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TM Data Express DX115 SAS/SATA 6G Quick Start Guide For the full user manual and more information about this product, please visit vvvvw.cru·
Models Covered: DX1156G 1. Installation Steps 1.1 Frame Installation a. Slide the *For 6GB/s operation, a SAS or Si\TA 6GB/s conlroller and SAS or SATA 5GB/shard drive are required.
DX115 frame into an open 5.25" drive bay on your computer.
b. Secure the frame to the chassis with the mounting
screws provided.
Product Warranty CRU-DataPort
!CRU) warrants this product to be tree of significant defects in materi al and '/liorkrr:anship for a per i od of five years from the original date of purchase and is lirmted to tlw onginal purchaser.
CRU"s wananty 1:: nontrardt�rab!e
limitation of liability ·rhe wanantim> s&t forth in this aqrm;rn:mt mplace all nthervmrranties. CRU exprHssl)• disdairns all other wanantif:s. including but net l 11nit d to, th13 : rnp l i f;d \'Jar mntles of merr:harrtability fitness fm a IJ?.!tir.ulrlr purpnss and non-:nhing!Hne!1t uf third-party rights with respt1ct to thfJ rJot:urner:tation ami hardware. 1-Jo CRU deal er, agent. or employee is authonzed to make any modification, extension, or addition to th i s warranty h no event wi ll CRU or its suppliers bs liable for any costs of procuremer;t of substitute products or services, lost profits. loss of mformation or data, computer malfunction, or any other spe c i a l . indirect. consequential. or inc;dumal darnag�J:; aris;ng in <.my wav out of thr; sfllr� of. u:w ot. or inability to use any CRU product or st�rvrce, evon if CRU has bofm advis�1d of the pocsibility of such damages. In no case shall CRU's liability aXC::!ed the actual money paid for the products at ::;sue. CRU reserve:; the right to mako modification� and ddi tions to th is product without notice or taking on additional l iability
FCC Compliance Statement "Tilis devicFJ r;ornpliss "oJJith Part 15 of the FCC rulos. Operation :s subjact tc the fnl!owing twr) r.onrl;tJons· {1 j This d�;;"vice nwy not cause (2) this device must ac ep t an·t interference received. mr::luding interference that �.ay cause undesired operation."
harmful interference, and
c. Attach a SAS or SATA
d. Attach a Molex power connector to the rear of the receiving frame. 1.2 Hard Drive Installation a. Push in on the ejection handle of the carrier to pop it out Use the handle to remove the carrier from the frame.
Th;:; 6qwprmmt has besn tested and found to compl�· v.-ith th�;� lirnits tor a Cf. Thf:lse l;mit�� ari;l designed to provide reasonable protection aga1ns! harmful intarferencB when the equipment is operated in a home or cornrnercialsnvironrnent. This equipment generates, US!:iS, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not ins ta l le d and used in accordance with the instruction manual. may cause harmful in te rfe rence to ra d io :::r.rr:;r::.;nlr;atwn:;.
b. Attach a 3.5"
In the event that ·rou experience Radio Frequency Interference, you should take the following steps to resolve the problerrr
c. With one hand on
! ) Ensur�;� that the case of 'fOUr atti'Jched dr;ve is grounded. 2) Use a data cable with RFI red u mg farritas on each end 3) Use a power s.upp!y vvith an RF I reducing ferrite appro>:imately 5 i n hes from the DC plug. 4) ReoriHnt cr rek�catfJ thH rm::�winq
data cable to the SAS/SATA data connector on the rear of the frame. motherboard.
Attach the other end to the appropriate SAS or SATA port on the computer's
or 2.5"
hard drive to the unified power and data connector inside of the carrier.
the top of the hard drive, turn the carrier over. Then secure the hard drive to
the carrier using the mounting screws provided.
1.3 O p e rat ing Your DX115 a. Slide the
DX115 carrier into the frame, then push the carrier handle in until it clicks.
b. Insert the included Data E x pre ss Key into the keylock and turn inn it 90 degrees c lockw i s e to
2 Identifying the Parts of Your DX115 6G
secure the carrier to the frame.
Push Here to Eject Carrier
Drive Ready/Error LED
c. P ress and hold the Power Button to power the unit on until the Drive Ready LED be g ins to flash and the hard drive inside beg ins to spin up.
Drive Activity LED
Fan Error LED Disable Switch
f NOTE: If the drive is already installed in the receiving frame before a system Power Connector
When any ha rd
Power Sw1tch
fiqure 1· Front Bezel
power up, you do not have to press and hold the sw itch to power on the drive.
drive is first used with the Data Port 25 Secure it w]il show up as a blank,
SAS/SATA Connector
it. drive will erase all data on the drive, so be sure to back up your
unallocated drive and you'll ne e d to format the dr ive inside the enclosure before you can use Note that formatting a
data before beginning this operation.
1.4 Safe Carrier Removal a. Turn off the computer or properly dismount the drive from the system. Disconnecting the unit without first u nm ou nti ng the volume can result
in data loss
Cooling Fan
Activity Di�wblro
Mac Systems
Fioure 2- DX115 Receiv1ng Frame Rear Panel
Unmount the volume before powering down the un it by dra gg ing the volume's icon to the trash bin, or by select ng the volume then pressin(J
3 Other Configuration Options
Command-E. Windows Systems Unmount the DX115 befo re powering it down by left-clicking the green a rro w icon on the task bar (in Windows XP) or the USB plug icon with the green checkmark on the Desktop task bar
(Windows Vista,
7, 8), and then selecting the proper device frorn the rnenu that pops u p. You S how Hidden Icons" arrow on the task bar to find the c o rre ct icon.
may have to click on the
Windows will indicate when it is safe to disconnect the DataPort 25. *Some SATA PC systems/host controllers provide support for the
Drive Activity LED feature (refer to the SAT/I. !'C
system/host controller manufacturer's documentation for further information). The Drive Activity LED can be enclbled
b. Use the DataPort Key to turn the keylock 90 degrees counter-clockwise to unlock and power
off the unit c. Push the eject button below the keylock once to release the button, and again to eject the ,
ca rri e r.
host connection (cable not incl u d ed ) to Pin 1 locatecJ on Receiving Frarne Motherboard (Figure 2). Refer to the SATA PC
system/host controller manufacturer's docurnentat;on tor fu rth e r Information.
3.2 Fan Error LED Disable Switch This switch ( see Figure 1) allows the user to disable the Fan Error LED (insert a paper clip or simili:Jr object to activate switch ) CRU-DataPort recommends replacing a faulty tan immediately Contac� Technical Supportto obtain a new fan.