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Fusebard, Illumination Facia Compartment,




WORKSHOP MANUAL Facia stowage compartment, fusebard, luggage . . compartment, and engine compartment illumination Wiring diagram . WORKSHOP MANUAL Section M15 Interior lamps and seat belt warning . . Right-hand drive cars . a Wiring dia&mri and e o m ~ n e r nlocation' WORKSHOP MANUAL Scetion M15 - M16-9/1 P Interior lamps and seat belt warning Right-hand drive cars I Com~onrnlocm~on TSD u w J m u r W16 d ' Smion M15 WORKSHOP MLUYUAl interior lamps and seat belt warning . Right-hand drive cars Component location WORKSHOP MANUAL Section M15 M15-9/3 __________________________________________________________________ Interior lamps and seat belt warning Right-hand drive cars Wiring diagram ___________________________________________________________________ TSD 4400 January 1985 m -I 04 v7 Y! P:. E3 U m nB 1, C - 8 rC P m WORKSHOP MANUAL Setion M15 Interior lamps and seat belt warning.. Comiche and Continental Right-hand drive cars . - WORKSHOP MANUAL Interior lamps and seat belt warning Left-hand drive cars other than those conformingto a North American specification , l=-pff& a ! ? + I. l:,/ -F L! 4 i --- it- Q?-- --3- .y --b S -- .- {l;1g ,r 1.1(, l, 'I ,;l /I i d.: 43::; l;, $J I1;l'; II I l' ..a-.' . WORKSHOP MANUAL Panel lamps Contents. Pages . . Silver Spirit Silver Spur Mubnne Mulsanne Turbo Bentley Eight Beniley Turbo R Comicttd Continental M16-9 M16-3 Com~nem location M16-3 M16-3 M163 - Wiring diagram Cars fined with a Boseh Frankfun stereo radio and Pioneer cassetfe taw piay unit M 16-5 M16-5 - - - Cars Mwith a Btaupunkt combined radidtasserte tape play unit (Bremcn, T o m m Washingon. and G e m ) Right-hand drive cars M 16-7 M16-7 M767 Ntl6-l1 M167 Left-hand drive cars M16-7 Ml6-7 M16-7 - Mf6-13 MS6-7 From VIN *SCAZS0006GOEt 386D~{excludingComiche/Continental)and with the excepfion of VIM S W N 0 0 0 4 F C H l MOO* to VIN SCAZN0009FCH14025 inclusive, a new type of fusebosrd is fined incorporating Littel or Buss fuses [these fuses ate not interchangeable with Bulgin tYPe fuses). Therefore when working to a wiring diagram or component location showing the earlier Bulgin type of fuse, reference must h made to the follawing tabk for its equivalent * * + * Circuits conrrolled Bulgin fuse Line( or B u s fuse number number and fweboard , l Ceilular telephone when f i n d Cellular telephone when fined l ntermr lamps i Fuse msing (amps) Circuits conrmlld Bulgin Lmel or Buss fue fuse numbs and fusebard number idemifidon I l A1 0 4A - A2 - F2 10A 1 A6 - F2 10A Id illuminaibn. ACU control 20 B1 - F2 1OA Rad~camplifier when fmed 19 B2 - F2 10 A S r a ~ e r .ignition, f ue! oump 27 03 F2 - 10A instruments and wamlng lamm 28 B4 - F2 'I OA 8 B5 - F2 I OA B6 - F2 10A Spare L H . Tail lamp 15 R H . Tail bmp 22 - F2 C2 - F2 C1 ' i 11 B4 Reuerse lamps, smlamp. speed control, haadlamp wash 10 B3 F3 -20A Direction indicatom, headiamp fbsh. fuel door. horns control 14 82 - F3 26A Cigar Jighers. ctock aerial. fuel door 7 C4 - F3 20A Engine cmling fan 2 C1 - F3 20A Engine cooling fan 9 C1 - F3 20A W i p r s and washers 5 B1 - F3 20A Spare - 86 - F3 20A Fuel pump 13 B5 F3 - 20A C3 F3 - 20A 104 3 - F3 - 1OA Horns I - Rear windmv demister a d mirmr heaters Radn. wnel ACU control (amps) identifiitlon i - F2 Fuse ratrng 20A I Parktng lamps. n u n k r p h e lamps, W . 1 dim m r o l 16 C3 - F2 t 04 Fog lamps when f i 12 C6 - F3 .2bA LH. Dip beam 24 C4 - F2 10A Air horns when 4 C5 - F3 20A 6 C2 F3 - 20A fined RH. Dip beam 25 C5 - F2 1OA SW* - C6 - F2 10A Spare - A6 - F3 20A Hazard warning For fuse identification refer to Section M1. General information, page M1-3. I Panel \a-mps Wiring diagram .and'component location WORKSHOP MANUAL Section M l 6 M16-3 Panel lamps Camponant location . v U-. -'-W=-: 'L- . --- Y --E ! ? -r 'C -"E ---..--I-- . . U <- ----- --- L- .r 7 - ., % . . E -5 AL. Y .L.. =-:l= Seaion .M16 WORKSHOP MANUAL Panel lamps Cars fitted with a Bosch Frankfurt stereo radio and pioneer cassette tape play unit diagram. TSD 4400 Section ,M16 WORKSHOP MANUAL Panel lamps Cars frtted with a Blaupunkt combined radio/ cassette tape play unit.,(Bremen.Toronto, Washington. and Geneva) . . Wiring diagram Section M 1 6 WORKSHOP MANUAL Panel lamps Component.locaion m' b: l;i".j, A 7; 1 .!+!;.qE -11 1lcs.~ BD ;. 71 1 7q.t -!.C.:.] ::-. ' , a ,;=k?.,t 7.- ; . ! , , 'v , : m . : .,Q c ;;.r?;7 ELs<~!g- 1: L M16 M1611 WORKSHOP MANUAL SCthl Panel lamps Right-hand drive cars fitted with a Blaupunkt Tororrto combined radialcassette wpe play unit Wiring d i m m