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Instruction Manual Model 2761




INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 2761-70 FSK Modulator, 70 MHz Data, drawings, and other material contained herein are proprietary to Cross Technologies, Inc., but may be reproduced or duplicated without the prior permission of Cross Technologies, Inc. for purposes of operating the equipment. When ordering parts from Cross Technologies, Inc., be sure to include the equipment model number, equipment serial number, and a description of the part. First Edition August 2006 Rev 0 CROSS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 6170 SHILOH ROAD ALPHARETTA, GEORGIA 30005 (770) 886-8005 FAX (770) 886-7964 Toll Free 888-900-5588 WEB E-MAIL [email protected] INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 2761-70 FSK Modulator, 70 MHz TABLE OF CONTENTS Warranty 1.0 General 1.1 Equipment Description 1.2 Technical Characteristics 2.0 Installation 2.1 Mechanical 2.2 Rear I/O’s 2.3 PCB Controls/Settings 2.4 Front Panel Controls, Indicators 2.5 Operation PAGE 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 WARRANTY - The following warranty applies to all Cross Technologies, Inc. products. All Cross Technologies, Inc. products are warranted against defective materials and workmanship for a period of one year after shipment to customer. Cross Technologies, Inc.’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or, at Cross Technologies, Inc.’s option, replacing parts, subassemblies, or entire assemblies. Cross Technologies, Inc. shall not be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages. This warranty does not cover parts or equipment which have been subject to misuse, negligence, or accident by the customer during use. All shipping costs for warranty repairs will be prepaid by the customer. There are not other warranties, express or implied, except as stated herein. CROSS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 6170 SHILOH ROAD ALPHARETTA, GEORGIA 30005 (770) 886-8005 FAX (770) 886-7964 Toll Free 888-900-5588 WEB E-MAIL [email protected] 2761-70 Manual Page 2 8/21/06 MODEL 2761-70 FSK Modulator, 70 MHz 1.0 General 1.1 Equipment Description The 2761-70 FSK Modulator accepts user supplied data and produces frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation initially to an 8 MHz subcarrier and is then upconverted to a modulated 70 MHz signal. Front panel LEDs provide indication of data alarm (red), carrier mute (yellow), data activity (green), and power (green). The output is a -10 dBm (factory set), 70 MHz signal into 75 ohms. The 70 MHz carrier signal can be turned on or off manually via a DPDT front panel switch, and the level is adjustable via a front panel potentiometer. Connectors are BNC female for 70 MHz output (and optional TTL CLOCK input/output and DATA input), and DB9 for the data alarm, RS-422 data input, and RS-422 clock input/output. The unit is powered by an external +48VDC power supply, and housed in a 1 3/4” X 19 “ X 16” rack mount chassis. MODEL 2761 CARRIER MODULATOR LEVEL OFF POWER DATA ACTIVITY ALARM CROSS TECHNOLOGIES INC. ON MUTE FRONT PANEL GND FUSE F1 DC POWER +V 70 MHZ CLOCK DATA J3 J4 -V 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 J101 J12 J5 REAR PANEL FIGURE 1.1 Model 2761-70 Front and Rear Panels Clock IN/OUT Data IN 198.4 kB FSK Modulator 8 MHz FSK carrier 62 MHz 70 MHz SAW Filter 70 MHz FSK OUT PLL FIGURE 1.2 Model 2761-70 FSK Modulator Block Diagram 2761-70 Manual Page 3 8/21/06 1.2 Technical Characteristics TABLE 1.0 2761-70 FSK Modulator Specifications* Input Characteristics Data Interface Logic "1" Logic "0" RS-422, 1k pull-up to +5VDC > 3V < 1V Output Characteristics Impedance/Return Loss 75 /14 dB Frequency 70 MHz Output Level -10 dBm Data Characteristics Bit Rate 198.4 kb/s Synchronization None (Direct FSK with logic 1 = +74.4 kHz dev. & logic 0 = -74.4 kHz dev.) Format Serial Interface RS-422 Scrambling None Forward Error Correction None Modulation Characteristics Modulation FSK Deviation ±74.4 kHz dev. Spacing 300 kHz Bandwidth 200 kHz Controls, Indicators Carrier Level Carrier On/Off Switch Mute Power Data Activity Alarm 10 turn potentiometer adjusts output level (factory set for -10 dBm) DPDT switch turns 70 MHz carrier on or off Yellow LED lights when 70 MHz carrier is turned off by front panel switch Green LED lights when +48VDC is present Green LED lights on input data transitions Red LED lights on data alarm Other 70 MHz Connector Alarm/Data Connector Size Power BNC (female) DB9 (female), Open collector 19-inch, 1RU standard chassis, 1.75" high X 16.0" deep +48VDC ± 20%, 15 Watts max from external source Options TTL Interface *+10 to +40 degrees C; Specifications subject to change without notice 2761-70 Manual Page 4 8/21/06 2.0 Installation FREQUENCY UPCONVERTER S1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 F F 2.1 Mechanical The 2761-70 consists of one PC Board containing a Data Modulator module, a DC/DC Converter, a Frequency Upconverter module, and additional circuitry housed in a 1 RU (1 3/4 inch high) by 16 inch deep chassis. A separate, external +48VDC power source provides power for the assemblies. The 2761-70 can be secured to a rack using the 4 holes on the front panel. Figure 2.0 shows how the 2761-70 is assembled. DC/DC CONVERTER J13 DATA MODULATOR FIGURE 2.0 2761-70 Mechanical Assembly 2761-70 Manual Page 5 8/21/06 2.2 Rear Panel Input/Output Signals Figure 2.1 shows the input and output connectors on the rear panel. F1 - FUSE 0.5A, Fast Blo, 1/4” fuse in series with the +V power supply input. J12 - 70 MHZ 70 MHz FSK modulated, -10 dBm output BNC (female) connector J3 - CLOCK (optional) TTLclock in/out (according to S1 settings on PCB - see Table 2.2). BNC (female) connector. DC POWER GND FUSE F1 +V 70 MHZ -V CLOCK DATA J3 J4 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 J101 J12 J101 - POWER SUPPLY INPUT Terminal block where the external +48VDC power source is connected. J5 J5 - ALARM RS-422 clock in/out (according to S1 settings on PCB - see Table 2.2), RS-422 data in, and data alarm out (open collector). DB9 (female) connector. see Table 2.1. J4 - DATA (optional) Input for TTL data. BNC (female) connector. FIGURE 2.1 2761-70 Rear Panel I/O’s Pin Function 1 RS-422 Clock - 2 RS-422 Clock + 3 RS-422 Data - 4 RS-422 Data + 5 Ground 6 NOT USED 7 Open Collector Alarm 8 NOT USED 9 NOT USED TABLE 2.1 J5 Pinouts (DB9) 2761-70 Manual Page 6 8/21/06 2.3 PCB Controls/Settings Table 2.2 combined with Figures 2.0 and 2.2 show the user selectable PCB controls/settings available through switch S1 on the Data Modulator module. O F F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FIGURE 2.2 Switch S1 Function ON OFF 1 Data Invert Data Non-Invert 2 Clock Invert Clock Non-Invert 3 Internal Clock* External Clock* 4 NOT USED NOT USED 5 NOT USED NOT USED 6 NOT USED† NOT USED† 7 RS-422 Terminated* RS-422 Unterminated* 8 Scrambler Disabled Scrambler Enabled 9 Adverse State Counter Disabled Adverse State Counter Enabled 10 215 - 1 Scrambler Mode V.35 Scrambler Mode 11 Alarm Disabled Alarm Enabled 12 NOT USED NOT USED * These functions become “NOT USED” with TTL option † Function 6 becomes Internal (ON)/External (OFF) Clock selection with TTL option TABLE 2.2 PCB Switch S1 Settings 2.4 Front Panel Controls and Indicators Figure 2.3 shows the front panel controls and indicators. DS4 - POWER LED Green LED indicates DC power applied to unit. DS2 - ALARM LED Red LED indicates PLL Alarm. S1 - CARRIER ON/OFF Switch that turns the 70 MHz carrier ON and OFF. CARRIER LEVEL OFF POWER DATA ACTIVITY DS3 - DATA ACTIVITY LED Green LED indicates presence of data. ALARM ON MUTE DS1 - MUTE LED Yellow LED indicates 70 MHz carrier mute. R4 - CARRIER LEVEL Multi-turn potentiometer for adjusting the 70 MHz carrier level. FIGURE 2.3 2761-70 Front Panel Controls and Indicators 2761-70 Manual Page 7 8/21/06 2.5 Installation / Operation 2.5.1 Installing and Operating the 2761-70, FSK Modulator 1. Connect data and clock to DB9 connector, J5 (TTL option - DATA and CLOCK connector, J4 and J3) (Figure 2.1). 2. Set S1 on the Data Modulator module to the desired settings (Table 2.2, Figure 2.0, Figure 2.2). 3. Connect +48VDC to DC POWER terminal block, J101, on the back panel (Figure 2.1). 4. Make sure that the POWER LED, DS4, is on and the ALARM LED, DS2, is off. 5. Connect 70 MHZ output connector, J12, to external equipment (Figure 2.1). 6. Adjust 70 MHZ LEVEL using R4 on the front panel, if needed (Figure 2.3). CROSS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 6170 SHILOH ROAD ALPHARETTA, GEORGIA 30005 (770) 886-8005 FAX (770) 886-7964 Toll Free 888-900-5588 WEB E-MAIL [email protected] 2761-70 Manual Page 8 8/21/06