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I 13 Concepts Riportati Di Seguito Hanno Superato Lo




I 13 concepts riportati di seguito hanno superato lo stage 2 e costituiscono i semi-finalisti della categoria Air Purification. Le idee sono state pubblicate su e votate dal pubblico del web. Questi sono i risultati: 1 Sanitary Sleep Station The very best sleep for your comfort Designer: Mackenzie Smith United States Kendall College of Art and Design, United States Stage 1 - My concept An air purification system designed around users’ natural sleep tendencies, enabling the very best sleep while also promoting a healthy lifestyle. Stage 2 - Concept Development In an urban world full of ever-changing conditions, we all could use a bit of control and relaxation in an everevolving Sanitary Sleep Station. Through changing the user's environment's air quality, humidity, and specific temperature changes in real-time, the user is left to sleep in a cleansed and expertly regulated sanctuary. Full description In a future that is doomed to have higher levels of pollution in urban areas, the Sanitary Sleep Station creates a sanctuary where the user can cleanse their systems and rejuvenate their minds with the power of purified air, and a perfect night sleep. This system takes quality of life to a new level by focusing on solving the many problems with current sleep methods, and adding additional benefits to this time of renewal. The way that this universal product can create such a personal experience is by listening to each and every person individually, and learning from their needs. Focusing on the user's ever-changing body conditions during their sleep cycles, as well as changes in temperature and humidity in the environment, the Sanitary Sleep Station uses this data to make a unique pattern every night according to the intricate overlap of these elements. Looking to nature as inspiration, the structure blooms while transitioning from night to day where it then collects and condenses the moisture in the air to later be used if humidity levels drop. When the user is detected in the bed, the structure welcomes them by encompassing them with the comfort of a clean, healthy station followed by a wonderful sleep. 2 HERO Become a super-hero and fight air pollution Designer: Fiorella Rios Industrial Design, Peru Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru Stage 1 - My concept This is an interactive kit product focused on the user as HERO of his own life. It turns the experience of breathing clean air into a fun activity. Stage 2 - Concept Development Air purifying has never been so fun! HERO is here to let the hero inside you protect you and your family by fighting against the dangers of air pollution. HERO removes dust, harmful gases, VOC’s, smells and other pollutants. Full description The world needs heroes, people like you who are dreamers and give their best to make the world a better place. In future, people are going to be busier than today and highly concerned about their health. HERO let’s them spend more quality time with their family and also take care of them by living in a safe environment away from indoor contaminants. HERO takes advantage of technology, which is firmly embedded in our everyday life, using it for cleaning purposes and for fun. It will play an important role in shaping children’s behavior and will raise awareness of air pollution, creating role models for a healthy life. People will be able to purify the air without being a tedious task and even enjoy it. For the first time, the user will be able to sign into an account, that will let him track his progress. Each level has an established time that will be less as the difficulty increases. The user must wear three accessories that are automatically adjusted into his body and select the scenario. The camera installed in the glasses will scan the environment to detect areas with more pollutants and assign a character to each one. The user will be able to amplify each character by gesture control. In order to face the pollutants, HERO will recognize the movements of the user through the interpretation of the electrical impulses generated by the muscle movements. By the ionization, ozone-generating and UV-C ray process, the user will be able to eliminate the pollutants. 3 Air Globe Bringing sunny Miami to your rainy Monday Designer: Pei-Chih Deng Master degree student, Taiwan, Province Of China National Taipei University of Technology., Taiwan, Province Of China Stage 1 - My concept “Air Globe” is an air purifier that can simulate the air of a designated area. The globe collects the real-time temperature, humidity, smell and sound. The shape of the “Air Globe” is designed like a halfraised globe and users can easily slide around and choose the areas positioned on the raised surface. Stage 2 - Concept Development Air Globe 2.0 : Shape and user experience correction. This picture shows some sphere-shaped sketches which is close to the Globe Model, and some concepts about how to display the world map. Full description After studying the functions and using experiences, I start designing the shape. This is the final model, Users can spin the virtual globe by hands and move the chosen region under the 'magnifier-like' view finder. And then, chose the local date on the outer frame by fingers, and the time by spinning the inner frame. After finished, we can see the temperature, humidity and other situations of the chosen time and region on the top surface. Finally, after confirming the informations, we can press the view finder to let it touch the surface of the virtual globe. The Air Globe will start make the same atmosphere in the house by the datas of the chosen region's air. 4 Lotus Flow Attracts dust like real flowers attract bees Designer: Rodrigo Capati Bachelor of Industrial Design, Australia RMIT University, Australia Stage 1 - My concept Lotus Flow is an air purification/lighting system, consisting of flexible 'petals' and core that filter the air of dust and other airborne pollutants. Stage 2 - Concept Development Lotus Flow is an air purification/lighting system, consisting of flexible 'petals' and inner core that filter the air of dust and other airborne pollutants. Full description The Lotus Flow is an innovative multi-functioning device providing air purification, dynamic lighting effects and as a home decor. It uses its outer shell, petals and inner core to filter the air within its vicinity. The petals are made of an electroluminescent fabric with a hydrophobic coating that helps draw in dust and pollutants into the core section where it can be sucked into the cleaning chambers. Its inner core uses technology consisting of a filtration system containing activated carbon and HEPA filter to help absorb dust and micro pollutants. It also, utilizes UV light to help kill bacteria and houses a negative air ionizer to produce fresh clean air. Unfiltered air is pulled into the inner core by the fan, filtered, sterilized and then fresh, clean air is released back into the room. The device also constantly checks the air quality of the room working in response to its environment and the room's occupants. It can also be connected to a home network and smart devices which allows the user to keep track of the air quality of the room, how well it is cleaning, whether parts need replacing and also control its dynamic lighting effects. The products aesthetic, air quality moderation and light management system help create a product that is both desirable and useful to produce a very enriching experience for its consumers. 5 Air & Life Let your plants look after themselves Designer: Eduardo Luis Chacón López Universidad de los Andes ULA, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Stage 1 - My concept “Air & Life” accessory to purify the air, promotes the use of plants and helps to keep them alive generating water. Purification of oxygen, water generation and scanning different areas of the house for an accurate result and a complete air purification. Stage 2 - Concept Development “Air & Life” is a device that stimulates and promotes green living, helps its users in health care, preventing certain diseases and this way contributing to the creation of healthy homes. Full description As the human race evolves and migrates to the cities, green areas have been reduced, which has greatly affected the ecosystem; one element that has been seriously harmed is air quality, as it is affected by air pollution. According to NASA studies, a plant can purify and revitalize the negative effects of common toxins and purify areas of 100mt2 with plants 6\" The use of “Air & Life” benefit customers, we seek to facilitate the work of nature, improved purification process to get as much fresh air that technology allows us and expelling plants, purified air to finish with more efficient purification process that nature can provide us and at the same time, moisture in the air condenses to form water, for the plant to produce its own fuel. Thus, keeping the plants alive and reaching a better natural performance. “Air & Life” is conceptualized under an analogy that seeks to integrate nature in an innovative way by analyzing natural processes such as photosynthesis, achieving a product that formally symbolizes a natural leaf that must be planted in order to perform its function. With the consumer at thought, the main idea is to develop solutions in an attractive, aesthetic, functional and innovative way without limiting the choice of the type of plant, container, size and colors costumers want to use, in order to decorate their homes, allowing them to be participants in generating these interaction spaces between user, product and most important; nature. 6 EPHEMERIS Air purification inspired by life on Mars Designer: Berthome Tiphaine Architecture, France Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture et du Paysage, Bordeaux, France Stage 1 - My concept Ephemeris, nano filaments that adapt over time and feelings. Stage 2 - Concept Development Ephemeris is a sensorial experience, inspired by corals, working with emotion and touch. Using scents as Madeleine de Proust, it allows to focus on himself, giving a pleasant break in a restless life. A complex dispositive combining technology, science and therapy; creates Ephemeris. Full description Starting on a (not so) surrealistic approach, as living on a capsule on Mars, allowed us to focus on primitive needs for the future, in a new society, for an unexpected situation. Nowadays, and probably tomorrow, we live in a constant change, with stress and anxiety, and we all need some specific time to purify ourselves in this fast way of life, and return to primitive demands, emotions, and spirituality. Ephemeris works as a modern sanctuary, in every one’s home. It will offer a new sensorial experience, using aromatherapy deeply linked to one’s state of mind. Ephemeris is a process: Thanks to special sensors, the user’s phone collects physiological data and links it to the surrounding smells. Ephemeris then interacts with the user’s device to spread scents and caress him/her as he/she goes through its nanofilaments falling down the shell to form a jellyfish. For a few seconds to minutes, it creates a sanctuary and a new rite with the feeling of "deja vu"- something that was already smelt which produces a feeling of happiness and contributes to a purification of the soul and the body. Ephemeris interacts specifically with each consumer, using the smart phone as a key for a personal sanctuary and turns itself into a mystical object. Ephemeris will be a new daily rite, a rebirth of the spirit. Ephemeris is designed to remain discreet at home and not to disturb daily activities. Its dimensions are minimal and allow one person to move in all directions. 7 Petollar Love your pet and forget allergies Designer: Thanut Chaovakul Product Design / Bachelor's degree, Thailand Silapakorn University, Thailand Stage 1 - My concept This is a device to purify the air inside the house, reduce the factors that cause allergies with the help of your pet and electrostatic dust removal. Stage 2 - Concept Development Petollar, the device to take care your pet and also help remove dirt in the air which are factors of the incidence of allergy by your smart pet. Using Petollar will make allergy person able to get close to the pets. This will help promote a lot healthy physical and mental health to the pet owner. Full description More study in depth of the needs of the consumer and behavior of the pets result in the following development concepts :- Add the movement ability into Petollar. Since the pets can walk to many location, the unit fixed in place would not be able to clean various rooms.(Not to follow every move of the pet, just move into the same room where the pet is). - The user can control the movement of Petollar via a Smartphone to keep track of their pet in case they are not at home.They can also talk with the pet through Petollar. - Add the rocking doll feature to prevent falling. Include the figure look like a toy that the pet would feel friendly with. - Warning lights on the unit to indicate the health and needs of the pets.(Also alarm message on Smartphone). - Changeable case for replace the old one which was scratched by cats nails. An additional issue which is more important than the purifier that is good for you anyway, we also take into account of the true friends of human which that is your own pet. Have Minuz worn on your pet will help you take care and understand the pets better since Minuz will tell you the status of your pet through the Smartphone such as hungry, health conditions, excretion, muscles activity like fawning. 8 Lotus Pick a seed of fresh air with you Designer: Fulden Dehneli Industrial Designer, Turkey Middle East Technical University, Turkey Stage 1 - My concept Different activies require being on action constantly. So why not air purifiers keep up with us? Just carry the fresh air with you! Stage 2 - Concept Development An air purifier should be able to adapt to people's lifestyles and various activities as well as purify the air. Mobility and versatility make Lotus flexible enough to suit any condition. The rechargeable and portable 3 air balls can be used in various environment for various kind of tasks. For example, Humid Ball can be used while sleeping for adjusting the humidity. Full description Over the past several decades, our exposure to indoor air pollutants has increased due to a variety of factors. One of the biggest factors is that indoor environments are warm and moisturized which are perfect conditions for viruses, bacteria, fungi etc. Another factor is the allergens like dust, pet tender and pollens. And of course we cannot pass the bad odors like cigarette smoke, smell of foods etc. Besides, the humidity of environment can really affect our health and mood in a serious way. Lotus is an air purifier that aims to eliminate these various problems with its main unit and three portable air balls. While main body offers a general purification, the balls can be taken anywhere according to need. These three rechargeable balls named Pure Ball, Odor Ball and Humid Ball aim to accomplish specific tasks. Pure Ball eliminates biological contaminations and sterilizes; Odor Ball eliminates the bad odors and gives nice scent; and Humid Ball adjusts the humidity. Each ball has a unique icon on it representing its function, which helps to choose according to necessity. Both Lotus main unit and the air balls can be controlled easily by a smart phone app. Also information related to balls’ functions and indoor air quality can be monitored as well as cleaning process info. In addition, both the main unit also balls have a mood light that can be adjusted for creating a relaxing home environment. Mobility of the air balls gives the flexibility of usage in all kinds of areas. 9 AMO - Love people Pure air for the most sensitive Designer: George Preoteasa Designer, Romania The Alternative School for Creative Thinking, Romania Stage 1 - My concept I created an air purifier with a human touch. It purifies air and it is also a perfect gadget for kids with autism and people who suffer of asthma. Stage 2 - Concept Development AMO is the next generation air purifier. It creates a 2 meters clean, fresh, healthy atmosphere. And it comes with amazing features which improve the quality of everyday family life at home. AMO is the most important part of every smart house. In a technological era, AMO is created to suit the need of a healthier life inside your home. Controlled by your smart phone, this air purifier creates the perfect atmosphere. Full description AMO is changing our lives: it brings benefits for asthmatic people by purifying the air, it helps educating autistic children by playing interactive games which bring them into real life situations. Using holograms, AMO will help children to develop independent living skills, to recognize emotions, faces, colors etc. The holograms can also be used for parties, as AMO is providing laser lights and even animated stories utilizing a video input and an optical camera. Using a Wi-Fi connection, the AMO Apps can be downloaded for free. AMO’s main function is the air purifying. Based on solar energy, but also on a wireless charging during the night, AMO removes smoke, small allergen particles, odor, germs, and dust. This innovative idea works also as an air humidifier/dehumidifier, and by using sensor activation it will refresh and clean the air we breathe. AMO is capturing a greater number of bacterial, virus, and DNA damaging particulates, reducing the concentration of these airborne contaminants and being useful for people who suffer from allergies and asthma. AMO, made of organic and recyclable materials, is based on a HEPA filter technology which removes at most 99.97% of particles. Also, AMO combines activated carbon with ionizer purifiers, which absorb volatile chemicals on a molecular basis. A water based filter is also incorporated, to clean and purify the air by removing odors and pollutants, where the humidifying feature works great for dry skin and allergies. 10 ORBIS Moves from space for a fresher home Designer: Guilherme Lopes Pedro Graduation, Brazil UNESP, Brazil Stage 1 - My concept Orbis is an air purifier who moves like the planetary system. Floating on the room, this White good will clean and condition the air with efficiency. Stage 2 - Concept Development ORBIS is a great solution for the future of healthy homes. An environment with clean air, comfortable lighting and the ideal temperature is the perfect combination for good health. ORBIS is a solution for cleaning air, filtering and removing impurities such as dust, little insects and microorganisms. Full description The future will bring new ways to interact with machines, and many easy to handle interfaces. Healthier homes are a key point necessary in human development. Considering that there are great possibilities of having less pure air over the course of time, we can imagine that in 50 years, many solutions for clean air will be developed and put on the market shelves. ORBIS is a solution for cleaning air, filtering and removing impurities such as dust, little insects and microorganisms, while it also regulates the humidity, temperature and illumination of an environment. Through the display the user has access to graphical control interface for the functions of the drones and the main body. The drones have different sizes and tasks as: air cleaning, humidification and micro shock. The main body takes care of the temperature and the ambient lighting. Effectively, ORBIS reacts to touch and proximity of the hand. Just take your hands close to the top of the system to turn on and the bottom part of the system to shut down. To levitate in the air, drones orbit around the main body reaching all points of the environment, such as a scan of the air. Sensors will calculate the obstacles in real time so there is no collision. For a healthy future, ORBIS guarantees the lowest levels of dirt, insects and undesirable microorganisms. 11 BISE - Air energizer Healthy bathroom with energetic sea breeze Designer: Antoine Riquiez Industrial Product Design & Management , France DSKISD International School Of Design, India Stage 1 - My concept Help the user to keep a healthy and energetic atmosphere in the bathroom. When the bathroom becomes the new intuitive comfort area at home. Stage 2 - Concept Development "BISE" makes each innovation a part of the future customer's life. It is an introduction to a near future that uses the current problem and transforms it as a healthy solution. Full description To help people to accept the innovation, the solution has to be intuitive & complete. "BISE" is an air energizer that keeps your bathroom clean and healthy. It removes all the pollutant coming from hair spray, perfume, deodorant & humidity in order to respect your environment and your basic needs of health. Everyday we use the bathroom, and each of our usage amplify a bit more the air pollution. Let me tell you the story of a family using the bathroom one by one. Each individual member takes care of himself but neglects completely the bathroom's atmosphere. This is the beginning of a bad air quality that people will never realize without "BISE". But how will BISE raise people's awareness of air quality? BISE is an effortless solution that works throughout the day. It creates a air's flow inside the bathroom while cleaning, purifying and energizing it. To achieve the experience the user is able to feel the benefit of this product by stretching in front of it and getting a fresh wave of energized air thanks to the algae treatment. BISE is composed of two main innovations: 1: Mesh wall made of a coating of titanium dioxide that break down the pollutants to accelerate the filter process. (cf: development blog) 2: Algae filter that absorb CO2, purify wastewater while releasing oxygen and iodine. (cf: development blog) Those innovations work together as an intuitive solution that fit with the future environment of the bathroom. BISE - Life's energizer 12 Living Air Flow (LAF) Let bacteria keep your air clean Designer: Alessya Ivanova Master of Industrial design, Bulgaria Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria Stage 1 - My concept LAF is a symbiotic experience which brings purified air in your home, produced only by living bacteria. Living Air Flow gives an on-screen information and allows manual control of the inside air conditions. Stage 2 - Concept Development LIO is the new dedicated live housemaid who serves you and your family by purifying the air in your home and brings clean look to its interior. Full description As fresh air promotes well-being and a healthy lifestyle “LIO” system offers optional living good bacteria filters which capture fine dust, bad bacteria and pollen, and therefore even allergy sufferers can breathe easily. The technology behind the wall: LIO stands for “Living Input / Output”. This is because of the purifying technology using good bacteria of common types in a process similar to the bio-encapsulation. So, a spongy filtering layer infested with purifying microbes is put behind the front inlets of the LIO system. The interior air goes into the system and passes through the filter. Then only the safe byproducts and the clean air continue their way up to the outlet on the top of the system. Features: Fresh air is fed into the system via the front inlets, and optional via an external wall vent. The ventilation system itself can be customized by physical size, color and even personalized voice commands. The user can manually adjust the air conditions LIO to create in their home. After all, people should know that they can live in symbiosis with most types of microbes, taking advantage of their essential functions and ease of living, gaining much more for their own daily life! So, just say: “LIO, give me air!” 13 UrbanCONE Jellyfish creatures clean the air of future cities Designer: Michał Pośpiech The Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, Poland Stage 1 - My concept Why our world can not be more unusual? Let's change our surroundings and look after the condition of the air that we breathe! Yes it is possible! Stage 2 - Concept Development Healthy homes are not only the interior but also the exterior. This is a healthy micro atmosphere around us that is why our little friend was made for. Personal drones, which provide a comfortable! Full description UrbanCONE’s task is to create microclimate suitable to the expectations of each individual. Modern people lives in a world in which polluted, solid air dominates in urbanized everyday life. Each of us needs the support of UrbanCONE. Dimensions of the device are individually matched to the demands for better air. Can be freely modified and extended. The entire device is going up thanks to ultra light construction and filtering wings moving to resemblance of jellyfish, under which exchangeable filters are found (it is possible to install colorful aromatic filters which let for collecting favorite smells, adaptation of them to a time of the day, mood). Urbancoce is an automatic, radio-controlled smart device. Your specimen can be away from you, and you still will be in control of it. Your friend will come back to you by oneself. UrbanCONE is truly ecological - photovoltaic panels that are under its wings are urging it. UrbanCONE has a social dimension-helps you to meet people with similar microclimatic preferences, and its clusters appear in population centers (greater need for filtration).Let us remember that our health depends on our microclimate, so choose an UrbanCONE! 14