ffiKn$ Scttcc Thelogicalchoicefor_demanding, highusagekioskapplications
.tx-as1 A direct thermal printer system for interactive self.service kiosks that provides a complete printing solution.
TheITK-24i is designed foruseinself-servicef\no Paper Output Delivery kiosks, where stand-alone operation requires Options theutmost in reliability. Thestandard USB provides TheStandard loopPresenter portiscomplemented bya double-buffered jamprotection excellent by keeping the memory t0 create a laslandelficienl system printing document inside the kiosk the until forprinting multi-page single or documents. andcutting iscomplete. Thedocument is youneed When to printcustomer specific quickly presented then to the customer. The documents suchasschedules, maps, printer, loop is formed the above where there promotions, receipts, orin-store theITK-24i should bespace available. isthePractical choice.
r 203dpiprinting I Print speed upto B0mm/s I P a o e r w i d1t1h2:m m printwidth: I Paper 104mm I Standard USBinterface
r Windows@ comoatible WYSIWYG driver
TheGutter0nlyoptionis bestforcut-andpaper cutter dropkiosks where a chute ortrayisprovided. I Automatic I In-store information Dromotional
presenier I Loop transport
I Hotel check-in andcheck-out documents r Giftregistry
I Extensive remote monitoring capabilities including reverse channel status communication
I Transoortation documents
paper I Large rollholder withlowpaper sensor
I Ma0sanddirectional information
paperrollholder r Detachable
power I External supply reduces mOunting weight andallows flexible kiosk layout
P The Alinabal Groupof Companies
Printhead: DotDensity DotCycle Life Abrasive Life PrinlLenglh: PlintWidth: Paper Widtb: Paper Caliper: Paper Type:
Raster, Any directthermal. graphic ortextimage created by yourapplication canbeprinted printer usingthePAsupplied driver. 203DPI(8dots/mm) 100x 106DotCycles typical 164Kft (50Km)typical 3.5"Min,17"Max. (832dots) 4.10" 4.48" .0034" typical, .004"Max. Appleton 0ptima Superior, or equivalent Friction 3.1in/secMax.(80mm/sec) USBinterJace Standard USB 2.0A-B 300Kcuts(typical) Windows@ 2000 Windows XP@
PapelFeed: PrintSpeed: Inlelface: lnlerface Cable: CullerIife: PlinlerDriYers:
PCRequilemenls:Windows@ Printer compatible PC,100 Stalus: Printer status information suchaslow paper, MHzorhigher. USBportrequired outof paper, ticketnottaken, and system to the errors are available (F0) UselSwilches: Select hostPCviaUSB Test(Fl) provided P0we1 Requilemenls:24 VDC, 60Wmaxaverage. by (F2) LineFeed P560-14 universal inputpower supply. (F3) FormFeed VAC.47163 90-264 Hz.1.6A Max. (Becessed) Reset Regulalory Compliance: (green lndicalors: Power/Paper LED) CEMark: Comoliant (green Ready LED) safety: UL1950,3rd Edition (amber Attention/Error LED) CSA C22.2 No.950-95 AudioBeeoer CENELEC EN60950: 1992 CBSCHEME: Compliant.Consullfactoryfor 0ulpulPaper Delivery 0plions: countries listed. LoopPresenter: Thedocument iskeptinside the kiosk untilprinting andcutting EMI/EMC: FCC Part15Class A iscomplete, andthenpresented. cENELEC EN50024-1 1998 Thisavoids due to user iams EN55022Class B interference. RoHS Compliant Thedocument Cutter 0nly: exitstheprinter as it isDrinted. EnYironmenl: Paper Holder: Rollsupto 6" indiameter canbe Temperature: 0perating: +5oto 40oC mounted ontheDrinter chassis. -50to 650C Storage: Rollsupto 6" maybemounted on Humidity: 20-85% relative, non-condensing anexternal fixture. SelupParameters:Alloptional control teatures can Allspecifications subjectto chanOe withoulnotice. bechanged bytheuserwith trademarks ortrademarks ofMicrosoft user-lriendly switchpanel entry WindowsandVistaareeilherregistered i0 the UnitedStatesand/oroth€rcountriesCorDoration se0uences.
Dimensions Outline ITK24iwithDetachable 6-lnchPaperHolder
ITK24i RearView
or,.**u,r.r, Access Cover
)ooooo)ac" Tesl Lights Switches Indi€tor
Inlomation 0rdeilng
rTK EE i - n ntr n-[uS-l Resolulion 203dpi
hpet Ulidth Papuoulputoplions FormsControl = Enabled 4 = 4.48"(1 14mm) P= Standard Loop Blank for Transport-PresenterContinuous Formroll withCutter stockpaper K= Cutter0nly R= Enabled for Registration Marked rollstockpaper
Paporlnputoplions roll 00= Nopaper holder 6L= Paper rollholder for6" (152mm)roll, withLowPaper Sensor.
FormsConlml Dalalnlorface = Enabled Blank for USB= USBSerial Formroll Continuous Interface stockpaper R= Enabled tor Registration Marked roll stockpaper
The Alinabal Group of Companies 45 W00dm0nt Road,P.0.Box3028,Milford,CT08f60 . Phone:(203)882-5640' FAX:(203)882-5648
Printedin USA 4t07