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Grain And Feed Statistics - Usda Economics, Statistics And Market




-------------- ----------------------- ---------- ------- l! ft5: Grain and Feed Statistics t/5 /1~!Yf ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY .......................................................-...., JAN 22 19S3 Supplement to Stati sti ca I Bu II eti n No. 159 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Economics Division Washington, D. C. March 1958 This is a supplement to the 1957 edition of Grain and Feed Statistics. Before 1955, the bulletin was entitled Feed Statistics, Including Wbeat-nyeRice. The primary purpose of the bulletin is to serve as a statistical handbook to supplement The Feed Situation, The Wheat Situation and The Rice Situation, Agricultural Marketing Service reports issued periodically. These publications carry current data ~or many of the series published here. Grain and Feed Statistics provides a ready reference for basic information on stocks, production, supplies, utilization, commercial movement, foreign trade and prices of grains and feeds. This edition revises and brings to date the series carried in the last issue, published in May 1957. Ma.Dy of the series in this bulletin have been limited to cover only the last 5 to 10 years. Data for the earlier years may be found in the 1957 edition, which contains longer-term series. The coverage in this issue is practically the same as that in the 1957 issue, with two major exceptions. Data on farm sales of grains and hay were not included in the 1957 publication, as they were then in process of revision, but they are carried in this issue. Stocks of corn and oats are not reported by regions in this issue--revised data are not available for each quarter of 1957. Data in this bulletin are carried through the calendar year 1957, and include revisions made through February 1958. Data in this bulletin were compiled by Katherine M. Lowther and Hazel P. Stoner under the supervision of Malcolm Clough and Robert E. Post. Most of the data are from the records of AMS, although other sources are freely used. Sources other than the AMS are noted. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D. c. u. s. Government Printing Office, GRAIN AND FEED THROUGH STATISTICS 1957 Prepared in the Division of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Marketing Service CONTENTS Feed Concentrate Balance, United States, 1926-57 .•.•..••.•..•..•••..••.••••••••.•••..•••..•.•••..••••••..••.• • ..• 2-3 Feed Concentrates Consumed by Livestock, United States, by quarters, 1926-57 .••.••.••.•••••..•.•..••..•.••..•.••. 4 Feed Grains Planted and harvested acreages, United States, 1944-57 ....................................................... .. Yield per acre, United States, 1944-5? ...................................................................... • •. Production, United States, 1944-57 ••.•..•.••.••••••••••••••.•••.•••••...•••.••..••••.•••••••..• • •. • • •.• • • •. · • .• Acreage, yield and production of corn, oats and barley, by regions, 1949--57 ••.•..•.••..•••••••.•••.•.••..•.•••. Supply and distribution of corn, oats, barley and sorghum grain, United States, 1936-57 •••.•..••.•..••••..•..• Production of sorghum grain in specified States, 1940-57 ..................................................... . Stocks of corn, oats and barley, .United States, by quarters, 1936-58 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Stocks of sorghum grain , United States, by quarters, 1947-58 ................................................. . Disappearance of corn, oats and barley, by quarters, 1939-57 .................................................. . Use in producing alcohol, distilled spirits and fermented malt liquors, 1945-56 •••••••••••••••••••••··········· ~liscellaneous feeds fed on farms where produced, 1935-56 .••.•.••••.••..•••••.•.•••••••••.••..••...•••••..••...• corn grindings by wet-process, United States, by months, 1945-5'1 •...••.••••..•..•••••••..••••.•••.••..•..••...• sales of feed grains by farmers, 1924-56 •••.••.•••...•.•..•.••..•.•.•••.•••••.•••...••.•••.••••.•.•••.••.•..••• Receipts of corn, oats and barley at primary markets, by months, 1945-57 .••..••••••.••••••...•.••••.•••..••.••• Pri~es received by farmers for corn, oats, barley and sorghum grain, United States, 1950-57 ••••••••••••••••••• Market prices of corn, oats and barley, 1950-57 ............................................................... . Parity prices of corn, oats, barley and sorghum grain, United States, 1950-57 ••..•.•••••••••.•••.•••.••.••.••• Index numbers of feed grain prices, United States, 1910-57 ..•.••.••••.••••••••••..••••..••.••.•.•••••...•..•••• Loan rates on feed grains and quantities placed under loan, United States, 1933-57 ••••••••••·••·······••••••••• Exports and :llnports of feed grains, United States, 1926-57 .................................................... . Canadian supplies and exports of oats and barley, 1948-57 ••.•..•.••.•..•.••.•••••..•.....•.••..••..•.•••.••.••• Argentine supply and distribution of corn, 1948-57 •.••••..•..•.•••••.•••.••.•..•••.••••••••••.••••••.•••.••.••• 5 5 5 6 7-10 10 11-13 10 14 15 15 16 16 17 18-19 18-19 18-19 20 21 22-24 25 25 Food Grains }~at acreage, yield and production of principal types, 1939-57 ·······················•·••••••••••············· Rye acreage, yield and production, United States, 1939-57 ••..••••..•..••.••.••..•••.••.••••••..•••.•••••..••..• Rice acteage, yield and production, Southern States, California and United States, 1939-57 ....•..••..•.•..••..• Supply and distribution of wheat, rye and rice, United States, 1935-57 ....................................... .. Wheat and rye used in producing alcohol and distilled spirits, 1945-56 •.••.•••.•.••..•.•...•.••.••.••.••.•••.•• }/heat and flour imports and exports, United States, 1935-56 ................................................... . Stocks of wheat and rye, United States, by quarters, 1927-58 ................................................. .. Wheat prices received by farmers, parity and market, 1939-57 ..•.••••••••••••.••.•..•.••••••..••..••.......••..• Rye prices received by farmers, parity and market, 1945-57 .................................................... . Rice prices received by farmers and market, 1944-57 ........ · · · • ... • .... •. • • • •. • • .... • ... • · .. • .. • · .. · .. · · · · • · · .. \]ds, United States, by months, 1949-57 •.••.••.•..••••••••.•••••..•••••••.•..•..••.•••.. Oilseed cakes and meals: Production, foreign trade and disappearance, by months, 1953-57 •.•..••.•..••.•.••..•. Wholesale prices, by months, 1953-57 .................... · • • · • ..... • .. • .. • .. • .. • • • · · .... · .. · • .. • · • • • • .. • .. · • · · • • Hholesale price of mole.sses, blackstrap, by months, 1953-57 •...•..•...•••••••••.••.••••••••••••..••..•...•.••.. Index of who1esale prices of high-protein feeds, United States, 1948-5? ••••••••.•••••••••••.•••••.••.•.••••••.. Exports and imports of byproduct feeds, United States, 1935-56 .•.••.••..•.••••.••••••.••••••.••..•...••.••.••.. 39 40 41 42-43 44-45 46-47 47 48 49 ~ 26 2u Supply and disappearance, United States, 1926-57 .............................................................. . Production by kinds, United States, 1941-57 .................................................................. .. Production by regions, United States, 1932-57 ................................................................. . Yield per acre, United States, 1944-5? .••.•••.••••.••.•.••••••.••.•••..••.•••••...••.•••.••.••••..••..•.••.•••• Pasture and range condition, by months, United States, 1932-57 ............................................... .. Prices received by farmers, all hay and alfalfa hay, United States, 1943-57 ••••••.••.••.•..••..••••.•..•••••••. Market prices and prices paid by farmers, alfalfa hay, 1943-57 ••••••••••••••••••••••··························· 50 50 51 5 51 52 52 Prepared Feeds and Livestock Rations Index of prices paid by farmers for feed, United States, 1951-57 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••··•··· Prices paid by farmers for specified feeds, United States, by months, 1951-57 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•· Price paid for dairy ration, United States, by months, 1947-57 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••··•••••••••••••••• Price paid for poultry ration, scratch feed, laying mash and broiler growing mash, by months, 1947-57 ••••.••.•. 53 53 54-55 55 Livestock-Feed Price Ratios Ratios by months, long time average and 1953-57 ............................................................... • 56-57 Table 1.- Feed concentrate balance, livestock numbers and production, and feed per unit of livestock, United States, 1926-57 Season beginning Item Unit 1926 • 1927 • 1928 • 1929 • 1930 • 1931 • 1932 • 1933 • 1934 • 1935 • 1936 • 1937 • 1938 • 1939 ; 1940 • 1941 Supply ~ks beginning of year y Production of feed grains: Corn Oats Barley Sorghum grain Total Imports of feed grains gj Wheat and rye fed Byproduct feeds fed Total supply of concentrates ~ Utilization, October-September Concentrates fed: Corn Oats Barley and sorghum grain Wheat and rye Oilseed cake and meal Animal protein feeds Other byproduct feeds Total concentrates fed Feed grains for seed, human food and industry Exports of feed grains 2/ Total utilization Utilization adjusted to crop year basis ~~end.of~Y Supply and utilization ~ SUPPlY per animal unit --- -- Concentrates fed :Mil. tons: 12.3 :Mil. tons: 71·3 :Mil. tons: 18.5 :Mil. tons: 4,0 :Mil. tons: 2.0 :Mil. tons: 95.8 :Mil. tons: .1 :Mil. tons: 1.4 :Mil. tons: 13.6 :Mil. tons: 123.2 9.0 4.8 1·1 6.9 8.0 73·3 74.6 70.5 58.2 72.1 17.5 21.0 17.8 20.4 18.0 5.7 7·9 6.7 7.2 4.8 2.3 2.2 1.4 1.1 2.0 98.8 105.7 96.4 86.9 96.9 .1 3/ 3/ .1 .1 1.7 179 375 5·7 5.2 13.4 13.8 14.0 13.4 12.5 123.6 126.2 121.6 113.0 122.7 :Mil. tons 67.2 70.4 66.0 64.8 :Mil. tons 16.2 15.9 17.9 15-9 6.8 :Mil. tons 5.0 b.3 1·6 1.4 1.7 3.4 :Mil. tons 1.9 2.6 :}til. tons 2.6 2.7 2.2 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.8 :Mil. tons 8,1 8.5 8.4 8.6 :Mil. tons :Mil. tons 1o3.4 101.1 107.2 104.9 10.2 15.3 12.3 3.4 11.0 3.8 82.0 67.1 20.1 11.8 7.2 3.7 1.9 1.5 111.2 84.1 .1 .2 3·6 3·3 12.6 12.6 137.7 115.5 4o.6 8.7 2.8 ·5 52.6 1.7 3.4 12.6 82.6 64.4 19.4 6.9 1.6 92.3 .8 3.9 13.9 114.3 42.2 12.7 3.5 .8 59.2 3.5 2.0 14.2 89.9 74.0 18.8 5·3 2.0 100.1 .1 4.8 14.2 123.0 63.1 9.6 3.3 3·3 2.1 2.9 7.6 91.9 44.1 55.7 8.7 15.3 2.6 5.3 3.4 3·9 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.8 7.6 8.3 71.4 94.1 42.5 56.6 13.3 16.1 3-5 5.4 2.0 4.7 3.1 3.4 2.8 2.8 8.3 8.0 15.5 97.0 8.3 .6 !~.6 8.5 9.0 .4 .6 120.2 16!.3 9·2 10.3 .4 .2 80.8 104.8 114.2 118.2 118.5 114.7 105.0 112.5 122.4 103.2 : :Mil. tons 8.2 8.6 8.9 :Mil. tons 3.0 1.7 2.4 :Mil. tons 113.3 1!8. 7 119.1 8.8 .8 114.; 52.5 64.3 17.5 15.8 6.4 5·9 5.8 5-2 2.4 2.2 2.9 2.9 8.1 7.4 95.6 i03.7 8.3 .6 !04.5 14.3 20.7 22.8 23.1 71.4 72.3 68.8 17.4 15.3 19.9 6.1 6.7 7.5 1.9 1.5 2.4 96.8 95.8 98.6 .1 .3 .2 4.3 4.3 2.6 14.8 15.0 16.3 136.3 136.1 146.5 74.3 18.9 8.7 3.2 1o5.1 .1 5·9 16.7 156.9 62.5 14.2 6.2 4.3 3·7 2.9 8.4 63.2 18.1 7.8 2.6 4.4 3.1 8.8 99.0 !0'2.11 roa.o 70.0 16.8 9·3 5·9 4.6 3.0 9.1 ml.1 9·1 9.0 .3 4.8 85.5 110.8 9.2 9-4 10.5 1.4 1.7 ·1 109.6 113.3 119.2 12.6 1.0 132.3 79·2 103.3 86.1 lo8.7 109.6 113·3 117.4 132.4 12.3 3.4 11.0 3.8 14.3 22.8 23.1 18.5 137·7 115-5 lll.l 91.9 82.6 114.3 71.4 94.1 89.9 123.0 75.5 97-0 130-3 136.1 140.5 99.0 102.2 1o8.o 150.9 118.7 73·5 15.1 6.3 3·6 2.1 3.0 7·5 111.1 58.8 15.2 6.0 4.2 3.4 2.9 8.5 : :Mil. tons : :Mil. tons 9-0 4.8 1·1 6.9 8.0 10.2 :Mil. tons: 123.2 123.0 126.2 121.6 113.0 122.7 :Mil. tons: 103.4 107.7 107.2 104.9 95.6 103.7 15.3 20.7 Number o:f grain-consuming animal units fed annnally 4/ Supply per animal unit Concentrates fed per animal unit Mil. Ton Ton : 153.1 153·7 153·2 154.1 152.8 156.4 159·1 153·9 131.2 138.7 137.8 137.8 148.8 156.1 155.8 167.1 .9() .9() .88 .8o .8o .74 .86 .82 .87 .78 .63 .82 .65 .89 : ·19 ·75 .68 .63 .66 .6o .54 .btl .65 .69 .68 -70 .70 .67 : -70 ·55 .70 ·11 Livestock product units '2J Concentrates fed per production unit Mil. Ton ; 140.~·142.9 142.8 141.0 141.2 144.2 144.9 135-5 117 ·3 125.6 127.0 136.9 142.2 149.9 151.5 167.2 : -74 -75 ·75 -74 .68 -72 .n .68 .61 ·12 .68 ·22 ·11 ·11 ·12 ·Zl - Continued Table 1 .- Feed concentrate balance, livestock numbers and production, and feed per unit of livestock, United States, 1926-57 -continued Season beginning Item Unit 1942 : 1943 : 1944 : 1945 : 1946 : 1947 : 1948 : 1949 : 1950 : 1951 : 1952 : 1953 : 1954 : 1955 ~ Stocks begillning of year y Production of feed grains: Corn Oats Barley Sorghum grain Total Imports of feed grains gj Wheat and rye fed Byproduct feeds fed Total supply of concentrates :Mil. tons: :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. 18.5 17.8 11.6 14.9 10.9 13.8 tons: 83.0 tons: 18.2 tons: 7·8 tons: tons: tons: tons: tons: 18.0 18.4 tons: 172-5J.64.a 86.5 18.4 6.6 8o.3 24.4 6.4 90·1 23.6 6.3 65.9 18.8 6.8 w Stocks ~ end of year y : : :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. tons: 81.5 tons: 19.o tons: 10.1 tons: 12.9 tons: 6.1 tons: 2.9 tons: 2·0 tons: 142.1 30.5 100.9 90·7 23.2 19.5 7·6 5·7 86.1 21.9 7-3 28.6 20.1 27.0 31·7 39-1 §/ 43.3 1957 §J 48.9 81.9 92.2 89·9 85.6 20.4 19.5 18-5 22.6 6.2 5-5 5-9 9-1 4.6 2.5 3·2 6.6 113.1 119-1 117.5 123.9 1.4 1.9 1.9 -7 8.8 7-6 3-9 5.6 2.~ 3·2 3-2 3-2 2.6 2.6 2.0 19.1___ 17.9_ 19,7 l.9~g- _2Q.3_ 21,0 ~--3 22.9 22.8 23-5 23.7 24.1 -_:~,sl3:~c J,5lf.4 -Is_7_._Q_l3g_.S~~ -167.o l_72_-__i_-_I7a.a -®-:2-.:J.~7.:1,:-172.5 182.0 190.9 201.0 !:10.2 7o.l 74.8 63.<> 76·9 17.2 16.9 23.o 19-3 11·4 8.0 6.6 8.9 5.0 5.0 8.8 14.3 5-6 7-5 3·9 6.2 6.2 6.3 5.8 5-8 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.7 2.5 11.4 10.4 2·2 10.2 2·5 139.0 128.9 132.5 122.7 110.6 7!.5 19·7 5.8 2.8 7·3 2.7 10.J 120.1 79.4 17·9 5-0 3-2 1·9 2.7 10.4 126.5 76.0 73.4 19-~ 72·0 76.4 77.4 19.6 18.0 17-8 19-9 20.1 17.0 6.1 8.1 10.3 7.4 6.9 5-3 9-5 2.6 2.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.9 3-2 8.5 9.2 10.0 8.7 8.7 9.1 8.9 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.1 2.7 3-1 3·3 11.0 11.1 11.7 12.1 11.6 11.5 130. 132.4 122.1 126.0 126.3 132.0 131.3 71).2 .1.~.3 lO.t : : :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. :Mil. .. 30.4 : : : : Utilization, ~-September Concentrates fed: Corn Oats Barley and sorghum grain Wheat and rye Oilseed cake and meal Animal protein feeds other byproduct feeds Total concentrates fed Feed grains for seed, human food and industry Exports of feed grains gj Total utilization Utilization adjusted to crop-year basis 7·8 1956 11.9 12.6 13.6 12.1 11.8 12.1 12.4 12.5 12.5 tons: 12.8 12.3 14.3 11.9 13.6 12.1 tons: ·5 .6 l.Q 1.5 5-6 J.6 __ 5.7 4.5 6.6 _4.9- 5-l 3·9 6.1 8.1 7-3 tons: 155.4151.9-144.2 i45.9 141.9 124;3 137.7143.5 150.6 149.4 139.0 -142-:-o l44:8----r52.0 151.1 tons: 15~-:31.53.2 1,_43.3 143.5:143~8 125-:-0_--:l36Tilf5.ol5cf.~:~,49T 14o.ll40:-3 18o.8 ~-82 " 189.4 185.7 171.2 166.7 lo3.2 159-l 1o3.7 170.1 1{6.4 174.0 lOSf.f (: .72 .(0 .74 .74 .72 >12 .75 -75 • 75 -73 -73 -79 -75 -75 . .!/ Stocks in all positions 1943 to date. Farm terminal market and Government-owned stocks 1926-42. Corn October 1, Oats July 1 and Barley August 1, 1926-33 and July 1,1934 to date. Sorghum grain October 1,1947 to date. gj Includes grain equivalent of products. ,2/ Less than 50,000 tons. !; Total animal units compu-ced by States. The number of animal units by States and the weights for converting livestock numbers to animal units are given in,Animal Units £!:Livestock ~Annually, 1909-56, ARS Stat. Bul. 215. 2J Revised series. A livestock production unit is the average milk production per cow for I9l+Q=4'5\4,'380 pounds). Factors for converting livestock production to production units are as follows: 1,000 pounds of milk 0.23; 1,000 eggs 0.45; 1 horse or mule (2 years old or over) 1.27; 1 colt 0.26 and 100 pounds of the following: Grain-fattened cattle 0.42; other cattle 0.025; sheep and lambs 0.08; hogs 0.36; chickens raised 0.19; broilers 0.23 and turkeys 0.43. Coropiled from Livestock Production Units, J\nnual 1910-55, ARS, 43-62, November 1957. §!Preliminary. 1-' Stocks cf grain at interior mills, elevators and warehouses, not included in coaTuting 1942-43 disa~pearance. Table 2 .- Specified feed concentrates consumed by livestock, United States, by quarters, 1926-57 : Corn Year beginning; October • 1926 1927 1928 1929 : : : : : October-December ;siiSge, :Total, .forage,: all Jan.Grain:hogged : : off : pur- Mar. ' poses :etc. JJ: Mil. Mil. Mil. Mil. tons tons tons tons ---- .:=- l94o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 4/ 1957 rg -- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : y .: Byproduct feeds 1f Total concentrates fed : Graip :Total, JW,y-: all : Oct.-: Jan.-: AJ!r.-: July-: Total: Oct.-: Jan.-: AJ!r.-: July-: Total: Oct.-: Jan.-: Apr.-: July-, T al AJ!r.- Se t.: pur- : Dec. : Mar. : June : Sept.: : Dec. : Mar. : June : Sept.: : Dec. : Mar. : June : Sept. ot June p :poses : ~111. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons ~lil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons Mil. tons ~111. 24.5 26.2 23·9 23.4 ll.4 ll.l ll.3 10.7 35·9 37.3 35.2 34.1 14.7 17.8 15.4 16.0 10.4 10.6 9.6 9·9 6.2 4.7 5.8 4.8 67.2 70.4 66.0 64.8 4.5 5.2 6.1 5.2 5.8 6.5 6.9 6.4 3·9 3.6 4.8 3·7 8.4 8.6 9·6 10.8 22.6 23·9 27.4 26.1 4.0 3.8 3·9 3.8 3·3 3.4 3·5 3·5 3.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3·3 3·5 13.6 13.4 13.8 l4.o 44.4 46.3 45.2 43.1 23.8 27.7 25.8 25.9 17.4 17.2 17.5 16.8 17.8 16.5 18.7 19.1 103.4 107.7 107.2 lo4.9 19·7 22.0 25.9 25.0 16.0 17.3 16.2 18.4 20.5 23.1 9.0 9·7 9·8 8.2 8.5 8.3 6.9 8.2 7.0 6.7 28.7 31.7 35.7 33.2 24.5 25.6 23.1 26.6 27.5 29.8 12.8 16.7 18.2 15·9 10.4 15.1 10.5 14.2 15.3 16.2 7·6 9·3 12.1 9·8 5·7 10.0 6.4 9.4 9.1 10.4 3.4 6.6 7·5 4.2 3·5 5·0 2.5 6.3 o.9 6.1 52.5 64.3 73·5 63.1 44.1 55·7 42.5 56.5 58.8 62.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 4.1 2.8 5.1 5.0 6.2 5.2 5·5 8.4 7·5 7·2 4.6 3.0 6.5 4.2 7.0 7.4 6.3 4.6 3·5 4.5 2.4 2.0 3·9 2.9 3·7 3·9 3.1 10.2 9·9 7·3 5.1 6.9 9·0 6.7 9.4 8.9 9·8 29·7 26.9 25.0 16.2 14.7 24.5 18.8 26.3 25.4 24.7 3·9 3.6 3·3 3·3 3.4 3.6 4.0 4.0 3·9 4.1 3.2 3·0 3·0 3.1 3.1 3·5 3.6 3·5 3·7 3.8 3.1 2.9 3.2 3·0 3.0 3·3 3·3 3.2 3·5 3.5 3.2 3·0 3.1 3.2 3.1 3·5 3·3 3.5 3·7 3·6 13.4 12.5 12.6 12.6 12.6 13.9 14.2 14.2 14.8 15.0 39.1 41.3 45.0 4o.6 30.7 34.3 32.1 36.8 36.6 39.4 24.4 27.2 28.4 23.6 16.5 25.1 18.3 24.7 26.4 26.3 15·3 15·7 19.8 15.2 10.7 17.2 12.6 16.3 16.5 17.0 16.8 19.5 17.9 12.5 13.5 17.5 12.5 19.2 19.5 19.5 95.6 103.7 lll.l 91.9 n.4 94.1 75·5 97.0 99.0 102.2 22.7 22.5 26.1 28.1 23·9 26.3 23·2 22.2 21.8 27·3 7.0 6.6 7·5 8.3 8.0 8.2 8.4 6.9 8.3 8.2 29·7 29·1 33.6 36.4 31.9 34.5 31.6 29.1 30.1 35·5 14.8 20.0 22.0 22.2 19.3 20.9 20.1 16.9 18.3 18.5 ll.5 12.9 15.0 13.1 14.2 13·2 13.6 9·9 12.7 13.1 7·2 8.0 10.9 8.5 10.7 8.3 9·5 7·5 10.4 12.3 63.2 70.0 81,5 80.2 76.1 76.9 74.8 63.4 71·5 79·4 5.8 6.1 8.3 10.9 7·4 8.6 7.1 6.5 6.2 5.5 8.2 8.7 ll.l 10.7 10.0 8.7 8.9 7·9 7.6 4.1 4.9 7·9 6.8 4.7 5·5 3·8 4.4 5.4 5.1 10.4 12·3 15·3 12.0 ll.6 12.4 8.6 8.2 8.8 7·9 2tl.5 32.0 42.6 4o.4 33·7 37·7 28.2 28.0 28.3 26.1 4.4 4.3 4.9 5.0 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.2 5·5 5·7 4.0 4.2 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.7 5.1 4.8 5.0 5.1 3·9 3·9 4.2 4.3 4.8 4.0 4.7 4.5 4.8 5.0 4.0 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.7 4.2 4.7 4.7 5.0 5.2 16.3 16.7 18.0 18.4 19.1 17.9 19.7 19.2 20.3 21.0 39·9 39·5 46.8 52.3 44.1 48.1 43·9 4o.8 41.8 46.7 27.0 32.9 37·7 37.7 34.1 36.8 33·9 30.6 31.2 31.2 19.5 21.7 27.1 24.2 23·7 22.7 22.1 18.8 22.9 23·2 21.6 24.6 30.5 24.8 27.0 24.9 22.8 20.4 24.2 25.4 108.0 ll8.7 142.1 139.0 128.9 132.5 122.7 llo.6 120.1 126.5 25.1 8.7 25.8 8.3 22.5 8.7 24.3 9·2 19.5 9·8 20.6 9·7 20.2 10.2 21.2 9·6 33.8 34.1 31.2 33·5 29·3 30.3 30.6 30.8 18.3 21.2 18.7 17.0 17.0 19.2 21.8 13·7 12.8 12.1 13·9 13·0 13.0 12.6 12.4 ll.7 ll.4 ll.6 13·3 13·9 12.4 78.2 79.8 73·4 76.0 72.6 76.4 77.4 6.2 6.3 5.6 6.0 6.8 7·7 8.0 8.9 9·0 9.4 7·7 6.9 8.3 8.9 8.1 6.2 5·5 5.0 5·2 4.9 5·7 5.2 8.5 8.5 7·6 8.4 10.0 9·3 29·9 29·7 25·9 26.5 30.0 31.6 29·2 5·9 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.1 6.3 6.6 6.5 5·7 5.8 5.6 5·9 5.8 5·9 b.2 5.2 5·3 5.4 5·5 5·9 5·9 5.8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5·7 5·9 5·9 6.1 22.3 22.9 22.8 23·5 23·7 24.0 211.7 45.9 46.7 43.1 45.9 42.2 44.3 45.2 46.2 33.0 36.4 32.0 29.8 31.1 34.0 36.1 25.1 23.6 22.5 24.6 23.8 24.6 23.6 26.4 25·7 24.5 25.7 29.2 29.1 26.4 130.4 132.4 122.1 126.0 126.3 132.0 131·3 : 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 Other grains : !/ Grain fed in silage and ll~2 1·9 forage, hogged off, etc.; includes quantities fed after January 1. 2/ Oats, barley, sorghum grains, wheat, and rye. QUarterly distribution of sorghum grains is based on feeding of other grains, distribution of sales, rel:ated factors, Quarterly feeding of barley, wheat, and rye are partly estimated for years prior to 1935. and other 3/ OUcaltes and meals, animal. protein feeds, wheat and rice mill.teeds, gluten feed and meal, brewers 1 and distillers 1 dried grains, dried and molasses beet pulp, ali'"alfa meel, and miscellaneous byproduct feeds. For breakdown of annual statistics by types of feeds, see table 52, page 39. QUarterly distribution of the feeding of a number of these byproduct feeds 'W8S estimated for earlier years, when monthly production and stocks were not officielly reported, Monthly production is reported currently for nearly all of these feeds and data on stocks are reported for tbe oilseed cakes and meals, alfalfa meel, and brewers 1 and distillers 1 dried grains. ~ Pre~ilninary. Table 3 .- Feed grains: Corn All corn Year 1944 19lf5 194& 194'1 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 195'( gj Planted !farvested Harvested for grain 1,060 acres 1,000 ~ 1,o06 acres 95,475 89,261 88,898 85,038 85,522 86,738 82,859 83,275 82,230 81,574 82,185 81,09'( 78,219 73,985 94,014 8-(,625 87,585 82,888 84,778 85,595 81,818 80,729 80,940 80,459 80,186 '79, 530 75,634 72,656 85,002 77,928 78,410 "(3,802 76,840 77,106 72,398 71,191 71,353 70,738 68,668 68,670 65,333 64,031 Planted and harvested acreages, United States, 1944-57 Barley --~Oats For :Harvested: hogging Planted : for Har: Planted down For for all grain for all vested silage grazing, purposes ~0~ !/ :purposes grain and forage 1,ooo 1,060 1,o06 1,ooo i~ 1,006 acres acres ~ ~ ~ ~ 4,476 4,495 4,577 4,637 4,317 4,513 4,937 4,809 5,361 6,102 ·r,n4 4,536 5,202 4,598 4,449 3,621 3,9"(6 4,483 4,729 4,226 3,Gl9 4,404 3,85i0 3,763 2,533 6,9'(0 6,538 6,092 44,141 39,'(41 46,025 41,139 46,515 42,812 42,058 37,855 43,838 39,280 43,132 y31,191f lf5,044 39,306 41,015 35,233 42,341 3'1,012 43,220 37,536 46,898 40,551 47,523 39,243 44,691 33,706 43,020 34,984 1' Harve~ted for grain 1949 to date. Prior to 1949 includes acreage ·cut ripe gj Preliminary. Table 4 .- Feed grains and bay: Year 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 !. 1 12,301 10,454 10,380 10,955 ll,905 9,872 ll, 155 9,424 8,236 8,680 13,370 14,564 12,940 15,000 10,790 9,190 9,615 14,740 16,335 14,835 16,537 and Planted : Harfor all : vest<'d for purposes grain 1,ooo 1,006 acres acres 18,458 15,668 14,266 11,277 13,214 ll,064 16,055 15,028 12,289 14,590 20,148 23,979 21,513 26,958 9,386 6,324 6,669 5,480 7,317 6,602 10,346 8,544 5,326 6,295 11,702 12,866 9,342 19,475 fed unthreshed. Yields per acre harvested, United States, 1944-57 Oats Barley Sorghum grain Wild hay All hay Bushels Bushels Bushels Tons Tons 28.9 36.5 34.5 31.1 36·9 32·3 34.8 36.3 32·9 30-7 34.8 38·3 34.5 22.5 25.5 25.5 25.7 26.5 24.0 27.2 27.3 27.7 28.4 28.4 27.5 29.1 29.0 19.7 15.2 15·9 17.0 18.0 22.5 22.6 19.1 17.0 18.4 20.1 18.9 22.1 28.9 ·93 -91 .83 .90 .85 .82 .80 .84 ·75 .81 1.33 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.34 1.33 1.38 1.46 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.50 1.48 1.65 All corn Bushels 14,352 ll,745 11,467 ll,981 13,063 ll,132 13,010 Sorghums 32.8 32.7 36·7 28.4 42.5 37·8 37.6 36.2 40. r 39·9 38.8 40.6 45.7 46.8 37~4 ·11 -75 ·13 .92 !, Preliminary. Table 5 .- Feed grains: Year 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 195lf 1955 1956 1957 .Y y All corn 1/ 1,000 bushels Corn 3,087,982 2,868,795 3,217,076 2,354,739 3,605,078 3,237,749 3,074,914 2,925,'(58 3,291,994 3,209,896 3,05"(,891 3,229,743 3,455,283 3,4o2,832 For grain 1,000 bushels 2,801,612 2,577,449 2,916,o89 2,108,320 3,307,038 2,946,206 2,764,071 2,628,937 2,980,793 2,881,801 2,707,913 2,883,682 3,090,016 3,060,485 Production, United States, 1944-57 Oats g; 1,000 bushels 1,149,240 1,523,851 1,477,573 1,176,142 1,450,186 ~1,220,118 1,369,199 1,277,647 1,217,433 1,153,205 1,409,601 1,503,074 1,163,160 1,308,360 Inc1ud~s corn harvested for grain g; Harvested for grain 1949 to of corn for all purposes. 1,000 bushels 276,275 266,994 265,059 281,868 315,537 237,071 303,772 257,213 228,168 246,723 379,254 401,225 376,873 435,695 Sorghum grain 1,000 bushels Total 4 feed grains _I 184,978 96,063 106,025 93,217 131,384 148,494 233,536 162,863 90,741 ll5,719 235,295 242,526 206,205 561,977 ll6,661 ll3,806 123,049 94,126 135,397 120,026 121,834 113,097 ll9,672 ll7,490 123,865 130,902 130,177 142,406 1,000 tons and grain equivalent of corn utilized as silage, hogged, grazed and in forage. Prior to 1949 ·includes oats cut ripe and fed unthreshed. 'JI Includes production Preliminary. date. JY Barley - 5- Table Year ·; .- Corn, oats and barley: Acreage harvested Corn, all Yield per acre 1,000 acres Bushels Acreage harvested, yield and production, by regions, 1949-57 Production Acreage harvested 1,060 1,600 bushels acres Oats for grain Barley for grain Yield : Yield Production Acreage : Production per acre harvested per acre Bushels 1,000 1,600 bushels acres 1,000 Bushels bushels 337 315 293 34.7 34.8 34.5 35.2 35·3 39.6 36.8 37·9 38.4 8,SQ6 10,051 8,637 8,092 8,216 12,031 12,401 11,946 11,241 399 426 380 252 240 392 535 500 507 30.5 36.7 32.0 31.4 32.8 35.4 34.7 34.5 28.9 12,160 15,636 12,144 7,914 7,870 13,880 18,580 17,258 14,668 4,550 5,243 4,929 3,911 5,795 6,776 5,760 6,160 16.9 22.6 23.8 20.3 22.6 22.4 22.5 23.4 22.6 77,137 118,423 117,410 79,400 90,565 129,930 1.52,300 134,959 1.39,160 63,627 49,641. 246 258 238 247 268 31.7 323 340 357 30,2 28.9 31..4 32.1. 32·7 35·3 32.7 38.0 31..0 7,421 7,453 7,464 7,923 8,763 11,201 10,556 1.2, 91.5 56,01.4 48,495 23,844 44,948 78,939 1.08,133 82,114 85,698 86,288 333 31.8 1.8o 213 322 690 677 666 903 1.9.8 1.6.3 1.7.2 19.9 21.7 20.9 1.6.7 20.1. 20.2 6,580 5,1.78 3,090 4',234 6,993 1.4,433 11,289 1.3,379 1.8,264 49,568 58,211. 46,215 52,703 48,947 53,928 53,813 49,977 59,465 4,081. 4,621 3,447 3,383 3,615 5,872 5,916 5,359 6,780 30.6 31.8 31·5 35·7 34.4 33·7 33.1. 34.8 35.6 124,867 147,031 1.08,468 120,605 1.24,316 1.97,779 196,099 1.86,416 241.,302 North Atlantic Region 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 2,324 2,312 2,317 2,362 2,364 2,421 2,414 2,317 2,252 y 46.1 46.0 46-3 49.4 46.3 48.4 45.0 53.8 44.8 107,128 106,421 107,327 116,671 109,493 117,262 108,521 124,707 100,826 1,622 1,600 1,698 1,667 1,549 1,633 1,627 1,444 1,576 30.4 40.8 44.7 32.9 37.8 38·7 40.9 41.3 45.5 49,285 65,208 75,881 54,904 58,543 63,144 66,522 59,591 71,695 257 289 250 230 233 3o4 East North Central Region 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y 21,939 20,177 20,900 21,243 21,941 22,393 22,591 21,785 20,598 52.5 49.1 51.5 55.0 53.4 53.8 54.9 62.9 59·3 1,152,o88 9SQ,077 1,076,311 1,168,965 1,171,537 1,203,899 1,240,853 1,370,968 1,221,086 10,752 10,386 10,038 10,118 9,535 9,771 9,853 9,183 8,628 39.1 41.5 42.2 38.6 38.5 42.1 51.1 44.5 42.5. 420,313 431,096 423,961 3S0,207 366,972 411,656 503,594 408,622 366,605 West North Central Region 1949 1$'50 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y 36, >85 33,582 34,081 34,559 35,360 34,361 33,783 31,698 31,122 37·3 39.1 33·7 45.0 40.c 38.1 36.4 42.3 49.0 1,362,920 1,312,810 1,149,369 1,553,656 1,412,733 1,310,591 1,229,819 1,339,419 1,524,374 30.1 33.2 34.1 30.5 26.5 32.4 35·4 29·3 37·5 20,316 21,935 19,651 20,802 20,725 ~,o44 21,021 16,SQ9 17,999 611,502 727,836 070,961 634,154 548,678 713,139 744,047 495,645 674,666 4,002 South Atlantic Region 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 9,1.26 9,357 9,023 9,035 8,636 8,437 8,270 7,853 7,603 y 25.6 26.7 26.3 21.9 25.3 20.7 29.8 33·7 28.3 233,683 249,599 237,460 1.97,727 218,723 174,925 246,763 264,733 215,329 1,238 1.,357 1,229 1.,306 1.,569 1.,820 1.,769 1.,754 1,669 27.0 28.3 29·9 31..0 32.6 32·7 30.0 36.3 29·7 33,436 38,353 36,785 40,517 51.,1.26 59,601. 52,984 1.1.,060 South Centr81 Region 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y 1.4,472 1.5,301 13,373 1.2,81.0 11,245 11,551 11,217 10,833 9,8o4 24.4 25.4 24.5 17.8 23.9 1.8.7 31..4 28.0 28.3 353,71.8 388,740 328,1.28 228,097 268,275 216,113 351.,776 303,491. 271,705 23.8 20.6 1.9.6 26.5 28.5 28.5 23.1. 27.4 24.1 2,353 2,358 1.,216 1,693 2,772 3,795 3,553 3,1.28 3,585 Western Region 1949 1950 l9'l1 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y y 1,1.49 1,089 1.,035 931. 91.3 1,023 1,255 1,148 1,277 24.6 25.0 26.2 28.9 31.9 34.3 41.4 45.3 49.7 28,212 27,267 27,163 26,878 29,1.35 35,101. 52,011. 51.,965 63,51.2 1,51.3 1.,670 1.,401 1.,426 1,386 1,488 1.,420 1,288 1,527 Preliminary. - 6 - 32.8 34·9 33.0 37·0 35·3 36.2 37·9 38.8 38.9 Table Year beginning 1 October: 1 .-Corn: Supply and distribution, United States, 1936-57 SUPPLY October 1 Commodity Interior mill, credit elevator, and Corporation wa:ry=se C~-over Farm Terminal market ~ 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 541,444 473,54o 422,026 355,224 202,670 293,381 151,897 251,834 ll2,122 696,149 41,179 39,137 38,641 7,452 7,478 4,674 4,944 7,910 1,522 9,614 105,000 132,000 30,021. 477 534 19 67,64o 20,948 20,313 17,198 14,979 23,474 9,829 39,6o9 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 ljj 470,146 313,138 171,970 329,972 359,355 313,761 300,095 419,622 4o,127 32,785 18,186 9,365 18,052 31,926 64,134 ll5,856 253,316 314,941 244,6o3 384,400 467,837 559,724 599,768 572,821 80,877 78,654 52,362 45,4oo 74,437 129,412 201,498 310,854 1940 1941 194~ 5,651 9,899 14,947 Production for all purposes Im;ports ~ Total supply 1,000 bushels I'T5,138b 65,655 361,438 583,74o 1,000 bushels 1,505,689 2,642,978 2,548,753 2,580,985 1,000 bushels 103,670 1,819 442 l,llO 1,000 bushels 1,785,245 2,710,452 2,910,633 3,165,835 687,623 644,677 490,688 384,101 230,995 315,272 171,820 283,218 123,473 813,012 2,457,146 2,651,889 3,068,562 2,965,980 3,087,982 2,868,795 3,217,076 2,354,739 3,605,078 3,237,749 1,269 565 4o7 3,688 6,o65 595 56o 698 724 729 3,146,038 3,297,131 3,559,657 3,353,769 3,325,o42 3,184,662 3,389,456 2,638,655 3,729,275 4,051,490 844,466 739,518 487,121 769,137 919,681 1,034,823 1,165,495 1,419,153 3,074,914 2,925 '758 3,291,994 3,209,896 3,057,891 3,229,743 3,455,283 3,402,832 741 881 925 1,124 1,138 1,100 920 1,000 3,920,121 3,666,157 3, 780,o4o 3,980,157 3,978,710 4,265,666 4,621,698 4,822,985 y 1,000 bushels 171,561 6o,oo4 351,539 5531193 1936 1937 1938 1939 1,000 bushels Total 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels 15,000 DIS~IJl'ION Alcohol 1936 1937 1938 1939 : ~-Eocessing ~roducts WetFarm Corn: Break- : housemeal, ;process fast grits, :products hold I) : food use etc. 6 1,000 1,000 1, 1,000 bushels bushels bushels bushels ""b,!liO 3Q,288 ~ """"6b,8lb 28,843 48,178 71,647 6,981 28,051 50,307 75,531 7,:1.51 I 7,200 25,904 54,o4o 83,074 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 : 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 12,000 l u,ooo 10,6oo l 10,500 10,6oo I 10 1 900 25,192 23,099 21,583 21,053 19,487 18,589 17,031 16,582 16,219 13,978 55,594 6o,ooo 67,000 69,000 10,000 64,000 10,000 65,000 66,000 65,000 100,750 127,051 128,002 120,934 124,589 1ll,732 143,457 110,217 117,009 127,668 25,731 54,652 41,632 10,482 37,559 27,819 55,991 31,361 30,259 36,143 12,715 12,371 13,.1.4o 13,298 12,433 12,382 11,845 11,912 11,617 11,245 2,257,825 2,499,664 2,909,342 2,866,010 2,717,091 2,747,447 2,670,575 2,262,821 2,553,488 2,835,556 14,554 19,6o6 4,805 9,991 16,6ll 19,874 126,739 6,789 1ll,071 106,534 2,477,356 2,776,988 3,184,356 3,107,074 2,986,582 2,981,773 2,969, 775 2,500,271 2,797,869 3,094,867 644,677 490,688 13/363,153 230,995 315,272 171,820 283,218 123,473 813,012 844,466 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 lj} l 11,300 11,800 12,200 12,700 13,000 13,000 13,000 12,161 10,322 8,655 7,197 5,919 5,389 5,002 67,000 67,000 68,000 65,000 66,000 66,000 76,000 133,191 123,734 129,982 128,198 138,568 141,093 139,8o6 45,212 27,367 17,322 23,191 22,465 27 ,o88 28,724 11,599 11,747 12,090 12,621 12,454 12,012 ll,362 2,792,909 2,851,562 2,622,926 2,715,595 2,593,804 2,727,058 2,763,925 107,231 3,180,603 3,o63, 716 75,504 3,179,036 3,097,456 139,72~ 3,010,903 2,865,624 95,974 3,o6o,476 2,956,822 91,677 2,943,887 2,841,253 108,531 3,100,171 2,980,288 164,726 3,202,545 3,018,810 739,518 487,121 769,137 919,681 1,034,823 1,165,495 1,419,153 21; I and distilled ir t spas Seed 21 1,000 1,000 bushels buShels 31,974 17,005 18,316 15,858 17,962 14,728 19,562 13,652 Dc:onestic Livestock Total disapfeed E;,q>orts disap- pearance ~ Jl~ pearance ~ 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 bushels bushels bushels bushels 1,519,287 ---r3b 1, 719,590 1,717,097 2,091,656 139,475 2,349,014. 2,202,094 2,099,283 33,88o 2,326,893' 2,284,210 2,230,952 43,828 2,478,212 2,421,276 2,501,361 2,806,443 3,196,504 3,122, 774 3,009,170 3,012,843 3,106,238 2,515,182 2,916,263 3,207,024 Stocks, end of year 1,000 bushels ~55 361,438 583, 74o 687,623 . _:_ ?:) owned by CCC and stored in bins or other storage owned or controlled by CCC and CCC o\ffied grain in transit. Additional CCC stocks are included in other off-farm positions. 51 Not available prior to 1943. ~ Compiled from reports of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. Im;ports include grain equivalent of cornmeal and flour; e;,q>orts are grain only. Y Prel:llninary. Rough allowance for 1957-58 imports. '2./ Estimated quantities (based on Census data) used in making prepared breakfast foods. §/ Estimated quantities used in producing cornmeal, flour, hominy grits and flakes for human food and for the production of fermented malt liquors. Based on reports of the Bureau of the Census and the Internal Revenue Service. Does not include corn processed for livestock feed. J} Starch, sirup, sugar, etc. Compiled from data of Price Waterhouse and Company, New York. §! Compiled from data of the Internal Revenue Service. Data derived by converting grain and products to bushel equivalent. 9/ Based on acreage planted to the following crop. 10/ Residual; includes small quantities for other uses and 'Waste. '}]] Includes exports for military civilian feeding during the period 1945-49 and relief shipments June 1956 to date. § Total disappearance, minus exports for corn and grain equivalent of cornmeal, flonr, grits, starch, sugar, sirup, and miscellaneous refinery products. :Q/ Stocks at interior mills, elevator and warehouses not included in computing 1942-43 disappearance. - 1 - Table 8.--0ats: Supply and distribution, United States, 1936-57 C~over Fa.:rm Terminal market .. 1936 1937 1938 1939 19ho 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y 1 1000 bu. 1,ooo bu. 2h9,201 88,885 201,8CJO 190,322 145,261 219,553 192,165 232,561 184,969 207,3o4 273,625 254,764 167,9I:JO 265,629 179,919 252,421 239,8ll:l 213,597 196,373 237,214 272,127 193,700 31,463 1,982 6,825 5,695 3,130 3,906 2,109 7,746 6,547 9,604 3,153 5,038 l,CJ4l 6,167 11,268 14,tl89 16,038 11,958 4,872 15,833 27,585 12,066 l , SUPPLY _______ Commodity : Interior Credit · mill, eleCorporation' vator, e.nd !/ ~warehouse ?) Year beginning July Jul;r 1,ooo bu. 1 1000 bu. 165 l71:l 324 714 tl,512 6,697 2,079 1,ooo bu. 21:J0,664 90,867 208,705 196,017 148,391 223,459 194,274 259,031 208,068 234,4oo 290,475 273,977 181,953 290,326 207,520 286,226 277,201 249,031 226,641 302,693 346,989 24o,410 18,724 16,552 17,492 13,697 14,175 12,132 li:J,530 16,333 18,751 21,167 23,152 24,682 41,134 4o,58o 32,557 Imports Production Total 1,ooo Total supply ;J bu. 1,ooo bu. 208 23 1,025 10,609 10,224 1,306 58,7B8 81,373 68,671 24,062 967 1,672 19,291 19,762 30,231 62,271 68,593 79,755 20,024 3,088 16,799 792,538 1,176,744 1,009,383 957,704 1,246,450 1,182,509 1,342,681 1,139,831 1,149,240 1,523,CJ51 1,477,573 1,176,142 1,450,1!:!6 1,220,118 1,369,199 1,277,647 1,217,433 1,153,205 1,409,601 1,503,074 1,163,160 1,308,360 1,000 bu. 1,073,455 1,267,634 1,299,113 1,164,330 1,4o5,065 1,4o7,274 1,595,743 1,480,235 1,425,979 1,71:!2,313 1,769,015 1,451,791 1,651,430 1,530,206 1,606,950 1,626,144 1,536,227 1,41:ll,991 1,656,266 l,I:JOCJ,855 1,526,948 DISTRIBUTION Breakfast foods 2/ 1,000 1936 1937 193!l 1939 19ho 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 y bu. 28,425 28,436 29,096 29,713 30,972 34,000 44,000 44,000 .46,000 48,000 44,000 44,000 4o,ooo 37,000 36,500 36,500 36,500 36,500 36,500 37,000 31,000 Seed §/ Feed, other uses, e.nd waste 1) 1,000 1 1000 bu. bu. 93,593 92,566 tl9,TI7 92,390 98,326 102,3!l3 103,451 105,056 109,540 110,706 100,098 104,334 103,94;j 109,457 100,487 104,582 107,618 117,714 119,283 112,174 107,9!JQ Exports ;J§j 1,000 860,503 926,566 9!lO ,218 893,632 1,052,150 1,076,013 1,207,707 l,122,tl!l3 1,035,789 1,314,841 1,330,608 1,110,208 l,l9!J,973 1,163,853 l,ll:l0,309 1,205,810 1,168,952 1,100,791 l,l!l5,246 1,287,084 1,116,705 bu. 67 11,361 4,005 204 158 604 278 22!l 250 18,291 20,332 11,296 ltl,ltl3 12,376 3,42tl 2,051 1,126 345 12,544 25,6o8 24,853 Domestic Total disappearance disappearance 21 1,000 bu. 9tl2,588 1,058,929 1,103,096 1,015,939 1,181,606 1,213,000 1,355,436 1,272,167 1,191,579 l,49l,l:l38 1,495,038 1,269,838 1,361,104 1,322,686 1,320,724 1,348,943 1,314,196 1,255,350 1,353,573 1,461,866 1,21:l6,538 1,ooo bu. 981,676 1,046,598 1,097,990 1,014,546 l,ll:l0,350 1,208,225 1,352,252 1,26tl 7~ 1,186":5 3 1,470,592 1,470,711 1,249,101 1,335,976 1,307,042 l,313,9TI 1,344,377 1,310,084 1,251,904 l,331:l,l46 1,432,782 1,259,245 Stocks end of year 1,000 bu. 90,867 2o8,705 196,017 14CJ,39l 223,459 194,274 !Q/240,307 208,068 234,4oo 290,475 273,977 ll:ll,953 290,326 207,520 286,226 277,201 249,031 226,641 302,693 346,989 240,410 !/ Owned by CCC e.nd siz>:cd in bins or other storage 0\IIled or controlled by CCC e.nd CCC 0\IIled grain in transit. Ad.ditione.l CCC stocks are included in other off-farm positions. '· gj Not available prior to 1943. If Compiled from reports of the Department of Commerce. Imports include grain equivalent of oatmeal; exports are grain only. '!./ Preliminary. 'V_ Used in production of oatmeal and other cereal preparations. Based on reports of the Census of Manufactures. "§! Based on area seeded to the follmring crop. · 1/ Residual; includes small quantities for other uses e.nd waste • ~ Includes exports for military relief feeding abroad during the period 1946-49. 2J. Total disappearance, minus exports of oats e.nd grain equivalent of oatmeal. !QI Stocks at interior mills, elevators e.nd warehouses not included in computing 1942-43 disappearance. - 8 - 'l'O:ble 9 .- Ho.rl.<:y: Supply and d1stril•lt1on, United States, 1934-57 -------:-----·- -------- -----· -------- --- ------- ·-------- --- --·-·si:iPPt:r·--- ------------- -- ·--------------·- ------- ----Year beginning July Interior mill, ProducImpor'~s : 'J'otal Farra Total tion 3/ supply eldevator, : : lj : an ware- : : : : __ _:_--1----·- -------=·------------=--}~s~_l/____ 1___________ ---=---·----------=-------·- ---- '-·--------1,000 l,IJCXJ l,OUO 1 1 000 1,000 1,000 1 1 000 1 000 bushelB bushel!_ )nlshe1~ bushels bushels bushels ~ buBhels Terminal market 21,200 12,000 54,3oo 17,200 27,6oO 45,000 lf3,200 55,500 66,350 81,000 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 191~6 1947 19M.l 19lf9 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 :~=·:-:-_: ~: :=·==-.:::.:~ ·_ ::-__::_~ ~-cii_i-.ifoy~£~~11/f --~=-~ ~~_:: :~-~=-:=~~-:__--=.=·_: -·--··--·--·:---- ----:- !tt. camnoaity Credit Corporation 10,633 6,102 1o,11f1 4,709 5,771 6,210 6,956 4,931 3,6oe 9,028 6,923 11f,ll79 lf,464 7,753 6, 74o 14,922 25,00lf 24,285 14,790 6,949 9,121 23,525 35,980 31,833 18,102 64,441 21,909 33,371 51,210 50,156 60,431 69,950 120,522 75,937 95,078 58,562 55,523 52,282 100,783 79,599 93,569 73,349 51,231 71,144 130,550 117,096 117,390 18,239 167,462 311f,6511 288,667 7,00:; 11+7 ,-r4o 28,763 24o,944 221,889 5,853 249,651 256,620 3,062 293,053 278.,193 2,6~)1f 332,097 2,33~ 363,769 311,278 362,568 2,323 425,322 429,450 27,245 526,645 30,494 322,913 41,179 484,614 ~~.500 20,514 276,275 37,944 390,156 26,492 266,994 5,814 5lf,l07 36"( ,006 30,692 15,4o6 265,059 4,206 321,90"( 29,950 17,812 281,868 1,187 338,578 2·r,291 18,251 315,537 12,063 379,882 59,112 26,749 237,071 18,229 356,o83 30,0911 2,557 21,064 303,772 13,914 397,285 40,2411 2, 771 26,269 257,213 12,878 363,66o 3'7,977 638 19,936 228,168 24,910 326,427 91 18,825 246,723 38,322 336,276 25,300 3~,393 1,345 25,285 379,254 24,109 474,507 44,153 1,487 61,385 4ol,225 28,275 56o,050 . 39,439 723 4o,954 3'76,873 26,542 520,511 =---~,?~_____ __.31-~-------.....!t,-~---49,830 __ __ _!?J1 !!?_9_ ___4)_2t_®__ ____________ : ______ --·------- ______ -------- - - - - - - - - - - . .Dl8Jll.l.3ll'l:):PU.. ____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Domeatic use as maJ.t : : : : : : --·-:rc,i-:-- -:----- ·--Dames tic alcohol For •rota! Stocks Livestocl: disnpEx_ports. and other disapend ot: Seed pearance : alcoholic : purposes : ']) : feed : ':!/ : 3} ~CJ : pearance : year : beverll.3es : 6} : : ?J : · : : : :____ :l/_____:______:_______: ________ ;_ ___________:____________ : _______ __! _ _ _ 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 191f1 19lf2 19113 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels 53,31f5 62,166 68,573 6o,6o8 56,755 57,376 58,441 69,353 7B,99lf 88,66o 96,'(10 83,305 88,301 92,669 90,725 86,776 95,4oO 86,738 02,44o 85,94o 82,525 84,6z6 4,992 3,951 3,86o 3,653 3,329 3,175 3,636 4,318 5 1 500 6,128 5,506 6,8o6 6,951 6,500 6,ooo 6,ooo 6,000 6,ooo 6,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 1,000 ~~ 24,423 22,lf65 21,6o6 21,299 25,286 25,573 25,847 32,088 28,483 23,394 19,027 l8,5T( 19,409 21,162 18,368 1~9 21,466 1950 17,8olf 1951 15,164 1952 15,672 1953 : 23,731 1954 : 26,299 1955 = 23,884 1_9J?..!L._ __: __ _Jl~_u____ 5,~----- 26,§3_5_ ---- 1,000 !>ushels 62,4·r4 151,705 119,727 112,~5 1,000 ~shels 147,231~ 2110,2G7 213,706 198,505 230,551 271,114 301,351 3)1,951 434,439 1K;5,697 290,383 3(10,069 25J,9fl4 262,1'.<2 2>1,421 2)4,9413 263,-716 259,270 238,143 2lf6,o88 300,494 34o,067 1,000 ~u,_s!!_e~- h,l26 9,926 ~,269 17,775 11,292 4,82-( 1,987 3,1f21 2,1"(;) 2,980 1,000 )nlshels_ 1,000 bushels l49,3uO 2;)0 1 213 219,035 216,20o 241,843 281,9ifl 303,330 355,372 436,617 4o8,677 295,078 309,324 2'(2 1 33lf 286,296 279,099 2"(6,11-84 303,7l6 290,311 275,196 265,132 343,957 442,954 1o,102 U4,441 21,909 33,371 51,210 50,156 &1,431 69,950 llf5,18l 190,990 213,42'( 246,192 321,1frJ2 ~)90 1 028 2B7,:il5 75,937 1~,695 95,070 lli9,12d 191,381 9,255 ;;8,562 16,1fQO 55,523 141,323 :!.41,821 24,144 52,202 136,328 27,678 100,7C3 J.4u,706 21,53.; 79,599 144,512 ll(),rJI)() 93,569 151,368 31,0111 73,349 134,031 37,r;53 51,231 130,917 19,0114 71,144 186,170 lf3,463 130,550 226,217 102,887 117,096 __!lJ_,_l:7.2. ______ _3,3_1_,_5~~-- ____ _§_11_5~4__ _ _ ]9lz.._~-- 127,~ V OWned l>y CCC and ~tored in bins or other storage owned or controlled by CCC and CCC owned grain in transit. Additional CCC Gtocks are included in other oft:-farm positions. 2} Not available prior to 1943. 3/ Compiled from reports of the Department of Commerce. Both imports and exports include grain eq\dvalent ot: malt. 4/ Preliminary. 5./ Compiled from reports of the Interll&l ReveDUe Service. Includes small quantities of barley arain. ?} Estimated on basis of total maJ.t production and quantities exported, imported, and used in alcohol and alcholic beverages. 7I Based nn acreage seeded to the following crop. Qi Residual; includes small quantities for other uses and waste. 2/ Total disappearance, minus exports of barley grain and grain equivalent of malt exported. !Q/Includes exports for military relief feeding abroad during the period 1946-54. !!/Stocks at interior mills, elevators, and warehouses not included in computing 1942-43 disappearance. - 9 - Table 10 • --Sorghum grain Year beginning October. 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y Supply and distribution, United States, 1947-5'1 Distribution Domestic : disappear-~ Exports Su!ll2!.J: Carryover !I Production Total supply 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ 1,000 bushels 6,972 6,688 18,674 59,705 38,105 10,014 7,496 22,260 74,977 93,217 131,384 148,494 233,536 162,863 90,741 ll5 '719 235,295 242,526 206,205 561,977 100,189 138,072 167,168 293,241 200,968 100,"155 123,215 257,555 317,503 287,581 641,452 81,~76 79, 75 Food and industrial uses gj 1,000 Seed ~ Total Stocks end of year disappea~ a nee ance 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,888 1,541 2,007 1,878 1,646 1,824 2,447 2,912 2,6ll 3,273 9,649 3,500 10,000 36,500 12,500 4,000 5,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Livestock feed :J 65,404 74,333 63,814 141,445 ll4,753 77,039 78,221 123,981 159,444 174,594 76,941 79,374 75,821 1'19,823 128,899 82,863 85,668 134,893 170,055 185,867 16,560 40,024 31,642 75,313 62,055 10,396 15,287 47,685 66,072 22,239 6,688 18,674 59,705 38,105 10,014 7,496 22,260 74,977 81,376 79,475 93,501 ll9,398 107,463 255,136 190,954 93,259 100,955 182,578 236,127 208,106 1 Stocks in all posi tiona on October 1. Not reported prior to 19 7. 2 Alcohol and distilled spri ts only through the middle of 1 9. Includes an allowance for wet-processing from the middle of 1949 to date. :J Residual; includes small quantities for other uses and waste. Y Preliminary. Table Year Farm Terminal 1,000 ~ market 11. --Sorghum grain : Commodity :Credit Cor;poration y Stocks, United States, by quarters 1947-58 Interior mill, ele- Terminal vator, and Total warehouse ·· Year Farm .. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~::~: market 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 :J 1956 1957 J) 44,754 5,ll5 9,057 58,926 .. 8,605 8,181 45,316 .. 28,530 17,868 86,920 .. 15,367 53,685 18,567 49,033 128,155 .. 60,555 78,412 3,264 107,197 213,240 .. 24,367 398 6o, 785 149,847 .. 35,279 53,385 4,788 705 24,789 55,640 .. 25,358 8,141 9 34,765 81,474 .. 38,559 40,643 1,303 96,072 197,865 .. 59,847 .. 4 116,301 226,489 71,853 38,331 28,014 59,165 4 ll7,479 204,662 .. :205,221 8o,903 15 219,023 505, 162 . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:J::..:u::!.J:~t.....:l:....2;:~/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. .. 14,132 79,709 12 ll7,810 .. 23,957 8 70,462 99,077 .. 8,685 19,922 vator, and: warehouse : Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ April 1 gj ------------------~J~an~uary~~l~---------------·· .. Interior mill, ele-: Commodity :Credit Cor:poration y 1957 J) 4 22,150 89,754 139,076 486 418 3,051 40,039 16,949 1,349 2,666 11,348 44,862 52,o62 57,238 6,972 6,688 18,674 59,705 38,105 10,014 7,496 22,260 74,977 81,376 79,475 October 1 4/ 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 J) 3,835 3,981 6,802 4,962 7,823 5,882 3,594 3,418 6,303 5,553 3,4ll 2,651 2,289 8,821 12,124 ll,355 2,635 1,223 5,233 20,430 23,755 18,8o6 2,58o 1,978 148 13 2,261 3,382 6 20 y Owned by CCC and stored in bins or other storage owned or controlled by CCC, and CCC owned grain in trs.nsit. Additional CCC stocks are included in other off-farm positions. gj Data not available for earlier years. J) Preliminary Y Old crop grain only. Table 12 • --Sorghum grain : Year Texas 1,000 ~ 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y 34,008 57,976 59,675 73,971 99,229 59,~ 71, 65,421 74,143 84,996 144,566 74,193 54,264 56,637 135,630 148,309 124,202 238,095 Oklahoma Kansas Production in specified States and United States, 1940-57 Nebraska Colorado 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ 10,314 8,671 11,084 5,760 14,685 7,632 7,~ 4, 6,34o 6,494 17,520 16,768 5,34o 9,086 6,447 14,404 6,164 15,213 24,128 21,885 19,589 16,634 49,261 17,695 11,488 10,933 26,788 29,928 44,689 57,310 18,536 32,144 51,722 33,246 24,390 129,129 5,104 3,842 2,128 l,l.l6 2,564 1,350 1,560 1,125 2,632 2,572 4,850 1,664 2,231 2,992 14,58o 7,920 12,446 77,337 1,892 2,237 1,744 1,823 3,768 2,682 2,483 2,400 3,264 5,298 1,236 3,336 1,032 2,268 4,158 4,950 2,562 12,711 New Mexico I,CKJO Arizona california I,CXXJ 1,000 ~ ~ ~ 1,375 6,160 4,193 1,516 6,111 587 1,127 1,764 4,018 9,213 8,417 3,410 903 2,014 4,636 5,550 3,488 8,487 556 1,518 1,050 1,296 2,009 1,496 1,98o 2,173 3,000 2,721 3,520 1,092 1,564 1,886 5,544 6,783 4,320 5,772 4,860 7,344 5,646 5,254 4,235 3,976 6,090 2,695 4,350 2,769 4,674 2,600 4,275 4,653 7,28o 9,633 9,990 12,508 Other States 1,000 ~ 3,587 3,910 4,344 1,966 3,116 1,504 2,281 1,866 2,849 2,503 4,o64 2,490 2,596 3,639 5,298 ll, 731 18,643 g/62, 725 United States 1,000 ~ 85,624 113,543 109,653 109,536 184,976 96,o63 lo6,025 93,217 131,384 146,494 233,536 162,863 90,741 115,719 235,295 242,526 206,205 561,977 jj PrelWn..ry. y I>lclu.des Iava1 13,660,ooo bushels; Missouri, 25,960,000 bushels; South Dakota, 6,644,000 bushels and other minor producing States, 16,061,000 bushels. - 10 - Table 13 .- Corn: Stocks, United States, by quarters, 1936-58 April 1 January 1 Year Farm 1,000 bu. =rnterior : :Commodity: mill, :Terminal: Credit =elevator Total Corpora-: and : market : tion :warehouse: 1,000 bu. y gj 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. !/ : 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. :1,4oo,491 7,657 811,300 14,440 :1,671,190 36,164 :1,814,936 52,644 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 :1,908,654 :1,835,888 :2,002,290 :2,214,310 :1,932,862 :2,066,719 :1,847,153 :2,112,113 :1,486,221 :2,479,619 45,851 70,067 47,946 43,407 11,321 11,698 11,127 27,870 13,218 50,330 86,000 124,000 132,000 26,000 899 323 17 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 :2,283,352 :2,109,242 :1,900,496 :2,158,110 :2,148,016 :2,116,728 :2,214,697 :2,338,970 :2,457,495 51,688 59,365 51,954 62,039 43,106 60,218 71,529 92,711 104,264 248,154 315,820 304,712 243,717 394,060 515,887 582,790 669,785 642,774 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 846,966 754,527 747,779 791,039 551,672 718,173 494,144 670,658 417,966 :1,229,498 25,419 53,102 57,012 9,663 11,819 11,208 15,904 11,233 5,210 10,888 89,000 157,000 39,000 9,105 912 79 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 :1,017,191 8ol,950 602,098 986,113 989,888 960,056 : 988,823 :1,122,706 42,874 42,570 ~ 32,526 15,774 15,945 36,8o3 78,045 149,264 234,153 318,757 264,964 221,810 336,110 494,344 512,331 406,164 1/ 21 . 1,000 bu. 40,703 44,518 33,992 43,781 36,003 43,088 39,704 71,290 60,973 42,326 14,110 20,872 23,608 37,387 9,293 25,895 91,000 173,000 57,000 21,649 726 97 4 100,609 128,615 108,534 97,948 100,591 155,938 212,994 316,347 395,363 2,683,8o3 2,613,042 2,365,969 2,561,814 2,685,773 2,848,771 3,082,010 3,417,813 3,599,896 :1,560,533 :1,325,084 :1,057,363 :1,454,712 :1,475,346 :1,442,267 :1,494,102 :1,620,950 : 47,440 71,453 61,849 37,288 33,793 56,199 79,860 124,300 238,967 333,992 294,066 233,894 399,315 512,770 534,266 526,469 October 1 399,129 160,741 663,724 877,o88 171,561 4,325 60,004 5,651 351,539 9,899 553,793 14,947 21,253 21,679 24,567 19,325 28,401 26,065 26,701 961,385 964,629 853,791 831,060 586,o82 754,027 529,373 710,292 449,241 1,267,o87 541,444 41,179 473,540 39,137 422,026 38,641 355,224 7,452 202,670 7,478 293,381 4,674 151,897 4,944 251,834 7,910 112,122 1,522 696,149 9,614 105,000 132,000 30,021 477 534 19 85,548 93,750 72,416 40,681 64,936 110,071 162,637 288,989 1,379.766 1,257,027 972,004 1,264,378 1,406,879 1,601,274 1,741,836 1,967,123 470,146 313,138 171,970 329,972 359,355 313,761 300,095 419,622 : : : : : 40,127 32,785 18,186 9,365 18,052 31,926 64,134 115,856 1,000 bu. 818,361 422,362 1,111,985 1,260,847 :1,267,342 :1,198,382 :1,281,682 :1,357,384 :1,073,102 :1,289,384 :1,025,984 :1,262,541 : 831,398 :1,754,996 392,106 7,023 154,477 6,264 640,050 23,674 846,2o8 30,88o Total gj 1,000 bu. 2,040,505 2,029,955 2,182,236 2,283,717 1,985,785 2,123,258 1,892,289 2,183,764 1,535,442 2,573,037 July 1 1936 1937 1938 1939 : 810,800 7,561 1,4o8,148 825,740 : 411,039 11,323 1,707,354 :1,068,758 43,227 1,867,58o :1,217,102 43,745 1936 1937 1938 1939 21 Farm =rnterior :Commodity: mill, :Terminal: Credit =elevator : market : Corpora-: and tion :warehouse : 50,822 33,305 44,911 34,658 44,382 30,674 31,300 1,398,046 1,442,672 1,399,655 1,472,181 1,121,243 1,355,264 1,084,254 1,344,310 871,365 1,812,191 93,011 121,465 103,361 73,742 85,897 138,249 200,395 320,987 1,939,951 1,851,994 1,516,639 1,799,636 1,994,351 2,149,485 2,3o8,623 2,529,706 y 175,886 65,655 361,438 583,740 15,000 67,640 20,948 20,313 17,198 14,979 23,474 9,829 39,609 687,623 644,677 490,688 384,101 230,995 315,272 171,820 283,218 123,473 813,012 253,316 314,941 244,603 384,400 467,837 559,724 599,768 572,821 8o,877 78,654 52,362 45,4oo 74,437 129,412 201,498 310,854 844,466 739,518 487,121 769,137 919,681 1,034,823 1,165,495 1,419,153 . ~d by CCC and stored in bins or other storage owned' or controlled by CCC and CCC owned grain in transit. Additional CCC stocks are included in other off-farm positions. gj Data not available prior to April 1943. 21 Preliminary. !!J Old crop grain only. - 11 - Table 11!.- Oats: Stocks, United States, by quarters, l9jb-58 April l January 1 Inter lor mill, Year Farm 1,000 bushels 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 19)2 19)3 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 y 7'18,151 J,86,o1,6 708, ;46 '100,730 602,698 795,27'1 751,016 874,238 702,858 734,401 970,272 882,8o5 723,218 906,4;;6 769,638 8:>9,095 822,106 761,,897 744,68-1 873,604 941,749 702,979 853,776 : Commodity Terminal Credit market Corporation elevator, Total and warey house 2L 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 bushels bushel!'!_ bushels bushels 42,863 36,372 25,827 16,919 12,054 6,592 9,473 9,534 15,893 14,982 46,695 9,158 14,037 11,434 19,029 17,698 26,931 25,0111 18,295 20,055 26,575 20,920 15,031 136 206 1'71 260 12,'141 5,'708 4,686 271 July l 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 191•9 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y 249,201 88,885 201,88o 190,322 11•5,261 219,553 192,165 232,)61 184,969 207,304 273,625 254,764 167,98o 265,629 179,919 252,421 239,818 213,597 196,373 237,214 272,127 193,708 31,463 1,982 6,825 5,695 3,130 3,906 2,109 7,746 6,547 9,604 3,153 5,038 1,841 6,167 11,268 111,889 16,038 11,958 4,872 15,8~3 27,5 5 12,066 31,928 34,757 41,749 32,992 32,651 34,'(33 37 ,1,1,9 113,711 40,604 47,614 44,471 60,411 68,836 63,550 63,34o Commodity Interior mill Terminal Credit Farm Total market Corporation elevator, and warey house 2L 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,00"() bushels bushels bushels ~ ~ 821,014 522,418 734,3'13 '123,61,9 614,752 8o1,869 760,1189 883,772 750,6'19 784,140 1,058,716 921,,955 769,906 952,623 826,116 920,640 8'89 ,847 8JI ,723 8o7,713 966,811 1,042,868 792,135 932,418 h97,91•9 28'1' )';13 425,984 420,264 350,334 1,71,217 431,703 500,2115 1,14,372 421,818 568,330 527,922 400,223 :;66,7~1 1,51,, 755 532,973 506,985 1143,258 432,0'17 525,246 567, 35'1 414,957 38,205 18,378 21,141 12,601 7,539 4,087 5,893 6,182 5,1~38 8,597 23,890 6,321 3,288 1,,215 12,099 13,828 11,785 12,734 8,648 17,886 24,760 14,994 '6,697 2,079 44,067 43,128 55,824 45,484 48,168 44,086 49,394 55,838 49,167 63,832 58,791 78,555 87,136 82,562 75,872 733,953 955,386 903,716 791,683 l,Ol11,033 970,197 1,127,155 989,401 993,165 1,368,340 1,200,926 1,012,131 1,221,595 1,057,400 1,181,907 1,157,569 1,069,487 1,025,103 1,230,338 1,332,],05 1,059,531 1,160,124 October 1 0' 165 r-18 324 '114 8,512 167 201 171 73 1,393 5,221 2,551 27,407 21,116 29,247 30,313 28,354 23,030 24,207 29,342 31,325 32,490 36,8o7 35,216 48,526 55,300 47,64o 536,154 305,971 447,125 1,32,865 357,873 475,304 437,596 533,834 440,926 459,662 622,533 562,597 426,541 595,173 496,196 578,293 551,461 492,970 476,014 593,051 652,638 48o,l42 18,724 16,)52 17,492 13,697 14,175 12,132 18,530 16,333 18,751 21,167 23,152 24,682 41,134 40,58o 32,557 28o,664 90,867 208,705 196,01'7 148,391 223,459 194,274 259,031 208,068 234,400 290,1175 273,97'7 181,953 290,326 207,520 286,226 277,201 249,031 226,641 302,693 346,989 24o,410 682,98o 926,793 881,690 "(75,5-19 1,031,898 956,770 1,117,032 928,927 932,709 1,268,961 1,135,123 937,319 1,158,607 981,300 1,103,985 1,074,986 971,279 938,266 1,116,083 1,193,531 931,664 1,056,555 50,973 28,593 22,026 16,104 9,135 13,427 10,123 16,407 17,328 43,555 20,319 26,644 18,902 26,706 22,020 33,213 34,204 27,122 26,377 37,581 38.424 25,420 !( Owned by CCC and stored in bins or other storage owned or controlled by CCC tional CCC stocks are included in other off-farm positions. 2/ Data not available prior to April 1943. 3/ Preliminary. ~ Old-crop grain only. - 12 - and 64 203 172 924 9,323 13,857 6,881 2,277 CCC owned grain in transit. Addi- i'able 15·- Barley: Stocks, United States, by quarters, 1936-58 January 1 Year Farm i,ooo bu, April l :Interior =commodity: mill, : 'l'e rminal : Credit =elevator Farm J/ : market :Corpora- : and : tion !/ :warehouse Interior= :Commodity: mill, :Terminal ' Credit =elevator : Total : market :Corpora- : and : tion !/ :warehouse : ?:/ 1,000 bu. 1,660 bu. 1,600 bu. : 1,600 1,066 bu. bu. 1,666 bu. 166,000 55,000 86,000 137,000 17,779 17,639 11,733 15,015 183,779 72,639 97,733 152,015 l.94o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 134,300 170,000 195,300 234,500 152,000 135,231 125,966 ll0,060 ll7,107 155,519 18,614 9,64o 10,002 10,743 19,763 30,886 21,287 20,985 26,581 16,457 44,969 47,211 44,719 44,706 43,962 58,031 152,914 179,64o 205,302 245,243 216,732 213,328 191,972 175,751 187,650 230,007 102,500 118,000 144,000 91,888 84,096 70,676 66,521 69,212 110,963 13,943 6,561 8,324 6,987 10,947 21,858 11,300 14,lo8 15,756 11,197 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 104,999 139,943 124,4o1 98,584 109,102 167,186 191,599 : 161,898 : 209,236 33,778 32,625 25,483 13,415 12,659 27,517 26,075 4o,l22 36,722 2,441 50,182 3,618 68,079 2,090 51,792 513 51,645 28 56,848 6,057 84,435 547 88,34o 2,034 87,868 559 111,697 191,400 244,265 203,766 164,157 178,637 285,195 306,561 291,922 358,214 68,854 89,346 77,980 57,018 75,867 117,703 ll6,489 105,813 28,072 27,476 19,160 7,992 8,923 21,184 21,747 30,111 July 1 1936 1937 1938 1939 54,300 17,200 27,600 45,000 10,141 4,709 5,771 6,210 l94o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 43,200 55,500 66,350 81,000 48,500 54,107 38,692 29,958 27,291 59,112 6,956 4,931 3,600 9,028 6,923 14,479 4,464 7,753 6, 74o 14,922 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 30,094 4o,244 37,977 25,366 35,393 44,153 39,439 42,265 25,884 24,285 14,798 6,949 9,121 23,525 35,980 31,252 y . !/ Owned ao,ooo 1,600 bu. 1,600 bu. 1,006 bu. 38,459 31,376 35,629 29,310 30,495 30,512 39,359 93,943 109,061 126,324 189,446 134,211 141,583 111,286 111,124 115,48o 161,519 2,441 2,648 34,045 44,086 33,862 32,577 39,601 68,198 66,295 65,825 133,412 163,556 131,992 97,711 124,417 207,499 204,822 202,674 990 124 26 414 291 925 October l 'jj 64,441 21,909 33,371 51,210 2,557 2,771 638 91 1,345 1,487 723 4,o82 y 14,222 11,148 9,819 10,182 1936 1937 1938 1939 y Total 201,000 17,732 13,473 17,025 19,422 220,422 30,494 20,514 26,492 l5,4o6 17,812 18,251 26,749 232,000 50,156 278,000 60,431 333,000 69,950 246,000 120,522 75,937 .• 180,438 169,3ll 95,078 58,562 159,967 161,422 55,523 52,282 207,435 145,264 100,783 ll,074 6,977 10,551 20,588 26,032 22,922 18,248 27,444 19,254 33,978 2,441 61,905 56,100 59,568 57,506 58,936 67,910 65,885 243,074 284,977 343,551 328,493 262,570 251,8ol 235,721 247,802 294,599 247,568 21,064 26,269 19,936 18,825 25,285 61,385 4o,954 49,830 79,599 93,569 73,349 51,231 71,144 130,550 117,096 127,429 185,751 171,690 132,176 150,939 229,381 260,068 228,139 275,531 33,429 28,254 20,085 14,631 23,495 28,468 51,447 44,855 3,613 1,646 738 104 3,732 3,332 1,983 4,615 84,616 67,055 68,297 72,082 101,892 ll3,945 ll0,446 14o,490 307,4o9 268,645 221,296 237,756 358,500 4o5,813 392,015 465,491 : : : : : . by CCC and stored in bins or other storage owned.or controlled by CCC and CCC owned grain in transit. Additional CCC stocks are included in other off-farm positions. gj Data not ava~lable prior to April 1943. J/ Data not available prior to the 1939-40 marketing year. !:J Preliminary. 'jj Old-crop grain only. - 13 - Table 16·- Corn: Marketing year be!:linnin6 1939 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 191~5 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 195'+ 1955 1956 li 1957 'JJ October-December g;': Domestic disappearance, by quarters, 1939-5"( !/ January-March April-June July-September 11 000 bushels 11 000 bushels 11 000 bushels 11 000 bushels 1,109,792 1, 107, 3r) 1,099,371 1,272,062 1,360,589 1,196,957 1,290,193 1,201,198 1,09'(,702 1,135,158 1,326,675 1,275,491 1,276,876 1,170,457 1,254,030 1,107,475 1,145,225 1,155,566 1,161,276 625,465 583,456 780,931 858,795 858,511 761,942 8o6,383 800,904 660,322 714,313 718,039 726,330 823,7'(3 728,748 667,633 668,520 74"1,995 841,114 426,585 474,672 541,110 608,914 531,538 591,588 535,827 566,880 419,153 519,585 538,835 562,866 524,661 500,902 566,156 531,689 532,790 521,149 259, 431~ 311,839 355,576 444,585 356,436 436,095 349,370 4o0,793 323,094 428,813 511,318 499,029 472,146 465,517 469,003 533,569 554,~8 500, 1 Total domestic disappearance 11 000 bushels 2,421,276 2,477,356 2,776,988 3,184,356 3,107,074 2,986,582 2,981,773 2,969,775 2,500,271 2,'797 ,869 3,094,867 3,063,716 3,097,456 2,865,624 2,956,822 2,841,253 2,98o,288 3,018,810 1J Excludes e~orts of corn and grain equivalent of cornmeal, flour, hominy grits, starch, sugar, sirup and miscellaneous refinery products. gj Includes all corn fed in silage or forage or hogged off, part of which is consumed after January 1. 1' Preliminary. Table 17.- Oats and barley: Marketing year beginning Domestic disappearance, by quarters, 1939-57 July-September October-December January-March April-June Total domestic disappearance 11 000 bushels 1,000 bushels 11 000 bushels 11000 bushels 11 000 bushels Oats 1939 l94o 191~1 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1; 1957 I' 362,861 356,027 435,922 410,056 428,365 380,003 4o2, 381 560,496 433,715 4o9,036 1~45, 121 396,782 423,706 443,557 397,594 4o9,079 468,696 441,830 388,674 258,720 328,483 322,497 396,298 318,781 337,458 428,061 357,390 338,190 356,493 336,069 346,776 384,704 357,721 339,017 373,273 386,448 313,125 178,751 241,394 206,876 251,2'r7 248,910 224,680 312,620 268,163 236,168 269,533 235,549 265,960 279,101 24'(,899 251,255 268,877 281,113 261,427 227,477 214,214 254,446 242,930 294,621 272,649 244,422 327,531 283,037 241,028 300,915 290,303 304,459 256,826 260,907 264,038 286,917 296,525 242,863 1,014,546 l,l8o,350 1,208,225 1,352,252 1,268,705 1,186,563 1,470,592 1,469,086 1,249,101 1,335, 976 1,307,042 1,313,977 1,344,33'1 1,310,084 1,251,904 1,338,146 1,432,782 1,259,245 43,866 48,366 55,6o7 77,219 70,483 54,993 50,424 47,547 61,459 58,549 57,290 61,546 56,8o5 51,066 58,325 67,514 64,992 67,052 277,114 301,351 351,951 434,439 405,697 290,383 300,069 255,984 262,152 251,421 254,948 263,716 259,270 238,143 246,088 300,494 Barley 1939 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 195"( ~/ 1 Preliminai"J. 108,4o8 118,562 137,321 155,612 131,662 97,825 112,277 87,203 75,358 66,341 82,336 75,131 72, 66'7 68,955 65,726 91,095 98,115 87,441 91,535 66,610 64,008 79,580 103,206 117,945 64,495 58,447 62,149 55,341 63,433 56,578 56,621 65,255 54,993 67,129 72,111 89,424 95,992 94,335 58,230 70,415 79,443 98,4o2 85,6o7 73,070 78,921 59,085 69,994 63,098 58,744 70,418 64,543 63,129 54,908 69,774 87,536 81,053 - 14 - 34o,o6~ 331,53 Table 18 ,- Specified grains and grain products used in the production of alcohol, distilled spirits and fe~nted malt liquors, 1945-56 Corn and corn Ji!roducts Alcohol and ; Fermented malt distilled • liquors!/ !!J1irits 1,000 1,000 bushels bushels Yea.r beginning July 27,229 54,238 32,247 30,890 28,316 52,021 30,302 16,"(39 23,314 21,661 27,634 27,986 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 lq56 1,000 bushels Alcohol and distilled sl!irits 1,000 bushels 51,148 75,902 56,554 55,422 53,839 78,281 57,946 45,674 53,500 49,157 53,894 56,415 l6,355 14,079 10,260 9,670 7,073 16,625 8,675 4,ol4 5,686 5,253 6,505 6,205 Total 23,919 21,664 24,307 24,532 25,523 26,260 27,644 28,935 30,186 27,496 26,26o 28,429 Wheat 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 . J/20,501 45 'J/6o8 y 78 70 83 826 71 78 l39 617 46o Barley and rna!t Fermented malt liquors 11 000 bushels J/21,302 58 J/693 J/193 192 192 930 175 178 230 678 497 l2l l09 104 lo4 100 91 61 37 1,000 bushels 66,950 74,222 82,4o9 81,055 79,702 78,772 78,061 78,425 80,154 77,272 77,961 78,038 !!le 801 13 85 ll5 Total 83,305 88,301 92,669 90,725 86,775 95,397 86,736 82,439 85,84o 82,525 84,466 84,243 'lJ. Sor~um 8,298 4,235 6,589 6,715 4,862 "( ,656 4,208 2,862 5,ll4 4,719 4,629 4,54o . s::ains 14,248 3,764 l0,4l7 3,682 537 31,075 ll,595 87 137 ?,077 2,244 1,979 Principsll;r c~rn grits and flakes, Conversion to grain equivale~t is based on a factor of approx:l.mately 33 pounds of products equal to one bushel of corn, gj Used principally for distilled spirits, ~ Includes wheat on the basis of quantity ground for alcohol production instead of quantity that vas used in alcohol production as reported by the Internal Revenue Service, y Derived frcm data reported by the Internal Revenue Service, Table 19 •- ·Wheat 1 rye and miscellaneous feeds fed on fams where produced, united States, 1935-56 Crop year 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 l94o 1941 1942 1943 Wheat Rye Rice gj : Soybeans Cowpeas :Peanuts J/ Buckwheat ;cott~~seed 1,00064 lb. , 2 18,995 19,644 16,980 20,185 20,838 16,906 28,970 15,682 23,886 23,261 27,379 26,889 24,751 17,659 15,365 6,569 2,732 3,695 2,836 3,&3'/ 3,04o 1;ro bu. l,OOa)h tons ; : 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 : 1~000 bu, 3,375 88,638 112,613 123,103 91,737 98,972 98,871 91,315 89,821 l04,oll 98,876 88,4o6 94,766, 98,020 84,984 74,222 66,663 64,86o 65,167 49,639 43,575 4o,o38 1,000 bu, 2l,5w10,216 17,493 21,522 l6,lll 16,242 16,528 20,673 1§,729 ,Goo 6,364 3,937 4,359 5,137 3,754 4,309 3,980 3,280 3,185 5,682 5,212 4, 786, 1;000 ~ 3ll l 1 0ll 579 317 342 363 307 297 321 24o 235 162 190 264 207 137 153 86 81 ll7 ll9 105 ~ 2,741 I 3,273 4,554 5,365 4,999 3,925 6,016 5,496 3,529 3,"(27 2,638 2,503 2,805 2,466 2,3ll 2,0ll 1,773 1,358 1,590 1,656 1,837 1,000 bu, 1,192 1,292 1,463 1,414 1,131 1,413 1,671 1,527 1,049 769 726 596 695 763 545 580 296 242 274 179 367 189 .~ 3,659 3,729 3,724 3,193 3,874 3,878 3,920 5,531 5,565 3,881 3,913 3,976 3,552 2,834 2,56o 1,814 1,747 1,624 1,310 864 943 :!:/ 953 1,223 690 799 796 593 686 704 54o 502 443 6ll 563 691 6o3 740 6o9 418 480 487 408 y Milk fed to calves '2/ Mil. lb. 2";6'fb 2,755 2,724 2,850 2,967 2,994 3,124 3,294 3,276 3,258 3,290 3,228 3,194 3,064 3,163 3,286 3,449 3,348 3,334 3,344 3,291 3,199 -y Mrlitional quantHica;-particularly of wheat are purcbB:sed and fed to livestocg,-- For earlier years &li!e - Grain and Feed Statistics through~' Stat. Bul. No. 1591 page 35, table 33. 2/ Includes rice fed on all fams in California Wid rice fed on farms where produced in other States, Equivalent 100 pound bags. Jl Includes loss. '!/ Cottonseed "left on farms," Includes cottonseed fed, minor quantities used for fertilizer and quantities used for planting the follOWing crop, .AWrox:l.mately 266,000 tons of such seed estimated to have been used for planting the 1956 crop. . 2} Liquid whole milk, Calendar-year basis. - 15 - Table 20 .- Corn: Grindings by Year beginni~ 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Oct. Nov. : Dec. : Jan. Feb. : Mar. Apr. 1,000 bu. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 1,006 11,385 12,798 7,999 9,902 10,743 13,004 10,486 11,373 11,466 11,949 11,963 11,313 9,322 12,091 7,8o4 8,813 10,371 10,893 10,744 11,406 11,127 10,621 11,142 11,133 9, 722 12,385 8,4o8 8,632 10,723 10,861 10,487 11,134 10,263 11, 524 12,329 12,023 6,841 11,652 11,387 10,517 11,206 11,933 10,424 12,095 12,438 12,163 12,502 13,050 12,952 bu. 9,441 12,199 10,831 11,197 11,047 11,778 10,774 10,769 10,515 12,102 11,590 11,819 11,682 bu. ---bu. 11,003 12,313 9,762 9,927 9,554 10,867 9,238 9,965 10,240 11,670 11,188 10,690 10,511 7,791 12,705 10,18o 9,958 9,454 12,864 10,858 10,700 10,021 10,954 11,686 11,731 bu. 5,746 11,701 8,386 9,357 9,446 11,182 10,002 10,336 10,232 10,836 12,036 10,874 Compiled from reports of Price Waterhouse Table 21.- Grains Crop of' Wheat 1,000 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 wet-process, United States, by months, 1945-57 the and bay: Rye 1,000 and May. June bu. bu. 10,579 11, 794 8,962 8,910 10,683 10,769 9,964 11,033 10,326 11,912 11, 100 11,473 J'u1y Aug. Sept. 1,006 1,060 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 10,456 11,101 9,261 10,501 11,973 9,289 11,006 10,769 10,919 11,358 11,472 11,716 111,732 143,457 110,217 117,009 127,668 133,191 123,734 129,982 128,198 138,568 141,093 l39,8o6 bu. bu. 9,469 11,635 8,438 8,658 11,371 9,604 9,557 9,773 10,042 10,938 11,391 11,662 9.977 11,o83 8,799 10,637 12,097 10,147 10,194 10,629 10,609 12,541 12,694 12,322 Total Company, New York. Total sales by farmers, United States, 1924-56 Corn Oats 1,060 1,060 Barley 1,060 bushels --- bushels --- bushels --- bushels bushels --- 700,310 556,282 7o8,303 736,935 770,450 677,922 641,292 679,268 535,874 395,542 360,649 453,515 456,048 667,161 717,520 578,204 643,279 780,075 815,767 686,731 886,757 940,297 990,812 1,187,878 1,120,370 949,842 876,8o8 852,665 1,170,300 1,052,278 884,208 842,038 914,250 46,662 33,324 24,687 41,286 28,340 22,449 22,638 14,402 18,451 9,790 7,520 30,924 10,716 26,948 29,738 18,600 19,926 23,545 28,794 12,338 11,685 15,395 12,698 18,993 18,786 12,500 15,128 15,882 11,248 14,031 18,o8o 21,822 14,960 418,470 583,667 461,982 521,444 498,328 440,527 336,768 457,519 566,555 444,615 153,046 395,409 216,456 566,100 575,233 581,652 486,623 541,398 579,362 551,997 712,556 602,847 8o7,306 489,699 1,033,689 923,689 788,983 746,992 1,074,555 1,075,362 1,050,323 1,138,844 1,248,295 412,503 374,144 275,277 226,191 290,881 227,917 237,392 202,251 215,864 107,633 66,527 195,442 133,247 207,011 173,816 165,772 221,491 222,164 241,337 223,540 251,363 383,637 366,961 312,439 341,194 276,201 329,043 306,56o 292,186 298,177 386,891 392,783 314,224 69,965 78,590 55,065 88,987 119,168 97,990 103,960 54,021 102,369 53,6o8 46,481 121,88o 62,364 95,637 104,065 119,653 116,685 134,857 165,452 142,442 137,788 152,481 153,356 167,100 187,361 143,644 195,167 155,o85 139,837 158,738 251,261 256,336 244,956 !I Sorghum grain Hay 1,060 1,060 ~ 13,443 12,164 11,695 13,4oo 12,494 11,289 9,675 9,lo8 10,149 9,073 7,784 10,295 9,057 8,896 9,890 9,910 11,133 11,453 13,o8o 13,247 13,278 13,875 13,795 13,925 12,910 12,782 13,634 13,659 13,947 14,065 14,095 14,846 14,641 bushels ~y 11,8~ 7,937 18,860 16,930 +4,761 3,440 15,947 8,388 22,103 18,578 14,149 26,876 37,929 33,629 58,500 106,746 53,494 66,298 63,472 8o,058 105,353 158,040 114,392 62,903 77,415 186,896 183,788 155,418 tons y Includes grain sold to the Commodity Credit Corporation under the price-support program, as well as that sold into collll!lercial channels. gj Not reported prior to 1929· - 16 - Table 22.- Corn: Year beginning Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Receipts at 13 primary markets, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. by months, 1945-57 y May June July Aug. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. Sept. Total 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 1,000 bu. bu. 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 18,782 18,233 26,723 44,429 28,917 4o,o4o 22,888 64,634 62,390 31,979 44,222 20,146 47,399 34,532 31,611 49,846 25,223 39,057 26,189 33,196 4l,o45 17,641 21,034 18,286 17,118 50,592 12,030 25,055 25,145 16,03b 38,482 19,650 20,705 21,252 30,697 38,060 19,028 22,111 25,687 11,396 42,481 24,396 22,642 28,543 24,122 38,790 15,588 20,229 28,169 lb,352 22,790 16,906 22,791 34,690 11,449 22,631 17,246 24,738 23,983 271,655 447,212 231,657 357,118 373,295 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 25,174 25,?J8 50,423 55,584 23,586 40,002 53,441 36,090 61,697 54,775 62,838 51,592 43,854 35,963 34,717 19,941 38,076 22,886 57,182 4o.::sl3 23,091 23,338 30,134 23,019 34,56C 33,751 19,410 26,815 22,868 23,306 34,491 28,469 22,926 27,164 18,272 26,727 20,393 19,729 21,291 15,594 27,355 22,885 18,364 22,379 26,971 21,098 26,675 22,17tl 20,873 26,608 26,942 22,977 16,854 22,761 14,973 25,612 25,655 17,536 17,556 24,522 18,614 26,924 31,219 30,584 17,623 22,155 22,242 26,794 23,o41 28,066 16,520 389,596 320,979 361,872 365,392 331,629 310,115 45,971 : 20,521 47,335 34,700 23,312 53,984 32,836 49,429 6o,072 47,056 32,770 17,203 17,299 21,471 16,848 411,602 1956 1957 20,91~ I 23,9~7 y Totai for l2 primary markets - Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Duluth, St. Louis, Kansas City, Peoria, Omaha, Indianapolis, Sioux City, St. Joseph, and Wichita - 1945-47, and for 13 markets, including Toledo, 1948 to date. Compiled from Chicago Daily Trade Bulletin through May 1942, an~ from Chicago Journal of COJI1merce and the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Edition, June 1942 to date. Table 23. - Oats: Year beginning July Receipts at 13 primary markets, by months, 1945-57 Y July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Total 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 1,000 bu. 1,000 1,000 bu. bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 11,929 25,692 16,226 14,975 35,424 42,614 31,035 28,850 28,188 25,573 32,669 25,361 26,442 14,688 9,767 23,261 18,569 16,260 9,908 6,313 18,140 11,330 7,464 9,061 5,720 16,010 11,194 8,267 9,573 7,491 21,963 11,419 11,062 9,584 7,372 13,lo4 9,065 5,448 5,549 4,943 16,823 15,333 8,327 9,430 7,954 11,217 11,605 8,239 10,571 8,298 5,291 6,114 13,916 12,441 8,698 9,o46 10,260 14,338 8,582 7,599 219,135 196,960 154,329 146,125 135,036 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 9,210 10,246 22,139 18,774 19,o85 23,164 17,845 24,341 23,071 25,173 28,024 22,119 11,573 16,432 10,956 9,053 11,248 8,621 9,151 7,696 5,722 6,063 7,4o4 5,193 7.376 9,506 4,848 6,472 8,096 6,349 7,64o 9,729 14,128 8,329 10,736 9,556 7,188 6,842 6,849 5,027 12,894 11,313 4,503 6,152 5,986 5,041 8,412 6,842 6,o44 7,364 6,073 5.307 7,445 5,432 8,562 6,273 5,000 4,895 5.829 5,475 10,370 8,196 11,989 9,406 5,o49 8,011' 6,032 7,806 7,178 8,905 9,345 10,753 107,658 125,976 117,832 107,972 135,256 124,162 1956 1957 21,064 10,6ol 22,268 25,265 8,5o8 7,772 4,726 7,279 4,152 5,090 5,299 6,196 7,261 3,754 4,952 5,918 bu. 4,272 3,652 95,826 Y Totai for 12 primary markets - Chicago, MilwaUkee, Minneapolis, Duluth, St. Louis, Kansas City, Peoria·, Oiiillhii, Indianapolis, Sioux City, St. Joseph, and Wichita - 1945-47 and for 13 markets including Toledo, 1948 to date. Compiled from the Chicago Daily Trade Bulletin through May, 1942, and from Chicago Journal of Connnerce and the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Edition, June 1942 to date. Table 24.- Barley: Year beginning Jull Receipts at 4 primary markets, by months, 1945-57 Dec. Jan. Feb. y Apr. May June Total 1,000 bu. 1,000 1,000 bu. bu. 5,062 9,625 5,718 5,860 5,627 4,116 8,449 7,269 11,906 7,696 4,668 8,253 8,455 19,312 7,217 119,428 129,275 138,479 138,866 129,010 8,8ol 7,787 9,714 8,567 10,486 14,838 9,703 7,194 8,161 7,636 6,539 16,901 6,822 7,909 7,479 5,946 10,605 23,361 6,819 6,172 6,527 8,226 18,427 19,875 127,925 119,760 114,623 129,216 165,028 2o4,876 10,760 8,34o 8,262 15,656 166,146 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,006 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 9,602 8,284 7,974 8,272 24,843 22,598 18,250 27,114 22,535 24,940 19,931 22,o45 25,094 13,926 14,954 15,244 14,840 14,536 12,569 11,003 9,833 8,026 12,lll 10,617 9,015 7,537 9,214 10,020 11,301 6,820 6,880 10,241 8,679 8,323 4,351 5,o89 4,806 5,773 5,254 5,806 8,868 7,242 5,736 8,991 6,738 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 5,894 7,2o4 11,376 8,036 7,050 21,950 16,968 22,135 21,967 25,503 29,626 24,333 21,441 12,411 11,264 15,699 17,587 20,313 13,503 10,200 8,613 11,058 13,861 13,845 12,581 11,518 8,294 8,687 15,433 13,521 9,821 8,039 7,659 8,860 10,364 13,733 8,909 9,710 6,877 8,612 15,959 13,168 6,663 9,481 6,692 12,386 9,091 9,038 1956 1957 20,405 11,300 35,646 26,903 13,686 11,554 8,968 14,071 13,346 12,357 12,196 10,437 10,537 8,344 Mar. Y Recei~s of bilr1ey at Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago and Duluth. The figures as shown have been reduced to a monthly basis by combining the data for the weeks within the month and prorating the overlapping periods at the beginning and end of each month. Compiled by Grain Division, Agricultural Marketing Service. - 17 - Table 25 • - corn: Year beginning October oct. Nov. Dec. 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1.37 1.64 1.53 1.34 1.45 1.14 1.19 1.06 1.37 1.61 1.45 1.33 1.37 1.09 1.21 1. 5 ·985 .989 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1.65 1.76 1.78 1.77 1.79 1.81 1.77 1.81 1.66 1.77 1.77 1.78 1.8o 1.81 1.78 1.82 1.68 1.77 1.77 1.78 1.8o 1.82 1.79 1.81 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1.52 1.78 1.59 1.46 1.54 1.19 1.30 1.19 1.58 1.83 1.58 1.45 Average price per bushel received by farmers 1 parity price and price of No. 3 Yellow 1 Chicago 1 by months, 1950-57 Jan. ~ Feb. Mar. :Apr. May June July Aug. 1.53 1.66 1.53 1.49 1.43 1.34 1.29 1.68 1.50 1.41 1.39 1.15 1.22 1.71 1.78 1.77 1.8o 1.82 1.73 1.8o 1.71 1.78 1.75 1.8o 1.82 1.73 1.81 Parity price 1.74 1. 75 1. 78 1. 78 1.77 1.77 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.82 1.74 1.74 1.81 1.81 on 15th 1.75 1.78 1.77 1.82 1.82 1.77 1.82 1.74 1.91 1.60 1.55 1.52 1.24 1.34 1.48 1.17 1.34 1.16 1.82 1.8o 1.55 1.55 1.50 1.26 1.28 1.80 1.11 1.85 1.56 1.56 1.82 1.57 1.57 1.46 1.46 1.32 1.29 1.45 1.30 1.77 1.84 1.6o 1.58 1.48 1.52 1.33 1.72 1.83 1.55 1.61 1.47 1.53 1.32 1.52 1.66 1.52 1.48 1.43 1.35 !!fl.29 51 of month 1. 76 1. 78 1.76 1.81 1.83 1.77 1.82 1. 75 1. 78 1.77 1.82 1.82 1.77 1.81 1.75 1.78 1.78 1.82 1.82 1.77 1.81 1.75 1.78 1.78 1.8o 1.81 1.78 1.82 1.79 1.81 1.6o 1.65 1.30 1.57 1.80 Price, No. 3 Yellow, Chicago §} y Average g Sept. : Weighted : Weighted • by proby :duction 2/ Sales 3/ 1.76 1.81 1.58 1.61 1.47 1.52 1.34 1.31 1.73 1.83 1.59 1.53 1.48 1.24 1.31 1.76 1.66 1.64 1.31 1.56 1.26 Average price received by farmers includes an allowance for unredeemed loans and deliveries to ths CCC under purchase agreements. gj Crop year averages by States 1 weighted by production to obtain averages for United States. 3/ Crop year averages by States 1 weighted by sales to obtain averages for United States. Tfj Preliminary. 'iJ Baaed on ths average price received for corn during August 1909-July 1914 (64.2 cents per bushel) and the index of prices paid by farmers including interest and taxes. Transitional parity for calendar years 1956 and 1957 95 percent of the fOl'!IIUJ.a used prior to January 1, 1956. See Agricultural Prices Bureau of Agricultural Econanics, January 1950 and later issues. 6/ Average prices weighted bY carlOt sBles. Compiled from the Chicago Journal of Commerce and the Wall Street Journal, Chicago edition. Table 26 • - Sorghum grain· : Average price per 100 pounds received by farmers and parity price, by months 1 1950-57 Year beginning October Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. :Feb. ltl.r. :Apr. :Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1.63 2.15 2.87 2.19 2.14 1.63 2.07 1.43 1.77 2.37 2.82 2.18 2.16 1.66 2.11 1.42 1.88 2.51 2.84 2.21 2.22 1.72 2.14 1.56 United States 2.10 2.18 2.51 2.53 2.74 2.65 2.29 2.32 2.26 2.26 1.81 1.78 2.13 2.09 averafle 2.12 2.52 2.66 2.4o 2.23 1.84 2.07 Erice received 2.14 2.22 2.6o 2.56 2.48 2.52 2.43 2.47 2.23 2.39 2.02 1.93 2.o4 1.99 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 2.95 2.99 2.85 2.67 2.54 2.51 2.62 2.66 2.97 3.00 2.84 2.68 2.54 2.50 2.64 2.68 3.00 3.00 2.83 2.68 2.54 2.50 2.64 2.69 2.90 2.85 2.67 2.54 2.54 2.5"( 2.62 2.95 2.86 2.66 2.56 2.55 2.57 2.65 2.91 2.86 2.64 2.54 2.54 2.56 2.64 May June July :Aug. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Parity price on 2.96 2.97 2.85 2.85 2.66 2.67 2.56 2.56 2.55 2.53 2.61 2.59 2.66 2.66 y Sept. Dol. farmers on 12th of month 2.16 2.09 2.09 2.12 2.68 2.90 2.69 3.02 2.42 2.42 2.26 2.39 2.20 2.22 2.27 2.16 2.24 1.67 1.96 1.77 2.02 2.15 2.07 2.03 1.66 1.72 1.89 1.57 Average g : Weighted : Weighted :by Producby tion 2) Bales 3/ Dol. Dol. ~ 1.88 2.36 2.8o 2.34 2.25 1.75 2.05 1.87 2.36 2.82 2.36 2.25 1.75 2.05 51 15th 2.99 2.85 2.66 2.56 2.53 2.61 2.66 2.97 2.85 2.67 2.56 2.52 2.62 2.65 2.97 2.86 2.68 2.56 2.50 2.63 2.65 2.97 2.86 2.68 2.55 2.49 2.62 2.66 Includes an allowance· for unredeemed loons and deliveries to CCC under purchase agreements. Crop year averages by States, weighted by production, to obtain averages for the United States. Crop year averages by States, weighted by sales 1 to obtain averages for the United States. Preliminary. 'iJ Transitional parity prices: Calendar year 1950, 95 percent; 1951, 90 percent; 1952 1 85 percent; 1953 1 8o percent, and 1954, 75 percent of parity can;puted by fOl'!IIUJ.a in use prior to January 1 1 19?0. Beginning January 1955 modernized parity. See Agricultural Prices, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, January 1950 and later issues. gj 3/ Tfj - 18 - Table 27.- Oats: Year I beginnilJ6l July : July Aug. Average price per bushel received by farmers, parity price, No. 1 White, Chicago and No. 2 ~lhite Minneapolis, by months, 1952-57 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. I :Dollars DOllars : Dollars Dollars ------ DOllars Dollars : : Feb. : Dollars. DOllars ------ Mar. Apr. May DOllBis DollBrs bOuars ~ : Weighted : We ghted :by produc-: by tio~ .: sales ;J_ DOllBia Do DOlLiis 8 June United States average price received by farmers 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 .761 .701 .bb8 .598 .653 .b20 .8oo .717 .675 .549 .68o ·577 .835 .714 .7ll .563 .681 .6o3 .828 ·727 ·731 ·591 .690 .612 .845 .745 .761 .6o5 .724 .614 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 .881 .871 .857 .864 .873 .881 .877 .851 .867 .873 .878 .871 .875 .868 .854 .878 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 .835 ·772 -757 .637 .772 -716 .879 .810 .78o 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 .831 .78o .715 .588 .842 .767 ·767 .626 .744 .618 .821 ·119 .768 .622 ·752 .848 .864 .876 .864 .876 .868 .868 .851 .870 .882 .851 .870 .885 ·927 .946 .877 .8b3 .846 .864 Ro.! Wiiite, .607 ·937 .784 .796 .624 .774 .722 ·136 .858 .745 .699 -579 -725 .876 .737 ·929 .8ol .830 .657 .Til .748 .824 .890 .683 .834 .763 .831 .882 .713 .838 • 744 .875 .776 .764 .629 ·755 .659 .878 .773 .8o1 .612 .78o .678 .872 ·791 .78o .657 .774 .655 or montii ·121 .665 .64o .748 .007 .725 .655 .749 .766 ·715 .634 ·703 ·705 ·735 .698 .632 .661 .786 .743 .714 ·595 ·789 ·742 ·714 .6ol .689 ·688 ~icago .912 .842 .867 .697 .838 .820 .825 .673 .848 .8o2 .849 .8o5 .771 .633 ·779 rJ_ .88o ,877 .8b3 .843 .870 .866 .849 .873 .88o .866 .855 .876 .883 .860 .861 .876 .877 .Boo .861 .876 r,z .826 .8Q9 ·791 .678 .794 .805 .8o9 ·192 .696 ·775 .819 .778 ·719 ·772 .822 .m .850 .8ol .766 ·130 ·199 .656 .784 -769 .825 .741 .659 .725 .749 .810 .718 .645 .84o ·196 .741 52 Ro. ::! W'liite, Mlmieapolis ·130 .763 ·78o ·727 .623 .712 ,Y.614 l5arity price on I;tii .881 .783 .781 .737 .618 .720 ·773 .781 ·757 .619 ·728 .8oo -792 ·121 .647 .724 -796 .782 ·759 .637 -737 .778 .820 ·131 .650 ·713 .767 -736 .616 ·736 .682 y !/ Inc!Uaes an illowe.nce for unredeemed loans and for deliveries to tlifi ccc Wider purchase agreements. crop year averages, bY States, weighted by production to obtain weighted averages for the United States. 'JI Crop year averages, by States, weighted by sales to obtain weighted averages for the United States. Y Preliminary. 21 Modernized parity. See Agricultural Prices, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, January 1950 and later issues. §/Average prices weighted by carlot sales. Compiled f'l'om the Wall Street Journal, Chicago edition. Table 28.- Barley: Year beginnil16: July : July Aug. Sept. Average price per bushel received by farmers, parity price and price of No. 3 barley Minneapolis, by months, 1952-57 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan, Feb. Mar. Apr. May ------ =~~~~ Dollars ~ ~~ Dollars Dollars Dollars : United States average price received by farmers 1952 1953 1954 1955 1556 1957 1.31 1.15 1.00 ·955 .948 .850 1.39 1.10 1.01 .884 -969 .830 1.43 1.12 1.05 .899 -959 .818 1.42 1.12 1.08 .909 .977 .833 1.43 1.13 1.08 .919 1.01 .852 1.41 1.15 1.09 ·920 1.03 .859 1.37 1.16 1.09 .924 1.05 1.28 1.15 1.08 .915 1.03 ~ity price on 15th 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1.36 1.36 1.33 1.35 1.36 1.36 1.3b 1.33 1.36 1.36 1.35 1.36 1.32 1.35 1.36 1.35 1.35 1.33 1.35 1.36 1.35 1.35 l-33 1.36 1-37 1.36 1.35 1.33 1.36 1.38 1.36 1.34 1.33 1.34 1.32 1.14 1.08 ·925 1.03 Ol montii 1.36 1.34 1.32 1.35 l5rice No. j, M!iilieapol1s 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1.43 1.24 1.32 1.18 1.19 1.06 1.65 1.37 1.29 1.17 1.21 1.12 1.48 1.34 1.33 1.13 1.18 1.16 1.54 1.42 1.38 1.16 1.17 1.20 1.50 1.44 1.36 1.13 1.28 1.17 1.46 1.44 1.29 1.12 1.26 1.14 1.46 1.47 1.35 1.10 1.24 1.4o 1.44 1.33 1.06 1.21 : weim:~~ Je{ghted :by produc- : by :. tion ?}_ .: aales ;J_ Dollars Dollars Dollars June 1.30 1.10 1.07 ·949 .985 1.24 1.08 1.07 ·963 .956 1.16 1.05 1.37 1.35 1.34 1.36 1.37 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.45 1.4o 1.34 1.19 1.20 1.39 1.46 1.29 1.20 1.19 1.26 1.38 1.20 1.12 ·995 :re --- --- 1.35 1.15 1.08 -917 .984 .W-871 1.37 1.17 1.09 .919 1.00 ~ 1.37 l-35 1.33 1.36 §]_ 1.46 1.37 1.34 1.12 1.22 1.04 1.53 1.39 1.33 1.15 1.20 !/ IncrUaes an lillowe.nce far unredeemed loans and deliveries to tiie CCC under purcbliSe agreements. '2/ Ci"op year averages, bY States, weighted by production to obtain weighted averages far the United States. 'JI Crop year averages, by States, weighted by sales to obtl>in weighted averages for the United States. !!/ Preliminary. 21 Modernized parity. See Agricultural Prices, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, January 1950 and later issues. §I Average prices weighted by carlot sales. Compiled from the Minneapolis Daily Market Record. ·- 19 - Table 29.- Feed grains: Index numbers of prices received by farmers, United States, by months, 1910-57 y (January, 1947-December 1949=100) . Year . Jan. :Feb. : Mar. : Apr. : May 89 98 42 41 51 4o 44 48 46 101 92 103 42 43 47 43 46 47 49 102 93 105 4o 44 43 45 48 44 51 96 92 96 36 44 39 44 46 4o 52 90 87 85 34 44 34 43 43 37 55 81 82 82 56 81 83 85 4o 39 45 39 44 45 48 84 91 90 95 41 36 46 48 65 41 43 55 53 102 39 37 49 49 6o 41 43 58 52 109 39 39 51 49 61 42 47 64 51 114 39 39 51 50 64 42 54 64 51 105 38 39 50 58 60 43 55 62 53 94 36 38 49 62 59 46 57 55 55 81 33 38 49 63 55 44 56 53 56 64 30 39 49 63 48 45 52 49 53 50 28 4o 47 59 45 41 47 45 49 44 29 42 45 62 44 41 49 46 47 87 36 38 48 55 58 43 49 54 52 45 34 46 33 24 32 53 34 71 33 30 46 31 19 24 37 50 35 68 32 31 43 30 19 36 39 46 47 66 32 29 49 28 18 32 46 44 61 55 28 28 50 25 17 31 51 43 62 51 28 34 46 21 14 26 50 4o 59 36 26 30 38 24 13 28 50 33 57 31 25 30 38 13 31 53 33 64 33 28 47 34 22 18 31 54 34 71 33 28 23 12 28 55 32 59 31 27 32 45 30 18 24 4o 47 45 56 30 30 36 35 49 59 75 70 74 95 131 74 37 38 50 62 75 69 75 101 135 75 39 39 51 64 75 68 85 99 131 75 38 4o 50 66 75 70 89 112 130 73 36 41 49 68 75 70 115 119 117 75 36 41 49 68 74 70 105 128 107 71 36 43 49 69 71 69 102 141 101 72 35 4o 47 70 70 69 101 134 83 69 34 4o 46 69 67 71 82 133 34 42 49 72 68 70 8o 144 78 72 36 39 49 65 73 70 88 114 113 73 43 33 46 33 42 49 44 62 92 79 43 34 48 34 43 49 44 67 42 34 52 35 43 50 44 8o 82 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 90 42 30 44 46 66 43 41 49 49 92 41 33 45 47 67 42 43 51 52 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 47 36 22 13 29 55 32 62 34 28 47 34 22 .13 31 55 33 64 33 27 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 34 34 46 54 73 69 71 35 34 49 56 74 69 72 8o 119 71 : June ~ July : Aug. ~ Sept.: Oct. : Nov. : Dec. :Average 42 38 54 39 45 49 46 93 92 42 33 44 32 42 45 41 58 85 82 8o . .. 42 36 54 37 44 50 45 91 95 95 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 : 150 79 . 98 22 98 20 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 78 67 33 44 32 42 42 38 : 73 74 75 79 83 84 87 86 87 83 85 90 82 : 95 99 99 99 100 97 96 97 97 98 99 103 98 : 104 101 101 102 102 102 102 104 104 96 92 95 100 93 89 91 90 91 88 88 88 89 83 83 86 88 : 87 87 88 88 89 89 87 89 90 87 84 85 88 : 85 85 83 83 85 83 81 75 73 69 67 70 78 : 70 71 73 78 82 83 83 85 84 74 75 77 78 : 77 75 75 75 75 '74 73 72 69 65 63 62 71 1/ Index numbers computed from average prices received by farmers for corn, oats, barley and sorghum grains. Index numbers on basis of 1910-14=100 are carried currently in Agricultural Prices, Agricultural Marketing Service. - 20 - Table 30. - Corn: Price supports, quantity placed under price support, and atock.s at close of the marketing year, United States, 1933" 57 Price sum2ort National tWer- : Year Average loan bet;;lnninc; ll8e price per bushel support per October sealed gj bushel 1/ 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 19'~5 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Percentage of parity lJ ~ ~ ~ 0.45 .55 .45 . 55 .50 ·57 ·57 .61 .75 .83 ·90 0.45 .55 .45 ·55 .49 .57 .57 .61 ·73 55 65 55 66 59 70 70 75 85 85 85 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 87 84 77 .77 .84 .89 ·92 l.o8 1.31 1.38 1.34 1.41 1.58 1.56 1.56 1.58 1.55 ]:2/1.42 .98 1.01 1.15 1.37 1.44 1.40 1.47 1.57 1.6o l.6o 1.62 1.58 !2/1.50 :!§Ll.40 Quantity placed under price port ~ sf- 1,000 ~ Stocka of corn at the close ot the morketln~ 'l.ear Under loan Other Total '2) or owned by CCC 1,000 1,000 1,000 bushels ~ ~ ij81,64o 267,762 20,075 30,966 ij 416 158 45,208 1)47,117 257,762 229,839 471,102 301(129 403,075 103,125 196,64o 110,871 56,401 ~ 8,266 7,895 6,043 20,647 9,303 1 148 2,996 o/ 9,oaa 25,982 1,142 "6/ 119 550,882 ~492,8oo 386,'(46 2./649,700 54,087 9/4137,438 26,169 ~306,188 417,340 ~58o,ooo 471,206 ~:Yn6,ooo 259,030 ~884,000 o6o,ooo 421,148 476,191 ~!J/1,295,000 f; f; 256,094 64,788 175,1170 65,655 316,230 325,978 216,521 241,602 294,048 375,835 224,952 305,969 171,672 274,130 123,354 320,212 194,766 252,o8o 100,933 189,137 183,68_!_ 150,823 105,495 124,153 337,734 64,788 175,886 65,655 361,438 583,740 687,623 644,677 490,688 ,384,101 230,995 315,272 171,820 283,218 123,473 813,012 844,466 739,518 487,121 769,137 919,681 1,034,823 1,165,495 1,419,153 y Average.price supports in the United States. During 1933 through 1940 there was a flat loan rate for all eligible producers. During the years 1941 to date the price supports varied by counties. gj Average loan value of corn sealed during each marketing year. 2J The national average loan rate at the farm as a percentage of the parity price of corn at the beginning of the marketing year. Loans "Were based on parity from 1938 to date. ~ Total quantity placed under loan, 1933-1>7, and under loan and purchase agreement, 1948 to date. '2) Includes stocks at interior mills, elevators, and warehouses for the years 1943 to date. ij Loans were in the process of being repaid. Practically all of the corn under seal on September 30 was redeemed by farmers early in the next marketing year. ]} Does not include 14 million bushels of 1937 corn sealed for the first time in 1938 under a short-term loan program. ~ Includes corn under purchase agreement delivered to CCC or placed under loan after October 1. 2J Includes corn on which loans were in the process of being repaid by farmers • !:9./ Price supports were available to noncomply~:'l! farmers in the conimercial area at a national average rate of $1.25 per bushel in 1956 and $1.10 per bushel in 1957. :!,Y Preliminary. Compiled from reports of the Commodity Stabilization Service. Table 31·- Oats, barley, and grain sor,-,hums: Price supports and quantity placed onder price support, United States, 19ho-57 ?:_/ Crop of Oats National averPlaced under age price price supsupport port g/ per bushel Barle'l. National averPlaced under age price price supsupport port 2/ per bu3hel l,COO Dollers 19'>0 1941 bushels 0.35 .45 .55 .75 .85 191~2 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1940 1,000 ~ 7,499 16,297 lC, 19" _,76l 3,302 1,027 o91 337 49,247 32,956 30,620 16,912 9,890 45,176 115,108 96,033 77,443 sorghums National averPlaced under age price SU!.J~V:.rt ner cwt. ~ 0.)4 .'11 .98 price support 2/ 1,000 cwt. 44 191 68 26 4,6ol 1.)2 1.70 6 o.48 2,933 1.65 .;3 788 .83 1.72 309 42 .63 241~ 1.03 2.12 .70 23,350 1.15 2.31 22,264 191~9 .69 41.006 1.09 2.09 47,274 19)0 .71 14,975 1.10 1.87 33,78o 19)1 . 72 13,125 l.ll 2.17 8,359 2,061 19)2 .78 21,:;33 ~".:.2 2.38 1953 )r,,9;5 1.24 2.43 25,517 1954 . 75 '14,940 1.1:> 2.28 64,055 1955 .61 69,oo8 .94 1.78 59,511 1956 .65 36,258 1.02 1.97 22,288 1957 .61 ·95 1.86 Loan program for oats started in 1945. Loans on all three grains varied by counties from 1945 to date. Total quantity placed under loan, 1940-47, and under loan and purchase agreement, 1948 to date. .ao .ao Y y Compiled from reports of the Commodity Stabilization Service. - 21 - Table 32.- Corn: Exports, UnitE-d States, year beginning October, 1946-57 y YEar begin-: Oct. ning Oct. 1,000 bu. Nov. 1,000 ~ Dec. Jan. 1,000 1,000 ~ bu. Feb. Mar, l,OlXl bu, 1,000 bu. Apr. May i,ooo 1,000 bu, bn. June July 1, ono 1,000 tu. w. Aug, Sept. Total 1,000 1,ooo bu. 1,000 1, 7JIJ 457 7,082 5,274 4,075 5,217 10,427 3,586 10,945 6,310 13,984 126,739 6,789 111,071 ~ bu. Grain 19}16 368 346 1,635 9,193 588 6o9 554 563 1947 1948 971 6,628 10, 97'( 11,097 1949 7,L37 18,665 12,941 9,9~2 1950 7,132 10,326 10,948 8,341 5,086 6,076 10,096 tl,5o3 1951 1952 7,241 15,993 22,508 16,035 13,478 13,096 10,763 7,101 1953 1954 4,907 3,771 9,521 6,932 1] ,628 10,813 11:',311 8,507 1955 1956 : 11,.242 17,206 15,48o 12,711 1957 y. 15z094 20,444 22,288 . Dry 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 19;2 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1946 191!7 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 45 857 356 90 99 203 154 141 156 156 y. 28~ 291 631 373 392 3Lo~ y. : 306 393 878 814 799 608 543 267 682 305 149 129 207 136 125 194 156 sz8 504 407 428 300 564 389 315 6oo 1,036 871 446 477 12,3o6 890 13,030 8,569 11,590 Lr, 791 7,581 8,002 9,926 7,057 12,461 15,133 556 21,226 6,080 12,655 10,771 8,900 7,669 11.384 7,752 15,940 18,615 27,726 17,842 16,171 5,670 1,0)1 498 279 391 371 ll,20l 8,170 4,582 7,781 8,324 5,862 7,367 6,607 7,089 10,691 14,097 8,664 6,939 6,516 5,948 7,475 6,762 4,324 3,627 2,776 8,775 12,447 11,846 9,311 8,665 8,163 7,057 5,042 ~.14~ 6,871 4, 726 4.354 5,532 11,689 7,989 10,247 11,644 9,579 6, 796 5,887 12,335 14,059 10,076 10,639 18,593 Erocess Eroducts {grain eguivalent) 1Z ~z 200 171 156 1~4 139 176 229 504 440 134 126 124 109 189 291 168 129 170 123 249 283 529 385 1,005 73 201 161 207 171 170 102 112 136 134 129 121 116 1?1 101 104 162 100 123 177 158 202 227 134 170 120 l,o87 1,582 1,302 1,065 1,366 4 Wet process products 799 83 105 96 397 243 187 141; 161 214 794 540 293 195 84 90 162 134 126 216 3o8 848 587 1J8 255 59 140 132 149 115 177 965 890 399 368 112 70 134 197 1.34 132 213 200 156 517 505 379 264 1,219 326 270 335 1,106 769 568 589 502 173 432 521 373 238 386 3lh 651 812 802 530 262 58H 50Lr 393 288 352 3Ltl L!85 670 581 501 298 695 248 789 292 36Lr 665 572 475 705 395 237 660 26lt 480 234 242 1,101 864 792 624 453 473 359 300 603 268 242 296 653 603 747 106,~34 107,231 75,504 139,728 95, 971~ 91,677 1G8,531 164,726 544 433 208 320 362 261 287 267 868 576 666 553 195 232 290 373 386 264 317 887 697 743 547 137 294 361J 331 586 339 351 493 548 824 1946 704 1,117 2,308 9,846 13,004 15,825 19,333 29,027 18,912 64'1 2,097 1,677 1,297 1,161 1,499 1,255 1,610 926 191!7 1,700 7,362 11,480 ll,747 13,364 21,569 11,684 8,707 5, 3t5 1948 1949 7,919 19,114 13,454 10,1~20 9,059 6,493 6,355 7,986 7,195 1950 7,576 11,019 12,470 9,473 1<',025 13,1Jl3 b,433 9,L3tr 7,IJC'2 1951 5,59:> 6,672 10,623 8,978 5,222 ll,31B 8,232 7,243 Ll, 771J 1952 7,788 16,1141! 22,890 16,413 7,997 9,266 9,2i.Jfl 13,020 12,332 1953 14,L97 13,321 11,202 7,513 8,370 8, 10"/ ll,f,35 7,517 5,509 1954 5,877 5,001 10,789 7, 743 10,894 12,391.1 5,396 5,166 A,233 1955 12,583 11,840 13,200 9,244 7,803 8,676 10,997 12,670 10,557 1956 12,056 18,530 17,135 15,o40 14,429 17,748 14,525 15,655 ll,505 19_57 2/. 16,445 _2:1.L84l 23, "{20 . .. y Includes exports for military civilian feeding abroad 1946-49 and relief beginning June 1956. g( Preliminary. Total includes an allowance for dry process products. ~ Cornmeal, flour and hominy grits. / Not available at time of preparation of this report, ~ Cornstarch, sugar, sirup and miscellaneous refinery products. - 22 - 3,724 4,020 2,266 1,495 3,499 <',235 1,644 1,1.:79 2 ,o)·r 3,137 11,159 ·------ Total (grain equivalent) Compiled from reports of the Bureau of the Census. 467 116 99 106 235 181 137 133 220 285 985 5,300 4,103 5,o58 4,128 6,157 3,8lrl 3,907 6,201 463 352 410 361 3<'5 267 452 73LJ 472 603 536 ---17,259 6,4h4 2,66h 884 931.1 925 8,731 9,096 7,591 7,396 11,025 5, 741 7,IJL6 6,562 4,635 LJ,051 3,207 5,-,65 9,524 9,0Ltl 11,016 8,104 4,453 5,925 12,438 9,066 ll,63b 8,236 6,879 7,19 12,234 19,373 15,505 e,:tol 8,215 7,850 ----1Jl,,h63 14,912 11B,395 112,157 n:,£;'7 21,580 145' 279 103,653 10<',634 119,883 183,735 or charity by individuals Table 33·- Oats and barley: Exports, United States, year beginning July, 1946-57 y Year : begin-i ning Ju1 July Aug. ;sept. Oct.; Nov. ~ Dec. Jan. Feb. ; Mar. Apr. May Jnne 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,ooo 1,ooo 1,000 bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. -bu.- -bu.- bu. ---- -Oats 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Total -- (includin~ oatmeal~ 3,623 2,887 2,711 1,o61 1,663 1,117 1,648 2,942 25,952 862 2,095 20,737 3,165 2,098 2,91U 1,562 1,296 1,537 503 3,182 25,128 2,530 2,936 2,98tl 2,539 1,392 1,869 26tl 2,460 658 171 388 579 15,644 578 450 285 432 324 727 440 891 6,747 447 1,190 208 215 588 378 4,6o6 504 254 778 493 261 286 278 238 328 327 4,112 279 935 462 186 118 209 3,446 192 227 363 310 701 1,862 1,260 3,061 1, 782 1,527 3,273 15,427 779 2,838 2,765 2,947 1,186 893 4,037 3,386 2,072 29,084 2,076 2,570 1,614 1,423 869 1,203 1,134 1,237 27,293 2 802 3 031 Barle~ (including malt and ~earl bar1e 261 428 230 524 875 1,350 2, 30 1,720 1, 7 1 ' 00 668 465 4,234 2,713 2,641 859 1,370 24,143 794 1,157 4,566 1,646 3,644 1,570 1,163 2,613 2,653 2,985 1,389 27,679 811 2~0 21,538 55u 1,677 4,537 2,799 1,887 1,467 2,263 40,002 1,253 2,582 2,589 3,599 3,621 2,247 4,559 6,179 6,533 31,041 2,548 4,057 1,555 1,386 2,996 9Jl 3,904 4,024 2,306 5,576 6,207 1.!,367 3,830 4,238 1,375 2,162 2,557 1,096 37,053 2,210 2,479 3,866 2,176 416 422 526 847 19,044 951 1,825 2,791 3,215 3,160 4,175 1,352 3, 761 5,019 3,349 4,963 5,369 43,463 12,170 8,401 9,570 5,053 7,848 4,661 4,549 8, 418 11,969 10,38410,847 102,887 6,75i 7.286 6,2:"18 3,983 3,02.2 3,183 3, 677 5,531 3,576 5,697 3,569 61,544 3z305 3z821 6z823 6z601 10z367 military civilian feeding abroad during period 1946=49 for oats and 1946-54 for 376 2,457 2,411 1,088 418 1,427 562 6,719 1,o.s~ 333 269 227 J28 319 4~2 327 217 272 2,049 1,612 2,823 3,783 1411 3 4 0 3,935 807 1,792 1,765 257 543 222 305 31.!5 2,176 4,725 1 6 4 1,532 906 3,552 1,046 366 149 311 295 348 3,123 3,836 2 133 267 1946 7,325 1947 1948 1,704 4,199 1949 1,119 1950 5,266 1951 1952 3,561 960 19.53 1954 4,484 9,017 1955 1956 9.039 1957 : 4 1 460 1/ Includes barley. Compiled from reports of the Bureau of the Census. Table 34 .- Sorghum grain: Exports, United States, year begi~~ing October, 1946-57 y Year : begin-: ning .££.~· Oct. ; Nov. Dec. Jan.; Feb. :: } ',ar. Apr. May Jnne July Aug. ;sept. :Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,oo?r bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. hu. bu. bu. bu. bu. bu. ---- ---- l9L6 51.!9 439 1,121 3,191 1,9L3 2,532 2,453 1947 1,505 2,117 1,393 485 757 36;: 1,028 19h8 244 1,1t-5 687 2,835 3,487 2,~,68 4,091 1949 760 5,399 1,685 2,C59 207 1,357 931 1950 : 7,L47 8,069 t,o5o 5,117 6,521 7,184 7,9f9 1951 : 5,470 3,906 5,393 5,406 5,467 12,095 9,L61 1952 1,080 0 2,t.2f 2,564 0 43 1953 154 85 2/ 375 4 3 246 212 1954 3,019 170 1,417 1,621 1,6>"6 1955 3,150 6,875 8,065 6,023 5,804 6,467 4,381 19'56 2,812 2,116 2,363 1,240 1,108 550 335 195 : 2 181 1 684 3 474 1 Includes military civilian feed abroad during the mpiled from reports of the Bureau of the Census. 9~ - 23 - 3,017 360 5,313 657 ),')77 8,286 722 1,023 5,220 4,338 1,872 2,513 2,539 J/ 2,125 5,1.!36 6,460 954 h,760 7,201 5,282 2,625 2,572 360 529 2,712 4,806 11,537 8,394 5,025 4,081 639 3,626 period 1 2,171 5,046 4,012 5,1.!57 4,!:82 1,166 1,2811 3,311 7,665 7,950 4,225 1,510 1,382 3,626 7,U6 4,U4 208 1,188 1,828 6,528 3,913 1,353 23,97e 16,560 40,02h 31,642 i"S •. ::·l' 62,055 10,396 15,287 47.685 66,072 22,239 Table 35 .- Feed grains: Year beginning Exports, United f.tates, 1926--56 !/ By marketing years 2/ Corn Oats Barley 1,000 1,000 bushels bushels bushels 1,000 Sorghwn grain 'J/ 1,000 bushels Total Total for October-September feeding. season 1,000 tons ~ 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 29,395 15,041 19,655 4/ 1,535 32,094 9,823 39,274 l,3b9 2,037 52,435 16,251 60,295 2,695 3,251 16,539 7,966 24,054 33 1,169 7,623 3,123 11,443 1,738 587 7,761 4,437 5,469 7,529 630 12,295 5,361 9,399 10 656 9,156 1,4o5 6,111 5 426 3, 31~7 1,147 4,126 4 211 4,046 1,430 9,926 1 374 2,493 913 5,269 2 211 146,920 12,331 17,TI5 666 4,'156 42,683 5,106 11,292 97 1,551 56,936 1,393 4,827 2 1,732 191~ 24,005 1,256 1,987 3 74o 1941 29,455 4,776 3,421 2 983 1942 12,148 3,184 2,178 2 443 1943 15,700 3,462 2,980 4o 568 1944 23,188 5,016 4,6y4 4,938 98o 1945 31,069 21,246 9,256 892 1,457 1946 dj 136,463 25,952 16,4oo 23,978 5,301 1947 ~ 14,912 20,737 24,143 16,560 1,792 1948 '2/ 118,395 25,128 27,679 4o,024 5,502 1949 ~ 112,157 15,644 21,538 31,642 4,794 L950 dj 116,887 6,747 40,002 75,313 6,1150 1951 ~ 81,58o 4,606 31,041 62,055 4,84o 1952 5' 145,279 4,112 37,053 10,396 5,314 1953 "iJ 103,653 3,446 19,044 15,287 3,843 1954 102,634 15,427 43,463 47,685 5,499 1955 119,883 29,084 102,887 66,072 8,141 1956 6/ 183,735 27,293 61,544 22,239 7,681 1/ Includes grain equivalent of corn products, oatmeal, barley malt and pearl barley. g( October-September year for corn and sorghum grain and July June year for oats and barley. 3/ Calendar year following for the period 1927-34. !Ef Not separately reported. 5/ Includes exports for military civilian feeding abroad. tiJ Preliminary. :v 1,000 1,703 2,359 2,951 850 561 649 605 421 246 375 289 4,768 1,427 1,703 756 970 452 584 1,003 1,523 5,581 1,629 5,675 4,517 6,.606 4,921 5,085 3,921 6,082 8,056 7.329 Compiled from reports of the Bureau of the Census. Table 36 .- Feed grains: Imports into the United States, marketing years, 1940-56 !/ Marketing year beginning gj 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 ~ Corn Sorghwn grain 'J/ Oats Barley Total 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels ~.,000 bushels 1,000 tons 10,224 1,306 58,788 81,373 68,671 24,062 967 1, 672 2,335 2,323 27,245 4J.,l79 37,932 5,814 4,286 1, J.87 255 92 1,606 2,394 2,179 541 134 75 1,269 565 4o7 3,688 6,065 595 560 697 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 1949 729 19,762 18,229 774 1950 741 30,231 13,914 838 1951 881 62,2n 12,878 1,330 1952 925 68,593 24,910 1,721 1953 l, 2.24 79,755 38,322 2, 227 1954 1,138 20,024 24,109 931 1955 1,100 3,088 28,275 759 1956 it : 920 16,799 26,542 932 1' Includes grain equivalent of cornmeal, oatmeal, barley malt, flour and p-ea-r~l""7ba-r-.l:-'e""y"'-.L!!"--------_;z.;""---gj Year beginning October l for corn and sorghum grains and Ju:Jy 1 for oats and barley. 3i Imports of sorghwn grain are too small to be reported separately. 0' Pre!.iminary. Compijed from reports of the Bureau of the Census. - 24 - Table 37.- Canadian oats and barley; Supply and disposition, year beginning August 1, average 1935-39 and 1950-54, annual 1948-57 Year beginning August 1 Average 1935-39 Average 1950-54 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 'g/ Supply Carryover August 1 Production: Total supply];/ Million bushels Million bushels Million bushels 30-7 103-7 47.9 6o.5 44.9 95.2 lo8.4 144.4 125.8 84.0 ll9.1 223.0 338.1 414.1 345.3 304.6 401.8 368.8 517.8 393.4 365.5 446.7 583.3 575.2 551.4 432.6 491.8 643.5 607.6 488.1 466.8 407.0 306.8 407.8 524.4 384.6 EXpor£s including products Million bushels Oats 14.0 52.9 23.2 20.5 35.4 70.6 65.4 70.7 22.2 4.1 18.7 Dis:position Total Carryover at domestic end of year disappearance Million Million bushels bushels 323.1 353-3 309.6 300.1 316.1 404.3 365.4 354.9 326.4 368.6 401.8 34.8 111.6 60.5 44.9 95.2 108.4 144.4 125.8 84.0 119.1 223.0 74.5 134.6 129-5 106.6 107.0 145.7 137.2 134.1 149.1 164.3 157.6 9.4 96.4 29.7 20.4 53-5 79-5 lll.7 145.9 91.5 ll0.9 140.9 Barley Average 1935-39 8.1 88.9 97.0 13.1 Average 1950-54 82.2 228. 3 310. 5 79-5 24.6 1948 31.4 152-3 183.7 1949 29-7 ll8.o 147.8 20.8 1950 20.4 167.5 187.9 27.4 1951 53-5 245.2 298.7 73-5 122.1 1952 79-5 291.4 370.9 1953 111.7 262.1 373-7 93-7 145.9 175-5 321.4 1954 80.9 1955 91.5 252.4 343.9 68.7 ll0.9 269.1 380.0 1956 81.5 1957 2 140.9 220.0 36o-9 Includes imports which are normally quite small. 2 Preliminary. Compiled from reports of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics-Canada. Table 38.- Argentine corn: Supply and dispos~ion, year beginning April 1, average 1935-39 and 1950-54, annual 1948-57 Year beginning April 1 Average 1935-39 Average 1950-54 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 v - j} Carryover April 1 Production: Total supply Exports Million bushels Million bushels Million bushels Million bushels 15 10 30 30 28 3 12 5 3ll 107 205 136 33 105 80 140 175 100 152 106 326 ll7 235 166 61 lo8 92 145 179 105 157 116 237 37 80 42 18 19 24 45 79 10 47 4 5 5 10 Pre1.i:minary. Compiled from reports of Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S.D.A. - 25 - Total domestic disappearance Million bushels 74 74 125 96 4o 77 63 96 95 90 100 Carryover at end of year Million bushels 15 6 30 28 3 12 5 4 5 5 10 Table 39 .-All wheat u.nd winter wheat: Yeur of harvest 1939 15!40 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y All : Seeded but :;eeded acreac;e seeded for c;rain 1,000 acres acre 10,133 8,51•7 6,772 3,227 4,629 6,441 Gy, 19~' 4,025 71, )78 78, 311~ 78,345 4,473 3,795 5,927 71,287 71:l, 524 78,645 78,931 62,539 58,241 60,658 1,9,919 9,677 16,651 83,90~ v 7,99~ 7,515 11,091 8,183 10,956 10,874 6,255 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 191~4 !/ All spring : :O,eeded : Seeded : but t>ot : acreage: harvested: :for grain: 1,000 1,000 Buvhels 11 000 b\.1She1D u.8 7111,210 1314,646 941,970 969,31:ll 843,1313 1,u60,111 1,107,623 1,152,118 1,358,!)11 l, 294,911 1,098,415 1,01)1,341, 91:J8,161 1,306,440 1,173,071 983,900 934,731 1,004,272 91!7,102 13.2 1).0 18.3 15.1 16.0 16.0 16.1 1"(.4 16.5 13.1 14.3 12.6 16.6 14.9 15·7 16.0 16.() 19.0 m,t 52,399 )6, 14) 56,997 57,o87 46,617 44,290 411,427 37,535 Yield per seeded harv~Gted: for· Froduction acre r?:r~_lin 1. 1 000 46,151, 43,536 46,045 38,855 38,)1) 116,821 50,463 )2,227 58,248 58,332 61,177 l:u.t : 1,000 a.cres 8,1!73 7,41fl 6,267 2,835 3,952 5,696 3,439 3,856 3,313 5,369 6,763 9,146 16,052 6,102 10,1511 7,399 10,590 8,873 5,922 b'l~hela 565,672 592,809 673,727 12.3 13.6 111,6 18.1 14.0 16.1 16.2 16.7 18.2 17.0 14.0 14.1 11.6 18.7 15.5 17.2 15·9 16.7 18.8 702,1~9 537,4 76 751,901 816,989 869,592 1,058,976 990,141 858,127 740,637 650,I:l22 1,065,220 885,032 801,369 704,793 740,928 '(07,201 acres acres 16,648 18,284 16,662 14,145 17,469 19,369 18,729 19,351 20,066 20,013 22,728 18,888 22,379 21,648 21,844 15,922 13,951 16,231 12,384 1,660 1,106 505 392 677 745 586 617 482 558 1,232 531 599 1,413 937 784 366 2,001 333 Acreale,yield and production, United States, 1939-57 .opring other than durum : s~eded Yield ProducProduc- Seeded : but not per Produc- Seeded o" t nc;t acreage harvested seeded tion acrea!>e :bar-res terl seeded tion tion :for gra!n acre for grain _;a:::;c~r~e----''--;-:"" 1, ooc ::..:..-=;,::,.:c--''--•1-, o"'oo 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 acres Bushels bushels Bushels bushels acres acres Bushels bushels acres wheat Yield per seeded acre 10.5 12.1 16.1 18.9 17·5 15.9 15.5 14.6 llf.9 15.2 10.6 14.8 1).1 11.1 13.2 11.5 16.5 16.2 19.4 t:~eded 175,538 221,837 268,243 267,222 306,337 3o8,210 290,634 282,526 299,935 3o!f, 770 240,288 278,707 337,339 241,220 288,039 182,531 229,938 263,31,4 239,901 3,128 3,371 2,598 2,155 2,136 2,099 2,026 2,493 2,975 3,278 3,767 2,918 2,586 2,328 2,103 1,637 1,385 2,481 2,365 Yield per 10.!~ 163 3112 74 46 58 42 22 40 27 58 197 89 68 154 238 328 37 171 84 9.6 15.6 19.1 15.7 14.1 16.2 14 ,t, 14.9 13.8 10.4 12.8 13.4 9·7 6.2 3.0 14.1 15.5 16.8 32,486 32,294 40,658 41,236 33,505 29,666 32,840 35,836 44,328 45,142 39,072 37,212 34,762 22,493 12,96"( 4,982 19,580 38,503 39,680 1,1197 764 431 346 619 703 564 577 455 500 1,035 442 531 1,259 699 456 329 1,830 249 13,520 14,913 14,064 11,990 15,333 17,270 16,703 16,858 17,091 16,735 18,961 15,970 19,793 19,320 19,741 14,285 12,566 13,750 10,019 10.6 12.7 16.2 18.8 17.8 16.1 15.4 14.6 15.0 15.5 10.6 15.1 15.3 11.3 13.9 12.4 16.7 16.4 20.0 143,052 189,543 227,585 225,986 272,832 278,541+ 257,794 246,690 255,607 259,628 201,216 241,495 302,577 218,727 275,072 17'(,549 210,358 224,841 200,221 Preliminary. Table lfl • - Rye: Year of ha.rvest 1939 1940 1Si4l 19112 1943 1944 1945 1940 1947 lY4o ucreage :;:~ed,:_d Preliminary, Year of harvest y :;eeded froduction 1'able 40.- All spring wheat, durum and other: 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 >~heat \·.'inter per Yield :nut ho.rV8-':i t:.ed.: 62,802 61,820 62,707 53,000 55,0!84 66,190 Acreb.!_'e, yield '""'d production, United :::to.tee, 1939-57 >~heat Acreage Yield Acreage 1 yield and production, United States, 1939-57 .. Production harvested 11 000 :?.cres J)er acre Bushels 11 000 bushels 3,8o2 3,204 3,)73 10.1 12.4 12.3 11.,.o 1o.e 10.6 12.8 3:-J, 562 3, '(<:;2 2,6)2 2,132 1,850 1,59"( 1,9<;!1 2,0)il 1 Preliminary. ll.G 12.8 12.6 39,72? )_~3,87[~ )2,929 21J,.,ao 22,)25 23,708 10,48'( 2~,497 2),806 Year of harvest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - 26 1949 19JO 1951 1952 10!53 1954 1955 1956 195'( !; - lw.rvested 11 000 ucreo 1,))4 1,753 1,'(22 1,393 1,430 1,795 2,o49 1,023 1,671 Yield ver acre Production Bushels 11 000 bushels u . ..; 12.2 12.5 11.6 13.2 14.4 111.2 13.0 15.9 ld,102 21,403 21,517 16,146 l8,89lf 2?,935 29,055 21,15) 26,528 Table 42 .--Rice, rough: Acreage seeded, yield and production, Southern States, California and United States, 1939-57 Acreage seeded Crop year • : United : southern :California : States :: states !/ : : . 1,000 acres 1,000 : Southern : • ; States !f :California ; United : : States acres acres lb. lb. l,OOO l,OOO 1 1 000 lb. cwt. cwt. cwt. l,o45 2,192 3,375 2,328 20,278 4,050 24,328 1,090 2,083 1,74o 1,831 1,774 1,927 2,6oo 2,475 2,765 2,744 2,247 1,829 1,952 1,929 2,o6l 20,247 19,308 23,4oo 22,712 24,224 4,248 3,787 5,682 6,552 6,750 24,495 23,095 29,o82 29,264 30,974 2,029 2,037 6,262 7,913 8,035 6,832 l0,2l8 30,718 32,535 35,253 38,320 4o,784 925 120 1940 972 l,llO 1,278 1,28o 1,257 ll8 153 237 246 1,263 1,490 l,5l7 1,503 : : : : : g/1,270 g{l,333 g-(1,462 gfl,564 g;'1,573 244 264 259 264 312 l,5l4 1,597 l,72l 1,828 1,885 1,926 1,847 1,862 2,013 1,943 2,566 2,997 2,588 3,275 2,096 2,164 g/24,456 2/24,622 g{27,2l8 g-(31,488 2/30,566 : : : : g-(1,703 gf1,704 g-(1,768 g;'2,1o6 241 330 343 442 5o4 1,655 2,033 2,o47 21 2l0 2,610 2,162 2,08o 2,146 2,296 2,473 3,432 3,34o 3,414 2,788 2,413 2,347 2,269 2,358 2,394 2,462 g/30,575 Y35,429 2/36,56o g(4o,593 gj52,o84 8,270 10,692 ll,7ll 12,325 12,164 38,845 46,l2l 48,271 52,918 64,248 : g/1,514 : g{l,313 : g;'1,l44 336 292 228 1,850 l,6o5 1,372 2,947 2,855 2,962 3,378 4,ll4 4,o64 3,025 3,084 3,145 g/44,619 Y37,486 g/33,884 ll,350 12,012 9,266 55,969 49,498 43,150 1944 1945 -.1 1,000 : Southern : : ; States !f :: California:: United States Production 1939 1941 1942 1943 II) Average yield per seeded acre 1946 1947 1948 . : g/1,414 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 !f . 'J/ 212 Southern States consist of Texas 1 Louisiana and 2,68o 3~102 2,o48 Arkansas, and beginning in 1949, Mississippi and Missouri. 2/ Includes acreage and production in minor States, in thousand acres and thousand cwt. (in parentheses) as follows: 2 (36) in 1945, 2 (41) in 1946, 2 (44) in 1947, 3 (53) in 1948, l (20) in 1949, 2 (25) in 1950 1 2 (32) in 1951, 6 (78) in 19521 6 (84) in 1953, 5 (55) in 1954, 4 (67) in 1955, 3 (39) in 1956 and 1 (20) in 1957. 'JI Preliminary. 'l'abJ.e 43.- Wheat: SuPply Year : : begin- Carryover : Production : Imports: Total ning 2/ : : J/ : Juzy : : : : : 1,ooo bushels 2?, 1,ooo bushels 628,227 629,88o 8'73,914 919,913 741,210 1,ooo bushels 1,ooo bushels : : 1,ooo 1,ooo bushels bushels r,ooo : 1,ooo : I,ooo : 4/ bushels bushels bushels 1,000 bushels : 1,ooo : I,ooo : : Total r,ooo bushels bushels bushels 660,944 689,431 697,425 712,207 662,920 4,440 9,584 103,889 108,082 45,258 3,047 3,072 3,4o6 3,o63 3,658 lll,772 675,645 ll4,254 651,326 16,133 305,771 920,666 25,245 5ll,233 1,173,996 62,762 300,095 936,365 150,147 33,866 27,774 30,960 42,734 49,lo6 55 59 69 103 89 489,422 472,906 494,971 477,287 472,675 74,351 62,490 65,48'7 77,351 8o,463 100 1,676 54,437 lo8,125 83,132 1,388,840 1,252,288 1,442,897 1,492,384 1,407,937 473,733 479,361 484,o6o 471,483 484,182 82,oo6 86,823 91,094 95,015 8o,851 21,302 58 693 193 192 296,548 177,525 178,309 105,348 lll,258 8'73,589 90,883 743,767 92,459 754,156 148,613 672,039 181,518 676,483 123,526 320,025 328,045 340,221 327,827 179,213 4,257 4,18o 3,964 3,715 4,001 1,455,977 1,419,641 1,584,020 1,784,152 1,921,603 479,550 481,084 473,613 472,662 473,033 87,904 88,195 89,091 69,478 64,781 192 930 175 178 230 108,8o8 102,401 82,48o 76,637 60,090 676,454 672,610 645,359 618,955 598,134 41,267 16,714 13,620 12,034 9,882 334,513 470,347 315,652 215,704 273,419 3,8'72 l,056,lo6 3,992 1,163,663 3,845 978,476 3,953 850,646 3,990 885,425 9,933 1,980,842 469,413 67,682 8,000 2,045,68'7 468,231 56,929 678 497 51,250 49,436 589,023 575,093 8,213 1./346,273 8,636 1/549,205 3,918 947,427 4,040 1,136,974 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 814,646 3,562 1,097,929 279,721 3,704 1,330,407 941,970 384,733 1,127 1,601,283 969,381 630,775 618,897 843,813 136,448 1,599,158 316,555 l,o60,lll 42,384 1,419,050 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 279,180 100,086 83,837 195,943 307,285 1,107,623 l,l52,ll8 1,358,9ll 1,294,9ll 1,098,415 2,037 84 149 1,530 2,237 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 424,714 1,019,344 988,161 399,8'71 255,978 1,306,440 605,544 1,173,071 933,5o6 983,900 ll,919 31,609 21,602 5,537 4,197 .w : ShipExports : mente 2./ : §./ 87,479 95,896 93, o6o 74,225 72,946 145,889 140,433 83,167 153,107 250,015 :1,036,178 934,731 :1,033,415 1,004,272 908,713 947,102 y : Disappearance : Military: : Continental United States :Processed: : : : : pro:for food : Seed : Industrial : Feed : Total : curement: 8o8,864 490,o67 34,748 34,616 8o4,929 493,327 957,827 489, 44o 746 347 1,073,367 496,189 991,557 488,758 332 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1955 1956 8/ 1957 Supply and disappearance, United. States, 1935-57 83,343 100,149 114,856 141,690 101,127 668,431 702,08'7 804,720 823,352 7ll,836 3,685 713,196 4,399 699,632 5,515 982,386 3,lll 1,282,603 4,252 1,139,8'70 1,288,754 1,168,451 1,246,954 1,185,099 983,223 y Includes flour and other whe-at prOducts in -terms of wheat.------gJ Prior to 1937 s0111e nev wheat included; beginning with 1937 only old-crop wheat is shown in all stocks positions. The figure for July 1, 1937, including the new wheat, is 102.8 million bushels, which is used as year-end carryover in the 1936-37 marketing year. 'j) Imports include full-duty wheat, wheat imported for feed, and dutiable flour and other wheat products in terms of wheat. They exclude wheat imported for milling in bond and export as flour, also flour free for export. J:j Includes procurement for both civilian relief feeding and for military food use;military takings for civilian feeding in occupied areas measured at time of' procurement, not at the time of shipment overseas. 2J Exports as here used in addition to cOBIID.ercial exports of wheat, flour, and other wheat products, include U.S.D.A. flour procurement rather than deliveries for export. Beginning with 1941-42, actual exports, including those for civilian feeding in occupied areas (deliveries for export) of wheat, flour and other wheat products, in million bushels, were as follows: 27.9; 27.8; 42.6; 144.4; 390.6; 397.4; 485.9; 504.0; 299.1; 366.1; 475.3; 317.8; 217.0; 247 .4; 346.3 and 549.2. §./ To Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa, Virgin Islands and Wake Island; partzy estimated. 1/ Includes exports for relief or charity by individuals and private agencies. §/Preliminary. 2/ For the period Ju}S-December 1955, known disappearance from the Juzy 1 suppzy, without an allowance for quanti ties fed, is about 12 million bushels larger than that indicated by January 1 stocks. This discrepancy may be accounted for by possible inexactness in data, including some duplication in stocks reported in the various positions by different agencies. Table 44 . - Wheat: Supply and disappearance, United States, July-December and January-June periods, 1946-57 y Supply Year beginning July : : Stocks y 1,000 bushels ~ July-Dec. Jan.-June ~ July-Dec. Jan.-June ~ 1\) \D : : : : : : : Production Imports "JJ 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels : : : Contintental United States Total : Processed for food. : Seed : Industrial : : : Feed : : Disappearance : Military : pro: curement Total : ~ : : : Exports '2/ Shipments §) · Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,000 bushels ~ 1,000 100,086 642,486 1,152,118 38 46 1,252,242 642,532 276,695 202,666 63,192 23,631 11 47 101,816 75,709 441,714 302,053 37,949 54,510 127,873 200,172 2,220 1,960 609,756 558,695 83,837 8oo,767 1,358,911 --- 53 96 1,442,8ol 8oo,863 263,476 220,584 67,210 23,884 603 90 54,947 123,362 386,236 367,920 67,020 81,593 186,711 153,510 2,067 1,897 642,034 604,920 195,943 864,545 1,294,911 48 1,482 1,490,902 866,027 248,436 223,04"1 67,703 27,312 92 101 34,150 71,198 350,381 321,658 107,588 '73,930 166,557 161,270 1,831 1,884 626,357 558,742 307,285 900,3o8 1,098,415 --- 182 2,055 1,405,882 902,363 250,517 233,665 57,123 23,728 100 92 24,105 87,153 331,845 344,638 102,543 20,983 69,248 109,965 1,938 2,063 505,574 477,649 1,019,344 --- 2,243 9,676 1,446,301 1,012,172 247,206 232,344 60,724 27,18o 98 94 18,085 90,723 326,113 350,341 16,566 24,701 99,299 235,214 1,827 2,045 443,8o5 612,301 399,871 853,891 988,161 1'7,434 14,175 1,405,466 868,o66 246,254 234,830 61;193 26,402 '127 203 16,824 85,5'77 325,598 34(,012 9,371 7,343 214,608 255,739 ~·1,998 1,994 551,575 612,088 255,978 : 1,109,448 1,306,440 --- 17,669 3,933 1,58o,087 1,113,381 245,371 228,242 61,/391 27,200 73 102 743 81,737 308,078 337,281 6,307 7,313 154,436 161,216 1,818 2,027 4'{0,639 507,837 1,173,071 1,581 3,956 1, 78o,l96 1,338,197 243,728 228,934 49,329 20,149 101 --- 77 36,567 40,070 329,725 2/39,230 6,154 5,88o 108,047 107,657 2,029 1,924 445,955 404,691 933,506 1,481,205 983,900 --- 885 3,312 1,918,291 1,484,517 244,239 228,794 47,781 1'7,000 64 166 15,519 44,571 307,603 290,531 5,258 4,624 122,286 151,133 1,939 2,051 437,086 448,339 : 1,036,178 : 1,566,950 934,731 3,174 6,759 1,9'74,083 1,573,709 242,720 226,693 48,215 19,46'7 202 476 2/-11,820 63,070 279,317 309,'706 3,926 4,287 121,987 ]J 224,286 1,903 2,015 407,133 540,294 1,004,272 3,043 4,957 2,040,730 1,493,635 241,625 226,606 41,534 15,395 291 206 13,775 35,661 297,225 277,868 4,657 3,979 1/248,210 l/300,995 1,960 2,08o 552,052 584,922 : : : : : --- : July-Dec. Jan.-June : 1949 July-Dec. Jan.-June : : 1950 July-Dec. Jan.-June : 424,714 : 1,002,496 1951 July-Dec. Jan.-June : : : : : --- : : --- : .!22 July-Dec. Jan.-June .ill1... July-Dec. Jan.-June : : : 605,544 : 1,334,241 : 1954 July-Dec. Jan.-June : : : .!22.2. July-Dec. Jan.-June --- : ~IV July-Dec. Jan.-June : 1,033,415 : 1,488,678 !22.1~ July-Dec. : : : 908,713 : See table 43 for footnotes. --- 947,102 Table 1~5 .- Wheat, flour and other products: Imports and exports, United States, 1935-56 IMPORTS Year beginning July Wheat 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 19~0 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 25,289 30,205 598 39 56 165 1,699 8o6 9,205 4,057 4 207 86 3,237 1,785 150 188 15,919 767 28 118 10 1,097 11,647 29,921 20,384 4,300 2,915 8,710 6,536 ~136,013 !I 26,235 1,136 21 7 1,317 1,003 174 1,475 1,016 999 1,043 96o l,06o 1 1 000 bu. 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 311 3,168 83,740 84,589 23,636 10,810 12,632 6,555 ll,942 19,010 226,135 ~153,995 ~207,362 232,666 140,377 290,473 427,130 274,079 182,0ll 226,342 ~295,320 _g/474,912 1 1 000 bu. Military 21 123 193 32 25 121 121 177 99 158 193 78 8 6 172 90 5 109 117 133 90 90 165 1 1 000 bu. 54,358 46,878 44,796 97,326 142,754 118,344 31,362 5,254 2,702 1,289 963 Nonmilitary 1 1 000 bu. 3,896 6,099 16,320 22,057 21,232 22,812 1/14,894 19,948 28,333 28,304 79,872 2/166,291 .!_Yl33,085 102,385 39,248 43,6o7 42,331 40,409 32,984 46,329 50,244 g/73,286 Total wheat, flour and other products 131 161 112 76 69 39 43 72 89 37 56 27 18 31 47 93 104 85 105 149 173 239 Military 21 1 1 000 bu, 40,233 35,489 28,896 41,019 24,754 501 131 228 Wheat for milling in bond and export as flour 1 1 000 bu. 1 1 000 bu. EXPORTS Flour ~wheat equivalent~ Wheat Nonmilitary Other products (wheat equivalent) J/ Flour (wheat Unfit for human: equivalent) gj consumption Suitable for milling y 34,748 34,616 746 347 332 3,562 3, 704 1,127 136,448 42,384 2,037 84 149 1,530 2,237 11,919 31,6o9 21,6o2 5,537 4,197 9,933 8,000 Other products (wheat equivalent) Jl 1 1 000 bu. 2o8 245 245 301 365 226 326 1,266 2,347 2,463 2,213 3,441 7,095 1,438 649 572 535 574 530 738 7o8 1,007 Total wheat, flour and other products 1 1 000 bu. 4,415 9,512 100,305 106,947 45,233 33,848 27,852 27,769 42,622 144,368 390,587 397,419 485,887 503,997 299,119 366,145 475,250 317,764 217,042 274,372 {}' 346,272 _'549,205 1 1 000 'bu. ll,979 13,469 2,819 8,989 9,953 7,331 11,912 7,577 10,952 9,213 ll,591 1,984 19 3,070 9,621 8,18o 5,907 6,415 3,o89 1,004 75 115 Flour from milled-in-bond wheat (wheat eg,ui valent) fU 1 1 000 bu. 11,722 12,317 7,134 9,138 9,406 6,935 9,130 6,900 10,835 9,398 12,698 6,642 1,028 2,745 9,700 8,441 4,927 6,871 3,316 1,123 81 137 y Imports of wheat rof millin,~ quality have been limited to a q"ota of IJOO,OOO bushels per year since May 29, 19111, of which 795,000 may come from Canada. D•1ring the >Tar years 1943-44 and 1944-45 this import restriction was waived. Imports of registered and certified wheat seed are permitted ex-quota. gj Imports of flour have been limited to a quota of 4,000,000 pounds per year since May 29, 1941, of which 3,815,000 pounds may come from Canada (total quota is 93,200 bushels, wheat equivalent). Flour for special experimental purposes may be imported ex-quota. Excludes flour "free for export''. 1/ Consists of macaroni, spaghetti and similar products, wheat cereal breakfast foods, bread and biscuits, semolina and starch. ~ Includes wheat and wheat products used for livestock and poultry feed, imported duty-free by the Commodity Credit Corporation. 5/ Reported by the National military establishments. ~· Usually all from imported wheat, although in some years small quantities of United States wheat were added. JJ 14,072,000 reported plus 822,000 unreported exports to British Services. ~ 142,637,000 reported plus 11,358,000 unreported exports to Germany, financed by the United Kingdom. 2/ 154,407,000 reported plus 11,884,000 unreported exports to Germany, financed by the United Kingdom. ~ 184,324,000 reported plus 23,038,000 unreported exports to Germany, financed by the United Kingdom. 11) 123,546,000 reported plus 9,539,000 unreported exports to Germany, financed by the United Kingdom. gl Includes exports for relief or charity which are not included in the Bureau of the Census figures. Bureau of Foreien and Domestic Commerce and Bureau of the Census except where noted. - 30 - Supply and disappearance, United States, 1934-57 Table 46 .- Rye: Year beginning July S!:!PJ11;£ Carryover: Production: Imports y : : Total Food gj Feed Jl DisaPRearance Domestic ; Alcohol, Seed · spirits Exports Total J:J Mil. Mil. Mil. -Mil. Mil. Mil. Mil. Mil. Mil. Mil. bu. ~ ~ ~ ...E!!..:_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 14.9 10.8 11.2 2.3 4.0 42.4 8.0 10.0 6.9 1·0 5·2 8.5 21.9 16.3 56·9 24.2 48.9 56.0 38.6 4.8 21.8 13·9 17·9 19.8 20.2 8.6 8.7 10.0 9·1 7.4 10.2 12.9 n.6 6.1 5·5 5.6 31.6 50·3 42.5 39.0 41.8 40.2 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 19.6 39·1 1.4 8.8 1.5 8.3 4.1 2.0 1.6 19·9 19·3 27.2 3J·5 11·4 8.8 6.0 5·6 6.5 5·6 8.1 8.3 6.8 5.8 5·4 4.5 4.9 5·0 4.4 4.9 6.7 6.9 2.1 4.5 11.7 8.3 4.2 6.6 6.7 4.9 41.8 42.3 44.4 52·5 42.3 28.3 19.6 21.8 22.3 20.1 19·1 18.7 29.1 47.1 31.0 12.2 2•4 2.3 3·3 8.3 ~ 2/ 43·9 52·9 28.7 22.5 23·7 18.5 25.5 25·9 18.1 6~ 9·0 47·9 54.1 64.5 6o.5 6o.7 71.4 83.5 84.1 57·6 31·9 22.5 27.8 36.0 35·4 5·9 6.8 1·0 7·1 1·8 8.3 8.7 7·8 6.7 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7 9·1 2/ 2/ Total Mil. bu. 31.6 50·3 42.7 45.6 112.6 40.9 0.2 6.6 .8 ·1 .2 42.0 42.3 44.9 53.1 45.4 35·5 20.2 24.5 2/ ·5 .6 3·1 1·2 .6 2.7 5·4 5·8 21·1 25.9 21.4 4.8 23.1 29.0 34.0 5.2 5.4 3·1 1·1 1950 5·9 9·5 4.6 4.2 21.5 27.8 4.3 5.4 1.3 19.3 23.9 1951 5·0 5·4 16.2 4.7 6.3 2.9 19.1 19.4 25.7 1952 5·2 5·6 3·9 ·3 23.6 6.3 18.9 13.4 38.6 7·8 5.7 5.1 23.6 5·0 1953 2/ ~.2 44.4 28.0 15.0 4.7 25.9 25.0 1954 1·0 5·1 3·0 3·5 16.4 6.2 4.6 25.2 29.1 3.4 48.9 7.0 32.2 1955 9·3 ,.1 .8 3.4 41.3 8.6 21.2 16.7 6.0 4.6 24.0 34.7 10.7 i956 ~ 26.5 6.6 1 Farm and termine.l·stocks, 193 - 2; beginning 19 3, interior mill, elevator, and warehouse stocks; and .beginning 1953, stocks awned by CCC and stored in bi.ns or other storages owned or controlled by CCC, also CCC-owned rye in transit to ports. The figure for July 1, 1943, 38.6 million bushels, excluding interior mill, elevator, and warehouse stocks, was used in computing 1942-43 disappeare.nce. gj Calculated from trade sources, 1934-44; from Bureau of the Census, 1945 to date. Jl Residual item. J:J Includes flour. 21 Less than ~0,000 bushels. §! Preliminary. Table 47 .-Rye: Supply and disappearance, United States, July-December and January-June perioda, 1946-57 Sul?Rl;t: Period ~ July-Dec. Jan.-June .!2!!1 July-Dec. Jan.-June ~ July-Dec. Jan.-June ~ July-Dec. Jan.-June .!22Q. July-Dec. Jan.-June ~ July-Dec. Jan.-June Stocks y :Production: Imports Total Food gj Feed Jl Disal'Reare.nce Domestic : Alcohol, Seed : spirits Exports Total J:J Total :Thou. Thou. Thou. Thou. Thou. Thou. Thou. Thou. Thou. Thou. Thou • : ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ ...E!!..:_ 2,365 8,368 18,487 865 776 21,717 9,144 2,475 2,020 4,78o 1,217 4,482 390 1,407 2,828 13,144 6,455 205 368 13,349 6,823 2,321 14,292 25,497 41 27,859 14,292 2,359 2,196 3,188 2,549 4,598 399 1,981 4,6o8 12,126 9.752 1,441 1,212 13,567 10,964 3,328 17,146 25,886 2,040 4,754 31,254 21,900 2,414 2,326 3,655 2,769 4,079 354 3,701 3,014 13,849 8,463 259 5,172 14,lo8 13,635 8,265 17,206 18,102 7,436 1,571 33,8o3 18,777 2,438 2,300 4,396 1,187 4,472 388 2,003 2,859 13,309 6,734 3,288 2,522 16,597 9,256 9,521 18,464 21,403 2,319 726 33,243 19,190 2,629 2,571 2,864 2,487 4,438 386 4,012 3,644 13,943 9,o88 836 5,092 14,779 14,180 5,010 15,733 21,517 835 507 27,362 16,240 2,668 2,722 2,263 3,214 3,927 342 2,348 1,86o ll,206 8,138 423 4,165 11,629 12,303 3,937 9,235 16,146 1,638 3,926 21,721 13,161 2,641 2,574 4,300 2,014 4,294 372 935 1,927 12,170 6,887 316 4 12,486 6,891 6,270 21,707 18,894 11,941 1,527 37,105 23,234 2,582 2,447 5,302 2,532 5,206 453 2,307 2,8o7 15,397 8,239 1 1 15,398 8,246 : 14,988 : 26,373 25,935 3,446 2 44,369 26,375 2,557 2,546 5,661 2,466 6,432 558 2,278 2,441 16,928 8,0ll 1,068 1,947 17,996 9,958 !22,g July-Dec .. Jan.-June .:!:22J July··Dec. Jan.-June ill!!. July-Dec. Jan.-June !22.2.· July-Dec, Jan.-June ~2/ July-Dec. Jan.-June 16,417 28,58o 29,055 3,376 17 48,848 28,597 2,557 2,488 6,~ 2, 9 5,712 497 2,220 2,409 16,888 8,283 3,38o 3,649 20,268 11,932 16,665 18,973 21,155 3,419 1 41,239 18,974 5,331 3,221 5,56o 483 1,915 ~21 -Dec. 2,453 2,354 2, 625 15,259 8, 683 7,007 3,697 22,266 12,38o 6,594 26,528 Y Include~ stocks in interior mills 1 elevators and warehouses, stocks on farms 1 in terminals, and beginning 1953, stocks owned by CCC and stored in bins or other storages owned or controlled by CCC, also CCC-owned rye in transit to ports. gj From Bureau of the Census. Jl Residual item. J:J Includes flour. 21 Preliminary. - 31 - Tab1e48 .- Rice, 1n terms of rough: Supply and distribution, United States, 1937-57 Supply Year beginning : BeginAugust ning :' stocks 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1955 1956 1957 Ending stocks ance, in terms of milled '{/_ ~ ' I 16,044 l4,895 15,752 3,578 2,870 2,779 1,724 1,442 1,515 21,346 19,207 20,046 4,764 4, 767 4,484 26,110 23,974 24,530 3,147 4,247 5,235 783 734 778 ' 5,235 2,956 567 2,325 1,828 24,495 2J,095 29,082 29,264 30,974 334 1:<6 136 77 ~ 29,745 26,690 29,552 30,213 31,760 16,471 15,187 16,017 16,619 14,925 2,944 2,451 2,278 2,747 3,155 1,723 1,933 1,971 1,950 1,921 21,138 19,571 20,266 21,316 20,001 5,651 6,552 6,961 7,069 10,201 26,789 26,123 27,227 28,385 30,202 2,956 567 2,325 1,828 1,558 773 703 734 694 632 1,55tl 1,255 30,704 32,538 35,261 38,328 40,7tl9 127 I 27 53 62 32,339 33,052 35,843 38,975 43,138 14,120 15,491 15,170 15,346 16,585 3,439 2,530 4,572 4,307 4,724 2,056 2,144 2,298 2,439 2,136 19,615 20,165 22,0llo 22,092 23,445 11,469 !2,291 13,055 14,378 16,224 31,084 32,456 35,09.5 36,470 39,669 1,255 596 748 2,505 3,469 539 66o 706 732 762 787 542 350 417 65 43,1~38 18,252 7,546 38,845 46,121 48,271 52,918 64,248 50,514 51,049 55,565 68,964 17,014 17,343 18,68o 4,866 4,750 4,577 4,56o 5,425 2,634 2,652 2,821 J,4o8 3,873 25,752 24,416 2lf,412 25,3ll 27,978 13,167 24,058 25,122 22,708 14,286 38,919 4,519 48, 471~ 2,040 49,534 1,515 48,019 7,546 42,264 26,700 874 8o6 833 837 885 26,700 34,6oo 20,098 55,969 lf9,498 lf3,150 194 325 82,33> 84,775 19,o8o 19,000 6,ll4 5,300 3,885 2,727 29,079 27,027 18,656 37,650 47,735 34,6oo 64,677 20,098 980 748 2,505 3,469 4,519 2,040 1,515 I ' '21 s 29,257 28,221 29,765 I '21. ,?./ : Exports : Tota.L Industry 1 Feed and 1 Tota.L : ?J seed 1,ooo 1,600 1,oou 1,060 1,060 cwt. cwt. cwt. ~ ~ : 1,311 1,018 649 1,ooo 9 1,oou Domestic : 24,040 23,628 24,328 ' 1950 ' !!I ' : Food ~ 596 1951 1952 1953 1954 Total 3,712 3,147 4,247 ' ' 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 Farm produc- , Imports tion y : J/ 1,060 cwt. 1937 1936 Food disappear- Disappearance 1,oou cwt. 1,660 ' cwt. 1939 y 17,011~ 1,000 cwt. Mil. .:!£.:..... 957 y Milled rice converted to rough basis e.t annual extraction rate. 'ij Includes estima.tes of production in minor States of Missouri, South Caroline., North Caroline., Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Tennessee and Oklahoma., beginning 1945. Jl Conslats mostly of broken rice. ~ Adjusted to equal total distribution. 2/ Includes shipments to territories and military food use. §/ Prima.rily for beer production. 7) Continental civilian food usc. Excludes shipments and military food use. ~ Leas than 500 hundredweight. 2/ Preliminary. Table 49. Wheat: rates, quantity pledged and delivered to Co11J111odity Credit Corporation, stocks owned by CCC, and loans outstanding, 1938-58 Loan CCC stocks and loans outstanding rates per bush.-"el=-,,....,=:-:at year-end (June 30) :No. 2 Hard :No. 1 Dark: No. 1 Under 'D~livered' loan price : oo CCC : Stocks : CropUnder:Crops beginning' age of National : Winter at' Northern : Soft of Total Kansas :Spring at 'White e.t :support July : parity average gj 'owned by :previous earlier : CCC]/ City : Minne- :_Portland price y' years July 4/_ apolis Mil. Mil. Mil. Mll. Mil. Mil. bu. bu. bu. bu. Dol. ~ ~ Loan Year Percent- 6.6 28.1 21.5 85.7 0.67 0.81 0.72 15-7 52 0.59 1.6 11.9 10.3 16'1·7 .73 .87 .63 56 1·1 -77 31.1f 169.2 207.8 .64 .87 278-5 7-2 173·7 -73 57 ·11 1.4 419.2 1.10 269.8 366.3 1.05 1.15 98-l 319·7 85 .98 4.9 184.0 1.21 4o8.l 398.0 1.27 1.32 259-8 1.14 133·3 85 2.5 ll7.1 1.42 130.2 1.34 99-1 1.37 15-5 85 l-23 ·3 20.1 1.46 l8o.4 1.9 103-7 1.50 125-7 1.53 72-9 1.35 90 .2 32.5 1.49 J..53 1.55 1.38 32-5 59·7 90 22.0 1.60 1.64 1.66 J..49 ·1 ·1 90 .8 .8 2.02 2.04 31.2 1.84 1.98 90 227.2 2.18 16.3 243.5 2.23 2/366.0 2.25 2.00 290-9 90 361.2 28.5 5.0 2.16 2.20 2.22 247.5 2/38o.8 327·7 90 l-95 2.21 2/196-9 2.3 196.4 207.6 41.9 8.9 2.25 2.27 1.99 90 2.4o 2/212.9 2.11-4 ll.6 2.46 91.3 2.18 143-3 154-9 90 470.0 2.44 2/459·9 2.48 22.5 2.51 2.20 492-5 397-7 90 71.4 849.9 486.1 774.6 2.49 2.52 2.21 3·9 2.45 2/'57·2 90 2.8 99Q.O ll.3 2.24 391.6 2.57 2.46 2/*30-7 90 975·9 2-53 27.6 1.3 2.41 273.8 2.08 2.37 979·6 82.5 950-7 2.28 ;!;320.2 14o.5 823.9 2.30 2.34 82.6 2.00 2.21~253.2 836-7 3-3 !I 9·5 2.00 2.31 1.36 2.22 :V209.6 79·7 ~957 ~ 1. 8 7 l The national average loan rate at the farm as e. percentage of the parity price of wheat at the beginning of the markeing year. gj Includes deliveries of purchase-agreement wheat to CCC. ~ Includes open-market purchases, if any, beginning in 1943, and accordingly may include some new-crop wheat. Y For example, 9. 5 million is 1956-crop wheat under loan on June 30, 1957. ~ Includes the following quantities put under purchase agreements in million bushels, beginning in 1948, e.s follows: 19~-crop wheat, 112.0; 1949-crop wheat, 45-5; 1950-crop wheat, 8.6; 1951-crop wheat, 13.4; 1952-crop wheat, 61.3; 1953crop wheat, 63.2; 1954-crop wheat, 29.5; 1955-crop wheat, 43.0; 1956-crop wheat, 18.6 and 1957-crop wheat, 11.8. §I Preliminary. 1J Through January 15, 1958 • - 32 - 1938 1939 l94o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Table 5(). -·-Wheat: Stocks, United States, Year Farm :Terminal : market : !I 11 006 liu. 1 1600 'bu. Jan!:!!!!Z I Iliterlor : mill, : Merchant : COIIIIIIOdity Credit elevator,: mills :corporaand ware-: JJ ;tion !!/ bouse~ : I1ooo . ~~~ ti\i. Total by quarters, 1927-58 Farm I11i1l0 SU. r,ooo su. \ooo su. Afr1l I : Interior: . : COIIIIIOdit Terminal: mill, :Merchant: Credi/ Total arket ;elevator,: mille 'corpora!/ .and ware-. JJ 'tion !!/ :house~ : : 1,® su. I,ooo . I,ooo 'bU: 1 1600 'bu. il®bU. 1927 l921l J.92Y 207,303 201,532 253,0bb 66,3l!o tlll,581 144,351 ; 101,024 87,292 : 130,589 49,910 68,791 124, 75b !930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 216,841 248,8128 322,o62 276,054 185,302 146,996 163,703 121l,954 2o8,071 274,260 182,226 199,649 226,874 16ll,465 132,5ll 90,937 76,694 62,366 94,520 128,748 133,200 ll6,553 172,909 181,624 ll3,790 98,989 98,878 71,075 123,596 182,8o1 153,122 213,583 207,215 135;552 97,132 51,882 49,919 34,741 54,426 82,687 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 229,374 279,970 371,775 484,754 382,351 384,638 360,959 366,003 427,821 387,450 : : : : : : : : : 149,433 192,173 268,531 321,179 219,137 233' 856 198,487 139,873 256,577 243,582 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 ; : : : : : : 87,559 78,463 76,845 ll5,o81 136,091 ll5,654 122,223 115,035 1o6,392 109,634 102,832 ll5,567 107,7o6 431,884 428,494 370,997 533,239 646,8o5 132,1l42 169,776 270,835 245,150 136,264 152,043 102,131 56,256 141,889 166,348 129,566 167,727 221,7o8 238,125 145,454 160,432 lo8,776 ll9,044 116,827 203,933 ll4,231 1o6,)03 135,601 139,385 112,130 114,387 95,276 96.779 lll,l30 103,ll3 45,000 41,4oo 16,847 14,778 4,l!o4 3,100 3,701 6o6,013 723,776 999,919 1,152,414 817,599 828' 347 681,920 642,486 8oo,767 864,545 318,302 336,242 335,838 l!o4,643 425,043 321,145 318,734 294,214 291,629 219,038 247,318 199,947 259,257 316,765 374,369 l!o3,181 393,2ll 36o,662 237,424 284,511 202,001 312,694 424,292 527,943 571,101 547,347 652,586 ll7,739 128,974 ll3,567 128,199 123,467 126,382 126,878 127,877 7,8o5 5,451 2,538 4,655 44,674 131,366 141,056 126,029 72,516 900' 3o8 1,002,496 853,891 1,109,448 1,334,241 1,481,205 1,566,950 1,488,678 1,377,393 1927 1928 1929 26,590 19,972 43,554 21,052 38,587 90,442 21,776 19,277 41,546 l!o,038 34,920 51,279 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 62,452 37,o84 93,553 82,693 61,103 44,051 43,137 21,972 58,857 88,016 109,327 203,967 l68,l!o5 123,712 8o,548 21,951 25,202 9,022 22,190 64,103 6o,166 30,252 41,585 64,293 48,128 30,363 21,504 11,774 31,269 36,842 59,170 41,202 71,714 107,052 83,ll4 49,524 50,590 l!o,399 l!o,791 61,054 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 79,572 86,675 162,722 189,574 103,622 87,703 41,604 40,501 94,463 66,505 84,187 142,671 224,441 162,151 82,912 67,185 29,917 8,129 34,o65 128,158 35,312 73,789 142,366 103,8o4 30,332 42,129 8,376 lO,ll6 30,645 76,424 8o,650 81,598 96,837 104,378 67,3o8 58,463 12,838 24,591 34,2l!o 32,401 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 65,861 76,275 63,387 79,163 103,162 l!o,644 67,246 59,896 168,497 157,848 93,924 256,330 310,715 38o,l!o9 332,323 313,481 129,522 89,159 57,955 203,279 345,096 412,387 443,676 379,o69 55,934 73,587 39,568 58,4o8 63,829 60,144 64,741 65,257 §) 66,124 48,193 39,308 73,18o 91,8oo 91,420 100,267 91,720 74,852 72,046 65,983 79,851 82,481 291,847 269,036 2ll,107 331,053 439,769 l05,l!o1 !41,897 237,m 212,131 123,700 99,644 34,317 32,838 70,174 124,656 83,750 134,242 181,099 176,591 66,535 130,386 36,477 61,000 75,434 147,878 94,985 76,675 122,461 123,455 96,388 78,788 55,899 71,957 73,714 63,229 433,569 544,987 8o9,868 896,o68 544,275 558,444 332,141 308,571 479,744 582,721 193' 579 217,127 199,174 270,928 297,139 2ll,358 216,741 166,644 18o,659 193,663 124,865 217,258 298,934 351,913 366,412 360,702 190,884 200,642 112,337 247,7o6 38o,137 461,57·9 503,572 449,832 88,423 5,548 659,0~ 101,052 3,156 715,6 ao, 760 2,037 519,173 101,691 4,351 841,934 104,778 47,483 1,128,471 101,475 122,509 1,248,834 102,455 132,022 1,321,202 1o8,918 102,38o 1,188,476 109,456 112,756 226,821 366,153 419,779 338,558 78,8ll ll5,469 198,2ll 29l,ll5 312,505 375,257 377' 750 272,893 145,889 140,433 2/83,167 153,107 250,015 383,574 490,292 402,719 286' 798 233,887 272,646 217,546 323,297 393,930 327,616 220,600 256,327 194,858 156,652 120,075 79,703 82,849 141,496 139,273 161,987 365,ll8 : 483,922 : 632,573 523,394 : 521,123 : 517,621 : 551,6l!o : 610,033 552,994 454,286 424,714 482,276 4,900 3,002 399,871 478,604 1,144 255,978 : 516,171 8,364 605' 544 : 564' 495 ll0,704 933,5o6 : 437,907 142,594 1,036,178 : 425,845 125,429 1,033,415 : 419,398 91,010 goa, 713 : 393,898 Ju 0 4,409 58,990 32,381 23,700 7,351 500 2,530 3,797 279.721 384,733 630,775 618,897 31&,555 279,18o 100 1 o86 83,837 195,943 307,285 : : : : : 62,712 38,515 15,770 6,961 2,903 3,845 3,376 er ll4,772 102,374 ll5,898 152,978 175,893 160,l!o9 125,816 127,772 134,750 126,597 123,905 ll9,635 138,160 130,198 137,332 595,331 578,628 535,928 755,931 839,294 787,344 186,523 284,920 269,290 199,592 199,475 170,305 103,595 l75,o69 219,lll 261,109 192,136 238,526 263,466 210,751 198,413 181,410 177,351 203,338 251,154 287,432 133,319 154,902 151,927 126,255 137,818 128,261 ll4,463 135,346 129,233 134,731 877,096 1,162,270 1,372,352 l,ll4,492 1,079,194 1,019,786 949,233 1,127,776 1,156,452 1,146,830 260,104 238,443 313,561 342,163 422,772 448,678 467,254 412,237 320,831 273,021 366,417 458,641 546,307 624,302 636,396 714,403 137,422 4,734 1,205,367 131,963 3,790 1,125,821 150,243 4,321 1,350, 773 134,·477 42,719 1,542,495 158,981 126,228 1,692,195 l4l,l!o3 ll!o, 746 l, 78o,974 142,165 134,362 1, 799,575 §) 82,883 1,603,421 55,096 54,500 22,365 22,189 2,184 3,990 3,960 9,272 !/ Fran reports of the Grain Division, Agricultural Marketing Service. gj De.ta not available for October 1, prior to 1934, or for January l and April l, prior to 1935. JJ total baaed upon Bureau of Census report of item "In mills and mill elevators attached to mills" for 1927 through April 1945. De.ta not available for October prior to 1931, or for January and April prior to 1932. !!J Beginning July 11 1942, wheat owned by CCC and stored in bins or other storage owned or controlled by CCC; also CCC-owned grain in transit and in Canadian elevators. Other wheat, owned by CCC as well as wheat outstanding under loan is included in other positions. 2/ Beginning with 1937 only old crop wheat shown in all positions. For the years 1927-36 inclusive, sane new wheat is included in tenninal and merchant mill stocks. The figure for July l, 1937 1 including the new wheat, is 102,842,000 bushels. §) Beginning October 1, 1957, merchant mille included with interior mill, elevator and warehouse stocks. - 33 - Table 51.- Rye: Stocks, United States, by quarters, 1934-58 January l Year 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 April l 1 :Interior 1 : Terminal: mill : Conunodity : Farm Farm 1 elevat~r : Credit Total y :: market y gj :and ware-: corpora:house 'J/ : tion !j) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 : bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels : bushels : 10,4oo 6,6oo : 24,500 I 121 000 I J..8,300 : 26,000 : : 13,735 12,572 8,893 4,859 4,724 8,369 24,135 19,172 33,393 16,859 23,024 34,369 10,54o 1940 : 21,000 1941 : 24,500 1942 : 22,4oo 30,500 1943 1944 13,500 9,250 1945 6,476 1946 3,864 1947 7,058 1948 8,6o5 1949 17,474 19,889 21,051 12,207 4,544 2,476 4,072 4,74o 7,557 lt-,133 2,221 2,028 3,162 3,8o1 3l,54o 31,J.4o 39,874 50,389 42,108 25,590 13,241 8,368 14,292 17,146 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 13,728 7,074 9,704 9,338 7,871 6,344 2,892 ll,028 10,940 8,369 8,289 4,489 3,302 3,774 2,858 2,686 3,851 3,737 6,454 3,572 6,352 17,206 18,464 15,733 9,235 21,707 26,373 28,58o 18,973 20,554 3,40o 1934 2,250 1935 1936 : 13,350 1937 : 3,8oo 7,500 1938 1939 : 14,520 ll,452 8,56o 6,379 1,4o6 1,000 7,384 1940 : 10,100 1941 : 13,100 12,100 1942 15,300 1943 5,000 1944 3,030 1945 1,138 1946 1947 575 1,675 1948 3,273 1949 9,506 5,639 17,034 23,309 20,150 6,599 322 1,024 531 2,993 8,505 5,835 2,537 905 722 1,122 1,999 5,900 2,006 1,278 3,630 8,445 6,496 9,503 2,023 1,664 1,316 1,048 1,145 2,735 4,381 4,758 2,416 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 4,566 6,8J.9 6,531 3,657 6,828 9,982 1,957 1,688 1,6ll 1,494 3,655 3,951 2,354 2,006 6,64o 1,714 29 38 9 July 1 l 153 1,589 50 149 9,521 5,010 3,937 6,270 14,988 16,417 16,665 6,594 1 !l!erm1Dal: ware-: tion !::/ .house 'J/ . 1,000 1,000 1,000 bushels bushels ~ gj :and . Total . 1,000 bushels ll,62J. 9,652 7,620 3,022 3,413 7,630 21,8oo 8,325 5,668 2,946 1,643 4,357 5,383 10,138 5,269 17,551 20,458 21,148 10,252 3,ll3 2,139 1,521 2,075 .8,036 6,146 3,538 l,m 1, 2,179 2,335 24,638 24,269 33,951 50,294 35,619 19,458 7,438 5,026 8,057 9,793 3,237 3,923 3,478 2,454 5,582 8,308 10,976 4,415 7,321 5,851 5,321 2,186 9,8ll 8,779 4,296 4,844 2,535 2,947 1,930 2,127 3,327 3,337 8,314 3,422 13,093 12,721 10,729 6,767 l.8,732 20,522 23,6o8 12,681 31,000 ll,776 8,4o7 6,515 5,873 7,761 9,857 31,500 35,000 42,000 21,500 13,959 12,837 9,583 13,172 13,872 8,249 8,520 17,243 18,477 22,907 14,728 4, 73!! 1,126 3,824 4,469 5,435 8,568 4,881 3,301 2,213 4,328 5,28o 3,965 4o,020 52,243 6o,477 52,975 33,568 20,870 12,922 21,324 23,621 17,649 ll,984 10,473 6,58o 10,955 15,923 l9,86o 12,300 15,383 7,694 6,183 3,285 6,24o 12,047 8,932. 10,517 7,684 5,000 3,893 3,238 3,961 4,319 8,288 4,995 6,392 24,678 20,549 13,103 21,156 33,908 38,767 28,027 29,484 14,500 19,000 16,4oo I 14,852 10,810 19,729 5,206 8,500 21,904 19,6o6 18,739 29,134 47,ll4 30,985 12,166 2,365 2,321 3,328 8,265 .; Interior .; Conunodity : mill, : Credit .. market :elevator : Corpora. : : : : : 12 98 22 October 1 4o,B57 1,619 1,687 225 25 y Data not available for October prior to 1939, nor for April prior to 1946. g) From reports of the Grain Division, Agricultural Mu'keting Service. J/ Quarterly data not available prior to April 1943. !j) OWned by CCC and stored in bins or other storages owned or controlled by CCC, also CCC-owned rye in transit to ports; other CCC-owned rye is included in the estimates by position. - 34 - Table 52 .-Wheat: Year Average price per bushel received by f'armt"rs, parity price, and price of' No. 2 Hard Winter at Kansas City1 1939-57 I beginning : Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. *"· Apr. May June Average ~ Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. .54. .6o .88 .95 1.27 1.35 1.4-5 1.78 2.10 1.96 1.79 1.97 2.05 2.<>4. 1.86 2.03 1.90 1.93 1.90 .73 .63 .96 1.03 1.30 1.35 1.4-5 1.79 2.43 1.97 1.87 1.942.07 2.09 1.92 2.07 1.92 1.95 1.90 .70 .68 .91 1.<>4. 1.35 1.4.2 1.51 1.88 2.66 1.98 1.89 1.90 2.10 2.07 1.94. 2.o8 1.94. 1.98 1.92 .73 .72 .93 1.<>4. 1.37 1.4-3 1.53 1.89 2.74 2.<>4. 1.90 1.94. 2.19 2.13 2.00 2.12 1.94. 2.05 1.93 .85 .72 1.05 1.23 1.46 1.4.8 1.58 2.114 2.21 1.98 1.98 2.12 2.20 2.10 2.09 2.12 1.97 2.07 .89 .76 1.00 1.22 1.4-7 1.4-9 1.58 2.4o 2.29 2.00 2,01 2.14 2.18 2.08 2.06 2.09 2.03 2.05 .81 .79 1.00 1.23 1.4.7 1.4-9 ?}1.70 2.39 2.22 2.00 2.<>4. 2.11 2.13 2.06 2.00 2.13 2.00 1.98 .67 .83 .96 1.24 1.4-3 1.50 1.74 2.18 2.11 1.86 1.93 2.o8 2.o6 1.88 1.91 2.o6 1.93 1.91 .69 .67 .94. 1.09 1.35 1.4-1 1.49 1.90 2.29 1.98 1.88 2.00 2.11 2.09 2.<>4. 2.12 1.99 1.97 1.94 1.10 1.11 1.29 1.39 1.4.8 1.50 1.57 1.99 2.17 2.16 2.14 2.4o 2.46 2.43 2.49 2.52 2.39 2.50 1.10 1.11 1.31 1.41 1.4.8 1.50 1.57 2.01 2.19 2.17 2.16 2.4o 2.45 2.44 2.50 2.51 2.39 2.50 1.10 1.12 1.31 1.41 1.4.8 1.50 1.61 2.01 2.20 2.16 2.19 2.4.1 2.45 2.43 2.50 2.51 2.42 2.51 1.10 1.14 1.32 1.41 1.4-9 1.51 1.64 2.02 2.20 2.15 2.21 2.42 2.45 2.42 2.49 2.52 2.4.2 2.51 1.06 .87 1.15 1.38 1.64 1.66 1.72 2.68 2.44 2.26 2.31 2.44 2.49 2.39 2.45 2.46 2.33 2.30 ·95 .90 1.15 1.38 1.63 1.67 .76 .97 1.11 1.37 1.56 1.68 1.86 2.37 2.29 1.95 2.17 2.34 2.31 2.<>4. 2.15 2.19 2.10 2.27 July Aug. Dol. .56 .61 .86 ·95 1,26 1.39 1.46 1.87 2.14 2.03 1.82 1.99 2.05 1.98 1.87 2.00 1.97 1.90 1.91 I July : Price received bl farmers lL 1939 1940 194.1 194.2 194.3 194.4194.5 194.6 194.7 194.8 194.9 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 I I I .82 .84. .84. .72 1.02 1.10 1.4-3 1.4-5 1.54 1.93 2.79 2.05 1.93 2.02 2.22 2.12 2.01 2.12 1.95 2.07 1.94- .73 l.o6 1.18 1.46 1.46 1.54 1.91 2.81 2.02 1.92 2.09 2.20 2.10 2.03 2.14 1.95 2.09 .68 1.05 1.20 1.46 1.4-7 1.55 1.99 2.12 1.94. 1.93 2,21 2.18 2.05 2.06 2.13 1.95 2.07 Parity price ~ 1939 194o 194.1 194.2 194.3 194.4194.5 1946 194.7 194.8 194.9 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 : I I 1.08 1.10 1.15 1.33 1.4.2 1.49 1.51 1.73 2.02 2.00 2.15 2.21 2.41 2.45 2.44 2.50 2.51 2.4.2 2.50 1.08 1.10 1.18 1.33 1.43 1.49 1.51 1.76 2.05 2.20 2.14 2.23 2.41 2.46 2.45 2.50 2.51 2.43 2.50 1.10 1.10 1.19 1.33 1.43 1.49 1.52 1.74. 2.09 2.20 2.12 2.25 2.41 2.46 2.45 2.4.8 2.49 2.44 2.51 1.10 1.10 1.22 1.33 1.44 1.49 1.53 1.8o 2.10 2.18 2.11 2.27 2.4.2 2.45 2,44 2.47 2.49 2.43 2.50 1.10 1.10 1.24 1.34 1.45 1.49 1.53 1.85 2.11 2.17 2.11 2.29 2.43 2.44 2.45 2,4.8 2.49 2.45 2.51 1.10 1.10 1.24 1.36 1.46 1.4-9 1.54 1.86 2.15 2.17 2.12 2.31 2.43 2.43 2.45 2.4.8 2.50 2.46 2.50 1.10 1.10 1.26 1.36 1.47 1.50 1.56 1.89 2.20 2.17 2.13 2.35 2.45 2.44 2.4.8 2.51 2.38 2.49 1.10 1.10 1.27 1.37 1.4.8 1.50 1.56 1.94. 2.18 2.16 2.13 2.36 2.46 2.41 2.4.8 2.51 2.38 2.50 Price of' No. 2 Hard Winter at Kanaas City 1939 194o 194.1 194.2 194.3 194.4194.5 194.6 194.7 194.8 194.9 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 .67 .71 .98 1.o8 1.4o 1.52 1.58 : 1.98 1§/2.29 2.19 2.00 I 2.23 2.31 : 2.25 2.09 I 2.32 2.16 I I 2.~ 2. .65 .69 1.07 1.11 1.4o 1.51 1.6o 1.94. 2.32 2.15 2.06 2.21 2.33 2.32 2.18 2.35 2.15 2.19 2.11 .86 .76 1.14 1.20 1.46 1.53 1.62 1.96 2.65 2.20 2.15 2.21 2.38 2.41 2,22 2.39 2,16 2.28 2.12 .83 .82 1.12 1.20 1.52 1.61 1.68 2.<>4. 2.95 2.23 2.19 2.18 2.45 2.4.2 2.29 2.4.1 2,20 2.31 2.13 .86 .84. 1.13 1.23 1.56 1.59 1.69 2.10 3.00 2.28 2.20 2.22 2.54 2.46 2.34 2.44 2,21 2.36 2.20 .98 .83 1.20 1.30 1.63 1.62 1.69 2.07 3.01 2.29 2.22 2.35 2.54 2.44 2.38 2.46 2.25 2.34 2.18 y 1.01 .85 1.26 1.37 1.65 1.64 1.69 2.09 3.03 2.25 2.22 2.4o 2.52 2.4o 2.38 2.44 2.24 2.36 .99 .78 1.23 1.37 1.63 1.66 1.69 2.26 2.51 2.20 2.22 2.4.8 2.49 2.36 2.39 2.46 2.22 2.34 1.02 .85 1.21 1.4o 1.65 1.66 1.72 2.69 2.45 2.24 2.27 2.4o 2.50 2.4o 2.42 2.4.6 2.28 2.34 Y 2.69 2.4o 2.22 2.30 2.38 2.45 2.36 2.37 2.53 2.24 2.23 .74 .82 1.12 1.26 1.45 1.56 2}1.6o 2.09 2.52 2.19 2.16 2.28 2.43 2.32 2.27 2.37 2.18 2.21 U. S. ;ontblY prices are the result ot weighting monthlY State prices by production through May 1957. Beginning June 1957 monthly State prices are weighted by estimated sales f'or the month. u. s. marketing-year prices are the result of (l) weighting State monthy prices by monthly sales to obtain State marketing-year averages and (2) weighting the State marketing-year average by total sales for each State. Includes an allowance for unredeemed loans at average loan values. 3/ Does not include bonus payment of 30 cents per bushel delivered under the Government purchase program. )./ Computation of' parity prices based on old formula: Average price in base period (August 1909 to July 1914=88.4 cents) X monthly index of ,prices paid by farmers, interest and taxes, as revised January and October 1950 for the period 1926 through 1949. Beginning January 1950, effective parity price based on old formula and beginning 1956, transitional parity. Compiled from the Kanaas City Grain Market Review. Average of daily prices weighted by carlot sales. '2/ Average for 11 months. Beginning July 1947, sales of Dark Hard and Hard Winter wheat combined, reported as Hard Winter. §}I - 35 - Table 53 .- Rye: Year beginning • July July August Average price per bushel received by farmers, parity price, and price of No. 2 at September October ' November December January February Dollars Dollars Dollars ~Unneapolis, 1945-57 ~larch April May ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.95 2.47 2.1.7 1..1.8 1.20 1.61. 1..65 1.49 1..07 1..06 1.01. 1..1.3 1.92 2.45 2.1.2 1..19 1.24 1..61. 1..65 1.40 1.02 1..06 1.01 1.05 1.45 2.40 1.91. 1..1.3 1.21. 1.6o 1.72 1..28 ·99 1..03 .98 l..o4 1..28 1..62 1.17 1..76 1..65 1..76 1..70 1..70 1..11. 1..69 1.66 1..67 L28 1.63 1..79 1..76 1..67 1.76 1.70 1..69 1..11. 1..69 1..67 1..68 1..31 1..63 1..19 1..76 1..70 1..17 1.:70 1..69 1..72 1..68 1..69 1..68 1.33 1..64 1..79 1..75 1..11. 1..17 1..68 1..66 1..11. 1..68 1..69 1..68 2.36 3.54 2.56 1..35 1..39 1..88 2.03 1.75 1..15 1..32 1..22 1..41 2.70 3.1.1. 2.53 1.36 1..40 1..92 1..94 1..61. 1..1.2 1..25 1..24 1..36 2.84 3.1.9 2.41. 1..36 1..44 1..88 1..93 1..52 1..1.0 1..23 1..1.6 1..24 3.03 2.25 1..35 1..42 1..83 2.o4 1..39 1.06 1..1.4 1.1.5 1..29 June Average : Dollars w 0\ 1945 1.946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951. 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 :--r:22 1945 1946 1.947 1948 1949 1950 1.951 1.952 1.953 1.954 1.955 1.956 1.957 : ----r:2J 1.945 1.946 1.947 1.948 1.949 1.950 1.951. 1.952 1.953 1.954 1.955 1.956 1.957 : : : 1.76 2.36 1..72 1.20 1.26 1.55 1.75 1.21. : ·99 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ·90 1.09 1.06 1.41 1.64 1..19 1.75 1.11. 1.17 1.68 1.68 1.69 1.67 1.70 1..67 --- :---r:53 : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.09 2.54 1.78 1.45 1..48 1..79 1.97 1.27 1..25 l..o4 1..33 1.25 · Dollars Dollars :J..~ ~ Price 1.50 2.07 2.49 1..51 1..25 1..32 1.62 1..79 1..17 1..18 ·90 1..24 1..02 received by farmers on 15th of month 11 1.43 1.50 1.64 1..75 2.1.8 2.18 2.33 2.81. 2.45 2.47 1..94 2.1.4 1..47 1..44 1.23 1..1.8 1..1.9 1.21. 1..26 1..25 1.38 1..48 1..58 1.57 1.73 1..11. 1..62 1..70 1..73 1..65 1..57 1..58 1.20 1..1.7 1..1.6 1.1.4 1..1.4 1.1.8 1..1.6 1..12 .94 ·95 ·95 .98 1..20 1..22 1..1.5 1.1.6 .98 1:.24 1..62 2.1.1. 1..46 1..20 1..25 1.46 1..17 1..1.5 1..08 .84 1..1.3 1..00 1.31.--1.91. 2.48 1..39 1..27 1..29 1..46 1..73 1.1.2 1.25 .87 1..20 1..03 1.23 1..43 1.67 1.79 1.74 1.72 1..17 1..68 1..68 1..11. 1..66 1..10 1..67 1..24-----1.-:-25_ _ _ 1.42 1.47 1..70 1..11. 1.78 1..79 1.73 1..72 1..74 1..76 1..17 1..17 1..67 1..66 1..68 1..67 1..69 1..69 1..65 1..66 1..70 1..70 1..68 1..68 1.25-- -- r:25 1.50 1..51 1.72 1.75 1..17 1..17 1..72 1..73 1..17 1..79 1.78 1..78 1..65 1..65 1..68 1..68 1..69 1..69 1.66 1..66 1..11. 1.11. 1..69 1..69 r.~ 1..51. 2.24 2.82 1..50 1..43 1..39 1..66 1..86 1..1.6 1..43 1..1.1. 1..44 1..30 1..842.68 2.82 1..73 1..42 1..46 1..93 1..98 1.25 1..32 1..03 1..47 1..33 1..95 2.47 1..6o 1..38 1..38 1..64 1..95 1..25 1..28 1..05 1..37 1..28 1..99 2.49 1..43 1..28 1..27 1.52 1..74 1..1.5 1..20 ·93 1..21. 1..02 L64 2.39 2.85 1..64 1..46 1..37 1..82 1..91. 1..23 1..37 1..06 1..46 1..31. Parity price gj Price of 1..75 2.79 2.17 1..68 1..46 1..63 2.05 1..92 1..29 1..30 1..1.6 1..46 1.33 No: 1~-- 1.21- 1..54 1..79 1..17 1.65 1..73 1..69 1..71. 1..71 1..68 1..66 1..65 1..58 1..78 1..76 1..65 1..73 1..70 1..69 1..11. 1..68 1..65 1..66 2 at 3J 1..98 2.1.3 2.86 3.1.1. 2.76 2.41. 1..63 1..36 1..43 1..34 1..76 1..89 2.o4 1..92 1..83 1..75 1..31. 1..25 1..42 1..40 1..1.6 1.22 1..50 1..40 ~ -~ 1.94 2.28 1..43 1.20 1..31. 1..52 1..72 1.29 1..21 1..06 1..1.6 1..1.0 1..72 2.55 2.65 1..58 1..42 1..62 1..19 1..91. 1..23 1..32 1..1.0 1..41. 1./ U. s. monthly prices are the result of weighting monthly State prices by production through May 1.957. Beginning June 1.957 monthly State prices are weighted by estimated sales for the month. u. s. marketing-year prices are the result of (1.) weighting State monthly prices by monthly sales to obtain State marketing-year aver~s and (2) weighting the State marketing-year averages by total. sales for each State. Prices include an allowance for unredeemed loans at average loan rates. y Computation of parity prices: Average price in base period (August 1.909 to July 1.91.4~72 cents per bushel.) X monthly index of prices paid by :farmers, interest and taxes, as revised January and October 1.950 :for the period 1.926 through 1.949. Transitional., 1950, 95 percent; 1951., 90 percent and 1952, 85 percent of parity formula in use prior to January 1950. Beginning January 1.953, modernized parity. See Agricultural Prices, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, January 1.950 and later issues. "J! Monthly average of dail~ prices weighted by carlot sales. Compiled from the Minneapolis DailY Market Record. Table 54,- Rice: : Year beginning : August August : : Dollars 1941; 194-' 1}46 1947 1948 1949 : : : : : 1950 : 1S'51 !952 : : 1953 : : 1954 19:.5 1956 2/ 1957 y Blue rose 194!J 1945 1946 19h7 Zenith 1947 ' 1948 ~ 1949 ' 1950 B51 1952 1953 1951: 1955 1956 1957 Year beginning _October 19Ll 194~ 1946 19117 1948 1949 1950 15'51 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :' : : : ' : Average price received by farmers, United States, and average wrclesaie price at New Crleans and San Francisco, 1944-51 : : September : October : : Dollars 3.7 3.67 3.87 6.24 5.33 4.18 4.61 4.N 5.32 5.31 4.06 4.19 4.29 4.86 6,50 6.50 6,c5 11.30 12.6~ l0,90 6.30 6.95 8.5o 10.90 8.75 6.95 8.90 8.95 10.55 9.20 6,20 8.90 3.:>5 9·45 Wholesale rice 6.46 f,/!6 7.94 9.13 7.84 7.10 8.34 9.82 8.98 8.43 8.1.,0 7.74 : ~o·te'Tiber 8,L!0 1·70 : : Dollirs 6,50 6,50 6.5o 9.94 9.04 8.43 8.h0 7. 70 1·90 8.90 l~.o5 12.00 9.00 7.60 9.90 9.4? 10.70 9.35 12,05 10.20 8.00 9.85 9.h0 10.75 9.1!0 1.?.0 9.25 8.50 9·55 : Dollars Dollars 6,50 6,50 12 .oc : December : January 6.116 6,46 8.70 10,G5 9.13 7.37 9.00 Dollars : : 6,1;6 6,u6 8.70 11.01 9.13 7.36 9.18 9.15 10.32 9.o8 8.1!3 8.22 7.70 6,50 6.50 6,90 12.55 6,50 6.!>0 8.90 13.30 12.55 9.60 e.o5 9.9.5 10.05 10.75 9.40 9,/,:J 13.30 $'.10 8.55 March April : : Dollsrs Price ner 100 unds received 4.00 4.02 4.07 4.04 3.96 3.91 5.11 5.13 5.11 6,67 6.22 6.42 5.13 5.36 5.24 4.22 4.41 4.37 5.26 5.33 5.57 5.20 4.90 4.79 6,10 fl,25 6.46 5.26 5.112 5.34 4.64 11.51 4.57 4.48 4.77 4·71 4.68 4.61 4.65 .04 4.8 er lou ba ed of milled Zel"ith : : (:.46 6,46 8.32 10.82 3.13 7.15 8,90 8.1>5 S'.94 8.95 8.43 : 5.37 4offi 4.77 4.75 4. 4 6,50 6.50 7.30 11.70 October : 5.72 6,50 6,50 6,50 1).05 : : : : : February 3.93 4.56 4.81 8,)0 : : January 3.96 4.89 5.s8 IJ.73 3.98 5,03 4.66 h.50 10,1,0 8.60 7.50 8.90 8.4o 9·30 : : December Dollars 3. 3 3.73 4.09 5.22 4.76 3.82 IJ.56 4.03 5.27 4.82 4.23 9.65 8.15 9.05 9.l0 lO.hS 9.3!> 7.45 9,30 8,30 9·35 : : November : Febru'liJ' : March : 6.45 6.116 8.70 11.60 9.<5 7.20 9.29 9.50 10.69 9ol7 8.4~ 8.15 7.93 6.46 6.46 8.70 9.06 7.05 9.~3 ).6S 12.00 9,33 8.43 8.15 7·95 : : : May Dollars Dollars rice 15th of month 1 •.02 4.00 4.00 4.09 4.09 4.09 5.18 5.18 5.24 6,82 6.78 6.73 4.1':-9 4.82 4.B 4.22 4.34 4.30 5.78 5.72 5.67 5.25 5.36 5.1!7 6,86 6,91 6,91 5,01 5.21 4.85 4,Lb 4.55 4·~2 4·52 "·50 "·50 4.88 4.91 4.98 u.s. No.2 Fane 12.65 9.20 12.50 9.10 13.00 9.~5 5.ou 10.05 10,L5 10.'75 9.1!0 9,1;0 8.90 8.8o 10.55 10.50 12.20 9.2S 9.70 8,Ro 8.90 8,/0 u.60 8,7£ 7.03 9.28 9.65 12.15 9.23 8.58 8.15 8.o8 July : : Aver~ge Dollars Dollars Dollars 4.02 4.02 4.93 6,96 4.73 4.19 4.02 4.07 5.82 6.91 4.56 /!,IJ6 5.23 5.62 5.95 4.14 4.26 4.44 4.90 3.93 3.98 5.00 5S7 4,86 4.10 5.09 4.82 5.87 5.!9 4.57 4.81 4.86 6.50 13.25 13.00 l6,LO 6,50 7.05 6,80 13.10 8.90 16.1!> 7.90 May 6,46 6,46 8,70 12.33 8.53 7.05 9.21 9.f5 12.::.5 9.20 6.15 8.o8 at San Fancy 8.71) 12. 8,<2 ~ ~? I o-- 9.19 9.b5 12.08 9.20 8.L5 8.15 8.o8 : : : 8,Lo 10.40 10.50 12,00 B.Bo 11.~5 10,75 8.4o 9.45 8.90 8.75 8.1;0 9.20 Fr&~cisco July : : : 9so docks 3 : August :Septe.'!lber : : 6.46 12,5C 11.51 12.62 7 .'J7 8.08 9.28 llo 11,68 9.16 9.45 8.15 8.o8 10.55 9o13 8.1!5 8.10 8.o8 9.n5 8.60 10.35 10.50 12 ,1;0 6.60 8.?0 11.<5 6:15 9·05 8.75 8.90 12,8S 9.15 7.85 9.90 9.85 11.30 9.l0 15.40 8,80 12.4:) 10.70 6.!>6 6,46 6,90 15.75 8.00 10.50 10,50 7.95 June 6.50 6,50 9.'JO 10,30 10.50 12.:,0 9.05 : : : s.o at t!ew Orleans 12.75 6.46 6.1!6 : : 5.62 6.70 4.19 4.35 4·50 4.91 6.50 6.50 8.90 13.70 April June ;..u 6,50 (),50 6.90 12.80 6.50 6.50 : : : : : 7)' of milled CaJ.ifN·:U.a Pearl U. S, No. 2 : : : : : t .4!:6,1,6 ~ 7.95 8.74 9.13 9.t-5 Average : 6,1)6 7.35 10,32 11.23 7.78 8.46 8.65 9.68 9.07 6.54 8.!6 8.10 8.04 6,!;6 7.05 9.23 11.51 8.48 7.49 9.07 9.34 10.87 9.08 8.46 8.21 7 ·93 1 U. S. monthly prices are t e r e~ult of weighting monthly State prices by production. u.s. '!larketing-year prices are the result of 1 ~~ighting State montr~y pr ces by ~onthly sales to obtain State marketing-ye~r averages, anrl (2) weighting the State marketing-year average• by total s~les for each State, Averages weighted by production usually the same. y Preliminary. Averages for 1956 and 1957 are weighted by production. 1' Date frcm Grain Division, AMS. Table 55·- Wheat: Supply and disappearance, Canada, .Australia and Argentina, averages 1935-39 and 1940-44, annual 1945-57 Canada Year beginning .August 1 Su 1 Carryover y Production Total Million bushels Million bushels Million bushels 101.1 431.1 312.4 421.6 413.5 852.7 258.1 73.6 86.1 77·7 102.4 112.2 189.2 217.2 383.2 618.7 536.7 579.6 .=,19...,.5:..~.7~3,u./~;:------=--l29. 5 Year beginning December 1 316.3 411.6 338.5 381.4 366.0 466.5 553.6 701.9 634.0 331.9 519.1 573.1 Average 1935-39 1940-44 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 ]/ Average 1935-39 1940-44 13.8 91. 0 373.5 Disappearance Exports Domestic gj including flour Million Million bushels bushels 111.6 158.6 183.5 271.7 574.4 343.2 157.6 485.2 239.4 159·7 424.6 195.0 151.9 124.4 232.3 459·1 468.4 225.1 131.1 241.0 148.5 578.7 742.8 169.8 355.8 150.4 919.1 385.5 1,017.2 143.4 255.1 162.0 950.6 251.9 1,055.8 167.0 309.2 160.4 1,152.7 262.8 1,103._0_______________________________ Australia 169.7 113. 5 183.5 204. 5 55.1 76.7 102.5 50.0 78.o 1945 11.3 142.4 153·7 55·7 46.0 78.0 1946 20.0 117·3 137·3 76.0 131.1 1947 13.3 220.1 233.4 119.8 78.2 1948 26.3 190·7 217.0 121.2 72.2 1949 19.0 218.2 237.2 129.6 1950 43.8 184.2 228.0 79.0 82.9 1951 19.4 159·7 179·1 79·3 102.0 1952 16.9 195.2 212.1 72.4 65.1 1953 37·7 ].98.0 235·7 75·7 1954 94.9 168.6 263.5 98.3 71.2 127.2 1955 94.0 195.6 289.6 75.4 107.2 1956 ]/ 87.0 135.0 222.0 71.6 ~19~5~7~3~/~~~-~--~43.~2______~~6~.8~------~l~~~.o~--------------------------. Year beginning necemb~e~r_.l____~ ______________________________A_r_ge_n_t_ina ________________________________ Average 1935-39 1940-44 53.1 151.2 From 274.9 385.8 103.3 131.4 120.4 88.7 54.4 90.0 143.6 233.6 134.2 80.9 45.0 206.3 251.3 130.4 81.2 4o.o 238.8 278.8 127.6 68.4 70.0 191.0 261.0 137.6 100.7 128.3 55.0 189.0 244.0 15 .o 213.0 228.0 114.3 93·7 88.4 20.0 77.2 97.2 3.8 5.0 280.5 285.5 131.6 81.9 72.0 227.8 299.8 127.9 111.9 60.0 282.6 342.6 132·7 121.9 97.4 88.0 192-9 280.9 128.5 136.8 99·1 55.0 260.9 315.9 8o.o ________~2~2~.~o~--------~o~.~o~----------------------------- 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 ]/ 1957 3/ }j 221.8 234.6 previous crops. gj EXcludes imported wheat, which was generally insignificant except in 1951-52 when about 8 million bushels were imported into Argentina. ]/ Preliminary. - 38- Table 56.- Byproduct feeds: Estimated use for feed, United States, 1940-56 y Year begimliDg October 1 : : Item 1940 1,000 y "'"" 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 : : : 1949 : : : 1950 : : : 1951 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 4,762 125 798 ll6 206 4,533 124 1,029 174 345 4,739 145 4,963 139 900 231 444 5,488 150 9lb 217 634 4,896 155 856 6,098 166 1,097 5,48o 178 853 229 4,754 214 916 233 352 4,818 187 1,066 241 642 4,974 243 9ll 213 4,917 190 866 233 334 311 294 294 68o 1zJi:31> 154 734 175 332 1 1122 1z22lj: 352 1 1 02!!; 1z212 443 1 1 218 B1 lil5 ~ Mill b;!l!roducts Wheat millfeeds Rice millfeeds Gluten feed and meal Brewers 1 dried grains Distillers 1 dried grains Dried and molssses beet pulp Alfalfa meal Total 1941 470 1>.1&! Oilseed cake and meal Cottonseed cake and meal Soybean cake and meal Linseed cake and meal Peanut cake a!ld meal Copra cake and meal Total 1z~ 1,821 1,785 891 71 992 230 356 2,078 3,074 794 109 34 1z~2 Bz~ 1,790 3,323 998 lll 228 410 353 218 1 11; 1z!!5 285 1 1 040 2z322 eJ; 1,433 3,655 563 90 6 1,434 3,745 370 98 1 7 1,953 3,383. 606 122 1 326 297 : : : 1952 1,000 ~ : : : 1953 Other byproduct feeds §j Grand total 802 1954 1,000 ~ 1,000 ~ 1,000 1,000 ~~ 4,669 4,487 4,622 238 257 1,072 1,010 246 236 4,720 263 955 224 186 1,001 244 4,567 303 1,034 238 251 396 l·m s. 385 1 1 043 71 497 1 1 210 B1 122 554 1 1 324 B1 271 478 550 1 1 24~ 1 1152 8 1 050 Bzii1 2,650 5,640 520 99 2,671 5,510 478 44 2,926 4,965 526 63 1 2,405 5,428 488 18 182 ,521 2,5ll 2,216 6,042 7,093 483 439 46 27 181 160 9,179 10, 9 223 339 220 273 228 9,129 877 202 975 202 228 745 213 740 202 823 236 854 288 842 324 882 332 946 438 1,032 390 1,078 438 150 130 95 105 105 100 120 90 llO ll5 100 llO ll5 395 1 1 700 2 1000 2 1 000 2 1 ~00 2z220 2z4oo 2z12° ~.322 3 1 600 Jz800 17,944 19,699 19,193 20,262 21,013 22,338 22,902 22,829 23,524 23,656 21 000 2 1000 1 1 600 1 1 600 1 1 600 16,68o. 18,009 18,367 19,051 286 395 464 404 170 155 150 3z222 ~.400 24,025 24,675 y Estimated use for feed is derived by adding production and imports; deducting exports, utilization for food, and other nonfeed uses; and adjusting for changes in stocks for the following feeds for which stock data have been compiled: Cottonseed cake and meal; brewers 1 1111d distillers 1 dried grains; pe1111ut cake 1111d meal; alfalfa meal, 1944 to date; soybe1111, linseed, 1111d copra cakes 1111d meals, February 1949 to date. gj Sales by the vet processing industry 1940-54; shipments 1955 to date. Includes corn oilJDeal. Formerly estimated production. 3/ Data have been revised beginning with January 1955, by extending coverage to include additional plants. !fi' Includes dried 1111d concentrated skim milk, buttermilk, and whey mooufacturud for 8ll1mal feed. 5/ Dry equivalent of milk, skim milk, buttermilk, and whey fed in liquid form. Estimated quantities of hominy feed, oat millfeeds, molasses, end screenings fed to livestock. :2/ 290 1" 1,339 1" 1,557J'l,485 835 207 792 263 16,288 ; 1955 • 1956 : : Animal Eroteins Ta.llkage and meat meal Fish meal and solubles Commercial dried milk products l!J Non-commercial milk products 2J Total : : Table 57.·- High-protein feeds: Quantity available for feeding, high-protein feed-consuming animal units, and quantity per animal unit, United States, 1926-56 Year beginning October 1 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956~ Quantity available for feeding (In terms of 44 percent protein soybean meal equivalent) Quantity : Animal fed: per annually: animal unit Jl --~O~i:-::1-s-eed+.;:;.m.;:;.ea;:;.;l;:;::;-;:;;.;JI~=--==-....;;;.;;o=-:..=..:=~-----:units :Soybean : Other : :meal y : oilseed : meals 2/: Total : Animal : Grain protein : protein Total y 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 tons tons tons tons tons tons 2,083 1,700 1,929 1,967 1,763 1,589 1,551 1,524 1,463 1,671 2,006 2,096 2,112 1,755 2,011 2,070 1,874 1,709 1,653 1,613 1,703 2,224 2,485 2,743 2,8o7 2,964 3,594 2,274 2,214 2,319 2,323 2,341 2,334 2,422 2,396 29 55 82 103 111 120 102 89 24o 553 479 647 918 1,148 1,342 1,606 2,767 2,991 3,301 1,889 1,816 2,252 2,224 2,381 2,304 2,049 3,363 1,686 3,483 3,18o 3,950 4,336 5,546 5,527 5,455 4,965 5,428 6,042 7,093 1,599 2,209 2,446 2,584 2,251 2,697 2,624 2,876 2,~81 2, 29 2,253 3,830 5,148 5,295 5,350 5,049 5,o82 5,389 6,396 6,920 7,797 8,224 8,079 7,841 7,8o9 8,471 9,346 2,290 2,416 2,414 2,375 2,470 2,522 2,684 2,555 2,522 2,604 2,4o2 2,263 2,223 2,301 2,414 2,456 2,466 2,638 2,657 2,948 2,977 3,278 3,095 441 468 454 425 346 361 370 452 4o2 516 495 461 492 512 634 867 838 866 966 773 966 791 792 831 1,069 817 767 826 853 897 857 4,827 4,437 4,784 4,818 4,561 4,4o4 4,445 4,461 4,395 5,156 5,394 5,579 5,769 5,998 6,912 7,252 8,5o8 8,765 8,718 8,o85 8,271 8,481 9,602 10,207 11,332 11,679 11,503 11,615 11,639 12,646 13,298 Million units 83.0 83.2 84.2 86.2 85.5 87.7 90·5 88.4 78·3 82.5 8o.8 81.3 86.8 90.2 92.0 99·2 112.3 113.3 106.0 101.5 97.4 92.8 96.3 99·0 101.3 102.0 100.2 100.2 101.5 104.4 102.9 Pounds 116 107 114 112 107 100 98 101 112 125 134 137 133 133 150 146 152 155 164 159 170 183 199 206 224 229 230 23? 229 242 258 y In terms of soybean meal equivalent (44 percent protein content) converted on basis of digestible protein, using the following factors: soybean meal 1943 and earlier years, .90; this factor was increased by one percentage point in each of the succeeding 10 years to allow for increasing protein content, to 1.00 in 1953, which will be used in succeeding years; cottonseed, .8; linseed, ·75; peanut, 1.0; copra~ .4; tankage and meat meal, 1.1; fish meal, 1.45; dried milk products, • 7; gluten feed and meal, .6; brewers 1 dried grains, .45; distillers' dried grains, .5. gj Cottonseed, linseed, peanut and copra meals. JJ High-protein feed-consuming livestock. Based on animal units of grain-consuming livestock, excluding horses and mules, adjusted for importance of high-protein feeds in total concentrates fed. The following factors were applied to the grain-consuming livestock animal units: dairy cattle, 1.00; beef cattle, sheep and poultry, .8o; and hogs, .35. For calculation of grainconsuming livestock animal units, see Animal Units of Livestock Fed Annually, 1909-56, July, 1957· !!} Preliminary. - 4o - Table 58 • - Production of specified byproduct feeds, United States, year beginnlng October 1 1926-56 Year beginning_ October Oilseed cake and meal Soybean Linseed Peanut Copra Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 728.6 755.2 767.2 568·9 528.9 361.0 359.2 375·2 397.6 456.9 586.1 412.0 481.4 538.9 744.'1 9Q2.2 797.6 997.0 449.4 562.4 3'14.! 625.5 686.8 689.2 729.8 495·1 45'1·7 576.7 544.8 581.7 m.5 Gluten feed and meal J:l 1·1 13.3 12.2 26.8 15.4 11.4 14.6 10.2 43.8 45.9 57.0 48.2 65.0 30.3 133·5 57·3 103.0 lo8.7 98.6 8'1.4 122.0 123.0 116.7 138.7 151.3 94.5 42.0 63.2 18.5 57·5 62.5 Alfalfa meal 3;1i1.8 y1i·9 084.5 119.6 121.3 80.6 84.2 1o8.7 156.8 178.0 200.0 206.4 175·5 194.8 190.7 226.9 184.2 194·9 190.3 204.8 187.9 183.3 188.5 189.1 217.5 213.7 197.0 221.3 321.2 J/293.6 J/342.5 3/Im 7 Dr ed and l92b 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956g/ 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 l941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 l956"2L !f Calebaat- year gJ Fish meal solubles and Cottonseed 2,923·0 1,981.8 2,332.0 2,289.0 2,065.6 2,499.2 2,104.9 1,834.5 1,588.4 l, 791.2 2,145.7 2, 759·1 1,969·9 1, 775·0 1,988.3 1, 791.7 2,014.9 l, 749.0 1,916.3 1,409.8 1,428.3 2,015.6 2,416.1 2,496.6 l, 723.3 2,524.2 2,681.0 3,014.4 2,515.4 2,628.1 2,289.3 Wheat millfeeds 4;783.7 4,894.0 4,907·9 4,951.8 4, 743.5 4,375·7 4,286.5 4,173.0 4,122.8 4, 524.4 4,410.9 4,466.4 4,545.0 4,262.8 4,348.0 4,346.0 4,629.0 4,905·0 5,437_.0 4, 781.0 6,054.0 5,420.0 4, 795·0 4,580.0 4,535.0 4,66o.o 4,460.0 4,425.0 4,4TI.O 4,429.0 4 1 ~4o.o 8.3 13.'1 21.5 40.7 98.6 114.7 84.3 13·9 220.4 613.1 495.8 724.1 1,064.4 1,348.8 1,543.4 1,844.9 3,200.3 3,446.0 3,698.6 3,837 ·3 4,o86.4 3,832.7 4,330·5 4,585.6 5,896.7 5, 703.7 5,551·3 5,050.6 5, 704.8 6,545.8 7.509.3 Rice mi11feeds 644.8 702.6 702.1 647.4 541.1 510.9 553.2 607.8 474.1 582.8 547.2 568.9 618.0 641.6 797.8 1,029.2 991.6 900-2 917·5 855·7 1,097.2 853.0 866-3 915.6 1,065.8 911.1 954.8 1,001.3 1,034.3 1,072.5 2/83.0 88.9 88.5 1o8.o 124.3 124.1 119.9 124.8 124.5 144.7 139-0 149.6 154.8 166.1 177·6 190.4 213.7 187.0 243.3 263.1 273.2 303.0 237·7 2~1-0 follOWing. .-' 1 1 0l.O.~ 70.2 79·3 94.4 93.2 85.6 70.6 8·1.7 89.2 60.9 '18.4 63.6 71·1 74.8 90·3 90·8 48.1 33.'1 32.9 42.3 6'(.6 194.2 169·9 !28.2 153.6 148.8 121.5 116.1 116.0 117.4 112.2 113·3 ~ 2,843.3 3,227 ·3 3,018.6 2,794.1 3,056.9 2,650. 7 2,383.0 2,311.1 2,985·5 3,348.2 4,021.1 3,655·5 3, 783-3 4, 500.7 4,644.2 6,149·5 6, 333·6 6,205.2 5,964.5 6,205.0 6, 766.7 7,678·3 8,063.7 8,649·9 8,939.0 8,848.1 8,820.9 8,900·9 9,925·3 10 549 0 Distillers' Bi-ewet's' dried grains dried grains 374.2 350·7 374.7 248.3 178.4 193·9 233·9 204.9 284.0 380.0 370.0 410.0 440.0 470.0 590.0 679·8 771.8 935·5 1,253.1 1,016.2 1,110.1 1,069.6 1,146.0 1,165.1 1,286.1 1,070.6 1.265.1 1,402.1 1,174.3 11204. 240.4 230.4 149.4 149.1 163.6 206.5 345.4 356.9 443-9 633·5 327.9 411.3 351.1 332·9 365.1 634.1 332.2 185·7 245.3 249.9 285.9 229..3.. 98.9 110.2 103.8 104.0 101.0 117.2 168.7 232.4 230·7 217.4 211.',1 228.3 233.1 232.4 233.0 238.9 222.6 228.7 226.5 238.4 243.5 - .236.5 -- molasses beet pulp 152.0 165.0 139·0 159.0 210.0 174.0 250.0 275.0 222.0 199.0 230.0 217.0 324.0 273.0 292.0 278.0 283.0 154.0 171.0 216.0 280.0 294.0 275·0 300.0 406.0 319.0 320.0 439.0 515.0 lt6o.o ~~-0 Prelim:1n&r:y. 'J/ Revi•ed to 1Dc1ude dry veigbt equivalent of ao1ub1es. ':/ Includes corn oil meal 1932 to date. Total .aales 1932-54; sbipmenta 1955 to date. 5/ Part:cy estimated, ~anpUed aa follOIIBI Wheat millteeds and cottooaeed cake and meal, and beginning JIUluary 1949, soybean, linseed, and copra cakes and meala, Bureau of the Census; prior to JIUlU&rY 1949, soybeiUl, linseed, and copra cakes and meala derived from Census crusbiDga reports; fiab meal and aolubles, Fish and Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior; sales of gluten feed and meal and corn oil meal from re:parta ot Price Waterbouse and COIJ!PBIIY, !'lev York; rice millteeds, alfalfa meal, distillers 'dried grains, and brewers' dried grains, Gra1D Diviaion, A. M. s.; Dried and Molaasea beet pulp, SUgar Division, css. - 41 - Table 59 . - Production of specified feeds: Year beginning October United States, by months, 1950-57 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan, Feb. 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 376.0 457-0 424.0 424.0 398-0 411.0 417.0 431.0 378.0 4o3.0 377-0 363.0 387.0 385.0 378.0 381.1 391.0 376.0 380.0 366.0 383.0 377-0 365.0 384.8 443.0 429.0 398-0 380.0 384.0 380.0 419-9 373-0 376.0 337-0 345.0 356.0 347.0 358.6 386.0 364.0 365.0 377-0 394.0 369.0 367-9 339-0 363.0 343.0 339-0 348.0 335-0 360.6 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 32.2 35.4 41.4 39-1 27-0 30-3 34.6 31.8 21.1 24.6 31-5 33-7 17-5 16-9 27.1 20.1 15-2 20.4 33-8 26.6 13.0 11.1 20.1 12.9 16.7 22.2 24.4 27-5 12.1 12.4 18.1 14.9 20.3 20.5 23.6 17.8 13.8 21.8 13.1 19-2 18.8 18.5 19.2 11.1 20.1 8.4 18.8 14-9 14-7 33-2 8.8 14.4 Mar. Apr. 1,000 tons May June July Aug. Sept. Total 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 368.0 353-0 348.0 328.0 350.0 363.0 365-7 343.0 368.0 357-0 363.0 371.0 342.0 347.0 364.0 388.0 372-0 362.0 356.0 348.0 366.0 396.0 386.0 365.0 381.0 372.0 394.0 394-9 378.0 397-0 394.0 397-0 378,o 378.0 399-4 4,535.0 4,66o.o 4,46o.o 4,425.0 4,477.0 4,429.0 4, 54o.o 8.1 18.4 14.1 11.7 4o.o 12.0 12-5 9-7 13.9 11.2 12.7 34.8 23.2 16.3 11.3 7-8 6.5 13.0 28.0 31.4 25.1 15-3 11-7 18.2 25.4 30.4 29.2 22.5 21.0 30.6 27-8 26.7 30.1 37-5 24.4 187.0 243-3 263.1 273-2 303.0 237-7 257-0 24.7 21.4 19-7 25-5 25.0 25-5 23.4 23-7 23.0 21.9 23.2 23-5 25-7 25.0 24.3 22.3 25-7 20.7 22.6 23-4 21.2 19.1 17-1 22.4 17-9 20.:1 16.8 17.1 238.9 222.6 228.7 226.5 238.4 243-5 236.5 41.5 18.8 17-1 21.2 22.4 23-7 21.1 31-3 15-3 13.6 16.1 14.8 12.8 11.9 34-5 10.7 13.4 15-5 19.6 17-7 18.4 36.4 9-1 18.7 16.8 23.1 19-7 22-7 634.1 332.2 185-7 245-3 249-9 285-9 290-3 176.4 221.4 206.9 229.6 262.4 230-7 223-5 207.0 233-6 186.5 223.6 273-1 222.0 243-7 173-9 200.2 158-7 179-0 221.7 190-7 206.4 138.0 151-7 138-9 189.2 147.0 134-7 158-3 1,165.1 1,286.1 1,070.6 1,265.1 1,402.1 1,174-9 1,2C4.8 158.0 202.8 190.6 210.7 243.8 216.2 211-7 178-7 210.3 166.9 202-5 255-1 206.8 230.8 151.2 178.1 141.1 159-2 202.3 175-8 193-2 118.6 133-9 112.6 169-9 133-2 119-7 146-1 904-5 1,005-7 862.5 1,045.9 1,178-5 998-2 1,032.7 18.4 18.6 16.3 18.9 18.6 14.5 11.8 28.3 23.3 19-6 21.1 18.0 15-2 12.9 22-7 22.1 17.6 19.8 19.4 14.9 13.2 19.4 17.8 26.3 19-3 13.8 15.0 12.2 260.6 280.4 208.1 219-2 223.6 176-7 172-1 Wheat millfeeds Brewers 1 dried graiDB 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 16.4 16.6 17-7 20.1 16.3 18.4 16.4 17.0 16-3 15.6 14.5 14.7 14.2 15-5 17-i 13- 16.0 15.6 16.8 13.6 17.1 16.9 17-5 13-8 18.0 17.0 16.7 13-9 16.2 17-3 16.8 16.6 16-7 16.0 15-7 16.3 18.4 16.2 20-9 19.0 19-0 18.9 19-6 21.6 19-5 20.0 18.5 19-9 19.8 22.2 21.0 21-3 22.9 19.8 18.4 22-5 25.1 23.0 24.8 Dist Hlers 1 dried grains 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 61.0 4o.3 9-1 24.7 22.0 28.6 26.3 29-0 65.0 35-6 9-4 23.1 23.4 29.4 24.5 27.1 67.8 35-0 12.1 22.3 20.8 26.1 25-3 26.0 67.3 32-3 14.1 20.0 19.0 24.0 32.1 58.4 40.4 18.1 20.6 21.8 24.2 25.1 69.2 44.0 22-7 22.1 23.0 26.1 28.1 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 111.2 95-0 101.3 88.6 lll,O 117.0 95-1 114.6 42.9 50-7 35-9 36.6 51.1 38.8 33-5 30.8 35-8 38-9 28.7 27-6 35-0 22.1 21.3 19-5 52.4 39-2 29.8 25.1 24.4 23.2 19-7 45-9 37-9 31.1 27-7 25-7 21.2 20.2 56-3 4o.4 35-8 39-1 36.2 26.5 27-2 49.4 26.2 18.6 20.0 21.6 25-9 28.0 52-3 24.5 18.8 22.9 18.4 27-7 26.8 Ali'illa meiil - Totil! 35-4 46.6 32.8 53-8 47.6 31.8 31-9 89-9 130-5 84.2 145.2 166.9 116.2 124.0 Ait81fa meiil - DebYdiated 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 92-3 66.8 78-7 70-9 89.6 103-7 77-1 101.7 21.4 17-3 17.4 19.4 29.1 22-9 13.1 16.8 15-3 7-8 11.5 9-0 9-2 5-0 3-4 2.8 20.1 3-7 11.3 5.0 4.1 7-1 3-7 19.8 15.6 16.0 12.4 8.9 6.3 6.3 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 18.9 28.2 22.6 17-7 21.4 13-3 18.0 12-9 21.5 33.4 18.5 17-2 22.0 15-9 20.4 14.0 20.5 31.1 17-2 18.6 25.8 17-1 17-9 16.7 32.3 35-5 18.5 20.1 20.3 16.1 16.0 26.1 22.3 15.1 15-3 16.8 14.9 13.9 32-3 22.4 23-7 20.1 17.0 11.6 13.8 22.4 32.0 21.4 36-3 33-0 19-5 20.4 74.4 115.0 11-3 130-5 153-2 103.6 113.1 illilla meal - Sun-cured 24.0 18.0 12.1 19-0 19.2 14.9 13.4 13.0 14.6 11.4 17-5 14.6 12.3 11.5 15-5 15-5 12.9 14.7 13-7 12.6 10.9 Compiled as fOllows: Rice millfeeds, brewers' e.nd distillers' dried grains e.nd e.J.falfa meal., Grain Division, Agricultural Marketing Service; vheat mi1lfeeds, Bureau of the Census. - 42 - Table 60 .- .::om gluten feed and meal and com oil meal: Year begl.nning: October: 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Nov. Oct. Apr. Dec. Jan. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 95-5 74.4 77-l 77-9 78.1 88.4 85.6 83.5 73-0 75·5 77-6 76-7 88.5 81.1 95·3 74.1 82.1 86.0 87.1 88.2 d2.5 87.9 78.2 79-1 86.3 88.0 86.0 dl.9 97.8 78.8 8o.8 79-6 87.0 92.1 83.9 95-6 74.8 70.4 76-3 86.3 81.1 71.9 76.6 72-8 76.2 75.4 86.8 77·5 78.5 1,000 1,600 ~ ~ 1,000 ~ 82.6 79-0 88.7 95.4 84.3 105.1 98.0 93-2 9'1-1 78-7 79-6 83.8 88.7 91.0 91.8 8!l.9 101.5 69.8 77-6 90-6 86.3 93·9 86.6 9Q.4 Feb. Sales, Un1 ted States, by monthS, 1950-57 Mar. May June July !I Sept. Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ 81.5 75-6 84.6 86.8 89·5 93·5 85-9 73-9 81.9 83.1 85.6 95·5 87.2 82.8 1,o65.8 911.1 954.8 1,001.3 1,034.3 1,072.5 1,010.5 Aug. !J TOtal ;ales October 1950 .September 1955 1 shipments October 1955 to date. Compiled tram reports of Price Waterhouse and Co., New York. Table 61 • - meal and soluble&: Year begl.nning October 19'19 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 ~ 1957 "JI Oct. : Nov. : Dec.· : Jan. : Production, United States, by months, 19'19-57 !/ Feb. : Mar. Apr. May : : June July Aug. Sept. Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ !2!!!.. ~ ~ ~ ~ !2!!!.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 12-3 15-3 8.5 7-2 5.6 12.6 19.4 12.6 11.8 14.3 17.0 6.0 7-0 7-7 11.6 15.6 16.0 10.6 12.0 7-5 4.7 1.7 y5.4 2.7 6.6 5-2 2.7 3-3 2-9 1.6 3-7 2.6 4.1 4.5 3.2 3.4 2.2 2.1 5-2 3·5 4.1 4.4 3·5 4.9 7-3 6.9 14.1 6.6 10.9 8.7 14.3 16.4 14.4 25-9 20.0 3C.3 24.3 33·3 36-9 38.2 49·9 73·5 63.4 67-3 66.9 38.8 35.8 37.0 40.5 49-3 48.7 61.1 52.1 26.6 22.4 27.0 36.4 47.0 37-l 37·3 38-7 217-5 213-7 197·5 221.3 321.2 293-6 342.5 301.7 32-3 25-7 18.8 16.7 21.4 23.1 21.2 22.8 33-2 29-8 27.2 28.5 36-9 62.4 61.7 64.6 45.4 !J Based ~n items which normally account for about 90 to 95 percent of the total production. of soluble& January 1954 to date. 'JJ Prel1udnary. Compiled tram reports of Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior. Table 62 • - Tankage and meat meal: Year begl.nn1ng : October Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. y Includes dry weight equivalent Production, Un1 ted States, by monthS, 19'19-57 Apr. Mar. May June July Aug. Sept. Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ !2!!!.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :!:!!!!!_ ~ y 16.9 18.6 17-tl 19.1 18.8 18.8 26.9 27.4 24.9 ltl.5 22.3 19-9 19.4 21.3 21.3 29.4 30-7 24.9 19.4 21.0 19.1 19.4 20.0 20.8 27.1 28.1 23.4 15.4 21.8 21.0 21.5 19.8 !/26.2 28.3 26.1 15-3 18.5 18.7 19.6 17-7 24.5 28.2 24.2 15.8 17-3 16.2 18.2 16.8 22.3 25.3 22.7 16.2 14.6 15-7 18.6 16.6 22.4 25.1 22.3 15.2 14-5 17-7 17.6 16.8 24.8 23.6 21.0 16.1 15.0 16.2 18.5 17.4 22-7 24.3 23.1 15-9 18.0 19.2 19.2 20.0 26.5 29.4 26.1 15.6 17.4 17.0 18.2 18.3 26.2 25.4 24.5 195-3 213.4 209-5 226.9 219.8 278.8 316.5 297.1 y 48.0 52-5 58·9 66.4 73·7 68.2 100.3 108.7 102.9 48.6 53·3 60.3 59-0 67.8 69-7 99·5 108.1 95·7 49.5 55-5 55-6 58.8 70-5 69.4 105.1 96.5 92-l 46.0 56.4 62.2 62.4 68.8 !/90.0 100.1 lo6.4 45.0 48.7 54-5 55-1 64.0 85.2 101.0 92-7 48.1 49.8 51.8 60.0 68.8 91.8 101.9 92.4 53-3 51.6 55-9 66.4 65-7 90·5 107-9 100.2 51.0 50.0 56.0 66.0 68.0 97·8 100-7 9'1.8 51.1 50.7 54-7 70.0 67.2 92-5 101.2 9'1.4 51-5 59-2 59·9 68.9 66.5 99-6 112.7 100.7 5Q.2 53-3 59-8 68.4 68.9 99-0 98.5 94.0 589-7 627-7 684.4 765.4 818.6 l,o42.4 1,229.1 1,181.6 y 64.9 71-l 76-7 85-5 92-5 &7.0 127.2 136.1 127.8 67.1 75-6 80.2 78.4 89.1 91.0 128.9 138.8 120.6 61.4 68.9 78.2 76·5 83.2 74-7 78-2 83-9 88.6 90·5 90.2 !/116.2 128.4 132.2 124.6 132-5 115-5 60.3 67.2 73-2 74-7 81.7 109-7 129.2 116.9 66.2 64.5 70·7 83.6 84.8 122.6 124.3 115.8 67.2 65.7 70·9 88.5 84.6 115.2 125-5 117-5 67.4 77-2 79-l 88.1 86.5 126.1 142.1 126.8 65.8 70-7 76.8 86.6 87.2 125.2 123-9 118.5 785.0 841.1 893-9 992-3 1,038.4 1,321.2 1,545.6 1,478-7 ~!I 19'19 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 15.0 14.4 14.0 17.6 16.3 22.3 23.5 20.9 ~!!!.!!!!!/ 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 47.4 46.7 54.8 64.1 68.7 88.7 100.2 92·7 ~ tankage ~ 19'19 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 63-9 67.1 68.0 78.2 85.6 114.1 127.2 115.1 62.4 61.1 68.8 81.7 85.0 111.0 123-7 113.6 !!!!!!! !!!.!!!! !I 69-5 66.2 71-6 85.0 82.3 112.9 133-0 122.5 !/ Data ~ve been revised beginning wit.h January 1955, by extending co.,..rage to include 8dd1t.ional plant.s and specifying t.hat. meat meal should include poultry byproduct. meal (feat.her meal not. included). Data for the years prior to 1955 are not comparable with the revised eat.imat.ea for 1955-57. gj Preliminary. - 43 - Table 63 . --Soybean cake and meal: Production, stocks, foreign trade, and domestic disappearance, United states, by months, 1953-57 Year and item Oct. Nov. 1,000 1,000 !2!!!.. !2!!!.. ~ Stocks}:/ Production Imports ~orts Dec. Jan. Feb. 1,000 1,000 1,000 !2!!!.. !2!!!.. May June July /w.g. Bept. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 !2!!!.. !2!!!.. !2!!!.. !2!!!.. !2!!!.. ~ !2!!!.. !2!!!.. !2!!!.. Mar. Apr. Total 56.8 56.8 78.1 104.8 128.6 162.5 170.7 182.2 177•4 166.9 175.2 150.7 505.1 481.6 494.3 492.7 438.4 456.7 420.7 416.3 364.5 368.1 354.5 257·7 5,050.6 'J/ .o .1 .8 3·9 1.0 .9 1.9 3· 7 1.4 1.1 .8 15.6 ~~2~·3~~~~·~1~~12~.rl~~4~.o~~2~·l~~~·r1~~~~·~6--~J.w8--~2.~4--~1.~4--~2.~1--~3~·5_,~66~.~2 ms~earanceg/:~4~9~5~.8~~4~4~6~.2~~4~5~5~.6~~4~6~5~·~7==~4~o~3~.3~~444~·~4--~4~06~.~5--~4~1~9~.2~~3~7~b~.3~==3~5~9~.8~~3~m~·o~~n~4~.1~~4~,~*&~·~9 1954-55 Stocks}:/ Production Imports : : 61.6 499.6 0 58.3 507.3 0 47·9 484.6 0 47.1 491.3 0 59·5 450.5 0 91.0 444.3 0 100.4 456.2 0 113.4 48o.o 0 100.8 509.4 0 99·4 493·5 0 98.3 458.6 0 69.2 429·5 0 5,704.8 0 ~:::arance g; ::~4~~~j:~::4~gg~:2~5::4~5§~:[~:]45~±~:~::~4o~~jJc::4~~r~:t~::4~3~t1!::48¢~~:~~::4~9~i:1t::~4~[0 :j~::~4~~:~7::£4l~I~:*::;5rj.~~U~:±:J ~ : Stocks}:/ : 37.2 49.0 59.B 66.4 99·9 137.5 178.0 201.5 212.8 217·9 182.7 145.8 563.2 584.4 583.6 570.2 517.3 475·3 513.0 459·5 6,545.8 Production 580.0 583.6 548.7 567.0 Imports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~orts :-~~l.4~~42~·3~T.64~·~8~J~2·~6~~42~.o~~~·9~~~~·8~~~~·~2~~!M·6~~!~·8r-~~~·9~~31~·2~~4oo~.l msappearance gl :_::JJ!...r.;~6,:,:.8;;...,..5l.::2;.!7,;,·~5~.;4~77b!,.;,•3~~4;;,;9!:,!'1.;,·9?..,.,..;4~8:,j3:,;;·6~~21~5:.:,·;::,0~..5.::.@~:.:0~.311.._5"'3~6~.4;:;.......;4:;;;~::;,;,;·6~....;4:,o~:;::.:.·7~,..,...,.5~21;;;,:,:.0:,.....;;:4;::6:;.2:,·5'-=.,:6~,~07f.~;:;.:·;:::6:., ~ : Stocks}:/ Production Imports : 111.3 657.1 0 . 21·2 ~orts 57.2 b31.4 0 55.4 51.5 643.8 0 64.1 58.6 683.2 88.1 663.3 65.4 674.9 0 49·5 58.3 630.0 0 31.7 88.9 6B8.5 0 ?·.3 136.6 650.0 .1 20.2 162.0 636.1 0 20.5 163.2 592.8 0 34.1 157.1 583.0 0 29.0 129.0 604.2 0 24.4 93.6 517.5 0 23.1 7,509.3 .1 443.2 ms~earance g/::J6~5!3~.3t::5B~~1~.7~:::5~6~5j.s~::6~3~2~.~5:::5~6~7~.7~:=~~~~!~:::~~~~·!3.~3t:J7~.~l~~~·~s- !22.1.:2!!. : Stocks}:/ Production Imports : 54.7 652.3 0 27.9 620. 5 ~rts msappearance gl: 0 37.6 616.1 1 Stocks at crushers' plants. 3 Less than 50 tons . 2 ge in crushers stocks. &appearance, base Caapiled from reports of the Bureau of the census. Table 64.--cottonaeed cake and meal: Production, stocks, foreign trade, and domestic dis~arance, United States, by months, 1953-57 Year and item ~ Stocko }:/ gl Production Imports ~orts Oct. Nov. Dec. : Jan. : Feb. Mar. : Apr. May : June July lw.g. Bept. Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 : !2!!!.. !2!!!.. !2!!!.. !2!!!.. !2!!!.. !2!!!.. ~ !2!!!.. ~ !2!!!.. ~ !:2!!.... 113.2 373.0 5.0 165.6 3b3·b 4.0 165.0 345.B 6.6 110.9 300.6 4.9 149.4 173.1 b.3 10.8 1112.7 164.1 11.9 199.2 128.8 4.0 203.2 105.3 4. 7 208.5 121.6 2.5 192.b 260.5 2.0 3,014.4 69.8 111.3 340.9 9·3 ~3·7 ~.5 .~1~0~.b~~~4~·~1~~~.4~~~2~·1~~~2~·~2--~~·~3--~~1~.4~~~3~·~1--~~.6~~~2~·~5~~~6~·~3--~~~.b~~~66~.1~ msappearance 'J/: ..35;:1~5:.:,·0~===36'f~:.:.·l:;..,...;4~0;,:5.;.·7!-..3lf.:.:5~.5"-....,:2~64:;;.;,·S""=.,;2:;:tl>;:;;:.;,.0~~22=6:.:..3o~o.......;l~5~2,:.;•8;:...,......;:l29::.ii!:~"O;;...==:l;,::02;;.;,:·l~...,;:lioi301.3:.d.Jb.....;22;:;;:;,L;..5'-=,:2;t,,,i:92:;:b:,:·&.3 ~ Stocks}:/ Production Imports ~rts : : 205.0 330.4 1.4 1·3 243.4 320.4 1.7 20.4 251.5 294.1 1.6 J7·5 245·5 293.1 ·9 21.0 242.1 254.4 1.5 8.9 257.1 218.9 4.3 1.2 278.9 154.1 4.6 ·3 273.1 139.6 3.2 10.2 266.9 95.4 3.1 16.2 238.0 78.3 3·7 170.7 370.6 1.4 3_2.6 173·7 317.2 3.0 28.3 163.0 320.7 4.0 15.3 191.5 220.2 230.0 4.8 3.6 250.7 179.4 5.3 2.8 258.4 123.1 6.4 _3.7 245.7 74.4 6.4 2.5 2~.8 lg~·.3 203.1 103.4 3.0 20.8 169.7 233.3 3·3 24.1 2,515.4 32·3 1§7.8 D.1s~arance 2f:=28==6=.1==_..2~9~3=·6====~===·2=-=27=-b=.4==-=2~32*-·o~=l~99~·~9-==l=64==.2==-=1~36*=·8.__.11_.0~.9~=-~-*!=6.__.11~9*.o~_.2~32•·~o~-2~,~4~~-·~7 ~ Stocks}:/ Production Imports : 164.2 120.3 62.3 85.2 249.0 2,628.1 3.0 7.0 8.2 6.4 59·4 ~orts 4.9 1.2 1.9 3.1 1.25·7 D.1s~earance 'J/:=2~~==·7~~3~3~3=.4==~3~02~.6=-=28~os.~~--2~5~7~.1=-=~~-·7~_.1~7•4a.2._-=1~3B~·5~_.1.09~·2.__.llB._••7-.--1~3~5-·~----2~3-1.~7---2~·~*f•l•·~i ~ : 150.2 328.5 3·5 52.8 ~7.7 :- : 14o.9 170.8 186.1 187.8 194.7 ~.2 264.0 279.4 293.2 ~7.8 251.8 209.6 346.4 327.7 274.3 293·3 238.9 192.4 135.8 112.0 72•4 58.5 '(1.0 166.6 2,~9.3 6.4 5·4 3·3 3.0 6.0 4.9 4.8 4.7 5.0 6.3 .8 4.0 54.6 ~orts 2·2 7.3 10.2 2.7 ·1 ·3 .J 4/ .1 .2 ·3 2.8 3Q.l msappearancelf: ..3~1~7=·7~===3sl=0=·2~-=2=6~5=·16=.;~=:.;.·!~_.2•1=0=.7~=1•6=1•.2._==fim==•·9~_.1=00~.9~-=~8a2=.7~....,;l=00~.6.___11~3-.7--~l;,::M~·~2._~2~,~~~5~·~5 Stocks}:/ Production Imports !22.1.:2!!. Stocks }:/ Production Imports Exports ms~arance : : 209.2 299.8 5.1 : .2 'J/: 264.5 249.4 28o.2 2.6 5.4 265.3 261.6 246.7 y stocks at cru;hsrs 1 plants. y In addition to stocks at crushers 1 plants the CCC owned tlii follOWing quantities on the t1rBt of each month held at other positions: 1953-54--0ctober 29,200 tons; November 27,000 tons; December 38,000 tons; January 31,100 tons; February 6,100 tons; March l4,8oo tons; April 27,000 tons; May 61,4oo tons; June 81,200 tons; July 86 400 tons; Jw.gust to Gate, 0 tons. 'JJ Domestic dis~earance, based on production, imports, exports, and change in crushers; atocks. Leaa than 50 tons. Y Caapiled !rCID reports of the Bureau of the census • - 44- Table 65 , Year and item Oilseed <~€Ike Oct. Nov. and meal: Production, stocks, foreign trade and domestic disappearance, United States, by months, 1955-57 Dec. Feb. lolar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 tone tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons 11.0 42.1 581.'1 tons tons tons tons Linseed cake and meal l/~5-56 21. 'I -StockS .:!:J' Production Imports F.:xports Dioappearance gj (9.4 0 1~50-57 ---stOCks .:!:!' Production Imports Exports Disappearance gj l957-5tl Stocks 1 Production Imports Exports Disappearance 23.2 59·3 0 16.7 W.1 0 17.0 57·5 0 15.h 51~.9 0 20.3 58.3 0 15.6 22.3 20.9 17.1 12.2 5.0 '(4.5 0 6.* _£3_. oo.o 0 11.9 44.6 19.3 54.9 0 5·0 46.1 23.1 42.2 0 6.9 li5,·9.. ' 12.) 41.5 .1 5·6 18.(! 47.3 3' :'4 42.8 63,'1 50.9 44.8 ~3;_7_ 29.8 4o.2 0 4.8 24.6 55·7 0 3.6 22.9 15.7 28.(! 27·9 ·1 ·3 .2 .1 35·2=_28_._i 33.0 36.2 0 6.5 36.5 18.3 0 9·3 24.1 17·'1 0 14.1 16.8 15.6 28.1 54.2 .4 ·9 .1 .1 3o.L_J).6 36.5 60.9 .1 1.3 0 0 15.2 ,_26.1_ 152.6 49.2 55.2 1' 4.2 _4'1,~2==36·5 575·5 2.5 42.7 ~3;4 _ '(0.3 -y 0 -- 4~:t __L!_tJ g; Peanut cake and meal 1955-56 Stocks 1· Production Imports Exports Disappearance g 1956-5'1 Stocks ~: Production Imports Exports Disappearance gj 1.9 1.2 1.0 1.9 1.3 3.8 0 0 0 ·9 .'( .4 3·5 5·4 3. I 2.4 12.2 6.2 10.3 0 0 .·r 1.8 '(.6 5.0 0 5·1 7·5 5.4 0 .8 6.9 4.9 0 ·7 5.4 3.0 0 1.5 3·9 3·7 0 .8 3.2 5·3 0 .2 2.5 5.8 0 1.4 62.5 0 15.0 ·9 10.8 1.4 2.4 10.4 1.2 4.8 8.9 2.4 112.2 44.2 10_,]___ 2·2 _ _&2 2.6 8.6 1.4 11.3 ·7 7·9 4.9 .6 9·3 7.2 .8 8.8 5.6 .8 9·0 6.1 113.3 66.6 195'1 '58 Stocks.JJ Production Imports Exports Disappearance 2 4.8 0 .'( Copra cake and meal 1955-56 --stacksy Production Imports Disappearance gj 4.8 3·9 11.1 9·3 3.8 4.2 : 14._9=___1!~5 4.5 8.9 4.8 14.2 4.0 10.2 3.0 1.3 9.4 5.4 1~.4 3.8 '1.4 4.0 14.2 1.0 8.6 6.1 14·7= 1.5 ·7 10.5 6.8 1.3 8.5 5·1 1.0 9.1 9·1 1.1 9·4 3·3 1.0 9·3 ~·3 1.1 8.7 5·9 14.8 : 1956-57 Stocks .:!:f' Production Imports Disappearance g/ 1957-58 Stocks}:/ Production Imports Disappearance gj 2.2 9.2 5.0 1.1 9.7 4.6 :~ 1.2 11.4 Y Stocks at crushers 1 plants. Domestic disappearance, based on production, imports, exports and change in crushers 1 stocks. 31 Leas than 50 tons. ~ Exports not reported monthly for January-June 1956. Y Compiled from reports of the Bureau of the Census. - 45 - 1~ Table 66 .- Byproduct teeds: Year beginning October Oct. : Nov. : Dec. : Average wholesale price per ton, begged, specitied markets, by montba, 1953-57 Jan. : : Feb. : DOi18rs Dollars Dollars Douars nouars Apr. : : Mar. : : Dollars ~ Dollars Bran, standard, spring wheat, 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 ]9.4o 40.00 36.50 36.90 31.00 41.10 43.10 37·50 42.10 30.25 46.30 42.40 38.25 44.00 31.20 49.50 42.40 38.50 44.50 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 46.90 45.10 43.b0 44.20 36.10 46.10 47.70 43.4o 48.10 37·25 50.8o 48.50 46.50 49.20 39.20 55.00 49.00 45.70 50.75 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 47.25 48.25 45.• 25 46.00 37.00 46.25 48.90 43.90 49.00 37·75 50.8o 50.75 46.60 50.00 39.10 54.25 49.6o 44.95 50.4o 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 4o.25 41.10 37.75 37.8o )1.00 4o.6o 43.6o 38.50 43.00 30.4o 46.6o 43.25 39.00 44.00 31.20 48.4o 42.75 38.30 44.25 68.55 76.00 66.70 57.10 58.10 71.20 79.05 59·75 58.8o 56.50 82.15 79.50 61.10 58.25 55.4o 84.60 78.35 61.85 61.20 May 49.00 44.50 4o.oo 42.75 52.4o 44.50 41.00 44.25 June : July ooliars Douars : : Aug. : : : Sept, Dollars oonars Average oonar. Minnea~lis 48.00 4o.50 46.8o 38.25 57.4o 45.75 46.10 45.00 4o.50 38.50 37·50 34.50 39·90 37·50 38.30 33.40 39.00 37.00 38.00 32.60 39.50 37.25 37·50 32.75 45.15 41.10 39.65 39.25 45.50 46.10 45.00 41.00 46.6o 44.75 44.30 4o.25 45.8o 45.00 43.00 38.50 44.6o 45.6o 43.25 37·50 50.70 47.95 46.20 45.10 50.90 52.40 49.4o 41.90 49.25 50.50 49.4o 42.55 48.10 47.30 47.4o 39·90 48.90 49.25 45.4o 38.6o 52.25 51.00 47.8o 45.75 41.75 44.00 43.10 36.50 4o.60 36.50 42.00 33·50 41.10 39.25 38.40 32.25 46.75 44.05 41.10 39.60 lo4.20 64.60 66.15 58.10 98·35 65.05 63.30 64.4o 78.90 70.70 58.10 62.50 89.8o 71.50 63.50 58.85 92.40 53·90 54.8o 46.6o 87.6o 54.30 52.10 52.90 67.25 6o.l0 46.90 51.00 78.65 6o.70 52.55 47.45 71.60 6o.75 58.25 54.05 75·70 59·90 63.10 58.40 68.35 56.75 54.10 53·95 66.85 64.25 54.85 55.20 63.00 6o.75 58.20 50.10 63.70 59·70 58.90 51.65 64.75 62.90 58.25 54.50 69·95 65.25 58.85 56.10 83.30 66.25 51.30 46.05 83.30 62.00 ,6.00 7·25 78·90 65.00 53.00 48.30 79.05 73.8o 55·75 50.20 59·75 73·50 69.10 65.55 64.30 73.8o 72.25 64.90 64.8o 70.15 74.25 62.25 67.4o 70.8o 68.60 66.65 Bran standard, spring wheat Butfiiio 63.00 51.50 52.60 47.50 57·50 52.30 48.00 50.25 55·90 53.00 46.60 50.00 50.60 47.00 52.20 44.25 Middlings, standard, SE:ing wheat! Buttalo 56.10 53·4o 46.10 48.40 63.60 55.45 53·75 47.8o 57·90 53·8o 46.6o 49.25 53·6o 52.20 54.6o 45.00 M1dillings 1 staiii!iird 1 sE:Ing iilieat 1 S~bean 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 57.25 65.25 56.00 45.70 46.60 59.40 67.70 49.00 47.4o 45.00 71.6o 68.25 50.25 46.95 43.90 73·75 67.10 51.00 49.90 meiii, lil; 88.10 76.10 6o.4o 58.30 S~bean 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 52.60 45.70 4o.4o 43.75 49.4o 45.00 39·90 42.00 ~rcent 55·75 69.10 55.10 55.50 51.00 55.8o 71.20 53·50 57.10 52.70 65.25 70.75 56.25 57.70 56.30 68.90 72.4o 56.00 57.45 63.50 67.00 66.10 56.10 50.4o 63.25 69.6o 65.4o 57·75 48.6o 70.60 72.50 61.25 56.25 49.60 73.40 72.75 6o.50 57.00 Peanut meiii, 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 66.10 76.50 62.50 55·90 52.8o 66.75 ao.oo 61.90 58.50 52.40 72.15 ao.oo 59.00 55.60 49.8o 75·95 79.50 57.8o 52.05 84.00 61.50 47.4o 46.75 77.10 65.6o 49.4o 46.90 68.4o 6o.95 71.4o 73·50 58.90 68.40 62.10 71.20 71.10 55.6o 68.90 72.90 69.25 11·55 57.20 73·95 78.4o 68.85 69.50 ~rcent ~rcent 101.35 64.15 70.8o 56·90 98.35 62.35 71.90 55·75 li~ ~rcent E:ote1n1 87.40 52.10 6o.75 44.25 84.10 54.6o 55.25 63.00 67.6o 6o.4o 53·70 51.6o 64.90 58.90 53·75 52.00 ;i;£ Minnea~lis 82.75 6o.90 58.60 59.4o 63.70 61.00 57.75 51.75 protein 1 southeast milling points 82.00 79.10 51.00 47.45 76.70 78.75 51.25 49.6o 89.40 53.40 6o.05 45.4o E:otein1 Memphis 71.50 6o.6o 51.25 54.4o 72·90 65.70 51.4o 59· 50 73·90 70.40 54.75 55·90 75.10 19·90 67·95 64.70 95·95 59.20 53.00 45.50 68.90 62.90 50.4o 54.55 67·90 67.60 52.6o 55·75 Copra calre 1 2<5 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 49.00 49.50 41.75 35·75 meal 1 lili ~rcent E:otein, Decatur ~iiiill<1 Linseed meal 30 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Minnea~Iis 52.50 47.6o 48.10 38.50 pr0tein 1 ail:cago lo6.8o 69.85 64.20 56.90 95.25 72.35 58.05 58.25 Cottonseed meiii 1 Iii 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 58.25 48.40 46.25 43.8o ~rcent 71.20 11·20 65.6o 62.95 89.00 77·75 54.40 43.8o 90·25 73·50 57.20 47.4o 84.00 67.50 53·50 50.35 E:ote!n1 Los Ange!es 66.05 68.00 65.05 63.50 65.55 69.8o 63.20 66.50 62.45 69.05 65.00 64.05 Continued - 46 - Table 66 .- Byproduct feeds: Year I beginning : Oct. October : Dol. 1953 1954 1955 1956 195'1 93.00 101.55 8o.3Q 76.75 82.00 1953 1954 1955 1950 195'1 90-90 92.20 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Average wholesale price per ton, bagged, apecified =keta, by months, 1953-)7 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. : Apr. May June July : Aug. Sept. A'ferage P~..!. Dol. Dol~ Dol. Dol. Dol, Dol, Dol, Dol. Dol. Dol. '(8.90 '(6.75 78.70 88.15 95-05 '(3.05 75.95 97-55 91.25 68.45 '(2.50 76.00 83.90 tl5.65 '(0.15 71.25 73.10 91.60 il3.10 65.00 70.30 72.15 '(1.90 Dol. Tnnke.gel digesterl 60 ~centl Chicago 99-55 101.90 10'{.25 ll9.20 122.20 ll'7 -55 ll5.60 ll1.55 106.90 88.75 il'(. 75 85.50 "(8,20 Tr-35 74.45 81.25 Tf .35 "{0.00 6'( .50 6'( .50 68.75 '(0.30 '(6.00 76.4o T(.4o T(.20 !31.90 "(5 .Go "(9.'(0 78.10 '(8.50 76.90 '(5.95 dl.'(5 82.(};) d2.05 90.05 131.25 63."(5 71.25 M.ea_t :neal 1 20 Eercent Eroteinl Chica~o 93.10 100.20 ll3.90 ll8.6o ll'( .90 130.10 '(6.1:J5 73-l:lo 73.60 69.95 6'V(5 64.05 6'{ .so '(4.45 '75-50 "(1.95 70.00 71.00 69.05 69.05 Fish meall 60 132.50 132.50 139.00 139.40 13'1 .so 142.50 144.50 14L>.50 146.00 143.75 149-95 152.50 152.50 143.'(5 139-95 132.50 132.50 13~-50 136.25 136.25 136.25 132.'(5 136.20 13 .60 132.~132.50 Eercent l4o.oo l43.4o 135.60 136.25 Eroteinl 134.40 138.'(5 136.25 132.50 Buffalo 135-30 13'( .50 136.55 131.90 102.45 "(9.10 71.00 73.10 132.86 131.55 135.25 132.75 134.15 139-35 14o.OO 133."(5 129-70 129.40 129-50 133-75 126.50 12'{ .50 131.25 131.25 --------- ----•oo 52.00 44.00 45.00 4o.oo 1953 1954 1955 1956 195"( 54.20 57-25 47.90 50.70 42.00 54.25 5"( .10 44.4o 4'( .45 45.25 59.90 55.00 44.75 48.20 46.30 5"( .90 54.40 48.10 49.25 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 48.50 54.25 45.50 51.4o 48.80 48.00 55.20 4d.30 56.6o 48.90 )"( .00 56.50 52.60 56.90 50-30 59.)o 5'( .00 52.00 55-50 1953 1954 1955 1956 195'1 66.00 66,00 53.00 59-30 52.(};) 63.25 66.4o 53.20 60.75 53-00 Distillers• dried ~ain~25 ~rcent ~rotein 1 Cincinnati 67.65 69.50 71.60 74.00 72. 5 64.40 64.50 6B.35 69.75 72.00 '{2.00 63.00 57.80 56.60 5d.oo 54.00 55.00 59.00 57.90 54.50 55-30 55.50 57-30 61.50 61.6o 61.50 60.50 56.00 54.00 54.00 54.90 54.00 19)3 1954 1955 1956 1957 51.25 54.'(5 49.?.5 49.70 54.40 )'/.30 47.20 61.55 50.00 Alfalfa 73.60 64.25 50.6o 65.00 ~.10 .20 1953 1954 1955 1956 195'1 -30 42.45 4d.65 51.55 42.130 .30 lf4.65 50.35 51.80 42.80 46.45 51.35 54.20 42.80 Cents per Cents per Cents per 195a 195 1955 19)6 195'( 52 • 54.50 45.50 12.2 ll.)O 13.00 26.00 20.00 55.00 4"(,00 45.60 42.4o 55.00 45.80 45.00 4o.oo 53.50 44.rJO 4).00 4o.c;o -55.55 )0.60 46.00 45.50 )3.10 52.25 54.55 4B.5o 58.10 47 .4o 56.25 46.6o GO.oo 44. (5 55.90 42.50 5&.eo 52.90 51.00 47.50 Eercent Erotein 1 Milwaukee 55.90 51.50 45,30 47.60 42.00 4l.4o 43.25 44.10 42.75 47.60 45.4o 43.20 46.90 4).60 44.60 44.00 52.70 42.60 44.50 47.10 53.25 41.90 4'{ .10 50.4o s4.1o 413.50 46.'j() 49.95 65.20 6o.oo 5e.5o 56.00 66.15 54.25 5').50 55-50 67.40 56.00 57-95 dehydrated 1 Kansas City 44.75 40.00 51.40 48.10 39.10 36.10 35.25 36.20 41.20 35-50 35.00 4o.25 43.00 3"{. 75 4o.90 4'( .'15 4'1-35 42.4o 49.75 49.50 57-35 50.60 44.90 )5.35 42.45 4ii.95 ao.oo 2.80 45.55 49.05 '1.50 9.00 )0.00 4~.00 3 .6o Hominl 58.25 54.90 48.4o 45.20 5'(:Ii5 54.50 lf5.90 40.00 feed 1 Chicago 58.oo 56.60 54.25 51.50 54.10 5'( .10 4G.6o 48.6o 53.60 51.'(5 54.50 48.65 Br:wer~' d~ied ~ains,24 bB.r5 55.00 49.50 )2.4o 1.40 4d.60 42.4o 47.75 64.00 62.70 59.6o 50.50 mea1 1 17 '(5.50 66.25 41:l.oo 67.00 ~rcent ~roteinl 7-20 61.4o 46.10 66.00 71.75 54.75 45.50 65.00 42.45 54.25 ,2.35 3.2) 50.20 : Gallon OJl.JJc~ a~llea 12.50 ll.'(5 12.50 20.90 21.20 n:ro ll6.35 ll0.25 102.40 iX>.15 '{6.95 '(5.30 ('(,4o '{tl.10 •J3.10 eo.oo 78."(5 Tf -75 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 5·r.·ro 106.70 04.70 73-75 12. 0 ll.50 13.62 29.00 18.00 4'(.'(0 52.3> 55 .·ro Molasses, blackstra~ 1 New York Cents cents Cents Cents Cents per _per per per per GalJ.CD QAlJ.Qg Dlif.gD Ga.l.J.Qn !l!!.lJml 12.50 ll.75 ll. 2 12.00 12.00 ll.Go ll.60 12.38 12.50 12.50 14.95 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.20 29.00 28.'(5 28.00 28.00 28.00 ---y-i:).uoted ~s 3!~ to 36 percent in 1956 and 1~57. 42.45 46.95 't~ Cents Cents Cents Cents per per per per !l:IY.J.Qn !l:f!J.J.Qn !l:!!.llon G!!.JJ.Qn 12,00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.50 12.50 12.)0 12.50 16.50 16.50 1{.31 lH.oo 2'( .25 26.40 23.'/5 22.'(5 63.rJJ Cents per !l!!.llQil 12.09 12.11 1).55 2o.)O g 23 percent protein prior to July, 1?5). Compiled from reports of the Grain Division, Agricultural Marketing Service. ;,n prices rounded tn - 47 - nearest 5 ~ents. Table 67 Year .- High-protein feeds: Oct. : Nov. Dec. Index numbers of wholesale prices, United States Jan. : Feb. : Mar. : Apr. : May June 1948-57 July : Aug. : Sept. : Average Eleven principal high-protein feeds 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 85.8 87.8 . 85.9 92.2 96.1 97.7 101.9 107.7 109.1 110.5 lll.l 116.6 111.2 108.1 104.3 101.1 85.8 86.5 97.2 99·9 102.7 94.4 96.0 96.8 96.4 94.8 83.5 78.3 79.1 79·3 77·1 77·5 79.1 79.0 81.1 79.0 75·4 73·5 73.8 y : 105.5 88.4 90.5 88.8 96.5 9Q.4 99.8 108.1 96.0 105.8 96.8 100.2 96.9 96.8 110.1 113.9 118.1 99.6 94.2 94.2 107.7 116.4 114.8 91.1 87.3 83.3 75·1 79.2 85.7 77·3 76.7 75·7 95.8 98.2 95.8 120.0 120.3 130.1 92.3 92.0 90.6 109.0 112.6 109.5 82.0 83.5 82.1 86.0 83.0 82.5 75.2 77-0 ao.o 93.8 88.6 92.9 91.5 96.4 115.1 99·3 103.2 89.3 8o.6 78.0 Five oilseed meals 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 83.3 85.8 y 86.2 108.4 120.2 86.6 96.4 85.2 77-3 76 .o 93.8 97.4 98.3 103·7 lll.4 113.0 113.1 112.5 113.8 110.1 105.7 102.4 87.8 99.8 102.8 105.6 98.8 99-4 98.5 96.2 79-1 8o.2 8o.3 77·5 79.4 78.9 81.1 78·3 74-3 74.4 101.7 112.0 100.9 111.2 92.2 75·3 76.9 85.2 89.6 85.0 97.4 87.2 97·9 108.3 99·3 110.1 98.0 93.6 88.6 91.3 91.3 99·1 99·4 117.4 123.1 96.5 96.4 121.1 118.5 89.2 84.5 8o.3 87.o 76.4 75·8 97·9 100.8 96-9 125.2 126.3 138.1 94.8 94-3 91-9 113.0 117-9 114.7 83.1 84.2 83.4 87.6 84.3 83.8 75.4 77·5 81.8 101.3 130.7 88.6 98.3 87.2 78.7 8o.6 98.0 119.3 101.3 lo6.4 91.1 81.6 78.3 Ta.nkage , meat meal and fish meal 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 86.5 108.9 93·3 102.8 101.2 83.4 87 .o 81.9 76.6 76.3 93·9 99.8 100.8 100.2 99.1 99·1 99·5 93.1 96.3 99·3 102.7 103.9 101.8 102.4 lo6.1 107.7 96.1 93·5 89.7 83.1 82.4 88.7 86.6 88.5 83.8 83.9 84.3 85.6 76.1 73.4 72.6 72.0 73·3 73.4 75.1 75.4 73-0 73-0 100.4 109.7 144.2 100.3 96.6 98.3 lo4.2 101.0 96.6 100.1 97.8 96.8 81.4 76.6 8o.5 95·5 103.0 105.9 82.8 79.7 78.4 71.6 73.4 78.9 74.8 75.2 73·9 119.8 129.9 132.2 105.0 90·9 103.2 107.0 102.6 94.1 94.8 95.8 101.1 100.1 95·9 103.1 105.8 8o.9 83.9 86.1 84.1 lo4.8 103.6 96.4 90.1 77.6 82.3 77·5 77.6 79.0 79·0 78.5 81.3 74.5 77·5 77.2 76.3 107.7 99·9 98.6 101.7 86.4 94.1 81.7 76.5 75·3 Gluten feed and brewers' and distillers' dried grains 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 y 88.3 85.1 77.4 91.3 109.5 83.7 89.3 75-1 79·5 71.2 94.1 99·5 98.4 90-1 85.3 89.0 89.5 87.1 79·4 85.8 89.8 90-1 92.0 92.8 99.4 106.2 109·5 109.5 109-5 109.5 82.6 90·1 95.6 99-0 91.0 93·3 95.2 95·2 75.6 77.8 79-6 79·4 82.6 84.7 86.5 85-9 69.6 71.2 87.5 88.7 88.5 88.5 90.1 90·8 87-9 8o.8 82.2 lo8.1 lo8.2 lo8.3 lo8.1 97.0 93·5 98.8 101.7 101.5 91.9 83.4 8o.5 77.1 78.0 84.7 81.8 8o.o 76.8 84.4 86.8 88.8 86.1 83.2 86.0 82.9 78.2 85.6 86.5 89.6 90.6 lo8.5 lo8.2 lo8.4 lo8.5 88.2 86.0 87.2 87.3 90·5 90.8 92.0 90·7 79·6 8o.4 79-1 74-9 82.9 78·9 78.6 78-7 74·5 74.1 72.3 72.4 Indexes for April-September include an allowance for oilseed cake and meal sold in mixtures. - 48 - 90·1 86.3 85.5 103.3 99-6 93.1 86.2 78.9 79·2 Table68 .--Byproduct feegs: Year beginning October 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Cottonseed 1,000 tons 10:0 12.6 88.5 11.6 4.9 ·9 1.1 1.7 .6 gj g; 5-3 9.6 121.7 123.6 13.2 35.0 55.2 66.1 167.8 155.7 30.1 Exports of specified kinds, United States, 1935-56 Oilseed cake and meal Linseed Peanut Copra 1,000 1,000 1,000 tons tons tons ----y 210.6 ----y y y 328.8 y y 24o.3 y 286.6 y y y 146.7 y y 4.8 y y 11.1 4.2 •.1 .1 .1 .1 1.5 .4 .1 .7 .1 0 -3 26.2 4.6 5.2 0 28.5 3-7 21.1 0 54.0 0 48.9 6.5 24.0 29.2 .3 2.2 7.0 gj gj 0 gj 1.4 .1 34.2 1.6 0 75.0 0 152.6 30.0 0 42.7 15.0 ~ Soybean 1,000 tons ----y y y 35.0 62.3 25.4 19.7 20.9 16.1 10.0 ·9 141.7 .ffi.95-7 150.6 ~47.4 181.1 41.8 46.8 66.5 271.7 4oo.l 443.2 Total 1,000 tons 221.2 341.4 328.8 333.2 213.9 31.1 31.9 27.0 18.4 11.2 1.3 183.0 137-5 347.4 226.4 247.8 86.0 102.0 168.3 516.1 738.4 531.0 Wheat : Fish meal ~ millfeeds 1,000 1,000 tons tons ---rr:o 6.6 29.6 22.1 14.1 2.2 .8 .5 2.0 2.9 .4 4.9 5.3 6.9 6.9 6.4 5.7 1.4 1.1 9-3 21.1 25.6 9:8 2.1 1.5 .7 .4 .3 .2 gj ~ ~.5 .2 10.4 ~r-8 ~10.6 4/ f; 2~ 1 Not separately reported. 2 Less than 50 tons. 3 Includes military relief shipments abroad. 4 Includes other minor feeds. Discontinued in this report beginning 1951. Compiled from reports of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and the Bureau of the Census. Table 69.--Byproduct feeds: Year beginning : October 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Imports of specified kinds, United States, 1935-56 Oilseed cake and meal Cotton~ Soybean ~ Linseed ~ Peanut seed 1,000 1,000 1~000 1,000 tons tons tons tons 20.0 17.2 5:7 1:9 26.8 15.9 9.6 55.7 4.6 2.2 15.5 5.3 4.4 7.8 10.5 12.3 12.1 9.8 33.0 1.3 8.1 .6 52.2 7.5 .2 0 7.1 37.3 46.8 1.0 4.6 0 0 2.5 3.6 96.3 0 10.0 87.4 2.5 1.2 47.6 gj 3.1 0 1.1 15.6 0 13.8 3.1 8.1 3.2 39.5 ·9 104.8 26.1 4.8 6.2 1.0 1.1 32.8 90.0 202.1 24.1 5.2 23.3 26.4 41.1 135.6 3.5 .6 69.8 15.6 .7 0 0 0 32.3 0 0 gj 59.4 0 .1 2.5 54.6 8~ Copra Total 1,000 tons 1,000 tons lj:9.} 9G 73.0 39.8 53.9 88.4 84.0 22.6 0 0 .1 1.7 ·5 7.0 44.3 56.4 65.8 103.8 96.5 79.8 62.8 44.9 66.6 181.0 67.4 88.9 144.6 152.4 67.2 52.4 102.4 100.0 53.6 17.2 32.7 96.0 198.3 190.7 358.5 303.1 166.5 95.1 104.3 123.8 • Wheat : Fish meal Tankage y for feed ; millfeeds; l,OCIO 1,000 1,000 tons tons tons ~ 265.6 11.5 239.1 392·5 415.9 187.4 110.4 6o.l 54.3 115.4 49.0 65.7 128.7 18o.5 289.0 319.9 261.1 245.0 99·5 79.4 108.0 T5:5 70.2 47.3 51.6 47.2 36.0 23.3 7.6 5.9 4.7 5.8 7.9 24.3 47.0 57.3 71.6 1Flo.o 114.7 3/127.5 -J/84. 7 3/97.3 J/81.8 56:7 53.8 34.2 66.8 63.0 93.0 43.1 27.4 69.0 20.3 15.4 14.0 33.8 37.4 28.1 24.0 34.3 19.6 18.5 12.6 11.3 6.1 1/ Includ~s cod-liver cake and meal prior to 1§41. g) Less than 50 tons. j} Includes dry weight equivalent of solubles. Compiled from reports of Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and the Bureau of th~ Census. - 49 - Table 70 • - Hay: Year beginning May Acreage harvested Supply and disappearanqe, total and per animal unit, units fed annually, United States, 1926-57 Farm Production carryover May 1 number of a.n1ma1 Roughageconsuming animal units fed annually !/ Disappearance per animal unit Supply per animal unit I,OCXJ tons ~ ~ !21!!. !21!!. 90,361~ 9,200 8,489 14,158 8,673 9,4o6 7,707 8,682 10,918 7,595 4,970 85,225 lo6,640 98,000 96,030 83,933 82,910 92,403 85,990 68,o8o 95,334 76,736 92,482 89,327 86,624 76,226 74,228 81,485 78,395 63,ll0 81,424 79,634 78,856 8o,251 81,199 82,776 84,795 88,2o6 91,932 86,082 84,604 1.07 1.35 1.22 1.18 1.01 .98 1.05 .94 ·19 1.13 .96 1.17 l.ll 1.07 .92 .88 .92 .85 ·13 .96 67,732 66,001 68,175 69,243 73,058 73,136 74,827 77,o04 77,639 76,697 70,014 83,002 91,420 86,533 96,050 95,754 107' 717 103,128 102,889 107,438 13,910 6,022 12,712 16,371 12,030 14,773 13,664 16,219 13,833 15,920 83,924 89,024 104,192 102,904 1o8,o8o 110,527 121,381 ll9,347 u6, 122 123,358 77,902 76,252 87,821 90,874 93,307 96,863 105,162 105,514 100,8o2 102,953 82,741 81,145 81,603 83,472 86,414 90,350 94,512 97,209 95,631 91,386 1.01 1.10 1.28 1.23 1.25 1.22 1.28 1.23 1.22 1.35 .94 .94 1.08 1.09 1.08 1.07 l.ll 1.09 1.05 1.13 73,741 74,666 71,817 72,821 75,150 75,o63 75,147 74,997 73,721 75,360 73,302 73,776 99,518 ·100,576 96,172 96,990 103,820 109,502 lo6,386 108,245 107,834 112,737 108,68o 121,402 20,405 15,8ol 14,740 14,602 14,599 15,232 15,136 15,013 15,641 15,290 16,528 17,675 119,923 116,377 ll0,912 lll,592 u8,419 124,734 121,522 123,258 123,475 128,027 125,2o8 139,077 104,122 101,637 96,310 96,993 103,187 109,598 lo6,509 107,617 108,185 lll,499 107,533 88,077 83,977 82,o96 82,381 85,592 90,175 94,567 95,664 96,153 96,034 93,543 92,981 1.36 1.39 1.35 1.35 1.38 1.38 1.29 1.29 1.28 1.33 l.J4 1.5o 1.18 1.21 1.17 1.18 1.21 1.22 1.13 1.12 1.13 1.16 1.15 I,CXJO 1,000 1,000 ~ tons tons 68,795 72,131 67,185 69,531 67,947 68,160 70,412 68,439 65,387 68,550 76,025 98,151 83,842 87,357 74,527 75,203 83,721 75,072 6o,485 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 ?) 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 Disappearance Total supply and 1,000 1,000 !/ Compiled frcxn Animal Units of L1 vestock Fed Annually, 1909-?6 • A.R.S, Statistical Bulletin 215, Total of roughage-consuming animal units as computed by States. Weights for United States numbers for current years are as follows: Numbers on January 1 of milk cOW's 2 years old and over, 0.99; heifers and heifer calves, 0.782; beef COW'S 2 years old and over, 0.975; cattle on feed, 0,483; all other cattle, 0.844; stock sheep, 0.20; horses and mules 2 years old and over, 0.737; horses and mule colts, 1.0; hogs, 0.01; hens and pullets, 0.0012; sheep and lambs on feed, 0,058; goats clipped, Oo20; turkeys produced during the year, 0,0024. ?) Prel1m1nary. Table 71 • - Hay: Production United States, 1941-57 by kinds, Clover Year Alfalfa !I and timothy Lespedeza Soybean Peanut COW'pea ?) 1,000 1,000 ~ 1,000 tons 1,000 ~ 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 32,917 37,162 33,442 33,323 33,858 31,092 32,489 32,710 39,101 42,673 24,350 30,002 31,322 31,559 34,942 34,434 32,491 29,117 23,821 27,737 5,647 7,714 6,254 5,663 7,671 6,922 6,590 7,405 7,990 7,373 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 §/ 46,844 47,348 50,673 56,364 59,251 61,414 69,092 30,322 29,786 27,635 24,8o6 24,279 20,819 22,087 7,457 5,173 4,013 2,951 4,559 4,174 4,852 Grains cut for hay 3/ Other 1j) Wild hay 'iJ All hay 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 1,000 ~ ~ 4,616 3,555 3,837 3,040 2,451 1,912 1,574 1,446 1,488 1,260 933 1,365 1,692 1,312 1,396 1,383 1,401 1,440 1,015 96'1 1,567 1,483 908 622 550 391 312 268 316 234 4,383 3,656 3,788 3,545 3,523 3,029 3,028 2,702 4,295 4,050 10,082 9,910 9,38o 9,688 9,825 8,839 9,302 8,700 6,921 7,623 ll,259 12,870 12,505 14,137 13,222 ll,516 13,389 12,384 12,043 11,903 95,754 107,717 103,128 102,889 107,438 99,518 100,576 96,172 96,990 103,820 l,UO 1,191 1,134 913 910 717 631 1,018 794 787 761 756 623 497 2ll 195 192 163 210 208 157 3,689 4,428 4,754 5,290 6,341 5,814 5,659 6,932 6,913 7,436 6,651 7,369 6,297 7,114 11,919 10,558 11,621 9,935 9,o62 8,614 11,313 109,502 lo6,386 108,245 107,834 112,737 l08,68o 121,402 ~ !/ Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures 1949-57 • ~ Clover, timothy and mixtures of clover and grasses, 1949-?7 . 3/ Grains cut green for hay 1919-48. includes oats fed unthreshed 19 9 to date. 1j) Miscellaneous tame hay, including sveetclover. In certain states, contains small quantities formerly classified as wild hay and grains cut for hay. ?) Production in 22 principal producing States. §/ Pre11m1nary. - 50 - Table 72. -Bay: Jlorth Atl.aDtic Year Production by regions, 1932-57 Eaet Jlorth Central West Korth Central y South Atlantic South Central Western United States 1,000 1,000 1,000 tone tone 1,000 tone tone 1,000 tons 1,000 tone tons 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 10,837 10,912 10,050 12,646 10,124 12,894 12,709 11,059 15,264 14;217 12,182 19,957 15,605 17,264 20,540 19,623 26,433 20,IT7 12,248 26,796 16,767 21,307 24,103 23,025 3,462 3,747 3,745 4,366 3,397 4,858 5,o45 4,904 7,587 7,544 6,921 8,688 6,514 9,009 10,226 10,034 20,138 17,875 15,339 17,911 17,607 17,670 18,797 17,888 83,721 75,072 60,485 90,364 70,014 83,002 91,420 86,533 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 12,970 10,767 13,937 14,593 13,153 14,826 14,418 13,175 13,279 11,573 22,648 20,418 22,848 21,481 21,010 23,233 19,987 19,693 17,995 18,628 25,230 27,654 32,424 29,140 31,436 30,670 27,122 29,696 28,175 29,637 5,470 5,126 5,855 5,819 5,375 6,213 5,967 5,470 6,138 6,418 10,960 11,452 11,953 10,816 10,359 12,226 11,553 11,382 11,027 11,596 18,772 20,337 20,700 21,279 21,556 21,270 20,471 20,560 19,558 19,138 96,050 95,754 107,717 103,128 102,889 107,438 99,518 100,576 96,172 96,990 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 gj 12,473 13,253 12,719 12,462 12,495 12,102 12,161 11,750 21,246 24,300 23,091 22,700 23,033 23,693 23,821 23,790 32,474 36,191 33,477 34,141 35,912 35,294 33,538 43,581 5,904 5,931 6,142 5,603 5,372 6,378 5,781 5,447 11,420 10,346 8,967 10,429 9,239 12,379 9,801 11,905 20,303 19,481 21,990 22,910 21,783 22,891 23,578 24,929 103,820 109,502 106,386 108,245 107,834 112,737 108,680 1,000 121,402 ~ Tot&l prOd~ction of! tame 8lid wild h&y. ?J Preliminary. Table 73·- Pasture and range condition at beginning of month, United States, April-October, 1932-57 riature coiidi tion Year !Z R!:!!llie feed colldition :!;z I Apr. May June : July : Aug. : Sept. Oct. Apr. May June : July : Aug. : Sept. Oct. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 74 72 67 69 75 78 82 53 78 74 76 85 73 19 60 49 85 58 19 67 66 54 74 54 66 76 56 76 78 80 76 19 69 78 75 87 80 70 81 83 75 87 90 86 83 75 53 81 70 75 82 73 84 78 71 56 40 81 42 74 83 69 68 80 19 74 72 66 70 69 69 82 76 7b 55 83 74 75 82 72 194o 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 71 74 71 19 87 82 72 88 78 86 84 83 72 75 88 73 70 71 75 88 71 19 83 78 74 72 81 78 85 80 80 80 82 83 78 19 87 83 83 91 88 85 89 85 91 82 85 80 82 80 81 91 88 19 83 85 81 19 88 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 80 80 82 81 73 75 73 76 74 78 87 80 80 79 85 90 88 85 19 70 63 64 87 81 67 56 63 66 61 80 11 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 66 11 84 84 82 84 85 68 85 84 89 84 85 88 82 88 83 86 88 85 80 78 72 88 86 11 76 78 83 71 90 86 69 72 59 76 70 82 60 43 74 40 68 76 69 84 74 73 78 19 68 68 74 Y ~essed as a percentage of 11 norma.l" as reported by States; Range feed conditiQn for 17 Western States. 11 63 11 72 82 80 84 81 79 76 78 76 73 74 71 67 11 72 84 78 83 89 87 84 11 84 71 66 87 76 80 87 78 87 93 89 85 95 89 85 84 92 92 86 84 84 19 78 75 19 72 11 13 86 76 75 80 75 75 67 70 81 83 11 80 93 87 83 85 85 78 81 86 84 73 19 87 74 84 81 87 82 78 80 76 75 85 84 84 84 84 86 82 82 19 82 84 73 54 88 80 82 85 11 82 81 81 87 85 82 88 85 crop Correspolldents. - 51 - 11 79 76 11 80 72 87 11 76 71 79 69 83 72 78 67 82 87 19 83 82 82 80 11 80 70 11 63 82 PBSture cODdition average far UDlted - Tabl.e 74.- Hay: Price per ton, all bay and e.l.fal.ta bay, 1943-57 Year : begin-: J'ul.y Ding: 15 J'ul.y • Aug. 15 Dol.. Dol.. I Sept. Oct. : Nov. : Dec, :Je.n :Feb. :!otlr : Apr. : : 15 : 15 : 15 : 15 : 15 : 15 : 15 15 May 15 Averase June :Weighted:weighted 15 :• by pro- 'b s • ducti on.• Y gj Dol.. Dol.. Dol.. Dol.. Dol.. farmers 20.10 21.50 19.10 22.00 24,20 23.80 2J.,4o 23.10 24.80 23.60 22.80 22.4o 21.10 21.10 20.20 20.90 19.10 21.50 23.10 22.50 22,00 22.90 23.4o 22.70 21.80 22.20 21·.oo 20.10 19.10 20.20 19.00 20.80 22.50 20.90 20.80 21.6o 21.80 20.80 20,40 21,10 19.90 J.8.6o Dol. Dol. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15.30 17.90 l.9.6o 19.10 19.70 22.8o 20.4o 19.80 20,20 22.00 20,20 19.90 20,10 19.70 J.7.6o 15.70 J.8.J.O 18.70 19.20 19.70 22.4o 20.80 20.20 20.4o 24.10 20.6o 21.30 20.10 20.10 18.00 16.40 18.70 J.8.4o 19.50 20.80 22.70 21.00 20.30 21.30 25.00 20.90 22,00 20.4o 20.70 18,20 17.30 19.20 18.50 20.30 21.50 23.00 21.50 20.6o 21.90 25.6o 21,20 22.30 20.6o 21.50 18.50 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 : : : : : : : : : : : 2 .70 21.10 20.80 21.4o 23.50 21.00 20.30 20.70 20,20 J.7.6o 2 .50 21.90 21.4o 22,00 25.80 21 .4o 21.80 20.90 20.6o 18.10 2 ·90 22.30 21.6o 22.90 27.20 21.4o 22.70 21.50 21.20 18.30 Al.te.l.fa 25.50 2 .oo 23.20 23.4o 22,10 22.90 23.80 25.4o 28.00 28.30 21.90 22.8o 23.10 23.80 21.80 22,30 22,10 22.70 18.70 19.20 25.00 23.00 24.00 28.oo 34.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.50 25.00 23.15 24.00 29.00 35.00 30.00 28,00 22.50 26.6o 26.50 25.00 25.6o 24.75 33.35 36.00 30.20 28,00 28.00 32.15 26.6o 27. 26.25 26.80 36.6o 37.75 30.75 28.80 28.00 32.10 26.50 Al.te.l.fa ha: 27.50 30.00 29.80 31.00 29.50 30.70 37.75 37.75 37.75 37.75 30.75 30.75 31.25 3J..25 28,00 28.00 33.00 34.50 28.00 29.00 2 .50 27.90 29.10 29.30 28.4o 33.10 29.6o 29.00 31.30 33.20 32.00 31.30 3J.,6o 30.30 28.80 25. 28,20 28.80 29.70 29.20 32.70 29.90 29.00 32.00 36.50 32.4o 33.10 31.4o 30.90 29.00 2 • 28.80 28.70 30.20 2 .10 29.80 29.20 3J..4o 32.90 33.70 31.20 30.4o 34.70 38.4o 34.30 34.80 32.6o 33.20 30.30 Al.te.l.fa ba 29.50 30.90 30.20 3J.,20 29.6o 30.20 3J..45 33.50 34.30 35.6o 34.80 35.50 32.10 32.50 3l..4o 32.6o 36.30 38.20 39.6o 4o.20 34.90 35.10 35.4o 35.8o 32.90 33.10 34.30 34.80 30.70 31.10 : : : : : : : : : : : : 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~.4o 23.10 30.4o 29.6o 33.20 37.60 33.6o 34.30 31.70 3J..70 29.6o Dol.. Dol.. Dol. All ball bal.ed: Price received ~ J.8,J.O 18.90 19.60 19.80 19. 19.80 20.6o 21.4o 22.20 22.70 19.10 19.50 19.80 19.90 19.70 21.4o 21.90 22.00 22.20 22.00 22,00 23.00 23.6o 24.30 24.50 23.30 23.80 24.70 25.50 25.00 21.50 21.90 21.90 21.50 21.~ 21.20 21.80 22.6o 23.20 23.10 23.10 24.4o 25.50 25.4o 25.10 26,00 26.4o 26.4o 25.6o 24.4o 22.00 23.00 23.80 23.70 23.10 22.90 23.30 23.50 23.30 23.00 20.90 21.4o 21.50 21.30 21.00 21.90 22.70 22.90 22.50 21.6o J.8.90 19.20 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 . . bal.ed: Price received 2 • 27.90 29.30 2 .30 23.80 23.70 22.90 22.50 23.50 24.20 25.00 25.00 27.20 28.70 28.6o 28.00 28.6o 28.50 27.30 25.70 23.90 24.90 24.70 23.90 24.30 24.50 24.20 24,4o 22.6o 22.70 22.50 22.20 23.6o 23.80 23.30 22.30 19.4o ha: baled 30.00 29.10 3J..25 37.6o 37.75 30.75 31.25 28.00 34.50 bal.ed: 32.10 32.50 30.70 34.10 37.20 36.20 32.6o 33.80 39.50 4o.30 35.70 36.10 32.9() 35.10 by farmers 2 .30 2 .30 22.50 23.10 25.30 25.30 28.00 26.10 24.90 23.70 23.50 22.30 23.6o 23.30 22,20 22.20 21.6o 20.6o No. 1 30,00 27,00 33.20 36.80 37.50 30.75 31.25 28.00 35.00 Kansas Cit 30.00 30.00 27.00 28.50 30.50 33.50 35.00 35.00 36.75 36.75 30.75 30.75 25.90 25.75 28.00 27.00 34.00 38.00 Price 32. 33.30 31.30 34.4o 37.4o 35.80 32.4o 34.30 39.6o 39.20 35.90 35.90 33.10 34.70 id b 32.30 33.80 31.00 34.00 37.30 35.80 31.80 34.10 39.10 38.4o 35.50 35.70 32.70 34.00 : y Dol. i8.60 20.90 19.30 20.90 22,30 23.6o 21,20 21.4o 23.00 24.70 22,20 22.00 20.80 21.20 .J/18.80 21. 2 • 21.70 22.70 23.50 23.10 23.4o 25.50 21.6o 26.30 20.70 22.70 21.90 23.00 22,00 20.70 18.80 ~21.90 : Dol.. 19.90 2J..4o 20.30 22.70 22.90 24.30 21,10 21.10 25.6o 26.90 21.90 22,00 22.50 ~22.20 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 .oo 30.00 34.50 35.00 37.00 30.75 25.00 27.00 31.6o 2 .oo 26.oo 32.90 33.20 28.65 24.00 23.00 25.00 22.50 27. 5 27.20 29.65 34.6o 36.05 30.00 27.90 26.90 31.6o farmers 31.90 31. 32.90 31.70 30.4o 29.4o 34.00 32.4o 36.90 36.00 34.90 33.4o 31.20 31.50 34.4o 34.10 38.90 37.00 37.30 35.30 35.10 34.50 35.4o 35.00 32.50 32.80 33.4o 32.20 29. 30.10 29.10 30.10 33.50 30.10 29.70 32.4o 32.90 32.90 32.00 32.50 30.80 29.20 9·55 30.85 29.80 32.05 34.20 34.15 31.25 32.10 35.20 37.4o 34.25 34.6o 32.35 32.80 y Cr~ year average prices, by States, weighted by production to obtain weighted averages for the United States, gj Cr~ year average prices, by States, weighted by sales to obtain weighted averages for the United States. J/ Prel:l.minary. !!:/ Not available. 2/ Allllual. average prices are simpl.e averages of montncy pri.ces. All prices are rounded to the nearest five cents. §/ Allllual average prices are simple averages of montncy prices, - 52 - Year Table 75 •- ·Feed: Index numbers of prices paid by farmers, United States, by months, 1951-57 Jan, 15 Feb. 15 Mar. 15 Apr. 15 100 110 1o6 97 97 87 91 101 110 103 97 97 87 91 102 110 103 99 102 110 101 100 95 88 90 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 96 87 90 May 15 103 109 100 101 94 91 90 June 15 July 15 Aug. 15 Sept. 15 Oct. 15 Nov. 15 Dec. 15 101 108 98 98 93 90 87 100 10'( 97 97 91 90 100 109 101 110 95 98 87 91 86 103 108 94 1o6 1o6 93 87 89 85 86 90 84 109 lo6 95 97 87 91 84 96 98 89 91 87 8'( 96 96 Table 76 .- Prices paid by farmers per 100 pounds for specified feeds, United States, by months 1951-57 Year Jan. Dol. :Feb. Dol. : Mar. Dol. Apr. Dol. : May Q£h : June : July : Aug. Dol. Dol. : Sept. : Oct. Nov. : Dec. : Average Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. Dol. 4.57 5·30 3·89 4.51 4.01 3·88 J.78 4.40 5·33 3.72 4.45 3.81 3.84 3.77 4.49 5·25 3.70 4.40 3.81 3.78 3.72 4.8o 5.22 J.69 4.41 3.71 J.82 J.65 4.95 5·19 J.8J 4.44 J.69 3·85 3.68 4.77 5.18 4.31 4.30 4.08 3.77 3·71 4.74 5·85 4.72 5.8o 4.14 4.13 3·85 4.77 6.08 4.60 5·52 4.16 4.04 3.92 4.97 5·8o 4.46 4.81 4.32 J.87 3.85 5.10 5.46 4.35 4.77 4.07 3.86 3.75 5.16 5.34 4.78 4.79 3·95 3.86 3·71 4.75 5·55 4.74 5.32 4.33 4.01 3.8o 3·45 3·74 J.24 J.04 2.89 2.94 2.8o 3.58 3·71 3·11 3.01 2.90 2.90 2.75 3.60 3.71 3.05 2.98 2.87 2.88 2.68 J.82 3.70 2.99 3.01 2.85 2.93 2.65 4.01 3.69 3.13 3.03 2.87 3.04 2.63 3.52 3.86 J.J6 3.16 2.98 2.95 2.88 3·74 3·95 3·39 3·23 3·12 3·17 2.91 3.76 3.96 3.26 3.18 J.07 3·09 2.86 3.81 3·90 3.18 3·15 3.05 3·03 2.79 3.94 3.88 3.10 3.17 3.00 3.o6 2.74 4.09 3.82 3.23 3.18 2.98 3.12 2.70 3.72 4.00 3.46 3.32 3·17 3.09 2.96 4.14 4.37 3.88 3·87 3,64 3·75 3·39 4.20 4.35 3.89 3.88 3.49 3·76 3·33 4.23 4.26 3.81 3.84 3.41 3.63 3·27 4.25 4.08 3.72 3.82 3.29 3·50 3.23 4.38 4.04 3.78 3·79 3.28 3·50 3.22 4.16 4.31 3.87 3.83 3·59 3·55 3·37 6.26 6.48 5·38 6.52 5.02 4.87 4.85 6.29 6.73 5·37 6.18 4.90 4.99 4.85 6.45 6.64 5·36 5.8o 4.98 5.03 4.84 6.50 6.44 5.23 5.57 4.8o 4.8o 4.75 6.47 6.31 5.32 5.52 4.65 4.68 4.69 6.43 6.50 5·35 5.98 5.03 4.73 4.71 cottonseed meal 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 4.81 5.02 5.14 3·89 4.47 3.74 3.86 4.84 5.06 5·03 4.02 4.45 J.76 J.87 4.89 4.o6 4.95 4.17 4.36 3.72 J.84 4.89 5.12 4.8o 4.28 4.26 3.65 3.82 4.92 5.16 4.43 4.42 4.20 3.71 3.8o 4.86 5.20 4.JO 4.32 4.14 3·72 3.76 4.77 5.23 4.21 4.29 4.o6 3.76 3.74 So bean meal 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 4.51 5.20 5·09 4.86 4.76 3-97 J.85 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 195'{ 3.24 4.03 3.66 3.22 3.o6 2.86 3.08 4.54 5.30 4.93 5.01 4.72 3·92 J.87 4.75 5·37 4.91 5.30 4.62 3.84 3.81 4.59 5.41 4.8o 5·53 4.49 3·92 3·77 4.65 5·53 4.78 5·99 4.35 4.20 3·77 4.55 5.62 4.74 5.67 4.17 4.29 3.74 3·31 4.02 3.62 3.31 3.11 2.90 3.o6 3.46 4.05 3·58 3.51 3.08 J.02 J.08 3.61 3.98 3·59 3.36 J.07 3.18 3.02 3.41 3.87 3·45 3.15 2.99 3.00 2.89 4.69 5·69 4.74 5·71 4.17 4.27 3·73 Bran 3.25 4.04 3·58 3·27 3.08 2.87 3.08 3·51 3·67 3·27 J.03 2.96 2.91 2.85 Middli s 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 3.38 4.12 3.74 3.29 3.18 2.97 3.14 3·39 4.12 3.65 3·33 3-19 2.96 3.13 J.47 4.09 3.66 3.40 J.23 2.97 3.11 3·65 4.11 3.61 3·59 3.24 3.10 3.12 3·83 4.10 3·67 3·55 3.32 3·29 3.08 3·75 4.o6 3·58 3·47 3·32 3.16 2.97 3.88 3·87 3.44 3.28 3.30 3.13 2.94 Cornmeal 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 3·99 4.44 3·99 3.8o 3.70 3·33 3.48 4.05 4.40 3.92 3·79 3·75 3·33 3.46 4.11 4.32 3·90 3.8o 3·72 3·33 3.45 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 6.52 6.52 6.07 5-38 5.41 4.55 4.63 6.56 6.74 5·76 5.43 6.56 6.56 5.48 5·57 5.28 4.47 4.65 4.11 4.35 3-89 3.8o 3-69 3.48 3·43 4.16 4.35 3.90 3.82 3.68 3.64 3.42 4.12 4.36 3.88 3-89 3.68 3.66 3·39 6.53 6.43 5.14 5·98 5·11 4.45 4.66 6.45 6.33 5·03 6.58 5.01 4.75 4.64 6.27 6.40 5.02 6.56 4.84 4.81 4.62 4.12 4.35 3.88 3.86 3·69 3.71 3.38 Meat sera s 5·~5 4. 6 4.69 6.26 6.40 5.05 6.68 5.02 4.85 4.69 - 53 - Table 77 , - Price paid by farmers per 100 pounds for mixed dairy feed dairy ration, United States, 1947-57 y Year Jall. Feb. Mar. Apr. Dol. ~ ~ ~ May ~ Mixed June July Aug, ~ DOl. DOl. dai~ < and value of Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. : Average DOl. ~ Dol. ~ ~ 4.58 3·85 3·54 3·73 4.23 4.42 3·89 3.86 3·65 3.71 3·63 4.63 3·87 3·51 3·79 4.35 4.38 3.85 3·89 3.62 3·76 3.61 4.78 3·95 3.58 3.91 4.47 4.38 3·94 3·92 3·63 3.82 3·6o 4.14 4.41 3·66 3.71 4.18 4.48 4.09 3·97 3·77 3.71 3·74 feed 1 under 22 11ercent 11rotein 4.24 4.42 4.09 4.18 4.01 4.52 3·63 3·6o 3·59 3.82 3.74 3·77 4.12 4.o8 4.17 4.42 4.48 4.45 4.01 3·95 3·99 3·91 3·91 3·93 3.64 3.69 3·75 3.72 3.71 3·71 3·61 3·p 3·10 dai~ feed 1 1- 11ercent 12rotein 4.01 4.64 3·58 3.71 4.10 4.48 4.07 3·96 3·78 3·73 3·13 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 3.74 5·00 3·93 3.58 4.07 4.53 4.37 4.01 3·93 3.65 ;3.86 3.62 4.83 3·77 3.52 4.12 4.57 4.30 4.05 3.96 3.65 3·88 3·77 4.71 3.74 3.56 4.16 4.56 4.29 4.07 3·93 3.65 3·82 3·97 4.66 3·77 3.61 4.13 4.57 4.23 4.09 3·87 3·67 3·83 3·88 4.67 3·72 3.73 4.14 4.55 4.17 4.06 3·83 3·75 3·8o Mixed 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 3·67 4.76 3.76 3.42 3·97 4.43 4.26 3-94 3·85 3·59 3·8o 3·53 4.63 3.62 3.38 4.03 4.45 4.19 3-98 3.88 3.6o J.8J 3.68 4.51 3·59 3.41 4.07 4.43 4.18 3·99 3.86 3-6o 3·8o 3·87 4.49 3.6o 3·46 4.06 4.43 4.13 4.01 3-79 3.62 3·76 4.49 3·57 3·59 4.06 4.41 4.o8 3·97 3-76 3-69 3·12 Mixed dai~ 4.03 4.23 3.91 4.00 3.86 4.35 3.46 3.47 3.43 3.64 3.64 3.69 4.01 4.05 4.07 4.29 4.37 4-33 3-95 3-95 3·90 3.84 3.82 3-83 3.58 3-63 3·68 3.64 3.66 3-65 3.62 3.68 3·62 feed 1 20 11ercent 11rote1n 4.38 3·'72 3·39 3·63 4.13 4.31 3.84 3·77 3-58 3.66 3·21 4.43 3·71 3·38 3·69 4.24 4.27 3-79 3.81 3-55 3-70 3·26 4.57 3·79 J.41 3.81 4.38 4.28 3·87 3.84 3·58 3-77 3·26 3·99 4.23 3·51 3·58 4.09 4.36 4.01 3·89 3-70 3-65 3·62 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 3.86 5.24 4.06 3-73 4.16 4.64 4.51 4.17 4.19 3.84 !i;,Q!i 3-71 5-03 3-87 3.65 4.20 4.72 4.44 4.25 4.20 3-83 4,Q2 3.88 4.88 3.84 3.68 4.23 4.72 4.45 4.28 4.17 3.81 !!,02 4.09 4.79 3·89 3·73 4.17 4.72 4.38 4.29 4.09 3-83 3.2§ 3·99 4.82 3.84 3.86 4.20 4.70 4.31 4.32 4.03 3-95 3.21 MiXed 4.42 4.62 4.15 4.25 4.8o 4.11 4.64 4.29 3.66 3-76 3-72 3·70 3.82 3-83 3-91 3·95 4.14 4.15 4.17 4.25 4.6o 4.62 4.63 4.63 4.19 4.09 4.12 4.07 4.24 4.20 4.20 4.17 3.82 3.94 3·93 3·90 3.89 3-89 3·93 >·90 J.86 3·81 3,21 3·82 dairy feed 1 21i 11ercent 11rotein 4.76 3·92 3·67 3.81 4.29 4.55 4.02 4.12 3.84 3·88 3·83 4.81 3-98 3.62 3·87 4.44 4.52 3-98 4.14 3.8o 3·93 3.81 5-00 4.09 3-73 3·99 4.57 4.54 4.09 4.16 3·8o 3-99 3·8o 4.30 4.55 3·78 3.82 4.25 4.63 4.22 4.21 3·98 3-89 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 4.20 5-38 4.34 3-98 4.50 4.94 4.84 4.37 4.33 3·95 4.1 4.07 5-27 4.20 3.91 4.58 4.95 4.78 4.46 4.38 3·99 4.14 4.14 5-13 4.13 3.96 4.63 5.04 4.74 4.46 4.30 3.94 4.11 4.36 5-04 4.09 4.02 4-5'1 5.06 4.66 4.51 4.24 3·97 4.0 4.25 5-05 4.07 4.18 4.6o 5-03 4.6o 4.53 4.18 4.05 4.0 4.38 5.02 3.96 4.15 4.54 5.02 4.48 4.4o 4.09 4.05 4.02 4.51 4.96 3-97 4.22 4-53 4.98 4.34 4.32 4.15 4.04 4.66 4.73 4.07 4.31 4.52 4.97 4.36 4.38 4.09 4.04 4.01 4.82 4.45 4.03 4.21 4.59 5.04 4.32 4.35 4.04 4.0lf 4.00 5-00 4.30 3.96 4.18 4.62 4.89 4.25 4.31 4.05 3-99 5-o8 4.31 3-91 4.26 4.77 4.88 4.22 4.29 3·99 4.03 5-18 4.39 3-97 4.35 4.87 4.85 4.30 4.31 3-97 4.o8 4-55 4.84 4.06 4.14 4.61 4-97 4.49 4.39 4.. 15 4.01 4.0 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 3-25 4.59 3·37 3.04 3-45 3·88 3.76 3-39 3-31 2.99 .11 3.18 4.22 3-22 3.00 3-52 3.88 3-69 3.44 3.32 3.00 .1 3-38 4.26 3.26 3.04 3.54 3.88 3-67 3. 1+5 3-31 3.00 .1 3.41 4.27 3-15 3,21 3.58 3.86 3-57 3.41 3.24 3.06 3·58 4.22 3·03 3·19 3-50 3.82 3·48 3.36 3.20 3·09 3-69 4.10 3·o8 3·25 3-57 3.81 3.46 3-33 3-17 3.ll ,08 3-85 3-69 3.06 3.24 3-57 3.86 3-45 3-34 3.09 3.13 .07 4.o8 3-49 3·03 3.20 3.62 3.88 3-39 3·35 3.06 3.12 .04 4.12 3·35 2-95 3.16 3.56 3-79 3-29 3.27 2.99 3·05 2. 4.13 3-30 2.90 3-21 3-67 3·71 3·25 3.24 2.93 3.01 2. 4.31 3.34 2.98 3·32 3.81 3-71 3-34 3.28 2.97 3·05 2. 3-70 3-93 3-11 3.16 3-58 3-83 3·50 3-36 3-16 3·05 3·18 .o 3.86 4.44 3·45 3·58 4.01 4.36 4.00 3.86 3-72 3.66 3.68 .o 3·~ .o 2.83 3.01 3.06 3.04 1947 2.76 3.85 3.85 3.84 4.09 3-21 3.37 3-36 3·57 1948 4.05 2.83 2.83 4.37 3.83 3.94 2.98 3.94 3.89 2.87 3-17 3·65 3·53 2.62 2.78 2.66 2.67 2.74 2.50 2.60 2.69 2.65 1949 2.90 2.59 2.53 2.73 2.88 2.84 2.62 2.62 2.87 2.85 2.81 2.78 2.86 2.78 2.69 2.99 2.59 1950 3.21 3.24 3.26 3.22 1951 3-14 3-ll 3-19 3-22 3-25 3-25 3-22 3-34 3·45 3.24 1952 3.49 3.47 3.43 3.4o 3-43 3.23 3-29 3·36 3-32 3-30 3·37 3·37 3.28 3.21 3.14 2.88 2.88 3.22 3.10 2.98 3.07 2.99 1953 3-07 3·o8 3·09 2.84 3.06 3.08 3.04 3.01 2.91 2.88 2.87 2.97 1954 3.03 2.97 2.95 2.98 2.68 2.6o 2.76 2.77 2.67 2.93 2.93 2.91 2.87 2.85 2.83 2.59 2.55 1955 2.6o 2.62 2.61 2.62 2.66 2.67 2.63 2.66 2.70 2.77 2.74 2.65 1956 2.73 2.61 : 2. 4 2,68 2. 2.6 2. 2.64 2.61 2. 8 2.4 2.4o 2.4o 1 2. 1 Estimated average value of concentrate ration fed to dairy cows in milk-selling areas w.s obtained by combining regional values in proportion to tonnages of ration fed to obtain the whole milk sold by farmers to plants and dealers, The average for the creamselling areas w.s based on regional tonnages fed to obtain the milk skimmed on farms for sale as cream. These dairy ration prices are used 1n computing the milk-feed and the butterfat-feed price ratios. For the average value of all dairy rations fed, see table 78. - 54 - Table 78 .- Dairy Year Jan. Feb, and poultry ration: Mar. Apr. I Value per 100 pounds, United States, 1947-57 May De!=z 'J/ 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec, Average Dollars Dollars Dollars cow ration 1 estimated value Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars J/.. Y.. 3.14 4.54 3-29 2.95 3·39 3.8o 3.67 3·33 3-25 2.93 3-06 3·07 4.14 3.14 2o9l 3.46 3.8o 3.60 3.38 3.26 2.94 3.11 3-29 4.19 3-13 2.93 3.48 3.8o 3·59 3.4o 3-25 2-95 3·09 3-36 4.25 3-15 3.00 3-49 3.81 3-54 3-38 3.21 2.97 3.06 3-33 4.20 3-06 3.16 3-52 3-77 3-49 3-35 3-19 3.01 3.o4 3-50 4.15 3.01 3-13 3-51 3-74 3.41 3-30 3.15 3.o4 2.97 3.62 4.00 2-99 3-17 3.51 3·72 3.40 3.26 3-11 3.06 3-03 3-79 3.58 2.96 3.16 3.50 3-77 3-39 3-28 3.03 3.o8 3.01 4.03 3-38 2.93 3-12 3-51 3-79 3-32 3-29 3-00 3-07 2.99 4.06 3.24 2.86 3.o8 3-49 3-70 3-22 3-21 2.94 3-00 2.91 4.06 3-20 2.82 3-14 3.61 3.62 3-19 3.18 2.88 2.96 2.85 4.27 3.24 2.92 3-25 3·'74 3-63 3-29 3-21 2.92 3-00 2.85 3-63 3.84 3.02 3.o8 3-52 3-75 3-43 3-30 3.10 3-00 3.00 3.46 5-o8 3-62 3-38 3-89 4.26 4.06 3.82 3-77 4.65 3-47 3.4o 4.00 4.24 3·97 3-90 3-76 3.42 3-55 3-92 4.71 3-53 3.48 3·99 4.24 3-94 3·93 3-73 3-51 3-54 3-86 4.64 3-51 3.62 4.02 4.23 3·92 3·97 3-74 3.62 3·53 4.03 4.59 3-43 3.61 3·95 4.21 3.86 3-90 3-69 3-63 3.48 4.20 4.40 3-45 3-70 3·95 4.18 ;.83 3.88 3-63 3-64 3-47 4.35 4.07 3.46 3-73 3·96 4.24 3-84 3·90 3-54 3.66 3-47 4.67 3-93 3.46 3.68 3-99 4.28 3.82 3-89 3-47 3.65 3-43 4.71 3.68 3.4o 3.60 4.o4 4.17 3-72 3-39 3.58 3-43 4.55 3.44 3-35 3-96 4.25 3·96 3.86 3.8o 3.4o 3-56 3.44 3-53 3·37 4.71 3-59 3.31 3-63 4.12 4.09 3.68 3.78 3-36 3-54 3.34 4.89 3-62 3.38 3-74 4.22 4.o8 3·77 3-78 3.38 3.56 3-32 4.17 4.29 3.46 3-58 4.01 4.21 3.86 3-87 3.61 3-55 3-47 4.34 5-74 4.59 4.39 4.82 5-30 5-12 4.83 4.76 4.36 4.49 4.24 5-55 4.45 4.31 4.84 5·31 5.02 4.86 4.77 4.36 4.51 4.46 5.46 4.45 4.34 4.92 5-29 5-00 4.93 4.75 4.36 4.48 4.64 5.48 4.54 4.41 4.90 5-29 4.94 5.01 4.70 4.42 4.48 4.54 5.44 4.53 4.58 4.97 5.28 4.93 5.10 4.68 4.57 4.46 4.71 5.4o 4.47 4.56 4.88 5-29 4.89 5.00 4.62 4.57 4.42 4.87 5-34 4.51 4.67 4.91 5-25 4.84 4.97 4.60 4.58 4.42 5.o4 4.94 4.58 4.74 4.92 5-30 4.84 4.96 4.53 4.57 4.43 5-25 4.78 4.53 4.60 4.94 5-35 4.8o 4.90 4.45 4.55 4.41 5-39 4.59 4.48 4.54 5-03 5·27 4.73 4.77 4.47 4.49 4.36 5.4o 4.55 4.38 4.58 5-12 5.20 4.66 4.76 4.38 4.47 4.32 5-53 4.62 4.41 4.67 5-23 5.16 4.77 4.75 4.36 4.48 4.28 4.87 5.16 4.49 4.53 4.96 5-27 4.88 4.90 4.59 4.48 4.42 4.79 5.08 3-91 4.04 4.46 4.66 4.35 4.32 4.21 4.16 4.05 4.88 4.72 3.88 4.06 4.44 4.65 4.34 4.32 4.14 4.19 4.03 5.16 4.57 3-Bo 4.03 4.45 4.65 4.32 4.30 4.o4 4.18 3-98 5-26 4.32 3-76 3-99 4.45 4.60 4.28 4.27 4.01 4.13 3-92 5-31 4.15 3.68 4.05 4.54 4.54 4.22 4.27 3-94 4.11 3-90 5-55 4.13 3-72 4.13 4.61 4.50 4.26 4.25 3-93 4.11 3-91 4.69 4.93 3·90 3·95 4.47 4.64 4.36 4.32 4.16 4.o8 4.03 5-65 5.10 4.95 5.00 5-35 5-75 5-22 5-33 4.85 5-05 4.89 5.8o 4.95 4.85 4.95 5-45 5-65 5.14 5-19 4.88 4.97 4.83 5-85 4.90 4.75 5.00 5-50 5-55 5-09 5-17 4.77 4.91 4.80 5-95 4.95 4.75 5-05 5-55 5-50 5-23 5.18 4.78 4.94 4.81 5·23 5.52 4.85 4.92 5.36 5.65 5.26 5-31 5.00 4.95 4.89 3-Bo 'J/ Aug. I : Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 July June I !/ 3-Bo Berate 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 3.86 5-69 4.12 3.72 4.29 4.67 4.50 4.30 4.28 3o93 4.13 3.81 5-34 3-93 3-71 4.36 4.68 4.43 4.31 4.29 3·93 4.11 4.20 5,30 3-98 3-77 4.50 4.68 4.42 4.36 4.28 3·95 4.11 4.46 5-34 4.o4 3-87 4.49 4.70 4.42 4.37 4.25 4.05 4.11 4.41 5-29 4.00 3·99 4.52 4.69 4.41 4.38 4.27 4.14 4.10 4.61 5.26 3-94 4.00 4.48 4.69 4.39 4.36 4.24 4.14 4.06 l:iroller grow!ii8 masli 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 !/ Includes 4.65 6.15 4.90 4.75 5.20 5·60 5.46 5.23 5.19 4.79 4.93 4.55 5-95 4.8o 4.70 5-25 5·65 5.38 5.26 5.18 4.81 4.96 4.8o 5-85 4.8o 4.70 5-35 5-65 5.34 5-32 5-15 4.81 4.93 4.95 5.85 4.85 4.8o 5-30 5-70 ~-32 5.41 5-13 4.91 4.95 4.90 5.8o 4.85 4.95 5-35 5-70 5.28 5-51 5.08 5.02 4.91 5.05 5-75 4.8o 4.95 5-30 5-70 5.26 5·39 5.02 5.06 4.87 5-20 5-70 4.90 5.05 5-35 5-65 5-23 5-35 5.02 5.08 4.87 5-45 5.30 5.00 5.15 5-35 5-70 5·23 5-39 4.95 5.10 4.91 estimated value of home-grown grains as well as purchased feeds. i( Based on regional estimates mi and of concentrate ration values combined 1n proportion to the amount of concentrates f'ed f'or producing sold as milk and as cream 1n each region, For data by States see Milk Production, Agricultural Marketing Service, March 1958 earlier issues. -- 'JI Prel1minary. Y Data by States and regions are reported 1n "Poultry-Ration Costs and Poultry-Feed Price Ratios, 1924-45,'' Bureau of Agricultural Economics, March 1946; currently each month 1n Agricultural ~· Agricultural Marketing Service, - 55 - Table 79 .--Livestock-feed price ratios, by months, long time average and 1953-57 Year : Aver: Jan. : Feb. :Mar.: Apr. :May : June : July: Aug. :Sept.: Oct. : Nov. : Dec.: age y Hog-corn price ratio, Chicago basis gj Average 1938-56 12.5 13.2 13.0 12.7 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 11.4 16.2 11.0 9.2 13.3 12.7 16.6 10.8 9.8 13.5 13.3 16.6 11.0 9.8 13.4 14.2 17.4 11.6 10.4 13.8 12.6 12.8 13.2 15.2 16.4 11.6 10.7 13.6 16.2 14.9 13.2 10.9 14.9 16.5 14.0 12.1 10.8 15.6 13.6 13.3 13.8 13.1 12.3 13.0 15.0 12.2 12.4 10.5 15.3 14.8 12.3 12.2 12.1 14.6 14.6 12.6 10.4 11.2 14.8 15.5 11.4 8.6 12.4 16.2 14.6 14.5 11.4 10.7 14.6 15.3 13.4 12.5 10.7 16.2 Hog-corn price ratio, United States 3/ Average 1937-56 13.1 13.6 13.3 12.8 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 12.1 17.4 12.0 9·5 14.1 13.5 17.7 11.6 10.3 13.7 13.8 17.4 11.4 10.3 14.0 14.4 18.2 12.2 10.9 14.4 12.6 12.5 12.6 15.5 16.8 11.7 11.1 14.0 15.6 14.4 12.6 11.1 15.1 16.1 13.6 11.7 10.7 15.7 13.1 13.2 14.1 13.9 13.2 13.2 15.7 13.8 12.1 11.2 16.3 15.9 12.7 12.7 13.0 15.9 15.3 13.5 11.1 11.8 17.0 16.3 12.2 9.2 13.3 18.2 15.0 15.0 11.8 11.2 15.4 15.9 12.9 12.7 11.0 16.6 Beef steer-corn price ratio, Chicago basis ~ Average 1937-56 15.8 15.6 15.5 15.3 15.0 15.3 15.7 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1l>.2 15.4 17.1 16.1 15.6 15.1 14.8 16.4 15.0 15.9 14.1 14.7 16.5 14.3 16.6 13.6 14.9 15.0 13.2 17.1 13.7 15.1 16.0 13.7 17.4 14.1 14.6 15.0 13.6 17.5 15.4 14.5 15.3 14.6 18.5 16.4 16.5 18.3 18.2 16.6 16.2 15.0 15.3 17.3 17.6 19.7 17.4 16.5 18.5 20.1 20.6 17.1 17.6 17.8 17.9 21.7 15.1 17.2 16.2 16.0 22.4 15.2 15.4 16.3 15.5 18.5 15.5 14.4 17.1 16.3 19.4 Butterfat-feed price ratio, United States 21 ~ Average 1937-56 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 23.8 23.5 23.0 22.5 : 20.9 : 21.9 : 20.0 22.2 21.6 21.0 21.5 19.9 22.0 21.1 20.9 20.3 19-9 21.8 21.2 21.1 Hi.7 20.1 22.0 22.1 22.0 21.8 22.2 22.9 23.6 24.7 24.9 25.0 23.3 21.2 18.8 20.1 22.0 22.4 21.2 18.9 21.2 21.0 22.5 23.1 20.0 22.3 22.4 23.7 23.3 20.5 22.8 23.1 24.6 22.4 20.7 22.6 22.4 24.7 21.6 19.8 20.9 21.9 22.7 21.2 18.8 20.0 21.6 22.9 21.0 19.2 20.4 21.4 22.2 22.0 18.9 21.6 21.2 22.9 !>1ilk-feed price ratio, United States 21 7Z Average 1937-56 1.35 1.32 1.26 1.20 1.15 1.15 1.19 1.26 1.33 1.42 1.47 1.43 1.29 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1.28 1.29 1.27 1.42 1.43 1.25 1.22 1.23 1.38 1.38 1.20 1.17 1.19 1.33 1.34 1.10 1.03 1.11 1.26 1.25 1.21 1.16 1.29 1.31 1.36 1.40 1.32 1.48 1.47 1.54 1.44 1.36 1.53 1.53 1.59 1.25 1.19 1.28 1.36 1.40 1.13 1.07 1.15 1.27 1.28 1.12 1.04 1.12 1.25 1.26 - 56 - 1.17 1.12 1.19 1.28 1.30 1.30 1.23 1.38 1.38 1.45 1.36 1.32 1.48 1.49 1.56 -Continued Table 79 .--Livestock-feed price ratios, by months, long time average and 1953-57 -Continued Year Feb. Jan. Mar.: Apr. May June: July Aug. :Sept.: Oct.: Nov.: Dec. Average y Egg-feed price ratio, United States §/ Average 1947-56 11.0 10.6 10.3 10.0 9·9 10.0 10.7 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 11.3 J2.1 8.5 13.7 9·3 10.6 11.3 11.9 9·9 10.4 10.6 11.8 11.6 9·2 8.6 11.5 cl.9 9.6 11.0 8.7 11.7 11.8 J2.3 8.3 8.5 8.9 9.2 9.0 9·1 10.4 10.0 10.1 8.2 8.3 9·3 11.5 J2.1 J2.6 l2.7 J2.4 11.2 13.1 9.6 11.2 10.1 10.5 14.3 8.5 J2.5 10.8 J2.8 13.5 9.0 12.9 10.5 13.6 J2.9 8.7 14.0 10.4 13.4 12.3 9.4 10.8 10.9 10.3 13.4 (3. 7 12.6 10.6 11.7 Farm chicken-feed price ratio, United States Average 1947-56 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 5·9 5-9 5.7 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 5·7 5·7 4.1 5·7 3·9 6.1 5.6 4.9 5·7 4.0 6.3 5.8 5.6 5.8 4.2 6.3 5.4 5.4 5.6 4.1 6.3 5.0 5.4 5·3 3·9 5·9 4.8 5.3 5.0 3.8 6.0 4.3 5·3 4.6 3.8 5·9 4.3 5.2 4.4 3·9 5.6 3·9 5.4 4.0 4.0 5.4 5·5 6.0 6.0 5.4 5·7 3.8 5.2 3.6 3.8 5.6 3.8 5·3 3.8 4.1 5.9 4.7 5.2 4.8 3.9 3·1 5.2 3·1 3.8 Turkey-feed price ratio, United States Average 1947-56 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 ~ ~ 9.0 9.0 8.9 8.7 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.0 9.4 8.7 8.3 8.7 7-2 9-0 8.4 8.8 7.8 9.1 8.5 8.6 8.1 9.2 8.3 7.8 8.5 8.5 7.1 7.1 8.3 8.9 9.0 7.1 9-1 1·1 1·3 8.2 8.0 8.0 8.0 6.7 8.4 7-4 8.2 1·1 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.8 7·6 1·1 1·3 1·3 9.2 7-5 8.9 7-3 7-1 9-2 7.8 9-0 7·8 7·5 8.6 7-9 8.3 8.2 7.1 4.9 5.3 4.4 5.1 4.3 5.0 4.0 3.9 1·1 8.5 7.1 1·9 6.4 6.5 6.7 6.6 Commercial broiler-feed price ratio, United States 2/ Average 1947-56 5.2 5.2 5.6 5.5 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.1 5.0 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 5.1 4.6 4.7 4.3 3·7 5.1 4.3 4.9 4.4 3·9 5·3 4.4 5.8 4.6 4.0 5·3 4.5 5.5 4.2 3·9 5.2 4.3 5·3 4.2 4.0 5.0 4.5 5.4 4.0 4.3 5.4 4.7 5·3 4.2 4.4 5.3 4.6 5.4 3.8 4.3 5.2 4.3 5.2 3.6 3.8 5.2 4.0 4.5 3.5 3.6 5.1 3.9 4.4 3.4 3.6 3·1 4.1 3.4 3.4 !f Simple average of monthly ratios. gj Number of bushels of No. 3 Yellow corn at Chicago equivalent in value to 100 pounds of packer and shipper purchases of barrows and gilts. ]/ Number of bushels of corn equivalent in value to 100 pounds of hog, liveweight, based on local market prices. Bushels of No. 3 Yellow corn equivalent in value to 100 pounds of "Beef steers from the Corn Bet, sold out of first hands at Chicago for slaughter, all grades." 2/ Average includes an allowance for dairy production payments, October 1943-June 1940. ~ Pounds of feed equivalent in value to one pound of butterfat, based on local market prices. 1/ Pounds of feed equivalent in value to one pound of milk, wholesale. ~ Number of pounds of poultry ration equivalent in value at local farm markets to one dozen eggs; 1 pound chicken (liveweight), or 1 pound of turkey (liveweight). 2/ Number of pounds of broiler growing mash equal in value to 1 pound of broiler, liveweight. Data not available prior to 1947. i{ - 57 -