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Fig.40. Flg.4b. Fig.4c.




Aug- 24, 1965 E. R. GILL, JR 3,202,359 LOW ANGLE SPRAYING MACHINE Fil€d Oct. 23, 1961 FIG.40. 2 Sheets-Sheet l FlG.4b. FIG.4c. INVENTOR. Edwln R. G|I|,Jr. BY KQRL L0. Hoe/(s ATTORNEY Aug. 24, 1965 3,202,359 E. R. GILL, JR LOW ANGLE SPRAYING Pf CHINE Filed 001;. 23, 1961 hi mm eets—Sheet 2 INVENTOR. Edwin R. GilLJr. BY KR Rt. E06 KS ATTORNEY United States Patent 0 " 3,252,359 Patented Aug. 24, 1965 1 2 3,202,359 Spray guns 19 are, mounted in 'toboggan-like cradles ‘or stone guards 21., Stone guards 21 are supported by vertical sidepieces 22 to which the free ends ofradius LOW ANGLE SPRAYING MACHINE Edwin R. Gill, Jr., Milierton, N.Y., assignor to Karl W. Flocirs, Washington, D.‘C. Filed Oct. 23, 1961, ‘Ser. No. 146,910 6 Claims. (Cl. 239-1) The present invention relates to spraying machines rods 16 and 17 are attached at pivot points 23 and 24, respectively. Spray guns 19 are shown mounted in pairs, two sharing each stone ‘guard assembly but they may also be mounted singly allowing separate stone guards, radius rods, etc. for each spray gun. The eight and has particular reference to low angle spraying ma V-shaped areas 26 show the spread of each spray at chines. 10 approximately 45° overall, which is the maximum per Low angle spraying of roadways or other‘ substan missible fan-out when it is desired to prevent the paint tially smooth surfaces involves certain conditions and from reaching the opposite side of inequalities on a presents problems which must be met and solved in order concrete surface so as not to impair undirectional visi to perform the operation successfully. bility. That aspect is further discussed in application Of these problems and conditions which are encoun Serial No. 47,426 of Edwin R. Gill, Jr. ?led August 4. tered with prior art devices, the character and the shape 1960 entitled “Highway Marketing.” . ‘ 'of the spray are probably the most signi?cant. In the Yoke 27 joining an upper pair of ‘radius rods 16 ex device of the present invention it is an object to limit tends backwardly over terminal cross member ‘14 and-is the spread or fan out of the spray to prevent deliberate ?tted with a screw 28 by which means the road clearance overlapping. Accidental or momentary overlapping, of 20 of spray guns 19 is adjusted. Adjustment either upward course, is often unavoidable but the ‘present invention or downward in cooperation with the structure shown reduces the overlap to a considerable degree. does not alter the Width of the ground pattern. Simi In this regard the adjustment that the angle of the larly, should the assembly be forced upward by a piece spray makes with the pavement is of primary considera of gravel or stone, or to clear any obstruction, the width tion. It is another object of the present invention to 25 ‘of the ground pattern remains ?xed. This makes use of relate the angle at which the paint is sprayed to the the parallel motion linkage. . . clearance from the surface being sprayed in order to , In FIG. 1 the stone guard 21, spray gun 19 and radius prevent overlapping of the sprays from the separate rods 16 and 17 are shown in solid lines in a lowered posi~ spray guns and also to prevent paint from being deposi tion and in dotted outline in a slightly higher position ted on the wrong side of irregularities or striae on the 30 In this embodiment the radius rod 17 is elongated past sprayed surface. pivot point 24, by the extension 29 and is attached to There is also the orthogonic projection or ground pat the spray gun 19 by connecting rod 31. Connecting rod tern of the spray to be considered which is related to the coverage and which is a sensitive adjustment as will be 31 may be directly pivoted to spray gun 19 to cause it to pivot about point 32, as shown in FIG. 1, or attached explained in connection with the ?gures, in addition to 35 through an adjusting screw, protractori'or other means being further related to the road speed of the vehicle whereby a ?ne setting can be 'made by hand. The em carrying the sprayers and the quantity of paint delivered bodiment’shown in FIG. 3 is raised and lowered through per unit time or distance. _ i ' the use‘of radius rods 34 and 35, yoke 36, and vertical Accordingly, the present invention is directed to a low side support 37. Since this embodiment has no exten angle spraying machine‘with minimum overlap of paint from adjacent spray guns through the adjustment of the spray angle to conform to vertical motion of the spray gun mountings. , Other objects and advantages will be apparent from sion on the lower radius rod attached to a connecting rod for changing the angular position of the spray gun 38, this angle is adjusted by hand through the movement of spray gun 38 about pivot point 39 gauged by tractor arc 40. In this case, the setting on the protrac a detailed description of the invention ‘and from the 45 tor arc must be- for the contemplated height of the spray appended drawings and claims. gun and the spray gun must be reset by hand for all In the drawings: . vertical movements of spray gun and stone guard. FIG. 1 is a side elevational view partly in section of ‘It should be noted that‘the ‘width of the ground pattern the spraying machine of the present invention mounted on the rear of a vehicle; FIG. 2 is a top plan view of the spraying machine of the present invention with a plurality of spray‘ guns mounted for use in cooperation with each other; FIG. 3 is a side elevational view of another embodi ment of the spraying machine of the present invention; and FIGS. 4A, 4B, and 4C show a plan view of the spread of four spray guns for different positions of the spray guns. . M Considering now the details of one ‘of the embodiments illustrated, reference is ?rst made to the partly sectioned ‘side elevational view shown in FIG. 1 and the top view shown in FIG. 2. These show a trailer with a chassis 11 ‘mounted on an axle 12. and a pair of wheels 13. Chassis 11 extends a short distance back of axle 12 and terminates in a cross member 14. Mounted on top 'of chassis 11 is a frame ‘15 consisting of top and bottom traverse members and as many vertical members as necessary to support upper and lower radius rods‘ 16 and 17, respectively, which are pivoted thereto.‘ Brace 18 is a further support for frame 15. 50 remains constant through different heights of the spray gun by keeping the distance between the spray gun noz zle and the point at which the spray hits the surface being sprayed a constant distance through the change in angle of the spray gun for each change in height of the spray gun above the sprayed surface. 9 In order to perform ‘the spraying operation as‘ required, the spray gun assemblies must follow the carriage wheels in order to allow the’ paint to set up and dry'before wheels, from the vehicle carrying the paint spraying equipment or any other tra?ic passes over the sprayed area. This neces— sitates the mounting of the spray gun assemblies on a back wardly projecting portion of chassis 11,‘ as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2. However, the spray gun assemblies should be located as close behind the wheels as practical since any longitudinal rocking of the carriage about the axle as the pivot may cause objectional variation in‘ clearance and ‘coverage of the spray. The length of ‘the carriagenforward of the axle should therefore be several times the projec tion backward. The carriage may be towed behind a truck using a ball and socket, or other hitch, and the attache‘ ment should be made to some part of the truck which is unsprung, such as, for instance, the rear axle. For the 3,202,359 3 4 same reason the carriage itself is not provided with springs It should be understood that the speci?c apparatus but is resiliently mounted on axle 12 by means of shock‘ absorbers 41. Studs or U bolts 42 clamp the axle 12, and shock absorbers 41 to chassis 11 as shown in FIG. 1. FIGS. ‘4A, 4B and 4C are illustrative of the spread of paint for four adjacent spray guns. FIG. 4A is a dia . gram of the normal spread of four fans from the spray guns when all the spray guns are positioned as shown in solid lines of FIG. 1. FIG. 4B shows the pattern when a shown and described herein is intended to be representa tive only. Reference should therefore be made to the following claims in determining the full scope of the in vention. What is claimed is: V 1. _ A low angle spraying machine for spraying a ground surface comprising a wheel mounted chassis including, a plurality of wheels, an axle attached to said wheels, pair of spray guns have'been raised above normal clear 10 and studs and shock absorbers connecting 'said axle to said chassis whereby any springing motion of said chassis ance as shown by the position of the spray gun in dotted is minimized; a frame mounted on said chassis; parallel outline in FIG. 1. Spray patterns 45 are from the spray gun 19 in the raised (dotted) position while patterns 46 motion linkage attached to said frame; spraying means are the spray from spray guns 19 positioned as shown by the solid lines of FIG. 1. As can be seen by this illustra motion linkage; and automatic'adjusting means to change ' tion, there is no overlap in the spray patterns from the the angle ‘that the spray from said spraying means makes spray gun no matter what their clearance above the sur positioned vertically by the ‘operation of said parallel with the ground surface being sprayed whereby the angle that the spray from said spraying means makes with the ground surface changes in direct relationship to the pivot point 32, then the raised spray guns will paint a pat 20 change in height above the ground surface of said spray ing means. tern illustrated by patterns 47 in FIG. 4C. Patterns 48 2. A method of spraying a ground surface from a low are from spray guns 19 retained at their normal height. angle which comprises raising and lowering the spray In other words, if the angle of the spray gun 19 remains ?xed and is not corrected automatically, as in the embodi~ . ing means in accordance with changes in contour of the ground surface, and automatically adjusting the angle at ment of FIG. 1 or by hand as in FIG. 3, then the center which the spray'strikes the ground surface in relation to lines of the spray guns will meet the ground surface at a face being sprayed. If a pair of spray guns are raised . without the correction in the angle of spray gun 19 about point 50 (FIG. 1) or thereabouts. . said raising and lowering of the spraying means whereby ' the distance between the spraying'means nozzle and the point of impingement of the spray on the ground surface ‘ .ries, or should carry, substantially equal quantities of paint and that in low angle spraying it is requisite to avoid 30 remains substantially the same during repositioning of the spraying means by raising and lowering. either too dense a'coverage or a de?ciency of coverage, 13. A method of spraying a ground surface from a low the spray pattern should have a substantially equal cross angle which comprises setting a plurality of spray guns section'throughout its lateral spread. 1 Any deviation from In'view of the fact that each unit area of a spray car this will correspondingly result in an excess of paint near on a spraying machine at a height and angle to the ground the'center and a de?ciency towards the edges of the pat 35 surface so as to minimize overlapping of the sprays from said spray guns, raising and lowering some ofsaid tern, or'vice versa. 7 plurality of spray guns as changes in the contour of the The importance of the last point is better realized when we consider the orthogonic projection of each unit area or the spray pattern. In an ideal pattern, as a parallelo gram for example, the thickness of the sprayed material would be uniform throughout the spread of the pattern, even when the machine is in motion. Due to the limita tions of spray guns in general, however,- this ideal is not completely attainable in practice ‘but may be approxi mated with a properly designed and adjusted vspray gun. .- The nearest approach to the ideal spray pattern thought practical is an elongated ellipse but in such as case the action is somewhat different. In the case of the ideal pat tern, only the cross section of the pattern need be con sidered but where the fan from the nozzle of the spray gun has an oval or elliptical form, the longitudinal dimen I ground surface are encountered and automatically’ adjust ing the angle at which the spray strikes the ground sur- 7 face in conjunction with the changes in height of each spray gun in order to maintain substantially the same length of the spray from the spray gun to the ground sur face for all of said spray guns. 7 - 4. A low angle spraying'machine for spraying a ground surface comprising a chassis, a ‘frame mounted on said chassis, parallel motion linkage attached to said frame, spraying means positioned vertically by the operation of said parallel motion linkage, a cradle means under said spraying means having a hole through which spray from said spraying means passes whereby protection is afforded the spraying means, and automatic adjusting means to sions vary, growing shorter outward from the midpoint change the angle that the spray from said spraying means and therefore the forward travel time becomes more im portant. If the spray gun were standing still, then every change in height of the sprayingrmea'ns above the ground ' part of the orthogonic projection would receive equal coverage but the spray gun is constantly moving forward at some rate of speed. a I It hasrbeen found preferable not to carry the supply of makes with, the ground surface being sprayed‘ with a surface, whereby the angle that the spray from said spray in g means makes with the ground surface changes in direct relationship towthe change in height above the ground surface of said spraying means. paint on the trailer or spray machine chassis itself but to '5. A low angle spraying machine for spraying a ground locate the tanks on the truck doing the towing. However, surface comprising a chassis, a frame mounted on said a comparatively small regulating tank or tanks may be chassis, parallel motion linkage attached to said frame, spraying means positioned vertically by the operation of mounted on the spray machine chassis and supplied from said parallel motion linkage, and adjusting means to change the angle that the spray from said spraying means or the equivalent, to maintain a constant level and theres fore a constant weight and balance thereby not upsetting 65 makes with the ground surface being sprayed, said adjust the truck tanks with means provided, such as a ?oat valve the height of the'trailer above the .gorund surface and the relationship between the height of the spray gun from - ing means comprising an extension arm on said parallel motion linkage, a connecting rod pivotally attached to the free end of said extension arm, and a pivot point at the ground surface and the angle of the spray gun. V The spray gun may be mounted for spraying in a back Which said spraying means is attached to said parallel , ~ ward direction in another embodiment of this invention motion linkage, said connecting rod pivotally connected and an equivalent type of parallel motion linkage may to said spraying means so as to pivot said spraying means . be used to adjust the spray guns to prevent overlapping of about said pivot point at which said spraying means is patterns. The same principles invloved in the previously attached to said parallel motion linkage, whereby the angle discussed embodiments apply here.’ that'the spray from said spraying means makes with the 3,202,359 5 6 ground surface changes in direct relationship to the change in height above the ground surface of said spraying means. References Cited by the Examiner UNITED STATES PATENTS 6. A low angle spraying machine for spraying a ground surface comprising a chassis, a frame mounted on said chassis, parallel motion linkage attached to said frame, spraying means positioned vertically by the operation of said parallel motion linkage, and adjusting means to change the angle that the spray from said spraying means makes with the ground surface being sprayed, said paral 5 1,629,160 5/27 2,574,206 11/51 2,580,145 12/51 2,657,093 10/53 2,663,973 12/53 2,975,979 3/61 Heermance _______ __ 239-172 X Browning __________ __ 239-162 White ______________ _.. 239—172 Kucera _____________ __ 239-—168 White _____________ __ 239-l7 X 'Shoffer _____________ __ 239-150 lel motion linkage comprising a vertical section of said 10 FOREIGN PATENTS frame, a pair of parallel rod-s pivotally attached to said 683,141 2/30 France. vertical section, a vertical support pivotally attached to 508,107 6/39 Great Britain. each of said parallel rods, said vertical support carrying said spraying means, whereby the angle that the spray EVERETT W. KIRBY, Primary Examiner. from said spraying means makes with the ground sur~ face changes in direct relationship to the change in height 15 ROBERT A. O’LEARY, LOUIS J. DEMBO, above the ground surface of said spraying means. Examiners.