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Ginger 1 Haftbildelemente 1 Die Folgenden Listen Enthalten Alle Haft


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    October 2018
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1 GINGER 1 Haftbildelemente 1 Die folgenden Listen enthalten alle Haftbildelemente aus GINGER 1 und sind nach Themenfeldern geordnet. Falls Sie Ihre Haftbildelemente thematisch ordnen und aufbewahren möchten, empfehlen wir, Wortfelder mit nur wenigen Bildkarten (z.B. Presents, Faces, Packing my bag) zusammenzufassen. Animals 1. baboon 2. bear 3. bird 4. butterfly 5. chameleon 6. crocodile 7. elephant 8. horse 9. lion 10. monkey 11. parrot 12. snake 13. wolf Characters from the islands 14. Cinderella 15. fairy 16. king 17. Little Red Riding Hood 18. Pablo 19. Penny 20. Pepe 21. prince 22. queen 23. Professor Bit 24. robot 25. Snow White and the seven dwarfs Circus 26. animal trainer 27. circus 28. clown 29. juggler 30. Mr Ringley 31. tightrope walker City 32. airport 33. bus stop 34. car park 35. city 36. station Clothing 37. cap 38. dress 39. fancy shoes 40. jeans 41. minidress 42. pullover 43. shoes 44. shirt 45. shorts 46. socks 47. T-shirt Computer words and their other meanings 48. computer mouse 49. animal mouse 50. software window 51. glass window 52. writing notebook 53. notebook computer 54. music keyboard 55. computer keyboard Crew 56. Captain Storm 57. Colin Baker 58. Debbie Jones 59. Dr Heal 60. Ginger 61. Ravi Mehta Electronics 62. CD player 63. Discman 64. DVD player 65. toaster 66. TV 67. washing machine Faces 68. fine 69. not so good 70. so-so Food 71. apple 72. banana 73. bread 2 74. cheese 75. cornflakes 76. egg 77. grapefruit 78. green pepper 79. ham 80. honey 81. lemon 82. milk 83. mushroom 84. onion 85. orange 86. orange juice 87. picnic 88. sandwich 89. scoop of apple ice cream 90. scoop of banana ice cream 91. scoop of chocolate ice cream 92. scoop of grapefruit ice cream 93. scoop of lemon ice cream 94. scoop of orange ice cream 95. scoop of strawberry ice cream 96. scoop of vanilla ice cream 97. strawberry 98. tomato Furniture 99. bed 100. chair 101. hammock 102. shelf 103. table 104. wardrobe Halloween 105. ghost 106. jack-o’-lantern 107. skeleton 108. vampire 109. witch House 110. bathroom 111. bedroom 112. castle 113. garden 114. house 115. kitchen 116. living room Nature 117. flower 118. grass 119. mountain 120. mud 121. rainbow 122. river 123. tree Packing my bag 124. book 125. CD Presents 126. computer game 127. puzzle 128. video Rooms on the ship 129. bridge 130. clinic 131. engine room 132. kitchen 133. radio room 134. storeroom Software exercises 135. crab 136. fish 137. octopus 138. seahorse 139. shell 140. starfish Vehicles 141. bike 142. boat 143. bus 144. car 145. motorbike 146. plane 147. ship 148. train Weather 149. cloudy 150. cold 151. rainy 152. sunny 153. warm 154. windy