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Transcript Sa]bOl Instructions D © .... Operating Instructions Auto Features ......... Care and Cleaning .......... Changing the Power I ,e\'el .......... 2-9 20 33, 34 ,[VM l 850 ge.colll. ,IVM l 85 l PaI'a 13 Cooking Guide ..... 15, 16 Deti'osting Guide .... 18 Exhaust Feature . .37, 38 Features of Your Microwave Oven . .11, 12 Microwave Temps ...... 32 Other Features .... 95-31 Replacing Bulbs .... Sensor Features .... Time FeattH'es ...... Espa_d For a Spanish version ot this manual, visit our _,Vebsite at COiiS/lltai" tlIla ve_ion en espafiol de este manual de instrucciones, visite nuestro sitio de internet ,[VM l 870 ,tq/M18 71 ,/VM2050 ,/VM3670 HDM 1853 1_2M04000 35, 36 91-24 14-19 7}rmbleshoodng Tips ...39 Things That Are Nomml _'\ith Your Microwaxe Oxen ....... 4(1 Consumer Support L) Consumer Support Optional Product ...... Kits Back Cover ......... 10 Registration ....... X_hrrantv ............. 41, 42 43 Write the model and serial numbers here: Model # Serial# Find lhese numbers tile o\en. on a label inside DE68-O2560A 49-40477 01-06JR IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION. READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING. WARNING! For your safety the information in this manual must be foflowed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life. PRECAUTIONS TOAVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY _: Do Not Attempt to operate tiffs ()\ell with the door open Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly (an r('suh in hm:mflfl importam that the oven door (lose properly and that there exposure to l//i( rOW_lVO is no damage Sill((' Op('//-dooF Op('l_Hioll ene_g}. It is important not to (te_b_t or umlper _itl/ die s_d('tv interhxks. th(' o\('11 t_((un/ulate h.lg(+.,l(__..h(+ (.,o1s(++,_+ +,,l(_ s(+..,l+ [l'()ll[ {i_(e and tl/e door soil or cleaner (,oo1 (,is,.>. ......................... (broken or loosened), _: Do Not Place any object b('tw('('11 or allow tvsidue to the: ......................... Stll?t_t( (!S+ to on setding The Oven Should Not be a(!justed or repaired SHFJitC('S+ _H_y()]l(' ('x(('])t by p£op('r|y (tu_diIied s('r\'i((' t)('r.',onn('l. SAFETYPRECAUTIONS When using electrical appfiances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following: +5}Re_d ii_?iiiii!+++;;iii!li_+ ¸ an(I _()llOW the i_: Install or lo(_te specific precautions ill the Precautions to Avoid appliance accordance Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave t)rovided Energy se(doH Inswtl( above. J} This _t)pli_ul( e must be grounded. Conne(t only to _ t)roperly grounded outlet. See the Grounding InstFuctZons page 8. Se(tiOl/ this only in with the [nstMlation lions. i_i;This mi(rowa_e oven is illtellded £)r house]lold rise +uld is UI installation listed [br over ele(tri( and g+_s rmlges. Oil ii:: This mi(-row_ve oven not approved marine use. or tested is lot Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual _5}Do not lnount sink. this applimace over a oven _,_s (tesiglled no wider d/an 36" J? This ovel-d/e-rm/ge {i)r use over ranges It mm be installed o\er both elecuJc cooking equipment. g_s and not working llml)( fly or it it has been damaged or dropped. If die power (ord is damaged, it must be replaced 1)v General Ele(tric SelMce or an service agent power cord a\ ailable Ele(t)Jc. using a tix)m General _: I)o not c(wer or block any openings on tilt' al)plim/t e. _: List, this applimlce only/or intended else as described manual. its in dfis Do not use corrosive chemicals or vapors in this appliance. This microwave oxen is specifically designed {o heat, (tV_ r or took fi.)o(I, mid is not intended t_)r laboratory or ind usuJal use. the risk of fire in the ()\el/ - Do not over(ook/ood. inside - P-enlo\e ex_tlIIple, ill a wet b_tselI/ell{, I/e_tr a swimming pool, near a sink or in similar locations. {or _: Keel/power cord awa} fl:on/heated sIIrJitces. _: I)o not immerse ill WaWl3 J? Do not store of the t]le iiliel'ow;4\ llliet'ow_\ power am, ihing e ()\ell e ()\ell cord or plug (tirecfly on top S/ll?lilee is ill opet'ation. when the o\en while cooking. wire twist-ties handles/i'om containers the paper and metal or l)lasue 1)e/ore placing them in oven, I)o not use tl/e ()\ell lot storage puqloses./)o not lea\ e paller products, cooking utensils or t[)od in the oven when not in use. - If materi_ds inside the o',en iglfite, kee t) {lie oven door closed, turn file o_'n off and disconnect cord, or shut off power the power at the fllse or circuit breaker panel. It the door opened, the {ire _l_r spread. - Do not use tl/e Sensor t_,_ice in succession pordon. the/irs{ iiii iiii/ is Features on tl/e same tbod If/ood is undercooked after countdown, use JJllle Cook t_)r additional J? Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not use this pro(tu({ near Watt'_m Carefllllv auend applian(e when pallet; plastic or oilier combusdble mawrials are placed J? Do not operate this appliance if it has a (Imnaged power cord or plug, if it is authorized J? To reduce cooking ume. N See door surli_ce cleaning insmmtions ill die Care and cleaning of the microwave oven section of this mamml. _: This appliance should iiiii+,+,i?i'ii_i be serviced only by (tualilied service t)ers(mnel. Conta(t nearest authorized selMce /imility lot examination, a(!iustment. J_ ,ks with rely appliant supervision by children. repair or e, (lose is necessary i+il+ when used 3 IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION. READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING. WARNING! ARCING If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct the problem. Arcing is the ini_ rowave ternl Ior sparks in the oven. Arcing is caused Iv: molded (upturned to fi)od edges act like _llltel/ll_lS). N The metal shelf not installed correctly so it touches i;i; Foil not +;i:Metal, the n/ierowa_e wall. smh t/ouhry rinmled as twist-ties, t)ins or golddishes, ill the llli(rowave. _: Metal or fi)il touching side of tile oven. the ii:: Recycled containing paper towels small metal pieces being nlicrowave. used ill tile FOODS _: l)o not t_ot / l/opeorn ill Your mi_ rowave oven unless ill a special lni(ro_,,ave t/ot)(orn a((essory or mlless you use t_Ol/Corn labeled ti)r use ill lni(rowave ovens. the n/agnetron and can shorten the lilt, of the oven. _: Son/e llro/hlcts such as whole eggs and sealed ( ont ainers--/k)r exal//l)le eh)sed.jarslare ()perating tile microwave with no/ood inside tor nlore than a minute or two may cause danlage to tile oven and could start a fire. It increases tile heat around , at/le to Foods with untlroken "skill" sH(h exlflode and should not be heated ill this mi_ rowave dogs, sausages, apples, chicken oven. Such use o/ tile nlicrowave oven could other gJt)lets, and should tie pierced resuh stealil to escape cooking. _? l)o not lllicrowave ill il_ju W. boil eggs ill a oven. Pressllre will build u 11 inside egg yolk and will cause it to burst, t/ossibly resulting ill il_.j_?r. outer as t)ot:atoes, hot ton/aloes, li_ers and egg yolks to allow (lilting SUPERHEATEDWATER Liquids, such as water, coffee or tea are able to be overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is removed from the microwave oven is not always present. THISCOULDRESULTIN VERY HOT LIQUIDS SUDDENLY BOILING OVERWHEN THE CONTAINERIS DISTURBED ORA SPOONOR OTHER UTENSILIS INSERTEDINTO THELIQUID. To red uce to die risk of ill i m_y peFsons; -- I)o not oveflleat -- Stir tile liqtfid the liquid. both betbre heating, microwave ti]ne betk)re contMne_: -- Use extrelile to alh)w st_*.nd oven evenh. prevent w_rl/ling milk. Be carefill scal(ling /t)rl//Hl_ The really ()r bre_tst (ontainer /vel cooler m_lv them tile milk is. Alwa_'_ test the milk heir)re/eeding hal )_r. i;i; Don't to when tile (te/i'ost/i'ozen beverages in narrow-necked bottles (espe(ially (arbonated bever_lges). E_en if tile container is o])ened, 1)ressm:e ut). This container resulting can (raise to burst, in iqiuvy. /oo(ts can and steam bm:ns. 1)uild tile 1)ossibly (an Be careflfl opening ;-uly containers of hot tt)o(I, WlleI/ in(luding (()()king tile ill tile tk)r _ short removi]lg C_tre heat cause --Do not use str_ight-sided (omainers with narrow necks. cont_liner /ood is dloroughly cooked. Stir/t)od to distrit)me tile ii:; Itot and halt\v_ W throtNh heisting it. -- After ii::A_oid heating baby tbod in glass jars, even with tile lid o/E Make sure all in/hnt the when inserting _1st)oon or ()tiler utensil into the (ontaine_ t)op_ orn b_gs, pouches _md boxes. To t)revent t)ossible ill jm_y, direct ste_lm _r_' /i:om hmMs mM/h(e. i;i; Do not overcook t)otatoes. They could dehydrate and (at(h fire, (_msing to your o_en. i;i; Cook meat and poultr} thoroughly--me_t least an INTERNAl, tenq)eratm:e and poultt) dam_ge to at of 160°F to at least an INTERNAl teml)eramre of 180°E Cooking to these teml)erat iires llSllally protects against /oodborne illness. 5 IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION. READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING. A WARNING! MICROWA VE-SAFE COOKWARE Make sure in your all cookware microwa_ used e oven is _} Do not use recycled products. Recycled suitable lk)r microwa'_ing. Most glass casseroles, cooking towels, nat)kins and waxed t)aper can contain metal flecks which mm cause dishes, measuring cups, ctlstard cllps, t)otter_ or china dinn(rware which do(s not arcing or ignite. Pal)er prod uets containing or talon filaments ha_e metallic trim or glaz_ with a metallic sheen can lie used. Sore( cookware lal/eled "suitable/or paper paper be avoided, is nvlon shouM as they lna_ also ignite. 01_ microwaving." Sol//e (like StVFO/k)_llll those tl';-ivs that meat is t)a(kaged on) have a thin strip of metal eml)edded in the t)ottom. When microwaved, tile metal can burn tile floor of tile oven How to test fo ra microwavesafedish, or ignite _} I)o not ii:: If you are not sure if a dish is microwave-sa/i,, use this test: Place in the oven both tlle dish you are testing and a glass measuring cut) filled with 1 cup of watetmset file measm:ing cup either in or next to file dish. Microwave 30-4..5 seconds the dish heats, be used/or If the dish and only at high. If it should not mi( rowaving. remains the water cup heats, then microwave-sa/i,. ii:: If you use thermon/eter cooking, sa](' tk)r ovel/s. N Not all plastic wrap is suitable/i)r use in microwave ovens. Check file package/or while make sure it is lisp ill microwave proper is use. N Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap can be used to cover dishes in order to retain prevent ;_} (',ook\,,rare because a meat use the microwave moisture spattering. Be sure to vent plasdc so steam/cm/esc_q)e. ill the the dish towel. to dr} newst)apers. and cool a paper l/lay of heat t_:om tile heated holders handle t)econ/e wrap hot transit'fred tood. italy be needed tile cook\vaFe. Pot to J? "Boilal)le" cooking and tightly closed pouches plastic bags should be slit, pierced or vented as dire(ted b_ t)ackage. If they are not, t)lastic (ould burst d uring or imme(tiawlv alter cooking, t)ossibly resulting in i_im_y. Also, plastic storage containers shouM be +_tleast partially mtcovered t)e(mlse they ii:: Plastic cookware cookware -Plastic designed fi)r microwave cooking is very useflfl, but should 1)e used carefltlh. E_en microwavesa/i' t)lastic may not be as tolerant ot overcooking conditions as are glass or ceramic materials and may sofwn or char if sut)jected to short t)eriods of o_ercookh_g. In h)nger torm a tight seal. When looking with comainers exl)osllres to ovel'cookiltg, the/ood and cookware tightly could wYat) co_ered , Fet//ove carefltllv witll t)lastic coveril/g and direct away fi:om hands steam and fi_ce. _: Llse loll only as directed in this mmmal. When loll in the mi(rowave using o_en, kee t) the/i)il at least 1" away h'om the sides of the oven. ignite. Follow thoso Ouidolinos: Use microw_x e-sat2: t)last cs only art( use them in strict (x)mt)limtce the cook\_ lltal/tt/_tc| IIY(W_S l'eCOlttl//elt I)o not etttt)t" with aFe }' iiii iiii/ (t_ltioI/s. microwaxe (oltiaitteFs. :13'!Do.,,t t,e,',t itthild,:e. to use t)lasti( (ookware without COml)lete supervision. iiiii_,_,i?i'ii_ii 7 IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION. READALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFOREUSING. WARNING! Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock. GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS This applian(e lit the ev(ll| iil[lst l)e grotmded. all electri(al shot| Of circlfit, gromMing re(hines d_e risk of ele on tile microwave i_i;Else care agents, the pan when such N When the/hn preparing on. ii:: Never leave unattended completely cleaning as lye-based condi6ons often, n()t allow l)o or the/hn ii:: [n tile e_em of a grease fre on the lnicrow_+ve oven, Sl/lother a/lalllillg by covering a/lat tl?_. certain Take care to prevem the starting cooking fres while tile veil| t_lll tilte_ sur/ace units below [)all Oil tile stlrl_€e with a lid, a cookie tile tlllit sheet or tile veto lira filter. Corrosive cleaning oven may damage tile tilter: the microwave, turn cleaners, flaming/oods under surthce milts beneath your at high heat goilo_ers settings, microwave (ause oven sn/oking and greasy n/icrowa_e spillovers that may ignite and spread if the veto/hn is operating. "Ik>minimize autonlatic ol)eration, on sm:thce use adequate-sized units only when cookware he< essarv. and use high tml heat READANDFOLLOW THISSAFETY INFORMATION CAREFULLY. SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS i_iiiiiii 9 Aboutoptionalkits. OPTIONAL KITS Filler Panel Kits JX52WH- JX81B, JX81H White JX52BL - Black When repbwing _136" r_mge hood, filler panel kits fill in the additional width to provide a (ustom built-in _q)t)em:ance. JX52 For installation only; not 3"-wide between cabinets tk)r en(t-o/:cabinet filler installation. Each kit comains two panels. Filter Kits JX81B - Recirculating Charcoal Filter Kit (1800and 3600Series models) JX81H- Charcoal Filter Kit (2000Series models) Filter Recirculating kits are used when the Hli(row_lve oven (_l]ll/o[ be vcl/ted to the outside. ;ii!iiiiii','_iiiiiiii/i/iiii[iii!iii ii l !iiii!iiiiii!! 10 A'_ailable at extra (over orderilJ_g tor (()st fi'om l)y t)hone "vottr or (;E at stq)l)lier. ge.(ol//+ See the ba(k I! I1 Aboutthe featuresof your microwaveoven. Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model ////////!!!\\\k_'_. 0 Featuresof the Oven O Door Handle. Pull to open the d()()_ The door must O Touch ControIPanel Display. be securely latched 0 Cooktop Light. micro_+avc to ot)emte. O Grease Filter. O Removable Turntable. Turntable _md support lot tl/e Door Latches. Window with Metal Shield. S(1;('('ll ( ooking ;_lll/)WS 1)1' Vi('W('(| IIIiCI'OWOV('S to whih' kccl)ing conIined using till' o\cn. The ttu:nt:able 1rim' be ill remo_'d the ()_ell. tk)r cleaning. NOTE: Rating plate is located on _ Active Vent (on some models). The _ent door SWil/gN op('n wh('n till' Jill/ ol)era[es _tlld €loses when die tim shuts oJtl O the inside wail of the microwave, or on the upper left front behind the dooc Oven vent(s) and oven light are located on the inside walls of the microwave oven. Shelf. Lets you microwave sc\eral [()o(ts _t[ once. Food microwm es best \qlen placed (lir('ctlv the turntable. on 11 iIiii'ii'i'About ii iii the features of your microwave oven. You can microwave by time, with the sensor features or with the auto features. 0 0 CookingControls O O Time and Auto Features Press Enter TIME COOKI & II Pressonce or twice Amount of cooking time AUTO/TIME DEFROST Presstwice Amount of defrosting time CUSTOM (on some models) Follow displayed instructions EXPRESSCOOK Starts immediately! ADD 30 SEC POWER LEVEL Starts immediately! Power level 1-10 AUTO/TIME DEFROST Pressonce Foodweight up to 6 Ibs. 1 lb. QUICKDEFROST Starts immediately! Sensor Features Press Enter POPCORN Starts immediately! more/lesstime BEVERAGE Starts immediately! REHEAT Starts immediately! more/lesstime POTATO Starts immediately! more/lesstime Option VEGETABLE Starts immediately! Pressonce (freshvegetables) more/lesstime Presstwice (frozenvegetables) more/lesstime Pressthree times (cannedvegetables) more/lesstime (onsomemodels) CHICKEN/FISH (onsome models) Pressonce (chickenpieces) Presstwice (fish) 12 Starts immediately! more/lesstime ii+/ili+++++{ About changing the power level. X_triable tree Aummm_ c}tn ++Wh( t)e 4 Way 2 add flexibility lexels (ook alld you the to (pov, er lexel tO Ie'_el gixes ........ levels t)o*,vel? ( OII/t)}tYed I ligh + power cookill}g on Sl[Yt_l(( l/li(l?OWa'_e tlllits on )Oil 100%, illi(l'owa'_e t)()_re]7. eneFg?' ot the til//e. I)()x_rel"lexel 3 is more fi:equent (ookiug or (hanged atter tile/_'ature TIME COOK, energ?' of 7(1% the stirring, bill toed rotating til//e. *,*,rill(ook or rotating of the toed. Solile leeds have better flavor, a lower ma} if one of the lower power hwel when to boil over, Rest lleriods shown with power Use have a potatoes. or transtcr All example level 3--the that energ-} Q, ch's o/t) to "equalize" of tile toDd. or is used. fi)ods as scalloped the nficrowave (when give time tot tile/oDd to the inside such e'_enl}' and texture settings cooking (t/ower l/lore less stirring at)pearance may or tm:ning on t ]igh need temh,ncv Ill' entered immediately faster will be done le'_el 10). A lovvrel7setting level may tleF(ellt , _o0 _' 7o enel'_y settillg,- (10) vail (ook over. Most The power t)oweF E_t(tl a (el?lain iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A hig'h need How to Change the Power Level o_en }t l'}tl/ge+ lit) or ttdl t)owey 1s the t_lstest g{'_es ot the til//e. I)()x_r(_IF lexel 7 is iili(rowaxe E2I entering tinle tot to microwave the (/eti:ost heat of this is cycle. If TIME DEFROST, EXPRESS COOK or ADD 30 SEC. microwaxe energy did not cycle ott, the outside of tile/ood would cook be/ore tile inside was de/i'osted. The Here are some examples power levels: t)oweF hweI may also be changed time cotmtdown. during :> '" * ++_'I++ l ) _e,S s TIME COOK or selett m_-lv det_x>st by r;,isiv, g the t)ower level _d]erentering the time. 11owexer, they willneed more @ l]x'qtteut ;ittelltiOll Power level 7 cuts the about half; power approximately A dull tlmmping Emer Defrosting Tips det]'osting Rotate time be heard is normal at Iligh in time to or stir/ood/i'equentl}. mm This sotmd operating ttMl;+i|. 10 cuts the total noise det_'osting. is not total level 1/3. Press AUTO/TIME DEFROST twi(e. detir)sti,lg t]|_lll d m:ing when the oven t)ower. :: ::::::::: tillle+ _: For l)est results, ::: Press START (te/ir)st I)l_ce {oDd (/iree allowed to sit ()lit t()r IIlore thall ()lie hotlr a/ler (te/i'osting. growth Uoolll tel//t)erattlre of harnfful t)rolnotes the bacteria. _: For more e_en (/e/i'osting of larger/oDds, such as beck lamb and _eal roasts, use Auto Defrost J? Be sure large be/ore ( ooking. J? When so/tened meats (te/i'osted,/oDd in all areas. to the mi(rowaxe /i'w minutes. are comt)letely should be (ool If still slightly vet+),' briefly, de/i'osted but icy. return or let it stand a 17 ii!l; Aboutthe timefeatures. iIiii+ii+i+ ii+iii 1'+ Defrosting Guide Time Comments Breads, Cakes Bread, buns or rolls (l piece_ Sweetrolls tapprox. 12 oz q rain. 3 t(_ 5 rain. Fish and Seafood Fillets, frozen ( 1 lb3 Shelffish, smallpieces +; to 8 mhL 5 to 7 mhL (1 lb3 Place t)lock iu casserole. Turn o\er aud break ul) after half tl_(' time. Fruit Plastic pooch(lO-oz package I to2 :4 to 6 rain. Meat Bacon (1 lb.) 2 to 5 rain. Place UUol)ened t>a(kage in o_en. f *'t stm t(t 5 mi; rotes afl('r de/i'osting +. Franks(1 lbA 2 to 3 miH. Pla(e tmol)ened package Mi(ro_a_ejust until/t'auks Groondmeat (1 lb. Roast:beef, lamb, veal, pork 5 to 7 min. 12 to 16 min. Steaks, chops and cutlets per lb. 5 to 7 min. per lt) sel)arated, ]ICCeSS_IF_, 10 Tutti staud in o_('n. (an be 5 HIi/HIles, co/II])|ete if (|eJi'oMJt/_. meat o\er alter half the lil//('+ Use power ]e_e] l. Place tmwrapl)ed meat in cookh_g dish. Turn over alter hall fl_e ume and shield _r_]:_ _]:e_S with toil. When finished, Sel)amte t)ieces and let stand to (oml)lete (te/i'osting. Poultry Chicken,broiler-fryer cutup _2!_ _o 3 lbs, 15 to 19 min. Place UllW]_at wrapt)ed ) al/(I chicken HIFtl OVel" in dish. altel" half the time. When tinished, separate pieces and microwave 2 to 4 minutes more, if necessary. Let stand to tinish del_:osting. Chicken,whole (2½ to 3 lbs. 17 to 21 min. Place wrat)l)ed chicken in dish. Alter half the time, tmwra t) and turn (hicken oxer. Shield warm areas with/oil. Finish deli'osting. cold vmter ill the (a_i[_' until" gJl)lets (an 1)e removed. [t I/eCessarv, Cornish hen 7 to 13 mhL per It) Place tlHwrat)l)ed he1/ill the o_'// l>reast-.qde-up. Turn over _Oer half the time. Rtm cool x_;ttet" in the (aviD; until Torkeybreast (4 to 6 f )s. 5 to 9 rain. per lt) 78 Frill g+l)lets call 1)e remo\ ed. Place tmwral)t)ed breast in dish breast-.qde-down. Alter half the time, turn o\er and shield warm area_, with/oil. Finish deti'osting. I*'t stand 1 to 2 hours in re/iigemtor to coml)lete de/i'osting. ii_iiiiiiiiii ___ _his is a quick way to set cooking time for l-6 minutes for ] to 6 mhmtcs For cx[,m/ple, (ooking "['h(! at power level 10. • the 2 t)ad tor • " 2 mmutc._ S ot • time. povvT!F down. o£ (o(Aing press l(!'_(_l Press (_1) 1)(_ ( h[,lllg(!d POWERIEVEI i-is [,rod cuter fillip is (oH]ltil)_ 1-10. Add 30 Seconds You can use this feature two ways: _: It 'will add ea(h dine J} It (an cooking _0 so(ends to the time (ouutiug (|owl) the t)[,_(] is t)ressed. be used _s _ qui(k r_y to set 30 se(ouds of time. 19 ii!l; About the auto features. iIiiiiii :i+iii Auto Defrost iiii/(i; !!i(?;ii¸ Auto Defrost automati(allv and t)()/_rer lexels meats, t)ouhv} remove todd fi'om with small i+i;+\tter t)ie(es tor tile t)a(kage, ra(k Auto Defrost, tile oven during Food Over. At ea/h l),emoxe (tet_r>sted times results u t) |o six t)om]ds. t)la(e todd directly on tile de/i'ost tile rack on dw mrmat)le. _:; "I\dce PressAUTO/TIME DEFROSTonce tor (tetirlsting and fish weighillg _< For best results, E /, 11.1 sets till' dei_:osth]g to gixe exert and t)la(e Turn signals signal, tm:n the foo(t meat or shield warm oxer. _'treas of/oil. (lefix)sting, most meats 5 minutes to COml)lete should stand Jot about need defi'osting. 30 minutes. to stand I,arge roasts AutoDefrost Conversion Guide (;uide m riuhL weiuhl. eHler lood ior 1.2 t)olmds 1 .1) of>l poulld. For exmut)le. press ]_a(ls 1 and 2 t)o{||/(t. Emer ff tile weight of'_bod is stated in pounds and OtlllCeS. +lle ounces nltlSt be conver/ed to lentilS _ Ol|ll(-(_ weighl u l) to +;t)omMs Defrost tot Auto Press START Weight of Food in Ounces Enter Food Weight (tenths of Weight of Food in Ounces Enter Food Weight (tenths of a pound) a pound) 1-2 .1 9-10 .6 3 .2 11 .7 4-5} .3 12-13 ,8 6-7 .4 14-15 .9 8 .5 I lb. Quick Defrost I lb. Quick Defrost umes and power automati(allv levels sets the (lefix)sting tor toods weighing one t)oun(t. Press 1 Ih, Quick Defrost. The automati(allv. todd men When _? For best results, tile remoxe oven oven todd starts signals, fl_om die t)ackage, t)la/e too(1 (tirectl'_ on the (letir>st the ra(k on lhe lllrlltal)le. 2O turn ra/k and t)la/e ii+iiiii+++++{ Aboutthesensorfeatures. Humidity Sensor What happens when using the Sensor Features: The Sensor released Covered ];eattlres dm:ing at!justs _tlt/O/IIItS the cooking of toed. Do rise llOt the dete(t the in(teasing (ooking. The time Sellsor Feattlres after the (otmtdown, Vented r]l(' pFOpt'r Dry off dishes so they don't mislead the sensor. twice ill StlCCeSSIOI/ ntay resuh in severely It food is mtdercooked use Time Cook for additional (OI/taill(TS alld art' (O_(TS ('sSelltla] It)i" (ooking. Hse iill(lX)W_l'_e-saf(? (OlHail/eFS then:, with lids or "_ente(t plastit tight sealing S t'_])es and tim('. best sensor ilwa'_s humidity automati(alb to various on the same food portion--it overcooked or btn:nt todd. ( ooking oven t)lasti( " S al/(t wrap. (ontainers--th(W " _ " (an " (O'_el Nexer _ use t)rexent " Be sm:e the outside oI the (ooking (ontainers and the inside o] the nticrowa_e oven are dr_ belore placing ibod in the ttlFllil/g illtO St('_lIIl men. Beads ('_t+l/ lIliSl('_ld o] ntoistm:e the S('l/S()l'. Beverage Press ( ()fJ'(_(! NOTE:Do not use this feature twice in succession on the same food portion--it may result in severely overcooked or burnt foo_L BEVERAGEonte OF otB(!F to heat an 8-10 oz (u t) oI |)(_,(?l?ag(!. Drinks heated with the Beverage feature maybe very hot. Remove the container with care. H" {(to(1 is tllld('r(ooked Time Cook for additional after the cooking (Ottl/t(tOWll rise time. 21 iIiiiiii Aboutthesensorfeatures. ii iii Popcorn Howto Use thePopoornFeature i_ the p_t(kFtge , is thml 3.5 oml(es. Usa only with prepackaged microwave popcorn weighing 3.0to 3.5 ounces. ill the (ellter less tl/all Pl_(e o/Ill(' , Ti,.e Cook p_(kage of tx_p(orn _).00llll(es the or l_wger l//i(row_l_e. Press POPCORN tor a regular size (3.0 to 3.5 oz) bag oI t)ot)(orn. The oxen starts immediawly. NOTE:Do not use the metal shelf when using the Popcorufeature. NOTE:Do not use this feature twice in succession on the same food portion--it may result in severely overcooked or burnt food. If you open an error press the door message while POPCORN is displayed, will appear. Close the door and START. I//ood is tmderl ooked Tithe Cook tot additional a/ler the (olllltdOWl/ cooking line time. How to Adjust the Popcora Program to Provide a Shorter or Longer Cook Time I/you lind that d_e brand o/t_op(or'n you use m_derl)Ol)S or overeooks consistentl}, you can add or sut)u'act 20-.30 secoHds _o the amomatic t)ot)t)ing time. To add time: After 1)ressing POPCORN, t)ress 9 withil/ Ill(! firm 30 seconds a/let the oven starts/or an extra 20 seconds. Press 9 again to add another 30 seconds additional time). To subtract 10 seconds (total time: ,\tier pressing POPCORN. press I within the first 30 seconds afwr the o_en star_s/or 20 seconds less cooking time. Press I again to red uce cooking time another 10 se(onds (total 30 se(onds less time). 22 iiiiiiiiiiiiii_!iiiiiii How to Use the Reheat featnre: Reheat _ f Pla(e 0"_011. The !iiiiiiii@ i!!iii i iiiiiiiii Eor reheating single servings of previously cooked foods or a plate of leftovers. PI_OSS metal shelf when using the Reheat feature. of li( uid or (oxered } )F(?S,_ S REHEAT oxen starts 011((! 01/(0, Press {()1" tilt'(!(! a plate down. lilll(!s FelIlaillil/g Do not open (? OF in die three tillle,L S of lefmxers. (8-12 oz). fol _ "_(_ota|)](?s |)OgJl/s the oven If the door I'Wi( food immediately. Pl_(!ss twi((! for pasta :::::::::lil//e NOTE: Do not use the the (up ( 1 ,/2 (Olllllil/g door 2 (lips). ([OWll. m_iil time is opened, to close is co/rating il and press STARTimmedialeh'. NOTE: Do not use this feature twice in succession on the same After removing food from the oven, stir, ff possible, to food portion--it may result in severely overcooked or burnt food. extremely hot. even out the temperature, Reheated foods may have wide variations in temperature. Some areas may be If tbod is no{ hot enough after die corm{down TimeCook/or additional reheating time. use How to Changethe Automatic Settings: Toreduce time by 10%: Pn'ss I Wii]lil/ 30 s('(ol/ds alter pressing REHEATpad. the Toadd I0% to cooking time: Pn'ss 9 Wit]lil/ 30 s('(ol/ds alter ])rcssing the REHEATpad. Some FoodsNot RecmnmendedFor Use With Reheat'. It is 1)cst Io use TimeCook lot dwsc/oo(ts: _?;Bread products. i_:!Foods dlat must be reheated uncovered. i_i,Foods that need to be stirred or rotated. calling/or a dry look N Foods alter or crisp sur/hce reheating. 22 ii!l; Aboutthesensorfeatures. iIiii'ii'i' ii iii Sensor Cooking ONE TOUCH SENSOR (Fish and Chicken Pieces on some models) [: ii_ i ii i i _ iii i Sensor cooking gives you easy, automatic Jesuits with a variety of foods (see the Cooking Guide below). NOTE:Do not use the metal shelf with Sensor Cooking. NOTE:Do not use this feature twice in succession on the same food portion--it may result in severely overcooked or burnt foocL t)l_l(e cox(!red ti)od in the oxen. Press the food pad. For'_egetables, press the VEGETABLE pad once Ji)r Ji'esh vegetables, or dirge vegetables Ji?OZell vegetables. For chicken twice {i)r til//eS {()r C_tl/lled or fish, press d_e CHICKEN/FISH 1)ad once/i)r chicken pieces twice ti)r tish. The oven starts immediateh'. The oxen :: :::::'_tilIl(' signals I/O| o])(!11 |11(_ is sensed (O/ll/tillg and dw "[_llI'l/ d()_rl/, til//e o'_(?1/dool;/Intil dowll. If the door STARTimmediateh. If/i)od steam |)('gil/s it necessary. stir the food Do _r]_ rel//_tillil/(g or is op(med, is m_dercooked after Time Cook ti)r additional close is (O/Illtil/g it and press the comltdowI/ cooking use time. How to Change the Automatic Settings (automatic settings for canned vegetables cannot be adjusted on some models): You (_m a(!just d_(' cooking suit y'om: personal tim('/i)r all ti)ods to taste. To reduce time by 10%: Press I withill _0 s('(ollds Mt('r pr('ssing th(' ti)od pad. To add 10% to cooking time: Press 9 within _)od 30 sc(on(ts _dt('r pressing the pad. CookingGuide Canned Vegetables Frozen Vegetables Amount Comments 4-16 Cover oz 4-1 (i oz with lid or vented ]7ollow pa(kage W_I|(!I'. Fresh Vegetables Potatoes 4-16 8-32 oz oz Add 4-111 Chicken *()n 24 Pieces* some models OZ 2-8 ])i(_(es instru(tions for adding lid or xented (u 1) wa[(!F per serxing. with lid or vented t)lasti( Pier(e skin (lover 1/4 With Cover OI/ Fish* (_()'_(_1" t)lastic _r]_t). ill(' with ti_rk. I la(e xellted plastic wrap. potatoes ttlFlltable. with plasti(WI'_It). wrat). (I,ox(!F with "_ellt(!d t)lasti(wry'it). O1" ii_iiiiiiiiii{_!ii Other features your model may have. Custom The CUSTOM1)ad Iil]OWS ti'eqtlel/tly Ilsed settillgS. C_tl/l/Ot saved.) |)(! VO/l tO S_`,X+2 VO/IY IIIOSI (S(!I/SOF cookillg settings To set and saxe a setting: [[_[iii_:[ [;;ill__i[ __ ;t Press he CUSTOM pad. Set the amount of (ooking iii!v: caused !;:i dw metal the shelf being lllJ(t'(Jwaxe _2 metal or/oil installed ineorre(tly and |ou(hing walls. touching tile side of tile oven. Z_ t_)il that is not molded i ii il 171 _ll lteIll _:_ metal ii i i i Covering such as twis|-|ies, _: recycled i C(J_q:'_ hold (ooking allows Shielding to t_)od (utmlrned paper t)ouluT act like in moisture, eSS s|e_llll In a regular pins, gold-rimmed towels (ontaining small metal _dlow for more time. Xi']lti]lg t)lasti( eX( edges IllS). dishes. pie(es. even heating and reduce wrap or cox eri]lg with wax t)aper t(J es(;-it)e. o',en, you shield dfi(ken breasts or baked tbods uJ pre'_el]t o, el=l)F(JV¢llillg. _]]ell 1]li(FOVca'_l]_, }!OH/,se Sl/lall SIIJl)S of foil tO shield dfin parts, sud] as die tips of wing:, and legs on t)ouhry, Standing Timo When whi(h w(JHld t(J stand (st)eci_dly imt]ortant ]ni(rowa_ed _ier t)_' 1)e{(Jre _ou cook with regular are allowed Venting (o(Jk 1)_t( parts. oxens, foods such to finish cooking as roasts or (akes or to set. Standing time is ill II]ierovca'_e ((Joking. (ake is ll(Jt t]la(ed e(Jxerillg HI171]il]_" larger Note that a oil a ((J(Jlillg _(k. a dish ,*'ill] 1]lastie VVrlT_tl ], "}'(J/|"_ell[ the t,lasti( k es( ()lle ((Jill/el" S() ex(ess ste_ll/] (_tl] _tt)(!. wrap ii_iiiiiiiiiii_!iiiiii Care and cleaning of the microwave oven. Helpful Hints An o((asional baking soda thorough wit)ing and water keeps with a solution of the inside/i'esh. NOTE: Be certain the power is off before cleaning any part of this oven. How to Clean the Inside Walls, Floor, Inside Window, Metal and Plastic Parts on the Doer S(}lll_ Sl)_ltt_l's others spatters (an 1)e may require with Fe]//O'_e(t with a daml/cloth. a sudsy cloth; cloth. Do not use abrasive utensils on o_en walls. _1 l/_ll/_l; Rcmo_c then rinse cleaners towel; grcasy with a damt) or sharp Never use a commercial oven cleaner on aey part of your microwave. Removable Turntable and Turntable Support To t)l'eVent l/r('_k_gc, do not place the tm:nt_bh' into water just a/]er cooking. \V_sh it carefully in warm, sudsy water or in the dishwasher. The turntable and support Uel//elilber, turntable do not can operate and support be broken tile oven if dropped. tile withom in place. Shelf Ch'_m with mild soa 11and %va[{'l;()1:in thc dishwashcr. Do not clean in a self-cleaning oven. Temperature Probe (on some mode!s) Ch'_m immc(tiatcly' _t'tcr using. with a sudsy then cloth, To dc_m, rub lightly scouring ball if necessary'. Rinse and can also 1)e washed in the dishwasher. wipe with a t)lastic dry'. The tlrobe 33 ii!l; Care and cleaning of the microwave oven. iIiiiiii ii iii How to Clean the Outside We recmmnend against using cleaners with ammonia or alcohol, as they can damage the appearance of the microwave oven. If you choose to use a cmnmon household cleaner, first apply the cleaner directly to a clean cloth, then wipe the soiled area. Case Clean the outside ot the 1//1(]?ow}ive with ;++ Stl(tsv (loth. Rinse and then (h3. Wipe tile _ril_(to_*_r clean with a dam]) cloth. Csstrel Panel _i])e with a (talI/l) use cleaning abrasives cloth. DFy spmy_,, large thol'Ollg]ll_ amounts r. Do not of soap and water; or shm]) ok!iects on the panel--thqv damage it. Some control l)anel. paper can towels can also scrat(h the Door Panel Betor(' (h_ming the ti'ont (l(x)r t)anel, make sure you kno_, what t}])c o/l)anel tilt' m(xM "I." is Ch_mSteel Stainless }x)u have. Re/i_'r to tilt' eighth digit o/ ntunkx't: "S" is stainless steel, "(;" is ()ml)hite, and "B", "W' or "C" arc pl_e,tic color ,'s. Stool The stainlex,_ steel ])ariel can tie cleaned Steel Magic cloth. or a similar product Al)l)ly st_finh'ss cleaner surrom_(ling t)olish, Neach Stainless Steel careflllh' plastic t)arts. Do not or t)roducts tinishes. with Stainless using a clean, soft to avoid the use al)l)liance containing chlorine _a_x, on CleanSteel, Graphite Use a (lean, soft, light then dry thoroughly. and lightly (laml)ened Do not use appliance bleach or l)ro(hwts (ontaining tl/e CleanSmel sur/iwes. any (henli(al cloth, _r_x, polish, agent Plastic Color Panels Use a (lean, soft, lightly daml)('ned cloth, then dry thoroughly. Door Seal It's iml)ortant door to kee l) the area (lean wtle]_e the seals ag_dnst the microwave'. non-alm_sive or soti (loth. detergents al)l)lied Rinse well. Use only mild, with a clean sponge Bottom (_h'an oil the gT('ase and (lust on the bottom Use a sohltion ()1%*Qll]// %'Vr_I|(.'I; ;'llld (teteFgent. ()lien. on ii_iiiiiiiiiii_!ii Replacing the light bulbs. Cooktop Light/Night Light On models JVM1850, JVM1851, EMO#O00 and Remove screw HDM1853, replace the burned-out bulb with a 120 volt, 40-watt incandescent bulb (WB36X10003), available from your GE supplier. On models JVM1870, JVM1871, JVM3670 and JVM2050, replace the burned-out bulb with a 120 volt, 20-watt halogen bulb (WB36X10213), available from your GE supplier. To repla(e ::::::::: )ower at the bulb(s), die 1//a111 first dis(onne(t t/Ise OF the | ) reaker (11"(/111 p_tl/e] or t)/111 die plug. Ren/ove (o'_,el 1o the s(Few _t[ the left edge _ _tl/(] p/Ish Oll [he righl edge of ill(! light of Ill(! (o_,el _ open. Be s,1,'eme b,11b(s)_(,be ,'ep_l(ed _l,'e,<,ol ....... belbre remo'dng. Alter seal, remo_,e die bulb (tbr models.lVM1850, or pulling smdght JVM1871,JVM2050 ;_ size and Raise shield the light ele(|ri(al the adhesixe gently turning and EM()4000) out (/or modelsJVM1870, and JVM3670). Replace widl die same iiiiiii "_ Co1111e(1 bre_&ing by eidler JVM1851 type bulb. and repla(e power to [he die s(:_'(:_r. o_,e11. iili!tli iiiiiii! i 35 ii!l; Replacing the light bulbs. iIiii+ii+i+ ii+iii l,+ Oven Light " _ Replace the burned-out bulb with a 120 volt, 20-wan ! GE supplier. halogen bulb (WB36X10213), available ;_ To ret)lace +l)ower at the o',en light, the IIlaill J[ttse or from your first dis(xmnect the (iF(flit)re3ker l)allel or pttll the 1)lug. g t co sliding n/akes e the grille to the le/] (opening grille removal easier). N Nex,,re,,lo,e ,heligh,.,.er Onsome models On seine models, the light II*L k:=_lL_=_l],m@l I f Light co+,er is lo(ated in the center o/the top ot)ening. s(rew that se(ures the light (over - On seine models, the light le/] of the lop ; Pin(h t)la(e opening. cover the liull) tix)n/the _ s _tra,lght and tyl)e bttlb, ()lit. then Repla(e rel)la(e light with at tile is located I J/t the cover the (lips thai hol(t the light aild lift the so(ket o/it. Remove ii)_i ::::::::::'_t)tllllilg Remo_e the and li/] the o11. €over cover On some models the door o/ll so(kel so(ket the the light in 1)v s " ;_llile so(ket s ;1ze and cover. :: Repla(e t)ower die grille to ill(! ()',,ell. and scre_v+rs.Conne(t electrical ii_/iiiiiiiii_!iiiiii Aboutthe exhaustfeature. Charcoal Filter (on some models) The Vent Fan The v('Ht/_m Models h_ls _ m('t_fl r('tts_ll)](' theft r('circl_k_te use a charcoal air back gr('_ls(' filt('r. imo the room also grease released by filt('_ Reusable Grease Filter (on all models) Reusable Grease Filter THe r('ttsabl(' g+r('_s(' filter traps fi)o(ts OH the cooktol). It _flso t)rt'v('ltts fl_In('s from /()O(tS (Ill the cookto t) {l'OlIl (]_llIl_lgilt_," flit' illsid(' o{ th(' ttticF(IW_ For this v_rh(!n 1'. reason, the (le_lt(_d the hood oft((' filter must The is tzsed. _ mottth, or AI,W,\YS gre_lse lie filter in t)la(e shotdd lie _s He(_ded. Removing and Cleaning the Filter To remove, slide it to the side using Ptd] it (town ;utd out. To clean the grease filter, soak _trottnd ill hot ammonia darken remove Rinse, wat('r shake prod I iglu dirt. the filter side of the ot)ening. theH swish Dolt't u(ts be(ause brushing and let it dry befiire To replace, slide imo it and alt(t (t('tt'l:g('nt. or ammonia the metal. embedded the ml). it use it will (_ut be used t(/ replacing. iH the fl:_nte slot _zt the Pull u t) and in to lock t)la( e. 37 iIiii'ii'i'Aboutthe ii iii exhaustfeature. Charcoal Filter (on some models) The charcoal filter cannot be cleaned. It must be replaced. For JVM1800 and JVM3600 Series models, order Part No. WB2XI0733 from your GE supplier. For JVM2000 Series models, order Part No. WB2XI0956 from your GE supplier. If tile model is not vented will be recirculated liher The that helps charcoal remov_ filter it is noticeably the air a disllosable charcoal smoke should and depending Kits", page odors. be replaced dirty or discolored 6 tO 12 illonths, "()ptional to the outside, through when (usually on hood 11), lot more atler usage). S_e inlbrnlation. To Remove Charcoal Filter m I ! ']b remove grille to remove the screws grille. tiher, fllse or circuit (lisconne(t breaker panel ])()_r_'_" or pull the plug. Remove Remove the (h_uxoal at the main the top grille b} removing it in t)lace the screws on top of tile grille that hold and sliding grille to tile left removM e_sier). o/tile oven mid (opening tile door makes grille Slide tile/ilter towards tile t_'ont remove it. tile To Install Charcoal Filter To instnll a ne_ t_'om the new filte_ Insert the Jilter into the toll opening It will rest ;-it ;_lll angle ;rod in/i'ont _md screws. 33, l)l_sti( wrapping shown. ii_iiiiii!iii_iL_iii_!l{ {iher, remove outer o/the right _md other of the oven on 2 side sutlllort rein: tab. Replace as tails the grille iiiiiiHl Before you call for service... Troubleshooting -tips Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages first and you may not need to call for service. Oven will not start Possible Causes What To Do A fuse hi your home may be blown or file circuit * Replace tllse or reset circuit breaken breaker tripped. Power surge. Unplug the microwm e oven; then plug it back in. Plug not fully hlserted hlto wall oudet, Door is not dosed. _ Make sure the 3-prong plug on tlle oven is fifth' inserted into wall outlet. ()l)el) se( and close the door [ir(,]_,. Floor of the oven is warm, even when the oven has oot been used Heat froul file cooktop light may make file oven floor get warm. This is _l(mnal. "CONTROL LOCKED" '_le conlrol Press mM hold or "LOCKED"appears thedisplay on "SENSOR ERROR"appears on the display has been CLEAR/OFF locked. R_r M)out 3 seconds uu|o(-k the control+ When using a Sensor feature, die door was 1)11not o|)eu door until slekll/l is _el/sed and dine opened before steam could be detected. is shown counting/m the displ_*y. Stemn was not detected Use _me Cook to heat ill [(/1"//loI'e lllaxil_l_l anlount to (|own til//e. of tilne. Youhear anunusual, low-tonebeep You have tried to start file Reminder without + Start over and enter valid time of din. a You have tried to start Start o_er and emer a file Auto Nite IJght wldlout a valid time of valid time oI dm a valid time of day. day entered for die on-_ne mid off4hne. You have tried to dlange die power level when it is not allowed. Foodamounttoolarge forSensorReheat Sensor Reheat is for sil_gle servhlgs recolmnended of foods. * Many of the (welFs tbatures are preset (hanged. and emmot be Use 77me Cook R)r lm:ge am(rants of R)od. 39 i iiiiiiiiH+i iiiiii+i Before you call for service... Things That Are Normal With YourMicrowave Oven _? Moisttm' moisture on the o\cn +_)Moisture between Moisture shotfid N Steam or vapor escaping reflection N Dimnfing power o\en arom/d N TV/radio microwm panels when shortly atier t+'om arom/d door or outer cooking certain cooking is finished. the tiler important communications ti-om GE Appliances (GEA). Check here if you do not want to receixe communications p_ll-t 42 I I I I it] [s( IleFS. from (;EA's carethllv selecte(1 l I GE Microwave Oven Warranty. All warrantyserviceprovidedby ourFactoryService Centers,or anauthorizedCustomerCare®technician. Toscheduleservice,on-line,24hoursaday,visit usat,or call 800.G£ CARES(800.432.2737). Pleasehaveserialandmodelnumbersavailable whencallingforservice. Staple your receipt here. Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain service under the warrant_ GE Will Replace: ForGEand GEProfileModels: One Year From the date Ofthe originaipurchase iiiii!!iiHi Anyparto£ the iili(rowavc OVCl/which _ti]s (hi( to _t dc_!ct in matcrkds or workmauship. I)udng tllis limited one-year warranlt¢, (;E will a]so pro'4dc, free of charge, _dl labor and l'C]_ttc(t scr_i(c t() I'epla(c tile (tc_(ti'_e p_lt't. i!iiiii iii Five Years The magnetron tube, if the magnctron robe tails due Fromthe date Of Origina!Purchaso to _1deft( t ill III_ttCIJ_tls OF woFklII_tI/Sllip. five-yearlimited warran_ you will be rcspousibl( _'tl l'V ]_tbor or ill-]lOl//c scr\_(c this [)Hl;il/g" tot (osts. iiiiii!ii!: ii::Service trips to your home to teach you how to use die product. i_i;Improper 1Ylaint hlstallafion, delivery or enance. i_i;Product required not accessible service. to provide i_i;Failure of die product or dmnage to die product if it is abused, misused (for exmnple, cavity archlg from wire rack or metal/foil), or used for oilier thin1 die hltended COlmnercially. purpose or used ii i i !iiiiiii _: Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers. _: Dmnage to file product cattsed by accident, fire, floods or acts of God. _: hlcldental or consequential caused by possible defects applimlce. J_ Dmnage caused after damage wifll tiffs delivery. EXCLUSIONOFIMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortestperiod allowed by law. This warranty is extended to the origbal purchaser and any succeeditlg owner for products purchased for home use within the USA. If the prodnct is located in an area where service by a GEAuthorized Servicer is not available, you may be responsible for a trip charge or you may be required to Mng the product to an Authorized GE ServiceLocation for service, In Alaska, the warranty excludes the service calls to your home, Some states do not allow the exclusion or lirnitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Toknow what your legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General Warranter: GeneralElectric Company.Louisville, KY 40225 43 ConsumerSupport. GEAppliancesWebsite,, Have a question or n(_d assistance with your appliance? "Iiy the GE Appliant es Websiw 24 hours a tla 5 ally t/a} of 111(:year! For greater t OllVt'lli( lice and thster self, it e, }/Oll C[lll now (/Owlllo_ld ()WlleY'S Manuklls, OI'(]eI" parts, t alalogs, iti ev(ll st hedule selvi( e on-Ill1( . _)_tl can also ",\sk Otlr "I;'am of Expert2"" your questilms, and sit nulch nlor_.... ScheduleService Expert s(ht thlle GE repair s(rvic( VOll[ 800.(;E.(L\RES serxi( e al is only one sttp away tiom your doon VOlli (800.432.2737) conveili( dllYillg n( 1:24 hOllYS anv tl_:tV of Get on-line tht veaY! ( )1" and tall I1OI"I11albusint ss hours. RealLife DesignStudio GE supports the I Tnivcrsal Design t onceptmprodut Ls, ser'dt es and emironnlenL', that tan be used by people of all ages, sizes and capabilities. D,\_ ret ognize the need to design tor a wide range of ph?:sical and mental abilities and inlpairnlents. For details of GE's I hliversal Design applications, including kitchen design ideas tor people with disabilities, check out our l;,bbsite toda}; For tile hearing impaired, please call 800.TDD.GEAC (800.833.4322). ExtendedWarranties Purchase a GE extended warranl_ and learn about special discount.s that are available while v(mr wanantv is still in etib_ t. You can purl hase it on-line anytinle, or call 800.626.2224 during nomlal business hours. GE Consunler Itonle SelaJt es will still be there alwr your warranty expires. Partsand Accessories Indhiduals qualified to ser'dce their own appliances can have [)arts or accessork s sent directly to their honles (VISA, MasterCard and Dist over lards are at t epmd). Order on-line to(la B 24 hours eve W (lay or b? phone at 800.626.2002 during normal business hours. Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed by any user. Other servicing generally should he referred to qualified service personnel. Cautionmust he exercised, since improperservicing may cause unsafe operation. ContactUs If you ar_ not satisfied with the servite you r_ t eivt fionl (;E, tontat with all tile details int luding your phone nunlber, or write m: Gen_ ral Manager; Customer Relations GE Appliant es, Appliant e Park Louisville, KY 40225 Register YourAppliance go.ore t us on our Websiw Register your new appfiance on-line---at your convenience! Tinmly product registration will allow flu" enhant ed t omnulnit ation and prompt servite under tile ternls of your warranty, should tile need arise. You nla'_ also nlail ill the pre-primed registration card included in the packing material. Punted lil Malaysia