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Installation And Operation Manual




Installation and Operation Manual SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders ATCP Physical Engineering Rua Lêda Vassimon, n° 735-A - Ribeirão Preto - SP / Brasil – CEP 14026-567 Telephone: +55 (16) 3289-9481 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders Installation and Operation Manual SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders Manufactured by: ATCP do Brasil – Alves Teodoro Cerâmicas Piezoelétricas do Brasil Ltda. ME. ATCP Physical Engineering Rua Lêda Vassimon, 735-A Ribeirão Preto – SP, Brasil CEP 14026-567 CNPJ: 03.970.289/0001-60 Inscrição estadual: 797.013.492.110 Brazilian Industry Pág. 2 de 25 Copyright Copyright © 2014 by ATCP Physical Engineering All rights reserved. ATCP reserves the right to change the product or this manual without notice. Version 4.9 April/2015 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 05 2. Definitions .................................................................................................... 05 3. Features and applications ............................................................................. 05 4. Configurations, parts, accessories and optional items .................................. 06 5. Identifying the parts ..................................................................................... 08 6. Specifications ............................................................................................... 09 7. Sample ......................................................................................................... 10 7.1 Recommended proportions and typical dimensions ...................................... 10 7.2 Placing the sample .................................................................................. 11 8. Equipment installation ................................................................................... 12 8.1 Requirements ........................................................................................ 12 8.2 Typical arrangements .............................................................................. 12 8.3 Mounting the MICROPHONE in the VERTICAL BASE and STURDY TRIPOD ...... 15 8.4 Changing the SUPPORT-CABLE set ............................................................ 16 8.5 Installing the IED AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE............. 17 9. Equipment operation ..................................................................................... 18 9.1 Positioning the sample ............................................................................. 18 9.2 Positioning the MICROPHONE for acoustic signal acquisition ......................... 19 9.3 Positioning the IED AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE .......... 20 10. Acquisition and excitation modes ................................................................ 21 11. Warnings and equipment transportation ..................................................... 23 12. Maintenance and troubleshooting ................................................................ 23 13. Symbology ................................................................................................... 24 14. Technical support and warranty ................................................................. 24 15. Statement of Responsibility ......................................................................... 25 Notes ................................................................................................................. 26 Pág. 4 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 1. Introduction ATCP Physical Engineering equipment and products have been projected and manufactured to provide a long-lasting and top-rated performance. This Installation and Operation Manual contains all necessary information regarding the use and maintenance of this equipment. Carefully read this manual before using the equipment. Improper use may damage the product and compromise its performance. 2. Definitions Impulse Excitation Technique: The Impulse Excitation Technique is a non-destructive test to determine the elastic moduli and the damping of materials using their resonance frequencies. This technique is described in the ASTM E1876 and correlated standards. Resonance Frequencies: Natural frequencies of vibration of a sample. Elastic Modulus: Elastic modulus is defined as the slope of the stress-strain curve at the elastic region, as described by Hooke’s Law. Damping: Damping is the phenomenon by which mechanical energy is dissipated in dynamic systems. It is directly linked to the presence of defects and the microstructure of a material. 3. Features and applications SA-BC Support is an apparatus employed to hold samples to non-destructively measure Young’s Modulus and damping of materials through the Impulse Excitation Technique, following the ASTM E1876 and correlated standards. SA-BC Support was developed to be used alongside Sonelastic® Solutions. SA-BC Support allows rectangular and cylindrical samples to rest on the nodal lines of the fundamental flexural vibration mode (for a sample of length L, these nodal lines are 0.224L distant from the ends of it). Based on the size and weight of the sample to be tested, this support offers a practical system to adjust the distance between the SUPPORT-CABLES, as well as the tensile stress applied on them. SA-BC Support also allows tests based on torsional and longitudinal vibration modes for bars and cylinders. To employ the Impulse Excitation Technique with greater precision and practicality, SA-BC Support may be combined with IED AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE and STURDY TRIPOD. Pág. 5 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 4. Configurations, parts, accessories and optional items SA-BC Support is available in both Manual and Automatic configurations. Optional items are offered to customize the Sonelastic® Solutions to the specific needs of each client. Manual Configuration Parts: Optional Items: [01] – SA-BC SUPPORT. [05] – STURDY TRIPOD. [02] – CA-PD MICROPHONE WITH A VERTICAL MOUNTING BASE. Accessories: [03] – SPARE SUPPORT-CABLE SET. [04] – HEIGHT-ADJUSTING DISC. [06] – MANUAL IMPULSE DEVICE OF MEDIUM IMPACT. [07] – MANUAL IMPULSE DEVICE OF LIGHT IMPACT. Pág. 6 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders Automatic Configuration Parts: [01] - SA-BC SUPPORT. [02] - CA-DP MICROPHONE. Accessories: [03] - STURDY TRIPOD. [04] - SPARE SUPPORT-CABLE SET. [05] – HEIGHT-ADJUSTING DISC. [06] - CONTROL OF THE IED AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE. [07] – ACTUATOR OF THE AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE IED. [08] - MANUAL IMPULSE DEVICE OF MEDIUM IMPACT. [09] - MANUAL IMPULSE DEVICE OF LIGHT IMPACT. Pág. 7 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 5. Identifying the parts SA-BC Support 01- SUPPORT BASE. 02- SUPPORT-CABLE TIGHTENER. 03- SPARE SUPPORT-CABLE SET*. 04- LEVELING FEET. 05- MOBILE SUPPORT BASE. 06- FIXED TERMINAL SUPPORT-CABLE. OF THE 07- SUPPORTING SLEEVE FOR THE SUPPORT-CABLE. 08- FIXED POSTERIOR SUPPORT-TUBE. 09- SLIDING SUPPORT-TUBE. 10- SUPPORT-CABLE. 11- SAFETY CABLES. 12- FIXED ANTERIOR SUPPORT-TUBE. * Two sets of cables are provided (a Ø1.2 mm cable, for heavy samples, and a Ø0.7mm cable, for light samples) CA-PD MICROPHONE 01- MICROPHONE. 02- P3 PLUG (3.5 mm). 03- FLEXIBLE CABLE. 04- CABLE GLAND. 05- MICROPHONE FRAME. 06- VERTICAL MOUNTING BASE*. 07- HEITGH-ADJUSTING DISC**. * The VERTICAL MOUNTING BASE allows positioning the MICROPHONE on the vertical, directly below the SAMPLE, for measurements under the manual configuration. ** The HEIGHT-ADJUSTING DISC should be used to balance CA-DP MICROPHONE and ̸ or IED Impulse Device heights, when testing lightweight samples. Pág. 8 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders STURDY TRIPOD* 01- FRAME. 02- ARTICULATED TRIPOD. 03- HANDLE FOR SECURING THE TUBE. 04- PILLAR. 05- HANDLE FOR THE TUBE ARTICULATION. 06- MICROPHONE CLIP. 07- INNER TUBE. 08- HANDLE FOR THE INNER TUBE ARTICULATION. 09- OUTER TUBE. 10- HANDLE FOR THE OUTER TUBE ARTICULATION. 11- CABLES ORGANIZER. * The STURDY TRIPOD is supplied together with the equipment in automatic configuration and it is optional for the equipment in manual configuration to measure the longitudinal vibration mode. 6. Specifications Maximum dimensions for cylindrical samples (L x D) ........................ 550 x 200 mm Minimum dimensions for cylindrical samples (L x D) ........................ 100 x 5 mm Maximum dimensions for rectangular samples (L x W x T) ................ 550 x 170 x 170 mm Minimum dimensions for rectangular samples (L x W x T) ................. 100 x 5 x 5 mm Maximum weight when using Ø 0,7mm SUPPORT-CABLE ................... 10 kg Maximum weight when using Ø 1,2mm SUPPORT-CABLE ................... 30 kg Aperture between the support rods (maximum - minimum) .............. 200 – 62 mm Aperture between the SUPPORT-CABLES (maximum - minimum) ...... 275 – 15 mm Support dimensions (L x W x T) .................................................... 360 x 522 x 270 mm Support weight without a sample ................................................... 4.6 kg Working temperature range ........................................................... From -5 to +50 °C Pág. 9 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 7. Samples 7.1 Recommended proportions and typical dimensions Minimum proportions must be observed to avoid the coupling between samples vibration modes. In addition, proportions determine the pattern of frequency spectrum of acoustic response. Users are advised on standardizing the proportions to facilitate the correct identification of frequencies. The table below presents the recommended typical proportions for bars and cylinders. Geometry Recommended Proportions Typical Dimensions (L x D) 𝐿 ≥2 𝐷 - 100 x 50 The ratio between length (L) and diameter (D) must be greater than or equal to 2. - 200 x 100 mm Cylinder - 150 x 75 - 300 x 150 mm - 500 x 50 mm (L x A x A) 𝐿 ≥3 𝐴 - 150 x 25 x 25 mm The ratio between length (L) and edge (A) must be greater than or equal to 3. - 250 x 80 x 80 mm Square Section Bar 𝐿 4 𝑊 The ratio between length (L) and width (W) must be greater than or equal to 4. Rectangular Section Bar - 150 x 40 x 40 mm - 500 x 50 x 50 mm (L x W x T) - 150 x 30 x 10 mm 𝑊 ≤8 𝑇 - 150 x 37,5 x 5 mm The ratio between width (W) and thickness (T) must be less than or equal to 8. - 500 x 100 x 35 mm - 300 x 60 x 20 mm Important observations for preparing and finishing the samples: - The recommended dimension tolerance is 2%; - Faces should be flat and parallel; - Corners should not be rounded. Pág. 10 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 7.2 Placing the sample The sample should be symmetrically supported and placed over the SUPPORT-CABLES, with those at a distance of 0.224 L from the sample ends (L is the length of the sample). For instance, if a sample’s length (L) is 100 mm, the SUPPORT-CABLES should be positioned at a distance of 22.4 mm from the ends. The positions of 0.224 L correspond to the nodal lines of the flexural vibration mode. Support and typical positioning for a cylinder. Support and typical positioning for a bar. The corresponding distance calculation of 0.224 L is automatically generated and informed by Sonelastic® Software. Markings on the sample are generally done by using a pencil and a ruler or caliper ruler. The SUPPORT-CABLES position is adjusted by dislocating the fastening terminals. Pág. 11 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 8. Installing the equipment 8.1 Requirements - The workbench must be flat and leveled with a free gap of at least 60 x 120 cm (depth and width). This gap should be enough to fit SA-BC Support, samples, computer and optional items that these may be combined with. - A 127 or 220 VAC three-pin ground wired electrical mains plug. This pug is needed to feed the computer and other optional items that may be combined with the use of SA-BC Support. The equipment installation consists of positioning it over the workbench and coupling the MICROPHONE to the VERTICAL BASE or STURDY TRIPOD. Following that, choose the SUPPORT-CABLES and put them together. 8.2 Typical arrangements Typical SA-BC Support arrangements are presented next. Configuration: Manual. Impulse: Manual. Sample: Light square section bar. Microphone: Using the VERTICAL MOUNTING BASE and the HEIGHTADJUSTING DISC for optimum signal acquisition of the flexural mode. Impulse Device: Manual and of light impact. [1] Configuration: Manual. Impulse: Manual. Sample: Heavy cylinder. Microphone: Using the VERTICAL MOUNTING BASE but without the HEIGHTADJUSTING DISC for optimum signal acquisition of the flexural mode. Impulse Device: Manual and of medium impact. [2] Pág. 12 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders Configuration: Manual. Impulse: Manual. Sample: Medium sized rectangular section bar. Microphone: Using a STURDY TRIPOD (an optional item to be used in manual configurations) for optimum signal acquisition of the longitudinal mode. Impulse-device: Manual and of medium impact. [3] Configuration: Automatic. Impulse: Automatic. Sample: Light squared section bar. Microphone: Using a STURDY TRIPOD for optimum signal acquisition of the flexural mode. Impulse Device: IED Automatic Electromagnetic Impulse Device with a HEIGHT-ADJUSTING DISC. [4] Configuration: Automatic. Excitation: Automatic. Sample: Heavy cylinder. Microphone: Using a STURDY TRIPOD for optimum signal acquisition of the flexural mode. Impulse Device: IED Automatic Electromagnetic Impulse Device without a HEIGHT-ADJUSTING DISC. [5] Pág. 13 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders Configuration: Manual. Excitation: Manual torsional mode. Sample: Heavy cylinder. Microphone: Using a STURDY TRIPOD for signal acquisition under both torsional and flexural modes. Impulse Device: Manual and of medium impact. [6] Configuration: Automatic. Impulse: Automatic. Sample: Medium-sized. Microphone: Using a STURDY TRIPOD for optimum position of the flexural mode. Impulse Device: IED Automatic Electromagnetic Impulse Device with a HEIGHT-ADJUSTING DISC. [7] Note: In the typical arrangements presented, the optimum support form for the flexural mode is also proposed for torsional and longitudinal modes. Nodal lines and the ideal support for these vibration modes, however, do not match the ones for the flexural mode. The longitudinal mode, for example, is not sensitive to the cables supporting positions (when faces are free) and the sensitivity of the torsional mode is less than 1%. As a result, it is possible to use the flexural mode boundary conditions to characterize the longitudinal and torsional modes efficiently, without compromising the results. Attention! Before using SA-BC Support, verify if it has been fitted with its four rubber feet and that those are secure (not wobbly) on the workbench. If any of its feet is not flat on the workbench, readjust it until all feet are securely placed and flat on the workbench. Pág. 14 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 8.3 Mounting the MICROPHONE in the VERTICAL BASE and STURDY TRIPOD VERTICAL BASE: Step 01: Step 02: Insert the MICROPHONE in the VERTICAL MOUNTING BASE ensuring the wire goes out through the side opening, as pictured bellow: Press the BASE against the MICROPHONE until it feels coupled and secured to the BASE. STURDY TRIPOD: Step 01: Insert the MICROPHONE in the STURDY TRIPOD microphone clip, as pictured below: Step 02: Slide the MICROPHONE into the clip until the whole microphone frame is fully secured, then place its cable over the STURDY TRIPOD inner tube. Step 03: Connect the MICROPHONE to the computer’s audio input. 8.4 Replacing the SUPPORT-CABLE set The thinner the SUPPORT-CABLE, the smaller is its interference on measurements. However, observe the maximum weight than can be held by each of the two SUPPORT-CABLES available. SA-BC Support is factory supplied with a Ø1.20mm SUPPORT-CABLE set, which Pág. 15 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders would have already been installed (this is the recommended cables to be used with samples weighting between 10 and 30kg). To replace them for the Ø0.70mm SUPPORT-CABLES (recommended for samples weighting up to 10kg), follow the steps described next: Step 01: Turn the SUPPORT-CABLE tightener anti-clockwise until the SUPPORT-CABLE is completely loose. Hold by the hook when turning the tightener to stop the cable from turning together with it; Step 02: Disconnect the SUPPORT-CABLE ends (eye nuts) from the respective hooks (tightener terminal and fixed terminal); Step 03: Repeat the previous steps to uncouple the other SUPPORT-CABLE; Step 04: Hold the new SUPPORT-CABLE to be used and couple the eye of one of its ends to the fixed terminal hook; Step 05: Maintaining the new cable under a slight tension, place it on the tubes, ensuring it fits perfectly the chute of each one of the three supporting sleeves of the SUPPORT-CABLE. Next, couple the other cable eye nuts to the tightener terminal hook; Step 06: Holding the hook as illustrated in Step 01, turn the tightener clockwise so that the new SUPPORT-CABLE is completely tensioned; Step 07: Repeat the previous steps to fit the other SUPPORT-CABLE. For light samples (weighting up to 10kg), tension the SUPPORT-CABLES until fully stretched. The sliding support tube allows the fine adjustment of tension on the SUPPORT-CABLES. For heavy samples, adjust the tension on the cables so that, when the sample is placed over them, it will only go down about 15 mm from its initial position, as pictured below: Pág. 16 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders Necessary displacement for heavy specimens using Ø1,20 mm SUPPORT-CABLES. The tension on the SUPPORT-CABLES should be reduced if heavy samples shift down less than 15 mm. 8.5 Installing the IED AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE Before installing the IED AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE (Controller and Device) read its own Instructions Manual. Pág. 17 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 9. Equipment operation After following the steps in 8 – Equipment Installation, your SA-BC Support will ready for use. 9.1 Positioning the sample To be able to carry out a fast and precise characterization of samples using SA-BC Support, read carefully the following steps: Step 01: Install the equipment according to the characterization and size of the sample (see 8 – Equipment Installation); Step 02: Using a ruler or a caliper ruler and a pencil, trace nodal lines on the supported face and on the sides of the sample. These lines should be 0.224 L distant from the ends being L the length of the sample (see 7.2 - Placing the sample); Step 03: Shift the sliding support tube until the opening distance between this and the fixed supporting tube is greater than or equal to the width of the sample. The positioning adjustment of this tube is not critical for the measurement result and may also be used to adjust the tension on the SUPPORT-CABLES; Step 04: Dislocate the tighteners, terminals and sliding support sleeves together with their respective SUPPORT-CABLES until the distance between them allows to support the samples exactly by their nodal lines (0.224 L); Step 05: Place the sample over the SUPPORT-CABLES ensuring that the nodal lines traces are precisely aligned with the cables under it. After completing these steps, the sample should be correctly supported and positioned for the characterization. Note: To measure the torsional mode in rectangular bars, it is necessary to trace nodal lines that are at a distance of 0.32 L for acquisition and excitation. For more details, check 10 - Acquisition and Excitation Modes. Pág. 18 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 9.2 Positioning the MICROPHONE for acoustic signal acquisition Step 01: Mount the MICROPHONE in the STURDY TRIPOD microphone clip or in the VERTICAL MOUNTING BASE, as described in 8.3 –Mounting the MICROPHONE in the Vertical Base and on the STURDY TRIPOD; Step 02: Adjust the height or distance of the MICROPHONE, so its acquisition sensor is at a distance of approximately 1 cm away from the face of the sample, as illustrated below. Note: The distance is not critical for the results; Step 03: Position the MICROPHONE as desired. It may be in line with the center of the inferior face of the sample, when focusing on the flexural mode; in line with and above the sample, when focusing on the longitudinal mode; or to the side of the inferior face (near the SUPPORT-CABLES at the 0.32 L position), when aiming to obtain both flexural and torsional modes. Note: For more details on the correct positioning of the MICROPHONE, check 10 – Acquisition and Excitation Modes. 9.3 Positioning the IED AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE Step 01: Check if the Impulse Device is directly below the center of the inferior face of the sample if the focus is on the flexural mode; or to the side of the inferior face (0.32 L) to measure flexural and torsional modes. Note: For more details on how to correctly position the Impulse Device, see 10 – Acquisition and Excitation Modes. Step 01: Turn the adjusting nut of the Impulse Device clockwise and anticlockwise to allow the vertical movement of its tip. Adjust the position so it remains approximately 3 mm away from the sample, as pictured next: Pág. 19 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders Step 03: Configure the intensity of the shock from the Impulse Device against the sample (see more information in the Instructions Manual that comes together with IED Sonelastic). Note: All information regarding the IED AUTOMATIC ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPULSE DEVICE has been described in detail in its Installation and Operation Manual. Attention! When dealing with heavy samples, ensure safety cables are always positioned close by the SUPPORT-CABLES to avoid chances of samples falling over the hands of the user in the case of a SUPPORTCABLE rupturing. Pág. 20 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 10. Acquisition and excitation modes The table below describes the most practical positions of the MICROPHONE and Impulse Device for characterizing rectangular samples, using flexural, torsional and longitudinal vibration modes. Flexural Mode – I Excitation from above and signal acquisition from below, both aligned with the center of the sample. Cables positioned at 0.224L. Flexural Mode - II Excitation from below and signal acquisition from above, both aligned with the center of the sample. Cables positioned at 0.224L. Longitudinal Mode Top-centered excitation and signal acquisition from opposite sides of the sample. Cables positioned at 0.224L. Flexural + Torsional Modes - I Excitation from above and signal acquisition from below, positioned at 0.32L from opposed edges. Cables positioned at 0.224L. Flexural and Torsional Modes - II Excitation from below and signal acquisition from above, positioned at 0.32L from opposed edges. Cables positioned at 0.224L. Pág. 21 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders The next table provides more information to the previous one, but focusing on cylindrical samples. Flexural Mode - I Excitation from above and signal acquisition from below, both aligned with the center of the sample. Cables positioned at 0.224 L. Flexural Mode - II Excitation from below and signal acquisition from above both aligned with the center of the sample. Cables positioned at 0.224 L. Longitudinal Mode Top-centered excitation and signal acquisition from opposite sides of the sample. Cables positioned at 0.224 L. Flexural + Torsional Modes - I Excitation from above and signal acquisition from below from opposite sides and ends. Cables positioned at 0.224 L. Flexural + Torsional Modes - II Excitation from below and acquisition from above from opposite sides and ends. Cables positioned at 0.224 L. Considering the arrangements presented to the signal acquisition of torsional and longitudinal modes, positioning the SUPPORT-CABLES at a distance of 0.224 L is not ideal and it may compromise the Damping measurements, however it has minimum influence (< 0.5%) when determining Young’s Modulus. Pág. 22 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 11. Warnings and equipment transportation Reading all the information contained in this Installation and Operation Manual is compulsory for the correct use of the equipment; The electricity network where the optional items and accessories will be connected for use must have a functional ground system; Do not use this equipment for other purposes apart from the ones specified by this Manual; The non-compliance with the instructions provided by this manual in what regards the use of the equipment may reduce or invalidate warranty time. Equipment Transportation: - Transport the equipment with care; - Avoid impacts and falls when transporting the equipment; - Do not transport the equipment under the rain, even when wrapped in its original packaging. 12. Maintenance and troubleshooting - Depending on the material of the sample, there may be a detachment of residues during handling. To avoid hazards and possible damages to the equipment, clean frequently using a slightly dumped cloth. - To maintain the equipment in a good working order and extend its life, keep all accessories, optional items and chutes clean. Troubleshooting: Problem Possible Cause Solution Locked (unable to move) tightener and ̸ or sliding terminal. The terminals sliding chutes may be dirty or blocked. Clean the chutes and remove any object or residue that may be obstructing it. The support wobbles when placed over a bench. The bench surface may not be completely flat or may present some irregularities. Adjust the rubber feet until they are all well placed and flat on the surface. The sample touches the safety cables and disturbs the measurements. Sample weight is above the limit or the SUPPORTCABLE is not under enough tension. Check the weight limits in 6 – Specifications. Check the correct way to apply tension to the SUPPORT-CABLES in 8.4 –Replacing the SUPPORT-CABLE set. The specimen does not fit between the cables supporting tubes. Sample dimensions are above the limit. Check dimensions limits in 6 – Specifications. Pág. 23 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders 13. Symbology Attention! Risk of Danger. 14. Technical support and warranty If the equipment presents any abnormality, check first if the problem is listed in 12 – Maintenance and Troubleshooting. If the problem still cannot be fixed, contact ATCP. ATCP Physical Engineering offers a 12-month warranty with this equipment, starting from the date of purchase. It covers manufacturing defects or materials defects, but some factors may cause the invalidation of warranty: 1 – The non-compliance with the recommended care regarding the installation and operation of this equipment, as describe herein; 2 - Accidents, falls, inadequate installation or any other damage cause by incorrect use or action of natural agents; 3 - Violation, repair or any other modification or alteration done in the equipment or parts of the equipment carried out by non-authorized agents (non-authorized by ATCP Physical Engineering). After the 12 months of warranty, parts, expenses and services shall be charged. 15. Statement of Responsibility ATCP Physical Engineering takes total technical and legal responsibility over the SA-BC Adjustable Support for Bars and Cylinders and guarantees that all information here provided are true. Pág. 24 de 25 Sonelastic® Solutions SA-BC Adjustable support for bars and cylinders NOTES: ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... 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