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Ibm Infosphere Guardium Tech Talk: Take Control Of Your Ibm




Daniel Perlov - WW Tech Support Lead for InfoSphere Guardium Abdiel Santos - Sr. L3 Engineer 11 April 2013 IBM InfoSphere Guardium Tech Talk: Take Control of your IBM InfoSphere Guardium Appliance Information Management © 2013 IBM Corporation 1 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Logistics ƒ This tech talk is being recorded. If you object, please hang up and leave the webcast now. ƒ We’ll post a copy of slides and link to recording on the Guardium community tech talk wiki page: ƒ You can listen to the tech talk using audiocast and ask questions in the chat to the Q and A group. ƒ We’ll try to answer questions in the chat or address them at speaker’s discretion. – If we cannot answer your question, please do include your email so we can get back to you. ƒ When speaker pauses for questions: – We’ll go through existing questions in the chat – Raise your hand in the SmartCloud meeting room if you want to ask a question verbally and we’ll call your name – You will need *6 to unmute phone line if you are dialed in 2 April 11, 2013 IBM InfoSphere Guardium Tech Talk © 2013 IBM Corporation 2 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Reminder: Guardium Tech Talks Next tech talk: Implementing InfoSphere Guardium Database Activity Monitoring for DB2 for z/OS Speakers: Roy Panting and Ernie Mancill Date &Time: Thursday May 16, 2013 11:30 AM Eastern Register here: ƒ Link to more information about this and upcoming tech talks can be found on the InfoSpere Guardium developerWorks community: ƒ Please submit a comment on this page for ideas for tech talk topics. 3 April 11, 2013 IBM InfoSphere Guardium Tech Talk © 2013 IBM Corporation 3 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Guardium Overview © 2013 IBM Corporation Before we dive in into details of Guardium solution let’s talk for a minute about data security 4 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Data Activity Monitoring You know? you can do this online now. © 2013 IBM Corporation Our life style changed dramatically over last 10-20 years. We are not going out for shopping we do shopping on the internet at Amazon, Ebay and so many other Internet retailers, we getting our entertainment from Netflix, Hulu, Pandora etc. etc. and we do not need to go to the bank to check balance and to pay bills… Our sensitive personal information including our address, phone numbers, bank accounts, health records etc. is all over the internet. The picture above is a great depiction of the paradigm change we are talking about….. 5 6 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Challenges of the native security tools ƒ DB specific ƒ Intrusive ƒ Labor and time consuming ƒ No separation of duties ƒ Not real-time ƒ No preventive controls ƒ Inconsistent policies across applications, DBMS platforms, compliance initiatives ƒ Can’t identify end-user for connection-pooled applications that use generic service accounts (SAP, PeopleSoft, etc.) ƒ Lack of DBMS expertise on security teams © 2013 IBM Corporation Guardium didn’t invent database security. Many database vendors came up with their own native solutions for database security. But are they sufficient? Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium IBM InfoSphere Guardium provides real-time data activity monitoring for security & compliance Data Repositories 9 Continuous, policy-based, real-time monitoring of all data traffic activities, including actions by privileged users (databases, warehouses, file shares, Big Data) 9 Database infrastructure scanning for missing patches, mis-configured privileges and other vulnerabilities 9 Data protection compliance automation Host-based Probes (S-TAPs) Collector Appliance Key Characteristics ƒ Single Integrated Appliance ƒ 100% visibility including local DBA access ƒ Non-invasive/disruptive, cross-platform architecture ƒ Minimal performance impact ƒ Dynamically scalable ƒ Does not rely on resident logs that can easily be erased by attackers, rogue insiders ƒ SOD enforcement for DBA access ƒ Auto discover sensitive resources and data ƒ Detect or block unauthorized & suspicious activity ƒ Granular, real-time policies ƒ Who, what, when, how ƒ No environment changes ƒ Prepackaged vulnerability knowledge base and compliance reports for SOX, PCI, etc. ƒ Growing integration with broader security and compliance management vision © 2013 IBM Corporation Lets take a quick look at how Guardium achieves these benefits: An essential component to Privacy and Protection is how to maintain real-time insight into database access and activity, to protect enterprise data and comply with regulatory requirements. Guardium enables IBM clients to maintain trusted information infrastructures by continuously monitoring access and activity to protect highvalue databases against threats from legitimate users and potential hackers. Additionally, Guardium also assesses the vulnerability of the database infrastructure itself to ensure their continued highest level of security. And last, we also reduce operational costs by automating regulatory compliance tasks. It does this using a single integrated appliance, which can be configured as a Collector, a Central Policy Manager, or Vulnerability Assessment Server with the simple use of license keys. The key to monitoring non-intrusively is the STAP, which is a light-weight kernel shim that goes on the DB server, and taps all DB traffic (operations, data, errors.. Inbound and outbound). Basically, Guardium is a gateway to all data flows. No DB, app, or network changes are necessary. All this traffic is collected at the Collector, which runs policy against it and provides real-time alerting. If you want to also control or block traffic the STAP can be configured as an SGATE. The Central Policy Manager is the central point of control for all collectors. You may notice that all major DB infrastructures and some major applications are supported. This is where Guardium provides extra value-add. By in-depth understanding of all these protocol/schema differences. The appliances can be configured in a grid that is dynamically scalable, and extends to support even virtualized and Cloud environments. Need more expand your environment? add more probes and collectors. The STAP only takes a max 2% performance hit on DBs, which is much less than turning native auditing on, with the additional benefit of SOD, since the DBAdmin does not have control over the appliance and cannot affect its audit collection. The appliance is easily deployable, and it discovers not only the DBs, but also the sensitive data and objects within them. It can even relate these object to certain applications like SAP, Peoplesoft, Siebel, Sharepoint, etc. This gives customers an quick overview of their current entitlements, which enables them to control privileged access. Once setup, the Collector or Central Policy Manager can gather all the audit information in a normalized format (like an SIEM for DBs). The Vulnerability Assessment tool will scan these DBs and DB Servers for needed patches or configuration hardening, based on periodically updated vulnerability templates. All this information (configuration, vulnerability, audit) can easily be packaged and reported for the major regulations. We have pre-packaged modules for each major regulation. And to the part that may interest you the most, Guardium can readily integrate with several Security and Systems Management solutions, providing a complementary indepth view of the database security posture. 7 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Guardium Overview © 2013 IBM Corporation Typical Guardium deployment topology. STAPs intercept DB traffic and send it collectors. From collectors data transferred to aggregators for reporting purposes. Central Manager unit allows single control point for the entire environment 8 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Taking Control Insure Appliance availability ƒ System Availability ƒ Activity Monitoring ƒ Data Uploads ƒ Backup & Aggregation ƒ Scheduled Tasks ƒ Audit Processes ƒ System Configuration ƒ Guardium User Activities ƒ Guardium Access Control © 2013 IBM Corporation These are the main areas of Guardium administration 9 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Activity Monitoring Off-shore Remote Monitor Collector Internet HR Remote Monitor Collector Local Access Monitor Remote Locations Collector Aggregator/ Central Manager Data Center Finance © 2013 IBM Corporation Captured data flow from agents (STAPs) to collectors Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Data Upload LDAP Off-shore Remote Monitor Collector Internet HR Remote Monitor Custom Domains Remote Locations Collector Collector Aggregator/ Central Manager Data Center Finance © 2013 IBM Corporation Uploading data from external sources ex LDAP used commonly to populate group of users Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Backups & Aggregation Off-shore Remote Monitor Aggregation Internet HR Remote Monitor Collector Ba ck up Collector Local Access Monitor Remote Locations Collector Aggregator/ Central Manager Finance © 2013 IBM Corporation Data moves nightly to aggregators ( data repositories) for reporting. Data also needs to be archive/ backed up Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Taking control tasks System - Uptime & Reboots - Disk space (%full) - CPU Load - Memory Usage - Failed Logins Guardium User Activity - Login / Logout - Full Audit Trail - Data Level Security - Application Level Security - Credential Changes Internal Database - Status: up/down - Disk Space (%Full) - System Resources - Currently running queries - Response Times Web Service & Applications - Status: up/down - Scheduled Jobs Exceptions - Audit processes - Correlation alerts - Configuration changes - CAS templates - Auto Detect process - Classification process - Vulnerability Assessment Information Inflow - S-TAP - CAS - Data Upload (Domains) - LDAP Imports Inspection Core (snif) - Status: up/down/overloaded - CPU & memory usage - Identify bottlenecks - Lost requests - Policy & Configuration Changes Database Activity Patterns - Database types - Database Servers - Session/SQL Count - Activity rates - Ignored data © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Taking Control - Policy © 2013 IBM Corporation Policy very important tool to control traffic flow. 14 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Taking Control - Policy © 2013 IBM Corporation 15 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Taking Control - Self Monitoring Tools Available Tools • Graphical Monitors • Reports & Alerts • Audit Process • Self Monitoring daemon (nanny) • SNMP Polling & Traps • Diagnostic Tools • Dashboard • One-click Data Gathering • Automatic Data Analysis © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Self Monitoring – Predefined Monitors backlog backlog Dropped packets logged Disk/DB utilization analyzed © 2013 IBM Corporation This monitor shows health status of inspection core and Disk/DB usage. Inspection core has two major components – analyzer and logger. This monitor shows performance of each component 17 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Self Monitoring – Predefined Monitors © 2013 IBM Corporation Here is more examples of special predefined monitors to report on system health 18 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Self Monitoring Reports © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Self Monitoring – Domains 38 Total Query Domains 18 Self Monitoring © 2013 IBM Corporation Customer can create his own reports on any of the domains in the list 20 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Self Monitoring – Alerts © 2013 IBM Corporation These is a list of predefined alerts that available to customer ‘out of the box’. Many more alerts can be added by customer Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Self Monitoring – Audit Process © 2013 IBM Corporation Audit process allows generate reports on schedule bases and forward them to designated recipients Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium System utilization Buffer Usage Monitor report © 2013 IBM Corporation This report contains many useful information about appliance health and utilization 23 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Dashboard © 2013 IBM Corporation Dashboard based on Buffer Usage Monitor report from previous slide. It does report data analyses based on Utilization Thresholds and present results in as green, yellow, red colored lines to indicate light, medium or heavy appliance utilization 24 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Dashboard details © 2013 IBM Corporation 25 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium All system configurations controlled from Central Manager Off-shore Remote Monitor Collector Internet HR Remote Monitor Collector Local Access Monitor Remote Locations Collector Aggregator/ Central Manager Finance © 2013 IBM Corporation All the definitions, reports , queries, alerts, audit processes, policies etc. good be defined from central manager Supportability Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium CLI Account Shell ƒ InfoSphere Guardium is a security appliance with strict access control policy ƒ No user access allowed on OS level insures audit data reliability ƒ CLI provides limited and controlled access in special cases like –Initial settings –Password management –Troubleshooting and diagnostics –more… © 2013 IBM Corporation 28 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Product Supportability Enhancements ƒ A set of new CLI support commands ƒ Large suite of new ‘must gather’ commands which can be run from CLI. ƒ Support analyze commands ƒ S-Tap Loader Harness utility to assist in Linux S-Tap installations. ƒ SGATE firewall force watch and force un-watch mode. ƒ STAP Statistics for monitoring STAP performance from the UI of appliance. ƒ Comprehensive STAP diagnostics utilities. © 2013 IBM Corporation 29 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium CLI support commands ƒ support reset-password root ƒ support show db-processlist < running|all|locked > [ full ] ƒ support show db-top-tables < all | like < string > > ƒ support show large_files < size > < age > ƒ support show netstat ƒ support show top ƒ support show db-struct-check ƒ support clean DAM_data – exceptions, full_details, msgs, constructs, access, policy_violations, parser_errors, flat_log, audit_results ƒ support clean audit_task ƒ support clean log_files ƒ support check tables © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium CLI support must_gather commands Automatic diagnostic data collection by subject type ƒ Aggregation ƒ Alerts ƒ General GUI ƒ Audit Process ƒ Backup/ Restore ƒ Central Manager ƒ Missing DB User ƒ Data purge ƒ Scheduler ƒ Sniffer ƒ System/DB stats © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Must Gather CLI Commands support must_gather app_issues © 2013 IBM Corporation This a usage example of one of must_gather commands 32 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Must Gather CLI Commands – files location © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Must Gather CLI Commands reviewing results © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium PMR Stamping ƒ PMR Stamping functionality automatically copies and displays basic appliance information in the PMR body. ƒ PMR Stamping is done when the must_gather tgz file is uploaded to the PMR ticket. © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium CLI support analyze commands New class of the commands introduced recently to automatically check for potential issues and generate warnings to the user diagnostic to proactively prevent potential issues: ƒ support analyze sniffer ƒ support analyze tap_property © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium CLI Commands support analyze tap_property ƒ Purpose: – this command analyzes value of fields and specific field combinations from SOFTWARE_TAP_PROPERTY and SOFTWARE_TAP_DB_SERVER tables in order to identify potential issues with STAP configuration. © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium CLI Commands support analyze tap_property © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium CLI Commands support analyze sniffer © 2013 IBM Corporation 39 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium STAP Statistics ƒ STAP statistics is a recently added feature which sends performance statistics from ktap, stap, and the host database server to the appliance where it can be reviewed in reports. ƒ To enable STAP statistics you must configure the stap_statistic parameter in the guard_tap.ini ƒ Values of stap-statistic parameter specify the polling interval for data gathering. ƒ There is a new STAP Statistics domain allow customers to create custom reports statistic data. © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium STAP Statistics © 2013 IBM Corporation This is an example of STAP statistic report 41 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium STAP Diagnostics Utilities ƒ Guard_diag (Unix/Linux) and diag.bat (Windows) are utilities which facilitate collection of diagnostics information for STAP issues. ƒ Both guard_diag and diag.bat can be invoked directly from the database server as scripts. ƒ Additionally guard_diag can be invoked from appliance UI. © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium STAP Diagnostics Utilities – Guard_diag (cont.) © 2013 IBM Corporation Use ‘stap commands’ icon to invoke Run Diagnostics 43 Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Resources ƒ Guardium support home page ƒ Guardium documentation © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Reminder: Guardium Tech Talks Next tech talk: Implementing InfoSphere Guardium Database Activity Monitoring for DB2 for z/OS Speakers: Roy Panting and Ernie Mancill Date &Time: Thursday May 16, 2013 11:30 AM Eastern Register here: ƒ Link to more information about this and upcoming tech talks can be found on the InfoSpere Guardium developerWorks community: ƒ Please submit a comment on this page for ideas for tech talk topics. 45 April 11, 2013 IBM InfoSphere Guardium Tech Talk © 2013 IBM Corporation Information Management – InfoSphere Guardium Dziękuję Polish Traditional Chinese Thai Gracias Spanish Merci French Russian Arabic Obrigado Danke Brazilian Portuguese German Tack Swedish Simplified Chinese Grazie Japanese 46 April 11, 2013 IBM InfoSphere Guardium Tech Talk Italian © 2013 IBM Corporation Thank you very much for time today. 46 46 Backup (use this section for additional slides that can’t be covered in 45 minutes) Information Management © 2013 IBM Corporation