W e t r6no
MANUAL OWNER'S Grillin'ProrM4000 Model#4000 LPGas Grill
Features: . PorcelainCoatedGast lron Grates . StainlessSteel Thermometers . NickelPlatedWarmingRacks .54,400BTU's .850 Inchesof CookingArea . StainlessSteel Tube Burners . 12,000BTU Side Burner . Gast Brass Side Burner . Electroniclgnition System . PorcelainCoatedFlameShields . Large8" Wheels . Dual Stacks for Even Heating . Stay GoolrM Hood Handle
WARNING: adjustment,alteration,serviceor lmproperinstallation, maintenancecouldcause injuryor propertydamage operationand maintenance Readthe installation, thoroughlybeforeassemblingor servictng instructions this equipnnent. Failureto followthese instructionscould resultin fire or explosionthat couldcausepropertydamage,personal injuryor death.
DANGER: OOruOf usegasgrillfor indoorcookingor heating' andcauseasphyxiation' TOXICfumescanaccumulate vehicles' recreational or boats Do notusein or on ELo_E_Q5_\tvAeNlN-q: to cause knownto thestateof California Chemicals are harm cancer.birthdefectsor otherreproductive propane. of createdby thecombustion A propanegas cylinderis requiredfor operation' This gas grillis not intendedfor commercialuse' rM& @Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg.
lf you smelfgas: Shut off gas to the appliance. Extinguishany openflame. OpenLid. lf odor continues,keepawayfrom the appliance and immediately call your gas supplieroi your fire department.
1. Do not storeor use gasolineor otherflammable liquidsor vaporsin the vicinityof this or any otherappliance. 2. An LP cylindernot connectedfor use shall not be storedin the vicinityof this or any other appliance.
page 2 rM & @ Char-Griller/A&J Mfg.
Tableof Contents SafetyInformation lmportant
PartsList lllustrated
. ...page6 - 7
AssemblyTipsand HardwareList. ToolsRequired,
page 8
.PageI - 15
OperatingGrill C o n n e c t i nGga sC y l i n d e r . . . .
L i g h t i nG g rill..
Page16 . . P a g e1 7
Cleaningand Care
Checkingfor Leaks
..page19 - 20
page23 - 24
Accessories. page3
rM & @ Char-Griller/A&J Mfg'
Grillin' Promodel# 4000Owner's Manual WARNING FOR YOUR SAFETY 1.
DO NOT store or use gasolineor any otherflammablevaporsand liquidswithin25 feet (8m)of this or any other appliance.
When cookingwith oil/grease,do not allowthe oil/greaseto exceed350'F (177'C).Do not store of use extra cookingoil in the vicinityof this or any other appliance.
An LP Cylindernot connectedfor use shouldbe storeda minimumof 10 feet (3m)awayf rom this or any otherappliance.Neverfill the cylinderbeyond80 percentfull. lf the above informationnot followedexactly,a fire causingdeath or seriousinjurymay occur. lf you smellgas: - Shut Off gas to the grill. - Extinguishany open flame. - Open Lid. - lf odor continues,immediatelycall your gas supplieror fire department.
ForYourSafety Stop!Callus first!Do Not returnproductto store.Thisgrillhas beenmadeto highquality standards.lf you haveany questionsnot addressedin this manualor if you needpartsplease callour customerservicedepartment (USA),Monday-Friday at 1-912-638-4724 9am-5pm(EST). NOTE:The use and installation of thisproductmustconformto localcodes.In absenceof local codes,usethe NationalFuelGasCode,ANSI2223.1/NFPA54. priorto assemblyand use. IMPORTANTNOTICE:readall instructions Readand understandall warningsand precautionsprior to operatingyour grill. CAUTION 2.
gascylindernot included). Thisgrillis for usewithpropanegasonly(propane propanesystemof a campertrailer,motor Neverattemptto attachthisgrillto the self-contained homeor house.
Never use charcoal or lighterfluid with the gas grill.
Do not use gasoline, kerosene or alcoholfor lighting.The LP-gas supply cylinder must be
5. 6. 7. g.
for propanegas cylindersof the withthe specifications and markedin accordance constructed (DOT)CFR49. Thisgrillis not intendedto be usedin or of Transportation U.S.Department vehiclesand/orboats. installedon recreation Do not attemptto movethe grillwhileit is lit. and all partsare securelyfastenedand assembled Do not usethe grillunlessit is completely tightened. itemsand surfacesat least36 inches(91.4cm)awayfromgrillat all times. Keepall combustible constructions. combustible DO NOT usethis grillor any gas productnearunprotected Page 4
rM&@char-Griller/A&J Mfg.
Keepgrillareaclearandfreefromcombustible Do not use in an explosiveatmosphere. vaporsandliquids. gasolineandotherflammable materials, cooled(about45 minutes)to avoidburns, 10. Do not touchmetalpartsof grilluntilit hascompletely gear(BBQmittens,pot holders,etc.) unlessyou are wearingprotective
11. Do notalterthisgrillin anymanner. 12. Cleanand inspectthe hosebeforeeachuse.If thereis evidenceof abrasion,wear,cuts,or hose The replacement leaks,the hosemustbe replacedpriorto operatingthe appliance. assemblywill be thatwhichis specifiedby the manufacturer' 13. Movegas hosesas far awayas possiblef romhot surfacesanddrippinghot grease. to in a hotcaror cartrunk.Heatwillcausethe gaspressure 14. Neverkeepa filledcontainer increase,whichmayopenthe reliefvalveand allowgasto escape. clean.lnspectthe grill air passages burnersandcirculating 15. Keepthe grill'svalvecompartment, beforeeachuse. WARNING 1.
garageor anyother Thisgrillis for outsideuseonly,andshouldnotbe usedin a building, enclosedarea.
abilityto drugsmayimpairthe operator's The use of alcohol,prescription or non-prescription properlyassembleor safelyoperatethe grill. Alwaysopengrilllid slowlyand carefullyas heatand steamtrappedwithinthe grillcan burnyou severely.
3. 4.
An asphaltor Alwaysplaceyourgrillon a hard,levelsurfacefar awayfromcombustibles. purpose. for this blacktopsurfacemay not be acceptable
Do not leavea lit grillunattended. Keepchildrenand petsawayfromthe grillat all times.
Do not placethis grillon anytypeof tabletopsurface.
Do not usethe grillin highwinds.
DANGER Knowits characteristics Liquidpropane(LP)gas is flammableand hazardous if handledimproperly. beforeusingany propaneproduct. . PropaneCharacteristics: Flammable, explosiveunderpressure,heavierthanair and settlesin poolsand lowareas. .
In its naturalstate,propanehas no odor.Foryoursafety,an odoranthas beenadded.
Contactwith propanecan causefreezeburnsto skin.
Thisgrillis shippedfromthe factoryfor propanegas useonly.
witha damagedbody,valve,collaror footing. Neverusea propanecylinder
and shouldbe checkedby yourpropane Dentedor rustedpropanecylindersmaybe hazardous gas supplier. page5 rM & O Char-Griller/A&J Mfg
2. GRTLL B O D Y . . . . . . .P . .C 1
4 . T H E R M O M E T E R . . .P. .C. 1
5 . H O O DH A N D L E , . . . . .P. .C1
6 . W A R M I N G . R A C K . .P. .C. 1
9 . F L A M ES H I E L D . . . . P . 4C S
wire)2PCS 7a. BURNER 1*'tnsno4e1 wire)2PCS 7b. BURNER (*itntonqej
1 0 .L O N GL E G .
. . . . . . 2 P C S11. S H O R TL E G .
. . . . . 2 P C S 1 2 .L E GC R O S SB A R . . . . . . 2 P C S
page 6 rM& @ Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg
l 3 . C O O K I N GG R A T E
1 4 .A X E LC A P . .
1 7 .A X E L .
. . . . . . .P 1C
15 . w H E E 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 P C S
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'i" - - ", ' : ' . .-q*;'.";: -, ';;" 1 .,.ri;.,.,
16. L EG B R A C E ,
. .2 P C S
/ C ON T R OL 20. UTENSIL 1 9 .SID EBU R N E R HOOK.. ..3PCS P A N E LH / O S E& V A L V E . . , . 1 S E T
1 2 1 .G R E A S T E R A Y . . . . . .P. .C
2 2 . CA T C HPA N ..
. .. . . . 1P C
2 3 . R I G H TS I D ES H E L F . . . . 1 P C24.
page7 TM .a. rA ihar-At''llat
I L9. I ltAfa
Assembly:Requires2 people.Getanotherpersonto help. Tools Needed:Pliers,PhillipsHeadScrewdriver anda7/16"Nut Driver. NOTE:Do Nottightenany boltsunlessinstructed to do so.Tightening too soonmayprohibit partsfromfittingtogether.All Hex Nutsshouldbe on the insideof the grillunlessstated otherwise.Unpackall contentsin a wellclearedand paddedarea. Estimated AssemblyTime:45 minutes STOP!Do Not Returnto Store.lf you are missingpartsor needassistancepleaseemailus at
[email protected] or call912-638-4724. Do notattemptassemblyif you are missingparts.
% - 2 O x1 Y 2 "B O L T. . . . . . 4 P C S E
@il @ E oft
@ sal)
8O1T....... 38 PCS %-20x112" ....4PCS
...11 PCS
......2 PCS
H A I RC O T T E RP I N . . . . 2 P C S
rM& @Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg.
AssemblyInstructions Step 1 Attachthe LONGLEGSand SHORTLEGSto the base,oppositethe tankwell/holewithtwo (2) lockwashersTz"Boltsas shownbelow.
Step 2 Insertthe LEGS intothe LEG CROSSBARS as shownbelow.
hl Step 3 Insertthe AXELthroughthe SHORTLEGSand throughthe BASE. S|ideW HEELSonto AXELand hammerAXEL CAPS onto each end of the AXEL to secur eW HEELS.
page9 TM& O Char-Griller/ A&J Mfo.
Step4 Installthetwo(2) LEGBRACESto the LEGSusingeight(8) LocK WASHERSandeight(B)'/2
1/ r,
BOLTS as shown. Remember to Nor tightenthe boltsuntilthe grillcompletely assembled.
D1li i :. ".!'--.r ,lt'l fi 1s
Step 5 Attachthe FRONTPANELto the insideof thefrontLEGSusingfour(4) LOCKWASHERSand 72"BOLTSas shownbelow. LockWasher
Step 6 Attachthe GRILLBODYto the LEGSusingeight(8) LOCKWASHERS, eight(8)yr" BOLTSand eight(8) FLATWASHERSas shown.Makesureto insertthe boltfirstthroughthe lockwasherthen theflatwasherthenthroughthe grillbodyas shown.Youmayneedto loosenotherboltsandmove the GRILLBODYslightlyto getthe holesin the GRILLBODYto lineup withthe holesin the LEGS.
L F\ { t '
ffii" -
page10 TM& @ Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg.
Step 7 Attachthe CATCH PAN to the undersideof the GRILLBODY usingtwo (2)'!/2"BOLTSas 'Wheel Side"is on the sideof shown.Make sure that the side of the catchpan with the label the grillwith the wheels.Fromthe rearof the grill,slidethe GREASETRAY intothe guides/railsunderthe CATCH PAN.
V A Step 8 I ns t a ltlh e S I D E B U R N E Ra n d th e C ONTROLPANELto the GRILLBODY.Attachwithei ght( 8) 72"BOLTSand eight (8) LOCKWASHERS.From insidethe GAS GRILLBODYthe BOLTSwill firstgo throughthe LOCKWASHERthen the GRILLBODYand then screwintothe SIDE B U R N E Ra n d CON T R OLP A N E L .S e e Figur esbelow.
beon Note:thehoseshould the outsideof the leg brace.
WRONG page 11
rM & O Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg.
Step 9 Attachthe SIDESHELFwithfour(4) yr" BOLTSand LOCKWASHERS as shownbetow.
,t '}
Step10 Installthe BURNERSintothe GASGRILLBODYby firstinserting the openendof the BURNERS throughthe holesdirectlybehindthe CONTROLPANELandthenontothe VALVE tip.Makesurethe valvetip is completely insidethe holeon the endof the BURNER. The BURNERwiththe longwireis installed on the rightsideof the GASGRILLBODY.Securethe otherendof the BURNERto the GASGRILLBODYwiththe SCREWprovided. Again,make surethe VALVEtio is comoletelv insidethe holeon the endof the BURNER.
Burner Step11 lnsertthe IGNITERWIRES,whichareattached through to the underside of eachBURNER, the sameholein the GRILLBODYthatthe BURNERgoesthroughandthenattachtheWIRE to the CONTROLPANEL. whichis attached IGNITER. to the backsideof the ELECTRONIC
Burner Electroniclgniter
page 12 rM & @ Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg.
Step12 Attachthe HOODHANDLEto the HOODwithtwo (2) LOCKWASHERSand two (2)WING NUTSas shownbelow.AttachTHERMOMETER as shown.
Step13 to the GASGRILLHOODandthe CHARCOAL Installthe two (2)GASCHIMNEYS to the CHARCOAL CHIMNEY GRILLHOOD.Insertthe CHIMNEYS througheachhole frominsidethe HOODand securewithtwo (2) HEXNUTSandtwo (2) /2"BOLTSfor each CHIMNEY, see below.
Step14 Attachthe HOODto the GRILLBODYusingthe HINGEPINSas shown.Firstplacethe HOOD ontothe GRILLBODYthenscrewthe HINGEPINSintoplaceandtheninsertCOTTERPINS throughthe holesin the HINGEPINSon the insideof the GRILLBODY.
page13 rM & @ Char-Griller/A&J Mfg.
Step 15 Beforeattaching WARMINGRACKyou mustattachthe warmingrackBOLTSto the GRILL HOODand BODY.lnsertthe 1/z"BOLTSthroughthe holesin the sidesof the HOODfromthe outsideandtightenthe HEXNUTSon the insideof the HOODS.Insertthe 1Tz"BOLTS throughthe holesin the sidesof the GRILLBODIESfromtheoutsideandtightenthe HEX NUTSon the insideof the GRILLBODIES.Now,youcanattachthewarmingracksto these boltsas shownbelowandsecurewithHEXNUTSonlyfingertight.
Step 16 Set the POT STAND in placeover the SIDE BURNER.Next installthe four (4) FLAME S HI E L D So v e rt h e B U R N E RT U B E S .T henset the COOKINGGRATESin ptaceand inser tthe UT E N S I LH O O K Si n toth e S ID ES H E L F.
Pot Stand
',fiii,, It
F lam eShields
Step 17 1. Placea standard20 lb. LP gas cylinder(not included)intothe cart assemblyand connectthe cylinder with the gas hose/regulator as shown.(See"OperatingGrill"on page for furtherinstructions). 2.Turn the Screwon the left side of the base panelclockwiseto securethe standard20 lb. LP gas cylinder. NOTE: Hose must go underand to the outside of the leg brace.
Screw page 14 rM & @ Char-Griller/A&J Mfg.
Step 18 lnstalllgniterbatteryby turningthe lgniterpush buttoncap counter-clockwise untilthe igniterbutton detaches,then installa AA batterymakingsure the positive(+) end is underthe push button.Then re-attachthe igniterbuttonby turningit clockwise.
Step 19 Tightenall BOLTSand NUTS.
Fully Assembled
provided! Caution: Useonlythe regulator Do NOTuse 912-638-4724. please callourcustomerservicedepartment, is necessary, lf a replacement partsthatare not intendedfor thisgrill. replacement Hint:The paperlabelthat is affixedto the hoodis moreeasilyremovedwhenthe hoodis warm. Any likeWD-40o. glueresiduecan be cleanedoff witha spraylubricant remaining page 15 rM & @ Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg.
GasCylinder: Connecting
The propanegas supplycylinderto be used must be constructedand markedin accordancewith the Transportation(DOT)' Only SpecificationJforpropanegas Cylindersof the U.S. Departmentof "propane" may be used. Cylinders cylinderswith a listedoverfillpreventiondevice(OPD)and marked "lobes" (prongs).Only use 20-poundcylinders with an OPD will have valve handleswith three equippedwith a cylinderconnectiondevicecompatiblewith the connectionfor outdoorcooking appliances.The cylindermust includea collarto protectthe cylindervalve. The gas cylindershould not be droppedor handledroughlyl lf the applianceis not in use,the gas cylindermust be disconnected.Storageof an applianceindoorsis permissibleONLY if the cylinderis disconnected and removedfrom the appliance. Cylindersmust be storedoutdoorsout of the reachof childrenand must not be stored in a building,garageor any other enclosedarca. Your cylindermust never be storedwhere temperaturescan reachover 125 F. Beforeconnection,be sure that there is no debris caught in the head of the gas cylinder,head of the regulatorvalve or in the head of the burnerand burrierports. Connect regulatorvalve and hand-tightenfirmly. Disconnectthe propanecylinderfrom the regulatorvalve when the grill is not in use. DO NOT obstructthe flow of combustionair and ventilalionair to the grill. Thapropanecylindermust be arrangedfor vaporwithdrawaland equipped with a listedoverfillingpreventiondevice. DANGER Never store a spare propanecylindernear this grill. A fire causingdeath or seriousinjurymay occur if
the aboveis not followedexactlY.
Note: Before starting the grill, check for leaks. Make sure the regulator valve is securely fastened to the burner and the cylinder. To prevent fire or explosion hazard when testing for a leak: "leak test" as describedbelow beforelightingthe grill or 1. Always per.formthe each time the cylinderis connectedfor use' leak 2. Do not smoke or allow other sourcesof ignitionin the area while conductinga test. 3. conduct leak test outdoorsin a well-ventilatedarea. 4. Do not use matches,lightersor a flame to check for leaks. to stop a leak, 5. Do not use grill until an-yand all leaksare corrected. lf you are unable your local propanegas disconnectthe bropane supply. Call a gas applianceservicemanor supplier.
To Performa LeakTest:
soapwiththree by mixingonepartliquiddishwashing of leaksolution Make a2-3oz (0-g0ml.) partswaterin a sPraYbottle. Note: Makesurecontrolknobsare off' connection. spraysolutionat the tankvalveto regulator is for bubbles.lf No bubblesappear,the connection lnspectthe solutionat the connection"looking secure.lf bubblesappear,you havea leak' as follows: Checkthe regulatorconnection is secure. makingsurethe connection and reconnect, tank fromthe regurator Disconnect cylinder' Retestwithsolution.lf you continueto see bubbles,replacethe page16
rM & @ Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg.
LightingYour Grill Danger: Failureto openhoodwhileignitingthe grillor notwaiting5 minutesto allowthegasto clearif the grilldoesnot light,mayresultin an explosive flare-upwhichcancauseseriousbodilyinjuryor death. Beforecoolingon thisgrillfor the firsttime,operatethe grillfor about15 minuteswiththe lidclosedandthe gasturnedon "high."Thiswill"heatclean"the internalpartsand dissipate odorfromthe manufacturing processes and paintedfinish. Main Burners 1. Alwaysopenthe lid beforelightingthe grill. Attempting to lightthe burnerwiththe lidclosedmaycausean explosion! 2. Makesurethereare no obstructions of airflowto the gas unit. Spidersand insectscan nestwithinand clogthe burner/venture tubeat the office.A cloggedburnertubecan leadto a fire beneaththe appliance. 3. Makesureall burnerknobsare in the OFFposition. 4. Openthe valveon the LP gascylinder. 5. lgniteonlythe burnersyoudesireto use,usingthe samemethodfor each: pushin desiredburnerknobfullyand rotateslowlyaboutla turncounter-clockwise to "H|GH".lf the burner doesnot lightimmediately, returnthe knobto OFF,wait Fiveminutesfor the gasto clearand repeatthe procedure.Afterthe burnerignites, repeatthe sameprocedure withanyotherburnerdesired. 6. Adjustknob(s)to desiredcookingsetting. Afterlighting,observethe burnerflame,makesureall burnerportsare lit. lf burnerflamegoesoutduringoperation, immediately turnthe gas"off"on the grilland at the gascylinder andopenhood/lidto letthe gasclearfor abouts minutesbeforere-lighting. Cleanyourgrillaftereachuse,DO NOTuseabrasiveor flammable cleaners, as it willdamagethe partsof thisproductand maystarta fire. Side Burner 1. Openlidduringlighting.Lidmustbe openwhenburneris on. 2. Burnervalvesmustbe in the "off"position. 3. Opencylindervalve. 4. Pushin sideburnervalveknobfullyand rotateslowlyabout% turncounter-clockwise untila clickis heard. lf the burnerdoesnotlight,immediately turnthe valveknobto OFF. Wait5 minutesfor the gasto clearand repeatthe procedure. 5. Afterburnerignites,adjustvalveknobto desiredcookingsetting. ShuttingOff Burners: 1. Alwaysturnthe valveknob(s)clockwise thenpushin andturn to the Hl position, to OFF. Neverforcethe knobwithoutdepressing it as thiscandamagethe valve. 2. Promptly turnthe gassupplyOFFat the propanecylinder. 3. Glosethe lidof thegrill. Lighti;g BurnerWith a Match: on the 1. Placea matchin the endof the matchholderthatis installed place flame through the sideof GrillHousing.Oncelit,immediately the holeas shownnearthe burnerports. to the Highsettingand 2. Pressin knoband rotatecounter-clockwise oneburneris desired, more than immediately. lf light burnershbuld "Hi" positions afterfirstburneris lit. turnotherknobsto 3. Adjustburnersto desiredcookingsettings. ObserveFlameHeightWhen Lit: Ffameshouldbe a Blue/ Yellowcolorbetween1-2in. High
page17 'M & @ Char-Griller/A&J Mfg.
Cleaningand Gare Caution: shouldbe donewhengrillis coolandwiththe gas supplyturnedoff at All cleaningand maintenance the propanecYlinder. oven.Theextremeheatwilldamagethefinish' DO NOTcleananygrillpartin a selfcleaning Cleaning foodresiduefrom the grillaftereveryuse (approx.15 minutes)willkeepexcbssive Burning-off buildingup. Recommendedcleaningmaterials: - Hotwater - Milddishwashing liquiddetergent - Wirebrush - NyloncleaningPad DO NOT use cleanersthat containacid,mineralspiritsor xylene. Outsidesurfacesdetergentand hotwatersolutionto clean,thenrinsewithwater. Usea milddishwashing of peelingpaint,bakedon greasebuilduphas lf the insidesurfaceof the grilllid hasthe appearance withstrongsolutionof detergentand hot turnedto carbonand is flakingoff. Cleanthoroughly water. dry. Rinsewithwaterand allowto completely lnteriorof grillbottom- Removeresidueusingbrush,scraperand/orcleaningpad,thenwashwith dry. dishwishingdetergentand hotwatersolution.Rinsewithwaterand let thoroughly thatshouldbe handledwithcare composition CookingGrids- The porcelaingrateshavea glass-like detergentor bakingsodaand hotwatersolution.Non not to chip. Use milddishwashing abrasivescouringpowdercan be usedon stubbornstains,thenrinsewithwater. HeatShield- Cleanresiduewithwirebrushandwashwithsoapywater. Thenrinsewithwater. detergentand hot emptythe greasecup and cleanwithdishwashing Greasecollector- periodically watersolution. Gleaningthe burner assemblY 1. Turn gas off at the controlknobsand propanetank Removecookinggratesand heatshield. 2. Removegreasecollector' 3. "foot"usinga screwdriver and pliers. nutfrombeneathburner Removeburnerby unscrewing 4. Liftburnerup and awayfromgasvalveorifice. 5. air. 6. Cleaninlet(venturi)of burnerwithsmallbottlebrushor compressed surface. burner Removeall food residueand dirton outsideof 7. 8. Gleanany cloggedportswitha stiffwire(suchas an openedpaperclip) g. lnspectburneiiorany damage(cracksor holes).lf damageis found,replacewithnewburner' insideburner Reinstallburner:checkto insurethatqasvalveorificesare correctlvpositioned inlet
SparkElectrode page 18
rM & @ Char-Griller/A&J Mfg.
Gas Grill Troubleshooting Problem Burner will not light using knobs.
Burner will not light with match.
Possible Cause Wires/or electrode covered with cooking residue.
Prevention/Cure Clean wire and/or electrode. with rubbins alcohol.
Electrode and burners are wet.
Wipe dry with cloth
Electrode cracked or broken - sparks at crack
Replace electrode
Wire loose or disconnected
Reconnect wire or replace electrode/wire assembly.
No gas flow.
Check if propane tank is empty. If propane tank is not empty, refer to "Sudden drop in gas flow or reduced flame height". If empty, replace or refill.
Coupling nut and regulator
Turn the coupling nut about one-half fully connected to three quarters additional turn until solid stop. Tighten by hand only - do not use tools.
not connected.
Suddendrop in gas flow or reduced flame heisht.
lrregular flame pattern, flame does not run the full length of burner.
Obstruction of sas flow.
Clear burner tubes. Check for bent or kinked hose.
Dis-engagement of burner to valve.
Re-engage burner and valve.
Spider webs or insect nest in venture (burner insert).
Clean venturi.
Burner ports cloggedor blocked.
Out of gas
Change Propane Tank
Excess flow safety device mayhavebeenactivated.
Turn off knobs, wait 30 seconds and light grill. Ifflamesare stilltoo low. Resetthe excessive flow safety device by turning off knobs and propane tank valv.e. Disconnect regulator. Turn burner control knobs to HIGH. Wait I minute. Turn burner control knobs off. Reconnect regulator and leak check connections. Turn propane tank valve on slowly, wait 3O secondsand then light srill'
Burner ports are clogged or blocked.
Clean burner ports
page19 rM & @ Char-Griller/ A&J Mfg
Gas Grill Troubleshooting, continued Problem
Flame is yellow or orange.
New burner may have residualManufacturine oils.
Burn erill for 15 minutes with the lid closed.
Spider webs or insect nest in venturi.
Clean venturi.
Food residue,greaseor seasoninssalt on butter.
Clean burner.
Poor alignment of valve to
Assureburner venturi is properly engagedwith valve.
burnerventuri. Flame blows out
High or gusting winds
Turn front of grill to face wind or increase flame height. (We recommendnot using grill during high winds)
Low gas pressure
Excessflow valve tripped
"Sudden drop in gas flow or Refer to reducedflame heisht"
Clean grill
Excessivefat in meat
Trim fat meat before grilling
Excessivecooking Temperature
Adjust (lower) temperatureaccordingly
Greasetrappedby food buildup aroundburner system.
Turn knobs to OFF. Turn gas off.
Leave lid in closed position and let fire burn out. After grill cools, remove and clean all parts. Flashback(fire in burner tube(s))
Burner and/or burner tubes
Clean burner and/or burner tubes.
Inside of lid appears to be peeling - like paint peeling
Baked on greasebuildup has turned to carbon and is flaking off.
Clean inside of lid thoroughly.The lid is not paintedon the inside.
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GRILL PREPARATION& CHARCOALGRILL OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS PLEASENOTE:NO RETURNSON USEDGRILLS Read all safety warnings and instructions carefully before assembling and operating your grill. 1. Note:The interiorof the grill is not paintedand is coatedwith vegetableoil. Do not removethis vegetableoil coating. Cure GRILL priorto your initialuse to protectthe interiorand exteriorfinishand to preventunnatural flavorsto yourfirstmeals.(A) Lightlycoat ALL INTERIORSURFACES(includingGRtLLS,GRATES,AND INSIDEOF BARREL)with vegetableoil (sprayvegetableoil is easiestbut do not use near hot coals,fire, or flame).This is in additionto the vegetableoil that is alreadyon the interior. (B) Lightthe grill.(C) Close lid and heat at approximately250' F (120' C) for two hours.You can lightlycoat the exteriorof the grill body (while warm) with vegetableoil and wipe off excesswith a rag.This will extendthe life of the finish,much like waxing a car.Your GRILLS will then be readyfor use. NOTE:Grillswill drip a lot of oil duringthis processand for severaluses but will slow over time. NEVEREXCEED450' F (230" C) BECAUSE THISW|LLDAMAGETHEFtNtSHANDCONTRTBUTE TO RUST. PAINTIS NOTWARRANTED ANDWILL REQUIRE TOUCH.UP. THISUNITIS NOTWARRANTED AGAINSTRUST. 2. For less flare-ups,cook with lid in the down position. 3. This grill is made of steel and cast iron,which wlLL RUST,ESPECIALLY lF NOTPROPERLY CAREDFOR. 4. After using,coat vegetableoil on bare metalwhile warm to reducerust. On the EXTERIOR,removerust with wire brush and touch up with a high heat paint,availableat most hardwareand auto stores. 5. Make sure to empty GreaseTray after every use only after it has completelycooled. 6. HEAT GAUGES may obtain moisture,which will steam out duringcooking. Gauge may be calibratedin oven. 7. You may fill unwantedholes with Nuts & Bolts(Not Provided).
Below are Marinadesto be usedfor Recipeson the followingpage. oil,114 cupredwinevinegar,1 CHfCKENMARINADE:Combine1/2cupsoysauce,114cupvegetable parsley,114 powder garlic with teaspoonpepper. 1/2 teaspoon sweet basil, 1/2 teaspoon oregano, teaspoon Use turning occasionally. refrigerate overnight, pieces Cover and in nonmetal dish. Pouroverchicken to bastechickenwhilecooking. marinade MEATMARINADE:Forsteaks,chops,andburgers:Combineq cLlpsoysauce,2 coarselychoppedlarge onionsand 2 clovesgarlic(halved)in an electricblender;cover,processat highspeed1 minuteor until mixtureis verysmooth.Stirin 114cupbottlegravycoloring(KitchenBouquetandGravyMaster)and2 1 teaspoonMSGand 1 teaspoonseasonedsalt)-Allow teaspoonsBeauMondeseasoning(orsubstitute up to 24 hoursin a covereddish' 2 hoursor refrigerate meatto standin marinadeat roomtemperaturelor beforecooking' Bringmeatto roomtemperature SHISHKABOBMARINADE:Mix1 cupsoysauce,1/2 cupbrownsugar,112cupvinegar,112cuppineapple garlicpowderandbringto a boil. Marinatebeefin mixturea minimum juice,2 teaspoonssalt,1l2teaspoon of 4 hours.
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GRILLINGRECIFES STEAK (& ALL MEATS): Cook food directlyaboveheat. Generallyspeaking,to grillmeats,turn heatto Hl position (hot)and sear for one minuteon each side with the lid open to seal in flavor and juices. Then turn to medium/lowheat with lid closedand cook to desireddoneness. Control heat with dual dampers and adjustablefire grate. BETTER BARBECUE: Placegrilledmeat back in the marinadefor severalminutesbefore serving- it will becometastierand juicier. CAUTION:Boil.extramarinadefirstto kill bacteria remainingfrom the raw meat. Tip: Cookingwith a MEAT THERMOMETERensuresfood is fullycooked. Insertintothickestpart not touchingbone & allowf ive minutesto register.Internaltemperatures for BIRDSshouldbe 170Fto 180F and meat shouldbe 140Ffor rare, 160Fmediumand 17OFfor well done. MARINATEDFLANK STEAK: Mix marinadeingredientsin nonmetaldish. Let steakstandin marinadefor no less than 4 hours in refrigerator.Browneach side for 5 minutes,but centershouldremainrare.Cut steak diagonallyacrossthe grain intothin slicesbeforeserving. Grill in high (hot)position with lid open or closed. MARINADE:1/2 cup vegetableor oliveoil, 1/3 cup soy sauce, 114cup red wine vinegar,2 tbs. Lemonjuice, 1 tsp. Dry mustard,1 mincedclove garlic,1 smallmincedonion,1/4 tsp pepper. OUAIL OR DOVES: Cover birds in ltaliandressing(GoodSeasonsor KraftZesty),marinateovernight,pour off *Place dressingand cover with Texas Pete Hot Saucefor 6 hours. Wrap birdsin thick baconsecuredby a toothpick. on grill keep turninguntilbacon is black. Grillfor 20 minutes. Searwith lid open and in high (hot)positionfor 1 min each side beforeloweringgrateand closinglid. KABOBS: Alternatingon skewersany combinationof meat,onions,tomatoes,greenpeppers,mushrooms,zucchini, or pineapple.Meat couldconsistof chunksof shrimp,scallops,lobster,chicken, circularslice of corn-on-the-cob, sausage,pork, beef, etc. while 7 minutesturningoccasionally Marinatethe meat in refrigeratorfor severalhours. Grilleach side approximately in lid up and pieces faster. Grill with to in order cook bastingwith marinade. Leavea smallamountof roombetween page. position. last marinade recipe on See the low heat juice,2 teaspoons KABOB MARINADE:Mix 1 cup soysauce,1l2cup brownsugar,112cupvinegar,1l2cup pineapple 4 hours. minimum of in mixture a garlic powder Marinate beef to boil. and bring a salt, 1/2 teaspoon 6 minutes,turn everyfew minutes. HOT DOGS: Grillwith lid up and with high heatfor approximately HAMBURGERS:Mix in choppedonions,green peppers,salt,sear 3/4 inch pattieson each side with high heatfor a few minutes. Lowerthe heat to mediumand grillwith lid down to avoidflare-ups.Cook each side 3 to 7 minutes accordingto desireddoneness. Cook groundmeatto 150 internallyor untiljuice runsclear (free of blood)for preventionof E-coli. Burgerscan be bastedwith marinadewhen turningand/orotheringredientscan be mixedin with the groundbeef such as chilisauce or powder;or you may marinateby allowingto standin marinadefor 1 or 2 hoursat roomtemperature beforecooking;or let stand in covereddish in refrigeratorup to 24 hours. Bringto roomtemperaturebeforecooking. See meat marinadeabove. SHRIMP(peeled) & Crayfish: place on skewers,coat with meltedbutterand garlicsalt. Grill4 minuteson each side or untilpink. Cocktailsauceoptional. Turn after25 BAKED POTATOES:Rub with butterand wrap in foil and cook on grillwith lid down for 50 minutes. minutes(no need to turn if smoked). Squeezefor doneness'
grilling'Grill25 SWEETCORNlN HUSKS:Trimexcesssilkfromendandsoakin coldsaltedwatert hourbefore minutes- turningseveraltimes. pepper.wrap eachearin foil swEET CORNlN FOIL:Huskandwash. Rubwithbutterandseasonwithsaltand andgrillfor 30 minutesturningseveraltimes(noneedto turnif smoked)' Slice1/4"thickandsoakin oliveoil priorto grillingto preventburning. GRILLEDVEGETABLES: Grillfor 9 minuteseachside.
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