worksheet located on -> Forms & Reference Materials. 2. Expense Purpose - This is a drop down menu that categorizes the purpose of the transaction. Select the expense purpose that this transaction relates to. The expense purpose is a key component that drives proper accounting, especially the case of travel type expenses. There are certain expense types that may be coded to multiple account codes such as airfare. Depending on the purpose of the airfare, it can be coded to athletic travel (7845), individual business travel (7840), student travel (7785), Westchester faculty research travel (7850), etc. Refer to the expense matrix worksheet located on -> Forms & Reference Materials. 3. Transaction Date – Date of purchase. 4. Business Purpose – Purpose of the charge. Business purpose should give sufficient information to clearly identify the reason for the purchase or business trip. The information should be sufficient to allow the downstream approvers/reviewers, such as AP, to understand the necessity of the purpose and, more importantly what was purchased. Very general descriptions such as “P-card charge” or “department expenses” are not considered to be valid business purposes. 5. Vendor Name – Vendor from where item or service is purchased. This should not be the name of the employee. 6. Payment type - This indicates the form of payment that was used for this transaction. If you are working with a P-card transaction, then payment type is “JPM CBCP”. If the payment type is “Out of Pocket”, this indicates that you requesting a reimbursement and you will receive a check/ACH from the University. 7. Personal Expense – Mark if this is a personal, non-reimbursable expense on the p-card that must be reimbursed to the University. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 6 P-card Transactions All P-card transactions will automatically appear in Concur through a feed from JP Morgan (LMU’s P-card provider). Normally it takes about 2-3 days for a transaction to show up in Concur after the card has been charged. It may take longer, if the vendor is small and taking the charge slips to their bank manually. Unassigned p-card transactions will show in Available expenses.  To attach a p-card transaction From the Available Expenses section You can access the Available Expenses section in these ways: • On the home page, in the My Task section, click the Available Expenses heading. • On the menu, click Expenses > Manage Expenses on the sub-menu. The Available Expenses section appears. (You may need to scroll down.) Assigning the transaction to a report  1. Select a check box next to each desired transaction. TIP: Select the uppermost check box to select all transactions. 2. Click Move. 3. Select the name of the desired report or To New Report. • If you select an existing report, the report opens and the selected transactions are attached to the report. • If you select To New Report, the Create a New Expense Report page appears. Enter the report information as usual. To attach a p-card transaction while the expense report is open 1. On the expense report page, if the Available Expenses section does not appear automatically, click Import Expenses. 2. Select each transaction that you want to assign to the current expense report. 3. Click Move > To Current Report (in the Available Expenses section). The expense is moved and appears on the left side of the page, with any applicable icons, such as company card or exception. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 7 P-card disputed charges If a P-card charge is disputed (i.e. due to fraud), the credit for that charge will typically be transferred to Concur 2 months later. However, you may confirm that a refund will be received through the JP Morgan website, Paymentnet. Both the charge and the credit will still need to be processed on an expense report. Ideally, if you receive a credit back you should include the charge and credit in a single expense report. On the business purpose indicate that the transactions are disputed charges for which a refund is expected. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 8 Expense Types Hotel Expense (For individual travel only. If the bill is for group travel, use the group lodging expense type.) A hotel bill typically contains a variety of expenses including room fees, taxes, parking, meals, valet, telephone charges, and personal items. These expenses must be itemized so that they can be accounted for correctly. Lodging Itemization allows you to quickly itemize room rates and taxes, which are the same for each night of your stay. You can then itemize the remaining charges on your hotel bill. To create a lodging expense: 2. On the New Expense tab, select the Hotel expense type. The page refreshes, displaying the required and optional fields for the selected expense type. Note that this expense type is for individual travel only. If this is for group travel (i.e. bill is for multiple rooms for a group, use the Group Lodging expense type. 3. Complete the fields. 3. Click Itemize. The expense appears on the left side of the page; the Nightly Lodging Expenses pane appears on the right side of the page. 4. On the Nightly Lodging Expenses tab, use the calendar to select the check-in/out dates. The number of nights appears automatically. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 9 5. Enter the room rate, tax, and other recurring charges. 6. Click Save Itemizations. 7. If there is a remaining amount to be itemized (other charges, for example, for room service), the remaining amount is displayed in the Remaining field on the right side of the New Itemization pane. Complete the normal steps to itemize the remainder of the expense. *Tip – If there is a remaining balance to be itemized due to rounding, you can adjust a single itemized entry amount for the rounding. On the left pane, select an itemized entry (i.e. Hotel) and adjust the amount for rounding. Hotel Deposits – For deposits on a hotel room for individual travel, you can use this expense type. Put the number of nights as 1 and the deposit amount as the rate. Include in the business purpose that this expense is a hotel deposit, dates of stay and purpose of travel. You may use the comments box if needed. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 10 Airfare Domestic Air Travel - Travelers are expected to book the lowest-priced, nonstop coach class airfare available. Business class and first class domestic travel will not be reimbursed unless approved by the President, Provost, SVP or Academic Dean with an explanation explaining the medical reasons or extenuating circumstances that require such travel. An upgrade at the expense of the University is not permitted. International Air Travel – When travelling to and from destinations outside North America, business class airfare is allowed. Business class airfare is allowed for trips to Canada or Mexico only if direct travel exceeds seven hours. A request for purchase of business ness class ticket needs to be approved by the President, Provost, SVP or Academic Dean. First class travel is prohibited for all destinations unless approved by the President, Provost, SVP or Academic Dean with an explanation of the medical reasons or extenuating circumstances that require first class travel. Expense type: Airfare – for airfare ticket purchase Expense type: Airline fees – other fees associated with airfare Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 11 Personal Car Mileage Use of a traveler’s automobile will be reimbursed at the current Internal Revenue Service mileage rate. You will only be reimbursed mileage in excess of your base commute. Your base commute is the distance you travel to/from LMU from home. To create a car mileage expense: 1. Select the Personal Car Mileage expense type. 2. Enter the transaction date (i.e. date of travel) and purpose of the trip. 3. Click Mileage Calculator 4. Enter the waypoints. The system will automatically calculate the total miles. 5. If applicable, deduct base commute distance by checking deduct commute box on the left hand corner and entering the locations between home and office. The system will automatically calculate the net miles to be reimbursed. 6. Click Add Mileage to Expense. The system will automatically calculate the total amount reimbursed at the current Internal Revenue Service mileage rate. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 12 7. Click Save. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 13 Foreign Card Transactions When using the Visa P-card abroad, Visa will exchange the local currency charges to U.S. dollars upon purchase. The exchange is accounted for in the P-card feed to Concur. To account for an expense incurred out of pocket in another currency: 1. Create the expense as usual. 2. For the amount: • Select the "spend" currency from the list to the right of the Amount field. The Rate field appears. • The rate is automatically populated by the system based on the transaction date and currency selected. • If you exchanged at a different rate, the rate can be modified. However, you must attach the supporting documents for the exchange rate that is not system generated. 3. Complete the remaining fields as usual. *Note: For fees associated with exchanging currency, use Expense type Currency Exchange fees. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 14 Meals Amount – Includes total amount of the bill including tax and tips Tip Amount – Amount of the tip paid. If the tip is charged separately on the P-card, put $0 on the tip amount on the meal and use expense type Tips/Gratuities for the separate tip charge. Attendees – All attendees must be listed. If it is for a large party, the group name should be listed. Travel Meals Travel Meals are personal meals that are eaten while traveling on behalf of the University such as a conference or training. Individual Meals Individual Meals are personal meals eaten for University business not related to travel. Do not use this expense type if there are multiple attendees. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 15 Catering (Internal Attendees) Reimbursement for food expenses incurred for the primary business purpose of having events or meetings for LMU employees only (including student employees/interns and consultants). Catering (External Attendees) Reimbursement for food expenses incurred for the primary business purpose of having events or meetings for/with the following: students, alumni, donors, or any other non-LMU employee. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 16 Attendees There are several ways to add one or more attendees to an expense: Search Attendees, Favorites, Recently Used, Attendee Groups, Calendar invite. Search Attendees Search for LMU faculty/staff attendees or external attendees you have created. To add an LMU employee (i.e. faculty/staff) as an attendee: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click Advanced Search Select the Attendee type Faculty/Staff Enter first or last name Click Search Select the applicable attendee Click Add to Expense Favorites List of Attendees you use most often. To add an attendee: 1. Click Profile > Profile Settings > Favorite Attendees (in the Expense Settings section of the left-side menu). 2. On the Attendees tab, click New Attendee. The Add Attendee window appears. 3. Select the appropriate type from the Attendee Type list. The page refreshes with the fields appropriate for the selected attendee type. 4. Complete the remaining required fields and other optional fields, as desired. 5. Click either: Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 17 • Save to save the current attendee. • Save & Add Another to save the current attendee and add another. Recently Used To locate recently used attendees: 1. Click Favorites or Advanced Search. The Search Attendees window appears. 2. Click the Recently Used tab. This tab lists the last 25 attendees that you have used minus those already assigned to the expense. 3. Select one or more attendees. 4. Click Add to Expense. Attendee Groups You can define groups of your favorite attendees and add the group to your expense report. To create a group: 1. Click Profile > Profile Settings > Favorite Attendees (in the Expense Settings section of the left-side menu). 2. Click the Attendee Groups tab. 3. Click Add New. Your list of favorites appears on the Attendee Groups tab. 4. Select each attendee who is to be included in the group. 5. In the Group Name field, type a name for the group. NOTE: The name does not have to be unique but it is a best practice to have unique group names. 6. Click Save Group. The selected attendees now appear in a group. Remove Attendee To remove an attendee from an expense: 1. On the expense report page, select the desired expense. The expense information appears on the Expense tab. 2. In the attendees area, select the check box associated with the desired attendee. 3. Click Remove. Add attendees from a calendar invite The system can be configured to allow users and their delegates to import attendees from a calendar invitation email sent to Concur. A user can include the [email protected] email as a meeting participant, or a user or delegate with a verified email address can forward an Outlook Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 18 meeting invitation email (with .ics file) to [email protected]. Concur will then create an expense with an attendee list based on the meeting participants, which appears in Available Expenses. The user can associate the expense to an expense report and enter additional information about the meeting, including adding more attendees if necessary. NOTE: If the list of participants visible in the meeting is showing a distribution list rather than named individuals, then Concur will only receive the distribution list as an attendee. The individuals in the list will not be created as attendees. There are two methods the employee can use to bring the calendar invite attendees into Concur: • Including Concur as an attendee (Recommended) • Forwarding the calendar invite to Concur Including Concur as an Attendee (Recommended) The user creates the meeting in Outlook, including [email protected] as an attendee. The original meeting invitation and any updates will be sent to Concur. If the information is not yet added to an expense (is still available) then Concur will update the information each time a new email update is received. If the user adds [email protected] as a participant at a later date, the user needs to send the update to all participants rather than just to those that have been added. Forwarding the Calendar Invite to Concur The event organizer or a participant can also send the meeting (as an .ics file) to [email protected], from a verified email address. Outlook on PC The user can open the meeting in Outlook, then click Forward > Forward as iCalendar. Outlook on Mac The user can drag and drop the meeting from the Outlook calendar to the attachment field in a new email. Outlook will attach the .ics file to the email. The user can then send the email to [email protected]. Delegate Functionality A user's delegate can send the calendar email to Concur on behalf of the user. The delegate and the user they are delegating for must both have verified email addresses in Concur. The delegate attaches the .ics file to the email using the methods described above, and includes the delegator's email address in the email's Subject: line. The delegate cannot enter multiple email addresses on the subject line. The delegate must send a single email for each calendar invitation they will add to the system for each employee they are assisting. Adding the Calendar Expense to a Report Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 19 Concur creates the meeting as an expense with the attendees listed, which appears in the Available Expenses section of the Expense page. The Subject: line of the email will appear in the Expense Detail column. If the email subject is blank, Concur will set the Expense Detail to Business Meals – Meetings. NOTE: While the calendar expense is in the Available Expenses list, Concur will update it if any updated emails about the meeting are received. Once the calendar expense is added to the report, Concur will no longer update it. To add a calendar expense with attendees to a report: • The user can select the check box for the expense and click Move > To New Report to create a new report or Move > report name to add the expense to an existing report. • The user can drag and drop the expense onto an existing report tile. • The user can drag and drop the expense onto the Create new report tile. Once the expense with attendees is added to a report, the user can add, remove, and edit the attendees as usual. Per Diem Primarily related to Athletics. Per diems are granted in advance only in special circumstances, when a group of people (e.g. athletes) is traveling together on a University-related function The procedure is as follows: (1) obtain an advance for the total amount needed; (2) distribute the per diems to each traveler; (3) obtain the signature of those receiving the per diems on a log sheet and attach to the expense report. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 20 Gift Cards When giving gift cards, information about the recipient such as whom they are their relationship to LMU must be provided. You may use the attendee feature or attach a list of the recipients. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 21 Cash Advance Return If you have taken out a cash advance and have not used the entire amount, you must return the unused portion and use the Cash Advance Return expense type to fully account for a cash advance in one expense report. For example, if you have cash advance of 100 USD associated with an expense report that includes 90 USD in cash expenses, you would then process a cash advance return for the remaining 10 USD. To process the cash advance return in an expense report: 1. After adding the cash advance to the report, create a new expense using the expense type named Cash Advance Return. 2. Complete all required fields. 3. Click Save. 4. Deposit the funds with the University Cashier and attach a copy of the deposit slip in your expense report. Also include the Cashier Deposit reference # in the description. The account number on the deposit form should be 11-2-00000-81040-1233. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 22 Personal/Non Reimbursable No personal charges are allowed on the P-card. If a personal charge is inadvertently charged to your card, please reimburse the University as soon as possible. Deposit the funds with the University Cashier and attach a copy of the deposit slip in your expense report. Also include the Cashier Deposit reference # in the comments. The account number on the deposit form should be 11-2-00000-81040-1233 Transaction is entirely personal If the entire p-card charge is personal, check the box for personal expense (do not reimburse). Attach the Cashier Deposit Form to the marked transaction so that the Controller’s Office can confirm that the University has received the reimbursement. Also include the Cashier Deposit reference # in the comments. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 23 Transaction is partially personal If only a portion of the p-card charge is personal, the transaction needs to be itemized to split it between the personal and non-personal amount. 1. Click Itemize. 2. Select Non Reimbursable/Personal Expense and complete the required fields and click Save. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 24 3. 4. Select the appropriate expense type for the non-personal potion and complete the required fields and click Save. Continue until the charge is fully itemized. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 25 Receipts You have the following options available for including receipts with your expense report: • • You can email your receipts to Concur at [email protected] if you have verified your email address in your profile settings. The receipts will appear in the Available Receipts library. You can upload scanned images of your receipts as PNG, JPG, JPEG, PDF, HTML, TIF, OR TIFF files. The size limit for each image file is 5 MB limit per file and no more than 10 files can be uploaded in a single session. Attach Receipt 1. Click Attach Receipt. 2. Click Browse (or Choose File, depending on browser). 3. Navigate to the image file, then click Open. 4. Click Attach. 5. Click Close. Detach Receipt To delete receipts attached to an individual expense entry, do one of these: • Hover over the receipt received icon, then click Detach from Entry; or • Open the entry, click the Receipt Image tab, then click Detach from Entry Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 26 Attach a receipt image to multiple expense transactions Individual receipts should be associated and uploaded at the transaction level. However if there is a receipt or supporting documents that is associated with multiple transactions, you can attach the same image to multiple expenses at once. To attach a receipt image to multiple expense transactions: 1. 2. Email or upload receipts to receipt store From the Receipts menu> Click View Available Receipts 3. Open/double click on the receipt Double click Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 27 4. Check box next to expense you would like to attach the receipt image and click the attach receipt icon 5. 6. Uncheck the box Repeat step 4 to attach the single image to as many entries as necessary. Do not exit out of the image until completed as the image will no longer be available once associated with an expense. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 28 Missing Receipt Affidavit The Missing Receipt Affidavit feature allows you to provide an affidavit for lost or misplaced required receipt images. You can digitally sign an affidavit that can be submitted instead of the actual imaged receipts. The affidavit can be submitted only by the user - not the user's delegate or proxy. For any out of pocket payments, proof of payment such as bank or credit card statements are required in lieu of receipts. Attach an affidavit To attach a missing receipt affidavit to an expense entry: 1. On the expense report, click Receipts > Missing Receipt Affidavit. The Missing Receipt Affidavit window opens. 2. Select each entry that requires an affidavit. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 29 3. Click Accept & Create. An image of the affidavit is created. It is attached to the entry or entries and creates a record of the date, time, employee name, and other details for review purposes. Also, a missing affidavit icon displays on the line entry. Delete an affidavit If you later find the receipt (before the report is submitted), you can delete the affidavit and attach the receipt image. To delete, hover the mouse pointer over the affidavit icon and click Detach from Entry. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 30 Allocations To allocate: 1. Either: • While creating or editing a single expense, click Allocate at the bottom of the Expense tab. • To allocate multiple expenses, select the desired expenses on the left side of the page. Then either: • Click Allocate the selected expenses on the right side of the page. - or - • Click Details > Allocations. The Allocations for Report window appears. The total expense amount, the amount allocated, and the amount remaining appear in the Allocations section. 2. From the Allocate By list, select Percentage or Amount. 3. Select from the lists or type the appropriate information in the fields. 4. Add as many allocations as necessary. 6. You can adjust the amounts and percentages. 7. Click Save. 8. For the confirmation message, click OK. 9. Click Done. The allocation icon appears with the expense. • If the expense is 100% allocated, the • If the expense is not 100% allocated, the Updated 8/1/2016 icon appears with the expense. icon appears with the expense. Loyola Marymount University 31 Select Group If you select and allocate one or more expenses, Expense considers that to be a group and gives that group the number 1. If you select and allocate one or more different expenses, Expense considers that to be a group and gives that group the number 2. Then, if you want to edit the allocations of group 2, instead of reselecting the individual expenses, click Select Group and then click 2. Those expenses and their current allocations appear on the right side of the page, ready for editing. Make the desired changes. Expense can track up to 4 groups of allocated expenses on each report. View one or more allocations To view the allocation of a single expense, hover the mouse pointer over the allocation allocation information appears. icon (appears with the expense in the expense list on the expense report page). The There are two views of the summary of all allocations on an expense report from the Allocations for Report window: • Summary View: By default, a Summary button appears either on the window or on the View menu if the View All feature is enabled (described next). This view shows all report allocations in summary view, with subtotals. • View All View: If your system is configured to do so, the View All command appears on the View menu of the Allocations for Report window next to the Summary command. Click the command to view the allocation information. Work with Allocation Favorites You can create and save groups of allocations as favorites. This is useful if you need to allocate multiple expenses across reports in a similar way. To create allocation favorites: 1. Create an expense report and create the allocations. 2. In the Allocations for Report window, click Add to Favorites. The Add to Favorites screen opens. 3. Enter an allocation name and click Save. The allocation is added to your favorites. To assign your allocation favorites: 1. Create a new expense report. 2. Click Allocate. 3. Click Favorites. A list of allocation favorite(s) displays. 4. Select the desired allocation and click Save. 5. Click OK and then Done. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 32 Allocate expense type charge to 81 funds and other funds. In order to allocate one transaction between and 81 fund account and another fund (such as 11 fund), the charge must be itemized using expense type Assets held for students or assets held for others to allocate to an 81 fund. This is the exception you will receive if the expense is not properly allocated and itemized related to an 81 fund and other fund allocation. 1. Click Itemize. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 33 2. 3. Select Assets held for students or assets held for others to allocate to an 81 fund. Complete the required fields and then click Allocate Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 34 4. Allocate to the applicable 81 fund and Save. 5. Continue to Itemize and allocate as usual. 6. Itemizations will appear on the left hand pane. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 35 Other Features Details Report Header If you need to edit the Report Header for any unsubmitted reports, you can go click Details and select Report Header. Report Totals Report Totals provides a summary of your expense report broken out between how much is due to the employee, how much the employee owes and how much was charged on the P-card. It is helpful to review this so the employee is aware of the amount they may receive as reimbursement or how much they owe to the University. To view Report Totals, click Details and select Totals. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 36 P-card transaction and amount due to employee Amount due to the University from the employee Audit Trail List of the actions associated for this report, such as approval change, exceptions, and so on. Approval Flow Route that your expense report follows once it is submitted. Comments List of the comments associated for this report. Allocations Summary of allocations made for this report. You may also edit the allocations from this window. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 37 Copy expense transactions To copy an expense: 1. With the expense report open, select the expense you want to copy. 2. Click Copy. Move expense transactions to another report To move an expense to another report: 1. With the expense report open, select the expense you want to move. 2. Click Move and select To New Report or an existing report. Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 38 Recall Report An employee can recall an expense report at any time prior to a report status of Pending Payment. There is no limit to the number of times a report can be recalled. To recall an expense report: 1. Open the desired expense report. 2. Click the Recall button (top right hand). Print/Email Report An employee can print out a detail report that includes all report level information, including allocations, as well as a summary of the report. The report can be printed or emailed. On the expense report page, click Print/Email and then select Copy of LMU Detailed Report. . View past reports To view past reports: Click Expenses > Manage Expenses > Report Library Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 39 Updated 8/1/2016 Loyola Marymount University 40