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Individual Activities Pair Activities




Dear Teacher, This is a card with a list of simple activities that you can play with your class to get them more active. They require little or mostly no equipment. Go on and get out for ten minutes today with your class. The Be Active Committee. INDIVIDUAL Activities Circle walk The children should keep the body as long and as straight as possible and walk the hands around in a circle keeping the palms of the hands flat on the floor. PAIR Activities Chinese Knee boxing Partners face one another and attempt WRWLSRQHDQRWKHU·VNQHHV Russian Sprint Children in pairs stand one behind the other. Number two holds hips of number one and number one attempts to run down the hall. Fox and Geese Groups of four. Mother Goose, Father Goose and baby. Fourth member is fox. Mother Goose, Father Goose and Baby *RRVHMRLQLQJKDQGVZLWK¶%DE\·EHWZHHQ Father and Mother. The Fox is outside the ring and attempts to catch the Baby. By twisting, turning, dodging the parents must protect the baby. Figure of 8 Children in pairs standing side by side with feet and arms outstretched. They number themselves 1 and 2. On signal from teacher, number 1 gets down on hands and knees and makes a figure of 8 in and out of the legs of the partner. When finished she/he returns to original position and number 2 does the same. The pair who are first to return to the original position are the winners. Crow Hop Pairs in crouch position, feet together. They hop towards each other with hands up and palms towards their opponent. They try to upset their opponents balance by pushing one DQRWKHU·V KDQGV ,I \RXU RSSRQHQW IDOOV over or has to touch the floor you score one point. Back to back The children sit in twos, back to back. With knees bent, the pairs rise to standing and return to sitting Copy Cat (Infants - 1st) Children are in-groups of 3/4. Each in turn acts as the leader. The leader leads the group around the hall and the children must copy every action of the leader. Team games played in pairs Crusts and crumbs One team are the crusts and the others the crumbs. The teacher calls either crusts or crumbs. If crusts is called all crusts run to their base line, crumbs chase them and tag them. Any crusts caught become crumbs and join that line. Ladders Two teams sit opposite each other, each team member has a number, when the leader calls a number the player must get up and run around their team and get back to their place before their opponent. CHASING GAMES Chain Tag Two children are nominated as chasers. They must hold hands as they chase the others. When they tip another child that child joins them. The three children (holding hands all the time) continue to chase. When they succeed in tipping a fourth, the chain splits into two groups of two. So the game continues, until only two children are left. These are declared the winners. Sticky Tag Two children nominated as chasers. They chase and when someone has been tipped they must hold the spot tipped with a hand. Chaser then must give them a count of five to get away. On being tipped for the third time, that player is out. When children have been caught out ² two more chasers can be added to speed up the finish. Stuck in the Mud Two chasers. When tagged the child must stand with legs apart. To be released someone must crawl through the legs. Tagging can be done by touch or chasers can use a small light ball to throw at the runners. Target area is below the waist. Other release options can be used. Elbow Tag (Seniors) Class divided into pairs and have each other player link an elbow with his partner, keeping his outside elbow bent and his outside hand on his waist. We QHHG RQH YROXQWHHU WR EH ¶,W· DQG another to be the runner. The person ZKR LV ¶,W· WUies to tag the runner. Sounds easy EXW KHUH·V WKH WZLVW WKH runner can avoid being tagged by linking an elbow with the free elbow of any member of any pair on the playing field. :KHQKHGRHVKHVKRXWV´*RµDQGWKH other member of the pair must take off as the new runner, hotly pursued by the SHUVRQ ZKR LV ¶,W·  ,I WKH UXQQHU LV WDJJHG KH·V ¶,W· DQG KLV QHPHVLV becomes the new runner. All of us act as referees to make sure that runners do take advantage of the link-up feature of Elbow Tag. After all, we GRQ·WZDQWWRHQGXSMXVWZDWFKLQJ6XVLH chase Tim around the block. The person ZKRLV¶,W·DVZHOODVWKHUXQQHUFDQEH allowed to rest by linking an elbow with a pair and releasing a new player to be ¶,W· Jockeys and wild horses On the call go the jockeys chase the wild horses. Once tagged the wild horse is lead by the jockey to sit down in that MRFNH\·V VWDEOH :KHQ DOO WKH FKLOGUHQ are tagged, the jockey with the most wild horses in his/her stable is the winner. Fish Gobbler Teacher nominates area for ship and area for shore. She chooses 2/3 chasers. While children are moving from ship to shore she/he may call any of the following: Fish Gobbler! - Children lie down on their tummy with both arms outstretched touching two others. Crab! - Children find partner, stand back to back and clap hands underneath legs. Fisherman All! - Children find partner. One kneels on one knee while partner sits on the other. While children attempt to assume these positions, chasers try to tag as many as possible. BENCH GAMES - can play in hall if free. Shuffle Pack - Bench Activities For bench activities children stand on bench and they must do a variety of activities ² order themselves alphabetically without talking or stepping off the bench, order themselves according to their month of birth, their age, their height, their hair length, their house numbers. They must always do this without talking or stepping off the bench. Can they think of any other way to order themselves? To make it more challenging children can only communicate as gaeilge, in total silence or with only one person speaking. Bench Steps The children step up and down on the bench slowly, leading with the right foot for ten steps, then leading with the left foot for ten steps. Children can experiment with other ways of using benches. COMMAND Games Whole class The bean game The caller calls out different kinds of beans and the children perform the actions: ‡String Bean Stand tall and thin. ‡Broad Bean Stand in a star shape. ‡Jumping Bean Jump up and down. ‡ Kidney Bean Cross your legs and say: Oooh. ‡Jelly Bean Wobble like jelly. ‡ Baked Bean Hold your nose and say: Phew ‡French Bean Say: Ooo la la ‡ If the caller says Runner Bean, everyone runs. The caller chases everyone. Whoever is tagged becomes the next caller. Sea/ship/shore Place markers in three different areas, one for sea, one for ship and one for shore. Group stands together and when the leader calls for ship, players must run to ship etc. Add in some commands, that the children have to respond to immediately;; ‡ Stern The children run to the back area of the boat. ‡ Bow The children run to the front area of the boat. ‡ Starboard The children run to the right hand side of the deck. ‡ Port The children run to the left hand side of the deck. ‡&DSWDLQ·VFRPLQJ The children stand to attention and salute. ‡ Hit the deck The children lie down on the deck (only suitable for indoors). ‡Steer the ship The children steer the ship. ‡ Scrub the deck The children scrub the deck on their knees (indoors only) Whistle game ² need a whistle Divide the children into pairs & name A & B. On the teacher·s command, all the $·VUXQWRRQHVHFWLRQRIWKH\DUG %·V to the other section. When the whistle blows, the partners must find each other and stand back to back on one leg for the count of four. Then they return to their own end of the yard and run again. When the whistle blows twice partners find each other, one partner kneels down on one knee and the other partner sits on it. When the whistle blows three times the partners find each other. One partner stretches up to be as tall as possible while the other crouches down to be as low as possible. Call the Number Two chasers. Children skip, hop and run around the hall. Teacher calls the number 3. Children must get into groups of 3 before being tagged. Shut the door The children stand in a circle holding hands and with arms up to form arches. A number of children are left outside the circle. These children can run in and out through the arches until the teacher says one, two close. All the arches are brought down. Any child caught in the centre joins the circle. The runaway train ‡ The children line up to form a train and they begin to run. The train goes up a hill and gets slower and slower until it comes to a stop and everyone sinks to the ground. ‡The children sit with legs out in front. They stretch to the right and then back, forward and then back, to the left and then back. ‡ To finish they shake out the legs and arms. One Ball Games Lapper ² need any type of ball Divide group into two teams ² Team A is on the base line and team B is in the field. First child in Team A throws the ball out into the pitch and then runs a lap around the rest of the team, counting each lap they complete, meanwhile Team B tries to catch the ball and then line up and pass the ball overhead to each member. When last member gets the ball he runs to top of OLQH DQG VKRXWV )UHH]H WKDW·V ZKHQ Team A have to freeze and count up their laps. Game can be timed or continue until each person in each team has a turn. Team with the most laps wins. SKIPPING ROPES Skipping The children skip with individual ropes. Ask them to explore ways of skipping: ‡on the spot;; ‡moving forward. Try using the large skipping ropes and teach the children some old fashion skipping games. CO-OPERATIVE activity Tangle Twister Each group makes a circle ² without holding hands. Each person in the group places their right hand into the centre of the circle and takes hold of one SHUVRQ·VKDQGEut not the person next to them. They now place their left hand into centre of the circle and take hold RIDQRWKHUSHUVRQ·VKDQGEXWQRWWKe person standing next to them. The challenge for the group is to untangle and form a ring without letting go of each other·s hands. Some may face outward while others face inward. Clue: 'RQ·WIRUJHWWKDWWKHSHRSOH whose hands you are holding should end up either side of you!! Challenge: Can any group finish with everyone facing the same way?