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Master 400G Intra Data Center Inter Data Center Metro Long Haul Data Center Core Network IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 802.3bs & 802.3cd Standard / implementation agreement 400GBASE-SR16 200GBASE-DR4 400GBASE-DR4 200GBASE-FR4 / 400GBASE-FR8 50GAUI-2 C2M / 200GBASE-LR4 / 100GAUI-4 C2M / 400GBASE-LR8 200GAUI-8 C2M / 400GAUI-16 C2M 50GAUI C2M / 100GAUI-2 C2M / 200GAUI-4 C2M / 400GAUI-8 C2M 50GAUI-2 C2C / 100GAUI-4 C2C / 200GAUI-8 C2C / 400GAUI-16 C2C 50GAUI C2C / 100GAUI-2 C2C / 200GAUI-4 C2C / 400GAUI-8 C2C 50G-KR / 100G-KR2 / 200G-KR4 50G-CR / 100G-CR2 / 200G-CR4 Chip to chip on same circuit board Backplanes with daughter cards Passive copper cable Twinax copper cable + 2 connectors Circuit board Fiber optic data link Fiber optic data link Fiber optic data link Fiber optic data link Fiber optic data link Chip to pluggable optical module Chip to pluggable optical module Chip to chip on same circuit board Link media Multimode fiber Single-mode fiber Single-mode fiber Single-mode fiber Single-mode fiber Circuit board trace + 1 connector Circuit board trace + 1 connector Circuit board trace Circuit board trace Circuit board trace + 3 connectors Modulation format NRZ PAM-4 PAM-4 PAM-4 PAM-4 NRZ PAM-4 NRZ PAM-4 PAM-4 PAM-4 Symbol rate, per lane/wire 26.5625 GBd 26.5625 GBd 53.125 GBd 26.5625 GBd 26.5625 GBd 26.5625 GBd 26.5625 GBd 26.5625 GBd 26.5625 GBd 26.5625 GBd 10 km 10.2 dB (≈ 100 mm) 10.2 dB (≈ 100 mm) 20 dB (≈ 25 cm) 20 dB (≈ 25 cm) 30 dB (≈ 1 m) Application Maximum reach (channel loss at Nyquist frequency) 100 m 500 m 500 m 2 km Chip to pluggable optical module Chip to pluggable optical module Circuit board Circuit board + 1 connector NRZ PAM-4 26.5625 GBd 39.8 - 58.0 GBd 16.06 dB (≥ 3 m) (cable assembly only) 8 dB @ 29 GHz (≈ 50 mm) CEI-56G-LR-PAM4 Backplanes / passive copper cable Fiber optic data link Chip to pluggable optical module Circuit board + 1 connector Circuit board trace Circuit board + 2 connectors Circuit board + 2 connectors Multimode fiber & singlemode fiber Circuit board trace + 1 connector NRZ PAM-4 PAM-4 PAM-4 eNRZ PAM-4 18.0 - 29.0 GBd 39.0 - 56.0 Gb/s 18.0 - 29.0 GBd 18.0 - 29.0 GBd 18.0 - 29.0 GBd 33.16 - 37.5 GBaud 29.027 GBd 4.2 dB @ 14.5 GHz (≈ 50 mm) 13 dB @ 28 GHz (Type A) 20 dB @ 28 GHz (Type B) (≈ 150 mm) 10.0 dB @ 14.5 GHz (≈ 150 mm) 20 dB @ 14.5 GHz ( ≈ 500 mm) 30 dB @ 14.5 GHz (≈ 1000 mm) 33.6 dB @ 18.75 GHz 100 m (MMF) 1-n 1-n (each lane has 4 wires) 1 1 1 4/ 8 4/ 8 Forward error correction (FEC) overhead Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Not used Not used Not used Assumed Assumed Assumed Pre-FEC bit error ratio (BER) 2.4 E-4 2.4 E-4 2.4 E-4 2.4 E-4 2.4 E-4 1E-6 1E-5 1E-5 1E-4 2.4 E-6 2.4 E-4 1 E-15 1 E-15 1 E-15 1 E-6 1 E-6 1 E-4 50G-KR/100G-KR2: 1 E-10 (link only) 6.2 E-10 (with AUI) 50G-CR/100G-CR2: 1 E-10 (link only) 6.2 E-10 (with AUI) 200G-KR4: 1.7 E-12 (link only) 6.2 E-11 (with AUI) 200G-CR4: 1.7 E-12 (link only) 6.2 E-11 (with AUI) Novel test requirements 4.3 dB — — — — 2.5 dB 2.5 dB 2.4/2.2 dB 64GFC / 256GFC * Backplanes / passive copper cable Number of wavelengths Transmitter and dispersion eye closure for PAM-4 (TDECQ), each lane max. CEI-56G-LR-eNRZ Chip to chip on large circuit board Chip to adjacent chip 1 1.7 E-12 (link only) 6.2 E-11 (with AUI) 1/ 2/ 4 Chip to adjacent chip CEI-56G-MR-PAM4 1 1.7 E-12 (link only) 6.2 E-11 (with AUI) 1/ 2/ 4 CEI-56G-VSR-PAM4 4 1.7 E-12 (link only) 6.2 E-11 (with AUI) 1/ 2/ 4/ 8 CEI-56G-VSR-NRZ 4 1.7 E-12 (link only) 6.2 E-11 (with AUI) 2/ 4/ 8/ 16 CEI-56G-XSR-NRZ CEI-56G-XSR-PAM4 16 Frame loss ratio (for 64 octet frames) 1/ 2/ 4/ 8 Eye width (EW) Eye height (EH) Eye symmetry mask width (ESMW) Transition time (specific edge) — Signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) — Output waveform measurements (RLM, linear fit pulse peak,…) — Output jitter (JRMS, J4, even-odd jitter) 1-n 1-n 1-n 1-n 1-n TOR switch to blade server OIF-proposed paths to 400G Single-mode fiber Modulation format 64QAM Symbol rate per lane/wire 42.7 GBd 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 64QAM MultibandOFDM (16QAM) QPSK 64 GBd 32GBd 64 GBd 14.2 GBd 8 GBd 64 GBd ~ 100 km Maximum reach < 1,000 km — Output jitter (UBHPJ, UUGJ, even-odd jitter) — — — — Eye width (EW) Eye height (EH) Eye linearity Transition time 16 GBd 32 GBd 16QAM 42.7 GBd 21 GBd > 2,000 km 8 PDM lanes 2 PDM lanes 4 PDM lanes 4 PDM lanes 4 PDM lanes 2 PDM lanes 3 PDM lanes Electrical Channel occupancy 50 GHz 75 GHz/ 100 GHz 75 GHz/ 100 GHz 75 GHz/ 100 GHz 50 GHz 100 GHz 150 GHz 150 GHz 75 GHz/ 100 GHz 150 GHz 100 GHz 75 GHz/ 100 GHz PAM-4 PAM-4 Forward error correction (FEC) overhead ~20% 29.027 GBd 26-5625 GBd Pre-FEC Bit Error Ratio (BER) ~ 1E-2 13.4 10.4 13.8 10.4 15 14.5 ≈ 150 mm 2m 1/ 4 1/ 4 8 1 1 Not used Required Required Required 1 E-15 TBD TBD 1 E-4 Required optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) at BER = 10-2 23.8 19.8 16.8 19.8 18.5 10.8 Novel test requirements — Tighter tolerances regarding skew, nonlinearity, frequency-response calibration — Interchannel crosstalk -> frequency stability of carrier laser Challenges — Interoperability of transceivers — Interchannel crosstalk — Power consumption/ efficiency BER from SNR New Flexgrid Defined in ITU-T G.694.1 Recommendation 37.5 GHz 50 GHz 50 GHz 1E-04 TBD 1E-05 — Signal-to-noise-and distortion ratio (SNDR) Standard will likely leverage PAM-4 measurements outlined in IEEE 802.3bs and OIF-CEI 4.0. — Output waveform measurements (RLM, linear fit puls peak,) Signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) Output waveform measurements (RLM, linear fit pulse peak,…) Output jitter (UBHPJ, UUGJ, even-odd jitter) 32 GBd 8QAM 3 PDM lanes 1E-03 — — — QPSK 1 PDM lane 1E-02 — — — — 16QAM 2 PDM lanes 1E-01 — Signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) Eye width (EW) Eye height (EH) — Eye width (EW) Transition time — Eye height (EH) Vertical eye closure (VEC) — Eye linearity — Transition time (specific edge) QPSK ~ 2,000 km 1E+00 — Clock jitter (UUGJ-hf) — Clock phase noise Ultralong haul 1 PDM lane 18 GHz 1E-06 400G BER 400G 1E-08 1E-09 1E-10 1E-11 -5 0 5 10 QPSK 8PSK 16QAM 64QAM 15 SNR/dB Clock recovery is required for PAM-4 which adds complexity due to more transition possibilities. Channel operating margin (COM) is a new figure of merit defined as follows: COM represents the signal-to-noise amplitude at the receiver pins of a channel after integrating the effects of loss, near-end crosstalk, far-end crosstalk, and statistical noise. A typical COM number might be 8.5dB and it would be the result of inputting multiple variables including S-parameter measurements into a large MATLAB program specifically written per the standard COM definition. Some test and measurement tools have cleverly integrated COM calculations to help automate this normally complex characterization technique. 32 GHz 1E-07 1E-12 Requirements for accurate eye analysis: Frequency response complies to industry standard tolerance — Low jitter relative to the bit period (unit interval) — Low noise (SNR degrades from NRZ to PAM-4) — Robust measurement algorithms TDECQ: Transmitter Dispersion and Eye Closure Quaternary. A power penalty measurement (in dB) indicating the additional transmitter power required to compensate for PAM-4 eye closure and achieve the target symbol-error-ratio (relative to an ideal PAM-4 signal having the same optical modulation amplitude). Measured on the transmitter PAM-4 eye after passing through a virtual equalizer within the oscilloscope. A similar measurement, TDEC, is performed on NRZ multimode signals (no virtual equalizer used). Long haul 1 PDM lane Forward error correction (FEC), SNR Challenges Metro Number of parallel lanes TBD — — — — Short haul Standard/ implementation agreement 600G HDR * 2 km (SMF) 2.5/2.4 dB Transmitter and dispersion eye closure for PAM-4 (TDECQ) Outer optical modulation amplitude Outer extinction ratio Relative intensity noise (RINxOMA) InfiniBand Link media Number of parallel lanes 1.7 E-12 (link only) 6.2 E-11 (with attachment unit interface) 2/ 4/ 8/ 16 Fiber Channel PI-7 OIF-CEI 4.0 (Optical Internetworking Forum - Common Electrical Interface) 20 25 30 200 100 16QAM QPSK 200 200 100 16QAM 16QAM 200 QPSK 200 50 16QAM 16QAM BPSK v(GHz) For polarization-multiplexed signals: R OSNR = s SNR Bref Rs: Symbol rate Bref: Reference bandwidth = 12.5 GHz 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 Notes: * 64G Fiber Channel and Infiniband HDR standards are in early development at time of printing. Parameter values are subject to change as standard developments continue. Understanding the Application Space Channel Operating Margin (COM) Typical implementation: Ethernet switch using 400GBASE-FR8 optical link. Both IEEE and OIF-CEI are used. Switch ASIC CEI-56G-VSR PAM-4 or NRZ Switch Card n Retimer CEI-56G-LR PAM-4 or eNRZ Backplane n Retimer CEI-56G-MR PAM-4 or NRZ n Host ASIC CDAUI-8 8 x 56 Gb/s PAM-4 8 400G-FR8 Module Retimer ROSA TOSA Line Card 8 Retimer ROSA TOSA 400G-FR8 Module 400GBASE-FR8 8 l WDM in SMF KEYSIGHT SERVICES Accelerate Technology Adoption. Lower costs. Consulting Training COM Parameter Definitions Draft parameter ref Example setting Coding/port type Coding/port type NRZ clause 93 D1.1 Unit interval (UI) Unit interval (UI) 3.87879E-11 tx_ffe tx_ffe [.1.4] Hardware Unit interval in seconds Software M8196A 92 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator Transmitter equalizer max. pre and post cursor coefficient ndfe W 12 Victim single bit response exception window (in UI) G_DC 12 Continuous tie filter, max. DC gain. a_thru A_v 0.4 Transmitter differential peak output voltage for victim. a_fext A_f 0.4 Transmitter differential peak output voltage for far-end aggressor. a_next A_n 0.6 Transmitter differential peak output voltage for near-end aggressor. AG 1/(L-1) 1 Infiniium Z-Series Oscilloscopes N8827A & N8827B PAM-4 Analysis Software for Infiniium Real-time Oscilloscopes 81195A Optical Modulation Generator Software 86100B Tunable Laser Sources Related to number of levels, L (symbol gain). specBER SER_0 1.00E-12 Allowance COM_0 0 G_s_noise sigma_G 0.01 Normalized RMS Gaussian noise. g_dd_noise A_DD 0.1 Normalized peak dual-Dirac noise. Na_rms ­— 0 Voltage sensitivity RMS Gaussian noise. Samples per UI M 32 ­— Port order Port order [1 3 2 4] G01 Gamma_01 0.01 Transmitter reflection coefficient DC value. Value < 0.01 disables. G02 Gamma_02 0.01 Receiver reflection coefficient DC value. Value < 0.01 disables. Target uncorrected symbol error ratio. Minimum channel operation margin. 86100D Infiniium DCA-X Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope with 86105D 34 GHz Optical, 50 GHz Electrical Module 86100D-9FP PAM-N Analysis Software for 86100D DCA-X Oscilloscopes N1085A PAM-4 Measurement Application for Ethernet and OIF-CEI N7700A Photonic Application Suite N4373D Lightwave Component Analyzer For the 4 ports the first two listed are inputs and respective last two are outputs (RX). Fscale1 Fscale1 2 Transmitter reference coefficient reference frequency scale. Value > 2 disables. Fscale2 Fscale2 2 Receiver reference coefficient reference frequency scale. Value > 2 disables. ctle_step — 1 Continuous time filter step size dB. tx_ffe_step — 0.02 maxc1 — 1 Max. value for DFE1. maxcx — 1 Max. in W region. f_v f_v 0.55 Transmitter 3 dB bandwidth for victim. Set to > 2 to deactivate. f_f f_f 0.55 Transmitter 3 dB bandwidth for far-end aggressor. Set to > 2 to deactivate. f_n f_n 1 f_r f_r 0.75 HARDWARE + SOFTWARE + PEOPLE = 400G INSIGHTS Hardware Selector for port type max_ctle Product Purchase Alternatives Software Transmitter equalizer, pre/post cursor coefficient step size. Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) Version 2017 N1077A Optical/Electrical Clock Recovery N4392A Option 430 Integrated Coherent Receiver Test N4391A Optical Modulation Analyzer N4391AU Optical Modulation Analyzer Software N1930B Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) Transmitter 3 dB bandwidth for near-end aggressor. Set to > 2 to deactivate. Receiver 3 dB bandwidth. One-Stop Calibration M8040A 64 GBaud High-performance BERT M8070A System Software for M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions Repair Asset Management Technology Refresh Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, 2017 Printed in USA, March 27, 2017 5992-2143EN 5992-1249EN_3-25-16.pdf 1 3/28/16 3:59 PM 10 Things You Should Know About Massive MIMO 1 2 Massive MIMO is multi-user MIMO where the number of base station antennas is much larger than the number of users. a Uplink Base station Single-User MIMO Multi-User MIMO Multiple spatial channels for higher data rates Precoding data for multiple users h00 S0 h01 TX h10 S1 h11 ^S 0 r0 ... r1 ... RX H-1 RX ^S 1 M Y CM MY CY K 4a Frequency 7 Users that are too close together for spatial multiplexing can be assigned to different time frequency blocks. b4y h00 h01 X0 r1 h10 h11 S1 X1 W10 W11 S1 ^S 1 h10 h11 X1 In single-user MIMO, all of the processing of calculating channel state information and decoding of the downlink data is performed in the user terminal based on the known pilot or preamble sequence. Simple precoding beam steering will not work for massive MIMO as it only provides approximate beamforming and will not provide spatial multiplexing. Frame structure Uplink data b Uplink pilots Downlink data Bc 8 S F 5 50 Element Linear Array Multi-user MIMO uses beamforming to improve signal to interference ratio for a user by forcing the desired signal from each antenna to add in phase and the signals for all other users to add out of phase. K C Massive MIMO provides spatial multiplexing since each user only receives their own signal, allowing all users to share the same time/frequency resources. 6 9 M8195A 65 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator with M8197A Synchronization Module Speed 2 GHz 28 GHz 60 GHz 3 km/h 45 ms 3.2 ms 1.5 ms 30 km/h 4.5 ms 320 µs 150 µs 120 km/h 1.125 ms 80 µs 37 µs 500 km/h 27 µs 19 µs 9 µs The channel state information is only valid for the duration of the channel coherence time. Massive MIMO will work best in low mobility scenarios and performance will decrease as mobility rates increase. M9703A AXIe 12-bit High-Speed Digitizer/Wideband Digital Receiver HARDWARE + SOFTWARE + PEOPLE = 5G INSIGHTS a2 a3 h12 a4 h13 a1 X b1 Y k1.x + ~0.y h14 b2 h21 b3 h22 b4 h23 Precoding A number of precoding techniques may be used with additional processing to mange the peak/average of the signal. By convention the receiver location is placed first in the h notation. ~0.x + k2.y h24 200 Element Linear Array The performance of massive MIMO improves with adding more antennas, without limit. More antennas allow the energy to be increasingly focused at a specific physical antenna location, reducing overall transmitted power by reducing power transmitted in non-useful directions. Time to Move ¼ Wavelength Tc W1906EP 5G Baseband Verification Library 3 O T UE1 In a TDD system, the channel state information is calculated in the base station by having all of the users transmit a sequence of orthogonal pilot signals at the same time. The channel state information is valid over a specific amount of time (coherence time) and over a specific amount of frequency (coherence bandwidth). M8190A 12 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator User terminal In multi-user MIMO, all of the processing of calculating channel state information and precoding of the downlink data is performed in the base station. The user terminal in a multi-user MIMO system has no additional complexity. The Butler matrix is a type of beamforming network. Depending on which N input is accessed, the antenna beam is steered in a specific direction in one plane. Time h11 ^S r1 ... RX 1 ^S 0 1R 4L 3R 2L 2R 3L 4R 1L ... h10 X1 W00 W01 S0 1-of-8 fixed beam selection plus combinations ... CMY The massive MIMO base station needs to know the channel state from each antenna to each user before transmitting data to allow the signals to add in the correct phase for each user. To control the shape of the beam, you need to control both the amplitude and phase of the antenna feeds. S1 X0 O T b U O a1x b3y b1y b2y W TX S0 a2x C h01 ^S r0 ... RX 0 h00 h01 a3x Downlink h00 X0 r0 8-Port Butler Matrix a4x Base station User terminal S0 Coefficients a1-4 and b1-4 are calculated with knowledge of h1n, h2n to maximize x and y at the two locations. h11 256 Element (64x4) Antenna Array Patch antenna 10 Planar array size Frequency Width Height Height Width Area 2 GHz 23 mm 40 mm 225 mm 4730 mm 1063 mm2 28 GHz 3.56 mm 2.44 mm 16 mm 338 mm 5.42 mm2 60 GHz 1.66 mm 0.87 mm 7.5 mm 158 mm 1.18 mm2 Massive MIMO is well suited for millimeter wave frequencies due to the small antenna size but is also practical at existing mobile frequency bands as significant performance gains can be realized with 10s to 100s of antenna elements. Infiniium S-Series High-Definition Oscilloscope with 10-bit ADC 5G Channel Sounding, Reference Solution Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2016 Printed in USA, March 25, 2016 5992-1249EN The Calibration Game A One-Stop Keysight Service Follow the path to complete accuracy, traceability and compliance with Keysight’s One-Stop Calibration Services. Ensure the ongoing precision and availability of all of your electrical, physical, dimensional and optical test assets. What are you going to calibrate today? Choose your game piece. Optical Physical Dimensional Electrical START TEST EVERY PARAMETER It’s time to get an accurate calibration for your instruments. Let’s go! You count on your instruments to work the way they're supposed to, so all parameters on your Keysight equipment are tested. You can rely on this same measurement expertise when your non-Keysight equipment is calibrated. Product Failure You didn’t test power level accuracy, which resulted in a weaker signal and shorter range for your product. Go back to start. PARAMETERS Keysight: Total of 820 points tested Keysight Max 36 points tested Normalized Measured Value There are no perfect measurements, but Keysight’s low measurement uncertainties (MU) give you greater confidence in the test accuracy. Min Max Third Party Provider KNOW YOUR MEASUREMENT ACCURACY 0 points tested MEASUREMENT ACCURACY Min Output Power Digital Mod Power Power Analog Power Digital Harmonic Spurious Power Level Digital 10 MHz Sub Harmonic Accuracy Modulation Frequency W-CDMA Power Third Party Lab: Total of 257 points tested Out of spec risk Upper Spec Measurement +/- MU SHOW TRACEABILITY Your test follows a chain of evidence, showing traceability from your test equipment to the International System (SI) of units via National Metrology Institutes (NMI). Nominal Lower Spec Keysight Third Party Lab TRACEABILITY National Metrology Institute (NMI) Measurement Standards Product Recall Direct Voltage Calibrator A large MU means your “passing” product may not meet performance limits. Go back (3) spaces. Alternating Voltage Calibrator Manufactured Product Unit of Time Interval: SECOND Alternating Voltage Watt-Hour Meter Calibrator Test Instrument Alternating Current Calibrator Alternating Current AV to DV Transfer Standard Direct Voltage (DV) Unit of Energy: JOULE Unit of Power: WATT Direct Current Standard Direct Current Shunts Unit of Potential Volt Standard Cells Unit of Resistance OHM Unit of Time Interval: HERTZ NMI Measurement Standard Unit of Capacitance FARAD Resistance Calibrator Unit of Inductance HENRY ILAC-G8:03/2009 Guidelines on Assessment and Reporting of Compliance with Specification Cesium-Beam Time-Frequency Standard Frequency Comparator Unit of Length: METER Calculate Capacitator Krypton-86 Length Standard ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 Guide for Expression of Uncertainty of Measurements NMI Measurement Standard COMPLIANCE Productivity Loss ILAC-P14:01/2013 Policy for Uncertainty in Calibration You didn’t measure to a common standard, and your international teams are getting different readings. Go back (4) spaces. COMPLY WITH STANDARDS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories Your Keysight calibration lab complies with international and national metrology standards. Audit Failure Your calibration lab wasn’t in compliance with ISO 17025 and now you’re scrambling to resolve audit findings. Go back (3) spaces. ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 Rescinded 2007, but still in regular use for existing Aero/defense work ANSI/NCSL Z540.3-2006 Requirements for the calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems - requirements Keysight Scope of Accreditation DC Voltage Reduced Market Share Your calibration lab wasn't accredited for RF Absolute Power, and even though your product passed final test, it is experiencing customer failures. Go back (4) spaces. AC Voltage DC Current AC Current Digital Modulation RF Absolute Power Thermal Noise Figure Reflection S11/S22 Keysight Third Party Lab Third Party Lab ACCREDITATION Physical Electrical Optical Dimensional Congratulations! USE AN ACCREDITED LAB You use an accredited Keysight lab and are able to successfully test the full scope of your equipment. You've produced a high quality product! FINISH Want to learn more? The information in this document is subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, 2017 Published in USA, April 5, 2017 5992-2290EN Electronic Warfare Fundamentals Modern Jamming Techniques Simplified Radar Warning Receiver Block Diagram IF frequency RF converter Digital words ADCs Spectrum estimator Para encoder Digital processor Display Three Areas of EW / Common Acronyms There are two categories of jammers, Noise and Deceptive. As radar threats have become more diverse and complex over time, the need for more efficient and precise jamming techniques was needed. Below are two of the more recent jamming techniques implemented in EW systems today: Digital RF Memory (DRFM) Special function generator Simplified DRFM Based Jammer Block Diagram Receiver/ Processor Downconverter to baseband IF ADC FPGA Modulator Transmitter Upconverstion to RF DAC 5 4 3 2 False target slowing down and moving outbound 1 Doppler Filters Increasing Freq /Bins uency Shift 5 4 Time Time 1 2 Time 3 4 Time 4 5 Time 5 Electronic Support Measures (ESM) Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) – Detection – Direct finding – Analysis – Identification – ELINT – COMINT Anti active Anti passive Active Passive Jamming Chemical 5 4 Time Time 5 4 1 3 Time 3 Time 2 EM EME EMS EOB SIGINT ELINT COMINT Electromagnetic EM Environment EM Spectrum Electronic Order of Battle Signal Intelligence Electronic Intelligence Communications Intelligence E5505A Phase Noise Measurement Solutions Network Analysis Mechanical Jammer EW transmitter used to interfere, upset, or deceive a victim radar, communications, or navigation system J/S Jam to Signal Ratio PDW Pulse Descriptor Word LEA/ECM Electronic Attack/Electronic Counter Measures: involves the use of EM energy or anti-radiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment EP/ECCM Electronic Protection/Electronic Counter-Counter Measures: Actions taken to protect personnel, facilities, and equipment from any effects of friendly or enemy use of EMS ES/ESM Electronic Support / Electronic Support Measures: Involves search for, intercept, identify, and locate sources of EM energy for the purpose of threat recognition or targeting RWR Radar Warning Receiver, warns a pilot of a SAM or radar lock on Time 1 Range Gates/Bins Increasing Time Delay Jamming signals Range Gates/Bins Increasing Time Delay Coordinated Outbound RGPO/VGPO Pulls Target skin return Coordinated Inbound RGPO/VGPO Pulls The images to the left shows two common scenarios of DRFM jamming where false targets are created and modulated in increasing and decreasing frequency or time to create an outbound or inbound RGPO/VGPO pulls. Frequency range Typically operate within a set frequency band (e.g., L-, S-, X- or K- band) Uses active electronically-steered arrays (AESA), Antenna characteristics Signal processing shaping and beam steering. Typical radar uses a narrow beam. Centered on measuring the range and velocity of a target; calculates, acceleration to sustain tracking beams, beam shaping and beam steering. Typical jammer uses a beam that is quite broad. Centered on identifying threat signals, characterizing them and producing an appropriate response (e.g., wideband, narrowband, deceptive, etc.) Examine absolute and residual phase noise, AM noise, low-level spurious signals and more in one- and two-port devices. Signal Generation Generate long, realistic, high-dynamic range radar waveforms and signal scenarios to reduce costly flight testing of radar systems. The M8190A AWG provides up to 2-channels at 12 GSa/s, 5 GHz bandwidth per channel and up to 90 dBc SFDR. The M8195A AWG provides up to 4-channels at 65 GSa/s and 20 GHz bandwidth per channel. M9393A PXIe Performance Vector Signal Analyzer PSG High-Performance Analog and Vector Signal Generators Make fast, accurate measurements of CW, X-parameters, and pulsed S-parameters, noise figure, compression, IMD and harmonics with models to 110 GHz, extendable to 1.05 THz. N5264A Receiver for Antenna Test 400,000 points per second acquisition simultaneously on five receiver channels significantly speeds antenna test. 8510/8530 backwards compatibility for easy upgrades to your antenna range. E/A-18G Growler Circuit Design and Simulation Basic Equations for EW/Radar Power(receiver) = Pt Gt Aeσ (4p)2R4 Range to target = Antenna effective aperture: A e = cTr _ 150 m/us 2 Maximum unambiguous range = Pt Average power = p = PptFp Tp Doppler frequency = Pulse duty cycle = 2Ft vr c Where Ae = c = Fd = Fp = Ft = G = Pt = Pp = R = t Tp Produce pulse-modulated signals with superior level accuracy and phase noise performance and output power up to 1 Watt. The E8257D operates up to 70 GHz, extendable to 1.1 THz. Multi-Channel Antenna Calibration, Reference Solution Create vector modulated waveforms, with pulse shaping and pulse trains with varying pulse width and PRI plus pulse compression simulation, all with high output power and low phase noise using the E8267D. Use with AWGs for >2 GHz bandwidth signals with carrier frequencies to 44 GHz. N5193A UXG Agile Signal Generator P t G 2l 2σ (4 p ) 3 S min PjGjGRl2 Jammer signal = power at the radar (4 p ) 2 R 2 Jam to signal ratio P j G j (4 p )R 2 J = S PtGtσ Design and simulate RF and microwave circuits for Radar Systems, including layout, DRC, LVS, EM and Electro-Thermal simulation. Accelerate large antenna array calibration with precise cross-element phase and magnitude measurements. Get ready for the future with increased measurement bandwidth and system flexibility. System is scalable in channel count (up to 40+ channels measured in parallel) because of the versatile M9703A digitizer. Real-time digital downconversion provides increased amplitude/phase sensitivity. Off the shelf, the UXG is a powerful building block, whether you want a dependable LO or a scalable threat simulator. By blurring the lines between analog and vector technologies, it lowers the barriers between new intelligence and up-to-date signal scenarios. Key capabilities enable you to: switch frequency, amplitude and phase in as little as 250 ns; generate wide chirps that are 10 to 25% or carrier frequency; use pulse descriptor words to generate long pulse trains and individually control pulse characteristics. FieldFox Handheld RF and Microwave Analyzers Signal Studio for Multi Emitter Signal Generation W1905 SystemVue Radar Library 1 Tp antenna effective aperture, m2 speed of light (_ 3 x 108 m/s) Doppler frequency pulse repetition frequency transmitter frequency antenna gain peak power average peak power range, m cTr c = 2 2Fp Radar range =4 equation Advanced Design System (ADS) Software The M9393A, with up to 27 GHz frequency coverage and 160 MHz analysis bandwidth, meets stringent system requirements with microwave performance previously unseen in modular. Quickly test to tighter tolerances with best-in-class switching speed and amplitude accuracy. G Rl 2 4p P t G t G R l 2σ Minimum detectable = signal power at radar (4 p ) 3 R 4 Fd c 2Ft Pulse repetition frequency = Cross-eye jamming, also known as phase front jamming, is an angle deception ECM technique that employs two spatially separated jamming sources. Each source acts as a repeater-type jammer transmitting the same signal at the same time, and if the two signals arrive at the missile antenna approximately 180° out of phase, wavefront distortion occurs. This area of distortion is indicated by the arrows in the figure to the left. Threats assume that the signal source lies along the normal to the wavefront, and subsequently when it tries to re-align its antenna at right angles to the distorted wavefront, it will be an incorrect alignment, potentially resulting in a substantial miss distance of the threat. Infiniium Z-Series and V-Series Oscilloscopes Conduct time-domain, frequency-domain and digital modulation-domain measurements as well as analysis of chirped, Barker-coded or other modulated pulsed signals with bandwidths up to 63 GHz and sampling rates of 160 GSa/s on two channels and 80 GSa/s on four channels. Target radial velocity = Requires high power and low duty cycle See, capture and understand dynamic or hidden signals with real-time spectrum analysis up to 510 MHz. This capability is an upgrade option to new and existing MXA, PXA and UXAPXA signal analyzers. Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG) Digital RF Memory (DRFM): DRFM based jamming allows a jammer to produce very high quality false targets by sampling incoming pulses and storing them. Stored pulses accurately preserves characteristics of the received pulses, such as frequency, amplitude, intrapulse modulation, and phase coherency with the radar’s waveform. These stored pulses can then be modulated and precisely retransmitted back toward the radar to be accepted and processed in advance of the radar’s target return. Compare and Contrast: Radar and EW Power Create complex, wideband pulse patterns with custom pulse shapes and intervals, pulse modulations and antenna patterns for controlling vector signal generators and AWGs. PNA and PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzers As RF pulses are received, they are downconverted to IF and fed into an analog to digital converter (ADC) and sent as digital information to be processed and/or stored in an FPGA. From there, the signal can be re-transmitted, starting as digital data sent to a digital to analog converter (DAC), upconverted to RF which shares the same fast tuned synthesizer as the downconverter, and finally retransmitted, either retaining the same characteristics of the original signal or with adjustments. Bandwidth Measures and visualizes a wide range of pulse parameters. Runs with multiple hardware platforms at various frequency bands and bandwidths across signal analyzers, oscilloscopes, and modular digitizers. 2 The most widely used method of target simulation today is to employ a DRFM (dur-fum) or digital RF memory. The DRFM allows the indefinite storage (delay) of radio frequency signals in digital form. Signals can be played back in exact replication of the original coherent signal or with the signal altered for the user’s purpose. EW system Need wider instantaneous bandwidth to capture frequency movements of the threat emitters Typically requires high power with close to 100% duty cycle Need to cover a wider frequency range; often rely on separate units to cover low, medium and high frequencies to address a variety of threat emitters. Analyze modulation on pulses, sidelobe levels, and more, from 3 Hz to 6.5 GHz, extendable to 1.1 THz, with up to 510 MHz analysis bandwidth. Real-Time Spectrum Analysis 3 False target slowing down and moving outbound N7620B Signal Studio for Pulse Building Software Electronic CounterCounter Measures (ECCM) Cross-Eye Jamming Radar system Typically operate in relatively narrow bandwidths (compared to EW system) VSA 89601B-BHQ Pulse Analysis Software Electronic warfare Deception 2 3 Signal and Waveform Analysis UXA X-Series Signal Analyzers Cover pluse 2 Amplitude This information is processed and drives aircrew interfaces such as displays and warning tones, as well as provides support for special functions such as jammers or other countermeasures systems. Doppler Filters/B ins Increasing Freq uency Shift As RF pulses are received, they are downconverted to an IF frequency, which is then processed by an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). The digitized output from the ADC is then fed into the spectrum estimator for conversion to the frequency domain. The output of the spectrum estimator is comprised of spectral lines, which is then passed through the parameter encoder which converts those lines into the desired, digital Pulse Descriptor Words (PDW). False target speeding up and moving outbound Amplitude This is a simplified block diagram of the most widely deployed EW receiver: the Radar Warning Receiver (RWR). The RWR serves two basic functions: to promptly warn the aircrew with sufficiently accurate information to react to a threat engagement, and to provide threat radar parametric data to other counter measures systems. False target speeding up and moving outbound Where Smin = minimum detectable signal, W Tp = pulse repetition period Tr = time to and from target vr = radical velocity of target s = radar cross section of target, m2 t = pulse width l = transmit wavelength Gj = antenna gain, jammer Pj = jammer power G = antenna gain, radar FieldFox portable analyzers are an all-in-one combination analyzer with a maximum frequency range of 4 GHz up to 26.5 GHz. Create Keysight-validated, performance-optimized multi-emitter signal scenarios using one or more N5193A UXG agile signal generators for electronic warfare (EW) test from 0 to 40 GHz. Model wideband RF radar systems and realistic environmental scenarios at your desk, then interoperate C++, math algorithms, and HDL against real signals and COTS test equipment. Reduce dependence on expensive ranges and custom test strategies. The standard radar-frequency letter band nomenclature table is reprinted with permission from IEEE Std 521-2002, IEEE Standard Letter Designations for Radar-Frequency Bands, Copyright 2003 by IEEE. The IEEE disclaims any responsibility or liability resulting from the placement and use in the described manner. Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. ©Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2015, Printed in USA, June 18, 2015 • 5992-0741EN Radar Fundamentals Radar Block Diagram Basic Equations for Primary Monostatic Radar DDS waveform generator Synchronizer T/R module Up converter COHO Matching filter Down converter IF amp Phase accumulation Range to target = T/R module Maximum unambiguous range = T/R module Pt Average power = p = PptFp Tp T/R module Control T/R module DSP Pt Gt Aes (4p)2R4 T/R module T/R module Beam steering Where Sx (f) = Fourier transform of the windowed receive pulse S*y (f) = Fourier transform of transmit pulse Power(receiver) = cTr _ 150 m/us 2 Target radial velocity = t Pulse duty cycle = Tp Control This block diagram represents a common radar system design. The transmitter generates a modulated waveform, upconverts, and transmits using multiple transmit/receive (T/R) and antenna elements designed to electronically steer and shape the beam. Radar returns are received with the same antennas. Receiver processing uses a match filter to pulse compress the modulated radar waveform which increases the resolution and range. The phase accumulator detects the Doppler shift indicating the target’s velocity. The radar operation is synchronized with stable and coherent oscillators (COHO) and stabilized local oscillators (STALO) to maximize performance. 1 Tp AS-1350/APN-153 Control indicator Receiver/Transmitter Antenna Noise factor (system) = F1 + F2 – 1 F3 – 1 Fn – 1 + + G1 G1G2 G1G2...Gn–1 Unit indicator Revision number Letter 3 – Equipment purpose Letter 2 – Equipment type Letter 1 – Where installed Letter 1 – Indicates installation location A B C D F G K M P S T U V W Z Letter 3 – Defines purpose of equipment Piloted aircraft Underwater, mobile (submarine) Cryptographic equipment Pilotless carrier (missile, drone, UAV) Ground, fixed Ground, general Amphibious Ground, mobile Portable (by man) Surface ship Ground, transportable General utility or combination Ground, vehicle Water surface/underwater combination Piloted/pilotless airborne combination A B C D E G H K L Auxiliary assembly Bombing Communications Direction finding, reconnaissance and surveillance Ejection and/or release Fire control or searchlight directing Recording and/or reproducing Computing Searchlight control; removed from the system; purpose now covered by "G" M Maintenance or test N Navigation Aid P Reproducing; removed from the system; purpose now covered by "H") Q Special or combination R Receiving or passive detecting S Detecting, range and bearing, search T Transmitting W Automatic flight or remote control X Identification or recognition Y Surveillance (target detecting and tracking) and control (fire control and/or air control) Z Secure Letter 2 – Equipment type kTB = –174.1 dBm = –204.1 dBW A B C D Invisible light, heat radiation (i.e. infrared) Comsec (secure communications) Carrier (electronic wave or signal) Radiac (radioactivity detection, identification, and computation) E Laser F Fiber optics G Telegraph or teletype I Interphone and public address J Electromechanical K Telemetering L Countermeasures Most military electronic systems are composed M Meteorological of multiple assemblies or boxes (called black boxes). N Sound in air P Radar Q Sonar and underwater sound Boxes are formally called LRUs (Line Replaceable Units) R Radio S Special or combination T Telephone (wire) V Visual, visible light W Armament (only used, if no other letter applies) X Fax or television Y Data processing Z Communications Where k = Boltzmann’s constant T = at 290° K Bandwidth = 1 Hz Boltzmann’s constant: 1.3806505 x 10-23 J/K Speed of light in a vacuum: 299,792,458 m/s (_ 3 x 108 m/s) Speed of light in air: 299,705,543.39 m/s Vacuum Radar km Radar mile Statute 6.67128 µs 10.73639 µs Nautical Air Radar km Radar mile Statute 6.67322 µs 10.7395 µs Nautical 12.35521 µs 12.35879 µs Analyze modulation on pulses, sidelobe levels, and more, from 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz, extendable to 1.1 THz, with up to 510 MHz analysis bandwidth. N7620B Signal Studio for pulse building software FieldFox portable analyzers are an all-in-one combination analyzer with a maximum frequency range of 4 GHz up to 26.5 GHz – all of the instrument functionality needed for LRU test.. Create complex, wideband pulse patterns with custom pulse shapes and intervals, pulse modulations and antenna patterns for controlling vector signal generators and AWGs. Real-time spectrum analysis N9051A pulse measurement software Network Analysis PNA and PNA-X microwave network analyzers See, capture and understand dynamic or hidden signals with real-time spectrum analysis up to 510 MHz. This capability is an upgrade option to new and existing MXA, PXA and UXA X-Series signal analyzers. Pulse Compression Techniques Measures a wide range of pulse parameters. Options add modulation, phase analysis and statistical analysis functions. For use with X-Series signal analyzers. E5505A phase noise measurement solutions 90000 Z-Series and 90000 X-Series oscilloscopes Make fast, accurate measurements of CW and pulsed S-parameters, noise figure, gain compression, IMD, harmonics, and X-parameters*, with models to 110 GHz, extendable to 1.05 THz. N5264A receiver for antenna test Conduct time-domain, frequency-domain and digital modulation-domain measurements as well as analysis of chirped, Barker-coded or other modulated pulsed signals with bandwidths up to 63 GHz and sampling rates of 160 GSa/s on two channels and 80 GSa/s on four channels. M9393A PXIe performance vector signal analyzer Pulse Width and Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) FieldFox handheld RF and microwave analyzers RT-680B/APN-153 Constants Where Ae = antenna effective aperture, m2 c = speed of light (_ 3 x 108 m/s) Fd = Doppler frequency Fp = pulse repetition frequency Ft = transmitter frequency G = antenna gain Pt = peak power Pp = average peak power R = range, m Smin = minimum detectable signal, W Tp = pulse repetition period Tr = time to and from target vr = radical velocity of target s = radar cross section of target, m2 t = pulse width RT-680B/APN-153 UXA X-Series signal analyzers Joint Army Navy (JAN) designations Where G = DUT gain G1, G2, G3… Gn = gain of stages 1, 2, 3….n F1, F2, F3… Fn = noise factor of stages 1, 2, 3….n Na = added DUT noise Ni = input noise at 290° K No = noise at the output at 290° K Si = signal at the input So = signal at the output Fd c 2Ft C-4418B/APN-153 Si/Ni N + GNi = a So/No GNi Noise figure = 10 LOG10 (noise factor) 2F v Doppler frequency = t r c Pulse repetition frequency = Transmit/Receive module cTr c = 2 2Fp Noise factor ^ Signal and Waveform Analysis Example of the AN/APN-153 (V) Doppler navigational radar system Cross correlation: Gxy (f) = Sx (f) S*y(f) T/R module STALO Phase detector Display PG A s Range(max) = 4 t 2t e (4p) Smin Military Nomenclature and Designation Standard Radar-Frequency Letter Band Nomenclature Examine absolute and residual phase noise, AM noise, low-level spurious signals and more in one- and two-port devices. Signal Generation 400,000 points per second acquisition simultaneously on five receiver channels significantly speeds antenna test. 8510/8530 backwards compatibility for easy upgrades to your antenna range. Arbitrary waveform generators (AWG) Pulse type 1 t Time domain Frequency domain 0 dB fo fo Doppler frequency Long RF pulse DPRF (Same t) Df= Doppler frequency Pulse width* Long RF pulse t=0 8 MHz 2 µS 1 Doppler frequency -21 dB fo Swept RF pulse 1.2 GHz -20 dB Tp t=0 Dt (Same PRF) Doppler frequency 13-bit Barker coded RP pulse Pulse width* 2 µS 1.2 GHz •The term Pulse width on the Ambiguity diagram refers to the pulse width at the radar detector output. Power, pulse repetition, pulse width, and pulse modulation are traded off to obtain the optimum combination for range and resolution. For simple RF pulses, range resolution varies inversely with pulse width, but narrow pulses drive up peak power requirements. Similarly, the maximum unambiguous range varies inversely with PRF. However, pulse modulation radically affects these relationships. HF 3 to 30 MHz Region 1 (Includes all EU countries, the Mideast except Iran, Russia, all of Africa and others) By utilizing pulse compression techniques (modulation), long pulses with lower peak power can be used without sacrificing range resolution. Processing gain in the receiver compresses the received pulse, which restores the high range resolution of narrower pulses and maximizes the detectable range. The ambiguity diagram illustrates location accuracy (horizontal axis) and Doppler frequency shift tolerance (vertical axis). Region 2 (Includes the Americas) Region 3 (Includes most of Asia, Australia New Zealand and others) (There are no official ITU radiolocation bands at HF. So-called HF radars might operate anywhere from just above the broadcast band [1.605 MHz] to 40 MHz or higher) 138 to 144 MHz 216 to 225 MHz (Frequencies from 216 to 450 MHz were sometimes called P-band) VHF 30 to 300 MHz UHF 300 to 1000 MHz (in radar practice) 420 to 450 MHz (216-450 MHz were sometimes called P-band) 890-942 MHz (Sometimes included in L-band) L 1 to 2 GHz 1215 to 1400 MHz C Pulse width* 2 µS t=0 Nominal frequency range S Tp fo Band designation 16 MHz -3 dB t International Table Circuit Design and Simulation Specific frequency ranges for radar based on ITU assignments Pulse width* 1 µS t=0 Ambiguity diagram 2 to 4 GHz 4 to 8 GHz None 8 to 12 GHz Ku 12 to 18 GHz 2700 to 3600 MHz 4200 to 4400 MHz (Designated for aeronautical navigation, this band is reserved [with few exceptions] exclusively for airborne radar altimeters) 5250 to 5925 MHz PSG high-performance analog and vector signal generators Design and simulate RF and microwave circuits for radar systems, including layout, DRC, LVS, EM and Electro-Thermal simulation. Analyze modulation on pulses with 250 MHz bandwidth to 26.5 GHz in a modular, flexible PXIe format. Configurations for gapless data capture to deep memory (RAID) and two channel VSA operation are available. 8.5 to 10.68 GHz Multi-channel antenna calibration, Reference Solution 13.4 to 14 GHz 15.7 to 17.7 GHz 24.05 to 24.25 GHz 24.65 to 24.75 GHz (The frequency range of 24.65 to 24.75 GHz includes satellite radiolocation [earth to space only]) 18 to 27 GHz Ka 27 to 40 GHz 33.4 to 36 GHz V 40 to 75 GHz 59 to 64 GHz W 75 to 110 GHz 24.05 to 24.25 GHz Produce pulse-modulated signals with superior level accuracy and phase noise performance and output power up to 1 Watt. The E8257D operates up to 70 GHz, extendable to 1.1 THz. W1905 SystemVue radar library Create vector modulated waveforms, with pulse shaping and pulse trains with varying pulse width and PRI plus pulse compression simulation, all with high output power and low phase noise using the E8267D. Use with AWGs for 2 GHz bandwidth signals with carrier frequencies to 44 GHz. N5193A UXG agile signal generator 24.05 to 24.25 GHz 76 to 81 GHz 92 to 100 GHz 126 to 142 GHz 144 to 149 GHz 110 to 300 GHz M9392A PXI vector signal analyzer 2700 to 3700 MHz K mm The M9393A, with up to 27 GHz frequency coverage and 160 MHz analysis bandwidth, meets stringent system requirements with microwave performance previously unseen in modular. Quickly test to tighter tolerances with best-in-class switching speed and amplitude accuracy. Generate long, realistic, high-dynamic range radar waveforms and signal scenarios to reduce costly flight testing of radar systems. The M8190A AWG provides up to 2-channels at 12 GSa/s, 5 GHz bandwidth per channel and up to 90 dBc SFDR. The M8195A AWG provides up to 4-channels at 65 GSa/s and 20 GHz bandwidth per channel. 2300 to 2500 MHz 5250 to 5850 MHz X 223 to 230 MHz Advanced design system software 231 to 235 GHz 238 to 248 GHz (No ITU allocations are listed for frequencies above 275 GHz) Accelerate large antenna array calibration with precise cross-element phase and magnitude measurements. Get ready for the future with increased measurement bandwidth and system flexibility. System is scalable in channel count (up to 40+ channels measured in parallel). Real-time digital downconversion provides increased amplitude/phase sensitivity. The UXG is a powerful building block either as a dependable LO or a scalable threat simulator. It lowers the barriers between new intelligence and up-to-date signal scenarios. You can switch frequency, amplitude and phase in 250 ns, generate wide chirps up to 25% of carrier frequency and use pulse descriptor words to generate long pulse trains and individually control pulse characteristics. Model wideband RF radar systems and realistic environmental scenarios at your desk, then interoperate C++, math algorithms, and HDL against real signals and COTS test equipment. Reduce dependence on expensive ranges and custom test strategies. The standard radar-frequency letter band nomenclature table is reprinted with permission from IEEE Std 521-2002, IEEE Standard Letter Designations for Radar-Frequency Bands, Copyright 2003 by IEEE. The IEEE disclaims any responsibility or liability resulting from the placement and use in the described manner. HARDWARE + SOFTWARE + PEOPLE = RADAR INSIGHTS * “X-parameters” is a trademark of Keysight Technologies, Inc. The X-parameter format and underlying equations are open and documented. Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. ©Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2007-2014, Printed in USA, October 6, 2014 • 5991-4907EN Radar Poster-9-9-14-1.indd 1 9/9/14 1:54 PM Keysight Technologies Satellite Test Essentials Geo-Stationary Satellites / Kitt Peak, 29 March 2014 DirecTV 45 DirecTV 10 DirecTV 12 Spaceway 1 GE 1 AMC 15 AMC 18 Band name / Abbreviation Wavelength (mm) 100 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1.5 1.0 0.8 Average atmospheric absorption of millimeter-waves (horizontal propagation) 40 20 10 Attenuation (dB/km) 20 4 2 1 Sea level 0.4 0.2 0.1 00.4 00.2 00.1 000.4 000.2 000.1 O2 O2 10 15 20 25 H2O 30 Echostar 17 DirecTV 5 Echostar 10 Echostar 11 40 50 60 70 80 90100 150 200 UXA X-Series signal analyzers Analyze Ku and Ka band signals up to 50 GHz with swept SA and up to 1.1 THz with external mixers with up to 1 GHz analysis bandwidth. Real-time spectrum analyzers See, capture and understand dynamic or hidden signals with real-time spectrum analysis. This capability is an upgrade option to new and existing PXA and MXA X-Series signal analyzers. 400 U O Oscilloscopes and Digitizers Infiniium Z-Series and 90000 X-Series oscilloscopes Conduct time, frequency and digital modulation domain measurements and analysis of wideband modulated signals with 63 GHz of real-time bandwidth on 2 channels or 33 GHz of real-time bandwidth on 4 channels. Frequency IEEE designation ELF 1 3 – 30 Hz SLF ULF VLF 2 3 4 30 – 300 Hz 300 – 3000 Hz 3 – 30 kHz Low frequency LF 5 30 – 300 kHz Medium frequency MF 6 300 – 3000 kHz High frequency HF 7 3 – 30 MHz HF Very high frequency VHF 8 30 – 300 MHz VHF UHF 9 300 – 3000 MHz Super high frequency SHF 10 3 – 30 GHz Extremely high frequency EHF 11 30 – 300 GHz Terahertz frequency THz or THF 12 300 – 3000 GHz Vector Signal Analysis Frequency Common uses Submarine communications XM Radio 4 Viasat 1 XM Radio 2-1 Satmex 8 Echostar 7 Echostar 14 Anik F3 DirecTV 7S K C X band Ku band K band Ka band V band W band mm band Modern regenerative satellite payloads employ digital software defined radio (SDR) algorithms, FPGAs and analog RF elements. Keysight’s unique line of test equipment supports multiformat and multichannel coherent vector signal analyzer (VSA) measurements from digital busses to Ka band RF. The 89600 VSA software provides a common user interface and consistent measurement results whether running on a PC, logic analyzer, oscilloscope or signal analyzer. Supports over 75 standards and modulation types including custom modulations. 300 – 1000 1 – 2 GHz 2 – 4 GHz 8 – 12 GHz 12 – 18 GHz 18 – 27 GHz 27 – 40 GHz 40 – 75 GHz 75 – 110 GHz 110 – 300 GHz Terahertz imaging, molecular dynamics, condensed matter physics, sub mm remote sensing Simulation and Signal Creation Software Signal Studio suite of signal creation tools Multitone Distortion; create multitone and noise power ratio signals for testing satellitecomponents and receivers. Custom Modulation; create fully custom waveforms including quick setups for DVB-SH/S2X. GNSS. Real-Time Fading. NPR test stimulus with >60 DC notch depth. Sirius FM6 Conventional NPR analog stimulus Amplifier measurement Notch bandwidth Notch depth NPR Spectral Re-growth Digitally synthesized NPR stimulus Frequency 36.01 dB notch depth with amplifier inserted and 5.35 dB spectral regrowth with 5 MHz noise bandwidth Perform multichannel phase-coherent wideband measurements with 8 channels of 12-bit resolution and a sampling rate up to 3.2 GSa/s on each blade. Real-time digital downconversion and compatibility with 89600 VSA software. SystemVue electronic system level design SystemVue is a design environment for electronic system-level (ESL) design. It enables system architects and algorithm developers to create and verify the physical layer (PHY) of wireless and satellite communications systems, and provides reference personalities for popular standards. Galaxy 14 Galaxy 13 C is the signal to noise power ratio in dBHz N0 PT GT is the transmitter EIRP (Equivalent 1 L GR T k Isotropic Radiated Power) in dBW PT is the carrier power GT is the transmit antenna gain is the cumulative path loss is the antenna gain of the receiver is the receiver system temperature Propagation Losses Extraneous Noise Sources Atmospheric Losses is the Boltzmann constant Link budget is computed for both the uplink from the gateway to the satellite and the downlink from the satellite to the user terminal. Power Test Solutions Network Analysis Signal Generation Battery test & conditioning PCDU/payload test battery simulation PNA and PNA-X microwave network analyzers The Advanced Power System (APS) provides an integrated 1-10 kW DC Source/Sink solution. Full seamless two-quadrant glitch-free operation accurately represents the transition between source & sink. Programmable output R simulates the internal resistance of the battery. Built-in charge and energy measurements allow SOC calculation to determine simulated battery voltage. Make fast and accurate measurements of CW and pulsed S-parameters, noise figure, compression, IMD, harmonics, spurious signals and X-parameters*. Millimeter-wave extension modules provide full sweep or banded measurements to 110 GHz. Generate test signals with the highest performance possible using the M8190A arbitrary waveform generator and E8267D PSG vector signal generator. The M8190A provides 12 GSa/sec (12-bit resolution) or 8 GSa/sec (14-bit resolution) with up to 80 dBc SFDR so tones clearly stand out of noise with a modular format allowing coherent multichannel operation. The E8267D upconverts signals up to 44 GHz with 2 GHz bandwidth. Use the M8190A and E8267D together to generate wideband multitone signals at any frequency through Ka band. Satellite Signal Monitoring, Reference Solutions Up to 1 GHz modulation analysis and fast stepped FFT spectrum analysis with 89600 VSA software. Monitor large blocks of spectrum with high dynamic range to Ka band and beyond. Configure up to 4 channels in a single PXIe chassis. M8190A arbitrary waveform generator FieldFox RF and microwave handheld analyzers Solar array simulation M9703A AXIe 12-bit high speed digitizer AMC 21 1 GR 1 C = PT GT . . . L T k N0 Frequency 41.36 dB notch depth, 500 kHz notch width at 38.5 GHz Galaxy 18 General single link equation noise Notch depth Echostar 9 Calculating Link Budget Advantages of using an arbitrary waveform generator to create wideband, notched signals: Repeatable, flat noise power, square notch Example NPR Measurement Notch creation Deeper notch with easily Broadband adjusted center frequency O T Submarine communications Submarine, mining communications Navigation, time signals, submarine comms, wireless heart rate monitors, geophysics Navigation, time signals, AM longwave (Europe, Asia), RFID, amateur radio AM (medium wave) broadcasts, amateur radio, avalanche beacons Shortwave broadcast, citizen’s band, amateur, overthe-horizon radar, RFID, over-the-horizon aviation, NVIS radio, marine and mobile radio telephony FM, television broadcasts, line-of-sight aviation comms, land mobile and maritime mobile comms, amateur radio, weather radio Television broadcasts, microwave ovens, microwave devices/comms, radio astronomy, mobile phones, WLAN, Bluetooth®, ZigBee, GPS, amateur radio, FRS, GMRS, land mobile radios Radio astronomy, microwave devices/comms, WLAN, radars, communications satellites, satellite television broadcasting, DBS, amateur radio Radio astronomy, microwave radio relay, microwave remote sensing, amateur radio, millimeter wave scanner, directed-energy weapons S F UHF L band S bands O T 250 300 Frequency (GHz) Signal and Spectrum Analysis ITU band Wildblue 10 Anik F2 Noise Power Ratio (NPR) Extremely low frequency Super low frequency Ultra low frequency Very low frequency Ultra high frequency H2O 9150 meters altitude H2O Anik F1R Frequency Allocations Atmospheric Absorption 30 GOES 14 Notch Galaxy 19 DirecTV 95 SES 1 DirecTV 8 Amplitude Sirius FM5 DirecTV 11 Spaceway 2 Galaxy 16 Amplitude Spaceway 3 Galaxy 3C The E4360A solar array simulator (SAS) provides the means to generate time varying solar array output for simulation of satellite rotation, changes in position, earth eclipse of the array and selfshading. One E4360A simulates two 600 watt strings. The modular, extensible system can be configured with up to 100 600 watt strings for a total output of 60 kW. CalPod calibration-refresh modules 85542A TVAC-compatible CalPod calibration-refresh modules are used in satellite thermal-vacuum testing to remove the environmental variations of test cables, connectors, adaptors, and switch matrices, allowing measurements of just the DUT’s performance. E8267D vector signal generator Perform validation and troubleshooting with all-in one combination analyzer equipped with cable and antenna tester, vector network analysis, spectrum analysis and more that goes up to 50 GHz and rugged enough to meet MIL-specs. E4360A solar array simulator * “X-parameters” is a trademark of Keysight Technologies, Inc. The X-parameter format and underlying equations are open and documented. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to Keysight Technologies, Inc. Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2014-2016 / Printed in USA, January 28, 2016 5991-4864EN