All-in-one battery powered sound system Cod: FREE10
Overview PROEL FREE systems give you the freedom to perform your music or play your sound anywhere without worrying about where to plug the power cord, how to connect your MP3 player or how to set your microphone. FREE6 and FREE10 are battery powered combo sound systems with a full set of features and the sound you don?t expect from this kind of products. They feature a CD/DVD/MP3 player with USB port and remote control able to play not only audio but also video files, with a dedicated video output for connecting an external display. The WIRELESS modules provide a clean and hassle-free wireless connection with the included handheld microphones for the maximum freedom of movement. FREE6 and FREE10 are hosted in compact and road-proof PP cabinets that provide maximum portability and protection. FREE10, with his 2-way configuration and his 180W power amp, is the perfect all-in-one multi-purpose system for indoor and outdoor applications requiring high-quality sound, high power output and multiple connections. An additional wireless module with the choice of handheld or bodypack transmitter with headset microphone is available as optional. - Built-in license-free UHF wireless module (863-865 MHz) with handheld microphone - CD/DVD/MP3 player with USB port, remote control and VIDEO output - 2 MONO inputs + 1 MONO OUTPUT - HIGH + LOW tone controls - ECHO effect - 180W built-in amplifier - 1? horn loaded compression driver and 10? woofer for an accurate sound reproduction - 3/4 hours working time - Compact and light-weight PP cabinet for maximum portability, with two wheels and one trolley-style handle
Technical Specifications MONO inputs: 2 x MIC IN (COMBO), 1 x LINE IN (JACK) Input Connectors : COMBO (MIC IN), JACK (LINE IN) 2xRCA + mini-jack (STEREO LINE IN) Internal Effect: ECHO
Outputs: STEREO LINE OUT (2xRCA + JACK), VIDEO OUT (RCA) Main EQ: LOW + HIGH Control Wireless Receiver: FR1R Handheld Transmitter: FR1H Bodypack Transmitter: FR1B (optional) Headset microphone: HS1 (otpional) Modulation Mode: FM Frequency Range: UHF 863-865MHz Frequency Stability: 0.0005% Sensitivity: 95dB Adjacent Channel Rejection: S/N >4 0dB AF output: 80dB Distortion:
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Fo r servic e, suppo rt, o r mo re info rma tio n c o nta c t: Pro el S.p.A. Via a lla Ruenia 37/43 CAP 64027 - Sa nt'Omero (TE) ITALY