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so R T « cae3 * * * ♦ * * !* ? £ * 1997 1 1379 i® InR lA L L lB RftRV )Z 7 , ^ J k n T *•« « Ill 50' p e r iio(>y «n Kwychl I*u|j4>r ONE HUNDRED TWBMTY»PIFTH YEAR— No.36 CHELSEA. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1996 32 Pages This Week •mS^SSSK forward with Dexter’s nod A fter n early eight y ears o f work on th e p ro ject by d ilig en t com m unity m em bers, th e C helsea D istrict L ib rary will finally be moving forw ard. D exter Tow nship B oard ap proved th e ag reem en t in a 3-2 vote a t its Doc. 3 m eeting. Su p erv iso r Jo h n Sdao and T ru s tee Libby B ru sh ab er voted against signing, th e agreem ent, and T rustees Ju lie Knight, Wil liam E isen b e iser ahd H arley E id er w ere in favor. In o rd e r for th e D istrict L i b rary A greem ent to be e x e cuted, two tow nships, along with th e V illage of C helsea n eed ed to sign th e agreem ent. Sylvan an d D exter Tow nships and th e village have all a p proved th e agreem ent so far, and Lyndon and Lima Town sh ip s a re still discussing th e m atter. W hat th is m eans for th e com m unity is th a t a D istrict L ib rary B oard will be e sta b lished. The board will consist of eig h t m em bers, all a p pointed. The n u m b er of m em b ers com ing from each o f the m u n icip alities involved d e p en d s on w h eth er Lima and Lyndon Tow nships sign th e agreem ent. Once up and functioning, it will be th e resp o n sib ility of th e D istrict L ibrary B oard to put to g e th e r a mi Mage p ro posal th ey th in k will be ac c ep ta b le ' to voters for th e li b ra ry ’s funding. If no m illage is passed by the y e a r 2000, th e lib ra ry will re v e rt b ack to how it is today, being funded solely by th e vilT his b o a rd will also have the au th o rity to d e c id e w h e th er they would like to stay in th e existing facility, th e McKune H ouse building, o r try to b u ild a new facility L ib rary officials estim ate th a t con stru ctin g a new. fully func tional lib ra ry building would cost tax p ay ers approxim ately $1.4 m illion. Sdao said one of his m ain concerns ab o u t th is a g reem en t is th a t Pinckney re sid e n ts a re in clu d ed in th e new lib ra ry d istric t and th e re fo re w ould pay any tax es asso ciated w ith th e library, b u t they w ould not likely b en efit from th e lib ra ry ’s services. McKune L ib ra ry D irecto r Ann Holt said since th e P inck ney resid en ts a re physically in th e d istric t they can n o t b e ex cluded from th e D istrict Li brary. However, th ese resid en ts do have access to th e D exter District L ibrary and do not pay the m illage associated with th a t district, so it becom es evened out. Everyone w ho has access to th e benefit o f a d istric t lib rary would be also paying for the services. B ru sh ab er said am ong h er concerns was th a t even if Dex te r T ow nship’s v o ters tu rn down a proposed m illage for th e library, if th e re st of th e dis tric t ap p ro v es th e m illage, D exter Township resid en ts will still have to pay. Holt said th a t was also a co n cern of sev eral o f the o th e r e n titie s involved, how ever th e chances of any one m unicipal ity unanim ously voting the m illage down w hile th e oth ers all pass th e m easu re are q u ite slim. Holt said som e o f th e chal lenges th e new lib rary board will face a re equip p in g th e fa cility with handicap access and trying to solve th e lack-ofparking problem . One p o ten tial solution to the parking d ilem m a the new bo ard may ex p lo re would be to install a drive-through wind o w fo rse rv ic e . ■■ The D istrict L ib rary B oard will also b e w orking w ith the C helsea School D istrict to m ake su re reso u rce s a re not d uplicated betw een th e two group’s facilities. The Lima Tow nship B oard will revisit th e issue at a sp e cial m eeting Dec. 17, an d Lyn don Township is ex p ected to discuss th e m a tte r a t its Dec. 10 meeting. p rep a res T a r o lli achieves By A ngela T rotter" S taffW riter M ich ael T arolli of Chelsea becam e involved in scouting in 1990, a t the age o f 12; not an u n u su a l u n d e rta k in g for a young m an. But; w ith a g reat d eal o f h a rd work and persevere ance, T arolli accom plished a fea t th a t only t\Vp p e rc e n t of hoys w ho begin in scouting manage: h e earn ed th e ran k of Eagle S c o u t His c o u rt o f honor fo r th e acco m p lish m en t was held Nov. 24. T aro lli is a m em b er of T roop 476 in C helsea. D uring h is tim e with jtfte tro o p he serv ed a s ' q u a rte rm a ster, a s sista n t p atro l, le a d e r an d p a t r o l le a d e r, in a d d itio n to e a rn in g 2 7 m eritb a d g e s. T aro lli said th e m ost diffi c u lt p a rt o f earn in g h is Eagle $ co u t ra n k was th e re q u ire m en t to organize an d d ire c t a com m unity service project. T he p ro je c t he chose was re b u ild in g th e windittMl a t the W aterloo F arm M useum in M unith. “A n o th er Eagle w as p a in t ing th e fence th e re fo r his pro je c t, an d 1 noticed th e w ind m ill w as falling, a p a r t " h e said. : : T he project' took about seven m onths to; co o rd in ate a n d com plete. T arolli said h e got a lo t o f h elp ' from his fam ily an d th e rest o f th e com m u nity . "T he p ro ject was th e h a rd e st th in g to do, b u t a fte r I was :done I lea rn ed a lot,* h e said. In ad d itio n to th e physical •labor, T aro lli h a d to do a lot o f re se a rc h on th e history o f w in d m ills for th e p ro je c t. "T he last tim e th e windm ill -5 A was resto red it w as p a in te d black and w hite, bu t we found out it was supposed to be red , w hite and b lu e like ther orig i nal one was,” Jo n T arolli, Mi c h ae l’s father said. Jo n T arolli said until his son proposed restoring th e w indm ill w heel a s h is E agle project, th e W aterloo F arm Museum adm inistrators d id n ’t th in k th e p ro ject would e v er get done. “They had gotten e stim ates on rep airin g th is w heel an d they cam e back in th e th o u san d s (of dollars)." Jo n T arolli said .' . M ichael T arolli sa id one o f h is favorite things about sco u t ing w as being allow ed to choose inhere th e troop would ' go on its trip s. One of th ese trip s w as to th e F lo rid a Sea Base, a high a d v en tu re cam p in th e F lo rid a Keys. - “We spent a Week on an is - 1 land With ju st th e food and wat e r w e brought,” hesai.d. W hile on th e island, th e tro o p m em bers used ro p e and driftw ood thby found lying aro u n d the islan d to c o n stru ct v arious projects. . “M ichael found th e b est ro p e,,f said h is m other, J a n e t T aro lli. “He w as th e b est scav en g er." . On th e tro o p 's firs t trip to. Out Island a t F lo rid a Sea Base, a h u rric a n e w arning forced the troop to leave two days early. B ecause o f this, they got to re tu rn th e nex t sum m er for an a d d itio n al Week. A nother trip T arolli got to take with his troop w as to th e 1993 N ational Scout Ja m b o re e a t F o rt A.P. H ill, Va. T h e re One o f th e fin al step s in ‘ com pleting the T im ber Town playground p ro jec t is u n d e r way w ith p lan s to acknow ledge p erm an en tly th e h u n d red s o f in d iv id u als and dozens of o r ganizations who c o n trib u te d to th e successful construction la st Ju n e . While, it would be im possi ble to in d ividually recognize everyone who h elp e d w ith co n stru ctio n , th e nam es o f those who contributed, $50 o r m ore to th e p ro je c t w ill be etched into four granite p lates to be in stalled next spring on a w ooden fram e a t th e e n tra n c e to th e playground. F o r anyone who w asn’t in town from J u n e 11-16, T im ber Town w as b u ilt by th ousands of v o lu n te ers an d over $120,000 in c o n trib u te d funds, in a good old-fashioned “barnraisin g ’’ e v en t th a t p a rtic i p ants w ill re m e m b e r fo r years. T he resp o n se to th e p ro ject was so trem en d o u s, th a t it will re q u ire th e listin g o f several h u n d red n am es in th ese plates. T he T im ber Town com m ittee is working to en su re th a t nam es are engraved (Continued on Page Three) Lo cal homes honored for decorations Many C helsea hom eow ners got into th e sp irit of th e se aso n this y e a r by d eco ratin g th e ir, hom es for th e holidays. Som e of th ese p eo p le-d id so in such Paying p ro p erty tax es in an extravagant a n d fash io n D exter Township will be a b it ab le m an n er th a t th ey won e a sie r and m ore convenient recognition in th e village’s now, th an k s .to actio n tak e n by annual F estival o f Lights the D ex ter Tow nship B oard a t Home D ecorating Contest. , Anyone w ho w ants to see its Dec. 3 m eeting. T he bo ard d ecid ed to some o f th e C helsea a re a 's elim in ate th e th re e p e rc e n t b est d e co ratio n s may w an t to penalty th a t is placed on tax tak e a rid e by som e o f th is paym ents m ade a fte r F eb; 15. y e a r’s w inning hom es. In th e relig io u s category, D exter Tow nship T re a su re r Julie- Knight sa id ’ th e am o u n t th e hom e of Ja m e s E d er, on of work th a t is re q u ire d to a s 312 South S tre et, took firs t sess th e th re e p e rc e n t fee to p lac e honors. p eo p le’s tax b ills is not w orth F o r th e b e st use o f lights, the am ount o f m oney th o l a t e , Gary Kistka, 18111 W aterloo fee brings in. Hoad, w as th e w inner. Honor However, paym ents m ade ab le m ention w en t to David after th e M arch 1 d e ad lin e w ill and Jo le n e E v e rh n rd a t 1363 still b e assessed a five p e rc e n t Arm strong. R uss and P a u la L ennem an, late fee, D ex ter Township will also 800 Darwin, w e re w in n ers o f be in stallin g a d ro p box out the m ost a rtistic category. side th e tow nship hall, iso th a t H onorable m ehtion in th ik dipeople can d ro p th e ir tax vision w ent to M ark a n d Sftdl* paym ents o ff d u rin g non-office ley McDougall a t 1333 Arm-; ■strong. ■■.-•■■■'•■ ■ hours. Paying property taxes made easier in Twp. Eagle Scout Michael Tarolli w ere m ore th a n 14,006 scouts T a ro lli w ill a tten d th e State T ech n ical In stitu te in P laina t this jam boree. \ “When they hold it in V ir w ell to im prove upon th ese ginia it autom atically becom es crafts. th e seventh larg e st city in the In ad d itio n to th e se talen ts, sta te ,’’Jo n T aro lli said. T a ro lli h as le a rn e d o th e r e s M ichael T arolli said his fa: se n tia l Ufa sk ills through vorite m erit badges to earn scouting th a t have h e lp e d him w ere w oodcarving, pioneering ‘Out a t d ifferen t p o in ts in his a n d woodworking, in fact, it life, Hb sa id one tim e, w hile w as working on projects for ; w orking o n a w podcarving p ro th ese m erit badges th a t have je c t, h e o u t his h an d q u ite in sp ired him to p u rsu e a ca d eep ly . Because h e had e a rn e d h is first- a id m erit r e e r in c a b in e t m aking and niillw ork. A fter he graduates b ad g e, h e knew th e c o rre c t •(Continued on Page two) from- high school th is spring, * & ...fc-A.U c4 v *• !. ‘ Page 2 1 Thursday, December 12,1996 • THE CHELSEA STANDARDA’HE DEXTER LEADER ■ ■ ■ Utters to the Editor O U fetaea S t a n d a r d EsUbluhed 1871 S ince th e v illag e offices seem to b e a big item o f d e b a te lately, a s a p u b lic serv ice I thought I’d p re s e n t th e a r gum ents on each side. T his w eek I ’ll ta lk ab o u t th e Clock Tow er id e a a n d n e x t w eek I’ll ta lk ab o u t th e in d u stria l park. T he m ort obvious b e n efit i f they p u t it in th e Clock T o w er,. o f course, is t h a t nobody who works for th e village w ould b e late for w ork. They co u ld n ’t claim th e ir w atch was wrong. T h e village m an ag er w ould ju s t look u p a t th is huge M e r w ith th e tim e p la s te re d all o ver i t a n d dock som e o f th e ir pay. . And sin c e th e b u ild in g is a factory anyw ay, t h e - v i l l a g e , could m ake a b u n ch o f e x tra m oney by m aking little clock tow ers to se ll a t local b u si nesses. I t m ight becom e a n a tional c ra z e if we package~1t~ right. L ike th o se C abbage Patch K ids th a t w ere h o t a few y ears back. We co u ld have th ese soft, cu d d ly little clock tow ers m ad e o u t o f nylon stockings a n d even have b irth c e rtifica tes th a t say t h e i r p a r ents a re th e clock to w er and fa th e r tim e o r som ething. We could n am e th em things lik e “C helsea O ne O’clock” a n d “C helsea T w elve Forty-five.” Think a b o u t it! If we Used every m in u te we co u ld m ake 1,440 o f them , eac h a u n iq u e and p re c io u s nylon ch ild you can take hom e w ith you! B rian H amilton General Mtuger/Editor M ichelle R ogers Associate Editor A ngela T rotter Fran G erber C arolyn C hase Staff Writer Advertising Consuhant Advertising Sarah Steele Lydia J ohnson D onna A ngers LJs a A. Kania Production Production Coordinator Customer Service Hm Chelsea Standard and The Dexter 1/fader are: pub* liahed every Thursday by Heritage Newspapers. Business office at 101 N. Main, Chelsea, Mkh. 48118. Periodical portage paid at Chelsea, Mkh. 48118 under the Act o f March 3, 1879. Postmaster: Send address In i changes to The Chelsea Standard/The Dexter Leader, A Heritage Newspaper 101 N. Main S t, Chelsea, Mich. 48118. Office hours are: 8:30*5:00 M*F. Information 313-475-1371/FAX 475-1413 . ■ • ‘ EM AlLCD4news@ Subscription Rates: $20peryear , Deadlines: Press Releases: Monday, noon Display Advertising: Monday, 5 p.m. Classified Advertising: Monday, 4 p.m. AttOCMfnON National Advertising Representative MICHIGAN NEWSPAPERS, INC. 827 N. Washington Ave. Lansing, Mich. 48906 Opening Remarks By Brian Hamilton > It looks as though th e d is t r i c t lib ra ry process w ill be -ab le to move forw ard thanks to /a 3-2 vote by th e D exter Town s h i p bo ard la s t week. Sylvan >Township and th e village have ;!also approved th e D istrict Li b r a r y A greem ent. T h re e m u n ic ip a litie s w ere n eeded for 'th e process to begin. ' T uesday night Lyndon ^Township co n sid ered th e jquestiqn b u t a m otion to join •failed for la c k of a second. ^Perhaps th e Lyndon bo ard can foe p e rsu ad e d to change its found. > T he n ex t Step is to get Lima ;*Township’s approval next >week a t a sp ecial m eeting. ! W ithout Lim a and Lyndon, .voters in th e d istric t would 'h av e to approve a hig h er m il e a g e th an th e lib ra ry b oard an tic ip a te d in o rd e r to receive ■Jhe kind of lib ra ry an d serv ice s th e bo ard im agined with th e la rg e r district. The new, to-be-appointed d istric t board will have plenty o f tough decisions to make. And they'll be m aking them w ithout any- re p r e s e n ta tio r r from Lyndon o r Lima u n less those tow nships d ecid e to a p prove th e agreem ent. Assum ing voters in Sylvan an d D ex ter T ow nships will ap p ro v e a m illage (in th e vil lage it should b e a n o -b rain er sin ce resid en ts w ill probably b e voting to low er th e ir taxes) th e lib ra ry should still be in b e tte r sh ap e th a n it is now. However, c h ie f am ong its n e e d s is m ore space, and a larg e r d istric t w ould m ake construction costs e a s ie r to swallow. T h ere a re several possibilities for expansion, and none o f them is cheap. An annex could b e b u ilt nex t door, as has b een d is cussed. But w ouldn't, th a t lot m ake a n ice downtown p a rk or parking lo t som e day? A b ran d new b uilding could b e co n stru cted at an estim ated cost of $1.4 m illion. T his op tion would probably force the lib ra ry to move out o f the. downtown a re a , since th e re isn ’t m uch land av aila b le (although th e village owns a couple of choice lots on P ark S tre e t th at it may n ev er use). A good option would be to find an existing building dow ntow n—o r ju st off the b e aten p a th —and ren o v ate it. T h ere a re a couple o f possi b ilitie s th at could m ake won d e rfu l facilities. I ju st hope a sm a ller d is tric t w on’t p u t any o r a ll of th ese options out o f th e ques tion. A stronger, larg er, m ore efficient lib ra ry w ould be a significant asset for th e e n tire C helsea community. I hope Lyndon an d Lim a Tow nships will ev en tu ally show th e ir support. And ta lk in g ab o u t tow ers arid h isto ric p re se rv a tio n s a n d all, th is w ould b e a good way to save one o f th e rem ain in g tow ers in tow n since th e vil lage seem s so d ead -set on tearin g th em down all of a sudden. I m ean , we only have th re e tow ers le ft in th e w hole village, u n less, o f course, ypu Tarolli makes Eagle (Continued from Page One) steps to tre a t the wound b e fore going to th e hospital. "One Of th e things we try to teach the boys is all of the things they n e e d to know to survive in th e o utdoors,” Jon. T arolli said. "M ichael h as lea rn ed that." J a n e t T aro lli said one o f the g r e a te s t, things about scouting is th a t it offers som e thing for everyone. Now th a t T aro lli is over 18years-oid, he is no longer con sid e red a boy scout. H e is r e m aining activ e in scouting, however, as ju n io r a ssista n t scout m aster for his troop. V illa g e H a ir D e s ig n s 2846 Baker Rd., Dexter 426-8486 count each o f th e storage bins in th e JifiV tow ers as a sep a rate tower, and th e n I th in k we still have 10. B ut th a t’s still less th an we h ad before. Also, th e Clock Tower building is very sturdy so if th e R ussians e v er get m ean again o? if M ars invades; we might ju st need a bom b sh e l te r and th e Clock Tow er is the logical p lace for that, Also, th e b u ild in g looks like an exclam ation p o in t from th e a ir, which em phasizes how m uch we a ll lik e i t here. And it’s ju st a sh o rt w alk from th e * old C helsea S ta n d a rd building w here we could m aybe p u t the swimming pool b ack In and a gym on th e to p flo o r so V illage em ployees co u ld w ork out over th e ir lu n ch hours. And it has really big window s so eve ryone w ould h ave a g re a t view. On th e con side, it’s not the best looking b u ild in g in the world. It so rta rem in d s m e of a b rick version o f th e Love Boat and we all know w hat kind of stu ff goes on in th a t place. Also, if we p u t th e police in the b asem en t w here th e re ’s no windows, we w ould have to give them all su n lam ps so they d id n 't tu rn into m ush rooms o r som ething. And th e n th e r e ’s th e fire engine issue. We’d have to get th is b illio n d o lla r fancy fire engine to p u t out th e fires th at we never h ad to worry about b efore b ecau se th e re w ere only factory w orkers in it in stead of village officials. Anyway, th e se a re some of th e im p o rtan t facts. I hope it will h e lp in m aking the tough decision th a t lies ahead. 4 7 5 -1 3 7 1 1 3 9 4 0 B a i t O ld U S U , C h o lie a j PARISHO & COMPANY Professional Corporation J A M E S (JA Y ) W . P A R IS H O , C > . A . CERTIFIEDPUBLICACCOUNTANT TWo locations to serve you: 1905 Pauline Boulevard, Suite 5 107 Va South Main, P.O. box 251 Ahn Arbor, Michigan 48103*5001’ Chelsea, Michigan 48118 313/995-5655 313/475-9640. 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April 9,1997 They’ll spend the day with thp “Masters.” P,ackage includes:Round trip air on American Trans Air. Transfers from airport to course (both regular and par 3) T hese w ill go fast! L im ited availability! 'm m i E i Detroit to Augusta, am . Aufluate* f8:00-9:35 oo Augusta to I» tr o R , 6 :00-7:45 pm. Price: $380 per paraon G R E E N R O P I N G Cousins Heritage inn Holiday Delights • Bulk Candies/Drygoods \ Fresh Fruits • Vegetables • Dairy Produete Wreaths & Rope Garland • Featuring Cham berlain Breads s 475*5789 Cfet out vour existing autonolicvandcallustodavforaauote. C h rla tm a tT ta M Frosh Cut - S cotch P in e - 5 f t to 8 ft+ $15 to $28 O pening- D ecem ber 2,1996 Givens a ring to place a Classified Ad No Charge for initial Consultation I t is w ith d eep co n cern th a t we w rite th is letter. T h e re a re m any o f us w ithin D ex ter and 475-9607 E V E R P siaiiflfe msnsoen H R fv li K ilv I ilS A n R B DORATMMSACWD) • DWoros 8 Custody • Child Support • Crlmlnsl Defens* • willSi Trust, ■'Probate • Reel Estate • Business Lsw O ver 100 group discounts available. f\. @entr/it &trut 3I3/4S3-4444 Attorney et SIDE STREET GARAGE D o lla r 0 INFOKMATKMi YtMBentiVbiters 4 Convention Berena F ro 4 ¥ * t.f c . S . van R Reese e e ie m a B etter Price! M ore Convenience! O n e D o lla r Thousands of glittering lights along#*beautiful Huron River WeekendEntertainment &Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides G uessthsU ghts &Kids Coloring C ontests (Continued onPsge Three) Pole shows disrespect for wildlife id* Horn tSMSwMM* T h ro u g h Ja n u a ry I S , 1 9 9 6 -O n e p e r c u sto m e r. ' November 24 thru Powmber 31,1996 Nightly 6 to 10 PM I was p lea se d to re a d your, en co u rag em en t to shop lo cally, b u t w ish you h a d n ’t sto p p ed aL-W erkner Road! Al though we a re lo cated n e a r th e V illage o f W aterloo, we have a C helsea ad d ress, a re m em b ers o f th e C helsea C ham ber o f Com m erce,, con trib u te to C helsea, org an iza tions, a n d su p p o rt C helsea econom ically in m any ways. T h e re a r e sev eral oth er W aterloo a re a b u sin esses th a t sh o u ld b e in clu d ed in th e “sh o p locally” m essage. So I h o p e you'll le t your re a d e rs know th a t th e re ’s a lovely d riv e in th e country n orthw est o f tow n w h ere o th er un iq u e p ro d u cts a n d services can be found, and still su p p o rt th e lo cal econom y. T hank you! M arsi D arwin D arw in’s Stained Glass Studio Attorney At Law R e d e e m a b le o n any se rv ic e . YPSILAim,MKHI8AN th e outlying com m unities who a re saddened, an d deeply! con cern ed over th e , flag ran t d is re sp e c t for b u r w ildlife, n a tu re, and life as d em o n strated a t th e Mill C reek Sport C en ter in D exter d u rin g this y e a r’s buck pole, T he sign ou tsid e th is busi n ess, “You wack ’Em, We Rack ’Em,” is a sad e d ito ria l b y those who su p p o rt and engage in trophy hunting. H unting, w h ich was once a Other businesses should be included in ‘shop locally’message1 W M R E A T H S , A D E C h e le e a tr a v e l, In c. tOTO s o u th Main S tre n t » C h « U e a ,M i 48118 (313) 478*3110 (800) 8 7 8 4 1 1 3 asBoumaasnamsUmam ' ' F R E S H D A I L Y 6 ftB lan kets .............j w P w , ™ . . ; . . . - . . . # * * mp 3 ft. Blankets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 & up Evergreen Cedar pjj§ to r $30°°-60 ft. coil re a th s M lx e [2 ft. Untrimm |3 ft. Untrimme >4ft. Untrimme . . . i . . $ 1 1 .0 0 . . . . . . . $22.50 £, . . «*. $32.50 Largi Pol| $3.50'i is Greens & rrangements & UP O pen M S u n d ay CHELS In su ran ce H Bn additional $ 2 4 p a r p e rs o n > Full payment due at time of booking MarietCard eng Vjaaacceptedandls noiweftindable; B L A N K E T S .-.5 p.m. 5 p.m . looming Plants - Terrariums / ^|toon8*Planters & Green Plants, / /als^ a wide variety of eut flowers. ^ Serving the Community since 1901 Phone (313) 475-1353 . 7Q10 Lihgane Rd., Chelsea Charter Member F .T .D . Member Teleflora ✓ " Member A .F .8 . ♦ Member Red book \A/J««k$on C holioa M-52 Exit 1( £ Ann Arbor Ungano -N w V THE CHELSEA STANDABD/THE DEXTER LEADER » Thursday, December 12,1996 T im b e r T o w n to h o n o r contributors • Letters to the Editor (Continued from Page Two) vehicle for food gathering, has now becom e a show place for m acho-like behavior to boast over th e p rid e of the kill. Is desensitizing our c h ild re n to the feelings an d com passion for life, w h ether it is two- or four-footed, psychologically, em otionally, or sp iritu ally sound? We, th e u ndersigned, d o n ’t think so_ and we support th e elim ination o f this p rac tic e in the. community. Robert E. P enskar Evelyn RosentreteiL Dorothy Davies C. Johnson D. I, Oliver K. K rull , P.A, Ponte Temple Stahlin Cody W inchester K.S. Spain Jeanne K aiser L arry K aiser ; Jam es B arber Maria Cominou C. H upfatier , R ainer H upfauer < Bruce Simon CHS student does the right thing Oh Nov. 2 6 ,1 arriv ed hom e from work to find th e m ail boxes for my house and a n eig h b o r h ad b een leveled; , npt by th e custom ary w eekend b all-b at attack, b u t by a vehi cle, as evidenced by tire tracks w here th e m ail boxes used to b e. 1 was told th a t a 7 C helsea High School stu d en t had ru n them down afte r los ing control of his vehicle on the slippery, snow-covered road. F u rth erm o re, he p lan n ed to re tu rn th e day af te r Thanksgiving and rep la ce the dam age. I ad m it to being a bit sk ep tical as to w h eth er h e in d eed would re tu rn as prom ised, but my sk ep ticism vanished w hen 1 a rriv e d hom e from an e rra n d late F rid ay afternoon and found S tep h en McDonald and his dad about to drive off, hav ing ju st com pleted installing new steel posts and m ail bj^ces . a s agreed. I g ree ted and thanked Steve for w hat he had done. H e d id it b ecau se in his m ind, i t was th e rig h t thing |o do, jeven th ough h e m ight have b een a b le to keep driving down th e road and no one would have been the w iser. I ’m p ro u d o f Steve for taking resp o n sib ility , as I’m sure his dad is, and it kind of renew s my faith in th e kind of stu dents we have a t Chelsea High and th e v alu es in stilled upon them by th e ir paren ts. And it is one sim ple, b u t m eaningful thing I am thankful for. Stephen Manvilte, Sr. Hunting nothing to celebrate - H ere we go again during th e tim e o f th e y e a r th at w e’r e all a t risk for d eer-car acci dents. My AAA In su ran ce commu. nity safety analyst tells m e th a t th e r e w ere 62,900 crash es last y ear, up 10.3 p e rc e n t from a 10-year rec o rd rep o rted in 1904. M ichigan.has th e highest an n u al an im al crash ra te of five co m p arab le states. An-av erage o f 170 crash es p e r d ay. cost AAA $12.2 m illion in prop erty dam age last y ear w ith ah average o f $1,5900 p e r incident. P eo p le w ere confused enough a t th e p olls th is y e a r to deem th e DNR resp o n sib le for M ichigan’s W ildlife. They’ve taken c re d it for th e in cre ase in h e rd to “p ro v id e ab u n d an t w h itetail d e e r re so u rc e ” as re p o rte d in your new spaper. W hen th e issu es o f crop dam age a n d accidents a re brought up, th ey dodge th e resp o n si bility. Somehow it’s th e an i m a ls’ fault, or unsafe drivers. I confirm ed th is with th e h e ad o f the W ildlife Division in L ansing as I could hard ly b eliev e th a t th e h e rd was p u r posefully m an ip u lated for hunting. I urged my in su ra n ce com pany to jo in o th ers and h o ld th e DNR resp o n sib le for w h at theylve in cu rred . I ’m glad to h e a r as o f this w eekend th a t th e farm ers a re m eeting with th e DNR to say enough is enough w ith re la tio n sh ip to crop a n d property dam age. Maybe if th e DNR has to assum e financial resp o n si bility, hunting w ill no longer be such a p ro fita b le pastim e. I ’m su re it w ill tak e a lot as th ey cannot even h a n d le th e havoc c re ate d now. W hen c all ing them about tresp assin g or alcohol litte r on sta te land, they te ll you to h a n d le it your s e lf th e n to call them . I w ould also like to ask lo cal p a rty stores to stop putting th e d o lla r before decency and to e n d th e p ractice o f ad v ertis ing. alcohol w ith a “W elcome H u n te r” sign d u rin g firearm ____________ Page 3 j season.. I know th e “sa le s a re g re a t” a s a d istrib u to r to ld m e b u t is th is w hat oiir com m unity n e ed s o r w ants? How sad th a t y o u r n ew sp a p e r used quality n e w sp a p e r sp ace to display th e d e a d a n i m als a t th e Buck Pole. To th in k th a t som e o f th e s e a n i m als d ied o f a “gut w o u n d ” as J e r r y Pqsey in his w eekly col um n in th is p a p e r d e scrib e s. S hot anyw here b u t in m ajo r organs “running fo r m iles, stre sse d out a d re n a lin e pum p ing an d b leed in g ” is h a rd ly som ething to c e le b ra te , T hose a r e th e ones lucky en ough to b e found ra th e r th an le ft suf fering an d dying in th e woods. If your n ew sp ap er ra n out Aerat Chelsea G iv e end sens •Kendall Below S Eusades C linical Psychologist Specializing in ♦ Evaluation of Learning and Attention Disorders ♦ Cognitive Treatment of Depression and Anxiety g i f t o f G O L F Gift Certlflcates-Golf Balis-Glov* The ONLYam for those who have eve from! drift Manchi th e Gracewil Pines Golf Cou of trees to , choose (5 1 7 ) 7 8 4 -4 2 0 U k tf ' X I Pines la located just m inutes' [stssa & Dexter, 1-94 West, exit 145 delivery In C hslssa Area-Offer Good Thru 12/31/96J Frey’s Tree Farm Richard Howlin, Ph.D lo e n su re th a t th e p a rk h a s an* a d e q u a te m a in ten a n ce fond> a n d co n trib u tio n s c an a ls o bb' recognized if m ade by Dec, 3L: C o n trib u to rs with q u e stio n s ;, on th e inform ation o r ch an g es they would like to have m ad e p rio r to engraving a r e e n c o u r aged to call Anna D unn (475-' 9301) or Je ff H a rd ca stle (475^ 0144) by Dec. 31. (Continued from Page One) p ro p erly and would en co u rag e of q u ality things to feature, how ab o u t honoring th e volun co n trib u to rs to c o n tact a teers th a t w ork at F a ith in Ac com m ittee if they have any changes or c la rifica tio n s in tion th is tim e o f year. Count less ho u rs a re p u t into food th e way th a t th e ir co n trib u tio n baskets, clothing an d toys for w ill be recognized. In m ost cases, th e nam es shown on the people in o u r com m unity. 1 checks will be used for engrav th in k y o u r n ew sp a p er could ing, unless contacted w ith o th er use b e tte r judgm ent. requests. . L. Nabozny D onations a re still sought • Blackhills Spruce . . . $22 • Blue S p r u c e ................ $22 • Douglas F ir ..................$22 •. Fraser F ir .................... $22 • OPEN DAILY AFTER THANKSGIVING • L ocated In th e RP of G od’s Country iS 3 se Kendall Rd. • G rass Lake N ow O pen (313) 428-1425 $ 2 00 o f f w i t h t h i s a d H ours by appointm ent. Give us „ a ring to place a ClassifiedAd CaU 475-6070 475-1371 Offices in Chelsea & Dexter Say cheese Cheesecake Bakery 40 f l a v o r s a i l n a tu r a l Near ttrfc s t y l e c h e e se c a k e s < & M en <& Q O v m e r is & H o lid a y g i f t s u g g e s tio n s : white chocolate Cranberry Candy Cane 'FJ0HJWH StMiMMi to w n tu cherry M o re S h o e s • Je w e lry • P u rses H a ts • 'J a c k e t s • W o m e n s Suits • Shirts • Slacks • Shorts • 416 W Huron Ann Arbor Ml Donuts • Danish • Fritters 3 1 3 /9 9 4 -5 1 6 3 H ours: M on.-Sat., 5:30 am.-2:00 pm. Skirts • C a s u a l S porty W ear Twea.- Pri ri Sat. 9 -2 by Dexter Bakery -6 4 7 5 -2 5 3 0 latailabU 669-8650 4365 Jackson Rd 1 0 3 W . M id d le - f o r m e r ly “ T h e V illa g e B a k e r y ” PerricfemdPfcncr (B e tw e e n W a g n e r & Z eeb) M o n .-F ri.10-6; S at. 9-3 T o y s fo r T o ts a n d C o m m u n ity E d u c a tio n C o rn er NEEDS YOUR HELP Chelsea School District SCHOOLS FACILITIES USE H e lp Memo from Jeff Rohrer, Director of Community Education School facilities have been provided by the taxpayers of the school district to provide a sound educational program. When the facilities are not in use for educational programs, they are available for Chelsea School District residents to use according to our policies. Each year the Community Education office schedules approximately 15,000 school arid community events. Sara Houle is our facility use coordinator. To request a facility: • Qualified groups must submit a facility use request in person at the community education office. Groups may view the facility schedule in the office. Requests cannot be m ade over the phone. • Groups must allow two weeks to process facility requests. When a facility id confirmed, the qualified group will receive a confirmation in the mail. Office Hours: : pm 800 T e e n s u s f ill t h is tru c k O F F O R w it h A LL 600 MondayrThursday 9:00am-4:30pm& : pm- Friday 9:30am-3:30pm Phone: 475-9830 or 475-9131 Fax. 475-3140 Watch for your winter brochure in the mail after Christmas. The Community Education office will be closed, December 23,1996 January 3,1997. Winter registrations will begin at 9:00am, January 6,1997. */f*^iv''V -^1 t&.-.y'S-v J Palmer Ford-Mercury Is sponsoring a Toy Drive November 27 through December 19. Please bring NEW, UNWRAPPED toys to the Palmer Ford-Mercury showroom. Toys will be distrib uted through Faith-ln-Actlon. S ch o o ls a n d C o m m u n itie s L ea rn in g T o g eth er C helsea H igh S ch ool S t a g e a n d D r a m terforou i'................. V*-* a I '.v't*.' 21 s^* i. C l a s s p re s e n ts IN H E R IT T H E W IND under the direction of i '■ B ill C oelius D e c . 1 2 th C H S a t 7 :0 0 FO RD •VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER. W tS M A M D E L IV E R S CALL 3134297027 OR 4284876 L o o k in g f o r g if t id e a s ? Com e to o u r H O L ID A Y S A L E ! $24 •..ini i.iri 1111 >.'i,[ft Taking O rd e rs for Christm as Turkeys Fresh Hom em ade Christm as Cookies and other Baked G o o d s • G ift Baskets to Order Polnsettias • Fresh Greens • Roping F T D Floral Arrangements For th a t E V E R Y D A Y GOOD D E A LS , ^ R aw hides Dog T rents 1 lorae T reats & Supplies Feodora & W aters * Heated Buckets NUTROS SCIENCE DIET PROUD PAWS 1XX3 ft CAT FOOD ( $25 T h is tl e F eodora S q u irro l- F eetiera T h is tle S eed $ M / ] A ) FOR YO U R PETS 4 e v en m o re a s HoWay9alwayslooklovetei lo anypnewtwreceivesagift61 HolidayMagicIromMartaNorman, HliiJrl.ill $20 $22 mm l.ipAViitfiill *s■ r.*
Holiday Hour#; Sundays in Dec. (before Christmas): 12-4, M -F 10-6, Sat. 10-4
0%down No payments till December 1997 on all in stock ^ r . 1................. .... *....v... k fii* ■
;<• / M * > ;* ''
o ff lis t prices -e v e ry th in g in stock
• R e c lin e rs •R o c k ers
• A rt Pieces • D in in g R oom s • M a ttre s s e s a n d m o re!
• • • •
H om e E n te rta in m e n t C e n te rs L am ps H o m e O ffice F u rn itu re H o w a rd M ille r C lo c k s
L e t u*f m a k e y o u ,r h o u se a h o m e f o r th e h o lid a y s l 4 6 5 E . M ic h ig a n A v e n u e • 4 2 9 -0 4 6 4 Q U A L IT Y
24 K f Diamond Ring Jewelry Designed by Curtis
SHOPPE Entended hours through the Holiday Season ■Mon.-Sat, 10*7 Sun. 12-3 105 S. Main St. ♦ Chelsea ♦ (313)475-0717
!l ‘
Page 9 Jr
'4k' ’■V^i
'W M otwp
When filling your stockings... • • • •
Dexter Soft Spots Rockport Naturalizer Selby >• Stride-Rite • Daniel Green • Carolina Work Boots • Hush Puppies
D o n ’t fo,rge t a b o u t y o u r sh o es!
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Quality clothing for men, women and children combined with good ■fashioned personal sarvh
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Iw e tte re
IW a c k e r ' f g e n e r a l S t o r e
C h e e se M eats
C o r n e r 1 o r M - S 2 & P le a s a n t L a k e R o a d s, M a n c h e s te r
T IL T O N & S O N S S H O E S
C a ff 9 2 6 - 8 3 6 6 o r 7 - 6 0 0 . 3 9 5 - 6 9 6 9
134 E. C h ic a g o Blvd.* D o w n to w n T e c u m se h * 5 1 7 -4 2 3 -2 1 5 0 M pn.- Frl. 9-5:30, Sat. 9-5. Extended hours by appt.
It’s for you. It’s for Grandma. It’s for cousin Jack.
Hie 6aline Shopping C enter 925 E.
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'■/is.Hu I t ’s t h e p e r f e c t g i f t
1 (8 0 0 )^ 7 9 5 -6 0 0 6
>■*> \
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ia l 9a.m.-4p.m
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' ^ E v e r y s iz e , s h a p e , c u t , c o lo r
m o t t d b u s in e s s !
a n d q u a li t y !
S to c k in g S ta ffe r s
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C u s to m d e s ig n in g !
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N O CONTRACTS. N O CREDIT CHECKS. N O MONTHLY BILLS. T h e r e a s o n e v e ry o n e o n y o u r g ift-g iv in g l i s t w ill b e th r i l l e d to re c e iv e A m e r i l w h P ic k lip & G o C e llu la r is t h a t it’s a h o lid a y s u r p r i s e w ith n o s u r p ris e s ! N o c o n t r a c t s , n o c r e d i t c h e c k s ) a n d b e s t o f a ll, jt o m o n th ly b ills. P ic k U p & G o C e llu la r c o m e s w ith 3 0 m i n u t e s o f p a id l i m e b u ilt in . I f th e y w a n t m o r e , t h e y c a n a d d m o r e . I f t h e y d o n ’t, t h e y d o n ’t. N o o b lig a tio n s ; J u s t p u r e p eacte o f m in d . N o w t h a t ’s a th o u g h tf u l g ift. , - '
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for the holiday.
C e llu la r p h o n e s s ta rt a t $ 1 7 9 ! B rin g in th is a d a n d g e t a fre e le a th e r s.
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, o r call (3 1 3 ) 6 6 9 -8 0 7 9 a n d w e l l g e t y o u t a l k i n g t o d a y ., W V» yeu oehieS Afnsrilseh paging ttrvtosyou'le* A e momns ■
San98 S e r v ic e V’ from
U v
NEC . -N f... ■ / / w v T / / y . - v y y y ^ y v v 'WFv *-■
u m .^i
Thursday, December 12,1996 • THE CHELSEA STANDARDATHE DEXTER LEADER •wp*
o m m u n it y
^ T
a m m x v r
General Contractor
C m :i
Roofing - Siding -C arpentry Seam less Aluminum G utters 8158Webeter Church Rd. Dexter, Ml 48130
& D ix t ir
si a
' , morning group will be discontin p.m. Info. 994:4801. CHELSEA ued after this date, but will con Hockey vs. Grand Ledge at ; Thursday, D ecJ3 .7 Eighth Grade B w M bail vs. tinue to meet the second Thursday VctsA7p.m, II of each month, from 7-8:30 p.m. in Mgadayl P « , 16 .'D exter, 4 p.m. H Freshmen Boys Basketball vs., • Varsity Wrestling vs. Saline. the Crippen Building on the. re • 6:3Up.m. H tirement home campus, info. (313) Lincoln, 7 p.m. A XT Freshman Basketball vs. Sa- S 11-8200. Tuesday, Dec, 17 j line. 7 p.m. A EXTER Heart Health Screening at - Adult Health Clinic located in the .Y Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Friday, Varsity Basketball vs. Lumen Washtenaw County Human Serv 5; Support Group meets at the Crip* ices Bldg., 555 Towner. Ypsilanti. J;pen Building at the Chelsea Re-: Chj*isti.6p.m H ' Info. (313)484-7200. k. tircmcnt Community, 7 p.m. Info, Saturday, Pec, H JV/Varsity Basketball vs. t; (313) 741-8200. / Boys Swimming vs. . Battle Pinckney. 6 p.m. H J: Lyndon Township Planning Creek, TBA . ■ Varsity Basketball vs. Pinckney, . • ’Commission the. township A JV/Varsity Wrestling vs. Flat 6 p.m. H «■ hall. 7:30 p.m. * , „/■ Kiwanis Club of Dexter meets •■}, Chelsea Rod and Gun Club Aux- Hoick. 9 a.m. A Children’s ' Christmas Work at DAPCO cafeteria. 6:g0 p.m. • ‘ iliary meeting at the Lingane Rd. JV/Varsity Wrestling vs. Dun shop. Children will be cared for I •clubhouse, 7:30 p.m. with free lunch and snacks, while dee, 7 p.m. A ;■ F r i d a y 13 Dexter Township Board meets • ; Varsity/JV Basketball vs. Sa- parents shop. Music, crafts, sto ries, 9 a.m.-l p m. Register (313) at Dexter Township Hall, 7:30 p.m. J,line.6p.m ^A 930-2324. Webster Township Board meets • ’Saturday. Pec, 14 “Holiday Festival" • with the at the township hall, 8 p.m. C Varsity/JV Vdlleyball. South P/ Lyon Inv.. 9 a-.m. A Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra Lima Township Planning Com ’*• Boys Swimming. EMU Relays. in the historic Michigan Theater, 6 mission meets at the township wTTBA. A . t; Varsity Wrestling. Jackson Cit. • Pat. Inv.. 10 a.m. A. w Monday, Dec. 16 i. Eighth Grade Basketball vs. j Pinckney, 4 p.m. A » Chelsea Kiwanis Club meets at 7 Chelsea Community Hospital. 6:15 • p.m. Info. 475-9363. < Waterloo Area Historical Sdci\ ety meets at the museum* 7 p.m. W . T F A I f H f ) J S E • Info. Robin Rennie, evenings (313) T 498-3395; Chelsea School Board meets in C ) i\ t C c M l ' u A t c f • the Board Room. 7:30 p.m. ' Chelsea Area Players Board ; meets at Society Bank. 7:30 p.m. A nn A rb o r Rotary Club meets at the Com 3 17 3 O a k V a lle y D r . • 6 6 2 7 4 0 0 mon Grill. 12:10 p.m. La Leche League of Western Washtenaw County meets at First (Oil A n n A i l, o r N. i I i i k R d . , .kioss l i o n , M v i i i i Congregational Church of Chelsea.: 10 a.m. Babies welcome! Info. Sharon (313) 498-3375. Eighth Grade Basketball vs. Milan.4 p.m. H W it h : Chelsea Zoning Beard of Ap T h e M ic h ig a n peals meets at SylvaK Township Hall, 5 p.m. n ... S in f o n ie tta Boys Swimming vs. Adrian. 6 D a v id D a n ie ls . C o n d u c t o r p.m. H i--. Varsity/JV Basketball vs. Milan,
hall, 8 p.m.
(313) 420-4613 (313)741-5647
Wednesday, PecJU?
Dexter Heritage Guild meets at the Dexter Museum, 1 p.m. *. Village of Dexter Zoning Board of Appeals meets at First of Amer ica bank. 7 p.m. Thursday, Pec, lfl
Boys Swimming. Plymouth, Canton Scrimmage. TBA, A . JV/Varsity Wrestling vs. Pinck ney, 6:30 p.m. A Freshmen Boys Basketball vs. Pinckney, 7 p.m. H Friday, Dec. 20 Hockey vs. Pioneer at. AA Ice Cube, 6 p.m. A JV/Varsity Basketball vs. Milan, 6 p.m, A "A Very S o cial Nile" with Christmas and Bluegrass music in the Faith-In-Action Building, 7 p.m. Info., Faith Baptist Church, 475-7841. ...
From now until Christmas recieve a FREE Floral Scented Candle with any $25.00 purchase 103 N. Main St. * Chesea Holiday Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am.-6 pm. Sat.-9 am.-5 pm.
Hockey vs. Saline, 7:20 p.m. “Christmas Dance" at St. An drews Church. Guests welcome, refreshments served,.7:30 p.m. (C ontinued on P age 11)
6 p.m A
Lions Club meets at Chelsea Community Hospital, 6:45 p.m. Dexter Village parks Commis sion meets at First of America Bank. 7 p.m. McKune Library Board meets at the library, 7:30 p.m. Chelsea Village Planning Commission meets at Sylvan Township Hall, 7:30 p.m. Dexter Township Board meets at the township hall. 7:30 p.m. Lima Township Planning Com mission meeting at the Lima Township Hall. 8 p.m. Xhursdsii-lIkCalg Freshmen Basketball vs. Milan, 7 p.m. A Friday. Pec. 20 Boys Swimming vs. DeWitt, 5:30 p.m. A Varsity Basketball vs. Lincoln, 6 p.m. H Varsity Wrestling vs. Milan, 6:30 p.m. H Saturday. Dec. 21 . Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Support Group meets in. the Town Hall at Chelsea Retirement Com munity, 10:30 a m. This Saturday
Other Special Performers: A nn A rbo r Y outh C horale D escant C hoir Thurs. 7:00 PM, Fri. 8:00 PM
Slauson M iddle School C hoir Sat 2:00 & 8:00 PM
T h e A n n A r b o r B a lle t T h e a tr e
p re s e n ts
T h e N u tc r a c k e r B a lle t
Carol A. Radovic, Director ... T at the P o w e r C enter fo r th e P erfo rm in g A r ts
A nn A rb o r S u zu k i F lute a n d V iolin S tu d en ts **Ail performances
H u ro n H igh School C ham b er Singers Sat. 2:00 PM
Dec. 12,1996 - 7:00 PM Dec. 13, 1996 - 8:00 PM Dec. 14,19% ‘ 2:00 & 8:00 PM
Pioneer H igh School C horaliers Fri. 8:00 PM
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CLASSIC PIZZA 8015 Huron St. • Dexter, MI 48130 We accept VISA, Mastercard, and Discover. Hours 11 a,m .-ll p.m. Everyday.
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Drive-Thru Christmas Light Show Jackson County Fairgrounds Wednesday thru Sunday
2803 S. State. Arbor • B Ann
■ 3 1 3 /9 9 4 -4 2 4 9 M-W-F 9:00-5>30 t 'Tues; & thurs. 9:00*7:00 \Saturday 10:00-3:00
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V ‘6» *+
O M M I M H (Continued from Page IQ) MISCELLANEOUS Alcoholics Anonymous meets at St. Joseph Parish Hall in Dexter. Tuesdays at 8 p.m, and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Immunisations available by appointment through, Human Services Department. Public Health Division. Ypsilanti. Con tact Esther Teich. (313) 484-7300. -^Dexter Family Service, contact Pat Burnett, 313-449-2149. Marian' Burgott, 426-2196. Shawn Dettiing, 426-4343" or Nellie Naylor. 4264489. Western. Washtenaw Drop-In Support Group meet Mondays dur ing December at First United Methodist Church. Chelsea. 6:30 p.m. For women who are or have been in an abusive relationship. 24-hour crisis line, (313)995-5444. "Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenings'* available free for, many women over 40, through Ti tle XV Program. Information for local service: (313) 484-7220. P. “Mammograms and Pap Tests” % *■'- available free for many women $. ' over 40 through title XV Program. *k Information for local service: (313) 4*.t 484-7220. New Beginnings, a support group dealing with death and di vorce, meets Tuesdays at St. James Episcopal Church. Dexter.
VI I M ) A K
V illa g e o f C h e ls e a C u r b s id e R e c y c lin g
at 5:30 p.m. Call Faye Wisely. 426will be done 8931 or the church, 426-8247 for M arine Cpl. Paul E. Boyers, The 26th MEU can evacuate Thursday, Dec. 26 and Thursday, Jan. 2 information. son of David E. and Carol X. civilians, rescu e downed pilots,' Smokers Anonymous meets (due to the Holidays) Boyers o f Dexter has d e p a rte d \c o n d u c t reco n n aissan c e an d Tuesdays at St. James Episcopal x on a six-month deploym ent to serve a s an in jtlal landing force Church. Dexter. 7:30-8:30 p.m. Call * Glitter Wrapping Paper is not recyclable 426-8696. th e M editerranean Sea w ith th e ashore. Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority Assault Crisis Center, 1886 26th M arine E x p ed itio n a ry Boyers is a 1989 graduate of Packard Rd.V Ypsilanti 48197. Ph. U nit (MEU) and e m b ark ed Chelsea High School. H e jo in ed 4 7 5 -6 1 6 0 483-RAPE. 24-hour crisis line; 483- ab o ard th e ships of th e USS the M arine Corps in Ju n e 1989. .7942, business line. N assau A m phibious R eadiness Hospice of Washtenaw County Group (ARG). needs volunteers for clerical sup Boyers is .one of m ore th a n port, direct patient care and spiri 2,000 M arines and Sailors who tual bereavement support. Call Barb Wineka, 741-5777 for further d e p arted Norfolk, Va. ab o ard information. ' . th e am phibio u s a s s a u lt sh ip . Faith in Action House Commu USS N assau, the am phibious nity Center, open daily. Provides tra n sp o rt dock USS N ashville various free -services to those in an d th e dock landing ship USS need, Service)* include food, cloth ing, financial help, advocacy and Pensacola. E quipped with th e 26th MEU many othor forms of assistance. Need, friendly help? Call from 9 la n d in g force, h e lico p te rs, a.m. to 4 p.m., 475-3305. H a rrie r attack jets, high-speed Announcing early season gas & oil furnace cleaft & check specials, Washtenaw County WIC Pro a ssa u lt hovercraft, lan d in g Gall for a nee estimate On a new Lenox Home Comfort System. gram provides nutritious foods, craft, tanks and arm ored and free coupons and health counsel am p h ib io u s a ssa u lt v eh icles, ing -for pregnant women, breast th e USS N assau ARG provides When "No H eat” is a problem , feeding women, infants and chil th e a te r com m anders in th e dren up to agu 5. Call 971-1300 for ju s t pick up y o u r phone M e d ite rra n e a n Sea a w ide more info. range of capabilities. Senior Nutrition Program and give Randy a call meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at a t the Comfort Zonel noon. Waterloo Township Hall. For reservations call 475-7439. 10 Give us BMW BwMM SlNMU* a.m.-l p.m. Lunches, cards and fel lowship. a ring to place
Heating & Cooling • Sales & Service Custom Sheet Metal
3045 Broad Street, Dexter, M I 48130 C all Today: 426*6350/433-1020
a Classified Ad 475-1371
H oliday D resses D resses for Ballroom D ancing Velvet to G litter— $29* to $59* 4359 Jackson Rd. Parkland Center Ann Arbor 313*741*8028 A
HOW THE LIVING TRUST AVOIDS PROBATE and why a Will la ng|tM boateatato plan
Ronald Farrington Sharp, Attorney since 1975 specializing In Living Trusts, Probate, Wife and Estate Planning wH! talk to you confidentially about your goate and needs, explaining such things as: HowtoAvoid Probate Howtosave onestate taxes HowtoavoidGuartHanBNpofadults Howtotwm a guaniantor yourchildren
to w Coat Tiusfc tor the s re a t to m etium e state Why we aN n eed e P ow er of Attorney The Danger of Having only a wifi T he Joint Ownership Trap
Also jo in our VIP Frequent Lunch Program. Buy 12 lunches, get the thirteenth FREE, Good for Dine-In o r Take-Out. Ask for a VIP card at your next visit
C h in ese T on ite 1127 S. M ain S t • C helsea, M l
475-3797 Mon.-Thurs. 11*10, Frh & Sat. 11*10:30, Sun. 11:30*9
Prompt Service We own and operate our own bulk plant Family owned and serving the area since 1939. Mon. • Fri. 8 3 0 -5 :3 0 Saturday 8:30 -1 2 :0 0
M -C A R E ’s n e w S e n io r P la n o ffers th e q u a lity c o v erag e
le a d in g h o sp ita ls in c lu d in g B e a u m o n t, B o tsford,
a n d e x tra b e n e fits y o u w a n t H o w c a n w e b e sure?
C h else a, G e n esy s R e g io n a l M ed ical C e n te r, O a k w o o d ,
B ec a u se p e o p le like y o u h e lp e d u s d e sig n it. T h a t’s
P ro v id en c e , S t.J o h n , S t.J o s e p h M e rc y M a c o m b , a n d
w h y th e re ’s n o m o n th ly p re m iu m b e y o n d y o u r n o rm a l
th e U n iv e rsity o f M ich ig an M ed ical C en ter.
list o f e x tra s a t v irtu ally n o e x tra cost:
M -C A R E ’s n e w S e n io r P la n offers th e e x tra c o v e ra g e
> C o m p re h e n s iv e h o sp ita liz a tio n c o v e ra g e
y o u w a n t a t v irtu a lly n o e x tra cost, fo r e v e ry o n e w h o
> $ 5 0 0 a n n u a l p re s c rip tio n b e n efits
is elig ib le fo r M e d ic a re . P la n n o w to a tte n d o u r n e x t
»■ $ 7 p re sc rip tio n s
in fo rm a tio n a l m e e tin g in y o u r n e ig h b o rh o o d b y calling
>•: $ 7 office v isits w ith S e n io r P la n p h y sician s
(800) 810-1699.
Y our o w n M -C A R E S e n io r P la n re p re s e n ta tiv e fo r p e rs o n a l serv ice
(313) 439-1503 1-800-882-S646 ,
So w h y p a y e x tra fo r su p p le m e n ta l C overage?
M e d ic a re p a y m e n t h a rd ly a n y p a p e rw o rk , a n d a lo n g
> E x tra w e lln e ss a n d h e a lth p r o m o tio n b e n e fits
(U.8.23) to Milan, 1115 Dexter St
M -C A R E S e n io r P la n m e m b e rs c h o o se fro m
m o re th a n 2 ,0 0 0 o f M ic h ig a n ’s m o s t e x p e rie n c e d p h y sic ia n s a n d . specialists a n d h a v e access to th e state’s
i i i i i i i i i i i i“ i i i i i i i i i i L.
M -CA R E S E N IO R P LA N IN F O R M A T IO N A L M E E T IN G S : C a ll (8 0 0 ) 810*1699 fo r m o re in fo rm atio n , re se rv a tio n s and th e lo catio n n e a re st you. ' "
' a ''-,--
' ■'
': ’■ ' .,
R efreshm ents will b e served. R eservations a re reco m m en d ed . N o cost or obligation.
n i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i j •S -c -
T h e M -C A R E Senior Plan is a p ro d u c t o f M -C A R E , a H ealth M aintenance O rganization (H M O ) w ith a M edicare-contract A n y o n e with M edicare m ay apply,* including diose u n d e r a g e 65 entitled to M edicare o n the basis o f Social Security D isability Benefits. M em bers m ust co n tin u e p a y in g M edicare prem ium s. Senior P lan M em bers m ust use M -C A R E Plan P roviders a n d co n tracted pharm acies. A n M *C A R E Sales R epresentative will b e p re sen t at th e inform ational m eeting an d p ro v id e m o re inform ation a n d application form s. ‘ Persons receiv in g M edicare benefits fo r End-Stage R enal D isease (ESRD )
or Hospice Care are not eligible for the M-CARE Senior Plan. ■ ■ ............... . ® ......
Farm Bureau Am erica’s forest products in dustry p ro d u ce s wood an d p a p e r pro d u cts valued a t .m ore th an $200 b illio n a year. As many as 1.4 m illion p eo p le a re involved in growing, m anaging and harvesting tre e s and p ro ducing wood and p a p e r p ro d
—S p ecia l R ecognition—
. r*'
Reimbursement for travel and time offered, would like to know more, please call:
P o ster contest to feature severe w eather
‘ Posters m ust em phasize the im portance of being prep ared ih th e event of M ichigan severe w eather, such as torn ad o es, floods, snow storm s, severe cold, lightning an d th u n d e r storm s, acco rd in g to contest sponsors. The first place w inner will receive a $200 U S. Savings
N e w
Bond; second p lac e will be aw arded a $100 U S. Savings Bond; third place will receive a $75 U.S. Savings Bond and hon orable m ention will be aw ard ed a $50 U.S. Saving BondPosters must be 15” by 20” and subm itted on q u a lity poster or illu stra tio n board. The work must be original and may be in any m edia with the exception of p e n cil, chalk, charcoal or glitter. All posters will becom e p ro p erty of th e sponsoring organization. T he, artist’s name, age , grade, home address and telep h o n e num ber, along with the nam e, ad d ress and telephone n u m b er of the
w oodburning furnace, now is th e tim e to inspect and m ain tain all stovepipes an d ,flu es so you can red u ce th e risk of a deadly fire. T he problem is c re osote, which can b u ild up, in stovepipes and pose a serious fire risk.
to screen for a clinical a new medication for
We are research
Dexter F ire fig h ters Association P resident Dick D efiling accepted a plaque on b eh alf of D ex ter Area Cham ber of Com merce Saturday d uring a cerem ony held in M onum ent Park. P ictu red w ith D et tling on the left is C, B ruce W aggoner. The fighters association and W aggoner were honored for th e ir work in decorating the park. W aggoner donated the rem aining money from h is clock fund to p u rch a se iiew lights an d th e firefighters association is retirin g from the project a fte r decades of work,
■ The M ichigan Com m ittee for Severe W eather Aw areness is sponsoring a S evere W i t h e r A w areness P o ste r C ontest, open to all students currently en ro lled in fo u rth or fifth grades. The d e a d lin e to e n te r is Feb. 1.
ucts. B ut d e sp ite th e dem and for wood an d p a p e r products, th e United S tates still has n e ar ly two-thirds o f th e forest cover th at existed in th e 1600s and m ore than ex isted in 1900. If you heat your home w ith a wood stove, firep lac e in se rt or
stu d e n t’s school an d .art in stru c to r (if any),* m ust be a tta c h e d to the back o f th e p o ster on a 3” by 5” index card.
C h e ls e a In t e r n a l M e d ic in e
E n tries m ust be p o stm ark ed no la te r th a n m id n ig h t on Feb. 1. To enter, sen d p o ste rs w ra p p e d fia t to N a tio n a l W eather Service, 9200 W hite Lake Hoad, W hite Lake, Mich. 48386. 'V , • F o r fu rth e r inform ation, coptact: G ary C am p b ell a t th e N ational Weath e r S erv ice (810) 625-3309, ext. 726 or L ori W hite at the M ichigan A ssociation of In su ran ce Com panies (517) 4821643.
University of Michigan Health System
Cali Judy Williams a t: 4 7 5 - 8 6 7 7 , e x t e n s io n 2 9
L ife B a p tis t C h u r c h
M e e tin g in th e N o rth C re e k E le m e n ta r y S c h o o l
Totally Adjustable, Dual Controlled, Air Cushioned Support! Available a t.. .OAKTREE BEDROOM!
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Comfortaire mattresses adjust quickly to any flrmnesa. Dual controls allow either aide of mattress to be firmer or softer at the touch of a button. Comfortaire reduces pres sure points and enhances overall circula tion, resulting In •
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sr*'? m sr-jr?'
o l i c e
tim e the boy has b een r e p o rted missing, Sodomy A 39-year-old m an re p o rte d th a t sodom y h ad taken place a t th e hom e o f his ch ild ren , on th e 3300 block o f B road S tre e t Nov. 4. T he w itness’s m o th er owns th e 5-bedroom house w h e re th e in c id en t took place, a n d w as re n tin g ou t th re e of th e room s a t th e tim e. T he m an rep o rtin g th e in cid en t said h is 12-year-old d a u g h te r an d h e r frien d aw oke a n d 1 h e a r d th e g irl’s dog. A m ale te n a n t w as asked to leav e th e house, a n d w en t to stay a t a h otel la te r th a t day. H e is bein g ch arg ed w ith sodomy.
D e x te r V illa g e T hreats A 4ti-year-old m an re p o rte d receiving th re a ts a t his place o f business, Boyce C hiroprac to r 3151 B aker Rd., Nov. 2b. The man's recep tionist said she h ad “■received a p hone call from a p atien t who Wanted to talk To the doctor. She told him the doctor w ouldn’t be a v ailab le until 3 p.m. th at day. On a sec* ond call to th e office, th e rec ep tionist rem inded th e m an th a t he had an overdue balance. The p atien t becam e angry, and told th e receptionist he w as going to come to the office an d get in th e doctor’s face. She said he was so angry she feared h e m ight be a threat. On a th ird call to th e house, th e rec ep tio n ist talk ed to th e m an ’s wife, who said he was angry because o f a fight they had th at m orning. When questioned, th e su sp ect stated he was angry th a t th e re c e p tio n ist had called th e police and th at sh e was ru d e.
Car Taken W ithout Perm ission A 40-year-old m an in th e 3400 block o f Dover S tre e t re p o rted his vehicle was tak en a from his hom e by his d au g h ter w ithout, perm ission. T he m an stated th a t when he got home, from work, he found a no te left by his d au g h ter saying sh e and th re e o th ers had taken h e r m other's c a r and h ead ed south. She did not say w here they w ere going, o th e r than south. She did not have p e r m ission to use the vehicle. Larceny of a Mailbox A 30-year-old D exter Town ship wom an in the 9600 block of Portage Lake A venue re p o rted h e r m ailbox was miss-
Accidental Overdose A 20-year old D exter Vil lage man, in th e 8000 block of F o re st S tre e t re p o rte d he had tak en several caffeine p ills over a th ree-h o u r period. He said he had tak en them b e cause he was trying to stay awake, a n d was not trying to h u rt him self. A fter taking the pills, he becam e light-headed, n au seated and c o u ld n ’t hold anything down. He was tra n s ported to. C helsea Community Hospital.
Y o u r to
s t a
tic k e t
For a recordedmessage of current rate information, call 1-800-4US BOND 1-800-487-2663 Take
SAVINGS InAmerica BO N D S ApiiteKftkr of in«'pifHf
S to c k
t e
v i s o
“T h rs a le o r exchange of a principal residence, alto known a t taction 1034 of the IRS Code, allows a homeowner to defer the gain from a personal realdance Into the replacement home....” For additional inform ation, a taxpayer m ay s e e IRS Publication 523. Form 2119 m ust b e filed with th e tax p ay e r’s regular incom ^ tax return in th e y e a r of th e sa le . A com plim entary copy of th e Homeow ner’s Tax' W orksheet, com p lete with instruction^, is.availa b le o n re q u e st by calling th e REALTORS listed b e lo w ..
However, m ost ho m eo w n ers d o n ’t tak e full a d v a n ta g e of all th e a d ju stm e n ts In . order to k eep th e gain a s low a s p o ssi ble. If th e tru th w e re known, m o st p e o ple’s records a re s o p o o r th a t w h en th e tim e c o m e s to recog n ize th e gain; th e calculations probably h a v e to b e b a s e d o n e stim a te s Instead of actu a l n um bers.
Kathy Toth com bines m any y e a rs’ experience, a thor ough understanding of d ie re a l e s ta te m arket, a n d cuttinge d g e technology to p ro w fe bu y ers a n d sellers wtth co m p e ten t advice a n d proven results.
COLORBOK Announces Its
A Y ,
a .m
Chuck Broderick, Sr.
Will celebrate his 60th Birthday!
DEADLY NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES M u s c u la r D y s tr o p h y A s s o c i a tio n
' MDA.because MDAhelpspeople.
W arrant A rrest C larice V irginia Canon, 30, of Scio Township, was arrested (Continued on Page 15) D e c e m b e r S p e c ia ls i
metal Fabrication machine shop mio-Tio welding portablewelding steel from Sheet to i-eeam a w aih-in custom ers welcome
G raber C la ssic M in i B lin d s (your measurements) 9
O f f L i s t P ric e
N e w : N o v e lty A rea R u gs fo r S p e c ia l O c c a sio n s -
U s e d O il a P r o b le m ? ? W e w ill ta k e I t a t n o c o a t .
M W F 8 :3 0 -5 :0 0 • T-Th 9:00 - 5 :3 0 • S a t. 10-2 8 0 6 0 G ran d S tr e e t • Dext6r, Ml 4 8 1 3 0
Phone: (313) 426-8779
“In - H o m e
Holiday S a le
B e a u ty
Ideal for Hom e-bound or Elderly Licensed and Insured
Certified Nursing Assistant
2 4 D ays
Ask for Marge
475-8923 By Appointment
M arge Hawkins « 1225 Kemwood Dr, • Chelsea
\!■-t,(I v'i i» i
G A R Y G O C H A N O U R , D .D .S. 4 2 6 -8 3 3 6
:i ' i
AND L IT T L E W A R E S in the Sylvan Building “A n t iip f l o i o f i e a t f t f t i "
3 0 %
off thru D e c.2 8 th
O p tH :'4 iio d . U t**s S a l. 11 am .~ 5 fe rn .’
Appoi ntmen t:
(3 1 3 )4 7 5 -6 9 4 0 o r 4 7 5 -1 7 8 4 114 N. Main - Chelsea
Every year thousands of people have accidents that cause damage to face and mouth, sometimes resulting in a fractured tooth. It may be caused by an auto accident or sports or an accidental fall at hbme. whatever the cause, a fractured tooth presents a serious problem and should and loss of tne tooth. ! If the fracture hasn't penetrated to the pulp of the tooth, the dentist will apply medication to ease the pain and lace a temporary cap over the tooth to protect it. Later ie tooth wilt be crowned to restore its appearance or bonded when possible. ’ v if the pulp has been exposed by the fracture, the tooth should be treated within 24 hours to prevent infection and other complications. Any pulp that becomes infected will have tp be removed by root canal treatment to save the tooth. Whatever the cause, there should be no delay in seek ing treatment ,when a tooth is fractured.
P rep ared by C u sto m C olum n SefVice as a p u b lic serv ice to prom ote b etter dental health, From the o ffice of: .
G a r y G o c h a n o u r , D .D .S., 3 1 0 8 B a k e r R d ., D e x te r ;
fisiociatQ Broker
Kathy Toth, fmociat Broker 2699 Oak Valley, f«nn firbor. Ml 68103 Coll: 313-761-1000 * 800 253 6288 • FfiX 626 251 7
Here’s a little secret about to unfold About a former shell station owner Who’s turning six decades old! Now he’s on the farm Feeding steers and baling hay On December 10th
K a t h y T o th
RU LE8FO RTH E8A LEQ R EXCHANGE O F PRINCIPAL RESIDEN CE 1. ) Qualifying h o m e m u st b e y o u r princi pal residence. 2. ) R eplacem ent h om e m u st b e built o r boughtvrithln^TWO y e a r s prior o r follow ing th e settteirnent of th e p rev io u s hom e. 3. ) To defer th e entire gain, this rep lace m ent property m u st c o st m o re th a n th e ad ju sted b a sis in th e h o m e b e in g sold. 4. ) T h ere c a n b e n o m o re th a n tw o prin cipal re sid e n c e s In a tw o-year, period.
S c io T o w n s h ip Property Damage A 16-year-old boy rep o rted m alicious d e stru ctio n o f property Nov. 3. T he boy sa id h e was playing pool with some frien d s a t B elm ark Lanes, 3530 Jackson Rd- in Scio Township, w hen some o th er m ales a t th e establishm ent began to b o th er them. The victim h eard th e sus pects say they w anted to fight one of th e victim ’s frien d s.
When m ore friends o f th e sus pect arrived, the victim an d his friend decided, to leave. The victim and his frien d got into the victim ’s car and locked the doors. The suspects, who had followed the two boys o u t into the parking lot, hit th e top of the car twice, and verbally chal lenged the friend to a fight. The friend refused to g e t out o f the car. A nother su sp ect th en ran toward the car and h it it on the rig h t side. The victim th en drove off; Damage to th e c ar is estim ated at $400.
e n t.
Sale or E x c h a n g e of a P rincipal R esidence
T h e s a le or e x c h a n g e of a principal re s idence, a ls o know n a s se c tio n 1034 of th e IRS C o d e, allows a h o m eo w n er to defer th e gain from a p erso n a l re s i d e n c e Into th e rep lacem en t h o m e a s long a s th e tax p ay e r m e e ts certain requirem ents,
t t e r
ing from in fro n t of h e r house Dec. 4. She said she was not su re when sh e hud seen it last, but first n o ticed it missing^ when she cam e hom e from* work th at day. The woman knew o f no p o ten tial suspects.
s e c u r e
r e tir e m
Runaway Ju v en ile . A 54-year-old wom an in th e 7500 block of F o re st S tre et re p o rted h e r 15-year-old son had ru n away! He was supposed to m eet h e r a fte r school for a d o cto r's appo intm ent, but did not show up. The wom an did not know if h e r son h ad gone to school th a t day b ecau se th e school’s co m p u ter system was down w hen she calle d to check, T his was not th e first
l o
D e x t e r T o w n s h ip
Lost W allet A 44-year-old m an from th e 3400 block of C entral S treet re p o rted he lost his w allet Dec. 1. T he w allet contained $390 in cash, a checkbook and m iscellaneous form s of id e n ti fication. He was not su re w here he was w hen h e lost it.
Page* ia
e c e m
p .m
b e r
12-17 CD
Mosher’s Tree Farm
• * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • « • t M ’l M l • • • • • • • • •
Choose & Cut Christmas Trees Featuring Beautiful White Spruce . 7155 N. Territorial Road, Dexter, Michigan 48130 Six Miles West of US-23— 1313) 426-527 lr
Now Open • Weekdays . • Weekends MAST RD.
1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
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We Will OPEN Our Factory To Sail Discontinued and . imperfect
and . ...■
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* * -.-* > Holiday Hours lobby open unlil 12:00 p.m., Drive up open until 2 00 p Wednesday 12/25: Closed Thursday )2/26 Open reijubr business hours 1uesd.iy 12 11 lobby end Dnve up open un!rI 2:00 p.m Wednesday f/Ol Closed Thursday |/02. Open regular business boors
lur'd.;/ I2''24:
. . ..........
■ . ,.
•. V r, :
. Page 14*
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« C O M M U N I C A t I O N S
■'v/ . V.<
i^'y. & ■ ■ a *'-4» V*v>'4f ‘i
’T T T T T 7 T 7 T T . * *r 4 „ •* V^
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(Continued from Page 13> 4 Nov. 27. T he suspect had come to the police station tp com p le te a n f a c c id e n t rep o rt. A background check show ed charges of: driving u n d e r th e influence arid an outstanding felony w a rra n t in Ja ck so n County for w riting non-suffi cien t funds checks. The wom an was taken into custody w ithout incident. D runken D riving' An officer passing by (he Scio F arm s E states m obile hom e p a rk noticed a v ehicle exiting with one headlight out. The, officer stopped the vehi cle for defective equipm ent. U pon contact with the d riv er, th e officer noticed a strong o d o r o f in to x ic a n ts, on th e d riv e r’s b reath . The d riv e r said he had drank four b e ers. A b reath aly zer showed his blood alcohol content to b e .12 p ercen t, which is beyond th e legal lim it to drive.
th e w eekend a t a g irlfrien d 's house. She had p acked a sm all bug and hud about. $90 cash. T he wom an got a call from h e r 22-year-old d a u g h ter a t about 3 a m. Sunday, a n d th e daugh te r told h e r m o th er she h a d b een contacted by th e W ash tenaw County S h e riffs De p a rtm en t a n d asked to pick up h e r younger s is te r in M anches ter. The 22-year-old woman r e triev ed h e r siste r, but th e younger girl ju m p ed out o f th e c a r a fte r going ab o u t a block. She then got into the c a r with a boy. The m o th er had not seen or heard from h e r d augh te r since this incident. W arrant A rrest Jeffrey Thom as Owen. 31. of Jackson, was a rre ste d Dec. 8. An officer was d isp atch ed to th e county line to m eet w ith a Jackson County S h e riff’s
R O O M Serving Washtenaw County
R a y m o n d P. H o w e
D.D.S., MS* • 18 years experience practicing orthodontics • N o professional referral necessary
515 S. Main St. Chelsea (313)475-2260 J
6161 Marshall R d . • Dexter, Mi 48130 ‘ Located near Zeeb R d . & 1-94 Call Tracy at 996-0403 Jenae or Carol at 663-9300
e e r e
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^ E S T IM A T E S J
Perhaps it’s time your kids learned the true savior on Christmas doesn’t come with a red nose. Join us this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
g r a n d " s tT , d e x t ’ e r M on . thru Fri., 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m . Set., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m .
B o u i l l o n S a le s 6* Service, Inc. ^ -I'd i'
8 5 3 0 N . T e rrito ria l • D e x te r, Ml 4 8 1 3 0
Sponsored by the Dexter M inisterialAssociation • Join in Worship at the ghurch of your choice.
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O n e o f th e la r g e s t selections o f
T he low est prices!
E very size, shape, cu t , color a n d
d ia m o n d s in M ichigan!
sa v io r on
Port-A-Groom Mobile & in-Shop Grooming (pick up & delivery available) Most Breeds-all sizes • N o Tranquilizers Personality Cuts • By Appointment
Ju v en ile Runaway A 39-year-old woman in the 15000 block of Cavanaugh Lake Road re p o rte d Dec. 1 th a t h e r daughter, a 16-year-old girl, had run away from home. The girl had left, th e previous F ri day at about 9 p.m. to sp en d D
w ho do yo u r k id s th in k is the tru e
-.Good Dogs Deserve Good Cuts!
S y lv a n T o w n s h ip
J o h n
booked him for attem pted m urder. T h e su sp ect contin ued to talk ab o u t this and o th er in cid en ts rela te d to the fact th at h e was hom osexual. lim a Township Officers could sm ell a slight D runken Driving' odor of intoxicants on the sus A 35-year old m an was pect’s b reath . T h e suspect ad found by a s h e riffs dep u ty sit m itted to having d ran k two ting b eh in d th e w heel p f his Irish coffees. A b reath aly zer vehicle, which was in •thd showed h is blood alcohol con ditch, Nov/ 6 ;oh e a s tb o u n d l- ten t to be .18, beyond the legal 94. T he suspect said- h e w as • lim it for o p e ra tin g a vehicle. not in ju red , but he w as nerv The m an was cited for o p erat ing u n d er th e influence o f liq ous an d scared. He sa id he h ad h it ajpatch of ice a n d gone. uor. Into the ditch. The officers (Compiled by Staff W riter An w anted to take a look at the gela T rotter based upon reports m an, but he becam e h y sterical Died with C helsea Police and when they attem pted to do. so. Washtenaw County S h eriffs T h e victim then told th e offi Department.) cers th at he is HIV positive, He said he had p u lled oyer to a re s t stop and two und erco v er state tro o p ers a rre s te d and deputy to d e ta in th e su b ject The suspect's w arran t was for fraud in o b tain in g licen se inform ation.
Rage 15 »
q u a lity!
I P G L A , g ra d e d diam on ds!
A la rg e selection o f settin gs a n d
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m ountings!
C e rtific a te d diam on ds!
^ P C u stom designing!
WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE!! ALL POSITIONS ARE FULL TIME: Cooks $ an hour (or more) Cashiers $ an hour (or more)
^ A p p r a i s a l s a n d p h o to g r a p h s b y a g r a d u a te g e m o lo g is t f r o m T h e G e m o lo g ic a l I n s titu te o f A m e r ic a
7 . 5 0
1 i
7 . 5 0
» .
D o n ’t y o u d e s e r v e to W O R K FO R TH E B E ST 1 - 9 4
& Baker Rd. • Exit
1 6 7
, 0 Pr.ii
• i'
l i n n :l(l
C o m p a re Out
P r i c e s ’.
3 1 3 -4 2 6 -3 9 5 1
' s -
m ,
. . -!-v. K ; r .
i ". •' . ■"
2000 W Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI
f o r C h r is t m a s
Hours: Mon.-Fri.9:30-8:00 Sat. 9;3t>*6:00 Sun. 12-5
b u ffe t
F a m ily O w n e d & O p e r a t e d S in c e 1 9 2 1
t ir e s£ 11. .
S§1 .,
to o p erate sa fe ly
>i .
A n o th er snow m obile season is fast ap p ro ach in g , an d th e D e p a rtm e n t of N a tu ra l R e so u rce s is , e n co u rag in g snow m obilers to get th is se a son off to a sm ooth, safe start, T h e re w ere 45 snow m obile f a ta litie s . la s t w in te r in M ichigan. To p re v e n t th a t from h ap p en in g again, th e DNR is urging snow m obilers to th in k ab o u t safety e v en b efo re fu e l ing up. Tops on th e safe rid e r list sh o u ld be a p led g e to lea v e th e * jc o h o l a to n e u n til rid in g is done fo r th e day, along w ith a reso lv e to r id e p ru d en tly . This m ean s slow ing down and saving th e racin g for th e tr a c k .. Also b e su re , y o u r re g istra tion is u p to d a te, an d th a t you have y o u r sn o w m o b ile tr a il perm it. T h ree th in g s hav e changed w ith th e tra il p e rm it th is year. • T he Snow m obile Law, Act 451, P a r t 821, w as am ended to; e x em p t sn o w m o b ilers from p u rch a sin g a p e rm it if they a re using th e ir snow m obile solely fo r tr a n s p o rta tio n on th e frozen su rface o f p u b lic w aters for th e p u rp o se of ice fishing. If you a re ju st joy riding on the ice, you still m ust have th e p e r mit. • Snow m obile T rail perm its can now b e p u rc h a se d wherev-
e r fishing o r h u n tin g licenses a re sold. S n o w m o b ile T rail p erm its can s till b e o b tain ed at all th e v ario u s o u tle ts as previ ous years. • A T rail P e rm it A pplica tion, in clu d in g id en tific atio n inform ation, m ust be provided to p u rc h a se a T rail perm it. However, w hen purchasing p e r
Ja n e
7 days a week
C h ris tm a s T re e s • W reath s • G a rla n d F re sh C u t S c o t c h P in e
5 ,6 f t $15.00 6 -7 ft. $ 17 .0 0
U n i v e r s i t y
B a n k
K e e p
a r k
A d d i n #
O u i m
e t ,
i t h
p ! ”
P r e s i d e n t
F i n k b e i n e r , V .P . R e ta il
For Great Mortgage Rates With Low Fees Call Ja n e
D e t t l i n g , V .P . R e s id e n tia l
For Commercial Lending To Meet Your Business Needs Call Dave Guenther, V,P. Commercial F R E E
C h e c k in g
14928 Bunkerhill Rd., Stockbridge
B a n k
5 .3 8 96* apy
(517) 769-6772
T o
For The Best In Deposit Consumer Products Call
Indian River Citrus has Arrived P etted ' Christmas Trees Wreaths & Crave Blankets Cedar Roping Kraut Cabbage Apples Bird Seed Feeders
Hours: 8 a.m. until dark
R e a s o n s
J u s t
“ T h e
m its th ro u g h th e e le c tro n ic licensing system , th e T ria l Perm it A pplication is n o t re quired. Make su re your snow m obile is in to p w orking c o n d itio n before takin g to th e tra ils, and le t som eone know w h e re you a re going, y o u r p la n n e d route, an d w hen you ex p eei to retu rn .
959 Maiden Lane |Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313)741*5858 IMonday thru Friday 9am * 6pm Saturday 9am * lpm ‘D oes N ot Include S u rc h a rg e Fee (if ap p licab le) "Annual P ercentage Yield (APY) Effective 1 2 - 1K0 - 9 6
7-8 ft. $20.00 8- 9 ft. $25.00
9-11 ft. $30.00 Wreaths. . . 14"—$15.00 ’ 30"—$32.00'36’’—$48.00 3685 Central Street >Dexter * Adjacent to Ute Dexter Cider Mill Trees Available Mon.-Frl. 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. & Sat.-Sun. 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m
Now Lease a
Ford Taurus GL 'hino»■j,,w.y.M'• '-I ‘-’>'■vU :' f ■ ■' X . '■•it;.
- I! b
(1) ’67 Taurus QL with PEP 205A MSRP of $20,385 excluding title, tax, license fee. Lease payment ba?ed on average capitalized cost of 93.40% of MSRP (Taurus) for 24-month closed-end Ford Credit Red Carpet Leases purchased in the Detroit Region through 10/1/96. Some payments higher, some lower. See dealer for payments/ierms. Lessee may have option to buy vehicle at lease end at aprice negotiat ed with dealer at lease signing.Lessee responsible for excess wear/|ear andmileage over24,000 at $.l5/mile. Credit approval/lnaurabillty determined by Ford Credit. For special lease terms and $600 RCL cash.take naw retail delivary from d eadstock by 1/3/97. Total amount of monthly payments $5392.08. See dealer fotoomplete details. (2) 12,000 miles per yed* 24 month RCL contracts only. • ‘excludes tax, title and license fee.
f r
CHELSEA 2 2 2 S M ain
f? a fri7 ir
Chelsea, Michigan, Thursday, December 12,1996
Pages 17-32
press produces as source for 1^1 By Kathy Clark Special W riter Special events, a t th e ra il road track s in C helsea in clu d ed th e re le a se of th e now !ex tin ct “P assenger Pigeons” many y ears ago. T ow nspeople w aited at th e depot to wave a t m any p re si d ents and p re sid e n tia l c an d i d ates over th e years including Roosevelt, Kennedy and Nixon. In th e late 1800s p eo p le o f all ages w ere e ith e r riding on o r w atching for the “G rand R ap id s” as it cam e in e n d out o f C helsea. M ichigan C entral steam lo comotives becam e a sp ectacle to watch as th e ir num bers dw indled, and they finally puffed th e ir way out of exis tence 50 years ago. In th e 1940-60s p eo p le lis ten ed and w atched for th e high-speed, stream lin ed M er cury and th e New York Cen tral "Tw ilight Special.” Even today people g a th e r a t the track to count C onrail cars, or th rill to th e passing of an Amtrak p assen g er tra in as it shakes o u r 1880s depot enough to move p ictu res a b it askew in the m useum . One of th e b est known* of the egrly locom otives th a t passed through Chelsea in 1021 was th e DeWitt Clinton. It w a s■most likely on its way to its p e rm a n e n t resting p lace at G reenfield Village in D etroit. A local a m ateu r p hotographer caught it as it passed by Chel sea's landm ark “W elfare B uilding.” (It m ay have
By M ichelle Rogers Associate Editor A C helsea High School grad with e x p e rie n c e in th e refrig-
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stopped at the depot.) As th e b a n n er verifies, it was New York S tate’s first train . It ap p ears to be on a flat bed car. E arly railro ad “c a rs” w ere re p lic a s of stage coaches, and in m any places w ere horsedraw n on tracks before they w ere engine drawn. t h e steam -pow ered DeWitt C linton locomotive m ade its tria l tr ip in New York on Aug. 9,1831 (about the sam e y e a r a
few pio n eers began to se ttle in and around Chelsea), Running th e I t m iles b e tw een A lbany and S chenec tady, N.Y., it h a u le d up to five coaches filled w ith p assen g ers a t an average sp eed Of 30 m iles p e r hour. It w eighed 6 tons, and w hen o p eratin g w ithout coaches could a tta in a sp e ed of 40 m iles p e r hour. T rains today trav el at tw ice th a t speed.
(Pliutokiraplk Crum (he Maroney family. Chelsea Historical Society archive*.)
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Sleeping B ear p re s s ’s book “Augusta N ational & The M as ters: A P h o to g rap h er’s S crap book” has becom e th e n u m b er one selling g en eral-in terest book in Michigan. It’s also tops in Georgia. It's even a h ea d of books by p o p u la r television stars Tim A llen and O prah Winfrey. Sleeping B ear P ress, lo cated over th e Common M ar ket in downtown C helsea, is owned and o p e ra ted by B rian Lewis. The coffee-table book fea tu re s the photography of F ra n k C hristian, Jr., a thirdgeneration sta ff p h o to g rap h er of the sto ried Augusta N a tio n al Golf Club in Augusta, Ga. It is a collection o f images dating back to the 1920s when C hristian’s g re a t uncle, Montell, photographed th e course and golfing legends before th e course was converted to a golf club. The book is a tre a su re of both c u rre n t color and n early an tiq u e black-and-w hite pho tos designed to show the h is tory and developm ent of the golf club and the tournam ent. T he text was w ritten by Cal Brown, a form er e d ito r and w rite r for Golf Digest m aga zine. T he in itial p ress ru n of 25,000 sold o u t in u n d e r th ree weeks,. A nother 15,000 are on o rd e r a n d , will probably be gone by the tim e they hit the stores. Yet a n o th e r 25.000 have been o rd ered . Lewis said the com pany had p lan n ed most of its prom otion for n ext spring. P u b licatio n s from The Wall Street Journal to th e Los Ange les Times a re doing sto ries on th e book, which h a s caused S leeping B ear P re ss’s phones to rin g n early non-stop r e cently, The book is an ideal gift for avid golf o r photogra phy fans. It re ta ils fo r $45. “It’s b een m addening—it’s b een exciting,” Lewis said. “I never would have imag ined it. F o r a sm all house to have a b est-seller lik e t h is .. T he book was p u t to g eth er very quickly. Lewis said he w ent to Georgia to m eet Chris-. tian, 61, in Jan u ary . C hristian had seen Sleeping B ear's p re vious book on golfing legend Bobby Jo n es and contacted Lewis about doing th e project. C hristian's id e a had been r e jected by a m ajor publishing house several years ago: “I knew in stan tly 1 w anted to do th e book,” Lewis said Of
his im pression upon seeing th e th o u san d s of photographs in C hristian's collection. “He has about h a lf a m il lion photographs. We got in on the first cut, when they had be.en p a re d down to five to ten th o u san d .” He said a sequel is alm ost a sure thing. “F ra n k c an 't believe the r e sp o n se.”' WJR R adio did a 30-minute interview with C h ristian and said th ey h a d n ’t seen th e ir phone lin e s so busy in q u ite some tim e. They, have also com m itted to doing the in te r view again. The A tlanta Jo u rn alC onstitution rated the book as one of the “Top 10 Gifts” for the holidays. The book is the eighth title for S lee p ing Be a r P re ss d u rin gits sh o rt history. The com pany has m ade its living on golf books, b u t next y e ar will p u b lish “Bottom o f The N inth," a biography o f fo rm er D etroit T iger Kirk Gibson. Lewis has also signed form er T ig ers’ m anager Sparky A nderson to a book deal. Also in th e works is a photo book by one of the
Brian Lewis is m aking quite: a name for him self as a pubUsher of high-quality golf books. His latest has reached the top.
up w ith a cook from th e Com mon G rill to open B ak erS ecret in DOxter. The re s ta u ra n t re country's lea d in g nature pho p laces C heesecake L and on tographers, who happens to B a k er Road. live in Milford. R andy Koch, 35, a 1979 Anyone in te reste d in buy C helsea High School g raduate, ing the book can ch & k out any an d L au ra LeM ieux, a form er m ajo r bookstore o r can call p re p cook w ith Common G rill, (800)487-2323, b o ught th e re s ta u ra n t from E l len P ich elh eim er and ex panded? h e r concept to a break fast, lunch and d in n e r spot. , , •••■' Over th e years, Koch has Being raised in th e h ills o f . B anjos,, guitars, m andolins “I ve h ad th at kind o f m usic in d a b b le d in o th er c aree rs. He and fid d les may seem like my churCh fo r 40 y ears now, N orth C arolina, B rother Ja ck le ft hom e som e tim e ago to stran g e in stru m e n ts to sing and by th e g race o f God, th a t’s h as nev er lost his love for his study engineering a t Califor “Am azing G race” to in church w hat I'll alw ays have,” is a hom e state. Often referrin g to nia Polytech and serve four on Sunday m ornings to some, com m ent th at Ja ck Story has i t as, “th e pro m ised land,” he y ears in th e A ir Force. W hen (Continued on Page 31) b u t n o t to P asto r Ja c k Story. m ade often. h e re tu rn e d , Koch sta rte d Me ch an ical Diagnostic Systems ih G rass Lake, and now sells re frig e ra to r diagnostic sys tem s. It w as .through th is jo b y Jean e tte K och-lrish and Peg M ouilleseaux o f B akerSecret are th a t Koch becam e in te reste d p ictu red w ith some of the local restau ran t’s specialties, homemade in opening a restau ran t. . pies and cheesecake. ’‘Doing refrig eratio n m ain ten an ce, I'v e seen a" lOt o f re s as - “a —hom estyle 4uneh and - “Our concept, is le t’s give tau ran ts. I’ve always b een in d in n e r restau ran t.” R ecipes th e custom er a com plete d in ing e x p erien c e,” Koch said, a re a m ixture of Koch and te re ste d in startin g one; and describing th e ’re s ta u ra n t as LeM ieux’s own home and fam th e opportunity th a t cam e up having a 1920s m arket feel. w ith B akerS ecret w as id e a l,” ily recipes. “T hat way, it gives the cus L unch features an a sso rt Koch explained. ; He met Pichelheimer m ent o f sandw iches and soups tom ers th e sam e feeling of eate through his business, and she th at change daily. Last T h u rs ing a t a p lac e th a t would have mentioned she wanted to sell day, B akerSecret fea tu red served grandm a y ears ago,” he Cheesecake Land ' and move chicken salad on an h erb al said. ■ back to Arizona, roll, turkey reuben, ch eese H om em ade p ie s and steak Hoagie and alb aco re “ One thing led to an o th er, cheesecakes a^e a ls o ' a spe and w e finally cam e to a d eci . tuna sandw iches, selling for cialty and c a rry on th e tra d i sion,;’ Koch said. Koch an d betw een $3.50 and $4.50. The tio n of C heesecake Land. sandw iches include chips and LeM ieux closed th e d eal w ith “We w ant to p ro d u ce a real P ich elh eim er Nov. 1 and Bak a pickle. Soups come with top quality ch eesecak e and fresh baked bread and sell for p ie,” Koch said. “We feel the e rS e c re t opened 17 days la te r $2.50 a bowl. D inner item s in- ‘ m inute you low er th e quality a fte r som e rem odeling, > : New carpeting, light Col e lu d e quiche, chicken pot o f the product, you have com o red wood in th e in te rio r with pies, roasted chicken, and petition everyw here.” p a in ted g rap e vines w inding sp iced 'fib s and a re served through th e . re sta u ra n t a re with a vegetable and salad. , < Koch said th e D exter loca tion is id e a l f6r th e restau ran t. among .the changes. A ntiques T h e b rea k fast crowd h a s an “1 probably w ould n o t have accen t th e in te rio r and an ex a sso rtm en t of confections to p icked th e D ex ter location if I posed oven allow s guests to choose from, coffee and cap d id n ’t th in k i t w as th e town of se e th e fresh est asso rtm en t Of puccino. th e future,” h e said. baked goods as soon a s th e y ’ite T h e re sta u ra n t can accom “We’ve d one fairly well at m ade. ; //■ m odate w to 50 custom ers but “The first reactio n we get seatin g for an additional 30 this point. My tho u g h t is we’re going to do a re a lly k iller When p eo p le come in is ‘We will b e added..C ustom ers orbusiness a t dinner;. 1 think love th is p la c e ’.' So, we know d e r a t th e counter during d in n er is going to b e a real North Creek Elem entary School held its annual holiday concerts for parents and M ends la st \ ... we h it th e m ark with th e deco lunch an d breakfast b u t at brea strong point. I th in k D exter is concerts featured a variety of m usic from th e ir classes th is fall. Here, th ird graders get a kick ohi;$f:Ohe|i ratio n s,” Koch said. d in n e r w ait staff take o rd ers eson k s. ■ *v v -., . v^ (Continued on Page 22) ofth H e d escrib es th e concept of the songs. tab iesid e . •a— ------ -------- ---—- — --------y l
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Chelsea w restlers second at A young C helsea varsity w restling team op en ed th e ir season S atu rd ay w ith a sec ond-place finish a t th e 16-team tia s le tt Invitational. T he Bulldogs scored 157 points, behind w in n er N e w . L othrup with 195.5. Fowl_erville-was th ird with 141.• oiO ur kids saw a lot o f tough; com petition for so early in the • season,” said C helsea coach K erry Kargel, He noted th at ■his team was “very rusty and o u r tim ing w asn’t even clo se” ito w here it should be. Five C helsea w restlers reach ed the finals, and th re e \Vere cham pions—senior J a m ie H olzhausen at 140, ju n io r B re n t Young a t 145, and senior Andy Kargel at 189. . > J u nior second at 103 pounds a n d sen ior Mike A lber was second at 160. H olzhausen u^ed a tak e down and a neaV pin with 15. seconds left t ^ b eat Dave Ed w ards of N e$ L othrup in th e finals, 6-5 E nroute to th e fi nals he pinned B rian Jo n es of W hitehall in :22, E ric Luke of Pinconning in :37, and decisioned Dave F ie ld e r of DeW itt, 10-8. Young also won in dram atic fashion, with a takedow n in th e final 30 seconds, to b eat Dan Mapes of Pinconning, 4-3. in his other m atches he p in n ed Pat W eber of Williamston in 2:38, decisioned Kent K rupp of New Lothrup, 7-1,
an d pinned C hris H offm an o f W hitehall in 1:36. Kargel, who sp e n t m uch o f last, year w resting o u t of h is weight class, won in th e fin als by injury default. H e re c o rd e d th re e pins on th e day over D errick M cA llister o f DeW itt m 23, M att L eibenguth o f itfo o ro e~Str-Ma ry*s-i Ryan Show erm an o f Fowlerville in 1:35. P earsall was p in n e d in th e finals in 1:03 by P J . M itchell of W hitehall. In h is o th e r m atches, h e p in n e d Tiffany R ichardson in :33 a n d decisioned Paul. B o rd en k irch er of F lin t Beecher, 20-3. A lber lost in th e fin als to B rian Yaklin of New L othrup, 11-4. However, he p in n e d E d won a 5-4 decision o v er J o rd a n Pohl of Ovid-Elsie. “I was hoping five kids w ould m ake it into th e finals, an d all of them d id ,” K argel said. Others who open ed th e se a son for C helsea in clu d ed freshm an Ju s tin N adolny a t 112 (0-2); sophom ore Dan Plough at 119 (2-2, 6th place); sophom ore Matt B ollinger a t 125 (2-1,7th place); sophom ore A aron Sm ith (2r2); ju n io r Kevin B loom ehsaat at 152 (2-2); sophom ore Dan D ault a t 171 (3-1); and ju n io r Jo e B arkm an at heavyweight (1-2).. The Bulldogs face South e a ste rn C onference rival Sa lin e tonight at home.
B re n t Young, top, was one of th ree cham pions for Jthe Chelsea B ulldogs a t th e H aslett Invitational la st Saturday. LICENSED* INSURED
( 3 1 3 )
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"A tra d itio n t f h e lp in g new com er* fe e l a t borne” P lea se c a ll th efo llo w in g fo r yo u r C om plim entary W elcom e P a cket
Pkfttt C*D Diane
Please Call Nancy
Todd PeaTsall reached th e finals at 103 fo u n d s for Chelsea at the H aslett Invitational.
l a n e A n im al H o sp ital
the doctor! and staff of Lane Animal Hospital wnuMlik* to thank diir community for the unparrallad support aliown throughout this most difficult year. We wish to extend to ill a . heartfelt wish for a wonderful Holiday Season and a Joyous NewYear. 636 N.Miin, Chelsea * 475-8696*
C h elsea’s eig h th g ra d e rs i i r to extend its season win moved th e ir record to 5-1 this record, Instead C helsea cam e p ast week with a 44-25 victory with its fourth straight win, 30over L in coln,. 29. ; An evenly-played first q u a r “It wasn’t exactly o u r b e stt e r and a low scoring second offensive or defensive effort o f ; m ade it look like the Bulldogs the season b u t we w ere ab le to ; would have a tough tim e b e at do what it took to w in,” said i n g th eir w inless foe. At h a lf coach Jim Tallm an. Leading the b a la n ce d scor •tim e C helsea’s lead was only ing attack in this gam e w ere -one point. V But in the seco n d half, Randy Peace w ith nine, Tony X 'C h elsea came out d eterm in ed S cheffler w ith eig h t, Rob :to establish them selves and d id H oenke with four, N ate K eiser, -so with a 14-3 ru n t h a t seated- Cory Picklesim er, Ben M eyers and Joel_ Grim w ith two, and ^their success. Byan Ludwig, tap, continues to w restle w ell for th e University of * Leading scorers for Chelsea B rian Sayer with one. • F in d la y ../ •w ere Tony Schiffler and Chris I Brigham w ith eig h t, Cory ’ Picklesim er, Rob H oenke and £Ben M eyers w ith six, R andy T R A IN S ! T R A IN S ! j Peacfe w ith four and Dave H A R D W A R E At M ichigan P a d d le s p o rt & H obby you c a n s e e a large open K LEIN S C H M ID T •’ Cowen, Nate K eiser and B rian ating train layout with L ionel. *S" scale, HO sc a le a n d Ye ' “G" “ large scale. We ailso lso carry p lastic m i odel c ars, trucks, sh ip s a n d air • Sayer with two each. . I I, !;■ I h, : \ . n; I I } ( : p lan es a s w ell paint a n d supplies. Stop b y a n d chat with \ The eighth grade basketball 19860 S h a ro n Valley R d .. M anchester, Ml our helpful s a le s staff about o u r selectio n of trains, train,sets yteam extended its record to 4-1 a n d a c c e ss o rie s P h o n e : 313-428-8337 reg K ennedy an d B en Meyers Reg. $129.99 -with four, Tom S cheffler with with Siug Barrol fthree and Jo e l Grimm a n d Nick 8ALE-4299.98 SA LE 3 a ttis to n e with two. On Thursday, once beaten, 1 8 -O u a rt N e s c o R o a s to r O v en /Tecum seh visited C helsea look•Com
Michigan Paddlesport & Hobby
'L u d w ig n a m e d t ig .' i i M i w ip w s ie * • igMaies.
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F o rm e r C helsea w re stle r ^Ryon Ludwig w as re c e n tly eiattio d o n e o f th ro e o u tsta n d i n g w r e s t l e r s a t th e NAIA N a t i o n s lD p a lT o u rh a m e n t in L as SYegaSi-Ney. :X. v Ludwig, w r e s t l i n g a t 158 ;lp6itnd* i b r t h e U n iv ersity o f F in d la y , b e a t t h e h u m b e r o n e s e e d fro m M o n ta n a S ta te U ni v e rs ity ; " 'o 4 j:to h e lp F in d lay -place second in th e to u rn a : G ive g a
a ring to place a Classified Ad 475-1371
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— C h e ls e a S o c c e r C lu b U n d e t- 1 5 B o y s — ' The team of Chelsea eighth-graders had an excellent fall season, Forshee, Mike M iller, Kyle McKenzie, and Robert Hue!. In back, fin ish in g w ith a 7-2 won-loss record. They were In the h u n t for the from left, are copch C harles DeGryse, Mike W inter, Greg Grossman, cham pionship but lost 3-1 to T ecuraseh in the cham pionship game. Greg Kennedy, J e ff R ickerd, Kyle Schertzing, Chris Klein, Mike In front, from left, are C harlie DeGryse, Ben Gunderson, C raig Radlca, and coach Dave Pieske. Not p ictured is Trevor Gorton.
C H ELSEA REALTY LEA G U F Quitclaim Team 6 Fore Closure The Acres All Most F.S.B.O. High Game: Vi Wheeier, 197 High Series: Debbie Stetson, 843
65.5 65 63.5 54 54 27
46.5 47 46.5 58 58 85
W L Super Impact 58 33 The Bowlers 57 34 TheTroHs 55 36 Broken •• 52 39 Slammers 51 40 50-41 The Twinkles 48ushwackers 49 42 The Bulldogs ' 49 42 Dukes of Hazard 49 42 GWAR 47 44 • Shark Attack 42 49 Pioneer Seeds 41 SO ' The Strike Force 40 61 , Team a i 40 S1 - Wayne's World 52 66 ‘ JJaro 68 Your Mama ‘ Sem moles 69 . 163 High-Game : Elizabeth Wade, 148; David Canter,, 189 ‘ High Series: Elizabeth Wade, 378; i, 466 ROLLING PIN W l Kookle Kutters 24 Tee Cups 26 Happy Cookers 29 Pots 34 High Game: Janice Edlck, 184 High Series: Ptiykis Harook, 471
■HMKMUtQUSE Associated Oryvnli Jiffy Mix Mark IV Lounge Daniel's Lyons Den Robert's Body Shop , Cleary's Pub Washtenaw Engineering *JEN EX Certified Tleetor ' Chelsea G lass , Wolverine Food 4 Spirits - Thompson's Chelsea Lanes , 3 4 ) Sales 4 Service Norm's Body Shop ; vogefa Party Store LA VOss Ten Pins Left -High Game: DiBellua, 256 High Series: G . White, 661 C H E L K A SUBURBAN Jam es Bauer Construction . Schultz Enterprise ■Flow-Ezy ^ ; Hamilton Building 4 Design ’ Chelsea Lanes ' Office Produces Outlet McCatta Feeds . Stage Stop 3-D Sales . Bra un-Brum field High Game: Joyce Shepherd, 217 ' High Series: Jennifer Guenther, 585
L 30 32 56 35 52 39 39 81 40 40 4) 49 42 48 43 47 44 48 46 39 52 37 54 36 58 33< 86 31 60 69 W 61
81 SO
W L 64 41 63 42 63 42 56 47 58 47 58 60 47 56 43 62 40 65 34 '71
T B IC IIY M IXED L W 77 35 Chelsea Lanes 70 42 Oops 0 5 E Enterprises 68 44 - 63“ 49— Thunder RoflS 59 S3 Vogers Party Store ' ' ■56 . 54 3-D Sales 58 54 Cleary's Pub 46 64 StrM -4 47 65 Hamaton BuHding . 47 65 Aimed J4 J Building Restoration 45 67 25 59 Quinn Sam High Game: Cindy Miller. I 98;dlenn Boyer. 275 . High Series: Mary Jo Boytir, 642; Glenn Boyer 668
Bristle Farms Wild Hare 5 Thompson Shore BookCraftera Fiekter Palming Carver Construction Republic Bank Chelsea A»W . Country Corners Oault Construction High Game: Ginny Wheaton. 209 High Series: Glhny Wheaton, 538
62 59 SB 85 48 45 45 42 41 41
36 39 42 43 52 53 53 56 67 57
w 9A
L 10
4-W’S 28 The Final Four 27 Me Gee 25 Chelsea Lanes 24 The Thunderblrds 13 High Game: K. Green Leaf, 167; I Loucka, 203 High Series: V. WUrster, 463: T. Loucks, 570
21 22 24 25 36
SUNDAY NfTE COME ONS w B S e rs 36 Pin-Man 34 Who Cares 33 D 6C 32 St. Stan's 32 Pin Busters 32 The Four Wheelers 31 Fite 4 Ice 31 YOYO'S 30 New Kids On The Lanes 29 StHI Rollin' 28 Proctor Racing 26 The Big Dogs 22 T-C's 19 Waterloo Aces . 16 Late Starters 18 High Game: Karen Rosentreter, 206; Ron Brugh BOb Calkins. 244 High Series: Karen Strock, 510; Bob Calkins 646
L 20 22 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 30 34 37 36 41
OfEiMMBWHHQUBB Mark IV Lounge HalfMoonera ■^ Parts Peddler McCaka Feeds Steele's Heating Herrsl Construction KSNTile Shamrock Floors Misfits , V.F.W. 4076 Country Pub ■Four Seasons Association High GamerMichael Harris, 258 High Series: Mfchset Harris, 716 LEIS U R E TIME . Misfits Bowlerinw NotYats Doves Late Ones Sweetrollers . Early Birtfs High Game: Kathy Haywood, 197 High Series: flene Oraus, 472
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— T o u r n a m e n t W in n e r s - * Chelsea fifth-grade g irls travel basketball team won the East Jackson T ournam ent last Saturday. In front, from left, are Meghan Realties, Rachel Dotson, M elissa Koch, and B rittany Dennison. In th e m iddle row, from left, are Je n DeWall, Kate Herman, Nicole Collins, and M argaret W heeler. In back are Rebecca Edgeworth, Lucy A bernathy and Je n n a fe r Connelly.
TVs and VCRs • New & Used * We service all brands. Hoover Vacuum Cleaners We carry and service Nutone Products, Central Vac, Intercom systems. and many olheri. • • Winegard &Channel Master Antennas • Satellite Systems: Sales • Service * Repairs
L O T 'S T V C E N T E R
W L 64- 34 64 34 87 41 55 43 53 45 S3 45 93 45 43 55 42 66 39 69 36 - 82 29 69
n spots. soots, m a n tle . Early morning. Isle evening & S tL
■a m u m m c H i R O P R A c r i c Chelsea, Ml 48118 7970 Clark Lake Rd.
512 N . Maple Rd., Ann Arbor g 1 3 )7 6 9 ;O I9 8
sw im m ing a t A lm a P e te r Straub, a freshm an at Aim ? College, will be com pet ing on th e school’s swimming and diving team this season. The team will be reb u ild in g th is y e ar because o f th e 1996 g rad u a tio n o f six se n io rs.'T h e tea m ’s success th is y e a r will re ly heavily on how th e fresh
men and sophom ores develop. With a high school tim e less than a se c o n d off the c u rre n t Alma rec o rd , S trau b could be the best b re a ststro k e r in th e college’s history, The team will be com peting throughout the Midwest through la te March.
B o w lin g B a lls ■ B a g s - S h o es S a le P ric e d
December 15th - 16th- 17th W 37.5 31 29 .2 9 27 24.5 19
L 14.5 2V 23 23 25 27.5 33
C H ELSEA LAN ES MIXED L W Looney Times 75 37 Uma Beans' 74 36 67 45 Double E ClassyTatldd 57 55 GreenhiH* .landscaping 55 67 Double Ttaubie 63 59 Hot Sauce : 50 62 D 8 E Enterprises 50 48 fW T 49 63 The Babymakers . 46 64 Pinbustsre 43* 69 37 54 S.T.D. High Game: Janet Sehulze, 184; Steve Kaast, 234 High Series: Marcia Ersktne, 435; Steve Keest, 607
Shop for the latest Model Glo-Ball while sale priced In th e h e a r t o f T h e V illa g e o f W a terlo o . T a ke b 9 4 to M -52 N orth, S m ile s to W aterloo R d.- ' 5 m ile s to Village o f W aterloo, th e n fo llo w signs.
C hristm as T r e e s TAKE YOUR
P IC K :
S p ru ce • P in e s • P otted T rees • Live T rees Balled & B urlapped , B oth U -C ut & W e-C ut from 3 5 .a c re s of trees. S ta rtin g a t: Pines $20, S p ru c e $25
Conte and see Santa’s live reindeer, bancer & Prancer. Santa will be there too (Sait. & Sun . only)
3 1 3 -4 7 5 -8 1 4 1 Chelsea Lanes, Inc. 1180 S.Main St., Chelsea Ml 48118 N E E D E D
- 1-5 M a n T e a m
N ig h t L e a g u e S ta r tin g
fo r M o n d ay D e c . 3 0 th
S at.-S u n , 9 -d ark , W eekdays n o o n -d ark • 313-475*7631
Are you planning to remodel your existing kitchen? Contact the professionals at:
N ew & U se d C a r B u y e rs! Do Business With a "Pro” Business With Ms? Ambassador Club Winner 5 years ► Master’s Club Winner, 5 years • No. 1 Fort Salesman in Washtenaw County, 5 years . • Highest Customer Satisfaction Rating of any Ford Bales.
CH ELSEA LUM BER C O . Let us “put it together for you" with Merillat cabinetry with exciting new premium wood doors, featuring styles from Enfield, Preston, Darian Walden and Shetland.
Paul Tsm shany
• NADA Certified.
for those who went to g et the most for their m o n ey . . .
Come see our showroom located just north of 1-94 on Old Manchester Rd.
Come in and se e Mike for a great deal on a new or used, ear or truck.
Lifelong Resident of This Arse PAST President of Khvanie Ford Csrtlfisd Salesperson NADASocletyoF Autdfhqttvs Sales
pr call us for an appointment 313-475-9126 Chelsea Lumber and Merillat “go hand and hand with you.” Nell Homing
^ K.S. ■f'il
1 i Ml IICUliY i
JMatiF • fMn.M.t*M |M»r.sirt.«es M »c 4 t l » n u t m«wt*6 aw«y.l-f4 ttf M-*l,Mwtii T/.m*— - m u m immmv
I; ■
Page 20*
NORTH MAIN PACKAGING STO RI S it N. Main StrMt, ChaliN • 47S-S88S Tower M art Plaza (locoted inside The laundry Room)
H appy holidays, a n d w el com e back to th e County P e r spective. / By the tim e ybfr re a d this a rtic le , o u r topic o f conversa tion will have b e en d e c id e d at last n ig h t’s (Dec. 11) B o ard of C om m issioners m eeting. S ince I’m fairly co m fo rtab le th a t th is item will have p a sse d by now, my topic th is m onth w ill b e a co n cep t know n a s “In m ate B illing.” ‘ T he rea so n th is is an issue of c u rre n t in te re s t is th a t a p i lot p ro je c t w as a p p ro v e d for th e s h e r iff s d e p a rtm e n t a t our Ways a n d M eans C om m ittee on Nov. 20, oh a 9-6 vote. In o rd e r for it to becom e b o a rd policy, it m ust pass by a second m a jo rity vote a t th e n ex t avail ab le b o a rd m eeting. In m ate b illin g is a program th a t w ill b e u tilize d by S h eriff Ron S ch eb il to seek reim b u rse m en t from in m ates a t the W ashtenaw County J a il for serv ices th a t they receiv e w hile in custody a fte r they've been sen ten ced fo r com m it ting a crim e. U tilizing the “P riso n e r R eim b u rsem en t to County Act (MCL 801.81),” the sta te w ould allow th e county to re q u ire in m ates to re im b u rse the county fo r up to $60 p e r day fo r ex p en ses the county in cu rs as th e re s u lt of an o ffen d er's in ca rce ratio n , t h e types- of serv ices that would be b illed fo r w ould in clude room and b o ard and m edical services. M edical services w ould in clu d e care th at is receiv ed for sick calls, doctor visits, d e n ta l care and any p re sc rip tio n m edications given o ut u n d e r doctors o r d ers. ' A ccording - . to the “R eim b u rsem en t A ct” as it was p assed in 1984, before a sh e riff can in stitu te such a policy, th e concept m ust be approved first by a County’s B oard of Com m issioners. Only then, can th e sh e riff of the county, ad m in ister such a process. This is a concept th at sh e riff has b een seeking to im plem ent for q u ite som e tim e. A ccording to Schebil this week, “C rim inals should have
Special Promotion
By Joseph.Yekulis, County Commissioner
to pay for th e ir crim es. This issu e goes m uch d e e p e r than ju st putting som eone in ja il for. stealing a $150 VCR. T here a re m any social costs involved, and it costs us all money. The fact so m any people a re alarm ing th e ir houses and cars m eaps th a t th e re ’s a general se q s ie ijf'y u ln e ra b m ty ^within our commulHties. C rim inals a re resp o n sib le for in creasin g ’, the costs of our hom eow ners insurance, th e m edical bills of th e ir victims, and th e use o f the crim inal justice system through the need for m ore p a trols, ja il space, and th e use of the court system. No one forces them to go out and commit th ese crim es." As. the prom oters of this bill stated back in 1983, “the taxpayer is the first victim of crim e.” 4 Once im plem ented, how will this process work? To be gin with, only those, people who have been convicted and sentenced for com m itting a crim e will be req u ire d to re im burse the county u n d e r this
proposal. I t m ay b e a p p lie d tb: p re tra il d eten tio n , b u t n p t u n til a conviction h a s b e eh r o b tain ed . T he p ro ce ss o f coUections w ill b e h a n d le d by th e / s h e riffs d e p a rtm e n t j n col lab o ratio n w ith th e County’s C orporation C ouncil's office (our in-house a ttcrn e y x W hile in custody, th e in m a te w ill b e re q u ire d to c o m p lete a fInan-», cial sta te m e n t form th a t will, d e te rm in e an in m a te 's a b ility using e sta b lish e d . objective c rite ria . If an in m a te fits th e c rite ria , a p ay m en t p la n w ill be developed, a n d re d u c tio n incentiv es will b e given to those who a re w illing to pay early. T ru stees w ho work 6ft p e rc e n t o f th e ir tim e w h ile incustody w ill not h a v e to pay in exchange for th e serv ices p ro vided tow ard th e u p k e e p o f th e c o rrectio n s facility. S everal co n cern s e x p re sse d by d issen tin g co m m issio n ers a t th e N ovem ber Ways an d M eans m eeting c e n te re d a ro u n d a d d itio n ally p e n a liz ing th e poor and th e ir fam ilies
FREE Boxes & Complete Packing Thru Dec. 24, 1996 .
^ sssbsp^
a fte r b e m ajo r b re a d w in n er com m its a c rim e a n d la n d s in ja il. T o a d d re ss .that issue, se v era l , m odifications hav e b een a d d e d to th e pplicy. -Whenseek in g reim b u rse m n t u n d e r a civil action, th e county: w ill^ co n sid er any legal o b lig atio n s o f a d efen d a n t to su p p o rt a spouse, m i n o r c h ild o r o th e r d ep en d e n ts b efo re o tte r in g a ju d g m en t on b e h a lf o f th e county. ■ , -The county w ill n o t enforce a ju d g m en t w hich w ould de(C ontinuedon Page 24)
Conveniently located inside The'laundry Room w here every W adnesdoyisS enior Citizens D0 & / 1
1 6
H eath er S . H appy
7 p .m .- 2 a .m .
2 8 3 0 B a k e r Rd. D inner
- Prim e Rib Buffet 8:30 p.m. Bowling - 9 Pin No Tap K araoke— 10 p.m.-2 a.m. L im ite d S e a tin g
w h o 's
3 1 3 -4 2 6 -4 7 0 7
2830 B aker R d. • D exter
Winter fu n starts a t H ansen’s P r e - S e a s o n SALE o n S le d s , C lo th in g a n d A c c e s s o r i e s
475-7212 Y o u r n e w h o m e f o r C h e ls e a B u lld o g m e r c h a n d i s e
Open 10 am. -9 pm. 7 Days * 15901 Seymour Rd. Waterloo
G r e a t H o lid a y
4 7 5 -7 6 3 1 M
C 11 I: V Y
s ! '
Send A unt Jan e a really cu te C helsea, M ichigan T -Shirt. G et it right here a t the C ollege Store, D ow ntow n C helsea
Cill a t for Ul Your iK cm tliis NMds
G ift I te m --.-■.a
R e s id e n tia l • C o m m a rcla l • In d u stria l
a y s
Boxer Shorts Sweatshirts
Shorts Backpacks
123 S. Main Street * Chelsea *433*5455
I Li VI I N A ,
i j r
I M L .
R I L S .
R> I A /
FO R 24 M O N TH S
Ar b o r
Rampy C hevrolet/G EO 3515 Jackson Rd. (313}663-3321 .
F ai9 t-M o rro w C h e v ro le t/G E O 1500 S. M ajn S t, (313) 475-8663'
Champion Chevrolet/G EO '5000 E. Grand River (517) 545*8800
U n d e rw o o d C h e v ro le t/ G EO 1070 W. U.S. 12 (517) 456*4181
T irb Frank Grohs C h e v ro le t/G E O C hevrolet/G EO 7120 Dexter-Aim Arbor Rd. 131 A d rian $t; (313)428*8212 (313)4264677
Bill C risp in U niversity , C h ev ro let / GEO - C h ev ro let/G E O 7112 E. M ichigan A ve. 1180 E. M ichigan Ave. (313)420-9481 (313)481-0210
You m u s t ta k e r e te ll d e liv e ry o u t of d e a le r s to c k by 1 /1 3 /9 7 . ‘ L en g th of fln a n c in g m a y a ff e c t fin a n c e rare. GMAC f in a n c in g . S ee y o u f p a r t l c f p a t l n g d e a l e r fo r q u a lific a tio n d e ta ils . * ‘ $ 5 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 C ash B ack d e p e n d in g on m o d el. Sf-10 o ffe r in c lu d e s 1 9 9 6 an d 1 9 9 7 m o d e ls . C ash B ack m ay n o t be c o m b in e d w ith S m artL ease, o t S m artB u y p ro g r a m s : ‘ “ B ased on $ 2 6 ,7 4 6 MSRP w ith d e s tin a tio n c h a rg e . 'in c lu d e s o p tio n p a c k a g e 1SC. AV6 b u c k e t s e a t s , and o p tio n p a c k a g e d is c o u n t. Tax, lic e n s e , title fe e s , in s u ra n c e an d o p tio n a l e q u fp m e n t e x tr a , f u s t m o n th ’s le a s e p a y m e n t of $ 2 8 8 ;8 0 , $ 2 ,1 1 0 dow n p a y m e n t a n d $ 3 2 5 . re fu n d a b le s e c u rity d e p o s it for a to ta l (if li .7 B B .8 0 d u a a t le a s e s ig n in g . M ileage c h a rg e of .15 p e r m ile o v er 3 0 ,0 0 0 m iles. QMAC m u s t a p p ro v e lease,. M onthly p a y m e n ts to ta l $ 6 ,9 3 1 :2 0 , O p tio n to p u rc h a s e a t le a s e end a t a p ric e d e te rm in e d a t le'ase s ig n in g . L e sse e p ay s fo r e x c e s s iv e w sa r an d u s t , M u t t ta k e d e liv ery o u t of d e a le r sto c k by J a n u a r y 13, 1997. S ee d e a le r lo r q u a lific a tio n d e ta ils . . • , jT
u r
( S
i n a i
i n
/ ( . i
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THE CHELSEA STANDARD/THE DEXTER LEADER * Thursday, December 12,1996 It woiitd b e easy 3 d ait h e re job they a re d esig n ed for,, b u t uird m ake a list of sporly-lype each h u n te r h as som e little, things and suggest th a t you fea tu re o r d ifferen c e th at buy one of th e s e item s for your causes him to p re fe r o n e over favorite outdoorsm an. But not th e other, a n d w hen h e is p u r only would th e re be a good c h a sin g o n e, h e w ould usually chance, th at I w ould suggest a pay th e d ifferen ce in p ric e to gift th a t y o u r husband, wife, by Je rry DvPoeby get th e gun h e lik es best. A^on, d au g h ter, g irlfrien d o r C hances a re , u n less you a re , boyfriend w ould n e v e r use, my su rp rise d b u t I w as s u re a a n o th e r p a ir o f gloves very observant, you p robably efforts w ould p robably irritate , happy cam per, i t w as exactly th e first p a ir g e t wet. T hbrm gl don’t know ex actly w hich one piany outdoors people. w hat 1 w anted. u n d erw ear is a p re tty sa fe g ift he would p ick out. Som etim es * At th is po int, I am going to T h at gun was my choice of b u t you can b e off a m ile if & ii su rp rise gifts w ill work out p a ss a word o f advice along to w eapon to h unt d e e r w ith ju st guess a t size. How a b p u f a well, b u t m ore o ften th a n not th e perso n s like m yself th at then, and it still isi 22 d e e r good th e rm o s b o ttle , all hunt- they a re close, b u t n o t right on p re faced each y e a r w ith th e later. I’ve ad d ed a scope, a e rs n eed a good Therm os. target. , d ecisio n of. , . W hat to get for sling an d a few o th er p e rso n a l Does th e p erso n you’r e buying Any outdoorsm an w ith feel (Christmas. for have a good one? T h ere a re ings o f any kind, w ould n o t put touches b u t w ouldn't even * The advice is , . , Most h u n t c o n sid e r u sin g any o th e r gun T herm os bottles, th e n th e re down a gift th a t is o ff th e m ark ers*. fisherm en, golfers, etc. in th e woods. Does it so u n d a re good T h erm o s b o ttles. a little , b u t w ould c o n sid e r th e h av e a strong p refe re n c e of like I liked* th at C hristm as Doesn’t sound lik e a big p ro b thought beh in d th e p u rch ase b ra n d nam e, style, p a ttern , gift? lem does it? ' ; ; and would p u t it to good use fete. for th e eq u ip m en t they Most gifts can be ex ch an g ed But why buy som ething th a i and m any tim es th in k of th e fese w hile enjoying th e ir favor a t th e sto re w here it w a s 'p u r w ill sp en d th e n ex t few yehrs giver each tim e it is used. ite outdoors activities. And I c h ase d if th e size, color, sty le in th e back o f th e clo set a n d I have gifts, given to m e by d o n ’t w ant to sound like a snob etc. is not exactly th e o n e d e n e v er b e used b e ca u se th e my ch ild ren w hen th ey w ere o r a th an k less person, b u t sired, , B ut it is an inconven h u n te r th in k s th a t th e big m uch younger, such as a m ost would ra th e r b e con- . ien c e a n d m any tim es w ill n o t Mickey M ouse on th e sid e handm ade a sh tra y (I d o n ’t su ited b efo re you sp en d a be dom e. w ould e m b a rrass him w hen h e smoke) given to m e by my T h ere a re several types of gets it out in front o f h is fellow d au g h ter w hen she Was in the large am ount of m oney on a gift th a t you a re su re th e p e r gifts th a t w ill b e p u t to good hu n ters. first grade. It has sa t on the ^ son wants, b u t a re not su re of use even if it is not exactly th e tab ic next to my favorite rcGuns a re a n item th a t in th e brand, size o r style th e rig h t one. volve p erso n al choice p ro b a c lin er for 30 y ears, w aiting to person. T ake h u n tin g socks for in bly m ore th a n m ost o th e r b e used in case I e v e r decide ! Most loved ones would ac stance. How wrong can you b e p ieces o f eq u ip m en t used by a to take up sm oking. Would you cep t th e gift and n e v er m en w hen you g e t a fellow a p a ir of hunter. be unhappy w ith a gift like tion in your p re se n c e , th a t the socks? Gloves a re a n o th e r Most rifle s and shotguns that? (Continued on Page 24) Camouflage p a tte rn , is not th e item , a h u n te r always n e e d s now on th e m ark et w ill do th e one he really likes, o r th at th e o lf p u tte r is not of th e w eight e would have p icked out if he w ere buying it him self, a n d . m ost o f th ese w ell-intentioned Con no longer stand thoprossur* or the . * . ABUSE, so welcome to our gifts w ould b e w orn or used ju st as they w ere in ten d ed so no one’s feelings a re h urt. __ U sually th e s e item s with n o rm al w ear a n d te a r will get to the p oint w h e re, they will Prices on our hometown Bird Feed and Supplies will be have to be re p la c e d , th en the outdoorsm an will b e able to H O T , H O T , H O T pick out the c o lo r o r style th a t Sole b eg in s D ec. 1 0 an d runs thru Dec. 2 0 h e w anted in th e first place. T h at is u n less you have no Folks, this Is what you've been colling and asking for, so don't be ticed th a t he n e e d e d a new iota; don't be early either. If you're on holiday, send o friend. If ohe and w ithout saying any thing to him, w ent out an d you hove o cold, send a neighbor. • . If you're coming from outto . bought him a n o th e r one ju st town, pack a lunch. No exceptions, no whiners. All complaints go tike th e one h e was .trying to get rid of. to UNCLE SNAKE & EARL 'M any p eo p le dp not enjoy Hours: M, T, W, F 6-5:30, Thurs. 6-6:30, Sor. 8-5 taking th e ir h u sb an d or frien d 1 — along on 6 shopping trip and allow ing them to pick ou t th e ir own gift. W here’s the su rp rise , right? But it* is probably th e only way you can be su re th a t you a re givjng th e exact giftth a t is d esired . This may elim in a te the 6 e le m e n t of su rp rise b u t som e Control St., Dexter, Ml (0 1 0 ) 426-4621 tim es th ese gifts involve a large, am ount o f m oney and w ith a; gift lik e a gun, set o f O PEN golf clu b s o r a fishing boat, I B A R R Y w ould like to b e su re it was MorvFrt. iimiimmiiB a.m.-11:30 p*nrta ACCOUNTANT A TAX ADVISOR Sat.M M . ■ mmnmMid ea.m .-n :30 p.m. exactly w hat - thfe person Sunday w anted befo re m aking th e in TAX PLANNING AND RETURN PREPARATION 12 noon-9 p.m. . v e stm e n t COMPLETE ACCOUNTING AND T^X SERVICES
e x t e r
P in f w « "O U R STO M 1$ BURNT O U T’
- T he safe m ethod would be to give a gift c e rtific a te an d let th e shotgun o r w hatever be picked out p erso n ally by, the p erso n receiving it. T he su r p rise would still be there, sin ce th e re c e iv e r of the gift d id not know w hat th e gift w a s , u n til receiving th e certificate, b u t now he h as th e chance to pick out th e b ra n d o r color of h is choice. - My favorite C hristm as gift o f all tim e w as given to m e by my w ife 28 y ears ago. She lo ad ed m e into th e c a r and in siste d w e go to th e local sportshop to g eth er, w here she w aited w hile I picked out a hew W in chester 12-gauge shotgun. She p a id for it . with tie r own m oney, took the gun Home, w rap p ed it and pu t it u n d e r th e C hristm as tree . * W hen I o p en ed th e gift b n . C hristm as eve in frpnt of the — r e s t o f th e fam ily, I was not
fr S U P P L Y
9 4 1 2 IIO R SE SIIO K B E N D ' DEXTER. .
We have a large variety of products & services: • TV, VCR & Radio repair •Telephones & accessories • Musical instruments & supplies (reeds, guitar strings, etc.) • Dry cleaning •W edding invitations. . • Hoover vacuum & assorted bags
Ann Arbor St. a t Baker Dexter ntxt to Cottagt Inn at ttw QtMbo
Ph. (313) 426*2681
• Cement geese &
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S T .. M I L A N
* (313) 4 3 9 -7 9 0 8
Golf Sato R ed d em an Farms
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thru Dec. 22
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. h
. 9
C e*
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ra g e z i *
You are Invited to our
Open House Saturday, Dec. 14,11 a.m.» 3 p\m. H av e y o u r p h o to token w ith S a n ta in o u r S tudio (Noon-2 j> .m j See hew we do photo restoration l Holiday Gift Certificates Available
N E R A T IO N S Photo restoration A fine album assembly Professional photography *
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8099 Main, Dexter— by appointment 426-0700 ,
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920”$. M ain • C h elsea 1313) 475-6377
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T I PINNZOIl I I WWff IMFIMWff Mil I C om plete oil change w /cou p on • regular price: $23.99 I (M ost Cam) • offer exp ires 12-31-96 • this offer not good I I w /any odier offer. O ffer good at th ese shops: I C helsea, Ann Arbor, Saline, 1 1. — ^ M e . ) J1 ^ n w i^ a n d _ B rJq ^ to n ^ _ j
SA LK S, INNTAI I A I ION, A SK.KVK K Kurnacos Koik-rs Air-( onditioners S e ta S U ed ed
o c h
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It won't be long until the COLD FRONT arrives-so don't be caught unpre pared. Get a heating system clean & check now, plus 10% off on parts and labor for ! year with our Bronze Agreement, all for just $65! Our service improves your system’s operating efficiency and makes sure,that your furnace is ready for those chilly days ahead. This special offer ends soon* so call us today! • ~Check-Air7rHtcre' * Test ALtrSafcty Contrtrts * Check & Adjust Pilot Check for Gas Leaks in Furnace Visual Inspection ofHeQt Exchanger * Check & Adjust Burners • Check Motor Amps Check Belts _ * Brush & Vacuum Heat Check and Oil Blotter Bearings Exchanger . Check and Oil Motor Bearings , ♦ Check Vent Pipe Check Vent Draft • Check Complete Furnace Check Thcrihostat Cycle •Residential. Forced Air. LP &Natrsl Gas Application Only. 2608 W. | il> n (\, A nn A rb o r W e i r I I 1C Insult.- ( ill vs.
Page 22
By A ngela T ro tte r Stair W riter L inda T urok h a s - b een teach in g life m an ag em en t a t Beach M iddle School for 13 years, and, sh e says stu d e n ts in h e r c lasses le a rn sk ills they will b e a b le to u se for th e re s t o f th e ir lives. L ife m an ag em en t class con sists o f le a rn in g b asic cooking, sewing, c h ild developm ent, consum er e d u c a tio n a n d in te rio r d ecorating. “I te a c h sk ills th ey will b e ab le to u se now a n d in th e fu tu r e ,” T urok said. ; One com m on ex am p le of 5' th is sh e se e s w ith h e r stu d e n ts is th a t th e ir backpacks often rip through th e c o u rse of th e ir use, an d stu d e n ts who have tak en h e r c la ss w ill often come in a n d use th e sewing m achines to p erfo rm th e ir own r e p a i r s .^ — Turok s a id -s h e h as known she w anted to b e a hom e econo mics te a c h e r since sh e was in seventh g rad e. A t th e tim e, she had b e e n assigned to w rite an essay on w hat she w an ted h e r c a re e r to be. She chose a hom e econom ics te a c h e r as th e topic a n d stuck w ith th at choice. This d ecision was in flu en ced b y , h e r p a rtic ip a tio n _ in 4-H Club, a n d . was rein' fo rced in h igh school by a hom e econom ics te a c h e r she m et th ere . ^ T urok e a rn e d h e r bache lo r ’s d eg re e in teaching at S ou thern Illin o is U niversity in C arbondale, an d w ent on to e a rn a m a ste r’s d eg ree at E a ste rn M ichigan U niversity. She said w hat sh e lea rn ed in college was very d ifferen t th an w hat sh e found when she e n te re d th e classroom . “It was so ivory tow er in college,” T urok said. “I ex pected stu d en ts to be really excited ab o u t learning, and I found they W eren’t. I had to lea rn to be c re ativ e to motir vate them to le a rn .” She said she often uses hum or in th e classroom to get h e r p oin t across. “I. try to b e firm, fair, friendly and fUn,” she said. T urok said one helpfttl thing she has .discovered over th e y e a rs is th a t stu d e n ts learn differently. i “B ecause my class is so hands-on, kids have th e o p p o r tunity to le a rn in a variety of ways,” T urok said. “They-have to listen and th en apply w hat th ey ’ve lea rn ed ." v T urok said to succeed in
A W inning D isplay—
Linda Turok The L ennem an home on Darwin Drive was one of th e w inning photograph only shows part o f the work th e L ennem ans did dress h e r class, students need to enhomes in th e Festival of L ights Christm as decorations contest. T he u p th e ir home for th e holidays. „ te r with, a cooperative a tti tude. “I’d like them all to be-hard— i < \ y ./ ■} . \ / * \ '■■ ’ - i w orkers and good listen ers, b u t th a t isn ’t always th e case,” Turok said. She said when students T he P u rp le R ose T h e a tre leave h er class, they will be A p artm en t 3A is b ein g d irec , D ecem ber 17, 1996 to approve or deny the C helsea District Company w ill sch ed u le four ad ted by Guy S an v ille, a rtistic sm arter m oney-m anagers and Library Board Resolution/Agreement, a t 7:00 p.m. a t th e Lima ditional weeks o f perform ances d ire c to r o f th e P u rp le R ose b etter decision-makers, in ad Township Hal); 11452 Jackson Road; Dexter, Mi v /• of “A p artm en t 3A,” by J e ff D an T h eatre Company. Set design is dition to developing efficient iels. , kitchen skills and basic sew by D aniel C. W alker a n d light A rlene R. Barels The play w hich began p re ing design is by D ana White. ing and m ending com petence. Clerk Turok said th e th in g she e n views on Sept. 26 an d w as sch e Costum e d esign is by C hristina • du led to close on Nov. 24, will M. F o ste r a n d sound design is joys most about h e r teaching co n tin u e through. S atu rd ay , by R. T hom as Bray. A nthony c a re e r is h er students. Dec. 21. P erfo rm an ces w ill bet C aselli is th e stage m an ag er for “The kids are th e b est,” she W ednesdays through S atu rd ay s th e production. said. “Every day is different. I at 8 p.m. w ith Sunday shows at 2 like building re la tio n sh ip s p.mTand 7 p.m. Two ex tra m ati with the kids an d w atching nee p e rfo rm a n c e s w ill b e them learn from th e ir m is added W ednesday, Dec. 18 and takes.” Saturday, Dec. 21 'at 3 p.m. All She said one of the m ost C helsea Com m unity H ospital perform ances a re at th e P u rp le Com m unity H e alth a n d Well rew arding aspects o f h e r job is Dexter Township is seeking applicants to serve as a Rose T h ea tre Com pany’s G ar n ess w atching h e r stu d en ts m ake P ro g ra m s is o ffering regular member of the Dextpr Township Zoning Board age T h eatre, 137 P ark St., C h el Yoga c la ss e s T h u rsd ay , Dee. connections betw een real-life sea. . situations and things s h e ’s of Appeals i 5 - Jan. 9 a t e ith e r 4:30 or 6:15 The original cast o f "A part trie d to teach them in the p.m. A chieve u n io n o f body, The applicant must be a resident of Dexter Township. m ent. 3A” classroom . A. w ill con tin , u e w ith th e m ind a n d sp irit through p ro p er The Zoning Board of Appeals meets monthly. production through th e exten- breathing, stretch in g , postures “ I think about th e little Sion. It fea tu res Suzi R egan as ' and o th er tech n iq u es. things, having an im pact on If you are interested, please send letter expressing Annie Wilson, Leo M cNam ara young p eo p le ’s liv es,” Turok your interest and qualifications to: as h e r lan d lo rd , Mr. D alrym ple, C lasses w ill be h e ld at the said. “It’s rew arding w hen R andall Godwin as h e r neigh H ospital’s W hite Oak W ellness students who com e back to bor, D onald, a n d Jo se p h A l Center. To re g iste r an d for m ore, visit me a re still using skills I JOHN P. SDAO, SUPERVISOR bright as h e r co-worker, Elliot. inform ation, c a ll (313) 475-4103. tau g h t them .” Dexter Township She said she thinks in th e 6880 Dexter-Pinckney Rd. future com puters w ill be key Dexter, Mi 48130 in changing the way education is approached. 1 In addition to teaching, If you have any questions, please call 426-3767 during T urok coaches seventh grade business hours. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Frlday girls volleyball. She was also m 1996 Tax, Collection Hours: Monday through in charge of th e B each M iddle Friday 9:00-4:00 Saturday 9:00-12 Noon School new spaper for several Taxes may also be paid @ 1st of America Bankyears, but dropped th a t activ Dexter Branch ity th is year. Taxpayers are NQ longer required to pay In h e r sp a re tim e, T urok enjoys playing golf, gardening, a 3% penalty after February 15th. p a rticip a tin g in ch u rch activi Juiie A. Knight tie s and cross-stitching.
at P urple R ose T heater
C helsea H ospital offers yOga classes
Dexter Township Treasurer
Metzler places 3h l in MATH Challenge Jo sh u a Metzler, a H ope Col lege sophom ore from Chelsea, was p a rt of a three-person team th a t received second p lace d u r ing the th ird annual M ichigan A utupm T ake H om e (MATH) Challenge. Held this y ear on Saturday, Nov. 9, th e MATH C hallenge is a team -oriented, three-hour exam co n sisting o f 10 ch allen g in g p roblem s from an u n d erg rad u a te m ath em atics c u rric u lu m . Teams take th e exam on th e ir home, cam pus u n d e r th e su p er vision of a faculty advisor. This
y e a r’s com petition in clu d ed 40 team s rep resen tin g 13 M ichigan schools. W hile a t Hope, M etzler had p a rtic ip a te d in v a rsity cross country, varsity track, college chorus, Fellow ship o f C hristian S tu d en ts a n d in tra m u ra l a th le t ics. His nam e has a p p e a re d on th e D ean’s List. Metzler, a m athem atics and physics m ajor, is th e son o f A r le n e Seelbach of C helsea and M ichael M etzler o f D exter. H e is a 1995 grad u ate o f Chelsea High School.
M arine Pvt. B rian K. K irklin, son o f Ju d ith A. Colem an of C helsea, re c e n tly com p leted basic tra in in g a t M arine Corps Recruit.
Depot, P a rris Island, S.C. K irk lin ®su c ce ssfu lly com p le te d 11 w eeks o f tra in in g d e sig n ed to c h a lle n g e n ew M arine re c ru its both physically a n d m en tally . * K irklin and fellow re c ru its began th e ir train in g a t 5 a m . by running th re e m iles an d p e r form ing calisthenics. In a d d i tion to th e physical co n d itio n ing program , K irk lin .sp e n t n u m ero u s h o u rs in firs t aid, u n ifo rm reg u la tio n s, co m b at w a te r survival, m arksm anship, h an d -to -h an d co m b at and asso rted w eapons training.
New restaurant opens > (Continued from Page 17) - read y fo r th is kind of, busir n ess,” Koch observed, r ! “It’s b e e n g reat. Wfe have a ; iot of local b u sin e ss people ; Come in. E veryone kind of ex*p resses th e sam e View point -th a t th ey ’ve b e e n w aiting for l an a lte rn a tiv e r e s t a u r a n t . in : D e x te r”
Dbxter Township Is seeking, applicants to serve on the Dexter Area Wide Rre Dept The applicant must be a resident of Dexter Townshfp.
-*-t T
If you are interested, please send letter expressing your interest and qualifications to: y
JOHN P. SDAO, SUPERVISOR Dexter,Township 6880 Dexter-Pinckney Rd. Dexter, Ml 48130
A public hearing will be held to consider an amendment change to the Lima Township Zoning Ordinance. Application 096-004. th e petition of Stan Kint, High Tech Homes to rezone 9.98 acres from RS (Residential Suburban, one acre per residence) to C2 (Regional Service Commercial).This property is Jocated on Old ll.S. 12 (near Fletcher Road). Is part of NW1/4 section 24, Lima Township. Parcel. #G 07-17-400-008. This notice Is posted In compliance with PA 267 of. 1976 as emended (Open Meetings Act), MCLA 4i.72a(2) (3) and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). The Lima Township Board wHI provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed mate rials being considered at the meeting, so Individuals with disabilities at the meeting or public hearing upon 10 days notice to the Uma Township Board. individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Lima Township Board by writing or calling the following: Arlene Barels, Clerk, P.O.BOX59, Chelsea, Ml 48118-Phone #(313) 475-2202. ' A complete copy of this application Is on file in the office of thd Clerk and the Uma Township Hall office. / Written Comments May be Sent To: . '
Gregory McKenzie, Chairman
Lima Township Planning Commission
P.O.Box 69, CftefeM, Ml 48118
The meeting waS called to prder on December 2,1996 at 8:00 by supervisor Adrian, and opened with the Pledge to The. Rag. Present were Supervisor Adrian, Clerk Barels, Trustees Heller and Trinkle, Deputy Treasurer Bauer, Zoninginspector Koch, several visitors and residents. Approved minutes of Novemb9r.4,1996 meeting. Representatives of the Chelsea District Library were present to further explain the process of the proposed District Ubrary. . Approved motion to hold a special meeting on December 17, .1996 to approve or deny the district library board resolufion/agreement, at 7:00 p.m. at the township hall. An ad noting this will be printed in the Standard. The treasurers report was received. Zoning inspector issued 8 permits,. 1 home, 1 storage' addition, 1 pole barn. Answered complaint regardlngrailroad ties lying along private drive and zoning ques tions referring to the sale of the scrap yard. ' Approved motion to vote for incumbents for Michigan MunlcipafLiability Pool. Approved motion to request Supervisor take to the Chelsea Fire Department the proposed fire contract, m in effort to reduce costs, namely the building fund item. v. Approved motion to pay Charles Schauar .25 per mile to attend Washtenaw County Solid Waste Meetings. Heis uncompensated for attending these meetings. Mileage cap is 80 miles per month, v Accepted with-regrets ths resignatiefrof Betty Mesaman as Lima Township Tsasurer. ■ . . Appointed Leila Bauer as interim treasurer, compensating herewith the treasurers regular salary until January 20,1997. New ttfasurer to b e appointed January 6,1997, Approved motion to place an ad for resuflfes !r> the Standard and Leader for the; position of Lima Township TVeasurer indicating quallfieations. Experience in financial areas end real estate taxation helpful. Resumes must t e received by Clerk Arlene Berefe by December 27,1996. Appointment to be made on January 6,1997, by Board
If you have Any questions, please call 426-3767 dur ing businesshOure.9 a.m. to 1 pm Monday-Frlday
Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority. Accepted the appointment of Charles Schauer as representative to Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority. Approved motion to upgrade copier purchase from Sharp 6300 to Sharp 2022, pre vious^ approved October 7,1996. Approved-payment Of bills. ’ 4 Meeting adjourned at 11:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted* Aftene R, Barels, Clerk
•W a
» _*
* .* .
*• ^
*■ s - s -
Dexter Township is seeking applicants to serve as a regular member of the Dexter Township Board of Review. The applicant must be a resident of Dexter Township. The Board of Review meets once in December; 3-5 times in March and once in July. , If you are interested, please send letter expressing your interest and qualifications to: JOHNPrSDAO, SUPERVISOR Dexter Township * 6880 Dexter-Pinckney Rd. Dexter, Ml 48130 If you have any questions, please call 426-3767 during business hours. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Frlday
On Tfiwsd«y, December 19,1996, at 8t00 pm B T, at fh r Shaven Township Halt 18010 Peasant lake ReadL tht Shaven Township Planning Commission will held a Publk Mooring to retthrt tommbnts on tht ftlltwing preposaisi
1. An application by Michael and Danielle McLennan of 1 0 7 1 0 M -52, Manchester, to re-zone 14.84 acres at that address, Property ID 15-35-400-027, in the S E 1/4 of Sec. 35, from ft-2, low-density residential, to A - I,agricultural. 2. Major overhaul of Zoning Ordinance Article 2 2, Site Plan Review: Written comments may be sent to Roger Kappler, Chairman) Sharon Township Planning Commission, 19163 Bethel Church Roaa, Manchester, Michigan 4 8 1 5 8 , ~and -must be received before Dec. 1 8 ,' 1996. . The Sharon Township Zoning Ordinance, and the proposed amendment(s) and application (s), may be reviewed, and the Ordinance purchased, by appointment; through Teri Aiuto, Sharon Township Cleric. Call 4 2 6 -7 0 02 . The regular meeting of the Commission will CommehcV immediately following the Public Hearing;
Sharon Township Planning Commission R o g er K a p p ler, C h a irm a n
Page 23 »
Open house set at M atthaei Botanical Gardens
D e x te r
— A C e le b r ity V is ito r — The Leonards, six-yearold Andrew and two-year-old Evan, w hispered th e ir w ishes for C hristinas to Santa Saturday in M onum ent Park. Santa Claus was brought in by D exter M er chants A ssociation as p a rt of Holly Dgze. Also p ictu red are Santa's help ers, in clu d ing Em ily VOntom, A ngela T hiel, Ame P etry and Bonnie Seleska, who d ressed in oldfashioned garb and gave cookies to youngsters.
Last year, two-thirds (65 p e r cent) o f the 212 recorded fire deaths in Michigan o ccu rred in residential family dwellings. “Many o f those re sid en tia l fire d eath s could have b e e n p rev en ted if w orking sm oke detectors had b e en a v a ila b le /’ said J e rry Basch, AAA M ichigan Com m unity Safety Services manager. The ” 1995 F ire in M ichigan A nnual R eport,” com piled and p u b lish ed by th e F ire M arshal Division of the Michigan S tate Police, shows th at 52.2 p e rc e n t of th e 15,243 dwellings involved did not have detectors. A nother 3.8 p ercen t h a d detectors th a t did not work, “Tragically, h alf o f th e resi dential fire deaths occurred in stru ctu res w ithout d etecto rs,” said Basch. “When seconds count, sm oke detectors a re your b est earlyw arning system th a t a fire' is underw ay,” ad d ed B asch. “Smoke and poison gases can kill after a few breaths, with tw o-thirds o f re sid e n tia l-fire s happening betw een 8 p.m an d 8 a.m., with 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. th e most dangerous perio d .” B asch ad d ed th a t sm oke detectors can wake a p erso n w hile th e re is still tim e for life saving action, e sp e c ia lly for ch ild ren who need ad u lt guid ance in an em ergency situation. Of the total 1995 M ichigan fire deaths, ch ild ren u n d e r age 10 accounted for 29.9 p e rc en t of the 212 fatalities — the m ost for any age group. AAA Michigan advises th a t smoke detectors a re av ailable at m ost hardw are, d ep artm e n t and discount stores, often for u n d e r $15 and m any fire d ep artm en ts have program s to p ro v id e sm oke d e te c to rs for p e o p le w ith financial n eed s. Sm oke d e te c to rs Should b e placed pn every level ;of th e dwelling. To h elp M ichigan resid en ts m ake th e ir hom es safe an d to show how to escape should a fire occur, AAA M ichigan b ran c h offices across th e sta te differ th e public a fre e bro ch u re titled, “Planning for Home F ire
E m ergencies.” T he b ro c h u re has sp ecial sections on the value of smoke 5 / J
5 / 1 V
5 / 1
BIG BUCKS ON PHONE CALLS • H om e a n d B u sin ess S e rv ic e • P re -P a ld P h o n e C a rd s • A m erivox 3 m in. lo n g d is ta n c e • MCI, S p lin t, AT&T lo n g d ist.
MmiTummimminTimiiTimnirinimii Village Resale & Music Grtal Pricts,«.»Grtat Gifts
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$ 1 .8 0
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G uJtar Packs*. $199.95 D ram S e t* $199.95 Bedroom Sokes:— — Porcelain Eagles & Clowns Cookie J a n • Lots o f Toys & Gifts F u rak v re& M lsc. T oro S aow blow en,. $150 New & Used BUY * S E L L • TRADE C hrfetm asLay-away Available
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Lath and Plaster Veneer Plaster Ornamental Plaster
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Cement Plaster and Stucco Exterior Synthetic Plasters Spray and Hand Texturing
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e a
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• G lass Replacem e • S tone Chip Repal • W indow Tintin
ftia l
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e > o ta
Alexander & Horaung Spiral Sliced, Honey Glazed Hams...$3.691b. Christmas Cookfes-Soft Pretzels From Our Bakery
Party Platters - Subs • Specialty Sandwich Home Made Salads and:Bal(^|SOddji v>w w j v• •.<>,<. .
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B a x t e r ' s c a n p r o v i d e f o r a l l y o u r b u s in e s s o r ’
h o m e h o lid a y e n te r ta in in g n e e d s .
D avid M . H am el, M anager P re-A rran g em en ts • C rem ation Services C em etery M arkers
New and Repair
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293 N. Zeeb Rd. (At 1-94) Ph: 668-7059 • Fax: 668-9996
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L o o k in g fo r i n te r e s tin g re a d in g ? C h e c k to d ay 's c la s s if ie d se c tio n .
6:30 am-9:30 pm 8:00 am-9:30 pm 9:00 am-6:00 pm
3410 B r o a d S t . , D e x te r
I f f ! /y * P tw l
1*) ■ } % i W *■a >r : ,,v! I
C H O I C E ST E A K S ♦ RIBS ♦ C A J U N F R E S H FISH ♦ V E G E T A R IA N - G R E A T S A N D W IC H E S • introducing breakfast on Saturdays & Sundays -Featuring Sunday Brunch Buffet ■ • Live entertainm ent this Friday & S aturday night • O pen N ew Year's Eve with a live b an d l
NOW $7.60.... ...Reg. $8 .
On all above Items- silk & pleats extra.
- N ow accepting reservations .
Honey Creek Shopping Center 5651 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, Ml 747-7747
Chelsea Shopping Center 1060 S.Main St. Chelsea, Ml 475-8855
Local homes show holiday spirit N ite Lltes. a drive-through holiday lig h t show, will con tin u e to be held a t th e Jack so n C ounty F airg rounds through Dec. 31. T he show opened Nov. 20, an d will he open to th e p u b lic every W ednesday through Sunday up to Dec. 22 from 6-10 p.m. From Dec. 23 through Dec. 31, th e display will be open every night, with th e sam e hours. . In a d d itio n to the C hristm as lights a t th e show, th e re is also a live m anger scene. , T he p rice for th e show is $5 p e r vehicle.
l/J F f
d e tecto rs, e sc a p e p la n s and special plans for c h ild re n , the elderly and disabled.
"A n afternoon filled w ith free activities for th e e n tire family at the U-M M atthaei B otanical G ard en s' O pen H ouse "A C elebration of Light” will be held Sunday, Dec. 15 fcpm 1-4 p.m. Kids an d ad u lts will o p p o rtu n ity to ta k e p a r t in num erous hands-on activ ities and w orkshops which include making b ird fee d ers and lum i n aries, p la n tin g a te rra riu m and le a rn in g th e E a ste rn E u ro p e a n a r t o f folding p a p e r into sta rs. A ll m a te ria ls for these w orkshops a re provided and w hen com pleted can be taken hom e to enjoy. In clu d ed will b e u p b e a t jazz presentations by th e A nn A rbor School o f Perform ing A rts and gardening stories p resen te d by Gabby, T he G arden’s Gabbler, a.k.a. M other Goose, as w ell as an outdoor guided conifer walk. Kids can go bananas over the sausage a n d chocolate trees or buzz a b o u t th e in se c t-e a te rs and sen sitiv e p la n ts in th e Conservatory. The G ardens have a live 10-, foot p o in se ttia tre e d isplay; w rapped I n a sw irl o f pink, cream a n d red p o in settias and am aw ard-w inning orchid, Oncidium Illu stre ‘M atthaei’ in b rillia n t bloom in th e Conservatory. A dm ission is fre e for th e Open H ouse and all a re invited. Throughout th e holiday sea: son (except Christm as and New Years), th e G ardens has extend ed its hours until 6 p.m. for guests . to view . its newly installed evening lighting. Walk the winding paths an d sm ell the evening jasm ine an d exotic orchids. See m ore th an 1,000 v arieties o f exotic flora from around th e world flourishing in a tro p ic a l, w arm -tem p erate and d e s e rt environm ents. D iscover th e jew el o f Ann Arbor! T he M atthaei' B o tan ical G ardens a re lo cated a t 1800 N orth D ixboro Road, east of US-23.
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Page 24 *
tent : The VFW h a ll in D exter was the setting Sunday even ing, Nov. 24, for th e H arvest C eleb ratio n o f th e C helsea F re e „M ethodist C hurch, w ith o y e r 275 p e o p le involved in th e p la n n e d activities. The m qin p u rp o se o f th e ev en t w as to c e le b ra te th e b u rn in g o f th e sa n ctu a ry m ort gage p apers. In 1979, th e 35 ch u rc h es of the S o u th ern M ichigan F re e M ethodist C onference p re sen ted to th e Chelsea- F re e M ethodist C hurch, $100,000 to b u ild a facility for its m em b ers, a sm all group o f 50 in d i v id u a ls who had b een m eeting a t St. B a rn ab a s C hurch in C helsea. T en a c re s o f la n d on W erkner R oad was p u rc h a se d for $25,000 iii 1980. A $225,000 loan was se.cured,''construction began an d .in 1981 th e first w orship serv ice was h eld in th e new sanctuary.In 1990, extensive rem o d el ing was done to ad d m ore o f fices an d classroom space. In N ovem ber 1994, the Church began its H arvest The D ream M inistry, a capital Stew ardship cam paign d e signed to pay off th e ir $220,000 m ortgage and provide funding for an ad d itio n al facility. Two y e ars into th e th ree-y ear cam paign, oyer $220,000 has been ra ise d and th e m ortgage was officially p a id off on Nov. 11. The Rev. Mearl Bradley, p a sto r of th e C helsea F re e M ethodist Church since 1979, re c a lls h is conversation with
Peter M. Young
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u il d
e r
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State License #079558
G reg o ry , M ich .
Support your local businesses
DATE: Tuesday, December 3.1996,7:30 p.m. PLACE: Dexter Township Hall, 6880 Dexter-PJnckney Road. Pastor Mearl Bradley (in foreground) prepares to b u rn the C helsea F ree Methodist C hurch's m ortgage PRESENT: John Sdao, Julie Knight, William Elsenbeiser, Harley Rider, Ubble papers at the Harvest Celebration held November 24, w hile (from left to right) Don House, Bob Turner, Brushaber Randy Lane (bidden from view) and Dave M iller look on. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Sdao. Agenda approved. 'th e financial institution hold on N ovem ber 11 w ith th a t last s6at capacity, it w ill se rv e as a Moved by Knight, supported by Rider to approve the minutes of the November 19, / ing th e mortgage. paym ent in my h an d !” full-size gym to allow fo r ex 1996 meeting. Treasurer’s Report-Tax statements sent out. Checked on M r. Swoop's sewer “I asked them in S ep tem b er H a n s for ex p an d in g th e ex p an sio n o f th e F a ith fu l F it assessment. Would like to have the Board remove the 3% penalty on taxes paid after what I would need to do to g e t isting facility a re d iv id ed into ness a ero b ics p ro g ram and February 14. Would like to install a drop box. possession of the m ortgage th re e phases. P h ase 1, w ith pro v id e re c re a tio n facilities Moved by. Rider, supported by Elsenbeiser to waive the 3% penalty levied on tax pap ers for our p lan n ed No g ro undb reak in g sc h ed u le d for for its congregation, a s well as payment received after after February 14 of each tax collection year. Carried. Moved by Elsenbeiser, supported by Knight to install a tax payment drop box at the vem ber m ortgage-burning late 1997 an d co n stru ctio n a tool to b e u se d for o u trea ch Townhall. Carried. celebration. T he answ er I r e sch ed u led to begin in late m in istries. P h a se s II an d III Moved by Elsenbeiser, supported by Knight to approve an agreement to become ceived was short and to th e 1998, will be th e co n stru ctio n in clu d e rem o d elin g o f th e ex part of the Chetsea District Library and sign the District Library Agreement. Brushaberpoint: ‘Make th e last paym ent.’ of a m ulti-functional sancistin g sa n ctu a ry fo r class No, Rider-Yes, Eisenbelser-yes, Sdao-NosKnight-Yes. Carried. It gave me trem en d o u s p le a s tanasium . In a d d itio n to being room s an d th e b u ild in g of a Moved by Eisenbeiser, supported by Brushaber to approve the Dexter Area Fire Department plan to create a joint substation with the Chetsea Fire Department, to be u re to walk into th a t b uilding a w orship c e n te r w ith a 425- new 650-seat san ctu ary . located at the Multi-Lake Sewer Building. Carried. Moved by Brushaber, supported by Knight to employ Knight Excavating to clear the Township Parking tot of snow and ice. Carried. Moved by Rider, supported by Knight to approve a resolution commending Jim Drolett for his service to Dexter Township. Carried. T he W ashtenaw County Moved by Rider, supported by Elsenbeiser to approve a resolution commending Raffle tick ets fo r th e event n ated by H e y d lau ffs and Earl Doletzty for his service to Dexter Township. Carried. S h e riffs D ep artm en t D.A.R.E. a re availab le from th e W ash C helsea D.A.R.E. sponsors. Moved by Elsenbeiser, supported by Rider to approve the purchase of plaques for team will sq u a re off against tenaw County S h eriff's De In add itio n , m any kids’ Jim Drolett and Earl Doletzky. Carried. ■> the C helsea D.A.R.E. team at p a rtm en t t>r th e C helsea Po p rizes will be raffled d uring Moved by Knight, supported by Brushaber to reappoint Harley Rider to the Dexter the Ann A rb o r Ice Cube in th e lice. The cost o f th e tick ets is interm issions. Township Planning Commission for the duration of hie term, Carried event. The gam e will begin at 5 $5, and one ch iId 12-years-old"Movedby Knight, supported by Brushaber to reappoint Harley Rider to the Dexter p.m. Township Planning Commission for the duration of.his term. Carried. or u n d e r will b e ad m itted free LOSE UP TO \ Moved by Rider, supported by Eisenbeiser to table action on the appointment of w ith each adult. Tom Ehman to the Planning Commission until June 3,1997. Yes-3, No-2. Carried. The gran d p rize will be a Moved by Brushaber, supported by Knight to have Supervisor John Sdao and Clerk William Eisenbeiser sign the 1997 contract with the Washtenaw County Sheriff for tra in trip for two to Toronto 1997. Carried. professional m anner. And to and $200 in cash, (donated by Resignations were received from James Drolett from the following boa/ds: 91 1 all of my read in g au d ien ce, H orizon Travel. PROGRAMS START AT Taskforce, Regional Dispatch Authority, Dexter Area Fire Board, may God s p e ac e be yours^this Moved by Eisenbeiser, supported by Rider to appoint John Sdao to the Dexter F irst prize will be a 27-inch holiday season. M erry C hrist Township Zoning Board of Appeals for his term until Nov. 20,2000. Carried. ‘3 0 M A G IC RCA home th e a te r system , domas everyone! Moved by Rider, support by Brushaber to adjourn the meeting. Carried. NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Meeting adjourned. . ALL NATURAL, HERBAL PRODUCTS Respectfully submitted, 1 ' , William Elsenbeiser ‘ Clerk, Dexter Township
o ffic ia ls h o ld D .A .R .E . b en efit
"■ A benefit hockey gam e has b een scheduled for Jan. 11 to ra is e money for Drug A buse R esistance Education, a pro gram th at aim s to prevent su b stan ce ab u se among young people.
(Continued from Page .20) priv e a d efen d an t o f his/her hom estead. • To lim it adverse im pact on th e unem ployed and working poor, no judgm ent will be sought from any inm ate whose income, is a t o r below the ex isting fed eral' incom e poverty level. This provides us w ith a quantifiable incom e level as a starting point for this process. Pending th e outcom e o f last night’s board m eeting, S heriff S chedil w ill begin im plem ent ing th is p ro cess in early 1997, a s soon as th e p ro ced u res and Staffing a re in p lace to c arry p u t th e im plem entation!! of th e progiram. P rojected rev e n u e s a re betw een $100,000-1 450,000 p e r year, and a re in k e e p in g w ith th e b o ard 's 1992 'policy in itiativ e of fairly a s sessin g costs for services w hen Allowed u n d e r law. O pera tio n a l costs for th e 64 b ed ex p an sio n of th e County ; Jail_ w ithin two y e a rs a re expected to rea ch $300,000 annually Jonce com pleted. The p eo p le in D is tric t 1 th a t I’ve spoken to so f a r w ould m uch ra th e r see us In stitu te 'f£ ja il reim b u rsem en t p la n th a n to ask th e citizens of ' th e county fo r a n o th er m illage in crease. C o llaborating w ith S heriff Schebil to im p lem ent th is p ro cess in W ashtenaw County has b een one o f my perso n al goals sin ce becom ing a com m issio n er two y ears ago; H opefully, th in g s w ent sm oothly enough la st night to have m ade th is goal a reality. S p e c ia l th an k s to S h eriff Ron Schebil; J a il C om m ander M ark Ptaszek, Lt. 'J e r r y Clrfyton, B usiness M anager Carol B er n a rd , County A d m inistrator Bob G uenzel, Deputy Admin. Donna Roth* and my fellow b o a rd m em bers who w ere su p p o rtive o f th is issue. Y ou've all Worked extrem ely B ard a t m oving th is sensitive m a tte r forw ard in a highly
Outdoors tinned from Page 21): ildon't w ant to give th e im p re s s io n th a t a ll outdoorsm en p ro a n u n g ratefu l lot o r th a t $hoy d o n ’t a p p re c ia te a gift if j t's not exactly right, bin- I th o u g h t th is w ord o f advice m ight h elp .y o u to m a k e s sen* iftble d ecisio n w h e n jro a a re picking out a gift th is y e a r fo r y o u r favorite outdoorsm an. T hen m aybe I w on't g e t th a t ip t o f h and-knitted, p u rp le a n d Orange golf c lu b booties y o u ' Were p lan n in g on giving to m e,
^ 313) 913-9708
—^AH Y our B uilding & R em odeling N eed s"
• A d d itio n s • ' B a th ro o m s • • G a ra g e s , •
N ew H o m es •- K itch en s P o rch es ' C arpentry R o o fs • S id in g
• F am ily R o o m s • D eck s • F lo o rin g &SB2SS
Specializing in Fire Restoration and Insurance R epair Mark L. Dreyer, Owner
Licensed & Insured General Contractor
A 7C
flQ E O
: i : / r: j ? f
< A ,• i '!
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President Steele, ClerR Morrison, Village Manager Myers, Assistant Village Manager Pindzia. Trustees Present: Rigg, Daut, Hammer, Clark, Cashman Absent: Trustee Merkel----Others Present: G. Keates, A. Trotter, A. Feeney, B. Shepherd, M. Heydlauff, J. Frank, J. Dreyer, J. Frank, J. Myles, K. Myle8, S. Mcelrath, M. Kfpfmiller, B. Roberts. The first order of business was public participation, Mark Heydlauff and Ann Feeney discussed with Council landscaping and maintenance of landscaping as well as the Pump & Pantry Lot. They also discussed the possibility of the Downtown Development Authority purchasing additional lighting. Motion by Hammer, supported by Cashman to approve the Consent Agenda with a change to ttys Agenda (An addition the New Business Item e) Adoption of Plan for Retirees, moving Other New Business to f). Ail Ayes. Absent: Merkel. 'Motion carried. Daniel Ellenwood, Fire Chief, presented the October 1998 Chelsea Fire Department Activity Report. Lenard McDougall, PoilceChief, presented the October 1996 Police Department. Activity Report, Motion by Hammer, supported by Clark to remove from the Table: AATA Agreement. Al!ayes. Absent: Merkel.-Motion carried. Motion-by Hammer, supported by Cashman to approve the AATA Purchase of Services Agreement. All ayes. Absent: Merkel. Motion carded. (Agreement Attached as Appendix A). . Motion by Daut, supported by Clark to remove from the Table: Zoning Text Amendment-Civil Infraction Enforcement. All ayes. Absent: Merkel. Motion carried'. Motion by Hammer, supported by Daut to accept the Zoning Text AmendmentCivir infraction. Enforcement. All ayes. A b s e n t Merkel. Motion carried. Dan Kaminsky, representing the District Library provided an update regarding the District Library agreement. Motion by Daut, supported by Hammer to authorize the President Stedie to sign a sales agreement for Lot 9 of the Industrial Park after the required survey is received. Alf ayes. Absent: Market. Motion carried. -Motion by Hammer, supported by Cashman to approve the Transmission Service Agreement with Consumer Power. Alt ayes. Absent: Merkel. Motion car ried. (Agreement Attached As Appendix B). . Motion*by Daut, supported by Hammer, to approve the Network Operating Agreement. Ail. ayes. Absents Market. Motion carded. (Agreement Attached As AppendixC); ' ■• • • Motion by Hammer, supported by Daut to approve the Stand Energy Agreement •with a change of Village of Chelsea “Buyer." All ayes. Absent: Merkel. Motion Carried. (Agreement Attached as Appendix D). Motion by Cashman, supported by Clark to approve Ayres, Lewis Norris & May, Inc, to perform Groundwater Supply Development Study fair' an amount not to exceed H 6 0 0 . Roil Call Vote. Ayes: Cashman, Hammer, Daut, Rigg, Clark, Steele. Absent: Merkel. Motion carried. Motion by Clark, supported by Cashman to accept the Village Engineer's rec ommendation regarding the Chelsea Schools connection Pees. Ail ayes. Absent:■ Merkel. Motion cafried. fc Motion by Hammer, supported by Clark to approve the Chelsea Lions Club Candy Carte Sate on December 6-7 and December 14-16,1998,‘Ail ayes, Absent: MerkeL-Motion carried. Motion by,Daut, supported by Rigg to cancel the December 24,1996, Council Meeting. Ail ayes. Absent: Merkel. Motion carried. Motion by Cashman, euppotted by Hammer to select the incumbents for the Section of Mfchlgan.Munlclpal Liability and Property Pool Board of Directors. All ayes. Absent: Merkel. Motion carried. Motion by Hammer, supported by Rigg to accept the Plan for Retirees. Mi ayes. Absent: Merkel. Motion carried. VWageManager Myers noted November 1,1996, correspondence regarding the Freer Road Sewer District Remaining, Motion , by Hammer, supported by Daut to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting-Time: 9:16 p.m. Alt ayes, Absent: Merkel. Motion carried, Meeting adjourned. .
1. Destined 6. Get lost! 10. Author of .several New Testament books 14. Boxing milieu 15. Sticky stuff 16. Handle 17. Alarm dock heeder 18. Charged with a crime 2 0 . Floor item 21, Slaughter 23. Essentials 24. Rose ,25. Houston and others 27. Lookout I 30. Invisible glow 31. Humor 34. Dash 35. Official proclamation 36. Spanish year * 37. Best Picture Oscar winner of 1939 41. dopy 42. These: Sp. 43. Befuddled 44. Knight 45. Sir Guinness 46. Bakery purchase 48. Drinks 49. Party 50. Shore 63. Staffs \
2 ,, 3
64. Class for a science student 57. Buyer 60. Disintegrate 62. Regarding 63. Quarter 64. Stiff 65. Editor's notation . 66. Muscle quality DOWN '
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
MacDonald’s home Elaborate song Examination . Direction: abbr. Not as light Old Sandburg or Jung Part of the yr. Cup contents Numbered leaves British queen (1702-14)
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40. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 58. 59. 61.
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4.'. ; 5
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Biblical verb Wed without fanfare Diminished Like some Congres sional committees Place for a belt — tube Yesterday's tomorrow Diminutive suffixes Riches Word whose homonym begins with an a Do a household chore Hippie’s home State positively Tie Carried Acct specialists , Eject Mr. Johnson Leatherstrap Journals Underground passage Venerable historian. Performance Michigan/Ontario region Stream
5.1; 52
1J i-i A i'1'
Village Clerk
31. 32. 33. 35. 38. 39.
6 7 . Uklng
S usan C. M orrison,
27. 28. 29. 30.
Page 2 6 *
Au tomotive
i H Automotive
1983 CHEVY 3/4 ton sport van. Runs good, "some rust. Asking $11,000. Can (313) 4750858.
l l
AEROSTAR-1993, ex tended, XLT, dual air, auto, 81,000 mUes,' Ex tended warranty avail able, TYME does It again. Small down, payments as low as $161 a month. No co signer heeded. (313) 455-5566. CALLCLASSIFIEDSI W ohelpyouget • results
1987 FORD RangerPrimer black, chrome wheels, 2.9 engine, new clutch, bed liner; air gate, rear speakers. §1,800 or best offer. 'Call (313) 439-2242.
l l
1988 HONDA ACCORD LXI. AM/FM .cassette, A/C,' 4 door, sunroof, auto, black exterior, tan interior, car phone. $5,000 or best offer. Call 313-572-8964. BRONCO 1987, 4 x 4, cute little truck. Only at TYME Only $3,399. (313) 455-5566.
iH A u tom oti
1989 XLT Deluxe van. Excellent condition, 2tone, $5,500.. Please call (313) 439-3179. 1997 FORD F-150 ext cab, 4x4, loaded, auto, 13,000 mites. $24,400. .Call 313-428-8909.
IT S A B O Y I Of o girl. C a l O o tstto d t o n d M ftow orjdinon.yourM w sl
BLAZER—1987, 4 x 4, auto., air. Make this your Christmas pres ent to yourself. Only $4,399. TYME (313) 455*566. CHEROKEE WAQON 1986,4X 4 nice eondlttQQ. $3,000 or best offer. 20 minute credit approval by phone. TYME, (313)455*666
EXPLORER-1992, XL, 4 x 4 , four door. Ex* ceilent condition. Re duced this week from $13,900, first $11,400 takes, zero down available. No consign er. TYME (313) 4555566.
LetClassifieds help sell your usedvehicle.
l l
EXPLORER - 1994, XLT, low miles. Jade green with leather In terior. This week only. Zero down avertable. 20 minute credit ap proval by phone. No
cosigner. $14,900. TYME (313) 455*566. ADVEimSC YOUR BUSINESS Of tervice in ctowiflodi. lo t hom o o w n o n know you exist.
W E ’V E S E T A N E W S T A N D A R D F O R U S E D C A R S !
FORD 19901/2 ton pickup. Looks end runs super. $3,000. TYME (313)455*566
67 DODGE 600 SE-4 door, PS, PB, A/C, ster eo, auto. Runs good. $1,550 or best offer. Cali 313-429-9525 evenings.
Ai&TIG.HT.brick lined heating stove. $100. Cali 313-475-3836 or 475-1523.
GRAND MARQUIS1990, power everything, excellent condition, $5,000. Call (313) 4759446.
*91 PLYMOUTH Laser — 5-spd., a/c, sun roof, AM/FM stereo, all new brakes and rotors. 81,000 miles, $4,600. Call (313)475-1222:
PROBE 1991, auto., air, dean, $2,900, TYME (313)455*566
RANGER 1989 extended cab, 4 x 4, nice condition. $4,450. TYME(313)455*566
C e r t if ie d
THUNDERBIRD, 1991, super coupe, dark red, charcoal, mint interior. Immaculate condition, with warranty. Tills week only $99 down, $81 bi-weekly. No co signer needed. TYME (313)455*566.
The B est New Cars make The Best Used Cars. 6-Year/100,000-M ile Lim ited powertrain W arranty 12-M onth Unlim ited M iles Roadside A ssistance New Vehicle Financing Rates And Terms 128-Checkpoint Inspection Superior _ Reconditioning Leasing Options 6-Year/100,000-M ile Comprehensive VS A Available
THUNDERBIRD—1993, LX, auto, air, stereo. Shop TYME the super market of used care. Compare our prices and save, $5,999. TYME, (313) 455*568. *87 CHRYSLER LeBaron, 104,000 miles, runs welt, no.rastreverythlng works, $1,495. Call (313)426-2427. '89 FORD P-250 Club Cab, cruise control, AM/FM with tape, auto., 8-ft. box with cap, tilt wheel, excellent condi tion, 10Q.000+ miles, $6,500. Call (517) 4518521.
*91 PLYMOUTH.1Voyag er—40,000 miles, 4-cyl., air, power brakes, locks and mirrors. 7-passeng er. $7,900 or best offer. Call (313) 433*823. 92 FORD Taurus GL— $4,500, good.condition, 10480 Piatt Rd„ Milan, (313)439*298. *95 CONTOUR-aulo, air, power windows & locks, ABS, AM/FM stereo cassette, keyiess entry, willow green, cruise control, very dean! $9,450. Call 313944-1022 H. or (313) 621-9976 Fo r Sale
1988 NOVA, good con ditions, brand, new parts, 5-speed, good winter car. $1,000 o.b.o. Call 313-475-0858. 1993 POLARIS XLTSP. Must see, $3,500, Many -extras. ■: New piston rings. 1996 . Sid Doo F3—900 mi., $3,350. Bob (313) 427-3002 days, (313) 581-4666 evenings. 5/4 CRAFTSMAN self propelled 2-stage snow blower. Good condition,. $125. Call (313) 4393912.
S U P E R S T O R E !
4 3 4 - 9 6 0 0
v o l v o
To discover new career oppor tunities. Employee's and execu tives count on classified every day to come into contact with each other, exchanging op portunities that make life much more enjoyable. Classified. The resource you can really rely on.
Chelsea Standard/ Dexter Leader Classifieds
BEAUTIFUL EMERALD ring with' diamonds. $300. Call (313) 439* ■ 7074. BUCK WALNUT log, 14” x 1V, make offer. Call (313)439-1915. CERAMICS UNLIMITED 10620 Platt Rd. Milan, Mich. (313)439-7046 Year end inventory sale. All greenware and supplies 25% OFF! Fri., Dec, 13-Fri., Dec, 20. We wBJ be closed Sal, Dec. 21 and will reopen Jan. 13. CHAIN LINK- FENCE, excellent.condition, 348 feet w/two gates. $600. Call 313-662*321. CHAINSAWS-084 Stihl, bars and chains-$525; 038 Stihl-$175. Good condrtion-both $600. Call 313-662-0993 after noons.. CONN ALTO saxo phone, excellent condi tion.. Days: (313)7616711, eves.: (313) 4291885. ' . CRAFTSMAN tool’ box es, 3 pc. set, top middle and bottom, 10 drawers total. Cabinet in bottom, $300: Call after 6 p.m., {313)429-8498. FIREWOOD-U-cut, Uhaul. $10 pick up load. Cali 313-429-7866.
Automotive..............................1 P e r s o n a l C la s s ifie d Motorcycles-....... ...... 10 Farm & Garden.............. .....20 C harge: Equipment & Supplies 1 -2 0 w ords - $7 Livestock, Feed & Seed 1 wora5 Farm Market 2 1 -4 0 w ords - $ 1 2 Recreational Equip............... .60 B u s in e s s C la s s ifie d Boats & Motors Snowmobiles Sport Equipment C harge: .For $ald......... ......... ...... " 4 9 2 $ 1 6 .0 0 p e r inch or le s s G a ragS 'S ates:: d ep en d in g oni freqMency Antiques........ ............... 130 Real Estate......................140 Your a d will run in C h e lsea J^nd . Standard, D exter Leader, MoEfe Homes S a lin e R eporter, Milan Lake Property N ew s Animals............. ...............190 Lost & Found....................200 T h an k Y ou/ Help Wanted.....................210 M e m o r ia m Work Wanted..*......;.........220 Adult Care;.................. .....230 $ 1 2 . 0 0 no limit on num ber ChildCare........................... 240 of w ord s Wanted- ' 250 ° ” u 'u ® W aoted toR e‘Z r ™ r ; 2 6 0 ^ osV free p et $ 6 .0 0 / w eek For Rent................. ............ 270 Found pet:. Free Homes Apartments Commercial Misc. Notices....................300 Personals........................ .310 n _ Entertainment.............;.... 320 Monday, 4 p.m. < B usiness Services...........330 General m is c e lla n e o u s Carpentry/Construction Excavating/Landscaplng Malntenance/Repairs ., ' . . , ■Professional Ttitoring/lnstruction A" ad vertisers should Financial..,,..;;/........... ...... .400 ch eck their ad the first B usiness Opportunity/..... 410 w eek. The Standard/Leader Thank You........................420 : wilt b e responsible for the Me moriam.„.....;.-;.«.M'.......430 _^ 0f o n |y one incorrect
PuM e N o tices..................450: w s e r t o r
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Page 26*
For Solo
For Sale
DON'T FORGET the bird (oven in your family at Christmas. We have a full line cf bird and wildlife feed and feeders. Suet eakea, ear pom, aheB com, Mack sunflow ers, stripe/sunflowers, mixedi SALINETOWN6 COUNTRYSUPPLIES 773W. MichiganAve. Saliitf, Ml48176 (313)429*2909 ~ > d Buddy's
ORY FIREWOOD— Stored inside. $55 per face cord. $100 per pickup load. Call (313) 429-2836; EXERCISE Equipment. Sotoftex machine. $500; also rowing machine & Healthrider. Call 313944-6969. GENTLY used lockable pine gun cabinet With storage lor up to 10 long! guns. Two doors and cente; panel of lockable storage below, will] duck prints. $150. Call 517-523-3356.
HOLIDAY; BARBIES. Call (313) 475-
$ W
JOHN DEERE blade and chains, used only one season. LX or GT series, $325. Call (313) 878-5476. MILAN-spadous 2 bed* ram duplex, washer & dryer, large yard. Nonsmoke*, no pets. $600 per mo. plus utilities Available January. Can 313-439-0025. MOVING BOXES Clean, dry, bundled, $1 per box. Call (313) 4293151.
For Safe
For Sale
Oak flooring: 2*1/4 inch select red-$2.49 per sq. ft #2 red or white41.49. Wide oefc plank leveled edge* $1.65. Cali 1*800*523* 8878.
SEASONED FIRE* WOOD stored in bam. $55fone face cord ^ a w . or $100 for 2. We deliver. Cafi (313) 429*1203.
PINBALL MACHINE, full size. Dolly Paiton pin* ball machine by Bally. Good working condition. $500. Call 517*5233356.
SEASONED FIRE* WOOD, stored Inside. $60 per face cord. De livery in Saline area, Call 313-429*7494,
QUEEN SIZE bed . and box springs, 5 yews old, $200. Can Michelle, at (313) 475*1371 days, (313) 433*0901 eve nings;
SEASONED FIRE* WOOD-$55 for 1 face* cord (4ft(x8ft.x16-18*)or 2 for $100, Split and de livered, Can 313*429* 1791.
“ S U
SEASONED HARD WOOD, $45 per face cord, $115 per full cord, delivered; Call Dave (313)439-7210. w
SIX-PERSON Emerald spa with accessories. 1 year dd. $3,500 or best offer. Can (313) 4281355.
SOLID OAK DINING room set, tab* extends to 96*, 6 chairs, excel lent condition, $2,000. Call (313) 429-0017 af ter 5p.m.
^TRAILERS PARTS New &used enclosed cargo trailer. Many to choose from. Full Ena of gooseneck, utility, and horse trailers available. Axles, fenders, hubs, springs, lights, cou pler, etc, in stock. BROWN'STrailer, life, 3 miles east of CHn* ton, Mlon US-12, (517) 4564520.
TEMCO AMERICAN Dream vent/free gas logs 99.9% efficient LP Gas. 3 setting heat con trol, 1 year old $250. ($500 new). Calf 313* 665-0136 Or 747-9280.
For Sale
SALE ENDS 12/14/86 at 5 P.M. NO PAYMENTS TIL 97!
TELESCOPE - Jason 323, 160X, 480mm, $75. Call (313) 4281311, askfor Rick. VICTORIAN LAMP shades, custom made, severe) styles, free esti mates, Call Deb (313) 475-9446,
C h ris tm a s T ree s S a lin e -M ila n
U-CUT AND PRE-CUT Douglas. Fir, all $25. Prwcut Scotch Pine, $29, Wagon rides to the traea. Sows pro* vktod. Warm-up to cur Christmas kitchen. Christmas gifts and gift baskets available. Also patting corral. WindyRidge Orchard 9375Saline-Milan Rd. Saline (313)429-7111 Open Friday, Sal & Sun. 10:30-5:30. U-Cut on weekends only.
D i d y o u k n o w t h a t V a r s i t y F o r d i s o n e o f t h e l a r g e s t l i g h t t r u c k d e a l e r s in t h e w o r l d ? J u s t l o o k a t
t h i s h u g e i n v e n t o r y o f g r e a t u s e d F - 1 5 0 s t F - 2 5 0 s . & F - 3 5 0 s , a n d R a n g e r T r u c k s ! ...................
qtcftsfc*******.*** i
a u i i »
v t *«
................... I t s a l s o t h e s e a s o n f o r S P O R T U T IL IT IE S a n d W E 'V E G O T 'E M ! O V E R 5 0 T O C H O O S E FROIVM M o s t
e _•
4 i I .J I 6 4 4 4 4 ,* 4 .4 4 4 4. 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 1 t
a r e lo a d e d , lo w m ile a g e b e a u t i e s w ith a f e w
• ‘86 F-150 Reg. Cab PU. Tan, 27972 • '87 F-150 Reg, Cab PU, Brown, 27881 • ‘90 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Burg., 27152 • 91 F-15j) PU. Reg Cab, Black, 27069 • 9l F-150 PU Reg Cab, Black, 27301 • ‘91 F-150 PU Sup Cab Fores* Gr, 27952 , * *91 F-150 PU Reg Cab, White, 28115 *‘92 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Green, 27399 - • '92 F-150 PU Sup Cab, Red, 27659 • '92 F-150 PU Sup Cab. Red. 27864 • '93 F-150 PU Rg. Cab, Br/Tan, 27816 • '93 F-150 PU Sup Cab. Tan/. 27216 • '93 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Blue, 27221 • '93 F-150 PU Sup Cab, Silver, 27630 • '93 F-150 PU Sup Cab, Tan/B. 27768 •'93 F-150 PU RegCab, Red, 27737 • *93 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Black, 27798 • '93 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Blue, 27843 • '93 F-150 PU Reg Cab, White. 27859 • *93 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Red, 28416 •'93 F-150PU Reg Cab, Red, 28128 • 94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Black, 26671 •\'94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Blue, 26787 • *94. F-150 PU Sup Cab, Green, 27188 • '94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Red, 27892 • *94 F-150 PU Sup Cab, Green. 27541 • '94 F-150 PU RCab, Red/Sil,. 27013 • 94 F-150 PU Reg. Cab/Dr. Grn, 27568 • '94 F-150 PU Sup Cab Red. 27554 ' • ‘94 F-150 PU Sup Cab Red, 27610 • *94 F-150 PU Sup Cab, Bf/Sil. 27292 • '94-F.-J50 PU Sup Cab, White, 27646 • 94 F-150 PU Reg Cab. White, 27646 • ‘94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Blue, 27787 • '94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Green, 27955 • 94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Green, 2B852 • 94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Black, 24684 • '94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Black, 28884 •'94 F-150 PU Sup Cab, 28105 • '94 F-150 PU Sup Cab, Red, 28138 • '94 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Primer, 28068 • ‘94 F-150 PU Reg Cat), Green, 28159 • '95 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Green, 26487 • '95 F-150 PU Reg Cab, Green. 26748 • '95 F-.1 SO RCAB, Blue/White, 2784 •'95 F-150 P/U, Green, 27036 • '95 F-150RCAB,.Red, 27848 ............ • '95 F-150 Sup Cab, Green, 26978 V 9 5 F-150 P/U, Black 266958•n 95 F-150 RCAB, Green, 27184 *'95 F-150 Sup Cab, Black, 27211 • ‘Sj5 F-150 Sup Cab, Brown, 27287 • *95 F*150 RCAB, White, 27254 • ‘9 5 F-150 RCAB, Red, 27251 • ‘95 F-150 RCAB, Red/Gold, 27443 • *95 F-150 Sup Cab Red/White, 27438 • *95 F-150 Sup Cab, Blue, 27455. •*95 F-150 Sup Cab, Green, 27518 •'9 5 F-150 RCab, Blue, 27623 • ‘95 F-150 Sup Cab Red, 27625 • ‘95 F*1$0 Sup Cab, Green, 27685 •'95F -150P U Green, 27695 • '95 F-150 Sup Cab, Green, 47166 • '95 F-150 Sup Cab, Green, 27884 • '95 F-150 SUD Cab. White. 27799 • ‘95 F-150 RCab, Red; 27826 • '95 F*150 Sup Cab, Green,.27861 ♦*95 F-150 Sup Cab, Blue, 27932 • *95 F-150 RCab, Green, 27979 • *95 F-150 RCab, White, 28011 • '95 F-150 Sup Cab, Red, 28829 • '95 F-150 Sup Cab, Blue, 28841 . • *95 F-150 Sup Cab, Red, 28833 •'95 F-150 RCab,Red, 28866 '• ‘95 F-150 Sup Cab, Red, 28862 • '95 F-150 Sup Cab, White; 28109 | ♦ '95 F-150 .Sup Cab, Whlte/Blue. 28149 •'95.F*15GRCab, 28168 ! *'96 F-150 RCab, Blue, 27514 • F-150 Sup Cab RB Black, 27683 • •96 F-150 RCab, RBed, Black, 27615 • '95 F-160 Sup Cab; Red, 27679
• '96 F*150 Sup Cab Champagne,’27722 • ‘96 F-150 RCab, Green, 27749 • '96 F-150 RCab, Slue, 27813 • '96 F-150 Sup Cab, Greed, 27916 • '97 F-150 RCab Styld, Black, 26927 *'97 F-150 RCab Style, Silver, 26136 • '97 F-150 S. Cab Style, Red," 28158 • *92 F-150 PU Red.Cab, Black/27336 •'89 F-258 Ext Cab, Red, 27267 •'94 F-250 Sup Cab, Red, 27156 • '95 F-250, Reg Cab, White, 27444 • ‘95F-250 Sup Cab, BidCk, 27561 , *'95 F-250 SUp Cab, Black, 27974 • '9 .1 ^ 3 5 0 9 0 Cab, Black, 27359. • ‘94 F-350 PU Reg cab, Red, 27672
1995 Chevy K-1500 Ext. Cab.
b a r g a i n - p r i c e d u n i t s In s t o c k , t o o !
• • - • •
'95 F-350 PU, Black, 26943 ‘95 F-350. Sup Cab. Red, 227146 • ‘95 Ft350 Sup Cab, White, 27982 ; ‘96 F-350 Sup Cab. White, 27421 '91 Ranger PU, Reg Cab, Green, 27310 • *91 Ranger PU, Reg Cab, Primer, 28123 • '92 Ranger PU. Reg Cab, Blue, 27917 • '93 Ranger PU, Reg Gab, Blue, 27349 • 93 Ranger PU, Sup Cab, Black, 27379 • '93 Ranger PU Reg Cab, Green, 27387 • ‘93 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Mocha, 27673 . *.'93j *'93 Ranger PU Reg Cab, Blue, 28018 . • '94 Ranger PU Reg Cab, Purple, 27135 • '94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, White, 27184 • '94 Ranger PU Reg Cab, Blue, 27167 • '94 Ranger PU Reg Cab, Blue, 27235 • '94 Ranger PU SUp Cab, Green, 27351 > '94 Ranger PU Reg Cab Brill, Blue, 27437 • '94 Ranger PU Sup Cab Black, 27458 • '94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Plum, 27485 • '94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Black, 27563 • '94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Blue, 27647 • '94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Sk Red, 27663 ? '94 Ranger PU Tan/Belge, 27758’ » !94 Ranger PU, Sup Cab, Black, 27775 • ‘§4 danger PU, Sup Cab White, 27886 • '94 Ranger PU Reg'Cab, Black, 27915' • '94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Teal, 27969 • ‘94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, White, 28854 • '94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Plum, 28869 • '94 Ranger PU S Cab, Cayman Grn, 28106 „• ‘94 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Blue, 28167 • ‘95 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Blue, 28167 • '95 Ranger Sup Cab, Black, 27834 • '95 Ranger Sup Cab, Black, 27889 • '95 Ranger PU, Green, 28019 • '96 Ranger, Reg Cab, Gray, 27683 • '96 Ranger, Reg Cab, Green, 28145 • '92 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Red; 26478 • '92 Ranger PU Sup Cab, Red, 27321 • '92 Ranger .PU Reg Cab, Red, 2742
• ‘89 Bronco MPV, 28154 • '92 Bronco 2-door, red/grey, 27383 • ‘94 Bronco 2-door, green, 26820. • '94 Bronco 2-door, blue, 27513 .__ • '94 Bronco 2-door, green, 27681 • '94 Bronco 2-door, black, 27649 • ‘94 Bronco 2-door, green, 27769 • '94 Bronco 2-door, blue, 27873 > '94 Bronco 2-door, vyhlte, 28439 .■ • '95 Bronco 2-door, white, 26696 •!95 Bronco co 2-door, green, 27364 • '95 Bronco 2-door, red, 28813. • '95 Bronco 2-door, green, 28126 • *91 Explorer 4-door, red, 27716 • *91 Explorer 4,door, blue, 27959 • '92 Explorer 4 door; green 27800 •'92 Explorer 4 door, green 27250 . • '92 Explorer 4 door, blue,27356 • '92 Explorer 4 door, dk green, 26812 • '92 Explorer 2 door, green 27981 • '92 Explorer 4 door, cranberry,28108 • '93 Explorer 4 door, green 26757 • *93 Explorer 4 door, green 26986 • ‘93 Explorer 2door, purple, 27262 • *93 Explorer 4 door, green 2737t • ‘93 Explorer 4 door, gray, 27425 • '93 Explorer 4door, red; 27512 • '.93 Explorer s door, orange, 27895 • '93 Explorer 4 door, champagne, 27913 • ‘94 Explorer 4 door, dk red, 26924 . • '94 Explorer 4 door, blue,27201 • ‘94 Explorer 4 door, white, 27297, • '94 Explorer 4 door, green 27361 • • 94 Explorer 4 door, green 26639 • '94 Explorer 4 door, dk red/mar; 27428 • '94 Explorer 4 door, green 27420 • *94 Explorer 4 door, white, 27565 • '9.4 Explorer 4 red, 27.825 • ‘94 Explorer 4 door, burgV 27893 ' • '94 Explorer 4 door, green 27924 •. • '94 Explorer 4 door, dk red, 28107 " •'94 Explorer 2 door, teal green, 28148 > • ‘94 Explorer 4 door, green, 28158. • '9$ Explorer 4 door, green, 26531 • '95 Explo/er 2door, green, 26982 • ‘95 Explorer 4 door, green 27727 . • '95 Explorer 2 door, black, 27930 ’ • '95 Explorer 2 door, green, 28882 « ‘95 Explorer 4 door, green, 28864 • '95 Explorer 4 door, red, 28867 • '95 Explorer 4 door, green 28895 • *95‘Explorer 4 door, white, 28113. • '96 Explorer 2 door, fed, 27762 • *96 Explorer 4 door, white 27772
P.U., 4x4,350 eng., black beauty!
C ■ 1994 F-350 DUMP TRUCk, white with 1988 ESCORT GT LUXURY, little white grey interior, 351, V-8,35,000 miles, and car with grey interior. Aluminum wheels, . lots left to go) $16,899 or $379/mo. 27088 tilt, cruise, cassette and more. $3999. 27064 1995 E-150 CARGO VAN. Perfect for delivery, store owners or craftsmen. 1991PONTIAC 600 LE, 4 door, Sparkling Silver with grey seats, 6-cyllndef, auto white with burgundy interior, lots of power. matic, and low, low miles. Still under war equipment, low miles and front wheel ranty. Buy smart, buy this truck! $16,999, Or Or $339/mo. 26263 $147/m0; 26456 1996 E-150 CARGO VAN., Corporate 1988 HONDA PRELUDE SI, four wheel white, you your lettering will look great! Vsteering. It's sharp, it's fun to drive and it's 8, automatic, and. air conditioned. got everything you could want from $17,399 or $349/mo. 2785 Santa! $4,899 or $1146/mo. 1989 TOYOTA TERCEL, 2 door, dark blue with blue interior, automatic, air and more! $3,899 or $ 27598 1993 FESTIVA. Teal with gray interior, front wheel drive, arcl economical enough to make Scrooge smile! $3,299.27652 ; 1992 AEROS7AR Extended Eddie .Bauer, dark blue with mocha cloth, quad seats, loaded with equipment. One only at the holiday gift price of $6,999.27822. 1995 ESCORT IX Wagon; This low, low mileage one-owner trade has the pre ferred equipment package, convenience group, luggage rack and more. Still under warranty. Own for $8,999 or ask about our low lease payment! 27831 , 1996 PLYMOUTH NEON. Shqrp little red car with grey . interior. Automatic, air, casette and low miles. $9,999' or $199/mo. 275923 1995 MERCURY TRACER Trio. Jet black, grey interior arid it is nice! THis is the fancy model Automatic and lots of nice options. Low, low miles and still under warranty. $10,999 or $209/mo. 27793 1993 FESTIVA. IT’s red, it's cute, and it's eligible for Ford Extended Service, so you can own with confidence! $4,999 or $119/mo. 26207
F O L K S m H A V E O V E R 75 E S C O R T S . TEM PO S\ T R A C E R S , F E S T IV A S , AND T O P A Z U N IT S A V A IL A B L E . C O M E T A K E A LO O K !
1989 SUBARU BXT. Four wheel drive, super clean, one owner, jet black and gor geous. Best of all, it's great In the weath er and economical, too. Priced below book at only $5,199!
IN T E R E S T R A T E S * 975 1996 9 .7 5 1995 1994 1 0 .5 0 1993 . 1 0 .9 9 1 1 .7 5 1992 1 1 .7 5 1991 ■ 1 1 .7 5 1990 1 9 8 9 & o ld er - 1 2 /2 5
■ .
66 •66 .60 54 54 48 42 42
m os. m os. m os. m os. m os. m oS. m os. m os.
1994 Buick Century 4 dr., white, auto, A/C, V-6 eng., sharp!
Was ............ .,..$ 2 1 ,9 9 5 Was__. . . . . . $1 1 ,8 5 0
Now . . . . . . . . . .$19,575 Now . . . . . . . . . . .$9,900 1893 Ford F150 XL Pickup
T994 Mercury Cougar
6 cyl., fiberglass topper, ready to go!
SupeT sharp, one owner, loaded, must seel 1 2 ,8 9 5
Was ................... $11,995 Was . . . . . . . . . . $
Now .......................$10,500 Now ....................... $11,688 Easy Financing, Low Payments Available on thete unittl
For your BESTdeal on a quality used car call: C H E V R O L E T • N IS S A N , IN C .
*1 3 8
CHUCK STODDARD 6S3-3321ext.226
1995 WINDSTAR LX dark plum, with grey, cloth interior, luxuriously equipped for family comfort. $15,699 or $ 27111 .* , 1 1992 CLUB WAGON XLT, mocha frost with matching interior. Loaded with options including tilt, cruise, powpr dows and seat. Only one at the low, low price of $8,999 or $219/mo, 2690*. 1994 AEROSTAR XL PLUS. Dark red with grey cloth, power accessories and super low miles. We doubt you'd find another like this, so hurry! $12,999 or $289/mo. 27907 A ERO STA R S, W IN D ST A R S, V IL L A G E R S , C L U B W AGO N S, AND CON V ER SIO N S. 1988 TO 1996, W E H A V E O V ER SB IN S T O C K A V A IL A B L E F O R YOU!
LUXURY........& SPORT 1996 MUSTANG 6T CONVERTIBLE. Black black top, black leather interior. Power everything, super low miles and hard to find. Don't miss this opportunity to own a legend at the off-season price of only $21,499. Ask about our low lease payment. 27755
1993 CONTINENTAL, Enjoy the unparal leled elegance of this black with .black leather luxury: machine. Beautiful alu minum wheels set off the crisp styling per fectly. You'll look and feel great for only $14,999 or $359/mo. 27172 1994 PROBE GT, Red like a sports car should be,, and'loaded with nice things for your comfort. Low miles, still under warranty. You can own It for only $11,999 or $269/mo. 26625 1993 LINCOLN TOWN CAR. Luxurious platinum with' opal grey leather. Go ahead, the holidays are coming, you've worked hard and you deserve it! AND best of all, you'll save thousands, at only $13,999 dr $339/mo.
If you've got antiques, clothing, or other Items just sitting around co o lin g their heels, then sell them in the C lassified sl
OPEN: MON. & THURS. 9-9; TUES., WED., & FRI. 9-6; SAT. 9-5
VA 3480 JACKSO N RD., ANN ARBOR (3 1 3 )9 9 6 -2 9 0 0 CALL TOLL F II|flr^8 0 0 .8 7 S -U 8 B O
475*1371 %
THE CHELSEA STANDARD/THE DEXTER LEADER * Thursday, December 12,1996 For Sa le
CHRISTMAS TREES Colorado Slue Spruce onlyi Choose & cut * weekends, $20. US.-12, Irish HUis area. 517592-2687.
WINDYRIDGE ORCHARDSCIDER MILL 9375Saline-mtllanRd. , Saline " 10-5:30Sat S Sun, • Cutyourown trees ♦Pre-cut available Christmas kitchen open. Uysiy Christ* . mas gift baskets avail able with our own pro ducts.
Askfor Salesperson ofthe Week John Freem an
For Sale
Christmas Trees
C tftlY e c & o r
F350 Crew Cab 4x4 4 To Choose From F150 Super Cab
1996 F150 Loaded Eddie Bauer F150Reg.AC
l or
F ir e w o o d S em i-I
o ad
O a k ai ul h ickory.
Blue Spruce Scotch Pine D ouglas Fir Fraser F ir Small Potted Drees Wreaths & Roping
In I oy; f o r m , $650. Ca l l
Free W rapping
(313) 475-8183
JustS. of the Rod & Gun Club
313475-7530 Real E s t a t e
ANDERSON ASSOCIATES Port of on old Chridmos tree form, these s (ocular rolling siles now filled with mature woods. Create ■ •■ own private domain near Dexter. 4 acres: $72,900. (KINVAC) Kathy Stivers 4262235.
F-350 Crew Cab C-1500 4x4 Auto F-250 4x4 Plow truck F-350 Crew Cab F-150 Super Cab 4x4 Ranger Super Cab 4x4 Cherokee 4x4, only 26K Ranger Reg. 4x2
1993 - Aerostar XL Plus F-250 Plow Truck F-150 Super Cab 4x4 F-250 4x4 Explorer Eddie Bauer '4
1992 and Under 92 F-350 4x4 Diesel 92 Ranger Super Cab 91 F-350 Crew Cab Diesel 91 F-150 Reg 91 F-250 Plow Truck 90 Econoline Cargo Van 90 Bronco XLT 90 F-150 4x4 Plow Truck 90 B-250 Cargo Van 90 F-150 Super Gab 8 8 F Super Duty 8 8 F-250 4x4, only 55,000 mi 99 Econoline Cargo Van' '
CARS 1996 Crown Vic, Loaded Mystique, Auto Taurus GL.V-6
1995 Taurus LX • Taurus GL Escort LX 2-Dr Escort Wagon
1994 Escort Sport 2-Dr. Grand Marquis, Loaded Escort Wagon Taurus LX
1993 and under
Ask for John, Kavln, A.J., Hanford or Paul
DEXTER-Plcturesque view of 100' lokefront & woods from this 3 bedroom, 2 bath coun try home. Fireplace, central air, recently painted, plus other updates. Home Protection .. Plan. $199,500. (PAR306) Kathy Stivers 426-2235 or Nancy McLeod 4268366. Webster Township. early 5 acres in Dexter Schools. Wooded, rolling, "perked* ond ' sur veyed. Outstanding, properly to build your special home. $79,000. (WAtVAC) Nancy McLeod 4268366 or 913-0911. PRICE _ REDUCED! •Dexter brick ranch on 2.86 acres on a main road. Towering pines for privaey.3 bedroom, 1.5 baths, hardwood floors, plaster walls, attached 2 car garage. Full. basement! $144,900. (BAK167) Nancy McLeod 426* 8366. Hamburg Twp.-WtaEq value! 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch with 4 cor attached garage. Spacious kitchen; ample dining area, targe fenced lot with lake access. $105,000. [DOW666] Kathy Stivers 426* 2235/Nancy McLeod 4266366. S T R AWB E R R Y WOODS-5 great building sites in the heart of Lake Country. Some wooded lots available, all w/underground utilities) curbs & starfn sewers. Priced from $51,900 to $60,900. (LOCVAC) Harry Kroth (313) 8782564. Just North of downtown Chelsea, 3 bedroom, 2 bath w/plinty of room' to roam-finlth family room" w/wo fireplacefinished rec. room in' basement or 4 bdrm. All on 2 acres w/ag pool & storage bom. $167,800. {IVE199) Horry Krolh 313*8782564.
' /
C A LLCLA SSiFIED Sl W e h e lp y o u g e t re s u lts
DO YOU WANT TO SELL your antiques? Call Attic Treasures Antiques, (313) 4294242. Wide range o m e lo w n
( ) m \
J u e .
•<>m e t c t i n i i idfU' Ki .iih Ii : U ( a m h i i . l r v ( 1.
I’lioiu1: (.11.11 -I75-72.1(»
| ‘|»nm : * ■■■. ■ .'.I/.I1
Page 28 ★
' il
S#o Sale* Person for additional details. N E W
■ M
4 i
'96 Pontiac Sunfire Auto, air, cass, AVS, air bag.Stk.# 111096
^ V' ' . *sx*s< '>
... j—j
I g
kmm 3 ^.S’**. , , *< ?S'V 5""s' - W rwh', j* ^
* | f i- i v
' ' S ' , ' ''/> *
96 Sonoma
Air, AM/FM cass, alum wheels, bucket seats, AVS, air bag &much more. StkJ 1206
$11.995 F IN A N C IN G
'96 Fontiac G ra n d A m
'96 JimmieTimberlineEdition
All with AC. Stereo cass, auto with enhanced traction control, power locks, AVS &.much morel Stk #141576
Leather heated seats, CD changer, auto, air, PS, PW, PL, cruise, tilt, AM/FM
ATTENTION QM EIIPLOYEE8I Lease only |399/m o w/J9W down
C O U N T Y ’S
1996 Biiick Regal
i >, i w '* :& *"V'
'96 Pontiac Firehaw k Convertible
Attention trade delivery. All
ile. Cargo Vans In stock for Immediate i ait, aufo.VS, stereo. Stk# 1285.
uow m srm r
- ■'V*
S u b u r b a n P O N T IA C
• B U IC K
• G M C
S u b u r b a n
Weare located just South of Ypsilanti's Huron St. exit off i-94. (directly acfoss from the Marriot &Huron Golf Course at
444 James L Hart Parkway
• B U IC K
* G M C
In the Washtenaw Business Park.
313-483-0322 W a s h te n a w B u s in e s s P a r k , Y p s iia n ti T o w n s h ip
THE CHELSEA STANDABD/THE DEXTER LEADER • Thursday, December 12,1996 Page 2 9 * Lost & Found 2 0 0 ^ Help Wanted 2 t o j Help Wanted 2 1o j Help Wanted 2 to H Help Wanted 21 o B Help Wanted 21 o l Help Wanted 2 lo B C hild Care 2 4 0 B For Rent 270
SAUNE Sheffield Condo, Well managed 3-bedroom, 1-1/2-bath condo. Nicely decorat; ed, lull deck, central air, 2-car carport, full base ment, Comer unit. Walk ing distance to schools ; & shopping. Call (313) 429-4553 eves.
C h e ls e a D e x te r
DEXTER 11 across N. Territorial Rd, west of DexterPinckney Rd $75,000. Cal! Usa Kennedy at Century 21 Town & Country; (810) 6528000.
M o b ile H om es ‘MOBILE HOME - 3bedroom, 2 baths, 14 x •61’ Champion, appliaric;es. $15,200., Call (313) *429-7381 A n im a ls
BLACK, FEMALE cat; free to good home. Spayed with shots, good with small child ren. Call (313) 8632463.
FOUND-large golden brown Shepherd/retrtever mixed male dog. White paws and white chest Found Sat., Dec. 7 near Hurd and Perman St., Milan. Call (313) 241-2465 or pager #(313)803-2126. Help Wanted 210
‘ MAC’S * Hiring lunch waftstaff, AM/PM prep cooks & bartenders. Apply to person at 104 E Michigan Ave., Saline. Call for Info., 313-4296227. ACCEPTING APPUCATIONS for cashier*. Competitive wages and hiring bonus. Ail shifts available, parttime or fulltime. Apply in person at: Phillips 68 Station 2440 Baker Rd. Dexter ADMINISTRATIVE as sistant 3 days , per week, more possible. Clerical, telephone, data base, IBM PC. Advancement poten tial Local office. Holland & Associates P.O. Box 488 Chelsea, Ml 48118 ASSEM BLERS New Dexter plant, day shift, $7/hr. plus overtlme.-Send resume to: P .O .lo x 486 Dexter, Ml 48130 ASSISTANT tor In surance office. Parttime, downtown Sa line. Call (313) 4293317.
BOXER PUPPIES— AKC registered. 6 fe AUTO MECHANIC males, fawns and Prim needed. Must be state dies, champion blood certified, own tools. lines. Cedi Chris at .Good pay and.bene* (313)#87i-2033r fits. No weekends, Ap ply at Bert’s Auto CHIHUAHUA puppies Service, 5984 Jackson AKC, sweet personali R Experi hour. Evening hours. breeding stock. Herd re ence in book manufac Must be 18 3173 Oak duction sale. (517) 456turing pre-preaa proValley Dr* Ann Arbor. 4264. ferred. 7 p.m.-7 am ., 3 (313)662*7400. and 4 days a week. LOPPED EAR rabbits We have a competitive LOOKING FOR AN as with hutch and food, compensation and full sistant teacher to care $10,(313) ,475-6943. benefit package in ter intente. PullfcSrtcluding mecficaVdentime, benefit*. Pleas NEAPOLITAN MAStalArialon/fife in ant working condi TIFFS - The Ikfo to a surance and a 401 (k) tions. Cal Jana (313) dog suit, only a select 4264091. , few own them. A rare savings plan. In addi tion, through ourE/nbreed that ts a natural ployee Stock OwnerLOOKING FOR family andliome protec ship plan, you wifi be mature, responsible tor. Champion Woodlihe. come a company own adufti to help with $80041,200. Call (517) er and share in oomcustomer reiationa. 565-3007. • • •» • pany profits. Please nfQfNI WMCOTTlt* n r quirementeare: out TWO.COCKER span apply. In person or send a resume to: going, friendly atti iels, purebreds, male BRAUN-BRUMFIELD, tude* lia b le , enarge* and female, need good . -INC. no, asn-mouviiao mo home,- fixed. Can (313) 100 ft. Steepler flexible, enjoy working 433*1310._________ . P.O . Box 1203 wnn peeps, prora*- , Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 • two indoor cats , atonal appearance. gray tabby,, and black RespontobtRtiea are: Asmoke freework and white tomcat, fixed. greenng customers, environment CaH (313) 433-1310. omnng MitVvinCV) BOB completing sates Lost & Found 200 transactions, thanking eunomMtf nw nipir CARPENTER and Car- ing store appearance. C h e ls e a ’ m noivQft riro p if , pm m LflD0v9T| D e x ter hours and pay. $800dlate poaHtona. Cal $7.0Ghr. Must have re (313)4264311 liable transportation. FOUN# — lady’s ring, C H EL8EA A 8 W now Apply In person to 11-27, .’at Chelsea Car.-. hiring part-timeldtchVem Campbell, MonWa8h (self-sei^). CaH 0n C fiQ OoSiW fS iwp* dcy-Prfday, 7 ajn>4 to describe. (313) 475Training wage start p.m, 1728. 95/hr., training comVILLAGE MOBILE, plete $5J0-$8.25/hr. ' INC LOST-2 golden retriev No phone caiia, 1629 S. Main S t ers, Little Portage Late please. Apply in per Cheitoa, Ml 48118 area. Dogs need daity sonal: (313)4754380 mediation. Reward Of ChatsaaA&W fered. Call days (313) 1555 W. Main 741-6322; eves.. (313) 428-4366.
Transportation D epartm ent O p e n P o s itio n s A v a ila b le B u s D riv e rs P a ra p r o te w lo n a le W e h a v e I m m e d ia te o p e n in g s fo r s c h o o l b u s d riv e rs . T r a in in g a n d . a s s i s t a n c e la p r o v id e d in a c q u ir in g t h e re q u ire d C .D .L lic e n s e . P a ra p ro fe s s io n a l p o s itio n s a s s i s t d ri v e r s In t h e c a r e o f s p e c ia l n e e d s tu d e n ts d u rin g t h e tr a n s p o rta tio n of t h e s e In d iv id u a ls. F or m ore Information, call o r sto p by a t . 14138 6 . Old U S 12.
ROBING. MELTON Transportation Director P h : (3 1 3 ) 4 7 5 * 7 6 4 7
• • • •
Base Salary Draw Commission v / Full Benefit Package Training Support
Cali MR. RIEDEL for appoint ment or fax your resume.
Phono: 313-669*8056 Fax: 313-669*8107 O f f i c e M a x ’.......................
F u rn itu ro M a x 2777 O ak
O a k V a lle y
D r.
V a lle y C e n t e r A nn A rbor
Sales.Has A re you locking fo r a new c a ree r with a n unlim ited o pportunity fo r ad vancem en t? _ W ould you like to. be recognized as a professional sales person in one o f th e c o u n try ’s leading autom obile dealerships? • If so, o u r salespeople e a rn an excellent incom e a n d enjoy the benefits o f w orking,w ith a successful a n d progressive dealership. If you’re c u rre n tly a professional in autom obile sales o r if you’re serious ab o u t a c a re e r change a n d a re looking fo r the train in g a n d g u id u n .. th a t are essential fo r long term success - we*d like to ta lk to you. r m Jaso n LaLonde» th e Sales M anager. C all m e and we’ll schedule a tim e to m eet th is week. 3 3 6 5 Wi
SCREW MACHME TRAINEES Innovative and diverse world daaa leader to manufacturing Is look ing ter new team member*. Desirable candidate* should possess good me chanical aptitude, some machining ex*, pertence^and the abili ty to react and under stand basic oaaes. A high school diploma is preferred. This te an opportunity to train on Acme4ridiey screw machine*. HTG • Jackeon la QS-9000 certi fied company. Appli cations available at: Horizian Technology Group 825 Carroll S t Jackson, Ml TEACHING ASSISTANT Milan Middle School. Contact Anne Chap man, Director of Spe cial E d , 432 S. Platt Road, Milan, Ml, (313) 439-2417), before De cember 18. TR AVEL AGENT FuH or part-tima; ex perience required. Fax resume to: (313) 9136736, or mafi to: Mona, P.O. Bqx 8259, Ann Arbor, Ml 48107. WANTED Bridgeport Operator. Good wages and ben efits. Send resume to: Pinnacle Engineering 10250 M-52 Manchester, Ml 48158 Or call: (313) 428-7039.
H E L P W A N T ED J O B O P E N IN G S Air,
E<^ OpportunityEmployer
ACADEMIC • S u b s t it u te s
ATHLETICS •Lifeguards
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS S u b s t it u te *
CHILDRENS SERVICES • S i t e A s s is ta n t -S u b s titu te s .
COMMUNITY EDUCATION • N o o p e n in g s
FOOD & NUTRITION • C o b k /C a s h i e r
• Substitutes
PARA PROFESSIONALS • In d u s k x v M I C re e k (7 hr.) .
SECRETARIAL • S u b s t it u te s
TRANSPORTATION • S u b O riv er*
Departments Telephone:
NEWVEHICLE SALES POSITION OPEN $30,000 Annual Salary Plus Additional Wage Benefits Due to recent expansions, Palmer Ford-Mercury has a responsible position open tor the-right individ ual. Previous auto experi ence not necessary.
INCLUDED: " • *$30,000 annual salary •Hospitalization insurance plan •Opportunity forwage increases ♦Family owned •ufo Insurance •Retirement plan-401K ♦Complete training
• ExceHentwcridng conditions
♦Paid vacation •5-day workweek • Plus a'fun place to work
QUALIFICATIONS: •High School education ♦fwious successful job experience ♦People skis Neat appearance • A Deeke to Succeed! ♦AtiHude. If you think you quality, apply to person at
Palmer Ford222 South Main S t, Cheisea . between Asktor$oottCMMM.
nopnorm titttt, plMM.
WAITSTAPF POSITION Good tips with flexible hour*. Apply M Cubs A .O , (313) 6654475, 1950 8. Industrial Hwy-i Ann Aibor.
A RESPONSIBLE and experienced fS-yr.-oid babysitter is seeking a babysitting job for 3 year olds and up. Cal Teresa (313) 4754961.
WANTED Carpenter** assistant/ laborer. C tf (313) 6630645.
Community Hospital . CHILDREN’S
LINDA'S LAND of Little People is looking for full time children with re sponsible parents only, i use an . in-hom* educa tional program and would love to teach your child. For more informa tion, please call me ,at (313)4754185.
SCIO FARMS-childcare needed, 1-2 hours be fore school. Occasional evenings if desired. Senior citizen & college: students encouraged. Call 313-332-1901 for more info, or leave mes sage.
S a lin e -M ila n Advertisers under this heading may. be required by tow lobe licensed. Please cheek with the proper state agency for verification.
W anted
C ELLO - Did your student graduate and leave their instrument behind? Student seek ing to purchase quali ty, full-size instru ment Bumps and dents don't matter, looking for a cello with character. Please call (313) 4294398 and ask for Klrstin.
AUPAIRCARE UveJn quality child care with cultural ad vantage. Screened, trained, male & fe male, English speak ing au pairs. $20Q/Vvk avg. regardless of# cf children compare to Day Care. Cali Theresa 482-5383 or 8D04-AUPAIR.
CLEANING PERSON wanted. Send letter describing, yourself and experience to: BoxC 106 W. Miichigan Ave. Satirie, Ml 48176 -
CANDY APPLE DAY CARE * Licensed Sa line home has Infant & toddler openings. Please call 3134295753.
COTTAGE WANTED Lakeffont or On Hunting land (313)284-9662
DAYCARE. PROVIDER -needed full time- for 1 year old and before school for 10-year-old. Your home, days. Must be dependable, loving, have excellent referenc es, and be dose to Sa line Meadows mobile home park. Call (313) 429-3376
WANTED: Ping Pong Table to good condi tion. Call 313-9443418 W a n te d t o R e n t 2 6 0
KIDS1TTER-12-20 hrs. c r o p la n d per week, 4 p.m. or lat er, mostly Fri. & Satur Cash or shares. days, 3 kids - 7-10 yrs. TED HEATH, JR . old, Top dollar for right . (313)439-7612. person w/good referenc es, Call (313) 429-4557 LOOKING TO RENT ii today. ' the Chelsea/Dexter area. 1-2 .bedrooms, LICENSED'DAY CARE preferably with a lake will watch your child view. Available to occu while you shop, Jan. or Feb. of 1997. Fri. Dec, 10 through Wifl sign 1 year lease.. Dec. 24, 7 a.m.*1 p.m. CaH (616)381-7207. . Limited space. Call 313429-5769 by evening before. $5/hour per . PROFESSIONAL seek- , child, 0 years to kinder ing office. 200-400 sq, garten. ft. with good, natural light, to Chelsea area. LICENSED DAYCARE ' Quiet working , space. or In-Home Day Care Non-traditional setting aide needed for 14 year welcome. Cafi (313) dd .girl.. Prefer start 1*6* 4754253, 97. Please send salary requirements; vacation PROFESSIONAL Wornschedule, earliest avail an needs 1 to 2-bedability and references to room apt. ASAP. $550P.O. Box 303, Saline, $600/mo. Exceptionally Ml 48176. neat and dean. Two . weB trained dogs; Refer NEED LOVING CHILD- ences. Cell (517) 423CARE? Full time open-' 2881; ings in Clinton with 270 meals and fun activities. ' For Rent Some odd shifts accept APARTMENT for rent, ed.- Call Heather at one bedrobm, down (517)4564096. . town Chelsea; available QUALITY and experi Jan. 1. Can 313-476C enced care for ages 30 5959. mos. to 6 years. Two ’ BAYVIEW APTS. meais and one snack INMiLAN provided. Warm envi Immediate occupancy, ronment arid convenient 1 end . 2-badroom,location; Licensed day-., $450*$525ftno^ incare. Call (313) 439- dudes heat, hot and 3709. cold softened water. SCIO FARMS-childcare Convenient parking needed 1*2 hours in the and laundry room. Celt gym during the' week. (313)665-2132.
D e x te r A LOVING FAMILY home Atmosphere, con venient Dexter location, reasonable. rates, 6* censed. Can 3134284138.
CHELSEA—House for! rent. County home, 151 minutes to Ann Arbor, 1- ; 1/2 miles to Chelsea Vit- ■ lage. 4-bedroom, 2-1/2: baths. 3-1/2 acres, wild-; life pond, all appliances,' short term lease.' $1,200/mo. neg. (313) 475*2445 eves.
LOVING HOME has openings. Activities and meals provided, Room to explore, excellent ref erences. Call (313)4264569.
“AVON" -vRepresentativesM ded! Doorto-Door Not Required, No Minimum Order*. POTENTIAL EARN INGS $10041,5004/ mo., IND/SALES/REP, 800423-7112.
C h e ls e a -
CHEISEA-For Rent Fair Service Center tor ; meetings, parties,' wed-;, ting receptions, etc.’ Weekdays or week-: ends. Contact Richard; Bareis, (313) 4754202, « after 6 p.m. !
(313) 475-3922
WORKING SUPER VISOR w » act as lead worker over staff of 35 to Mfian area. Sec ond shift, occassional weekend*. Salaried position and . in centives. FOr Interview call DAS Cleaning Service (517)5474100
An occasional evening f' desired. Senior citizens and college students to apply, cell 3134321901 for Information.a. leave message.
CHELSEA—2-bedrbom home in village,. non smoking, $75C/mo. Ca8 (313)4754358. , ,
C EN TER Ages 2-1/2 weeks through 5th grade. Openings in Infant 4 Preschool
W BGHT LOSS PROGRAM 30 day money back guarantee* Work from home pmietbilitjr. Call Uurte (313) 429-2857.
C h ild Care
C H ELS EA Officespace for tease.; Approx. 850 sq. ft to ! the new Chelsea; Standard Office nowbeing renovated.; Occupancy January; 1997. For more info,; call (313)246-0111,
nav oowmown wur tea. 2-bedroom, soft ana garpag* Included. No
CHELSEA—In village, 1; bedroom upper. $465/; mo. indudes heat. No pets. Non-smoker. (313) 4754501. ;
CHELSEA:—Nice,, quiet ; 1 bedroom apartment h ‘ country setting. 800-900 sq. ft., no. pets, non-; smoking, single profes*; sional person.. Renl in- ■ eludes all utilities and garage space. $475/ mo;, 5 min. from Chel-; sea, 20-mins,. from Ann ■ Arbor. Call (313) 475- ‘ 2049. CLEAR LAKE — House; available Jan. 1, 1997 ; on Clear. Lake. 2-bpd-room,. 2-people only, n o; pets'. Like new. ; $800/mo. (904) *284- * 38p0. : CLlNTON-large.upstairs apt. for rent in town. Newly remodeled. Call 517-522-4064.,
i ; ' ; »
DEXTER.— Townhouse apt., large 2-.bedroom with appliances, blinds, aIc, , laundry room, $550/mo. plus utilities, security deposit. No pets. (313)426-2662.
• : I ; *
FIVE BEDROOM brick country home with 2 bathrooms, attached 21/2 car garage and fam;il/ room with fireplace, to Saline "Schools. $1,250 per month plus ■sec. deposit, Call 313429-4258.
; ~ »
FR EE HEAT FR EE HOT WATER and other freebies tool .Ask about our . manager’s special! Small pets welcome. Short term leases available. C U LV ER ES TA TES Apartments In Milan (313)4394600 M-F10-5 GARAGE(S) FOR rent (5 SALINE arrangements." c a lf mates.(313)426-2741. Lovely historic home. (313)944-3040. SALINE STONE & Walk to downtown KDR CLEANING serv DIRT shops, schools, and ing Ann Arbor, M ilan CUSTOM BUILDER DRIVEWAY : parks. New kitchen, 2 Additions, remodeling, and Saline areas. $10 MAINTENANCE new baths, hardwood decks, siding, rooting. off second cleaning with AND floors, freshly painted, Licensed, this ad. Cali 313-439Insured. EXCAVATING garage and nice back Thomas King, (313) 0940. SERVICES yard. $1,300/mo. Non 429-3206, KURUtZ TILE AND smoking. Applications MARBLE accepted now. (313) Driveways DAVE’S HOMEV " AND SLATE We first 1 ail pot* 429-0109. . REPAIR holes, then spread en* Plumbing, electrical, Specializing In com SALINE SCHOOLS—3- structural, remodels, plete bath and-kitcheri tire drive with new bedroom, 2-bath home kitchens, remodeling including: coat of stone and rake baths, on city lot in Saline floors, decks, wood • Wheelchair Accessi if needed. All title In available January 1, fencing, tree work. ble cluded in below spe 1997. Detached garage, • Granite Countertops cials: Dave (313) 475*1136 a/c, gas heat, partially • Tub and Fireplace 7 yards Limestone, finished basement. Surrounds Tops & DECKS $110 ^ $1,250/mo. plus security Custom built cedar Back SDlashte 14 yards Limestone, deposit. Call i313) 429- and treated. Only the • Custom Walk-in $165 3353. best work. Call today. - Showers (Note: If grading le R A R Building, (313) Most projects com necessary, $70 for SALINE-2 bedroom apt. plete within 5*7 days. 449-4211. most driveways.) Also Lower level or com •m m—mm** i ^ ■■■■! All work guaranteed, available at discount pletely renovated home.. 15 years experience. prices: Blade Dirt, EDDIE’S Garage, laundry, 2 FOr a FR EE estimate, Sandy Topsoil, Fill REFRIGERATION. blocks from downtown. call Charles C. Kurutz Dirt, Peaatone, and A ll Makes and Models. $675. Available Jan, 4. (Owner & Installer) much more. W alk-in Cooler and’ Call 313-207-8783. E x c a v a tio n (517)431*2537 Freezers. Ice Machines. Baekhoe. and dozer. SALINE—Farm house, Bulk Coolers. Call (313) . LESS THAN PERFECT w orM lew drives out, 439-2847. 3-bedroom, 2 miles, CREDIT? Call Daft pt oiddrivee graded, cul south of Saline (main Merit Mortgage Corpo verts, drain fields, rd.). New gas furnace. EXCAVATING ration. (313) 242*9200 perk tests, old fuel oil Stove and refrigerator, Jerry Whitaker Of 1*800*373*3900. tanks removed, etc. laundry hook-up. Avail Excavating Monroe, Ml. Se(f*emCompetitive rates. Basements • Drive able Jan. 1 year leak. ptoyed/and or Exces Concrete removed and $1,000/mo. plus depos ways. • Dralnfttdi sive Debtcall me. Also Installed. Serving it No pets. (313) 429- We do good work! investment property Washtenaw County for 5251. (313)476*7641. (res.) only 10% down. over 6 years. Fully In sured. STOCKBRIDGE - 2F R E E RHONE CARD UBERTY LAWN CARE Free estimates bedroom, newly palntr Want a phone card Weekly lawn main* Call (313) 429*3000 or ed, appliances, blinds, that you control? tenance, fall clean (517)456*4037 laundry hook-up, no Sand BASE to: ups, landscaping, Charlie Martin, pets, in town. $5O0/mo. B & B Enterprises •new removal. Cali Mika Love Call Kathy (610) 231P.O .B o x 86 SteVa, (313) 429*5236, "1987. Chelsea, Ml TECUM SEH-Rent cSs48116*006$ UGHT HAULING' count first month. 428 Distributers wanted. SERVICES, clean-up. N. Evans. Super-deluxe haul trash; old appliance G EN ER AL 1 bedroom apt avail SERVICE pWt up, light demolition. able now. All appliances CONSTRUCTION Call Al at 313*429*1071. , -Including dishwasher,' RsfrioM and repaid. washer and dryer. Carpentry, concrete, MASON SAND Raved lighted parking, baekhep work. Gait. 5 yards, water andfrash removal (313)478*1080. $100 delivered, furnished. Call (313) F lo y d .Limestone, crushed 434-2301. concrete, peastone, B oyce Specializing In sman loadt, skid loader work available. R A R Building, (313) 449’M C N T S 4 2 11, foe.uCfluntiy quiet,
O nt
• Pamii.y-owknthi) communitV
: to o t.
oftbim/tun Saline offMichigan Ate.
8 0 1 V a ix b y C ir c l e D r iv e • S a u n e
<313) 429-4683
PAINTING , Insured • Reliable ; Since 1974 Jotm Uxey (313)475*2750, : PAINTING/ DECORATING Interlor/Exterfor/Will* papering. Complete service. 30 yeara. (313)426*2279, ;. ■
FALLEN TIMBERS TREESERVICE TVeeTVimmina Removal *Tbppu g I/)tCiearmg Storm Damf FREE!
SNOWPLOWING Residential * Commercial Reasonable rates. Insured. Call (313) 429G00Q. SPRAYED-ON truck bed' liners, polyur ethane, 1/4" thick. Per manent bond, non* skid surface. Many uses—vans, boats, trailer, industrial and eommerdal. Rhino Linings of Michigan, (313) 434-3303. TERESA'S PAPERW ORKS (313)279-1614 • Wallpaper specialist • Freemeasures • Quality Installation • Reasonable ratea • 12 years experience • Insured T IL E S M ARBLE - new & repair work. Resi dential- and commer cial. Insured. Rose Tile & Masonry. (313) 6628004, T R EE REM OVAL Storm damage, stump grinding, land and site clearing. R & R Build ing, (313) 449-4211.
90% PROFITS Only the beginning! Earn more money In one year than most people do In a lifetime. Then put that money to work for you. 91,500 rsq. for start up. Is ful ly guaranteed. Call 1800-683-9870, ext. 3. A R E YOU thinking of starting a home-based business? Need facte? Call (313) 4757841 or come Thurst day, Dec. 5 or Dee. 12, 6 p.m., Beach Middle School, Room B-12. LARGE PROFIT potentlal from Steel Bldg. Business Natn. Co. awarding dealer ship in open market Sales or conatruction. (303) 759-3200, E x t 5950. W ANTED: Camp ground firewood sup plier (1997). Bundled wood to be delivered at Intervals to two lo.......... ..... — cations within Water* loo Recreation Area, Minimum 6,000 bundiet. Contact Unit Manager, Waterloo Re* creation Area, 16345 McClure Rd,, Chelsea, Ml 46115, (313) 4758307. L e y a i N o tic e s
L e ( F 'l N o t i c e s S a le m W ash ten aw
Tow nship, ■ C ounty,
fe e t; th e n c e S o u th ( d e g re e s g r w e e t 4 0 4 .0 2 te s t; th e n c e S o u th 2 3 d e g re e s 27* B e e t,,4 6 7 .9 3 f e w to th e point o f begin ning, alo n g w ith a 2 0 foot w k w e a s a m a n tt o Pontiac Trait for. for ingr in g re s s a n d e g re s s, c e n ts r w e o f w hich \ d escrib ed a s : Beginning a t ai point o n „ s t l ilin n ee o f a a ld tht ee WWeest Section 5. w hich Is a ls o th e centerline o f P ontiac Thau, distan t N orth 1 d e g re e 3 0 E a s t 6 3 0 .3 te s t from th e c o rn e r o f said SeetforT& f o e r a N o r ih t S d e g re e s 3 0 ' E a s t 662.20 fo et; th e n c e N o rth 2
2 3 ’ E ast, 8 3 8 .9 0 fK X to r a olacfi of baatontoo: th e n c e § S # iu l n 9 » r t f l b r M th e S o u th S ection Une 6 8 1 ,1 0
St / « S« f thAe W M BSi Southw oet 1/4 of
• ‘■SAISt ___ thenS ^S/Steriy 6 8 1 .1 0
feet; th e n c e S outherly 6 3 9 .5 8 fe e t to th e p la c e o f b eg in n in g , b e in g a p a rt o f th e 8 o w ftw eaM /4 o f fo e so u th w e s t 1/4 o f S e c tio n 9, S a le m T ow nship, W a sh te n a w C ounty,
5 !8 8 sEXCEPT; X Beglnni ___ Inning at th e S o u th w e st c o rn e r of S e c tio n 6, S a le m Township, W a sh te n a w County; Michigan; th e n c e N orth m m r m in th e W est l i n e d S e c ti o n s to r a p la c e of b M in n ln g fth e n c e contlrudng N orth a lo n g th e . W est S ection lino i f d is ta n c e of 2 0 0 feet; th e n c e E a ste rly a d is ta n c e of 4 3 5 .6 fe e t; th e n c e Southerty a d ista n c e o f 2 0 0 feet; th e n c e W esterly alo n g th e Southerly line o f p ro p .
.K iM 4 M . M M O . pointoT endtog. A U W EXCEPT: P a rt of t e e S o u t h w e s t 1 /4 of S e c tio n 5, T 1 S -R 7 E , S a le m Towrfehlp,
P art of fo e S o u th w est 1/4 of Section 5, T 1S-R 7E , S a le m Tow nship, W ash te n a w C ounty, M ichigan, d e sc rib e d a s : Beginning a t a point d ista n t N orth 1 d e g re e 3 0 ' E a st along th e W est line of sa id S e c tio n 5, 6 2 0 .6 9 foot; S o u th 88 d e g re e s 3 0 ' E ast, 6 6 2 .2 6 to st; N orth 2 d e g re e s 22* E ast, 6 4 .0 foet; E ast, 404.02 feet from th e S outhw est co rn er of s a id S ection 5; th e n c e N orth 8 8 d e g re e s 2 4 ’ E a st, 200.0 fe e t; th e n c e N o rth 2 d e g re e s 2 2 ’ E a st, 4 3 5 .0
jv e m b e s a r e d e sc rib e d a s
Beginning a t a point distant N orth 1 d e g re e 3 0 ’ E a st, . 6 2 0 .6 9 fe e t; S o u th 86 d e g re e s 3 0 ' .E a st, 4 3 9 .6 nd North 1 d e g re e 3 0 ' 20.0 te a t from th e _ w e s t c o m e r o f sa id 8 ec tto n 6; th e n c e N orth 1 d e g r e e 3 0 ’ E a s t, 1 8 0 .0 fe e t; th e n c e S o u th 88 d e g re e * 30* E a s t 2 2 9 .7 8 feet; th e n c e S o u th 2 d e g re e s 22* W est, 124.64 fe e t; th e n c e S o u th 6 8 ’ d e g re e s 24’ W est, 2 0 .0 9 te a t; th e n c e S o u th 2 d e g re e s 22* W est , 5 4 .0 foet; th e n c e N orth 8 8 d e g re e s 3 0 'W est, 2 0 7 .0 6 foet to th e point o f begin ning. Ourl jring fo e six m onths lmmedli sdlateiy following fo e M f e jttje o r o p e r ty m ay be
S o u th w e st 1/4 o f th e S outhw est 1/4 of S ectio n 5, T 1 S -R 7 E , S a le m Tbw nship, W a sh te n a w county, Michigan. A l i o EXCEPT: P a rt of th e S o u th w e st 1/4 of S ectio n 9 ,T 1 S -R 7 E , S a le m T ow nship, W a sh te n a w C ounty, M ichigan, d e s c rib e d a s : B eginning a t a point distan t N orth t d e g re e 3 0 ' E a s t along th e W e st line o f said S e ctio n 9, 6 2 0 .6 9 fe e t; S o u th 9 8 d e g re e s 3 0 'E ast, 6 6 2 .2 6 fe e t a n d N orth 2 d e g re e s 22' E ast, 8 4 .0 fe e t from th e S outhw est c o rn e r of sa id S ection 5; th e n c e N orth 2 d e g re e s 22* E a st, 4 3 5 .0 feet; th e n c e N orth 88 d e g r e e s 2 4 ‘ E a s t 2 0 0 .0 fe e t; th e n c e S o u th 23 d e g re e s ST E ast, 46 7 .9 3 fe e t; th e n c e S o u th 6 6 d e g re e s 24* W est, 4 0 4 .02 f o « to th e point of b eg in , nlng, along with a 2 0 foot w ide e a se m e n t to Pontiac tr a il for in g re ss a n d e g re s s, centerline w hich is d escrib ed a s : B eginning a t a point on th e W est line of s a id Section 5, w hich is a ls o th e ce n te rlin e of Pontiac trail, distant N orm 1 d e g re e 30’ E ast, 6 3 0 .3 fe e t from th e S o u th w e st c o rn e r of s a id S ectio n 5; th e n c e South 88 d e g r e e s 3 0 ' E a st, 6 5 2 .2 6 fe e t; th e n c e N orth 2 d e g re e s 2 2 ’ E a s t, 5 4 .0 feet; th e n c e N orth 6 8 d e g re e s 2 4 ' E a st, 4 5 0 .0 feet to a point o f e n d ing. S ubject to th e rights of o th e rs over th e Southerly 2 0 fe e t of th e a b o v e d e sc rib e d p a rcel for
forenoon, local tim e, said m o rtg a g e will b e fo re c lo s e d by a s a l e a t public au ctio n to t h e h ig h e s t b id d er, in ,t h e m ain lobby of t h e W a s h te n a w C o u n ty C o u rth o u se , H uron S tre e t e n tra n c e , in th e C S y o f A nn A rbor, W ash te n a w County, M ichigan, d e s c r ib e d in s a id m o rt g a g e , o r s o m uch th ereo f a s m ay b e n e c e s s a ry to p ay fo e am o u n t d u e , a s a fo re sa id , o n s a id m o rt g a g e , w ith f o e . in te re st th e re o n a t N ine a n d R ubE tsh fo s p e rc e n t (9.626% ) p e r an n u m a n d all legal c o s ta , ch a rg e e and e x p e n s e s . Including th e ., atto rn ey f e e s allow ed by law, a n d a ls o a n y su m or s u m s w hich m ay b e paid
D a te d D ecem ber 2 ,1 9 9 6 . J o s e p h A Lloyd P-26008 A ttorney tor Plaintiffs 201 E. W ashington A nn Arbor, Ml 4 6 1 0 4 MORTGAGE BALE D efault h a v in g ' b e e n m a d e in th e te rm s a n d c o n ditions of a certain m ort g a g e m a d e by f Phillips, . a rn af
W u r
lovem ber 30, T994, a n d recorded to th e office of foe R egister of D e e d s for foe C ounty of W ashtenaw a n d S ta te of M ichigan, o n ^ m & ry m jn U b e r 3 0 9 5 , o n P a g e 5 4 6 , of W ash te n a w C o u n ty R eco rd s, w hich m o rtg a g e w a s thereafter a s s ig n e d to S tan d ard F ederal B an k a federal sav in aa b an k , bv
1994. in L ib e r3 0 5 3 . p a g e B8> W a sh te n a w C o u n ty r e c o r d s , on w hich m ort g a g e th e re Is claim ed to b e c u e . a t th e d a te of this n o tice, for principal a n d I n te r e s tjh e su m Of Ninety-
Four, ThfliTaand ITirfli
mndred.8lxty-ane.and 1 3 /1 0 0
D flllara
W A ndmno K suit o r
p ro c e™e d ings a t law o r to equity h a v in g b e e n in stitu ted to reco v er th e d e b t 's e c u re d by sa id -m o rtg a g e o r a n y p a rt th e r e o f Now, T herefore, by virtue of fo e p o w er of s a le co n ta in e d in sa id m o rtg ag e, a n d purw a n t to th s rs ta tu ta o f th e S la te of M ichigan in su c h c a s e m a d e a n d provided, n o tice is h ereb y given th a t
All th a t c e rta in p ie c e o r - - l o f i a n d situ a te to foe a n d S ta te o f M ichigan, a n d d e sc rib e d a s follows: FARDEL I: C o m m en d a t fo e N orthw est c o m e r o f S e ctio n 4 . Town 4 S outh, F lange 3 E a st, M an ch ester T bw nship, W a sh te n a w County, M ichigan; th e n c e N orth 6 9 d e g r e e s 58 min u te s 0 3 s e c o n d s E a s t 2 0 7 2 .1 0 fe a t a lo n g th e N orth Una of sa id section; th e n c e S o u th 0 0 d e g re e s 4 7 m in u te s 11 s e c o n d s E a s t 1007.08 foet; th e n c e N orth 8 9 d e g r e e s 5 3 min u te s 4 4 s e c o n d s W est 3 3 1 .5 0 foet to fo e point of beginning; th e n c e S o u th 0 0 d e g r e e s 4 7 m in u te s IT s e c o n d s E a s t 6 3 3 .4 9 M f o akt th e n c e N orth 8 9 d e g re e s 5 3 m in u te s 4 4 s e c o n d s W est 3 6 2 .8 0 feet; th e n c e N orth 0 0 d e g re e s 4 7 m in u t e s 11 s e c o n d s W est 6 3 3 .4 9 foet; th e n c e S outh 8 9 d e g re e s 6 3 m in u tes 44 s e c o n d s E a s t 3 6 2 .6 0 teat to____ th e. . point of beginning. _____________ _ _.w. lifte B ein g a p a r tt of o f th N orthw est 1/4ot S e ctio n 4, Town 4 S b u th , R a n g e 3“ E a s t, M a n c h e s te r T ow nship, W a sh te n a w C ounty, M ichigan. A LSO to g e th e r with a non-exclu siv e 6 6 to o t w ide private drive e a s e m e n t d e sc rib e d a s to e S o utherly 6 6 te s t of th e N orth fractional 1/2 of th e N o rth w est fractio n al 1/4 o f S ectio n 4 , Town 4 S o u th , R a n g e 3 E a st, M a n c h e s te r T ow nship, W a sh te n a w C ounty, M ichigan. D uring th e o n e y e a r Im m ediately following fo e sa le , fo e p ro p e rty m a y b e re d e e m e d . D ated a t T ty , M ichigan, N ovem ber 4 ,1 9 9 6 .
a n d reco rd ed in th e o f th e R e g iste r of o a s e s , for th e C o u n ty of W ash ten aw a n d S ta te of. M ichigan, o n th e 17th d ay o f M w . i t t s . t o Liber 3106 o f W a sh te n a w C o u n ty ■R eco rd s, o n p a g e 2 9 8 , o n w hich m o rtg a g e th e r e is
O pal a n d Interest, th e su m o r N inety N ine T h o u sa n d O ne h u n d re d S e v e n ty T h re e a n d 33/tO Q ^O ^Iaro ($99,173.33); A nd n o suit o r p ro c e e d in g s a t law o r in equity hav in g b e e n in stitu te d to recover fo e d e b t s e c u re d by sa id m ortgM O o r a n y p a rt th e r e o f Now. T herefore, by v irtu e o f foe pow er o f s a le co n ta in e d to sa id m o rtg ag e, a n d pur s u a n t to fo e s ta tu te o f fo e S ta te o f M ichigan to su c h c a s e m a d e a n d provided, notice Is h ereby g iven th at o n , fo e 16m d a y of Jan u ary , 1997, a t 10:00 o'clock a m ., Local Tim e, sa id m o rtg ag e will b e fore c lo s e d by a s a le a t public auction, to fo e h ig h e st bid der, a t fo e m ain lobby of fo e W a sh te n a w C o u n ty C o u rt H o u se. H uron S t , A nn Arbor, M ichigan (that b ein g fo e bunding w h ere th e C ircuit C ourt for foe C ounty of W ash te n a w is h e ld ), o f fo e p re m is e s d e s c rib e d to s a id m o rt g a g e , o r s o m uch th e re o f a s m ay b e n e c e s s a ry to p ay fo e am o u n t d u e , a s a fo re sa id , o n s a id m o rt g a g e , w ith fo e in te re s t th e re o n a t B a s e R a ta p lu s . TWo a n d O n e Half p e rc e n t (2'/*%) p e r an n u m a n d all legal co sta, c h a rg e s and expense® e x p e n s e s ,. Including th e atto rn ey fe e s allow ed by law, a n d a ls o a n y s u m o r s u m s w hich m ay b e paid
‘ e e a re d e sc rib e d a s : All th a t certain p ie c e or p a r e d o f land situ a te d in fo e City of A nn A rbor In fo e C o u n ty o f W aap ten aw . S ta te o f M ichigan, a n d d e sc rib e d a s follows, towftr
THEnM E W b w t , a e o n f o minium , according to fo e M aster D eed reco rd ed to L iber 2 3 7 2 , P a g e s 2 3 6 2 9 3 , W a sh te n a w C o u n ty R e c o rd s, d e s ig n a te d a s W a sh te n a w C o u n ty C ondom inium Subdivision
m on e le m e n ts a s s e t forth to fo e M aster D eed a n d a s d e sc rib e d in Act 5 9 o f fo e P ublic A cts of 1978, a s a n f o n d e r r ^.
STANDARD FEDERAL BANK a fed eral sav in g s bank, M o rtg ag ee RONALD J. PALMER A ttorney for M o rtg ag ee . 2 6 0 0 W est Big B e a v e r R o ad T ty , M ichigan 46 0 8 4
12-05-203-10elU nrts 14) s lu m 12-05-203-111l (Unit 18) 18 12-05-203-113I (Unit 21 21) D uring th e 6 m o n th s Im m ediately foHowfng th e sale, th e property m a y b e red e e m e d ; except- th a t In th e ev en t th a t th e p ro p erty la d eterm in ed to b e a b a n d o n e d p u rsu an t to MCLA M ORTGAGE BALE 6 0 0 .3 2 4 1 a , th e p ro p e rty D efault h aving b e e h m a d e In th e term * a n d c o n - ; m ay b e re d e e m e d during dftlons of a ce rta in m ort th e 3 0 d ay s Im m ediately g a g e m a d e by W illiam following th e sa le. D ated: N ovem ber 2 5 ,1 9 9 6 C rernay, a sin g le m an il(f ---------RonalcT O uprey and M ichael G . C ru se K athleen L. D u p y j^ h u s - -P 3 8 8 3 7 b a n d a n d wife, A ttorney tor M o rtg ag ee C lem en ts, a sin g le m a n , o f H ow ard & H ow araTR C . 1 4 0 0 N, W oodw ard 3 3 9 E . Liberty, A nn Arbor, 8 1 0 4 , S te . 101^ M ich ig an — ____ : 4........... M o rtg a g o rs, to F irst o f Bloom field Hill*, Ml A m erican Bank-!M ichigan, 4 8 3 04-2886 N .A., 1001 W orth, First o f A m erica B ank, B irm ingham , M ichigan 46009. Morti M ortgagiM d a te d th e l8 t d ay o f f S u ’cli,’
NOTICE BY P E R S O N S CLAIMING TITLE UNDER TAX DEEO To fo e ow ner o r ow ners of a n y an d all In terests in o r lie n s upon th e land described: TAKE NOTICE: S a le w a s lawfully m a d e o f fo e following d e sc rib e d land for unpaid, ta x e s o n th a t land, a n d th a t foe u n d ersig n ed h a s title to f o e land u n d er tax d e e d or d e e d s Insured tor fo e land. Ybu a r e entitle to a reconveyance o f th is land within 6 m o n th s after retu rn of se rv ic e o f this notice, upon p a y m en t to th e .u n d e rs ig n e d o r foe tre a su re r of fo e co u n ty in w hich fo e land is situated, of ell s u m s paid for fo e tax s a le p u rc h a s e , to g e th e r with 80% in addition, a n d fo e fo e s of foe sheriff for fo e se rv ic e an d /o r c o s t of publication of fo e notice. T h e service; o r publication c o s ts sh all b e fo e s a m e a s if for p erso n al se rv ic e o f a sum m ons . upon com m en ce m en t o f a n a c tio n ;' to g e th e r with a s u m of $ 5 .0 0 for e a c h description, w ithout additional c o a t or c h a rg e , if p a y m e n t a s d e scrib ed to this n o tice is not m ade, fo e un d ersig n ed will institute p ro ceed in g s te r p o ss e ssio n o f fo e fond. D escription of fo e land: S ta te o f M ichigan, C ounty Of WASHTENAW 11-OS0 0 3 -2 0 0 K T ow nship of Ypsilanti R w eent In te re s t 1 0 0 V P# 46-231 L ots 231 to 271 to d . alao L ots 284311 to d a lso v a c a te d allay N o f Lot 2 6 6 C ad illac H eights Subdivision — A m ount Paid: $186 6 .7 6 D e e d #2002 _ A m ount D ue: *235 8 .1 4 PL U S 8H E R IP F AND PUBLICATION P E E 8 Tax for fo e y e a r 1892. _ (S igned) E q u iv est Financial
RO. Bon 4010 E a st Lansing, Mi 4 6 8 2 6 TO: H arold G oldfoder. S p o u se of H arold G oldfoder, R uth O d d g e, Jo h n D oe, a k a O ccupant, J a n e Doe, a k a O ccupant, unknow n, u n a s c e rta in e d , u n d eterm in ed , urtborn h eirs, d e v is e s, le g a te e s , a n d a s s ig n s , including th o s e w ho a r e legally Incom petent t o a e f o n their ow n behalf, said Individuals b ein g p e rs o n s indicated to h a v e so m e Interest to fo e la n d above d e s c rib e d a c c o rd in g to W ASHTE-, NAW COUNTY records, ' T his Is a n im portant re s idential parcel.
TRLCOUNTY SPORTSMAN’S LEAGUE 8640 Moon Rd., Sailna Now Year’s Eve Dinner Dance, Tuat., Dae. 31,1696. Doors open 7 p.m. Price includes dinner, hate, favors, Ice and mix. Dinner servtd aft 7:30 p m Delicious food end refreahmente. For tick* ate call (313) 665*6013 Warren, (313)662*7833 Ruse, or (313) 429* 9561 Tom AH Wel come!
Great Gift I 1
Michigan Stratum and Lakes
Land Contract Foreelosura
Caa#No.96*7S46-CH D efault h a v in g b e a n m a d e In th e term a an d Con ditions of a certain land contract m a d e by William -R . Ysdiosky a n d F tw a ta E,
d a te d th e 2 0 i h " d i y o f N ovem ber, 1990. on w hich land contract t th e re la d u e , th e aum Of $129,566.22, a s of. N ovem ber 15, 1 9 9 6 , p u rsu a n t to lu d g m en t e n te r e d /t h a t d a te m a n action for foreclosure filed to fo e W ashtenaw C ounty Circuit C ourt; R fe No: 967548-C H , by th e said land co n tract v en d o rs a g a in s t th e . v e n d o rs ..N ow , T herefore, by virtue of, th e ju d g m en t of foreclo su re, a n d p ursuant to th e sta tu te of foe S ta te of M ichigan in su ch e a s e n * d ae a! n. _d pro_ v lded, n o tice Is h e r e t o given th a t on Jan u a ry 9, 1997 a t 10:00 a m ., Local Time. s a id land wiii b e so ld to satisfy said ju d g m en t in whole-Or In part, t o a s a le a t public auction, to th e h ighest bidder, a t th e m ain looby o f fo e W ash ten aw C o u n ty C o u rt - H o u se , H uron S tr e e t e n tra n c e , A nn Arbor, M ichigan, of fo e p rem ises d escrib ed In s a i d land c o n tr a c t, o r s o m uorr th ereo f a a m ay b e n ae a a w r y to p ay th e am o u n t d u e, a » aforesaid, on sa id land eo n traet, w ith th e in terest th ereo n a t ten p e r c en t M0,0%) p e r an n u m a n d eft legal c o m , c h a rg e s a n d e x p a n s e s ,, In c lu d in g ' fo e attorney fo e s allow ed by law, a n a a ls o an y su m or s u m s which m ay b e p aid to to e u n d e f tto n s d , fracas* < s s ry to p ro te e ffo e V endor’s interest- in th e prem ises. 'W hich sa id p rem ises a re d escrib ed a s follows; C ertain p arcels o f land situated in fo e Township of B elem , W aeh ten aw Wit:, T h e S o u th w est 1/4 of th e 8 o u th w e e t 1/4 o f S e c tio n 6. T 1B -R 7E , S a le m T ow nehip,’ W u n te n a w C ounty, M ltfilgan, axoapt th e North 128 G e t o f t h e w a i t 4 2 6 f i a t th e re o f a n d ‘a la e ex c e p t th e p a rc e l, daaerib ed a a beginning a t th e S o u th w e st c o m e r o f S ection 5 / th e n c e 1 d e g re e ■3 0 ’ E a st, 6 2 6 .6 9 fe e t alo n g th e w e s t line of eaid SaeBon: th e n e a South
fo w re e s 23’ W est, 638,S i w eF to to e aouth Hne o f th e S e ctio n to fo e 'point o f
SSSlSbsFTi C o m m en cin g
et th e * ‘ ■ ■ *^■ -*1 com er of 9, T 1 8 -R 7 E ,
It to estimated that 10% of all the fishermen catch 90% of the fidi . Regardless of which group y o n fall Into... there's a sure w ay to u p your odds... aimply try itew fishing waters. F bh where f e # fisbermen ever fish*.. 0/ ' Michigan is loaded with great fiahlngwatem...many of them o m * looked. From the AnSable R h w to all of the Great Lakes tributariee to the P bw Marquette Rher...thoum iidi o f anfies o f stream s, lakes an d riv en are now eaiy-to-kaeate on cme m ap.
Thai recently pubSshed 8TREAM MAP DFMICHIQAN is juatfikaanotiw map - known to PanntylvaMi anglers i i Vto lo st Strum Map.* The *8lraim Map of PanniyfvinlT was completedto 1965 ifk f a thtty-yeif effort by Howard Hlgbee, t former PMfo8W$mfaasM Profeewr Wflbaa succeeded in highly detailed m ap o f its kind. H alt new 4 !bot b y 4 foot oraaing i map oftits Mghaat (Mail po$$Ma..j map tbit shows every color m ap shows virtually all o f the 35,000 miles o f ttraam and Wta. Ha pfonsuktogfy Michigan streams fa lakes rm both peninsulas . I k a f i PaqPfliMXMs!i plottadbyhanditiwteeiaionof almost two time* the earth's dreumferenoe! 45,000 mles of streams onto a 3x5 SI K IW IS foot map. The map sold aMramaly well FREE LOCATION GUIDEBOOK INCLUDED . urtl I wee lost several years liter. incredWy, (ha printer entrusted with gidde. EMEylooateaier5,OOOetmnaandtakes8hownonOn foe original drawing and printing •StreamMap.' Yourmapandguidebookwtltakeyouto tie top *!t is smszfopy d t t e M e n d plates, declared banteupty.tfien ' •saMMttoJoMUfHciu ofqamafish. n a m es s m s e n e k s in th e. cerolesily hauled Hlgbeer 30 year* M o h s e ik V e k jith ite s if ts n n ofworktefoatandfM. b s fou n d o n to p o g re p N c v Dtafaw remaining dog-asrad m sp ii* ceeiat become a prized fkhermana ■uyaww aNVHiiv w pwm^i iMitofiiBii a I Avattabtaroiled or folded. ALSOAVAILABLEin fmvy oaute UFE* posssstion, ProfeaaorHigbeewaa l TINEGUARANTEED, gim-lllti dur-iaminaticn, wrife^onwfpt^ft offered $400 for one of h)a last inapt. m M S m m m . I aunscs.wmorsiafyiRnsiioraiiynangrg. *9y o t / n lo o tin g to r th e m o s t I B And tteta tgendee were forced to eadme^_M.4fr6y4FTft0UjE0mflp(a)peslagmpaMeti2t.4Sea. OfrEESri Tmp9 WvWOTEIfVv | tandffli keep thelr copie* under lock end key. 4ffbv4ff fOUXOmip(i)pMta9tpiMe$2l.4Ssa peproaiy everysmyn craw. The experts hedeiwiyi told I $andfmMa_4rTby4FTiAMMATI0map(t)aeifo$i9ii46649.G r tm , etree m , p e n d e n t tek e s Professor Hlpbei that reprints wets ... M P ^M M lYM iU L •'tiiaa SfiMnssapUfaha^i' I ChwtcrtoomyoalareKloaiai , iiHVffffi T T w iM o r n / g w i s i ■ Imnfltftihle, arw became m«*»* wmb Riijiww^R^wi nHiwwthe istgeaivgaw j SHFPtDWASfOWfiaiMTIfcf^ S trew n M e p f e r e w ttoou t •» -pnmeornoh-pnoiognpnBwue, I w i __ a r n m M h n t k I U Then, in i 691, G the age of 91, Addratt nOwVVQfvir, I Howard HigbaeT dream cametrue. T H E m m sT A fu m ® . m . .P e . Ctty___ Computart made I potsUe to reprint I ' the map. Hoidfogan updated map, •K is In sh o w in g w h e n to End I I s M D kasoy t a t e u WNMrf ilW w M n e M y a Howard laid, 1 never thought I’d Bva o u t-o h th e-w e y tro u t strea m s toMefoti(ky.( th a tm e k e e th e m s p s u c h a
- liWIr A mj aaaaktiaiaiii 9/ CvdlDUnlQnOTvIffOT^
iwthi technology- thi STREAM MAP OF ICHIBANwiicrsatad.
tr e a s o n to th e Etharm an.
Th» ChalMfl Gtandarti/nw Dexter Leader 101 f iM a in G t
m m & M o c m J o h n stow n
CfMlMa,MI 43118
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Age 80, died Wednesday morn* ing Dec* 4,1996 at Foote Hospital in Jackson. She was born on July 16. 1916 in Cheboygan County, Micb/ j daughter of William H. and Minnie (Zander) Scheppe. Com munity involvements include Lyndon Township Planning Com mission Board for 1? years, Girl Scout and Cub Scout leader, Washtenaw.^ County Extension Board, Eastern Star and Rebekah Lodge member, both of Stockbridge, Monday Club of Stockbridge, and Fun and Study Neigh borhood Club. She and her hus band, Norman, had the kaiser Greenhouse for over 50 years. Bowling and going fishing were her favorite times. On Dec. 17, 1938 she married Norman (Jack) Kaiser in Angola, Ind. and be survives. Also surviv ing are one son, Ronald (Arlene) K aiser of Stockbridge; one daugh ter, Arlene (Richard) Koker of Gregory; one sister, Mildred Dempsey of South Lyon; five grandchildren, David (Wendy) Koker, Daniel (Shona) Koker, Tracy (Scott) Collier, Jennifer and Michelle Kaiser; two nephews, Warren Keith Scheppe, and Wil liam Kurt Scheppe; two nieces, Darlene Ewalt, and Audrey Plath; and two great-grandchildren, Stephanie and Katelynn Collier, She was preceded in death by one brother, Warren Scheppe. Funeral services were held on Saturday, Dec. 7 ' at 1 p.m. ,at Caskey-Mitehell Funeral Home, With Pastor Robin Clair officiat. ing. Burial followed at North Wa terloo Cemetery. Expressions of sympathy can be made to Stockbridge Area Ambulance, or Days pring Ministries. ETHEL D. BUEHLER Chelsea Age 88, died Wednesday after noon Dec. 4,1996 at her home. She was born June 25,1913 in Interna tional Falls, Minn., the daughter o f Alfred and Edia (Lindgren) Carlson. Mrs. Buehler had been a Resident since she was 15 years old, and was a member of the' American Legion Auxiliary. She Was an Avon representative for many years. She was married to Lero L. Buehler on July 12, 1935 at Inter national Falls, Minn., and he. pre ceded her in death on Jan. 2,1993. Surviving are her daughter, Sandra K. Weber of Chelsea; four grand daughters Joan Weber, Michelle ,,(Randy) Gates, Anne (Mike) Quinn and Karen Weber; three great grandchildren, Aaron and Amanda Gates, and Kelly Quinn; one sister June (Bert) Crotty of International r hiis» xninn.; 9na several nl6c«o and nephews. She was preceded in death by four brothers and two sisters; and a brother-in-law, F re derick “Fritz” Weber. Funeral services were held Saturday, Dec. 7 at 2 p.m. at the Staffan-Mitehell Funeral Home, with Deacon Richard Shaneyfelt officiating. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery. Expressions of. sympathy maybe made to Faith In Action or the charity of choice. JOHN A. PETTY > Grass Lake Age 48, died Sunday morning Dec, 8. 1996 at University of •Michigan Hospital. He was born July 5, 1948 in Knoxville, Tenn., the son of John D. and Gladys (Ditty) Petty, Mr. Petty hud been a resident of Grass Lake since 1987 and was employed at Federal Screw Works and was a member of theUAW. He was married to Rosemary M iller on Feb. 8,1968 In Manches te r and she survives. Also surviv ing are four sons. Jason of Greg ory. Jeremy of Jackson and Daniel and Darin, both of Grass Lake; a daughter-in-law, Ann A. (Wolfe) Petty; a granddaughter, Jessica Lynn; and grandson. Tristan Allen Petty; and his father of Dickson, Tenn. John was preceded in death by his mother in 1988 and two brothers. , Funeral services were held Wednesday at 1 p.m, at the Staf fan-Mitchell Funeral Home, with Rev. Stanley Hayes of Grass Lake jUnited Methodist Church officiat ing. Burial was in Oakwood Ceme tery. Grass Lake. Expressions of Sympathy may be made to John A. Petty Family Memorial Fund,
M usic a (Continued from Page 17) , r e fle c ts th e m em ories from .his childhood and early y e ars of life, in h is m essages as h e gives ex am p les in life. F illed w ith ■hufnor, and yet tru e sincerity, Ja ck Story has endeavored to ■preach: the Gospel for m ore th an 40 years now. ■ At age 72, B rother Ja ck h as closely known some o f th e m ost renow n m inisters an d au th o rs o f C hristian lite ra tu re in Am erica. H is y ears of p reach in g have been an in sp i r a tio n to many to s u rre n d e r to th e m inistry them selves. H e has m o re th an 70 full-tim e C h ristian w orkers an d -p reachers aro und th is w orld who r e fe r to him a s th e ir “P asto r.” Jafck Story is now p asto rin g a t th e new F a ith B ap tist Church in C helsea. It is m eet ing tem p o rarily in the F a ith in
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Yes, happy New Y ear, Ad vent Sunday (Dec, l) m arks th e beginning o f a new y e ar in* th e ■0m history o f th e C h ristian IM : C hurch. It is th e tim e we change a ll o f th e L ectionary R eadings a n d a r e calle d upon to renew both o u r F a ith an d Hope, to. say nothing o f C har ity. , / It also m ark s th e tim e in o u r F aith /S ecu lar Life w hen we s ta rt o u r p re p a ra tio n s to r th e C hristm as holidays. 1 fe a r th a t I am ra th e r an oldJOHN C. RABADT Chelsea fashioned type who is sa d Formerly of Detroit and Gaylord den ed by th e n e e d of both Ago 82, born Dec. 4, 1914, died governm ent and o th e r p re s Dec. 4,1996. An inspirational man su re s w hich d e p riv e school, of faith who returned to God on the c h ild re n of C hristm as plays, date that God gave him to us. As a p a rtie s a n d m usic. Even th e husband to Virginia, who preceded H oliday tim e away from sch o o l’ him in death, he was a tender-heart is now c alle d by various ed companion. As a father, his gifts euphem ism s such as W inter to his family were immeasurable. B reak or M id-Term B reak and, Julie and Bill Auble, Kathleen o f course, th e re is no longer and Gary Dunton, Paula and Gib any such thing as E a ste r V aca Elrod, Susan and Ronnie Childs, tion—it has becom e Spring Tom and Colleen Rabaut, and B reak. Mary Lou and John Severln will 1 have to ask m yself all miss him dearly. His 16 grand children; Mike, Matt, Andy, Laura, w h eth er we a re any b e tte r Off Beth, Courtney, Lindsey, Ashley, to r this. It w ould seem to th is Adam, TJ. Lisa, Anna, Paul, John, d in o sa u r th a t we m ust be hav John Paul and Rachel will miss ing a self-aw areness/esteem the twinkle in his eye and his crisis if it is n ecessary to re -, laughter. He touched the lives alt so rt to som ew hat p e d e stria n who knew him. We will remember “p olitically c o rre c t” extrem es. him whenever we have breakfast I guess w e’ll have to re fra in at Gina’s. The vigil service was held Fri from o u r singing o f th at old day, Dec, 6 at 7:30 pan, at the Staf C hristm as song w hich in clu d es fan-Mitchell Funeral Home. Mass w ithin its lyrics “Now don we of the Resurrection was held Sat afl o u r gay a p p a re l” to r fe a r of urday Dec, 7 at 11 a.m. at St.sMary’s_ causing “p a in ” to a segm ent o f Catholic Church. Expressions of th e population. sympathy may be made to Michi We re a d alm ost daily, it gan Special Olympics, 300 North Fifth, Ann Arbor, Michigan, or the charity of choice. mb
ELLA M. HAMILTON Chelsea Age 91, died Dec. 7, 1996 at Chelsea Community Hospital. She was born on June 14, 1905 in Assembly of God Augusta, Mich., the daughter of First Assembly of God Thomas and Elia.(Clark> Johnson. Ella had lived in the area since 14900 Old US-12, Chelsea . 1982 moving from Ann Arbor, She 475-2615 was a member of Ann Arbor Rev, James Massey, Pastor United Methodist Church, and *** ■ ■ worked for the Administrative As Chelsea Christian Fellowship sistant Resource Security De 337 Wilkinson St. partment at the University of 475-8305 Michigan from 1957 to 1972. JohnDanibacher, Pastor _ On June 2, 1927 she married Sunday: Sunday School, 9 a.m. Ray H. Hamilton in Battle Creek and he preceed her in death on ■Worship Service. 10 a rt. Evening Dec 2, 1956. Surviving are one Service 6 p.m. ■ ; *** ■• Angola, Ind.; one daughter, Bev M pM erly (Robert) Benjamin of Macki Faith Baptist nac Island and .Hilton Head; three Faith-In-Action Bldg. grandchildren, Thomas Benjamin, Main St., Chelsea Michael Benjamin, and Jan 475-7841 (Benjamin) Young; eight great. grandchildren; two sisters-in-law, ’ Jack Story, Pastor Ernestine Aalbregtse and Marian Sunday; Worship, 11 a.m., 6 Barkley both of Battle Creek; and p.m. several nieces and nephews. She .. * ** was the youngest of six siblings, New Life Baptist who have all preceded her in (North Creek Elementary School) death. 699 McKinley Rd., Chelsea •«. Funeral ' serv ice s. were 433-0105 Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 11 a.m. at Raymonds.. Babb, Pastor Chelsea Retirement Community Chapel. Expressions of sympathy Sunday: Worship, 10 a.m. can be made to Chelsea Retire ment Community.________ North Sharon Baptist Church 17999 WashbumeRd., Grass Lk.' BEVERLY J. (FREEMAN) 428-7222 CUNNINGHAM Bobby D. Toler, Pastor Puyallup, Wash. Sunday; Sunday School, 10 Formerly of Dexter a.m.; Worship, 11 a.m.; Evening Age 67, died Dec. 8, 1996 in Puyallup. She was born in Ta Service, 7 p.m. , coma, Wash, and lived there most _Wedhesday: Bible Study, 7 p.m. of her life, but spent from 1966-74 *** in Loch Alpine near Dexter. She G n tM iv was the administrative assistant St. Mary’s Catholic Church at the University of Puget Sound 14200 Old US-12, Chelsea in Tacoma. Beverly. Wes member 475-7581 of St. Andrew’s, United Church of Christ while living in Dexter. Rev Fr, Philip Dupuis, Pastor Survivors include her hus Saturday: Confessions, 12-1 band. Thomas. Jr.; daughters, p.m.; Mass, 6 Heather Cavelti, Laurel Clark, Sunday: Mass, 8 and 10 a.m. and Holly Cockerham;. son,. Tho Weekdays: Mass, 9 a.m. mas. Ill; seven grandchildren; and *• * , a brother, Robert B. Freeman. Church of Christ Memorial services will be held Church of Christ Friday, Dec. 13 at 1 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of 13661 Old US-12, East, Chelsea Puyallup, Family suggests re ' 475-8458 membrances to the church. Ar Dr.Joe Lorimer, Evangelist rangements by Oakwood Hill Fu'*• * 'neral Home, Tacoma. Church ofthe-Nazarene
Church of the Nazarene (meeting in Chelsea Retirement Community Chapel) _ 805 W. Middle St , Chelsea 4?5-2526 Jeff Crowder, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. . Wednesday: Small groups, 7 p.m. in homes. . , ;v' ■" . :, i "■
A ction b uilding, on Sunday m ornings a n d evenings. V ir ginia Story, (th e p asto r's wife) is a v ailab le fo r in te rp re ta tio n to th e deaf. A c h u rc h for ch il d re n is tau g h t w ith illu stra tions on flan n elg rap h an d with songs. . T he ch u rch is sponsoring, Episcopal “A V ery S p ecial N ite ” for any v - st Barnabas one in th e com m unity on F ri 20500 Old US-12; Chelsed day, Dec. 20 a t th e F a ith in Ac . ;■ 475*818 : tion building. Music g eared ' Rev. Dr. JerroMBeaumont tow ard th e holidays w ill b e . Sunday: ChristianEducation, played and sung by sev eral 10 a.m. .Services, 10 a.m. o th e r p eo p le in- th e comm u Wednesday: Services, 7:30 p.m. nity; as well as s o m e . of the ' ■:. m i m em bers a n d frie n d s o f F aith Free Methodist B aptist. And to sp ice things up Chelsea Free Methodist , a bit, som e “bluegrhsS” m usic 7665 Werkner Rd. will b e throw n in for free, T he 475*1391 church is providing a few r e ' Mearl Bradley, Pastor / • freshm ents to th o se attending. Sunday: Tradltlonalworship, Seating is lim ited. Anyone wishing to a tte n d should call 8:30 a.m. Contemporary worship, 11 a m. Evening service, 6 p.m. in 475-7841 in advance.
seem s, o f th e ACLU defending this, th a t o r th e o th e r position o f 8,onto group o r o th e r on th e . b asis of. a n assum ed violation of th e C onstitution as am ended reg ard in g th e se p a ratio n o f ch u rch a n d state. It is a p p a re n t (at le a st to me) th a t th is am en d m en t was* an e n a bling in stru m e n t p ro tectin g you, m e an d th e ch u rch from th e governm ent ra th e r th an th e o th e r way around. It speaks o f forbidding ,th e gov ern m en t from m aking laws to estab lish religion, to b e tte r u n d e rstan d th is co n cep t one needs to re fe r to th e situ atio n w ith r e s p e c t . to th e “E stab lish ed C hurch” in th e U nited Kingdom (the Anglican' Church). The extrem e re su lt of such a law as th e e stab lish m en t of the ch u rch brings us to a posi tion w h erein a citizenry of second-class is created . P eo ple w ere fo rb id d en jobs, e d u cation, statu s for voting and ail m an n er of in ju stices b ecau se o f it, T he fram ers of our Con stitu tio n an d its early A m endm ents w ere m indful of th ese and o th er excesses and w ere d eterm in ed th a t we w ould n o t have o u r hard-w on freedom d en ied us. The in te r p re ta tio n of th is am endm ent by, usually, th e Suprem e C ourt h as led us into a tim e w hen th a t body is,, in effect, creatin g laws, a prerogative w hich d o esn ’t lie w ithin th e ir do m ain. T he most re c e n t co u rt ru l ing on b e h a lf of an ACLU tria l
a c tio n / c o n ce rn s its e lf w ith sdm e city council m em bers in R hode Islan d who have for som e 5Q y e a rs tak e n tu rn s r e moving snow from th e vario u s ch u rch a n d synagogue park in g lots, t h e c o u rt ru le d it to be u n co n stitu tio n al b a sed on the, “S ep aratio n o f C hurch an d S tate A m endm ent” and fo r providing a “se rv ice ” n o t ac co rd ed p riv a te b u sin esses.
475-8936 Ronald W. dark, Pastor Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, . 10:45 worship, 6 p.m. evening small groups Wednesday: 7 p.m. prayer serv ice. 444 ' Mt. Hope Bible Church . 12884 Trist Rd., Grass Lake (517)522-8182 Joseph O’Neill, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School, 10 a.m.; Morning Worship, 11; Even ing Worship, 6 Wednesday: Prayer Fellowship, 7 p.m. * 4 4' New Life Christian Center . Lima Township Hall 11452 Jackson Rd., Chelsea 475-1147 Erik Hansen, Pastor Sunday: Worship, 11 a.m.
Faith Evangelical 9575 North Territorial, Dexter 426-4302 or 426-8442 Rev. Mark Porinsky, Pastor Sunday: Worship 10 a.m. ••• Our Savior Lutheran 1516 S. Main St., Chelsea 475-1404 Rev. Dale Grimm, Pastor Sunday: Heritage Worship/Communion, 8:15 a.m. Educa tion hour, 9:30 a.m. Celebration Worship, 10:30 a.m. Jr. Confirma tion class, 6:30 p.m. *** ■ Zion Lutheran 3050 S. Fletcher Rd., Chelsea , — ^ 475.8O64 David Hendricks, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School, 9 a.m. Christmas Program, 10:15 a.m. Council pot-luck and meeting, 12-3 p.m. *v*
Methodist Salem Grove United Methodist 3320 Notten Rd. 475-2370 Rev. Jim Paige *** First United Methodist 128 Park St., Chelsea 475-8119 Rev. Richard Dake . Rev. Rebecca Foote Sunday: Worship, 8:30 a.m., and 11 a.m. Sunday School, 9:40 a.ra; ••* North Lake United 14111 North Territorial Rd. 475-7569 Rep. Wayne Hawley, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m, Worship, 10:30 a.m. Fellow ship, 11:30 a.m. Tuesday: Bible Study, 7:15 p.m. Choir, 8 p.m. ' 4 4 4' : ,:; Waterloo Village United Methodist Church, Washington'Si, Waterloo Kathy & pff, Minister Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Worship service, 11a.m. 44 4 . Chelsea Retirement Chapel 805 W. Middle St., Chelsea 4756633 . Rev. J. Gordon Schleicher Sunday: Worship service, 9:30 a.m. j , ' 4 4,4,
We h eed to b e m indful o f a move in som e s ta te s to a ttem p t to im pose a ta x on ch u rch p ro p erties, ag ain , citing th a t am endm ent a s i t s basis. This w ould, in d ee d , re p re s e n t a violation of th e -c h u rc h /s ta te relatio n sh ip , a s I see it, b e cause it w ould te n d to im ply th a t th e c h u rc h an d sta te had b e c o m e " one th rough th e ch u rch fin an cially su p porting th e state and w ith o u t rec o u rse a s to th e e x p e n d itu re o f the collected funds. Should h is tax im position actu ally ta k e place, I b eliev e it re a so n a b le for th e ch u rch to p re su m e th a t fu r th e r ' in ro ad s m ay well b e sought in th e form o f oversight an d p e rh a p s d ic ta tio n o f p ra c tices and p o lic ies o f th e church. F o r exam ple, w hile you m ight nev er th in k o f It, th e ch u rch v io lates se c u la r law every tim e we a d m in iste r the S acram en t of Holy Commun ion to anyone u n d e r 21 y ears of age! Would w e be forced to d isco n tin u e th is p ractice? The selectio n p ro c e ss fo r th e Or d ain e d Clergy m ight be called
444 Q uaker
Michigan Friends Center 7748 Clark Lake Road, Chelsea Isabel Bliss, 475 9976 Sunday: Unprogrammed meet” ing every second Sunday, 5:30 p.m. *4 4\: "
U n ite d C h u rc h o f C hrist Bethel Evangelical 10425 Bethel Church Rd. 428-8000 The Rev, Rickard Hardy
in to question, as th e c h u rc h r e serves th e ’selectio n p ro c e ss o f p o stu lan ts and C an d id ates to its e lf .w ithout reg a rd to th e p erso n seeking O rdination. In o th er words, th e p ro ce ss n e i th e r re q u ire s nor n e cessarily follows “Affirm ative A ction” g u id elin es for those being considered!. T hese and m any o th e r questions will face u s , in th e New Y ear beginning w ith A d vent Sunday 1996 a n d in th e new cen tu ry ju st ah ead . T he d irectio n o f th e ch u rch , its policies, com m itm ents and, in fact, every facet o f its life m ay well be exam ined in a new light. We, th e CHURCH, we th e PEOPLE, m ust be w atchful, awake an d resourceful or we shall find ourselves w aking up some m orning to a ch u rch we no longer recognize. YES, th e re i& a New Y ear startin g Advent Sunday. L et us look upon it as a tim e o f new opportunity to challenge o u r selves and, if need be, the church to be watchful, cau tio u s and read y to re sist th e works o f th e devil in th e world a n d to even m ore loudly p ro claim th e acceptable y e a r of th e Lord deeply in n eed of re p en tan ce, reco n ciliatio n and, above all, th e need to r the L ord's forgiveness. T he Rev. Dr. J e rro ld F; Beau m ont V icar, St. B arnabas E piscopal Church ^ C helsea
First Congregational-Chelsea 121E. Middle St. 475-1844 Rev. David Cleaver-Bartholomew Sunday: Sunday School, 9 a.m. Worship Service, 10a.m. ■- 4*4. St, John’s (Roger’s Corners) 12376 Waters Rd., Chelsea (517)456-7661 Rev. Nancy M. Doty, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School a n d , Worship, 9:30 a.m.
444 St. Johns 270 Bohne Rd., Grass Lake Rev. Glenn Culler Sunday: Worship and Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Communion first Sunday each month. ■ . St. Paul 14600 Old US-12 475-2545 Rev. Dr. Lynn Spitz-Nagel, Pastor Sunday: Worship, 8:15 a.m. Church School, 9:15 a.m. Worship, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday: Choir rehearsals, 6 and 7:30 p.m. 4• • C hurch Secretaries: We need inform ation about your next week’s activities by F ri day. Thank you.
The Church Calendar I s Sponsored by ■0
mixes Ch
il l in g
C h b l s b a , M i c h ig a n
m pany
Mormon /
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1330 Freer Rd., £75-1778 .v’: ‘4 * 4
Non.Denominationdl ■ Chelsea Hospital Mlniitry . .775 S. Main St., Chelsea .. v'; V•-475.1311 Covenant . Tony Dickerson, Pastor 50 N. Freer Rd. 475-2508 . Sunday: Sunday School, 9:15 , am. Worship/CommuniOn, 10:30 ^ S ^ g n o fT h e S e a s o n * /v/.'p toe o r ip r a c e tte * strapped to th e to p o f a ti)6 C h tlito ia i se itd ft t i upon as. T here are u a iiy j i |K ^ ^ a
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Page 32 *
Thursday, December 12, 1996 • THE CHELSEA SYAN1)AH1)/TIIK DEXTER LEADER
B e ek e ep e rs a re receiv in g n early a d o lla r a p o u n d for th eir honey, b u t th e dram atic w holesale p rice in cre ase in the past two years is not a windfall. T he co m b in atio n o f b e e killing tem p eratu res la st win ter, th e continues plague o f the varroa and trach eal m ite p a ra sites an d th e usual honeybee diseases su c h as nosem a and foulbrood m eans h ig h er costs for M ichigan honey p roducers, costs th a t offset hig h er honey prices. R oger H oopingam er, Mich igan S ta te U niversity E xtension ap icu ltu ralist, says last w in ter’s frigid w e a th e r w iped out ab o u t 80 p e rc e n t o f th e h o n ey b ee colonies. “B eek eep ers h a d to re ly on rep lacem en t bees and th ey gen erally a re not as strong as those th at successfully overw inter,” he says. “Consequently, we had a fair honey flow this p ast year. H ad we h ad n orm al eplony stren g th , we p ro b ab ly w ould had an ex cellen t year.” —J u m p Team — M ichigan’s b eek eep ers u su As p art of an academ ic in* ally buy rep lacem en t b ees from ccntive, a ju m p rope demon* bee b re e d e rs in Georgia, b u t stration team from St. F ra n with th e rise in honey prices, cis school in Ann A rbor trav many G eorgia p ro d u ce rs a re eled to D exter to e n tertain opting to p u t th e bees to work students at Wylie Middle m aking honey in stead o f selling School Friday, p e c. 6. The them. dem onstration was also “It’s to th e po in t th a t i f b e e aim ed at show ing students k e e p e rs h a v en ’t o rd e re d different ways of ju m ping rep lacem en t bees by January, rope. Students can use the they won’t get them and th at technique d u rin g the Hoop puts som e o f o u r b eek eep ers at for H eart and Ju m p Rope for a disadvantage,” H oopingam er H eart activities being held says. today at th e'sch o o l. The day U ntil the upw ard tre n d in and activities are aim ed at dom estic honey p rices began developing skills, lifelong last year, p rices to b eek eep ers fitness, healthy lifestyle and had b een averaging 57 cents a self-care concepts.„ pound. The p rice in cre ase is a ttrib u te d to a w orldw ide sh o rt age o f honey a n d a five-year restra in in g o rd e r ag ain st th e U.S. governm ent by th e n a tio n ’s b e ek e ep e rs th at su b stan tially re d u c e s honey im p o rts from China. “Most b eek eep ers a re using the in creased p rice retu rn s to garden mulch. The wood p ro d re p la c e w orn out e q u ip m en t ucts industry is a m ajor contrib and facilities, w hich a few years u to r to n o rth e rn M ichigan’s ago they could not afford to do,” economy. H oopingam er says. “T h ere is H orticulture experts say th at also th e in creased cost o f ju st not every problem with your keeping th e bee colony healthy, sh ru b s and b u sh es can be which has m ore than doubled blam ed on insects o r disease. in the p a st 10 years.” Before you try a chem ical cure, Progress on developing h o n consider w hether im proper soil eybees w ith genetic resistan ce pH or a lack o f c ertain n u tri to the varroa m ite — resea rch ents is to b lam e/ C ontact your th at o rig in ated a t MSU and is local E xtension service office b ein g s h a re d w ith th e U.S. for advice. D e p a rtm e n t o f A g ric u ltu re re se a rc h lab o rato ry in B aton C o m m e r c ia l
Rouge, La, — is continuing. If ail goes well, lim ited num bers o f the new b ees will b e av ailab le to b e e k e e p e rs in th e n e a r ftiture, p erh ap s w ithin th e next 18 m onths, H oopingam er says. F o r th e fo reseeab le future, however, b eek eep ers will have to rely on th e chem ical strip s placed in th e honeybee colony to help red u ce th e an n u al toll taken by v arro a and trach eal m ites. N ationally th e m ite have red u ced b e e k e ep e r and colony num bers by one-third. T he p ractical reality of a varroa-resistant honeybee will b e th e highlight of H oopingarner’s MSU c areer, w hich will en d NOW O PEN Y E
grapes and oranges. A m ericans are eating m ore fresh fruit, now at 36_percent o f total fruit con sum ption co m p ared with 32 percent in 1977. The average A m erican a te 98 pounds of fresh fru it in a year. Wood and wood products a re a big p art of our everyday lives. The fam iliar p ro d u cts include wood for o u r hom es, cabinets an d furniture, p a p e r a n d coffee filters. But tre e bark is also ‘used to make shoe polish and B onded Insu
A N T IQ U E S H O P P E G l a s s w a r e a C o l l e c t ib l e s De c e m b e r Ho u r s : T U E S 1 2 * 4 , FRI 1 - 7 S A T 1 0 -4 » S U N 1 2 - 4
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B D_ A FT A R E R 1 m u id a n n a a
F a rm B u r e a u fu ll fa c ts o ffe r e d M ichigan has 1 m illion more ap p le tre e s th a n it did in 1991. K ent is th e sta te 's-to p apple country, follow ed ;by B errien, Van B uren, Ottawa and Oceana. T he top five most grown ap p le v a rie tie s a re R ed, D elicious, G olden D elicious, Jo n a th a n , Rom e an d McIntosh. M ichigan oat production con tin u es to drop. O utput th is y e a r was down 30 p e rc en t from 1995, th e lowest level since estim ates began in 1866. P roduction of rye was also down to th e low est am ount since 1880. To keep your frozen food safe, m ake su re your freezer is se t to 0°F o r below. Setting it a t high e r tem p era tu re s, shortens the tim e food is preserved. A m ericans last y e ar con sum ed n e arly 277 p o u n d s of fruit, virtually unchanged from 1994. But d a ta from th e A g ricu ltu re D e p artm en t sa id A m erican s a te few er a p p le s an d peaches, w hile eating m ore
Ju n e 30 when h e retires. He has been an in teg ral p a rt of, M ichigan’s honey industry for 37 years. ~ftis in te re st in bees began as a Boy Scout project in Detroit, T h ere ap p aren tly is a ques tio n ab o u t w h e th e r Hooping a m e r’s position will be filled. “Right now, it doesn't look like it will be, so after m ore th an 130 years, th e apicu ltu re program h e re will be discontin ued,” H oopingam er says. He says th at h e p lan s to con tin u e his association with the Michigan b eek eep ers after he retires.
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