"If you know subU'oofers, you know about Vefodyne .•
-Corey Greenberg Home Th echer Technology/February 1995 Face Off: Comparison of five subL\'oofers
F1800RII "... the clean, full, and extended quality of the F-1800R', bass caused me to gasp wit/ll/le recognition I/latl was finally listening to real subwoofer. •
Owner's Manual
our en/ire listening room swelled with solid, satisfyil l l bass, as if both musician and instrument were in tlJe room . • N •••
scenes such as the pre-batt/e sequence in Bravehea ' ... may very well have threatened the room's structural integrity had we ~t backed off the volume a bit... • N• • •
-AI Griffin Home Th eater/December 1996 Gear Guide
VelodYlle Acoustics, Inc. 1070 Commercial St. Suite #10 · San Jose, CA 95112
408.436.7270 voice 408.436.7276 fax Web Site: 11I1p:!/ E-mail: velodyne @earthlinlcnet
) 0
Vel odyn e SERVO-CONTROLLED Audio/Video Subwoofer System
Prin led on ,ecycled paper.
1·97.1163·61 4. R3
COl/gratulatio1/s! Caution To reduce the risk of elooric shock. do not remove rover (or tack). No user-so iceable parts ulside.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
The tighting Hash willl arrowhead symbol is intended alert the Use!" to the prr ence 01 uninsulaled "d,HlgElfOUS vo/Iage" withinlhe producl's enclosure \hal may be at sufficient rna, t ~tude looonstituta a
risk of eleclric shock 10 persons. The exclamation point symbol is in\erlCiocll0 alert the user to the presence of im >rtanl operating and malnlenance (servicilg) instructions in the lilcmlu(C aa:ornpanylllg the Sool'lO aI". 1. 2.
3. 4. 5 6.
7. 8.
9. 10. 11.
13. 14.
Read Inslructions - AI safety and operaLng ~ Gh!:lUd be reiId OOIore the bwooIer is opcra1Cd. Retain Instr\lClions - The s3fety and opora~ng instrucbons shooJd be retailOd Iur II lie IClefence. Hood Wal!"i~ - An warnings on the so.b"V'OOler and In Ulil opelllbng iostn.diGns ! :IUId be actIered to. Folow tns\r lJ(;lioIls - A~ operating and use In$lllJ(;tI(lf1S should be folclwed. Woller ard l.!oIstUl e - The sub,o,ooler should not be used nellrwJ.ter - lorexample, no r a baU!lub, wa5hbowt. kitchen Sink. !J.urldry tub. In a wei b.l00menl. nelll a swlrrtllwlg pool or UK! like. Ca.rts&nd Slanc1s- The subwoofershould beusedonlywllh acartor5tilndreCOllll1len 1 dbythe manufactUlet. Wall or eailng )"bunting - The SIbM:lofer should be fl"IOl.<"1lOO to a "all orcellingo , , as fl!CXlr:lmefded IJ)' tile ITIDnulactu,ef. Vl!fl~talion- ThII~er sl"DulclboSllualod flO\h;;tllStocaIiooorposiliondceall!' nte8led 01111 bed. soIa.,us;. 01 niIar ~tace dw may bIoc.k theVflllllbbonopcnincp;OI pI3ced ine buill-ininslaJalDl wchasa bcokcaseor • bo1ellht.d> as rad1llOf ")8;,/ regislet$. SIOIIes, or 0Ih0r subwooIerslhal proWce heat Power Saufees - The SJJbwoofer should be comecIOO to a "",ver St~ only of It I',-pe doscri!ed in the operatMlg nsuuctilns 01 as mal\t.ed 00 the SlbI.llOOIer. POIVIlf·Cord Pmtechon - Power-supply COIOS stlOlAd lJc ,oute.0 0
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Nole ...
If /lot IISillg all cxtel"lUl1 Cl"Ossove l ~ YOII siJould lise tbe bill I '-ill crossover fol'
-'-f'..':.~;":" ---
optimal peIJOI'/I/{lIlCe.
IllterCOlll1ect cables
Regardless of where rou instil! rour Velod}'llc subwoofcf, it must remain in an upright position (woofer f;tJ"Cmdy large g:lugewire Im.y nOi [lroped)' fi resulting in a poor rollllcction :Hld IX)s.~ible :.11011 dn:uil.~.
lblt Ih:u m:ltes well :d wires whk:h nl:ly :mel)' large size ,Ire n the binding pOSts,
anr olher position for:.1I1 extended l:lCfiod uf time Ill:W. re.'iUl l lll"e 0 to the unit not cO\'ered b)' W;IIT;l!ll~(.
The FISOORII subwoofer is magnetically shielded 10 reduce the alllount of stray magnetic energy emined from the speaker's mOlOr stntClure. This gre:u1r incre:LSe5 flexibility when plating the unit clase to \icleo monitors as there is I'ery lillIe ~trJ}' magnetism. Ho\l·ert'f, this shielding may not be adt'qu::ue in certain cxtrcmely scnsilh"c inst:llbiiolls. Cerlain types of televisiuns Jre panicubrlr scnsitire to str.ty nl:lgnetic fields, If I'our (del'i~iun produces distoned colors :!fter insl:llling your sub\\'oofer, simply incr~e rile dist:mce between your !eleri:iion :md the subll"oofer, tlll!il nOI"l1131 color anti opcr:l1iol1 is returned.
Protection circllit!'y Placement TrliC sub\\'Oofer~ oper:u e al ext l-cmci), low frequencies which ;1I'e prill" \~ 'Ilile il is rewllullendct.1 tltl! lhe ~ub\\ uurer Ix: pbl\'U UI1 (ile :"lame speakers, room ;lJltl s),slem condi t ion~ often dicl;ilcOlherwise. Keep it responsc:ll1d output level Gill be draslicaUy innucf}cet\ b)"pi:l(cme acoustic propenies of the listening room. T~l)iGJlI~', the optimum Iuc.
lily non-direct ion:11. i:lIIC ~l.'i Ihe s;.udlite !lind that frequcnq' ,depenclingon the ion fur:! sub\\uofer is lucked away in acamerof your Ij~tening room. This 1000lion \\ilt USt lIyoffer Ihe gfC'Jlest output le\'e1s and up[imumlow frequenq' cxten~ion. "111C \\"0131100 Jon fur 3 sub\\ooer il t),pic:JlIr Elr ;[\\'3)" from :lIly \1~lllS, :rnd dose 10 lhe center of you room. Al'oid these locations wllt'n I~ib!e. \~~len u~illg a pair of Velo:lyne subw() ees in stereo. it is prefer.lble 10 place each subwoofcr by the salellite uf the s;,lme (h:u ld.
Ca lii/ou! Ibis slIbwoojer bas eleCII"OII;CS buill ;1/10 Ibe wbillet. Do 110, )/tlce the cnbillef
lIext to sOl/rces of beat .meb (lsJ"l'Jlace regislers, radiators etc. Do 1101 place tile IIlIif lIe(l/' SO//fces oj excessive l1Iois/ure, sitch as ellt ' 1OI'(flil'e coolers~ 'mlllidifiers, etc, 17le jJolI'er cord shollld be rOil ted ill slIeb a ,I (l)' tbat il lI'ifI 1I01 be walked Oll, /Jillcbefl, or compressed ill (Illy way Ibm could reslllt ill dalllagillg /be il/Sllialioll or wire,
Your new subwoofer is equipped with spL"'Ci:J1 pnJtcction circui try 10 provide mJ.,imunl perfOml;]IlCe with gre.1te5t rcli:lbilit}'. The unit is prolC(tcd ag:linst: I) Ol"enhil'ing Ihe speaker or amplifier. 2)o.·erhe:lling Ihe amplifier. 3) ['(({'Ssire drop in power linc rollage. The first t}-pe of protection circuitry which prcrems o\'erllriling of the speaker or amplifier oper.lIes conslaml}' without being :IlJdible under most si{u.uions. [n some extreme situations (suslained high output lerels sLlch as pro suund usage I, the unit may shut JOWII monll:ntaril},. 111e green power letll11:!)' also blink rJpic!lr. This indicales oper:ltion of {he therm:!1 orunderl'oltJge protecUon (ircuitl)'.lf this shaulJ happcn, rou .'Ihou[(1 reduce the volume selling Of shut the unit off until nomlal OperJ{ingcol1di lion~ rel um. You may also \\'alll to plug {he unit illloa r..Iifferem wall olltle!, as uropping pOWt'f line rollage will be most nOlice:lble under Sirenuous conditions.
Distortioll ill 10Ild~1)e(/kers Nonline:lr dislhnion is a problem which plagues all spt:lkers, 1115 partku]ar type of distortion is a commOn problem in subwoofcrs, which must mol'c!: ge all10UIlIS of :lir to produce :tdeqmte lel'ds of deep O:ISS. l'i'onlinear JblOrtillll b til ncd as :lIlr fonn uf distortion tl1:11 mOl'es energy fmm one ponioJl of the audio fn I uenrr spcctrum 10 ::lIlother. When a single tone is applied to a nonlinC:lf system, tI, resul! is hamlonic distonioll. In which some of the energy karcs the srs1em at mu I pIes of the origin:I1 frequency. When multiple lunes:lre:lpplied, imermodublion lonC'S Ie produced, u:'U.1Ur as simple comoination~ of the inplll frcquenci~. Generally, 3'b dist,: tion is considered a l·c:lst.lI1able :lInllllll [ for spC:lkers, '1111s means that 3n~ uf the IOt:l! enef! 'It':l\'ing the spt.";lker is;!l frequencies olht:r 1h:l!l Ihe intended input sign:!L ;\Iosl Suo\l"oofers 011 the' howewr, pruduce IllUdl!l\U ,than 3?o disLOnion ;11 Wil imun listening kvels. ~1;l1l)' models we hal'c It'slcd pnxlu : gn:alcr (han 20'~ llislOnion @:?:Ul lzwhendrircn to lOOtlI3. l1Jis is J IrpiGIl outpUlll'.;.i obl:!illcd in mallY Srslems, pnlicubrly home thener systems. Even ;11 ! wau, 111:111, conrcnlion:ll units
!;roo ucc s(",'cl:lI percellt distortiun, Secondly, the txld order, highcl l:lfmonics are much more offensire to the hum:lll ear Ih:lIlthe closer 21111 hamlOnic. An ill1cresting result of this reduced dbtOniun is lh:u !:iome uf Ihe b:: i, \\hen pl:J)'ed orer an ('xlrelJ)clv:lcCul'Jle sub\\'oofer systcm, seem~ lO:Jctuallybc missin! TIle truth, howcrer, is Ihat the ': I~lissing" oass was ne\'er Ihere 10 begin with! Distonion pre LlClS of collremional woofers :lcw:t!!\, add to thc bass SPC(lflllll Iluking il appear louder [ III recorded. This is due to the :Jdciilional and unwanted harmonics (dbLOrtion) of Ill( 'und:lI11tllt;t! signal. While (o11\"el1lion:11 subwoofers OO'Cf little 10 mmlm dislOnion plUI rLS, we:li Velotl~11e hJve dc\"clope<1 allother W:l)'•..
111e Velodyl1e servo-colltrol solution TIle Velod)IIlC f1800flll produces sound in thes:Jmc mallnerasconre ionalloudspe'Jkers: is forced 10 move by means of :l1inC:lr mOlor.l Ilrel'er, Ihi:; is abOlll the only colll'enlionallJJrt of the subl\·oofer.
:J cone·sh:llk'd piston
We determined that conl'entiollal motors :1Il' tln:lCcepL:tole when Gt xl upon to produce
Lhe ~mOllm of IinCl.I!' motion we desired. Thb inadeq u ~cy bl liS [0 design an ill1pl'Oved motur Stn!Clure by incoq)Or:llillg twO coils, oper.!ting out of phase in :1 push-pull conOgur.lIion ""'i(hin 1\\'0 magnetic gaps & suspcnde