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I To Sd! Convs:rten - J




5 2 OPERATION 1 ) Operale HDML Solrce, trrake il bogin brtaCcasLing p.ograms' 2) Enjoy the show Nole: fhis produ.t only suppo*s audlo of 4AKHz sampling rate, does nol 3uppod a!di. such as 22KHz,32KAz 4lKHz, 96KH3 and olher saopli']g ra1€, it doesnt but FcM 3udi.. support audio s!.ch as Ac3, OIS or lhe lry s6! the aFp.opriate a*dio In gedara!, HOMI souf.e wirl 'nto u:hg 4aKHz ssmplino rata.n.l PcM rdrmst 5 3 (]ONNECTTON DIAGRAM P/N 2045 I to SD! Convs:rten DEAR EUSA<)N'IER Thank you tor purchasing this prcduct For opilmum petrofmance and s.rety, ploase read these in-slftrctions cafeiully before connecli.g oper.ting cr usjng ih's produc! Plea:e keep ihis nraiuaL for future reference x _o rfdTR()DtrcTtoN I hls product is a HDMI to sD Ccnveder, lts used to convedlhe HDMI slgna inlo SDI signal end allows use6 to enjcy:he ihage cn SDI Monitor. it can alsc senC tbe HDMI signzi lnto SDI transmission neMcrk 1.1 FI:ATURES . Supt{,rls mull nl- vrdc- rc:-lur:Ja " SD 4aoi, s25i ald 625i " HD 72Ap 24 25, 30, 50 and 6C " HD 1C8Ci 50,60 " HD ICACp 24,25,30,50 and 6C e Srppofts muliiplc color spacc: LJL $ole: Speciaicati.hs 3.O |trA(:KI\G€ e . .re s!bject to chanqe wi:h.ut notace, EONTENTS lXPolaer adaplef 5VCD2A Usef's Mahual 4.O PAt{EL DTSCRIPTIONl: - RGB samp ed . YCbCr 1:1.1ar YC5Cr 4:2:2 ssmpled o Soppods dala rate: 27Om-2 g7cbps . Suppods deepcclo. ol abiL, 1 Obit a.d 1 2biL & Suppods A .hannels of 4aK sampl;ng rrle digital audic . The SDI input suppcds long coaxial cablc. SD mode r'Oom , HD mode 2oom, 3G mode 1 oom ( cable is RG6 o. eq!ivalerl producLs) 2 ways SOI oulplt Suppods HDCP spccification Supports HDMI v1 3 specification iLlPower in, DC 5Vt2A adaptDr use ,r)HDMt int.ri conne'twiti tlDMl Souroe isuch as: Blue fayl ii)SDl orriput, .onneol wilh SDI nrcniaor or olher scl Devie (lisDl outpui. .onnaci wlth SDI honliar cr 51l1cr SDI Devi.o 5,o CQ,.ITJ|:CTION AND oPERA]TIOi{ 5,l CONNECTION 1) Insedthe powersupply inlolhe main untr; 2) Conneclthe main unilwith the HDMi SourcelsinltthePDMl cable: 3) Con.eet the "SDl o!t" with your SDI Device using RG6, RC59 cable {wlth consid€rablc proc!.ts) or othsr high qusliry 75o coaxlal cable