Beforeoperatingthe unit, pleasereadthis manualthoroughlyand retainit for future reference 1 .O PE R A T I NG IN S T R U C T ION S
2. GENERAL---------
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P a g e1 8
7 . H A N D L I N GC O M P A C TD I S C S
P a g e1 9
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@@ [0
(0 at
1 . P O W E R( O N/ O F F/ V o l u m e ) 2 . A U D I OS E T T I N GS E L E C T/ T U N I N G 3. MODE(RADIOBAND/CDP/AUX) 4. EOUALTZER (EQ) 5. LOCAL-DISTANCE Control(LO/DX) 6 . W A R N I N GL E D
B. PRESET1 MEMORY(DISP- DisplayMode) 9. PRESET2 MEMORY(SCN- Scan Mode) 10. PRESET3 MEMORY(RPT- RepeatMode) 11 . P R E S E T4 M E M O R Y( R D M- R a n d o mM o d e )
7 . T U N E/ S E E K
Note: Numbersinsidecirclese.g.[9are usedthroughoutthis manual,to referto eachof the buttons shownon this page.
POWERON/OFFBUTTON modeanddisc on,the previous Pressbuttonil momentarily to turnthe seton or off. Whentheset is nextswitched playposition willbe restored.
"VOLUMExx" the displaypanel. Turn buttoni1i,rightto increasethe volumelevel. The levelwill be shownas on Turn button:l--r leftto decreasethe volumelevel. After5 secondsthe displaywill returnto the previousmode.
O START-UP VOLUME LEVEL SET UP Start-upvolumeis the volumelevelthe set will playat when nextturnedon. To adjustthe start-upvolume,pressand hold buttoni1. longerthan 3 seconds" The currentstart-upvolume level is displayedas a flashingnumberon the d i s p l a yp a n e l . Turn buttonl.1lleft or rightto increaseor decreasethe volume,then pressbuttonC againto set that volumelevelas the start-uD volumeleve..
@ S O U N DS E T T I N GS E L E C T I O N Thisbuttonis to adjustthesound.Eachtimeyoumomentary pressbutton(t, LCDdisplays eachmodeas follows: B A S S- M I D D L E+ T R E B L E- B A L L = R+ F A D E RF = R - B E E P2 N D - L O U DO N
On each setting,the levelcan be controlledby turningbutton@. The displaywill automatically returnto the previous mode5 secondsafterthe lastadjustmentis made. Note:Whenthe EQ modeis activated, the BASS,MIDDLE,TREBLEand LOUDmodesare not displayed. @-(1) BASS CONTROL (1sr setting) To adjustthe basstone level,firstselectthe bassmodeby pressingbutton,2 until"BASS"appearson the displaypanel. Within5 secondsof selectingthe BASS mode,turn buttoni2) rightor leftto adjustthe bass levelas desired. The bass levelwill be shownon the displaypanelfrom a minimumof "BASS-1 0" to a maximumof "BASS+1 0". The displaywill automatically returnto the normalindication in 5 secondsafterthe lastadjustment, or when anotherfunctionis activated. @-(2) MIDDLE CONTROL (2ndsetting) To adjustthe mid tone level,first selectthe middlemode by pressingbuttoniZl until"MIDDLE"appearson the display panel. Within5 secondsof selectingthe middlemode,turn button(Zl rightor left to adjustthe mid levelas desired. The mid l e v ew l i l lb e s h o w n o n i h e d i s p l a y p a nf reol m a m i n i m u m o f " M l D D L E - l 0 " t o a m a x i m u m o f " M l D D L E +T1h0e"d. i s p l a y wtll automatically returnto the normalindicationin 5 secondsafter the last adiustmentor. when anotherfunctionrs activated. @-(3) TREBLE CONTROL (3rdsetting) To adjustthe trebletone level,firstselectthe treblemode by pressingbuttonO until"TREBLE"appearson the display panel.Within5 secondsof selectingthe treblemode,turn button@ rightor leftto adjustthe treblelevelas desired. The treblelevelwillbe shownon the displaypanelfrom a minimumof "TREBLE-10"to a maximumof "TREBLE+10". The displaywill automatically returnto the normalindicationin 5 secondsafterthe last adiustment.or when another functionis activated.
(q,ra4l .5
@-(4) BALANCE CONTROL (4thsetting) "BAL" io'adjust the left-rightspeakeibalance,fir6tselectthe Balancemode by pressingthe Selectbutton ?l untilthe turn righVleftto adjustthe indicaiionappearson the displaypanel.Within5 secondsof choosingthe Balancemode,"BAL "BAL 101"(fullleft)to balanceas desired.The balancepositionwill be shownbythe barson the displaypanelfrom '10R"(full right). "BAL L=R"will be shownon the displaypanel.The When the volumelevelbetweenthe left and rightspeakersis equal, returnio the normalindicationin 5 secondsafterthe lastadjustmentor when anotherfunctionis displaywill automatically activated. @-(5) FADER CONTROL (5thsetting) ioadjust the fronfrearspeakerbalance,firstselectthe Fadermode by pressingthe Selectbuttoni?,,untilthe'FADER" adjustth9 ft91l indicaiionappearson the displaypanel.Within5 secondsof choosingthe Fadermode,turn right/leftto "FADER as desired.The fader posrtionwill be shownby the bars on the displaypanelfrom "FADER10F"(full rearspeaker'level F=R"will front)io'FADER 10R"(fullrear).When the volumelevelbetweenthe front and rear speakeris equal, returnto the normalindicationin 5 secondsafterthe last be shown on the displaypanel.The displaywill automatically or when anotherfunctionis activated" adjustment
@-(6) BEEP CONTROL (6thsetting) To adjustthe Beep mode, first select-theBeep mode by pressingthe Selectbutton ,,BEEp" @ until appearson the displaypanel The Beep modewill be shownon tfreOispt-ay panelirom 'BEEp 2ND",'BEEp OFF, and ,,BEEpON".The displaywill automatically returnto the normalindicationin 5 secondsaftei the last adjustmenio, *6"n anotherfunction is activated.Select"BEEPON" when you wishto hearthe "BEEP'soundwhenever any functionbuttonis presseo. "BEEP Select 2ND" when you wish to hear the "BEEP"soundwheneverany runer pre-set buttonand/or Tune seek buttonsare pressed.once the desiredsettingis displayed,pressbutton io r"u" your @ setectedsetting. @-(7) LOUDNESS CONTROL 17tt'setting) When listeningto music at low volume lev6ls,this featurewill boost the bass and treble response.This action will compensatefor the reductionin bass and treble performanceexperiencedat low volume. To selectthe loudnessfeature, pressbutton@ untir"LoUD oN" or "LoUD oFF" is disprayed, ir,"n tr. ortion o i"iio,^ nghtiJ'i;*te or deactivate lou0ness. @ MODE BUTTON PressMODEbutton(o to serecteach radioband,cD prayeror AUX inputsource. F M 1- F M 2 - F M 3 , A M * C D , A U X
Note: If-theAUXinpL{cableis not connectedto the AUX socket,AUX MODEwill not appearin the sequencewhen the MODEbutton@ is pressed.
(Ea) @ EQUALTZER You can select an equalizercurve for 4 musrctypes (cLASSlc, Pops, RocK, JAZ.). press EQ button @ repeatedly untilthe desiredequalizercurve.Eachtime you fiess inis nutton,ldo ai.priv. each modeas follows:
lc - PoPS- ROCK- JAZZNote: Bass,middte,trebleand loudnesswill be ignoredwhen the EeUALIZER functionis active.
of the radio.In localsensitivitymode,the radiowill select Pressingbutton6l momentar;ly altersthe searchsensitivity only localstrongstationsin stationsearchmode. In distantsensitivitymode,the radiowill selectstronglocalstations and weakerdistantstationsin stationsearchmode"When in localsensitivitymode,the displaypanelshows LOC in smallercharactersat the top of the panel.To changethe sensitivitymode betweenlocal and distantmode, press button6r. Note: lf the desiredradiostationis not found duringstationsearchin eitherlocalor distantmode,try manuallytuning to the frequencyof the desiredstationby turningbuttoni9.
This LED lamp blinksevery1 secondwhenthe ignitionis turnedOFF.
@ ANTI-THEFTSECURITYPIN CODEINPUT To activatethe securitypin code,pleasefollowthesesteps. 1. Turn on your stereo. 2. lf the stereoscreenindicates"1 CDE",this is a messagethat you needenter your antitheftsecuritypin code. 3. Yoursecuritypin code numbercan be foundon the cardsuppliedwithyour new Hyundaivehicle. 4. Every Hyundaistereohas its own individualantitheft security pin code. Enteringan incorrectpin cooe or ustng incorrectprocedureswill not activateyour stereoto an operationalstatus. 5. Your antitheftpin code is made up of four computer-generated numbers. 6. An examplepin code may be 3212. 7. To enter pin code 3212into your stereo,alwaysfollowthese steps, a. PressPre-set1 button@ threetimes. b. Press Pre-set2 button@ twice. c. Press Pre-set3 button@ once. d. Press Pre-set4 button@ twice e. Checkthat the PIN code shownon yourstereoscreenis ,,3212,,. f. Press Pre-set5 button[D to activatethe oin cooe. Your Stereo is now readied for full operation.
8. Anotherexamplepin code numberis 7963. 9. To enterpin code 7963 intoyour stereo,alwaysfollowthesesteps, a. PressPre-set1 button g seven(7) times. b. PressPre-set2 button 9 nine(9) times. c. PressPre-set3 buttonto six (6) times. d. PressPre-set4 buttontl three(3) times. "7963". e. Checkthat the PIN codeshownon yourstereoscreenis f. Press Pre-set5 button 1-2to activatethe PIN code. 10. lmportant: lf you have enteredthe incorrectanti{heft pin code or used an incorrectprocedureat your first attempt, your stereoscreenwill exhibitthe followingmessage"2 CDE".This meansyou need enterthe pin code a secondtime and enterthecorrectpin code. takingcareto followtheseinstructions '3 or that you 11. lf the stereoscreenshow the message CDE', this meansyou failedto followthe correctinstructions enteredthe incorrectpin code. 12. lf you fail to succeedto enter the correctpin code at the third attempt,your stereowill turn off. You will need to wait at leastone hourbeforeattemptingto re-enterthe correctantitheftsecuritypin code numberusingthe aboveprocedures correctly. vour new Hvundaicar. Your Hvundaistereohas the antitheftsecuritypin code enteredintoit priorto you collecting "1 The onlytime vour stereowill identifythe message CDE"in the screenis if your stereoor car has lost batterypower. lf vour car battervis in good order.vour stereowill accept vour anti-theftsecuritypin code number using the above procedure. lf you experiencea failureto operatevour stereoafter carryingout the above procedure. Pleasevisita HvundaiDealerfor additionalassistance. your anti-theftsecuritypin code numberin yourcar. Pleasedo not leaveyourcard containing Keepyour cardfeaturingyour pin code numberin a safe secureplace.
@ U P / D O W N T U N I N G( ^ , : ) To automatically selecta radiostation,momentarily pressthe uP TUNE sEEK button( ^ ) o, or DowN TUNE SEEK button( :z ) ii . The tunerwill searchfor the nextradiostation. @ MANUAL TUNING To manuallytune to a radiostation,turn button€) leftor rightto increaseor decreasethe radiofreeuencv. @-@ STETION PRE-SET BUTTON Whilstin radiomode,pressingbultons(0 to is_t for lessthan 3 secondswill recallthe radiostationpre_setto that button memory' To store radio stations into any of the 6 pre-set memories,ln eitnerihe Arrrr-oirrrrr U;j., use tne following proceoure: a. selectthe desiredradioband by pressingmomentarily MoDE buttoni9r. b. Selectthe radiostationto be pri:-setusirigthe manuaioi automiiictuninqmethodsdescriber earlier. c. Pressand hold any of the pr'e-setbutton"s for longei tha; 3:;;;;;;. ihe pre-setnumberwill ftashon the display panelindicating that the radiostationis now set intirthat pre-setmemorylocaiion. Note: By pressingany pre-setbutton,the radiostationstoredin that memorylocationcan be recajled at anv ttme.
(1r @ TRACK SELECTION & CUE / REVIEW BUTTON @ - (r) TRACK SELECT FUNCTTON During CD player function, button (l moves the playbackforward to the next track or backwardsto the start of the curreritor previoustrack. Each time the forwardtrackselect( A ) is pressed,track numberis increased.Each time the backwardtrackselect( V) is pressed,tracknumberis decreased. @ - ( 2 ) C U E / R E V T E WF U N C T T O N S audiblesearchcue and reviewof any trackon a CD-DA(audio)disccan be made usingthis button Z . High-speed Pressand holdthe cue button ( A ) to advancerapidlyin the forwarddirectionor the reviewbutton( y ) to advance rapidlyin reversedirection. Note: In case of playingMP3 disc,you can searchthe file usingcue and review,but the MP3 track audio will not be at the firstselectionof a file. heard.PlayCue and Reviewwithina locatedfile (song)and playsoundsautomatically @ IVIPSDIRECTORY/FILE SEARCHING Buttoni?,1is used to selecta particulardirectoryand file on an MP3 disc. Pressand hold button -2,for more than 3 seconds. Then, turn button -2) right or left to displaythe availabledirectories.Press button l-zlmomentarilywhen the desired thLn turn buttoni'arleftor rightto displaythe trackswithinthat directory.Pressbutton€r when the directoryis displayed, desiredfile is displayedto beginplayback.
The Directoryreadingmethodis differentas followsdependingon the burningsoftwaresIikeEasyCD or NeroBurning. Method '1:
ROOT- Dir01- Dir02+ Dir03- Dir04- Dir05- Dir06- Dir07 a l
Method2 :
ROOT- Dir01- Dir02- Dir05- Dir03- Di106- Dir04- Dir07 a l
lf you want to searchthe file in.thelocateddireclory,turn right/leftthis button@ consecutively Pressthe buttonwien you find the wantedfile.Th6 unitwilithenplaythe selectedfile. For instance,the file searchchangesin Dir01as follows. '1 * F i l e o 2 ' F i l e o 3- F i l e o 4 MP3 directorv/file configuration
FileO1 File02 Fiie03
t--T-_l FileO5 File06 Dir05
Fileo7 Fiteo8 Dir06
File09 File10
lI )
o TRACK SCAN (SCN) "SCN"will appearon the display Duringdisc play,pressbutton 9 to playthe first 10 secondsof each trackon the disc. panell When the desiredtrack is rbaihed, press button i9- again to cancel the function.The set will then play the belectedtrack.Track scan mode can be cancelledby activatingrandomplay, repeatplay, track up/downor dtrectory up/downbutton. "SCN"will blinkon the display Note: When scan playingan MP3 disc, pressand hold buttoni9, longerthan 3 seconds; paneland atifilesin the selecteddirectorywill be introducedunt-il the scan modeis cancelledby pressingbuttonig-l the randomplay,repeatplay,trackup/downor directoryup/downbutton. again,or by activating 10 REPEAT PLAY SELECTOR (RPT) 'to 'RPT" will appearon the displaypane1.Play of Duringdisc play,pressbutton rb pldythe selectedtrack repeatedly. "RPT"disappears pressed fromthe displaypanel. is again and the to repeat untrl the button trick will cohtihue the RepeatPlay modewillalso be cancelledby activatingrandomplayor scan playbutton. "RPT"will blinkon the Note: In case of playingMP3 disc,when button(r0lis pressedand held longerthan 3 seconds, displaypanel lnd play all files in the selecteddirectory.The playbackwill be repeateduntilthe directoryrepeat "RPT" mobe'is cancelledby'pressingthe repeatbuttonagain,or by aciivatingrandomplay or scan play button. willthen disappearfromthe display.
RANDOM PLAY SELECTOR (RDM) Duringdisc play, press button'tl to plaltracks on the disc in a randomor shuffledorder. "RDM"will appearon the displaypanel.The trackselectfunctionE will alsoselecttracksin the randommodeinsteadof the normarsequence. The randomplaymodecan be cancelledby activating scan playor repeatplaybutton. Note: In case of MP3 playback;when the randombuttonis pressedand held longerthan 3 seconds,"RDM"will blinkon the displaypaneland play.allfiles in the currentdirebtoryrandomlyuntilt6e directoryrandommode is cancelled by pressingbutton Lf again or by activatingscan play dr repeatflay button."RDM; will disappearfrom display Danel.
DuringMP3 playback,selectionof the previousdirectory(if availableon the MP3 disc)is possibleby pressingbuttoniD briefly.The previousdirectoryis locatedeach time button@)is pressed.
@ DIRECTORYUP (D+) DuringMP3playback, selection of the nextdirectory (if available on the MP3CD) is possible by pressing button [3] briefly.The nextdirectory is locatedeachtimebutton(9 is pressed. Note' 'lf the MP3 disc does not containdirectories, the set plays MP3 tracksat 10-fileintervalswheneverbutton@ ts pressed. . lf the MP3 discdoes not containany MP3 file,this functiondoes not operate. . lf the directorydoes not containany MP3 files,the directorywill not be shown.
@ tos v2 (DISP)
Button@ is usedto changethe displayinformation Whileplayingan MP3MMA file,you can changethe file information shownon the display.Eachtime button.0 is pressed,the display shownat right. changesto showthe information the Note : lf the MP3MMA discdoes not haveany lD3 information, "NO lD3"on displaypane' displaywilldisplay
nat (normalmode) Directoryname/ file name
V per / title Albumname/ performer V ' // e l a p s etdi m e Tracknumber
@ D r s c E J E C r (^ l \ )
By pressingDISCEJECTbutton(D, the discwill be ejectedand the set will returnto the previousmode. Note: When in case of Eject Error,pressthe Eject buttonfor more than 5 seconds.The CD will force-eiect.
@ DISC SLOT Withthe printedlabelsurfacefacingup, gentlyinsertthe disc intothe slot untilthe soft loadingmechanismengages. The display panelwillshow "READING"and then discplavbackwill commence. Note: - Loadthe discat a straightangleintothe slot. - This set is designedto playstandard5" (12cm)compactdiscsONLy. - Do not attemptto use 3" (Bcm),eitherwith or withoutan adapter,or discsfittedwith an outeredgetrim or frame,as damageto the playerand/ordisccan occur. Damageto these discs and/orset will not be coveredby the productwarranty.
Your Portable MediaPlayer
It is possibleto connectyour portablemedia playerto the car audiosystemfor playbackof the audiotracksvia the car speaKers. qet the bestresultswhen connecting the portablemediato the car audiosystem,followthesesteps: To ';:U;;;e5-mm-sleieJbtug to S.5 irm sfereoplug cableto connectthe inediaplayerheadphonesocketto the AUX socketon the lowerdashcentreconsole. playb-qc\: 3/4 volumeand start b. Adiustthe portablemediaplayerto approximately "AUX MODE". c. pr6ssthe MODEbuttonori th'ecar auclioset untiiit'sdisplayshows d. The volumeand tone can now be adjustedon the car audioset to the desiredlevel. Note: "AUX will appearin small letterson the displaywhen the AUX inputconnectingcable is insertedinto the AUX input socketof the car. lne auCioquiiity ot your media playerand the audio trackson it may not be of the same sound qualityas the car audiosystem'sCD player. it tne s6unOof the mediaplayeris too low comparedwiththe radioor CD, increasethe volumeof the player. - if the soundof the mediabtaveris too loudancj/ordistorted,decreasethe volumeof the player, - Wnen-inAlX MOOe, ontViti" VOI-UtttE,BASS,MlD, TREBLE,EQ, and MODEfunctionsof the car audioset can be USEO.
sectionat the end of this manual. - Foi iechnicalinformation regardingthe AUX input,referto the specification
1)Dirt,dust,scratches,and discwarpagecan causeskippingin the playbackand deterioration of soundquality. Pleaseobservethese guidelinesto take care of your compactdiscs : ' Fingerprints, dustand dirtshouldbe carefullywipedoff the disc'splayingsurface(shinyside)with a softcloth. Wipe in a straightmotionfrom the insideto the outsideof the disc. ' Neveruse chemicalssuchas recordsprays,householdcleanersor thinnerto cleancompactdiscs.Such chemicals can irreparably damagethe disc'ssurface_ . Discsshouldbe keptin theirstoragecaseswhen not in use. ' Do not exposediscsto directsunlight,hightemperatures or high humidityfor extendedperiods. ' Do not stickpaper,tape,or labelson the disc surfacesnor writeon themwith any type of marker. 2) Discswith non-standard shapes(e.9.:heart,square,star)cannotbe playedon this unit.Attemptingto do so may damagethe unit.Do not use suchdiscs. 3) Beforeplaying,cleanthe discswitha commercially availablecleaningcloth.Wipe eachdiscfrom the centerout. Do not use solventssuch as benzine,thinner,commercially availablecleaners,or antistaticspray intendedfor analog discs. 4) Some UDF CD-Rs/CD-RWs may have longerreadingtime. 5) Some CD-Rs/CD-RWs (dependingon the equipmentusedfor its recordingor the conditionof the disc)may not play on this unit. (depending 6) MP3 CD-Rs/CD-RWs on the recordingmethodof the disc)may havesome differenceon soundlevel.
lf a problemshoulddevelopwhileoperatingthe CD player,the followingerrorcodesmay be displayedon the LCD.
Loadingis not available.
Disc error./ Disc data error
Your HYUNDAIMP3/WIVACD Playeris guaranteedagainstdefectivepartsand workmanship for a periodof three years from the date of vehicleRegistratjon. MP3/WMACD Playersupportsfor MP3AffMACD of Joliet,1509660and UDF File Format. In the event your MP3A//MACD Playeris faulty,pleasetake your Hyundaivehicleto your nearestHyundaidealerfor theirdiagnosticinspection of your MP3/WMACD player. lf provendefective,your Hyundaidealerwill implementa changeover productserviceto replaceyour faulty MP3/WMA CD Plaver. This productguaranteedoes not coverdamageto your Mp3MMA CD player (withCD MP3A/VMA and TUNER)if it has beensubiectedto misuseor abuse. A fee to extendwarrantyserviceto any unit that has been misusedor abusedwill be appliedpriorto any servicework carriedout. This guaranteedoes not cover any call for warrantyserviceor changeover productserviceif it is recognizedthat your complaintis causedby your use of damaged,faultyCD Discsor imperfectCD-Rand CD-RWdiscs.
This car audioset playscompactdiscscontainingMP3 files. of MotionPictureExpertsGroup(MPEG)Audiolayer3. MP3 audioformatfilesare only 1/1Oththe MP3 is an abbreviation CD audiofiles. Most MP3 filesare createdon a personalcomputerusingspecialsoftware.Additional size of conventional such as trackTITLE,ARTISTand ALBUMincludedin the audiotrackcan be displayedon the car audioset. text information Soundqualityof MP3 filesvariesdependingon the settingsused when the file was created. Your Hyundaicar audioset playsmostMP3 files. WMA files. This car audioset playscompactdiscscontaining of WindowsMediaAudio,an audioformatdevelopedby MicrosoftCorporation.WMA is simtlarto WMA is an abbreviation MP3 with respectto size, sound qualityand text display. WMA files are createdusing the WindowsMedia Playeron a personalcomputer.Your Hyundaiaudioset playsmostWMA files. NOTESfor MP3MMA playback: - The elapsedplayingtime on the audioset'sdisplaymay not be correctwhen playingMP3 filesencodedwith variablebit rate NBR). - Mp3 and WMA files encoded at bite rates lower than 128 KBls will provide lower sound quality comparedto CD audiotracks. conventional - Mp3 and WMA fileswith digitalrightsmanagement(DRM)activatedcannotbe playedon this car audioset. 'SPECIFICATIONS'. see the followingpagein this manualtitled For technicalinformation, . To disableDRM, locatethe 'ProtectContent'settingsin your MP3MMA encodingsoftwareand re-encodethe audio tracks. Copyrightmay existon someaudioprogrammaterial;MP3/WMAfilesare usedat your own responsibility.
1)WARNTNG This equipmenthas beentestedand foundto complywiththe limitsfor a ClassB digitaldevice,pursuantto Part15 of the FCC Rules.Theselimitsare designedto providereasonableprotection againstharmfulinterference in a residential installation. This equipmentgenerates,uses,and can radiateradiofrequencyenergyand, if not installed and usedin accordance withthe instructions, may causeharmfulinterference to radiocommunications. However, thereis no guaranteethat interference will not occurin a particular installation. lf this equipmentdoescauseharmful interference to radioor televisionreception, whichcan be determinedby turningthe equipmentoff and on, the user is encouragedto try to correctthe interferenceby one or more of the followingmeasures: - Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna. - lncreasethe separationbetweenthe equipmentand receiver. - Connectthe equipmentintoan outleton a circuitdifferentfromthat to whichthe receiveris connected. - Consultthe dealeror an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help. You are cautionedthat any changesor modifications not expresslyapprovedin this manualcouldvoid your authority to operatethis equipment. 2) PRECAUTTONS Whenthe insideof the car is very coldand the playeris usedsoonafterswitchingon the heatermoisturemay form on the discor the opticalpartsof the playerand properplaybackmay not be possible.lf moistureformson the optical partsof the player,do not use the playerfor aboutone hour.The condensation willdisappearnaturallyallowing normaloperation.
- 180 Watts (4 x 45 Watts) - AM:522-1620KHz,9 KHz.steps
OutputPower TuningRange Sensitivity
0 H z .1 0 0 K H z .s t e P s F M :8 7 . 5 - 1 0 8 "M --:- AM: 15 uV F M :1 . 5u V
FM StereoSeparation CD FrequencyResponse CD S/N Ratio -----CD ChannelSeparation CD Audio Format-------LogicalFileFormat------
----------30 dB -_:20-20,000 Hz -------- 60 dB ----- 40 dB ----
Red Book (lEC 908) -----ISO 9660 (level1,2 & 3), Joliet 1 ., 5 0 1 2 . 6 0 ) U D F( 1 . 0 2 ,1 . 5 0 ,2 . 0 0 1 2 . 0 2
UsableSamplingand Bit Rates------
MP3:Samplingrale 44.1KHz,Bit rate32-320KB/swithVBR WMA: Bit rate4B-192KB/s
lF)? Tanc
-- lD3v1, lD3v2
AUX lnoutSensittvitv
- - - 2 v ( v o L U M ES T E P2 0 ) 4 0 0a n d8 0 0m V@ 1 0K O h m