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I 10 12 11 Would you like some Free Manuals? Also visit for more Free Manuals Also Visit my website for 7 FREE Download Manuals starting with this one. "The ABC's of Carburetion" Click Here Now file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Tim/Desktop/carburetor-manual-welcome/index.htm[4/25/2009 11:42:20 AM] DearNishikaOwner, Sincethe beginningof photography, man has soughtto capturethe elusive"third dimension"of lifein pictures.your new NishikaN800035mmcamerarepresentsthe mostrevolutionary breakthrough in 3-D photographyto date. You can now enjoy 3-dimensional photography withoutthe need for specialglassesor viewers.Withthe NishikaN8000cameraand processingsystem,you get snapshotswith remarkably lifelikedepthand realismyou experience withthe nakedeye. This owner'smanualwill showyou how simple3-dimensional photography can be. Pleasetake a few minutesto readthe instructionsand suggestionsit contains,which are designedto helpyou obtainthe best possibleresultsfrornyour revolutionary new 3-D camera. Sincerely, NISHIKA OPTICAL SYSTEMS A DIVISION OFNISHIKA CORPORATION SECTION KEY TO CAMERAPARTS . . InsideFront& HOW TO USETHIS MANUAL CAMERAPARTSAND T H E I RF U N C T I O N S INSTALLING AND C H E C K I N GT H E B A T T E R I E S .. L O A D I N GA N D ADVANCING THEFILM U S I N GY O U RC A M E R A REWINDING AND UNLOADING THEFILM CAREAND STORAGEOF YOUR CAMERA,PHOTOGRAPHS AND NEGATIVES GUIDELINES F O RT A K I N G THE BEST3-D PHOTOS TROUBLE.SHOOTI NG G UIDE SPECIFICATIONS WARRANTY CUSTOMER SERVICE T I P SO N T A K I N GT H E B E S T 3-D PHOTOS(SUMMARY) OutsideBack Flap Open the frontand backflapsof this bookletto revealthe Key to CameraParts pages. Keepthese pagesopenedout as you readthroughthe manual.Usingyour manualin this way will providea handyreferenceto the partsof the cameramentionedin the instructions. ExclusiveQuadra Lens SYstem The heartof the Nishika35mm3-dimensionalcamerais its patentedQuadraLens design,comprisedof four 30mmtwo-elementlensespositionedto an accuracymeasuredin thousandthsof an inch. These high-indexlensesare coatedto reduceflare and increasecontrast,and have exceptional to Prefocused opticalqualityand resolution. provideoptimaldepthof fieldfromas close as 5 112feetto as far away as infinity,the four precisionlenseseliminatethe needfor manualfocusingand ensuremaximumedgeto-edgesharpnessof images. 1. Aperture Selector The apertureselectorcontrolsthe size of the lensdiaphragmopening,therebydeterminingthe arnountof lightenteringthe camera. The rangeof settings,also known as f-stops,enablesyou to best utilizeavailablelighting.The sizeof the lensdiaphragm openingis controlledby movingthe aperture selectorup and downto correspondwith the brightnesssymbol. appropriate 2. 3. Shutter ReleaseButton Thisconveniently locatedbuttontriggersthe shutter. to maximizethe 3-dimensional effectof your photographs. Cable ReleaseSocket The cable releasesocketacceptsstandard cablereleasesas well as time delay unitsfor self-portraits and groupshotsthat includethe photographer. Hot Shoe The hot shoe acceptselectronicflash u n i t ss u c ha s t h e N i s h i k aT w i nL i g h t3 0 1 0 , whichprovideshighperformance lighting and easeof operationunderlow-light conditions. 5. BatteryIndicatorLight Thisred indicatorlightsup if yourbatterieshavesufficientchargefor the camera to is activatedby the battery testerswitch(#10). 10. Battery Tester Switch This switchactivatesthe batterytest circuit.The batteryindicatorlight(#5)lightsup whenthe batterieshavesufficientchargefor the camerato operate. Film Advance Lever The film advanceleversmoothlyadvances the film,rollingthe exposedfilmontothe filmtake-upspool(#18). 1 1 . R e w i n dK n o b The rewindknob servestwo purposes: 1) when usedin conjunction withthe rewind releasebutton,to rewindthe film smoothly d u r i n gu n l o a d i n g ; 2w) h e np u l l e du p ,t o o p e n the cameraback. 4. 6. 7. Exposure Counter The exposurecounterindicatesthe numberof timesthe filmhas beenadvanced. ldeal 3-D DistancesChart This helpfulchart,conveniently located on top of the camerafor quickreference, providesinformation regardingthe optimum distancesto positionthe foreground,midgroundand backgroundof yourcomposition 8. 9. 12. Rewind Crank Thiscrankfoldsout for convenient turning of the rewindknob. 13. Eyeletsfor Shoulder Strap Two sturdymetaleyeletsbuiltintothe camerabodyallowthe easyattachmentof the shoulderstrap. 14. Viewfinder The viewfinderprovidesdirectviewing the framingand of the subjectand facilitates of photographs. composition 15. Rewind ReleaseButton The rewindreleasebuttondisengages the sprocketwheelfromthe film advance therebymakingit possibleto mechanism, rewindthe film. This button,locatedon the undersideof the camera,mustbe pushedin beforerewindingthe film. lt is importantthat this buttonbe usedONLYwhen rewinding the film. Oncepushed,the buttonremains lockedin the rewindpositionuntilthe film advance lever(#6) is operated. 16. Film PressurePlate The film pressureplateon the insideof the cameraback holdsthe film in precise alignment. 17. CameraBack The cameraback,when closed,Preventsunwantedexposureof the filmto light. It is openedby simplypullingup on the rewindknob(#11), and closedby clickingthe backsecurelyshut. 18. Film Take-UpSpool The filmtake-upspoolreceivesthe film as it is beingadvancedfrom its originalcartridge. lt has fourtoothedslotsfor securely the filmontothe sPool. anchoring 19. Film Advance Sprockets Thesesprocketsare tooth-likeprojecto tionsthat engagethe film perforations measurethe amountof film beingadvanced ontothe take-upspool. 20. Tripod Mount Thisscrewmountis designedfor mounting the cameraontoa tripodfor self-portraits and groupshotsthat includethe photographer. 21. Battery Ghamber The camerais poweredbYtwo AA batteries. 22. Rewind Shaft The shaftof the rewindknobextends intothe filmchamberand securelyengages enablingthe the top of the filmcartridge, rewindknoband shaftto functionas a rew i n dm e c h a n i s m . 23. Film Ghamber The filmchamberacceptsany standard rollof 35mm ISO/ASA100colorprintfilm. 24, Thumbwheel The toothedthumbwheelallowsyou to advancethe filmtake-upspool(#18) when loadingfilm intothe camera. 1. Opening the BatteryChamber The batterychamber(#21) is locatedon the undersideof the camera.To open,use a thumbnailor a cointo pushthe battery door in the directionof the broadarrowuntil it swingsopen. NOTE: For longer battery life and to minimize the danger of leakage,we recommend the use of high-qualityalkaline batteries. Gheckingthe Batteries Checkthe batterieseachtime before usingthe camera.Do this by simplypressing the batterytesterswitch(#10) forward. lf the red batteryindicatorlight(#5)is illuminated, the batterieshave enoughpowerto operate yourcamera. lf this indicatordoes not light up, the batteriesare eitherpositionedincorpowerand mustbe rectlyor have insufficient replaced. 3. Battery Insertion Procedure Inserttwo AA batteriesside by side into the chamberso that the (+) and (-) ends correspondwiththe symbolson the contact pointsinscribedon the insidesurfaceof the batterycover. 2. 1. Use 35mm ISO/ASA100 color print film. NOTE:Two 35mm frames produce one 3-di mensionalphotograph. No.of exposures on film cartridge 1 24 36 No.of 3-D prints 2 6 12 18 processreThe Nishika3-dimensional quiresa groupof four half-frame35mm negativeimages(usingtwo regular35mm frames)to produceeach3-dimensional photograph.Therefore,halfthe numberof picturesstatedon the film cartridgewill be producedfromany rollof film used in your Nishikacamera. 2. Open the camera. Openthe cameraback (#17) by pulling up firmlyon the rewindknob(#11) untilthe backdoor springsopen. NOTE: lf the exposure counter (#7) does not return to "S" (start) when the door is opened, push the film advance lever (#6) to the right as far as it will go. Insert the film into a slot of the film take-upspool. Holdingthe filmcartridge, insertthe end of a new rollof film intoone of the slotsof the filmtake-upspool(#18). Securea film perforationhole onto the hook at the base of the slot. 3. 4. Insert the film cartridge into the film chamber. Drawthe film cartridgeacrossthe back of the cameraand drop intothe film chamber (#23),makingsurethatthe film cartridge toothedthumbwheel(#24),rotatethe film take-upspoolin the directionof the arrowto makesurethat the film is securelyattached and liesflat againstthe backof the camera, with no slack. Alignthe film perforations withthe film advancesprockets(#19). Push the rewindknob (#11) down intoits original posi ti on. g B E t s B t s t s E O B E E E openingis correctlypositioned(seeillustration below). Be sureto draw out only enoughfilmfor the cartridgeto reachthe chamber-otherwisethere may not be enoughfor the lastpicture.Usingthe Correct position r'::t fil F.1 f.n fit H U g U @ Close the camera back. Closethe cameraback (#17)by firmly pressingit untilit clicksshut. 5. Releasethe shutter. Pressthe shutterreleasebutton(#3). Thiswill freethe filmadvancelever(#6)for advancingthe film. 6. Advancethe film. Operatethe film advancelever(#6) by cushingit to the rightas far as it willgo. Whenyou releaseit, the levershouldreturn to its normalposition.An intermediate dot willappearin the exposurecounterwindow (#7). 7. Advance to number 1 for your first picture. Repeatsteps6 and 7 untilthe number "-1-"appearsin the center of the exposure counterwindow(#7). The film is now in positionfor yourfirstpicture. 8. The ExposureCounter The exposurecounter(#7)is designed to indicatethe numberof 3-dimensional photographsyou havetakenonce the film has beenadvanced.Sinceyourcamera "standard"exposuresfor each usestwo photograph, alwayskeep in 3-dimensional exof 3-dimensional number mindthatthe posuresequalshalf of the exposuresstated on the film cartridge,withthe exposure keepingtrack. counterautomatically 1. Holding the Camera H O L DT H E C A M E R AF I R M L YI N A HORIZONTALPOSITIONWITH BOTH H A N D SA T T H E S I D E SO F T H E C A M E R A . TAKENWHILE PHOTOGRAPHS HOLDINGTHE CAMERAVERTICALLY WHICH W I L LP R O D U C EN E G A T I V E S I N T O3 - D I M E N C A N N O TB E P R O C E S S E D S I O N A LP R I N T S . 2. 10 Setting the Aperture Selectthe apertureor lensdiaphragm :oeningthat best representsthe amountof ,ghton the subjectbeingphotographed. Thereare threepossiblesettings,chosenby roving the apertureselector(#2)up and iown. Use the top setting(Sunny)when the of your pictureis well illuminated surbject by :nightsunlight.Use the middlesetting(Party Sunny)in partiallysunny/partially cloudy situations.Use the bottomsetting(Cloudy/ ndoors)whenthe subjectof your pictureis as on an overcastor rainy coorlyilluminated, day,or wheneveryou are takinga picture ndoors. lf you are in doubt as to where to set the aperture,it is betterto err in favor of allowing 'Trorelightintothe camera. For example,if ./ouare not sure whetherto set the aperture selectorto Sunnyor to PartlySunny,it is saferto choosePartlySunny. 3. 4. The Low Light Indicator Lookintothe viewfinder(#14)and push downlightly on the shutterreleasebutton #3), beingcarefulnot to depressit all the way down. Whenthe buttonis partiallydecressed,a red lightmay appearin the viewfinder. lf so, this indicatesthat thereis not Low light indicator enoughlightfor a properexposure,and you will needa flashunitsuchas the Nishika Twin Light3010to producecorrectlyexposednegatives.lf no red lightappears, thereis enoughillumination for a properexposure. Framing the Picture Lookingintothe viewfindereyepiece (#14),you will see a brightlineframe-an outlineof the imagearea in whichyou can composeyour photographquicklyand 5. is insidethe brightline in the photograph Y O U RP I C f r a m e .W H E NC O M P O S I N G T U R E S ,A V O I DS U B J E C T SO R O B J E C T S I N T H E S C E N EC L O S E RT O Y O U T H A N 5 112FEET. Thiswillenableyou to comphotographs posebeautiful3-dimensional whichare in sharp,crispfocus. For other on composing3-D pictures,consuggestions "Guidesultthe sectionof this manualtitled linesfor Takingthe Best3-D Photos." Taking the Picture no Becausethe lensesare prefocused, are required.Simply manualadjustments holdthe camerasteadyand pressgently down on the shutterreleasebutton(#3)until you heara click. 7. Advancingthe Film Beforeyou takethe nextpicture,advancethe film by movingthe film advance lever(#6)to the rightas far as it willgo, and lettingit returnto its originalposition.You are now readyto shootagain. 8. accurately.Thisframeservesas a guideto showyou whichobjectsin the scenewill acphotograph. tuallybe in your3-dimensional Viewing a Typical 3-Dimensional Scene Whencomposingyourpictures,move aroundwhileyou are lookingthroughthe Takethe photograph camera'sviewfinder. when you see the most pleasingarrangement,makingsurethat everythingyou want 6. WARNING:Avoid touching the rewind releasebutton (#15)until you have completedshooting the roll of film. Should you push the rewind releasebutton in the middle of a roll of film, you will disengage 12 the sprocket wheel which measures the amount of film advanced. End of Roll lf you havefollowedthe film loadinginstructionscorrectly,when all the available exposuresare usedyou shouldfeel a resistance if you try to movethe film advance lever(#6). This indicatesthe end of the roll. Do not force the film advance lever as you approach the end of your roll of film. You may have already shot the last picture on that roll. lf you feel any resistance in advancingthe film, rewind the film to prevent tearing. Forcing the lever in order to "squeeze in" one more picture may cause exposure overlap, spoilinE both the picture you are trying to shoot and the one you shot just before it. 9. Film Rewind ReleaseButton To disengageyourfilmwhen you have reachedthe end of the roll,depressthe rewindreleasebutton(#15)locatedon the bottomof your Nishikacamera. 2. Film Rewind Grank Foldout the film rewindcrank(#12) locatedon top of the rewindknob (#11). Turn the crankin a clockwisedirection.You will feeltensionwhilerewinding.Continueto 13 Camera 1. Whenyou are not usingyourcamera for longperiodsof tiffie,storeit withthe film advanceleveruncockedin a cool,clean, place,freefromdustand dry,well-ventilated moisture. 2. lf storingfor a longperiod,remove the batteriesfromthe batterychamber. 3. Do not droPthe camera,knock it againstanythingsolidor misuseit. Accidentsand roughhandlingcan easilydamage the camera'sinternalmechanism. 4. Your camerais not waterProof. Protectit fromwatersplashesand rain. 5. Do not touchthe surfaceof the lenses. Alwayskeepthe viewfinderand lenses as cleanas possible.To removeloosedust and dirt,cleanwith a lensbrushor soft,lintfree cottoncloth. Do not try to wipe off granulardirt or dust by any othermeansor you may scratchthe lens. turnthe crankuntilthereis no tension, indicatingthatthe film has beenfullyrewoundintothe film cartridge. Unloadingthe Film Pullup the rewindknob(#11) to open the backof the cameraand removethe film cartridge. 3. 14 li 6. Smudgessuchas fingerprints should be carefullywipedawaywith a lenscleaning tissue.Fordifficultmarks,use a liquidlens cleanerand lenstissue. 7 . Do not leaveyour camerain your car or in directsunlightfor any lengthof time. 8. Haveall repairsperformedby: Negatives: Negativesare extremelysensitiveto oil and scratching.Pleaserememberalwaysto H A N D L ED E V E L O P E D N E G A T I V ES T R I P S BY THE EDGES.Oil fromyourskinand othersubstancesfromyourfingerscan ruin otherwiseperfectnegatives. Whenyou requirereprintedcopiesof your3-dimensional prints,you mustsupply the originalnegativegroupsin stripsto NishikaCorporation. NISHIKACORPORATION SERVICECENTER 1 Nishika Drive Henderson, NV 89014 IMPORTANT:A copy print cannot be made from your Nishika3-dimensional print. The laboratorymust have the original negativegroup. Photographs: Nishika3-D photographs are printedon a specialhighlydurablematerial.However, you shouldtreatthesephotographs tikeany product,and be careotherphoto-sensitized ful to protectthe surfacefrom scratchesand liquidswhichmay leavea markor smudge on the material. WARNING: Do not mark or write on the back of your Nishika photographs! Due to the special translucent material used for your photographs,the writing or marking will show through to the front. 15 are usedby Nishika Severalguidelines to determinethe key subjectof a technicians 3-D photo. lf thereis onlyone personin the picture,that personwill be chosenas the key subject. lf thereare two peopleat differentdistancesfromthe camera,the key subjectwillbe the closerperson.In photos wherethereare morethantwo peopleat differentdistancesfromthe camera,the key subjectwill be the personmostcentrallylocatedin the midrangeof the composition. Finally,for photoswithoutpeople,the key subjectwill be the mainsubjectas determ i n e db y t h e t e c h n i c i a na,n dw i l lu s u a l l yb e centrallylocatedin the midrangeof the composition. s i l lh e l py o u T h e f o l l o w i n g u i d e l i n ew take maximumadvantageof the 3-D potentialof the Nishikasystem. Your NishikaN80003-D camerarepresentsthe stateof the art in home3-D photography,givingyou photosthat exhibitextraordinarydepthand realism.The suggestions in this sectionwill enab,leyou to makethe bestuse of yourcamera,and take the most possible. effective3-D photographs Overview The 3-D effectof Nishikaphotographs occurswheneveran objectat one distance fromthe cameravisuallyoverlapsanother objectat a differentdistance.The most effective3-D photoshave overlappingobjects in the foreground,midgroundand backgroundof the composition. WhenyourNishika3-D photosare processed,a "key (main)subject"mustbe selectedby the printingtechnician.This key subjectwill be the focalpointof the photograph,and objectsthat shareits distance fromthe camerawillexhibitthe mostclarity. Objectseithertar in frontor far behindthe key subjectmay be slightlylesssharp. 16 I General3-DGuidelines Incorrect 2, Include foreground objects that visually overlap more distant objects in the composition. The mostdramatic3-D effectis achievedwhen objectsin the foreground crossover or partiallycover more distantobjects. Use your Nishika3-D camera in a horizontalposition only. ln the verticalposition,no 3-D effectwill be achieved, 1. 17 For the most dramatic 3'D effect, keep your foreground obiects as close to 6 feet from the camera as Possible. at 6 feetwill yieldmore Foregrounds dramatic3-D effectsthanthe samecompositionwiththe foregroundat 7 feetor more. 3. Avoid having obiects nearerthan 5112 feet from the camera. The N8000camerahas a focal rangeof 5 112feetto infinitY. 5. For the best 3-D effect, keeP Your main subiect between 15 and 22 teet from the camera,with 17 to 20 feet being optimal. With the foregroundat 6 feet, however, good resultscan also be obtainedwith the mainsubjectas closeas 10 to 14 feet. This importantfor indoorphotogis particularly raphy,wherespaceand lightingconditions subjectsat may requirephotographing closerdistances.(see the specialinformaat the end of this tion on indoorphotography section). 4. I I I I I \ l \ l \ t 18 6 feet 6. Be sure that all objects in your 3-D pictures are well lit, and whenever convenient include a variety of bright colors in your composition. Thiswill enhancethe 3-D effect,as well as bringaddedlifeto your pictures. Avoid posing subjects against a flat backgroundsuch as a wall. Posingsubjectsagainstflat backgroundswill naturallyresultin picturesthat lackdepth. 7. Special Guidelines for Photographing PEOPLE Avoid photographingpeople in the foreground when the main subject is at a greater distance from the camera. Peoplecan be photographedfrom as closeas 6 feet when they are in fact the rnainsubjectof the composition. 8. 9. 'l Avoid photographingpeople from farther away than 25 feet. 0. When photographing a group of people who are all at approximately the same distance from the camera, position them so that there is some space side-to-sidebetweenthem. IndoorPhotography As can be seen fromthe General3-D Guidelinesabove,it is possibleto take effective Nishikaphotographs with your mainsubject positionedat a wide rangeof distances fromthe camera. In well-litoutdoorsettings, 17 to 20 feet is optimal. For indoorphotography,however,spaceconsiderations may makesuch distancesimpractical.Furthermore,the majorityof flashunits,including the NishikaTwin Light3010,are mosteffective in lightingsubjectsthat are 14 feet or closerto the camera. For thesereasons,it is usuallybest to photographsubjectsat distancesof 10 to 14 feetfromthe camera whentaking3-D picturesindoors. To maximizethe 3-D effectof indoor photographswith the main subjectat these closerdistances,rememberto keepyour foregroundas near as possibleto 6 feet fromthe camera. For properexposure,makesureyou set the lightingselectoron yourcamerato the positionwheneveryou are Cloudy/lndoors takinga pictureindoors. proble lf you haveany difficultywithyourcameraor 3-D prints,the followingguideto common solutionsmay be helPful. Problem 1. The film does not advancewhen the film advance lever is operated. 2. The shutterdoes not releasewhen the shutter releasebuttonis Pressed. 3. The red warninglightin the viewfinderdoes not come on when the shutterreleasebuttonis partiallydepressed,eventhoughthe sceneis poorly Solution 1. When loadingthe film,be surethat a film perforation holeat the bottomedge of the film is securely attachedto the hook at the base of one of the slotsof the take-upspool,and that the film is drawntight acrossthe back of the camerabefore closingthe backdoor. 2. Make surethat the film has been advanced. 3. Use the batterytesterto checkthat the batteries are loadedproperlyand havesufficientcharge. tit. 4. The film advanceleverwill not advancethe film for the lastshot. 4. Do not forcethe lever,but rewindthe film at this "squeezein" point. Forcingthe leverin orderto one more picturemay causeexposureoverlap' Morethan likely,too muchfilm was woundonto the take-upspoolduringloading,not leaving enoughfor the last shot. Make sureto followthe carefully. film loadinginstructions 5. The rewindcrankwill not turn to rewindthe film at the end of a roll. 5. Be surethat the rewindreleasebuttonat the bottom of the camerahas been pressedbeforeattemptingto rewindthe film. 6. Operatethe film advanceleverone full strokeby pushingit to the rightas far as possible. "S" When dOeSnOtreturntO 6. The expgsureCOunter been has film the after is opened the back door rewound. I I 7. The 3-D effectof your printsis unsatisfactory: (i) Your printslook "tlat,"exhibitinglittleor no 3-D effect;OR (ii) certainobjects,especiallyin the foreground, 'Jump around"and are hardto focuson as you view the print. 8. You receivedfewer3-D printsthan you expected. 7. Your foregroundand midgroundobjectsmay not have been at or nearthe ideal3-D distances.Try to keep your foreground objects as close to 6 feet from the camera as possible, and your main subject between 15 and 22 teel from the camera for outdoor shots, 10 to 14 feet for indoor shots. Do not photographobjectscloser than 5 112feet. 8. a. since your N8000cameraexposestwo standard framesof film for every3-D shot,you shouldget back6, 12 or 18 prints,dependingon whether y o u u s e d1 2 - , 2 4 -o r 3 6 - e x p o s u rfei l m . b. lf you receivedbackfewerprints,it is rikelythat too muchfilm was woundonto the take-upspool duringloading. c. You may have been holdingthe cameravertically. Be sure you holdthe camerahorizontallyotherwise,no 3-D effectcan be achieved,and the picturewill not be printed. 9. Printsare overexposed(too light)or underexposed 9. Make sure you have movedthe apertureserector (toodark). to the appropriatesettingbeforeshootingyour pictures,and changethe settingwhen necessaryas lightingconditionsvary. Use only ISO/ASA100 colorprintfilm. In the case of underexposure, you may havefailed to use a flashwhen it was necessary.lf you see a red lightin the viewfinderwhen the shutterrelease buttonis partiallydepressed,this indicatesa low lightsituationwherea flashis neededfor proper exposure.when usinga flashunit indoors,set the lightingselectoron your camerato the cloudy/lndoorsposition. Camera Type: Film Type: 3 5 m m ,3 - d i m e n s i o n a l 3 5 m mI S O / A S A1 0 0 D I N 21 colorprintfilm ONLY Shutter Speed: Lens System: 1/60sec. Four30mm coatedoPtical pairsprefocusedfrom 5 112feetto infinitY Hot shoe contactfor cordlessflashconnectionto the NishikaTwin Light 3010 (OthertyPesof flashunitsmay be used.) Brightframe,parallax corrected,verticalformat Red LED low lightwarning in viewfinder Manualapertureselection Automaticreset film advance Single-stroke lever Two AA batteries Built-indoubleexposure prevention 6.7"widthx 4.2" heightx 2.4" depth 20.5ounces Flash Synchronization: Viewfinder: Light Meter: ExposureControl: ExposureCounter: Film Advance: Power Source: Other Features: Dimensions: Weight: CAMERA NISHIKA35mm 3'DIMENSIONAL WARRANTY FULL 1.YEARUNCONDITIONAL ON ALL PARTSAND LABOR YourNishikacameraiswarrantedby Nishikacorporation agiinst defects in workmanshipand materialsfor a one year from the date of purchase.For this waroerioO"ot warralt.ycard ia;it to be vati'0,you mustfilloutthe'enclosed and returnit alonqwith yourdatedsalesreceipt(originalor listedbelowwithinthirtydays ot pnotocopy)to the-addrelss the date'iciupurchasedyour Nishikacamera. lf your cameraprovesto be defectivewithinthe warrantypdrioO,we wjll rbpairor, at oul option,replaceit with a camera.Thb repairedor leplaced n""io? tuiV r'eConditioried unitwillcarrytheremainingwarraqtyperiodapplicableto the or profesoriginit cimera. Camera-sused fdr.commercial purposesare excludedfrom thiswarranty' sio"nal To obtain warranty service, the camera must be ServiceCenshippedoi mailedto the ltisnifa Corporation ter'atthe followingaddress: NISHIKACORPORATION SERVICECENTER o r".lll5l'tt?''H8or shipping charges for the return of the defective of the consumer. cameraare thb responsibility This warranty does not allow for consequ,ential damages.lSomest'atesdo not allowthe exclusionor limitadamages.Thereforethe tion oiincid'entalor consequential may not applyto you') toregoingexclusionor limitation ln no eventshallthe maximumliabilityof Nishikacorporationexceedtheoriginalconsumerpurchasepriceof this product. Nishikacorporationextendsno otherwarranties,exp.erdoes.notauthorize.any pressor implied,"ld specifically assumefor it 9l), otherobligation son or representative'to in connectionwith the sale of this product. oi tiaOility This warrantygi.vgsyou specificlegalrights,and you may also haveotherrightdwhichvary from st6teto stat'e. Your satisfaction with your Nishika 3-Dimensional Cameraand printsis very importantto us. lf you have any questionsor problems,pleasecall us at (702)454-9000. Our CustomerServiceDepartmentis open each weekdayfrom 7:30 AM to 4:00 pM PacificTimeto answeryourquestionsand helpyou enjoyyour Nishikacamera. Nishika Corporation Service Center 1 Nishika Drive Henderson, Nevada89014 O 1989NishikaCorporation 22 14 19 18 16 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. \ 1 Viewfinder RewindReleaseButton FilmPressurePlate CameraBack FilmTake-UpSpool FilmAdvanceSprockets TripodMount BatteryChamber Rewind Shaft FilmChamber Thumbwheel