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Holiday English 2 Answer Keys Fun On The Farm Page 4


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HOLIDAY ENGLISH 2 Answer keys FUN ON THE FARM PAGE 4 Exercise 2 cow (mucca) - rabbit (coniglio) - sheep (pecora) - chicken (pollo) PAGE 5 Exercise 3 It is a horse. It is black and white. It is very big. PAGE 6 Exercise 5 1. hat (cappello): black - 2. fish (pesce): orange - 3. frog (rana): green - 4. grapes (uva): purple - 5. chick (pulcino): yellow - 6. snowman (pupazzo di neve): white - 7. pig (maiale): pink - 8. cloud (nuvola): blue - 9. strawberry (fragola): red - 10. bucket (secchio): brown Exercise 6 1. True - 2. True - 3. False - 4. True - 5. False PAGE 7 Exercise 8 1. No - 2. No - 3. Yes - 4. No - 5. Yes - 6. No PAGE 8 Exercise 9 five - one - three - five - nine Exercise 10 cobs (pannocchie): ten - baskets (cestini): three - tractor (trattore): one – sunflowers (girasoli): eight - hay (fieno): six - birds (uccelli): five PAGE 9 Exercise 11 F J A L S D K E R U L E R P E N O H C P S A N V R P K K E I A X E C Z J B T E S I C U R Z R H W K G H N X U V Y P A A O S O F J C C H F T E S S O D P P M I V B T R N E E L E I E K L G O H E E F R B R U N L C T O J W R B F A T Y C P A H K U D G H R G G T I G S U F I C F I D X H G L V E PAGE 10 Exercise 13 1. trousers - 2. dress - 3. shorts - 4. T-shirt - 5. jumper - 6. socks - 7. shoes - 8. cap Exercise 14 trousers: one - socks: six - jumper: five - shorts: three - dress: two - shoes: seven T-shirt: four - cap: eight PAGE 11 Exercise 16 1. red. - 2. purple. - 3. brown. - 4. orange. - 5. pink. - 6. green. PAGE 12 Exercise 17 1. is - 2. isn't - 3. isn't - 4. is - 5. is Exercise 18 eleven circles - seventeen hearts - fifteen squares - twelve triangles PAGE 13 Exercise 19 Paul - 9 - green - dog Susan - 8 - red - hamster PAGE 14 Exercise 21 book - pen - pencil - eraser - schoolbag - ruler - pencil case - exercise book PAGE 15 Exercise 22 1. Yes - 2. No - 3. No - 4. No - 5. Yes - 6. No Exercise 23 Cow (mucca) - duck (anatra) - pig (maiale) PAGE 16 Exercise 24 1. under - 2. in - 3. on - 4. in - 5. on - 6. under Exercise 25 The mouse is in the pencil case. - The cat is on the chair. - The monkey is on the sofa. FUN AT THE AMUSEMENT PARK PAGE 18 Exercise 2 My favourite ride is the roller coaster. PAGE 20 Exercise 5 yellow - purple - black - brown - green - white My favourite colour is orange. PAGE 21 Exercise 6 5 five - 8 eight - 4 four - 14 fourteen - 13 thirteen - 10 ten - 2 two - 20 twenty - 12 twelve 18 eighteen Exercise 7 nine + nine = eighteen - seven + six = thirteen - twenty - four = sixteen - eighteen + two = twenty thirteen + four = seventeen PAGE 22 Exercise 8 B It’s a doll. - E It’s a train. - A It’s a ball. - D It’s a kite. - C It’s a skateboard. - F It’s a plane. Exercise 9 12 twelve - 13 thirteen - 18 eighteen - 20 twenty - 14 fourteen PAGE 23 Exercise 10 1. True - 2. False - 3. True - 4. False - 5. True - 6. False - 7. True - 8. False Exercise 11 1. It’s a cow - 2. It’s a duck - 3. It’s a horse. PAGE 24 Exercise 12 1. mouth - 2. ears - 3. nose - 4. eyes - 5. foot Exercise 13 two - two - ten - ten - one - one PAGE 25 Exercise 14 yellow: four - twelve - six - nine red: pig - dog - horse - cow blue: ruler - pen - pencil - book Exercise 15 Jane: purple T-shirt - skirt - brown Paul: T-shirt - blue - shoes PAGE 26 Exercise 16 5 + 6 = eleven - 7 + 7 = fourteen - 20 - 3 = seventeen - 12 + 5 = seventeen 13 + 6 = nineteen - 10 + 5 = fifteen - 19 - 9 = ten - 8 + 8 = sixteen. Exercise 17 13 red - 5 orange - 7 yellow - 14 green - 18 blue - 15 purple PAGE 27 Exercise 18 1. dog (cane) - 2. cat (gatto) - 3. fish (pesce) - 4. bird (uccello) - 5. tortoise (tartaruga) - 6. hamster (criceto) - 7. mouse (topo) PAGE 28 Exercise 21 11 yellow - 3 red - 20 orange - 1 pink - 6 blue - 13 brown - 5 purple - 8 green PAGE 29 Exercise 22 It's cloudy. - It's raining. It's hot. - It's sunny. It's cold. - It's snowing. Exercise 23 1. A - 2. A - 3. B PAGE 30 Exercise 24 False - True - True True - False - False Exercise 25 1. pen - 2. five - 3. book - 4. boy - 5. cat FUN IN THE CITY PAGE 33 Exercise 3 Laura: bycicle (bicicletta): purple and blue - ball (palla): yellow - train (trenino): red Brian: bycicle (bicicletta): green - skateboard: orange - kite (aquilone): pink plane (aeroplanino): brown PAGE 34 Exercise 5 schoolbag (cartella) - book (libro) - exercise book (quaderno) - pencil case (astuccio) ruler (righello) - pen (penna) - pencil (matita) - eraser (gomma) Exercise 6 1. car (macchinina) - 2. video game - 3. plane (aeroplanino) - 4. ball (palla) 5. skateboard - 6. teddy bear (orsacchiotto) PAGE 35 Exercise 7 1 B BLACK U 3 O R A N 4G E R E 5 Y E L L O 6W N H I T 7 P U 8R P L E E D 2 Exercise 8 1. The cat is black. - 2. The fish is orange. - 3 The duck is yellow. - 4. The sheep is white. PAGE 36 Exercise 9 1. True - 2. True - 3. False - 4. False - 5. False - 6. True - 7. True - 8. False Exercise 10 1. chicken - 2. sheep - 3. duck - 4. cow - 5. rabbit - 6. horse - 7. donkey - 8. pig PAGE 37 Exercise 11 1. B - 2. A - 3. A - 4. B - 5. B Exercise 12 in - under - on PAGE 38 Exercise 13 non lo metterei - se no riprodurre Exercise socks (calze) - shoes (scarpe) - jumper (maglione) - dress (vestito) - trousers (pantaloni) skirt (gonna) - jacket (giacca) - shorts (pantaloncini) Exercise 14 yellow - blue - red PAGE 39 Exercise 15 13 red - 14 yellow - 10 orange - 15 green - 5 pink - 20 brown - 12 black - 17 blue - 7 purple 18 grey Exercise 16 10 + 5 = fifteen - 7 + 9 = sixteen - 20 - 7 = thirteen - 6 + 6 = twelve 18 - 5 = thirteen - 8 - 3 = five PAGE 40 Exercise 17 1. hippo: ippopotamo - 2. monkey: scimmia - 3. elephant: elefante - 4. camel: cammello - 5. zebra: zebra - 6. bear: orso Exercise 18 1. is - 2. isn't - 3. is - 4. is - 5. isn't PAGE 41 Exercise 20 1. schoolbag (cartella) - 2. pencil case (astuccio) - 3. book (libro) - 4. pen (penna) 5. pencil (matita) - 6. eraser (gomma) PAGE 42 Exercise 21 fourteen - thirteen - twenty - twelve - eleven - sixteen Exercise 22 9 - 20 - 7 - 18 - 12 - 13 - 4 - 17 - 2