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DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS Department of Trade and Commerce No.8
(Compiled from material supplied by the Unemployment Insurance Commission)
Published by
Authority of the Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe Miniitet of Trade and Commerce
Piepsred In the Unemployment Ineurance Section. Labour and Price. DlvIiIon. Dominion Bureau of Statiatic.. Ottawa.
a004-5o9 6-10.53
Pricei 25 cents i copy
T A B L E OF CONTENTS EXPLANATORY TEXT •.............•s•••s••s•ee• A detailed explanation of these data and of the adailniatrative pro cedurea from which they eaierge appears on Pages 9 to 34 of this issue.
Page 3.
L I S T OF TABLES Table 1. - Estimatea of Insured Population izder the Uneaiployment Insurance Act ....,............. 2 Table 2. - Ni.nber of Initial and Renewal Claims Filed in the Local Officea in Each Province ....... 2 Table 3. - Ordinary Clathanta on the Live Unanploynent Register on the Last Working Day of the Month, by Duration on the Register, Sex and Province, and showing the Number of Disability Cases Incliad in Total
Table 4. - Number of Short-time and Temporary Lay-off Claimants on the Live Uneaployment Register on the Last Working Day of the Month, by Province and Sex •.................................... 4 Table 5. - Disposition of Initial and Renewal Claims and Claims Pending at the end of the Month ...... 5 Table 6. - Claimants not Entitled to Benefit in Each Province, with Chief Reasons for Non-titlaaent 6 Table 7. - Number of Persons Commencing the Receipt of Benefit on Initial and Renewal Claime, by Province 7 Table 8. - Nuaber of Days and Imowit of Benefit Paid by Province and Showing Disability Days Inclizied in the Total
Table 9. - Number of Persona Receiving Benefit; Number of Daya and Amount of Benefit Paid by Province, for Week Containing the Laat Day of the Month and Sl2owing Disability Days Inclxied in the Total ....... 8 AP P EN D I X •...•.•••,••,,•••.••••,•••••,•••••• 9
EXPLANATORY T E X T During the month of August, a total of 74,052 initial and renewal claims for Unemployment Insurance benefit were filed in local offices across Canada. This represents a slight decline from the 75,869 claims recorded for July, but is about 21 percent above the figure of 61,038 claims for August 1952. Commencing with this month, short-time and temporary lay-off claimants are excluded from the coumt of claimants for whom the duration of days on the register is shown. In addition, the number of disability cases included in the total on the live register on the last working day of the month are shown separately (Bee Appendix, pages 9-14). Ordinary claimants on the live unemployment register on August 31 totalled 111,287 (78,491 males and 32,796 females), compared to 110,938 (77,607 males and 33,331 females) on July 31 and 101,9 80 (71,146 males and 30,834 femalee) on August 31, 1952. On August 31 1, short-time and temporary lay-off claimants numbered 14,4 81 and 8,552, respectively. Adjudicating officers disposed of initial and renewal claims on behalf of 74,262 claimants, of whom 53,163 were entitled to benefit and 21 0 099 were not entitled. The chief reasons for non-entitlement to benefit were : "benefit year not eatabllahed", 7,179 cases; and the following disqualifications (including 5,714 on revised claims), "not txieinployed", 9,754 cases (in 57 percent of these cases the duration of the disqualification period was 6 days or less); "vol*itarily leaving without just cause", 4,285 cases. During August, 49,268 persons commenced receiving benefit, compared to 49,164 in July and 46,642 in August 1952.
Benefit payments during August amoted to $6,4080 827 in respect of 2,138,224 compensated days (of which 6,452 were diaability days compensated), compared to $7,148,024 and 2083,416 days during July and $6,238,800 and 2,150,173 days during August 1952. During the week of August 29 to september 4 87,367 benef iciaries received $1,483,305 in compensation for 496,690 daya,(including 3,685 days of diab11ity), in comparison with 89 9 747 beneficiaries, $10262 163 and 511,447 days for the week of July 25 to 31 9 and 82,740 beneficiaries who were paid $1073,517 in respect of 464,194 days during the week of August 23 to 29, 1952. The average daily rate of benefit for the last week of August was $2.99, compared to $2.98 for the last week of July and $2.96 for the corresponding week last year.
-2Table 1. - Estimatea of the Insured Population under the Unemployment Insurance Act. Beginning Of Total. Eap1oyed ciaimanta( 1 ) the Month of : 1953-
July June May April March February January
3,185,000 3,1539 000 3,166,000
119,800 143,100 215,200 360,100( 2) 363,200( 2)
3,009,900 2,950 1,800 2,917,900 2,916,800 2,928,300 3,007,400
32 278,000 3,280,0 00
3,283,000 3,286,000
278,600( 2)
1952December November October September August July Table 2.
3,078,400 3,049,000 3,019 1 400 2,974,300
Nxnber of Initial and Renewal Claims Filed in the Local Offices in Each Province.(3) _______ August 1952 1953 Total Initial Renewal Total Initial
Prov. Nfld. P.E.I. N. S. N. B. Que. Ont. Man. Sa3k. Alta. B. C.
161,900 111 9 500 929 600 102,000 1129 600 1220 700
3,079,100 3 9 0740 500
3,241,000 3 1 186,000 3,171,000 3,151,000 3,1320 000 3,097,000
12194 224 4 9 031 2,788 25,530 24,937 1041 572 2,430 10 9 405
151 29 251 4613 15,601 15,749 1,247 392 19185 5 9 635 44,689
329 73 1,780 1 9 175 9,929 9,188 694 180 1,245 49 770
685 157
3,175 20 197 17,736 20042 1,867 474 1,183 13,022
552 110 1,792 1,218 10,549 11,215 1,177 354 812 7 9 377
61,038 29 9 363 359156 74,052 (1) Ordinary Claimants on the Live Unemployment Register on the last working day of the preceding month.
Inc1ea supplementary benefit claimanta.
In addition, revised claims received nuiibered 121741.
Renewal 133 47 1083 979 7,187 9,327 690 120 371 50645 25,882
Table 3.
Ordinary Claixnanta on the Live Unemployment Register on the Laat Working Day of the Month, by Duration on the Register, Sex and
Province, and Showing the N1.nber of Disability Caeee(1) Inc1t*ed in Total. Days Continuualy on the Register Total
Prov. and Sex
6 and
Male Female P.E.I.
Male Female N. S.
Male Female N. B.
Male Female Qua. Male
Female Ont.
Male Female Man.
August 31, 1 9 5 3
73 and
August 31,1952
2,399 2,164 235
(7) (1) (6)
525 479 46
191 166 25
345 321 24
546 509 37
323 300 23
469 389 80
1,592 1,433 159
565 399 166
(1) (1) (-)
113 90 23
34 23 11
68 47 21
135 83 52
87 64 23
128 92 36
337 218 119
7,399 6064 4035
(22) (18) (4)
1 1 516 1043 173
568 483 85
979 814 165
1022 1 9 128 194
1050 19144 106
1,464 1,152 312
4,889 4,039 850
5,658 4,662 996
(4) (27) (7)
1,164 1,005 159
521 441 80
761 649 112
1 1 14.6 969 177
744 602 142
1022 996 326
4,886 3,942 944
43,032 (207) 29,427 (119) 13,605 (88)
9,827 7,414 2 9 413
4,421 3,057 1,364
6,042 4,216 1,826
7 0 810 5,257 2053
5,402 3,439 1,963
9030 6,044 3,486
31,909 20,909 11,000
34222 (163) 21,193 (118) 10,029 (45)
8 0 114 5,946 2,168
20 915 2,046 869
3,725 2037 1,188
5,017 3,259 1,758
3433 19900 1,233
8018 5,505 20 813
30 1,062 19,171 10,891
Male Female
4,028 2,086 1,942
(34) (23) (2-1)
864 391 473
288 146 142
446 198 248
661 313 348
376 196 180
1,393 842 551
4,273 2032 1,941
Sask. Male Female
1,134 605 529
(10) (7) (3)
184 81 103
115 54 61
138 55 83
206 100 106
119 66 53
372 249 123
4159 596 563
Male Female
2,694 1,762 932
(12) (11) (1)
532 325 207
221 127 94
342 200 142
423 264 159
235 138 97
941 708 233
2 2 297 19539 758
B. Co Male Female
13,156 9,829 3027
(61) (43) (18)
3043 29 625 718
1 9 292 1,072 220
1,892 4525 367
21115 1,496 619
1,199 857 342
3015 2,254 1,061
20076 163,967 3,609
2.11,287 (551) 78,491 (368) 32,796 (183)
26 9 182 19,699 6,483
10,566 7,615 2,951
14,738 10,562 4,176
19,381 13078 6,003
13,168 9 9 006 4,162
27,252 18,231 9,021
101,980 71,146 30,834
Includes short-time and temporary lay-off claimants.
Table 4. - Nunber of Short-time and Teiporary lay-off Claimants on the Live Unemployment Register on the Last Working Day of the Prov.
Month, by Province and Sex. 1953 - August -
I Total I Male I
Short-time Claimants Nfld. P.E.I. N . S. N . B. Qua. Out.
Sask. Alta. B. C. Total-
2 1
899 1,099 5,456 3,603 253 20 2,783 286
77 2 804 720 3 9 242 2,123 49 18 2,650 169
379 2 9 214 4480 204 2 133 117
Temporary Lay-off Nfld. P.E.I. N . S. N. B. Qua. Ont.
Man. Saak.
1 473 33 738 5,642 19
1 1 984 306 7 9 643 70 089
1 1 896 152 4349
5 2,499 581 19,109
2,6% 563
2 17
35 1,611
9 26 1059 52
7,789 763
120 348 6,761
10 289
Alta. B. C.
88 154 3,294 3,207
1 473 23 449
Not Available
Table 5.
Disposition of Initial and Renewal C1aipi and Claims Pending at the end of the Month 1)
Prov. To
A d j u d i cated Entitled to Not Entitled to Benefit Benefit Initial Renewal Initial Renewal
Pending Initial j Renewal
August-19 53 Nfld. P.E.I. N. B. Que. Ont. han. Sank. Alta. B. C.
1,259 222 4,123 2,861 26,928 24084 1,854 548 2,411 9 0 972
577 104 1,600 1,115 10,617 8,203 694 229 673 3,619
273 62 1,605 1,064 9,020 7 9 755 597 140 1 0 162 49054
379 45 765 563 59896 6 9 934 479 151 488 1 2 737
30 11 153 119 1095 1 9 192 84 28 88 562
364 41 739 450 5,598 5,132 209 85 296 1,361
103 12 284 217 1,839 1 9 335 92 26 81 742
17 1,437
N. S.
August-19 52 Nfld. P.E.I. N. B. Que. Ont. 1an. Sask. Alta. B. C.
781 172 3 9 014 29 207 19,205 23,677 11952 497 1 1 357 15 2 284
306 72 1,137 833 79946 7,875 846 231 632 6,082
155 37 1,197 879 6,474 8012 615 113 349 6 2 246
289 58 520 415 3,779 5 0 251 412 133 323 2,181
31 5 160 80 1,006 29 039 79 20 53 775
215 22 626 346 3,508 3,068 193 80 146 1,566
31 7 188 195 1,462 985 96 18 50 812
N. S.
(1) - In addition, 12,643 revised claims were disposed of. Of these, 849 were special requests not granted, and 731 were appeals by claimants. There were 1,539 revised claims pending at the end of the month.
Table 6. - Claimants not &ititled to Benefit in Each Provinoe During August 1953 and 1952, with Chi af
Chief Reasons for Non-iititlement
Benefit Year 1953 not Established 1952 Disqualified: (1) Claimants Not Unnp1oyed 1953 1952 Not capable of and not 1953 1952 available for work Loan of work due to 1953 1952 a labour dispute Refused offer of work 1953 and neglected oppor1952 tunity to work Discharged for 1953 1952 misconduct Vo1i.tari1y left 1953 95 eiiiployment without 1952 just cause Failure to fulfill additional conditiona 1953 imposed upon certain 1952 married women 1953 Other reasons 1952 T0TAL-
1953 1952
fnr NnnFt1 t1ernkt.
0nt. Man. Saak. A1ta. B.C. N.B. Que. j P.E.I. N.S. Canada iNf].d. __________________________________________________________________ 167 7,179 729 320 3 2 071 20063 179 44 261 332 13 42 143 1,138 238 1,680 1,607 171 5,447 234 174 9,754 5,933 1,421 78 1,508
4974 92 56 49719 455 97 498 109 50 28 1
41 14 34 24
34 26 4 3 48 49
199 120
135 73 46 24 740 662
84 3,492 734 63 48 592 48 450 1 1 614
347 476 317 305 204 1,466 167 1,453
169 170 1,092 1,292
36 33 8 17 173 194
38 25 10 21
4 4 2 7
253 129 60 63
331 386
107 39 60 36 -
4 37 30 21 10
669 150 197 165 27 855
996 1,105 646 582 4,285 4 9 265
8 6 1 87 61
35 34
53 33 33 39 24]. 233
1,009 907
7 1
1 3
39 30
22 40
458 342
230 256
65 50
21 23
57 51
109 111
19 311 1,015
33 76
2 5
64 36
37 32
534 335
424 288
40 39
13 15
41 24
123 165
269 813 22,183
4442 368
62 78
1,075 798
9,788 690 9,244 670
239 196
689 457
2,775 3043
5 2
23 40 37 11
775 10,278 640 6,389
(1) - Data for August 1953, incluie 5,714 on revised claims.
Table 7.
Number of Persona Commencing the Receipt of Benefit On Initial and Renewal Claima, by Province. 1953 On Initial On Renewal Claims Claims
1952 On Initial Claims
Nf].d. P.E.I. N. S. N. B. Quo. Ont. Man. Sank. Alta. B. C.
1,153 917 146 100 2,749 1,476 1,950 1,029 19,955 11 2,908 14,730 9,108 1 9 175 680 296 201 1,481 678 5,633 2,951
236 46 1,273 921 8,047 5 1,622 495 95 803 2,682
522 95 2,054 1,596 13,624 14,591 1,535 356 914 119355
396 126 63 32 1,211 813 942 654 8,288 5,336 8,921 5,670 982 553 258 98 631 283 6,241 5,114
49 9 268 29048
460 642
27,963 18,679
On Renewal Claims
Table 8. - Nunber
of Days and Amomt of Benefit Paid, by Province and Showing Disability Day(1) Included in the Total. 1952 1953 - August Amount Amount Days (in Dollars) (in Dollars) -
Prov. Nf1d. P.E.I. N. S. N. B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. A]ta. B. C.
45,494 (28) 109 737 (8) 139 0 876 (430) 104,346 (305) 835,686(2,096) 594,908(1,862) 83,970 (436) 22,598 (109) 65,898 (211) 234,711 (967)
148 1,168 309145 449,232 319,686 2,425415 1,7919391 235020 649315 209,450 736,005
24,364 7,232 85,760 85,630 671,572 738,049 84,297 23,267 53,382 376,620
75,793 18 9 655 2560 900 256 9 856 4855,165 2,102 1 203 230 0 922 64,285 164,503 1,213018
2,138,224(6 9 452)
(1) - Shown in brackets.
Mm Table 9. - Nunber of Persons Receiving Benefit, Nunber of Days and Amount of Benefit Paid by Province, for Week Containing the Last Day of the Month and Showing Disability Days (1) Inc1xt.d in the Total. Province Persons
I Days I
Amount (in Dollars)
August 29 to September 4, 1953
1,583 450
Newfoundland Prince Edward J:aland
Nova Scotia New Bziiawick Quebec Ontario
5 0 635
4,162 32,101 25 9 378 3,465 930
100 655 (47) 2,676 (8) 30,427 (241) 21,674 (148) 193,730 (1,204) 136,375 (1,012) 20 9 174 (209) 5091 (92)
7,305 97 9 576
66,449 551, 419
416,555 56,11). 15,134
Saskatchewan 50,175 Alberta 3 9 057 16,136 (156) 188 9 088 10 9 606 British Colunbia 59,452 (568) Total - 87067 4969 690 (3 9 685) 1,4830305 August 23
29, 1 9 5 2
3,081 481 9,596 3 9 810 Prince Edward Island 1,476 247 Nova Scotia 46,241 3,156 15,540 51,254 New Brunswick 170 161 3,208 Quebec 148,079 26015 411095 140,446 Ontario 25,586 414,277 19,948 Manitoba 540992 3,484 Saskatchewan 872 5,159 149 178 2,625 Alberta 1.4073 13,996 British Colunbia 16,766 323,401 99008 Total - 820 740 464,194 1,373,517 Newfoundland
(1) - Shown in brackets.
This appendix is designed to provide a brief summary of the legislation and administrative procedures from which the statistics are obtained. Intelligent use of the data is possible only in the light of the procedures used in their collection. TABLE 1. - Estimates of the Insured Population. These estimatea are prepared monthly, as followa :At the beginning of April each year, Unemployment Insurance books are renewed for persons employed in insurable employment and those previously engaged in insurable employment who are on claim and reporting to a local office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission. A form is completed and forwarded to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics covering each renewal and new entrant having an insurance number ending in 4 • Thus a 10 percent sample is secured, providing an estimate of the number of insured persons as well as their distribution by sex, occupation, industry and area. In order to prepare estimates of the number of persona employed in insured employment at the beginning of each subsequent month, the count of those on a payroll at book renewal (April) is brought forward, using indexes for the nine leading industry groups compiled by the Employment Section, Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The number of regular claimants (and aupplAmentary benefit when applicable) on the live unemployment register on the last working day of the immediately preceding month is added to obtain the insured population. Each major industry group is projected separately on the basis of the employment index for that group and the separate industry estimates totalled to obtain the estimate of insured persons employed. Provision is made for any change of Unemployment Insurance covorage at the date it becomes effective and the figures projected in the usual manner. Estimates subsequent to April 1952 are subjected to revision when a final count covering the April 1953 book renewal is available. It is expected that such revision will not significantly alter the current estimates since past adjustments have not been large,never having exceeded 5 percent. TABLE 2. - Number of Initial and Renewal Claims Filed at Local Offices. An insured person may register a claim at any local office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission. As a general rule, the claimant is required to report to the local or itinerant office in person to rile a claim and if the return cost of transportation from his residence to the local or itinerant office for the zone in which he resides is excessive, the claim may be filed
- 10 by mail. The local office is the point of contact with the claimant; local office personnel have no power to refuse to take a claim, neither can they cancel a claim. The claimant, however, may withdraw his claim at any time prior to the time it is forwarded for adjudication. Claims withdrawn are not included in the table, while claims transferred from one office to another prior to adjudication are included in the total of the receiving office. An initial claim is one from a claimant who does not have a benefit year In existence. A "benefit year" is defined as "a period of 12 months commencing on the day an insured person makes a. claim for benefit provided the minimum contribution requirements are met." Under the statutory conditions, a claimant is required to prove that contributions have been paid in respect of him while employed in insurable employment - 1) for at least 180 days during the two years immediately preceding the day on which the benefit year commences and -2) for at least sixty days during the period of 52 weeks or at least 45 days during the period of twenty-six weeks preceding the commencement of the benefit year or during the period since the commencement of the immediately preceding benefit year, if any, whichever period is less. A claimant, having satiafied these condition8, is entitled to receive benefit for a number of days based upon the number of contributions made on his behalf in the preceding five years and the number of benefit days he has received in the p±eceding three years. A claimant's daily rate of benefit is based on the average of the 180 most recent daily contributions paid by him during the two years immediately preceding his initial claim and upon whether or not he has a dependent within the meaning of the Act. A renewal claim is one filed during the currency of a benefit year after a claimant fails to report at a local office on two or more consecutive report days. A renewal claim is not required for a short-time or temporary lay-off claimant when the new short-time or temporary lay-off condition arises with the same employer for whom he worked prior to his immediately preceding initial or renewal claim. It must be established, however, that a short-time or temporary lay-off condition exists with the employer and that the claimant is subject to that condition. A revised claim is, generally speaking, a claim other than an initial or a renewal which has to be considered by an Insurance officer. Some examples of "revised claims" are : reports of offers of employment or possible disqualification, except when forwarded with the initial or renewal claim; appeals to court of referees, the Commission or the Umpire, by claimants; application for ante-dating or for extension of the qualifying period. A count of initial and renewal claims received in local offices during any month represents the number of new applications for benefit during that period. A total including the revised claims received is more generally useful to assess the volume of work handled by the offices. In this report, revised claims are shown for Canada only.
- 11 TABLE 3. - Ordinary Claimants on the Live Unemployment Register on the Last Working Day of the Month, by Duration on the Register, Sex and Province, and Showing the Number of Disability Cases Included in the Total. TABLE 4. - Number of Short-time and Temporary Lay-off Claimants on the Live Unemployment Register on the Last Working Day of the Month, by Province and Sex. Simultaneously with the filing of an initial claim, an unemployment register is completed for each claimant. The calendar portion of this form is the basic record of the claimant's activity while on claim and indicates his benefit status. Symbols are used to record non-compensable days, waiting, sick, non-available, employed, and benefit days. Claimants ordinarily report once weekly, on a specific day and hour (at the discretion of the local office manager, short-time claimants report less frequently, depending upon the amount of employment lost). The Unemployment Register remains "live" so long as the claimant continues to report, as directed, to the local office during the life of the benefit year. Unemployment registers for claimants who have missed two report days are removed from the live file on the second report day missed. When a subsecuent benefit year is established directly after the termination of a benefit year, a new unemployment register is prepared and placed in the "live file". Within the framework of the Unemployment Insurance Act, provision is made for the payment of benefit to persons temporarily separated from employment because of a lay-off or short-time condition. At the time a claim is filed, iiiemployment registers pertaining to claimants so separated from employment are identified by the notation "temporary lay-off" or "short-time" to distinguish them from ordinary claimantø.
"Ordinary" claimants are those completely separated from their former employments, except for some subsidiary employment or for some odd days of casual work. "Temporary lay-off" claimants are defined as persons temporarily separated from their employment but with the expectation of returning to work for the same employer WIthin 30 days. They differ from short-time claimants in that, generally, during the period of "lay-off", they do no work for their regular employer. "Short-time" claimants retain attachment to an employer but their work-weeks are temporarily reduced. The usual pattern of short-time is an alternate week schedule or a shortened work-week. Though short-time claimants are not necessarily seeking other employment, they are nevertheless entitled to claim benefit for idle days.
- 12 A count of ordinary claimants on the last working day of the month is an indication of the volume of claimants reporting to an office. As a percentage of the insured population, it is a measure of the proportion of insured persona for whom unemployment registers are in the active file at a given time. The Unemployment Insurance Act was amended, effective August 3, to provide that benefit may now be paid for days of illness, injury or quarantine. Under the terms of the amendment, days of incapacity suffered while on benefit, which hitherto would have been disqualified days, may now be compensated, provided that the claimant is otherwise entitled to benefit. While the amendment provides for the compensation of odd days of disability occurring during a period on benefit, a claimant becomes a "disability case" only after he has reported a period of at least 6 consecutive days of disability. To assist in spotting these cases in the files, tinemployment registers which show that a claimant has reported a period of illness, etc., consisting of 6 or more consecutive days are flagged. When the Unemployment Register shows that the claimant has reported recovery, (this will be indicated on the calendar portion of the register - the claimant having reported a day of employment or of proven unemployment) the signal is removed. At the close of business on the last working day of the month, the Unemployment Registers in the "live" file are examined and the following action taken 1) - Unemployment Registers flagged as "disability caSeS" are scanned and a count is made, by sex of those for whom the last day reported was one of disability; 2) - All Unemployment Registers are divided into the three categories of "ordinary", "short-time" and "temporary lay-off"; and these groups are further divided into "males"; "females"; (during the season of supplementary benefit, Unemployment Registers identified by S.B. are counted separately). 3) - Ordinary claimants are further classified according to the number of days during which they have been continuously on the register, since the commencement of the current period on claim. Where a benefit year terminate8 while a claim is active and a new benefit year is immediately established, or where supplementary benefit immediately follows a period of regular benefit the claimant is considered as being continuously on the register. The cumulative record is maintained so long as the claim is active. Days of employment occurring while the register is active, are excluded from the count.
- 13 TABLE 5, - Disposition of Claims. The adjudication of a claim consists of an examination of the relevant facts and in deciding whether the claimant is or is not entitled to benefit according to the Act and Regulations. Adjudication is carried out by Insurance officers authorized by the Commission who may be located at a local or a regional office. In certain cases reference is made by the Insurance officer to the regional office and, ultimately, to head office (by the regional office) before a decision is rendered. Receipt of benefit is ozitingent upon many factors, and while a claimant may prove the basic contribution requirements, he may still be disqualified from the receipt of benefit for either a definite or indefinite period because of the application of certain provisions of the Act and its regulations. In order to qualify for benefit, a claimant is required to be "unemployed" within the meaning of the Act, and though unable to obtain work, except in cases of disability, his capability of and availability for work iaust be established. After having proved these conditions, and served the "non-compensable" and "waiting day" requirements, proof of "capability and availability" is waived where a condition of illness, injury or quarantine Is reported. Where loss of employment is due to misconduct or to voluntarily leaving, the claimant is subject to disqualification for a period not exceeding 6 weeks, while participation in a labour dispute results in disqualificatiom for the duration of the dispute. These are merely examples of the circumstances which may bring about a claimant' a disqualification. Complete details will be found in the "ACT" and "RXULATION5". The category of "entitlement to benefit" comprises 1) initial claims on which a benefit year is established and no disqualification exists, 2) renewal claims allowed or approved; "not entitled to benefit" includes initial claims on which a benefit year was not established and those initial and ren.wal claims on which the claImait is disqualified. TABLE 6. - Chief Reasons for Non-EitItjeiient. The number of claims on which a benefit year was not established together with the disqualifications most frequently imposed are shown separately in this table, which includes diaqualifications arising from revised claims. TABLES 7, 8 and 9. - Benefit Payments. Data for these tables are supplied by the Treasury Offices. Copies of payment warrants and of cash-pay vouchers, completed in the local offices, are sent to the District Treasury Offices. As duplicate warrants and cash-pay vouchers are received, the number of days and amcunt of benefit shown on them are accumulated to provide the figures for Table 8 • Data for Table 7 (those commencing a series of benefit payments) are obtained by recording the number of payments which indicate the first payment in either of two categories, i.e., the payment immediately following the adjudication of an initial or of a renewal claim.
- 14 For the week (Saturday to Friday) containing the last day of the month, the Treasury Officeø count the number of benefit payments made, as indicated by the number of warrants and cash-pay vouchers issued. The number of days and amount of benefit paid are accumulated from this particular group of documents. Since, with few exceptions, beneficiaries are paid once weekly and normally a beneficiary receives but one payment weekly, this procedure provides a figure which can be considered as the number of persons who were on benefit for this particular week. (Table 9). "Disability Days" for which compensation has been paid are shown in bracketø beside the benefit days on Tables 8 and 9 and are included in those figures. As of September 1, 1952, claimants establishing second or subsequent benefit years within 14 days of the termination of a previous benefit year are granted a deferment of the waiting period if they were employed on less than 6 days or less than a full working week during the 14-day period preceding the date of commencement of the new benefit year. The deferred waiting days are served on the new benefit year only after the claimant has been employed for a full working week or a minimum of six consecutive working days or for 8 days in two consecutive claim weeks. SUPPLEIMENTARY BENEFIT During the period January 1 to April 15 of each year, supplementary benefit is payable to certain classes of claimants who were unable to meet the contribution requirements for regular beneftt. Under the present regulations, three classes of persona are eligible : 1) - those whose benefit rights have terminated since the preceding March 31; 2) - those who have not satisfied the minimum contribution requirements on a claim filed since the preceding March 31 and who have contributed for not less than 90 days since that date; 3) - those who have separated from an employment that became insurable within the twelve months preceding the date of claim provided that they worked in that and br other insurable employment for not less than 90 days since the 31st day of March immediately preceding the claim. In order to qualify for supplementary benefit, applicants must comply with all the provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Act and Regulations, except the contribution requirements. The rates of supplementary benefit are approximately eighty percent of the rates of benefit otherwise payable under the Act. The duration of supplementary benefit for claimants in Clas8 1 is that which was authorized on the benefit year which terminated since the preceding March 31. For Classes 2 and 3, the duration of benefit is determined by the employment record since the preceding March 31. In no case s however, shall, the benefit days paid exceed the number of days between the date of filing the claim or January 1 and April 15, whichever period is the less.
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IF.F YQYNY3 3nousilvis 3fl(']HIOIlfllg A2O1 I VOVNV:) SISIIVJS
See other side For English
M P N rr •_J__
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• _•
4I ,
Vol. 12
(D'aprIs lee renseignements fournis par la Commission d'assurance-ch8mage)
Publié d'ordre du trés hon. C. D. Howe Ministre du Commerce
Préparé par is section di 1aaaurance.chmag., division du travaii it des priz, fédórai di is statistlqu. Ottawa.
8004.509 6.10.53
PrIx: 25 cent, ioz,inplaire
T A B L E DES MATIERES Page TE X T E E X P LI C A T I F .......................... 1 Voir, dens cette edition (pages 9-16), une explication coinplte de ces donnes ainsi que des méthodes adiiinistrativea dont elles procdent. L I S T E DES TABLEAUX Tableau 1. — Population estimative aesurêe en vertu de la loi aur l'aasurance-ch&rnage ............ 2 Tableau 2. — Rcl&nations initiales et renouvel6es dposea aux bureaux beaux dane chaque province ... 2 Tableau 3. — Rc1amants ordinairea macrite au registre actif de 1 'aasurance-chniage le dernier j our ouvrable du mois salon ia durée de l'inscription, le sexe at la province at noxabre do cas d ? ive.lidjt4 oopria dane le total ........ ... . . . . . . . . . . 3 Tableau 4. — Réclainants pour une courte priode et rclamnants en cong teniporaire inecrits au registre actif do l'aeeurance-ch6iaage le dernier jour ouvrable dunioia, aelon la province et le sexe ..... 4 Tableau 5. — Ec1ainationa initialea et renouve)4es rg1es et non rgles k la fin du niola ........... 5 Tableau 6. — Réclamants inadxiissibles . la preatation dane chacune des provinces en aotzt 1953 et 1952, et principalea raisona de leur inadmissibilit 6 Tableau 7. — Nonibre do pereonnea qut conimnencent k recevoir des preatatione k la suite de rclamationa initiales et renouve1es, par province .... 7 Tableau 8. — Nombre de fours indemnias et montant dea prestations, par province et fours d'invalidit cormipris dens le total ..................... 7 Tableau 9. — Noribre de preetataires, de fours indemniss et maontant dee preatationa, par province, pour la seinaine qui renferme le dernier jour du niois et fours dlinvalidit4 conpris dens be total 8 APP EN DI CE •....•..•.e......I....•••........•.. 9
T E X T E EXPI1ICATIF Au Canada, lea bureaux locaux da la Commisalon d' aaaurance-ch&mage out reçu an aotit 74,052 r4clamationa initialea at renouve]4ea de preatationa. Ce chiffre repraente xie lgre diminution aur lea 75,869 rc1aziiations de juillet mais zie augmentation (21 p. 100, environ) aur lea 61,038 d'aotit 1952. A partir de ce mois-ci, lea réclamanta pour une courte priode at ceux qui aont an congS taciporaire, eont exclua du noinbre de rclaaiante pour leequela on indique la dur6e d'inacription au regiatre. De plus, on indiquera a4parment le nombre do caa d' invalidlt4 qui eat comprie dana le total au regiatre actif au dernier jour ouvrable du xaois (Voir "Appendice", pages 9-16). Lea rclamante ordinairea macrite au regiatre actif d'aaaurancech?'riage, le 31 aocit, se chiffraient par 111 9 287 (78,491 han-I mes at 32,796 fomxnea) par rapport & 110,938 (77,607 borninea at 33,331 fecmea), le 31 juillet, at k 101,980 (71,146 honunes et 30,834 fenxnea), le 31 aozt 1952. Le 31 aotit, le nocbre de r6clamanta pour une courte periods at ceux qui sont an conga temporaire 4tait, reapectivexnent, de 14,481 at 8 9 552. Lea adjudicateura out dispose dea rc1aiaations initialea at renouve1sa concernant 74,262 reciamants, dont 53,163 ant eu droit bL l.a preatation at 21,099 n'y out pea eu droit. Voici lea principalea raisona d'inadmisaibilit: "annee do preatationa non etablie", 7 9 179 caB; "non en ch&inage", 9,754 cas (57 p. 100 coxaportaient unepriode d'excluaion de 6 joura ou moms); "ernploi quitt4 volontaireinent, sans raison valable", 4,285 caa. Cea deux derriere groea coriiprcnaient 5,174 cas d' exclusion aur reclamations revlaéea. Le noubre de nouveaux b4néficiaires durant le mole a'eat etabli bL
49,268 contre 49,164 an juillet at 46,642 an aotxt. 1952.
Uris aomme de $6,408,827 a vers6e an compensation pour 2,138,224 jours de ch&raage (6,452 6taient des jours d'invalldlté) au regard do $7 9 148 9 024 at 2,383,416 joura, le mois precedent, at de $6,238 9 800 at 2,150,173 joure, le mole correapondant de l'an darner. Durant la aenaine du 29 aot an 4 aepteabre, 879 367 bénéficlairea out reçu $19483,305 on coepenaatLon pour 496,690 joura do ch8mage (y coipria 3,685 joura d' inva1idlt) an comparaison de 89,747 beneficlairea, $1026,163 at 511,447 joure pour la aemaine du 25 au 31 juillet at do 82,740 beneficlairea, $1,373,517 at 464,194 jours pour la aemaine du 23 au 29 aotit 1952. La moyenne du taux q.tidien dee preatationa pour La dornire aenaine d'aotzt a 6t4 de $2.99 contra $2.98, la dernibre aaciaine do juillet, at $2.96, la aemaine correapondante de l'année dernire.
-2Tableau 1. - Populatio!1 estiiaatie assurée en v9rtu de la loi aiu1' a8surnce-ch1nage. Debut du aois de : Total
Avec auplol Réc1aianta (1)
Juillet Juin Mal Avril Mars Février Janvier
3,185,000 3,153,000 3,166,000 3,278,000 3,280,000 3,283,000
3,065,200 3,009,900
278,600( 2)
3 0 241 2 000 3,186,000 3,171 8 000 3,151,000 3,132,000 3,097,000
161,900 111,500 92,600 1020 000 112,600 122,700
1190800 143,100 215,200 360,100( 2)
2,950,800 2,917,900 2,916,800 2,928,300
363,200( 2 )
354,700( 2)
Noveabre Octobre Septa.abre Aotit JuU.let Tableau 2. P IOV
3,049,000 3,019,400 2,974,300
RéclaLllationn intia1ea et renouvelées déposéea
ax bureaux locaux dans chaque province. (3) Aot 195 3 195 2 Total Initialea Total Initialeal Renouveldes -
l Renouve14e
T-N. I;P;E. N.-E. N.-B. Qué. Ont. 4an. Sank. Alta. C.-B.
1,194 224 4,031 2,788 25,530 24,937 1,94]. 572 2,430 10,405
865 151 2,251 1,613 15,601 15,749 1,247 392 1,185 5 3,635
329 73 1,780 1,175 9,929 9,188 694 180 4245 4,770
685 157 3,175 2,197 170 736 20042 1,867 474 1,183 13,022
552 110 1,792 1,218 10,549 11,215 1,177 354 812 7,377
133 47 1083 979 7 9 187 9,327 690 120 371 5,645
(1) - Mcl&aants ordinairea inscrta au registre actif du ch&inage le dernier jour de travail du riiois précédent. (2) - Coiprend lea réclamants de prestationa aupp1éientairea. (3)
Réclanationa revisées reuea, en plus, sont au no!nbre de 12,741.
-3Tableau 3.
Provincea at sexes
Eécla-aanto ordinaireu inscrit2 au registre actif de l'aaaurancech&nage le dernier jour ouvrable du inois selon la dure de l'inacription, le aexe et la province et nonbre de cas cocipria dana le total. Total Joura d' inacriptLon continue au registre 31 Aotzt 6 Total 7-12 1321.1 25-48 49-72 73 1952 plu'1 moms
31 Aot
509 37
323 300 23
469 389 80
1,592 1 9 433 159
135 83
87 64 23
128 92 36
337 218 119
979 1,322 1,550 814 1,128 1,444 194 106 165
1,464 1,152 312
4,889 49 039 850
521 441 80
1,322 996 326
4,886 3,942 944
4,421 3,057 1,364
5,402 9,530 3 9 439 6,044
31,909 20,909
8 2 114 2,915 3,725 5,017 5,916 2,046 2,537 3,259 20 168 869 1,188 1 9 758
3 9 133 8,318 1,900 5005 1 9 233 2,813
30,062 19,171 10,891
191 166
T.-N. Hommes Fnmes
2,399 2,164 235
(7) (1) (6)
Hoamea Famines
565 399 166
(1) (1)
113 90
24 68
N.E. Hoamea Fames
7,399 6,364 1,035
(22) (18) (4)
1,516 1043 173
N.-B. Ho!nInee Famines
5,658 4662 996
(34) (27) (7)
1,164 1,005 159
Que. Homnea Fames
43,032 ~20`7~ 29,42? 11 9 13,605 (88)
34222 (163) 21,193 (118) 10,029 (45)
Homes Famines
7,414 2,413
49 216 13,826
1,146 969 177 7,810 5,257 2,553
744 602
3 9 486
Man. Hoc2mes Fammea
4,028 2,086 1,942
(34) (23) (II)
864 391 473
288 146 142
446 198 248
661 313 348
376 1,393 196 842 180 551
4,273 2032 1,941
12134 605
(10) (7) (3)
184 81 103
115 54 61
138 55 83
206 100 106
119 66 53
372 249 123
19159 596 563
A].b. Hommes Femrnea
22 694 1 0 762 932
(12) (11) (1)
532 325 207
221 127 94
235 138 97
941 708 233
2,297 1,539 758
C.-B. Horrnea Fetnmea
13,156 9,829 3,327
3043 1 2 292 1 2 892 22 115 1,199 3015 22 625 1 2 072 1,525 1,496 857 2,254 718 220 367 342 1,061 619
20,576 16,967 3,609
27 1,252
18,231 9,021 et lea
71,146 30,834
200 142
264 159
111,287 (551) 26,182 10,566 14,738 19,381 13,168 78,491 (368) 19,699 7,615 10,562 13,378 9,006 32,796 (183) 6,483 20 951 4,176 6,003 4,162 (1) - Comprand lea r6clainanta pour u ne courte période rc1ainanta an cong4 teporaire.
-4Tableau 4. - Réclaiianta pour iine courte période et réclamanta en congé tenporaire inBcrit3 au regiatre actif de l'asaurance-cmage le dernier jour ouvrable du mois, aelon la province et ].e aexe.
T . -N. I .-P.-E. N.-E. N . -B. Qué. Ont.
79 3 899 1,099
Sesk. Aib. C. -B.
5,56 3,603 253 20 2,783 286
1953 - Aoit - 1952 Horrmes Feinmeb Total Hommea
Réclaanta pour izie 2 77 2 1 804 95 720 379 3,242 22 214 2,123 13,480 49 204 18 2 21 650 133 117 169
9,854 Réclamanta
T • -N. I • -P. -E. 1 N.-E. 473 N . -B. 33 Qué. 738 Ont. 5,642
4627 en congé
1 1 984 306 7,643 7,089
1 1 896 152 4049 3,882
5 2,499 563 12,348
5 2,499 581 19,109 teinporaire
1 Non disponible
Llb. 35 C • -B. 1,611
courte uériode
Man. 19
88 154 3,294 3,207
18 6,76].
-5Tableau 5. - Mc1unations initialee et renouve1ea rg16ea et non rg1ea b. la fin du moia.(l)
giL as roy.
Dormant droit k la No donnant pa.0 droit
Aotit T.-N. I.-P.-E. N.-E. N.-B. QuL. Out. Man.
Aib. C.-B.
la preatation RenouInitive14e a1e
prestation RenoInitivelLea ales
Non r6glLea
22 411 9,972
577 104 1,600 1,115 10,617 8,203 694 229 673 3 9 619
273 379 62 45 1,605 765 1,064 563 5,896 9 0 020 7,755 69934 479 597 151 140 488 1,162 4,054 1,737
30 11 153 119 1 9 395 1,192 84 28 88 562
450 5098 5 9 132 209 85 296 1061
103 12 284 217 1 9 839 1035 92 26 81 742
27 9 431
25 1,732 17,437
1 9 259 222 4,123 2,861 260928 24,084 1 9 854
364 41
306 72 1,137 833 7,946 7 0 875 846 231 632 6,082
155 289 37 58 1,197 520 879 415 6,1.71. 3,779 8,512 5 1 251 615 412 113 133 349 323 2 1 181 6,246
31 5 160 80 1,006 2,039 79 20 53 775
215 22 626 346 3,508
Alb. C.-B.
781 172 39014 2,207 19,205 23,677 1,952 497 1,357 15,284
193 80 146 1,566
31 7 188 195 1,462 985 96 18 50 812
Total -
24,577 13 9 361
T.-N. I.-P.-.Z. N.-B. Qu6. Out. Man.
(1) -
i plus, 12,643 rLcl amations revisLes out LtL rLglLea, dont 849 Ltaient des deniandes spLciales rejetLea, et 731 des appela de la part des rLclaraants. Ii y avait 1,539 rLclwnationa revisLes non rLglLes la fin du inois.
Tableau 6. - Rc1amants inadmissibles h la preatation dana chace des provinces en aotit 1953 et 1952, et principalec raisona de leur inadiaisaibi1it. Rai8On&
principales de l'inadxnissibilite .Anne de prestationa non 6tablie Réclarnanta excius: Non en ch8mage Incapable de travailler et non diaponible
Anne Canada
II T._NiIPE.f N.-E. N..-B.
1953 1952
7,179 5,447
261 174
13 20
332 234
320 238
3,071 1,680
2,063 1,607
179 171
44 42
167 729 143 1,138
9,754. 5,933 1 ,555 1,421 78 1008
38 25 10 21
4 4 2 7
253 129 60 63
84 63 4.8 48
4,974 49719 455 498 50 28
92 56 97 109
41 14 34 24
107 39 60 36
36 33
1952 1 953 1952
1953 Perte de travail due k m aiffrend ouvrier 1952 Refuse ize of fre de travail et laisse passer 1953 1 tie occasion de travailler -952
3,492 734 592 450 1 614
53 33
23 40
347 476
331 386
669 150 197 165 27 855
34 26
37 30
135 73
4 3 48 49
21. 10 199 120
46 24 740 662
996 1,105
Conge'dig pour 1953 1952 inconduite Enp1oi quitt4 volontai.- 1953 reriient sans raison valable1952
646 582 4,285 4,265
6 1 87 61
5 2 35 34
33 39 241 233
37 U 204 167
317 305 1,466 4453
169 170 1,092 1,292
8 17 173 194
N'a pas rempli lea condi1953 tion additioneflea poses t cert.aine femnea 1952 niariéea 1953 Autrea r*tiaona 1952
1,009 907
7 1
1 3
39 30
22 40
458 342
230 256
65 50
2]. 23
57 5].
109 11].
1,311 1 P O15
33 76
2 5
64 36
37 32
534 335
424 288
40 39
13 15
4]. 24
123 165
1953 26,813 1952 22,183
442 368
62 1,075 798 78
775 640
10,278 69 389
9,788 9,24.4
690 670
239 196
689 457
2 0 775 3,343
(1) - Lea donneu d'aotit 1953 comprennent 5,714 cas de rclanations revise.
-7Tableau 7. - Nombre de pereonnea qui co t.miencent k recevoir des preat8tions IL l.a suite de reclamations initialea at renouveléea, par province.
T.-N. i • -P .-E. N. - E. N. - B. Que. Ont. Man.
1 9 5 Sur rc1amations mi tialea
3 - Aotzt - 1952 Sur r4cla- Sur reclaSur reclaniation mations Total mationa initiales renouve1 es renouveléea
Aib. C. - B.
1,153 146 2,749 19950 19,955 14,730 1,175 296 1,481 5,633
917 100 1,476 1,029 11,908 9,108 680 201 678 2 3,951
236 46 1,273 921 8,047 5,622 495 95 803 2,682
522 396 95 63 2,054 1,241 1,596 942 13,624 8,288 14091 8 2 921 1,535 982 356 258 914 631 11,355 69 241
126 32 813 654 5 1,336 5,670 553 98 283 5,114
20 0 220
46,642 27 0 963
Tableau 8. - Noribre de joura indetniss at jiontant des praatationa, par province at joura d'inva1idit(1) compria dana 1. total.
J o u r a
T.-N. I.-P.-E. N.-E. N.-B. Qu4. 0t. Man. Saak. Alb. C-B. Total-
1953 - Aotit Montant (en dollars)
(28) 45,494 10,737 (8) 139,876 (430) 104,346 (305) 835 9 686 (2,096) 594908 (1,862) 83,970 (436) 22 1,598 (109) 65098 (211) 234711 (967)
1 2,138,224
(1) - Eitre parentbses.
- 1 9 5 2 Joura
Montant (en dollars)
148,168 30,145 449,232 319,686 2,125,115 1,791 1,391 235,320 64,315 209,450 736,005
24,364 79232 85,760 85,630 671,572 738,049 84,297 23,267 53082 376,620
75093 18,655 256,900 2560 856 1,855,165 2 2 102,203 230,922 64,285 164,503 1 1 213,518
69 238,800
Tableau 9. - Notabre de prestataires, de jours indemnisés at niontant des pre stations, par province, pour la seaiaine qul ren.ferme le derriier jour du moia et joura d'invalidité(l) compris dens le total. Personnes
Joura 29 aotzt an 4 septembre
Terre-N euve Ile-du--Prince-Edouard Nouvelle-.Ecosse Nouveau-Bxiziawi ck Québec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta Colöiabie-Britannique
1,583 450 5,635
4,162 32 9 101
21,674 193,730
251.378 3,465
10,€06 87,367
10 0 655
20 3,174
(47) (8) (241) (148) (1,204) (1,012) (209) (92)
Montant (en dollars)
1953 34,493 7,305 97,576
66 9 449 551,419
416,555 56,111
15,134 50 9 175 188,088
496,690 (3,685)
5,391 16,136
23au29aotzt 1952 Terre-Neuve I1e-du-rince-Edouard Nouvelle-Ecosse Nouveau-Brmewick
Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta Colombie-Britannique
TOTAL - (1) -
481 247
3,208 26 9 315
3 9 484 872 2,625 16,766
3010 469 241 51,254 I11095 414,277 54,992 14,178
17,161 148,079 140 0 446 19,918 5,159 13,996 99,308
82,740 464,194
tre parentbaes
Le praent appendice a pour but de fournir un bref apercu de la lol at des procdurea administrativea our lesquellea repose la atatistique sur l'aasuanco-ch2niage. L'ezuploi rationnel de ceo donnea n'eat possible quth la luiire des nithodea qui aervent k lea recuelilir. TABLFJ.0 1. - Population otimative aasurte. Cea estimations sont ei tablies tone lea moia do la nianire aulvante : Chaque ann4e, an début d'avril, on renouvel].e lea livrets d' asaurance-chamage des personnea qul occupent des emplois assurablea at do celles qui, ayant occupé nagure des emploia assurablea, out dpos une rclamation at so sont inscritea aux bureaux locaux do la Cofflmjaaion d'asaurance-ch&nage. Une foxiu].e out rezaplie pula anvoyée au Bureau fdral do la atatistique pour cheque aasur, ancien ou nouveau, dont le nui6ro d'aaauranoe se ternine par le chiffre 4. Ainsi, on obtient un êchantillon do 10 p. 100 qui periot d'estiiaer le nombre des personnea aaeurea do xnme quo leur rpartition aelon le sexe, l'occupation, l'induatrie at la rgion. if in d'eatimer le nombre de personnea qul occupaient im ezaploi assurable an dbut do chaque raoia suivant, le nombre de ceux qui aont aur ime hate do pais lors du renouveflement deø livreta (en avrU.) eat report4 I ].'aided'indicea fournia par la Section do l'emploi du Bureau fédéral do la etatiatique h l'égard dea neuf principaux groupee d' industries. Le nombre de rc1amanta rguhiera (at do r4clemantn do pi-eatations auppl4aentairea, s'il y a lieu) macrita an ragiatre actif 10 dernier jour ouvrable du mois prc4dent eat ajout4 at on obtient ainai 10 chiffre do la population assur4e. Chaque groupe industrial important oat projet4 apar4aent d'apra ha base fournie par l'indice de l'emploi pour ce groupe at l'on calcule le total des estimations do cheque induntrie pour obtenir le nombre eatimatif do peraonnes eiaployes. Ii eat tonu compte de tout changemont dana Xe champ d' application do 1' assurancecb&aage & La date ob ii entre an vigueur at lea chiffres sont ensuite projets do l.a façon habituelle. Lea estimations u1trieurea k avril 1952 sont aujettea une revision loraque los réaultata dfnitifa du ealcul du renouvellenient des livi-eta an avri]. 1953 aeront connua. Ces revisions n'auront probablenent quo peu d'effet puiaque dana la paas6, elles fl'ont jamais exc4d6 5 p. 100. TABLEAU 2. - Nonibre de r4cla!natlpna initialed at renouveléei dpoa6ep aux bureaux lacaux. Touts personne assur4e pout dpoaer une rclamation do
- 10 prestation IL n'importe quel bureau local de la Conmission dasaurance_chmage. De façon génrale, le r4clamant doit ae prsenter en personne au bureau local ou itinerant de la Conraisaion pour deposer sa reciaraation; cependarit, si le coxt du voyage aller at retour do son domicile au bureau local ou itinerant de la zone oi ii demneure est trop eleve, la reclamation peut tra envoyée par la poste. Le bureau local eat le point de contact du reclamant; son personnel tie pout flu rafuser d'accepter fli annuler une reclamation. Le réclamnant eependant peut retirer sa rc1amation n'iniporte quand avant qui1e soit envoyee au centre d'adjudication. Les reclamations retirees tie figurent pas an tableau at cellos qui ont 4t4 transferees d 1 un. burtau local a un autre avant la decision sont comprises dana lea donn6ea du bureau récepteur. Une reclamation initiale est celle d'un reclamant qui n'a paa encore d'annee do preatation h son credit. On appelle annee do preatation" une "priode de 12 tiioia coriniençant le jour oi une personne asauree depose une reclamation de prestation, la condition qu'elle ait eatisfait aux exigencea do la contribution ininLnun". En vertu do la loi, in reclamant doit prouver qua des contributions ont ete payees h son égard alors qu' ii occupalt un emploi assurable - 10 pour au moms 180 jours durant lea deux ann6ea qui ont precede inmediatement le jour oi dolt commencer i'annee do pretation, 20 pour au moms 60 joura din-ant la période de 52 seuiainea ou pour au moms 45 jours durant la période do 26 semaines qui a precede le commencement do 1 1 ann6e de prestation ou durant la periode ecoulee depuis le commencement de l'annee do preatation immedlatecient anterieuro (a'il an fut), soit la plus brve do ces périodes. Un rc1amant ayant satisfait b. ces conditions a droit de recevoir des preatationapendant in certain no - abre de jours suivant le nonibre do contributions faite son 4gard durant lea cinq dernires années at le noinbre de jours de prestationa qul a reçu durant lea trois armees precedentea. Le taux quotidian do la preatation eat base sur la moyenne des 180 contributions lea plus r6centoa quo le r4clamant a versees durant lea deux années qui ont precede imniédiatement sa reclamation initiale at aur le fait qu'il a ou non une personne k sa charge aelon l'acception do la lol. Une r4ciamation renouv9].e eat une r4clamation deposee au cours d' une ann6e de prestation aprs qu"un recianiant a neglige deux jours de suite ou plus, oi ii devait le faire, do se presenter a in bureau local. On n' exige pas de reclamation renouveie pour in réclamant pour une courte p4riode ou an cong6 teniporaire, loraque dans la nouvelle situation pour une courteperiod. oi de congé termiporaire, l'eEnployeur eat le rnoie qua celul pour lequel le reclamant travaillait imnmédiatetnent avant sa reclamation precedente (initiale ou renouvei4e). Il faut cependant etablir quo, chez l'employeur, 11 existe une situation de termipa reduit ou do oong4 teraporaire at que le reclarnant so trouve dens cette situation. Une r4clamation revis4e n'est, au sens large, ni une reclamation initiale ni une reclamation renouveiée. flle dolt tre etudiee par in fonctionnaire de la Commission. Entra autres facteura qul peuvent entratner une revision do reclamation, on peut citer: rapporta d'offrea d'emaploi ou do possibilit6 d'excluaion, sauf loraque lea rapports ont ete envoy4s avec la reclamation initiale ou renouvel6e; appel des reclamanta aux tribunaux arbitraux, h is Commission ou & l'arbitre; dem1ande on de prolongation de la priode ouvrant droit a la prestation.
- 11 Le nOz!lbre do rclamations initialea et renouvel6e dépoa6ea anc bureaux beaux durant un nois quelconque reprsente lea nouvellea deniandes de prestations durnt ce niola. La total qui comprend lea relamations raviaea reçuea peat plutot, en g6nral d'va1uer la soimne de travail accomplie dons lea bureaux. Lux fina du prsent rapport, lea relainationa revis6ea ne sont donn6ea que pour le Canada. TLBLELU 3 - Rclaiiants ordinairea macrita au registre actif de l'aasurance-ch&uage le dernier jour ouvrabbe du inoia salon la dure de l'inacription, is sexe et la province at noiibre do can d'invalidit coipria dana be total.
4. -
Nonibre do rclaLx1ant3 pour ite courts priode et rclanianta en cong6 teniporairo macrita au regiatre actif do l'aasurance-chniage, le dernier jour ouvrable du mois, aelon la provinoe at be sexe.
Da qu'un r6claniant dpoae une r6clamation initiabe, ixi registre de ch8nage eat dresaé 71 son nora. Une partie de cotta fornule eat izi calandrier qui deviant le dossier do baae do l'aetivit du rclamant pendant qua sa reclamation denzeure en vigusur et indique sa situation q'uant aux preatationa. On utilise des aignea conventionnelø pour designer lea joura non indeianiaables, d'attente, de inaladie, d'mndisponibilit4, de travail et de preatationa. Whabitudep lea reciaxaanta so présentent tile foia la seinaino, k im jour at & uno heure deteriiiines, (k la discretion du directeur du bureau local, lea reclamanta do courts p4riode peuvent aeprésenter noina souvent, aelon la porte de travail). La registre do chomage derneure "actif" aussi longtenipa que le reclamant so preaente regulireuiont ainsi qu'il doit le faire au bureau local durant i'annee do prestation. La registre de ch&aage des reclamants gui ont neglige deux fois de as presenter au bureau aux jours oh ila devaient be faire pont retira dos rogiatres actifs apra is deuxinie jour. Loraqu''.io nouvello annee de preatation eat etablie immediateinent apra tie autre, xi nouveau regiatre de chmago eat prepare at d4poa6 dana be registre actif. Dane le cadre do la loi sur ltiaaurance_ch&naga, ii eat pourvu au paiement do preatationa - aux personnea dont 1' ernploi eat temporairement intarroinpu par auite do congédiement ou do ch&uage teinporaire. Lorsqu t une reclamation et deposes, lea registrea do ch6mage relatifa aux reclaniants qui sont dana cotte situation sont identifi4a par lea notea tten congé teciporaire" ou "de courte priode" af in qu'on puisse lea diatinguer dea réclamanta ordinairea. Lea Ttrclaxaants ordinairea" sont ceux dont itancien eniplot a totabement cease, nmo s'ils occupant ti etiplol secondaire ou font parfois quelques jours do travail. Lea réclainanta "en cong4 teinporaire" sont des porsonnea toinporaireinent sans ernpboi mats qui coraptent retourner au service du nine eiapioyeur en deça do 30 joura. lbs diffrent des
- 12 réclsaanta "de courte pr1ode" an ce quo gnralenent, durant la priode de congdi&iit, us ne travaillent pa.s pour leur employe'ur rgulier. Lea rclamants "do courte p6riode" demeurent au service de leur euiployeur, nais leura somainea de travail sont temporairetuent réduites. be mode habitual d'eniploi do cea rc1auants consiste an une seniaine de travail our deux ou an la rduotion de la seiaaine de travail. Bien qua lea réclainants "do courte priode" no cherchent pas n4ceaaairement un autre emplol, 1la out droit de rclamer des prestations pour leurs jours d'inactivit4. be nombre de r4clamants ordinairea le derniar jour ouvrable du rnois indique le noinbre de rolamanta qul so prsentent t mi bureau quelconque. En pourcentage de la population assure, 11 peraet d'6tablir la proportion dea personnes aseurea pour lesquela lea registres do ch&uage sont dana le dossier actif t mm moment donn. Une modification de la loi our l'Aasurance—ch&nage, entree an vigueur le 3 aottt, pourvoit au versement de preatationa pour lea joura de maladie, d'invalidit la suite de blessurea ou de quarantaine. En vertu de la modification, les joura d l invalidit6 qui surviennent pendant quo l'assur reçoit des prestation, et qui autrefois 4taient des jcurs dt exclusion, peuvent niaintenant tre compenss, pourvu que le rclaciant soit d'autre part admissible 2i la prestation. Bien quo la modification prévoie l'inderanisatiou des joura occasionnels d'invalidit qui surviennent durant une priode do prestation, un rclamant no devient ixi "cas d'invalidit" qu'apra avoir déclar mrae p4riode d'au moms six joura conscicutifa d'invaliditci. Afin dtalder localier cea caa dans lea dossiers, on attache des ongleta aux registres de ch&nage indiquant qu'un rcielamant a d4clar4 irne période de maladie ou autre invaliaitci do six jours cons6cutifs ou plua. Lorsque le registre du chmage indique qua le rciclorsisnt a fait savoir qu'il citait guciri (ce qui eat macnt stir le calendrler du registre... le rciclamant ayant signalci ui-i jour d'loi ou de chmage certifici) on enThve l'onglet. A la ferineture des regiotrea, le dernier jour ouvrable du mob, lea regictres do ch&nage dane lea registrea actifs sont exaxilinés et lea mesurea suivantes sont prisea :
10 Les registres de chmage marqves "cas d'invaliditci" sont examines et on fai.t un calcul aelon le sexe. de ceux dont I.e dernier jour dciclarci a 4t6 un jour d'invalidité. 20 Tous le& registres de chmage sont diviscis en trois categories de rciclarnants, soit "ordinaires", "de courte pciriode", et "en congci teraporaire". Ces categories sont ensuite rciparties entre "hommes" at "fertmes"; durant la saison des prestationa aupplcimeritairea, on coznpte sciparciment 1e rcigistres de ch&nage tnarqms de itinacniption P.S.).
- 13 30 Les rc1amanta ordinairee aout enwuite class d' aprs le nombre de jours durant lesquels us out 4tg continuellenient macrita au regietre depua le debut de la periode courante de reclamation. Loraqu'une annCe de prestation ae termine pendant qua la reclamation eat active et qu'une nouvelle axinee de preatation eat eitablie ou qu'une deniande de prestations supplementairea et faite immediatenient aprs une p4riode de preatatione regulirea, le reclaivant eat conaidere conme etant continuefleinent macnt au regiatre. Le regiatre cinu1atif eat conserve aussi longtempa qua la reclamation demeure active. Lea joura d'einplol qui aurviennent pendant qua le regietre eat actif sont exc1t du total. TABLEAU 5. - Rg1ernent dea r6c1amnation. Pour rendre une dcieion au sujet d'une reclamation, ii taut examainer tous lea details pertinenta et savoir si le reclaxnant a droit ou non k la preatation suivant la loi et lee rg1einenta. La d4ciion incombe ) dee fonctionnairee de l'aaeurance,autoriaéa par la Coxnmieaion et attacha awc bureaux locaux ou rgionaux. Dana certaina cas, le fonctioimaire de l'aeeurance a'en rfre au bureau regional at, en dernier rae sort, au bureau central (par le bureau rgional) avant qua decision soit rendue. Le droit k la preatation depend de plusieura facteura et bien qu'un réclaznant puiaae reporidre aux conditions de base quant aux contributions, 11 peut encore 4tre exclu pour ie periode dfinie ou mndefinie en raison de certainea dispositions de la loi et de sea rgleinente. Pour 9tre admis & la preatation, le reciamant doit Zetre "en ch2image" auivant le sena de la loi, et bien qu'il eoit dana l'imapoaaibilit de trouver un eniplol, on doit 4tablir qu'il peut travailler et qu'il eat diaponible, eauf dana lea can d'invalidit.
Loraqu'il a établi qu'il eat dana cette situation at satisfait aux exigencea relatives joura "non indemnisablea" et aux "jours d'attente", la preuve d'aptituie et de diaponibilit4 neat paa exige a'il a'agit d'un cas de maladie, d'accident ou de quarantaine.
- 14 Loreque le réclariiant a perdu son emploi pour mauvaise conduite ou pour avoir volontaireiaent quittA son emplol, ii peut Aetre exclu pour tie période ne dpaaaant pea 8iX aemainea; d'autre part, la participation k tm diffrend ouvrier l'exclut pour la dure du diffrend. Ce ne sont 1k quo de eiinplea exeinplea de circonatancee qui peuvent enitraner l'excluaion d'un réclamant. On trouvera lea dtai1a complete dans la lot at see rg1ementa. La cat4gorie "admissible k la prostation" coiprend : 10 103 réclaniatlona initia].ee pour leaquellos une ann6e de prestation a 6t4 6tablie sans exclusion, 2 0 lea reclamations renouve1es a&aiaes ou approuvéea; lea "non admissible k la preetation" comprend lea reclamations initialea h l'égard desquellee '.me année do preetation n'a pea 4tA établie et lea reclamations initialea et renouvel6es o1 le r4clainant eat exclu. TABLELU 6. - Principalea raisons d'inadmissibilite.
Le nombre de reclamations pour leaquelles irne année de preatation rit a pea dt,6 établie, do iuine qua lea exclusions lea plus fréquontea paraissent aepathnent dane ce tableau. Le tableau coniprend aussi lea exclusions k la suite d'une revision do reclamations. TABLFAUX 7 2 8 et 9. - Vereeiaenta depestations. Lee chiffree do cea tableaux sont fournis par lee bureaux du Trésor. Dea copies des autorisationa at des bone do paiement comptant coxnple t4es dana lea bureaux beaux aont envoyee au bureau du Tresor regional. A uiesure quo lee copies des autorisations et des boris do paieTnent coinptant sont reçues, le nombre de jours indecmiss et le montant qui y figurent sont calculéa pour donner lee chiffrea du tableau 8. On obtient lea donnees du tableau 7 (cellea qui coiniriencent une eerie de versements do prestatione) an thdiquant le paiement initial dana itune ou l'autre des categories, i.e. les palementa q'ui suivent immediaternent l'adjudication d'une rc1amation initiale ou d'tme reclamation renouvelee. Pour la aecisine (du samedi au vendredi) durant laquelle toxnbe le dernier jour du mole, lee burcaux du Trésor comptent le nombre de versements do prestationa indiqts par le nocibre des autorisatione et des bone de paienient cociptant emis. Le nombre de jours lndernniss et le niontant des prestationa sont obtenue do ce groupe do docunenta. Etant donna qu' k peu d' exceptions prts, lea preatatairea sont payee '.me fois l.a aemaine at quo, generalement, im prestataire reçoit qu'un vereement par eeiaaine, cette mthode fournit in chiffre qu'on petit conaiderer comme le nonibre do preatatairea pour cette semaine particulibre (Tableau 9). Lea "jours d' invalidit4" indecnisee paraissent entre parenthae k cot-6 des joura de prestationa aux tableaux 8 et 9 at sont compria dane cea chiffrea.
- 15 Depuia le br aepteubre 19522 lea rc1ainants qui établiasent i.e deuxine anne ou me anne suba6quente do preatationa dana lea 14 jours qui suivent la fin de 1'anne do preStation pr*c6dente bnficient d'ino reniiae do la période d'attente a'ils ont dt,4 employ4s mOmS de 6 joura ou moms d'une aønaine do travail entire durant lea 14 jours qul ont précdé la date du d6but do la nouvefle axine de preatation. Lea joura d'attente diffra ne coiaptent dens la nouvelle année de preatation, qu aprs qua ].e rc1amant a ét4 employg durant te aeuaine entire ou t mininiun do 6 jouro ouvrables consécutifa ou 8 joura pendant deux aemnainearc1aaat1ons cona cutivea. ,
On accorde des preatationa supp1nientaires IL certainea classes do rc1ainants durant la priode du ler janvier au 15 avril chaque année loraque cea réclamants n'ont Pu aatiafaire aux conditions rgiaaant des contributions requisea pour l'obtention do preatationa rgu1irea. &i vertu des praenta rg1nents, trois catgoriea do peraonnea sont admisaiblea k ceo preatatione
10 Cellee dont lea droita aux preatationa sont termino depula le 31 mars prcdent; 20 Cellos qul n'ont pea verse le nombre minimum do contributions exigiblea 1 1 gard d'une reclamation depoaee depuis le 31 mars precedent et qul ont contribi durant au rnoina 90 jours depuis cette date;
3° Cefles qui ont quitt4 un eaipboi
devenu asaurable au couro den 12 mois precedent la date do la reclamation, pourvu qu' elba aient occupé cet emploi (et/ou) mi autre empbol assurabbe durent au moms 90 jours depuis le 31 mars qui precde imm6diatemnent la ré claniation -
Pour devenir admiaib1ee t la preatation eupplznentaire, lea poatulants doivent satiafaire h toutea lea exigencea do la bol our 1I a aaUrance..Ch&nage et X tous lea rg1emmta, aauf ceux qui concernent lea contributiona.
- 16 Lea taux des prestationa supp1mentairea a'etabllaaent k 80 p. 100 environ des taux de preatatione régulibrenent payea en vertu da la loi. La dure de la prestation aupp1ientaire pour lea rclamants de la preiaire catgorie eat celle autoriae X l'êgard de 1 8 anne de prea.. tation termine depuis is 31 mars précdent. Pour ceux des categories 2 et 3, la dure de la prestation eat dtemiine par le dossier de travail depuls le 31 mars prcdent. &i aueii cas toutefoia, lea jours indemnias ne peuvent dpasaer le noiibre de joura 4coul6a entre la date de prsentation de la rclaznationou le ler janvier et le 15 avril, aelon qua it une ou l'autre p4riode eat la plus courte.
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