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Ice Compartment




HOW TO USE պ΢ჳ‫ق‬प HITACHI REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER ̠γഒᓷϒь੝В ϻ۞ྫϕሑ Six doors ˲۞ӜВ Five doors ˤ۞ӜВ Model ‫ܮ‬༴ R-S57YMJ R-S47YMJ Model ‫ܮ‬༴ R-SF60YMJ R-SF46YMJ R-SF56YMJ Notice Before Use պ΢‫܉‬෸‫ڣ‬ Are the doors leveled? ( Pg. 11) • Use the adjustable mounts to keep the door level. Internal cleaning • Clean with a wet soft cloth. After the operation • It may take more than 4 ~ 24 hours to fully cool. • You may hear a loud operation sound but it is not a malfunction. When using auto ice making ( Pg. 29) • It may take 24 hours to make the ice for the first time. Ŝ!ሑ۞‫֍ڟ‬੏‫ސ‬ҏቡጌэ̫΁‫ڑ‬ဘ!@Ğ!!!!!!11ࡲğ Ć!ቜ պ΢ቡጌ༚ઠሑ۞э̫΁‫ڑ‬ဘĄ Ŝ!଼୩ϕሑ˱ Ć!΢ ‫ٮ‬ᑆ‫΀௺ڟ‬ᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą Ŝ!෠ ‫ོז‬ᕽ‫ݣ‬ Ć!໋ ϕሑ˱‫צ‬ΐ͈˷Ѿ‫ܓ‬ढĂФढᄯࡌ‫ۆ‬ʰ4 ~ 24ˉढĄ Ć!Ф ͼ˃‫ོڟ‬ᕽᒐĂծۨ୴લ୪ණĄ Ŝ!պ΢ь੝ყϕጠढĞ!!!!!!!29ࡲğ Ć!‫ ۑ‬Щպ΢ढ͟৖ᄯࡌ24ˉढ˗৖ყѰϕีĄ Please read this operation manual carefully and ensure ቜཏኧΏպ΢ჳ‫ق‬पĂྀ̾Γሂպ΢Ą you use the appliance correctly. In particular, be sure պ΢‫܉‬Ăቜਜ਼ΆཏኧĶЊϒʰ˞٧๎ձ෶ķĄ to read the “Safety Suggestions” section of this ቜӂൡ۳႓Ώպ΢ჳ‫ق‬पჄ۳ඡपĄ operation manual before use. Please keep this operation manual along with your guarantee card. R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 1 3/25/09 9:57:18 AM NAME AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART Ϩఋ˷‫ڟ‬ϪႎჄ͒৖ Refrigerator compartment )!!!!!!Qh/!27027!ࡲ* MINUS-ZERO Cooling The effect of cool air and the Ѿᕠ݉ cool panel on the back surface keeps every corner of the refrigerator cooled. .0°CѳຣѾᕠ Ѿࡳַࠧ࡭Ѿ‫͒ڟٖ࡭ܓ‬৖պϕሑ ‫ؚڟ‬ФՏ༣۳‫ݻ‬Ѿ‫ܓ‬Ą Dew condensation may occur on the back surface when the door is opened and closed frequently. If it is undesirable, wipe off the condensation with a dry cloth. Ꮬᒅ෠ଂሑ۞Ă๼ϵࠧ࡭୰Ρ዗ᛩĂ͟΢ੁ΀ ᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą Ice compartment ყϕ݉ )!!!!!!Qh/!3:03:!ࡲ* Automatically makes and keeps ice cubes just by filling the water supply container with water. Ӱ̫ࢇʣ൝̫ᇀ˱͟ь੝ყϕ۳ІĄ Select the ice size according to your preference. Qh/!42 ͟ӽᝐϕี‫ˉ˃ڟ‬Ą 42!ࡲ Qh/!42 When you want to make ice quickly. ΢‫ݨػ‬ఀყϕढĄ 42!ࡲ A series of ice making operation starts only after the interior of the refrigerator is cooled sufficiently. It may take more than 24 hours to make ice when you use the ice compartment for the first time. Illustrations in this manual show the model R-SF60YMJ. ᘰ‫ػ‬Ъպ΢ჳ‫ق‬࿧ᆺĂ ቜ੤ັR-SF60YMJ‫ڟ‬ჳ‫ق‬Ą ϕሑ˱ఋ͈˷Ѿ‫˗ݣܓ‬৖෠‫ז‬ʙՁϖ‫ڟ‬ყϕጇѰĄ ࡶЩպ΢ყϕ݉ყϕĂФ͟৖ᄯࡌය྆35ˉढ‫ڟ‬ढ෢Ą Vegetable compartment ሹَ۳ᔀ݉ )!!!!!!Qh/!39039!ࡲ* Long lasting freshness with moist and vitamins. ̾֎Ф۳ᑆĂ۳ᛖႰΡশ‫ڟ‬५! ‫۝‬Ăպ۳ᔀ৖ʨᅨ‫۝‬Ą 2 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 2 3/25/09 9:57:22 AM ঍‫݉ڪ‬ )!!!!!!Qh/!32032!ࡲ* X System ঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ The effect of vacuum lowers the oxygen level, prevents oxidation and maintains antioxidant effect. ঍‫ސڪ‬΢‫࡬ػ‬ѳॊॉҤුĂթ̥ࡵ‫ܢ‬ ॊ˽ծႰ‫ݻ‬Ӫॊ˽ዘ͒झĄ What is vacuum? ˧ᅄ‫ސ‬঍‫ڪ‬ĉ ঍‫ݾސڪ‬ϵʙ࢏‫ڪ‬ ෢˛‫ڟ‬ॉᐆѳ‫ֺػ‬ ౜‫˃ڟ‬ॉᐆʨ!)‫˃ݾ‬ ॉᐆʨ*!‫ڑڟ‬ဘĄ Upper freezer Home freeze to keep meats and fishes. ઠధĂш൉˷ѿ۳ІĄ۳‫ܢࡵݻ‬ᔀ ‫ڟݙ‬਽ఀѾ࢝Ą Use this freezer as a space for daily use small frozen items such as freezing packs and airtight containers. ̾͟΢Ѱ΁ढ΢‫ܮˉڟ‬Ѿ࢝ࡵ‫ڪܢ‬෢ĂЃѾ࢝ ͓ཆĂઝఖ࣠ዢ൉Ą Refrigerator Compartment Ѿᕠ݉ 16 Quick Cooling ӤఀѾᕠ Vacuum Compartment ঍‫)!݉ڪ‬X System ঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* 21 Freezer Compartment Ѿ࢝݉ 25 Quick Freezing යఀѾ࢝ Low Temperature Freezer (Low temperature storage) ѳຣѾ࢝!)ѳຣ۳Іğ Vegetable Compartment ሹَ۳ᔀ݉ 28 Ice Compartment ყϕ݉ 29 How to Make Ice ყϕ̟‫ٲ‬ Large Ice Cube Making ყϕᎵጅ How to Change the Settings of the Automatic Ice Maker ˸ಲь੝ყϕጠ‫ڟ‬௩‫࣠˱ס‬ How to maintain ۳ኴ How to maintain (How to remove parts) 33 ۳ኴ̟‫֣)!ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫*ٲ̟ڟ‬ Care of the Water Supply Container ൝̫ᇀ‫ڟ‬۳ኴ Care of the Automatic Ice Maker ь੝ყϕጠ‫ڟ‬۳ኴ Care of the Water Supply Pipe ൝̫႓‫ڟ‬۳ኴ Cleaning the Ice Tray ყϕᇺ଼ᇓ Eco Alarm/Optional ᑗ۳ਰᗗ0͟Ꮅ਩χ 40 Lower freezer ʮᅹѾ࢝݉ (Quick Freezing) )යఀѾ࢝݉* )!!!!!!Qh/!36036!ࡲ* 3-level case to conveniently accommodate a large amount of food. ϰФ4ᅹ‫ت‬ઢĂ͟۳І˃࣠ු‫ڐࡵڟ‬Ą Quick Freezing to preserve food taste. )!!!!!!!!!!Qh/!37* 37!ࡲ යఀѾ࢝͟۳Іࠛ֨Ą Troubleshooting? ‫ވ‬ᄫʟฝĔ What to do in these situations ௻࢏ढ࢐ Before moving or transporting ஋੝Ć๨ོढ 41 50 Specification ௣ि About non-CFC refrigerators Фᘰႇ଱˽ϫ‫ڟڐ‬ϕሑ 54 Storable weight ͟Нঽ‫ුࡧܢࡵڟ‬ Specification ௣ि 54 55 When in trouble Specification ௣ि വΡੰᖠढ When in trouble വΡੰᖠढ How To Maintain ۳ኴ ʰᅹѾ࢝݉ )!!!!!!Qh/!36036!ࡲ* Making the Best Use of Your Refrigerator ΢‫ٲ‬ How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ Vacuum is the state of a specific space filled with gas having lower pressure than atmospheric pressure. Safety Suggestions (Ensure to follow these precautions) Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶Ğቜਜ਼ΆᎳЈğ 4 Preparations ‫ۑ‬Щպ΢ढ 11 Control Panel Name of Each Part 14 Storage Compartment ጇѰ࡭ٖ!!!Ϩఋ˷‫ڟ‬Ϫႎ!!!ᏽІ݉ Before use պ!΢!‫܉‬ Vacuum compartment CONTENTS ά ! ! ! Ꮓ Before use պ ΢ ‫܉‬ 3 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 3 3/25/09 9:57:23 AM SAFETY SUGGESTIONS Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶ ቜਜ਼ΆᎳЈ Ensure to follow these precautions When using this appliance, personal harm, harm to other people, and also damage to property. ߏʟթ̥Ϡࣛ֗պ΢‫͂֏ؖڱ‬ʡ̅అЙ਒ਜ਼ʰ‫ڟ‬๬ͶĂቜਜ਼ΆᎳЈ̾ʮձ෶Ą Ŝ The following pictographs categorize and explain the level of possible harm on damage that may occur from ignoring suggestions resulting in missing the appliances. ̾ʮઠ̾ᆿΰ̟ВĂ੢˷̅ჳ‫ق‬؇ගᆿΰ˱࣠фჲ΢ढ‫ؚ‬୰Ρ‫ڟ‬ϠࣛჄ๬Ͷു‫ݙ‬Ą WARNING Suggestions headed by this pictograph indicate "There is high chance of serious injury or death" if ignored. ᚌҙ Ъᆿΰᚽ‫ے‬ΰĶ͟৖๼అЙЫʹ‫ؖ‬՘ࡒࡧฌ˞ྱഁ˱࣠ķĄ CAUTION Suggestions headed by this pictograph indicate "There is a high chance of injury or damage to property" if ignored. ٧๎ Ъᆿΰᚽ‫ے‬ΰĶ͟৖๼വΡ֧ฌ‫ؖ‬਒ਜ਼๬Ͷ˞ྱഁ˱࣠ķĄ Ŝ How the suggestions should be taken are indicated and categorized by the following symbols accompanied by explanations. (The symbols below are examples) ̾ʮઠ̾࿧ΰᆿΰ̟ВĂ੢˷̅ჳ‫ق‬ᐖᎳЈ˱࣠‫ڟ‬ႍᘸĄĞ̾ʮߏ࿧ΰᆿΰսğ This symbol indicates something you must not do. (Prohibited) Ъ࿧ΰᆿΰߏĶ໱̥ķ˱࣠Ğቜ˼ઈї˞ձ෶ğĄ This symbol indicates something you must do. (Compulsory) Ъ࿧ΰᆿΰߏĶ઼֙ķ˱࣠Ğቜਜ਼Άઈї˞ձ෶ğĄ WARNING ᚌҙ Installation Њཆढ Install earth leakage circuit breaker when installing the refrigerator in a humid or damp environment. ቜሂဂဂ‫ފ‬૥ϴĄ Electrical leakage due to failure, etc. could result in electrical shock. Make sure to contact the dealer for earthing installation. ( Pg. 13 ) ᓗѻϰ‫ވ‬ᄫąၓྫ൉ϰশфവΡᚉྫĄ ! ቜਜ਼Ά‫׏‬ਊ༄ኛ੦ઈї૥ϴˎുĄĞ!!!!!!!!!!13!ࡲğ Earth Connection ௿૥૥ϴሣ Do not install the refrigerator in damp places or where water may splash on. ቜ˼௩༊‫ػ‬ᇘᑆ‫ؖ‬๼௝̫ା֗‫ڟ‬౟‫ؚ‬Ą Wetting Prohibited This may impair electricity insulation causing electric shock or fire. ᓗѻϰྫॉ൘ሢ˚Պф̕ਔᚉྫą̬Ԯ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ ໱̥ାᑆ Take measures to prevent overturning of refrigerator due to earthquake, etc. ਬဇϴኪ൉̈ഓԮࣛੈЁթ̥ᕚࢇ௎༊Ą Overturning of the refrigerator could result in personal injury. ( ᓗѻϰᕚࢇф֧ฌĄĞ!!!!!!!!13 ࡲğ Pg. 13 ) 4 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 4 3/25/09 9:57:23 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Before use պ!΢!‫܉‬ WARNING ᚌҙ Handling the power and power cable ྫປ̅ྫປྫሣ Avoid usage that may cause the wall outlet or power cord components to work beyond the specified voltage. Also do not use power sources that are not a rated voltage current. պ΢ढቜ˼਽‫ػ‬ನࣴ‫ؖ‬਩ሣዢ֎‫ڟ‬ᖞ‫޺ྫס‬Ą ቜ˼պ΢κ޺ᖞ‫ྫס‬ᐆ̾ʹ‫ྫڟ‬ປĄ Prohibited If a power source is shared with other appliances, double or multipoint adapters may heat up beyond normal levels and cause fire. Use a wall outlet rated above 15 ampere by itself. ࠷Ⴤ֏͂ྫዢನᏞց΢Ă‫ؖ‬պ΢ʭ࡭ನࣴ൉Ă๼ϰ୴લവᇥфఅЙ̬Ԯ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ ቜ౐ጿպ΢ᖞ‫޺ྫס‬15A̾ʰ‫ڟ‬ನࣴĄ ! Do not do anything that may damage the power cord or plug. ቜ˼᝱ྫሣąನᏞক๬Ą The power cord or plug should not be cut, modified, touched with hot implements, bent by force, twisted, pulled, have heavy objects placed on it, squeezed by the refrigerator, or be bound or tied up. ቜ˼᝱ྫሣ֧๬ą͑ˎą૥ۖവᇥዢ֎ą܎઼ᜉТąӯТą‫؜‬Ӷą! ࡸཷࡧ‫ڐ‬ą᝱ϕሑᐆўྫሣ‫ؖ‬ऒ༇ྫሣĄ Using a damaged power cord may cause electric shock, short circuits, or fire. ϵː֧๬‫ڑڟ‬ဘʮպ΢ढĂ๼̕വᚉྫą഻཯ą̬Ԯ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Please consult with a retailer about the repair of the power cord or plug. ! ࢓୩ྫሣąನᏞढĂቜ߁༄ኛ੦Ą Safety Suggestions (Continue) Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶!Ğᙷᛉğ ໱̥ Connect the power plug firmly to a power outlet with the cord running down. ઠྫನᏞ‫ྫڟ‬ሣϩʮĂઠನᏞሂဂྫನࣴ˱Ą Connection of the power plug with the cord running up could apply stress on the cord and cause electrical short or overheat, which could result in electrical shock or fire. Incomplete connection of the power plug could result in electrical shock or fire due to heat. ЃَྫನᏞ̟ϩߺ̆ನʣĂ๼൝ྫሣᅨ͑ࡒጊĂЙߏ഻཯ĂᚉྫĂਔ̬‫ࢨڟ‬ϰĄ ЃَྫನᏞನ‫˚ڟ‬ઊӇϒĂʶઠ๼ЙߏϰᚉྫĂവᇥфዲ࠮̬Ԯ‫ࢨڟ‬ϰĄ Do not insert or remove the power plug with wet hands. ቜ˼΢ᇘᑆ‫̙ڟ‬Ă‫ئ‬ਸ਼ನᏞĄ This may result in electric shock. വΡᚉྫ‫ࢨڟ‬ϰĄ Wet Hands Prohibited ໱̥ᑆ̙ Clean the dust on the power plug frequently. ቜ‫ס‬ೈ଼ਸ਼ನᏞʰ‫ڟ‬и࿨Ą Insulation failure from moisture when dust collects on the power plug may cause fire. Unplug the power plug and wipe it with a dry cloth. ໋ನᏞંፖи࿨ढ๼ϰᑆॉфఅЙ൘ሢ˚ՊĂ෌ф̕ਔ̬ԮĄ !!!!ቜ‫ئ‬ਸ਼ನᏞϔ΢ੁ΀ᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą Be sure to unplug the power plug before maintaining the refrigerator. ෌їϕሑ۳ኴĂቜਜ਼Ά‫ئ‬૬ನᏞĄ Continued use may cause electric shock or injury. ( Pg. 33 ) Фᚉྫ‫֧ؖ‬ฌ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄĞ!!!!!!!33ࡲğ Always hold the plug when unplugging it. ቜઠನᏞሂဂ‫ૃڟ‬ನࣴ˱‫͎ئ‬Ą R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 5 5 3/25/09 9:57:23 AM SAFETY SUGGESTIONS Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶ ቜਜ਼ΆᎳЈ Ensure to follow these precautions WARNING ᚌҙ During normal use ϵʙৡպ΢‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮ Do not splash water on or inside the refrigerator. ቜ˼΢̫ାᑆ̺᝝Ⴤሑ˱Ą This may impair electricity insulation causing electric shock or fire. Wetting Prohibited ໱̥ାᑆ ᓗѻϰྫॉ൘ሢ˚՗ф̕ਔᚉྫą̬ԮĄ Do not put in things that may catch fire. ቜ˼‫ع‬ʣ࣠‫ܢڐڟ̬̕ؾ‬Ą Benzine, ether, LP gas, thinner, adhesives may ignite an explosion. ಮവ‫ٶ‬ąʚぞąLP!Ο಼Ćൃᚗଶąᔇൿዘ๼വΡ̕ᗖ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ Do not put water containers on the refrigerator. Ŝ!ቜ˼ઠҤ̫࣠ዢ‫ع‬ϵϕሑʰĄ Spilled water may impair insulation of electrical components causing faulty electrical currents. This may result in electric shock or fire. ᕚࢇ‫̫ڟ‬๼అЙྫॉ஢χ൘ሢ˚ՊфവΡၓྫą̬Ԯąᚉྫ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ Wetting Prohibited ໱̥ାᑆ Ŝ Do not use flammable sprays near the refrigerator. Ŝ!ϵۣۖቜ˼պ΢͟ጽؒᅢᘴ΢‫ܢ‬Ą Sparks from points of electrical contact such as door switches may ignite a fire. ᓗѻϰሑ۞෠ᘰ൉ྫॉ૥ᔈ̕ਔ‫̕ۆ̬ڟ‬വ̬ԮĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ Do not put things on top of the refrigerator. Ŝ!ቜ˼ϵϕሑʰ‫ع‬༊‫ܢڐ‬Ą Opening and closing doors etc. may cause things placed on top of the refrigerator to fall resulting in injury. ᓗѻϰ෠ఖሑ۞ĂఅЙ‫ܢڐ‬૬༣ф֧ฌĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ!Drugs, chemicals, research and experimental substances should not be stored in the refrigerator. Ŝ!ቜ˼΢վ۳Іᗾ‫ؖܢ‬ደ௚ཐᆺĄ Prohibited Substances that require precise conditions for storage cannot be stored in a domestic refrigerator. Ά෸ᙒि႓୩‫ܢڐڟ‬Ă˚͟۳І‫ࣳࣜػ‬΢ϕሑ˱Ą ໱̥ Ŝ Do not touch the machinery components of the Automatic Ice Maker. Ŝ!ቜ˼̙ᚉь੝ყϕጠ‫ڟ‬ጠଡఋѝĄ There is a danger of injury when the ice trays are rotating. ( ყϕᇺଋᕽढĂ̙ࣼؐ๼֧ฌĄĞ!!!!!!!!30 ࡲğ Pg. 30 ) Contact Prohibited ໱̥૥ᚉ Ŝ Do not hang on the doors or step up on the various compartments. Ŝ!ቜ˼ᙚϵሑ۞ʰᅯᐛĂ‫ؖ‬ችϵНঽ୽ʰĄ Injury may be caused by the refrigerator tipping over or hands getting caught between doors. ᓗѻϰᕚࢇĂҶ̙֗‫ݾ‬ф֧ฌĄ 6 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 6 Prohibited ໱̥ 3/25/09 9:57:24 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Concerning the refrigerant ( Be careful of the following related to the use of flammable gas.) ᘰ‫ػ‬Ѿ౬ĞΥ‫ػ‬௻‫ސ‬ʙႍ͟ጽؒ‫ڟ‬ॉ᝝Ăቜ٧๎̾ʮ‫ڟ‬ձ෶Ąğ Prohibited Since the refrigerant used is flammable, any leakage from the pipe inside the wall ໱̥ may cause ignition and explosion. Υ‫ػ‬պ΢͟ጽؒ‫ڟ‬Ѿ౬Ă໋Ѿ౬ૃϕሑ˱ዩ‫ڟ‬਩႓ʹ߉Ă๼Фਔ̬ăᗖߔ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ Ŝ!Allow clearance around the refrigerator when installing it. ( Ŝ!ϕሑ‫ֺڟ‬౜ቜ۳‫͈ݻ‬ཉ‫ڪڟ‬෢ĄĞ!!!!!!!23!ࡲğ Pg. 12) Leakage of the refrigerant may accumulate and cause ignition and explosion. ࠷Ѿ౬ʹ߉‫ڟ‬૑‫ݻٷ‬ᛉĂ๼Фਔ̬ăᗖߔ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ Ŝ!Do not damage the refrigerant circuit. Ŝ!ቜ˼๬ฌϕሑ‫ڟ‬Ѿ‫ܓ‬႓཯Ą If you happen to damage the refrigerant pipe, stay away from the refrigerator and avoid using fire and electrical appliances. Ѿຯ਩႓๬ᖽढĂቜઠϕሑᄉᖔ̬ປծᓗѻպ΢ྫዢ΢‫ܢ‬Ą Should you damage the refrigerator, open the window to ventilate and contact your dealer or our repair reception desk. ਩႓๬ᖽढĂቜዑӤઠ۞൅Έ෠ĂծჄ༄ኛ੦‫̠ؖ‬γӬ௚˛̖ᒒ൜Ą Ğ!!!!!!!ᘰ‫وݣੵػ‬ਜ਼Ăቜ੤ኧჳ‫ق‬पࠧ࡭ğ Safety Suggestions (Continue) Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶!Ğᙷᛉğ Ŝ Do not scratch or damage the main body of the refrigerator with a sharp object such as screw. Ŝ!˚̾͟௝ᒳ൛൉አҁ‫֘ܢڐ‬ฌϕሑΏ᝝Ą Before use պ!΢!‫܉‬ WARNING ᚌҙ Ŝ!Please consult your dealer or the Recycle Hotline (0800-085-717) of the Recycle Centers in the Environmental Protection Administration when discarding the unit. Ŝ Ѓᄯ෌їᆀଣ௎୩ढĂቜᒒ൜༄ኛ੦‫ؖ‬ᑗ۳།ཥປϱН˛̖ટሣ! )1911.196.828*Ăκ̿͂࢈෌їટ๾௎୩Ą If the refrigerant is wet, it may cause ignition and explosion. ࠷Ѿ౬ʹ߉๼Фਔ̬ăᗖߔ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ Ŝ!Disconnect the power plug when replacing the interior light. When the interior light is damaged, please contact either the manufacturer, the service centre or person with required knowledge for replacing the light to avoid injury. Ŝ!Use the specified interior light and insert it firmly. Ŝ ԁಲ˱ఋጷ‫پ‬ढĂቜ‫ئ‬૬ྫನᏞĄ ጷ‫پ‬๬ᖽढĂ෸Υყఅᆅ੦‫و֏ؖ‬ਜ਼௎‫֎ؖ‬Фߺᘰཥि‫ڟ‬ʡࢷ! ͑̾ԁಲ̾ᓗѻϠᏎĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ ΢‫˱ڟסݾ‬ఋጷ‫پ‬А԰‫־‬ϴನʣĄ 7 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 7 3/25/09 9:57:24 AM SAFETY SUGGESTIONS Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶ ቜਜ਼ΆᎳЈ Ensure to follow these precautions WARNING ᚌҙ Ŝ!Do not use mechanical devices or other means to accelerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by manufacturer. Prohibited Ŝ! ˚ુպ΢Қࡳጠ൉വᇥዢ֎ဇϕሑ˱෌ї͑ᇥф͑Ӥਸ਼ᓷĄ ໱̥ Ŝ! Do not use electrical appliances inside the refrigerator. Ŝ!! ቜ˼ϵϕሑ˱ఋպ΢ྫዢ΢‫ܢ‬Ą If the refrigerant leaks, sparks on the contact may cause ignition and explosion. ЃѾ౬ʹ߉Ăྫॉ૥ᔈ‫ؚ‬୰Ρ‫ۆ̬ڟ‬Ă๼Фਔ̬ăᗖߔ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ Prohibited ໱̥ In case of emergency ໲ʙФʮϖ૑Ӝ Ŝ!!Stop the refrigerator by unplugging it if it is not running properly or broken. Ŝ!! ໋୰‫୴ܢ‬લ‫ވؖ‬ᄫढĂቜ‫ئ‬૬ನᏞ੄ོ̥ᕽĄ Continue may cause electric shock or injury. Фᚉྫ‫֧ؖ‬ฌ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ Always hold the plug when unplugging it. ቜਜ਼ϵ‫ئ‬ਸ਼ನᏞढಫўನᏞĄ Ŝ! Do not disassemble, repair, or modify your refrigerator. Ŝ! ቜ˼ьї˷ཌą࢓୩ąӽఅĄ Injury may be caused by ignition of fire or faulty running. ᓗѻവΡ̬ԮĂ୴લ੝Ѱф֧ฌĄ Please consult with a retailer if any repairs or disassembly are required. ! ᄯ˷ཌąႰ࢓ढĂቜ߁༄ኛ̈́୩੦Ą Dissassembly prohibited ໱̥˷ཌ Ŝ! In the event of a flammable gas leak do not touch refrigerator and open windows to let air flow. Ŝ!͟ጽؒॉ᝝ʹၓढĂ˼૥ᚉϕሑĂቜγ҉෠ଂ൅̘෌їಲॉĄ Sparks from points of electrical contact such as door switches may ignite explosions causing fire or burn injuries. ᓗѻϰሑ۞෠ᘰ൉ྫॉ૥ᔈ‫ۆ̬ڟ‬ĂфവΡ̕ᗖą̬Ԯąጻฌ൉ϠᏎĄ When discarding the unit ᆀଣ௎˷ढ Ŝ! Before discarding the unit or recycle, remove the door packing to avoid the risk of an infant or children to be entrapped inside. Ŝ! ϵ൉‫ݟ‬ᆀଣ‫ڐ‬ϔΡ۳႓˞ᄬăϰФ΂֋௝ჲҨϵ˱˞༲Ă! !ቜઠ۞᜜ନ‫֥ض‬ʮվĄ 8 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 8 3/25/09 9:57:24 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Before use պ!΢!‫܉‬ CAUTION ٧๎ When moving or carrying ஋੝Ć๨ོढ Ŝ! On a floor that is easily scratched do move the refrigerator using the wheels at its base. Ŝ! ቜ˼ϵ࣠‫֘ؾ‬ฌ‫ڟ‬ϴٖʰպ΢ϕሑ຤ኈĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ! Use the carrying handle when carrying it. Ŝ ! ๨ོढĂቜ΢̙‫̙ݻ‬Ӱ๨ོĄ Your hands may slip resulting in injury if you hold the refrigerator in other places apart from at the carry handles. ( ࢑࠷ԠФ̙‫ݻ‬Ӱ̙Ă͟৖๼ϰ̙຤ф֧ฌĄĞ!!!!!!64!ࡲğ More than 2 person should carry the refrigerator for safety reasons. Carry it with the door facing upward; as shown in the illustration. Never hang the handle with a crane. ቜ࿍΢2ʡ̾ʰ̙‫̙ݻ‬Ӱ๨ོĄ ๨ོढቜЃ࿧ΰৡઠሑ۞೉ʰĄ ! ቜ˚ࡌ΢ਔࡧጠ൉ϤਔӰ̙Ą ! ! During Normal Use ϵʙৡպ΢‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮ Ŝ Do not put bottles in the Door Baskets if they do not sit properly on the bottom of the front section. Ŝ!ቜ˼ϵය˃୭෽ट‫ڟ‬ᒁᄪ෢ϔฬʣ֏͂୭ᝬĄ Forcing in items like large bottles may result in them getting tipped over, causing injury. ܎઼‫ع‬ʣය˃୭෽ट୭‫ݣ‬Ăϵ෠ఖሑ۞ढĂ͟৖๼ϰ૬༣ф֧ฌĄ Pg. 53) Safety Suggestions (Continue) Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶!Ğᙷᛉğ The wheels may scratch the floor. ᓗѻϰ຤ኈф֘ฌϴٖĄ For a floor that may be easily scratched, lay a protective mat. ! ቜϵ࣠‫֘ؾ‬ฌ‫ڟ‬ϴٖʰኜʰ۳ᛖٖĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ Do not have food items protruding over the front of the shelves. Ŝ! ቜ˼᝱ࡵ‫͎͏ܢ‬ᅹ‫ޜ‬Ą Injury may be caused from items like bottles getting knocked over. ᓗѻϰྙ֗୭ᝬ‫ݣ‬૬༣ф֧ฌĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ!Do not put the glass bottles in the freezer compartment. ቜ˼ઠ୭˅‫ع‬ϵѾ࢝݉˱ཇĄ Bottles may break from the contents freezing and cause injury. ˱࣠‫ڐ‬ൖ࢝๼պ୭˅ক඙Ă࣠‫֧ؾ‬ฌĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ!When two or more doors are being opened or another person is using the refrigerator, make sure fingers don’t get caught. Ŝ!ϣढ෠ଂʠ࢏̾ʰ‫ڟ‬ሑ۞ढĂ‫͂֏ڱؖ‬ʡʶϵ໦ᚉϕሑढĂ! !ቜሂჯ̙‫ސݾ‬ҏ๼௝ϕሑ۞ҶўĄ Fingers may get caught in the spaces between doors causing injury. ᓗѻ̙‫ݾ‬௝۞Ⴤ۞˞෢‫ڟ‬ᒁᄪ‫ؚ‬ҶฌĄ 9 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 9 3/25/09 9:57:24 AM SAFETY SUGGESTIONS Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶ ቜਜ਼ΆᎳЈ Ensure to follow these precautions CAUTION ٧๎ Ŝ! Do not stack or protrude any food storing in the descendible case. Be sure to seal up any spillable food. Ŝ! Be sure to attach the partitions and wire to the descendible case before use. Ŝ! ༊‫ܢࡵع‬ϵʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ढĂቜ˼ᅹᜒࡵ‫͎͏ܢࡵ᝱ؖܢ‬ϵʹĂ! !ቜ΢ა‫ؖ‬۳ᔀাઝ‫݌‬Ё࣠‫޺ؾ‬ຖ‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ą Ŝ! ྤᅹٖჄᛡ൛Њཆ‫ݣ‬Ă̟͟պ΢ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬Ą Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ! Eo not hold the top of the doors when closing them. Ŝ! ᘰ‫ت‬ઢ‫ڟܮ‬ሑ۞ढĂቜ˼̙‫ݻ‬ʰ̟૰෌Ą If you hold the top of a door when closing it you may get your fingers caught or pinched causing injury. ‫ݸ‬ў۞ʰ̟ᘰ‫ت‬ઢ๼Ҷў̙‫֧ؾ࣠ݾ‬ฌĄ Ŝ Foods and containers inside the freezer compartment should not be touched with wet hands. Ŝ! ቜ˼΢ᇘᑆ‫̙ڟ‬໦ᚉѾ࢝݉˱‫࣠ؖܢࡵڟ‬ዢĄ This may cause frost injury. (Especially in the case of metal items) ᓗѻ࢝ฌĄĞ̎֏‫ۜސ‬ᚴყ୰‫ܢ‬ğ Prohibited ໱̥ Contact Prohibited ໱̥૥ᚉ Ŝ! Do not have your feet too close when opening the bottom door of the refrigerator . Ŝ! ෠ଂశ‫׻‬ᅹ‫ڟ‬ሑ۞ढĂቜ˼᝱༚ኬۖϕሑĄ When opening this door you may hit the in step or other parts of your feet resulting in injury. ᓗѻϵ෠ଂሑ۞ढĂ໦ᚉ֗༚‫׻‬ф֧ฌĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ Do not eat food that smells strange or has changed color. Ŝ! ቜ˼ࡵ΢Ф୴֨Ăːᝐѓ‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ą Bad foods may cause serious sickness. ᓗѻϰࡵ‫ܢ‬Ⴛଁф̕വॽॾĄ Prohibited ໱̥ Ŝ Do not put your hands under the base surface of the refrigerator. Ŝ!ቜ˼ઠ̙Ѫʣϕሑ‫׻‬ʮĄ When cleaning, putting your hands under the base surface of the refrigerator may result in injury by cutting them on sheet metal parts. Prohibited ໱̥ ଼୩ढઠ̙Ѫʣϕሑ‫׻‬ʮढĂ͟৖๼௝ᛡٖసฌĄ 10 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 10 3/25/09 9:57:25 AM PREPARATIONS ‫ۑ‬Щպ΢ढ Prevents sound, vibration and doors hanging downwards թ̥͎୪۞᝝ʮ‫ܭ‬ąዡࡱąኪ੝ Before use պ!΢!‫܉‬ Adjusting the refrigerator legs to keep it level ΢ቡ໽༚ઠ;͡ሑ۞෌ї̫΁‫ס־‬ To remove the mount cover, hold both ends and pull it towards to you applying some force. Turn both adjustable mounts to lower them and fix the refrigerator. ‫؁‬ʮଋᕽ;͡႒‫ڟ‬ቡ໽༚Ă̫̾΁‫ػס־‬ϴ࡭Ą Turn the left and right adjustable mounts so they come down and make contact with the floor. This will hold the refrigerator level. ΢;͡‫ڟ‬ቡ໽༚ઠϕሑ‫۞͡;ڟ‬ቡጌЙ̫΁‫ڑڟ‬ဘĄ Insert the pins (left and right) of the mount cover into the mount holes. ઠ‫ࣴ׻‬ა͚ှĞ;͡ğನʣЊཆ̌˱Ą Adjustable mounts ቡ໽༚ Mounting holes Њཆ̌ The door step indicates 1mm for a turn. Use this index to turn the adjustable mount. It could take some days (1~5 days) until the refrigeration fits the floor and the door is finally parallel. Pins ͚ှ ! ! Mount cover ‫ࣴ׻‬ა The right door is lower ͡੏‫ܭ‬ʮढ Lower the left adjustable mount. ࡬ѳ;੏‫ڟ‬ቡ໽༚ The left door is lower ;ણ‫ܭ‬ʮढ Lower the left adjustable mount ࡬ѳ;੏‫ڟ‬ቡ໽༚ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 11 Safety Suggestions (Continue) Њϒʰ‫ڟ‬٧๎ձ෶!Ğᙷᛉğ ̙‫ࣴ׻ݻ‬ა‫֍ڟ‬႒Ă΢ʨ‫؜‬ϩ՘‫܉‬ϔˠ֣̾ਸ਼Ą ቡ໽༚ԐЩଋᕽ‫ුڟ‬Ă1੼࠘ߺ࣯1mmĄ ϕሑჄϴٖ˞෢๼ယယ‫ڑ΁ྀ̫֗ڟ‬ဘĂ! ᄯࡌ˃࠘1Ƃ5̈Ą The left door is lower ;੏‫ܭ‬ʮढ Lower the right adjustable mount. ࡬ѳ͡੏‫ڟ‬ቡ໽༚ The right door is lower ͡ણ‫ܭ‬ʮढ Lower the right adjustable mount ࡬ѳ͡੏‫ڟ‬ቡ໽༚ 11 3/25/09 9:57:25 AM PREPARATIONS ‫ۑ‬Щպ΢ढ A refrigerator is not something that "increases the freshness" of food. At best "a brake that some degree will slow down food going bad" is al operation manual closely and take care to use your refrigerator correctly so you can keep foods at their best. ϕሑ˚‫ސ‬΢վĶಪ‫ܢࡵه‬๳ᔀ‫ݙ‬ķ˞΢Ăф‫ސ‬΢վၾ͟৖࡬ѳࡵ‫ܢ‬ᔀ‫֧ݙ‬๬˞΢Ąቜ‫ັݸ‬ጇѰჳ‫ق‬प௣‫ס‬Γሂպ΢Ă!!ծੈ Installation location Њ ཆ ౟ ‫ؚ‬ The floor should be sturdy and flat. ઀‫־‬ą̫΁‫ڟ‬ϴٖĄ In the following places, place a hard board of approximately 1cm thick under the refrigerator to cover the whole portion of the bottom face. Put some kind of sturdy boarding on the floor if the refrigerator leans to one side, in the case of carpets that may change color from heat exposure, or flooring and vinyl chloride floor cover. (The temperature of the floor surface may reach 50-60°C in summer.) The refrigerator could incline on a flexible and fragile floor. ̾ʮ‫ڟ‬౟ϫĂࡌઠ2᱕н‫ڟܔ‬ൖဂ‫ٖ̣ڟ‬ኜϵϕሑ‫ڟ‬ʮ࡭Ą ! ቜϵ͟৖๼ዲ࠮ϕሑϰᇥфᝐѓ‫ؖ‬ᝐӜ‫ڟڑ‬ϴ೧ąွွнą อሲϴٖʰኜ௩઀‫ีٖڟ־‬Ą! )ࣇ‫ן‬ढĂϴٖ‫ڟ‬ຣ‫͟ݙ‬৖๼਽ྀ50Ƃ60°CĄ* ! ࠷ϴٖ˚ઊ઀‫־‬Ăቜϵϴٖʰኜ௩઀‫ีٖڟ־‬Ăҏ‫܌‬ϕሑ๼ ᕚࢇĄ A location away from direct sunlight and heat is recommended. ഒᇥປą˚‫ڢ‬૥ັ࣢෨ώ˞௎Ą This will reduce adverse effects to refrigerating power and keep electricity costs down. Direct sunlight will cause discoloration to the plastic parts of the refrigerator. թ̥࡬ѳѾ‫ܓ‬৖ʨĂఅЙྫʨ‫ڟ‬ॏ඲Ą ‫࣢ڢ‬෨ώʶ๼అЙఋϋอटᝐѓĄ A location is not damp and has good air flow. ˚ᇘᑆą௽ࡳչ˞௎Ą This will reduce rusting and help keep electricity costs down. թ̥ΡᚚĄʶթ̥ྫʨ‫ڟ‬ॏ඲Ą It takes about 4 hours to fully cool down after the power is on. ྀ͈֗˷Ѿ‫ܓ‬ढĂᄯࡌ ‫ۆ‬ʰ࠘!5ˉढĄ A minimum of 1cm on both sides and 5cm above. ;͡э̍2dn̾ʰĂʰ̟ߏ6dn̾ʰĄ The refrigerator releases heat in order to keep the food cold. For efficient cooling, allow enough space around the refrigerator. Dimension of the center part of the side of the main body is slightly larger than the displayed dimension. Extra dimension should thus be allowed when installing the refrigerator for better radiation efficiency. The back of the refrigerator can be placed next to a wall; but if there is a vibrating sound or the wall color blackens (this is caused by the air around the compressor), then move the refrigerator away. 12 Υ‫ػ‬ϕሑ‫ސ‬΢վѾᕠࡵ‫ܢ‬ĂϰЪ๼ૃֺ౜ಹᇥĄ࠷ࡌФझവಮѾᕠझَĂ‫܌‬ ቜ᝱ֺ౜۳Ф͈ཉ‫ڪڟ‬෢Ą Ώ᝝੏࡭˛͵̨᝗ΰ̏ˈി˃Ăߏʟಪ਽ಹᇥझ୥Ăቜລరྲྀ౲ཉ‫ڟ‬Њཆ̏ˈĄ ᓶഓࠧ࡭๼ථዩĂѮ͎୪ኪ੝ࡱ‫ڱؖ‬ዩԅᝐฃढĞ֧֗ᐆᑻጠ්ᘞ‫ڪڟ‬ॉ‫ؚ‬ ᆇᛪğĂቜ᝱ϕሑᄉᖔዩ࡭Ą R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 12 Do not tear off the sticker at the back. It may result in inefficiency of coldness. ቜ˼ઠࠧ࡭‫ڟ‬ᆿථᆨ૬Ą ๼ዲ࠮ϕሑѾ‫ܓ‬झ৖ᝐ! ࣵĄ Sticker ᆿථ 3/25/09 9:57:25 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ d" is all it is. Please follow the Before use պ!΢!‫܉‬ To prepare for an earthquake ϴኪဇൊ Ă!!ծੈЁኌ໋‫ܢࡵڟ‬႓୩Ą Pass the belt through the handles (in two places) on the back and fix the refrigerator to the sturdy wall and poles. Four screws supplied ͓‫ނ‬5ٛᒳ൛ ઠΪળࠎ྆ࠧ࡭Ӱ̙Ğ2௎ğĂϔ‫ڟ־઀ػס־‬ᑓዩ‫ޘ̛ؖ‬ʰĄ We recommend using a safety belt to guard against the risk of the refrigerator overturning. Belt ળ˅ 5cm above ʰ̟ߏ6dn̾ʰ ‫ݚ‬ᚊպ΢թ̥ϕሑࢇᕚટ΢ΪળĄĶթ̥ϕሑࢇᕚટ΢Ϊળķ ĞᎵᓊ‫ܢ‬ğ஢χ‫ܮ‬༴!!!R-826CV 300 × 2࢏ཏ஠˱࣠ቜ߁ཚ༄ኛ‫׹‬Ą About Grounding ૥ ϴ Ѱ ๾ ˞ ဂ ‫ފ‬ It is recommended to ground the refrigerator to prevent possible electrical shock and noise interference. Make sure to ground the appliance especially in the following places. Damp place such as earth floor or wash place. Humid place such as basement. ߏʟթ̥ᚉྫჄᖕࡱ˓ᔙĂ‫ݚ‬ᚊૌဂ‫ފ‬૥ϴѰ๾Ą̎֏‫ސ‬ஒϫ̾ʮ ૑‫ٷ‬ढĂቜਜ਼Άဂ‫ފ‬૥ϴĄ ! ௩༊‫ػ‬ˀቴϴ࡭‫޿଼ؖ‬౟‫ؚ‬൉ढĄ ! ௩༊‫ػ‬ϴʮ݉൉ᇘᑆ౟‫ؚ‬ढĄ Preparations (Continue) ‫ۑ‬Щպ΢ढ!Ğᙷᛉğ "Safety belt against overturning for refrigerators" (option) Part number R-826CV 300 x 2. Contact your dealer for details. When there is an earth terminal Ф૥ϴ႒˅ढ Minimum of 1cm or above on both side ;͡э̍2dn̾ʰ Connect the earth wire to the earth connection screw on the lower left of the rear surface ( mark) and the earth terminal on the power outlet. “Earth wire (2.5m)” (accessory) Part No. NW-60R6 052. ቜઠ૥ϴሣ௿૥‫;࡭ࠧػ‬ʮ‫ڟ‬૥ϴЊཆᒳ൛Ğ!!!! ஒ༴ğჄನࣴʰ‫ڟ‬ ૥ϴ႒˅ʰĄĶ૥ሣ࿧Ğ2.5mğķ Ğ Ꮅᓊ‫ܢ‬ğ஢χ‫ܮ‬༴NW-60R6 052Ą When there is no earth terminal ഒ૥ϴ႒˅ढ Consult with your dealer for grounding (Type D grounding, to be charged). ቜ‫׏‬ਊ༄ኛ੦ဂ૥ϴˎു!Ğʛႍ૥ϴˎുĆᄯ̿඲ğĄ The refrigerator can be connected to an exclusive wall outlet soon after it is installed. Connected to an exclusive wall outlet. Њཆ‫ݣ‬ನʣટ΢ನࣴʰĄ ௿૥‫ػ‬ટ΢ನࣴʰĄ Power 110V Rated 15A or more. ྫປ221Ƞᖞ‫޺ྫס‬26B̾ʰĄ When installing the refrigerator in a particularly damp place ௩༊‫ػ‬ᇘᑆ౟‫ؚ‬ढ It is mandatory to install an earth leakage circuit breaker as well as grounding. Consult with your dealer for further information. ਸ਼ʟဂ‫ފ‬૥ϴ˞ʹĂᓙ֎Ф௩༊ၓྫኍᔞዢԅ‫ڟ‬༎ਜ਼Ąཏ஠˱࣠ ቜ߁ཚ༄ኛ‫׹‬Ą Screws ૥ϴЊཆᒳ൛ Earth terminal ૥ϴ႒˅ Earth line (Copper wire with diameter of 1.6mm) ૥ϴሣ!)ᄛሣ‫ࣷڢ‬1.6mm* Must not connect ˚͟௿૥‫ڟ‬ϴ̟ Water pipe (Danger of electric shock) Gas pipe (Danger of explosion) Telephone line or the earth of lighting rod (Danger when lighting) ! ьվ̫႓ĞФᚉྫ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎğ ! Ο಼႓!!!!ĞФᗖߔ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎğ ! ྫབྷሣ‫ؖ‬ᓗྪਬ‫ڟ‬૥ϴĞΈྪढ๼വΡϠᏎğ ŏ! If you wish to install the refrigerator in a hot spring area exposed to sulfide gas, you may need to apply anti-rust treatment to the piping. Contact your dealer in advance. Failure caused by gas damage will not be covered under guarantee. ŏ!!࠷Њཆ‫ػ‬Фஅ˽‫ڐ‬୰͎‫ڟ‬ຣ޶ϴ੢ĂФᄯࡌဇ਩႓෌їթᚚ௎୩ढĂቜྱϑჄ‫ڟסݾ‬༄ኛ੦ᒒ൜Ą R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 13 13 3/25/09 9:57:25 AM CONTROL PANEL NAME OF EACH PART STORAGE COMPARTMENT ጇѰ࡭ٖ!!!Ϩఋ˷‫ڟ‬Ϫႎ!!!ᏽІ݉ Internal Control Panel ϕሑ˱ጇѰ࡭ٖ To set the temperature of refrigerator and freezer compartment !Ѿᕠַ݉Ѿ࢝݉ຣ‫ݙ‬௩‫ס‬ • Refrigerator compartment Ѿᕠ݉! ( Pg. 16/16ࡲ* • Freezer compartment Ѿ࢝݉! ( Pg. 25/25ࡲ* To select the Large Ice Cube Making !ყϕᎵጅ௩‫ס‬ • To select "normal/large" ice cube. ( Pg. 31* ! Ꮅጅņ௽લƟ˃ᓻŇϕีĄ ( 31ࡲ* • To stop automatic ice making function. ( Pg. 32* ! ੄̥ь੝ყϕጠĄ ( 32ࡲ* Cleaning the ice maker !ყϕጠ଼ᇓ • ȡifo!dmfbojoh!uif!bvupnbujd!jdf!nblfs. ( ! ଼޿ь੝ყϕጠढ!Ą ( 38ࡲ* Pg. 38* One Touch Panel ۞ʰጇѰ࡭ٖ To switch the mode of refrigerator, freezer and ice compartment. !˸ಲѾᕠ݉ĂѾַ࢝݉ყϕ݉‫ڟ‬ᇁВĄ Quick Cooling !ӤఀѾᕠ • To cool the food and drinks quickly. ( ! ӤఀѾᕠࡵ‫ַܢ‬෽‫ܢ‬Ą ( 20ࡲ* Pg. 20* Vacuum Compartment ঍‫)!݉ڪ‬X System!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* • ȡifo!tfuujoh!uif!wbdvvn!dpnqbsunfou!gvodujpo. ( ! ˸ಲ঍‫݉ڪ‬௩‫ס‬ढĄ ( 23ࡲ* Quick Freezing යఀѾ࢝ • Up!gsff{f!uif!gppe!rvjdlmz/ ( ! යఀѾ࢝ࡵ‫!ڐ‬Ą ( 26ࡲ* Pg. 23* Pg. 26* 14 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 14 3/25/09 9:57:26 AM ( ( Pg. 29/29ࡲ) Pg. 16/16ࡲ) Control Panel Name of Each Part Storage Compartment ጇѰ࡭ٖ!!!Ϩఋ˷‫ڟ‬Ϫႎ!!!ᏽІ݉ Refrigerating foods The temperature of door pocket is slightly high. Ѿᕠࡵ‫ܢ‬ ሑ۞༊‫ޜڐ‬๼ьʰ‫ے‬ຣ‫ݙ‬ф͎୪࠷˓̀਽‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬Ą Store the ice cube made by auto ice making function. ઠь੝ყϕጠ‫ؚ‬ყఅ‫ڟ‬ϕีᏽᕠĄ Small-item storage case Egg case Upper freezer Lower freezer ʰᅹѾ࢝݉ ʮᅹѾ࢝݉ ( Before use պ!΢!‫܉‬ Refrigerator compartment (About 2°C~6°C) Ѿᕠ݉!(࠘2°C~6°C) Ice compartment (About -20°C~-18°C) ყϕ݉!(࠘-20°C~-18°C) (About 0°C~4°C) ˉχ‫!!!!୽ܢڐ‬ᏽ௖୽ (࠘0°C~4°C) ( Pg. 17/17ࡲ) Pg. 25/25ࡲ) Small sized chilled foods. Eggs also can be stored. ͟І‫ܮˉع‬ϕຣࡵ‫ܢ‬Ą ʶ͟І‫ع‬ᖘ௖Ą Store frozens foods, ice-cream and dried foods. ᏽІѾ࢝ࡵ‫ܢ‬Ăϕଽା̅ੁුĄ Vacuum compartment (About -1°C~3°C) ঍‫)!݉ڪ‬Y!Tztufn!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* Low temperature freezer (Below -20°C) ѳຣѾ࢝ (-20°C̤ʔ) ( (࠘-1°C~3°C) ( Pg. 21/21ࡲ) Pg. 27/27ࡲ) Lower temperature of this compartment keeps fresh taste of frozen food longer. ঍‫ڟ݉ڪ‬ѳຣ̾͟ԁ‫۝‬ʴႰ‫ݻ‬Ѿ࢝ ࡵ‫ڟܢ‬๳ᔀ֨ཾĄ Vegetable compartment (About 3°C~7°C) ሹَ۳ᔀ݉!(࠘3°C~7°C) ( Pg. 28/28ࡲ) Fresh food like meats and seafood. ๳ᔀࡵ‫ܢ‬Ѓш㓌̅ॕᔀ㓌Ą The effect of vacuum and antioxidant vitamin prevent oxidation and maintains antioxidant effect. (Some vegetables and fruits can also be stored in this compartment to gain the effect of vacuum.) ঍‫̅ڪ‬Ӫॊ˽ႰΡশ̾͟࡬ѳॊॉҤුĂթ̥! ࡵ‫ܢ‬ॊ˽ծႰ‫ݻ‬ॊ˽ዘ͒झĄ )‫ޚ‬ղᏽІϵ঍‫ַَ̫ڟ˛݉ڪ‬ሹඊʶ͟ૃ঍‫!ڪ‬ ᑗ࿪ᑕউĄ* Vegetable, fruits, drink ሹඊĂَ̫Ă෽ट The temperature shown is an indication only. It fluctuates depending on the operating conditions. ຣ‫ݙ‬᝗ΰฉռ੤уĂဂᄬຣ‫͟ݙ‬৖๼Ꮝོᕽᑗ ࿪ʰʮٰ੝Ą 15 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 15 3/25/09 9:57:27 AM REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENT (2°C~6°C) Ѿᕠ݉ Single Door Type ౐ ۞ Ӝ В (R-S57YMJ R-S47YMJ) Descendible case ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ ( Pg.19/19!ࡲ* When you want to cool the food quickly. ( Lower shelf ѳᅹ‫ޜ‬ Pg.20/20!ࡲ* ΢‫ػ‬ӤఀѾ‫ܢࡵܓ‬ढĄ Height adjustable pocket ͟ቡВ༊‫ޜڐ‬ Quick cooling corner ӤఀѾᕠ੢ Height adjustable shelf ͟ቡВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Door pocket (upper) ༊‫)ޜڐ‬ʰᅹ* Height can be adjusted according to food size. Door pocket (lower) ༊‫)ޜڐ‬ʮᅹ* ͟਩ϫࡵ‫ܢ‬ቡጌ਽‫ݙ‬Ą Fixed shelf ‫ס־‬ᅹ‫ޜ‬ Put the egg stand. (14pcs) ͟ཆʣ௖‫ޜ‬Ą (14࢏) Internal control panel Ѿᕠ݉˱ጇѰ࡭ٖ Pull-out shelf ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬ Door pocket (left) ༊‫*;)ޜڐ‬ Door basket ࣠ዢ༊‫ޜڐ‬ Small-item storage case ˉχ‫୽ܢڐ‬ Egg case ᏽ௖୽ With egg stand (10pcs) ۣ௖‫( ޜ‬10࢏) R-S47YMJ (6pcs / 6࢏) Reversible shelf ᕚᕽВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Vacuum compartment ঍‫!!݉ڪ‬ )Y!Tztufn!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* ( Pg. 21/21ࡲ* Twin Door Type ᖖ ۞ Ӝ В (R-SF60YMJ R-SF56YMJ R-SF46YMJ) When you want to cool the food quickly. Lower shelf ѳᅹ‫ޜ‬ Descendible case ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ ( ΢‫ػ‬ӤఀѾ‫ܢࡵܓ‬ढĄ ( Pg.20/20!ࡲ* Quick cooling corner ӤఀѾᕠ੢ Height adjustable shelf ͟ቡВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Pg. 19/19ࡲ* Fixed door pockets ‫࣠ס־‬ዢ༊‫ޜڐ‬ Height adjustable pockets (2 levels) ͟ቡВ༊‫)!ޜڐ‬3ᅹ* Egg stand ௖‫ޜ‬ Internal control panel Ѿᕠ݉˱ጇѰ࡭ٖ Reversible shelf ᕚᕽВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Swing partition ଋᕽྤٖ ( Pg. 18/18ࡲ* Double door basket (left) ࣠ዢ༊‫*;)!ޜڐ‬ Pull-out shelf ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬ 16 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 16 Double door basket (right) ࣠ዢ༊‫!*͡)!ޜڐ‬ Fixed shelf ‫ס־‬ᅹ‫ޜ‬ Small-item storage case ˉχ‫୽ܢڐ‬ Egg case ᏽ௖୽ With egg stand (10pcs) ۣ௖‫( ޜ‬10࢏) R-SF46YMJ (6pcs / 6࢏) Vacuum compartment ঍‫!!݉ڪ‬ )Y!Tztufn!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* ( Pg. 21/21ࡲ* 3/25/09 9:57:27 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Pull-out Shelf ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬ Small-item Storage Case Egg Case ˉχ‫!!!!୽ܢڐ‬ᏽ௖୽ Note Small-item storage case Egg case ˉχ‫!!!୽ܢڐ‬ᏽ௖୽ Hold the handle and slowly pull out and push in the pull-out shelf. The wire may be deformed or came off if the shelf is pushed in while holding the wire. Be sure to attach the wire of the pull-out shelf before use. Otherwise, food may drop and could result in injury. Do not place food at the back of the pull-out shelf. The refrigerator door, shelf or food may be damaged if the door is closed without pushing in the shelf completely. Egg stand ௖‫ޜ‬ ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ ಫўӰ̙ယယϴ‫͎̅؜‬૰ʣ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬ĄЃَಫ ўᛡ൛૰ʣᅹ‫ޜ‬Ăᛡ൛๼ᝐӜ‫ʹؖ‬ᛩĄ ྤᅹٖ‫ڟ‬ᛡ൛Њཆ‫ݣ‬Ă̟͟պ΢͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬Ą! ҏ‫ܢࡵ܌‬૬ʮ͟ዲ࠮֧ฌĄ ቜ˼ϵ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫࡭ݣޜ‬༊‫ܢࡵع‬ĄЃϵԠФӇϒ ૰ʣᅹ‫ڟޜ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮᘰఖሑ۞Ă௻๼ዲ࠮ሑ۞ăᅹ ‫ޜ‬ăࡵ‫ܢ‬൉๬ᖽĄ When the egg stand is turned over, it can be used for small sized chilled food. ! ௖‫ޜ‬ᕚ࡭‫͟܌ݣ‬΢‫ػ‬І‫ܮˉع‬Ѿᕠࡵ‫ܢ‬Ą Caution Push in the vacuum compartment case, small-item storage case, pull-out shelf and descendible case before closing the refrigerator door. Otherwise, the refrigerator door, case or food may be damaged. Do not place food containing liquid, especially canned beverages, in front of the air blow opening as they may freeze up and damaged. ٧๎ձ෶ Shelves and pockets position can be adjusted according to the size of food and drinks. Remove the stored items before adjusting the shelves. ᅹ‫̅ޜ‬༊‫͟ޜڐ‬਩ϫࡵ‫ˉ˃ܢ‬෌їቡጌĄቡጌᅹ‫ޜ‬ढĂቜϑઠᏽᕠ‫ܢࡵڟ‬஋͎Ą Height Adjustable Shelf Lower Shelf ͟ቡВᅹ‫!!!!!!ޜ‬ѳᅹ‫ޜ‬ 1 Remove by slightly lift up the back of the shelf and pull forward. 2 Align the shelf with the desired position and push it in until it makes contact with the back of the compartment. 1 ૃཇ࡭Ӱᅹ‫ޜ‬ി์‫ط‬਽Ă‫ݣ͎؜܉؁‬౷֥͎͟Ą 2 ቡጌ਽‫ݣݙ‬Ăઠᅹ‫ޜ‬ನэϕሑ͚ှĄ Ѿ ᕠ ݉Ğᙷᛉğ ! Shelves and pockets are adjustable ᅹ ‫ ̅ ޜ‬༊ ‫ ͟ ޜ ڐ‬ቡ ጌ Refrigerator Compartment (Continue) ᘰϕሑ۞‫܉‬ቜਜ਼Ά૰ʣ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬ă຤੝ˉ‫ܢࡵܮ‬Нᕠ୽ă͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫̅ޜ‬ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ĄЃϵԠФ૰ʣ‫ڟ‬૑ ‫ٷ‬ʮᘰఖሑ۞Ă௻๼ዲ࠮ሑ۞ă୽‫ܢࡵؖ‬൉๬ᖽĄ ቜ˼ઠ̫˷ྲྀϻ‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ă५ѿ‫ސ‬ᝬཆ෽ट‫ع‬ϵѾࡳʿ‫࡭܉‬ĂЃَൖ࢝๼ዲ࠮๬ᖽĄ Reversible Shelf ᕚᕽВᅹ‫ޜ‬ 1 2 1 2 Remove by slightly lift up the shelf. Turn over and set at either top or bottom level. Ӱᅹ‫ޜ‬ി์‫ط‬਽౷֥͎͟Ą Ӱᅹ‫ޜ‬ᕚᕽ‫ݣ‬Ă‫ס־‬ϵʰᅹ‫ؖ‬ʮᅹ‫ڟ‬ѝ༊Ą As a normal shelf ΢Ѱʙৡᅹ‫ޜ‬ Pattern 1 ೡВ2 Pattern 2 ೡВ3 17 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 17 3/25/09 9:57:29 AM REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENT Ѿᕠ݉ Height Adjustable Pockets ͟ቡВ༊‫ޜڐ‬ Height can be adjusted according to the height of the food item. (How to remove door pockets, refer to Pg. 35) ͟਩ϫࡵ‫ܢ‬਽‫ݙ‬ቡጌѝ༊Ą!Ğ֣ਸ਼༊‫!!!!!!!ٲ̟ڐ‬46!ࡲ* Single Door Type ౐۞ӜВ Upper Setting Њཆ֗ʰ੏ Lower Setting Њཆ֗ʮ੏ 350mL cans will fit into top level. 500mL pet bottles will fit into bottom level. ʰᅹ͟ཆʣ350mLᝬć ʮᅹ͟ཆʣ500mL۳५୭Ą 500mL cans will fit into top level. 500mL cans will fit into bottom level. ʰᅹ͟ཆʣ500mLᝬć ʮᅹ͟ཆʣ500mLᝬĄ Remove by lifting while lightly tapping the bottom surface at both ends. ᄆᄆိΈ;͡‫࡭׻‬Ăϔ‫ط‬਽ˠ֣̾ਸ਼Ą Twin Door Type ᖖ۞ӜВ Pull the levers on both sides and lift up using both hands. ΢ᖖ̙‫؜‬Ӱ̙ծϩʰ‫ط‬ਔĄ After the position is adjusted, push the pocket down using both hands. ቡጌѝ༊‫ݣ‬Ă΢ᖖ̙Ӱ! ༊‫ޜڐ‬૰ʮĄ Note Remove the stored items before adjusting the height. Otherwise, food may drop and could result in injury. Be sure to check if the pocket is fixed securely after adjusting the height. Improper installation may cause the pocket to drop and result in injury. Do not put lubricating oil onto the spring on the knob of the height adjustable pockets. (The spring is stainless steel.) Otherwise, it may cause the plastic to break. ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ ቡጌ਽‫ݙ‬ढĂቜϑઠᏽᕠ‫ڐࡵڟ‬஋͎Ăҏ‫ܢࡵ܌‬૬ʮ͟ዲ࠮֧ฌĄ ቜሂ‫ס‬༊‫ޜڐ‬Њཆ‫ס־‬Ăҏ‫܌‬༊‫ޜڐ‬૬ʮ͟ዲ࠮֧ฌĄ ቜ˼ϵ͟ቡВ༊‫ڟޜڐ‬ଋූʰ‫ڟ‬ᆆᕋ٧ʣᇜ຤‫ٶ‬Ą Ğᆆᕋʝ˚ᚚᏁĄğ ҏ‫܌‬Ăอटଋූ͟৖๼ক඙Ą Swing Partition (Twin Door Type Only) ଋᕽྤٖĞͫФᖖ۞ӜВğ To open the door ෠۞ढ Swing partition ଋᕽྤٖ When the right door is open, do not hold the swing partition to open the left door. ! ͡੏‫۞ڟ‬෠ൿढĂቜ˼ಫўଋᕽྤٖվΈ෠;੏‫۞ڟ‬Ą To close the door ᘰ۞ढ Swing partition ଋᕽྤٖ Do not close the door when the swing partition folds out. ! ቜ˼ϵଋᕽྤٖᓙΐဧᜒਔվढᘰఖሑ۞Ą 18 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 18 3/25/09 9:57:30 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Descendible Case ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ The case can be pulled down so that food can be stored and taken out easily at a lower position. ୽˅͟஋ʮ̾ԁ̟‫ૃۯ‬ѳ௎༊‫ܢࡵ͎֥̅ع‬Ą When pulling out ‫͎؜‬ढ When pushing in ૰ʣढ Hold the handle and slowly pull out towards you. Hold the handle and slowly push in until the end. ಫўӰ̙ယယϴ‫͎؜܉؁‬Ą ಫўӰ̙ယယϴ૰ʣэཇ࡭Ą Caution ٧๎ձ෶ ቜ˼ಫӰ̙̾ʹ‫ڟ‬ϴ̟‫ؖ‬ψ֏ᙚ૮ϵᅹ‫ޜ‬ʰĂ௻๼ዲ࠮୽˅૬ʮ‫ؖ‬๬ᖽĄ ቜ˼ϵʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬௝‫ٷڑڟ͎؜‬ʮᘰఖሑ۞Ă௻๼ዲ࠮୽˅‫ܢࡵؖ‬๬ᖽĂ‫ؖͅ‬ሑ۞௎‫͘ػ‬ᘰఖ‫ڑ‬ဘĄ Storing Food Нঽࡵ‫ܢ‬ When the case is pulled out, food stacked on top may drop and damage. ‫͎؜‬ढ͟৖๼ͅᅹᜒϵʰ࡭‫ܢࡵڟ‬૬ʮфዲ࠮๬ᖽĄ Do not let food protruded out of the case. When the case is pulled out, food protruded out of the case may drop and damage. ቜ˼᝱ࡵ‫͎͏ܢ‬ϵʹĄ ‫͎؜‬ढ͟৖๼ͅ͏͎ϵʹ‫ܢࡵڟ‬૬ʮф๬ᖽĄ Wire Partition Be sure to attach the partitions ᛡ ൛ ྤ ᅹ ٖ and wire to the descendible case ྤᅹٖჄᛡ൛Њཆ‫ݣ‬Ă̟͟պ ΢ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬Ą ‫͎̅؜‬૰ʣढ͟৖๼ͅࡵ‫ܢ‬૬ʮф๬ᖽĄߏѻࡵ‫ܢ‬૬ ʮ‫ؖ‬ชࢇĂቜਜ਼ΆЊཆྤᅹٖ̅ᛡ൛Ą Seal the food containing any spillable contents with a lid or plastic wrap. When pulling out or pushing in the case, food may spill out. ‫͎̅؜‬૰ʣढ͟৖๼ͅࡵ‫ܢ‬ຖ͎Ą ࣠‫ؾ‬ຖ͎‫ܢࡵڟ‬ᄯ΢ა‫ؖ‬۳ᔀ াઝ‫݌‬ЁĄ Height of Storable Food ͟Нঽ‫ܢࡵڟ‬਽‫ݙ‬ Front side ‫܉‬੏ Inner side ˱੏ Install position of the second partition ஑ʠีྤᅹٖ‫ڟ‬Њཆѝ༊ 17.5cm 500ml can/ᝬ 350ml can/ᝬ 13cm Please follow the height of storable food. The ceiling of the refrigerator is lower at the inner side. As indicated in the figure on the left, do not let food protruded out of the case when storing food. ! ቜᎳЈ͟Нঽࡵ‫ڟܢ‬਽‫ݙ‬Ą Ѿᕠ݉‫ڟ‬థఋ˱੏ിѳĄЃ;࿧‫ؚ‬ΰĂНঽࡵ‫ܢ‬ढቜ˼ ᝱ࡵ‫͎͏ܢ‬ϵʹĄ Ѿ ᕠ ݉Ğᙷᛉğ ! before use. When pulling out or pushing in the case, food may drop and damage. Be sure to attach the partitions and wire to prevent food from falling or topple over. Refrigerator Compartment (Continue) Do not stack food. ቜ˼ᅹᜒࡵ‫ܢ‬Ą How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ Do not hold any place other than the handle or let it hang on the shelf. The case may come off or damaged. Do not close the refrigerator door while the descendible case is pulled out. The case or food may be damaged or the door may not be shut properly. Caution If tall food is stored at the inner side behind the second partition, its case or the food may be damaged. ٧๎ձ෶ ЃઠФߺ໋਽‫ܢࡵڟݙ‬Нঽ֗஑ʠีྤᅹٖ‫ูڟ࡭ݣ‬੏Ă͟৖๼ዲ࠮୽˅ַࡵ‫ܢ‬๬ᖽĄ 19 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 19 3/25/09 9:57:30 AM REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENT Ѿᕠ݉ When you want to refrigerate food or drinks fast. ΢‫ػ‬Ӥఀϕᖊࡵ‫ؖܢ‬෽टढĄ Put the items in the quick cooling corner. ઠࡵ‫عܢ‬ʣӤఀѾᕠ ੢˱Ą (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ One Touch Panel ۞ʰጇѰ࡭ٖ Quick Cooling ӤఀѾᕠ Press "Quick Cooling". ‫ݸ‬ʮĶ ӤఀѾᕠķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĄ ࿥ "Quick Cooling" will finish automatically in approximately 45 minutes. ࠘ 45 ˷ ᚘĶ Ӥ ఀ Ѿ ᕠ ķ ོᕽь੝ӇЙĄ The quick cooling corner is the highest level shelf in the fresh food compartment. ( Pg. 16) To stop this function before it is completed press "Quick Cooling" again. ӤఀѾᕠ੢ѝ‫ػ‬Ѿᕠ݉‫ڟ‬శ! ʰᅹĄĞ!!!!!!16ࡲğ ˛ఊଭ੄̥ढĂቜϔ‫ݙ‬ ‫ݸ‬ʮĶ ӤఀѾᕠķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĄ Light ON when pressed ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݣ‬᝗ΰጷ۫ጷ Height adjustable shelf ͟ቡВᅹ‫ޜ‬ ࿥࿥ Light OFF when pressed ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݣ‬᝗ΰጷၫጷ Food can be cooled much faster by positioning it as shown in the diagram. ࡵ‫عܢ‬ϵ࿧˛ѝ༊ढĂ͟ԁӤఀ‫ڟ‬Ѿ‫ܢࡵܓ‬Ą Caution Never place any food contains a lot of water or beverage cans in front of the supply opening as they may freeze and subsequently explode. Push in the slide case of the vacuum compartment or the small-item storage case before closing the refrigerator compartment door. If the door is closed while the slide case is pulled out, the door, case and/or food may be damaged. ٧๎ձ෶ ౲Ҥ̫ϋ‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ⴤᝬཆ෽टൖ࢝‫ؾ࣠ݣ‬୰Ρক඙Ăቜ˼‫ع‬ϵѾࡳʿ‫࡭܉‬Ą ϑ૰ʣ঍‫ܢࡵܮˉؖ݉ڪ‬Нᕠ୽‫ڟ‬຤੝୽Ăഓ‫ݣ‬ϔᘰఖϕሑሑ۞ҏ‫ؾ࣠܌‬๬ฌሑ۞ă຤੝୽ַƟ‫ܢࡵؖ‬Ą Internal Control Panel ϕሑ˱ጇѰ࡭ٖ Refrigerator Compartment Dial Ѿ ᕠ ݉ ଋ ූ MAX Approximately 1 ~ 3°C lower than "MID"! ̨ņ˛Ň࠘ѳ 1Ƃ3°C MID Around 2 ~ 6°C ࠘2Ƃ6°C MIN Approximately 1 ~ 3°C higher than "MID" ̨ņ˛Ň࠘਽ 1Ƃ3°C When the dial is set to “MAX” or “MIN”, the temperature of the vacuum compartment or the small-item storage case changes accordingly. The temperature of the door pocket / basket will be slightly higher than the temperature shown above. Usually set the dial to “MID”. The temperature may slightly vary depending on the operating conditions. The table above shown the target temperatures in stable condition when the surrounding temperature is 30°C, when the door is closed without any food stored. ! ! ! ! ໋ᕽූ௝ᕽэņ઼Ň‫ؖ‬ņࣵŇĂ঍‫ܢࡵܮˉؖ݉ڪ‬Нᕠ୽˱‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ݙ‬ઠ๼Ꮝ˞ӽᝐĄ ሑ۞༊‫ޜڐ‬๼ьʰ‫ے‬ຣ‫ݙ‬ф͎୪࠷˓̀਽‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬Ą ௽લպ΢ຣ‫ࡌݙ‬ϵņ˛Ň‫ڟ‬ѝ༊Ąຣ‫͟ݙ‬Ꮝպ΢ନχ‫˚ڟ‬ϣфᝐ੝Ą ʰ‫ؚے‬ΰ‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ސݙ‬ϵֺ౜ຣ‫ݙ‬30°CढĂϕሑ۞ᘰఖфϕሑ˱ഒ༊‫ܢࡵع‬ढ‫ڟ‬ᗧ‫ס‬ຣ‫ݙ‬Ą 20 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 20 3/25/09 9:57:30 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Vacuum pump lowers the pressure as well as the oxygen level in the vacuum compartment. By this feature, oxidation of the nutrients contained in the food is prevented and antioxidant effect is prolonged. ঍‫࡬߅ڪ‬ѳ঍‫ڟ˱݉ڪ‬ॉᐆַॊॉුĄЪ५ؒ͟թ̥ࡵ‫ڟ˛ܢ‬ᑊኴЙ˷ॊ˽Ă‫۝׽‬Ӫॊ˽ዘ͒झĄ œ!!The vacuum pump lowers the pressure within the vacuum compartment to keep at a low oxygen level. Vitamin C cassette prevents oxidation of food. œ!!Flavor and nutrients of food can be retained by preventing from oxidation. œ!Prevents fruits, meat and red meat fish from discoloration. œ!The vacuum effect will not be affected even when the food is wrapped with plastic wrap. Food which are suitable for storage ኌ‫ػ‬ᏽІ‫ܢࡵڟ‬ œ!Meat, processed meat œ!Fish, seafood ш㓌ă͑ˎш ధ㓌ăॕᔀ㓌 Beef, pork, poultry, ham, sausage etc. Horse mackerel, sardine, mackerel, fish roe etc. ̲шĂቪшĂᖘшĂ̬Ⴠ̰Ăࡷ༗൉Ą мீధĂԓʛధĂᙃధĂధ˅൉Ą œ!Vegetables, fruits How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ ঍‫࡬߅ڪ‬ѳ঍‫ڟ˱݉ڪ‬ॉᐆ̾Ⴐ‫ݻ‬ѳॊ‫ڑ‬ဘĄႰΡশ C୽թ̥ࡵ‫ڟܢ‬ॊ˽Ą ͟թ̥ࡵ‫ܢ‬ॊ˽ૃфႰ‫ַ֨ࡷڟ˛ܢࡵݻ‬ႰΡশ൉ᑊኴĄ ͟ԁ‫۝‬ʴϴႰ‫َ̫ݻ‬ăшᘸăࠔшధᘸ൉‫ڟ‬ѓጩĄ ҉պࡵ‫ܢ‬պ΢อट۳ᔀሰᕭაĂʶ˚๼ᆇᛪ঍‫ڪ‬झَĄ Refrigerator Compartment (Continue) .2°D.4°D (-1°C~-3°C) Ѿ ᕠ ݉Ğᙷᛉğ ! VACUUM COMPARTMENT ঍‫) ݉ڪ‬Y!Tztufn!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* œ!Others ֏͂ ሹඊăَ̫ ֪੫ՒĂ৯༨Ăհყ‫ܢ‬Ăᖃट൉Ą Food and container for which care needs to be ᏽІढᄯࡌ٧๎‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ⴤ࣠ዢ taken during storage œ!Food contained in a sealed bag The bag may be inflated during storage, which could result in crushing of other stored foods. œ ઝ‫݌‬௡͓ཆࡵ‫ܢ‬ ઝ‫݌‬௡ϵᏽІढ͟৖๼፷൬фᐠᐆ֗֏͂ࡵ‫ܢ‬Ą Vienna sausage, sliced cheese etc. Ⴐʶঽࡷ༗Ăհྎ̰൉Ą œ!Plastic airtight container The lid of the container may become loose or may not stay in place during storage. Be careful when you take out the container. œ อटઝఖ࣠ዢ อटઝఖ࣠ዢ‫ڟ‬ა˅ϵᏽІढ͟! ৖๼ᖬ෠‫ؖ‬ளᖔࢨվ‫ڟ‬ѝ༊Ą! ֥͎ढቜ٧๎Ą Food which are not suitable for storage ˚ኌ‫ػ‬ᏽІ‫ܢࡵڟ‬ Vacuum Compartment (Continue) Coffee bean, tea, dairy product, paste etc. ሹඊԓ‫؜‬Ăጷ᜖೛ĂᚂَĂ጖Ă‫َ୴׉‬൉Ą ঍ ‫ ) ! ݉ ڪ‬X System! ঍ ‫ ڪ‬ȥ ɏ ȭ *Ğᙷᛉğ ! Vegetable salad, bell pepper, apple, orange, kiwi etc. œ!Egg plant, cucumber etc. The surface of the vegetable may deteriorate due to low temperature. œ ࠶˅ĂกΞ൉ ѳຣ͟৖๼պુሹඊ‫࡭ے‬ᝐቴĄ 21 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 21 3/25/09 9:57:32 AM VACUUM COMPARTMENT ঍‫) ݉ڪ‬Y!Tztufn!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* (-1°C~3°C) .2°D4°D Vitamin Cassette ႰΡশ୽ Releases vitamin when in low oxygen level to preserve the food nutrients. ϵѳॊ‫ڑ‬ဘʮᚗ‫͎ع‬ႰΡশĂͅࡵ‫ڟܢ‬ᑊኴЙ˷Ⴐ‫ુݻ‬ԁ‫۝‬ʴĄ ! ଼޿঍‫୽݉ڪ‬ढĂቜϑ‫ض‬ʮ ႰΡশ୽ĄႰΡশ୽Ѓ‫֗ٮ‬ Vitamin cassette Be sure to remove the vitamin cassette when washing ̫๼ዲ࠮Ӫॊ˽झَᝐࣵĄ ႰΡশ୽ the vacuum compartment case. The effect of the ! ቜ˼˷ཌႰΡশ୽Ą inhibited oxidation will reduce if it is rinsed with water. ! ቜઠႰΡশ୽Њཆϵ‫ڟסݾ‬ Do not dismantle the vitamin cassette. ѝ༊Ąҏ‫܌‬Ă঍‫۞݉ڪ‬ઠഒ Attach the vitamin cassette in place. Otherwise, the ‫ٲ‬ӇϒᘰႧĄ vacuum compartment door may not be closed completely. Vacuum compartment case * ഒ෸‫ס‬ೈԁಲĄ * Regular replacement is not required. ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬ When opening the door ෠ଂሑ۞ढ When closing the door ᘰఖሑ۞ढ Hold the door handle on the bottom with your hand. Push in until the end while holding the handle. ΢̙ૃ‫׻‬ఋಫў۞‫ڟ‬Ӱ̙Ą ಫўӰ̙ʙ‫ڢ‬૰֗శཇ࡭Ą Door ሑ۞ Handle Ӱ̙ Lift the handle to release the lock. Fully press down the handle to lock the door. ϩʰ‫ط‬ਔӰ̙Ăᖇ௝Έ෠Ą ‫؁‬ʮ‫ݸ‬Ӱ̙ĂᖇႧሑ۞Ą Air hissing sound is heard ๼᜙֗ ᅣᅣᒐ When the hissing sound stops, pull the handle towards you to open. ໋ᅣᅣᒐ॑ͶढĂಫўӰ̙‫؁‬՘‫̟܉‬ϩΈ෠ሑ۞Ą Notice ! The door can not be opened when the hissing sound can still be heard. ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ ! ໋ᅣᅣᒐᓙᛪൿढĂ۞‫˚ސ‬৖Έ෠‫ڟ‬Ą Notice ! The vacuum compartment will not operate normally if it is not lock. ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ ! ЃَԠᖇႧĂ঍‫݉ڪ‬ഒ‫ٲ‬ΓલጇѰĄ CAUTION ٧๎ If the packaging of food is trapped in the door, the vacuum compartment may not operate normally. Be sure to close the door of the vacuum compartment before closing the refrigerator compartment door. Otherwise, the door, case and/or food may be damaged. Ѓَࡵ‫͓ڟܢ‬ཆ௝Ҷϵ۞˱Ă঍‫݉ڪ‬ઠഒ‫ٲ‬ΓલጇѰĄ ቜ˸਄ϑᘰఖ঍‫۞݉ڪ‬ϔᘰఖϕሑ۞Ąҏ‫܌‬Ă঍‫ڪ‬ ݉۞ă຤੝୽ַ0‫͟ܢࡵؖ‬৖๼๬ᖽĄ Vacuum Releasing Valve ঍‫ڪ‬ཌਸ਼ᄨ If you lift the handle to release the lock, the vacuum state is released by the vacuum releasing valve and the door can be opened/closed easily. ϩʰಪਔӰ̙Έ෠ᖇढĂ͟௽྆঍‫ڪ‬ཌਸ਼ᄨཌਸ਼঍‫ڑڪ‬ဘ‫ݣ‬Ăᄆ‫ؾ‬ϴ෠ᘰሑ۞Ą Handle Ӱ̙ Vacuum release valve ঍‫ڪ‬ཌਸ਼ᄨ 22 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 22 Caution Vacuum compartment will not function properly if the vacuum releasing valve (blue) comes off or is loose.  Be sure to attach it to the handle hole securely. Vacuum compartment will not function properly if food debris or dust is present on the vacuum releasing valve.  Remove the dust, etc. and wipe off the dirt. ٧๎ձ෶ ໋঍‫ڪ‬ཌਸ਼ᄨĞᕢѓğள༣‫ؖ‬ᖬГढĂ঍‫݉ڪ‬ઠ˚৖ΓલོѰĄ  ቜ԰‫־‬ϴЊཆϵӰ̙‫˱̌ڟ‬Ą ࡵ‫ܢ‬໥ࣣ‫ؖ‬дܱ൉ᔇۣ‫ؖ‬әᜰ঍‫ڪ‬ཌਸ਼ᄨढĂ঍‫݉ڪ‬ઠ˚৖ΓલོѰĄ  ቜ଼ਸ਼ֿұĂᐢ͞дܱĄ 3/25/09 9:57:32 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ How to use the vacuum compartment (setting method) ЃѤպ΢঍‫!݉ڪ‬Ğ௩‫ٲ̟ס‬ğ To use the vacuum compartment, press the "Vacuum" button and turn on the indicator light. Factory default setting is OFF (indicator light OFF). After a pressure change within the vacuum compartment is detected, the vacuum pump operates to maintain the low-oxygen state. The vacuum pump operates for approximately 2 minutes. This time varies depending on the amount of the stored food. When you want to store the food or cotainer which are not suitable for storage (refer to page 21), cancel the vacuum compartment setting. պ΢঍‫݉ڪ‬ढĂ‫ݸ‬ʮĶ঍‫!!݉ڪ‬X System!ķ‫ූݸ‬պ‫ݾ‬ΰጷ۫Ą͎ᆅढ௩‫ߏס‬PGGĞ‫ݾ‬ΰጷၫພğĄ Setting method ௩‫ٲ̟ס‬ Release method ཌਸ਼̟‫ٲ‬ When you press the "Vacuum" button, the indicator light turns on and the vacuum compartment stores the foods with the effect of low-oxygen state. ໋ૌ‫ݸ‬ʮĶ঍‫!!݉ڪ‬X System!ķ‫ූݸ‬ढĂ‫ݾ‬ΰጷ۫Ă ঍‫݉ڪ‬๼ϵϵѳॊ‫ڑ‬ဘᏽІࡵ‫ܢ‬Ą Blue indicator light ON ᕈй᜽Ζጝ‫ۑ‬ጝ Press ‫ݞ‬ Press ‫ݞ‬ Low-oxygen effect is released and food is store in normal chill state ѳॊ‫ڑ‬ဘཌਸ਼Ăϵϕຣ‫ڑ‬ဘᏽІࡵ‫ܢ‬ Some noise and vibrations are generated while the vacuum pump is operated to make a low-oxygen state. These noise and vibrations are not abnormal. When the indicator light flashes on the "Vacuum" button, it indicates that the vacuum function may not be functioning normally. ঍‫ོ߅ڪ‬ᕽყఅѳॊ‫ڑ‬ဘढ๼Фዡࡱַए੝Ă௻˚‫୴ސ‬લ୪ණĄ!! ໋Ķ঍‫݉ڪ‬ķ‫ڟූݸ‬᝗ΰጷਰᗗढĂ௻‫ے‬ΰ঍‫͒ڪ‬৖͟৖ഒ‫ٲ‬ΓલጇѰĄ How to maintain ۳ኴ̟‫ٲ‬ Release the "Vacuum" function and wipe the dirty area with a soft cloth moistened in warm water. If something other than warm water, such as detergent, is used, the parts may be damaged, deformed or discolored and the vacuum state may not be able to be maintained. If the vacuum compartment case and vacuum packing are very dirty, remove and clean them. (The parts are not detachable except the vacuum compartment case and vacuum packing.) Vacuum Compartment (Continue) CAUTION ٧๎ Light OFF ᜽Ζጝၑጝ ঍ ‫ ) ! ݉ ڪ‬X System! ঍ ‫ ڪ‬ȥ ɏ ȭ *Ğᙷᛉğ ! Stores the foods with the effect of low-oxygen in vacuum state ϵ঍‫ڪ‬ѳॊ‫ڑ‬ဘᏽІࡵ‫ܢ‬ When you press the "Vacuum" button, the indicator light turns off and the vacuum compartment stores the food in normal chill state. ໋ૌ‫ݸ‬ʮĶ঍‫!!݉ڪ‬X System!ķ‫ූݸ‬ढĂ‫ݾ‬ΰጷၫພĂ ঍‫݉ڪ‬๼ϵϕຣ‫ڑ‬ဘᏽІࡵ‫ܢ‬Ą How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ ໋ᐮഁ֗঍‫ڟ˱݉ڪ‬ᐆʨവΡᝐ˽‫ݣ‬Ă঍‫ོ߅ڪ‬ᕽĂպ঍‫݉ڪ‬Ⴐ‫ݻ‬ѳॊ‫ڑ‬ဘĄ ʙৡ঍‫ོ࠘˃߅ڪ‬ᕽ2˷ᚘĂဂᄬढ෢͟৖๼Ꮝൿᏽᕠ‫ܢࡵڟ‬ᆵුфവΡᝐ˽Ą Ѓ๑ᏽІ˚ኌ‫ػ‬ᏽІ‫࣠ؖܢࡵڟ‬ዢढĞ੤ኧ஑21ࡲğĂቜ֥॑঍‫݉ڪ‬௩‫ס‬Ą ཌਸ਼Ķ঍‫)!݉ڪ‬X System!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ*ķ͒৖Ăպ΢‫ٮ‬ʰຣ̫‫΀௺ڟ‬ᐢ޿дܱĄ Ѓَਸ਼ຣ̫ʹĂᓙպ΢ʟ଼ᇓዘ൉ĂФ͟৖๼๬ᖽ‫ڱؖ‬պఋχᝐӜ‫ؖ‬ਝѓĂ͟৖ഒ‫ٲ‬۳‫ݻ‬঍‫ڑڪ‬ဘĄ Ѓَ঍‫ַ୽݉ڪ‬঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬Ф‫ݞ‬ϻдܱĂ̾͟‫ض‬ʮվ଼޿Ą )ਸ਼঍‫ַ୽݉ڪ‬঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ʹĂ֏ͺఋχ˚͟‫֣ض‬Ą* 23 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 23 3/25/09 9:57:34 AM VACUUM COMPARTMENT ঍‫) ݉ڪ‬Y!Tztufn!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* (-1°C~3°C) .2°D4°D Vacuum compartment case ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬ Vacuum packing ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ How to remove ֥͎̟‫ٲ‬ Completely pull out the door towards you. ‫؁‬՘‫̟܉‬ϩӰ۞Ӈϒ‫ڟ‬Έ෠Ą Lightly hold and lift up the front side of the vacuum compartment case to release the case from the catch on the door. ಫў঍‫܉ڟ୽݉ڪ‬ఋᄆᄆϩʰ‫ط‬ਔĂૃሑ۞‫ڟ‬ ૮ྙʰ‫ع‬෠঍‫୽݉ڪ‬Ą Vacuum compartment case ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬ (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Pull out the door and remove the vacuum compartment case. ‫؁‬՘‫̟܉‬ϩΈ෠ሑ۞Ă֥͎঍‫୽݉ڪ‬Ą Wipe the vacuum packing and the vacuum packing receiving portion with a soft cloth damped with lukewarm water. ΢‫΀ڟ௺ޙ‬ᝍຣ̫ᐢ‫ݺ‬঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬̅֏‫؛‬МఋĄ Protrusion ࠏਔ If the dirt on the vacuum packing could not come off after wiping, remove it and wash with water. Ѓَ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ʰ‫ڟ‬дܱഒ‫ٲ‬ᐢ૬Ăቜઠ֏֥͎ ‫ݣ‬΢଼̫޿Ą Catch ૮ྙ Slide the vacuum compartment case towards you to pull it out. ‫؁‬՘‫̟܉‬ϩ‫!͎؜‬ ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬Ą Be sure to remove the vitamin cassette when washing the vacuum compartment case. ! ଼޿঍‫୽݉ڪ‬ढĂቜϑ‫ض‬ʮႰΡশ୽Ą Hold the protrusion on the vacuum packing, which is located on your upper right, with your hand carefully and remove the vacuum packing. ΢̙ಫўϵѱ͡ʰ̟‫ڟ‬঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ʰ‫ࠏڟ‬ਔĂ ̀஠‫ض‬ʮ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬Ą Protrusion ࠏਔ How to fix ЃѤЊཆ Slide the vacuum compartment case into the main unit. ઠ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬૰ʣ̺᝝Ą Align the front side of the vacuum compartment case with the catch on the door and then fix the case. ઠ঍‫܉୽݉ڪ‬ఋဇລሑ۞ʰ‫ڟ‬૮ྙĂ‫ס־‬Ё ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬Ą Vacuum compartment case ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬ Fit in ཆʣ CAUTION ٧๎ Wash the dirty area with a soft sponge, etc. and water, then wipe dry. ΢ॕႭ൉‫ڟ௺ޙ‬ԅट଼ַ̫޿дܱĂഓ‫ݣ‬΢ੁ΀ ᐢੁ୑Ą Wipe off the dirt in the vacuum packing groove located on the door. ઠሑ۞ʰ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬͍ᇀ˛‫ڟ‬дܱᐢੁ୑Ą Align the protrusion on the vacuum packing with the mark on the door and attach the packing firmly. ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ʰ‫ࠏڟ‬ਔဇລሑ۞ʰ‫ڟ‬ᆿ਄԰԰‫ס־‬Ą Protrusion ࠏਔ Marking ᆿ਄ Fix the vacuum compartment case (refer left column). Њཆ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬Ğ੤ኧ;ᚽğĄ If water drops such as dew are deposited inside the vacuum compartment, wipe and clean it with dry cloth, etc. When wiping the vacuum compartment, take sufficient care to avoid touching a protrusion or metal part within the vacuum compartment with your hand. Ѓَ঍‫˱݉ڪ‬ఋፖФѾ዗̫ॵ൉Ăቜ΢ੁ΀ᐢੁ୑Ą ᐢ‫ݺ‬঍‫݉ڪ‬ढࡌʪ˷ˉ̖Ă̾ѻ̙ቹ֗঍‫ࠏڟ˱݉ڪ‬ਔ‫ۜؖ‬ᚴఋχĄ Pg. 51). If you have a problem regarding the vacuum compartment… Refer “What to do in these situations” ( Replace the vacuum packing if vacuum cannot be developed within the vacuum compartment due to deteriorated packing. ( Pg. 40) 24 Ѓ঍‫݉ڪ‬ФੰᖠĄĄĄቜ੤ኧņ௻࢏ढ࢐ŇĞ!!!!!!!!!51ࡲğĄ ЃَΥ‫ػ‬঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬๬ᖽ࠮պ঍‫˚݉ڪ‬৖ყఅ঍‫ڑڪ‬ဘĂᄯԁಲ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ĄĞ!!!!!!!!!40ࡲğ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 24 3/25/09 9:57:34 AM )!!!!!!!!!38ࡲ* Pg. 27) (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Upper Freezer ʰᅹѾ࢝݉ The Quick Freezing corner can be used to quickly freeze food.( Pg.26* Heat conduction effect of the aluminum tray quickly freezes and keeps food without deterioration of taste. යఀѾ࢝੢͟΢‫ػ‬ӤఀϴѾ࢝ࡵ‫ܢ‬Ą ( 26!ࡲ* ኟ ᇺ‫ڟ‬۳ ຣจ ዲ झ َ ͟ Ӥ ఀ Ѿ ࢝ ࡵ ‫ ܢ‬Ă ۳ ‫ ֏ ݻ‬๳ ᔀ ‫ ݙ‬Ą Upper freezer case ʰᅹѾ࢝୽ Can be used for small-size frozen food such as freezing pack, airtight container etc. Aluminum tray (Quick Freezing corner) ኟᇺ!)යఀѾ࢝੢* How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ ͟΢‫ػ‬ᏽІˉ‫ܮ‬Ѿ࢝ࡵ‫ܢ‬ЃѾ ͓࢝ཆăઝ‫࣠݌‬ዢ൉Ą Use this compartment to preserve food freshness and store foods according to the sizes. ࡌ۳‫ڟܢࡵݻ‬๳ᔀ‫ݙ‬Ăઠࡵ‫˷ˉ˃ݸܢ‬ѿНᕠढպ΢‫ڟ‬Ą Slide case ຤੝୽ Lower freezer case ʮᅹѾ࢝୽ Frozen goods, airtight container, etc. Ѿ࢝༊‫ڐ‬௡‫ؖ‬ઝ‫࣠݌‬ዢ൉Ą Frozen goods, bread, etc. Ѿ࢝ࡵ‫ؖܢ‬ˀͧᚨ͓൉Ą Ѿ࢝݉! Ğᙷᛉğ Ice cream, small items, etc. Ѓϕଽା൉ˉ‫ܢࡵڟܮ‬൉Ą Freezer Compartment (Continue) Lower Freezer ʮᅹѾ࢝݉ Slimline slide case ᒡ຤੝୽ Vacuum Compartment (Continue) Adjustable temperature ( ঍‫ )!݉ڪ‬X System!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ*!Ğᙷᛉğ FREEZER COMPARTMENT (-20°C~-18°C) Ѿ࢝݉ 25 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 25 3/25/09 9:57:35 AM FREEZER COMPARTMENT (-20°C~-18°C) Ѿ࢝݉ Adjustable temperature ( )!!!!!!!!!38ࡲ* Pg. 27) Example of storing food ͟Нঽࡵ‫ڟܢ‬਽‫ݙ‬ Upper freezer ʰᅹѾ࢝݉ Upper freezer case: Up to the end of the case ʰᅹѾ࢝୽Ĉ శ˃э୽˅႒࡭ Slimline slide case: Up to 5cm ᒡ຤੝୽Ĉశ˃6dn Lower freezer ʮᅹѾ࢝݉ )Front0‫*࡭܉‬ Slide case: Up to the end of the case ຤੝୽Ĉ శ˃э୽˅႒࡭ Lower freezer case: Up to the end of the case ʮᅹѾ࢝୽Ĉ శ˃э୽˅႒࡭ œ!Monitor the height of the food to be stored in each case. ąOtherwise, the door may not shut properly, causing cooling to be impaired. ! ąFood and cases may be damaged. œ!Never place a 500mL plastic bottle in the slimline slide case. If the bottle freezes, it will swell and may be impossible to remove. œ!Never use the refrigerator without the slimline slide case and the slide case in place. ! ą!Food may become clogged and fall onto the back of the case. œ!ቜᎳЈϨ࢏Ѿᕠ୽‫ܢࡵڟ‬Нঽ਽‫ݙ‬Ą ! ąሑ۞࠷ԠФሂဂᘰЁĂϕሑ‫ڟ‬Ѿᕠຣ‫ݙ‬๼ྲྀ࣯Ą ! ą๼అЙϨ࢏Ѿᕠ୽‫ܢࡵؖ‬ক๬Ą œ!ቜ˼༊ʣ611nM‫ڟ‬ᙘ५୭‫ػ‬ᒡ຤੝୽Ăᙘ५୭๼ϰ Ѿ࢝‫ݣ‬ф፷൬Ăዲ࠮Фऌ˚͎վ‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬Ą œ!ቜ˼ઠᒡ຤੝୽̅຤੝୽‫ض‬ʮպ΢Ą ! ą͟৖̕ਔࡵ‫ܢ‬ઇฬĂ༣ʣ୽˅ཇ੏Ą One touch panel ۞ʰጇѰ࡭ٖ When freeze the food ΢‫ػ‬Ѿ࢝ࡵ‫ܢ‬ढ Place the food wrapped with plastic film on the quick freezing corner (aluminum tray) in the upper freezer. ઠࡵ‫ܢ‬΢۳ᔀሰ͓Ёϔ‫ع‬ ෌ʣʰᅹѾ࢝݉‫ڟ‬යఀѾ ࢝੢)ኟᇺ*Ą Quick Freezing යఀѾ࢝ "Quick Freezing" will finish automatically in approximately 90 minutes. ࠘90˷ᚘĶයఀѾ࢝ķོ ᕽь੝ӇЙ Press "Quick Freezing" button. ‫ݸ‬ʮĶයఀѾ࢝ķ ‫ݸ‬ᓤĄ ࿥ To stop this function before it is completed press "Quick Freezing" again. ˛ఊଭ੄̥ढĂቜϔ‫ݸݙ‬ʮ! ĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĄ Light ON when pressed ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݣ‬᝗ΰጷ۫ጷ ࿥࿥ Light OFF when pressed ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݣ‬᝗ΰጷၫጷ During "Quick Freezing", preliminary cooling of the freezer compartment will be operated, thus causing the temperature of the fresh food compartment to rise. Try to avoid opening and closing the doors frequently. Even though the lamp lights up when the "Quick Freezing" button is pressed again within 60 minutes of the previous "Quick Freezing" or "Quick Ice Making" operations, the new operation won't take place until 60 minutes have elapsed from the previous operation. Cover foods such as thinly-sliced meat with cellophane wrap. If you place foods directly on the aluminium case, foods may stick to the case. ઈїĶයఀѾ࢝ķढĂΥ‫ػ‬๼ᏺϑོᕽѾ࢝݉̾෌їѾ‫ܓ‬ĂϰЪѾᕠ݉‫ڟ‬ຣ‫̀ؾ࣠ݙ‬਽ĄϵЪ‫ݚ‬ᚊૌၾ͟৖̍෠ሑ۞Ą ĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ؖ‬Ķයఀყϕķོᕽ‫ڟݣ‬60˷ᚘ˱Ăϔ‫ݸ‬ʙЩĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĂጷ๼۫ਔѮ๼੄ོ̥ᕽĄ༄྆60˷ᚘ! ‫ݣ‬Ăʬ๼‫ݮ‬ಈོᕽĄ ઠࡵ‫عڐ‬ʣढĂቜ΢۳ᔀሰઝ‫͓݌‬ЁĄЃَ‫ڢ‬૥ઠࡵ‫عܢ‬෌ኟᇺ˛͟৖๼Фᔇў‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬Ą Notice ! If the urea and ammonium nitrate contained in the cold insulator (commercial cold pillow and cold insulator for food) leak, the aluminium case or stainless steel case may rust. ! Never place food impregnated with salt directly onto the case. The aluminium or stainless steel case may rust. 26 ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ ! Ѿ࢝୽ኟᇺ‫˚ؖ‬ᚚᏁఋ˷࠷௝۳Ѿ΢‫ܢ‬ĞͿੵ‫ڟ‬ϕٌăࡵ‫ڟܢ‬۳ѾƝϕᖊዘ൉ğ˛‫ؚ‬Ҥ‫ڟ‬Ӎᄖ഼̅Њ൉‫ڐ‬ቴ‫ٮ‬ᑆĂФ͟৖๼ΡᚚĄ ! ቜ˼ઠҤФងϋ‫ڢܢࡵڟ‬૥‫ع‬ʣኟᇺ‫˚ؖ‬ᚚᏁ୽Ă͟৖๼պ˚ᚚᏁఋ˷ΡᚚĄ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 26 3/25/09 9:57:36 AM LOW TEMPERATURE FREEZER (Below -20°C) ѳຣѾ࢝ (-20°C̤ʔ) (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Freezer Compartment Dial Ѿ࢝݉ଋූ Internal Control Panel ϕሑ˱ጇѰ࡭ٖ Low Temperature Freezer ѳຣѾ࢝ Approximately 4~5°C lower than "MID" ̨ņ˛Ň࠘ѳ 4Ƃ5°C Approximately 1~3°C lower than "MID" ̨ņ˛Ň࠘ѳ 1Ƃ3°C MID Bcpvu!.31.29°C ࠘–20Ƃ–18°C MIN Approximately 1~3°C higher than "MID" ̨ņ˛Ň࠘਽ 1Ƃ3°C During "Quick Freezing" operation, the temperature becomes lower than that shown in the above table. Usually set the dial to “MID”. The temperature may slightly vary depending on the operating conditions. The table above shown the target temperatures in stable condition when the surrounding temperature is 30°C, when the door is closed without any food stored. How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ MAX ĶයఀѾ࢝ķོᕽढĂ֏ຣ‫ݙ‬๼̨ʰ‫ؚے‬ΰ‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ݙ‬ѳĄ ௽લպ΢ຣ‫ࡌݙ‬ϵņ˛Ň‫ڟ‬ѝ༊Ąຣ‫͟ݙ‬Ꮝպ΢ନχ‫˚ڟ‬ϣфᝐ੝Ą ʰ‫ؚے‬ΰ‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ސݙ‬ϵֺ౜ຣ‫ݙ‬30°CढĂϕሑ۞ᘰఖфϕሑ˱ഒ༊‫ܢࡵع‬ढ‫ڟ‬ᗧ‫ס‬ຣ‫ݙ‬Ą Freezer Compartment (Continue) Ѿ࢝݉! Ğᙷᛉğ 27 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 27 3/25/09 9:57:36 AM VEGETABLE COMPARTMENT (3°C~7°C) ሹَ۳ᔀ݉ Moisture cassette ۳ᑆ୽ Small vegetables such as tomato, lemon. ΢վ‫ع‬༊ᎁ࠶Ăᔥᔢ൉ˉ‫ܮ‬ሹඊĄ Small vegetable case ຤੝Вၳ໥ࡵ‫!ܢ‬ ጌ୩୽ Medium and large vegetables such as cabbage, lettuces. ˃Ωඊ‫ؖ‬਽ᙋඊ൉૥ۖ˛൉˃ˉ‫ڟ‬ሹَĄ Vegetable case ሹَሑ Upright storage of items. (2L pet bottles can be stored) ‫ڢ‬γНঽĄĞ͟ཆʣ3M۳५୭ğ Vegetable Case ሹَሑ Maximum indication ࡵ‫ܢ‬Нঽѝ༊ᆿ਄ Small vegetable case ຤੝Вၳ໥ࡵ‫ܢ‬ጌ୩୽ Food item height ࡵ‫ܢ‬਽‫ݙ‬ In these cases use food wrap for vegetables Foods like leeks, chives, onions that give off strong smells. When storing leftover fruits and vegetables. When there are few vegetables or many packed vegetables. If you are concerned about condensation in the vegetable compartment. Vegetable case ሹَሑ Do not place vegetables beyond the maximum indication. The door cannot be closed completely. This affects the cooling effect. Foods or cases may be damaged. ቜ˼ઠࡵ‫ܢ‬ฬʣ຤੝Вၳ໥ࡵ‫ܢ‬ጌ୩୽ʮ̟Ą Ѓَ ϕ ሑ ۞ Ԡ Ф ᘰ Ⴇ Ă Ѿ ࢝ ‫ ٷ ڑ‬๼ ˚ Ё Ą ࡵ‫ ܢ‬Ă Ϩ ႍ ‫ ت‬ઢ ๼ ক ๬ Ą ௻࢏ढ࢐ࡌ΢۳ᔀሰ͓ўሹඊ ! ! ! ! ሹඊЃ‫۝‬ቁąࡰ!ඊ ą๏ቁ൉๼ઠ୴֨จ൝֏͂ࡵ‫ܢ‬Ą І‫఻ع‬኷‫ڟ‬ሹඊ‫َ̫ؖ‬ढĄ І‫ڟع‬ሹඊුྲྀ̍Ă‫ؖ‬ː͓ཆ‫ڟ‬ሹඊྲྀϻढĄ ሹඊ۳ᔀ݉๼ൖᛩढĄ Moisture Cassette ۳ᑆ୽ Moisture cassette ۳ᑆ୽ Vegetable case ሹَሑ Be sure to remove the moisture cassette when washing the vegetable case. Do not wash the moisture cassette with water. The component may deteriorate if it is wet with water. * Regular replacement is not required. ! ଼޿ሹَሑढĂቜϑ‫ض‬ʮ۳ ᑆ୽Ą ! ቜ˼΢଼̫޿۳ᑆ୽ĄЃ‫ٮ‬ ̫֗͟৖๼ዲ࠮ᝐቴĄ * ഒ෸‫ס‬ೈԁಲĄ Notice Depending on the type or amount of vegetables being stored, condensation may form on the bottom surface of the slide case or on the vegetable case cover. If it is undesirable, wipe off the condensation with a dry cloth. Open and close the vegetable compartment door slowly. Items stored in the upright storage corner (such as plastic bottle) may overturn if the door is slammed open or shut. Do not block the air inlet opening with the food as watery food may freeze. Certain types of plastic bottles cannot be stored. Some bottles cannot be stored if the cap is not tightened securely. The temperature may become lower if outdoor air temperature is low. ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ ຤੝୽‫׻ڟ‬ᅹ‫ؖ‬ሹَ୽აĂ๼ϰሹඊු‫ؖ‬ႍᘸфൖᛩĄ̾͟΢ੁ΀‫͞ء‬Ѿ዗̫ॵĄ ሹَ۳ᔀ݉‫ࡌ۞ڟ‬ယယ‫ڟ‬ᘰఖĄЃᘰఖʨු઼̊ĂቩγНᕠ‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ğᝬཆ෽ट൉ğ๼ᜇࢇĄ ! ቜ˼‫ع‬ϵѾࡳʿ‫࡭܉‬ĄЃَઠ̫˷ྲྀϻ‫عܢࡵڟ‬ϵѾࡳʿ‫࡭܉‬Ă͟৖๼ൖ࢝Ą ! ‫ޚ‬ղอट୭˅˚৖௝ᏽІĂЃَ୭აԠФაႧĂʶ˚৖ᏽІĄ ! Ѓَ݉ʹॉຣ࡬ѳĂϕሑຣ‫͟ݙ‬৖ʮ࡬Ą ! 28 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 28 3/25/09 9:57:37 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ ሹَ۳ᔀ݉ Large ice cube making / stop ice making switch ყϕᎵጅƟĶ੄̥ყϕķ෠ᘰ Water supply container ൝̫ᇀ Automatic ice maker ь੝ყϕጠ Vegetable Compartment ICE COMPARTMENT ყϕ݉ )!!!!!!!!Pg. 30/30ࡲ* Ice scoop ϕᘤ Be sure to put it straight. ਜ਼Ά‫ڢ‬γ‫ع‬Ą Perform "ice making cleaning" when you use the ice compartment for the first time. ࡶЩպ΢ყϕ݉Ăቜϑઈїņყϕ଼୩ŇጇѰĄ )!!!!!!!!Pg. 37 / 37ࡲ* Fill with water. ٧̫Ą Remove the water supply container. ֣ਸ਼൝̫ᇀĄ en Op se Clo Add water line ൝̫ѝ Hold the handle and pull the containers towards you. ̙‫ݻ‬Ӱ̙Ă‫؜‬ϩ՘‫܉‬Ą ! ! Containerfull line !ၖ̫ѝ Fill with water up to the "Container-full line". Filling past this line will cause the water to leak around the lid. ٧ྀ̫ņၖ̫ѝŇߏ̥Ą ໋̫ය͎ņၖ̫ѝŇ‫ݣ‬Ă๼ૃᇀაֺ౜ၓ̫Ą Ice is made automatically ь੝ყϕĄ Container-set position ̫ᇀЊཆѝ༊ Push the water supply container fully into the “Containerset position”. If the water supply container is not pushed properly into place, the water won't be fill in and unable to make ice. If the “large ice cube making” light is not lit, press the button to turn on the light. ઠ൝̫ᇀӇϒ‫ث‬ʣņ̫ᇀЊཆѝ༊Ň‫׻ڟ‬ᅹĄ ࠷ԠФӇϒ‫ث‬ʣ൝̫ᇀĂ౷ഒ‫ٲ‬൝̫ჄყϕĄ ЃَĶყϕᎵጅķጷᓙԠ۫Ă‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݸ‬ᓤӰͺ۫ጷĄ ყϕ݉! Ğᙷᛉğ Push the water supply container fully into the “Container-set position”. ໋൝̫ᇀ˱‫̫ڟ‬ѳ‫ػ‬ņ൝̫ѝŇढĂ! ቜ෌ї൝̫Ą Hold the body of the water supply container and carry it carefully. ઠ̫ᇀ൝Њཆϱࢨվ‫ڟ‬ѝ༊Ą ! ! ! Water supply cover ൝̫ა When not making ice ˚ყϕढ )! Pg. 32/32!ࡲ* Notice When using for the first time, ice making may take more than 24 hours. It usually takes only 2 - 3 hours. ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ ࡶЩպ΢ढĂყϕढ෢͟৖๼ϻ྆!24ˉढĄ ௽લͫᄯ2 - 3ˉढĄ Use the tap water. Water that has been chlorinated with apparatuses like filters, mineral water, and water that has been boiled makes it easy for germs and bacteria to spread, therefore regular cleaning is required. ( Cleaning Pg. 38) When using mineral water, use the water with hardness of 100mg/L or less. The bottom face of the water supply container may become warm due to anti-freeze heater installed. ΢୑̫ዢਸ਼೩‫̫ڟݣ‬ąᙪ޶̫‫ٴؖ‬ᚢ྆‫ؾ̫࣠ڟ‬ᒅ೥஠ඃĂቜϻ଼͑޿൝̫ᇀĄĞ଼ᇓ!!!!!!!!!38ࡲğ! Ѓպ΢ᙪ޶̫‫ڟ‬བྷĂࡌպ΢ഽ‫ݙ‬ϵ100mg/L̾ʮ‫ڟ‬ᙪ޶̫Ą ൝̫ᇀ‫࡭׻‬ϰཆФթٖ࢝Ă๼Фവᇥ‫ڟ‬๐ᚈĄ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 29 Ice Compartment (Continue) ! How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ How to Make Ice ყϕ̟‫ٲ‬ Ice case ᏽϕ୽ 29 3/25/09 9:57:38 AM ICE COMPARTMENT ყϕ݉ Note Use of tap water is recommended for ice making. Change the water in the tank at least once a week. ! If the ice made of water having a high mineral content is put into water, white suspended matter may be seen in the water. This is mineral content which is harmless. ! Mineral water Filtered water (Hardness: or boiled water 100mg/L or less) ྆ᔮ̫‫ؖ‬ ᙪ޶̫ ഔ‫̫ڟݣٴ‬ )ഽ‫!!;ݙ‬ Ԑ˴̀100์Ѻ‫ؖ‬ԁ̍* ! ! ! ٧๎ ‫ݚ‬ᚊ΢飲΢̫ყϕĄ Ԑ‫ޑ‬ೈэ̍ԁಲʙЩ̫ᇀ˛‫̫ڟ‬Ą ЃَӰҤФ਽ᙪ‫ڐ‬ቴ‫ؚ̫ڟ‬ყఅ‫ڟ‬ϕี‫ع‬ʣ̫˛Ă ๼߼֗Ωѓᙚग़‫ڐ‬Ą௻ղ‫ސ‬ᙪ‫ڐ‬ቴĂԠФࣛ௎Ą These types of water are easily contaminated with bacteria. Please wash the tank frequently. ௻ղ̫࣠‫֧ؾ‬஠ඃд ‫ޗ‬Ąቜ༄લ଼޿̫ᇀĄ Well water (which satisfies the water quality standard) ˢ̫!! )෸ஒϫ ΢̫‫̫ڟ‬ቴᆿລ* Juice َΘ Isotonic Carbonated Tea drink drink ৯ ོ੝෽ट ԡ̫ These can cause failure, deformation or joined ice. ௻৖అЙͶ ᝹Ă໌Ӝ‫ؖ‬ ௿ᨅϕีĄ Never put anything except the ice cube in the storage section. (It may cause the door cannot open.) ਸ਼ʟь੝ყϕጠ‫ੈؚ‬Й‫ڟ‬ϕี˞ʹĂቜ˼‫ع‬ʣ֏͂ࡵ‫ܢ‬ĄĞ‫ސ‬պ۞Έ˚෠൉‫ވ‬ᄫ‫ࢨڟ‬ϰĄğ Ice Making Time and Capacity ყϕढ෢Ⴤყϕ৖ʨ Time required for ice making ყϕढ෢ Size ϕี˃ˉ Large Standard Operation ௽લ ˃ mode ོᕽ‫ڑ‬ဘ Approx. 110~140 min Approx. 150~170 min Normal Operation Γલོᕽ Quick Ice Making යఀყϕ Ice storage quantity of the ice case ყϕ୽‫ڟ‬Нঽු Size ϕี˃ˉ Standard Normal Condition Large ௽લ ˃ Approx. 90 pcs Approx. 60 pcs ࠘90࢏ ࠘60࢏ Mode ‫ڑ‬ဘ ࠘110˷140˷ ࠘150˷170˷ Γલ‫ڑ‬ဘ Approx. 70~90 min Approx. 90~110 min ࠘70˷90˷ ࠘90˷110˷ When ice cubes are evened Approx. 140 pcs Approx. 110 pcs out to the front side of the case Ӱϕีϩ‫܉‬஋‫ڑڟ‬ဘ It takes longer time for ice making in the following cases. When using for the first time (it may take more than 24 hours) When a large amount of food are stored in the refrigerator compartment at one time When the door is opened/closed frequently In case of power failure After cleaning the ice tray When surrounding temperature is low in winter time, etc ࠘140࢏ ࠘110࢏ ̾ʮ‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬๼అЙყϕढ෢ԁ‫۝‬Ą ࡶЩպ΢ढ!)͟৖ᄯϻ྆24ˉढ* ໋ϕሑ݉˱ϵϣʙढ෢ᏽІ˃ු‫ܢࡵڟ‬ढ ሑ۞લ௝෠ଂƟᘰఖ ໋੄ྫढ ଼޿ϕᇺ྆‫ݣ‬ ໋͌̈Ͳֺ‫ڟ‬ॉຣѳĂ൉൉ Notice Amount of ice cubes stored is automatically detected with the quantity-check lever (usually invisible) of the automatic ice maker. The ice making is automatically Front stopped when the amount of ice cubes stored reached a certain level. The ice making is resumed when the amount of ice cubes becomes small. The maximum ice storage Ice scoop Quantity-check lever line shows the maximum level in the case where ice cubes are made evenly in the ϕᘤ ᏽϕුഁ‫ڣ‬ଜ ice case. If ice cubes are accumulated only on a part of the ice case, the ice cubes Maximum ice storage line touch the lever before the ice case is actually filled with ice cubes and the ice making శ˃ᏽϕѝ༊ᆿລሣ operation may be stopped even though the amount of ice cubes stored is small. ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ ь੝ყϕጠʰ‫ڟ‬ᏽϕුഁ‫ڣ‬ଜĞ௽લ˚͟Վğь੝ᐮഁᏽІϕี‫ڟ‬ᆵුĄЃَᏽІ‫ڟ‬ϕีྀ֗ʙ‫ס‬ᆵු๼ь੝੄̥ ყϕĂ໋ϕีᆵු೵̍ढ๼‫ݮ‬ಈყϕĄశ˃ᏽϕѝ༊ᆿລሣ‫ے‬ΰ‫ސڟ‬ϕี΁‫ع‬ϵϕ୽˛ढ‫ڟ‬శ˃࣠ුĄЃَϕ୽˱ ͫФʙఋ˷ϕีфᓙԠФၖĂѮ‫ސ‬ϕีቹ֗ʟశ˃ᏽϕѝ༊ᆿລሣĂ҉պϕีᆵු‫̍ݞ‬Ăყϕጠʶ๼੄̥ყϕĄ Note Do not put anything in ice tray except ice cube. (The door may not open if ice making is in progress) 30 Quantity-check lever ᏽϕුഁ‫ڣ‬ଜ Frozen food Ѿ࢝ࡵ‫ܢ‬ Is frozen food left inside? Ѿ࢝ࡵ‫ܢ‬ϵཇ࡭ฝĉ ٧๎ ਸ਼ʟϕีቜ˼І‫ܢڐ͂֏ع‬ĄĞყϕ྆ു˛Ăሑ۞͟৖ഒ‫ٲ‬෠ଂğ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 30 Ice scoop ϕᘤ Is ice scoop left inside? ϕᘤϵཇ࡭ฝĉ 3/25/09 9:57:39 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ When you want to make ice quickly ΢‫ݨػ‬ᄯყϕढ Press ‫ݞ‬ One Touch Panel ۞ʰጇѰ࡭ٖ Quick Ice Making යఀყϕ Press "Quick Freezing" button on one touch panel. To stop this function before it is completed press "Quick Freezing" again. It takes longer to make ice in the following cases: When you first start using the refrigerator (it may take 24 hours in summer). When you frequently open and close the door. Immediately after you switched from "Stop Ice Making" to "Automatic Ice". One Touch Panel ۞ʰጇѰ࡭ٖ To make larger pieces of ice ໋ყఅ˃ᓻϕีढ Internal Control Panel ϕሑ˱ጇѰ࡭ٖ Large Ice Cube Making ყϕᎵጅ When you make ice using the automatic ice maker To stop ice making ΢ь੝ყϕጠყϕढ ੄̥ყϕ To stop automatic ice making, press "Large ice cube making" button and the lamp will turn off. ყఅ௽લ˃ˉϕี ໋௽લ᝗ΰጷ۫ਔढĂь ੝ყϕጠઠყఅ௽લ˃ˉ ϕีĄ ყఅ˃ᓻϕี ‫ݸ‬ʮĶყϕᎵጅķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĂ᝗ ΰጷ۫ਔढĂь੝ყϕጠઠ ყఅ˃ᓻϕีĄ ‫ݸ‬ʮĶყϕᎵጅķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĂ᝗ ΰጷၫພĂь੝ყϕጠ੄ ̥ყఅϕีĄ ࿥࿥ ࿥ "Large ice cube making" button ĶყϕᎵጅķ‫ݸ‬ᓤ Light OFF ᝗ΰጷၫጷ Ice Compartment (Continue) Making Large Ice Cube Press "Large ice cube making" button and starts making large ice cube. ყϕ݉! Ğᙷᛉğ Making Standard Ice Cube The automatic ice maker starts making standard ice cube when standard lamp is lit. ࿥ How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ ‫ݸ‬ʮጇѰ࡭ٖ‫ڟ‬ĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĄ ˛ఊଭ੄̥ढĂቜϔ‫ݸݙ‬ʮĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĄ ஒϫ̾ʮ૑‫ٷ‬ढĂ๼‫۝׽‬ყϕढ෢Ĉ ࡶЩպ΢ϕሑढ ) ࣇ̈‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮĂ͟৖ᄯࡌઠۖ 24ˉढĄ * Ꮬᒅ෠ఖሑ۞ढĄ ૃĶ੄̥ყϕķ˸ಲЙĶь੝ყϕķ‫ݣ‬Ą "Large ice cube making" is set to "Standard" (the lamp off) when the product is purchased. "Large ice cube making" is set to "Standard" after unplugging or when the power comes back on after a blackout. ๳ᓊඵढĂĶყϕᎵጅķ௩‫ߏס‬ņ௽લŇĞጷၫພğĄ ‫ئ‬ʮྫປࡧ๳ನʰ‫ݣ‬Ă‫ࡧྫ੄ؖ‬๳ଂ੝ढĂĶყϕᎵጅķь੝ᝐߏņ௽લŇĞጷၫພğĄ 31 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 31 3/25/09 9:57:39 AM ICE COMPARTMENT ყϕ݉ (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ How to Change the Settings of the Automatic Ice Maker ˸ಲь੝ყϕጠ‫ڟ‬௩‫࣠˱ס‬ By using the buttons on the internal control panel inside the refrigerator compartment, you can switch the settings of the automatic ice maker. ΢ϕሑ˱ጇѰ࡭ٖʰ‫ݸڟ‬ᓤĂ˸ಲь੝ყϕጠ‫ڟ‬௩‫࣠˱ס‬Ą Every time the "Large ice cube making" button is pressed, the mode changes in the order of "Large ice cube making" "Stop ice making" "Standard ice cube making". You will know the mode by the light and operation sound. "Large ice cube making" button Ķყ ϕ Ꮅ ጅ ķ! ‫ݸ‬ᓤ Ԑ໋Ķყ ϕ Ꮅ ጅ ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤ௝‫ݸ‬ढĂ˱‫ുס‬ӕઠ෷ ൿ̾ʮপӕᕽᝐ;Ķყ ϕ Ꮅ ጅķ!!!!Ķ੄̥ყϕķ!!!!! !!!!!Ķ௽લϕีķĄ!ѱઠ̾͟ૃጷώַጇѰᒐᛪ ‫ཾڣ‬୪Ф‫ുڟ‬ӕĄ Automatic Ice ь ੝ ყ ϕ When you make ice using the automatic ice maker ΢ь੝ყϕጠ ყϕढ Light ᝗ΰጷ ࿥࿥ Ice can be made just by putting water in the water supply container. Once a certain amount of ice is made the machine will stop automatically. At the time of installation the setting will be on "Standard". ͫࡌઠ̫٧ʣ൝̫ᇀ˱౷͟ყϕĄ І‫ع‬ʙ‫ڟݙുס‬ϕු‫ݣ‬Ă‫ۯ‬ь੝੄̥ყϕĄ Light ON ۫ጷ ! ௩༊ढĂː௩‫ߏס‬ņ௽લŇĄ ࿥࿥ In winter or times when you don’t need ice ͌‫˚ן‬෸‫۝‬ೈ ყϕढ Stop ੄ ! ! ̥ The light may flash when the mode is changed to “stop ice making”. The light will turn off automatically after approximately 20 seconds (it is not abnormal). Light OFF ၫጷ ໋ുӕ௝ಲ֗Ķ੄̥ყϕķढĂጷώ͟৖๼ਰᗗĄጷ ώઠ๼ϵ20ࠌ‫ݣ‬ၫພ! Ğ௻˚‫̆ސ‬લ*Ą The machine settings will go back to "Standard" after a blackout or when removing or replacing the electric light. ‫ئ‬૬ನᏞ‫ݣྫ੄ؖ‬ϔಈྫढĂ๼‫ݮ‬ಈЙņ௽લŇ‫ڑ‬ဘĄ Caution Never put anything apart from water in the water supply container. (Liquid like juice, tea or hot water may cause machines to breakdown distort shape (heat resistant to 50 C)). Do not make ice by putting water into the ice case. The case may break. The following cases result in damage to the automatic ice maker. When the scoop is left in the ice storage. Remove ice in the recess of the ice scoop, otherwise the ice scoop will be prevented from closing. Slowly open and close the door of the separate compartment. If you do so swiftly, ice may overflow from the ice case and fall into the freezer compartment. ٧๎ձ෶ ਸ਼ʟ̫̾ʹĂቜ˼ઠ֏͂ଶ᝝‫ع‬ʣ൝̫ᇀ˱ĄĞَΘą೽Θ൉๼అЙ൝̫ᇀ‫ވ‬ᄫ‫ؖ‬ᝐӜĞࠞᇥຣ‫ ߏݙ‬50°CğğĄ ቜ˼‫ڢ‬૥ઠ̫٧ʣᏽϕ୽˱ყϕĄᓗѻᏽϕ୽ক඙Ą ஒϫ̾ʮ૑‫ٷ‬ढĂ๼అЙь੝ყϕጠ๬ᖽĄ ઠϕᘤ‫ع‬ϵᏽϕ੢ढĄ ໋ϕᘤНঽఋ˱ФϕีढĂቜˠ̾͞ਸ਼ĄᓗѻϰϕᘤʹࠏĂфഒ‫ٲ‬ሂဂᘰఖሑ۞Ą ቜယယ‫ڟ‬෠Ɲᘰጿγყϕ݉Ă྆˷΢ʨ‫ڟ‬෠Ɲᘰ͟৖๼అЙϕีૃᏽϕ୽૬༣эѾ࢝݉˱Ą! 32 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 32 3/25/09 9:57:40 AM HOW TO MAINTAIN ۳ኴ̟‫ٲ‬ Please maintain at least once a year. ቜԐБэ̍ੈʙЩ۳ኴĄ Unplug the power plug. ቜਜ਼Ά‫ئ‬૬ನᏞĄ Is the power cord damaged? ྫሣФഒ๬ฌĉ Is the power plug hot? ನᏞФഒവᇥĉ Wipe clean unhygienic matter. ΢΀‫ٮ‬ʰຣ̫ᐢ‫ݺ‬Ą If dirt or stains do not come off easily, use diluted, mild kitchen detergent and then wipe clean with a cloth soaked in warm water. Do not splash water on the main body or inside the compartments. дܱ˚‫ؾ‬ள༣ढĂቜ΢ൃᚗ‫ڟݣ‬ᆁ‫଼ؒ˛ؘ‬ ᇓዘᐢ‫ݺ‬Ăϔ΢‫ٮ‬ʰຣ̫‫΀ڟ‬ᐢੁ୑Ą If water droplets are left after cleaning, wipe again until the surface is dry. ॼФ̫၎ढĂቜ΢ੁ΀ϔᐢੁ୑Ą Insert the power plug into the wall outlet. ۳ኴ‫ݣ‬ĂઠನᏞನʣನࣴʰĄ ! ቜ˼΢̫ାᑆ̺᝝Ⴤϕሑ˱Ą How To Use ΢!‫ٲ‬ If something requires further inspection contact the retailer from which you purchased the refrigerator. ! ყϕ݉! Ğᙷᛉğ (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Ice Compartment (Continue) HOW TO MAINTAIN (HOW TO REMOVE PARTS) ۳ኴ̟‫֣) ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫*ٲ̟ڟ‬ ЃَФၸੰĂቜఀ߁༄ኛ௎Ą After the power plug is unplugged, even if it is inserted again straight away, the compressor will not operate for ten minutes. However, if the interior of the refrigerator is not cool it will start to operate in about 30 seconds. ‫ئ‬૬ನᏞ‫ݣ‬Ă҉պγ҉ನʣನᏞĂϵ21˷ᚘ˱ծ˚๼ོᕽᐆᑻጠĄ Notice Maintenance of the evaporating tray is not required for this type of refrigerator. ٧๎ձ෶ ! ቜ˼պ΢̾ʮ୰‫ܢ‬Ĉ ąϵᆁ‫ؘ‬ટ΢଼ᇓዘ˞Ķઅ‫ࣳࣜػ‬΢‫ܢ‬ቴᆿΰ‫˞ٲ‬ᆿΰķ‫ڟ‬Ķଶ᝝ķᚽʰĂФ਄ཷឃؒ‫ࣵؖ‬ឃؒ˞଼ᇓዘ! Ğ͟৖๼అЙอሲ஢χᏹ඙Ăอሲ‫͎࡭ے‬୪กᝐ୪ණğĄ ą͞д঱ą‫ڳ‬Ժ঱ąί‫ٶ‬ąᇥ̫ąᖫ֕ąᄖąൃᚗዘąಮവ‫ٶ‬ąਨႠąၔΩ̫൉Ğ๼ฌࣛ֗ฯཆ࡭‫ؖ‬อटğĄ ‫ٮ‬Фࡵ΢‫ٶ‬ढĂቜਜ਼Άᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ğᓗѻอटᏹ඙ğĄ պ΢˽ደ‫΀ء‬ढĂቜϑཏኧպ΢ჳ‫ق‬पĄ ! ໋ࡵ‫ڟܢ‬೽Θۣൿϵሑ۞‫࡭ے‬ढĂቜγ҉ᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą ! อሲྭχФढ߼ਔվ๼Ф֘ฌৡ‫ڟ‬஠୷ĄЪႎ˞ߏນϫሣĂ‫ྭސ‬χϵЙӜढ‫ؚ‬అЙ‫ڟ‬Ąϵఆ‫ྭق‬χʰ५ѿ᝗ ஁ĂѮ௻ϵ઼‫ݙ‬ʰծԠФੰᖠĂ˚э‫ػ‬అЙᔞ඙Ą ௽‫ڣ‬ձ෶ Ώϕሑ˚ᄯࡌဇბവᇺ෌ї۳ኴĄ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 33 How To Maintain (How To Remove Parts) (Continue) ۳ኴ̟‫֣)!ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫!*ٲ̟ڟ‬Ğᙷᛉğ Caution Do not use the following items: Kitchen detergent with the indication of "blkaline" or "tlightly alkaline" on the #jndication in accordance with Indication of Household Articles' Quality Law#!column (this may cause crack or yellowing of plastic parts). Cleanser, powder soap, petroleum, hot water, scrub brush, acid, benzene, thinner, alcohol, bleach, etc. (these items may cause damage, scratch, discoloration of coating, stainless steel surface and plastic parts). If cooking oil or food oil gets on the refrigerator be sure to wipe it off (plastic components may crack or split). When using commercial cleaning cloths that contain chemical agents, follow the products caution or warning statement. If foods, juices, or soups get on the front surface of the doors, wipe clean immediately. There may be thin lines just like scratches on the plastic parts. These lines are called #xeld line" which occurred during parts molding. These are noticeable especially on transparent parts but do not affect hardness nor cause crack. How To Maintain ۳ኴ Ѯ‫ސ‬Ă໋ϕሑ˱˚Ѿ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐Ă࠘30ࠌ‫ۯݣ‬๼෠‫ོז‬ᕽĄ 33 3/25/09 9:57:40 AM HOW TO MAINTAIN (HOW TO REMOVE PARTS) ۳ኴ̟‫֣) ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫*ٲ̟ڟ‬ Control panel and the door surface ጇѰ࡭ٖąሑ۞‫࡭ے‬ Wipe the control panel with a soft dry cloth. Never expose the control panel to water, since this may cause failure. Wipe the surface of the door with soft cloth soaked in warm water (this applies to the stainless steel door type). ጇѰ࡭ٖቜ΢௺΀ᐢੁĄ ቜ˼᝱̫ᔰэጇѰ࡭ٖʰĂЃЪઠ๼అЙ‫ވ‬ᄫĄ ሑ۞‫࡭ے‬ቜ΢௺΀‫ٮ‬ຣ̫ᐢ‫ݺ‬Ğ˚ᚚᏁሑ۞‫ܮ‬ʶϣᆺğĄ Door Seal ሑ۞᜜ନ Door seals get dirty easily so they should be wiped clean with extra care. Υ‫ػ‬௻࢏ఋϋశ࣠‫ۣؾ‬ൿдܱĂቜᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą Areas where Liquids Collect ೽ΘН෱ఋ Wipe clean areas where liquids have collected. ʙ΍ંፖ೽ΘĂቜᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą Areas where liquids collect ೽ΘН෱ఋ The Back of the Refrigerator/Floor ϕሑ‫࡭ࠧڟ‬Ⴤϴ࡭ Remove the mount cover by pulling it towards you. Push it on from the front to replace it. ( Pg. 11) ઠ‫׻‬ა‫؁؜‬՘‫ݣ܉‬ˠ֣̾ਸ਼Ą Њཆढ‫ૃ܌‬Γ࡭‫ث‬ʣ҉͟Ą Ğ!!!!!!!22!ࡲğ Turn the adjustable mounts so they come up off the floor and pull out the refrigerator. For a floor that may be easily scratched put down some kind of protective mat. ଋᕽቡ໽༚Ăૃϴ࡭ग़ਔ‫ݣ‬ϔ ‫͎ش‬ϕሑĄ࠷ᚴ࣠‫֘ؾ‬ฌ‫ڟ‬ϴ ٖĂ‫܌‬ኜʰ۳ᛖٖĄ Wipe clean the rear surface, wall and floor. The back of the refrigerator gets dirty easily and blackens due to fine dust from air currents accumulating on top of dust that has already gathered in this area. ઠࠧ࡭ăᑓዩăϴ࡭ʰдܱᐢ ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą ࠧ࡭࣠‫ંؾ‬ፖи࿨Ăծ๼ϰ‫ڪ‬ ॉဇ޺‫ڟ‬ᘰ‫۽‬Ăф࣠‫ۣؾ‬ൿ஠ ์и࿨ჄдܱĄ Turn adjustable mounts ଋᕽቡ໽༚ 34 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 34 3/25/09 9:57:41 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Internal ሑ˱ Single door type ౐۞ӜВ Height adjustable shelf ͟ቡВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Descendible case ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ Twin door type ᖖ۞ӜВ Lower shelf ѳᅹ‫ޜ‬ Fixed door pockets Height adjustable shelf ‫࣠ס־‬ዢ༊‫ڐ‬ Descendible case ͟ቡВᅹ‫ޜ‬ ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ Height adjustable pocket ͟ቡВ༊‫ޜڐ‬ Lower shelf ѳᅹ‫ޜ‬ Door pocket (upper) ༊ ‫) ޜ ڐ‬ʰ ᅹ * Height adjustable pockets (2 levels) ͟ቡВ༊‫)!ޜڐ‬3ᅹ* Door pocket (lower) ༊ ‫) ޜ ڐ‬ʮ ᅹ * Fixed shelf ‫ס־‬ᅹ‫ޜ‬ Reversible shelf ᕚᕽВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Door pocket (left) ༊ ‫* ;) ޜ ڐ‬ Pull-out shelf ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬ Vacuum compartment ঍‫!!݉ڪ‬ )Y!Tztufn!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* Reversible shelf ᕚᕽВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Fixed shelf ‫ס־‬ᅹ‫ޜ‬ Pull-out shelf ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬ Vacuum compartment ঍‫!!݉ڪ‬ )Y!Tztufn!঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ* Refrigerator Compartment Ѿᕠ݉ Descendible case ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ ി์ϩʰ‫͎؜‬Ą Reversible shelf ᕚᕽВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Lift the rear of the shelf a little and pull it out towards you. To insert the shelf, push the shelf in until the end. Pull out towards you, remove by first removing the 2 stoppers at bottom right. ϵ˱‫؁‬ʰ‫ط‬ਔĂϔϩ‫͎؜܉‬Ą ЊཆढĂቜሂဂϴ᝱ᅹ‫ذޜ‬ў‫̟ݣ‬૰ʣĄ ‫؁‬՘‫͎؜܉‬Ă֥͎͡੏‫׻‬ఋ‫̥ڟ‬੝ ཆ༊‫ݣ‬Ӱᅹ‫͎֥ޜ‬Ą Pull-out shelf ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬ Fixed door pockets ‫࣠ס־‬ዢ༊‫ޜڐ‬ ָ ָ Completely pull out, lift up and pull out towards you. Remove by lifting while lightly tapping the bottom surface at both ends. ി์ϩʰ‫͎؜‬Ą Ӈϒϴ‫ݣ͎؜‬Ăϩʰ‫؁‬՘‫͎؜܉‬Ą ᄆᄆိΈ;͡‫࡭׻‬Ăϔ‫ط‬਽ˠ֣̾ਸ਼Ą Vacuum compartment ঍‫( ݉ڪ‬X System ঍‫ڪ‬ȥɏȭ) Slightly lift up the front side of the vacuum compartment case, release the case from the catch on the door and pull it towards you. ( Pg. 24) Height adjustable pockets ͟ቡВ༊‫ޜڐ‬ ᄆᄆ‫ط‬ਔ঍‫܉୽݉ڪ‬ఋĂઠ୽ૃሑ۞ʰ‫ڟ‬૮ྙʰ‫ع‬෠Ă‫؁‬՘‫܉‬Ӱ୽ ‫͎؜‬ĄĞ!!!!!!!!24ࡲğ Caution Do not wash the vitamin cassette with water. ٧๎ձ෶ ቜ˼΢଼̫޿ႰΡশ୽Ą Remove by lifting while holding the knobs on both sides with both hands. To attach, push down with both hands. ֍̙ಫў֍੏‫ڟ‬ଋූ‫؁‬ʰ‫ط‬ਔˠ֣̾ਸ਼Ą! Њཆढ‫܌‬΢֍̙‫؁‬ʮ૰Ą How To Maintain (How To Remove Parts) (Continue) ۳ኴ̟‫֣)!ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫!*ٲ̟ڟ‬Ğᙷᛉğ Slightly lift up and pull out. How To Maintain ۳ኴ Slightly lift up and pull out. Fixed shelf ‫ ס ־‬ᅹ ‫ޜ‬ Height adjustable shelf ͟ቡВᅹ‫ޜ‬ Lower shelf ѳᅹ‫ޜ‬ 35 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 35 3/25/09 9:57:47 AM HOW TO MAINTAIN (HOW TO REMOVE PARTS) ۳ኴ̟‫֣) ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫*ٲ̟ڟ‬ Ice Compartment ყϕ݉!0!Upper Freezer ʰᅹѾ࢝݉ Open the door, lift the case toward you. To set the case, fit the 4 projections on its right and left into the notches on the frame. Έ෠۞Ăϩ‫͎֥̟܉‬Ą ЊཆढĂቜઠ;͡ 4௎ϩ۞ऱ֍ठ‫޾ڟ‬Տನʣ‫ס־‬Ą Frame ऱ Lower Freezer ʮᅹѾ࢝݉ Frame ऱ Stopper ̥੝ཆ༊ Open the door and pull out the slimline slide case and the slide case. Lift up the lower freezer case. Έ෠۞‫ݣ‬Ă‫͎؜‬ᒡ຤੝୽̅຤੝୽Ą ϩʰ֥͎ʮᅹѾ࢝୽Ą To install the freezer case, fit both side of the projections on the lower freezer case into the square holes on the frame. Set the stoppers on both sides of the slide case onto the outer part of the lower freezer case. ЊཆѾ࢝୽ढĂቜઠ୽˅;͡ࠏ͎‫ڟ‬ఋ˷ϩ۞ऱ֍ठ‫޾ڟ‬Տನʣ‫ס־‬Ą ቜઠ຤੝୽֍ठ‫̥ڟ‬੝ཆ༊ನʣʮᅹѾ࢝୽‫ʹڟ‬੏Ą Vegetable Compartment ሹَ۳ᔀ݉ Small vegetable case ຤੝Вၳ໥ࡵ‫ܢ‬ጌ୩୽ Projection ࠏਔ Corner holes Տ̌ Frame ऱ Vegetable case ሹَሑ Fully open the door toward you and lift the small vegetables case as show above. ઠሑ۞ϩ࡭‫܉‬੏Έ෠֗‫׻‬Ą! Ѓ࿧ઠၳ໥ࡵ‫ܢ‬ጌ୩຤੝୽! ϩʰ૰‫ضݣ‬ʮĄ Lift the front of the door toward you, slowly pull it out and tilt the door. ઠሑ۞ി์‫؁‬ʰӴ‫ݣ‬Ăϔယ ယϩʹ‫؜‬෠Ă᝱ሑ۞ชଇĄ Caution Do not wash the moisture cassette with water. Lift the vegetable case directly above. To install it, insert the protrusion on the left and right back of the vegetable case into the square hole of the frame and set it so that the edge of the vegetable case rests on the frame. ઠሹَሑϩʰ֥͎ĄЊཆढĂቜઠሑ˅; ͡˱੏ࠏ͎ఋ˷ϩ۞ऱ֍ठ‫͍ڟ‬ʣ‫ڟ‬ऱ‫ޜ‬ ನʣĂઠሹَሑ‫ڟ‬ᘞሢ‫ޜ‬༊ϵऱ‫ޜ‬ʰ‫ס־‬Ą ٧๎ձ෶ ቜ˼΢଼̫޿۳ᑆ୽Ą When the pull-out door has been removed ː‫ض‬ʮ‫ت‬ઢ۞ढ Independent Ice Compartment Upper Freezer ጿγВყϕ݉ ʰᅹѾ࢝݉ Frame ऱ 36 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 36 Vegetable Compartment Lower Freezer ሹَ۳ᔀ݉ ʮᅹѾ࢝݉ Frame ऱ 3/25/09 9:57:48 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Care of the Water Supply Container ൝̫ᇀ‫ڟ‬۳ኴ To prevent the generation of "slime" and "water stain", ensure all parts of the water supply container are washed once a week. Remove the packing from the lid and wash it with water using a soft sponge. When no ice is made for an extended period, be sure to dry every part of the water supply container and restore it to the prescribed location in the fresh food compartment. we recommend that you change the automatic ice setting to "Stop ice making". ( Pg. 32) When you don't change the automatic ice setting to "Stop ice making", you may sometimes hear the operating sound of the feed pump. This does not represent any problem. Wipe off the water if water spills when removing or setting the water supply container. ߏᓗѻņ !!ΡᔇŇ‫ؖ‬വΡņ !!̫ܱŇĂቜਜ਼ΆԐྤʙ࢏‫ޑ‬ೈ଼޿ʙЩ൝̫ᇀăᔮ̫̰Ą ઠ࿬੼ૃᛖაʰ‫ض‬ʮ˞‫ݣ‬Ăቜպ΢‫ڟ௺ޙ‬ॕೝ̫޿Ą ‫۝‬ढ෢˚ყϕढĂቜઠ൝̫ᇀϨఋѝ஢χ۳‫ੁݻ‬ᑍ‫ݣ‬Ăϔ‫ع‬ϱѾᕠ݉‫ڟ‬௣‫ס‬ѝ༊Ą ‫ݚ‬ᚊઠь੝ყϕጠ‫ڟ‬௩‫ס‬௩ߏ! Ķ੄̥ķ ĄĞ!!!!!!!!32ࡲğ ໋ь੝ყϕጠ‫ڟ‬௩‫ס‬ԠФ௩ϵ! Ķ੄̥ķ!ढĂ๼༄લ᜙Վ൝̫߅ོᕽ‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱĂѮ௻˚‫୴ސ‬લ୪ණĄ ϵ֥͎‫عؖ‬ʣ൝̫ᇀढĂЃ̫޺͎ࡌᐢੁĄ Water supply cover ൝̫ა Lid ᛖა Packing ࿬੼ Hook your fingers around the step at the nozzle-end of the lid and remove it. (Do not open using finger nails.) Check that the tab is hooked onto the water supply container and close the lid in the arrow direction. ઠ̙‫عݾ‬ϵᛖაᅢᅝ႒‫࣯޲ڟ‬ʰĂϔ֣ਸ਼ᛖაĄ Ğቜ˼΢‫ݾ‬ΦΈ෠ᛖაğ ࡌᘰఖა˅ढĂቜሂჯ͚ှː૮ϵ൝̫ᇀʰĂഓ‫ݣ‬೉ሐᏞ ̟ϩᘰఖĄ Lid Lid ᛖა ᛖა Case ୽ How To Maintain ۳ኴ Water filter ୑̫ᔮ̰ Cover tab ͚ှ Water Filter )୑̫ᔮ̰*! Lid Turn the case in the ᛖა direction of the arrow and remove from the cover tab. ೉ሐᏞ̟ϩଋᕽ̺᝝Ăϔ ૃᛖა͚ှˠ֣̾ਸ਼Ą Case ୽ Exchanging Water Filter Change the water filter when it gets old. (Approximately every 3 to 4 years.) Ordering a new water filter Part no: RJK-30. Insure you have the correct part no. and order though the retailer from which you purchased your refrigerator. (Removing the water filter does not affect the ice-making function) ԁಲ୑̫ᔮ̰ ! ! ! ໋ᔮ̰тᕟ‫ݣ‬Ăቜԁಲ๳‫ܢ‬ĞԁಲᆿລĈ࠘4Ƃ5БğĄ! ࡏᓊԁಲટ΢୑̫ᔮ̰ ϩ̠γࣜྫӬ௚˛̖ᓊඵᔮ̰ढĂቜ‫סݾ‬୰‫ܮܢ‬༴ĈSKL.41Ą Ğ҉պ֣ਸ਼୑̫ᔮ̰Ăʶ˚ᆇᛪყϕ͒৖ğ Hold the bottom of the case and remove the filter by pulling the filter tab. ̙‫ݾ‬ᐆў̺᝝ʮ̟‫ڟ‬ϣढĂ ΢̙‫̫୑͎؜ݾ‬ᔮ̰ଋহĄ Wash with water using a soft sponge. ΢‫ڟ௺ޙ‬ॕೝ֕޿ੁ୑Ą Do not use mild kitchen detergents or bleach. The filter is easily broken so avoid prodding it with stick-like objects. ቜ˼պ΢ᆁ‫ؘ‬ટ΢˛଼ؒዘĂၔΩ̫൉Ą Υ‫ؾ࣠ػ‬ক๬‫ڟ‬ሢ‫ވ‬Ăቜ˼΢஠ೕ൉‫ܢڐ‬ ૷͎୴‫ڐ‬Ą Filter tab ଋহ How To Maintain (How To Remove Parts) (Continue) ۳ኴ̟‫֣)!ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫!*ٲ̟ڟ‬Ğᙷᛉğ Add water line ൝̫ѝ Water supply container ൝̫ᇀ 37 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 37 3/25/09 9:57:48 AM HOW TO MAINTAIN (HOW TO REMOVE PARTS) ۳ኴ̟‫֣) ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫*ٲ̟ڟ‬ Care of the Automatic Ice Maker ь੝ყϕጠ‫ڟ‬۳ኴ Cleaning the Ice Maker ყϕጠ଼ᇓ Cleaning ລ ర ଼ !! ᇓ Press and hold the "Ice making cleaning" button on the internal control panel for about 5 seconds until it beeps. ‫ݻ‬ᛉ‫ݸ‬ൿϕሑ˱ጇѰ࡭ ٖʰ‫!ڟ‬Ķყϕ଼୩ķ‫ݸ‬ ᓤ࠘5ࠌĂ‫֗ڢ‬ᛪਔ! ņ !!࿥࿥Ňᒐߏ̥Ą ጌ ୩ !! Tidying Up Empty the ice case. ࢇ‫ڪ‬ϕี୽Ą !! Preparation In case of first using the ice maker or if more than a week has passed since the last use, clean out any dust or smell in the ice trays or water channel. ࢤ෠‫ז‬պ΢ढ‫ؖ‬ය྆ʙ‫ޑ‬ೈ̾ʰԠФպ΢ढĂቜઠყϕᇺჄ൝̫௎‫֨୴ڟ‬Ⴤ୴‫଼ڐ‬୩ੁ୑Ą Remove the towel and any water or ice collected in the case. ଼ਸ਼ϕี୽˱‫ڟ‬ፖ ̫ąϕีჄ̩˒Ą Place a clean towel in the bottom of the case. ઠੁ୑‫˒̩ڟ‬ኜϵ ϕี୽˱Ą ࿥ Fill the water supply container and set it in its place. ઠ̫ࢇʣ൝̫ᇀ˱Ă ӇϒЊཆĄ ࿥࿥ Continue pressing for 5 seconds ‫ݻ‬ᛉ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݸ‬ᓤ! ‫ྀ۝‬5ࠌᚘ Cleaning ଼ᇓ˛ ࿥!!!!!࿥!!!!࿥Č Close the door and wait. ቜઠ۞ᘰʰĂ ൉‫ݟ‬ʙ๼֋Ą Close! After 3 minutes, the alarm will stop and cleaning is completed. ࠘3˷ᚘ‫ݣ‬Ă༼ᅁᒐ੄ ̥Ă଼୩Ѱ๾ӇЙĄ ࿥ ࿥࿥࿥ Wipe the case with a dry towel. ΢ੁ̩˒ઠϕี୽ ᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą Care of the Water Supply Pipe ൝̫႓‫ڟ‬۳ኴ!)΢ ̫ ޿ * Remove the water supply container. ֥͎൝̫ᇀĄ Water supply pipe ൝̫႓ Close the freezer doors (left and right). ᘰఖყϕ݉ĂѾ࢝ ݉۞Ą Remove the water supply pipe. ֥͎൝̫႓Ą Once a year ʙ Б ʙ Щ Wash the water supply pipe with water, and then reinstall it. ΢଼̫ᇓ̫႓Ăഓ‫ݣ‬ϔཆ༊Ą Water supply container ൝̫ᇀ There is a water supply pipe at the inner side of the water supply container. ൝̫ᇀ‫ڟ‬ཇը࡭Ф൝̫႓Ą 38 The water supply pipe can be removed by pulling down its top towards you with a finger. ઠ̙‫ݾ‬Ѫʣ޾˱Ăϩ‫ࢇ܉‬ൿ‫͎؜‬Ą Frame ऱ Fit the end of the pipe into the hole and push the pipe towards the inner side. ઠ൝̫႓ನʣ޾˱ϩཇ࡭ࢇʣĄ Make sure to install the water supply pipe before attaching the water supply container because water may spill inside the compartment if the water supply container is attached without the water supply pipe. Do not disassemble the water supply pipe. The surrounding of the water supply pipe may become warm due to anti-freeze heater installed in the bottom face of the water supply container. It is not abnormal. ϵ൝̫႓௝֥͎‫ٷڑڟ‬ʮཆ༊൝̫ᇀ‫ڟ‬བྷĂ̫๼޺ʣࣲ˱Ăʙ‫ࡌס‬ϵ൝̫႓௩‫ס‬Ё‫܉ڟ‬ಪʮ௩༊൝̫ᇀĄ ˚ࡌ‫ض‬ཌ൝̫႓Ą ઠ̫ᇀ‫׻‬ఋϰཆФթ͚࢝Ă൝̫ᇀֺ౜๼๐ᚈФ์ᇥ๐๐Ă௻˚‫ވސ‬ᄫĄ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 38 3/25/09 9:57:48 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Cleaning the Ice Tray (wash with water) ყϕᇺ଼ᇓĞ΢̫޿ğ Stop ice making ੄̥ყϕ Make sure to stop ice making to avoid failure and water leakage. ߏʟᓗѻവΡ‫ވ‬ᄫჄၓ̫Ăቜሂ‫ס‬ ੄̥ყϕĄ Remove the ice tray ֥͎ყϕᇺ To stop the water supply to the ice tray, press the "Large ice cube making" button to turn off the light. Frame ऱ Light OFF About once a year ˃࠘ʙБʙЩ ࡌ੄̥൝ყϕᇺռ̫Ă! ቜ ‫ ݸ‬Ķყ ϕ Ꮅ ጅ ķ‫ ݸ‬ᓤ Ă ! պ᝗ΰጷၫພĄ Open the ice compartment door and pull down the frame lever. Then, pull out the frame fully towards you. Lever Έ ෠ ყ ϕ ࣲ ۞ Ă ઠ Ӱ ̙ ‫ ݸ‬ʮ ‫ݣ‬ ଜ Ӱऱ‫͎؜‬Ą Pull out the frame straight to avoid water in the ice tray from spilling. Ѓ˱ఋФ̫Ăቜ‫΁̫ݸ‬ሣယယ‫͎؜‬Ą ᝗ΰጷၫጷ The light may flash when the mode is changed to “stop ice making”. The light will turn off automatically after approximately 20 seconds (it is not abnormal). Cover ა˅ Remove the ice tray from the frame. ઠყϕᇺૃऱ˛֥͎Ą ໋ ുӕ௝ಲ ֗Ķ੄̥ყϕķढ Ă ጷ ώ ͟ ৖ ๼ ! ਰ ᗗĄጷώ ઠ๼ ϵ20 ࠌ ‫ ݣ‬ь ੝ ၫ ພ ! )௻ ˚ ‫! ސ‬ ̆ લ *Ą Wash the ice tray with water ΢଼̫޿ყϕᇺ (When the frame cannot be pulled out. Pg. 46) Ğ໋ऱ˚৖௝‫؜‬ਔĄ!!!!!!!!!57ࡲğ Set the ice tray ௩‫ס‬ყϕᇺ Lightly rinse the ice tray with running water. ΢̫޿୑Ą R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 39 Make sure that the ice making has stopped before removing the ice tray (to avoid failure). Do not leave the ice tray unattached after replacement or cleaning (to avoid water spilling over the ice case). Do not open the ice compartment door while the buzzer is sounding. (The operation will stop.) When setting the ice tray, do not fill it with water (to avoid failure and ice sheet). Do not put your hand inside the ice tray compartment when the ice tray is not set. Do not splash water inside the ice compartment. ֥͎ყϕᇺ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐Ăʙ‫ࡌס‬ϑሂჯყϕ੄̥‫˗ݣ‬৖֥͎Ą \ ‫ވ‬ᄫ‫ࢨڟ‬ϰ ^ ϵΐཆ༊ყϕᇺ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐Ă˚ࡌ෌їყϕᇺ‫ڟ‬ԁಲ଼޿Ą \ ყϕ୽˱๼޺ʣ̫ ^ ϕሑവ͎ᛪᒐ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐Ă˚ࡌ෠۞Ą \ ๼੄̥ଂ੝ ^ ყϕ୽ཇФ̫ढ˚ࡌཆ༊Ą \ ๼Йߏᒡϕ‫ވؖ‬ᄫ‫ࢨڟ‬ϰ ^ ֥͎ყϕ୽‫ݣ‬Ă̙˚ࡌѪʣ˱ఋĄ ყϕ݉˱˚ࡌ෌̫Ą How To Maintain (How To Remove Parts) (Continue) ۳ኴ̟‫֣)!ٲ‬ਸ਼஢χ‫!*ٲ̟ڟ‬Ğᙷᛉğ Prohibited Light ON ᝗ΰጷ۫ጷ ‫ݸ‬ʮĶ੄̥ყϕķᓤĂ෠‫ז‬ь੝ყϕĄ ቜ‫ݸ‬Ķყ ϕ Ꮅ ጅ ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤ̾Έ෠! ᝗ΰጷĄ)ь੝ყϕጇѰ෠‫ז‬Ą* How To Maintain ۳ኴ Pull out the frame fully towards you, set ice tray on the frame and close the cover. ઠყϕᇺऱϒఋ‫͎؜‬Ăყϕᇺ‫ع‬ʣऱ! ˱აʰა˅Ą Do not put water in the ice tray when setting the tray. Ф̫‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮĂ˚ࡌཆ༊Ą Push in the frame securely until it touches the end and pull up the frame lever. ሂჯઠऱ௩‫ס‬ϵѝ‫ݣ‬ĂӰऱ‫ڟ‬Ӱ ̙Έʰ͞Ą Press the stop ice making button to commence automatic ice making operation. Press the "Large ice cube making" button to turn on the light. (Automatic ice making operation starts.) Remove the ice, if any, from the ice tray by twisting the tray. ઠ೤ϕૃᇺཇࢇ͎Ą Do not use anything that can scratch the ice tray, such as scrub brush or cleanser. (Ice removing may become difficult if these items are used.) ˚ࡌ΢໧֕Ă଼ᇓ঱൉࣠‫֧ؾ‬๬ ‫֎ˎڟ‬Ą ! )‫ސ‬պϕ˚‫ؾ‬ນཌ‫ࢨڟ‬ϰ* Push up the cover on the front side of the frame ( part) towards you. ઠऱ‫ڟ܉‬ა˅\ŕఋ^ϩ‫ݸ܉‬ʮĄ 39 3/25/09 9:57:49 AM ECO ALARM / OPTIONAL ᑗ۳ਰᗗƟ͟Ꮅ਩χ Eco Alarm ᑗ۳ਰᗗ If the door is left open for more than 1 minute, the door alarm sounds as shown in the table below and the eco alarm flashes to inform the user with the sound and light that the door is open. ໋ሑ۞௝෠ଂය྆1˷ᚘढĂሑ۞ਰᗗઠЃʮ‫ؚے‬ΰᛪਔ̅ᑗ۳᝗ΰጷਰᗗĂ̾௽྆ᒐᛪַጷώಪᎺ΢̘Ą œ Door alarm: Short beeps sound. œ Eco alarm: The buttons on the control panel on the door flashes. œ !ሑ۞༼ᅁĈ഻۴‫ڟ‬࿥࿥ᒐĄ œ !ᑗ۳ਰᗗĈሑ۞ʰ‫ڟ‬ጇѰ࡭ٖ‫ݸ‬ᓤਰᗗĄ Duration the door is left open ሑ۞෠ଂढ෢ After 1 minutes 1˷ᚘ‫ݣ‬ After 2 minutes 2˷ᚘ‫ݣ‬ Above 3 minutes 3˷ᚘ̾ʰ Door alarm ሑ۞༼ᅁ Short beeps ഻۴‫ڟ‬࿥࿥ᒐ Long beeps ‫ڟ۝‬࿥࿥ᒐ Beeps continuously ‫ݻ‬ᛉ‫ڟ‬ᛪ Eco alarm ᑗ۳ਰᗗ Flashes ਰᗗ Flashes ਰᗗ Flashes ਰᗗ The door alarm and eco alarm functions can be used for the refrigerator compartment, independent ice compartment and lower freezer. (It is not available for the upper freezer and vegetable compartment.) ሑ۞༼ᅁַᑗ۳ਰᗗ͒৖̾͟΢ϵѾᕠ݉Ăጿγყϕַ݉ʮᅹѾ࢝݉Ą ) ʰᅹѾַ࢝݉ሹَ۳ᔀ݉ഒЪ͒৖Ą * The eco alarm can be stopped ᑗ۳ਰᗗ̾͟௝੄̥ To Disengage the Open Door Alarm ཌਸ਼༼ᅁᒐढ Press "Quick Freezing" for approximately 3 seconds until hear door alarm sound. ‫ݸ‬ʮĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤ࠘4ࠌ эņ࿥࿥Ň༼ᅁᒐᛪਔĄ Continue pressing for 3 seconds ‫ݻ‬ᛉ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݸ‬ᓤ࠘4ࠌ ࿥ To Re-engage the alarm ϔ‫ݙ‬௩‫༼ס‬ᅁᒐढ Press "Quick Freezing" for approximately 3 seconds until hear door alarm sound. ‫ݸ‬ʮĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤ࠘4ࠌэ ņ࿥࿥Ň༼ᅁᒐᛪਔĄ Press "Quick Freezing" and turn off the light. ‫ݸ‬ʮĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĂ᝱ ᝗ΰጷၫພĄ Press ‫ݸ‬ Press ‫ݸ‬ Continue pressing for 3 seconds ‫ݻ‬ᛉ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݸ‬ᓤ࠘4ࠌ ࿥࿥ Approx. 3 seconds Approx. 3 seconds ࿥࿥ Light ON ᝗ΰጷ۫ጷ Press "Quick Freezing" and turn off the light. ‫ݸ‬ʮĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĂ ᝱᝗ΰጷၫພĄ ࿥࿥ Light OFF ᝗ΰጷၫጷ Light ON ᝗ΰጷ۫ጷ Light OFF ᝗ΰጷၫጷ œ At installation the alarm is set "ON". œ Unplugging and inserting the power plug or a blackout will reset the alarm to "ON". œ If you turn the alarm ON/OFF during the "Quick Freezing (Quick Ice Making)" operation, "Quick Freezing (Quick Ice Making)" will be cancelled. œ! Њཆढːઠ༼ᅁᒐ௩‫ߏס‬ņ෠ŇĄ œ! ‫ئ‬૬ನᏞ‫ݣྫ੄ؖ‬ϔಈྫ‫ݣ‬Ă༼ᅁᒐ๼‫ݮ‬ಈЙņ෠Ň‫ڑڟ‬ဘĄ œ!ĶයఀѾ࢝ĞයఀყϕğķོᕽढĂ࠷‫ݸ‬෠Ɲᘰ᝗ΰጷ‫ݸ‬ᓤĂ‫܌‬๼ཌਸ਼ĶයఀѾ࢝ĞයఀყϕğķོᕽĄ Optional ͟Ꮅ਩χ Replacement of water filter ԁಲ୑̫ᔮ̰ œ! Replace the water filter when it wears out. (Standard replacement period is 3-4 years.) œ! Replacement for water filter: Part number RJK-30 œ! ᔮ̰тᕟढĂቜԁಲ๳‫ܢ‬Ą ) ԁಲᆿລĈ࠘ 3.4БĄ* œ! ԁಲ΢୑̫ᔮ̰Ĉ୰‫ܮܢ‬༴!RJK-30 Replacement of vacuum packing ԁಲ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ œ! Replace the packing when it is damaged. (Standard replacement period is 3-4 years.) œ! ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ক๬ढĂቜԁಲ๳‫ܢ‬Ą! ) ԁಲᆿລĈ࠘ 3.4БĄ* œ! Order of replacement part: Vacuum packing œ! ࡏᓊԁಲ΢ఋχĈ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ Model ‫ܮ‬༴! R-SF60YMJ R-SF56YMJ R-S57YMJ Part No. ୰‫ܮܢ‬༴! R-Y6000 311 R-SF46YMJ R-S47YMJ R-Y5400 311 40 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 40 3/25/09 9:57:49 AM TROUBLESHOOTING ‫ވ‬ᄫʟฝĔ Check the following. ቜᐮ‫̾ޥ‬ʮձ෶Ą (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ If the refrigerator still does not operate properly contact the retailer from which it was purchased. ( Refer to back cover) Ѓَᓙ‫ސ‬ഒ‫ٲ‬ཌԚੰᖠढĂቜ߁༄ኛ੦‫̠ؖ‬γӬ௚˛̖Ą Ğ!!!!!!!!!ቜ੤ኧჳ‫ق‬पࠧ࡭ğ Frequently asked questions when using the refrigerator for the first time. ࡶЩպ΢‫ڟ‬લՎੰᖠĄ When this happens ௻࢏ढ࢐ ࡶЩպ΢ढĂ! ϕሑ˚৖͈ϋ! Ѿ‫ܓ‬Ăഒ‫ٲ‬ყ! ϕ Not cool at all Ӈϒ˚Ѿ It takes longer time to cool in summer or when a large amount of food is stored. It takes longer time for ice making when you use the refrigerator for the first time as ice making starts only after the interior of the refrigerator is cooled. It may take more than 24 hours to make ice depending on the amount and storage arrangement of food inside the refrigerator. It may take approximately 4 - 24 hours to cool after installation of the refrigerator. Make opening/closing of the door quicker or reduce as much as possible. Place the foods with adequate gap. ໋ࣇ̈ढ‫ؖ‬І‫ع‬ʟ˃ුࡵ‫ܢ‬ढᄯྲྀ! ‫۝‬ढ෢˗৖ӇϒѾ‫ܓ‬Ą ࡶЩպ΢ϕሑყϕढᄯࡌྲྀ‫۝‬ढ෢Ă! ϰߏΆ෸ϵϕሑ˱ఋӇϒѾ‫˗ݣܓ‬෠‫!ז‬ ყϕĄყϕढ෢֥Ԛ‫ܢࡵػ‬І‫ڟع‬ᆵු! ̅૶ϖѝ༊Ă͟৖๼ය྆ 24 ˉढĄ ϕሑЊཆ‫ݣ‬Ăᄯࡌ˃࠘ 4 э 24 ˉढվѾ‫ܓ‬Ą Is the power being supplied? ྫປ‫ڟ‬਩ྫΓሂฝ @ Has the power plug come out? Has a fuse blown or has a circuit breaker cut the power? Is there a blackout? ྫປನᏞФഒ‫ئ‬૬ĉ ۳Ꮞ൛‫ؖ‬ᔞ཯෠ᘰ‫ސ‬ҏː˸ᔞĉ Фഒ੄ྫĉ Make sure it is installed properly. Is the refrigerator in direct sunlight? Is there an appliance that radiates heat such as a gas cooker close by? Pg.12 Is there enough space around the refrigerator. ቜሂჯ‫ސ‬ҏЊཆΓሂĄ ϕሑ‫ސ‬ҏ๼‫ڢ‬૥ັ࣢֗෨ώĉ ۣۖФഒΟ಼ᙥ൉വᇥዢ֎ĉ 23ࡲ ϕሑֺ౜‫ސ‬ҏ۳Фᅶཉ‫ڟ‬෢ᄪĉ)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Has enough time pasted since installation? Њཆ‫ސݣ‬ҏː༄྆ʟʙ޲ढ෢ĉ It may take about 4 hours, and more than half a day in summer time. ϵѾ‫܉˞ܓ‬ᄯ‫ ࠘ۆ‬4 ˉढĂࣇ̈Ά෸‫ۆ‬඲ 24 ˉढ˗৖ӇϒѾ‫ܓ‬Ą Is the temperature control set on "MIN". Temperature control set on "MID" or "MAX". Pg. 20, 27 31-!38ࡲ ቜઠຣ‫ݙ‬ቡጌߏņ˛Ň‫ؖ‬ņ઼ŇĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Check inside the refrigerator. ቜሂჯϕሑ˱Ą Is there too much food in the refrigerator? Is there something hot inside the refrigerator? Is there any food blocking the cold-air vent? It makes the air flow worse. ‫ސ‬ҏઠࡵ‫ܢ‬ฬ‫྆ڟ‬ၖĉ Фഒ‫ع‬ʣᇥᚢᚢ‫ܢࡵڟ‬ĉ ࡵ‫ܢ‬ФഒઇўѾॉ͎ࡳʿĉ๼అЙѾॉ޺੝‫˚ٷڑ‬չĄ Are doors being opened frequently? ФഒᏜᒅ෠ଂሑ۞ĉ It takes time to fully cooled, minimize to open the door. ࡌ͈˷ఆଳᄯࡌढ෢Ăၾු˚ࡌ෠ᘰϕሑ۞Ą Are there any food items coming in contact with doors stopping them from closing properly? Make sure to place the food doesn't contact the door when it is closed. ሑ۞‫ސ‬ҏ௝ࡵ‫͚ܢ‬ўфҕ͘෠‫ڑ‬ဘĉ ࡵ‫ࡌܢ‬ጌᅆ‫ڟ‬НᕠĂᓗѻᘰఖ۞ढ໦ൿĄ When in trouble Troubleshooting (Continue) വΡੰᖠढ ‫ވ‬ᄫʟฝ@!Ğ ᙷᛉğ ‫ސ‬ҏઠຣ‫ݙ‬ቡጌ֗ņࣵŇĉ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 41 ቜၾӤ෠ᘰሑ۞̅˚ࡌ༄લ෠ଂሑ۞Ă ઠࡵ‫ܢ‬෢ኌ໋˷෠վ۳ІĄ How To Maintain ۳ኴ Not cool properly Ѿ‫̊˚ݙ‬ઊ Cause ࢨϰ Eco Alarm/Optional ᑗ۳ਰᗗ0͟Ꮅ਩χ When using the refrigerator for the first time, it can not be cooled properly, ice cannot be made Please check ᐮ‫ޥ‬෶ά 41 3/25/09 9:57:50 AM TROUBLESHOOTING ‫ވ‬ᄫʟฝĔ When this happens ௻࢏ढ࢐ Not cool properly Ѿ‫̊˚ݙ‬ઊ Please check ᐮ‫ޥ‬෶ά Cause ࢨϰ Is some thing like plastic bags being caught between the door seal and the body of the refrigerator or any gap? ሑ۞᜜ନჄϕሑΏ᝝˞෢‫ސ‬ҏҶў อሲ௡Ă͎୪ᒁᄪĉ Do not allow food or plastic bag to get stuck between the door and the refrigerator body when closing the door. ᘰ۞ढ˚ࡌҶўࡵ‫ܢ‬Ăอሲ௡൉Ą During “Quick Freezing” operation, priority is given to cooling of the freezer compartment and thus the temperature of the refrigerator compartment may rise easily. ĶයఀѾ࢝ķ˛ढѾ࢝݉ᏺϑѾ‫ܓ‬Ă ! Ѿᕠ݉‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ݙ‬๼ʰ̀Ą Is "Quick Freezing" or "Quick Ice Making" just completed? ‫ސ‬ҏ‫ސ‬ĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ؖ‬Ķයఀყϕķࢤ ൖԂĉ Food in the refrigerator compartment and the vegetable compartment freezes Ѿᕠ݉ąሹَ۳ ᔀ݉‫࢝ܢࡵڟ‬ൖ ʟ Minimize to open the door. ၾු̍෠ᘰϕሑ۞Ą Although the indicator lamp is lit, operation is not performed for 60 minutes after completion of “Quick Freezing” or “Quick Ice Making” operation. ĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ؖ‬Ķයఀყϕķதʟ‫ݣ‬Ă᝗ΰጷ! ᔈጷ60˷ᚘĂѮ˚ོїĄ Is the temperature control set on "MAX" Set the refrigerator compartment temperature control to "MID". Having the setting on "MAX" makes it easy for food and the water in the water supply container Pg. 20 to freeze. ‫ސ‬ҏઠຣ‫ݙ‬ቡጌ֗ņ઼Ňĉ ቜઠຣ‫ݙ‬ቡጌߏņ˛ŇĄ࠷௩‫ߏס‬ņ઼ŇĂ࣠‫ؾ‬ అЙࡵ‫ؖܢ‬൝̫ᇀ˱‫̫࢝ڟ‬ൖĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 31ࡲ Is the temperature of the surrounding area lower than 5°C? The water in the water supply container may freeze. It will make it harder for the water to freeze if the refrigerator compartment temperature control is set Pg. 20 to "MIN". ֺ౜ຣ‫ސݙ‬ҏѳ‫ ػ‬5°C ̾ʮĉ ๼̕ਔ൝̫ᇀ‫̫࢝ڟ‬ൖĄ࠷ઠϕሑຣ‫ݙ‬ቡጌߏ ņࣵŇĂ౷˚‫࢝ؾ‬ൖĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 31ࡲ Are foods that have high water content being stored towards the back of the refrigerator compartment shelves? ‫ސ‬ҏઠҤ̫ϋϻ‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ă‫ع‬ʣѾ ᕠ݉శ˱ᅹ‫ؖ‬ϕຣ݉˱ĉ Food that is near the cold-air vent may freeze. Be extra cautious for the drink cans, it may burst. ‫ع‬ϵ͎ࡳʿۣۖʶ࣠‫ؾ‬വΡ࢝ൖĄ̎֏‫ސ‬ᝬཆ ෽टĂ͟৖̕ਔক඙Ăቜ͈͑̾˷‫ڟ‬٧๎Ą The interior of the vegetable compartment is refrigerated indirectly from around the case so the case it self gets cold. Laying down a polystyrene tray will prevent condensation. Υ‫ػ‬ሹَ۳ᔀ݉‫ૃސ‬ሹඊ୽ֺ౜෌ї෢૥Ѿ‫ܓ‬ĂϰЪ๼࡬ѳሹඊ୽‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ݙ‬Ąቜኜ௩വ‫پ‬ ࡄʚଡ଼ٖ൉̾թ࢝ൖĄ Condensation forms (frosting) ൖᛩ!Ğൖᓷğ 42 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 42 In high humidity dew may form on the outside of the refrigerator, door seals, and door. Besides, the door surface may be fogged up with condensation due to cold air after opening and closing the door. These are not abnormal. ໋ຣ‫ݙ‬ੑ਽ढĂʹ੏Ⴤ۞᜜ନ̅ሑ ۞ʰ๼ൖᛩॵĄЪʹĂ໋ሑ۞෠ᘰ ढ๼୰Ρᘴ̫Ă௻ծۨ୴લĄ Are the doors shut properly? ሑ۞‫ސ‬ҏႧఖĉ Are there any food items coming in contact with doors stopping them from closing properly? ሑ۞‫ސ‬ҏ௝ࡵ‫͚ܢ‬ўфҕ͘෠‫ڑ‬ဘĉ Has any water been spilled from water bottles etc.? ‫ސ‬ҏ‫ع‬༊ϵ݉˱‫ڟ‬Ѿ̫୭‫̫ڟ‬ຖ͎վĉ Wipe clean with a dry cloth. Setting the temperature adjustment to "MIN" may prevent dew. ቜ΢ੁ΀ᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą ઠѾ࢝݉ຣ‫ݙ‬ቡ໽ቡϵņࣵŇ‫ڟ‬བྷĂ ౷˚࣠‫ؾ‬ൖᛩĄ Frost or dew may form even with very small door gap. Frost may form especially on the door frame when the pull-out door is open. ฉฉ‫ސ‬ʙᔈᔈ‫ڟ‬ᒁ෢ʶ๼ൖᓷ‫ؖ‬ൖϕĄ ‫ت‬ઢ۞Έ෠Ă५ѿ‫۞ސ‬ऱʰ࣠‫ؾ‬ൖϕĄ 3/25/09 9:57:51 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ When this happens ௻࢏ढ࢐ Please check ᐮ‫ޥ‬෶ά Cause ࢨϰ Are doors being opened for long period or open too frequent? Frost or dew forms if water content in the air is cooled. ‫ސ‬ҏ‫۝‬ढ෢෠ଂሑ۞Ă෠ఖЩᆵᏜᒅĉ ‫ڪ‬ॉ˛‫˷̫ڟ‬Ѿ‫ݣܓ‬๼ൖᓷ‫ؖ‬ൖϕĄ Condensation in the vegetable compartment. This is because high humidity is maintained to prevent the vegetables to be dried. Pg. 28 ሹඊ݉ൖᛩĄ ߏʟթ̥ሹَੁᑍĂ΢վઠሹَ۳ᔀ݉˱۳! ‫ݻ‬ϵ਽ᑆ‫ڑڟݙ‬ဘʮĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 39ࡲ Sometimes the running sound gets louder. After installation, the refrigerator will make a louder sound than normal because it will run at a higher power until it is sufficiently cooled inside. This refrigerator is fitted with an inverter-compressor. It will change to a high-speed mode and make a louder noise when the doors are being opened and closed a lot, if the surrounding temperature is high, or after defrosting. ͎୪˃ᒐࡱ ‫ޚ‬ղᒐࡱ ͎୪௻ղᒐࡱ ծۨ୴લ Њཆ‫ݣ‬Ά෸̾˃‫ڟ‬ʨු෌їོᕽĂ̾‫᝱ػۯ‬ ϕሑ˱‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ݙ‬՞ఀʮ࡬ĂϰЪ౷๼͎୪ྲྀ˃ ‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱĄ ΏϕሑФ๦ཷ QBNᝐᏜᐆᑻጠĄ໋෠ఖϕሑ ۞‫ڟ‬ЩᆵᏜᒅढĂ‫ֺڱؖ‬౜ຣ‫ྲྀݙ‬਽ढ‫ؖ‬ਸ਼ᓷ ‫ݣ‬ĂΥ‫ػ‬๼˸ಲЙ਽ఀོᕽĂϰЪ౷๼͎୪ྲྀ ˃‫ོڟ‬ᕽᒐĄ A sound like running water (trickling sound). A sound like something hitting (tapping or knocking sound). A sound like boiling water (hollow bubbling sound). A sound like meat frying (searing sound). These are the sounds of the liquid for refrigerating (refrigerant) flowing. They may be heard even when the compressor is not running. Ѓ̫޺ৡᒐࡱĞ຦຦ᒐğĄ ᆡᐞᒐĞ໦ğĄ ‫ٴ‬ᚢᒐĞ֬ᔏ֬ᔏğĄ ०шᒐĞңğĄ ߏʟѾ‫ܓ‬ϕሑ˱ф޺੝Ѿ౬ଶ‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱĄ! ໋ᐆᑻጠ੄ོ̥ᕽढʶ๼᜙֗௻ႍᒐࡱĄ A sound like something is catching (repetitive tapping). A groaning sound (low-pitch humming). This is the sound of the motor controlling the temperature inside the refrigerator that is heard before or after the compressor operation or when opening or closing the fresh room compartment door. Ё࿋ٍ͚֗љ‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱĞూూğĄ ֲᅤᒐĞҡğĄ Ѿᕠ݉۞෠ᘰ‫ݣ‬Ăࡧ๳ቡጌϕሑຣ‫ݙ‬Ă਻ྀ! ଂ੝‫ڟ̥੄ؖ‬ᒐࡱĄ A whine like small electric motor, rattling sound, or gurgling sound. This is the sound of the automatic ice maker releasing ice or drawing on the water supply. Even when the water supply container is empty, the sound of automatic ice maker pump is heard once every approximately 2 hours. ಱᒐąూ‫؜‬ᒐą‫ڝڝ‬ᒐ Ą ൝̫ᇀ˱Ԡ̫‫ڟ‬ढ࢐ĂԐ 2 ˉढ఍๼വ͎ь! ੝ყϕጠॉᐆ߅‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱĄ੄̥ყϕ౷˚ϔФ! ዡࡱĄ ‫ ވ‬ᄫ ʟ ฝ @!Ğ ᙷ ᛉ ğ These sounds are not a malfunction Фढ͎୪˃ོᕽᒐ Ą Troubleshooting (Continue) When in trouble വΡੰᖠढ The refrigerator is loud noisy some kind of sound is being made 43 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 43 3/25/09 9:57:51 AM TROUBLESHOOTING ‫ވ‬ᄫʟฝĔ When this happens ௻࢏ढ࢐ Please check ᐮ‫ޥ‬෶ά Cause ࢨϰ A creaking or squeaking sound (creaking). This is the sound of plastic component creaking when there are changes in temperature. The sound may be heard even the door is closed. ࿟ңᒐĞ࿟ğĄ ຣ‫ݙ‬ᝐ˽̕ਔอटྭχ‫ڟ‬ңᒐĄ ᓙФĂ۞ᘰਔ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐ʶ๼Фϣᆺ‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱവ͎Ą The hissing sound made directly after the door has been closed. The air inside the refrigerator is cooled down suddenly causing a temporary drop in pressure. ࢤᘰఖϕሑ۞‫ڟݣ‬ņ‫ܨ‬Ňᒐ Ą ӤఀѾ‫ܓ‬෌ʣϕሑ˱‫ڪڟ‬ॉĂϰᐆʨᆷढᝐ ѳ‫ؚ‬୰Ρ‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱĄ ͎୪˃ᒐࡱ ‫ޚ‬ղᒐࡱ This sound will stop if ice making is stopped. ͎୪௻ղᒐࡱ ծۨ୴લ This is the sound of the "auto cool" function operating immediately after the door is closed, to recover from the rise in temperature inside when the door was opened. ࢤᘰѾᕠ݉۞‫ࡳڟݣ‬उଋᕽࡱ Ą ߏʟӤఀ‫ݮ‬ಈΈ෠۞ढϕሑ˱‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ݙ‬ʰ̀Ă! ࢤᘰ۞‫ݣ‬ņь੝ϱಈѳຣŇ‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱĄ Food smells. The smell inside the refrigerator is strange The deodorizing function can not get rid of all the smells. Wrap and seal the food with strong smell with plastic wrap, etc. ࡵ‫ࡧݞཾ֨ڟܢ‬Ą ਸ਼৚ጠ৖Ώ՘‫ސ‬ഒ‫ٲ‬Ӈϒ͞ਸ਼୴֨Йϋ‫ڟ‬Ą ֨ཾ‫ࡌܢࡵڟࡧݞ‬΢۳ᔀሰઝ‫݌‬Ё‫ݣ‬۳ІĄ ሑ˱͎୪୴֨ There is plastic-like smell. Many plastic parts are used for the interior of the refrigerator. The smell gradually becomes less noticeable as the interior of the refrigerator is cooled. อሲ‫ࡧݞཾ֨ڟ‬Ą ௻‫ސ‬ΥอሲԅटჄ۞᜜ନ‫ؚ‬വ͎‫ཾ֨ڟ‬Ą ൉ϕሑѾ‫ݣ˞ܓ‬๼ယယ‫ڟ‬೵̍Ą The refrigerator is loud noisy some kind of sound is being made These sounds are not a malfunction Is the floor sturdy? ‫ސ‬ҏሂဂЊཆ‫ػ‬ϴ࡭ʰĉ Is the installation good? Is there some unsteadiness, or something not fitted properly? Install the refrigerator on a hard and level floor or place Pg. 12 a hard board under the refrigerator. ཆ༊ϵൖဂĂ΁࡭‫ڟ‬ϴ࡭ʰĄ‫ڱؖ‬ϵϴ࡭ʰ! ࿬ʙ઻ൖဂ‫ٖ̣ڟ‬Ą )!!!!!!!23ࡲ * Фഒชଇ௩༊ĉ The refrigerator is noisy ͎୪ዡࡱ Has anything fallen around the refrigerator? If the noise is generated because the refrigerator comes into contact with something, remove the thing in contact with the refrigerator to stop the noise. ϕሑֺ౜Фഒ‫ܢڐ‬૬༣ĉ ЃФ໦ٍ֗љവ͎ᛪᒐĂࡌӰᄫᗤ‫ڐ‬ਸ਼෠Ą Is the fridge in contact with the rear wall? Allow clearance around the refrigerator. ࠧ࡭Фഒ໦֗ᑓዩ൉ĉ ᝱ϕሑჄֺ౜‫ڐڟ‬᝝ᖔ෠ʙᔈල↤Ą Has the mount cover come out of place? Make sure to put the mount cover properly. ‫׻‬აФഒள༣ĉ ઠ༚‫ڟޜ‬აࣈЁĄ 44 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 44 3/25/09 9:57:51 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ When this happens ௻࢏ढ࢐ Please check ᐮ‫ޥ‬෶ά Put water into the water supply container. Pg. 29 ൝̫ᇀ˱‫ސ‬ҏФ̫ĉ 3:ࡲ ൝̫ᇀ˱ࡌ٧ʣ̫Ą )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Is there water supply container set correctly all the way into the back of the compartment? Push in the water supply container securely until the end of the “Container Setting Position”. Pg. 29 ‫ސ‬ҏઠ൝̫ᇀሂဂ‫ع‬ʣ‫׻‬ᅹĉ ઠ൝̫ᇀ௩‫ס‬ϵņ൝̫ᇀ௩‫ס‬ѝ༊ŇʰĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 3:ࡲ Is the ice scoop in the correct place? If it is left behind in the water storage part, it may touch the detection lever and result in Pg. 30 stoppage of ice making operation. ϕᘤ‫عڟ‬༊ѝ༊‫ސ‬ҏΓሂĉ Ѓ‫ع‬ϵᏽ̫ఋѝ˚௎୩‫ڟ‬བྷĂ໦֗ᐮ‫ޥ‬КĂ ౷˚৖ყϕĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 41ࡲ Is there anything apart from ice such as food items in the ice case? Do not put anything in the ice case because it may ouch the detection lever and result in Pg. 30 stoppage of ice making operation. ϕี୽˱‫ސ‬ҏФ‫ع‬ʣࡵ‫ܢ‬ĉ ๼໦֗ᐮ‫ޥ‬Кф˚৖ყϕĂ‫عࡌ˚ؚ̾‬෌͞Ą )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 41ࡲ ˚ყϕ ϕු̍ Is the ice case full of ice cubes? Even out the ice cubes to the front side of the case. ϕ୽‫ސ‬ҏཆၖϕีĉ ઠყϕ୽˱‫ڟ‬ϕีΈᖬĄ Is the water in the water supply container frozen? If the water is frozen, adjust the fresh food Pg. 20 compartment dial to “MIN”. ൝̫ᇀ‫̫ڟ‬Фഒ࢝ൖĉ ൖ࢝‫ڟ‬ढ࢐ઠѾᕠ݉‫ڟ‬ຣ‫ݙ‬ቡ໽ņࣵŇĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 31ࡲ Is the water filter old? Replace the water filter. (Standard replacement period is approximately 3-4 years) Pg. 37 ୑̫ᔮ̰‫ސ‬ҏтᕟʟĉ ԁಲḗ̫ᔮ̰Ą )4 э 5 Бߏԁಲೈ * )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 48ࡲ Is there a blackout? Ice cannot be made until the freezer compartment is sufficiently cooled. Фഒ੄ྫĉ Ѿ࢝݉˚ઊѾ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐౷˚৖ൖϕĄ Has the door been opened frequently or has food just been put in? Ice cannot be made until the freezer compartment is sufficiently cooled. ФഒᏜᒅ෠ଂሑ۞ąʙЩ‫ع‬ʣ˃ු ‫ܢࡵڟ‬ĉ Ѿ࢝݉˚ઊѾ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐౷˚৖ൖϕĄ Troubleshooting (Continue) When in trouble വΡੰᖠढ Is there water in the water supply container? ‫ ވ‬ᄫ ʟ ฝ @!Ğ ᙷ ᛉ ğ ‫ސ‬ҏઠь੝ყϕጠ௩‫ߏס‬Ķ੄̥ķĉ Press the “Large ice cube making” button to turn off the indicator lamp. Pg. 32 43ࡲ ‫ݸ‬ʮĶყϕᓙጅķᓤĂ᝗ΰጷၫጷĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Is the automatic ice maker set on "Stop" ? Ice cannot be made only makes a small amount of ice Cause ࢨϰ At times when the freezer is not sufficiently cold such the first time it is used, it may take 6 to 8 hours to make ice. In summer climates it may take up to 24 hours. ‫ۑ‬Щպ΢ढ໋Ѿ࢝݉‫צ‬ΐ͈˷Ѿ‫ܓ‬ढĂΆ෸‫ۆ‬඲ 6~8ˉढ‫ڟ‬ყϕढ෢Ą ྄֗ࣇ̈ढĂФढ‫܌‬ᄯ‫ۆ‬඲ 24ˉढĄ R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 45 45 3/25/09 9:57:51 AM TROUBLESHOOTING ‫ވ‬ᄫʟฝĔ When this happens ௻࢏ढ࢐ The frame cannot be pulled out Please check ᐮ‫ޥ‬෶ά Cause ࢨϰ Is the lever pulled down? Pull down the lever before pulling out the frame. Pg. 39 ̙Ӱ‫؜‬ʮվʟґĉ ‫ݸ‬ʮ̙Ӱ‫ݣ‬ઠऱ‫͎؜‬վĄ)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 4:ࡲ Was the “Large ice cube making” button pressed? It cannot be pulled out during automatic ice making operation. To pull it out, stop ice making and if the light is flashing, wait for approximately 20 seconds until the light turns off. Pg. 32 ‫ݸ‬ʮʟ Ķყϕᓙጅķᓤʟฝĉ ϵь੝ყϕढ˚৖‫͎؜‬վĄࡌઠऱ‫͎؜‬վĂ! ̾͟ϑ‫ݸ‬ʮ Ķ੄̥ყϕķ‫ݸ‬ᓤĂ᝗ΰጷ๼ਰᗗ! ࠘ 20 ࠌᚘĂ‫ݟ‬᝗ΰጷၫພ‫˗ݣ‬৖‫͎؜‬Ą )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 43ࡲ ऱ˚৖‫͎؜‬վ Size of ice may not change immediately after the setting of the large ice cube making is changed. ყϕ௩‫ࢤס‬ൖԂढĂϕี‫˚ސˉ˃ڟ‬๼਻ʰᝐ‫ڟ‬Ą Size of ice cannot be changed ϕี‫ˉ˃ڟ‬ ˚ᝐ Ice cube are round, small, joined together ϕีᝐหą ᝐˉąᔇൿ ϵʙਔ Projection ࠏਔ “Larger” size of ice may not be made if the water level in the water supply container is low. Add water in the water supply container. Pg. 29 ൝̫ᇀ˱‫ු̫ڟ‬ᝐ̍‫ڟ‬བྷĂ౷˚ ৖ყ͎˃ี‫ڟ‬ϕĄ ‫؁‬൝̫ᇀ˱٧̫Ą )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 3:ࡲ Is horizontal adjustment made properly? Is horizontal adjustment is not made properly, ice size cannot be uniform. Pg. 12 ‫ސ‬ҏԠФቡጌЁ΁їቡጌĄ ԠФቡጌЁ΁їጌ‫ڟ‬ቡབྷĂ౷ყ˚͎΁ү 23ࡲ ˃ˉ‫ڟ‬ϕีĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Has the ice been left stored for a long time? This is because ice was sublimated. ϕี‫ސ‬ҏ‫̊ع‬ʴʟĉ ϕีᎊ˽ʟĄ Has the door been opened frequently or left open for a long time? Ice cannot be made until the freezer compartment is sufficiently cooled. ФഒᏜᒅ෠ଂሑ۞ąΈ෠ሑ۞‫ڟ‬ढ෢ ྆ʴĉ Ѿ࢝݉˚ઊѾ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐౷˚৖ൖϕĄ Is there a blackout? Ice cannot be made until the freezer compartment is sufficiently cooled. Фഒ੄ྫĉ Ѿ࢝݉˚ઊѾ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐౷˚৖ൖϕĄ Was the ice tray set with water in it? Make sure to empty the ice tray before setting it in the ice maker. ‫ސ‬ҏϵყϕ୽˱Ф̫‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮཆ༊‫ڟ‬ĉ ʙ‫ࡌס‬ϵყϕ୽˱‫ڟڪސ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮཆ༊Ą When the water in the water supply container runs out and has just been filled, the first ice to come out of the machine may be joined together or small. If ices cubes are joined, separate them with the provided ice scoop. Фढ࢐໋൝̫ᇀ˱Ԡ̫ʟĂ‫ڱؖ‬٧̫‫ࢤݣ‬෠‫ੈז‬Ё‫ڟ‬ϕีʶ๼വΡߺˣ௿ൖ‫ؖ‬ᝐˉĄ ϕี⇀௿ढĂቜ΢ۣᚴ‫ڟ‬ϕᘤ͑̾˷෠Ą Water passage is made on the ice tray to make ice cubes of uniform size. This water passage makes projection at the end of ice cube. 46 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 46 ࡌੈ͎ʙᆺ˃ˉ‫ڟ‬ϕีढ‫ݣ‬Ăყϕ୽Ф௻ᆺ‫཯̫ڟ‬௩ࡎĂ௻ᆺ‫཯̫ڟ‬௩ࡎ๼պੈ͎վ! ‫ڟ‬ϕี‫܉‬႒๼୰Ρࠏਔ‫ڑ‬Ą 3/25/09 9:57:51 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ When this happens Please check Cause ௻࢏ढ࢐ ᐮ‫ޥ‬෶ά ࢨϰ ‫ސ‬ҏ‫ސ‬ϵԠФཆ༊ყϕ୽‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮպ΢ĉ ʙ‫ࡌס‬ϵཆ༊Ёყϕ୽‫܉ڟ‬ಪʮպ΢Ą )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 3:-!4:ࡲ Was the ice tray filled with water when it was set in the automatic ice maker? Make sure to empty the ice tray before setting it in the ice maker. Pg. 29, 39 ‫ސ‬ҏ‫ސ‬ϵყϕ୽˱Ф̫‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮཆ༊ϵ ь੝ყϕఋѝʟĉ ყϕ୽ʙ‫ࡌס‬ϵ‫܉ڟڪڪ‬ಪʮպ΢Ą )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 3:-!4:ࡲ Is there scratch or damage on the ice tray? Use of cleanser or scrub brush could result in scratch or damage on the ice tray and ice removing may thereby become difficult. ყϕ୽‫ސ‬ҏФฌ୷ĉ ϵΈ୩‫ڟ‬ढ࢐ĂЃպ΢଼ַ֕޿঱౷๼պ ყϕ୽֧ฌĂϕี૬༣ढ˚෷ҁĄ After pulling out the frame, was it set back with water or ice left in the ice tray? Do not pull out the frame for any purpose other than cleaning and replacing the ice tray. Make sure that the ice tray is empty when setting back the ice tray after pulling out the frame. Pg. 29, 39 ‫ސ‬ҏ‫ސ‬ઠऱ֥͎‫ݣ‬ĂϵॼФ೤̫Ă೤ϕ‫ڟ‬ ૑‫ٷ‬ʮϔЩ௩‫ס‬ʟĉ ਸ਼ʟཆ༊‫ʹ̾޿଼ؖ‬Ă˚ࡌ֥͎ऱĄ֥͎! ‫ݣ‬ʙ‫ࡌס‬ϵ୽˱‫ڪސ‬㏝‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬ʮཆ༊Ą )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 3:-!4:ࡲ Is the frame pushed in until the end? When setting back the frame after pulling it out, push it in until the end and pull up the frame lever. Pg. 29, 39 ऱ‫ސ‬ҏ௩‫֗ס‬ѝʟĉ ֥͎ऱ‫ݣ‬ϔЩ௩‫ڟס‬ढ࢐Ăʙ‫ס‬௩‫֗ס‬ѝ ઠ̙Ӱ‫؜‬ਔĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 3:-!4:ࡲ Is the ice tray removed without pressing the "Large ice cube making" button? Make sure to press the stop ice making button before removing the ice tray. Pg. 39 ‫ސ‬ҏ‫ސ‬ϵԠФ‫ݸ‬ʮĶყϕᎵጅķᓤ౷֥͎! ყϕᇺĉ ֥͎ყϕ୽ढĂਜ਼Ά‫ݸ‬ʮĶ੄̥ყϕķᓤĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 4:ࡲ Did a power failure occur while the ice tray is removed? Automatic ice making is performed automatically after recovered from power failure. Press the stop ice making button again. Pg. 32 ϵ֥͎ყϕᇺ‫ڟ‬ढ࢐Ă‫ސ‬ҏ੄ྫʟĉ ੄ྫ‫ݣ‬ϔЩོѰढ๼ь੝ყϕĄʙ‫ࡌס‬ϔ Щ‫ݸ‬ʮĶ੄̥ყϕķᓤĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 43ࡲ ‫ ވ‬ᄫ ʟ ฝ @!Ğ ᙷ ᛉ ğ ყϕ୽˱ፖ̫! ‫ݣ‬๼అЙ௿! ૥ϕ Make sure to attach the ice tray when using the ice maker. Pg. 29, 39 Troubleshooting (Continue) When in trouble വΡੰᖠढ Water is deposited in the ice case. Ice sheet is formed Is the ice maker used without attaching the ice tray? 47 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 47 3/25/09 9:57:51 AM TROUBLESHOOTING ‫ވ‬ᄫʟฝĔ When this happens Please check Cause ௻࢏ढ࢐ ᐮ‫ޥ‬෶ά ࢨϰ Is the water in the Water Supply Container old? To prevent generation of “slime” and “water stain”, wash the water supply container with water once a week. Pg. 37 ൝̫ᇀ‫̊ع̫ڟ‬ʴʟĉ ߏʟթ̥ΡᔇჄ̫ܱĂԐ଼ֺ޿ʙЩ൝̫ᇀĄ )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 48ࡲ Has the Water Filter been removed? Install the water filter in the correct position. Pg. 37 ‫ސ‬ҏː֣ਸ਼୑̫ᔮ̰ĉ 48ࡲ ‫ع‬ϵΓሂ‫ڟ‬ѝ༊ʰĄ)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Ice smells bad Is the Water Filter dirty or old? The standard replacement period of water filter is approximately 3-4 years. ϕีФ୴֨ ୑̫ᔮ̰ʰФдܱ‫̊ؖ‬тᕟʟĉ 4э5БԁಲʙЩ୑̫ᔮ̰Ą Have detergents or bleaches been used when cleaning? Wash the water filter with water. ۳ኴढФഒպ΢଼ᇓዘ‫ؖ‬ၔΩ̫൉ĉ ΢଼̫޿୑̫ᔮ̰Ą)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* 48ࡲ Have you stored any strong smelling food without wrapping? Deodorizing function cannot remove all types of smell and odor. Wrap and seal the food with strong smell with plastic wrap, etc. Фഒਬဇ֨ཾ઼२‫ܢࡵڟ‬ქʰ۳ᔀሰĉ ள৚ጠ৖‫˚ސ‬৖Ӈϒ͞૬֨ཾ‫ڟ‬Ą! ֨ཾ઼२‫ܢࡵڟ‬΢۳ᔀ௡ཆЁ۳ІĄ Pg. 37 This may be because minute air bubbles contained in the water were blocked into the ice. The ice has murky color ϕี˱ФΩ ѓ୅ጪ‫ڑ‬ ௻‫ސ‬ϰߏࢨΏːນʣ̫˛‫ڪڟ‬ॉ์ˉॉ‫پ‬௝͓ϵϕี˛‫ڟ‬ሢ‫ވ‬Ą Have you use mineral water to make the ice? When using highly contained minerals water to make ice, floating white particles (calcium crystals) may be produced. There is no harm. ‫ސ‬ҏ΢ᙪ޶̫ყϕĉ ΢ᙪ‫ڐ‬Йϋϻ‫̫ڟ‬ყϕ‫ݣ‬Ă๼͎୪Ωѓग़೬‫ڐ‬Ğ෗ቴൖೀ᝝ğĂѮဇʡ᝝ഒࣛĄ Water is not supplied even after "ice making cleaning" is performed When "stop ice making" is set for the automatic ice maker, the water supply route froze and water may not be supplied. Change the setting to "automatic ice making", and then perform the cleaning after 30 minutes have elapsed. ଼୩ყϕ୽‫ݣ‬ ‫ܓ‬ԠФ૶̫ ቜь੝ყϕጠ௩‫ס‬Ķ੄̥ķढĂ౷๼࢝ൖ൝̫཯ሣфഒ‫̫૶ٲ‬Ą ቜ௩‫ߏס‬Ķь੝ყϕķĂ྆ʟ30˷ᚘ‫ݣ‬ϔ଼୩Ą Water supply pipe is warm This is caused by the heater preventing water from freezing. It is not abnormal. ൝̫႓വᇥ ‫ྫސ‬ᇥዢϵթ̥ൖ࢝Ă˚‫୴ސ‬લĄ 48 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 48 3/25/09 9:57:51 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ ϕሑ‫ڟ‬੏࡭വᇥ ૃ༚ѳ௎വ͎๸ࡳ ࣲ˱‫ڟ‬ᇥॉ௽྆ࡳउַթᇥ႓വಹ֗ʹ࡭‫ڟ‬Ąࢤ෠‫ז‬պ΢ढ‫ןࣇؖ‬ढФ͟৖ຣ‫ݙ‬ʰ̀ э50э60‫ݙ‬ĂϵЊϒĂؒ৖ʰԠФੰᖠĄ Straight after closing a door the next door you opens feels heavy The air that went inside the refrigerator is cooled down suddenly temporarily causing a drop in pressure. ࢤᘰఖሑ۞‫ݣ‬ϔ ෠ଂढĂᚈુሑ ۞‫ݞ‬Ԗࡧ ϰۭʣሑ˱‫ڪڟ‬ॉ௝ӤఀѾ‫ܓ‬Ăպᐆʨᑡ෢ᝐѳ‫࠮ؚ‬Ą Very mild electrical shock can be felt when touching the main body Due to its electrical circuit, some electric capacity is generated for grounding. It is not a failure. If you are concerned about this, grounding of the refrigerator is recommended. ᚉဥʹሑ᝝๐ᚈ ņబబ‫ڟ‬Ň ௻‫ސ‬ϰߏϵྫॉྫ཯ʰဇ૥ϴ୰Ρྫॉ࣠ු‫ڟ‬ᘰ‫۽‬ĂծۨၓྫĄ ࠷˚‫̖ع‬ढĂ‫ݚ‬ᚊЊཆ૥ϴሣĄ One touch panel button is dim For energy-saving purpose, the indicator lamp becomes slightly dimmer in approximately 10 seconds after the button is pressed and the indicator lamp turns on. ෠ᘰ۞ጇѰ‫ڟ‬ ‫ݸ‬ᓤ‫ݞ‬๴ ໽߸৖ປ‫ࢨڟ‬ϰĂ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݸ‬ᓤጷ۫‫࠘ݣ‬10ࠌᚘ๼๴ʮվĄ When closing one door the other door opens Because each compartment is connected at the back of the refrigerator, the air pressure from closing the door may momentarily open another. ᘰఖሑ۞‫ݣ‬๼෠ ଂ֏͂ሑ۞ Υ‫ػ‬Ϩ݉శ˱ᅹ఍‫ސ‬ց૥фЙĂϰЪᘰఖሑ۞ढ‫ࡳڟ‬ᐆ๼అЙ֏͂ሑ۞ᑡ෢෠ଂĄ When the painted surface is scratched Take appropriate measures as early as possible to prevent rust and peeling off of coating. ‫࡭ے‬ᅢၘ֘ฌढ ቜዑఀੈൡ‫ݣ‬௎୩Ă̾ѻΡᚚĄ When there is a power cut Reduce the number of times the doors are opened and closed, and refrain from preserving new food stuffs. ੄ྫढ ቜ೵̍ሑ۞‫ڟ‬෠ఖЩᆵĂᓗѻϔ‫ع‬ʣ๳‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ą Troubleshooting (Continue) When in trouble വΡੰᖠढ This is because the heat inside the refrigerator is radiated out with fan and radiation pipe. The temperature may rise up to 50-60ºC when just started using the refrigerator or in summer, but there is no problem in safety and performance. ‫ ވ‬ᄫ ʟ ฝ @!Ğ ᙷ ᛉ ğ The side of the refrigerator is warm. Warm wind blows out from the bottom 49 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 49 3/25/09 9:57:52 AM WHAT TO DO IN THESE SITUATIONS ௻࢏ढ࢐ When it will not be used for long period of time After unlpugging the refrigerator, clean inside as well as the automatic ice maker, and leave the doors open for two or three days for it to dry. ‫۝‬ढ෢˚պ΢ढ ‫ئ‬૬ನᏞ‫଼܌ݣ‬୩ሑ˱Ⴤь੝ყϕጠĂծΈ෠ሑ۞ྀ2Ƃ3̈Ă ̾‫᝱ػۯ‬ሑ˱۳‫ੁݻ‬ᑍĄ Opening of the doors angle can be adjusted. ͟ᑻˉѾᕠ݉ჄѾ࢝݉‫ڟ‬෠۞Տ‫ݙ‬Ą R-S57YMJӜ R-S47YMJӜ ྭχ‫ܮ‬༴ Parts No. When the door is opened it comes into contact with furnitures Έ෠ሑ۞ढ๼ ᆡ֗ࣜ֎ R-S57YMJӜ R-S47YMJӜ Approx.135 Approx. 95 R-SF60YMJӜ R-SF56YMJӜ R-SF46YMJӜ R-SF60YMJӜ Right door ͡۞ R-SF56YMJӜ R-SF46YMJӜ Left door ;۞ R-S45XM 301 R-SF60YM 301 R-SF60YM 302 For details about parts and also installation and cost, consult with a retailer of this appliance (Pay service). Approx. 135 Noise can be heard in the television or radio, or the picture is distorted ྫග‫ؖ‬Нࡱጠ๼ ͎୪ᖕࡱ‫ؖ‬ᆇ࿋ ᖕਉ Approx. 95 ᘰ‫ྭػ‬χ̅ЊཆѰ๾Ⴤ඲΢Ăቜ߁̠γࣜྫ‫و‬ਜ਼˛̖ ĞН඲‫و‬ਜ਼ğĄ Please position it away from televisions, radios and interphones. We recommend you plug it in away from any antennas, ans give it an independant earth. ௩༊ढቜᄉᖔྫගąНࡱጠ൉ጠዢĄ ‫ݚ‬ᚊૌઠྫປ௩༊‫ػ‬ᄉᖔ̈ሣ‫ڟ‬ѝ༊Ăծ౐ጿ෌ї૥ϴĄ Defrosting The frost that sticks to the chiller will automatically melt off. The melted water will go into the evaporationg pan, and will automatically evaporate. No defrosting operations are neccessary. ਸ਼ᓷ ๼ь੝͞ਸ਼ۣൿ‫ػ‬Ѿ‫ܓ‬ዢʰ‫ڟ‬ᓷĄນཌ‫܌̫ڟ‬๼ҩፖϵბവᇺ˱̾ь ੝ბവĄ˚෸֓๎෌їਸ਼ᓷѰ๾Ą You can save energy by setting the anti-frost heater lower when the humidity is low. Cancel this setting if frost formed. When you want to save energy ଭ໽߸ྫປढ ϵᑆ‫ݙ‬ѳढቡࣵթ̥ൖᛩ͑ᇥዢ͟໽߸ྫ৖Ąቜϵൖᛩढཌਸ਼Ъ௩‫ס‬Ą 1. Open the door of the lower freezer. 2. Press and hold the "Quick Freezing" button on one touch About 5 seconds ࿥ ࠘5ࠌ panel for more than 5 seconds until a beep sound is heard. 3. Close the door of the lower freezer. 4. Press the "Quick Freezing" button again to turn off the lamp. 1. Έ෠ʮᅹѾ࢝݉‫۞ڟ‬Ą 2. ‫۞ݸ‬ʰጇѰ࡭ٖ‫!ڟ‬ĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫ූݸ‬ය྆ 5ࠌ‫!ڢ‬ ! ֗ņ࿥ŇᒐᛪਔĄ 3. ᘰఖʮᅹѾ࢝݉‫۞ڟ‬Ą 4. ϔЩ‫!ݸ‬ĶයఀѾ࢝ķ‫֗ڢූݸ‬ጷၫĄ ࿥ Continue pressing for 5 seconds ‫ݻ‬ᛉ‫ݸ‬ʮ‫ݸ‬ᓤ࠘6ࠌ To cancel the setting, follow the above procedure. The alarm will beep and the setting will be cancelled. 50 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 50 ଭཌਸ਼Ъ͒৖Ăቜպ΢ϣʰ‫ڟ‬ԏ᝽Ą௩‫ס‬ཌਸ਼ढĂņ࿥Ňᒐઠ๼ᛪਔĄ 3/25/09 9:57:52 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ This is to alert some malfunction The "Large ice cube making" lamp on the internal control panel is flashing Flash pattern Possible cause What to check 3 flashes Food or something may be touching the ice making tray or the ice quantity check lever. Please empty the separate ice compartment and carry out "ice tray cleaning." 1 flash This can be seen immediately after the power is turned on or when the stop ice making button is pressed while ice making operation is performed. After a certain period of time (approximately 20 seconds) has elapsed, a long beep sounds and flashing stops. )! Pg. 30,38* )! Pg. 32,39* ‫ے‬ΰ‫ވ‬ᄫ௽‫ڣ‬ What To Do In These Situations (Continue) When in trouble വΡੰᖠढ ϕሑ˱ጇѰ࡭ٖ ʰ‫ڟ‬ĶყϕᎵ ጅķ᝗ΰጷਰᗗ The "Large ice cube making" lamp will flash to alert you if the automatic ice maker, temperature regulator, or the defrosting mechanism etc, is not operating properly. Please consult with the retailer from which you purchased the refrigerator. Please check the following before consulting the retail store. If the light stops flashing, everything is normal. However, if it is flashing in any of the patterns in the table below, it may not be a malfunction. ĶყϕᎵጅķ!᝗ΰጷਰᗗढĂ‫ސ‬ϵҙ‫ڣ‬Ө࢈ь੝ყϕጠăຣ‫ݙ‬ૡყă! ‫ސؖ‬ਸ਼ᓷཆ༊͎୪ʟ୴લĄቜַૌ‫ؚ‬ᓊඵ‫ڟ‬༄ኛ੦૥߁Ą Ⴤ༄ኛ੦૥߁‫܉‬Ăቜϑሂჯʮ‫࣠˱ڟے‬ĄЃَ᝗ΰ॑Ͷ‫ے܌‬ΰΓલĄ ˚྆࿋ʮ‫ے‬ཇ‫ڟ‬᝗ΰ૑‫ٷ‬ĂФढዑ႓ԠФ‫ވ‬ᄫʶ๼᝗ΰĄ ᝗ΰ૑‫ٷ‬ ૰ഁ͟৖ࢨϰ Ӕଖ᛫݊ሂჯ‫ڟ‬ձ෶ Ф͟৖‫ܢࡵސ‬໦֗ʟ! ყϕᇺ‫ؖ‬ᏽϕුᐮഁଜĄ ቜઠጿγВყϕ଼݉‫ڪ‬Ă ဂ‫ފ‬ Ķყϕᇺ଼ᇓķĄ )! 30,38ࡲ* ਰ۫ 1 Щ ϵࢤನʣྫປ‫ؖ‬ყϕ྆! ു˛‫ݸ‬ʮყϕ੄̥ᓤĄ ി์Ğ࠘20ࠌğ൉‫ݟ‬ʙ! ʮĂń࿥.ŅᒐᛪਔĂ! ਰጷ੄̥Ą )! 32,39ࡲ* ௻ ࢏ ढ ࢐Ğ ! ᙷᛉğ ਰ۫ 3 Щ Something is wrong with the vacuum compartment? ঍‫ސ݉ڪ‬ҏΓલ‫ڑ‬ဘĉ Not sure if the vacuum state is formed ˚৖ሂ‫ސס‬ҏӜ Й঍‫ڑڪ‬ဘ There is no hissing sound when opened the compartment ЃَΈ෠঍‫݉ڪ‬ ढԠФ᜙֗ᅣᅣ ᒐ It is normal if a hissing sound of vacuum release is heard. Ѓَ᜙֗঍‫ڑڪ‬ဘཌਸ਼ढ‫ڟ‬ᅣᅣᒐĂ‫܌‬঍‫݉ڪ‬ΓલĄ Is the “Vacuum” indicator light ON? Is the handle not pulled down? Did the vacuum packing or vacuum release valve (blue) located below the handle come off or are they loose? There may not be a hissing sound immediately after the vacuum compartment is opened/closed because the vacuum pump is in the stand-by state for starting operation at this time. This is not a failure. Is any food package, etc. stuck or dirt is deposited on the vacuum packing? ņ঍‫ڪ‬ǩȓDZŇ‫ݾڟ‬ΰጷ۫ฝĉ ԠФ‫؜‬ʮӰ̙ฝĉ ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬‫ؖ‬঍‫ڪ‬ཌਸ਼̌Ğᕢѓğ‫ސ˚ސ‬૬ʟ‫ڱؖ‬ᖬ੝ʟĉ ঍‫݉ڪ‬Έ෠Ɵᘰఖ‫͟ݣ‬৖ԠФᅣᅣᒐĂ௻‫ސ‬ϰߏ঍‫߅ڪ‬ЪढΓ௎‫ػ‬෠‫ོז‬ᕽ‫ڑּݟڟ‬ဘĂ ф˚‫ވސ‬ᄫĄ ‫ސ‬ҏࡵ‫͓ܢ‬ཆ͚ўʟ‫ڱؖ‬дܱ‫ٮ‬ϵ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬ʰʟĉ 51 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 51 3/25/09 9:57:52 AM WHAT TO DO IN THESE SITUATIONS ௻࢏ढ࢐ The handle cannot be locked Is any food, etc. stuck on the vacuum packing or inner side of the vacuum compartment case? Is the front side of the vacuum compartment case released from the catch on the door? Ӱ̙˚৖ᖇႧ ঍‫ڟ୽݉ڪ‬঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬‫˱ڱؖ‬ఋ‫ސ‬ҏ௝ࡵ‫ڐ‬൉͚ўʟĉ ঍‫܉ڟ୽݉ڪ‬ఋ‫ސ‬ҏːૃሑ۞‫ڟ‬૮ྙʰ‫ع‬෠ʟĉ A humming sound and vibration are generated from around the vacuum compartment This is the sound of the pump making vacuum, which is not abnormal. If this sound is unfavorable at night, etc., you can stop the operation of the vacuum pump. If the sound or vibration is observed frequently, something may be stuck on the door or the vacuum packing may be dirty. ঍‫ֺ݉ڪ‬౜വ͎ ลลᒐַኪ੝ ௻‫߅ސ‬ყఅ঍‫ڪ‬ढവ͎‫ڟ‬ᒐࡱĂф˚‫୴ސ‬લ୪ණĄ Ѓَ‫ׇ‬෢ᚈુ௻࢏ᒐࡱҞĂ̾͟੄̥঍‫ོڟ߅ڪ‬ᕽĄ Ѓَᒐࡱ‫ڱؖ‬ए੝̨ྲྀᏜᒅĂ͟৖‫ސ‬ሑ۞௝͚ў‫ڱؖ‬঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬͟৖ФдܱĄ Water drops or dew is deposited inside the vacuum compartment ঍‫˱݉ڪ‬ఋ‫ٮ‬Ф ̫၎‫ؖ‬዗ᛩ It is recommended to cover the food having high water content with plastic wrap. If water drops or dew is deposited, please wipe it off with a dry cloth. ‫ݚ‬ᚊպ΢อट۳ᔀሰᕭა̫˷̨ྲྀ਽‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ą Ѓَ‫ٮ‬Ф̫၎‫ؖ‬዗ᛩĂቜ΢ੁ΀ᐢੁḗĄ Note When wiping the compartment, take sufficient care to avoid touching a metal part, etc. within the compartment with your hand. ٧๎ ᐢ‫ݺ‬঍‫݉ڪ‬ढĂʙ‫̖ˉࡌס‬Ă˚ࡌ᝱̙໦ᚉ঍‫ۜڟ݉ڪ‬ᚴఋχ൉Ą The indicator light on the "Vacuum" button flashes The vacuum function may not be functioning normally. Please check the following:  Is the handle completely pressed down and the compartment locked?  Vacuum effect will not be reached if it is not locked.  Is there any food packaging, hair etc. stucked between the vacuum packing and the vacuum packing receiving portion?  Vacuum effect will not be reached even if a little piece of food debris is stucked.  Is the vacuum packing or the vacuum packing receiving portion dirty?  Please wipe clean if it is dirty.  Has the vacuum releasing valve (blue) came off or is loose?  Be sure to attach it to the handle hole securely. Ķ঍‫݉ڪ‬ķ‫ූݸ‬ ‫ڟ‬᝗ΰጷਰᗗ ঍‫͒ڪ‬৖ഒ‫ٲ‬ΓલጇѰĄቜᐮ‫̾ޥ‬ʮ‫ڟ‬ձ෶Ĉ  Ӱ̙‫ސ‬ҏӇϒ‫؁‬ʮᘰႧ̅ᖇʰ঍‫୽ڪ‬ĉ  ЃԠᖇʰĂઠഒ‫࠮ྀٲ‬঍‫ڪ‬झَĄ  ࡵ‫ڟܢ‬௡˅ă̩዁൉‫ސ‬ҏ௝Ҷϵ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬̅֏‫؛‬Мఋ˞෢ĉ  Ф஠์‫ܢࡵڟ‬໥ࣣ௝Ҷʶ๼ഒ‫࠮ྀٲ‬঍‫ڪ‬झَĄ  ঍‫ڪ‬ઝ‫݌‬࿬̅֏‫؛‬Мఋ‫ސ‬ҏ᜚дĉ  ЃФдܱĂቜᐢ‫୑ੁݺ‬Ą  ঍‫ڪ‬ཌਸ਼ᄨĞᕢѓğ‫ސ‬ҏள༣‫ؖ‬ᖬГĉ  ቜ԰‫־‬ϴЊཆϵӰ̙‫˱̌ڟ‬Ą 52 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 52 3/25/09 9:57:52 AM (Continue)Ğᙷᛉğ Before moving or transporting ஋੝Ć๨ོढ Preparations ລర Removing water from the Automatic Ice Maker ૶‫ع‬ь੝ყϕጠ˱‫̫ڟ‬ Remove the food items. ֥͎ሑ˱‫ܢࡵڟ‬Ą Remove the water from the automatic ice maker. ࢇਸ਼ь੝ყϕጠ˱‫̫ڟ‬Ą Unplug the power plug and disconnect the earth. Place a clean towel in the bottom of the ice case. ϵϕี୽‫׻‬ኜʰ ੁ୑‫˒̩ڟ‬Ą Remove the water supply container and close the freezer doors. ֣ਸ਼൝̫ᇀĂᘰఖ ጿγВყϕ݉ąѾ ࢝݉۞Ą Hold down the "Ice making cleaning" button on the internal control panel for about 5 seconds. Lift up the adjustable mounts. ‫ݻ‬ᛉ‫ݸ‬ൿϕሑ˱ ጇѰ࡭ٖʰ‫!!ڟ‬ Ķყϕ଼୩ķ‫ݸ‬ ᓤ࠘5ࠌᚘĄ ‫ط‬਽ቡ໽༚Ą )!!!!!!!!Pg. 12/12!ࡲ* After approximately 3 minutes when the "Beep" sound stops, throw out the ice and water that has collected in the ice case. ྆ʟ 3 ˷ᚘ‫ݣ‬Ă໋ņ࿥Ň ᒐ੄̥‫ݣ‬Ă଼ਸ਼ϕี୽˱ ‫ڟ‬ፖ̫ąϕีჄ̩˒Ą Please lay out a protective sheet on passageways before moving and transporting the refrigerator. If there is still water in the evaporating pan (which cannot be seen from the outside), the water may spill out while moving or transporting the refrigerator. ஋੝‫ؖ‬๨ོϕሑढĂቜϵ௽ཾʰ⮵௩թᛖ΀Ą ЃФ̫೤ॼ‫ػ‬ϕሑ˱ఋ‫ڟ‬ბവ୽Ğഒ‫ڟ֗߼࡭ʹૃٲ‬ğĂ஋੝‫ؖ‬๨ོϕሑढĂ ͟৖๼Ф̫ૃ‫࡭ے‬၎͎Ą Secure the doors well with tape so they will not open. Put some paper over the freezer door handle so the adhesive does not attach to the handle. More than 2 person are required to move the refrigerator. As shown in the illustration above, carry the refrigerator with the front facing upward. Do not use the drawer handles when carrying the refrigerator. This could be damage them. If transporting in a vehicle, do not load the refrigerator on its side. This could damage the compressor. Do not hang the refrigerator on a crane, etc., using the handles. It could drop. ϑ΢ሲળሂဂ‫ס־‬ሑ۞Ă̾թ෠ଂሑ۞ĄѾᕠ݉۞‫ڟ‬Ӱ̙Ăࡌϵሲળʮኜʙᅹ! াĂ̾թᔇൿዘۣൿӰ̙ʰĄ ๨ོढĂቜ࿍΢2ʡ̾ʰ̙‫ݻ‬Ӱ̙๨ོĄ ๨ོढቜЃ࿧ΰৡઠሑ۞೉ʰĄ Hold the handles (grip recess) ӴўӰ̙Ğ̙ಪఋ˷ğ ๨ོढቜ˼պ΢‫֥؜‬Вሑ۞‫۞ڟ‬ӰĄ̾թক๬Ą ΢ԡՙ෌ї๨ོढĂቜ˼጗їĄ̾թᐆᑻጠ‫ވ‬ᄫĄ ቜ˼պ΢Ϥՙ‫͂֏ؖ‬ዢଡϤ૮Ӱ̙Ğ̙ಪఋ˷ğĄ͟৖๼຤༣Ą ௻ ࢏ ढ ࢐Ğ ! ᙷᛉğ CAUTION ٧๎ ! What To Do In These Situations (Continue) When in trouble വΡੰᖠढ ‫ئ‬૬ನᏞĂ֣ਸ਼૥ϴሣĄ Be careful not to hit the back or the sides against anything, otherwise it cause scratches. WARNING ᚌҙ Any leaking of the coolants inside the walls of the refrigerator could cause fire or explosions. If the vacuum insulation material inside the walls is damaged, it will affect the cooling of the refrigerator. ቜ˼Ӵўࠧ࡭Њϒጀ௎๨ོĄ ໋Ѿ౬ૃϕሑ˱ዩ‫ڟ‬਩႓ʹ߉Ă๼Фਔ̬ăᗖߔ‫ڟ‬ϠᏎĄ 53 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 53 3/25/09 9:57:53 AM ABOUT NON-CFC REFRIGERATORS / STORABLE WEIGHT Фᘰႇ଱˽ϫ‫ڟڐ‬ϕሑƟ͟Нঽ‫ුࡧܢࡵڟ‬ About non-CFC refrigerators Ф ᘰ ႇ ଱ ˽ ϫ ‫ ڟ ڐ‬ϕ ሑ ! Instead of CFCs, hydrocarbons are used in the coolants and insulation materials used in this refrigerator. Hydrocarbons do not damage the ozone layer, and they are environmental-friendly materials, having an exceptionally small affect on global warming. CFC coolants are inflammable. The coolants are sealed in the coolant circuitry, and with normal operation they will not leak, but should the circuitry be damaged, refrain from using flames or other electrical products, and open windows for ventilation. After that, please contact the retail store or the repair department. Ώϕሑ‫ؚ‬պ΢Ѿ౬̅֏͂ᔞᇥԅट߱ഒպ΢޵೩˽ႇĂф‫ސ‬պ΢ႇ଱˽ϫ‫ڐ‬Ąႇ଱˽ϫ‫˚ڐ‬๼কᖽϴ୨ ৚ॊᅹĂဇϴ୨ຣ݉झᐖ‫ڟ‬ᆇᛪۨલˉĂᚴ‫ػ‬ᑗ۳‫ڐ‬ቴĄ ႇ଱˽ϫ‫͟ߏڐ‬ጽ‫ڐܮ‬ቴĄ!Ѿ౬ઝ‫ػ݌‬Ѿ౬ਟ཯႓˛Ăϵʙৡ‫ڟ‬պ΢૑‫ٷ‬ʮᐖཎ˚๼വΡʹ߉‫͟ڟ‬৖Ą Ѯ໲ʙФѾ౬႓ሣ๬ᖽ‫ڟ‬૑‫ٷ‬വΡĂቜᄉᖔ̬ປ̅ᓗѻպ΢ྫዢ΢‫ܢ‬Ăઠ۞൅Έ෠̾ҁ‫ڪ‬ॉ޺௽Ą! ˞‫ݣ‬Ăቜγ҉Ⴤ༄ኛ੦‫̠ؖ‬γӬ௚˛̖ᒒ൜Ą Storable weight ͟Нঽ‫!ුࡧܢࡵڟ‬ The following table shows the weight of food that can be stored on the shelves and in the cases. ͟Нঽ‫ػ‬ᅹ‫ؖޜ‬Нঽ୽˱‫ුࡧܢࡵڟ‬ЃʮĈ R-SF60YMJ R-SF56YMJ R-S57YMJ R-SF46YMJ R-S47YMJ Refrigerator compartment Ѿᕠ݉ Descendible case ʮ஋В‫୽֥ۯ‬ 6.0kg 6.0kg 4.0kg Lower shelf ѳᅹ‫ޜ‬ 7.0kg 6.0kg 5.5kg Height adjustable shelf ͟ቡВᅹ‫ޜ‬ 19.0kg 16.5kg 16.0kg Reversible shelf • Fixed shelf ᕚᕽВᅹ‫ס־ •!ޜ‬ᅹ‫ޜ‬ 19.0kg 16.5kg 16.0kg Pull-out shelf ͟‫؜‬Вᅹ‫ޜ‬ 4.0kg 4.0kg 3.0kg Upper shelf of the vacuum compartment ঍‫݉ڪ‬ʰ̟‫ڟ‬ᅹ‫ޜ‬ 6.0kg 5.0kg 4.5kg Vacuum compartment case ঍‫୽݉ڪ‬ 3.0kg 2.5kg 1.5kg Small-item storage case • Egg case ˉχ‫!•!୽ܢڐ‬ᏽ௖୽ 1.5kg 1.5kg 1.0kg 8.5kg 7.5kg 6.0kg 16.0kg 14.5kg 12.0kg Small vegetable case Vegetable compartment ሹَ۳ᔀ݉ ຤੝Вၳ໥ࡵ‫ܢ‬ጌ୩୽ Vegetable case ሹَ୽ Upper freezer ʰᅹѾ࢝݉ Upper freezer case ʰᅹѾ࢝୽ 7.5kg 6.0kg 5.0kg Slimline slide case ᒡ຤੝୽ 5.5kg 5.0kg 4.0kg Slide case ຤੝୽ 7.5kg 7.0kg 6.0kg Lower freezer case ʮᅹѾ࢝୽ 13.5kg 12.5kg 11.0kg Lower freezer ʮᅹѾ࢝݉ Ice compartment ყϕ݉ Ice case ყϕ୽ Do not store any ice cubes other than the ones made by the automatic ice maker. Pg. 30 ቜ˼І‫ސ˚ع‬Ώь੝ყϕጠყЙ‫ڟ‬ϕีĄ 41ࡲ 54 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 54 3/25/09 9:57:53 AM SPECIFICATION ௣ि Model ‫ܮ‬༴ Type ႍᘸ Total Volume ᒂФझ˱࣠ፖ Dimensions ʹ‫ˈ̏ܮ‬ R-SF60YMJ R-SF56YMJ R-S57YMJ R-SF46YMJ R-S47YMJ Refrigerator-Freezer 602 543 Ѿ࢝Ѿᕠሑ 545 451 453 ᅶ W (mm) 750 685 685 685 685 ਽ H (mm) 1798 1798 1798 1798 1798 ୏ D (mm) 706 706 698 626 618 110V 60Hz 110V 60Hz 110V 60Hz 110V 60Hz 110V 60Hz Rated ᖞ‫ྫס‬ᐆƟᖞ‫ס‬Ꮬ୥ Voltage / Frequency Rated Motor Input ྫ੝ጠᖞ‫॑ס‬৉ྫ͒୥ 112W 112W 112W 112W 112W Rated Heater Input ਸ਼ᓷᎯʣ͒୥ 170W 145W 145W 145W 145W 48kWh ̢ 49kWh ̢ 41kWh ̢ 45kWh ̢ 41kWh ̢ Energy Consumption ॑৉ྫු ৖ປϰᆵࢄ Refrigerant Ѿ౬ႍᘸƟ͈าු Net Weight ᒂࡧුĞ୑ࡧğ Deodorize ள৚ཆ༊ Automatic Ice Maker ь੝ყϕዢ Quick Cooling ӤఀѾᕠ Quick Freezing Quick Ice Making යఀѾ࢝ යఀყϕ Open-door Alarm ሑ۞ᚌౢዢ 15.6 /kWh/̢ 13.7 /kWh/̢ 16.6 /kWh/̢ 12.4 /kWh/̢ 13.7 /kWh/̢ R600a/85g R600a/85g 102kg 96kg R600a/85g R600a/83g R600a/83g 95kg 89kg 88kg About non-CFC refrigerators / Storable weight Specification Фᘰႇ଱˽ϫ‫ڟڐ‬ϕሑ!0!͟Нঽ‫ුࡧܢࡵڟ‬ ௣ि Energy Factor 55 R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 55 3/25/09 9:57:53 AM ̠γࣜྫӬ௚˛̖ʙᛔ‫ے‬ ˃͕ͮӬ௚˛̖! TELĈ (02) 2771-8200 ‫ۆ‬ሸӬ௚˛̖! TELĈ (03) 852-9400 ˛ᖿӬ௚˛̖! TELĈ (03) 491-2219 ͮ˛Ӭ௚˛̖! TELĈ (04) 2220-1133 ࿝༎Ӭ௚˛̖! TELĈ (05) 236-1943 ͮ‫ܒ‬Ӭ௚˛̖! TELĈ (06) 260-6939 ਽෰Ӭ௚˛̖! TELĈ (07) 522-9100 ̠γࣜྫĞͮដğ‫ڶ‬ϋФࡩ˴ͧ ͕ͮͿ‫ܒ‬յٍ཯ʭ޲65༴2ᇂ! ྫབྷĈĞ02ğ2516-0500 ̠γࣜྫႩমĈ R-SF60YMJ R-SF46YMJ R-SF56YMJ R-S47YMJ R-S57YMJ D R-SF60YMJ (D).indd 56 3/25/09 9:57:53 AM