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Installing Sql Server And Reporting Services




E P I C O R X L C O N N E C T 9 . 0 5 S P 5 Installing SQL Server and Reporting Services This guide describes the steps required to install SQL Server and Reporting Services There are two possible installation scenarios for Reporting Services: new versus existing installation. This guide will cover both scenarios, new and existing, for both SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008. This guide is designed to walk the installer through the steps to install both SQL Server products with a standard configuration that is sufficient for running XL Connect 9.05 SP3. There are many advanced options for configuring Reporting Services for security and network architecture considerations that are beyond the scope of this guide and Epicor Software Support. Please refer to Microsoft’s documentation and support for assistance configuring your implementation for more complex requirements. Click on the link to take you to the section that applies to your environment: SQL Server 2005 New SQL Server 2005 and Reporting Services Installation Adding Reporting Services to an Existing SQL Server 2005 Installation Verify your SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Installation SQL Server 2008/2012 New SQL Server 2008/2012 and Reporting Services Installation Adding Reporting Services to an Existing SQL Server 2008 Installation Verify your SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 Reporting Services Installation SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition (for ERP systems that do not use SQL databases) New SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition and Reporting Services Installation Reporting Services Security Enabling Remote Errors Last Revised: April 30, 2014 New SQL Server 2005 and Reporting Services 1. Verify that Internet Information Services (“IIS”) is installed on the server. If it is not installed, you must install it before proceeding. 2. Insert your SQL Server disk. Autorun should start the installation and display the following splash screen. Note: The Developer Edition was used for the screenshots in this document. There may be some display differences but the steps should be the same for whatever edition you are installing. 3. Click on the operating system link that pertains to your hardware. 4. Review the hardware and software requirements under the Prepare category. If your SQL Server Installation CD does not provide this option, refer to the following website to confirm that all prerequisites have been installed. 2|Page 5. Click on Server components, tools, Books Online, and samples under the Install category. 6. At the End User License Agreement dialog, read through the terms and if you accept, click the I accept the licensing terms and conditions checkbox and then click Next. 3|Page 7. The SQL Server 2005 installation will perform some initial checks of your system and will install any components necessary for the installation. Click Install to install these components. Once this step is completed, click Next. 8. After the component pre-requisites are installed, you will be presented with SQL Server installation welcome dialog. Click Next. 4|Page 9. The System Configuration Check dialog will display. Confirm that the IIS Feature Requirement has a green check. If it is not checked, cancel the installation and install IIS as it is required to be present for Reporting Services. Click Next. 10. The Registration Information dialog displays. Complete the fields as desired and uncheck the Hide advanced configuration options checkbox. Click Next. 5|Page 11. The Components to Install dialog will display. Select:    SQL Server Database Services Reporting Services Workstation components, Books Online and Development tools If you need to change the drive where the files are installed, click on the Advanced button to change the path. When finished, click Next. IMPORTANT: If you do not see Reporting Services as an option, you are executing an incorrect installer. STOP the installation and locate the correct installer. 6|Page 12. The Instance Name dialog opens. Accept the default value or enter your own custom instance name. Click Next. 13. The Service Account dialog will be displayed next. This dialog allows you to specify the user accounts for the various services being installed. Disclaimer: The following accounts represent an example of accounts that can be used for the various services being installed. Epicor Software does not require the use of these specific accounts and these examples are not intended to be recommendations. Please refer to the provided article links for guidelines on the security ramifications for each of these services in order to make the best decision for your specific security needs.  Choose the Customize for each service account radio button and specify an account to use for each service. The following is an example but may not be appropriate for your company’s security needs. SQL Server SQL Server Agent Reporting Services SQL Browser Domain user account (non administrator) Local service Network service Local service Note: For more information on Service Account selection and security best practices for SQL Server 2005, refer to the following articles: 7|Page  Ensure that the SQL Server, Reporting Services and SQL Browser check boxes are checked. Click Next Note: If the Network Service account is not available (for example, you are installing on a domain controller), use a domain user account. 14. In the Authentication Mode dialog, select the desired authentication mode. Click Next. Note: In order to be able to use Windows Authentication Mode you must have a Domain Controller with Active Directory services. If you do not have Active Directory services, you must select the Mixed Mode radio button which gives you the option to use either Windows authentication or SQL authentication for connecting to the linked server. When selecting Mixed Mode, you must provide a password for the “sa” user and confirm the password. The authentication mode can be changed after installation. 8|Page 11. Click Next for the Collation Settings dialog to accept the default selections. 9|Page 12. On the Report Server Installation Options dialog, leave the default selection to Install the default configuration. 13. The Error and Usage Report Settings choices are optional. Make the appropriate selections for your organization and click Next. 10 | P a g e 14. In the Ready to Install dialog, confirm that both SQL Server Database Services and Client Components are displayed. If both items are not displayed, you need to click Back until you’re back to the Features Selection dialog (Step 7). If everything is correct, click Install. 15. The Setup Progress dialog will be displayed showing the progress of the installation. 11 | P a g e The Completing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup dialog will display. This dialog lists the results of the installation. Click Finish. 16. Grant all XL Connect users permissions to access the Reporting Services site. These steps are documented in the section titled Reporting Services Security. The next step is to verify your installation and confirm that it works, Verify your SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Installation. 12 | P a g e Adding Reporting Services to an Existing SQL Server 2005 Installation 1. Verify that Internet Information Services (“IIS”) is installed on the server. If it is not installed, you must install it before proceeding. If IIS is installed, special consideration should be given to creating a new website for Reporting Services to avoid impacting other applications running in IIS. Procedures for creating this new website can be found in the section on Creating a New Website. 2. Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel. 3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs. 4. Locate and select Microsoft SQL Server 2005 in the list of installed programs and click Change. 13 | P a g e 5. Click on the To install a new component, click here link. 14 | P a g e 6. Browse to your SQL Server installation disk. 7. At the End User License Agreement dialog, read through the terms and if you accept, click the I accept the licensing terms and conditions checkbox and then click Next. 15 | P a g e 8. The SQL Server 2005 installation will perform some initial checks of your system and will install any components necessary for the installation. Once this step is completed, click Next. 9. After the component pre-requisites are installed, you will be presented with SQL Server installation welcome dialog. Click Next. 16 | P a g e 10. The System Configuration Check dialog will display. Confirm that the IIS Feature Requirement has a green check. If it is not checked, cancel the installation and install IIS as it is required to be present for Reporting Services. Click Next. 11. At the Registration Information dialog, click Next to continue. 17 | P a g e 12. At the Components to Install dialog, select the Reporting Services checkbox. Click Next. 13. The Instance Name dialog opens. Accept the default value or enter your own custom instance name. Click Next. 18 | P a g e In the Service Account dialog, select the Use the built-in System account radio button and then select the service account you want Reporting Services to use. Disclaimer: Epicor Software does not require the use of specific accounts and the account selected in the following screenshot is not intended to be a recommendation. Please refer to the provided article links for guidelines on the security ramifications for each of these services in order to make the best decision for your specific security needs. Note: For more information on Service Account selection and security best practices for SQL Server 2005, refer to the following articles: 19 | P a g e 14. Click Next at the Report Server Installation Options dialog. 15. The Error and Usage Report Settings choices are optional. Make the appropriate selections for your organization and click Next. 20 | P a g e 16. At the Ready to Install dialog, click Install. 17. When setup completes, click Next. 21 | P a g e 18. Click Finish at the next dialog. 19. Reapply any SQL Server 2005 service packs that had been applied to the server prior to the installation of Reporting Services. 20. Click on Start and go to Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration. 22 | P a g e 21. In the Instance Selection dialog, confirm that the Machine Name and Instance Name are correct and then click Connect. 22. First, confirm that the Service Status is “Running” 23 | P a g e 23. Click on Report Server Virtual Directory in the left pane. The dialog should look like the following: 24. Click on New to open the Create a New Virtual Directory dialog. 25. At the Create a New Virtual Directory dialog, you need to decide what IIS virtual directory to use: 24 | P a g e  If you have other applications already running on IIS on your server, Epicor recommends creating a new virtual directory for Reporting Services. This minimizes any possible disruption to those other applications. See Creating a New Web Site for instructions. If a new website is created, then select that web site.  If you have no other applications running in IIS, accept the default values. 26. Click on the Apply default settings checkbox then click Apply. 27. You should now see a green checkmark next to the Report Server Virtual Directory in the left pane. 25 | P a g e 28. Click on Report Manager Virtual Directory in the left pane. 29. Click on the New button. Click the OK button to accept the default values. 26 | P a g e 30. Click the Apply default settings checkbox and then click Apply. 31. You should now see a green check by Report Manager Virtual Directory in the left pane. 32. Click on Web Service Identity in the left pane and click the Apply button. 27 | P a g e 33. Click on Database Setup in the left pane. Select your server from the Server Name drop down list and then click on the New button. 34. In the SQL Server Connection Dialog, complete the Server Name field with your server name. Leave the Credentials Type as Current User – Integrated Security then click OK. 28 | P a g e If your dialog gives you the option to create the database in SharePoint integrated mode, be sure NOT to check this checkbox. XL Connect requires the Report Server database to be in Native Mode. 35. On the Database Connection dialog, click the Apply button. 29 | P a g e 36. Click OK at the SQL Server Connection Dialog. 30 | P a g e 37. Your Reporting Services Configuration Manager dialog should now have green check marks for the first 6 items and the Initialization item in the left pane. Click Exit. 38. Click on Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Surface Area Configuration. 31 | P a g e 39. Click on Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections. 40. In the left pane, click on SQL Server Browser. When the right pane has refreshed with the options for the SQL Server Browser, make sure that Startup Type is set to Automatic and click on Start if the service is not started. 32 | P a g e 41. Under Database Engine, click on Remote Connections. Select the Local and Remote Connections radio button to enable remote users to access this SQL Server instance. Click Apply. 42. An alert dialog will be displayed indicating that the changes will not take effect until the Database Engine service is stopped and restarted. Click OK. 33 | P a g e Under Database Engine on the left, click on Service. In the right pane, click on Stop and then click on Start when that button becomes enabled. Once the service is restarted, click OK to exit the Surface Area Configuration tool. 43. Grant all XL Connect users permissions to access the Reporting Services site. These steps are documented in the section titled Reporting Services Security. The next step is to verify your installation and confirm that it works, Verify your SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Installation. 34 | P a g e Creating a New Website 1. Open the IIS Manager in Start > Administrative Tools > IIS Manager. 2. Expand the server list by clicking on the Plus symbol. 35 | P a g e 3. Launch the Website Creation Wizard by right-clicking on Web Sites > New > Web Site and click Next at the Welcome dialog. 36 | P a g e 4. Type the Description for the new Web Site. This will be the Web Site’s name and click Next. 5. Enter the IP Address to use for this Web Site or leave the selection “All Unassigned”. Enter a TCP port number for the Web Site and click Next. 37 | P a g e 6. Accept the default path or enter an alternate path if desired. Click Next. 7. On the Web Site Access Permissions dialog, check the Read, Run Scripts and Browse check boxes and then click Next. 38 | P a g e 8. Click Finish to complete the creation of the new Web Site. 9. Locate the new Web Site in the IIS Manager and right-click to select Properties. If the Web Site name is not listed, select View > Refresh. 39 | P a g e 10. Select the ASP.Net tab and select 2.0.50727 for the version of ASP.Net. 11. Select the Apply button to apply the change and OK to close the properties box. 40 | P a g e 12. When configuring the Report Server Virtual Directory (Step 25 of Installing Reporting Services to an Existing SQL Server 2005 Installation) and the Report Manager Virtual Directory, be sure to select the new website. 41 | P a g e New SQL Server 2008/2012 and Reporting Services The following steps and screenshots are primarily for the SQL 2008 version but where there is a material difference between 2008 and 2012, a screenshot of 2012 has been provided. 1. After inserting your disk, you will get the SQL Server Installation Center dialog. Click on Installation in the left pane. 2. In the right pane, click on New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation. 42 | P a g e 3. The Setup Support Rules dialog will open and will run to check your system for any problems that might cause the installation to fail. Once the process completes, click on OK. 4. The Product Key dialog will open. Enter your product key and then click Next. 43 | P a g e 5. The License Terms dialog will open. Read through the terms and if you accept them, check the I accept the license terms checkbox. Click Next. 6. The Setup Support Files dialog will open. Click Install. 44 | P a g e 7. Once the Setup files are installed, click Next. 8. In the Feature Selection dialog, select the following items by placing a check mark in the box next to each item. a. b. c. d. e. Database Engine Services Reporting Services Business Intelligence Development Studio/SQL Server Data Tools (if SQL 2012) Management Tools – Basic Management Tools – Complete 45 | P a g e Click Next. 9. In the Instance Configuration dialog, leave the default selection and then click Next. 46 | P a g e 10. At the Disk Space Requirements dialog, click Next. 47 | P a g e 11. At the Server Configuration dialog, select your preferred service accounts: Disclaimer: The following accounts represent an example of accounts that can be used for the various services being installed. Epicor Software does not require the use of these specific accounts and these examples are not intended to be recommendations. Please refer to the provided article links for guidelines on the security ramifications for each of these services in order to make the best decision for your specific security needs. SQL Server SQL Server Agent Reporting Services SQL Browser Domain user account (non administrator) Domain user account (non administrator) Network service Local service Note: For more information on Service Account selection and security best practices for SQL Server 2008, refer to the following articles: Click Next when complete. 48 | P a g e 12. At the Database Engine Configuration dialog, select the desired authentication mode. Click Next. Click the Add Current User button to add the current user as a SQL Administrator. Note: In order to be able to use Windows Authentication Mode you must have a Domain Controller with Active Directory services. If you do not have Active Directory services, you must select the Mixed Mode radio button which gives you the option to use either Windows authentication or SQL authentication for connecting to the linked server. When selecting Mixed Mode, you must provide a password for the “sa” user and confirm the password. The authentication mode can be changed after installation. 49 | P a g e 13. For the Reporting Services Configuration dialog, leave the default selection Install the native mode default configuration and click Next. Important: Do not select the SharePoint integrated mode. XL Connect requires SQL Server Reporting Services to be in native mode. 14. The Error and Usage Report Settings choices are optional. Make the appropriate selections for your organization and click Next. 50 | P a g e 15. The Installation Rules dialog will open and run to check that the installation will not be blocked. Click Next. 16. Click Install at the Ready to Install dialog. 51 | P a g e 17. On the Installation Progress dialog, click the Next button when it becomes enabled. 18. Click Close at the Complete dialog. 52 | P a g e 19. Grant all XL Connect users permissions to access the Reporting Services site. These steps are documented in the section titled Reporting Services Security. The next step is to verify your installation and confirm that it works, Verify your SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Installation. Adding Reporting Services to an Existing SQL Server 2008 Installation 1. Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel. 2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs. 3. Locate and select Microsoft SQL Server 2008 in the list of installed programs and click Change. 53 | P a g e 4. Choose Add from the option dialog that opens. 5. Browse to your SQL Server 2008 installation disk. 54 | P a g e 6. Click OK after the Setup Support rules have completed. 7. Click Install to install the Setup Support Files. 55 | P a g e 8. Click Next when the installation of the setup files completes. 9. On the Installation Type dialog, choose the second radio button to add the Reporting Services feature to the existing instance and then click Next. 56 | P a g e 10. On the Feature Selection dialog, select the Reporting Services checkbox and the Business Intelligence Development Studio checkbox. Click Next. 11. Click Next at the Disk Space Requirements dialog. 57 | P a g e 12. For the Server Configuration dialog, chooseyour preferred account to use for the Report Services service and then click Next. Disclaimer: Epicor Software does not require the use of specific accounts and the account selected in the following screenshot is not intended to be a recommendation. Please refer to the provided article links for guidelines on the security ramifications for each of these services in order to make the best decision for your specific security needs. 13. Click Next at the Reporting Services Configuration dialog. 58 | P a g e 14. Click Next at the Error and Usage Reporting dialog. 15. Click Next. 59 | P a g e 16. Click Install. 17. When the installation completes, click Next. 60 | P a g e 18. Click Close. 19. Click on Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration Manager. 61 | P a g e 20. Confirm that the information in the Server Name and Report Server Instance fields is correct and then click Connect. 21. Confirm that the Report Server Status is “Started”. 22. Click on Web Service URL in the left pane and click Apply. 62 | P a g e 23. Confirm that the Results have green checks. 24. Click on Database in the left pane and then click on Change Database. 63 | P a g e 25. Leaving the default option of Create a new report server database selected, click Next. 26. Click on Test Connection and, if test connection succeeds, click Next. 64 | P a g e 27. Accept the default values and click Next. 28. Click Next at the Credentials dialog. 65 | P a g e 29. Click Next at the confirmation dialog. 30. Click Finish. 66 | P a g e 31. Click on Report Manager URL in the left pane and then click Apply. 20. Confirm that the Results have green check marks. Click Exit. 67 | P a g e 21. Grant all XL Connect users permissions to access the Reporting Services site. These steps are documented in the section titled Reporting Services Security. The next step is to verify your installation and confirm that it works, Verify your SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Installation. 68 | P a g e Verify your SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Installation After installing Reporting Services, do the following to verify that the installation is running and accessible. 17. Click on Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration Manager. 18. Connect to the Reporting Services instance you just installed. 69 | P a g e 19. In the Configure Report Server dialog, confirm that the status indicators for the top 6 items are green checks. You must resolve any problems that prevent these top 6 status indicators from being green checks before proceeding. 20. Open Internet Explorer and confirm that you can browse to the Report Server website. The URL will be http://Servername/ReportServerVirtualDirectoryName. IMPORTANT: If Reporting Services is installed on a Windows Server 2008 server and User Account Control (“UAC”) is enabled, you must elevate your privileges when you start Internet 70 | P a g e Explorer. To do this, press CTRL+Shift and then right-click on Reporting Services Configuration Manager and select “Run as administrator”. You may receive the following error when accessing the site: Do the following to resolve this error: 1. Open the folder indicated in the error message. 2. Right-click the folder and click Sharing and Security. 3. Click the Security tab and click Add. 4. In the Enter the object names to select box, type the name of the account indicated in the error message, and then click OK. 5. Under Allow, ensure that the Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read and Write check boxes are selected. 71 | P a g e 6. Click OK. 7. When the warning message is displayed, click Yes. 21. Enter the URL for the Report Manager website. The URL will be http://Servername/ReportManagerVirtualDirectoryName. 72 | P a g e 22. IMPORTANT: Go to the client workstation where XL Connect will be installed and confirm that the end user can browse to the Report Manager website and run an RDL successfully. If the reporting services site cannot be accessed by the user at all, check the server’s Windows Firewall settings to ensure that the port being used by Reporting Services is not blocked. If this step fails with the below error, refer to the Reporting Services Security section of the Installing SQL Server and Reporting Services Installation Guide for the steps to assign the user the appropriate permissions in Reporting Services. 73 | P a g e Verify that the user can run a report. If the following error occurs when the report is run, confirm that the user has rights in SQL Server to the database. If all of the above tests are successful, you are ready to proceed with the XL Connect 9.05 SP3 installation. Refer to the Installation Guide for XL Connect and XL Connect Content 9.05 SP3 for the next steps. 74 | P a g e Verify your SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 Reporting Services Installation After installing Reporting Services, do the following to verify that the installation is running and accessible. 1. Click on Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration Manager. IMPORTANT: If Reporting Services is installed on a Windows Server 2008 server and User Account Control (“UAC”) is enabled, you must elevate your privileges when you start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager. To do this, press CTRL+Shift and then right-click on Reporting Services Configuration Manager and select “Run as administrator”. 2. Connect to the Reporting Services instance you just installed 75 | P a g e 3. In the Reporting Services Configuration Manager dialog, make sure that the Report Service Status is “Started”. This should be the first thing you see after logging in. 4. Click on the Web Service URL in the left pane and then click on the URL hyperlink to the Report Server service website to confirm that the Report Server website is accessible. 76 | P a g e Since no users have been granted access to the site yet, provide administrator credentials when prompted. It can take a few seconds for the website to display. 77 | P a g e 5. Click on the Report Manager URL in the left pane and then click on the URL hyperlink to the Report Manager website to confirm that the Report Manager website is accessible. Since no users have been granted access to the site yet, provide administrator credentials when prompted. 78 | P a g e It may take a few seconds for the webpage to load. 6. IMPORTANT: Go to the client workstation where XL Connect will be installed and confirm that the end user can browse to the Report Manager website and run an RDL successfully. If the reporting services site cannot be accessed by the user at all, check the server’s Windows Firewall settings to ensure that the port being used by Reporting Services is not blocked. If this step fails with the below error, refer to the Reporting Services Security section of the Installing SQL Server and Reporting Services Installation Guide for the steps to assign the user the appropriate permissions in Reporting Services. 79 | P a g e Verify that the user can run a report. If the following error occurs when the report is run, confirm that the user has rights in the SQL Server to the database. If all of the above tests are successful, you are ready to proceed with the XL Connect 9.05 SP3 installation. Refer to the Installation Guide for XL Connect and XL Connect Content 9.05 SP3 for the next steps. 80 | P a g e New SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition and Reporting Services Installation SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition can be installed side-by-side with other SQL Server versions so it may not be necessary to upgrade an existing SQL Server installation. 1. Download and install all SQL Server 2008 R2 Pre-requisites:  .NET Framework 3.5 SP1  Windows installer 4.5  Windows PowerShell IMPORTANT: If the server operating system is Windows Server 2008 R2, .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 is a Server Manager feature that must be enabled. 2. Download the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition from Be sure to download the Database with Advanced Services installer. 3. Double-click the downloaded executable to start the installation. 4. Click on the New installation or add features to an existing installation URL. 81 | P a g e 5. Read through the License Terms. If you agree with the terms, click on the I accept the license terms checkbox and then click Next. 6. After the Support Setup Rules complete, click Next. 82 | P a g e 7. Click Next at the Feature Selection dialog to accept all features or select only the required features which are:  Database Engine Services  Reporting Services  Business Intelligence Development Studio  Management Tools – Basic. IMPORTANT: If you do not see Reporting Services as an option in this dialog, you are executing an incorrect installer. STOP the installation and locate the correct installer. 83 | P a g e 8. At the Instance Configuration dialog, accept the default instance name or enter a custom instance name. Click Next. 9. At the Server Configuration dialog, change the SQL Server Browser service Startup Type to Automatic. Select service accounts for all displayed services. Disclaimer: The following accounts represent an example of accounts that can be used for the various services being installed. Epicor Software does not require the use of these specific accounts and these examples are not intended to be recommendations. Please refer to the provided article links for guidelines on the security ramifications for each of these services in order to make the best decision for your specific security needs. SQL Server SQL Server Agent Reporting Services SQL Browser Domain user account (non administrator) Domain user account (non administrator) Network service Local service 84 | P a g e Note: For more information on Service Account selection and security best practices for SQL Server 2008, refer to the following articles: Click Next when complete. 10. At the Database Engine Configuration dialog, select the desired authentication mode. Click Next. Note: In order to be able to use Windows Authentication Mode you must have a Domain Controller with Active Directory services. If you do not have Active Directory services, you must select the Mixed Mode radio button which gives you the option to use either Windows authentication or SQL authentication for connecting to the linked server. When selecting Mixed Mode, you must provide a password for the “sa” user and confirm the password. The authentication mode can be changed after installation. 85 | P a g e 11. At the Reporting Services Configuration dialog, leave the default selection and click Next. Do not select the option to install the SharePoint integrated mode. XL Connect will not work if Reporting Services is not in Native Mode. 86 | P a g e 12. Click Next at the Error Reporting dialog. 13. Click Close. 87 | P a g e 14. Click on Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (2008 R2) > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager. 15. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration and select theProtocols for InstanceName that corresponds to the SQL Server instance that you just installed. Verify that the TCP/IP Protocol is Enabled. If it is not enabled, double-click on the protocol and change its properties to enabled. Grant all XL Connect users permissions to access the Reporting Services site. These steps are documented in the section titled Reporting Services Security. The next step is to verify your installation and confirm that it works, Verify your SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Installation. 88 | P a g e Reporting Services Security You must grant your XL Connect users permissions to the Reporting Services site. Reporting Services uses role-based security to secure access to items managed by the report server. Reporting Services comes with several pre-defined roles that cover the majority of the access requirements of an organization but custom roles can be defined to create additional roles that further refine the access a user is granted to items in Reporting Services. IMPORTANT: Starting with the XL Connect 9.05 SP3 release, the minimum pre-defined role necessary for an XL Connect user is Content Manager. A script is provided later in this section that can be used to create a custom role named “XLConnectUser” that will assign only the minimum permissions required for XL Connect. Reporting Service Security is accessed by browsing to the Reporting Services Report Manager URL (ex. http://servername/reports). IMPORTANT: If Reporting Services is installed on a Windows Server 2008 server and User Account Control (“UAC”) is enabled, you must elevate your privileges when you start Internet Explorer. To do this, press CTRL+Shift and then right-click on Reporting Services Configuration Manager and select “Run as administrator”. For SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 and 2008, go to the Properties tab: 89 | P a g e For SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2, click on the Folder Settings button. The following screenshot shows an example of a Reporting Service site with user security configured. The user named “linda” has been given Content Manager permissions. For more information on the Report Services Security model, refer to the following sites: Reporting Services Security Model Managing Permissions and Security for Reporting Services Tutorial: Setting Permissions in Reporting Services To create a custom role with lesser permissions than Content Manager, do the following: 1. Copy the following script and paste it into Notepad Public Sub Main() Dim Dim Dim Dim overwrite As Boolean = False name As String = "XLConnectUser" description As String = "XLConnectUser" tasks(6) As Task 90 | P a g e Dim task0 As New Task() task0.TaskID = "E2723F22-E29C-496b-B981-1D775F45FC09" tasks(0) = task0 Dim task1 As New Task() task1.TaskID = "993C580B-3FBF-444b-B85E-A8DA50ADF40F" tasks(1) = task1 Dim task2 As New Task() task2.TaskID = "2FBF7AE5-0DB6-46f2-B9BB-480794FBC97E" tasks(2) = task2 Dim task3 As New Task() task3.TaskID = "F95F31D0-834A-4c0e-B290-E3E4477908CA" tasks(3) = task3 Dim task4 As New Task() task4.TaskID = "B96D28BB-23D0-4a32-B57A-7C12EBDD0704" tasks(4) = task4 Dim task5 As New Task() task5.TaskID = "A1BDCA29-F891-418f-BEAA-43E937F800C4" tasks(5) = task5 Dim task6 As New Task() task6.TaskID = "4BF862B5-10D0-4793-B075-802F7775561E" tasks(6) = task6 Try RS.CreateRole(name, description, tasks) Console.WriteLine("Role {0} created successfully", name) Catch e As SoapException If e.Detail.Item("ErrorCode").InnerText = "rsRoleAlreadyExists" Then If overwrite Then RS.SetRoleProperties(name, description, tasks) Console.WriteLine("Role {0} updated successfully", name) Else Console.WriteLine("Error : Role Test Role already exists and overwrite = False") End If Else Console.WriteLine("Error : " + e.Detail.Item("ErrorCode").InnerText + " (" + e.Detail.Item("Message").InnerText + ")") End If End Try End Sub 2. Save the file as “XLConnectUser.rss” to the root of the server’s C:\ drive. 3. Open a command prompt 4. Type the following command and press Enter to execute it. rs –I C:\XLConnectUser.rss –s http://servername/reportserver Replace http://servername/reportserver with your Report Server Web Service URL. 91 | P a g e Enabling Remote Errors By default, SQL Server is configured to only display errors on the server when an error occurs running a SQL Server Reporting Services report. Remote errors can be enabled on the SQL Server Reporting Services server so that errors can be seen from the client workstation for troubleshooting purposes. Microsoft provides an article on how to enable remote errors: : The following is an excerpt from that article that describes how to enable remote errors using a script. Enable Remote errors through script: 1. Create a text file and copy the following script into the file. Public Sub Main() Dim P As New [Property]() P.Name = "EnableRemoteErrors" P.Value = True Dim Properties(0) As [Property] Properties(0) = P Try rs.SetSystemProperties(Properties) Console.WriteLine("Remote errors enabled.") Catch SE As SoapException Console.WriteLine(SE.Detail.OuterXml) End Try End Sub 2. Save the file as EnableRemoteErrors.rss. 3. Click Start, point to Run, type cmd, and click OK to open a command prompt window. 4. Navigate to the directory that contains the .rss file you just created. 5. Type the following command line, replacing servername with the actual name of your server: rs -i EnableRemoteErrors.rss -s http://servername/ReportServer 92 | P a g e